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Volcano almost killed us

E25 ยท Dudes "R" Us
56 Plays1 year ago





Introduction & Personal Anecdotes

Happy national prayer day. Stay prayed up. God bless you. My friend here, Pauli Black, with me today. What do you do, Pauli? Cocaine hell. No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Firearms and Security: A Debate

Why shouldn't my wife have the same firearm at home that your bodyguards use to protect you? Is that fair or is that unfair? That's a ridiculous argument. But why? It's absolutely ridiculous. Why is it ridiculous because you're more important than me? What the fuck? What the fuck? You're relieved you don't have to go to work because you thought you were going to get eaten? What the fuck is this world? What have they done to us? What did they do to us?
That was the most consequential day of my life. Thanks. And let me tell you what's gonna

Humor and Politics Interplay

happen. You keep doing that, no one appears gonna call you Donald Trump anymore. We're gonna call you Donald Duck. Cheese. Yo, yo, where'd you get that cheese, Danny?
His dad's with him. He's like, that fucker, he's been making him at night. I know he is. I'm not making him at night, dad. And he'll look at you and be like, I'm making him at night. He's you. You'll be shot for this? Nah, I don't think so. The more I chewed out, I've been chewed out before. You know, you convinced myself, heard that deal you made with the brass. In the war tonight, bitch, you make that deal? I make that deal. I don't blame you.
I'm on there. Okay, I'll look you up. I'll find you on there. It's okay. I went ahead and followed myself from your phone. You followed yourself from my phone?

Podcast Promotion and Unusual Industries

Welcome to your favorite podcast ever made dudes are us. We couldn't thank you enough for joining us for and being a fourth mic. If you have a shitty day job, then please, we hope this only subscribe and review. Fuck Mark Zuckerberg. You can't stop us. Um, uh, Rhode Island, Rhode Island tail. Then also me and you are us in Massachusetts. You don't realize how close it is. You're like, Oh, actually like the like North
Western tip of Long Island is like not that far from Massachusetts and Rhode Island. You can take the ferry. Yeah, take the cross on the ferry. But it's an expensive route. It's like 100 bucks each way. How much do you think New York taxes are? A lot. A fuck ton, right? It can't be worse than. It can't be worse than Massachusetts. It can't be worse than Rhode Island, dude. I think it's over 7%. Let's see.
Rhode Island, the fucking goddamn mob was still around the weed industry until last year. Yeah. How crazy is that a fucking state, state house guy that did all the legislation actually had to resign last year. I mean, that's not crazy in the context of it being right. 2022. It made so much sense immediately when he resigned, they went wrecked like two months later.
Yeah. I mean, you could tell me that like all the post offices in Rhode Island are run by the mob and I wouldn't have any trouble believing that. At first I was like, oh, of course they're going to blame it on them. And then the picture they put on WPR was him meeting one of the guys that's in the family in the state house parking lot. Oh, yeah. They just had like super recode. You're like, oh, my God, you couldn't have made this easy for us. All right. I literally see the front of the state house from that.
Like, God damn it. That's the actual that's the parking lot. That's like up near where the employee like in front of the door. You're like in front of a security camera. Literally, it shows him it's the front door he comes out of it's automatic front door. First security camera just boom, just drove right up. They got out of the car started talking. I'm like, that's so funny. Yeah, so comfortable. It doesn't matter. Yeah, that's when you know, dude, you got you got lazy because you just thought you had it locked down.
Yeah, kind of cool, but also it's pretty fucked from being a grower there when it was like impossible to afford any license because you had to get the license and then you had to pay for every single plant tag. Even after harvest, you would have to repay for a plant tag. The fucking plant tag thing. If the plant count is such a racket and then you're limited on square footage that you could have grown into. It's such that now that I look at it, I'm like, of course, that's like a mob contract in itself.
Yeah, but I mean the plant tag thing like a bunch of states have that but it's so fucking dumb. It's such a racket. They're running a fucking scam. Yeah, dude. They're running a goddamn scam. Oh, we put our food chips in these tags so you can track the plants. There's no actual practical way to do that. But they're more expensive because we put our food chips in them.
I thought it was RFID. How would you pronounce that if you said it as a word? RFID.
All right, arford. What do you think paul? I've only ever said rf id rf id All right. Well, you got I mean you got to be in the biz in the biz we say arford Okay, that's a lie Dude, look it up ask you What biz the pants biz?

Fashion Trends and Online Debates

Yeah, big pants jeans denim encos shanko jeans
I'm going back to a bag of your pants and I'll say it's supreme. Bag of your than you already wore because you already went like straight leg if not more than that. Yeah, I'm going super baggy. It's the best.
It's it's it's just overall. I'm like why they're wearing overalls now. Oh You fucking you're so fucked you're crazy. Yeah, gotcha bitch. I'm crazy I'm assuming that last week was our highest rated episode ever Because of the movie
Yeah plots that you told the movie plots. I mean, I don't know if either you listen to uh Matt and shane's podcast, but they talked about this past when they talked about their subway orders and bidets Seems like they're listening seems like they're taking our topics
I was actually getting into some fierce arguments on Matt and Shane Patreon earlier. Oh, yeah. I love pissing people off on the internet. So yes, it might be the best. I mean, it's it's like I've been using the Reddit argument on everybody and it gets them so mad where I go freedom of speech. I didn't know that was a problem.
Pretty soon Aiden's gonna have a Punisher sticker on the back of his truck American flag Punisher skull based based aid. I'm the first one motherfuckers I'm turning up. I'm going full-based now There we go. Didn't know freedom of speech was illegal now. I thought this was America
Get the coexist bumper sticker, but it's like the one where the coexist is made out of guns and like grenades and stuff. Or I, I, but just for the record, bro, if you actually have a coexist sticker on your car, you're like the worst person. Yeah, either one, either version. I would assume you're always like a 50 year old woman with really curly hair. Yeah, that's what I assume when I'm driving behind that. You're just like a bad person. Someone in a drug rug.
Yeah, no, but their seats are the drug rug things. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, I would say pretty much any bumper sticker. Like the idea that your car needs to send a message. Yeah, bumper stickers suck.
i have issues with yeah i always don't like them i'm like i don't have a bumper sticker because i'm like if i commit a crime and that's the only thing that ids me like in the movie the town where it says neck tattoo yeah it's smart be the bumper sticker be that bumper you're not you're not wrong damn i didn't think about that plus bumper stickers just sucker have you ever seen one where you're like huh that's so cool uh there's some good ones down here i'll tell you yeah
down here. There's some that I'm like, you park that at work. That's insane. Yeah.

