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42 Plays1 year ago

Bill Clinton played the saxophone, Donald Trump took prep






Opening and Cultural Observations

Happy National Prayer Day. Stay prayed up. God bless you. The Jew with the black clothes and the curls and everything. The clothes. I see them. I see them, but I don't believe them. If you wake up and you know who you are, you ain't living. You ain't fucking living, you understand me?
Look at this shit. We're going down deep into the murky waters. Look at this. Ga-ga-ga-ga-ga-ga-ga. My bowl. We don't fuck around. Here we got Tijuana Mamba's pickled sausage.

Food Tastings and Exam Preparation

Let's give it a try. Oh man. It's pretty good.
Saturday night study zone, absolutely cranking away on some practice problems because that CFA level three exam is only two weeks away. It's been an absolute adventure to get this far, so I'm putting in every repetition I can to get ready. Stay after it everyone, sometimes you gotta do it.

Controversial Conversations and Stereotypes

He uses the n-word all the time. That's a no-no, you're not supposed to do that. He uses it on a daily basis. Oh yeah, oh yeah. Go ahead and try to say we did it now. Go ahead, go ahead and make my day. I probably shouldn't taunt him so much, but you know what? Do whatever you're gonna do to me. Just if you ever do take me out, don't think I didn't know, okay? I'm not a coward like you.
I told him we shot 57 missiles into Syria while he was having chocolate cake. It's the only time he said, repeat. That was the only word I've ever heard him say in English, meaning he speaks English, okay?
This is it. Your favorite podcast ever made dudes are us, please. For the love of God, review us on Spotify and iTunes. We can't get enough of you listening. We love you. Shout out Davis Clark and weed grower. One love. Yeah. Prepping for, well, I do look loud. Um, yeah, I told you you're loud dude. Prepping for AIDS. AIDS.
It's just in the drinking water. Step up, prep up. It's just you on a commercial playing a saxophone in the woods. Oh, wait, that's what they call that thing, right? Pro. Yeah. You're in the Tennessee mountains playing a saxophone on a commercial. What the hell is this commercial for? Oh, oh, oh, oh.
The pill that gives you AIDS. Oh, shit. I didn't really read the description of the application. Dude, money's money. Especially if your job is playing the saxophone for things. I think you take what you can get. Could you do something like slightly gay or non-binary? Oh yeah, for sure. What is this for? Oh, a pharmaceutical breakthrough.
It's always a guy just like riding a bus too randomly. Smiling. Really psyched about being on the bus. Thank God I'm alive. Like petting it like at the dog park and like a stranger's dog runs over and he's petting it. He's just really psyched about that. Get away from him.
I want my dog to get AIDS. Please, please don't touch him. There's one of those famous mob hit men who had AIDS and like he got shot in the fucking eye and in front of like his daughter's house and he like ran back in and his daughter was like, Oh my God, get away from Jesus.
How funny a response that is. Can you blame it? Oh, I know. I mean, but that's your first thought. Oh my God. I don't want AIDS.

Travel Stories and Cultural Reflections

Get out of here. You got it. I mean, you do have to save yourself. I'd be like, listen, buddy, you're already fucked. Yeah. That always not coming back. It did. It did not come back. Great. Now I have one eye. That's the thing.
Oh, great. Is that in that Buddy CNC documentary and I just don't remember it? No, no, this is, uh, some New York, this is Greg, uh, Greg Scarpa, Greg, the, uh, Grim Reaper Scarpa.
It's an FBI informant slash hit man working and then he also had AIDS because he refused to Yeah, what is it when you have like an exploding ulcer or something? I guess sure and Yeah, everybody's like yes. Sure. So that's a story yet like that happened and then he went to the This part actually seems like okay. Well that makes that's a little more credible. Yeah
went to the hospital and they're like, we got to give you a blood transfusion. He was like, I don't want to, I don't want, it's going to sound harsh. This is word for word, the story. He goes, I don't want any black blood in me. So I want like, and he has like some dude from his crew. He give me your blood and then that guy had AIDS and then he got AIDS that way from a bad blood transfusion. Yeah. I mean, that's, that's possible. That's plausible. What year was it?
that was like the seventies yeah they didn't know that like there was a lot they didn't know then it could have been from like not wearing a condom yeah but he's sticking to the black blood transfusion so I mean hey whatever your story everybody has a story everybody has a story
I was just pinning on a guy in your crew being like, yeah, give me blood. Give me AIDS blood. Kill him. Joey two times. He's got the AIDS. Get him. I mean, that is a pretty good weapon. If you just go around like I'll fucking open wound your ass. Nothing you could fucking do about it.

