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Coach Lindsey Black Interview

E2 · Fit Femme Project Alignment Podcast
58 Plays1 year ago

On todays episode we interview Coach Lindsey Black of the Fit Femme Project. We dive into her life before she became a coach for the FFP, her struggles, motivations and the things she is most passionate about in her coaching career. 

Instagram: @thefitfemmeproject




Podcast Introduction

Welcome to the FitFem project alignment podcast. It is here that we cultivate and gather all who have been through it in fitness, relationships, careers, lifestyle changes, and unforgettable crucial life pivots trying to achieve their most sovereign selves.
We're here to provide you with thought-provoking detailed stories and information from truly fascinating men and women from all walks of life, professions, generations, and modern day sagas who speak to the rawest, darkest moments that made them the strong, decisive, humble, helpful, healing people that they are today. We ask them to hold nothing back because life is a multidimensional pursuit to be stronger, healthier, and more aligned mentally, emotionally, and physically. Let's go.

Meet Coach Lindsay Black

Hey FFP fam. Welcome back. Today we have a very special treat for you. We are getting to know coach Lindsay Black of the FitFam project. She has her bachelor's in dietetics and nutrition. She is also a certified PT and sports nutritionist with a NASM level two CrossFit trainer. Hi. Oh, and she's a minister. Hi. Hi. It's me. How are you today?
How are you doing? What's going on? Excellent. It's Thursday. It's kind of like a day off for me, semi, meaning I don't have check-ins. I still do other fit, finny things. I shot a lot of content today. Ooh. I added about that. I updated your programming today. You did. When do I start? Tomorrow. Tomorrow. You'll have a sold budget. Okay. That's really great.
I'm what? You're going to have a sore butt tomorrow. That's funny because I just did the leg workout yesterday and I'm really sore today and I purposely skipped, not skipped, but I wanted to do, cause I knew I was going to change, you were going to change up my workout. So I was like, maybe if I delay the really ugly leg workout that I won't have to do it. Good job. Well played.
I know you're like, you idiot because I don't know what's coming. We're going a different direction. We're going to focus a little bit more on strength than just splits. So it's going to be fresh.

Strength Training Focus & Humor

It's going to be new. It's going to be fab. Just like you. I'm excited to switch it up. I actually have a small confession to make. Remember when I told you I did the 200 pound box squat? Yeah.
It was a lie. Why? Because I did my math wrong. That is so hard.
It's so hard. And I was bragging about it to Mark. I was like, guess what? I did this awesome thing. He goes, oh, that's cool. And he started to kind of do the math in his head because he knows that the Smith machine bar is only 25 pounds. And I was like, yeah, then I put this plate on that plate. And he goes, that was only 185. Okay, so jumping in here to say
Um, you could do 200. Like when I was watching that, I was very proud of you, but I was like, always like, come on, it should be sort of hard to stand up. That's where I'm at today. But, but not
I did the box squats yesterday, but the bench that I use is not quite 90 degrees. So I was like, I'm just going to do regular squats. So I did regular 165 squats and my abs are so sore. I thought I was going to wake up with a six pack. Oh yes, for sure. But that just, you know, and like, please bookmark this, put captions on it so I can use it when people are like, why don't you program me very much abs?
That's why. Yeah. That's why, because I program you a lot of strength stuff and they're, they're, they're a stabilizer muscle. So if you are, you know, doing compound movements, maybe the abs got, we're not worried. It's like the same reason I don't have any forearm workouts like they're in there. Yeah. I'm not about to, you know, do the.
Curl. That's so dumb. Anyway, about to talk about me. Although that would be a great segment. Yes.
Okay, well, let's dive in a little bit. So I actually don't know much about your back history, aside from what I've seen on Instagram, like the stories you've posted and the little bits, tidbits that I've heard here and there. So this is actually new to me too, along with everybody listening. So yay, I gotta learn more about my friend. So yeah, so tell me a little bit about like your life before
You really dove into this world. Okay.