Cultural Commentary on Media and War

There's someone at one of the one of the stores I won't name which that I parked next to yesterday and then realize they had a fucking QAnon bumper sticker and I was like, No way that rules. I was like, Are you kidding me?
Especially in the town, like, I'll say it wasn't Franklin. So the other two towns, who cares? Oh, holy shit. This fucking Northampton. Easthampton. In that town where you're like, you must just get, like, you must get verbally assaulted at the grocery store when people see that. They might just pull me and go, I didn't know freedom of speech was illegal. Oh, God. That ends every argument I'm telling you. This gets so mad. It only applies to the government.
Didn't know we were in a communist country here. I can't speak my mind. Especially the more calm you are about it too. Yeah, or the just a crying emoji laugh face then no context behind it. Yeah. Stop doing that. Stop cry laughing emoji me. Are we gonna get Pando on for the 50th episode?
Yeah, he's down. He's down whenever we want him back. I was thinking of 50 100 and then every landmark you'll just come on Yeah, absolutely. Well, how far has anyone been counting? 20s. Oh, yeah, I think we're about to be at About to hit 30 probably in like two. Okay, that's crazy 30 weeks of podcasts think about that 30 hours almost a full work week 30 hours
We got quite the library when I look. It's nice. It is nice. All the new Ukraine listeners get to listen through a ton of fucking clips. Yeah. Are they just getting tired over there with that war? I think it's.
I don't I actually don't know. I don't know if it's that we stopped caring. And so like the news doesn't tell us what's going on anymore. Or if it's really just like, not like, like war of attrition is the wrong. First of all, it's not a war. It's a special military action. According to whom relax with all that war talk, right? I'm pretty sure it's a war. No, it's a special military operation. I would agree that we have not that we have not engaged in war.
because that would be that that like america's involvement is not war but i'm pretty sure ukraine believes they're at war whose side are you on dude i think i'm on am i not supposed to be on ukraine side i don't even know or somebody on the uh who did we play last week the giants what no the jets the jets that's what i meant
I mean the Jets have that Ukraine flag on their helmet. It seems like I don't know Yeah, maybe because they always we just bought all their farmland Yeah, dude, we they were the number one wheat producer the money that we give them I guess like is like for like it's like not like or just give I guess we just like own all of like half of Ukraine now because we gave him so much money Yeah, that's that's how it's supposed to work
Yeah, they can't even fucking give us bitcoin or anything good I know what happened to that whole fucking, uh, sbf thing. What was that guy's company? Same bank been freed. Oh, uh What the fuck was it? I don't know. Was that cryptocurrency exchange? Why still going to jail? Was there new information about that? No, i'm just trying to go through all of the fucking big things Oh, um that we just forgot about
I think he's still, I think his trial is still happening. But what was it called again?

Cryptocurrency and Celebrity Mishaps

It was, um, I had some dumb fuck name. Um, pop say words. It's going to help me remember. Was it just letters? Was it just like, um, was something right? Yeah. Max or something. Oh man. What was it? You're getting close. You're getting really close.
FTX. Yeah, there you go. Wow. Holy shit. There you go. Did you guess that? No, I looked it up. Oh, come on. You fuck dude. I could have lied though. You would have told me.
You guys see the new Britney Spears video where she's dancing with kitchen knives? Yeah, I did. That's awesome. It's worth putting a link in the chat. It's no way. It's not even so... It was concerning enough that they sent the police to our house for a wellness check.
What was she doing? She's just like in her bra and underwear is dancing around with kitchen knives like smacking them together Like she's like a fucking Arabian princess or something. That's awesome. But then I feel like the other The thing that I found more confused to be hot as fuck and now she's just like crazy-looking. Yeah, I think she's like 52 Yeah, there's a lot of hot 50 year olds
Yeah, that's fair. Yes. El Balcono, Jogado. I think, Brian, I think Christie Brinkley is like 65 and she could still get it. The woman from Desperate Housewives, Eva Longoria. I thought that Christie Brinkley was fat or something. No, he's not fat. Who is that? Isn't she on Weight Watchers? No, that's Christie something or other.
What about Henry Winkler? Chrissy Brinkley, 69. You can still get it. Wait, what the fuck are we saying? R.L. Stein. Are you talking about the Arabian dance?
Dude, yeah, the thing that was most concerning about that for me less even more so than the knives is like she's She's like like a dancer like a big part of her talent is dancing and like choreography and stuff and Like her that dance sucked. The dance was crazy. It was like bad. It was like I
It was like bad tick tock dancing where you're like, not only are you clearly like a little bit unhinged because you're dancing around with knives, but this isn't even good. Like if she were if she were like. Toxic music video dancing with knives, you'd be like, holy shit, that's hot. But because she looked so fucking unhinged when she was doing it and like the dance sucked, you're like, oh, something's wrong with her. Did she bring a gun to a knife fight?
Yes. Yeah. Yeah. That's just bringing a knife on Instagram. She brought a gun to her mental knife fight. Hell yeah. I respect her. She's on Vegas, dude. She's a resident. She's a resident. Does she have her own money now? Did they give her her money? Yeah, definitely. Yeah. That's good. Does she still do the residency? Can you still just go see her dancing? Probably. It's like the most normal she'll probably ever be.

