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48 Plays1 year ago

Special guest Bob Kraft. Review the pod on Itunes!






Introduction and Personal Narratives

Happy National Prayer Day. Stay prayed up. God bless you. I'm a pioneer. I'm an explorer. I'm a human and I'm coming. I'm animated. I'm alive. My heart's big. It's got hot blood going through it fast. I like to fight too.
I could be mistaken. Did you happen to be mayor? Yes, sir. I'm LLC incorporation. I am one of the last founders. I'm in with the law enforcement. We're police officers.

Materialism and Free Speech

Enemies, you know, taking my gun collection means nothing to me. Taking a car away. Now that I don't care, I care about free speech and it's this I care about.
The hate fuels me. But right now, the haters are gassed. They're looking for Dunkin' Donuts. They can get some caffeine, get some energy like we have. Because we're coming out every day trying to make the world a better place and stand up for people who are vulnerable.

Surreal Experiences and Pop Culture

I was on acid one day and I thought about it and I was like, if you watch The Matrix, the robots is octopus. You have any idea what's going to happen to you? You are a sniveling piece of trash.
And if you start it, you're going to get trampled under our feet. And I don't take any pleasure in that. Hey, black man. I love you. I appreciate you. I adore you. Ain't nothing better than a black man to be in this world. Kids are all interested in California. They're interested in the bikini-clad women. They're interested in no working and no responsibilities.
You have any idea what's gonna happen to you. You are a sniveling piece of trash. And if you start it, you're gonna get trampled under our feet.
Hey, black men.

Podcast Introduction and Conference Details

Welcome to the greatest podcast ever. Dudes are us. Enjoy the show. A conference tomorrow. What about turf? This one is a leadership conference. Leadership conference. Those are the best. Yep. It's at the Knights of Columbus. It is at Gillette Stadium. Ooh. Okay.
At the stadium itself. Mm hmm. They do it in the Putnam Club. On the 50 yard line. You get like, they give you like a chafing dish of wings. Oh, they do have a really good that's usually barbecue. Like a whole barbecue meal and then they do an open bar at the end. So oh yeah, should be a good time. Bobby, Bobby Kraft comes out.
with the Yarmulke. Yeah. Really amazing. Wow. They let you go. They let you go to the locker room and steal one thing. When I looked for Jordans, they let us go and play on the field. I bet you Bob Kraft just makes noises instead of talking in two years. Oh, definitely. Yeah.
He stops making public appearances. Oh, they could hide it under that. They could hide a little voice box under there. Like a ratatouille. Yeah.
Let's just do this the whole episode of pop just taking sips and making them enjoyable. Very nice. Very smooth.

Cultural Misunderstandings and Offense

Twirl it a bit so we can hear the ice cube. Oh, that's Christmassy.
I was a little bit offended today. Somebody acted like I want to know what a Paloma was. That's like the second most popular tequila drink. Of all time. It's like a margarita or a Paloma. Margarita number one, obviously by a wide margin, but number two is definitely a Paloma. That's just, let's put grapefruit juice in this.
You know what I keep encountering that encounter today too, is people explaining to me and I crush their souls usually when they are like, wow, you know what? You should try with an espresso machine as you get a little vanilla ice cream. And then you put a little shot of espresso in it. That's what I said today again. I was like, yeah, it's a, they're like,
paused 90 seconds to make sure I said a word and they're like, what is that? You drink it out of an avocado? Mad sus. Yeah. Yeah. I can't believe these people have been sitting on that themselves this whole time. No, bro. That's what you make guacamole out of. Oh, this shit's so good. You know, I thought of this.
That's how I felt when this person acted like I didn't know what a plumber was I'm like Well, the best part of that is, you know, it went through a couple like layers of the telephone where like somebody's buddy also told like put them on it and And like that person genuinely never knew and like an affogato was a thing. Oh my god, so sad You know sting that no one even knows about
trill out a few years ago and it was unbelievable. Very good. You know, you guys ever heard of a screwdriver? So fucking funny. I got a drink for you. Yeah, you put a shot of espresso and vanilla ice cream. It's unbelievable.
Well, thanks for coming leadership conference. A free day off work at least. What are you going to wear?
Polo shirt. Uh, nope. I've got my, uh, Brooks Brothers shirt and Brooks Brothers pants. Wow. Damn. Okay. Funeral. What are you expecting to get discovered there? Yeah. Bob Kraft. It's going to discover you.
The guy who does the fields for the revs is gonna come out and be like that guy right there. Give me him. Get over here. Look at that beard. You should show up and just all grass tamed shit. I think my boss might fucking kill me. They'll be like homie, you know it's turf here. There's no grass.
I know I stand on business. Do you know how to spread little tiny pieces of shredded up tires around? Because that's all we do.