Career Transition to Stay-at-Home Mom

So I have always been different levels of obsessed with fitness and nutrition as it relates to fitness. Um, just even like that's what my degrees in is dietetics and nutrition. Um, and it would have been straight up kinesiology.
if my parents hadn't freaked out about spending a lot of money for me to get a degree in PE. I love kinesiology. That was one of my favorite classes. That's not what it is, but you know, that's, that was the, the uproar. Cause at first I was in elementary education and then went into a classroom for student teaching was like, LOL, no.
I had to do the switch-a-rootie-tootie, which ended up working out really, really well for me. I've always worked in my degree. Because straight out of college, I went into to work for a mainland food distributor. And I worked in a hospital for a little bit, also no. And then worked for a food distributor as a rep. And then I taught their serve safe classes, where you learn how to handle food safely.
and just did that whole thing. But where I started doing it, like for real, for real was after my first daughter was born. So that was in 09. And I had to surprise the stay at home mom. Cause she just, she wasn't, you know, she just had some, she couldn't latch onto a nipple.
or a bottle nipple, like a boob nipple or a bottle nipple. So there's a lot like, it's her inch feeding. She was on baby Zantac. It was just a whole thing, like switching formulas. Oh God, she has like this horrible rash covering her body. Anyway, just best for the family. So she's the problem child? She was.
Okay, the second one has come along with a leg sweep. That's good. She's actually a really easy baby, so I don't know. Anyway.
I had to be a stay-at-home mom. And like I said, there was a lot of crying. I just so specifically, like a lot of that's blacked out. And you know, I was 30. Like I was, you know, Bella, older daughter at 30 and then Charlie, younger daughter at 36. Like I'm an old mom.
Like I was prepared. I had, you know, Matt and I had been married for seven years, career down pat. I was doing everything and doing it right. And then just like life does.

New Mom Challenges & Anxiety

It's like, Sucker Punch. Now you're mom. Like, am I? Does it seem, that doesn't seem right. But I was. And it was just, it was a high anxiety. Like looking back, like hindsight always is so clear.
But super high anxiety. I remember being up all night, you know, not like night vision goggles. You know how they make your eyes look weird? You know what I'm talking about? Okay, so bank monitors do that. I remember like laying
in my bed staring at the video monitor and her eyes glow. I mean, like weird stuff. Like both of us just crying in a rocket. You're like, eh. Well, and now I'm making you probably like your uterus contract wanting to have kids so bad.
You know, I feel like I'm kind of in the same, like, where you're at, because I didn't know you were 36 when you had your last one, and I'm 32, so that makes me feel better. Like, if I have one, wow, awesome, great. If I don't, then... Oh, yeah. I didn't change that part. That was when I should have had children. Like, 23-year-old me? I shouldn't have even had that cat I had. You know what I mean?
Just wasn't, it just wasn't there for me yet, all of the pieces of the puzzle. But, so, you know, no free time, like literally at home all day, every day. It was just, it was a lot. And so, I also had had a really good time being pregnant. We'd waited a long time. And Matt and I, we put on some weight.
I'm grateful for him doing that with me, by the way. Teamwork. He did it. Oh yeah. He did it on purpose. We found, we were all like. Both of us. And we just like, we're eating shakies. It's a frozen custard place here. And I was like, oh.
Like we were just being wild and it had left me and I was awesome. It was fun. But I had always like tummy is where I have always carried any extra LBS that I had. And I really kept them after after I had Bella. And then it's like this whole this whole thing of its mommy culture.
of it, we laugh about it, like you laugh about it and you make light of it and you find people like these little mommy groups for stay at home moms that I joined to be a part of and all this stuff. And it was ha ha ha, you know, we drink coffee to get through the day and then at five o'clock we can finally, you know, get through the evenings, those hard evenings with babies with wine. And I really just kind of fell into that.
And just was like, oh, this is what I do now. I'm a stay-at-home mom. I'm raggedy. I feel like crap. I'm supposed to. I'm tired all the time. I'm supposed to be. I get through the day on caffeine and convenience food, you know, for those little hits of dopamine, like anything, right? And then at night, phew, poop.
Time for one, get through the fussy knots and all that. And I felt like a steaming pile of elephant dookie. Oh my gosh. All the time. Anxiety high. Sleep trash. Tired, literally exhausted, mentally, physically, all the time. And just wanted to crawl out of my own skin. So the first thing I started doing
that I could do was start going to fitness classes at my local community center at like 5 a.m., right? Because my husband was still home and hadn't gone to work. And that's where I started.