Industry Strikes and Entertainment Critiques

What do you guys think about the SAG negotiations ending? I think it was a good deal. I didn't read the whole thing. It works gonna resume, which is great. Well, was it was it SAG or was it the Writers Guild or was it both of them? I don't know. I think SAG is the Writers Guild. It's a Screen Actors Guild. WAG. Yeah, WAG.
I think the writers just I think the writers right so sag and the writers guild were both on strike at the same time I think they're honest. It's pretty Pretty weak that they were like, yeah, so If you guys just don't want to keep writing good scripts, we'll just use chat GPT Yeah, we'll just put you guys out of business I just can't believe that people are just like I'm not we're not working for eight months. I
I I definitely don't know how that works from like I think there's like I think a lot of people donate money to like help them and Because your union you get back pay you get some back pay the whole time for the whole time But you don't get paid out like if you're in a labor union or like nurses union teaching union that type of union where it's like you make a salary or you're making x amount of money per week and
the whole time that you're on strike, you don't get paid. And then as soon as you are reinstated to work and the strike ends, you get back pay for the whole time. Holy shit. So people are just getting a fucking. Well, you didn't get paid for, I mean, like the one nursing union in Massachusetts was on strike for like almost a year and you don't get it. You don't get health insurance. You don't get any money. And I guess they're just like taking out loans and shit to pay their rent and whatever. So you're all the fucks doing the nursing.
Uh, St. Elizabeth, I think was the hotel and it just sure hotel the hospital. And I think that they had to shut down a lot of their, yeah, like elective surgeries and stuff. Um, that's fucked up, but I want to say the writers strike settled and it, and I read some of it and it seems like they got a pretty good deal.
the screen actors are still on strike. So that still means. So they're just going to write a bunch of scripts for nobody. Yeah, that still means like late night shows aren't coming back. Movies are not being produced. So I mean, as though as the loss of a late night show really that big of a deal. Jimmy Fallon must be stoked to get the world need anymore. Jimmy Fallon.
uh no but you know i enjoyed it i think i could put on jimmy found late night i could easily fall asleep in a good way i don't understand how he ever became a popular actor he can't i think he like dude i think he was a joke without laughing
I think he was like groomed by Lauren Michaels and like probably was like. Oh, yeah, of course. Lauren Michaels weird. No, I mean like literally groomed like Lauren. He was like he started out as like Lauren Michaels or like, you know, like bitch boy. Oh, Jesus, Jared. I really. There's there's no other way to explain how his career exists. You just did a Jimmy Fallon laugh right there. You laughed in the middle of your bit. Well.
He just, he's a devil we can't get out of. He's a devil we can't get out of. No, he's a hometown guy. He's good. What about... He loves the socks. Go socks. That's what I'm saying. Who's the fat guy who was with Adam Corolla? He has his own late night show now. Jimmy Kimmel.
Oh, yeah. Kimmel. Oh, yeah, of course. Kimmel's actually good, honestly. Among the, like, between, what is it, Seth Meyers, Jimmy Fallon, Kimmel, and Colbert. I think Colbert's, you know. Maybe Colbert by, like, a hair number one, but Kimmel's like a good, Kimmel's a good show, in my opinion, anyway. He was better on the man show. Oh, it's actually shocking to me that he has a career still after the man show.
Um, not because it was a bad show, but just when you're like, oh, that's the guy who's now like, has a late night show. You'd be like, any, so much of what you said in that show would have gotten like, were it said today would have gotten you canceled for a while. Um, and I'm obviously not, I mean, I'm sure that's already been like discussed in Twitter and shit. I'm not saying anyone should.
care because I don't but it's just surprising to me that like it's surprising me who who like squeaks you know who like gets through those things and who doesn't because it's very subjective Andy Richter hmm great guy where in the world is Andy Richter remember that show did you guys just see that that
Indian comedian. He was probably going to be like the next he would have been in line to be like the next host of the what's the one that the guy who is fighting for 911 people? Alex chose Oh, john Stewart, john Stewart, right. And then it was Trevor Noah, right? Oh, they were gonna they weren't gonna give it to some menage, were they?
Think he would have been like a person who would have been in line for it because this TV show yeah audition for it Yeah, it's like you or his Netflix TV show It was like pretty much the exact same thing that Trevor Noah was doing on the tonight show But he embellished like a bunch of his stories and now he's getting canceled No way He like he embellished the stories on Patriot Act or that he told on the Daily Show Patriot Act I think
Maybe that's why they canceled it. That's interesting. Cause I, I mean, I am kind of a politics junkie. Uh, especially like, you know, the story about the girl, he had like a story about either a white woman who like turned him down or shamed him in some way. None of that was true. And he also like docs the woman because he basically describes her in the bit. So, so she was getting a bunch of like hate mail and shit.
Dan. Oh, he was. Dude, he was going to be. He was the the replacement host for The Daily Show and now he's not. He got he got fucking pulled there back to guest host. Holy shit. Played yourself. I didn't get any of this. I gleaned all that from two minutes of Reddit earlier. That's a bummer because I like him. That's a bummer that he would just make shit up. Fuck that. Let's give it up to Reddit for a minute. Red is the goat. Yeah.
It's a little disingenuous to be like, Oh, a comedian wide. So we don't like him anymore. Um, I would, I mean, I, I don't know enough about, like, I haven't, I just learned about this story from you two seconds ago. So I think it's tough. I think that the genre of like comedy news that he and John Oliver and Jon Stewart and Colbert do, or did,
I don't think you can hide behind like, we're a comedy show. If you're misrepresenting facts in a, in a, in a way that isn't made very apparent, like obviously like some of the, some of their bits are like absurd. And it's like, yeah, I know that, you know, I don't know, like
Donald Trump isn't hiding a foreskin underneath his wig. I know that's absurd, but if you're just telling a story and presenting it as factual, and you actually made some shit up, you can't be like, but I'm doing comedy. That's bullshit. Reminds me of, you know, I don't know.
How mad do you think this guy is right now that he can't be the dude? I think he's so mad or he's like crying because that legit was his dream. He did a whole thing about how like when they were doing the auditions for The Daily Show after Trevor Noah left, he did this whole like a side about how this was his dream.
It's probably like that. I think you should leave clip where he's like, Oh, yeah. You sure. You sure. He's pulling on the rope too much.
I don't know who the president of Viacom or Comedy Central is, but yeah, they're pulling in there. Hassan, we got to let you go. This shit's got real hot. We can't have you. You're too hot right now. We can't have you on this. And he's like, yeah, he's just like, ah. That guy's loaded, dude. The Viacom guy? No, Hassan Minaj. His wife's a PhD doctor, too. His wife is a doctor.
you'll never guess what it is. Oh, he is. I'm sorry. I was I was just proud of myself for remembering some of the redstone is the icon guy. If you guys could guess his wife's last name. Patel Minaj. Oh, yeah. Got it. Paul. First try. Oh, shit. That's awesome. She's a doctor. Well,
Hey, why don't you, um, put tell your husband, he ain't gonna be the lead co-host. Yeah. Phew, pew, pew. Oh, fucking dumb ass. You're done. You're done. I'm done. I'm not going to be the co-host. I'm just going to bow out now too. Yep.
Uh, man. I never liked that show. I watched like daily show. I don't like any of those shows. I would say I wasn't as into Trevor Noah's iteration of it. It was fine. But John Stewart, like that was formative for me, especially like the early like Bush years daily show was. Yeah, it was like.
I don't know, like part of my personality now. If you said you liked it with Trevor Noah, that would have been concerning. Yeah, you just, I don't know, different vibe. Not good.
um yeah I wanted to like it I did and it wasn't terrible but I did it was like oh I saw a clip and that was actually fine but it wasn't the same what's the rating what would you say the rating is uh for Trevor Noah's The Daily Show with Trevor Noah yeah I give it like a six six oof that's that's pretty high still
I mean, I like Jon Stewart as a person. I think what he's doing is like pretty novel. Oh, my gosh. Yeah, I don't know. It's definitely a genre, right? It's not for everyone. But like, yeah, I would say a daily show with Jon Stewart now last week tonight. Top tier shows in my mind. I just pretty much watched Norm McDonald clips.
I mean, you can't go wrong there. That's pretty much what I do. And listen to audio books about World War II.