Event Marketing and Legal Concerns

Do you know how to leave the soccer circle somehow still visible in the middle? Oh my God. Bro, here's the thing though. Some days the revs are playing, the revs have a match on Saturday that goes and that literally goes until
Uh, like 10 30 at night and then and then the patrons are playing the next day. What do you do? What do you do? You get a soccer specific stadium. Yeah, you build a soccer stadium build a soccer stadium in evert. Uh, just put in one of the abandoned malls. It's already it's like it's going to happen. Everyone's just being a
Bitch about it. Like so far along in planning, everyone's just being a brat. It's like Michelle Wu being like, I don't want traffic. It's like it's Boston. Michelle Wu. Right. Michelle, Michelle, no Yarmulke. No. No.
Color. People of color only Christmas party. She needs a yarmulke. Paul, you should wear a yarmulke tomorrow. Dude, that actually might... I think that would help. Just start landscaping with one. Have them get me one that has the logo from the course on it. Or if you don't have one, just cut a napkin in a circle and toss it up there.
Try to improvise. Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. You got it, dude. Grastain Yamaka. Would your boss go along with it? What could his boss possibly say? Oh, if I wore it, nothing. He wouldn't get your back? No.
He'd be like, dude, take that shit off. This is a country globe. Well, you're at Gillette, though, I'm saying. True. Free free fucking free speech and what you want to do at Gillette. Yeah. You got to figure out what the food situation is tomorrow. It's most definitely barbecue. What if you get there and it's just celery sticks? Where's the barbecue? Where is there a good barbecue there?
They make it themselves at Gillette. Oh, God. There's some concession stands making barbecue. Yeah, it comes out of their club kitchen. It's good. They have it every year. You got to post a picture on the Reddit. Yeah, definitely. We got to know. Although this company, right, they're using a picture of me for their marketing for this event. And I kind of want
some money. No, that's not how this works. Pops, you owe them money. No, they owe me money. You have to pay to come to this thing. Who comes? Robert Kraft. Millie Bobby Brown. What's this dude's name? Trent Reznor.
The dude from Primus Primus primal X X Y 1 2 3 4 Musk Fandango Slurpee All the dudes from guar. Oh, yeah
No, it's just like all the different companies. So the company is a chemical supply company. And this is one of the services they provide. Are they based out of Germany? No, they're not Bayer, BASF, but they do sell their products. Usually they have the best chemicals over there. Can they get a nitromethane? Probably. What do they call it? Alpha Eldritch?
How much of this chemical do you think you could fit in like a 20 by... I want smoldridge. 20 by 14 train. Just depends what you're getting. If it's liquid a lot. Okay. Les Claypool. That's what I was thinking of. He'll be there too. Paul, what shoes are you gonna wear? Ooh, that's a good question. Probably my red wing blacksmiths. Oh. Yeah.
Okay. Brooks brothers, red, red wing combo. That's so blue collar. Yeah. I stand on business. What else? Short sleeve. No. Last time though, when we, so we went to another event, this company does a couple different events. And the last one I got pesticide credits for being out and I wore the same outfit because I have one outfit basically.
But when I got to work to meet up with my coworker, I realized that the shirt had like a pink stain all over it. So then I had to wear my denim jacket the entire time I was there. So then I just looked stupid as fuck. Dress shirt, dress pants, Levi's denim jacket with a shirling collar.
Yeah, you look kind of like Canadian. Do you check this time for any stains? Clear stains. All good. We're in the clear. Probably still wearing my jacket. Yeah. Well, we're a vest at least. Just like a denim vest. I wish I had one. I bet you denim vest. Actually, I have that black one. But that's like a motorcycle vest.
Do it. Won't provide any warmth. So just look weird. That's the point. That would work. Leather, leather vest, yarmulke, red wing, yarmulke, two, two, five gallon jugs of chemicals. Bob craft is going to sprint away from the chemicals.
So like one of the things that's kind of strange about the chemical industry. Yep. So things will like pesticide in general, I guess I shouldn't say chemical, but pesticide pesticides will get banned. Right. But only for people to buy. No, they'll ban.
Certain pesticides will get banned completely by the EPA because there's too much downside and not it's like they make the Eagles eggs too soft. Correct. It's like too much of a unsafe chemistry and there's a lot of safer chemistry that's come onto the market in the last 10 years.
Yeah. But the companies that own, that have it. So like there's one, there's one called Dursband and it's an organophosphate, I believe. Let's just put that up really quick. Okay. It is a, it's called chloropyrifos. That's the chemical name for it. And it is.
a organophosphate, right? So it's very dangerous. The way it works is it fucks up your nervous system and it kills you. It's banned by the EPA in I believe 2016 maybe, but because it would cause the company who made it large economic harm, they can continue selling the product and spraying the product until
There's no more left. Yeah, that's wild. So something that was banned almost eight years, eight years ago now at this point is still being sold on the market and you can still spray it. And it literally smells like poison. You can smell it from the road. When we used to, we don't spray it anymore. We've moved away from it, but when we used to spray it, you could smell it from the road. We, do we talk about that?
Potentially maybe me and you have talked about it when we were down in Florida

