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Sean Diddy Combs

E48 ยท Dudes "R" Us
64 Plays11 months ago

Sorry I am moving. Had to reuse intro

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National Prayer Day and Personal Reflections

Happy National Prayer Day. Stay prayed up. God bless you. I have had sex, but I have never actually shared a bed with another person. So I am wondering, what do partners do if they have different sleeping habits? Nice. Cold this morning, huh?
Once at five o'clock. I love it!

City Life Frustrations and Relocation Plans

I'm not engaging with this person. Who is this person? What role did you play here? What role did you play in here, sir? What do you mean? He ate my receipt!
Well, I'm tired of this city. I done fell and bust my lip on my bike. So I think I'm going to try Oklahoma. So I rented this U-Haul and I got all my shit together. So I'm going to just get the fuck out of this city. Ain't nobody care about me anyway. About to have a nice piece of cake and a cup of steed.
Stanley, did you just come back from burning down a rival nightclub? Lab it up, Albert. I'm in Florida for a month without my family. I'm going to enjoy this. Want to get in? You can work the iPod. Yes. You're a nice guy, Jim, but you have no idea how to vacation. Find some Kenny Loggins.

Podcast Introductions and Production Challenges

There was all of the criticism. There was advertisers leaving. We talked to Bob Iger today.
You hope, don't advertise. You don't want them to advertise? No. What do you need? If somebody's gonna try to blackmail me with advertising, blackmail me with money, go fuck yourself.
Welcome to Dudes R Us. The first Rush Hour 6 podcast. Please excuse the delay in this week's episode and the audio clipping issue. We were on the road. We won't let it happen again. Please subscribe to the podcast and join the Reddit page. So, uh, we're back. We load it. We're loaded in. We're back. We're back. Episode of podcast starts now. Um,
podcast episode is on we are pod initiating podcast or podcast as expert hosts and we're going to start the podcast. Here it is. Should we do our usual intros? Yes. I'm black. That's true.
Um, what's up?

Celebrity Rumors and Media Skepticism

Odell Beckham Jr broke up with Kim Kardashian cause she said she wanted to have babies with him because of his genetics. That's a very weird conversation to have. Oh, what a weird thing to say. Yeah, that's extremely weird.
But you would just keep. That's crazy. What does that even mean? Yeah, you have superhuman genetics. I want to have sex with you. I mean, do you think she's realizing that all of her kids with Kanye are going to kind of be tapped? It's like I need like I need at least one that's not going to end up like. So she picks. She picks Odell Beckham. Fucking allegedly gay.
fucking weird football player that no one really likes. Not because he's gay, just to make that clear. It says she broke up with him. Dude, look it up again. Where the fuck did I even just see that? Do you think Mike McDaniel broke up with her for him?
Damn. It was on Reddit. It was on Facebook. God damn. God damn. You ever watch those complex where they take famous people out to go shopping?
And Odell Beckham Jr. has repeatedly broken up. Odell, OBJ has repeatedly broken up with Ken. Dude, look at that up again. Repeatedly? Look at him. Multiple times broke up. Why would I look it up again? I'm looking at it right now. No, dude. That's not... It says that she broke up with him. No, it doesn't. It says that he broke up with him. Look it up, dude. I'm looking at it. The one I found... Look at IMDB.
Why the fuck would I look at the international movie database? That's who reported it first, dude. Come on. It broke the story. Yeah. Well, in any case. What about complex media? They had Conor McGregor and Jake Gyllenhaal on. At the same time? Yeah, because they did Roadhouse together.
Oh, that's true. So they just bring on like fucking famous people and the guys always end up spending way too much money on sneakers. But Connor took it to a whole nother level. He spent $26,000 on sneakers. Like one pair of shoes. Nah, he got a shitload of shoes. He also bought an entire size run of all black air forces for a charity event. That's cool, I guess.
That's all Jake Jake Robbers Exactly. Well Jake Jake balanced it out because he bought a full-size run of wire forces. So a future trapper Mmm It's probably it's hard to know Like Career wise Jake Gyllenhaals probably made more money But do you think Connor at the moment has more money than Jake Gyllenhaal? I
Oh God. Yes. Jeff fucking Connor McGregor has a Lamborghini yacht. Yeah. Yeah. A successful whiskey company now. Among many other. I forgot about a proper 12. That dude is that dude's caked up. Dick Gyllenhaal's total box office gross exceeds 3.8 billion. That's a box on his estimated net worth is 80 million.
That's like one fight for Connor. How about this?

Global Conflict and Terrorism

Russia says ISIS generally attacks enemies of the United States. This is a strange coincidence. I think ISIS just attacks everybody. I think that's kind of like their thing. I don't know everybody. They probably have an ideology we just don't bother to like.
when you ain't yet. They're all in like, uh, the Sahara sub sub Sahara in Africa now. Like I just learned yesterday or two days ago, Molly and may I lie is has had like 2000 terrorism deaths this year so far. Where the fuck is that? It's in central Africa. Oh, so it doesn't matter. What a, what a fucking weird thing to do.
What is there? They have a ton of lithium or something. Um, Africa, they're all on speedboats fucking shooting each other, dude. I think it's like that whole bunch of countries, like molly, Niger, probably Chad, probably like that whole stretch of the ones I think that they're like, that's where like ISIS ran off to.