Personal Stories and Faith Discussions

In high school health class, we had a guy come in that was supposed to talk to us about having AIDS. And he was like, I got AIDS from heterosexual sex. I'm just going to put that out there. I got AIDS from hetero section. He like made sure he reinstated multiple times. He wasn't gay. Sitting there thinking to myself, I think this guy might be gay.
I know all you out there are thinking, this doesn't apply to me. I'm not some gay guy, but I'm telling you, I had heterosexual sex and got AIDS. He's like, um, it was through a hole in a wall, but I, but I knew it wasn't gay. He's like, I had a, I was a, I was just fresh out of the military.
Convertible car cruising the strip. I was strong. Everybody said I'm the strongest guy they've ever seen Guys referring to me as a bull Hey, but I'm coming back around to you high schools all these you guys called me gay Gary. This is not gay I Had sex with a woman. That's how I got this multiple women. I wasn't Johnson. I
I was not in the military because it was gay. That was a hetero decision. That's funny. I had a convertible. I was cruising around. It could happen to you.
thing that I was crazy about it too is the whole time I'm just like, this is fucking stupid. This guy or else he wanted to have made sure to say he was straight 10 times.
really wanted to make sure you understood. Difference between public and Catholic school, I guess. We did not have that, but they had some woman come in who, this is dark. They had some woman come in, no, opposite.
So we were, so this was like to coincide with our, you know, like religion class that was dealing with the issue of abortion and where they try to indoctrinate you and tell you why, like, you know, it's never abortion, it's never okay and all that stuff because of Catholic teachings. And so then they had this woman come in and she was like, she was like, my mother was raped.
And I was and I was born as a result of that. And so if you believe that abortion is OK, even when somebody or if you believe that abortion is OK, when somebody is raped, you're basically telling me that I shouldn't exist. Like that was the substance of like pulled everyone out of class, went to the went to the assembly hall. Had this woman talk to us for like an hour and a half, just basically being like,
Oh, you think it's OK to have to for women to get an abortion if they're raped? Why do you want? Why do you wish I didn't exist? Would you guys do you throw stuff at her? Yeah, everyone just gave her the degeneration X socket. Man, how about prom night before prom? Did they make you?
Look at the videos of people who got in horrific car accidents. Um, no. Our school just showed us like images from All right. Here's a, here's what happens if you get drunk and you get in a car accident. Here's a person who's half their face is ripped off. I mean, I like the implication that like prom prom was like the first time any of us drank.
probably. And then they parked a car outside of the school that was in a drunk driving accident and just had like blood in it. Jesus. Oh, yeah, I didn't go to the high school long enough to see that but they did. I remember I would my sister and my brother told me they did that I like all the public schools. I
I thought I had a strong stomach. I made it through about half of the pictures of fucking mutilated people. And then I was like, I gotta go. It's literally broad. And then there's like the ones of like Iraqi guys just driving on two wheels somehow and like doing the 360s in their cars. Like, wait, that clip ruled. And here's a picture of somebody who got their head cut off by a rotor on a helicopter.
I'm not really sure how that's pertinent to this thing. This is what would happen if you were drinking on prom night and you fell from a balcony onto a bollard and it impaled you through your rectum. Here's a small Asian man in a factory that gets caught into the machine. If you got drunk on prom night and stumbled into a cardboard corrugating factory and got crushed in the machines, this is what it would look like.
Here is a, this is what it looked like if you were a prom night and you stumbled into a prep commercial. This is you happy on a bus. Oh no. You have AIDS now. God no. Why do you even have that saxophone? Where did it come from? Drunk at prom night. That's where you picked it up. You'd never put it down after that. No.
I was just out cruising the strip. Yeah. Fresh out of the war. Didn't like guys at all. Definitely not gay. I don't know if you guys would pick it up on putting down, but definitely not gay. I got a lot of pussy. Some would say too much.
Jared, give us some road trip details. Let's see. Day left on Saturday, on Saturday morning.
grow straight from where I'm at to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Harrisburg is the capital of Pennsylvania. It's also a garbage city that no one should live in, of course. So that was great. Originally had so originally had planned because we
way overestimated how long it takes to drive from Boston area to Nashville. And so we left on Saturday morning, couldn't check into the Airbnb until Tuesday morning. It does not take, it takes 17 hours. That's right. So we're trying to burn some time on the trip and like, you know, maybe go out of the way or maybe spend some time in some cities. So Harrisburg was originally going to be the stop.
for the night stopping Harrisburg at dinner and then like get a hotel there and then like hang around and whatever. Oh, God. Well, first of all, so we get there, then you're like looking around like what is there to do? Couldn't really find anything that was like, yeah, I want to do that. Eventually realize that Three Mile Island is nearby.
So we drove through Mile Island, which isn't in Harrisburg. It's outside. That was cool. Then, you know, then we're like, OK, what do we do now? I was like, I don't really want to wake up here. And so. Then we decided rather than stay there, we would just drive to the next. Like reasonable city, and that was Roanoke. So I like.
at like 9 p.m. decided that we weren't gonna stay in Harrisburg and drove another four and a half hours to Roanoke, Virginia. So a lot of driving on day one. Roanoke's pretty cool. Roanoke's a cool city. Got some great like biscuits, some great biscuits and stuff like that and then
needed to burn another day and got an Airbnb in the Great Smoky Mountains. So that was cool. Drove from Roanoke to Bryson City, North Carolina, through the mountains. So the Blue Ridge Mountain Parkway.