Ethics and Controversial Topics

or something, but Not that one specifically, but but it reminded me of those stories about what is it paraquat? What's that a herbicide yeah But there's all these I mean there's not all these stories it was like three good stuff not three bad stories of people like I
Like it's, I think it's banned at this point or it's harder to get as like a, just a person, but you know, people, old timers like still have it in there. Yeah. Or whatever. Justin, I'm just a small amount of Paraquat can kill and there's no effective treatment.
Right. So, oh, yeah, that's what oh, that's what it fucking is. It's like you get a couple of drops of paraquat. So like the story that I read was some guy had I mean, stupidly put paraquat dichloride in like a Gatorade bottle. And then also had a Gatorade bottle in the in the like work shed with him and like accidentally took a swig of the paraquat.
realized immediately what he had done and spit it out. So he didn't even like really swallow any, but it was like enough. Just whatever couple drops absorbed through his mouth and you just, and it just like puts your, whatever it does, whatever like metabolic process it disrupts. It just is a positive feedback loop where it continues to make more of itself until you die. She's crazy. You should talk to Robert Kraft about that.
Yeah, we had this conference about leadership, but the one and the other one is about emerging technology in the field. It was like my New York trip. And they'll talk about stuff like that. How long are you going to stay for? I think it's like 8 to noon. OK. That's not bad. No, shouldn't be bad. Just kind of boring.
be interesting to see. Usually people just talk the entire time. But sometimes like to do to be up there doing this thing and then there'll be like a table of fucking old timers just talking loudly. Oh, yeah. Well, what else are they gonna do? Just be rude. Is Denise Hodgkin is gonna be there? Don't know who that is.
She the Hodgkin's of Hodgkin's type lymphoma. Is Randy's going to be there? Don't know. Let's see. What's your boss's address? I actually don't know. What's his phone number? Let's give him a call.
I'll give it to a phone call. My mom asked if people can dial in to the podcast goes do you guys take calls? Oh, I mean, we never have before but but mom or brand can definitely call in have have our homie we grow or on Reddit call in. So I mean, we can have somebody call in. Have Colin calling. We know anyone named Colin.
We sure do. He's big time into UF UFOs. No, what else is called UFOs? That's right. And yarmulkes. NFTs. Oh, that call. That's true. He died in the Holocaust. Oh, shit. He drank a Gatorade bottle of pesticides in the Holocaust. Dark. It was unrelated.
Yeah, it was just bad timing. He was doing landscaping at Auschwitz. It was just a kind of tragic thing that happened. There's turf at Auschwitz, actually. Yeah, I mean, I'm not going to rip off a recent Theo Von Joe. Oh, God. But basically a joke about people just commuting to work to go to the Holocaust.
Paul, what's been going on since you fell asleep on the last episode? Not much. I haven't fallen asleep at work. I imagine that's harder than it wasn't your old job to fall because you're like on a, I assume you're like on a, when I imagine you at work, anytime you're like, Oh, I'm at work. I imagine you want to ride on lawnmower. No, this line is for you guys. I haven't done fucking anything.
We've been painting lines where the equipment needs to be parked and then spray painting a stencil. So I'll do... Oh my god! I'll like spray paint the stencil and then I'll go sit in the office for 45 minutes and then I'll go back down and spray paint that same one again and then go back and sit in the office. Holy shit, that's tough to get by like that. You're telling me, dude. By 10 o'clock I'm like, all right, I'm wicked hungry and I want to go home.
Do you still have a dog at the, at the office? Office dog. Rip. Jack died, dude. Did you tell us that? Damn. I don't think so. Did you feed him a bottle of pesticides? Nah, my boss just got him. Oh, that's. I mean, if you like left one night and then came back in the next one and no more. I mean, I guess that's the way to, that's the way you're going to always, you know what I mean? Yeah. He was an old boy. He was good dog though.
So it's always tough to get through a work day on that season where you're just passing time by. It's really making sure those lines sink in. Can you go home and come back without anybody knowing? Yeah, probably. I mean, my boss isn't in. He doesn't come in during the winter, really. He'll just come in and say hi in the morning. Then he just goes and does whatever he does for the rest of the day. You have hammocks?
Is there like a hammock there? Nah, it's fucking cold as shit in there too. It was just a giant shop. Dude, you should fucking just start recording solo pods in there and uploading them. Your vlogs? At work, yeah, make vlogs. Sup, guys? This is me, about to spray paint this stencil. It's me, it's Steve Paladino. I'm spray painting these stencils.
yeah i'm not gay the one dude's getting crushed though the new guy just gets like whatever jobs that we don't want to do unfortunately named new guy that was fucking up before no he left he left new dude that we hired he's cool what's his address he's a good sport you have his phone number
This last week, he cleaned all of the spray nozzles on the sprayer and all of the T markers. And then he took all of the T markers and sanded them. Jesus. Does he have a nickname yet that you don't tell him that you don't call him to his face? Just new guy. Good guy.
He's like you though Aiden, he's a Portuguese and people get his last name wrong all the time. Let me get, what is it? Like Pasquale or something like that? No, it's, um, Gomes. Similar. Um, Sousa. Sousa. Yep. Wire, what's his phone number? Hmm.
