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Lil History Eppy

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45 Plays1 year ago

Dropping some historical facts mixed into this pod

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National Prayer Day acknowledgment

Happy National Prayer Day. Stay prayed up. God bless.

OnlyFans misunderstanding

Um, speaking of peel, is it true that you have an OnlyFans page and you can peel a banana with your feet? I don't have one and it's, you know, I'll, I'll, I'll indulge you this. I just discovered what OnlyFans was about three weeks ago and it was brought up in a discussion in my office. What do you think? And I was very, I was oblivious to the whole concept. Ah. Ah.

Challenge to tough guy act

If you quit the tough guy act and these senate hearings, you know where to find me, any place, any time, cowboy. So this is a time, this is a place, you want to run your mouth, we can be two consenting adults, we can finish it here. Okay, that's fine, perfect. You want to do it now? I'd love to do it right now.

Company's 'bad person' culture

is the only company where every person on our team is a bad person in real life. Everyone is a bad person. That's our promise to you. Everyone's a fucking scottbucker.

Desire for a 'messed up' image

Hearts. Well, the malarches, we had to go. Anyway, we hadn't much of a choice in the matter, but sure. There's a cool journey to school this morning. Oh, good. You wouldn't belong getting fresh, but
Maybe I tried too hard to be like a wild guy. I just want people to think I'm fucked up really bad. I want them to think I'm a fucked up person. I really would like people to say, when I walk out of rooms, that guy's fucked up.

Live action determination

We'll do it live. We'll do it live! Fuck it!
Do it live! I'll write it and we'll do it live! Fucking thing sucks!

Deodorant discussions

Like the original send old spice. You guys sure that it's recording me? Cause I just see a straight line with no bumps. Nah, you're good, bro. I got the main. You're good. That's crazy. And my hand is just a flat line. Um, I don't know that I know what original old spice smells like. I was like old mountain. You'll know. I've got pure sport and a swagger.
that swagger takes my nostrils back like mad long ago every time. Yep. Nostalgia. Some fucking deodorants that make me fucking sweat. We're just our dove for men, strong enough for a woman. Formulated for a man. I haven't taken to one deodorant. I just change it up every time.
Uh, for a while I was on the natural deodorant kick and then it gave me a crazy rash. Yeah, dude, the fucking natural deodorant always gives you rashes. Yeah, or it just doesn't work sometimes. Shit wears off bad quick. I was wearing it when we were down in Florida and nobody ever told me I stunk, so...
I'm gonna no it's not that it well I guess I don't know yeah I wasn't sweaty anyways I'm sure it's not an antiperspirant just deodorant yeah yeah I want to use the antiperspirant but I always read that it's like well you got a switch somewhere
Yeah. That's true. I just accept the fact that I'm putting aluminum into my body. That's the thing is like somebody told me like 18 years ago that aluminum gives you Alzheimer's or something and I have no idea if it's true but it's just in there in my brain so I'm like I can't. Yeah I don't use aluminum joy. But I have a magnesium
any perspirant for like, if I'm going to gym or whatever and I don't want to sweat like crazy. Um, I don't know if that's any better. You're still fucking clogging your sweat glands with something, but it's not. Yeah. That's all I'm worried about. Sometimes I just sweat fucking. I'm fucking. Yeah. Stressed out. I got to sweat out of my armpits, dude. Stress sweat. You got to.

Podcast guest speculation

Try to go black tea most of the time. Yeah. Black teeth. But I also think it's some of the, the natural deodorant I use makes me sweat. Maybe it's my armpit reacting to it. Cause then I'll throw on like the new aluminum natural old spice and I'm good. Yeah. It's probably some weird urban there or some shit. Yeah. There's probably like,
Probably like, you're wang, you're wang in it. Heh. Chaka Khan, Chaka Khan, inside of it. Yeah. Who are we gonna get next on the podcast? Um, I heard that, uh, um, Maristadamir wanted to hop on. Andy Richter and Maristadamir hopping on. Yep.
That's, uh, that's what I heard. That's what, that was what was in our email inbox today. Should we just call somebody and put them on the podcast? Like just do a thing like call an unsuspecting person. Now you're on the podcast. Yeah, I think that's good. Unexpected would be even better.

Spontaneous content ideas

Unexpected random number. I like that idea.
That's a hot beat right there, Pobs. It's kind of piratey. I probably won't get picked up by the, uh, by the lights. Definitely will. Yeah. Pobs talk about the, uh, thing.