Journey into CrossFit and Bodybuilding

And then I was like, you know what?
because I'm me. I was like, I can teach these classes better. I got my, you know, training thing and started teaching classes too. And that gave me like an outlet. Like I was sort of working again. And then when Bella was about three, I started working at a gym that's, we live in a suburb of Little Rock and in Little Rock that was called functional training.
Well, it was CrossFit. It was unbranded CrossFit. I didn't know that's what I was doing. And then I started, I really liked it. It's a lot of fun. And then I started doing CrossFit. And then I became a CrossFit coach and I did that for years and years and years. Oh, okay. Up until 2020. And I mean, I had a whole nother baby and all this in the meantime. Whole nother baby.
and I started doing CrossFit and I started coaching just nutrition, right? Because the main people I worked with were other CrossFit athletes. So they went to the group classes that needed nutrition and we're not getting results, like physical, physique results. And I mean, same. But I would help them build nutrition plans, but it's a performance sport, right? And I think that that is an important thing to point out that you cannot
Expect to perform well and not eat like a performance athlete. Okay. So that was the whole thing there. And then 2020 comes like, I know I'm fast forwarding a lot, but it was a lot of the same babies, fitness, broccoli, a lot of the same. Um, and then 2020 came and all the gyms had shut down and CrossFit is a, is a very much a community group thing.
You go to the classes, you compete with the people in the class, they're rooting for you. It's the whole like, I don't want to use vibe because I'm 43, but it's the feel. That's what it's based on is community. And that was gone. And I just learned real quick, I have a really nice garage gym, but I learned real quick that I'm not going to get a good stimulus just in there doing those wild CrossFit workouts alone.
I'd be like, baby, you just need to risk taking time. I just, I switched over. Oh, and I think another important, I had just decided at 40 when I turned 40, so three years ago, it's 2022. So real recently when 2020 hit, I had decided I was done drinking forever. And then 2020 came and I was like, Oh, okay. So we're just raw dog in this. Got it.
But I had started, and I'm not kidding, I don't remember what even brought it into my consciousness with bodybuilding. But I started, you know how you start following people on Instagram and you start looking stuff up. And I was like, and I stand by this, the workouts,
The workouts I do, the workouts you do, the workouts anybody that is doing bodybuilding type splits. And I know you don't compete it, but if anybody works out, you're building your body. That's what you're doing. So that's some bodybuilding. Way easier than CrossFit, dude. So much easier. So freaking much easier. And so I could do that by myself, right? I had the self-motivation to get into the gym. I did not have the desire to do
150 burpees for time by myself, right? It's a different intensity level that is not preferable to my middle-aged body. Um, but I started doing splits and, uh, looked up stuff, did it on my own for a while, got a coach, um, and just, I've not looked back since then. I mean,
When I tell you I love it and just being able to feel myself in a way that is just for muscle gain, but not worried about like, well, I know, but like now I can't go sprint four miles. Like it's okay, you don't need to. Yeah. We need to pause one second. Okay.