he's like you though are people like are you Puerto Rican he's like nope I'm Portuguese no I it's a I'm Portuguese in a yarmulke Portuguese Italians last name wrong Sosa a what where does he where does he bank good question I'm not sure
I'll find these things out post them on the podcast. Yep, do that. So what's your mother's maiden name? What's your first car? Street did you go up on to favorite color? What was the name of your crush?
Can't believe I fell asleep last week. How long were you asleep? Like 30 seconds. Oh, that's okay. Just like the gap where you asked me a question, then I woke up and I was like, I have no idea what you said to me. Oh, no. Pretty much. Yeah, you were saying a bunch of crazy racist shit when you're sleeping, Paul. Snoring. Just snore the n word. It's kind of weird. Yeah. Yeah.
Kind of just rolls off. It's all right. You're back, dude. Back at it. What's your guys' favorite roofie? I think there's only one. Ketamine. Rohippno.
I mean, you could give enough ketamine, probably where they're just paralyzed. Oh, for sure. Dude, I worked in a I worked in a research lab in college, undergraduate research lab. And there was a jar, you know, those like the the the cheese balls, like that's cheese balls. There was a jar that big of GHB, crystalline. Yeah.
Yeah. In the, yeah, one of the research labs at MCP, like just sitting very like available on a shelf that much, that much, probably Alpha Aldrich or Sigma Aldrich or Alpha Azar, pure GHB. Sit in there right next to an ice pack.
Genuinely, there was some crazy shit before that lady started doing all that synthetic cocaine at that other Massachusetts lab. Oh, I forgot about that. Don't mind if I do. That rules.
Just fucking smoking crack all day, every day for free, dude. I'm fucking messing up people's blood, blood tests or whatever. I don't know, you're fucking guilty. This is Robert Kraft in people's verdict. Guilty. Guilty.
We had a bunch of chloroform. I can't remember what we were using it for, but it was a more organic chemistry lab. We had just like a giant vial of it. Yeah. And my teacher, just for whatever reason, didn't think it was funny when I asked her if the rag smelled like chloroform. Oh my God. Chemistry lab people never have a sense of humor. I was like, hey, Professor Sellin, so does this rag smell like chloroform to you? And she got real mad at me.
No, Paul doesn't. Like I was going to stick a chloroform rag interface.
Is that what happened last week? Someone came up behind you and gave you a chloroform rag. He chloroformed himself. Yeah. I was just doing it. He was like, he was like, fuck, Jared Nainer just going for 10 minutes and he chloroformed himself. That was still one of the best bits.
I have Jimmy Paladito. Gotta commute two hours through his Holocaust shit. My dad was not a Nazi. He just trimmed hedges at Auschwitz. My dad, yeah, he did hedges all up and down gutters. You know, we did all that shit that they didn't want to do. You have to look at nice.
35 years, that man. Somehow thinks the Holocaust went on for 35 years. Paul, if they offered you a contract for landscaping the Auschwitz for two mil a year, would you do it? Nah. Three mil? No. What's the cost? There's not a number on that.
I mean, I mean, I would do $3 million a year. Here's what I'd say is like you as a landscaper have no control over what's going on. Yeah, dude, you don't know every member's background that's at your course. And like I'm not I'm not like drawing comparisons by any means, but like I had to like I had to fire somebody this week and I wore I wore a collared shirt to when I delivered that news because like
that I wanted to be respectful. And I feel like if you're gonna have to go to Auschwitz, don't you want like the grounds to be nice? Like, isn't it respectful if the grass is, you know, like proper? I'm not following down this whole of you guys. Hey, the job's got to get done at the end of the day. That's what I'm saying. It's like, it's going to get done. And like, I'm just saying, if you were on the trains, wouldn't you be like, well, at least they like did a nice job with the bushes and stuff.
I think so. Fucking $2 million a year. That's plenty. Also that. If it's not you, they're going to give it to some Portuguese guy. Let me put it like this. How many members are at the club? Over 100? Over 300, I think. Statistically, there's probably at least six pedophiles that are members of that club.
I don't do a good job on purpose. Okay. It's a form of peaceful protest. We're not saying you would be on you would be like conducting a train or anything. No one's calling you a pedophile. I want to be a pedophile. I'm saying
You don't know what their background is. You're doing the job. Same thing at Auschwitz. You could just beg. This is just, I'm just at a place. I just have to do the landscape and I keep my head down. I'm getting 3 million bucks a year. Yeah. Not going down there with you guys. I mean, this is a peaceful protest of this conversation. Pops.
What do you think about what do you think about open chat GPT removing? Removing they won't work with the military or weapons development from their terms of service. I think it was fairly obvious that we're going to. They're going to offer two million dollars. Two million is not enough.
Here's what I think. Did we ever talk about Sam Altman? We didn't really talk about Sam Altman, did we? Well, so everyone knows at this point, right? So like back in November, like what was it? Like November 17th, he gets fired by the board of directors of open AI, which is the company that makes Chad GPT. Then like five days, then there's all this like, whoa, whoa.
And then five days later, he gets rehired and they replace the board. And they're allegedly the behind the scenes drama there was that the board was like, the board was like stacked with a bunch of like doomy people who thought that like AI was dangerous and wanted to like, you know, pursue carefully before it is applied to like business and like daily life. And Sam Altman was very gung ho about just like,