Interest in American Revolution

What's new? World War Two? That you think? No, I've actually been going way back now. I'm doing American Revolution. Like, dude, you were you were wrong. The whiskey rebellion was a big thing.
I know when I knew it when I said it, I just, I was hoping no one would call me out and they didn't. And now you're like retconning. Yeah, cause I listen to a whole podcast about it. Yeah. The whiskey rebellion was huge. It's like why we have like, uh, like insurrection laws, like the fucking, the like legal precedent.
that the lawyers the prosecutors actually the prosecutors and the defense and What do you call judge for a the opposite of a prosecutor? Lawyer the lawyer
The defense attorney prosecution and the defense the the like some of the legal precedent they they cited in the like January 6th trials for for those fuckers is is legal precedent from the whiskey rebellion from like the post whiskey rebellion, so I like I hate I don't like anything about any of that except that you get to there you get to see footage of lawyers being like
Well, the blah blah blah of 1780 states that and you're like, hell yeah, that law still matters.
Whiskey Rebellion. Yeah, dude, I totally knew that I was wrong when I was telling you that. I totally was not wrong about that. Yeah, Doug, I know. I knew you didn't mean it. Mind tricking Paul right now, dude. I knew you for real. I knew I was lying about the Whiskey Rebellion. I was not wrong.
Yeah, George Washington had to like pardon fucking insurrection, or like, you know, had to confront the question of if you pardon insurrectionists to like... Now we can't believe you about all this George Washington shit. What do you mean? Because I'm constantly lying about everything? Pobs, tell us about the Whiskey Rebellion. I mean, it was just that they were trying to charge everybody tons of suns on a hundred gallons.
I mean, back then, whiskey was like water. They didn't really have clean drinking water. George Washington wasn't even in office. But then, like, the bigger producers could pay the tax. But then a lot of people, like, even if, say, like, you know, we set up a legend still in my backyard, we would have to pay tax on it. But we were just making enough whiskey that we could, like, barter the whiskey for more corn.
And then we wouldn't actually be able to pay the tax. So then if you lived in like Pennsylvania, since it was being adjudicated by the federal government, you would have to go to Philly to go to court. So you'd have to go like 300 miles just to show up to court. So that's why people are getting fucked so bad by it. Absolutely. George Washington was president during the whiskey rebellion.
What year was it? Uh, I'm going to say like 17. When do we become a country? 17 91 1791. Yep. Hmm. He just looked up the presidency of George Washington. Jared typed it while you were saying 17. He's got that was quiet keyboards. Yeah. That's slander.
George Washington wouldn't approve. Listen, all inside him, quiet keyboard is the sign of being poor. I mean, is it? Yep. Quiet keyboards come with all that's always like the built-in keyboard or the keyboard that you would get if you were poor. I mean, I don't have a like a setup. I just got a laptop. So like I don't have a gaming PC. Yeah, that's poor. I mean, I guess.
You didn't meticulously buy all your parts and then build it. I don't understand that. Wasn't that hard? You should try it out. Why would I do that? Because then you can make a way better computer than the Apple Macintosh computer that you have. Why do I need that?
More ram. More ram, dude. For what? Um, so you can have like 50 tabs open. I don't need to do that. So you can play video games. How much porn do you have simultaneously? Tabs open. Mm hmm. Like 200 tabs. Just bookmark it. Oh, that's crazy.
I'm just going 24 seven. I can't bookmark it. No, it doesn't make sense. Is bookmarking porn the sign of a porn addict? There's 900 billion free porn videos on the internet. But I know it's great that you never have to watch the same porn again. I'm gonna just watch the same one over and over and over again.
Well, I've got a bookmark. Yeah. I don't even use, you don't even use a bookmark. You just use the command keys. Yeah. Shortcuts on the desktop. Dude on the plane across the aisle from me last night was one of the dudes that has like 2000 files on the desktop background. Oh God. What a fucking idiot. That shit stresses me out when I see people's fucking
desktop like that or it's like in a meeting two days ago dude sharing a screen pulls up a file then I like another file and then that fly out clicks in there like four other files then click into one more file like dude what the fuck is going on with these files
Oh, like a bunch of folders. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Has everything properly organized in various folders? Go kill yourself, dude. That's bonkers. It's all in one drive or whatever. You need folders. Go to search bar, type in the sheet. There you go. Let's see. I've got one, two, three, four, five, six folders.
Seven folders folders. Do you have net, do you have other folders nested into those folders? Like what's the point of that deep? Uh, for concerts that I have downloaded. Yes. They're in their own folder within the folder. That's not that bad.
You don't watch the concert, right? You just listen to it mostly. Yeah. They're all just waiting fire, um, flack files, but yes, they all just music files. There we go. Lossless. That's right, baby. That's why it takes up so much space on my hard drive. Gaming. Gaming. Gaming computer, baby.
Did you not know about the whiskey rebellion until last week? No, I did. You know, I just never really cared for like the American Revolution. I thought it was kind of weak. Same with the American Civil War. Also pretty weak. The American Civil War was for sure.
Um, I thought the revolution was kind of cool because of like monarchies and stuff. See, my problem is I don't give any fuck about England or any of their shit. So I find it hard to like, they're like, Oh, well you got to know all this stuff about King George. I'm like, I don't give a fuck about that guy. Guy was a douche. Yeah. That's why people are willing to get onto a boat and come to a place they've never seen before and get killed by native Americans. Yeah, that shit's crazy.
That's like, I mean, like coming to America when they did is like the equivalent of like just landing on like a foreign planet and being like, uh, I guess we have to like make a house. Like what are they, I can't even imagine that shit.
Well, then, you know, it was like, similar climate, but you land in Massachusetts.
which is like, God damn, of all the, of all the fucking places to land, it's like there. And then you're like, okay, right now it's fucking balls, hot and humid. So hopefully it's like this all year. Right. Right around October, you're like, holy shit. Right. What the fuck just happened? And then it rains for like a month and then it's warm for two days and you're like, oh, maybe that was just a fluke. And then it's fucking for reusing.
Yeah. And all you have is a fucking log cabin that you've tried to, like, steal at the chinks with mud. Yeah, like a smoky ass fire.
And back then it was all fucking woods. Like there weren't like open fields like there are now. It was just like a giant fucking dense ass forest. Well, I can imagine the mosquitoes, bro. Mosquitoes at my house are fucking crazy. Mosquitoes, fucking wolves, bears down here. There was fucking probably cougars or some shit. Bunch of shit. Chicken burger.
We want your shit just trying to kill you and then fucking Native Americans. Actually, I guess they didn't try to kill them at first. They tried to give them corn to survive the winter. I just think about too, like the West.

Gold Rush violence

I think that's cool. I think Westport, Western expansion is pretty cool.
Yeah, that was like interesting. There's a hunting podcast and I really like that had a guy on who wrote this like pretty comprehensive book about it and thought it was pretty cool. Just the idea of like, like, all right, we made it to Colorado and now there's this gigantic mountain. So we either try to go over it or, or we just live here now. Yeah.
Yeah. You know, he brought up an interesting thing. So like there's the 49ers, the gold rush in California. There is people had already figured it out in 48, but it took forever for news to get across the United States. So then when they first showed up in 49 and the end of 48,
The people who were already there mining were like Chinese, Venezuelan, Mexican, and the Americans just murdered them all. They just showed them, killed them all. And then you started their own gold mining. Well, that sucks. Yeah, how crazy is that? They don't teach you that in school.
It was like, um, the guy gave some crazy stat that like the people that were killed in that small area would have been like killing. It was something crazy. Like everybody from Colorado West does something fucked up like that. I just showed up and murdered everybody and then took the gold. Yeah, we kind of suck. Manifest destiny, baby. USA is him.
Although I guess if you really think about it, if you lived in 1849, and there was an option to be unbelievably wealthy, you'd probably kill a shitload of people too. There was no rules, dude. So that's the thing that gets me, or not gets me, but that's the thing where you're like, yeah, once you went west of the Mississippi, there wasn't really laws anymore. It was kind of just,
killer be killed. Especially with the natives out there. Yep. Like that was a different breed of native boy. They were just worrying at all times. So they just fuck you up. Patches just roll through and kill everybody. Not those pussy wampanoags.
I mean, I feel like that movie, The Revenant, did a pretty good representation of how shitty it would have been to live at the time. I didn't see that, but I remember when it came out. That was a great movie. Probably not very realistic, but a great movie. Didn't it win some shit or like was supposed to win some shit? It was like it was nominated for an Oscar, I thought. Yeah, I don't know if it won because I don't think Leo won his Oscar until after that. Yep.
And I know that everyone was like, this is the one where he's going to get it because he like, got raped by a bear. And then he didn't goes back and fucks that guy up spoiler alert. Spoiler alert. Whoa. I think
I think if there was a time machine and I could go back to any time, that's probably where I would go back to.
the 1900s in 1849. Early 1800s just to see what it was like probably terrible. Like just feel fording a river in your in your stagecoach.