From CrossFit to Bodybuilding: Seeking Goals

Okay. Sorry about that. I thought we were having some technical difficulties, but turns out we're not. So where were we?
I had fast forwarded really, really fast to 2020 when I started doing more bodybuilding style splits and had gotten a coat of my own for the first time. Right? Because this is new. This was a new, like I was a trainer, CrossFit trainer, degree nutritionist, all the things, but that was a whole new world for me. And I just
wanted a coach is the bottom line. I wanted someone to tell me, do this, not this. These are, this is what I think would work best for your physique goals. And to be able to like, it's almost not a relief, but I had always been so interested in obtaining or whether I could obtain a certain physique or not. But like I said, in CrossFit, that's not, that's not the goal. That's not the, where the importance is placed. The importance is placed on pull ups.
and how fast you perform it. It's stupid. I've had so many, like my world when I was massage therapist, I can't tell you how many crossfitters I got that they're like, I was doing handstand pushups and threw out something. I'm like, why? Oh yeah. I did all of that. I mean, I wonder if I can still do those. Oh, see.
Why not? But anyway, it hasn't come up. CrossFit's always like, oh, it'll make you ready for regular life. I'm like, listen, if I gotta climb a rope out of a canyon or something, I'm going to Jesus. No. I mean, I'll try, but I'm sure the adrenaline will get us to survive. I had a good run. I'm okay.
that I was really, you know, doubtful, honestly, because, you know, I had had the same, so stupid, I've had the same body my whole life.
Yeah, that's true. It's true, but it would sometimes be bigger, sometimes be smaller, right? Still the same, like, no butt, thick, like SpongeBob SquareWaste, for real, just in the middle, slight of glute.
No shape, you know, just like nothing wrong with my arms, just no shape, right? So just to be able to like quietly, can't leave your house, be able to experiment with physique training and not have to tell like my CrossFit bros like, actually, I'm going to see if I can grow my butt cheeks out.
Right? Like, so douchey, you're such a douche. But no, I just really wanted to. And so guess what? Everything went great. And you can completely change the shape of your body. You don't have to work out so hard you vomit in the bushes. You don't have to be laying on the Florida puddle of your own sweat to have reached a good intensity level.
you can manipulate the way you eat and still eat unclean things. You don't have to eat paleo, right? There's a whole nother side to fitness that was different than I had ever ventured into. And baby, I was here for it. And for that's where I switched personally with my own fitness goals. Cause there's a picture that I post a lot and people be like, Oh my God, when was that? And I think they want me to say like,
2002. I was like, yeah. 2019. You know, and I was in the picture. I wasn't, I was, I was fit. I really was. I could do pull ups. Isn't that side one of you at the gym with the black shorts and the bra ponytail. Yeah. That's like 2019. It wasn't that long about that. Yeah. Wow.
That's what I look like. And I was like, I could do handstand pushups. You know what I'm saying? Like I was fit. It wasn't that I was not happy with my body composition and my shape. And I had been like, I guess this just what I look like. I didn't like gross myself out or I didn't have like body hatred or anything, but I was like, you know, shopping for clothes. Does it cover this?
Oh, I have to have it blousy here. No, it cleans to my belly. I need jeans with a big waist. That kind of like whole thing. And clothes are more important to me than a normal person. I care about clothes a lot. I think it's good. I think I'm gonna do too. I see where you're coming from though, because like, I don't, like I've never hated my body. I hate this. Yeah, I've been fighting.
Yeah, I thought about the body I was in, but the same thing with the clothes, like, ah, it's such a hassle to find the right thing that fits, and then it's complimentary, and yada, yada, yada. So it's, yeah, it's not coming from a place of insecurity, per se, it's just, that could be better. Yeah, and like, things are always for me, and I don't know why, and a lot of people are like, what's your why? I don't know, but I do know that.
is that when I want to, when something's like, if I feel something, like, I guess it's like a gut feeling is what you would describe it as, but I don't necessarily have to know why. If I feel like I really want to do something, I'll just, I'm going, like, I'll go hard. Yeah. No, I get that. Like, it's just, this is how it feels good. I like it. Yes. I feel like this is adding to the betterment of me and
I'm just always trying to be better, to be better, to be better, self excellence. I want to constantly improve in all aspects, not just, not just fitness, but the discipline of the nutrition of the workouts, the habits, the mindset, right? That bleeds into everything else in what, what, how I work out and how I
how I ate and all the things. I love it. And I love the flexibility of it too. I don't want to be the person at the restaurant going. Can you actually cook mining note oil? And can you put- Like somebody we know?
I just wanna be, for the most part, competition aside, I just wanna be living with Vida Loca, right? I wanna live, laugh, love my butt off. Have a good time doing it, right? And wear all those clothes in my closet while I'm doing it. That's my hashtag.
when I'm not competing, like I'm doing right now. And that's what this affords me is that balance of structure and flexibility, because I want to go out to eat with my husband.

