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Host KateLynn Bundy Interview

E4 · Fit Femme Project Alignment Podcast
68 Plays1 year ago

Today, we flip the script and Coach Nicole sits down with our Host KateLynn Bundy. We learn all about her and her health and fitness journey and the major lessons she has learned along the way and continues to learn. 

Instagram: @thefitfemmeproject




Introduction to FitFem Project Podcast

Welcome to the FitFem project alignment podcast. It is here that we cultivate and gather all who have been through it in fitness, relationships, careers, lifestyle changes, and unforgettable crucial life pivots trying to achieve their most sovereign selves.
We're here to provide you with thought-provoking detailed stories and information from truly fascinating men and women from all walks of life, professions, generations, and modern day sagas who speak to the rawest, darkest moments that made them the strong, decisive, humble, helpful, healing people that they are today. We ask them to hold nothing back because life is a multidimensional pursuit to be stronger, healthier, and more aligned mentally, emotionally, and physically. Let's go.

Meet Coach Nicole and Caitlin Bundy

Hi, everyone. Coach Nicole Teraway here. And in case you haven't noticed, I'm not Caitlin. That's because I am interviewing our very own Caitlin Bundy today. Hi, Caitlin. Hi. This is nice. Well, and the reason is because she has done such a phenomenal job of interviewing everyone so far, like on the team where you're about to. And I was like, have you been interviewing? She's like, no. And I was like, well,
please let me because you're fascinating. And I have all these questions. So that's what we're going to talk about today is you're going to get to know Caitlin. If you're a client inside the fit femme project, you have worked with her on some level, very likely if you're one of, um, you know, with me, like I like to get on a Neogram calls with my clients and that's her, you get in a Neogram call with Caitlin, the one and only, the one and only. So we're going to get to know Caitlin cause she's kind of this, she's just,
She's in the scenes. And if you don't see her face, like she is there. So she's a huge part of the entire company. And I was like- The behind the scenes. But yeah, well, and the front. Yeah, a little bit. But we have to get to know her more. She's amazing. So let's start with- This is so nice. I'm glowing right now. Are we going to talk about me?

