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54. Lightworkers LISTEN, this is going to heal your fears of sharing your gifts, ditch mediocracy, pursue your purpose,Gene Key 8 image

54. Lightworkers LISTEN, this is going to heal your fears of sharing your gifts, ditch mediocracy, pursue your purpose,Gene Key 8

It's Happening For Me
19 Plays6 months ago

Hello beauty! This week is a JUICY one:

I teach you all about 

  • the trap of the comfort zone through a spiritual lens
  • how to recognize MEDIOCRACY, the two expressions of living in mediocracy (Wooden, and Artificial)
  • exactly how to move out of this fear of being different, this fear of being an individual and claim your creativity!
  • how to be courageous and rebel against societal norms in order to LIVE your Purpose and share your magic with the world
  • how I have unlocked INSANE creativity and a no fucks given energy after claiming my ideal audience and who I'm really here to help... LIGHTWORKERS! and coaches unlocking their confidence and living their purpose
  • how to be diamond and recognize the other diamonds all around you

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Let's connect! Ellisa, Soul Purpose Coach | Gene Keys | Akashic Records (@iamellisamae) • Instagram photos and videos

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Ellisa Mae


Introduction to the Podcast and Host's Intentions

Hello, my friend. Welcome to the It's Happening For Me podcast. If you're obsessed with all things spirituality, personal growth and development, and living as your highest self, you are in the right place. I am your host, Alyssa, and I spent the majority of my teenage years and young 20s living totally out of climate. As I started to question my patterns and behaviors and actually got to know myself at the soul level, I realized that everything was happening for me.
Now, as a spiritual life coach and human design guide, I am here to share my voice, personal stories, human design wisdom, and learn from incredible individuals living their purpose. Join me each week as we walk the spiral path of purpose together. I cannot wait to dive in.
Hello, hello, my friend. Welcome to the It's Happening For Me podcast. I'm your host Alyssa, and I am so excited that you're with me today. Girl, this is like this is so weird. So I have tried to record like start recording this episode at least like six or seven times, and this has never happened to me before, but I keep like and not i keep messing up and like not trusting where I'm going with the episode because I'm trying to give you guys like an intro of like what we're gonna talk about but I feel like there's so many things I need to talk about before the intro so I just keep like restarting over and I'm like girl I'm not redoing this one more freaking time so welcome welcome to today I am so excited just to kind of give you a super like brief idea of what we're gonna be talking about today I'm it is so juicy so I'm going to be teaching you all about
the comfort zone, but more from like a very spiritual lens, um, specifically through the eighth genki. So genki number eight, I'm going to be talking about like, what is our comfort zone and like, why is it that we stay in it? And then I'm going to teach you o four 44 on the clock. I'm going to teach you exactly how to move through it so that you can really be your most authentic self and start living your purpose confidently, getting out there and helping people. Right.
And the reason that I have been like starting this this episode over like so many times is because I'm like, wait, like so much has happened in the last week that I feel like I need to fill you in on before I can like jump into like what I'm going to be teaching you today.

Supporting Lightworkers and Addressing Their Challenges

Because I've gotten so clear, you guys, this last week on specifically who I want to help right now in this like iteration of my purpose.
so um This week I was in a little mini training called Spice with Maddie Maple and it was just like the most juicy freaking activating mini program that I surprisingly got really really clear on who like my ideal person that I want to help is, like my ideal client. I mean, this whole podcast you know is all about spirituality, it's all about like finding our purpose, living our purpose, but I got even more specific and I've already
I've already known this is who I want to help and I've already kind of like geared a lot of content towards it in the past on like Instagram and like the the content I would create. But I just got very, very, very clear again that I really want to help Lightworkers. I really want to help people who are empaths, who are heart-centered really tuned in spiritually people that are very gifted and they know deep within their soul that they are here to help others. They know that they incarnated in this lifetime to be of service to others. You know, you have spiritual gifts, you have um things that you're obsessed with, whether it's like Reiki healers or coaches or tarot readers, astrologers, human design readers, whatever it is,
like through your own unique service, you just really want to be of service to others and like raise the vibration of the planet. And I really, really, really want to help lightworkers who are just starting out on their journey that are still feeling like all of the scary fear, like fears of putting themselves out there and being seen. So like the witch wound, afraid of like what their friends and family will think of you. And I keep I keep saying like them and you, and like that's probably confusing, so I'm just going to speak directly to you. so um it which does I think in my brain where I'm getting confused, you guys, is that I know I have some listeners that don't consider themselves like lightworkers or like they don't want to create a spiritual business. um Maybe you are new to like the spiritual path, however you found me, and that is like so perfect.
by If you're even remotely interested in this and you listen every single week, there that is for a reason. and so There probably is a part of you that is like going through an awakening and you are going to eventually be someone that wants to be of service to others and share your very unique gifts. It can look so different. It doesn't have to be those like those very obvious kind of like career paths that I just explained, but this is really like I'm going to start saying you now. so like You are here to be of service to others, to heal others, to help others move forward in their journey, whatever that looks like to you.
and so What can happen so often in what I've seen with all of my peers and all of my certifications and trainings and programs that I've taken, what I've experienced personally myself is like after you learn the modality that you are so excited to share with others and you are ready to now go out into the world, put yourself out there.