Balancing Fitness and Life

I want to go get an ice cream cone with my kids. I'm an example for them, and I don't want that example to be, sometimes it's weird, but not all the time.
Were you that person with the scale at the restaurant? No. Really? When I was competing, when I was like in prep, I didn't go to restaurants. I wouldn't flat out wouldn't go. I'll start about four to six weeks out of where I won't eat out. Casey would ask me like, you should compete. I'm like, why would I ever do that?
Oh, it's good. It's so good. It is. It pushes you like it pushes you. It pushes you in such a good way. And I think the important thing to remember is it's a time and a place. It's not like it's, it's, it's like cutting your hair short, not getting a tattoo. Do you know what I'm saying? Like it's a, it's something you try on, but it's, if you don't want to go,
know what I'm saying? No, yeah. So I'm curious with because, you know, the hard part obviously is like the food and the macros and the discipline in that area, you obviously like had that down or not that you had the workout stuff down, right? That was easy. That's generally the easier part, especially when you get into the groove.
So we all kind of go through that arc of letting things go. And did you have that? What kind of hurdles were you experiencing as you learned more about the macros in that sort of world, if that makes sense? The hurdles for me, I have never in my life forgotten to eat.
I have never left food on the table. You don't have to beg me to clean my plate. I'm like handing a dinner plate to a dog. It's gone. I'm licking the plate. I'll eat. I just like, I'm two things. I'm a laugher and I'm an eater. Maybe this way we get along so well. You can just count on me to eat all the food and laugh like a hyena. Like I can't even help it.
But the part for me was, cause you know, I had eaten clean in the past. I had done like a meal plan before, but to really like dig in and look at like, this is, this is what you like. This is what it looks like in your day. It's a food budget. And so it's very black and white, right? You can't be like,
Oh no, it's fine that I'm eating this like 24 ounce ribeye and a two pound sweet potato with clarified butter in it. It's paleo. You know, you can't do that when you're being totally honest about your intake. And myself, along with a whole lot of other people, I don't like to look for something that's like, you can eat this.
like a pig out of a trough as long as you don't eat this. There's something comforting about that thing that we can eat as much as we wanna. You know what I'm saying? Like that's why people are drawn to keto. That's why people are drawn to eating clean. Cause it does not limit the amount of certain things. And they feel like, oh, I can live without carbs as long as I can just like, you know, go eat an entire block of cheese or whatever.
Um, we know, or I think most of us know, at least on some level that that's trash and you can absolutely, you know, and you will eventually stall out on that kind of stuff because it's all about a balance of expenditure and intake. So yes, the macros part of it caused me to be real honest about the expenditure in my intake.
And also, um, just because I am, you know, very health conscious in general, as far as like, I care about my macros a lot too. Yeah. And so for me, like I have, I have personal rules inside of my macros. Like I eat five times a day, four of them have to have a fruit or vegetable component, that kind of thing. So you kind of make it your own. And also like four out of five of my meals would be considered sweet.
Right? Yeah. Cause you got the same teeth. Yeah. Oh, that's, that's all I am. That is what I am. Is like a sweet tooth wearing cute clothes. I've actually never had this. Well, okay. Before I went through this journey or whatever. Yeah. I had that like addiction or whatever. Um.
But even, but ever after that, it was just not, I'm more of a savory, salty. Until I started this process, all of a sudden I'm like, where's that ice cream? Can I have that in and in? Well, there's a lot of stuff behind that. And you know, especially, I've always been a sweet eater, but it really wrapped up for me after prep, right? And carbs always get the bad rap for everything. It's like, it's carbs, it's carbs. Well, it's not. What it is is,
It's a combination of high carb, high fat. Your body knows what's gonna put fat on you the quickest. And I learned that really firsthand. When I was reversing out of my first competition, I was like, I mean, obviously I love cookies, because I'm not a liar.
Why would I die for a cookie right now? Well, it's because it's high carbon, high fat in my body wants and needs, right? To recompose to a healthier level of body fat. Um, and so that a lot of times when we are in like a deficit and we're losing weight, that's why that'll kick in for you. And like you get to a point where you
You can come at that from a place of observation instead of panic. We tend, like at first you tend to panic when you're really hungry and you feel like, oh my God, I'm hungry, like freak out. And then, you know, once you've, you kind of, you overcome that. And I actually like that part of going through this prep is like, you realize like, just like our friends on naked and afraid,
You ain't about to die. You can live up like 21 days, okay? You gonna be okay. Not optimal, right? But to observe cues like that and not freak out about them is really powerful.