AI and Military Collaboration

AI is going to solve all the problems. All right, so then put that in the context of now two months later, where Sam Altman basically runs the company without any board disagreeing with him and they decide to work with the government on weapons development and warfare now. What do you think that means?
I'm just getting this guy confused with Sam bankman freed the goat. Different guy. Sam Altman. Chat GPT. Open AI. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Chat GPT guy. I mean, are you surprised? No. I mean, you know, China's doing it. When a company's like we well, here's the thing when they're like voluntary when they voluntarily say we won't work with
weapons development or anything like that. You assume that they're doing it anyway and they're just not telling you. So the fact that they're like ballsy enough now to just be like, we're gonna do it. Oh man, he's got a book with owls on it. That's not good. No, fuck no. Nothing good comes from an owl book. The guys found out that China re-engineered it, reverse engineered it. And they were like, well, if they're doing it, we might as well.
What do you think they're going to use chat GPT for in warfare? I don't know. I don't either. Let's get on a perfect EMP. Smoother, easier subject for everybody, guys. Take a side. It's either Israel or Palestine. Go. Palestine. All right, I'm falling asleep. What side do you take?
Well, I guess you're probably on the Israel side, right? Cause you wouldn't landscape the Holocaust. Well, that was a big stand. He wouldn't even comment on it. It's kind of Trump. I just want people to stop dying. They could figure this out at the leadership conference. They're pulling the podcast stuff tomorrow. You know who they probably made landscape at Auschwitz Pops? The people that were imprisoned there.
They didn't have a choice. They weren't getting offered 2 million a year. Yeah. That's so disrespectful of you. They didn't have AI. They didn't have Trump. Trump. Trump's going to be the president again. Dude, one New Hampshire caucus. No, it's worse than Auschwitz jokes, Paul.
Chewing ice in the mic on a podcast. That's worse than murder in the legal law. That's peaceful protest. I need to see what's up with Sam Bateman freed. Did he get acquitted? I hope so. He's totally innocent. He's in jail. That sucks.
They don't give any updates on they just push a bunch of headlines out randomly They fix it all everything fine now, I don't know They fixed crypto right everything's good. Oh, yeah, the FTX is back on the map. I Mean Martin sure Kelly's fine
Is he? He's not in jail either. I figured that he was definitely- He came out. He got freed. He did his bid. And then he just like went back to being like a rich douche? I don't know. I mean, yeah, most likely, honestly. Or he got banned from, he got like, he's not allowed to invest in pharma anymore for like the rest of his life or something. Yeah. I think he still can. I thought the ban from pharmaceutical industry one day ago. Nevermind.
Yeah, he's definitely still got dough. He was worth 70 million in 2016. He's got some shoeboxes buried around. What happened to the Fire Island guy? What does he do? Oh, yeah, he got out. Fire Fest guy. Same shit, Billy McFarlane. Is he the one that sucked the dick? No, that was just a gay dude doing what he does best on there.
doing it for the lovely game. So he's getting sued again. Oh, yeah, he started up another thing and he's getting sued again. So that's the update on fire fest guy. So you just went back right back to it too, huh? Huh? You just went right back into it too.
Yeah, he went right back into his ways. Maybe March or Kelly was the groundskeeper. Adam Sandler's house. Ooh.
Do you think Adam Sandler might be top five of the coolest dudes? I think he's like great now because he just looks like he doesn't give a fuck. The hell is that noise? He'll just wear like giant like 1990s Adidas basketball shorts. Just be like, yeah.
This is me. He's just buying like fucking very normal houses in LA and shit. What the fuck is up with him? I thought, I assume he has a compound in LA somewhere. I would hope. Adam Sandler. Adam Sandler can't afford a compound. Yeah, right, dude.
He could afford like six houses on top of each other. That's what I mean. If he, if he can't get one, then who even can? He's just buying this random fucking normal house. I don't get this. I think it's like a front. Maybe it's for somebody. It's like his dog's house. Yeah. Yeah. He drops them off there every day. Owen Wilson, he bought him a house probably.
Yeah, no, that's his real house. His real house is fucking insane. What do you think it's like being Adam Sandler or somebody like that every day? That's nuts. Yep. Probably fucking wake up and you're like, this is awesome.
He's all business probably. You're like, you wake up and you're like, damn, I was so blessed to know Norm McDonald. Oh my God. Be one of Norm's best friends. So much to the point that I was featured prominently in the post post death documentary that they did about Norm. And I cried. Didn't he die of AIDS? Yeah, I did. I heard that. Yeah.
I heard he was a closeted gay man. I heard he was his best friends with Burke Kreischer. Who? That might be the meanest thing you've ever said. Norm Macdonald Burke Kreischer. Yeah, they went to school together in Arizona State. Burke Kreischer was actually his next of kin in or his emergency contact at the hospital. Yeah. Yeah, Burke Kreischer gave him AIDS.
PerKresher, Norm Macdonald, the newest Bamaajira and Rab himself. Wow, that's fucking sick. Meet the two bosses of Norm Macdonald and PerKresher.