Overcoming Societal Expectations and Fears

It's almost like you expect that once you create a website or once you put up your Instagram that it's gonna just like turn on the the like switch and it's gonna be like a floodgate and you're gonna get all of these clients and like your whole life is gonna change overnight and it's gonna be like so dramatic. Like at least that's what I thought. And that actually couldn't be further from the truth. Like I have been on this path since 2021.
So 2024 now. So I have been on this path since 2021, really putting myself out there, like trying to grow my business. And it has been a super long road.
And it has never been like, Oh, all of a sudden this like switch turns on and like, there's all these clients now. It's like so much more than that. And there's so much resistance that comes up. There's so much fear that comes up. There's so much just really lack of belief in self, so much lack of confidence, and even just a general knowing of like, what do I do now? Like how do I put myself out there? How do I call in my dream clients? And so,
through all of like the tools and modalities that I have, I feel like I'm so drawn to support light workers in that beginning stage of like, okay, I have my certification, but all of a sudden I'm really scared to show up. Like I'm afraid to share my face on social media. I'm afraid to like speak and use my voice. I'm afraid of what like my friends and family members or like people from high school are going to think about me. Like, are they going to judge me? Like it's so embarrassing.
All of those like fears and limiting beliefs are what I use my modalities to help overcome. Because there are so many people that need help. like As you guys know, with the state of the world changing like so dramatically,
people are waking up and people are interested in healing, people are interested in getting help and like changing their lives. And so I really, really, really want to help light workers amplify their gifts, amplify their magic, amplify their confidence,
so that they can go out and shine their light in the world. And I feel like through that I will be impacting so many more people because there's so many lightworkers and healers and coaches that are living like on the sidelines. like They are not putting themselves out there, they're not sharing what they have to offer, and like ah so people are suffering. like The people that are meant to learn from them are suffering.
so I'm so excited. I just wanted to share that with you guys. I already like knew that is the exact person that I want to help, but I kind of had like gotten away from that and yeah just haven't been like specifically talking to that person. So if that is you, I am so excited. I am so, so excited to help you um yeah just really step into your confidence and live a life of purpose. So what I want to talk about today is If we are lightworkers and if we are putting ourselves out there and if we are going to use our spiritual gifts to be of service to others, there is 100% possibility and like for sure you can be successful. As long as you're living in alignment, as long as you are sharing from your heart, as long as you are being true to yourself, you are going to call in your fractal line.
So each of us have this, it's called a fractal line, which is like, each of us have a certain group of souls that are meant to like interact with us in our lifetime. So some people come just for a moment, right? Like some people come in your life just like through passing, like at the grocery store, maybe you say something that like,
is really nice to them. That's like really healing or activating or like make them think about something in their life and like completely change everything in their life just by like something that you said that day. um There are some people that are meant to be in our lives for like a season.
So that can be like relationships, friendships, coworkers, um clients, you know, there's people that are, that were here to like help or impact in some way, right? And it's also for our own growing, learning and involvement. And then there's people that are going to be in your life forever, right? There's more like way long-term relationships, um maybe like a parent, like a child. um And so,
the more that you learn how to be your most authentic self and the more that you understand the idea that like you are not meant for everybody, it is going to help you with your confidence so much more. Like that is something that I struggled with for a long time was like really wanting to please others and have other people like me. And so it really helped me back from like, even the titles that I create on these podcasts, they can be way more like bold, way more,
polarizing, but I've even held myself back because i want I've been wanting to be liked by people where we need to understand that instead of being liked, we're really here to help people. And so allowing ourselves to be not liked by the people who are not in our fractal line is going to allow ourselves to be more authentically ourselves.