Mountain Adventures and Music Memories

There's like crazy wind, like narrow winding road through the mountains. Really great views.
crazy that people live there. Like there was actually a lot of houses, not a lot of houses, but you'd see like a decent number of houses on the way. And you're like, damn, you just live like, like 5,000 feet up on this like random road where it's like an hour drive to get to anything. Um, but also super peaceful. So I totally get why they do it. And then, uh, drove to,
Kept going to Bryson City where the Airbnb was and that one, so we finally get to Bryson City at like 10 or 11 at night and there's a winter storm warning and it starts snowing and we're up like Airbnb at the top of this is like mountain there. So again, like a super windy road, like one lane dirt road, hairpin turns up this mountain.
at night when it's snowing like the most fucked up drive I've ever done where you're like I can't actually see what's around this corner or like I'm going up a thing that's so steep that like I can't see what's like over the crest of that hill like is it gonna is it a sharp turn in which case you know
Is it is it a dip, whatever? So that was freaky, but it was great. Made it. The cabin was dope. Had a great view of the mountain range. So that was all tight. Chilled there. Did some like small town stuff. Went to Cherokee Reservation. That was cool. You allowed me on there.
uh parts of it i guess yeah they had like it's i mean it's it's it's crazy we're not crazy i mean it's like it is what it is but you're like it's like when you go to chinatown and like all the businesses are in all the signs and stuff are in
Chinese characters, I guess. Yeah. And like that part of the Cherokee reservation, like the banks and like the stores and stuff are in Cherokee and English. The signs are in Cherokee with like English underneath, which was kind of cool to see. I've never seen that like written out before. Yeah. And now we're in Nashville. That's been cool. We went to a fucking country music hall of fame today.
I don't really know anything about country music, but it was entertaining. I got to look at like a lot of guitars and it's funny how much that museum stretches like Taylor Swift's relevance in country music because like half that museum was Taylor Swift stuff and you're like, she's not a country music artist, guys. Not anymore. No, but that's what I mean is like, OK, so maybe she like was
Like she stopped doing that like 20 years ago. It was funny. That was cool. And then we went to the Grand Ole Opry, which I also don't know exactly what that is, but that was cool. And and got some barbecue and stuff like that. It's been a good trip so far. Good relaxing trip.
What kind of barbecue did you get? I can't remember what you said. Uh, it's a place called pork, egg, legs, porker, peg, leg, porker. I was told it was depending on who you ask the best or the second best. Um, Memphis style ribs in, in Nashville, say Memphis style. Yeah. Dry rub. It was really good. They were really good. I recommend.
People who didn't say it was the best said Martins is the best. And maybe try that tomorrow. Did you get any hot chicken? No hot chicken. No Nashville hot chicken. Forgot that was a thing. No, I haven't had any Nashville hot chicken on the strip. You got to go where's the best Nashville hot chicken? Isn't that what I think I'm scarred from the Nashville hot chicken. Chicken crispers from Chili's. I don't think I think I don't think I have a stomach for it anymore.
I will recommend everybody to get the, uh, what is it? What's the hot sauce? The regular brand? No, it's uh, yeah. Frank's day of the Nashville hot one is good. Yeah.
All right, I'll give that a try. Maybe that'll. Maybe that'll fix things. I've had a lot of biscuits and gravy on this trip.

Diner Experiences and Misunderstandings

I think that's probably the. I mean, is that what you got for breakfast? Oh, we went to. We went to Jay's Family Restaurant in Nashville. That place was the content is it Jay's family? It's Jay's. Jay's Family Restaurant, that place was
the greasiest of greasy spoons. Our waitress had face tattoos and was just like was just was just dumb in that like southern way where you're just like you're not like your brain doesn't even work as fast. Like at one point she at one point she was giving and she was giving us our drinks like our drink orders and like poor accidentally poured a little bit of
sweet tea on my buddy while she was putting drinks down, poured a little bit that like ran down his his leg. And she was just like, Oh, sorry. And then just kind of like, well, like just kind of stood there looking at him, literally like just stood there like looking stupid for like five seconds. And he was like, Yeah, can I get a napkin?
Um, like, cause it was just like, just wild. And there was like five other times where we had to be like, Oh yeah. Like this came with something or like you said, or like, can you get this? And that she just like was not all there too. And then, uh, probably on a Percocet.
Probably on a Percocet or Xanax. And then what? And then the restaurant was completely like it wasn't. Here's the thing. I don't necessarily think a restaurant needs to have music playing, but the music helps if the restaurant isn't completely full. It just helps.
Like, so this was, we were probably, it was a big restaurant, but they had half of it. That was just like they weren't seating and there was probably like five other tables and fucking.
No music, no TV. And there's just like three other like three people at some of the other tables and they're just like listening to like showing each other like Facebook videos with just the volume fully up. So it's so the atmosphere is just weird people listening to black joke that instead of this music, what if you someone just played YouTube videos for everybody?
That's that's genuinely what it was. It was like people showing each other YouTube videos. And it's like what there's like no context. And then there and they were all this. Yes, yes. There was a table that was like just of just old, a faddled woman and a faddled man that I assume were married and they were just that like Southern like in
unintelligible accent where you're always like, you know, that is. And then so that was hysterical. He's dropping on them. Do you think they know what AIDS are? Or. No, I don't know that.
Um, and then the other funny table was there was, um, there was a table of like four, doesn't matter that they're black, but just descriptively for black people. And they all got like six hard boiled eggs. Oh my God. Who orders that at a restaurant? Hard boiled. Hard boiled. Like they got their, they got their entree, you know, when you're like, Oh, can I get to this?
that's like two or three eggs any style and you're like any style means like any style means like scrambled fried or maybe poached and even poached as borderline and they all ordered hardboiled so it was like it was uh what kind of uh brothers and sisters are we talking about like
like Spongebob shirt ones or like sure, fresh out of church. No, not definitely not fresh out of church. Definitely like, I mean, it's a, it's a Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. So like we're there because we're on vacation. Everyone else who's there, like question mark. Um, but no, like, like,
like black champion sweatpants and not like fashion champion sweatpants like the gym the ones you got you wore to gym class and like a t-shirt like a football t-shirt yep of course that style uh
Yeah, ridiculous breakfast place. But it was good eating hard boiled eggs like they're about to run a fucking marathon or so. Hard boiled, hard boiled eggs and oatmeal. The fuck is wrong? Who pays for that meal?
And like and I were and I keyed into their conversation at one point where she brought all the plates and stuff, the meals over, which were a bowl of oatmeal with a plate on the side of like, you know, three to six hard boiled eggs for each of them. Damn, this is correct. And one of the guys is like, can I get brown sugar?
for the oatmeal, which isn't that crazy, but she brings over like a ramekin, you know, the kind of thing that you would get, you would put your ketchup in like the dead one full of brown sugar and he just dumps the whole thing in the oatmeal mixes in and I was like, Oh my God, you got any sour, sour patch. Yeah. No, sir.
We don't have a sour patch. The sweetest fucking oatmeal on earth and hard-boiled egg. It was wild. It was just a wild. I would hate to be in that car. I mean, all of it. I was like, it was just tons of farts. I don't have any nerds ropes.
What was their conversation about? I couldn't hear that far. They were across the, they were like at the far end of from where we were sitting to see it. All right. Top five dead or alive. Yeah. It's gotta be Jay-Z. You're just going in and out, just focusing on the brown sugar fucking escapade that's going on.
That's crazy because then it's just so crunchy after you had that much of brown sugar. Yeah. This guy from NWA that lost his voice. Shaquille O'Neal. The Dark. Okay.
Ice cube. Ice cube. Yeah, dude, I don't know. This is such a fucking. Elitist bullshit thing to say, but I was like that breakfast, I was like, damn, this is a different country. They don't have this in Salem, Massachusetts, folks. You went over to you went over to their table and you're like, hey, are you guys retarded?
Mean do not even not even just them like every other table there. I was like did you just walk over and held out your hand in like a dap form for the validation I see you crushing eggs
Hell yeah. Hell yeah. I see you, bro. One love. Hell yeah. I see you with the hard boil. I see you with the holding cell meal order at the front. Yeah. That's literally what they give you at like, you're like in intake and you're waiting to see where you get sorted to. All right. We got these hard boil eggs and Quaker oats.
That's fucking hilarious, dude. But are you with you're with hardcore Alex Jones, though, right? No, no, he's not here. No, that's short. Dan. Oh, is that short, Dan? He's got he's got a kid, so he can't really go on trips anymore. I thought I saw him in the picture.
No, it's a different that's a different friend with those tall Dan running a masked Instagram. He's a luchador. The fuck is that? He's like a Mexican wrestler. Okay. Okay. Is he Mexican? I don't know. Can't ask people that. Is he wrestler? Yes.
Do you have to be Mexican to be a luchador? I don't think so. Or can you just be a wrestler in Mexico when it counts? Imagine.
Imagine getting your fucking house re-roofed, there's just a bunch of luchadores showing up. You're like, God, fuck it. Just throwing each other through the plywood. Yeah, we got a gig after this, so we just showed up dressed.
Yeah, we got a gig after this, we figured it's like when you wear your baseball jersey to school, it's just easier to change. What else,