Let's see. No, we don't love this bit because it's not funny. 1960 Donald once was a part-time groundskeeper at Auschwitz. And then he made his big move to acting in LA in 1983. Wow. I didn't even know that about him. That's wild.
Right? Were you reading that blurb too? I mean, none, none of it surprises me, but it's pretty wild. Damn. Conan O'Brien ranked three spots over Norm McDonald on top eight comedians ever. Oh, he's Canadian. Come on, Paul. They're all Canadian. Jesus Christ. That automatically disqualifies them. We got re qualifies on
All right. Here we go again, Paul. Three Norm McDonald movies. Uh, Billy Madison. Uh, dirty work is the one that he actually wrote and happy Gilmore. No dirty work's the only Norm McDonald. I'm talking, those are Adam Sandler movies that other two.
Yeah, that he specifically asked Norm McDonald to be in because he's... He asked fucking Rob Schneider to be in him. No, Norm asked Rob Schneider. It was like a trickle down economics type thing. I'll name the Drew Carey show, Conan O'Brien show, and Fairy Idol. Using Casper.
Alright, name three Dan Aykroyd movies. Master of Disguise. No, that's Dana Carvey, actually. Yeah, I don't know. Alright, name three Bill Murray movies. Mmm.
Are you just going off of things other people have googled because Bill Murray movies are down in the corner? I'm just going off of prominent LA actors. Garfield, Ant-Man, and the Dead Don't Die. Groundhog Day.
Bill Murray does have the original, uh, Hunter S Thompson movie. It's called where the Buffalo Rome. Whoa. Filmed that in 1980. All right, Jared, give your recap of the wrong Clark story movie with Matthew Perry.
Can you say what it is again? In a small North Carolina hometown, Ron Clark, Matthew Perry, leads a comfortable life as a successful elementary school teacher, earning the respect of the community. However, he knows there are students elsewhere who need him more. Following his inner calling, Clark uproots to New York City, hoping to make a difference.
After getting his car stolen, he begins to see that these elementary students are different. They need freedom. They need writing. This movie then transitions into freedom writers with Matthew Perry. And then he moves back to the LA hard knocks of school systems and starts rejuvenating these youth career, one by one, brick by brick.
Is this it? What is this? The Ron Clark story. This is about the is this the one he teaches? He teaches like black kids that poetry is is like rapping. Yes, yeah, exactly. And then M&M's in it. And then it goes into M&M's home home story. And then they all they do like rap battle in a basement.
Yeah, they do that scene where... That's Matthew Perry. He's like, nah! That ain't how it'd be. He straps his air forces at the top. He's like, check, check up. Ball's in your court. Do you guys see the link in there? Oh, shit.
Oh yeah, look at that. 7.5 out of 10. So that was a good movie. Let's compare that to Dirty Work. Bobs, who do you think- Oh, Dirty Work. Jesus Christ, 6.4 out of 10. If you're awake right now, who do you think has more awards in their career? Wanda Sykes or Norm Macdonald? I'm Norm. Nope.
Damn, I can't believe that random Matthew Perry movie is actually rated higher than Dirty Work. That's insane. That's crazy. Oh, Lincoln say, no, I'm not lying. That's crazy. How do you even explain that? Oh, cause Bob Saget was the director of Dirty Work. Jesus Christ. You don't like Bob Saget?
Nah, no, pretty much anything that Bob say it did is better than anything Robin Williams ever did. Okay. No, McDonald never won any awards. Not a single Emmy, nothing for writing. What is he even done is the question, I guess. Norm McDonald. He was on SNL for like,
I was gonna say Michael Che and Colin Jost have Emmys for Weekend Update. Oh, shit. Yeah, because Norm paved the way. Colin Jost is better than Norm McDonald. Colin Jost, let's look at... Oh, damn, yeah, he's killing it. He has at least like three or four Emmys. And he's from America, too. Staten Island, baby. Let's go. Most America... I'll be honest, since he's from Canada, that took it down a lot.
What is dirty work is, is the movie that Norm Macdonald is in. It's his movie. It's a song that Tony Soprano sings. I'm a fool to do your dirt. I assume, I assume that the movie title is a reference to that song. And maybe even that song plays in the movie at some point. I think it does. That's what that's all it's about. It's about him doing the impression of Tony Soprano doing, singing that song in an impression voice.
You would think a movie like this. That has this cast of Don Rickles, Chevy Chase, uh, koi. Front. Alain Alonquin would, would be higher rated than a 6.4. Adam Sandler's in it. He's not credited. John Goodman's in it. Not credited. Chris Farley's in it. Not Chris. Final movie.
Well, he's might not be credited, but I'm pretty sure he has a semi large role in the movie. How would he not be in the list of top cast? Why would you not put Adam Sandler in the list of top cast? If I find out that you were thinking of a different movie, then what this whole time? No, here's the scene right here. Okay. Yeah. Adam Sandler playing Satan uncredited.
John Goodman playing mayor, Adrian Riggins, uncredited, Conrad Good playing John, uncredited, Chris Farley playing Jimmy, uncredited. That means they all were like, yeah, dude, we'll be in your movie, but don't put us in the credit. Yeah, we don't want to get involved in this. Chris Farley's in the movie like multiple times. And he's specifically uncredited. He's like, you know what, Norm? This is going to make so little money that I need you to get all the residuals.
Yeah, they're gonna kick me out of the Screen Actors Guild if I'm credited in this film. What is this movie about? Give us a breakdown of this. Oh, I don't know. I haven't seen it in like 10 years.