Yeah. I think I, um, I just get more excited when I'm hungry. I'm like, yes. So it's not like, I've never really freaked out cause I've always been an eater, you know, growing up in a family of men. Me too. We talked about this three brothers, baby, you better just unhinge your jaw and get in what you can. I know. I know. Were you like really protective of like your plate? Like don't share food.
I have literally stabbed a boy in the hand. Let me try to slide it over on my plate. That's so funny. I grew up like that. Maybe not that volatile, but I definitely have gotten better about it. There's been times where friends will just like, before my plate gets stepped down in front of me and they'll grab a french fry. I'm like, I know.
Oh my God. We were at like this big birthday dinner in a friend. Okay. I love dessert. It's very important to me. If I'm having dessert, I've probably planned it out, right? And so I had looked at the birthday cake that was going to be served and it wasn't my favorite dessert.
It was like, yeah, it was like a flavor that I didn't. And then like on the real menu was like something amazing. It was like cinnamon, honey bun, sticky bread pudding or something. I was like, oh. Okay. I was like, it's going to be weird. Like telling Matt, I was like, I'm going to be weird. I'm ordering my own dessert. Just heads up. So it comes and it gets it from me and it's in like one of those mini cast iron skillet.
Oh, that's good. What? Dude sits down, here comes this girl's fork. Now ma'am. I wish I saw that. The part that I had my own special dessert was going to be weird. Actually not the weirdest part.
That is so funny. I've gotten better about it, but since like with tracking too, like I've regained that productivity where I'm just like, um, I already have this written down, but here's like the corner. Like, let me see what I donate. Spoiler alert. Yeah.
God, I wish I would have seen that it's so funny. No, I was like, the audacity, the sheer audacity. That's a little rude, to be honest. I mean, I'm not... At least ask. Yeah, and also don't ask. Or at least wait to ask when you see that I'm literally done. Yeah, or I'm just like, my lesson, the lesson, my takeaway is I'm not gonna sit next to her anymore.
All right. Well, uh, that's all we have for you today, folks. I'm just kidding. That's so funny. Um, anyway, I didn't mean to hijack your story. What were you saying? I think we're just talking about like the balance and flexibility and that, that was really important to me in a, in a hurdle. That's what we're talking about. A hurdle to get over all counts, your macros, your macros.
And it all counts, especially when we are talking about improving body composition specifically in that realm of excess body fat and getting, and getting really, truly rid of that. So I went through a long phase where it was like we were not, you know, adding on more body fat.
but concentrating on putting muscle where I wanted it. You cannot spot reduce, right? You can't pick where you lose body fat, but you can pick where you put on muscle, which I think is really cool. So started hitting that really hard and eating for that, which just like so many of my beautiful clients are like, no, I wanna lose weight, I wanna lose weight.
I wasn't at a place calorically where that would have been in my best interests. So we reversed and I did that for a year, a year, a whole like 12 months, like one year. 365 days? Yeah. Of like having a good time, eating, lifting.
Not happy with my results in the mirror, per se. I can see changes. When you start lifting really consistently, you can see muscles. It kind of goes in stages. You start, while you're lifting, you're like, oh, I've got muscle. I can see it under there. And then the next stage is, I can sort of see some definition while I'm just standing relaxed. And then when you start losing body fat, then you start looking freaking jacked.
You know, and the muscle was there and, you know, and then we started prepping for competition and stuff, but it was such an eye opening experience for me. You know, someone that had such a long history and health and fitness and nutrition, but, oh, you know, and you just always continue to learn, but it was so important for me to let go of.
what I wanted to let go of but didn't feel comfortable letting go of. So hashtag blessed by COVID, I guess, because here we are now. Yeah. You know, I had some deep relationships with that gym. I had been going to for years and years and was a coach there. You know, it would have been really, really hard for me to pull the plug on that and to let those people down in a way. Oh, yeah, I get that.
Did you see with what you were saying earlier, that this reminded me of the reel that I did of my cooking? Did you do the Orzo one? The Orzo? Huh? The one where you did the Orzo? I think so. It was the most recent one, but I was like standing there with what?
It was the shrimp and the orzo when you were doing the choppy chopping. I think so, yeah. And I was standing there just waiting for something to get done so I could keep recording. But I could see the video on myself. I was like, I can see shelter definition. So I did that little like. I was like, wait. It has been always obvious that I've had muscle, but you just can't see the definition ever. So I was like, wow, look at that little mound.
I'm proud. I'm proud coach. Why? Yay. So I do want to ask more on the coaching side of things. Yes. So I'm asking questions that I generally want to know as a listener. These are the kind of questions I ask just people. What's the most craziest blah, blah, blah? We always want to know that. I'm not going to ask that.
But what are the moments like when you are reminded why you love and are passionate about coaching?