Geopolitical Tensions and Historical Injustices

All the like former French colonies in Africa are all like fucked right now. No one talks about it. They all had like crazy like coups and then the new government expelled the French and now the French are pissed because they like brought in. What is that? Military. Was that mercenary Russian mercenaries? You know what I'm talking about, Pops.
Oh, the dude that they threw out of the helicopter. Yeah. What was his company's called?
with the Wagner group, the Wagner group. Yeah, they pull they so then the coup governments and like Molly and Burkina Faso and stuff expelled the French like military and then brought in Wagner group. So everyone's like Russia is doing some weird sketchy shit in Africa, but no one's paying attention because we're all focused on Crimea. What is it called? Ukraine?
Figure that out. How about, uh, you know, they took a live leak away, which is sad. We live leaks gone. What happened? Shouldn't existed for like 10 years. I feel like I still see lively videos, but they're probably from 10 years ago.
Let's see, dissolve. Well, I actually dissolved in 2021. So it really hasn't been that long, but now how's a guy supposed to watch the videos? Dude, I know. Can't even get good videos of, I don't want to say that actually. You can't watch Isis kill a bunch of people.
Well, there were, I mean, I, you know, I don't want to make jokes about what happened in Russia because that's probably pretty fucked up. I don't know enough details about it. Well, Liveleak would have had good videos of that shooting at the Croca City. He's a venue. How happened with that? Well, concert.
Now what was the music thing? That was on the Palestinian. Uh, that's when Hamas took hang gliders in there and killed a bunch of, no, this happened like last week. Where have you been? Oh, what happened? There's a concert hall in Moscow called Croca city hall, Russia, Russia. Oh, that's what I was talking about. I just misheard what you said. Oh.
You were talking about Hamas hand gliding into. No, I thought we were talking about two different things at once. Yeah. Ted, did you see the pictures of the guys who were like the alleged attackers? Yes. And just like beat the fucking shit out of them. They're like, OK, now you're in trial after we've just absolutely beat the fucking shit out here. You can appear in court. They caught them. How the fuck? How what are they? What do these guys do?
Um, they went into a concert hall and slaughtered people. They just had AK 47 or like, I dunno, some kind of assault rifles. That's pretty safe. Uh, you know, they just did the thing. They just went in and shot people. What? And they didn't kill themselves.
Well, I don't know. Fucking passport survived a 9 11. So stranger things have happened. Well, I mean, that's where like, there's some conspiracy stuff, which is probably bullshit, but yeah, these guys got the shit kicked out of them. But I mean, they look like they just got the shit kicked out on by. I mean, I think they, I thought they would look worse for how fucked up this is. Jesus Christ.
So what'd they come in on, hang gliders you said? No, no, no, that was, that was the Hamas thing. No, they just went into the concert hall and they got into like, it's like shooting fish in a barrel. I think they got up onto like the top and just fucking start blasting. Jesus Christ. There's, you can't, there's videos that were released, but you can't find them. Or at least I deleted Twitter because I couldn't deal with Twitter anymore.
I watched one and it was just exactly what you would think. And it was fucked up. And maybe the only surprising thing in my head is like if I'm in a mall or a concert or anything like that, a train station and I hear what even what I think is gunshots, I'm pushing everybody down. I'm well, either I'm at least running. I'm fucking booking it.
getting somewhere that I can like barricade myself or just like getting cover. Going human shield. They're picking up someone small like Jeff and putting them on my back. There's one video I saw it's it's a it's a guy. Why is this whole place fucking like collapsed? I think they like set off bombs and shit. I think it was like it was a real
Um, there's a guy fucking on an escalator and you can see, and he's like, you can see he's going up an escalator as the gunman come into this like main hall and are legitimately like shooting people who are like hiding behind like tiny trash cans and stuff. And he's just like standing there filming it. And then you can see in camera, other people doing the same thing where it's just like, like spectating. And I'm like, do you not? I mean, I guess maybe you just like don't really realize what's happening. But I was like,
I think I would be like guys like, whoa, this is crazy. Like basically got a pretty clear video and like there was no urgency where it's like shaky and he's running. It was like pretty steady where I was just like, I get that you're on the direct line of fire, but like, dude, maybe he was one of those, uh, Russians that look Muslim. I'm safe.
I'm good. I blend guys, dude. God damn. He was like a UFC fighter. Vaguely, vaguely Middle Eastern looking. It's like, I'm fine. Yeah. All those ones from like Tajikistan or whatever. It's a former Soviet or a former USSR country, but you're like,
That was a terrible joke. I feel kind of bad about that one. Dude, why did they just kill themselves? That's worse to be just... Now you're in Russian prison where you killed all these people? I mean, somebody's gonna take credit for it or else they don't get the credit they want. Already the worst place to be in prison without killing people.
True. We traded a arms dealer for a NBA player because it was so bad. And these dudes are in there. They're getting tortured every single day. You know that. They're getting the Abu Ghraib fucking treatment. Probably worse, dude. Dude, this concert hall is destroyed. How do they do this? It looks like they dropped a nuclear bomb inside of it. They set off this many bombs? I don't know, dude. They went crazy.
I'm with Jared though. If I was ever in a situation like that, I think I would be fucking, you got hit the Hills bro. Like I'm, I'm not, I'm not milling around to see what's going on. No, hell no. And there was so many people that seemed like we're just like, Oh, I'm on the second level. So like, they're just like looking down at people getting shot. And you're like, seems stupid. We had a pretty good practice run of that. I had a, uh,
party a week ago, two weeks ago, St. Patrick's thing. I was there. And, uh, all this is for Aiden and, uh, Jared and Shannon threw a bag into the fire that had something in it and it fucking went off and it was like an IED level explosion.
It's about extreme. All of a sudden it was just like, go boom. He was probably an empty aerosol can and it was ring. It was definitely unexpected and it was definitely loud. But just saying everybody there, nobody fucking panicked. Nobody flinched. Nobody fucking. Nobody put Jeff on their back, made a human shield. Yeah.
Everybody was just ready, though. Why did you do that, dude? Dude, it was fucking a bag of paper or what Shannon said was a bag of like it was a combat readiness test, junk mail and paper and stuff to use for kindling. And then when we got the fire good and going, it was just like, let's throw the rest of the kindling away. And then apparently there was something pressurized and explosive in it.
So I had no, that was not my fault. I don't know. Something else blew up in there the other day. Cause I had another, I cleared a bunch of brush around my house and I was burning it and, uh, I was just sitting there listening, you know, chilling. And all of a sudden there was another large explosion. So.
I don't know if it's like some old ass wood or if it is the concrete blocks that are exploding. I don't think wood can do that because it has enough. Like. You know, like the gases that would build up in like a tree when they explode in the winter, sometimes they can just get out through the cut part. True. But. Huh. Whatever exploded the other day was not nearly as loud, but it was still an explosion.
Interesting. I would say that what happened on St. Patrick's Day was somewhere between a small improvised explosive and a large caliber gunshot. It was fucking loud. I actually got a little nervous that somebody was going to call that one in. Yeah. I mean, if it were the city that would have set off the shot tracker. Correct. It was quite loud.
Yeah. Nobody flinched, dude. Everybody was just like, what the fuck was that? What a day. Oh my God. One of them. That's crazy. They cut one of their years off and made them eat it. That's crazy, bro. One of the, uh, yeah. That's why the guy has all the gauze on his head, huh? Yep.
Who sent you? I'm going to feed you your ear if you don't tell me. These guys are probably hanging upside down right now. Probably. They're like, say that it was Ukraine. Say Ukraine sent you. And they're like, it was Tajikistan. Say it was Ukraine. So dude, you can't give me any of what happened. This whole fucking stadium's blown up. How did four guys do this? I don't know. I haven't been able to really find anything about it online.