Movie Recommendations and Awkward Experiences

Should watch. It's funny.
I might give it a watch. I might have to watch the Ron Clark story first, though, just in order. I think I think we do. Yeah, we do a back to back movie night. Yeah. Separately watch Ron Clark movie night through Twitch. People call in. Actually, I'm almost positive we can do that. You can broadcast movies as long as they're on Amazon Prime. I mean, you can just buy any movie on Amazon Prime.
That's true. Let's see, how do you do that? What the heck? Watch parties. What do you guys see when you close your eyes? I see world peace. I took that question too literally.
Imagine drinking a cold brew at this time. I could do that. I could do that. I'm going to go right to sleep. My roommate will drink a Celsius this late and be fine. This doesn't do much.
No, that'll mess me up. Fall asleep at 6 a.m. I could do an espresso, but cold beer or Celsius, I feel like I'll just get torched. Just levels me out. What else? What else gives the vibe sets the vibe? Hmm.
Flintstones vitamins, the target polos that don't have anything on them. They're just a target polo. Yeah. I'm like the hems like it's not it like it like kind of is a little too much to like one side. Will sag. Yeah, like just like hangs weird. Yeah, those are dope. ham steaks. Hmm.
Damn. Hamsticks are pretty good. I never said they weren't. I was just agreeing with you. Like getting a ham steak just from like the section right over from where the eggs are. Nothing wrong with that.
I'm not sure if I've had a ham steak really, and maybe ever really. That is the big pieces of ham. It's a big old, big old slab of like, cooked ham. Comes in like a bag. Yeah, but it's a ham. Yeah. What do you eat it with? Like a fork and a knife, usually. Okay, all right.
Does it just taste like those hammy? Does it taste like ham? Yeah. You ever had like, like, like Easter ham? Yeah. It's like that, but it's like, it's like three or four slices thick, but it's just like that. OK. Ham. Ham. You know, it tastes like metal.
A little bit, like the way that ham does kind of taste like metal. Yeah. Why does it taste like metal a little bit? I think because they like, they like cure it. They smoke it and cure it or whatever. Just kind of gets that like a little bit of metal. But bacon tastes good. Doesn't taste like metal. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know how to differentiate that. Break it down.
It's probably like there's a lot more fat and bacon. Yeah, bacon's top 10. Bacon's top three, probably. Yeah, bacon. Bacon's. I just made like lunch bacon yesterday. Bacon every morning. How'd it go with you firing somebody, Jared? Yeah, that was that wasn't all for the banger. That wasn't my favorite thing to do. OK.
I mean, I'm not like the victim. You were texting me before saying, oh, I can't waste my favorite stuff to do. I made bacon just for this. I couldn't sleep last night. I was just thinking about I was thinking about when I was going to do it. Eating bacon while I did it.
um that'd be dude that would actually be funny as hell just munching a little bit just like sneak just sneak a little bite of bacon in off like from off camera so good nothing going
I feel like that's really drinking a glass of milk. When we interviewed, I made them. Oh my God, milk. Yeah. Of all the things to be like, like I could like obviously like give a glass of water off and my throat gets weird. I, you know, want to be able to have a sip of water, milk, just like I want to, I want to get it. I want to get as Flemmy as possible. Have real gravelly Flemmy answers for you. That, uh,
It was so weird that we ended the interview and we both go, yeah, we're not hiring that guy. Bro, I mean, milk, milk is one thing. Honestly, milk is worse than the wheelchair guy who quoted Abraham Lincoln. Yeah. Yeah. I wanted to fucking just hire that guy for that. Holy shit, I forgot about that.
I'll just go with my favorite quote from Abraham Lincoln. Like, Hey, do you have any questions for us about like the job or, or like anything else? No, I don't have any questions for you, but I do want to just, um, mention this quote from Abraham Lincoln. If you, if you ask me to chop down a tree in seven hours, I'll spend six hours planning and one hour chopping. Like,
Okay. Holy shit that I forgot about that. Were you present for that interview? Were you sitting in on that one? I wasn't I wasn't like, I think you guys had to do the interview. And this was back when our jobs were fun. And I was just like, I'm gonna sit in the room and like, try to make you guys laugh. Oh, my God. The quote didn't even make any sense.
No, I was like, what are you trying to say right now that you would like that you were you were capable of getting this job done sooner and like wasted six hours? Yeah, obviously. If you want to know something about me, it's that I won't do anything at work. I want to leave you with a little quote ski and just drop this in here. From I want to say it.
from the guy on the penny. So any high level notes on this incident Jared? No, it was kind of, I mean, it's tough, right? It always kind of sucks. This is also somebody that just, you know, was good, like good at what her job was, but like her job wasn't, you know, like a critical business function.
Yeah, but just somebody I didn't ever really vibe with so it's also like times about it like You know, let someone go that I You know like vibe with it was I don't know why it was easier You're just kind of like I think we get each other and this isn't personal and like this sucks, but you're gonna be fine This was somebody that I was just like
This is just painfully awkward and sucks. And then also my my counterpart was the VP of HR. Oh, God. So it's just this fucking fat floating head. I was like, I would. And then all I could think about was like, if I ever get fired,
And I and I see her on camera as like the HR person that's going to be there to explain to me like how Cobra works. I'll fucking lose it because it's so disrespectful. This fucking this fucking lard ass bitch who can't even get out of bed for this. I can see that your head is on a pillow right now. Oh, my God. Yeah, that was rough.
Uh, and yeah, I mean, she went off. I mean, it sucks because like, so we have a normal 10am meeting every Tuesday. That's why we're like scheduled check-in and there was no other time that worked. So I just sent the, like secretly sent the meeting invite to the HR person. So she like popped on the meeting, like our normal 10am being like, okay, like how was your weekend?
Oh, I'm good. And then like, so we're just like, I'm just doing this thing where I'm like drawing out time until the HR person appears. And then like, so we're shooting the shit for like 30 seconds, a minute, maybe. And then the HR person pops on screen and she just looks surprised. Like, why is there somebody else in our one on one? And I was like, yeah, so obviously this isn't going to be our normal one on one. Horrible. I actually literally said that. I was like, yeah, dude, this is not a normal one on one. I'm sorry.
