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Savage Worlds - The Phony Express 3.5: By Morning, They Cry...By Night, They Die! image

Savage Worlds - The Phony Express 3.5: By Morning, They Cry...By Night, They Die!

Roll Players
59 Plays8 months ago

Hey hey! Tiny Finn and her silly gun-loving boy "Brave" seek out Cutter and Maverick to save Dr Punkenstein! Does Cutter care about anyone other than Bathy? *shrugs* Does Maverick want Justice? yeah dawg. Oh, also there's a dog

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Introduction to 'World Players' podcast

It'd be like Finn. Yeah, it was cute. I like a little list. That's true. The boys haven't met her yet. Technically only. I'm fighting at his attempts to force us to meet. Hey, listen, you guys can split the party all you want. I'm fine with it. I'm not a perfect fighter. We have no idea. Whenever I go to Volkswagen, man. um Anyway, good morning, good afternoon, and good evening to all of our friends out there in universes no not known unknown. This is world players

Recap of previous events: Cruelty Alley and Maverick's gunfight

and welcome back to the next vice episode. Five, I think. Man, were you recording? I didn't know. That's why I was coughing openly. I'm sorry, y'all. You can openly cough. We accept all comers here, all coffers and all comers.
um So anyway, what happened last time? ah Man, fucking they went to Cruelty Alley and they were like, oh, no, let's go see what happened to Rin. And then they're like, oh, no, there's a bunch of rins everywhere and people are dead. Oh, no. Oh, man, there's people here. They're angry. Oh, man, let's see that place where Tommy Felix hangs out. They're like, oh, we're going to shoot that guy. And then a gunfight happened. And they're like, oh, man, there's a fight going on there. And then all these bad guys were like, oh, we're going to get them. And Maverick's like, oh, let's blow our way out of here. pet's like ooh I don't know if I want to do that to all those men. He goes, no, I mean, blow a hole in the wall. And so they blew a hole in the wall so they could escape this building they were hiding out in.
And then Cutter got his hat shot on me. I don't know if I want to do that to all of us. That's a lot of dudes that have to suck off to get out of here. I want to do that. And then he's like, he goes, either we can blow our way in here, we can blow our way out of here, which way you want to do them, ever. And

Cutter and Maverick's escape plan from Cruelty Alley

then so Cutter shotgun the guy in the gut. Oh, dicks. And then Cutter got his hat shot off. Oh, man, he didn't get his hat when he left. Oh, no. Um, and then, uh, uh, they escaped on their oasis away from cruelty alley and are gonna ah go on the long trip to dull town, but oh wait, cutter remembered. Oh shit, dude. I used to like work in the woods up at those mountains and shit. And I remember there was like a tunnel that we could take that would really cut our trip in half and Mavic's like, okay. And so they're riding that way, um, to the west to go north. And then meanwhile,

Fian's new friendships and Brave's quest

we met a new.
kind of character named Fian, a little eight year old kind of cybernetic girl um who was who Awakened Awakened in Punky's basement ah where she met up with Ravi the Raven who is now Ravi the Weird and they made friends and They found Rin's dog ah named Duchess, and they were like, oh man, Duchess, man, you fucking crazy. Let's go riding. And Duchess was like, yeah, I'm big enough to carry you, kid. Let's go. And so they sprinted off to doodad, and they met this little boy, the one that was talking to Maverick. And I don't remember what I named him or if I gave him the name. But now his new name is Brave, because he wants to look cool in front of this cute little girl that he met. Because he's also a little boy, and he's learning how to have feelings for people. And so.
So he's kind of flexing because I'm going to go get my dad's horse and my dad's gun and look cool. And so they did that. And now they're all hanging out together, riding out towards where the bad guys went because Brave wants to prove himself and change his fate. And Finn's

Punky's request and a humorous historical debate

like, oh, man, I got to rescue my dad. And then Punky got a hold of her on like a shortwave radio. It was like, yo, know dog, I'm at this place is called Dull Town. Go get cutter. I'm ever going to make sure to come up here and save my ass. But don't you come here because I don't want you to get hurt because you're just a little guy.
And she goes, okay, pops, whatever you say, you should grow a mustache. She's like, I do have one, you silly girl. Um, and then, uh, I think that's everything, right? Is that all of it? I think he also asked for a Happy Meal. Asked for a Happy Meal? Oh yeah, she said don't know about that one she stopped at Dick Monalds and got a Happy Meal. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, they that that one happened off screen. But yeah, they're eating like out of a little red box. They're eating.

Copper Gulch Mine adventure and ghostly challenges

ah They're eating chicken nuggets. I think nuggets exist effect on it, right? I mean, they had to have because otherwise why would they have them? This is a very historically accurate show. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. They also had like giant mech suits with Gatling guns on them. Yeah. Trains like they had trains. So like how could they not have anything else that we're talking about?
um yeah but anyway so ah ah ah maverick and cutter we'll go with you first you guys are making your way over towards yeah be co writinging a horse yeah you' being again i don't know why you called cowboys because riding a horses really being horse boysys We're being honest. um a Well, actually, it's because they referred to the guys who were um doing cowherds. Sorry. A nerd walked into my room. I had to kill him. Good job. That's a nerd. um So, you know, take an extra Benny for that wonderful performance. Yes. I remember I have bennies now. You have three bennies.
Um, yeah. And you know what? Minus one for Maverick because Maverick did not even try. You didn't try to do anything funny or anything silly voice. I'm just kidding. You can keep the one. Maverick should get one. He should get an extra one ah for that. He did the Tommy Felix voice. You know what? I think I gave him. Didn't I give him one for that? I wasn't paying attention. I didn't reward you for the Tommy Felix voice. No. Well, then you know what? You know what, you can have an extra one for the for trying to do a voice outside of your own on the podcast. I appreciate that. Nice. But just for this one round, just for or this one game, you just don't get crazy with them. OK, I'll go. that um
I get crazy with them. She only get them once this time. I'm already true get crazy with them um So you guys right away from cruelty alley after a couple of miles you pass steer Ridge a small little town ah near the woods um That's not good. Yeah, sounds great. Do you stop at all at steer Ridge or do you just keep going towards? I mean are there any funny clowns in steerage? No, there's a lot of steers there everyone time for clowns What time? ah What time of day are we getting along? I guess it was mornings. We got we got all day. we can we Yeah, I was going to say, yeah, you guys started that pretty early in the morning. I imagine we would we should probably, we ought to slow down a little bit, Maverick. We got to make this ride. Oh, shit, we may be able to get the horses through that mine, though. but It might be. i We'll figure it out, Maverick.
Yeah, I thought about that too, but maybe Maybe your mind is big enough that you can just write through it. Yeah, at least walk them through

Reunion and mission planning with Fian and Brave

Yeah, yeah we got trying to do those suckers because we gonna get all of dole town on our feet That's gonna be a long way even with a shortcut But either way, let's walk these little fellers a little slower do a little trot cuz they're gonna be tired little little butters Yeah, yeah, I think we have enough time to do that. I do a trot roll What dice do I do for that riding? Just pick one i've been writing too. What the fuck? i' I'm not using a Benjamin for that. I'm just going to take the two. Whatever happens, happens. all it say You know what? Nothing bad happens. I just want to help you. I just want to help you get one of the bad rules out early. Oh, thanks. Just got five more to get through after that. Yeah. You ah roll for a sun in your eyes as the sun comes. Oh, man, man, what's that going to be? That's going to be survival for sure. It's going to be survival for sure. Two or three on my wild dice.
There you go. Go ahead and roll a sun on your eyes. roll little Oh, matt off Maverick, I forgot my hat back there to show off your head. You don't have your hat. That sounds bright. It's all right. I can give you mine and I throw him my hat. No, no, no. You have to roll a survival roll to see how you do it. Sun on your eyes. It's a six to six. He's fine. Boy, his little bifocals he's wearing used to that. Yeah. No, it's this big bushy eyebrows. They're just so wishy that it gives them extra shade over his eye eyes eyes. They're like they're like beards for his eyes. hey Yeah, are like the dad I never had. a Thanks. um So you guys are riding in a nice ah brisk cantor or I think a is it a cantor? What's the one below a sprint? I don't remember.
um about