Books vs. Movies: A Debate

I'm listening to a Stephen King book right now, but yep. Which one? The Outsider. I don't know. I don't actually know any Stephen King books. It's one of his detective novels. I've listened to like it's, he has this one recurring character and I've listened to like all of the books that's in the, that's in her world.
Right. Except for the one that he just wrote that is just came out. I got shamed by Paul's friends for not liking reading. Yeah, you did. Shit, bro. What happened? They basically accused him of being dumb. Oh, man. Yeah. I mean, provide some context for that.
uh uh so paul's wife was being convinced to read some book that i think is just like what is it called i don't even care what it's called i think it's like uh like girls game of thrones it's okay it's a fantasy book but it's like a smart book it's like a romance novel yeah i think it's just game of thrones for the ladies
Um, and she was like, Jared, would you ever read? And I immediately cut her off and was like, no.
And she was like, oh yeah, I forgot you hate reading. And then they were like, and then the friends were like, what? How could you hate reading? It's like watching a movie in your head. And then I said, that's the gayest thing I've ever heard. That is pretty gay way to explain it. It's like watching a movie in your head. What the hell? No, I'm watching a movie. And then and then that's when they were kind of like, you're dumb.
it's okay though I still don't like reading I've gotten into reading I like reading about stuff that I'm actually into that I'm really interested in yeah I think I could do that but every time I even like I think I like a topic and then I'll read I'll start reading a book and I'm just like I don't know it's like ADD or something I just like cannot I had a fucking 800 page book right next to me what you're reading
It's about the mafia. I finished one the other day. I'm on to the next one. Nice. Hell's Angels book too. Hell yeah. Which Hell's Angels book is it? It's Sonny's biography. I've read that. That's pretty good. Hell yeah. I only go paperback too. I need the physical book in my hands. Yeah. I like paperback better. You should read Hunter S. Thompson's book about the Hell's Angels. That's pretty good. Yeah. I've seen those.
If you're up here next time, I'll give you my copy of it. I've seen like most maybe listen to some of the shit when he was talking about that. I got a sweet Barnes and Nobles down the road from me. I love Hunter S. Thompson's writing style, because it's all just fake. You have no idea what's real. Jared, you know, got to read, dude. Yeah, Jared, I can't believe you think readings gay.
Uh, I don't think reading's gay. I thought that this, I thought that like the idea of reading because you're watching a movie in your head just sounded pretty gay. Um, I'm not saying I've never read a book or anything. I just, uh, there's always been something that felt more entertaining to me to do than just sit with a book. And fairness to you that, um,
That argument was unwinnable because half the people in the room are Italian. Oh, yeah, I mean that's uh You're in a rock and a hard place on that one. Yeah, it was fine What does that mean? Have you ever tried to have an argument with an Italian person? Oh, yeah, it's unwinnable Um, I think I made a joke to you guys like
A year and a half ago about how I was reading Asada Shakur's autobiography. Hey, what happened to work? I'm still reading. I am still. I was reading it. I was like reading it. So I would. He was for sure signaling. Yeah. Guys, keep it down. I'm reading.
Yeah. Um, I'm, I haven't finished this audit, which of course out of biography yet. That's the book I'm still working on for the last 20 months. Jesus Christ. Let's just get into audio books. Uh, yeah, we'll see. I'll give it. Oh, maybe I'll give an audio book a try. I do have seven audible credits. Makes reading much easier. Is that soliciting though?
We already had this debate. I won't have it again. Is it not? I mean, we can do this. But if you go back like four episodes, you were arguing that listening to an audio book and reading a book are the same thing. Yeah, well, you know, I mean, people can change. Yeah, people can change. I would I will happily have it. No, I won't. We're not doing this. I'll listen to an album.
Yeah, listen, listen to this podcast, you know, that's where I guess I'm thinking of. Yeah, I just don't want to get like, I don't want to get on actually done like, does listening to an audio book count as reading a book? I don't know you, you
absorbed the information contained in that book. Jared, listen. What? It's freedom of speech, dude. I don't know if you're trying to excess out what. Bro, I fucking hate the Constitution.
I don't follow it either. I just follow it. I follow uh Freedom of speech like tax-free. What is this stupid government system we have where we like have this? Vague document and then we have these geriatric idiots in congress whose job is allegedly to to like to like perform a seance and determine what
Fucking the founding fathers who lived in a time before there was electricity and where there was like slavery and where you could just die of like typhus Try to just try to divine what they would think we should do today in a world where like There's enough nuclear weapons to destroy the entire planet. It's stupid
How about Colin Kaepernick saying he would be on the, he wants to be the leader of the practice squad for the Jets.