Caitlin and Casey's Friendship Journey

Okay, so what when I first I'll just I'll say when I first met Caitlin, um, I was really I was just in awe of how much confidence she had. This is the confidence that I just didn't have. I'm gonna cry. But it's like,
you there when I when I met you is because you and Casey were very close and you still are so I was like well how did they meet if you don't mind telling us like how did you and Casey makes I feel like ever since you've been there since the very beginning if not earlier with the fit from project yeah well yeah right before it changed to what is now called the fit then project it was still just team Casey for like two or three months and then it got to the fit that project something like that
uh yeah so casey and i met we still debate on what year it actually was because i honestly cannot remember i think it was 2007 who was it what helps with my timelines is who i was dating who was i dating that that would that would have been gosh i can't believe how much i fit into my 20s do you ever think that
So I'm pretty sure it was 2017 that we met. That's pretty fair. If not, it was just neat. No, it had to have been 2017.
I'll ask her. But I was a massage therapist at the time, I still technically am. But that was my career back then. That's what paid the bills. Don't recommend that. Especially if you're supporting yourself. Do not do that. Anyway, so I was a part of this app called soothe. Have you ever heard of that? So it's like an Uber for massages. So I sign up as a
a massage therapist and then i just get notifications of people requesting massages whether it's within the hour or scheduled out the next day usually it was like same day so i could pick it up if i wanted to and it was just really cool extra cash they're expensive though and the therapist didn't get paid a lot
compared to how expensive, I think it was like 120 bucks an hour for a client to pay. That's a lot. That's a lot, yeah. But it is in your house and that's nice. Yeah. That's very accommodating. And I'm like, I could be, I was not charging that at the time for house calls.
That would have been very helpful. So she had requested and I picked it up. And it was so you know, Casey's like, intimidating to all people. I, I have gotten that a lot in my life where people like, Oh, you're so intimidating. I thought you were a completely different person before I really got to know you like basically thought I was a bitch. Oh,
Well, my face might say that but and people will say they feel like that's impossible. I've changed a lot over the years. So it was funny because she lived in this building downtown that had it was one apartment building but it was separated. They were two separate buildings of the same apartment complex. Okay. That's a better way to put it. And I
took forever to find parking, I was running late and I, my blood pressure goes through the roof if I am late, especially when it comes to work. And that, you know, I want to be respectful, obviously of a client's time, I don't want to miss out on any tips, you know, the whole thing.
so i was running behind and i could not figure out what building she was in and i'm trying to call her anyway so i finally find she's like yeah she's super scheduled so she had her own client calls and i kept her i was like i'm so sorry i'll be there in a minute
And I'm like lugging this table. Wait, no, she had a table, which was a huge save because lugging that mother effer around is just not fun. And so I was late and she opened the door and do you know her eyebrows are.
And she's just like, hi. And I'm like, I'm so sorry. Like, I would be mad, not mad, but I would be irritated. She obviously was. Did the appointment, it was fine. And then she requested me again. I was like, Oh, well, that's a turn of event. I know I do good work. But
you never know what is actually gonna like they might like your work but they were late and that's unprofessional I'm never gonna use them again yeah but she requested me I think it was the third time that she had requested me when she um because we connected over the kitties and because of her cats and uh she finally asked me she's like what do you charge if I just ask you to not go through the app and so I told her which is the way to convert
That is, that's key. That's why I signed up for that. I was like, this is a great way to get new clients. And I could just be like, hi, I can basically cut those prices in half if you just call me directly. So that's what we started doing. And I was working on her for a while, once a week. And for a while, it was twice a week I was working on her.
And then- See, I had no idea that this was how you guys start. I thought she'd sign up for like