Journey to Dull Town: magic, obstacles, and tactics

Perhaps. um As you guys are making your way up towards Copper Gulch, mine. Yeah, probably. Yeah, let's call it a trot, a nice trot. um ah Do you stop to get any supplies? Do you stop to get anything from the woods? Do you have any conversation about anything or do you just keep going? I think we don't need to like stop, right? Don't have a lot of time you say I'm sorry'm sorry. I was I've had too much joking around there We're at the point where we're still passing through steer Ridge, right? Before the mind what we're passing through steer Ridge before we get to the mine We already passed deridge ah your passing steer Ridge. Okay Now they would have probably went the other way around they probably want to take this pass whenever and I'm not gonna ask anybody here But let's keep all moving man. I don't need nothing anything Maverick. I don't think I need anything. I have beans. I have water. I am fine. Nice. Me too. I got two can of beans. That's enough. So you're just going to keep going? a ah Yeah. Yeah. OK. Well, then just keep going. No sausages.
ah So ah you guys keep going you head your way you eat your sausages you keep your beans And then before you know it you arrive ah Towards like where some of the you know there's still like some trees like some small croppings of trees and such But you know a lot of them are missing on account of there. There's a lot of logging you see there's some Yeah, there are still a few people up there that are kind of still cutting down some trees and such ah Kind of doing a little sawing and stuff like that you know and They may not turns around. He's wearing a big old hat and he goes, I and i hope you all. I wish I could remember something. I think I said I think it helps my Wesley Steve or something. Steve, is that you? Wesley Steve. Sure, yeah, that's me. I don't remember what I sound like. Yeah, I didn't talk. I just mentioned your name once feller. It's all right. You didn't have a voice. Hey, it's me. It's Carter. I know I got a new facial hair and everything, but it's me and the new voice. Yeah, you said you signed a little horse.
Uh, yep. Thank you. I've been breathing in a lot of dynamite dust lately. Yeah. Yeah. Was that y'all doing some explosions up there over at sinners Canyon or something? Because boy, how did that shook the whole thing over here? Uh, no, that was some, uh, some nefarious people. We unfortunately, uh, we procured the stuff for my and my new job, not knowing what they was going to use it for. But yeah, that was the whole thing. It's a whole bunch of shit going on. Uh, but yeah, we're trying to get, up Up north we're trying to come I remember when I was out here How's copper Gulch mind standing up you think these days we can we still cut through there you think Copper Gulch. Yeah, it's right up here. Yeah, I mean, I mean you can You can go in there if you want to but I mean we typically try to stay a week because it kind of is
Kind of gives us a little bit of an uneasy feel to be too close to it. So I ain't never been up in there before, but well, I mean, yeah, I mean, sure. Old, old man of mine, it's creepy and dark and scary. Might be a rattler in there or something, but I ain't, you know, we we got people to save up here. Could be going in there too. Uh, yeah, i they were named to go to mine. I mean, that's true. That's true. that that That makes sense. You know, but maybe, maybe there's gold in there too. Well, I mean, it's now that here and there we got more prison matters. People are in danger. I will start really important right now. I mean, hey, look, if as long as you ain't trying to steal our work with them, I mean, I ain't I ain't policing the dang mind. Go ahead. But hey, if you see my friend Kyle in there because he went up in there thinking he was going to find gold, which is why I said that. Can you tell him just get his ass here back to work? He's been gone for like a week. Sure. If he's still alive, I'll tell him that. Well, why wouldn't he be alive? He's probably just trying to find a gold in there. There's a week up there.
kind yeah yeah Kyle, uh, was a year back when I was here, Kyle, uh, shoemaker. Yeah. Kyle shoemaker. You know, he's not a survivor, no mind. He'd be eating off the land. He ain't gonna be able to hunt. No, no, he is a dummy. I mean, respect to the probably dead, but he wasn't very smart. Oh, come on now. Kyle's good fellow. He probably figured he took some beans with him. He probably okay. Oh, why are you open with that? Of course he he's fine. He got how many can two, three. I mean, exactly yeah ah it's got to be at least two, three. Oh, you can ratchet that out over a week hour or let's go.
Yeah, I mean, I've always said the best Cowboys take beans with them so they don't die. If you take anything away from this podcast, it's that beans are the best for Cowboys. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Put this. Yeah. Put this. Put this on our other T-shirt. Beans keep Cowboys alive. yeah He would better be rooting, rooting, most importantly, tooting. Yeah. Beans keep Cowboys rooting. Most importantly, tooting. I lean over, I lean over from my horse to like kind of hold my hand out to him. I want to do like, uh, um, that, that meme from Arnold and that one dude from the, I think the predator when they clasped hands, you son of a bitch. Um, I clasped him like, thanks, Wesley. Hey, speaking of beans, you got any spare canes? I landed some fellers, uh, on their way to some do some danger. Man, I don't know. I mean, these ones I, I grew, I grew this can myself. So I, I guess I can give you what I got left in them.
weley I'll be much obliged. I'm trying to save the love of my life up there. Oh, hey, why didn't you say it was for live? Of course, you can have the beans. Fellas, bring this man your beans. It's it's like a real meaningful movement and like a movie where everybody just comes up with their beans like in a line. Yeah, they just all show up and they just like like just like put like beans in your in your horse bags, your saddle bag. And I'm just like teary-eyed, nodding at them all. Thank you. Yeah. And like somebody comes out with like a horn or like. I take Maverick's hat off my head and put it against my chest. I guess. And you see one guy goes for love. And then they put the beans in your saddlebags. And then and then one next to phone and another fellow, another grizzled fellow walks up to Maverick and says, are you here fighting for love, mister? I'm fighting for love and justice.
Yeah, well, mostly love. And he gives you his beans. Also, I paid off for a wrench, to be honest. He takes the key, takes the can back, cracks it open with a can opener and takes one bite out of it, then puts it back in your cellophane bags. He's been cleaning through that aluminum.
And so, yeah, just they just give you like probably at least 13 men's worth of beans. It's a pretty cool place that he worked at. I salute them. But that's true what they say. Once a once a timber man, always a timber man. God bless you boys and good luck out there. Keep your hands free from the saw blades and ah watch the fallen trees. And you hear you hear a whistle goes hip hip and then the whole crowd goes for a laugh. And they do that three times as you guys right away. Hooray.
No, it's for love, idiot. Give me my beans back. It's for love. No, I know right away. Damn, I never should have quit the timber business. I'll hunt you down to the ends of the earth, old man. I'll be next season. Yeah, and next season's villains is that guy that you like. He took my beans for me. He took my beans and didn't do the right champ. I hate that old man. All right, so you guys head off into Copper Gulch Mine. Yeah, it is a bit of a tight squeeze for your horses. It's probably unlikely to get that your horses through at least comfortably. It looks like there's just barely enough room for like a man like a six foot man to stand all the way up in it. Mm hmm. Then we'll do it uncomfortably. Yeah, we say we're not willing to try. I mean, I'll give it a try if you want me to, but it's going to advertise.
As a butternut says. That's your whole speak. Now just me throwing my voice. Well, we got to try and get them through. Otherwise we will walk in our way and to shortcut B for nothing. If not, OK. Roll survival rolls for the both of you to see if you can get your oasis through survival. So right. Or I roll a penny. Roll a Benny. You don't roll a Benny. You use a Benny. God, no wonder that beans guy hates you. Come on.
You never say anything, right, Adrian? Damn it. That's a 10. That's a 10. Yeah, that's true. So you do that. Very slowly, you get the horses to duck their heads, and they're squeezing through, and they're going to act. I'm going to try to really squeeze the horse so it becomes smaller. Yeah. your Your horses are like their butts are like scraping against the roof of the of the ah of the mine every so often or their asses are hitting the walls and shit as they try to come through. They're like trying to fight, you know, like pull out because they're scared of what's going on. They can hear their knees echoing off the fucking walls as they come in there. It's a very weird experience for them. OK, but here it is. More horses down there. They're happy. They want to see you. Oh, well, that makes you feel like fire a like the horse surfing. It's OK. it the okay It's not not OK.
Very much. And Kyle, Kyle, you in here, Kyle, Kyle, Kyle, no cows in here. Keep looking. Who's that? Not me. I mean, no one, one, one, one. Come on, we just foolishness, Kyle. You're going to run out of beans soon. Hey, boss, I don't think we should be in here, boss. It's kind of scary in here, don't you think there? But I'm not sure. but Daddy's talking. I don't know what he's talking. We're going to stitch the mind madness. Yes. Roll a couple more survival rules for me, boys.