Disease and historical impacts

Get a little cut and you get an infection and then they're like oh you bite down on this stick we're gonna cut your arm off. Yeah, yeah. We'll just we're gonna we're gonna pour fucking whiskey all over your arm and then cut it off.
Like one in six people during the Civil War died of fucking diarrhea. Like...
that's crazy dysentery just just shitting it shitting yourself to death there's a lot to joke and pulp fiction he says that the dude's dad died of dysentery but he's like put the clock up his ass or something that's how he got the watch oh yeah that sounds kind of true I mean I think I'm all the way around what happened I'm pretty sure that's why
I think I thought it was like, yeah, like a World War II story, but yeah. Yes, it was a World War II story. All right. Close though. But yeah, it definitely involved putting the fucking watch up his ass.
Imagine dying from shitting yourself. That's what I'm saying, bro. Do you think you died specifically from like, this shit was too, too tough and it killed you? No, I think it's probably dehydrate. Or how about being like a pirate and getting scurvy?
And they don't have enough vitamin C, so you just die. And they didn't know, like obviously until they had like figured out that like limes had vitamin C in them and they were like, oh, if you eat limes. But, uh, before that one, like you'd just be on a ship and eating your like hard tack bread and probably like fucking, I don't know, fish.
like salt fish and not any vitamin C and they would all get weird fucking scurvy symptoms. And they just thought it was like, that's what happens when you're on a boat for too long.

Native American mascot controversy

Well, since we're talking about natives anyways, your teeth fall out. Did you see that, um, the Massachusetts state legislator right now is voting on whether or not, um, towns can name their high schools, mascots after native Americans. Um, I didn't know that. That was on the news this morning.
Sounds like it's probably going to pass the path that you're not allowed to. Correct. Um, can't use any picture that depicts a native and you can't have any name that specifically describes a native.
All I know is that where I grew up in New York, we were the Redskins. And then like in the early 2000s, they changed it. I grew up in the Mohawk Valley on the Mohawk River. Yeah. And my name, the town that I grew up in's name was specifically a native name. So it was kind of fucked up that we were the Redskins. I think we would probably take kind of out of that sentence. It was fucked up that we were the Redskins.
I think I can't think I'm trying to remember which ones in Massachusetts even still have it. Uh, Foxborough, Foxborough. I don't know. Foxborough. I think Bill Rickers, the Bill Ricker high school is the Indians. The funny, not funny one is, uh,
I don't know if they've changed it already, but I know when I was like in high school, Agawam High was the was the Brownies. They're still the Brownies. Jesus. Agawam. I think there's a lot of towns that are the Warriors. Yeah. Is that what your school changed to the Warriors? Nah, I can't. I don't know, whatever. Canada Harry became the cougars.
Well, my cousin had like an interesting experience. He goes to the native reservation in Northern New York to buy weed. Yeah. Um, I guess you can get really good prices, you know, penny tax on it. So the school that he, uh, works for has a native American name, but it's based on the river that runs through the town.
Yeah. So he wore his sweatshirt to the res, not thinking about it, just kind of like just wearing a sweatshirt. Yeah. And when he walked into the store, this very drunk native was like Indian. You mean the motherfuckers with the dots on their heads, right? And he had to like, basically try to back pedal out of the conversation.
And the person was being like very aggressive about it, like poking them in the chest and everything. So then ultimately he was like, you know what, I'm just going to go to my car and, uh, take the sweatshirt off. And the person was like, I think that's a good idea. So I think you can just assume that there's definitely a lot of people who don't appreciate fucking, especially on a native reservation. I could see where that would be like, fuck, is this white person's problem? Yeah.
kind of, I don't know, picking a fight. But if it is, you know, if it's like Indian River High School, like I didn't fucking name the thing guy, give me a break. That's pretty much exactly what it is. Yeah.
There's a fucking kind of grapefruit named after that. What am I supposed to do? Not eat grapefruits now?

Dispensary regulations

He basically, I was just like, Oh, it's, it's the name of the river and the town. I think that's what the person obviously didn't want to hear it. Cause they're just fucking yeah. Yeah.
Sure. He was like mortified about the whole situation because he is sensitive to those types of things. He's a counselor by trade. So he's like pretty sensitive to people's feelings. It's just like, Oh, fuck. Why did I wear this sweatshirt? That's fine. You probably thought about that. Like way too much. Oh yeah. Definitely got to him.
Oh, definitely. I felt bad for him. I was like, that fucking sucks, dude. That's such a shitty situation. Just trying to buy some weed next thing, you know, getting a fucking deep conversation. He brought some of the bud from the Indian reservation when he visited me and it was good, dude. Yeah. A lot of the, a lot of dudes like just sell also like pounds to the reservations.
I was kind of assuming I was going to be like some work or some boosters or something, but it was good, dude. I mean, there's, um, there was dispensaries on the reservations in Nevada and it's pretty good. And they don't, they don't have, I mean, for better or for worse, I guess they don't have to follow so many of the bullshit regulations that the other ones do. So, you know,
Cheaper, they can make a better profit on it. Probably just as whatever, just as safe and it was good weed. I thought I can play a set of funny ass name too. Wow. And look up what it was called. The one in Vegas is New Woo.
n u w u think it's p watt p watt reservation that it's on but new was pretty good oh man i'm not gonna be able to fucking figure out what it's called what state is it it's in new york oh yeah it's got some funny ass name like the bottom bang but it's not the bottom bang but it's in that vein
Yeah. The butterbean. Next time I'm out that way, maybe I'll stop. Do that report back. Your finding was.
Apparently, weed maps doesn't show the ones on the res. Well, you have to pay weed maps to be listed. It's a fucking... I didn't know that. It's a fucking scam and a half. Yeah, they charge you like three grand per location to be listed. Which is like, at dispensary money, it's worth it, but...
Then I think about them getting three grand from every dispensary that's listed on that fucking website, and I'm like, you're not even doing anything. Where the fuck did that train come from? Yeah, for real. You picked up that train? Yeah. Is that going through that pastor house right now? Yeah, dude. That actually is a sign of fucking being poor. Yeah, goddamn, dude. No way, bro. The apartment complex you live in is nice.
Um, yeah, it's just a fucking train. Paul, he's using a laptop, man. That's true. But the apartment complex is nice. Has your roommate come back or did he, is he on the run now? Uh, so it's funny because he, he was a day, so he said he was going to be back, uh, last night.