Emotional Fulfillment in Coaching

Like what are those like, oh, this is why I do this? When, you know, it's different things, but like when it's literally just across the board, but something happens at least every week where I'm just like,
This, this is it. They, you know, someone sending me a note about how confident they felt on their honeymoon in their bathing suit, how great they felt, how they were like playing on the beach with their kids, how for the first time in years they stood up to go go to a sink house without putting on a cover up, how they didn't think twice about getting in their family pictures without running to get a towel around them.
It's those things. It is things were like, I got sent a message yesterday, how she went to her annual OB appointment and her blood work was so much better. And her doctor was so proud of her and said, well, I don't, I was going to, you know, suggest that you do hormone replacement therapy, but you're putting in the work and you don't want to do that anymore. It's kind of off of metformin from type two diabetes.
Um, it's getting a lady ready to fit in her wedding dress. It is showing somebody that they have the power to change their health, their physique and by proxy their confidence level and what they believe about themselves transcends anywhere they've ever been in their lives.
And that happens to me because of what I get to do for a living every week. Somebody was like, ask me, how the hell you get up at 4.30? I'm like, my eyes pop open thinking about my weird, wonderful life. And you guys might as well be a stick of firecracker, a firecracker in my butt. I'm like, let's do this. That's hilarious. I know.
I don't know. I'm passionate to get up at 4.30. I love my life, but I'm comfortable at 4.30. I have stuff to do, stuff to do, stuff to do. And like, I'm like, you know, tomorrow is Friday. And I'm like, okay, tomorrow's Friday. I'm just checking in on Friday. And I know that she's been like doing this and I can't wait to see what, you know, the feedback and everything. And like, I start that like early, like those, those chickens. I love those. And I, you know,
my own workouts and my own cardio and food prep. And I eat five times a day. So yeah, I wake up and I'm like, chop, chop, boogie, boogie, baby. Oh, and I have two kids, two children.
Oh my gosh. So I think we already kind of talked about like some of this a little bit already, but like what, if you were to define the, um, the topics within this space that you're the most passionate about and that you will, you will drill into somebody's brain over and