Caitlin Discovers the Enneagram

an Enneagram call with you. And that's how you guys met. But this is so fascinating. So I keep going. I'm just intrigued. Yeah, we love time. It's funny that she's not here. So wondering what her side of the story would be. But it's accurate. It's accurate. This is my experience. So I can't remember how long it had been where we finally started hanging out on a personal level. She invited me out to brunch.
at a spot that is now sadly closed they were celebrating i think she had just gotten done with the olympia i don't know what it was it was a competition so she wanted to go out and do a big brunch she had just gotten back i'm pretty sure it was the olympia
Anyway, it was a competition that she had just finished, got back into town. And that's how she likes to celebrate or have that big cheat meal that they do after a show. And so we did a big brunch. I got there like 45 minutes early, drank an entire bottle of champagne. Because I was like, she's super cool. And I was like, we'd be such good friends. But it was hard to cross that professional boundary because that's what they say when you're in school.
was do not get involved with anybody on a personal level, especially romantic, in that even if you have them as a client at one time and you don't see them again for 10 years, it's still a no-no. I'm like, damn. But I didn't abide by those rules. I've dated two people that I've met that were a no-no.
So it, regardless, it was still weird and awkward to know how to like cross those boundaries in a way. So I really had to be initiated on her end. I'm not going to be like, hi, let's be friends. So she invited me out and it wasn't until one time, she's like, I swear we would never hang out if I didn't ask you to do so. And I'm like, you're right. I'm sorry, because
you know, it was still crossing those bounds. And so I got used to you have to be the initiator. Yeah, for this relationship. We're cool now, though. We're cool. But that's how we met. That is so yeah, that I had no idea. No, I had no idea. So how long she's up for a year you were at least Okay, no, it hadn't sooner than that.
Maybe. Oh, wow. Yeah, it was a while that we were just obviously client and massage therapist professional. Yeah, I never thought about how long it was before we started hanging out.
No, the reason I'm like I love knowing that story is because I literally had no idea. I've known for as long as I've known you, it's because you've been a part of like the business, I guess, where there was Team Casey. I know it was the business and I know Team Casey was, you know, the first business before the FETFEM project. And but that's where I thought you. I remember watching a YouTube video where you were you and Casey, I think, were in the same room, maybe in her kitchen.
And you were talking about the Enneagram. What? Or YouTube video? Or was it on a Facebook live? This was like over a year ago. Oh, yeah. That was one of the first calls I had done. I think this was before I was on the payroll. Yeah. So I thought you were... Because you were her client. I was a client back then. That's right. Okay. Because yeah, she wanted to bring on specialists or whatever to bring some little extra value to the peeps.
So wait, so tell me how so you were already a specialist, you were a massage therapist, you had that specialty, but then like for like the what I know you as is an Enneagram expert is what I tell my clients like, how did you get into that? And then how did that become a part of you and the company? I adopted that as my religion. I love the Enneagram and I still experience it still feels far reached. Do you ever feel that with some like this is Nicole, she's an expert in health and fitness.
You know, if you had said that to me maybe a year and a half or two years ago, like I would have been like, felt icky, but like, you know, that's not it. But now like, I don't know what's going on, but I feel pretty, I wouldn't say I'm an expert, but I, but I know I'm not like, not an expert. Right? Yeah, that's fair. And I'm probably being too modest about it. But okay. So in 2000, and
Was I dating? Serious. I was dating Fernando at the time. The first one. There were two. Oh my god, one was Colombian and one was Peruvian. They told you that! Oh yes, the Peruvian? Okay, yeah. That one was very short-lived.
This is not what this call is anyway wait, so I was hitting him and that was 2016
probably around that time. Yeah, 16, 17. Cause I introduced it to Casey and it was just, I was like, she needs this so bad. And I- The Enneagram you introduced to her. Yeah. So at the time I was feeling really just lonely and I come from a big community back home. And I hadn't lived in Nebraska since 2010.
Oh, so but for some reason, I was just really missing having a group of people that I could go to and talk to and just hang out and have fun. I had some here and there, but I had seen on a Facebook group for Nashville girls, somebody just post on their Hey, my friend hosts this wine night on Mondays, and
we love new people who wants to come like well all right i'll go it's me yeah it's it was pretty bold so she sent me a message and it's kind of intimidating walking to a stranger's house full of other strangers um but i was like i need this i want to meet new friends and that's
That's what you got to do when you want to meet new friends. You just got to put yourself out there. I'm an extrovert. It's a little easier for me, but it was still like scary. Yeah. So it was funny that first time that I went, it was a small enough group. It's still a lot of girls, but small enough group where we played this tutors in a lie. Okay. I love that game.
And that's a good icebreaker. It was so great because no one knew me at all. And they didn't know my last name. So I was like, one of my truths was I'm related to a serial killer. And everyone, everyone's eyes just went really wide. And they're like, oh, and this one girl rushes up to me and takes a selfie with me. I'm like, what the fuck?
She was a huge true crime fan. So she like I'm like, it's not that related. Anyway, so I met a girl there who was into the Enneagram. It was a while though that she started talking about it.