Roommate's travel complications

And then he didn't get home and I was like, Oh, that's a boy could dream. Yeah. I was like, that's.
That could, that could mean something. Um, and then he wasn't home this morning and now, but I was like, he probably just is like flight. He, cause he did say he hadn't like a late night flight and he knows like his flight probably got delayed and then it got like, or, you know, had to be rebooked in the morning. But then he wasn't back in the morning either. And I was like, okay, that's kind of weird. Um, but then he showed up at like 6 PM today and I was like, what happened? Um,
You just said he like he was there for like a trade show and he was like, they didn't factor in how long it was going to take to break down the booth. Like his boss who sent him there. So he was like, yeah, like my flight was like two hours after the trade show ended. And there was like, no way I could possibly break everything down by then. So like, I just had to stay another day to do it. Yeah.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'd be pissed. And then I was like, you're taking tomorrow off though, right? And he was like, no, I didn't work today. And I was like, bro, you, you traveled all day. That's a fucking work day. Yeah. Like you didn't get to spend your time how you chose because of your job. That's a fucking work day. And was he in that cool place or was it a shitty place? DC. Jesus, that sucks. Only the worst place.
Yeah. Although I was watching the news the other day and I said that violent crime is up 95%. DC is dangerous. DC is fucked up. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I've been a fucking shovel at times I like DC a lot. Although I also was in I was on like the National Mall. I haven't been in like eighth grade.
DC Airport must be cool. You know, we never went to Reagan. I went to Reagan one time. We usually went to BWI in Baltimore. Yeah, I've only ever found a BWI in Baltimore. I flew into Reagan one time and it was pretty sweet because I just went out and got on the train and then took it to my brother's house.
You guys ever been to Oklahoma?