The Importance of Originality and Authenticity

and It's crazy because, okay, so I was on TikTok um this weekend and I just saw this random girl. She's like, she's just like a random influencer in San Diego and that does like health and lifestyle stuff. And she has a pretty big following, um not super big. She has like 14,000 followers. And she posted a video talking about how this other creator, content creator that has like way more followers, like 200,000 or more, um,
Literally copied like one of her videos word for word and like didn't even add anything to it and didn't like tag her or like do a like I forget what they call it, like a stitch or something, where it's like you're read like you're like stitching in yourself over someone's video and it's like still giving credit to the original person, which is like great. you know Anyways, so she was just talking about how like it was really shocking and jarring and um the only reason she found out about it is because one of her followers sent her that exact video and was like, hey girl, like look, this this content creator completely copied you and didn't give you any credit.
And so I watched the video and it was shocking. Like it was, it was shocking. It was like such a mundane dumb tip, like video about how to wear a hat and like look cute in a hat, like where to place your ears, like, and how to put your hair inside a hat. So it was just like such a dumb video.
to copy it wasn't any like revolutionary ideas it was just like very basic but she literally copied her almost word for word and then had like so many views and so many you know likes and comments whatever and the girl was talking about how this content creator probably does that a lot like goes and like steals other people like smaller content creators like content and just like redoes it herself because the thing is she doesn't have her own original ideas you guys and so it really got me thinking and I've been really contemplating the eighth gene key and it's all about the shadow of it is mediocracy
And so it really is this like deep fear of being different from other people. It's like this deep seated fear of like being an individual. And so people will do things like that, like go to the lengths of like copying other people's content that they already know kind of did well because they don't have a fricking original idea themselves. And I was thinking that if she does do this often,
Imagine how many more, first of all, the people, this could go two ways. So one, she could she could have even way more followers ma potentially if she was very original, or what if like all of the people who follow her don't actually really resonate with her? And as we know, followers don't mean anything. It doesn't literally equate to anything. It's like a vanity matrix.
metric but what if like all of these people follow her because she is just copying so many different people's content that it's like they're resonating with that idea but they're not actually resonating with her and so like maybe if they were to like look through all of her other like videos and stuff they would unfollow her because they would be like hmm I actually don't even really resonate with her do you know what I mean I don't know if that makes sense but anyways it just got me thinking that if you want to So she her whole purpose for doing that is to get more followers, which is very shallow. there is no deeper Meaning there is no purpose behind that. It is just like an ego thing. right like i'm not I don't even know if she sells anything or if she has like any sort of business, but it's obvious that like she's trying to get more followers, which at the end of the day does nothing for you.
where for us, light workers, heart-centered beings, beings who are here to change the planet and help other people move from suffering to joy and love and healing and like living a life that they love, followers do not mean shit. like If you are going to sell your soul by copying other people just to get more people to follow you, but they're not even like actually aligned people, they're not actually people in your soul fractal because what you're putting out is completely inauthentic, then that is not going to help anyone live their purpose, right? And so, and I'm not saying that any of you would copy other people or like want to do that. um Actually, most people probably are really afraid to even put themselves out there or like even create any videos at all, because you're like, you know, still so nervous to like, put yourself out there, be judged, which is totally understandable. I've been there too. And it's like,
It's so sad because the people who really are gifted, I see this all the time, like in all of my peer groups, um friends, just like people who are truly so gifted are the ones that are so nervous to put themselves out there. And so they're really living on the sidelines of their purpose. They are not expressing themselves. And it's like, oh my God, girl, if you can just see how freaking gifted you are, how talented you are, like you already know right? Like you already have the gift. You've already helped people. It's just, there's this thing there that's like so scary to put ourselves out there to try to actually get more, um, try to actually get clients and like help people. So anyways, this is what I want to talk about, about the eighth genki. So
The eighth gene key, again, the shadow, is mediocracy. And so this prevents individuals from rising out of the mass consciousness and exploring the real adventures in life.
And so this web, it's like this, it's basically like the shadow weaves this web across the world and it creates this like planetary comfort zone. And so everyone is just staying in their own little comfort zone because they are afraid to be individuals. They are afraid of being different and they really want to like blend in and just be like other people. So that is like the people who are doing the trends, like doing the like demure cutesy shit. Like, oh my God, I hate that trend so fucking bad. Like it's so annoying. It's like, dude,
That that freaking trend is is the web of the comfort zone that is that is across the freaking planet. It's literally that is the web of comfort zone.
copying what thousands and thousands of other people are doing and your content is so yucky. Like that is so mediocre. That is like so trash. Like in my opinion, it's just like, that is not attractive. Like that is not magnetic. That is repelling because that is literally you just not you but you know them whoever's doing these trends of just like being in their comfort zone and i'm sorry if you have used that trend i'm not even like putting shade on you i just i really just think it's like a beautiful example of like everybody just copying each other and like either just trying to like ride the wave of that trend for whatever like they think it's going to get them or like
I don't know if they think it's cutesy to follow the crowd, but it really is giving, like, mediocre. um Yes, so the other thing about the eighth janky is that it really talks about how as children, we really are indoctrinated, obviously from zero to seven with like the programming, but it really talks about how like mo um ah present day education systems really are not great like for humans. It literally teaches us how to think the same, how to not question
anything around us, right? It really teaches us how to put authorities outside of ourselves. So like we're we're externalizing authority. We feel like we have to follow the rules. We feel like we have to follow these systems, these systems that are in place. And it's just teaching us to be like everybody else. And then the people who are creative, the people who are free thinkers, the people who are um visionaries are looked at as like rebellious. They're looked at as like outsiders, crazy. When really, they're the ones that are just like marching to the own beat of their drum, however that you say that saying. And if everyone was to actually just, ooh, 2.22 on the clock, if everyone was to actually just like be themselves and stop trying to be so afraid of like what of of other people think about you, then everyone would be living their purpose.
And I thought it was so interesting and I really wanted to share this with you guys because I know you guys get it. like i know you I know you really, really, really want to put yourself out there and like just be yourself and be your fullest expression of yourself. And sometimes it's hard to recognize why are we holding ourselves back? and this is like these are like deep seated fears that we have as humans. So it's like so normal that it's so scary to put ourselves out there and to like, you know, be different than others. um So another thing about this fear,
is that it really is the fear of success because the programming partner is the 14th GQ, which is the shadow of compromise. So it's really like you're compromising your dreams, not because you're afraid of failing, but because you know that to succeed, you will have to rebel against the whole society and its whole expectations of you.
So it's not even a ah fear of failure, it is the fear of success. Because you know that if you want to be successful in your purpose, if you want to share your healing gifts with the world, you are going to have to rebel against society. Society does not think that it's normal to be a witch, right? Society does not recognize that energy healing, that energy work is a form of medicine.
Right? Like society does not agree that we can heal ourselves through food, through proper nutrition. The normal society does not think that any of these like very ancient systems, um Eastern medicine, like the normal society, Western society doesn't recognize any of those things as true. It sees a lot of these things in the spiritual community as like pseudoscience, which we know is not correct. But it's like you're going against everyone else, even probably people in your family, maybe even your partner, maybe even your parents to be like, no,
I know that this is healing. This has healed me. This has transformed my life. When everything else failed me, when Western medicine failed me, when
whatever else that you have tried on your healing journey has failed you. And then you found these spiritual practices or these ancient systems that have healed you. It's like, and then you've also healed other people, you know that they work. And so it's like, it really is an act of rebellion to put yourself out there and to say no, like to put like a, draw like a ah line in the sand and say like, I'm Done. like I'm done fitting in. I'm done trying to please everyone else. I'm done trying to follow what my parents want me to do, like the traditional route of like whatever career they think is successful. I'm done of trying to fit into society standards of like going to college, graduating, getting married, having children, following this like traditional pathway to success, which most people are not fucking happy in that traditional pathway, right?
It's daring to be different to say like, I'm not going to have kids. I'm 34 years old and I'm really happy not having children right now. And I don't feel bad about it. I'm i'm not worried about my internal clock clicking or ticking. like I'm worried about living my purpose and thriving in my relationship. And I believe that I can create a family with my partner, George and my Dachshund sun peanut, right? It's like we can literally create our own structures and our own our own families, our own structure, our own way that we want to live. And it's going to take immense courage because it goes against everything that society tells us is normal.
And that is why most people stay asleep and they stay living mediocre lives. They stay living in shit mediocre relationships where they're getting cheated on, where there are lies, deception, um yeah like infidelity, um no equal care, like there's no equal pouring back into the other, right? It's just someone is literally draining you and sucking the life out of you, but so many people are willing to stay in that situation because they don't believe in divorce or they're so afraid of what society says about breaking up marriages and families when really how much better would everybody be if they were to just get divorced and then everybody lived a very healthy life, right?
So it really is it really is going up against this huge, huge fear. um And this fear really is in every infrastructure of our society. um And those that do you know move beyond this fear really are looked at as like... They really are looked at as like incomprehensible sometimes. like For example, if your family is...
like very Catholic, right? And they just like don't accept divorce. To get a divorce could be incomprehensible to your family, to where they may not support you, right? Or to ah like to follow a vocation that is so connected to your soul. Maybe that's like being like a naturopathic doctor,
always I always mess up that word. But maybe that is like you know being ah chinese medicine studying Chinese medicine where your family only believes in Western medicine. And so they think that it's like pseudoscience and like it's incomprehensible to them that you would want to go down that route. it's like people It's like when we follow our purpose and we follow the things that are not so normal with society yet,
you're going to be viewed as an outsider. But that is the most courageous thing that you can do because you know your truth and you're taking back your power and you're saying, I'm not putting, I'm not externalizing authority. I am the authority of my life. And that is very hard to do. And so it's okay if you're scared, like literally it's, that is normal, but that's what it's going to take. If you want to be a light worker, if you want to live your truth, if you want to live a life of purpose and you know, bring these modalities out into the world,
you're going to have to be courageous.

