Original Understudies - EP 6 - Running Into Elvis image
Original Understudies
Original Understudies - EP 6 - Running Into Elvis
89 Plays
1 year ago

I am so excited to share this week's episode, partly because it is a really funny one, but also because we have new music. The opening song is from a band I am a really big fan of and after careful consideration they have given me permission to use their song "Get to it" from their album County Live. I was listening to the album and when this song came on I knew it was a great fir. It features some amazing Sax. 

The Quick Six -  Get To It

Atul Singh instagram.com/atultime

Landon Kirksey LandonKirksey.com 

Maggie Widdows - Stinkers

Caroline Cotter - Instagram.com/cotterpoops

James Heaney - You found me.

----------Don't for get to write in