Accommodation Anecdotes and Pronunciation Debate

Jared? What else you got? Oh, Jared dropped out.
Yeah. Hold on, let me end your session and then reinvent it. Hold on. We're back. You unplugged your router and plugged it back in during pod. You don't even know this thing.
This Airbnb is kind of mid. Oh no, did you get bamboozled? No, dude, the place is pretty nice. What I think it is is this is like a whole condo building and I think they're all Airbnbs. I don't think anyone actually lives here because it's this whole condo that's got to have probably like 50 or 60 units in it.
And the parking lot's completely empty. It's me and like two other cars. And then when I walk by and see any of their other units that have their like blinds open or whatever, they're like furnished. I think this was like a condo development fully furnished. And wanted to live here with all short term rentals or Airbnb. It's fine, but you can just tell that like,
You know, like you can tell when it's an Airbnb that somebody lived lives in part of the year where it's like they have stuff there. It just feels different. This one's like, no, no one ever lived here. Everything like furniture wise. Down to like the dishware and everything is just shit you got at Target. Yeah.
So it's fine, but the internet's kind of. Could be better. So anyway, is your bad. It's like the one thing that's good about it. It's like a memory foam mattress. Is the sheets comfortable? Yeah. Yeah. The learns are good. You guys remember the time down in Florida that I got the tap into flavor Doritos? Uh, I think so. Yeah. I've never been able to find them again.
I don't think they make them anymore. I'm looking at them right now. I think they still make them. Damn, you walked right into that one. I just I was wondering if Tapatio meant something because there's also a Tapatio tequila. And it means a person originating from Guadalajara. I guess it's easier to say them than originating from Guadalajara.
Guadalajara, Guadalajarando, Guadalajara, Mera. There you go. Does it value when people call it Tapatio? I've genuinely never heard anyone say Tapatio. I don't like correcting people because I do think that like, like, what is the value in like correcting somebody for like mispronouncing something? I actually hate when people do that.
Uh, but I don't know what I would do if somebody said like, do you have to Patio? I think I think I'd have to be that person who's like, oh, oh, yeah, we have Tapatio and like not. Correct, correct them, but you think you could be that dude, that is you would never be able not to. I know. Um, usually I'll let shit go, though, but that's one where I think I'd feel bad because like if they just go around
saying that somebody somebody less cool isn't going to let them get away with it. God, that made me unirrationally angry. Have to just think about that for the rest of the night. You can ask your lucha door friend what he thinks about it. Yeah. Hey, small Dan, what's fucking Tapatio mean to you?
You guys, did you guys ever, are you guys, uh, are you guys, is that what you're in Nashville for? You're going to sit, you guys are only going to sit them down. Okay. Enough of this shit. This is an intervention. Yeah, bro. You're, you're, you're 40. We had to take you out of state lines to Nashville to do this.
Better stop. This ends now. That's not even real. He'd kill all of us. Maybe that's what he's going to do. Maybe. I don't think so. Maybe, actually, he does have a gun.
on him? Yeah. No. Yes, absolutely. No, he doesn't. He absolutely does. Why? They're pretty close to the border, dude. What if there's somebody trying to come over the border? That's true. What if somebody wants to wrestle him real quick and he's not ready? Just a normal open carry kind of guy. It's fine. Go try to take his gun from him. I'm not going to dig that.
I mean, we're also friends if I was like, hey, can I? Actually, probably not. If I was like, hey, can I play with that? He'd probably be like, no. Hey, Todd, Dan, what does this bag of Doritos say? You have a gun behind his head. Uh,
you're doing neti pot. Oh my god. No, I've seen I've seen videos of it seems horrible. I'm so stuffed up right now. I'd probably try it. My nose you should you should just put like, like whatever like the hottest hot sauce you have. Just put a little bit on your like thumb and kind of like smell it. Smell it. You just got to like you irritate your like mucus membranes and your nose.
And then just everything like pours out. That's the way to do it. Do a little tepatio shooter. Yeah, do a little tepatio like my. My way of like you can get some wasabi, which obviously you can't right now, but if you're still stuffed up tomorrow, like get some sushi and the wasabi and like wasabi are like hot mustard, like the like Chinese food restaurant mustard that kind of burns. Those work the best. You get a little bit of that, like
up in your nose a little and it's just like everything's gone. Get some smelling salts and just clear that shit out. Smelling salts actually same principle, but yes, smelling salts will absolutely fix you right up. Because I've used like, you know, the. The like nasal irrigation stuff
but I've never shot it in my nose enough to have it come out the other nostril. Yeah. I don't, I just, I don't like, I don't like anything about the neti pot. I don't want that. No. I think I try it. You have to use either boiled water and distilled water though, or else you can give yourself a parasite. Yeah. That's the other thing.
Just make yourself way sicker You should just jam your fingers up your nose as far as they can All about as quick as you can see what comes out Try it. I mean, what's what's doing? I'm gonna do Party you have kovat kovarona virus 19
how do you how could you possibly know that yeah you got a test i test every day morning and night that's right next to your toothbrush you gotta go you gotta take a test i go not today motherfucker never know i sleep in a mask i take my temperature two times a day
I might just show up to work tomorrow masked up just so you never know. Get out of my car masked up. I saw the quintessential masked up in the car person today. Oh, man. Large, larger white woman, middle age, probably 45 to 50. Uh,
Driving one of those little tiny little things called smart cars, the little two-seater clown car thing. Oh, yeah. Yep. She got out of the car with the mask on and I was like, you just, you just look like somebody who drives around the mask on at all times, just in case, in case COVID sneaks into your car window, the stoplight. I haven't seen on this trip. What? Anyone wearing a mask at any point. Single mask.
I haven't seen a mask since Massachusetts didn't come back. They still rocking them. I still see people like it's pretty, it's not unusual if I'm like at the grocery store to see like one or two people masked up at the grocery store, masked up at like the trying to think of like other places lately. It seems like I've been seeing it a lot more.
Airport, I saw I saw a fair amount of people masked up at the airport. Well, did you see a most understandable place to do it? I agree. Yeah, I see the migrant caravan. There's always a migrant caravan. They just do they just make a big deal out of it when they like, at times when they want like political points, but there's always crossing.