Importance of Habits & Self-Stories

over. If you could, what would that be? Habits, habits, stories you tell yourself the habits of I can't get up at four 30 in the morning.
the habit of I can't track on weekends, the habit of I can't eat well because my kids have practice every night of the week. It's these stories you tell yourself that are not true, that are what are holding you back. You are, we all, we're limitless. Unless we put those limits on ourselves. If you need more hours in a day,
You might like that's, that's a real thing when people are like, I just don't have enough hours in a day. You have to make them. Okay. You make it happen. If you really want something and it's inside of you and you keep thinking about it. You got to go get that, or you're just going to live a life unfulfilled. That's in you for a reason. And you've got everything in you right now to reach that goal.
Even if it's stupid big, it's so stupid big you won't tell anybody. I wouldn't tell anybody for a year, not even my best friends, that I wanted to do a bikini competition. Oh. I'm too old for this. I am way too old to start this. Like, you know what I'm saying? Like, when you look at like paper of what the age range and what these people look like and do and everything and like, oh yeah, I'm way too late to enter the game.
but I wasn't, and I did. And everything, when you live like that, like where you're real true to what you want, it's the way you do one thing is the way you do everything. So when you start really practicing excellence, and what can you control? What's the one thing you control yourself? So when you start controlling the way you move your body, when you control what you put into your mouth, when you shape and mold your own physique,
It bleeds into your other relationships, into your career, into the way you talk to your children, into your patients level, into everything you can think of that's important to you. You can show up as a whole different woman. And that all starts from your core in taking care of you first.
And when you start doing that, uh, you just, you're the Kool-Aid man. Oh my gosh. I feel like I'm in church right now. Can I get it out for the people in the back? Hallelujah.
Oh, that makes my heart so warm and fuzzy. Um, no, I also wanted to ask, um, how did you come to be a coach here? Like, I don't know your story with, with, uh, being a coach with the VIM project. Well, I was already a trainer, right? And doing my own thing with just, just nutrition coaching, no training involved. And I had
started doing, you know, the more bodybuilding style workouts and everything. And I saw Casey like post about hiring coaches or something. And again, it was just something I knew I was supposed to do. Like it was already a client of hers. No. Oh, I thought you already were. And then
No, I was with, I was on, I was with another coach that was great. I mean, no complaints at all. He was awesome. I liked that guy, but yeah, it was just like weird to stay with that coach and like work for Casey and who wouldn't want to work with Casey anyway. Right. Yeah. I saw that and I was like, you know, it's not fun to be by yourself all the time. It's really not. And when it's like in coaching just women.
Right? In like the capacity and the mission with the fit fam, I was like, you don't know this, but you want me, you want me back. I bet you sold yourself really well. I guess so. Here I am. Oh yeah, that's true. You started soon after I came on. So it was like a couple of weeks and then there you were.
And then meeting everybody, I was like, yes to you, yes to you, yes to you, yes to you. Yes. Oh, did you, I lost you. There you are. Matt. There you are. Okay. Anyway, so I have a fun little like game. Fun.
No, it's just for you, just a quick spitfire. What are your top five least favorite exercises? Bulgarian split squats. That's all you would do for me. That's all I see. No, no, no, no. Least favorite has no prevalence.
Not fair. It does not. No, I perform. There is no, there is no exercise I refuse to do. None. Okay. So Bulgarian split squads do you hate? Yeah, they hurt. They hurt so bad. Hurt my soul. Um, I do not like dumbbell deadlifts because my butt is now so strong that grip is an issue more than the lift and that aggravates me.
You know what I'm saying? Like, yeah, I don't want my group to be my limiting factor. So I prefer barbell deadlifts because, you know, you can do the mixed grip and just lift heavier. I do not like Smith machine, narrow squats. They just feel weird. Not natural. Yeah. They're just like, do I have to? Okay.
Um, I don't like doing bodyweight exercises of any sort. You know what? Me too. Wait, I shouldn't do that. I hate yoga. I was just going to say that I hate yoga too. Cause I hate being all bendy and twisty and like, like practically cutting off my air supply, trying to look at the next exercise and be like, and I'm looking
big person so it's like not as easy to bend. You're like what? I'm big. I'm like a mosquito. You're tall. I'm short and curvy.
yoga sucks for all body types no just kidding no but i do it that's another thing i you know and especially right now because i'm doing that um 75 hardware i have to work out oh yeah for 45 minutes so one it has to be outdoors easy peasy walk right that's not different than normal i walk my dogs it's fine it's just kind of longer but i don't and it's not like i'm out there running i'm just like
And then, but I only live four to five days a week. So the other 45 minutes. Why are you doing 75 hard? I just felt, you know, it's another one of those things. It just was the right thing for me to do. Why? Yeah. Yeah. I would like to know. Oh, well.
That sounds horrible. You know, I told you, I don't always know why I'm doing stuff. Oh, I know why you're doing it. You just got back from that conference and you're all inspired. We were going to do that. No, he didn't talk. He didn't say one word about that.
Well, yeah, maybe not, but that's probably why. No, it's one of those things where the only thing preventing me from doing it was I didn't want to get in the way of my personal, you know, lifting my own program with team Casey in the fifth. Yeah. Like that's already. So now the off season and I can be a little bit more flexible. Like, you know, when it's cardio, like she needs to know how much cardio you're doing, blah, blah, blah.
Um, all that. So anyway, but I did, I've been, I got up at four 30 this morning and the first thing I did was pajamas yoga. And you know what I learned? I have a 10 man. I'm the 10 man. But it's like my hamstrings are two inches long. My back has a still rod. Like there was a modified person and a non in the person that was good at it. I couldn't do the modified person. So in summary,
75 Heart Might have saved my life because I was back to breaking half. Oh my gosh. So because you're not very flexible. No, but I bet you it gets better over this 75 days of doing it two to three times a week. Okay, I'll give you that. I hope that goes well for you. There's always something like that. And maybe the reason is, is because
I was supposed to do this is because I really need that in my life. I'm no spring chicken, ma'am. I need to be doing better body care. That's true. We can get so locked into married to this one way that we forget about the other helpful things like yoga, whatever. So I get it. And that's helpful. I'll do some stretching this week. I'll do it. Bad, bad, bad, bad. My kitty threw out her back. So maybe
She threw out her bag and she's all walking all limpy and broke my heart. I don't know what happened, my baby. So I took her to the vet and they realized it wasn't like the paw or like the leg, but it was like her back. And I'm like, she's just a, she's a little broad these days just because cats can like pull a disc or throw out their back like we can.
I don't like that. Yeah, I don't like my baby. She's not as sprightly as she used to be. The whole stuff, Jasmine. You know, she's sleeping right there. But anyway, take a word from her and not throw out my back. Yes, no jumping off tall stuff for you either, ma'am. Okay.
Well, anyway, that was pretty much everything. So yeah, I hope everybody enjoyed hearing us in your ears. We are recording video. I don't know if we're having technical difficulties or not. A couple of weird things happened. But our goal is to have these videos maybe on YouTube. I don't know, but it will definitely be in the Facebook group. Yeah. You know, I've seriously thought about that.
Why? Why? No, I don't know. Well, it doesn't have to be all... Yeah, just feet. There's, what do they call it? There's a site that I've looked at where you could just do pictures of your feet. I'm like, that seems pretty great. Well, except that one of the main goals of my life is not to ever bring any pleasure to a weird band. Oh. Paid or not.
I might I might have to lower my standards. I'm just talking about it. But yeah, so I think this video recordings will be in our Facebook. So if you want to see our beautiful, lovely faces, it's like nearly pitch black here. So my lighting is weird. But yeah, go to our Facebook group if you want to see us and I love that. Yeah, I think that's what we'll do. So hopefully this all
It works out well, but yeah, they can find it. What's your Instagram? Dang it. What's your Instagram? LindseyBlack... Yeah. LindseyBlackFit, right? I was like, fit project, no, ma'am. LindseyBlackFit. Yeah, well, anyway, thanks again. And join us next week. We will be talking to Nicole. So that'll be fine. Yeah, Nicole.
Well, all right. Well, thank you. I'll talk to you later. We love you a long time. Go squat tomorrow. Woo-hoo. Bye. Bye.
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