I haven't, granted, I haven't tried that hard, but... What the fuck? I think they had explosives. Bro, you can be driving across a bridge in Baltimore and all of a sudden some fucking retard drives a boat into it and kills you. Yeah, what happened? They said that was the navigation of the boat. They said that the boat might have lost power.
because it looks like the boat blacks out before it hits the truss or not truss like support support beam. Yeah. Wait, the boat hit the support beam. Yeah, the boat. Yeah. Just do it.
And there is people working on the fucking bridges was the thing. There was just cars. It's like a main bridge. It's like a main I know was there was working on it. It was construction crew was on it. God damn. So I'm saying Christ. The fuck who what the fuck's the boat company doing?
probably denying that it was their fault, like all good companies. You're telling me that you're telling me the company that we all used to collectively work for if something really bad happened one in a building.
wasn't our fault. I didn't know that you couldn't amp this up with this fucking chemical and it peels your tongue off. That wasn't my fault. I was just talking about that the other day. I didn't know you couldn't mix bleach and ethanol. Yeah, I didn't know you couldn't mix bleach and alcohol in a fucking sealed room. Yeah. Yeah, dude. The bridge thing is someone just fucking ran into it.
Yeah, the boat like slowly collides with it, but it obviously has enough. It's like a shipping container boat. So I had enough, you know, mass to do the people on that boat. Did they get hurt? Probably fine. I mean, the bridge fell on like the front of the boat, but it's like, it was a massive, like a pop said, like shipping containers. Like I doubt there's anyone on deck at that point.
Dude, imagine that. You're like, holy shit, we just fucked up so badly. But also like if your Amazon packages on that shipping container or on that barge or whatever. He just got really inconvenienced. You ain't getting that shit. It's like when that boat got stuck in the Bering Strait or whatever it was. Oh, the Evergreen or whatever. Got stuck in the Nile River. Yeah. Suez Canal.
I didn't know I couldn't drive this gigantic boat sideways down the canal. My bad. And then it was like stuck there for like a month and then everything got expensive. Give us the four one one on this, Jared. On the Francis Scott Key Bridge? Everything, yeah. Everything? How the Francis Scott Key Bridge and the Crocus City Hall shooting are related? Yes. Let's see if that went out.
Um, I don't think they are. Well, give us what went wrong on the bridge. Oh, well, nothing, nothing went wrong on the bridge. In that the bridge, so you can blame a lot of like, you can blame a lot of engineering, failure, bridge disasters on the bridge. You can be like, it was built bad or it wasn't inspected enough. The, uh,
you know, thing. You know, didn't do what it's supposed to do. Yeah, that bridge and the things historically speaking, you know, like the Tacoma Narrows Bridge disaster as a for instance.
You can blame on engineering failures. This was one. This was not one you could blame on an engineering failure because they didn't engineer that bridge to be able to withstand being rammed by a cargo ship. What? Like you don't say no one and no one expected that to happen. And like, you know, I don't know how to do math in the sense of
like what is the momentum of that cargo ship when it hits the bridge, but like a cargo ship weighs like, like that cargo ship has, looks pretty full. Maybe it's not like packed completely, but like an average cargo ship is like 200,000 tons. So even if that thing was going like,
Pretty slow. You know what it would be like. You ever slid on ice in your car and you're like, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. I can't stop. Fuck. Yes. Yeah. Well, one. So, yeah, even when even if the even if the boat. You can't even if the crew fucking train. Yeah. Like had any notice where like, ooh, we are like getting is wrong. They there is absolutely no time to do anything about
That boat hitting that bridge. So, yeah, I mean, you ram more than 100, more than 200,000 tons because of, you know, momentum of like force into the support beam. Column, whatever of a bridge like that, and it's like, yeah, it's the single point of not a single point of failure, but like you hit that part and then everything else fails. It's like those bridge games.
Yeah, speaking as someone who's crashed quite a few cars. It's a pretty bad feeling when it's happening. Yeah, that shit's just scary. You start sliding and you just go fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. Dude, I think the most like
Lucky, miraculous thing that ever happened in my life. I was driving to work when I used to work in retail and back then, you know, if no one cared if it was snowing, it was like, if it's snowing, you're coming into work. And so it was snowing pretty bad. I was driving down the Pike West from Alston to Dedham.
and started started like lost traction on the pike and did a 180 across every like from the far. Right lane, 180 into the far into the leftmost lane, ended up facing facing the wrong way on the highway and had to do a K turn to like right myself. But like somehow in that moment,
Didn't go so far that I hit the median. Didn't hit any other cars. Just did a 180 across four lanes on the pike. And then was able to do a K turn and nothing, no damage, no accident. Probably the, probably the luckiest I've ever been. See, that's real lucky. I fucking not, not as dramatic as that, but person in front of the person in front of me short stopped on the pike rate near, um,
you know, when you're coming out of the city and there's like the first exit, it'll take you on to 90 five. If you bump off right there. Yep. So I'm like, dude, I fucking entered that. That level is our change. That interchange is a fucking, I've had an accident there. That's a menace anyway. Continue. So I'm still on 90 though, but it was like right there. And the person in front of the person in front of me, it's just like slammed on their brakes in the middle lane of the highway. And, uh,
person in front of me slammed on their brakes. I obviously had to slam on mine and it was just like a shitty day out. And I started sliding and I'm like, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. And I slid into the car in front of me and rear ended them. Yep. And then behind me caused a four car pilot. Oh my God. Cop shows up and he's like, Oh man, this is fucked down. I was like, yep.
And then the cop was gonna write it as two separate accidents, and I was like, fuck yes, dude, this cop's hooking me up.
And then the fucking dildo behind me was like, Nope, I tapped them. So it's actually one giant accident. So I'm not at fault because I'm in the middle. I was like, Oh, you cunt fucking bastard. Because the cop totally was like, Oh yeah, two separate accidents. Like you're just at fault for the one in front of you. You know, you shouldn't have slid into the person you're falling too close, but it's really not a big deal. You know, you just not even going to write you a ticket. And then the person I was like, it's not my fault.
piece of **** That one I had to go to traffic court and fight. Not traffic court but what's that called? Not traffic court. Uh insurance court where you go and you talk to your insurance provider because they were going to raise my rate by like all the **** **** load for that accident. Yeah. And the cop wrote it as unsafe
and specifically told me is like, you're going to want to go fight this ticket from your insurance company. This is all you need to say. I'll write it on the police report and just point that out to them. You'll get off. And I went in and it was like a bunch of old people in suits and they were all kind of grilling me. And I was like, yeah, the cops said it wasn't my fault. And then they, they like did that douchey thing where people like snicker and then they looked at the report and they're like, all right, cops said it wasn't your fault. So, uh,
And no raise to your insurance. Right. So fuck yeah. Only time the cops ever done anything good for me. Yeah. So this in this, uh, this just in Pablo's cops. Nope. You are a cop. Pause is a cop. I was the cop. So I wrote it off. I wish I was a cop. Fucking would be retiring in, uh, I don't know what 15 years on that 80% pension.
I have to show anything for the rest of my life. Not too up to date on cop pensions. Can the original Sunshine Skyway Bridge get hit by a shipping cargo ship too? What? Did it collapse as dramatically? Kinda. I don't remember when I saw that this morning. I thought it was CGI.
Oh, really? Mm hmm. I mean, it looks kind of silly the way it collapses, where it's just like it all just goes like. Oh, yeah, it's like fucking Jenga. Yeah. I thought it was like a scene from a movie or something, and I'm like, Holy shit, this is this happened. Yeah, it did. You know what people keep sending to me and I'm like sick of people sending it to me.