Sports Highlights and Athlete Discussions

How washed are you that you're like, oh, please let me be the leader of your fucking practice squad.
He's like, uh, I can, I can be like mobile, uh, and represent or mimic Patrick, my homes and the March accident on my way. You guys are, you haven't played in seven years. And like I saw the Twitter stats on like your last three seasons were like terrible. Uh, yeah, that's sad.
That's wild. That's sad. You should have saved your money from that Nike contract. He's still definitely caked up, dude. I don't know, man. If you're offering to be the fucking run the practice squad for one of the worst teams in the league, that's pretty bad. Wasn't that like a hundred mill contract?
It's like a hundred million dollars, right? Oh, the, for the Nike contract. I thought, I thought you meant being the leader of the practice squad. I was like, I don't think so, dude. I still think, I think your base pay is like 500 grand a year or something. Imagine just doing used fucking there's no, no one ever knows you just get to hang out on the practice squad.
bullpen catcher would be a dream. Oh, yeah. You get a league minimum. It's like, I think, over 100. You get to travel. Instead, you just got to make sure your knees don't get fucked up. Then that's like your only. That's a bullpen catcher. Your knees go out. You're like, oh, no. Oh, fuck. It is also like the fast track to be a pitching coach.
Most flows guys, that's what they try to do. Pitching coach. You just like live in Florida and random town, you do like academies. Although I don't know, dude, baseball is kind of a shitty sport to just sit on the bench for
I can't watch baseball man. Yeah, it's not it's not interesting at all. It's rough. Besides your socks. Go socks. Thank you. I mean, you can fucking terrible this year. Yeah, it seemed like it was a mess. I don't think I watched a single game this year. Seem like a real mess.
I mean, I can't believe that the Patriots are this bad. We'll see. This week will be a lot telling about it. But I mean, they like first three games. They just barely beat the team that has a quarterback who can't fucking quarterback his way out of a paper bag, bro. Get his ass.
He gets the ball, he takes like six steps back and then he just stares in the wrong direction. I was saying to my buddy, you know what it's like? It's like when you're playing Madden and you're picking your play, right? And it's like, okay, you like your preferred route is the expo and that's the red route. So like if you were every, everybody else is in yellow and then there's the one red route and you're like, Oh, I need to throw it to that guy.
What Zach Wilson's doing is he's stepping back and being like, why is the red route not open? That's what I'm supposed to throw to and ignoring everybody else on the field. It's just over and over and all. You see, he's holding onto the ball for like six, seven seconds. So he's getting time from his old line. And then he's just getting tackled. He's terrible. He's fucking horrible.
And then all of a sudden he'll throw like a dime. He'll throw like a 60 yard pass for a touchdown. Yeah, you almost hit that Hail Mary. It was wild. Yup. But he's still there as well. I couldn't imagine being a Jets fan right now. You're like, Oh man, we finally have Aaron Rodgers. You finally have like a pretty good quarterback, even though he's old and washed in his own way.
And then his fucking Achilles tendon explodes like two minutes into the game. That was so fucked up, dude. I couldn't believe that when I when I was watching that live, I was like, this is so fucked. So. I mean, the play to didn't even really look that bad, like you got a routine sack and he's just kind of laying on the ground. You could tell he was. Excuse me, you could tell he was hurt.
like uh when he tried to get up and then he sat back down I was like oh yeah he's done yep he's fucked old motherfucker I don't know he think he told Joe Rogan he thinks he's gonna be back in six months yeah probably I guess if they make it to the playoffs though he's kind of a psycho so I'm kind of like whatever dude
You see that he, uh, publicly stated that the black hat man or whatever it is is following him. What? He took that IO Oscar trip and then he saw, you know, like, you know, like Slender Man or like all these like online myth stories. There's one, let me look up, is it the dark hat man? Who is the hat man? There we go.
And so supposedly, allegedly, he saw the hat man when he was on one of his trips, and now he's like, this dude's following me. Maybe that's why his Achilles broke. Jesus Christ. He went down the hat man and just caught him. Could be. I don't like that. He's also like 40.
Could just be that. Yeah, I think so. It just kind of sucks. Like a lot of these really good, like the quarterbacks from when we were younger are all kind of getting like the Brett Favre effect where they stay in a little too long. And then like Brett Favre's last game played terrible game through an interception game mountains. That's what I think. That's the last thing he did in the league. Yeah.
I feel like there's a lot of that. I don't know. Like not even just in sports. There's just like way less, uh, people like retiring when they're supposed to. Mitch McConnell just standing up there looking like, yeah, for sure. Like, I mean, we've already talked about it for sure. Mitch for sure. Feinstein for sure. Grassley. But even I was thinking, I was, I was thinking about it.

Comedy Films and Career Transitions

Uh, I think we've talked about this already, but I was thinking about it again last week and I was like, why is there no,
funny movies anymore. No, I know. Like I was looking up 2023 comedies. What is it? There aren't any like I'll 23 comedy movies. Name one you name one of the stop me when you when I name a movie you fucking heard of no hard feelings. quasi puppy love
buddy games the machine no boo one true loves uh i've heard of the machine but i fucking can't believe that that's on netflix like thanks dude i just don't know what and i was like well well it's interesting because they they don't make they're not making like all the best not all the best but a lot of the
really good comedy movies from that I remember that we've talked about on earlier pods were like SNL veterans who retired from SNL and then went into making movies. And now everyone in SNL is like a 10 year plus veteran. Like no one used to stay on that show that long. And now everyone's like, well, this is like my job. I don't, I don't have anything else I can do. I just don't get it. I don't get what's happening. God damn.
There is no what's the what look up what the best movie is in the past five years of comedy I've never heard of any of these and like some of these are a stretch to call a comedy Fuck is book smart
The fuck is cha-cha real smooth? Why is parasite in the comedy section? All right, Google AI, you're stupid. Google AI, what the hell is that?
um something i regret what is it uh i would say like three weeks ago google was like hey we have this ai assisted search that you can opt into as like a beta test do you want to do that and i said yes because i thought it would be funny
And now when you search on Google, the top half of your page is the AI trying to figure out, trying to give you the information it thinks you wanted when you hit the search. But it's not good, and I don't know how to turn it off. That's not good. It's fine. It just means chat GPT is learning about me on Google.
8th grade that can't possibly be funny Let me guess what it's about You're if you guessed The war in Sudan, oh what the fuck I'm kidding
Sin Denise, an introverted teenage girl tries to survive the last week of her disastrous eighth grade, disastrous eighth grade year by leaving to start high school leaving before, before leaving. I don't know. I don't even understand that. Anyway. Yeah. Where'd pops go? Is he there?
No, I'm just looking at the movies. Oh, sounded like somebody got out of their chair. I was going to try and get you. You know, movies highly overrated. Um, I mean, I never actually watched it. So it's probably crazy for me to say this, but Joker, I just seemed like a terrible movie that everybody liked. I never seen it. I didn't like it. It definitely was.
Released at a time when like I feel like people were receptive to some like anarchist shit
Um, but I didn't think it was like clever or interesting. Um, and I hate how much like weird, like, like weird, like incel dudes who drink monster energy, uh, seem to still identify with that Joker was like, he shot the late night guy. Um, but the most spoiler alert dude on the Joker movies, like eight years old, calm down.
2019 is not eight years ago, buddy. That's not eight years ago. Who cares? I guess jokes on you, bud. Jokes on you. But I will say the most memorable part of that movie for me is how weird of a body walking Phoenix has. Like a lot of scenes where he's like in his apartment, just like, riding around and you're like, how do you
Why do you look like the guy from Men in Black, the bug guy from Men in Black who was wearing that farmer's skin, but you're like, not. He's a freaky looking man is all I'm saying. Yeah. Joker. I'm the Joker.
I just remember like a few of the dudes at work were really into it. And I was like, come on, bro. Yeah. I'm sure, uh, can't say his name. And everything kind of the same person. Yeah. That, that guy.
I'm sure that guy was really into the Joker. David Ortiz. Big time. David Ortiz. What's that guy?