Living preferences and famous Iowans

Uh, I've driven through Oklahoma. What'd you think? Um, very, like, flat and nondescript. You know? Yep. Would you live there? No, no, no, no. Why not? What's wrong with Oklahoma? What's your beef?
It doesn't mean I have a beef if I just wouldn't live there, but I wouldn't live in Utah. Utah is beautiful. I wouldn't live there. It seems like that's where you would go if you wanted to never be found. Yes. I'm not going to keep that in mind. Wait, Oklahoma or Utah? Both, kind of. Both.
Um, yeah, there's like, uh, kind of this whole part of the country that's like between the Appalachian mountains and the Rocky mountains and like north of the Gulf coast that, uh, I don't really get. In fact, they refer to those flyover States. Oh, that's a good point. Yeah. Like, uh, what is, like, what has ever happened in Iowa?
Probably lots of stuff. Corn. Name one other thing. That would be Fargo. I think that was North Dakota.
I thought that was a show. That is also a show. No, it's not a movie. Is it a funny movie? No. The hell? No, it's a famously gruesome movie. Yeah, it's a very, very dark crime movie.
Name one person from Iowa. One of my friends, Mike, he worked with me at fantastic. He went to the University of Iowa. That doesn't mean he was from Iowa. That means he went to school in Iowa. No, he lived there.
Hammeh, I'm this other kid whose name is Fallon right now, but he lived in Iowa and he didn't swear. He would say things like holy cats. Yeah. So the most notable person you know from I, or you can think of from I was a guy you worked with at Fenway.
Yeah, he's cool. I don't know anybody. Holy cats. I'm not saying that guy's not cool. I'm saying that's the best you can do. That's the best Iowa got. I don't really know anybody else besides I know Paul's dude that he knows from Fenway from Iowa. Yeah.
About that senator that wanted to fight the guy. Was he from Iowa? Mullins? Yeah. Mark Wayne Mullins? Has to be from... I'm thinking of Idaho. The dudes that I know are from Idaho. Oh my god, you can't even name an Iowan. I know a dude from Idaho too. You win this one, dude. Yudahoe. Yudahoe. All right. No, I know somebody from Idaho. Seemed pretty chill.
Probably the worst thing that I've been to is Pennsylvania. I like Pennsylvania. Not the part of Pennsylvania we worked in, but like Philly is not bad. Bro, the drive that we took from Philly is the gutter.
Yeah, bro, try making that drive from fucking starting in Franklin and then turn around and do it again eight hours later. No, we drove to fucking that Altona. Yeah, I remember that drive. You didn't drive from Franklin to Altona. Yeah, I drove further than that. No, you drove to Pittsburgh.
Yeah, but Altoona actually sucked. Like, you know, you have to pass through Altoona to get to Pittsburgh, right? Really? Like, Pittsburgh, I could probably... Are you lying about that? No. Paul, check that out. He's right.
You gotta go through Pennsylvania to get to Pittsburgh. So Altoona is what? Central. South? I don't know, it's the central. And what is... Pretty sure it's like smack dab between Philly and... What is Pitt? North? No, it's the far west. Oh, okay, that makes sense. You know what else... I'm not gonna say that, because we have listeners there.
Um, what are you going to say? Belgium? My boy told me South Carolina is actually pretty shitty. Is that where Asheville is? Or is that North Carolina? North. I don't know anything about South Carolina. I think they're, they still have a Confederate flag on their state house. That's all I know. Probably.
You want to know who the most famous person from Iowa is? Uh, let me guess. Is it an actor or a musician or something? Actor you would know. Hmm. And if your question was, is it a TV actor or a film actor? Both. Holdered like hot in the 90s. Hot in the 90s.
Hot in the 90s. Male. No, I would say probably hot hottest in the tooth. That's a tough question. I want to say hottest in the 2000s. Paul Walker. Definitely. Actually, if you combine if you combine their television career and their movie career, they're definitely hottest from like 1998 to 2020.
three. Paul kinda went and then kind of went downhill actually.
No, that's a lie. I forgot there was something after it. So 1998, big to like somewhere in the early 2000s, big TV career. Then did some movies that like weren't big movies, but they were, but a lot of people saw them. Then went back to TV in like 19, in like 2003 and did that for like another four years or so.
And what year did they go back to TV? 2003. All right. I'll take three guesses. Okay. Ashton Kutcher. Yeah. What? Yes. Is that him? Yes. Are you serious? Yeah, it was Ashton Kutcher. No way. Yeah. Yeah, right, I gotta lift that up. That semi-show, then he did like dudes wears my car and shit, and then he went to pumped. You got it.
How about when him and Mila Konos were like, you know, Danny Mastersons ago. Oh my God. I was actually fucking nailed it. Oh, I wouldn't fucking lie to you, dude. You got it. Oh, dude, you should have been more stoked. Holy shit. That's crazy. You've got it. Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Dude, look at me go, man, because I thought that 70s show you fucking win shit. I couldn't remember when that 70s show where when you said 90s and I was like,
Did that start in the fucking 90s? And I think it did. Look at me go, man. You crushed it. Well, what do you think about that? That's pretty impressive. Holy shit. All right, Pobs, you want to guess the second most famous person from Iowa? Danny Masterson.
Uh, I don't know if he's from Iowa and I know, and I realized that famous is subjective. Let's say famous, the second most famous person that is also like generation, generationally relative to us. Like John Wayne is also from Iowa. He's too old. He doesn't count. Not Hulk Hogan's from Florida, I think. I have no idea. This, this, this is also an actor.
I want to say that he. Dwayne The Rock Johnson. I want to say that his peak really started, or he really started mattering. So he had a, he had a career as early as the, um, like early nineties as like a, maybe like a young actor, but I would say that his like career started where people cared who he was in like.
fucking year was that 1999 I want to say like 1999 to like 2000 or three four was like his big peak in in film family heart and then he had a TV show that was very strange and nobody watched it
Ricky Gervais. No. Right accent or like right. I don't know if they both have that. I guess that wouldn't work if he's from if I'm saying he's from Iowa. That's kind of a hint. You want another hint?
Sure. Oh fuck, now I have to think of a hint. Um... Hmm...
Ooh, we talked about disaster movies. He was in, he was in, I want to say the, I want to say the, the, the capstone or really wouldn't like disaster when, when nineties disaster movies kind of jumped a shark a little bit. He was in deep impact in 1998, but he would have been, he would have been, uh,
Like 17 or 18 at that point, I guess. Can't do math. 17. Elijah Wood. Yeah. That was like, that was too fast. It's because I looked up to get a deep impact and he's like the youngest person on the cast. I've said that guy's face in my mind. I didn't know what his name was though.
That's who you thought it was? Yeah. He has a really punishable finish. Yeah. Cause isn't that the guy that holds the ring or something? That's the Lord of the Rings guy. That was going to be like, if, if we needed like a gimme hint, if it was just going too long and no one was getting it, I would have been like, we talked about this film series that Aiden refuses to watch, even though it's good. Maybe I got circus blood or something that I could just guess stuff.
Yeah, I don't like the, well no, I do like it. I'm impressed by Ashton Kutcher in it, and if you really were imagining Elijah Wood, but couldn't name him. Yeah, honestly. I'm double impressed. I wouldn't lie about that. I don't know what the fuck that guy's name was. That's cool. Yeah, he reminds me of this dude that used to sell weed when I was younger. But when I was like too young to buy weed, it was like my sister's aid. Yeah. Oh, Elijah Wood.
Elijah Wood, Frodo fucking Baggins, baby. And also he was in Wilford. That was the weird show that no one watched. Did anyone watch Wilford? That's where he's the dog, right? Woof! Uh, is he the dog in Wilford? He's in Imagine Dragons. I think he's the guy who can see the imaginary dog in Wilford. Yeah.
Uh huh. You know what it is. Oh, you're right. Jason can is the dog. That was a weird show. Everything I do icon. The Lord of the Rings books are better than the movie. Ag boys. I think that's fine. That's not really a controversial take. Although you know, I really didn't like about the book.
Well, as the character in the first one that they leave out of the movies, because it's just like too confusing. I didn't read the book, so I can't possibly understand that question. Okay. I was a character in the book. What the hell is this? This is his name, uh, Glorfindel. Yo-ho. Glorfindel. Bakari. Uh, I don't know.
I can't what the fuck's name is but David he's like a god basically what they mean. I don't know it's he takes up like 40 pages in the book I think meets one of the Valar just kind of is boring. That's cool. Dude. If you're an Uber driver, you guys can't have air fresheners in the carts to Poland.