15 at times a five 15 for cutter and a five for maverick. Yeah, you keep getting your oasis through little by little. They're kind of fighting you again. It's just a very uncomfortable situation for them, but they are working their way through it. Could I ask both of you to roll me a vigor roll as well? We go. Thank you. Just for funsies. I will have any.
Really burning through those bennies. You know, you can use them for more than just rerolls, right? No, never. You can use them to like be damaged. If you take a lot of damage. OK, I was going to say, you know, they're they're more for they're they're for more than just rolling. That's right. But we roll so bad. I say, boy, you guys really hate to not succeed. Sometimes it's funny. Sometimes it's funny if you let the dice fall where they are for sucky. And sometimes it's fun to fail, but not when you're trying to save all of your friends. You don't even know what, what I was having to roll a vigor roll for. I mean, it's probably something bad. No, I was just kind of to see how you're, how you're handling the, the mind. That's all. You know, for the mind madness is, is Justin footage. Yeah. I don't want to go mad. You're not going to go mad.
Um, then you hear from down the distance as you guys make your way through the mines. Hey, I wouldn't keep going that way if I were you. There's scary stuff out there. Kyle, Kyle, shut up. Come on, go back. Whizzly Pete's worried about you. Steve. Oh my God, Kyle, you drive me bananas. Wait, there is a cow here. Why do you keep lying to the guy? Shut up. He doesn't know that. No, Kyle's here. Kyle, you and your friend need to just cool it with the gold. Pete, Steve, wherever his name was, he's worried about you. Oh, man. I mean, what? At least run down the hill, tell him you're all right and come back up, get some more beans, kind of clear them out. You can maybe have one of my kids to come back. How's here? Sorry, he's looking for the wrong guy. Whoever is here, tell go down to Wesley Steve. You're all right.
All right. I mean, I'll tell him and I've never talked to a Wesley Steve. Um, can I do a notice or something to see if I recognize the voice as a guy? I remember from my days here. we a Seven. Never heard that voice in your life. Now a couple of things, but that don't sound like ky Kyle, Kyle Schumacher. He had like a different kind of voice. I can't, you just did another voice. So I can't remember what that sounded like. So he had but yeah different kind of voice. yeah Who that down there? What are you doing? What is your name then? Huh? ah
I say, what's your name? I'm the I'm the ah ghost of the mountain. Ooh. What the hell are you at? I'm everywhere because I'm a ghost.
I don't quite believe you. Yeah, well, I don't believe that you're. I don't know. I don't have anything. I come back. I just wanted to say something smart. But I don't believe you. Yeah. I don't have my gold. Yeah, I get him. He kind of goes. We don't want no cold gold. We just want to get through to save people. Yeah. ah You guys don't want my gold. No. No shit. Are you serious? Yes. Yeah. What are you even doing in here? Get out. Shortcut.
Yeah. What? Ain't no sure. Oh, right. I guess this does go most of the way to the mind, doesn't it? Yeah. Oh, you promise you don't want my gold? No, we don't want the promise. Kyle told me he didn't want my gold and then he tried to take my gold. Sounds like he was was an idiot. I mean, there's no Kyle here. Why don't you let him go? His friends are worried. Uh. Yeah. About that. He left a long time ago. Did you kill him? No. I don't know how to kill people. I'm a ghost. Did he go to Vegas? I don't know what Vegas is. It's in Nevada. Yeah. Where's that? It's a crappy little town. Don't go there. Right, I won't. I'm gonna stay here where all the gold is.
That's fine. But so pecy you see, we call it copper gold mine, but there's really a lot of gold. Man, why am I telling you? There's no gold in here. I'm just kidding. Would it be called a gold gold mine? I know it's a misnomer. OK, it's to keep people from wanting to come here. Hmm. What if somebody really wanted copper? Well, it's. It's too late to change the day now. You know, I won't be pretty disappointed if I would want corpine as a cop in here. I could. I mean, why would people want copper when gold's the shittier of the two? I mean, why would people come here for that? Because they need I mean, use school really that useful. No, but it's shiny and it makes it look like you're a you're a ghost of means. All right. Well, hey, what you said kind of left. Where'd he go? um Not to Vegas. I'll tell you that. All right. Now, where did he go?
Uh, he went to, uh, he went to freedom hollow. That's what he said. Yeah. Freedom hollow. Why the hell would he go there? I don't know. Something about like trying to get like a something that's special for some whistle. But boy, I think he has a crush on him or something. And he wants to get a bill, something expensive. I told him he couldn't have any of my gold, but he said, Hey, can I take some copper? I was like, fuck, take it. I don't want it. That's stupid. Why would anybody want copper? Why do I want that? Oh. All right, well, we're going to carry on through then. I wouldn't recommend it, though. There's some bad stuff out there. I mean, couldn't you as the protector of this mine not also protect us since you're also part of the mind now? You're not part of the mind. I'm the your mind right now. So we are part of the mind. I'm the Phantom of the copper. Yeah. died So you can protect us, right?
No, ghosts can't protect people. They just scare people. Yeah, and scare whatever it's like in this cave. There is not us. You know what? I'll do that. But you have to you have to solve a real. That's right. I'm not good at this kind of stuff. What's out there? It's so worrisome. What? You keep telling something's out there outside of the next other side of the mind. We talk about what we got to worry about. Well. ah
I'm a little socially awkward. So maybe you just don't want to go out there because there's people and you don't want to talk to them, right? All right. Hell, it is. But let's get moving. Come on, Maverick. Push it towards the truth. OK, let's go. All right. Here's your riddle. Wait, wait. Just that just just i please. This is like ever since Kyle left. This is the most social interaction I've gotten in a while. Well, quit pushing people away. Damn it. You're all about. Hey, don't get out of here. Scary things in the mind. You're like you're push people. You want somebody to come be with you? Don't run them off. It's just socializing is hard, but from this position, I could talk to anybody. I'm in control. And control the fault. The riddles. I am the keeper of riddles. We're going to keep walking. You better be yelling it pretty quick. Yeah. What can you put in the bucket to make it way less? Air. Oh, that's silly. You can't put air in a bucket. It had already weighs nothing. Nothing, you son of a bitch.
Oh, you know, what are you ways to save? You have to make the bucket way less. Holes. Oh, you got it. Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner. It's the whole a hole. A hole. Holes, guys. Good job. You know what? Here's some copper and they're just out of nowhere. where you Just see like a couple of like little chunks of like copper or just like rolls down. Thank you. I don't even pick it up. Hey, excuse me, sir. You're forgetting your copper. I'm saying I'm saving it for later. Yeah. and But you got to come back. You hope you guys are coming back. Yeah. Yeah. OK. Uh, well, hey, thanks for talking to me. No, sure no problem. You guys sure you you don't want to stick around for a while, maybe tell stories or. I mean, you could come out with us if you want, but we're not staying here. But I'm a ghost. All right, get at your ghost. Ghosts can go outside.
Well, not me because I could find here to divide where the gold lives. I mean, where the copper lives that nobody else wants. Bro.
I would have ideas for that, but we don't really have time for that. going to believe There's a lot of silly things in my head by now, but there's none of the time. Yeah. He's like, yeah, look, a look, ghost, any other time I'd love to fool around, but I can't read it. Any other time I go digging for gold, but I've talked to ghosts before, you know, just a little time right now. So you guys are just going to head out. Yeah. Are you sure you'll come back? You promise? Yes. OK, if you say so. You pinky swear. I pinky swear and I cross my fingers. All right, cool. If you see Kyle, tell him to come back and hag for a bit before he heads back to go give his present to Whizzle Boy or whatever his name was. Yeah, sure. Tell him the ghost of the vine says hi. I'll leave him a message.
I cool, thanks. What ah went what wait what was your names?
Uh, Qatar. Your name's Qatar? Um, I ever. All right, cool. Maverick, that's a cool name for a young guy. Not so much for an old dude. This sounds like a young man's name, you know, like that you call yourself like when you're young and hip and cool. I mean, it's pretty dark in here, but I look actually pretty young. ah No, listen, I could see perfectly in the dark and you look like you were on Death's Door by Fred. You might as well just stay here in the mind with me and be a ghost. He got you there, remember? I mean, it wouldn't be my first time at Death's Door. Well, he's got you there, ghost. Well. Got me there. I've I've I've been to Death's Door once and he kicked me straight to hell. So here I am. And I mean, I might as well be more of a ghost than you are.
Right. Just stay here. You be the ghost with me. We can be best friends. Never quit riling the ghost. Let's get out of here. Yeah. Please, please don't leave me. I'm so lovely. but Let's let's try to go faster. The club club goes. Roll another survival roll with another bigger role.