True Crime and Tragedy Reflection

He was the Patriot guy that killed that person. Aaron Hernandez. That guy. He was innocent. He was really into the Joker. He was innocent. Josh McDaniels killed that guy and pointed it on Aaron Hernandez. He didn't kill himself in prison because he's gay. No, dude. No. That was...
That was a horrible rumor. Even though his brother got arrested like two months ago because he said he was going to shoot up Providence College and Brown and like a six other colleges and he had like a map written or something. That's a that's an ambitious mass shooting plan. Like like if you're like he's going he's going for the Stanley Cup. I don't know how many people remember Columbine. That was like
That was big and they did a lot of stuff because like no one knew how to deal with that yet. Oh, yeah. They had like pipe bombs and they had like, what do you call them? Propane tanks and they, you know, did a bunch. But if you were like, I want to be like the top tier.
mass shooter to be like I'm gonna get like four colleges before they catch me like were they just like trying to shoot the propane tanks or something I think they had they had I don't know that any of them went off but I remember they found some that maybe hadn't detonated but they I think they had attached height bombs to propane tanks it seems so fucking heavy
Yeah, I think they had like planted those ahead of time. I mean, back when like I don't remember what year that was, but it was, you know, in the innocent times back when like you could be walking through your school parking lot and see a propane tank in the parking lot, like talk between two cars, a propane tank with a pipe bomb on it and be like, Oh, that's probably like that's probably normal. I don't need to like worry about that. Yeah, you're like breaks it.
No, there's nobody knew that. I'll break shit. No one knew that was a possibility. It's in the back of an old's mobile coming, pulling it up. Yeah, just be like, oh, that's weird. It's a weird looking gauge on that propane tank. It just says seniors, about 09. Jesus Christ. Whatever. Shit. So fresh and so clean class of 18. Oh my God. Just written on the propane pipe.
Holy shit. Oh, just a senior prank. These seniors. Oh, fuck. Damn. Damn. Imagine being the Hernandez brothers mom. She's dead. She died a while ago. Good for her. I think so. I don't know.
she uh yeah that was this that was the sixth mass shooting point he had was his mom's house that was where he's gonna end there no one would see that coming brown too brown be like hard you know like there's like you just gotta like walk a lot to get to those buildings yeah i know you got a little golf cart
You're going through Providence traffic after that is impossible.

Everyday Frustrations and Late-Night Adventures

That's impossible. You're so very hilly surfaces all the time. A little windy highways. Yeah. Not great. That's impossible to get around.
How was your McDonald's experience today Jared? Dude was great. Um, a lot of traffic getting there, but that's kind of normal, but now I got my, I went to, um, auto mile. Okay. That's a solid one. That's like, actually, I think my go-to they're pretty good. That's a good one. Although they kind of fucked me one time. So what happened?
They claimed they're open 24 hours. That's the one, right? Yeah, and they are. No, they're not. Shannon and I were coming back from, we had to go to Brigham and Women's when she was pregnant. And we were coming back late, like 3 a.m. in the morning.
And I got there and I pulled in and I sat at the, we hadn't had any food. Like it was an unplanned trip, et cetera. She had an asthma attack and we're sitting there and like at the drive-through box. And finally someone's like, Hey, can you come inside? So I pull around and I try to go inside and the door is locked.
Among the workers comes up to the door and he's like, Oh, just go through the drive through. And I was like, bro, you told me to come inside. Then I pulled around to the drive through and they're like, Oh yeah, we're closed for like an hour. Can you come back in an hour? And I was like, I was like, what? And they're like, can you come back in an hour? And I was like, that's the dumbest fucking question I've ever heard. It's free 30 in the morning.
And you're open 24 hours. I think I'm going to fucking come back in an hour. What the hell? I think you just got there. I think you had a weird day because I don't know. I mean, I'm not often going to McDonald's at 3 a.m. anymore, but that that is a 24 hour McDonald's. So I'm saying can you can you just confirm that that's a crazy sentence? Can you come back in an hour? It's fucking through McDonald's. Yeah, like like I care about this this much to wait around.
Yeah, I'll probably be back in an hour. Yeah, I'll come back in 55 minutes.
What'd you end up having to get at that situation? Nothing. Nothing else is open. God damn it. Yeah, just talk about... That sucks. There's nothing like being pumped for McDonald's and not getting it. Yeah, probably both, where we were like, fuck yeah, that was a long night. Let's go get some McDonald's. Like, you come back in an hour. Dude, I would have fucking...
Especially in that moment where you're like overtired. Yeah, you're like overtired. You're like stressed from like baby hospital shit. I'm surprised you didn't fucking ram your truck into the fucking front door. Give me a goddamn chicken nugget. Just one of those nice cokes. Hell yeah. Yeah, spicy, spicy, Sprite. Give me that spicy Sprite.
So how was it? Sorry, I cut you off for sure. Oh, you're good. It was great. I it's the first time in a while where I got where I got the fries that were like a little bit too hot to eat. Like they had just come out of the fryer. Well, salted and everything. So the fries I didn't I mean, I don't live very far from that McDonald's. And I finished those before I made it home. And I got a double quarter pounder. No onions was very good.
And I got a six piece with hot mustard and it was very good. And a coke. Called McDonald's. Called McDonald's. I had McDonald's after my bowling league on Monday and I had two huns, spicy McChickens and a small french fry. Also delicious.
Ooh. I haven't had spicy make chicken. I haven't had that. It's good. It's just to make chicken, but it's spicy. Yeah. That's it. It's literally it's the same recipe, same shape, same everything except for the chicken is spicy. There's no sauce or nothing on it. It's just the mayo. Oh, this is the first time I noticed her dumb little dogs are like right by her too.
watching the Britney Spears video and her like weird little shit zoos are like right by her feet. Yep. Funny. People who would know you that's a hilarious username. Oh, she's dancing with knives. Hell yeah. Okay. Yeah, literally.
like also like like very these dance moves are great she's still got it still got some tight turns tight tight turns oh another tight knife tight turn that's great nothing wrong with that she's doing her job i mean she's smiling she's jacked too still huh
Yeah, she's proportioned weird now. Yeah, that's for sure. She's very broad shoulders. Somewhere in Nevada. You think she might just do meth a little bit? Yeah, I think a little bit. Just a little bit.
Dude, she's just playing with two knives. We all do it. Like when you're you got a kitchen knife, you know, professional, just saying. Put it on tik tok. Got it. Got it. Wonder what kind of knives these are? Are they good or cheap knives? We just sharpened our knives. They are fucking crazy sharp now. There you go, dude. Hell yeah.
Why would you use like a hand sharpener or use automatic one? I bought a chef's choice electric sharpener. That thing makes stuff mad sharp, mad sharp. I just use the hand sharpener. Yeah.
No, I think it's fine if you've got the if you've got a masculine I'm saying that you could have invested in Netflix for a month. That's also true Chef's choice. Okay. I see that
Bro, they're fucking... I had to send Jared a video because he had a struggle trying to cut a tomato with him. Now it's like... It's like, bro, you just hold the knife up to the tomato and it falls in half. Oh, it should be.