Air fresheners and political discontent

So that's the thing, they always overdo it. You get in there and they've got like seven of those like black tree air fresheners. Yeah. What is going on in here that you are, that you need this much fucking air freshener. It's like burn your eyes in the front. Wait, what? The ass like iPad on the front with like games and stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Like watching music videos. Watching Shrek three.
Yeah, I wanted to throw up. Those things make me nauseous. No, it's too much. The black ice one, too, specifically, just smells like bad cologne. Yeah, they got good for you guys. They got those ones that are like, that stick into the vents so that it's like blowing out with the air. Yeah. You want fresh air and it's all just stink air. Mm-hmm. Not my president. Not my president.
Bro, what do you think about Biden and Gavin Newsom just like rolling out the red carpet for Xi Jinping? What happened? What do you think about that? Why for the best, honestly. What happened? Just visited. He was in San Francisco for the G7 summit or whatever it is. And then we just like really gave Xi a warm welcome.
into a nuclear war with China we'd never would what did he do was he like yo I love this place actually no yeah I was gonna post it I was gonna I was gonna put it on the subreddit because it was so funny was he like I didn't read anything about it just I fucking saw like Republican hot takes on Twitter that were like
that were like, you know, cause there's so many Chinese people in San Francisco. So there was, you know, there was people like Chinese, you know, people who immigrated who were there to like, like wave in the flag and stuff. And they were like, look at like,
like, you know, making shit up. They're like, San Francisco took down the American flag and put up the Chinese flag to welcome Xi Jinping and you're like, and this is America. And you're like, this is not what's happening here. You guys are fucking idiots. Decided that we were going to try to strengthen our relationship, but God, that was like what came out of it. When did they do that?
Like this week like two days ago good for them But I'll look at that tweet. Yeah, let's get back to that. Let's have a strong relationship
Biden and Xi announced a deal for China to crack down on fentanyl. Oh, they got it. They're chopping it up. Beijing to go after chemical companies to stem the flow of drugs into America. Deal offers Biden breakthrough on issue important to voters. There's a screenshot from Bloomberg and the fucking guy who posted it to Twitter said, Xi spent five minutes in San Francisco and was like, Oh my God. Oh, maybe we went too far. Holy shit. These guys are fucking smacked up. Oh my God. He did.
One of the interesting takes that I saw about the fentanyl crisis in China sending fentanyl to America is that it is payback for the opium epidemic.

Opium Wars analysis

My dad used to believe that shit. Did they start the opium epidemic? I believe that it was something that they culturally did smoke and then
we took it away, but also allowed people to still do it. America took it and made it into a double XL soda. Like you used it to control people essentially. Yeah. Um, yeah, this is like the opium wars. It's not really the, not like the American opium epidemic, but the opium wars were America where fucking
Basically China in the like 1800s in the time period that pops wants to live in the American West China had a policy of like isolationism from the West because they recognized that we're fucking goblins yeah, so they wouldn't do any trade with us and America back then was like
We're trying to be a world power. We're still forming our own country and shit, and Europe is still way bigger of a power, and we're trying to be like, we can be...
a legit country guys but we needed like markets to trade in and Europe obviously like well like England and stuff didn't still didn't like us they basically never got over the revolutionary war until after the civil war and then like we had like you know relationships with like France or Spain or whatever but they are always like
You know, it's just tough because they're always fighting with each other. So if France wants a good relationship with Great Britain and Britain's pissed at us, then France like won't hang out with us. So we're just like, fuck, we need like, we need a fucking way out of this. You're a bullshit and there's nothing in, uh,
You know, no trade in the, not the kind of trade we were looking for happening in Africa at the time. So they, they go to fucking Asia and the Chinese are like, the Chinese are like, no, bro, we're good. Get out of here. And we're like, no, you're going to take our shit. Please God.
No, not even that. We just like showed up with warships and we were like, open your fucking ports and take this opium and give us money for it. Or we're going to blow up your heart. You're like, you're like coastal cities. And they did it. And then we just like forcibly imported or exported a bunch of opium to them. And obviously like got people super addicted to it. I'm like.
What kinds of other shit? Is that true? That's like an that that is true enough. But obviously, if a real historian heard me describe it that way, they would be like, holy shit, what do they teach in school? But yes, that more or less really happened. OK. The first Opium War. Second Opium War. One of the Opium Wars. Pobs will know.
No, I actually don't know anything else about that. All I know is that that's the theory. So that was a thing that my dad said, but he was also super racist. He believed that shit that like fentanyl and everything else was like, it was like payback. That took our jobs. Like all this shit. Like, uh, electronics and stuff.
fake Jordans side wet. Like remember in like the 2000s when like all the toys from China had like lead in them? Not getting your toys from China. That was like your toy your metal soldiers allegedly real
Yeah, it's all fucking propaganda bullshit though. It's like dad stuff that they learned from Fox News. People always still on the plane still just watching news for fucking four hours is crazy. Oh my God, that should drive me. I mean, I don't care. Do what you want, but it's wild to me that that's entertainment for four hours. I agree with you. I want a plane to watch a movie.
Take a fucking nap. No entertainment people blow me too. What the hell are you doing this whole time? Just like praying there's something in the back of the seat? Just continually grabbing the thing, seat back, with the fucking brochure from the seat back pocket and reading it. And you're like, you've done that three times now. It hasn't changed.
Yeah. Or the people that depend on the movies on the back of the fucking TV. Like sometimes they don't even fucking work. Oftentimes. Or you get that bunk ass like 1992 plane. Yeah. Where you can't even pick what you're going to watch. It's like, yep, right now, if you want to watch a movie, you can watch half hour into, uh, Forrest Gump. Oh my God.
already in progress or Chuck and Larry, Chuck and Larry. Uh, man, the last flight that I took to Florida, I didn't have headphones and like the ones that I did have, my daughter kept on plugging. It's like I was wearing hers cause she didn't want to wear hers and then she just kept on plugging them from the screen. So I watched two movies. I watched two movies with just subtitles.
one was about the day of the dead and it was in Spanish anyway so I would have had to use subtitles and then the other one was the newest Halloween movie what you didn't get any of the audio no audio it was an it was a movie on mute with subtitles correct that's fucking wild
So now I've seen the newest Halloween movie, but not with any context, no music. What is your, I'm a deaf person review of it. New Halloween movie sucked. That didn't suck. It just was like, I feel like when you take all like the suspenseful music and everything out of it and you watch it, you're just like, Oh man, this is like.
Not that suspenseful and like the premise of the movie was pretty stupid. What is the premise of it? Michael Myers. So I missed whatever the last one was before that Michael Myers is back. And there's this other like damaged kid.
who is watching, he's watching a little kid on Halloween and the little kid's being kind of a dick. Like his babysitting? He's babysitting. Okay. And then he goes upstairs, like the little kid keeps trying to scare him. Then like there's some weird stuff happening in the house. Then he goes upstairs and is looking for the kid because he's like hiding from him.
and that the little kid locks him in like a closet or a room or something and is basically calling him a pussy and he bursts out the door. When he bursts out the door, the door hits the little kid and knocks him off the third floor and the little kid dies. Oh, Danny, has that kid become Jason? Uh, Michael Myers, kind of. But he gets acquitted of the murder, but people are all just rooting to him, obviously, and then
Jamie Lee or whoever the woman is that was in the original one. Yep. She's in this one again, and she introduces that boy to her granddaughter who was also damaged. But then that dude meets Michael Myers down and like, like a fucking
like a, like a standpipe for a sewer. Okay. And Michael Myers doesn't kill him. And then they kind of become boys and then they go on like a killing rampage together, but they're hiding it from the woman. And then in the like last 20 minutes of the movie,
That dude gets killed, I believe, by the woman from the original Michael Myers movie. And then they killed Michael Myers again. That was just a shitty movie, honestly. The whole time you're watching it, you're just like, oh yeah, so this dude's about to become crazy. And he just looks like a loser. Yeah. He just looks like the type of person who would become a crazy killer. He's got red hair, first of all. Oh, God. Exactly. So you know he doesn't have a soul. And then he, yeah, no, it was just cheesy.
The movie about the day of the dead was pretty cool though. Very informative. Um, that's cool.