Political and Social Issues

Not crossing, but did you see the, the people when you were at the airport, did you see the people who are sleeping at Logan is what I meant. Oh no, that was in terminal E. So I'm, I missed it, but yeah. What are they crashing over there? They just don't have any. Massachusetts has a law that if you make it here, we have to, um, house you in some way. Like we can't turn people away. It's a compassionate care state. I think that might not be right. That might be about killing people, but, um,
If you make it here, you won't be, you won't be like, yes, not on my watch. And since they're running out of housing and like completely out, not even running out, out of housing, they've been keeping people at the airport and they're just sleeping on the floor into the terminal to go like through security. And there's just people lining, sleeping on the floor. No way. I promise you, bro. No way.
I was talking about it with somebody the other day. I think that this is going to be like, um, the reason that Biden definitely loses his presidency. Like Trump lost it. He would probably would have got reelected and then COVID happened. And that just like plummeted his presidency. And then I think Biden was doing okay. And now this has happened this like crazy.
You know, people crossing illegally. All these fucking truckers are going down to the border. There's like vigilante groups putting up razor wire on the border in Texas. No way. There's militias. There's militias that are forming to go down to the border.
in Texas and try to fucking stop people from crossing. Governor Abbott expelled the federal border patrol agents and like took it over himself because the border patrol agents are basically just like letting everyone through. There was a five to four vote in the Supreme Court to say that we can't prevent people from crossing.
Republic in court they still decided that you like can't put up razor wire and if somebody's drowning on the other side of the Border you have to go help them. Oh dude, I mean you're horrible video of like Three or four kids just drowned the other day in the Rio Grande because they couldn't I mean there was like a and there was I don't know if it was the same like thing that you're talking about but there was a video that again Twitter somehow just feeds me Worst videos and I ever saw on like rotten calm
So even with like a pretty
As a kid like today I saw again wasn't asking for it saw videos some kid who decapitated his dad because he because his dad worked for the For the Army Corps of Engineers or the USGS are you talking about the guy who said he was making his own militia and
think so. He doesn't matter, but it was literally in the video. He holds up his dad's severed head. Um, so that today, which was horrible, man. Yeah. Pennsylvania, but like a week or two ago, I saw a video of like five people crossing the Rio grand and they get to like, not like not too far from the shore, maybe like
four or five feet from the shore. But on this part that's like muddy and like has a lot of plants and stuff and they you just see four out of five of them drown and like people are recording it. But obviously you can't really help because if you get pulled in, you're dead, too. Oh, terrible. It's terrible that there's people who live in a shitty enough area that they're like, I think I'd rather drown in the river.
And at least maybe have the chance of making it to America and then stay where I am. That's fine. The other, uh, going back to what you were saying before, it's not funny, but it's so, so the only plan Mara Healy, who's the governor of Massachusetts has had so far for dealing with the migrants who are currently sleeping in that airport is to house them in the Melania Cass recreational center.
which is which is like a rec center in Roxbury for like, you know. It's a really, really shitty area, too. I mean, it's not it's not a great area, but you'd be like, OK, this is like a rec center, you know, mainly for this Roxbury community, which is which is a large like African-American and Latino community. And they're like, hey, let's take away your rec center and make it temporary housing for migrants like. Just a little on the nose to be like, well, where can we put these people?
Let's put them in the like most impoverished neighborhood in Boston and take away like one source of community that the, you know, that the black and brown people here have, like, God forbid we put them in like a hotel or, you know, downtown or something, because that would be awful. So the hotel in Franklin is full. Oh, my God. Yeah. The one up on King Street up by the diner is completely full. They announce it.
I don't, I'm not sure that they've announced it, but it's like a news thing. No, no vacancy. Yeah. Oh my God. Just get out of fucking terminal, you bunch of luchadores all over the floor. No, it's not even, it's not even like a speed pole locks. It's Haitian people. Oh, fucking Christ. I don't think you can say that. Haitian people.
No, I'm kidding. At least that's what the new story I read said today. Ain't no tsunamis in fucking Boston. I don't have anything going on at work this week. So I've been I've been delving deep into the articles. That's awesome.
It's tough. I mean, I agree with you. Just it's it's not the fact that the fact that Biden knows there's no good answer, but but there's also like there's either.
There needs to be a plan. And if the plan that we have right now is working, then it needs to be articulated better why it's working, because right now. The message that there's just like millions of. Undocumented immigrants pouring across the border like that is resonating with people more than like we're handling this. Correctly. That's why there's. I agree with you. That's like militia groups.
And it's not and it's not one of those things you can win by doing something else. No, like you can't you don't I mean, you can't be like, well, we're not going to fix this issue, but but hey, hey, we descheduled marijuana. So like that's cool, right? It's like it's not one of those ones that gets canceled out by something else. It's like, no, you still need to like people still want an answer for this, especially the people who like live in. Yeah. Who are like, you know, like it's it's tough because I'm like,
I live in New England. I don't I don't understand what it's like to live in El Paso or Laredo or whatever and like deal with this. Actually, should I get a say in it? And I think the answer is probably like nah. Like my opinion on this subject doesn't really matter because I get to be comfortably three thousand miles away.
Oh, my God, El Paso's like right on the fucking border. Yeah, legit. Yeah. That's where that that's where the border crossing is that everybody's out. You go to this, right? People just like in. So that's actually exciting. Holy shit. So I kind of got to take their word for it when they're like, this is fucked up. Like if Massachusetts with all of our resources can't deal with
you know, a couple hundred migrants and have to house them in an airport. Can't imagine what like a like a small town like El Paso, like city, but a small city like El Paso that just has tens of thousands of people a day they have to process. It's like, what is this?
Do you think that the, um, Haitians, they get, they get there and they're like, wow, this airport sucks. All right. Get out, get out. It doesn't even have food. All right. Enough. Wait, I can't even go to a Duncan. Duncan is the best there. Fucking breakfast, lunch and dinner at Duncan. I was told there was a wall burger. Oh no, that's not in this terminal. I'm sorry.
damn go back to this fucking city looks like it sucks dude not because of that just like the city looks like what the hell is going on here just rows of and the only thing I want to say is a lot of people complain about this about this happening but like