Movie Discussions and Cultural Commentary

the trailer for the civil war movie. I don't want to watch that shit. I like, listen, I have a kid. I'm about to have another kid. I don't want to think about that at all. I have zero desire to see that. This is the one with Ron Swanson. Yes. Where he's the president and then it causes a civil war. What about Oppenheimer? You see that?
No, but I watched the Barbie movie and that movie was awesome. Nice. Yeah. Yeah. I watched it too. Fucking Barbie movie was legit. Awesome. Loved it. Thought it was hilarious. Don't understand why people are upset about it. Yeah, I actually don't either. They was, it was, I didn't, I mean, it was. All the bad things that they say about Ken are like the male character. Then in the end, they're like, actually, it's all so bad. If it's just,
Like female dominated. There's no, it should be like a shared responsibility. I felt like that was like the kind of obvious take that they were, or like, yeah. Yeah. Cause then in the end, she's like, Oh, I realized what I did wrong and I want to live a different life. Yeah. Great movie. If you haven't seen it eight and you should watch it. Won a lot of awards. Yeah.
want to watch Oppenheimer this week, maybe Oppenheimer. Yeah, I gotta watch that. I still gotta watch killer the flower moon. I watched the first half of killers of the flowers moon. It was very good. I read the book. So I know what happens. Yeah. Yeah, I vaguely know the plot too. Oh, I still gotta watch. Um,
Ari Aster's new movie that I can't remember. I've just got a fucking list of movies. You know what? Go back to the Killers of the Flower Moon. Uh, neither of them have seen it. Good book. Have either of you, but you guys know like the general story. Yeah. All the guys take the gold and then they're all. It's like a matrilineal society and uh,
They're all like long leather jackets and dark sunglasses. And there's like, uh, yeah, yeah, colors. There's like a gel capsule once red, and then there's another capsule. It's blue. Then they're all like green stuff going all over the place. The robots have all have pictures of our dicks is that if you lived in that time period, you could have been.
It's just amazing what they got away with. They were like, listen, you natives are too stupid to have your own money. Jesus. So we're going to control it when you say shit like that. Did that hit home for you, Paul? Living in, uh, zero Chinacaca or wherever. Yeah. My native roots. Yeah.
Ken Jeharry, dude, it's not a joke. It's on the Mohawk River. So we took the house from some Native Americans and we moved right in. Just the fact that they were like, oh, you're a native and you're having a funeral. Okay. So instead of being like, you know, 500 bucks, it's fucking $50,000.
And then they just got away with it and they had fucking, they were like, yeah, well, that makes sense. Yeah. You guys are rich. They had oil money. So they stole the oil fields, right? I think the oil, the oil was underneath the tribal land, right? Correct. They got the land rights. They pushed the natives into what they thought was a shitty area. And then it was, had a ton of oil on it. So the natives actually won out.
but then they just were like, okay, we'll just marry in and take all your money that way and poison you slowly and kill them off. Yeah. That's what they did. They were like, um, you know, marry this native. Uh, you're going to get to know her and then you're going to marry her and then you're going to have her will all of her land rights to you.
Um, because she can't will it to her family because her family are all alcoholics and then who are going to get, you're going to kill her slowly and on obviously. And, uh, that's how we're going to keep taking all this money. And then they kept being like, we are the white people that helped you. So you should keep willing all your land to us. This is kind of fucked up, dude. Kind of.
I feel like, um, what's this Tarantino should do? Like a sequel, reimagining historical re rewriting of that. Where one of them gets killed bill ask revenge. They, they, they, I mean, they kind of do. They get the FBI involved. She's like, I'm,