You got a four and bigger, more and bigger for cutter out to order survival. Six, seven and six. wow You guys are rolling high. Yeah. Do you do that? You do. You use it. You still you keep your strength. You keep your vitality and your and your and your horses straight in line as you keep them going through. You guys really should be bringing horses in here because they're going to shit everywhere. Oh, my God. Leave us alone.
And you guys finally make it out the other side. When we see as you exit, you can see maybe about a half a mile off in the distance. You can see like a big old town, um, big sprawling town with a couple of pretty big buildings inspires. You can see off in the distance. Um, and you see, as you exit, uh, you, as you're coming out from the backend, you can see like a little stream is kind of flowing up towards the entrance of the mine and it's flowing out of a large lake. Um, which separates you from what, what, what appear to be freedom hollow. If you were to take a guess, it looks even bigger than do that. Damn, it's a big place. Uh, we ain't going to tell a fun Kyle though.
but you go let's Let's find Kyle on our way back. But you guys said you would tell him, I said, hi. We will eventually say when he's probably safe and sound in the town, living in some hotel. Bye bye. All right. Have a nice day. I'll try. um And you guys, ah you guys exit. So while you're doing that, let's go to Finn and her a little gaggle of fun people. Then you guys are riding out of doo dad heading in the direction that they said the bad guys went, which is technically out to the West.
Um, but I believe that, uh, but, uh, Punky had contacted you and said, Hey, you have to find cutter and Maverick. Uh, what do you do? Um, she is going to, she's going to run or she's going to use the horse and run through lost hopes Canyon. I think I want to do that because I want. Well, because sinners Canyon mines going to be all busted, but she wouldn't know that. But then there's that river that runs up along, huh? Lost hopes Canyon is still there. Just the, the mine itself has collapsed. Yeah. Yeah. I feel like that's what she would do. It would run. It would be to ride up through lost hopes Canyon and then around.
to dole town or still town. All right. You um you make your way up through Lost Canyon mine. um And as you guys are riding, you as you come ah up on the other side, it's probably taking you probably a good 20ish minutes to kind of get through the whole entire canyon as it continues upward. The elevation is changing a little. um But then as you guys are reaching the crest of the hill to flatten out towards where Crimson Lake is, You can see that there are a couple of people standing there. They have like a little bit of a blockade up there, like a bunch of boxes and um crates and stuff stacked up and like a wagon turned to the side. And you see one guy kind of hops off the wagon goes, whoa, whoa, whoa there, are kids. Hey, this is no safe place for kids. You this place was collapsed a little bit ago. You guys need to turn back around what you came from. But we have to get through here, sir.
Um, do I shoot them? Oh, I don't have my gun. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Kids. Okay. Look, no shooting needs to be involved. And a little girl. Look, this is not a safe place for you to go. And I'm going to ask that you need to turn around. and know and if they Well, let's just say that there's some, um, there's some bad people up here. Uh, and there was like a landslide earlier. And, you know, we're just trying to make sure that no more people get hurt or go towards where the bad people live. You know, so we were ordered to kind of keep this place kind of sectioned off. But I have to go save my dad. ah Who's your who's who's your dad? Well, maybe I can tell you if he even came through here. He was stolen by by somebody mean and his name is Punkenstein. That's that's a fancy name.
What's a punk in Stein? I've never heard anything like that before. He's a guy that blows. He's a guy that blows up towns. No, he does not. He's a very good man. He's very brilliant. and He knows how to do the very most brilliant things. What on earth are you? yo ah Look, I'm sorry, little girl, but I can't let you come back here. Wait a minute. And he kind of like thinks for a second and then like is his partner jumps down. um And he's like, he's kind of a bigger dude with kind of a scraggly beard. And he's like, like hey, wait a minute. Ain't that the the crazy guy with the big, you know, the big mustache? Oh, damn. Wait, you know, you know, he's, you know, he's usually in like a funky little chair wheeling around. He's always yelling weird stuff about touching his mustache. Yes, that's him. That's your dad. Yes, that's my dad.
And you see like that just kind of like gets in like a bit of like a like a prowling stance and starts to like bark a little bit like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Listen here. Little little doggy and nothing, you know. And like they both kind of get off their wagon and kind of approach you guys a little bit and he goes, you know what? Why don't you come with us? maybe yeah Actually, I might know exactly where your daddy is. So why don't you just come on with us? And my dad never my dad always said never talk to strangers and you're a stranger. And I'm going to say no. And you hear brave time that he goes, yeah, so back to back to fuck up, mister. um And he goes, whoa, OK, OK. And and and a Dutch just starts getting like, you know, showing her teeth and you hear a ravey. The weird is like, ah hi, these guys are scaring me. Can we can we.
Can we not do can we let's just fly out of here. Let's just get away. Yeah, let's go away. Let's run out of here. So are you trying to turn around or trying to run through where they are? We're going to turn around and well, and well, no, I'm going to say we're going to take off through them, like try to just run really fast and stuff. Yeah. OK, do a quick ah do a quick riding roll. Um, to see how you do with that. If you don't have a, I don't know if you have a right role, then that will be an unskilled one, I guess, which might make sense. Yeah, I'm eight. You're Uh,
but then i can oh so what she's going to do is she's going to do, uh, cause havoc where, uh, she can cause a distraction. All right. What does that look like and how do you do it? So she is going to press her pointer fingers together and her thumbs together and make a like a diamond shape. She's going to close her eyes and concentrate really hard. And next thing you know, like a rainbow is going to like come from her and an army of unicorns is going to come running through and past them causing a distraction.
Okay. Um, that is a very interesting image. Just took me a second and kind of think like, all right, what's that going to look like? And how's that going to go? What technology did Punky install in this girl for that to look like that? uh yeah sure you're maybe like some sort of something or other like drops on the ground and kind of form some sort of like image of like just unicorns running everywhere and the guys like go ahead it looks like she has uh projectors on her helmet so there is a possibility that
um that he and ah installed like a projector in her helmet to make it look like there's unicorns running past people. Sure, sure. that' Sure, let's go with that. ah So, do you have to roll for that? Is that a spell that you have to do? Yeah, it's a spell. ah Is that weird science, I think? I got a four. All right, you got a four. Wait, sorry. so Was I supposed to roll the damage or just the die? Just to roll to cast the spell, I think. um That works like this. I got a for sure. That's fine. um So ah you cast Distraction um and ah they are just all sorts of confused. They're like, but what the hell? And they just aren't like, what and the fuck? And they just kind of pull up the gun and just start shooting. It's very alarming. I don't know if Finn has ever heard gunshots before.
But these guys are just like, what the hell are we looking at? And they're trying to fire away at these guns at these at these projections that you're shooting off from your little laser hat. um And Bray was just like, I don't know what's going on here, but I think we should run for it. Let's go. Go. Yes, let's go. Let's go now. Hi, you got it. And then like like maybe or maybe flies away from you guys. This is like flies off. You guys catch up. I'll be over here. I believe in you. Like it he flies over and Duchess falls behind you guys like leaps over top of the over top of the the crates and such that they had blocking on the sides of the cart. And he goes, oh, damn it, they're getting away shit. um And you guys are kind of being pursued. But like these guys are heavily distracted right now and have a hard time even seeing where they're going.
um But you have made it past these guys without without getting hurt or hurting them. Good job. What do you do? Hey. We're going to continue riding towards Still Town. All right. We're going to go around Crimson Lake and then ah make it as far as we can towards Still Town. Uh, yeah, so you are riding around Crimson Lake. It's a rather large lake. Um, you ride past this place called Badville as well, uh, which doesn't seem so bad. Um, and, uh, as you're riding your way, you come across, uh, a really big city, uh, a massive town, like above the mountains. I wouldn't say it's like a huge city, but a big enough town for what you're probably used to. Um, you see like two big towers off in the distance as you're approaching. It's a real big.
Big town across one of the towers as you approach is a big a big ah flag on it. um And it says welcome to Freedom Hollow, where freedom lives. um Whoa. you Yeah. Oh, hey, we should go buy some freedom before we head to this doll town. Go we can buy freedom. That's weird. I mean, I guess why else would they call it that? Do they probably sell freedom there, right? Uh, maybe. I mean, we could go check. Maybe they have guns. Do you think they'll sell guns to kids and freedom hollow? I would guess anybody's allowed to have guns. I'm going to, I'm going to highly say no. I don't know. What do we do? I don't have my gun anymore. We don't need a gun.