Breaking Free from Mediocrity and Embracing Individuality

So let's talk about the two ways that this mediocracy can present itself, right? So in the jean keys, there is a shadow, a gift, and acidic frequency. So we just talked about mediocracy, which is really like here, me me mediocracy is here to serve the machinery of society rather than evolution.
So staying the same, staying in the comfort zone, staying in the systems that our society has put in place only serves those systems staying the same, right? It only serves the systems, but it does not serve evolution. It does not serve change, evolvement, growth, which is what what all of us like, if you're listening to this, I'm sure that is a core value of yours is evolution is change is growth.
Okay, so there's two ways that mediocrity can express itself through someone. So if you have the eighth gene key, you may feel super, super related to what I'm talking about today. If you don't, it's okay. Because even though it's not defined or activated um in your chart, we still all have the potential of all of these. And these are like archetypes, these are like beautiful teachers that we can all learn from. And we all experience in different parts of our lives. So The repressive nature of mediocrity is wooden. And I'm going to read to you the description because it's just like so beautiful how um Richard Rudd puts it. So those who follow the mainstream path of mediocrity are essentially devoid of life force and lacking in a true sense of purpose. These are people whose words and actions may be of some service to the world, but who at the same time, lack fire and grit.
Such lives are wooden lives and such people have allowed themselves to become hollow. They give up on their dreams somewhere between being a child and growing up into an adult. Without embracing their fears, they become swallowed up by their responsibilities and many compromises they make throughout their lives. so The result is that they live lives that do not belong to them or allow them the space to breathe or create.
So that's super relatable, right? Like we see this, we can see this all the time. I'm sure you have people in your family or maybe people that you work with or people that you're just like are, you know, know. And maybe even yourself experience this repressive nature as like feeling wooden. It's just, it's, it's completely just accepting where you are in life, even though you're so unhappy.
like completely hollowed out, completely devoid of like fire and passion and grit to go ah after your desires. It's like just completely hollowed out and these people just are consumed by the responsibilities. It's like the person who maybe like has kids young, and then um maybe they always had a dream to like pursue their passion, but then they end up being a stay-at-home mom um because that's what their husband wants them to do. And then now that the kids are a little bit older, they're like you know maybe they were planning on going back out and like following their passions, like working in a field that they love, but their husband is just like, no, like you need to stay at home with the kids. And so instead of like you know really fighting and like having that life force, energy, and grit to like go after what they want or
even potentially leaving the partner if if it's completely keeping them from living the life that they want, instead they're consumed by their responsibilities. And so they're just waking up and going through the motions, you know, like taking the kids to school, doing the household work, you know, all of the responsibilities that it takes to be a mom, they're not living their passion and they just completely feel hollow inside, right? They completely feel so devoid of any life force.
Now, there's also a reactive nature. okay So the reactive nature of mediocrity of like living a mediocre life is called artificial. So the difference between the reactive and the repressive nature consume concerns the human spirit. In the repressive nature, the spirit has collapsed inward at some point in life. The reactive nature, this spirit is channeled into the world where it creates an illusion of itself based upon its dreams.
Such people live purely artificial lives. On the surface, they may seem successful and even original, but beneath their pattern, sorry, beneath their patina, they have compromised their spirit to some aspect of the system. You can spot the difference between the repressive and reactive nature through their relationships.
The repressive side never leaves their relationships out of fear of change. The reactive side cannot stay in their relationships because their facade inevitably breaks down and rage rises to the surface at which point they usually run away. So this is a great example. So you might, we see these people all the time on social media, you guys. We see these people all the time pretending to be living their purpose, pretending to be living their dream life and having the family and having like living their purpose, having the spiritual business, um you know, maybe being like very in the public eye, having a lot of followers or fame, however you want to put it, being very successful. But on the inside, they're not original.
On the inside, they're repressing or they're not living up to some part of their sole design. And so, yeah, they seem successful, but actually, they're not. And actually, there's a lot of anger. There's a lot of rage that's that's living and they're harboring inside of themselves. And that's going to come out in their relationships because ultimately, there's some part of their life that they're still giving in to the systems. Like they're still compromising a part of their truth and they're not allowing themselves to be their fully authentic expressed selves. They're kind of going through the motions. They're being the person that they think everyone expects them to be. Maybe they're running their business in a way that they see everyone else running their business where really like it doesn't align to their energy. And so they're trying to be someone they're not.
And it looks like everything is put together on the surface and that they're really successful, but really inside they're harboring a lot of anger and resentment. And again, these people typically lose relationships pretty fast. They jump from relationship to relationship because they're not their authentic self. And so it's so hard to keep up a lie. Like you can only pretend to be someone for so long, but then it's like the facade breaks down. That's not really you.
and that's going to be shown to people. And there's a lot of, like there's a lot of um I think this happens a lot in the and the spiritual space, especially when people are pretending to be like spiritual healers or spiritual leaders, and they're more doing it for like, maybe not the best reasons, not really to help people, right? And so we can see this this breaking down in their life.
Another thing I want to say to you guys is that these two, the repressive and the reactive nature, although they seem pretty harsh and pretty like, Oh, like that can really, that kind of hurts. Like if you have it to be called out by it, it is not meant to be like a judgment on anyone or to be like,
talking shit about anybody, it's just to literally observe this in yourself. So if you have the eighth jean key, there's going to be times that you live in the shadow. That's just inevitable. We all have shadows. And so it's really just like looking like, okay, do I express it more repressively? Do I express it more reactively? Is it a combination of the both?