Cultural celebrations and food aversions

Yeah. De los Muertos. Looks like it'd be pretty cool to go down to like Chihuahua, Mexico during the day of the dead. Chihuahua. Then a pretty baller ass like parade and shit. Or, uh,
My familial homeland. Zacatecas. And go to Juarez. Like they have all these cool parades and shit. And the bread that they made looked really good, the sweet bread. Ooh yeah, that is good bread. And they got these dope candles.
It looked like flowers or some shit. Yeah. And they had all the delicious sugar skulls. Everyone wears Kalakas skull masks. Then it was kind of dang because then they just got fucked up. And they just party for like fucking 15 hours. That's what you do.
Day of the Dead, baby. Like again, that one was, you know, probably would have been way sicker to watch with music. Oh yeah, they definitely would have had some like, some nice, like Mexican acoustic guitar going through there. Yeah. And even though I can't speak Spanish, I would have been able to understand the few words that I knew. Yeah. Like, uh,
like C and no and desa uno el biblioteca breakfast el ban eno puedo ir albanio no se la biblioteca
Uh, man, when I worked at film lighting, we used to get better. Did we tell you about this already? Maybe. How would I know? We used to get temps and most of them were Spanish speaking. Makes sense. And we would have to interact with them. Obviously. All right. Don't say it like that. We'd have to interact with them. Well, we couldn't talk to each other.
And my boss would be like, okay, you guys go tell them what to do. Sure. And then there'd be like the one guy who could speak kind of English. Yeah. You just point and whistle. And, uh, everyone knows the point whistle.
Yeah. I just set a key on my key. I'd be like, and I pointed a few things on I'd be like a key. Guys all just laugh at me and be like fucking stupid fat green gun. I key. Oh, gringo, my score on a glower. La grass. That definitely made me
They had that there was guys who were like 65 years old showing up and just like, it would be cold out. It'd be like the end of November. We'd be like rolling up a tarp that was covered in water and they show up and like their only pair of sneakers and like a fucking pair of jeans and a sweatshirt. I have to run on the tarp. You knew that like for the $80 they made that day, they just ruined all their clothing.
was like damn brothers to somebody's grandfather was just tear out a lot of beer. Well, he was you know, you don't know. Who knows? After the down maybe likes being there. Maybe that
I don't know. Is it a cultural thing to want to film yourself everywhere? Um, are you saying that? Cause I take pictures of like way too many pictures everywhere I go. Uh, no, it was more so that like the guys who had come to Fenway would all film themselves. And then the contracting crew that rebuilt the bridges at the country club that I work at, we're all filming themselves and taking pictures of themselves on the country club.
Dude because they they're happy to be there like a week ago. They were in Guatemala like escaping being murdered and now they're removing a tarp at Fenway Park and as mundane as that is to you they're like I've fucking made it. I'm in Boston, Massachusetts a real city sanctuary sitting on the last two at Fenway Park the
oldest ballpark in America, maybe. Ooh, I think it says second oldest. That isn't named after a corporation. And, uh, they want to send, you know, Nope. Nope. Find white is the oldest. All right. Well, they want to send me out. Well, they want to send video back to, you know, P.O.
of the how they've made it. That's okay. I mean, that explains fine way. But what about the country club? Oh, a country club? Do they know golf courses in Mexico golf courses in Mexico are privately owned by cartels. You get a stand on a golf course. That's like that's like rich by proximity. Okay, it's baller.
That's like, I'm not digging ditches on the side of a road. I'm digging ditches in a country club. That's just baller. Just saying. I believe you. That's like, uh, the cleaning ladies, when they clean like nice houses, they take pictures there too. Like, look at this house I get to clean. Ooh. It's true.
Okay. What do you think about that? I think it's great. What do you really think? Hello.
I don't know. You know, Neapolitan ice cream. Oh, gosh. You had to vote one flavor out of Neapolitan ice cream. What would it be? Strawberry. Easy. No, I do. I think I'd vote vanilla out. Vanilla out's a good pick. I'm a fan of all strawberry stuff. Strawberry milk. Oh, yeah, you were talking about liking strawberry milk. So good. Like worst
Like fever, sick I ever got in my life. I was in like fourth grade and I had chocolate or no, I had strawberry milk, like with dinner or whatever. And then like very quickly got sick and like spiked a fever. And like, I just remember being in like fever haze.
And because like strawberry milk was like the most recent like flavor I had. Yep. After that happened, that just fucking killed strawberry milk for me for life. I can't, I don't even think I've had it since then. I had the same thing when I was a kid, but with a blue Pepsi at the time. I was like, blue was fire. Damn, that berry Pepsi. I don't like it at all. Couldn't drink it again.
They still make that shit. No, they brought it back like a year or two ago, just for like a limited run. Yeah. Blueberry soda still kind of similar cherry Pepsi is I couldn't drink one of those. I don't think. Well, that cherry Pepsi. Yeah.