Consumer Choices and Streaming Culture

The weight of the knife should do most of the cutting. That's at least two Netflixes, though, pubs. He's got a point. Yeah, but I mean, I have like a fucking...
very expensive knife set that I hadn't taken care of for ever any time ever in three years season three dude season three so good missing out on season three bro alone new alone season two god new america new world's most dangerous prison season out too somehow I have HBO max
Right. That's what that service is called. It's called max mail. I feel like I have one of those. I just forgot the fucking stuff to it. Like I used to pay. I shouldn't even be saying this. It's just going to all of a sudden disappear. I'm jinxing it. I think you told us last week. That I used to pay for it through Hulu and then I canceled Hulu and now I still have it.
You either did you either said it on pod last week or you just told me the other night, but yeah, it's fucking sweet Yeah, that's a sick deal You very rarely get those like glitches in your favor in life so you got to savor them when you get them The only other time this happened to me is when I was living at the Windsor Gardens you had to pay a fee for your dog and it was pretty expensive and
It was like maybe 50 bucks a month tacked onto your rent. Yeah, that sounds right. Jan and I lived there for like three years. So that's kind of a lot of money. And they only charges it for the first lease that we signed. And then for every consecutive lease, we put him on the lease and they never charged us for it. And I also never paid my water bill there, even though I was supposed to have one.
How the fuck didn't you pay your water bill? Just never showed up. Okay. Yeah, you looked out on that. Yeah, we lived in the townhouse and they're like irresponsible for the water and I was like, all right, whatever. And then my water bill just never showed up. Yeah, it's water I got them responsible for it's coming out. Yeah. One of my one of my one of the shitholes I lived in in Austin, I can't remember which but we went like
You know, we moved in never gotten, you know, you're supposed to obviously you're supposed to call and star whatever and set up the electric. And like for legal reasons, they can't just not provide your house with electricity and power because like the appliances will like get irreparably fucked up and a bunch of other stuff.
We went like eight months without paying for electricity or heat. Um, and just thought it was funny. We were like, somebody must be paying for this. Like, and then, you know, come like December, January bill shows up for like $6,200. We were, and we were 20 year olds, so it was not great. So.
I don't know. Uh, set up your electricity. They'll, they'll catch you eventually. Unless your pops with water, then you get away with Scott free. Well, I moved into one of my last apartments that I lived in before Shannon and I started living together. The dude who had been paying for.
I guess gas. I can't remember if it was gas or what our hot water was. It wasn't electric. So it must've been gas. Didn't pay for like, I don't know, six months, seven months, maybe longer than that. So they shut it off. So for like the first, I don't know, fucking week and a half that I was living there, you had to take ice cold showers. And when I called to set the gas up in my name,
They're like, hey, you owe us like eight months worth of gas. And I was like, I don't know who the fuck that person is. And I just moved in here. So I don't owe you anything. And then they just set me up with new service. Yeah, I was going to say that as a I don't know. I don't think it's a life hack because I think someone's credits eventually getting ruined by the kids credit for sure. But I did the same thing that apartment I lived in on Empire Street.
And it will not the exact same thing because the dude was still living with us but uh The dude whose name the cable wasn't at the time was just like a complete fuckup and like I Was like I'll put the cable in my name Cuz like I don't want to deal with this shit And so I called to switch the account over and they were like, oh and same thing they were like, oh there's like a there's like a
You know, like $500, $600 outstanding on this account. You can't switch it over until that's paid up. And I was, and I did the same thing. I was like, I was like, I'm not like taking over the bill. I'm just moved in here. Like there's no one else living here. I just need, and they basically were like, Oh shit. And like, I'm assuming they still came after him for the money, but like he was never going to pay it. And they just set us up and didn't have to pay shit.
Now you used to be able to download music off like Napster and LimeWire and stuff. You could still do that, but yes. Well, when it was like in its infancy, right? Napster.
One of my older brother's friends got a cease and desist letter from whoever FAA, whoever, like whatever government board. Yeah, the Federal Aviation Administration. That's who it was, whatever. Whoever it was. And they basically were like, you owe us fucking few hundred thousand dollars. You owe us like a shitload of money. And he wrote him back a letter that said you can eat shit and die.
And they just never pursued it any further than that. Which is like...
Yeah, my understanding was that those letters were just basically scare tactics. I never got one, but I remember they're kind of like it was scary at first and there was like news stories about it and stuff. And then as time went on, like the the advice on the Internet was like, if you receive one of these, just fucking ignore it because they can't actually do anything or like the amount of money they would spend coming actually coming after you and attempting to prove this shit is not actually like they're just doing it to scare you.
It's like when Dana White said that anybody who streamed that, or maybe it wasn't Dana White, I can't remember what organization it was, but it was like if you streamed that first
Is it Logan Paul? No, who's the other brother? Jake Paul. That they will like know that you streamed it and you could pay up front as like an amnesty thing or you were going to get sued. That's fucking bullshit. I was like, that's the funniest thing I've ever read. I was like, I can't wait until they sue me. Yeah. Not how this works, guys.
There was all these articles about how it wasn't even like, not only was it not real, but it wasn't like a realistic legal strategy. Cause how can you sue the person who just consumed the media versus like the Russian who was streaming it? Yeah. Yeah. For that, for all those guys that do that. Oh, big deal, dude. That's how I watched. I like every single pay-per-view event I've watched as an adult.
Allegedly, of course. I've always paid my $65. Every time up front. Yep. Paid for the amnesty. Smart move, dude. It's like those bins when you're in Denver, Colorado, where you can throw your weed away. I'm donating. I'm giving this away now. Yeah.
Totally didn't plan on taking this on the airplane. Opening it up on the airplane and giving it a smell. You're allowed to do that. Yeah, you're just smelling it. That's a big deal. Nothing wrong with that. I'd appreciate it if I was like a row front or back from somebody and I was like, ooh,
I would like that. Someone's got weed in here. I don't miss flying at all. But I kind of miss terrorizing other people on the airplane. What do you mean you like adopted an old woman? You're the nicest passenger on a plane ever. There was the one time I drank like two or probably, probably more than I should have and then forced the people next to me to talk to me. Oh, hell yeah. I old lady them. That's wild. I can't imagine willingly engaging in conversation on a plane.
I was like, so what were you guys doing in Florida? Dear God. Oh my God. You're a literal nightmare. I'd be like, what the fuck, dude? Then they were like watching a TV show and I was like, Oh dude, I love this show. Even though I'd never seen it.