what What are you talking about? We don't need that. You don't listen. Why don't we need a gun? There's bad people. You said yourself, your dad, because I have I have stuff that's more powerful than a gun anyway, so it's fine. Oh, you could you can make unicorns appear. OK, how does that help? That's not going to hurt anybody. Well, you just wait because you don't have no idea. Like I can make all sorts of things happen. It's just fine. Fine, like, are you even allowed to fight people? Do you even know how to fight people? No, I have superpowers. I don't need to fight people. They can't even come near me because I'm so powerful. You have no idea. Uh-huh. Okay. All right, fine. As long as that works for everybody and not just you because I'm kind of going in without my gun and that's all I have.
Well, as long as you are next to me, then you will be protected too. It's fine. You keep saying it's fine, but okay. I mean, right now we have bad people chasing us with guns, which that's never happened to me before. Well, I have protection skills, so it's fine. I can take it somewhere that people can either come near us or hurt us. Okay, if you say so. um But I need a gun. I need something to defend myself if I get separated. You don't need a gun. I'm going to tell you this so many times. Punkin Science said kids don't have guns. Guns are bad. Guns are bad for bad people and bad for bad good people too. It's fine. It's not good.
You keep saying it's fine, but you're not making me believe it anymore. The more you say it, I mean, OK, I mean, this has to be. Oh, my God. Watch. And she like takes there's like these little vials that are on her belt that she has around her waist and they look like little ah circular um glass vials. And she just kind of tosses one and it explodes and it's got glitter everywhere.
Um, me ah you threw glitter? What is that? It's a glitter bomb. It's a glitter glue bomb. And then look, watch. And as you see, there's like a bug that's trying to walk through where she threw the glitter bomb and it's stuck. See, they can't even come near us.
Hey, you know what? OK, fine. I guess we'll move on from Freedom Hollow. I've just thought it would be cool for me to get a gun. Maybe a smaller one. I need a gun. No, it keeps saying that you sound just like my parents. Yeah, because my dad says that to me all the time. Guns are bad. Well, if I had a gun when those people burned down the the the naughty house, then, you know, maybe they wouldn't have burned down the naughty house. Were you talking about Dottie House? So weird. You know that the place that was on fire where the adults go that were. Yes, Miss Rinshouse. Yep. Her health is a naughty. She's a good person. I'm just saying if I had a gun, I could have helped protect the house. That's all.
Oh, but I highly doubt that. That's you're just a little guy. You're just a kid. Kids can't do it. It's fine. And then like Ravi lands like on top of his head, he got up and he's like, it's true, kid. You and you and her, you're both little kids. You should be shooting people. Sorry. Hi. Yeah, exactly. And like, like, like, brave just kind of like freezes like for a second because he's never had a bird on his head before. He's like, What is that? Who is this? What's happening to me right now? It's like, oh, hi. It's my pet Whoa, whoa, whoa. I have no one's pet. We're friends. We're equal but equals. We're equals. Oh, you're my friend. You called me your pet. Does that mean that you're my pet? Yes. Oh, I have a pet. Hi. That's cool. All right. I'll be your pet and you'll be my pet. All right. Okay. I like that. That's fun. Yeah, me too.
um And ah cutter and maverick as you guys are ah leaving copper gulch mine after that um Encounter with what could be a ghost delightful conversation It's delightful conversation with a potential ghost. ah You guys are a skirt and pass freedom hollow. ah And you see another traveler kind of like sauntering on the road, kind of bickering back and forth with a large dog running alongside them. You see two kids, one of them wearing like a real big kind of theme, punky looking octopus unicorn helmet on.
um and a bird kind of perched on top of another little boy's head. Maverick, you would recognize the little boy from town. Oh yeah, right. um You might not recognize the little girl so much, but you definitely recognize the little boy from town. I was also thinking that I would have seen the bird before as well, right? i Did you meet the little bird? I can't remember. I can't remember. I mean, he's a raven, so like, I don't know how well you can differentiate ravens. But I mean, I guess seeing a raven would be kind of like an interesting clue that, yeah you know, you know, yeah, I was going to say he might recognize a punkenstein style raven. Yeah, it has a mohawk and everything. Yeah. Kids, how the kids want you all to be well you down here by yourselves. Get on home, you little fellas lady. I say my dad.
Who are you i remember you? You're the bearded guy. Oh, my God, I found you guys. Oh, my gosh, I'm so glad. And she walks up and she hugs Maverick at at the legs. Oh, I'm so glad I found you guys. I have been looking for you everywhere. I was sent to find you guys. Sent by who? By my dad, Frankenstein. Ah.
You know my dad, Pinkenstein? He said that you know him. Yeah. And you're one of his. I'm his daughter. OK.
um He's in trouble. you I need to go find him. We all do that. And you guys. stay either and do that or maybe you can go to Freedom Hollow because you should go to Dalton. I don't want to. I want to go help save my dad. How would you help us save your dad? I have lots of things. I have spells that could protect everybody.
Oh, that's very nice. Yes. Watch. She like throws another glitter glue bomb. Oh, and that's like that's very pretty. Did you make that yourself? That's very nice. Why don't you show some of the folks in town? but hey last plant how will like them ill I'll have to show them after we say my dad. Oh, well, I'm sure the people in town so yeah i are late. You guys are riding on horses too early. We have one horse on one horse. OK. Oh, hey, Mr. Maverick. you Remember me? Yeah, I remember you. What are you doing out here? Well, I'm here to I'm I'm brave. That's why I'm here. I'm going to help save this girl's dad. I am, kid. You put on that fire and you come out here. You got some you got some grit to you.
Yeah. Yeah, but don't tell my dad I came out here. I was going to I was going to say you're brave and make him feel good about himself. We already said he's brave, so it's not going to have the same effect. Yeah. I like take my sheriff badge and I'm going to like give it to brave. Yeah. Take this. Somebody needs to like go back to do that and like look out for those people there. a What? Really? I mean, yes, of course. So I didn't think I get one till I was 18. Early enlistment, boy. Yeah. So what you want me to you. ah But I drove all the way out here. I rode all the way out here. You want me to go back to to do that? I am very tired. We got to go save my dad.
I mean, you kids, I guess right with us, but just be careful. Stay back when people start shooting and everything. Give me a gun. You guys have extra guns? You're not getting a gun, kid. Not give him a gun. I keep telling him, kids do not get guns. Yeah, kid, no matter how balls they are. Oh, yeah, no, no guns for you. You'll need to grow older. Your own probation is your sheriff duties and go. What about what about like a lasso or some dynamite or maybe, um I don't know, like a sharp sticker, a sword? We already know. Let's not give him any dynamite. How about we just give him like a stick and then we call it a sword? OK. All right. Look around like a stick.
uh you find a stick we're gonna give it to him see this is your sword now mr maverick my dad said that he had your bird and it's fine he's trying to make sure how to figure out how to save it yeah wait he's talking he's talking to you yeah he sent me like a Like a message? A bird, I'm probably right. Yeah, bird. You send you a bird. window No, it's my helmet. No, yeah. Whatever happened. Either way. but Is Bathie okay to tell you about Bathie? No, he didn't tell me anything about Bathie. I forgot. i I was like really confused about everything. And then I, the next time he calls me, I'll ask. Okay. Mr. Cutter, I'm very glad that I found you guys. Yeah. Where's Rynn? I'm glad that they're fine. These for now.
Where's Ren at?
Where's Ms. Ben? Let's talk about it later. We need to get to Daltone first. No, I need to make sure that she's not with Mr. Pinkesign because then that way that's not another person I have to save. And then I won't have to try to find both of them at the same time. And then I'll be be able to just like see if she can help us, help him. and Hi, hi, hi. Hi. Hi. Oh, Mr. Maverick. Enough with the bird bird, please. Just you okay. Enough with you. Okay, Finn, you sound like you're getting worked up. Oh, no, I'm not getting worked up. I just want to make sure that I'm going to be able to save my friends. Where's my ring? I look at Maverick and try to get a read on how he's feeling about what we should tell.
the kid. ah And I give him like a kind of sign like a no sign. Wow, we we we lost track of her kid. You see, ah maybe she is up there with with your dad. ah So what to go find out and go from there, huh? Oh, does she already go to look for him and to help him find him to save him? Uh, yeah, yeah, she went, she went somewhere off on her own for sure. Oh, okay. Oh, if, if she's already on her way, then I'm just going to go to freedom hall and follow and wait. I mean, that's always a fine. Yeah. Are we going to freedom hollow? I can go buy a gun there. You were not going to buy a gun. I swear to God, you're not going. but
