Introduction to FitFem Project
Welcome to the FitFem project alignment podcast. It is here that we cultivate and gather all who have been through it in fitness, relationships, careers, lifestyle changes, and unforgettable crucial life pivots trying to achieve their most sovereign selves.
Transformative Personal Stories
We're here to provide you with thought-provoking detailed stories and information from truly fascinating men and women from all walks of life, professions, generations, and modern day sagas who speak to the rawest, darkest moments that made them the strong, decisive, humble, helpful, healing people that they are today.
Holistic Self-Improvement
We ask them to hold nothing back because life is a multidimensional pursuit to be stronger, healthier, and more aligned mentally, emotionally, and physically. Let's go!
Navigating Tough Emotions
So I go to those moments, those hard emotions that got in their way and I ask tough questions and they'll like, some of them will get mad, some of them will cry, some of them will try not to cry like you can see their throat is like, they feel like they're choking but I get it out of them. And once they like, gotta get that out, they're like, oh my God.
Oh, I see how I can get through this. And so the relief and the significance of how capable they are, it shines through in just a moment right
Empowering Self-Realization
there. And that's what I live for.
It's actually a fun challenge for me. I always try to find ways to tell people how capable they are that no matter what they're feeling, you can still move forward to take action. Do not let go of your dreams. Do not ignore your, don't change your goals. It's there for a reason. You just have these, some moments in your day where things are emotionally tough. Learn to work through those moments because you can.
Breaking Self-Imposed Limits
It's getting a lady ready to fit in her wedding dress. It is showing somebody that they have the power to change their health, their physique, and by proxy, their confidence level and what they believe about themselves transcends anywhere they've ever been in their lives.
It's the stories you tell yourself that are not true, that are what are holding you back. You are, we all, we're limitless. Unless we put those limits on ourselves.
Join the Community
This is just a small taste of what we will dive into each and every week. So please join us as we all learn, grow, laugh, and achieve together. Find us on Instagram at the fit fem project or Facebook to stay in the know for updates on our weekly episodes. See you there.