Literature and Personal Reading Preferences

Flower moon. I was going to say easy. Careful where you're going with that one. I'm about to finish this, uh, the hell's angels book that he wrote. And that's all over the place, Paul.
the one that Sonny Barger wrote? Yeah, he did. My guy skips around from year to year. It's insane. Yeah, I read that book. It's pretty good. Yeah, it's good. I'm just like, dude, one part you're at, you're in like 1978. And then next page, it's like, oh, when I was 66. And I'm like, dude, there's no, I don't believe any of the shit he wrote in that book. Yeah, I know. I know. What the fuck?
I think that that book is like, um, as believable as the one that Hunter S. Thompson wrote, which needless to say is not very believable. In his book, he made that up or that Hunter was a fucking, uh, what'd he call him? Like a, uh, a total bitch, basically. Well, I could see where they would be upset about what he did. He was like, he promised us two kegs of beers and he never fucking followed up on it.
That's pretty funny because in Hunter's book, he talks about that. He's at like a party with them and they wanted him to go get beer and he just ditches. Yeah. You should read the Hunter S. Thompson book now that you finished that. No, dude. I'm on the cornbread mafia book. It's going to be one of the best. Jared, you don't read books, dude. I'm trying to read a book now that I've failed finishing for the three times before.
OK. The Maya Angelou book. No, I'm a magnifying glass over it. It's called the the first and last freedom. Oh, cool. Yeah, I don't really want to go into it. What's it about? I don't. It's about the Mayans. The Engines. No, it's
So it's by Jiddu Krishnamurti. Oh God. Yeah. It's about, it's like a, it's more like a philosophy book. You know who would be down with that? Who? Jeff. Yeah, Jeff and I, Jeff and I would get down with Krishnamurti. Jeff can read a book if he tried, dude. He used to have someone to read them books. There's no attention span for that.
Yeah, right. Did he used to bring me books? He used to read a shitload of books. No, it was one of his brain a little bit, maybe not, but one of Aldous Huxley's favorite books. That's that's yeah. That's who recommended it. I tried to actually breaks up with Odell Beckham Jr. It is again. That's just not right.
How do you know that your source is the right one? I tried to read that eldest Huxley book about the Sigmas and it was terrible. Oh, a wavy world. Yep. I made it like 75% of the way through the book and I was like, I can't finish this. You should, um, you should try it again. 1984 to the George Orwell book. I made it maybe a quarter of the way into the book and I was like, this book sucks.
Imagine reading a George Carlin book. That'd be fucking weird. Dude, the thing that you just sent says, oh, what's all Beckham Jr broke up with Kim Kardashian? Dude, no way. She split with him, dude. Can you read books? Dude, she fucking split. She said, I'm done, dude.
I'm done. Two dozen. I've read like six books in my life and those two are actually two that I've read that you just said you fucking hate.

Chef Mike's Positive Influence and Social Media

Have you turned around on Chef Mike at all, Paul? He reviewed. I think he's trying to get a sponsorship, which I respect the hustle. He reviewed these like
frozen sorbet fruit treats yesterday or today. Oh yeah. And he did the probiotic. Yeah. Finding this phase of his, of it interesting where he's just going on. He's just picking out brands and giving them all 10 out of 10 reviews. He's such a sweet boy, dude. I know. He's such a sweet boy. I think you know him. That's why you're trying to,
No, that'd be insane. That'd be an insane person move. You know this guy. Yeah. I mean, put it this way. If you, if you thought it was from Providence, if you thought, if you really think that and Aidan's trying to like pump up his boy from Providence, you are choosing to hate that. Yeah. It's kind of messed up to you for no reason, dude. I would support your weird friends.
I mean, yeah, we do. We were talking about it earlier. Who? What? Your boy that runs away from me when I was trying to say hi. Oh, yeah. Well, all right. Fair. But he has, you know, other issues. He's not. Chef Mike is just a strange bird. Dude, Chef Mike, dude, he's a sweet guy. He's just trying to make it. Chef Mike here.
I need to make sure I still follow him. Did he block me or what? You were being too supportive. You kept, you kept telling him you love him. Dude, what the hell? What the fuck chef Mike? What's his name? I can't find it. Uh, cook cooking. Is it cooking with chef Mike?
I don't think chef Mike is in it at all. Uh, no, damn, I can't find him. He blocked both of us. Did he? I'll find him because he knows that I'm a real day one. Just eating, eating underscore with Mike. Okay. Whew.
Wish I could get some love back from this guy. At least like my comments, bro. He doesn't fucking he does not appreciate our show of love. Those sorbet things, I've had them before. They sell them at Costco. Yeah, they're fucking good. They're so good. Mm hmm. The coconut one. The coconut one. Really good. The pineapple one. Really good. Think about this guy just waits all day at work to get home and do one of these. Got to fucking give him love, dude.
Yeah. Right now, it's a copyright strike. Yup. It's growing on you. Really get a copyright strike when we have the Vengo bus at the end of every pod. Dude, you gotta, it grows on you how fucking, my guy's consistent.