And then she immediately went off camera. Oh, bummer, dude. It's whatever. I mean, I'm not the right, I'm not the victim in this. It sucks that she has to look for a job and stuff. It was just, you know, that shit just sucks. We're glad you got it here, though. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. She'll be fine. At least see mine went the opposite way.
When I got laid off, I joined the meeting and our boss was late and then the HR person logged on and I go, I'm getting fired. She just goes, uh. I mean, yeah. No, you're not. Uh, well, how did I end up here?
She's just trying to turn her camera off. I'm like, you didn't leave. You didn't leave. You just turned the camera. I can still see that you're in the meeting. Just breathing into the into the microphone. Oh, Jerry, how long did it last? I was real quick. I mean, I they say you can give like a two to three minute like preamble. It's not you, it's me.
And I wrote a whole like I wrote a full page of what I intended to say and when rapid fire like like middle school flash card speech rapid fired through that thing where I was like Sam and George Washington was the first president.
I was like, I just want to be clear that this is not a reflection on your work. It's just the changing direction of the company. I really hope you're proud of the work that you did. And I know that you'll land on your feet somewhere else. And like now I'm going to pass it off to the HR person who's going to let you know details about your ongoing insurance and severance. Oh, God. No, I was better than that. That's that's basically what I was told. No, like that was the gist of it. But I don't I was I was actually professional about it. I didn't.
Were you happy to get it over with? Uh, I was happy that it was, it was like first thing in the morning. Cause the other one I did was like one 30 and you just spend the entire day, uh, having anxiety about it. But this one was like my second meeting of the day, like 10 o'clock over and done with.
The other thing that sucked, just another thing like I can't not think about myself in that situation. So one, if that particular HR person had popped on, I would have been like, don't even bother. Just email to me. I refuse to, I refuse to talk to you. That's awesome. But um,
the other thing that just because like we over we like overdo everything here I ended up having like so get the meeting over with at 10am and then I had like six meetings after that with different people about it where I had to like tell them what happened or like explain to a different group of people and I'm like it's like I don't want to downplay that like somebody lost their job and like somebody from our team and like we'll figure it out but like
And guys, it is not a big deal. Like my boss called and was like, I'm thinking about bringing the entire marketing team together to talk about this. And I was like, that is way overkill. That'd be terrible. If I ever get fired, the worst part about it will be knowing that like eight conversations happened about me where they were like, yeah, like you just be like, get on with your lives, please. Oh, yeah.
That was like when they let go eight and a nice two partners and like our boss at the time was a total dickhead gets on the call and he goes, yeah, so we, uh, we fired, uh, X and J and we're like, okay. And then he goes, guys got anything to say about that? Just super confident. Just like that. You guys got anything to say about that? I was like, uh, yes. Yeah, I do. But we're going to wait till we all get off of this. We're going to call each other.
Uh, the one thing that I was like, Oh, uh, so right. You do your whole speech in the beginning, then you pass it to the HR person and they give their whole part. And then at the very end, the, and then it's like, okay, like you understand, do you have any more questions for us? And they're like, no, I'm fine. And then the HR person was like, Jared, do you have anything else you want to say? What? And like, no, I don't. I prepared every word I just said. So that, so like, I was like, uh, no, we're good.
And then like ended it. Cause I had, I was like completely caught off guard by that. Oh my God. So I felt bad about that, but I texted her after and was like, Hey, like that was just like, I know you don't want to hear from me. I know this is shitty, but like, uh, I meant everything. You should be proud of what you did. If you need a reference, hit me up. If put me down as a, uh, or if you need to like a letter of recommendation, you know, so whatever. Did you get a text back at least?
I said, I wrote a long thing and I was like, I was like, do not, not expecting a text back, but just like, know that I'm here. And she replied, thank you. So. Oh, okay. Take that for what it is. Oh man, Eddie wore a collared shirt for it too. You should have texted that. At least I wore a collared shirt. I wore, listen, I went through a lot today. I put on a collared shirt. It was funny cause I called the other person on my, on that team.
Um, immediately after, cause I didn't want them to find out like through the grapevine. And so I call him, he picks up or like zoom him and he picks up and he's like, Oh fuck, you're wearing a collared shirt. What is this about? And I was like, you're not getting fired. I was like, I just got done firing someone else. Yeah. Oh God. But it was it that literally was free. He's like, Oh my God, you're wearing a collared shirt. Oh God.
So that was funny. Well, that's a good end of the podcast right there. Everybody can relate. Good enough end as any. Who can relate? Do we want to do Shouts Out or do we want to guess why Adrian Griffin was fired? Yeah, I'll give a guess why. Go ahead. You guys go first.
A serious guess or a joke guess? I don't know. Maybe both one of each. I mean, I imagine serious guess you wanted to cut. Oh, my God, his brother, the NASA's. You know, I figured I learned through the grapevine. He was going to he was going to cut the NASA's loose. And then he was like, it's him or me. It's him or me, brother.
That's a terrible way to be an NBA player. Yeah. There's brothers all over the NBA. They don't get to do that. Ball brothers. That's true. What's your joke guess? That he looked too much like the guy from The Wire? That's a good one. I'll take that one. I didn't have anything prepared for that, so. Paul, what do you got?
Um, he walked into a WNBA locker room. Okay. Okay. And that was my serious guess. You know, they don't play, you know, they don't play those WNBA games at the same. Shut up. My other guess is that he publicly stated that Doc Rivers eyes were too far apart. Okay.
I'll say that Donald Trump fired him, actually. Yep. That's not a bad one. Guy's not good. Not good. He's gay. I don't like him. That's both. He looks like the guy from the wire. Not good. The guy from the wire you're fired. That's my serious and my joke one. Every coach of every team in Wisconsin has to be fired.
Alright, goodbye guys. Yeah, see you later.