And then seeing where in your life that is expressing itself so that you can just simply have awareness to it. And then you can move into the gift, which we're going to get into in a moment. So I don't want, if this is like calling anybody out, I don't want this to like make you like sad or like feel bad about yourself. It's, this is what the jinkies are. It's a beautiful, beautiful exploration of where our consciousness is at, right? Like are we living in the victim state of our consciousness and being a victim to our life or are we able to shift into the gift and lead with our heart? And and the ones and like usually when you carry the jinkie yourself, that's when you feel the most called out because it's very resonant. It's like, oh girl, I guess that is me. yeah And I don't carry the eighth jinkie, but I can even relate to this and i understand this like I understand this so much and I can really see this archetype play out. ok So how do we move through this? right like How do we be like, okay,
I don't want to be mediocre, right? Like I don't want to be stuck in the comfort zone. I don't want to just wake up, check off the boxes of like doing everything I'm quote unquote supposed to do. I don't want to be in a relationship that I'm not happy in. I don't want to work in ah a job another day where I don't feel appreciated. I feel like so unfulfilled. I don't want to stay in this just like mediocre shit life. So there is a way out of it and the way out of it is called style, okay? So the way out of this is called style, which is the gift frequency. So I'm just gonna break this, I'm just gonna read this to you guys directly um for a second because I think this will like, I just think it's like so beautiful how he says it and then I'm gonna talk about it in case like you don't really resonate with like his poetic, his poeticness. Okay, so to break out of the heavyweight frequency of the eighth shadow, you have to take an exciting leap of faith into yourself.
This eighth gift catches people's attention because it brings something fresh into the world. The gift of style has little to do with our popular interpretation of this world. It has more to do with following your own unique, rebellious spirit out into the world.
True style cannot be measured by materialistic trappings nor can it be faked. It is the natural flowering of your individuality. To find your own style is to be yourself without concern about what others may think. Since it bypasses the mind, style cannot be imitated or preconceived, always emerging spontaneously and naturally. It also involves traveling along paths that involve risk, but only as society defines risk.
True style takes great joy in shattering the gray world of mediocrity that is considered the norm. This gift does not sit happily with society. Although the pure joy and freedom of expressing your true nature far outweighs any repercussions that may come with the territory. Individual uniqueness is something that our modern societies uphold and idolize, but in reality, we are too afraid to have too many colorful individuals. Style is more than skin deep. It is the cutting edge of creation itself. Individuals manifesting this gift has surrendered themselves to create to a creative process that controls them rather than
them controlling it. Okay, so let's think about this. If we think about people who are truly living their purpose and we are like really excited to learn from them, we are so drawn to them, we are so attracted by them The thing that we love so much is that they're just being themselves. It is their style. Again, this has nothing to do with the literal clothes that they're wearing, but it's more like, how are they um expressing themselves? How are they showing up like they don't give a fuck about anybody? And it could even be style, right? It could be the way they they dress, the way that they wear their hair, the way that they speak, the way that they carry themselves, the content that they create, the
thoughts and beliefs and values that they have. And the way that they just generally move through the world as if they don't give a fuck, right? So these are not the people that are writing the trends, right? Someone with true style is not going to be posting a demure cutesy bullshit thing. Like all the people that I truly look up to and that I love, they did not follow that trend. And I consider myself stylish and I did not follow that trend.
um So yeah, it's really just like, it really is just learning how to be yourself. You're not looking at what other people are doing and you don't give a fuck what people think about the things that you're doing. And I have been so honest, you guys, like,
I sort of got like from being so activated in that spice um program that I told you guys about, I just felt like so activated in terms of like remembering who I am. And I am not looking at what anybody else is doing. I feel so creative. I feel like my solar plexus power is so turned on. And that's something that I have had in like the past two. So I had a psychic reading probably like Maybe it was two years ago now. I had a psychic reading and one of the things she told me was like, I need to work on my solar plexus. Like I need to activate my solar plexus. And solar plexus is all about confidence, the sun. And then when I was doing my Akashic practitioner training, Akashic records training, that might've almost been a year ago. That was like, yeah, that might've like almost, no, I think that was at the beginning of the year. Sorry, I think that was like January. um One of the readings that I got
was also about my solar plexus. And so I literally have my solar plexus candle right here on my desk that I light anytime that I'm like doing this work. Anytime I'm recording podcasts, anytime that I'm doing readings, anytime that I'm prepping readings for clients, I turn on my solar plexus shocker candle. I love it so much. It smells so good. And it just like activates, it activates that personal power inside of me. And
It's so crazy because we're drawing, like I said, we're drawn to our fractal line of the people that we're here to learn from, right? And this teacher is so cool because she, teacher slash coach, um she's so cool because She talks a lot about this in her teachings is like, Oh, tune into confidence. Like your solar plexus confidence is the sun. That is the foundation of everything. And I was actually listening to one of her trainings today because um I signed up for another program with her and she was talking about that. And I was like, Oh my God, that's so crazy. Because that's literally what I have been working on is my solar plexus turning, like, you know, activating my solar plexus and really being in my power.
And it's crazy because I feel like it has been so lit in the past like couple of weeks, specifically this last week. And it's funny that I was so drawn to her.
and learning from her, and that is like one of her core trainings. like That's what I'm saying. like We learn from our people that we're meant to learn from, our fractal lines. It just is crazy how spirit works. and so Really following like your strategy and authority in human design, following that, when you decide who you want to work with, the coaches you want to invest in, the business coaches,
Whoever it is that you want to learn from you from really use your charging authority because i have invested so many times for more of like a place of fear i talked about this i think the last episode i have invested from a place of fear or lack or feeling like i need something from that coach you know feeling basically feeling like empty or less than.
And it's like, I need something from them to fulfill me. And then it was just never like what I needed, right? Because we can't we can't fulfill anything outside of ourselves. But when you really align with the correct teacher for you, which that for me, this is a full like, say, girl, fuck yes, following my authority.
It's like, oh my God, I'm so activated by her. And she's not necessarily teaching anything that's like nobody has ever taught before, but it's just because I need to hear it and learn from her. So really, really, really follow your strategy and authority when you want to learn from somebody. That was a little side note, but okay.