Social Media Personalities and Fragrance Discussions

Did you guys see that?
Jeremy fragrance or fragrance by Jeremy or whatever that weirdo's name. Keys of dudes are us listener. Well, he's not. He posted a video of himself dancing to that song. To what song? The Vanga Bus. To the Vanga Bus. Yeah. Oh, dude, we got to start just using that as advertisement. See, I'll find it right now. Finishing an episode. That's not it. That's not it. I love this guy, dude. He definitely does coke.
If you go back in time and his page, he's very normal looking, has like short hair and it's just, you know, definitely not a coke head. And then he moved to Miami. I am. You'll do that to you. And now all his videos are him sniffing children and dancing hard. Did he always have that accent or did he create that accent as part of his brand? Oh, he's like from Germany or something.
God damn it, dude. He caught us on that cinnamon toast crunch videos down about it. I don't get why. He was like, no, dude. Fuck dude. No, don't comment on this. It's like, yo chill, dude.
but your homies just say, he gives you likes. He likes your comments, dude. He does sometimes. He didn't know. I commented on his sorbet video and he didn't shut the fuck up. Stop trolling guys. He's getting better. I'm telling you guys, we're here for the come up. Cause he started with a, just a microphone or he never added a microphone. I should say he's like, nah, y'all trolling.
Yeah, I was kind of pissed about that. I was about to be like, dude, shut the fuck up. I'm supporting you, dude. I take it back. I take it back. You actually suck. We're going to destroy you now. I'm going to destroy you. This is bakarataru's number 540. Yes, dude. This dude's the man.
Oh, this is Tom Ford. Oh, the wood. He's like, Oh, come here, little boy. Let me smell your neck. Okay. Give me a cell phone. I take picture now. That's on flats. Give me cell phone. That's him just finishing an episode. Wow. That's pretty good. Yeah, that's dope. That just blares on at the end while he's about to film a video. Wow. That was so good and relatable.
Like, thank God I just did Coke, now I can dance to the outro of this podcast. He just listened to the episode for the outro. I think we should get him on the pod. I think we could. Yeah, I think so too. What scent are you going to tell him that you wear? Because he's going to ask what we wear for Cologne. Tom Ford. Tom Ford what? I have it upstairs. I think it's Tom Ford Noir.
Yep. That is what it is. Tom Ford. No, the one that smells like cigarettes and cocaine. That's what it actually smells like. What is that vanilla fatale or whatever? No, the tobacco vanilla.
No, tobacco, you know, Tuscan leather, Tuscan leather. That's like probably the best smelling cologne ever. My older brother had a sugar mom at one point. And she bought him a bottle of that $500 bottle of cologne. And I used to put it on. I was like 13 years old. And I'd be like, yeah, I smell like fucking cocaine money. Oh, yeah.
And cigarettes. I'm going to get so much pussy. It didn't work if anybody's wondering, but I smelled really good. Jeremy fragrance would have been pumped. He would have loved smelling your 14 year old neck. You would have. Do you think he was a fighter in World War II?
Just saying, you never know. I don't know if they call them fighters. Yeah. Nazi. That's where his fragrance money came from. It's got a Venezuelan uncle. Or Argentinian or whatever the fuck it is. That's where he developed his sense of smell.
Oh God. In any case, I think he's my favorite Instagram personality right now. Oh Jesus Christ. No, the 10 year old kid that does 9-11 jokes. Yes. Yeah. He might be my favorite. He is the funniest person online right now.
Listen, Jamie fragrance is good because a big dog's everybody. He smells them, gets the clone wrong. Somehow makes it their fault that he got the scent wrong. And then he goes, give me your cell phone. I'll take a picture. This man, once we do guess, he smells more like weed than cologne. You're like, all right, bro.
Whatever. You're the one who claims you know, you're the one. I'm not going around asking or I'm not going around smelling people. That's your thing. OK. OK. At first, I like it'd be one thing if he was like a Mr. Beast guy who like if you found him in the wild, he'd give you like 10 grand. Oh, dude, Mr. Beast.
Mr. Beast, that's like his, that's his shtick. He just gives you a bunch of money if you find him. I mean, there's a bunch of other stuff, but like famously, yes. If you were to like run into Mr. Beast in a parking garage, he would give you 10 grand. Dude. I mean, I bet he probably has unlimited money. I mean, genuinely pretty much does.
Jeremy fragrance. You find him. He just sexually harasses you. Give me your cell phone now. Let me videotape you. He goes. Awkward to show. No, no, it's not awkward to show. Well, you don't have enough on. Did you see the one dude? He sniffs him and then he goes. That's easy. That's Abercrombie.
And then the kid goes, it's not Abercrombie. And he's like, he basically is like, get the fuck out of here. It's Abercrombie. Fuck you, dude. Then he goes, why could I smell you before I even got near you? And the kid goes, I put on 15 pumps. Oh, my God. But that's what this fucking dude does. When he's doing his crazy, coked out dances, he just sprays a shitload of cologne all over himself. Dude, I need to make a specific trip back to Florida so I could meet this guy. I thought the mags was like two pumps.
Yeah. Yeah, literally. It's like a pump on your neck and then maybe like one on your wrist and then you just call it good. Did I'll do it on the wrist, one on the fucking chest? Mm hmm. It's usually what I do. Uh, dude, I'll go to Miami and hunt down Jerry Fragrance. Come up with some reason why I need to go to Miami with you and have our old company buy me a plane ticket.
have a sale on like white blazers just buy eight of them make a sale drop pin on instagram he's gonna float around by like the Grinch
Throw some axe on, he'll throw him through a fucking loop, dude. Some bod, some bod bodies for you. Oh my god. You can smell bod by a fucking, oh my god, dude. That's, I can smell it right now. It's terrible. I'm just saying they have the best, best marketing hot bod.