You know, at first it was annoying that he kind of asked for a gun, but it's like, it's so annoying, it's it's funny again. I went around in a small circle. Yeah. I'm at an impasse here. as ah As a player, I know I don't want a cast stuff to go to the town and not do anything. As a character, I want a little girl to go to the town and not do anything. Yeah. um
Well, I guess that's smart, kid. You go to the town, freedom hollow.
So you can find a guy named Kyle. Hey, go give her a side quest. Yes. Find a guy named Kyle. What do you look like? Red hair, I think, is is shoemakers his last name. Look for him like jewelry stores or something. He's looking for some shiny jewelry, I think he said. Well, what he where do I need to find him for? Uh, like brave nudges you and he's like, because it's important to save your dad. He's probably someone who's like going to help us lay siege to downtown. Oh, that's a great idea. Well, brave, we're going to do that while you guys are in town. So I mean, yeah, we're going to get that done. Oh, wait. So he's not going to help you fight the downtown bad guys. Why would you lie to me? That's really mean. I really need to go find my dad.
would Well, aren wherering is it this is always good. Come on, we ain't no time to waste. I start trotting off again. Come on, kids. Jesus. um Be careful. I have a question. um What was your name, little girl? My name is Finn. Okay. Can I have one of these glitter bombs?
it' true No, because they're like special to me and I like, you know, I made it myself and they're like super awesome and I just really like them and you can't have any. But I might use them to save a dad. But then that means I get to go with you.
A part of you will go with me if you give them to me. No, because they only work for me. That's unfortunate. We're all going to go together, Mr. Maverick. I'm a sheriff now. Let's go save... Yeah, we're going to go save Punkenstein. All right, fine. Just make sure to not get shot. I will try not to.
let's Let's be in a way we waste enough time. Don't worry though because I have so many things that will make it so that I can't get hurt and nobody can't hurt me ever ever ever because I have so many things that Frankenstein put on my body that I am like so awesome and Nobody be able to hurt me. Nobody would come close to me You mean like those little tentacles on your head
Kind of. You mean like those little tentacles on your head? And you see like those horn on my hat? It makes it so that people can't even see me. It's like, whoo, where did she go? I don't know. It was a distraction.
Wow. I can see you are in front of me. Well, yeah, because I haven't activated it yet. Duh. How long have you been alive, kid? I'm only eight. How long have you been alive? You look ancient. I do not look ancient. I'm twenty five. Twenty five. Wow. How old are you, Mr. Maverick? I know you're like super, super old. You should be like mommy by now. You know, I'm like 80 something. You're like 80-something? Oh my god, you you should be like dead already. That's weird. That's really old. You know, people would think so, but I'm not. ah Did you like have sex with the demon and make it so that you can do it forever? How did you know that? How is this little girl saying it? I was not weird with that little girl. I'm just fucking with you. She doesn't say that. Brave is like, grave was Brave is like, what the fuck are you talking about?
yeah I'm just fucking with you. She doesn't do that. And then and then Finn and then ah Brave pulls a fucking grenade out of his pocket and just blows up this whole podcast. yeah That's weird. ah let you see that right ah Jesus. um Hello, Mr. Mavic. You must be Eddie Santa. Did you have sex with that demon or something? ah um I heard that some people live forever as a fucking demon. My daddy told me all about it. He said, don't play with guns, but I can talk about fucking demons. I mean, that's normal, right? Do you know what a fucky-buss is? I love fucky-by. Incubusar culture. It was too... Yeah, it was there. I had to. Did you ask that that demon was so bad? You know, maybe Pakistan did like a mistake that he like...
It slipped his mind like a rice memory. He's like, oops, I downloaded everything from the brothel. ah Oh, it's probably fine. She won't even know what she's talking about. Oh, damn it. Oh, Google, you forgot to put the filter on her. Damn it. Oh, fuck. Oh, hung die I'm done. All So you guys are standing.
Uh, you guys are leaving now. right Yeah. and Yeah. I started trying to win when I started to be going kids. OK, so after that conversation that didn't happen, you guys are running away um following the river towards ah the stream towards all town. As it runs down, you guys go upstream um and then you get to another roadblock. um You see that there are several like makeshift like battlements I'm built alongside the stream and alongside the road that goes along with it. um And you see that there are several men look like they haven't showered in quite some time. They're very stinky. Oh, unwashed man. um no my i didn' yeah yeah nightmare unwashed Oh, my word. Nightmare. Oh, don't come near me. kind of flash man Don't don't hug me. Don't get me your sweat all over.
Um, so you guys see, uh, probably about like four or five guys that was a four, um, standing on either side of these two little kind of makeshift like battlements out of like crates. And they have like a couple of like other boxes stacked up and like some woods. It's kind of like holding it all together and everything. And that gives them like a little place where they can kind of like put the pointer guns over top of it. No, I guess the end of the line for you, softy. All right. Are you back inside of them? Oh, they can see you. Oh, yeah. Oh, How wide is this? It's like a forest suicide. It's like a way to like go around there. I mean, you could potentially go around them, but not without opening yourself up to gunfire first. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, because they're on either side of the stream. ah So you either have to go through the more around them. But yeah, I mean, you could. But yeah, it would be a dangerous move to do. Yeah. It's like a way we can like take cover.
is There's not really anything out where you guys are. You're kind of out in the middle of nowhere, just following like a road in a stream. There's not really much else there except for what they have out. So they're the only ones that really have cover at this juncture. OK. And they point their guns out. They got a couple of rifles pointed over top of the over top of the battlements. And the one yells out as you guys come in, if you like, it's the end of line for you, softy. What do you do? ah Oh man, um I want to try and so sneakily get the last stick of dynamite out of my thing and light it.
You're going to try to sneak it and light it and then throw it. Yeah. All right. I would say that you sneakily get out of your pocket and they don't see it, but you're going to really have to roll pretty high if I can be able to light it so without them saying you take a match, strike it, and then hold it up to the thing or have it spark and then throw it. I'll distract him and he can do that. I was going to say that's that's going to be that's it. I'm doing it as a distraction. guess That's a tall order. So you're gonna light dynamite as a distraction. I'm gonna cover our tracks with it I'm gonna pull throws at them once it blows we get up that hillside out and through the forest try losing the trees or fight down on them from of the trees we have to but Kids follow may ever come to heal. I'll be right behind you. Just a second. Do you want my unicorns to distract them? I
uh... maybe later we'll have the unicorn tech amount but that's well let me know because i can have the unicorns come out describe them and they won't even see you Oh, yes. Well, when we're I'm just my last dynamite. So, yeah, we'll do it. But we can't talk too much. Get ready to go. ah ah Hey, enough with a softy crap, you sons of bitches. I'm going to do my next. time I didn't I felt they see me lighten it. I just thought real quick you could say you could fail. You're like enough with the stuff. I didn't feel delighted effectively. I failed to do it sneakily. So they see me lighting a oh thing. Yep. And I did just draw cards because it looks like you're about to start some shit.
um And so it is your turn. You. are You. Well, actually, growing I forget. i Actually, no, I lied. It's their turn because hearts come before clock I got a second cop. I wrote I wrote two cards for you as a four to eight. I gave you the eight. OK. Way ahead of you there, big guy. So they have a ten of hearts. You have a ten of clubs. Maverick has an eight of hearts and Finn has a three of hearts. um And you don't have you don't have any extra things that give you different cards, do you? yeah I don't think so. OK, cool. All right. So you like you light that thing up and they're like, oh, shit. And um I thought you said bagel. Huh? I thought you said bagel instead of OK, cool.
You thought I said bagel instead of a fun response bagel. Yeah, it is bagel. I got you. I got you a new shirt bagel bagel. All right. OK, so sorry, guys, these these guys got the first roll as you let up that dynamite. They're going to try to shoot you and see if they can drop that dynamite in your vicinity instead of let them try. There's four of them. They're going to try all right. They're just little cow pokes, though. So You know, just to divvy it up, I don't think they're going to shoot at kids. I think that they're really into like taking down cutter and and maverick because they know that maverick is like a famous bounty hunter. um He was always bounty hunting. He's always been hunting. Yeah. um So I'm going to you know what? ah You know, a cutter roll a D4. OK.
And whatever you roll will be what shoots at you. And then the rest shoot a maverick. moment remember a ever memory One, one. all the rest you i just You know, like it wouldn't be