Aligning with Your Energy and Manifesting Your Purpose

So yeah, i but I've been feeling so tuned into my style, which is crazy that this eighth jean key has really been showing itself to me in so many different ways, which is like, I knew I had to talk about it on the podcast today because there is so long that, you know, I probably felt, I probably felt both ah wooden and artificial where I was basically just kind of like, oh, like really in my comfort zone, not really wanting to like shine, you know, kind of afraid to like put myself out there, especially because there are something else that happens as a lightworker is like when you see other people that have the same modalities as you and maybe they're like way further along on their journey, they have like way more, um,
ah way bigger audience, it can feel scary to like put yourself out there and be yourself because it's almost like you feel like they're setting the stage of like what it looks like. For example, to be a human design teacher, which really it's like that is such bullshit. That is such like mediocrity thinking of thinking like, oh, I can't really be myself. I have to kind of like stay in the comfort zone of like
what these other people are doing. And I don't want to like show you too far away from that, but then that can just feel wooden and feels like you're not really doing anything that's like unique. And so me this week really tuning into like, Oh yeah, I want to help light workers. I want to help activate confidence and, um, just activate this fricking fire, the sacral fire, like, which I can give to my people cause I have to find sacral.
is like, and direction to find G center. So for me, it's like, it is spleenic, sacral, and G center are the three centers that I have defined. And so like, that is what I give to my clients, that type of energy, energy. So G center, it's like direction, like, I'm going to help you know where the fuck to go, I'm going to help you have such a clear path.
of moving forward on your sole purpose. I'm going to help you know who the heck you are and have so much confidence and self-love in yourself and in your direction of where you're going that you have no comparison left. Like you don't look at anybody else because you know who you are.
And I do that through teaching you your gene keys and your human design. Also, I'm going to activate my sacral energy to light you the heck up, to move forward on your goals and aspirations. You are not going to play on the sidelines anymore. Like you are going to be so activated and so excited to juice, like share your juicy, creative energy with your people.
I'm also going to be activating spleening center intuition, you know, like really connecting you to your intuition, really connecting you into like, what is good for you? How can you be healthy, radiant, use your intuition to live a life that you love? Sorry, again, little side note. Um, but yeah, anyways, so.
Again, the way that we can move out of being medioc mediocre is to move into our style, which is really just like saying, I don't give a fuck what other people are doing. I don't care what other people are thinking. I'm taking the courage and the risk to be different, to be disliked by society, to be misunderstood because I know that the people I'm here to help need my magic and need my healing. The other thing about the gift is that, um,
It really is all about actually manifesting individual dreams rather than dreaming them. So girl, I know, so I know I can relate to this of having so many ideas, so many dreams, like wanting to start this podcast for years, wanting to launch my business, wanting to do all these things, but I just think about it all day long. Thinking, thinking, thinking about my purpose, maybe creating some like content on on Canva, but never posting it, having all of these freaking genius ideas, but never doing anything with it. And I think the whole time that I'm living my purpose,
It's such a lie. like That is living in mediocrity. Just dreaming something is mediocre. Manifesting your dreams is a freaking style. That is a gift. That is like you are living your purpose. You are living in your style. And something happens.
It says, when the eighth gift is released from inside your DNA, you suddenly begin to make things happen. And it may seem to you as though the rest of the world is simply stuck inside a dream world. You guys, I can't even begin to describe how many times I have felt this thing inside of me where it's like,
Oh, I'm making things happen now. It's like when you make the decision to fully put yourself out there and say like, I am going to do it now. I'm going to live my purpose. I don't care anymore about how I look. I don't care how anyone perceives me. I'm going to live my purpose. There's something that like really does move inside of you. That's like, okay, like we're going now. We're making moves.
And then when you start making moves and you start like actually doing what you want to do and like putting yourself out there, you see how everyone else is just living in a dream. They're just dreaming. They're just talking about things. They're just thinking about things, but they're not taking any action. They're not making moves on their dreams. They're literally just stuck.
And we can all relate to that. But it's like, who do you want to be? Do you still want to be that stuck person who's just dreaming of things and talking about things and masterminding things with their peers? Or do you want to get the fuck out there and start doing it? Because it's going to take Success, if you want to build your own business, success takes a long time. It takes years. like The people who talk about like overnight success, the coaches, the business coaches who try to tell you, like oh, like buy this program and like you'll have 10K months within three months is bullshit. That is such bullshit. like Good luck. Good luck.
invest in it and let me know how it goes, but I can tell you right now that it's bullshit. It takes a long time. like this You're not just going to put up a website and then you're going to have all of these people coming to you. Nobody knows where your website's at. How are they going to find your website? If you're not already creating a personal brand and talking about like you know creating connections, creating community, talking to people, sharing what you're doing, talk to people when you go get coffee, when someone asks you what you do or how your day's going, talk about what you're doing as a light worker, if you're not doing that, then putting up the website.
isn't going to bring anything to you. And that's what I see all the time happen. And I was guilty of this too. It's like, Oh my God, like, okay, I just need to put up my website and then, you know, everything will start changing. And then you like are working on your website for like six to seven months and you're like hiring someone and you're like doing it yourself. And then like, you're never putting it up there and you're like, Oh my God. Okay. But like, once I put it up there, everything's going to turn on. Like, no, nothing turns on. Nothing turns on.
people don't start coming to you. You can have the most beautiful website, but if no one knows how to get to your website or who you are, they're not coming to you. So a website doesn't mean shit. You can put up a website, but actually putting yourself out there and actually committing to yourself and like making moves and manifesting things is what is going to move things forward.
So I don't know who needs to hear that or who feels called out, but that's something I know I needed to to hear in the past. Okay, so yeah, once you start um manifesting things, you realize that everyone else is living in a dream world. This is the byproduct of operating at a higher frequency. Now, anything becomes possible for you because in yielding to your inner spirit, the sheer force of creativity that comes through you freeze up channels and opportunities that were previously blocked. I'm going to read that one again because I think someone needs to hear that. So I'm going to read the whole thing again. Listen again. When the eighth gift is released from inside your DNA, you suddenly begin to make things happen. And it may seem to you as though the rest of the world is simply stuck inside a dream world. This is the byproduct of operating at a higher frequency.
Now, anything becomes possible for you, because in yielding to your inner spirit, the sheer force of creativity that comes through you frees up channels and opportunities that were previously blocked.