Nostalgia, Hygiene, and Food Preferences

Oh my god. I want that bod, B-O-D for me.
This is a shit's like 25 years old and I can still remember it. What about people that just wear a bunch of aftershave? Tiger water. Half the time Jeremy fragrance is going. Florida water? What is it? I'm not even wearing fragrance today. Just deodorant. Just deodorant and man smell. You said that in one of them. Hell yeah. Hell yeah, dude.
Listen, this dude's out of his mind though. Cause I was like, maybe his cologne is good. And I went and looked it up and it's $250 a bottle. Oh God. He's that's not selling. Get a Davis Clark cologne just smells like fucking money. Just see. Yeah. Just money. Heavy hitters.
Smells like the fucking... the commuter rail. Smells like his boy Brynjani or whatever the fuck that is. Probably smells like spearmint or something. Davis Clark strikes me as somebody who doesn't brush his teeth. Oh god. People who don't brush their teeth. That's like a mental disorder, right?
brush my teeth like four times a day. Four times a day? No, that's a lie. I brush them two times a day every day. Sometimes, sometimes three times if I eat something fucked up for lunch. Fish full bowl of cottage cheese. Yeah, exactly. What? What is it? What is it? What mood is that? Is that a just every day?
I love cottage cheese. I could, you know, they sell it in like a pint container, like a big ass container. I could probably take down a whole container of it. But like you intentionally buy it because I could be like I was at my when I was like I was sitting for my brother and I was eating all their food. They had like a thing of cottage cheese and like I'll eat that because that was like one of the things in their fridge. But you you buy intentionally buy cottage cheese. Mm hmm. That's crazy. I mean, I've always eaten it.
Now that I have a kid, she eats it. But, uh, yeah, I mean, his wife now, she eats it too. Oh my God. I introduced her to it. She thought it was nasty. And then she actually tried it and she was like, wow, this shit is crack. No. What about fish fillets? So she doesn't eat those, right?
I think she had one recently. Fuck. I'll fuck a fish fillet up. I ate two of them last night, actually. Good Lord. If I had to choose between cottage cheese and a fish fillet, I'd take the cottage cheese. Would you ever dip a fish fillet in the cottage cheese? Probably not. Do you put like sugar on the cottage cheese or anything? I just eat a plane. Good Lord.
Shannon, like I used to eat it with, um, lemon pepper seasoning. I'd shake some on it and eat it. Oh, we talked. This was maybe number one. Yep. But now I just fuck it up today. I was just eating it raw.
raw dog and kind of cheese. And it's just chunky milk? Pretty much just spoiled milk, yeah. Fuck. It sounds terrible if you describe it, but if you just try it. Do it or does it just go right down? Maybe a little bit of both, I don't know.
It's like a frosty. It's like a sock. All right. And all this time we've been wanting a sponsorship. What if, what if it's like the cottage cheese council? Yeah, it's fine, dude. I don't give a fuck. What if he reaches out to us and they're like, what if they need to see you eating it on camera? No, dude, I'll take any sponsorship besides, uh, whatever. Yeah.
You would eat cottage cheese on camera for some money. No, I mean, depends if it's like big cheese money. It would have to be Mr. Beast money. What if they, what if they gave you like, you know, what if they gave each of us like 10 grand to like go to Target and buy all the cottage cheese and then start handing it out to people. But then you got to like keep whatever was leftover.
Yeah, the cottage cheese. What the fuck? There's no way there's 10 grand worth of cottage cheese at Target. It's probably like 80 bucks. No one buys this. So we have like 60 bucks worth. I think you're wrong, dude. Cottage cheese is having a moment.
No, it actually was. There were actually I mean, I think it's past. There definitely was like a tick tock like cooking trend where everyone was like new ways to eat cottage cheese today. And today I'm blending it up with with my coffee to make it to make a delicious dairy coffee smoothie. They've got a cottage cheese come and coffee smoothie that I'm eating. It's been a ton of protein.
I'm making this cottage cheese ice cream that your kids will love. I froze this cottage cheese. Fucking psychopaths. I might have some after the pod. That was cool. Get cottage cheesed up right before bed. Then I have to explain tomorrow morning while I feel sick to my stomach at work. Take 10 spoons of it, dude.
Uh, I got the big container today in between me and my daughter. We ate half a container. Okay. So empty stomach or like whatever, you know, like Joey chestnut does to prepare his stomach and you need to eat the most cottage cheese. Where, where do you think you're tapping out in like, in like pints?
You're saying a pint's like a, like a big container, not the medium container, like the big container. Um, I don't actually know what a pint is. So if you went to the grocery store and you bought the big container, isn't a quart bigger than a pint? I'll see. I'll just look it up. The plane is the small one. The court is the big one or the medium one maybe. And then maybe the like half gallon is the big one. All right. Right here. Here it is. It is.
Like a school milk that you got in elementary school from the school, that is a pint of milk. Hang on, I'll tell you how much is in this container right now. I'm gonna Instacart it. This is 24 ounces, so I ate 12. I probably had eight ounces of cottage cheese for lunch. If you throw up, you, you,
Uh, everyone else at the competition just kicks you until you're done throwing up. But if you eat the most cottage cheese without throwing up, you win. I could win that easily. $7,000. How much are you eating? One gallon. Fuck. No. The fuel car with that, dude. Easy. That fucking cottage cheese would be coming out my nose and I'd die.
I also like I was at easy. You would eat an easy gallon of cottage cheese. I can eat it, but like I get like. Bro, if I put my mind to it today, I could have fucked up that whole 24 ounce container.
How much more of a 24 ounces to a gallon? How many ounces are in a gallon? There's 128 ounces in a gallon. You could eat five more of those. That's fucking nuts. You'd probably feel terrible. Yeah, you definitely feel terrible. Remember? Probably kill you. Remember Spike's hot dogs? Yeah, of course I do. They had a challenge and I think it was like 36 hot dogs or something. You had to win.
First people whose pictures were on the wall for that. Shannon and I have been arguing about this for years, but I think I could do it. Nah, dude. After like 10 hot dogs, it's three packages of hot dogs. That's crazy. Fenway, when I used to work there one day, I easily fucked up eight hot dogs just for fun.