Climactic shootout and strategic maneuvers

that. I mean, I guess if they they they want to kill a bounty hunter, but yeah, like they probably got one guy that remembers me. Yeah, you know what? That's probably for the best. ah Maverick has a pretty decent toughness, although I think yours is pretty decent, too, right? I have here' a shitty kind of only person who doesn't have like stacked up shit. I don't know. yeah I don't know if it necessarily is supposed to distribute across your whole body or just as they shoot you in the chest piece. how they look Well, I do have they do have like parts of mine. Mine is like torso and arms. from My answer anyway. So yeah. So one's going to shoot at you. One of three are going to shoot at Maverick.
First one is going to be at you with a rifle. Oh man, they whiff. Fucking wide shot. They suck buttholes. Um, deflection on him and it bounces off. Yeah, that happened. yeah i have to flex yeah Yeah, but can you cast it out of turn? No.
ah you can't just you can't pass it as as Okay, then sure yeah, we can say just for that like a little sprinkling of something just for like a funny little trapping um So that's one on met one hit on Maverick No, miss on Maverick and a miss on Mavericks only one of them actually has a chance to do any derma gia And the other one missed cutter completely. So only one of them gets a shot. ah But they do eights of damage, which apparently is not enough to cut through whatever thick-ass body armor jacket maverick wearing um So yeah 90 bounty hunter outfit name. Yeah, they they missed apparently so They suck kind of your turn. You still have the dynamite you're in your end like what all the shots go wide You see like a little glimmer of glitter every once in a while that kind of deflects the bullets somehow What the hell am I shiny get this out of here? I throw my dynamite to fuck that bullshit
Benjamin, nine. Nice. Nice. Oh, my shoulder. That's right. You throw a dynamite. Which battle meant do you throw it at? um I just kind of throw it, try and throw it centrally, not even really at them, just kind of maybe it's even in front of them. So they like kicks up a bunch of cloud and shit in front of us. I can't see anything. OK. OK. OK.
I'm trying to think of how much damage to make that dynamite do because I just don't know how much damage dynamite does in this game you know You know what why don't we ah You know what we'll call it let's call it for now, but just go I don't delay the game any further let's call it I two Two is three eights, what's called three the eights? Let's do that three Three D of them but now it has like a semi-wide radius but if you're throwing it in the middle and it's gonna like some of that's gonna get absorbed by the
by the battlements. um So 13 damage kind of spread across all those guys. I would say it probably blows the majority of the battlements like the sides were like the where the dynamite falls away. So like they lose a big chunk of their cover. Like two of those dudes are kind of like knocked down on the blast. um So two of them are on the ground. The other two are hiding behind what's left of the battlements. But you have removed a significant chunk of their cover. um And we'll say that two of them are shaken from from that from that shake up. um Are you going to move anywhere? You're still on a horse. um I didn't say I was going to follow them up the hill. um So at least for the sake of the story, can I say ill as a reaction, I wait till they run up the hill into the woods and I'll follow. Well, I don't know what woods you're talking about. I don't know if there's any. eventually There was trees on on the one side of us. A stream. There's a stream that they are following. but no knows it the real the only side The only thing on the other side of you was a bunch of mountains.
like the other the backside of the the copper Gulch mine. Well, we can't get up in there at all. i don just finish him off Now, it's just open. It's just open air out here in the plains of Montana where you guys are at right now. um
Well, the upper plains, I should say, like you're in a higher elevation, but it's still flat up there beyond like the actual mountain peaks. I guess then I dismount and hope butternut runs back far enough out of the way and I get behind a rock or some. Ain't no rocks to hide behind, brother. I lay down flat on the ground then. There you go. I was going to say, there's nothing to hide behind except for what little shit they have out there um with my rifle e gun cutter or a maverick. It's your turn. What do you do? I like ah stand still on my horse and I'm going to shoot at the two people that are lying on the ground. You're going to do a multi shoot. Yeah. You have a skill for multi shoot. I can't remember.
I honestly don't as well. I have a marksman skill. And. What does that mean? That does something I don't think you don't move in a turn of fires, no more than a rate of fire. You may add plus one to athletics or shooting if you skip a whole turn and just take time to aim. That's what marksman is. So, yeah, so it would be a it it would be a minus two to both shots if you want to shoot two guys. Yeah, yeah. Uh, but yeah, go for it. Now. Are you shooting at the ones