Work Ethic and Political Speculations

all of the construction that I've seen going in the last few weeks, like my roof. And then at the place that I work at right now, they're doing a bunch of like reciting all fucking Hispanic people. Oh yeah. And they are fucking bad-ass at their jobs. They crushing. They work fast. Four hours, bro. They started at seven. They're done at noon. See, that's crazy. That's fucking nuts.
Yeah, they get it done. That's what I say all the siding off the front of the fucking building, which is pretty big building. Maxi cans. Including the masonry that's on the wall in one day. Yeah, they're all in it.
It's a common thing, but they're always, always in like a US polo association collared shirts just going after it. There's no work here. No, this is a big construction company, so I'll get it out. They got the super kits on. They just rocked at 24 seven, dude.
Yeah. That's why I think Trump's going to win. I was my long way of saying that. There's no other option. He's winning. He's a hundred percent getting the nod from the Republicans. And then, and less, I mean, it's crazy, but all of a sudden Biden's like, we're going to nuke Mexico. Yeah. Everybody's like, you know what? That seems like a good idea. He's going to be like, you know what? We're going to stop sending money to fucking
the Middle East and instead we're going to just start bombing all the border towns in Mexico. We're going to take back Mexico. We're going to start crossing this border. We're going to cross the border and see how they like it. Just a bunch of bros crossing into Mexico.
I also think there's like a non-trivial number of, um, you know, like Biden voters who are pissed about Palestine and are gonna abstain from voting because of that. So that's not going to help them out. I don't understand this. Uh, I don't understand any of this stuff. I just see random Instagram posts that are like from people in LA.
Yeah, like the queer groups are with Palestine take that Israel. I'm like, they don't give a fuck. No, I mean, that's the other thing. I mean, that's out of its that's out of its kind of funny because like like if you're totally fucked if they live there. Yeah, like I get I mean, there's a side of it where you're like, yeah, genocide is always genocide is always wrong for sure.
But then there's the side of it where it's like you, if any of you lived there, they would cut your heads off. It's illegal to be, to be gay there. You know that, right? Punishable by death. That's what they think of you. So again, I'm not saying like, be cool with genocide, but I'm also saying like, they're not really your friends. No good answer.
Just admit, but also like we live in a society where you're not allowed to just be like, yeah, that's not my issue. Like everyone's gotta have an opinion about something. I commented, I just said, okay. I'm joking. Sure. Just write doubt it. We're against that. We stand with Palestine. Okay.
Okay. Okay. Um, yeah, I don't want to, I don't want to go into the nuances of it. But, uh, you know, some people not cool with it. Some people kind of cool with it. Other people cool with some parts of it, not cool with others. I got a stupid question. Let's hear it.
Is there anywhere in Palestine that you could just be like kicking it right now, living normal life? Or is that shit all just blowing the fuck up? I don't think, and specifically in Palestine, no. I think they are all kind of fucked. They're all just in terminally? Yeah, I think that they're all kind of like... What neighbors that? What do they run to?
Well, I don't think everything's bombed, but I don't think there's anywhere that's like chill. Let's see the world map. I like that. I got to pull this up. It's like there's even. It's so bad. I don't even know where the fuck to begin. Where is Israel on the map? Do you know where the Mediterranean is? Do you know where Egypt is? I see Egypt. Okay.
a little north west of egypt go to the right on the map and you'll see east northeast all right all right let's see i don't see oh it's up above israel it touches egypt they have a border uh okay okay okay okay okay all right and then uh
Let's see. That little tiny thing. Where's that? Cario?