Competitive Eating and Personal Limits

I mean, you and Jerry can do this pretty easily. You guys grow up and they're grilled. So it's even more of a advantage for you. But if you, if you do 20, that'd be impressive. I'll boil them. I don't give a fuck. Oh my God. The only way I won't eat a hot dog is cold. I'm not one of those weirdos, but can't boil them, dude. Yeah. I mean, all right. Boil 20 hot dogs, guys. Let's see how far you get through that.
Do you have to eat the bread? Is that part of it? And spikes, it was. Yeah, it spikes. It was the whole thing. Oh, fucking spikes. Buns were like a like a fucking French roll. Oh, there's probably there's probably no way I could have done the spikes one. But if we were just to go out and grill up, stop and shop buns, 36 hot dogs. Easy. Do it. I just said 30 Friday weekend. It's a long weekend. You got this. Easy, easy money.
Then I'll put down a gallon of cottage cheese. Jared, you just have to videotape it for proof for me. I will. Imagine how bad I'd feel if I ate a gallon of cottage cheese. Imagine how bad you feel- Over like four hot dogs you feel like- I'll pay the $7,000 if you eat a gallon of cottage cheese. And I won't kick you if you throw up. Do 30 hot dogs.
All right. I don't think I'm maybe a half gallon. I don't know if I can even get on the college. All right. Well, now you've got my expectations up, so I'm uninterested. But 30 hot dogs or whatever I said, what is that? How many hot dogs come in a pack? I don't think you'd get. I think you'd get like whatever it is when you eat too much salt. Cool. Natremia.
Ten coming a pack. Three packs of hot dogs? Easy. Easy. Easy money. No way, dude. After like four hot dogs, I think you're done. No shot, dude. The other day, Shannon and I were outside. I ate three for fun.
What did we say 30 30 or 35 30 30? I think if you do if you do 20, Paul. That'd be huge. So my thing is you lose steam, right? You're like we used to do. Well, 20 of them on the grill at once. We used to do like Taco Bell contest where everyone would get one of those one of those taco boxes.
And like, you think you can you're like, I've eaten seven tacos before that I can easily do like 12. Easy money, dude. And you fucking hit time, then you hit like eight and you're like, I'm going to die. Yeah, I guarantee you, I could eat 12 soft tacos. I feel better about easy tacos. No, I mean that. Yeah, other people did achieve that in the group, but I could never get the whole fucking talk about 20 hot dogs is impressive.
Go to Costco, grab 20 pack, 20 banger and fucking dominate it. One of my friends in college told me he could eat a five gallon bucket of Gushers.
I mean, I was like, I was like, no, you know, a lot of gushers, but five is a five, a five gallon bucket of gushers. No, you die. You would die. You'd go. You'd have an insulin spike. Yeah. You'd die. Well, I also get the volume of like five gallons you would run out. Like what? He also told me he could eat 100 chicken McNuggets and that the secret to eating 100 McNuggets was the sauce.
Okay. Okay. What would that be? What can I imagine easily like a gallon of milk? I don't think anybody can drink a gallon of milk without puking. Yeah, that's coming up. So your stomach has a volume of 0.4 gallons.
So a five gallon bucket of, of gushes just straight up kill you. Actually impossible. I mean, you, if you did like what the fucking competitive eaters do and like stretch practice for years, stretching your stomach, but like a fucking out of the box person, not, not possible. Yeah.
All right, I'm gonna try it. I'm gonna eat 20 hot dogs. I'm gonna feel terrible after. Shoot for 30. I think 20 would be easy. All right, hell yeah. All right, we'll film it. We'll get this going. I don't have work Friday, Pops. Let's do it. I do have work Friday. Actually, I think I'm going to doomsayer on Friday.
How many hot dogs can you consume in one sitting? I would say three to four. I'm a big hot dog fan. For diet reasons, I can't eat any hot dogs. Me personally, I can eat one too. These people are all pussies. I mean like a normal, that like buddy's 40th birthday that we had hot dogs. Like I ate five easy.
And then I was like, I don't really want to eat more. And then I probably ate two more. And then I was kind of like, I'm done with hot dogs for a few days. I mean, if I'm going no bun too. If I'm going buns, if you're going buns. You got to go bun. It's not not really a hot dog. If you're just eating, I'm just out of the package. A meat stick. Yeah. I still think I can do it. I don't think that that's that crazy.
So we're going to go for 20. Yeah, we'll go for 20. And then if we get to 20, I'll go for 30. Hell yeah. What's the worst thing that happens? You have diarrhea for like four days. Yeah. Yeah. Can't get your ring off your finger because he ate too much salt. All right. We'll see the fucking challenge, dude. Good Friday challenge.
Imagine how sick you feel though. Did I feel terrible after like, you know, like a normal portion of pasta at an Italian restaurant? So I ate 24 chicken fingers one time at Fenway. Wasn't it not small chicken fingers either? Nope. Oh, we got them in catering when I was working there and I just kept eating them.
That would have been in less than an hour because it's not like it was on break. Yeah, that's that's also like I think about a power hour. You try to do a power hour and like it's it. It all sounds easy in theory, but then like somewhere in the 45th minute, you're just kind of like the minutes start sneaking up on you are like, I still got to do another shot of beer and 24 chicken nuggets in an hour is like a full chicken nugget.
chicken tender chicken. That's what I meant to say. Chicken tender, like less than every three minutes. Yep. Right. Is that math? Just fucking them up. That's, that's like, that's kind of crazy. How many large pizzas do you think you could eat? Like a Domino's large pizza?
I've eaten six. I've never pushed myself beyond one. Yeah. I've eaten one large pizza to my face. I've never been like I desire more pizza now. I think large Domino's pizzas, maybe one and a half to would be insane.
That's 16 slices of pizza. If you eat two of them, that's a fucking shitload of pizza. One, definitely. Oh, one easy. I could, you know, whole box of spaghetti, like a pound of spaghetti. I can fuck that up. Good Lord. Good Lord. Good Lord. All right, Friday, this is it. How many cans of tuna? Oh, fuck.
See those are so that's the thing that was what I was kind of getting out with cottage cheese and tuna is the same way we're like I can eat like a cup like a metric or not like a you know like a literal cup of Like cottage cheese, but then I start to get like cottage cheese ick I'm like tuna is the same way where you're like I could eat one can of tuna Beyond one can of tuna you're like yes, could I eat six more cans of tuna? probably
Is the tuna going to start tasting like the worst thing on Earth? Also, yes. I think I'd get like into can three and I'd be like, this is horrible. I think with tuna, it's all about how you dress it up. Yeah, you just got to get the sweet, the bags, the sun star kissed bags and just
Squeeze lemon pepper tuna into your and just You and shy you and shy awkward guys sitting in your van Oh, yeah, you know fucking at your fucking right house job eating a rice cake on your fucking rice cake Jesus Christ He's better than that He was live-streaming

Social Media Critique and Podcasting

So on Monday, he's scared. He's scared. He won't admit why he has a fake English accent. I ask him every time you live stream and he won't acknowledge it. That's funny. I've commented on his page. I fucking asked him in his lives. He's scared. I'm going to keep asking until he gives me an answer.
What's up with your weird accent? You're from Toledo. The truth is out there, Pops. Hey, I'm from Toledo. All right. That's an episode guys. Paul's eat 20 hot dogs by the time we do a next one. Shouts out.
bridges or else you're doing a whole solo podcast, Paul. I could do that. Easy. Shout out Hebrew national. Nah, shout out Kiam. Shout out. Ballpark Franks. Are those the ones you're going to eat? You're going to eat the Kiam ones. Yeah. Fuck you, bro. National dude. Nah, dude. Hebrew nationals. They're actually the only good ones, but nope.
Kayams are the only good ones. No, dude. People who eat Hebrew nationals are serial killer bald guys that we used to work with. He's not a serial killer. He's a good dude, but he's bald. So yeah, something wrong with him. He is a devil. He's the devil. The devil is in him. Right, Jared.
No, he's a good deal. Jared's got nothing bad to say, but I don't care. He's a good dude. I've been, I've not that I'm apologizing, but I say he's a devil, but he's a good, no, that's not what I mean. Not that I'm apologizing. I have probably been kind of a nuisance for the last six to eight months to have to manage somebody like me who's like, I'm, I'm just going to go offline. No one can reach me anymore. That's probably like not,
the thing that you wish your direct reports did. Um, and he's still like my biggest fan. So I can't, I gotta, I gotta give him some respect for putting up with my bullshit. Hell yeah. Shout out to the bald devil. To the bald hot dog guy. All right. Goodbye. Peace. We out. Bye.