Retreat and protective strategies during battle

that are on the ground? There's probably some rule about shooting guys on the ground, but I can't remember what being prone does. I'm pretty sure it makes you throw away from the ground, but Jesus Christ. Well, you missed one, but you definitely hit the other one. It's a five minus two is a three, but you rolled a 21. That is more than plenty. So roll your damage plus your, whatever your bonus damages.
That is a lot. That's 17 of damage. That's 17 is worth of death for that guy. um So yeah, there is definitely, man, I got to look up what the rules are for prone. I think it's like a minus two if you're on the ground, but that's still more than enough to hit him. Um, so yeah, you, uh, uh, uh, you fucking obliterate that guy on the ground. Like he gets knocked over by the blast of the dynamite. And like, as he's kind of reeling from, from being knocked over, just like a carbine bullet, just like pierces his ass and puts him into the dirt. Um, good shit. Uh, do you move at all? And I continue on riding because that's how it hit me. All right. Uh, Finn, what do you do?
Finny, Finny, Finny. What do you do? Finny, baby? You're muted. What do you do? Damn it.
ah She's going to look at brave and go, let's get out of here and let the adults handle this. You don't need to be getting shot at. Well, I don't have a gun. I don't want to get close enough to try to hit him with a stick at this. I do. Man, you should have let me have a gun. You don't need a gun. Yeah, I do. No, you don't. OK, well, then what are we doing? Where do we go? We're running away. OK, bye, Mr. Manfred. And you guys right away. Mm hmm. OK, you just turn around and flew away. Good call. Good call. As you guys run away, do you do anything else? You just right in the opposite direction. We're probably headed towards ah Freedom Hollow.
OK, you guys turn around. Excellent. OK, so we're back to the top of the order. New cards were drawn. The bad boys draw a nine of Clerbs. Oh, I forgot to give Maverick another one. Well, I guess you probably want the eight instead of the two. yeah um And you know what? ah Maverick roll a d4. How many will shoot at Maverick?
Yes, I agree. We'll shoot people alive. Oh, yeah. Well, I don't know what a D3, you know what a D4 was just if it was a four, I'll make it up. But three are going to shoot at you. Apparently none of them want to shoot a cutter right now. They're all very angry at you for killing their friend. One second, there was dust in the air and a guy and a horse in the next second. I'm laying on the ground. I can't even see me. That's true. Crazy. All right. One shot. Miss two shot hit. Three shot hit. Uh, what is your, well, nevermind. It doesn't matter. Cause it's four. So one of them just completely whips is you're riding around on your house. Um, can't hit you for shit. Uh, the other guy is gonna, again, they're trying to sharpshoot your ass. Uh, one guy only does fives of damage. So he just wings your jacket. Nothing fucking bullshit. Uh, second guy does 14 plus one damage. So 15.
Oh, no. I think that only shakes you, right? Right.
Adrian, I'm talking to you. Oh, to me. i don't Sorry, I was thinking you were talking to Justin. No, he's there shooting you. and That takes me, yeah. That shakes you. Okay. i good love Calculating. Does that like wound cutter? Oh, it definitely wounds cutter for sure. I was shooting a cutter, but they're shooting to you. ah Yeah. So Maverick gets winged. ah You know, he. I don't know what happens. I'd say that gets close enough that it cuts a chunk of his a little chunk of his beautiful white beard and shakes maverick maverick rule and athletics roll, please. No, let it roll. That's a four. That's a four. Almost falling off his horse. He catches his grip and pulls himself back up on and prepares to take a shot. And as he's getting ready to
ah To do that, ah you hear a really loud alarm going off in the distance, like, whee! Whee! um And Maverick, it's your turn. um need it First, I need to un-shake. Un-shake, shake, shake that booty. That's a success. Oh, you un-shake big time, my guy. You un-shake, shake, shake. then I'm going to shoot twice again at the people there. and Do two and two. All right. You're riding around, taking two shirts. Go for it. That's two. I miss. That's a hit. That's a zero. And a nine minus two is a seven. Yeah. One of them is definitely a hit a Rooney on those guys. um Go ahead and roll Dermage. That's a six. ah Yeah.
Huh? It's enough to it's enough to shake one of them. You shoot one and kind of like kind of like it bounces off the off the like ah a thin piece of wood that like he was hiding behind and it kind of like decks against him for a minute. He's like, oh, shit. And he kind of like he kind of like looks like he's kind of dizzy for a moment. You definitely kind of rattled him. If you move closer, do you move farther away? What do you do? um I guess moving far away would be a good idea. All right. You're right out of the way to kind of make it harder for him to try to hit you. Finn, it is your turn. You're riding away towards Freedom Hollow. What do you do? She's going to try to send a protection spell to um Maverick.
She has Arcane Protection.
And then I think I just roll smarts, right? I think you roll your weird science yeah so we had science skill. ah yes So she's going to look at her hat and she's going to put her hands to her head since Brave is driving the the horse. ah She's going to put her hands to her hat and she's going to concentrate really hard. She's going to look at Maverick in her scope ah that's on like the one side of her her hat and send a protection spell.
Nevermind, she's too far away. Oh, nevermind. Well, what's it look like when you're trying to shoot it? What does it look like? It looks like a rainbow, like just shoot straight out of the back of her head. What is it actually that we're using? Because it's not technically magic. It's some sort of science fiction. What would she technically be shooting to protect him with? What is it that we could say? Just the protection. A condom. It's like a dull glow that protects a character around them. And she's are not really explaining it. We're just a rainbow. It's just a rainbow that protects people. OK. Yeah. I don't know. I was just trying to. think It almost looks like a like one of those bubbles that you get on World of Warcraft or like any video game that has like a priest that is able to put bubbles around them. That's basically what it is. But it looks like a rainbow.
It's like a shimmery rainbow bubble that like you're. Yeah. um ah You know what we'll say like the bubble. the It's a it's like a little seeking bubble, but maybe it misses because Mavericks moving too fast on his horse. Yeah. And Braves like ah you missed you got you. I thought you said you could protect anybody you missed. She's give slaps him. Ah, I was just kidding. Damn, I thought girls like being picked on now. And I will kick you right off this horse. Uh uh. So. ah Cutter, you're up. You rolled the six. What do you do? Fuck yeah, I did. I would like to level off a shot at the most appropriate target relative to my position. Most appropriate target. ah Yeah, you can do that, I would say. um Go ahead and roll that just one.
Yeah, brother, it's all like an oh I move my last. I have marksman as well, but I move my last turn, so I don't get any points for not moving. Oh, that's right. So I'm going to roll my shoe. I would say the one that's most advantageous to shoot is probably the one that was kind of that got shook up by Maverick. He's kind of like fell out of cover. OK, I'm going to finish him off then give me the sho but who at and of shooting. An eight for shooting. ah That is enough to wound the fellow because he was already shaken, thus slaying that man. And he goes, oh, no, my cover. Oh, no, my life.

Chase and conclusion of the battle

And he falls over ah unconscious and potentially that was my background on my day withdrawal, right? ah Oh, yeah, you didn't roll on his tag. You know what? I'm just going to accept it because I already said all this stuff happened.
um If you said it must have happened, yeah, I narrated it thereel things are car three take the eight oh i know as with the minus two gets No, it doesn't have a minus two already on it. I didn't move yeah You know what? We'll say you kill them. It's fine. You know what you shot him. He's dead. That's your role. That wasn't your damage It's fine. He was dead. Anyway, I was just gonna have an anvil fall out of the sky and crush him next year Whoa, Looney Tunes, but yeah bang I shoot at that yeah you got them Dead skis Uh, yeah, back at the top of the order, though, the bad guys rolled a 12. Oh, and they see you cutter. And they're like, Oh, this guy. Fuck that guy. So we're just going to do two on you and one on Maverick. No, I'm just a hat laying on the ground. is You don't see me. Roll for roll for hat illusion. All right. One for cutter. They whiffed it. Two for cutter. Damn. One for one for Maverick. Fiverr.
So Maverick's the only one that they hit. If you're trying to dust my hat, you're doing a good job. Well, no, one of them just died. There's only two left. So actually, they both shot at Cutter. Right. He forgetting because I quite cartoonishly let that guy die. Never mind. Oh, they they both whiffed it hardcore. And you know what? They decide to run away with their turn. They're like, you know, what fuck this. And they try running away and looking for the horses that are kind of in the shade of the of the mountain shadow. um And they're running towards their horses. That's what they're doing with their movement.
Yeah, I say that damn maverick all the times always always tell me to get get lost run away I'm trying to scare him before we fight should know all I gotta do is kill a couple of them then they run exactly Yeah, I i try to avoid killing anybody if I had can't help it though, but these fuckers deserved it They got me saying fuckers and everything. Sorry kids. They got those kids at is a bad word well yeah So yeah those guys get on their horses and they begin to run away do you pursue them or do you let them leave? I tried to write after them and shoot them. All right. Go ahead. I'll let you do that real quick. You can try to close them off their horses. They probably would go war on their friends. All right. Go for it.
Because if he tells one, I can try and just stay lame i and shoot one. And they're all ah basic for the other one. All right. Well, you it's a minus two for both. So technically, you'd need a Benny for both if you want to try to hit them both. ah I have two left. I actually have two left because ah it's over swing anyways. So you're just going to reroll both of your shots? Yeah. All right, go for it. Four and an eight. ah Yeah, those are one of those is a hit. The other one, you miss. Yeah, unfortunately. That's okay. Roll your damage on the one that you do hit and we'll see if you take them out. But I do have an edge that's called Elan and I got a plus two when I use a penny on on a roll. Oh, dude. That's so Elan Musk. Yeah. All right. yeah All right. Well, then that's a hit on both, I suppose. Adrian really wants to hit these guys. Yeah. They just have to die. Dead men tell no tales.
Dead men have no tails. But I only you want to. Yeah, you you. You crack one off on one guy miss, but the other one, you get an eight, which is a raise. So a 12 plus 11, which is one to three damages worth. That guy flies right off his horse like he flies off his horse like he jumps off it and does like a double triple lux and it lands on the ground. Does a ah ah courtly bow and then dies immediately. Whoa. Am I able to shoot the guy that lived? I guess Mitch. um I was going to let him go, but I realize they probably shouldn't. All right. My little plus two bonus. I'm not sure. Yeah, you haven't moved. go I haven't moved. I've been laying to nine. All right. He's like plus two. I didn't like yelling in the background towards that alarm that's going off. You roll the nine. Go ahead and roll your damage. DiMaggio, Ralph DiMaggio.
Yeah, and that is a raise, technically says 13 damages worth. ice You crack off a shot from the ground and you hear him as he yells, he goes, Vanta, Vanta, they're coming. They're when then you blast a hole in them and he rolls off the horse. Uh and his horse kind of runs over him a little bit just because he was like mean to him He's like not good to his horse and his horse turns around and says like i'm glad I killed him And when the horse says hey, thank you boss, I really appreciate it And he turns around then he rides off into the sunset She comes a happy horse
doest look good already
It's still good already.