Living Your Divine Essence and Recognizing It in Others

Such is the power of genius, for it carries within more than just a new concept. It carries intent from a higher realm that is far beyond the individual through whom it manifests.
Oh my God. So once we start making moves, you guys, once we commit to our purpose, once we start putting ourselves out there and actually taking a line to action, that is what opens the channels for the divine to work through you. But as long as you keep sitting there and just thinking about things and brainstorming and masterminding and like plotting and planning, nothing's happening. And you're just in your mind thinking that's your ego, creating plans, a five year plan for your business.
That is shit. It's doing nothing. Literally it's doing nothing. And then even if you sit there and I have done this, you guys, this is why I'm like so passionate because I have done this. I have sat there for months. I have created months for months. I created Canva. Um, I've created Canva content that I've never posted. I've sat there and created three websites, actually maybe five too recently expired. I've created five websites. You guys myself, I've created five websites that I've never put out there.
I've created programs. I've created landing pages and sales pages for said programs that I've never actually launched or put out there because it was all through the mind. It was all through me sitting down ego based, just thinking, looping thoughts, thinking with the mind, what would be the perfect program that I can sell to people and that would be so helpful for people.
So I was just creating. This was not coming for my sh charging authority. I wasn't um responding to my sacrum, being really excited and like lit up about something and then like this happened and then this happened. No, I was sitting there for months on my computer during the day, just creating programs from my mind, creating, I've created um PowerPoint presentations for master classes that I've never put on because they're just shit. They're not aligned. That was all from my mind. At the moment, it sounded like kind of good, but I was really just forcing things and I was really just like creating things because I felt the need to try to create things.
But once I started making moves, you guys, and actually putting myself out there and taking action, then I was able to start responding to things. And then I started making moves. The divine started moving through me. I started opening my channel and I started getting opportunities through people. I started meeting the right people. I started having these incredible, crazy downloads. I feel so confident in what I'm doing right now. I feel like I can create content and just bust it out in like 10 seconds.
and don't have to think about it at all it makes so much sense and it feels really aligned and I really share it so it's like thinking about things and planning and masterminding is doing nothing it's taking the action and putting yourself out there and starting to just actually do stuff and who cares if you if you're nervous or if you feel like it looks like shit It's going to be shit for the first times until you eventually start like making it better. But you're never going to be able to make it better if it's just in your mind. So we've got to get out of our mind and start manifesting stuff, like which means just like bringing it into the real world.
And to wrap this up with the 8th Gene Key, the city, the acidic state, which is really like this enlightened state, is exquisiteness. And it's called the internal love knot. So the 8th city of exquisiteness is the natural revelation and manifestation of all the acidic states.
Exquisiteness is experienced when the divine essence begins to shine through the individual. In this super state of bliss, you fall in love with your own pristine manifestation because it is through this uniqueness that the divine currents can be accessed. Exquisiteness hints at a beauty that is beyond all words. so You shine like a diamond in the heart of creation, and wherever you look, you see other diamonds in various states of clarity.
each one unique and each one exquisite and ah incomparable. That is so beautiful. So as you really live in this in the gift of style, as you're really not caring about what other people think anymore, you're putting yourself out there, you're being creative, you're living your purpose, you're manifesting things like actually bringing them into life, you begin to literally be exquisite you literally begin to have the divine essence shine through you you're radiant you're glowing people are noticing like you're showing up differently you're looking like beautiful and just like so creative and people notice that power and it's so unique it's so unique and it's not like anyone else and it can't be replicated and you also recognize that in other people too right so it's not this like it's not this like um
conceited or self-absorbed or arrogant energy. It's a beautiful divine essence of just being so unique and so yourself. And you also notice it in everyone else too. And you notice how unique and exquisite and incomparable everyone else is too that is shining. And that is what is so beautiful about living our purpose path. There can be 20 tarot readers and if you are just fully aligned and fully in your own style and fully sharing your heart with the world, the 10 of you can be so freaking successful in your own way. Like you shining and being this incredible tarot reader in your way doesn't take away from the other nine tarot readers that are doing the same exact modality because everyone's doing it in their own unique way.
And this is really helpful to me. This is something I needed to hear because I was really afraid of like, Oh, other people like sharing human in design or like, they're gonna hate me or like, they must secretly like not like me because like, I don't know, maybe they think I'm copying them or they're already doing it. So like, who am I to share about something that I like? It's like, no, dude, like,
All of us have such a unique, beautiful frequency, and we're going to attract, like I said, our fractal line. So the more you you can be, the more exquisite, the more diamond you are. And then everyone else that resonates with your frequency is going to be attracted to you. And it doesn't take away from the other people who are teaching the same modalities as you because they're their own diamonds in their own beautiful way. And the people that are meant to resonate with them are going to resonate with them.
And so you can shine your light and you don't have to be afraid from 101010101 on the clock. You don't have to be afraid from taking away from other people that are also living in the same modalities as you. And I actually did a TikTok on this this week about the witch wound and how like I really did believe that people that were doing the same modalities as me like hated me and like didn't want me to succeed. it was this It was these own negative thoughts that I was thinking in my mind, complete lies, complete bullshit that I was like creating in my own mind. But I thought that like they didn't like me and that like they would think I'm copying them or they just like wouldn't want me to be as successful as them. And so it really stopped me from like talking about modalities that I really want to share about and like bringing my own unique um ah flair.
because I was also afraid about sharing like incorrect information or like, oh, like sharing it and not properly how if we're talking about human design, like how the human design people want it to be said. and And it's like these that's that's being mediocre again, that's falling into these dumbass fucking systems of like being mediocre and like only doing it the way that like that was supposed to be presented where really, if you think about it, this information is meant to like we If you're drawn to a certain modality, it's because your soul resonates with that, and then you're supposed to take it in, embody it, share it out into the world in your own unique way.
And so that's what embodiment is. It's not just like regurgitating something that someone can read from a textbook. And that's what I used to do. I used to think I had to be so perfect and like, I couldn't mess up any of the words or I couldn't mess up any of like the meanings. And like, it made me literally be mediocre and like a robot and like actually not share anything. But once I was like, I don't give a fuck, like I'm going to share it. Like, for example, how I want to just share the jinkies in my own way. It's like,
I trust that like that information that Richard Red channel of the Jean Keys is going to come in, move through me in a cellular level, a genetic level, and then I can share it however I want in my own unique way. And then the people that are supposed to learn from me in my fractal line will understand it, right? Because they could just learn and just read a textbook themselves if they wanted to just like read a textbook or like Google something.
um So yeah, this is your permission slip. You guys, if you are really struggling with like being afraid to fully embrace your modality because you feel like other people in the industry are going to reject you or there's not enough room for you, there is so much room for you. And the other thing that I want to share is that they want to be your friend. Like I am so happy when I actually put myself out there to like introduce myself and like meet other people who shared the same modalities as me because they also want to support me too. It's like, it's like a bestie that has the same interests as you. Why wouldn't they want to be your friend?
you know And maybe there's some that don't, and that's just not your people. Again, like maybe there's some that are a little... Maybe they're not coming from a heart open place. Maybe they're still stuck in like jealousy, comparison, competition. Then why would you want to be friends with someone like that anyways? right like That's not like they're not living in their highest self, obviously.
But the people who really are and that you feel really drawn to and that you're like, oh my god, like, wow, I love how she's doing that. Like, I wish I could be her friend, but she probably hates me. Just reach out to her because she probably thinks you're really cool too and like would probably want to like, be your friend. That's my own experience. That's what I've realized. Like, it's it's really fun.
so Let's just, yeah, so