Geopolitical Observations and Comparisons

Cario. Jerusalem. That's in Israel.
Um, Gaza strip. Oh no, that's a Gaza. Is that the Palestine? Is Gaza the same thing as Palestine? Capital.
That's part of it. Palestine's like Gaza. It's a place called Umm Kameel. It's U-M-M Kameel. University College of Science and Technology. It opens at 8 a.m. First review. First review very loud.
Not a real review, but it would be hilarious. Very loud, difficult to study. Oh man. So all this shit just blown the fuck up, huh? That's kind of a lot of it. Jesus Christ. Well, that was like in the, um, a little bit different, but during the Ukraine war that's going on,
There was, it was like when COVID was going on and they're like, look at there's, there's nobody in this hospital. They're like, look at this other fucking side of Ukraine hasn't been blown up. So therefore the war is not actually happening. Ukraine's huge. People are fucking stupid. Is Kiev still all good? Is it back in action? I think he, I don't think he is back, back in action yet. Oh, really?
I think, I mean, I think the Ukraine, Ukraine's Ian's control Kiev again, but I, but I don't think they got to like rebuild all their stuff there. I think it's still pretty bad. I still think it's pretty crazy that during the Obama presidency, this like a very similar thing happened where Russia invaded.
Ukraine and everybody was just like, sucks for them. Yeah. Oh, this, uh, crime is basically, they're basically Russian anyways. So yeah, it's all the same dude. No, Crimea was, yeah, that was during Obama, right? Yeah. They were just like, and then even before that, damn Russia's giant, but you said last time that half of it's not even like viable.
Russia doesn't fuck around 50% of this place. You can't live there. Yeah. Well, but then you think about how everything, even, you know, then back in the day, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, not Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, fucking everything North of Azerbaijan.
was all Russia. God damn rocks. I mean, you could say the same thing about France. It definitely was part of Germany. True. I think Romania was in the Soviet Union, right? I think so. All the buildings there looked like it was.
Yeah, I think so. Yeah, everything Bulgaria. Yeah, I think all the Serbia. I think all that was Zaka Stan. That's weird. Soviet block. Afghanistan. It's pretty crazy. Drop a random fucking street view in Afghanistan and see what's going on. Oh, I can't. That's so whack.
There's two little islands that almost touch the Diomede Islands and one's owned by Russia and one's owned by Alaska. Yeah, the Alaska ones. And I was reading a thing that during the winter, if there's a strong freeze in the ocean, the two islands are close enough to each other that you can walk across the water, the frozen ice to the other island.
So like technically Russia and America only have about fucking, I don't know what, how far can a person walk a football field's worth of ice between them? Yep. Dude, there's legit nothing going on in Afghanistan. No. Can't even drop a street view in here. Let me see.
Wow. I mean, I don't think anybody from Google Earth is just driving around in their little car over there. I got Afghanistan next week. This is going to suck. Yeah, dude. As you work for Google and they're like, yeah, man, we need you to go to Afghanistan. Oh, thank God. We need Street View in, I can't even think of a city in Afghanistan.
Fuck. Kabul. Kabul needs street view. So we know there's been some drone attacks in Iran, but we need you to go there. We need pictures of all the schools and shit. We think it's going to be fine because we're going to dress you like one of the women there. So you're just going to be in an all black cloak. And I think people are going to leave you alone.
Just drive fast and you'll be all right. Ah, this Wikipedia article says women aren't allowed to drive there. No, it's going to be fine. It'll be fine. Oh man. A lot of palm trees in Iran. And I ran. I ran so far away.
Oh, dude, I can do drops in the fucking town I was in in Romania. This rocks. Oh my God. That rules, dude. Let's see if I can find the hotel I was at. And that partner will be so sick.
Does kind of suck that if you ever wanted to see some of these like, like the architecture in the Middle East is crazy. Yeah, if you ever wanted to actually see it, you'd have to join the military. Dude, that's legit where I was. Shut the fuck up. Let me see if I can drop this shit in here. Oh my god, that's so crazy. Wow. That was legit where I was.
Romania. Feeding mad stray dogs in this park right here. Drop us a link, bro. Let's see.