Soda debates and juggalo culture

I mean, any kind of Pepsi is kind of vile.
Paul likes Pepsi. No, he doesn't. Yeah, I do. More than Coke? Yup. That's dumb. You're just wrong. Pepsi's technically the superior company because they own Frito-Lay. Yeah, that is facts. But that don't count. That main Roots Blu-ray soda is pretty good.
Blueberry soda that came from the Grand Union was the best. The main roots blueberry soda with some fucking vanilla ice cream in it? Not a bad float. Just fucking generic blueberry soda? What about Faygo? You like Faygo? I've never had Faygo before. I don't even know where you get it.
Just like the grocery store. They sold it at like Hot Topic for a while. I remember that. But I don't, I never bought it. And you weren't a juggalo. I wasn't a juggalo. I was juggalo with Jason at one point in my life. Like I had friends who were and then I realized what it was and was like, Oh, I don't want to be part of this. Juggling looking like hello. But man,
Juggalos Did you guys just drive around and listen to what was a juggalo? No, I really wasn't like I was like I was like a you know, like vaguely like punk kid also into like metal and so like occasionally you'd overlap with some like some like groups with like a juggalo kid and then
And then you never realize they're like a juggalo kid at first. And so you're like, Oh, you're kind of chill. And like, we can like smoke weed together, like drink a bottle of half Gatorade, half vodka, and like walk through town, just like talking about nothing. And then they're like, then they're like, uh,
talk about juggler stuff. And you're like, fuck, you got like cut a chicken's head off at the meeting of the juggler. Yeah, they're like, I've got some other friends that you would like, we should hang out with them. And I'm like, Oh, cool. And then they're all jugglers. And you're like, No, you have to leave real quick. My other friends also like smoking weed. You're like, All right, that's cool. They get you.
That's how, that's how I get you when you're 14. Have you ever listened to any of the music? Yeah. Everyone's listened to some ICP. Not like it, not like it kills you, but I'm just not aware. Is it the one where they say magnets? How the fuck do they work? No, that one's like, that's like low hanging fruit.
Um, isn't the one where they go mass murder makes me happy. Maybe. I don't think I could name them by name. I got it either. When I was in high school on my homies, like uncle or cousin or something.
think it was cousin was a huge ICP guy and he would come over all the time. So he was just like, he's probably heroin addict or something. Because he was hanging out with his much younger cousin. But he had a big hatchet man tattoo on his forearm. Yeah, that that's like my only impression of juggalos is that guy. Yeah,
Yeah. Juggalos, man. What a weird one. They made a funny ass movie in the 90s called Big Money Hustlers. It's pretty good. Like a full length movie. It's pretty funny.
Not endorsing the music, the music's terrible. You can endorse the music, it's okay. Nah, the music's fucking terrible. There's no judgment here. I mean, it's not- I like a lot of bad music. Bad? That music's fucking bad. Nah, it's bad. It's objectively bad. Uh, it's pretty bad.

Pool rules and bar incident

Yeah, baby. I just lost my game of pool. I scratched on the eight ball. You're just playing pool right now, bro. Apparently that's not one of the rules in this game. What scratch? Oh, scratching isn't a loss. I guess not. I would have guessed it was, but wait, scratching on the eight ball. Isn't a loss in that game. Nope. That doesn't even make sense. So I'm saying it's like always a loss. I thought I'm pretty sure that's just the rules.
I've never played in a situation where anyone did not agree on that rule. That's like, one of very few- But do you have to hit the eight ball in and scratch or is it just like I just scratched, like I hit the eight ball on my- Oh. You lost like a weird bump. Scratch but never at any point hit the eight ball? Yes. Then I guess I would rule like a table scratch. I just did it again and I still don't lose.
Yeah, that would be that's fishy, but I don't think that would be an automatic loss. All right, well, Facebook pool disagrees with that rule.
Wait, it was an automatic cloth? Oh, I didn't lose. That's what I'm saying. If you just did a table scratch during like trying to hit the eight ball in, that seems fine. That seems like it would just count as a scratch. But I did hit the eight ball and then I scratched. But it didn't go in? But the eight ball didn't go in.
I don't know about that one. I could it's possible I just been playing wrong. Seems fishy. Seems like everybody knows that if you scratch while you're attempting to put the eight ball in you lose. That's what I'm saying. Yeah. Does does Facebook make you call your pocket? No. That's the other one. You don't call your pocket. It doesn't count. I don't know if that's a real rule either. But that's how I've always played. Say him. What about you aid?
I'd play like that too. Call your pocket? Yeah. I can't remember what, what rules we decided on when we were playing. Yeah. Call a pocket, of course, dude. I love playing pool. I'm fucking God awful at it, but I like to play. Pool table in my building, dude. There's a bar in Norwood. They had a pool table and we used to play at it a lot before we got kicked out of the bar. What is it, Napper Tandy's? Oh, um,
why is limey so husband my second guest yeah we like stole some people's food and drink and then got kicked out and I never went back oh man I feel like that's probably a nightly occurrence of limes well these dudes got up and left and we thought that they had left for good and there was like
They had like chicken wings or something that they didn't finish and it was just, you know, wrapped up in a go box on the table. And then there was like a half drink, maybe like a full beer. So we just took it, but they were actually just outside smoking cigarettes that they came back in and they were like, yo, what the fuck?
But our waitress came over and was like, where did you get that beer from? And the dude just folded. He was like, oh, I got it at the bar. And she's like, no, you didn't. And he was like, uh, I stole it from them. Oh my God. And then she was like, where's the food? And we had it like hidden it. And then the other dude folded too. And I was like, all right, here's the food. That's a scumbag move. It was a bad scene.
My buddy was also just like shit faced. So I egged him on it was my fault. I was like, yo, you should steal their food. And he was like, okay. I mean, that's, you know, that's fine. He made the choice. No, it was, it was honestly funny. I'd go back and do it again. Yeah, I agree. I support that.
um... shout out time boys I was at that time already yeah shout out Belgium uh can't just shout them out every week yeah of course is that the shout out last week that doesn't mean anything every week bro um shout out mangoes mmm
You don't get to judge my shout out fuck off. Shout out ravioli lasagna with pork bolognese sauce from Costco. Is it a ravioli made lasagna? That's ravioli stacked on top of each other to make lasagna. Holy shit. Sounds kind of crazy. It was fire. It was good.
worth a shot if you've never had it. Try it out. Try it out. From Costco. Shout out Costco. Shout out Ashton Kutcher. Goodbye.