Promotion of Services and Encouragement to Connect

let's just wrap this up. So again, if you want to shine your light, if you want to be a light worker, if you want to finally make this like the year that you put yourself out there and like stop hiding away so that other people can experience your gifts and like, you know, really, really, really commit to yourself that you're going to get over.
the fear of society, of systems, of like what your family, friends think about you. Learn how to really step into your own style and like into your own beautiful magnetic like secret sauce. And then when you're shining like so beautiful, like the diamond that you are, you're going to recognize other diamonds as well. It doesn't make them shine less. It doesn't make you shine more. And then you're going to start like attracting and like becoming friends with like-minded people, and that's only going to help you on the journey.
Like no one's in competition and the faster you realize that is going to help you get out there as well because then you're not like worried like you're stepping on people's toes. It's like their business and their purpose has nothing to do with you. You're your own unique expression and anything that you're interested in, anything that you're passionate about, that's for a reason. It's not normal to be passionate. It's not like a normal thing to be passionate about spiritual things like Hello, the whole thing I just wrote about mediocrity, the whole normal society thinks that this stuff is crazy, that it's like wild, crazy, woo woo, stupid, fake, pseudoscience, you know? So it's like, if you're drawn to it for a reason, it's because it's it's meant for you. And you're meant to share that with the world. It's part of your purpose. It's part of your design.
And I think that's where I'll leave it. so I hope that was helpful and this felt so good. This felt so freaking good to share. um If you are ready and excited to learn more about your unique purpose, like your unique four prime gifts, I would highly recommend getting a Jean Keys purpose reading, which is going to teach you all about your four prime gifts so you can activate those, literally learn your purpose. And I shouldn't say learn because you already probably know, like,
what your purpose, you probably have an idea of what your purpose is, but you just maybe need confirmation. or maybe you have no idea, but you know what your unique gifts are and what you want to share with the world. but Maybe you're just like a little nervous to put yourself out there. I recommend the purpose reading so that um you can activate your four prime gifts and everything will start making sense. Literally, you'll have clarity of your of your purpose in 90 minutes. um It's insane. and Then if you want to know more about how to lean into your own authority to start trusting yourself, to start trusting how your energy works, to start attracting
your clients and your own frequency to like go about creating your business in a way that is like aligned to you. I highly recommend a human design reading um where we can lean into like all of your gifts, like how you're here to speak and share your message, what your gifts are, um the things that you're really here to like give to your clients like energetically.
um Yeah, it's so juicy. So I'd recommend a ah human design reading for that. And then I'm so excited you guys, if you would like to work together in a more long-term, form to really get your passions off the ground and to actually start like create something. Like if you have a big dream, a big goal, a big yes that you've been wanting to create, but you've just been like super scared and hiding out. um I highly recommend working together. I offer one-to-one mentorship where we work together for three months and all of my modalities are included. So you get gene keys, you get human design, Akashic record readings, subconscious reprogramming, you get personalized hypnosis, is
everything, everything, everything. And we actually work together to like create an achievable goal to actually get going on your goal. So you can stop being mediocre. Stop thinking about what you want to do, girl. Cause you've already masterminded about it enough, but there's fears. There are things holding you back. And that's what I'm really here to do is like help you really break through those fears and those limiting beliefs, like through nervous system regulation, um, subconscious reprogramming. So you can really put yourself out there once and for all.
and live your purpose. so um All of that will be in the show notes. Send me a DM on Instagram, say hi if this episode resonated. I would love to know. um it really does like I know you guys are listening, but it really does sometimes feel like a black hole. so i'm like Hopefully this resonated. So I love when you guys sent me messages and let me know that it did. So if you listened to this one, if it sparked something in you, please, please send me a DM on Instagram. I would love to know like, what did it spark in you? Do you feel like motivated? Do you feel like, fuck yes. I feel on fire, on passion. I want to go out and like make my dreams happen.
and also DM me if you want help. um So yay! Okay you guys, I hope you have the absolute best, best, best week and I will see you next time! Bye bye!
Thank you so much for being here and listening, beauty. If you enjoyed this episode, please be sure to leave a review and share the episode with a friend who you know will love it. We can connect further on Instagram at I am Alyssa May. So come say hello, leave a comment of your favorite takeaway on