Travel Reflections and Risky Adventures

Yeah, I've walked through that fucking park smoking hella sigs. Whoa. Right through that alleyway. Boom. It looked like I see this shit, dude. That's so sick.
Nice. Yeah, that looks Soviet as fuck. Oh, dude, I'll show you a shawarma king. This is the spot that I'd fucking right across from here. Oh, I do be able to see the apartment I stayed at. Boom. That's it. Wow. If you look at that second link, let's see where it takes you.
Yeah, that's right in that alleyway is where I would go and walk up two flights of stairs to the apartment right across from Shawarma King. That was like the main shit right there. I'll just be fucking hiking back on this shit. Hammer it every night. Or my king Coca Cola sell cigarettes in Shawarma King when you're checking out was awesome. Former King right next to Shawarma grill. Did you see very many
travelers? No, dude, it was in a like, this is like a village, like, I don't know, but 150 miles away from the capital. This is like a secret village. It was like probably maybe 50 miles from like the secret Navy base that they have there. But fucking this village rocked.
of all these bars that are just like casinos where they have like slot machines and they're just like a tiny 500 square foot bar. Why were you here? My girlfriend at the time, her mom worked at the base. Okay. And then it was just like, hey, go there and spend some months there. I had nothing going on. It's like, why am I gonna? What am I gonna do?
This is the... let's see, dude. This is the spot that I... Here, this is Zen Hotel. You got a link to this now. I was in this bitch when they were constructing this. The hotels, I would chill out. Nice hotel. Wow, that's crazy. I was in this kitchen at some point. I was in that place when I applied for the job I have now.
Damn. Right. Just had going to Schwarm or King, like I might as well apply for this shit. We got an application to IP addresses, uh, Romania. That seems like spam. Probably just, probably just delete that one. Imagine going back to here. That'd be wild.
I don't think I would because I'd be like, what the fuck? I'm in a sketchy taxi for like three hours. But I told you guys, and it's still, they're not on the Euro, so they're on the late, so it's four to one ratio. Damn. Yeah, just set a night at the hotels, 43 bucks. Yeah, and it's a nice ass hotel.
I was in that bitch playing PS3 and fucking putting in frozen pizzas into the oven to just fucking vamp it every night bro, smoking cigarettes and um, so that's a cool thing, right? It's like super secretive if you're American. So like you would, uh,
you like walk in, there's like a security guard that just sits in like the hallway basically. And they're like, yeah, it's cool. You just like, you walk like you can't smoke in your room. But if you just step out into the hallway where like all the, oh, you just smoke cigarettes in the hallway. Nice. You just like, dude. And at the main mall and like Bucharest, they're like, yeah, you just smoke cigarettes in the mall.
I'll be in Vegas. Oh, sick, dude. Yeah, exactly. You're just like, what the fuck? I'll try to pull up the bar that I almost got into a fight at. Oh, yeah, hell yeah. Don cash right there, dude.
Nope, right there. Bed slot. There we go. Yeah. Just cruise around on street view, dude. It's so fucking wild. Put yourself anywhere. It's pretty crazy. You're just like, fuck it. I can't believe I was doing that.
So you could've just got kidnapped. Just fucking being in the middle of nowhere in Romania. Yeah, you blend in. Honestly, yeah, I know. That was the only thing that saved me. People were fucking passing out cigarettes to people asking me in Romania and being like, yes, I'm good. I'm all good.
All these buildings, yeah, this is what I was talking about with the Russian buildings though. Damn, dude. Imagine just a young, a young based aid walking around here, dude. Vamping out. Listening to Migos on my phone to my ear.
All right, Jared, who wins the war then? Well, Russia. Russia wins. Oh, oh, and Israel. Do you think Russia just backs out of Ukraine? Yeah. No, they're not giving up. Probably not. They're just going to keep sending dudes in there. Trump becomes president and he's like, we're not sending any more money. We're done. And then.
The Putin's a good guy. I don't know why we want to fight with Putin. And then it's over. Well, they definitely are trying to prevent us from sending money from by having Iran start kicking up shit.

Neighborhood Comparisons and Episode Naming

Jared, is this where you're staying? Yep. Oh, man, that's kind of weird.
Mm-hmm liminal spaces one-on-one Yeah, very very much. It's the neighborhood up the road Of five points was is pretty cool That weird sushi Thai place Mmm, probably not There's a nice liquor store right across the street Damn Nashville is kind of I guess you get up in this I
This is like the Alston of Nashville. This is I mean, you go across the river and you're like in downtown. That rocks, dude. Smoke said he should go there and get some cigarettes. I walked by it. They sell weed. Of course, everywhere does like actual weed. You can buy weed in Tennessee. Tha baby.
You know, you can just, yeah, THC a flower, like actual flower that gets you high. And they do not. No, fuck no. Why not? You just said it was actual weed. Do your weed impression Jared. Did you go to the Mexican grill and tequila bar?
No, if you go up the road, like, um, like a half mile, maybe even like a quarter mile, there's a place called chopper. And I went there. It's a Tiki bar. I just pounded my ties for an hour. What do you guys, uh, what do you guys want to name the last episode? Um, what did we talk about that episode?
And everybody go look up care. I mean, it's Colorado, but it's Caracal Romania, by the way, for what we're looking at on the street maps, Caracal, then drop it into this should go to velvet taco. Rada on this. Did you drive past velvet taco and go that could either be a strip club or a taco place?
Uh, no, I walked right by it. And absolutely. I mean, I think they, they lean into the double entendre. You say, yeah. They're like, yeah, yeah, yeah. Air calls are those like crazy cats. What it is. Yeah. I know. It's like a weird. That's a weird special cat.
I'll tell you, not a lot of cats, mostly dogs running around on that main strip. Probably. A lot of dogs. All the dogs take care of the cats. Well, the people take care of the cats. Have you guys checked out any Tennessee strip clubs? Uh, no. Bananas. Bananamics. The ones with the golden banana and funny Tennessee.
couldn't get enough of the one in the fucking Providence. So I had to go to the one in Tennessee. The golden banana on route one is, uh, is female. Is it one in Providence? It's not. I was thinking the one on route one, but no, I wasn't calling you gay. I was just asking if you bend any strip clubs.
Um, no, I just thought that was the, uh, anyway. Uh, no, go there and talk about the, uh, border, the border border problems were having pay for a dance. And you're like, listen, I don't want you to dance. I just want to see if you can figure out what we should do. What are your thoughts on Mexico?
Fucking pit boss more and kick you out.

Closing and Acknowledgments

Yeah, I mean, I think they probably have. I think I probably know the opinion. Who knows, dude? Stripper in Tennessee might surprise you. Yeah, sure. Could be surprised.
Go in for a conversation, come out with a new wife, dude. All right, guys, let's give our shout outs here. There's Publix in Tennessee. Yeah, I was surprised by that, too. I thought that was just a Florida thing. Joe Biden, shout out. Shout out Joseph J Biden.
Shout out hard-boiled eggs. Shout out to Patio. Yes, say bye Jared. See you later.