Travel Humor and Podcast Conclusion

Oh, that's JetBlue's fault. They gave me free drinks. Yeah.
That's fair. Then it come with a disclaimer that you shouldn't have like four screwdrivers on a three hour flight and fucking first hour of a three hour flight and then ruin your seat partners experience. No, and they often encourage it. Like the ones who, the ones who are good about like, if you are mosaic, the ones who are good about like, like
paying attention to like they get the list of passengers and like some of them will come up to all the mosaic people and like thank them for being mosaic or whatever. But I've had a few who, who are like, Hey, like, you want someone to drink because it's free for you. And I'd be like, uh, and they'd like encourage me to drink. Yeah, basically that and then like, and then like, if I like, all right, I'll have a Bud Light or I'll have like a stellar or whatever. And then I'd finish it and they just bring another one without asking. I'd be like, you were trying to get me drunk.
Um, which I loved, but also I'm on a plane. Like I, like I'm landing and then I have to like do stuff. Come on, you're going to Florida. Yo, I literally, this was slightly better, but I, uh, my last flight home, my last flight from Vegas to Boston, when I moved back.
I think I told you guys this but I got a first class seat or like a mint seat because I was like I'm gonna treat myself Allegedly, of course if anybody from the company's listening. Oh, no, this was this was uh This was above board. I paid the difference out of pocket Allegedly But anyway, hmm, I did that and in Mint you get cocktails like not the like
not to like they give you a packet of lime juice and like a nip of like gin or whatever, and they call it a gimlet. Like you can just order like like a bourbon smash or whatever. And they comes in a glass and it's like made proper. So anyway. And this was this was like a red eye, too, so. Nonsense to be drinking, but she was like, she was like, you get free cocktails and they're actually pretty good. You should have one. And I was like, all right.
And then she kept being like, you want another? And I was like, you want another? And then I was like four in and I was like, wait, I'm landing in 30 minutes and I have to drive home. I have to go to the rental car, get a car and then drive home. So that was interesting. But great. Shouts out to JetBlue Mint in 2020 for
They're like in our shout outs. Basil bourbon. Oh, damn. Unless you want unless you want to like unless you want to start at a temporary tradition where I where I go over the plot of volcano to send us off. Well, we could do that next episode. I will do the next episode. We'll give you that we'll give you the whole upfront. No, I don't want to start. Well, we'll see. We'll see how I feel next episode. Shout out to
Shout out to those mints that look like those mints, the red and white ones, but they're actually soft and chewy. Oh, yeah. What are those called? Like an after dinner. Yeah, hell yeah. I think they have a name, but yeah. I don't find the name, but like puffy mints. Text it to us. Yeah, those ones. I don't know what they're called, though. Shout out to those. Shout out whatever those puffy mints are called.
Uh, Redbird soft peppermint puff candy. Fuck that McDonald's. That isn't 24 hours. Yes, 24 hours. Well, they weren't just went on a bad day. They were shut out.
It's a shout out time. It can't start defending them. How does McDonald's have a bad time? It's a fucking McDonald's. Yeah, shout out. You know, shout out Pepsi. Oh my god, what? Oh my god, that's so funny. Pepsi is a superior company because it owns a lot of food, not just drinks like Coca Cola.
Uh, yeah, that is, I mean, yeah, superior in the sense of like a more economically valuable business, but not a better soda. No, no, no. Definitely not. Like if you want, if you want a soda that also, a soda from a company that also makes tampons, Pepsi's your drink. Hell yeah. Shadow Pepsi.
Shout out Jared give a shout out. I just said Oh, um, yo shout out to coke. No, I'm not gonna say coke shout out to like bars of soap for being like oh geez. All right, hell yeah.
Shout out shout out to Pando Twitch TV slash Hey Pando. There we go. Like and subscribe the podcast join the Reddit
Yeah, join the Reddit. I've been posting a lot of videos and there's like eight people in that Reddit and I don't know what you all are doing, but you know. Just post some shit back so we know you're around. The bad guy playing flying into the French Twin Towers is pretty great. I gotta get back on there. Get back on there, dude. Alright, 100.
That is the end of the episode. Bye bye we love you subscribe and download join the fucking reddit now.
We like to want it.