And I instantly obsessed with things I have to do with personality. And I didn't really get into the zodiac stuff, but I love the psychology and your Myers Briggs. And I just love that stuff. Because it puts a lot of definition to things that were otherwise
hard to describe about a personality. You know what I mean? Yeah. So it gave me a lot of answers. So she was talking about it. She's like, I'm having a couple people over and we're going to take the test and talk about your type. And that's where you can learn what yours is. Okay, I'm gonna do that. So I went over to her house with some other friends, drink someone it was the most stressful day I had had. And so I'm taking the test.
They were hard questions. It's hard to answer it. And I scored, my highest scores were, okay. I scored a high score, the same score.
Okay, I had three types that were scored very high and they were all the same score for three types. So I'm like, what do I do? This isn't, you know, you'd think it'd be like this or that. Easy, no. I've never heard of that. Yeah, because it's so subjective. It's because you have to take it as instinctually as possible because it can change because based on your mindset and you can't take it
and answer the questions based off of what you know you should do versus what you would actually do, or what other people would expect you to do, because that's the better off. You have to be real with yourself, right? And the girl who did it, she's like, I started out thinking I was a type two for the longest time, and then she retook it and educated herself more about it and learned that she was actually type nine.
And her world was expecting her to perform as a type two. And that's what made her successful. And that's why she typed wrong, because she had to have those type two qualities in a way that made her successful in her life. But
Anyway, I could keep talking about it. So she just told me that she just pick one and start reading. So I was like, I start with eight. And so I read it and I my mind was blown. I and if you've heard me say this on the call, I got a hair in my eye that you should feel like somebody's reading your brain. Yeah. And that's exactly how I felt. And I got all the goosebumps and all this. I'm like, it's this is me on paper, a lot of paper.
I'm gonna learn so I just got you just get so obsessed because it was just defining things about my personality that I would feel ashamed about Because it's a very masculine personality. I'm very type a I grew up around boys and you know, it's just how I am but what and for those who don't know type 8 is the Challenger Challenger and that when you read it, especially growing up in the church the Christian community
a type eight in a male is very good. That's what they want in leaders. That's what they want in their men, but women have so much. And I got in trouble a lot because they would pull me aside. And this is, I kind of said this in the last recording where people are so intimidated. No, I said this just a minute ago, where people are like intimidated by me and my personality.
because I'm just so I'm a lot and I like that I'm not trying to be self-depreciating but my type a masculine qualities come off very wrong to people so growing up in the church I would constantly or even at jobs be sat down like hey we need to talk to you about your behavior and what you did or said to somebody and I'm like what and my heart is breaking because you know I ever saw I'm a softy
these, I am now. And before I'd be like, I don't care. That's your problem. That sounds like a you problem. Go and manage yourself because I don't care. Turns out that doesn't really work a lot in the world. So I would get sat down, I'd be like, you really hurt somebody's feelings. And I'm
what? No, I did. That's not what I meant. I didn't have that intention. And they're like, uh huh, sure. Like, it was so I struggled a lot growing up with who I am as a person. I'm very confident and always because growing up around men, they generally don't have self image issues. So I didn't either. But still, there was this battle of
my mother, God bless her, Caitlin, be quiet. No, that's not very ladylike, you know, you know, let's just be more. My mom's a little peacemaker, just perfect little person. So reading the Enneagram for the first time, I was like,
Wow, it's okay that I'm like this. This is normal. Like what? So I just devoured everything I could that had to do with the Enneagram and learning about myself. There was one podcast that I listened to. You would like it. It's called The Art of Growth.
Who's the host? I can't remember their names. It's been a minute since I've listened to them, but they have these Enneagram panels. They will take type twos and just ask them questions and they'll kind of discuss it. And it's really interesting hearing it different.
people who are the same type kind of talk about their experiences with surrounding a certain subject. So I learned a lot from that. And the Enneagram is Christian based for people who don't know, it's very deep religious roots. So it was really helpful seeing it in that light and hearing people going through type eight women going through the same thing that I was in the church.
And, um, it was almost like a little bit of group therapy than just that podcast hearing other people's experiences, but that are like, have the same personality and traits as you. Yeah. And that's, and I hearing, especially hearing other people's experiences being similar to mine.
even though I was a kid, like a teenager, but they're adults, still was very similar. And I was going down the same path had I kept going. I mean, I still hold on to my religion and my faith. I still have that. But being as involved as I was, like going to church like eight times a week, you know, being involved in all the cell groups and all this and being that involved, is it
necessarily for me because i step on people's toes and my dad who i know is a type eight he has to be he one of the most valuable things he taught me
was to challenge my faith. So he'd be like asking me what we learned in church today or at whatever. Like, yeah, well, we talked about this and that and he'd be like, well, why do you believe that? And he'd be like, don't believe something, don't believe what we say in the spiritual world, that religious sector, just because your mom and I are telling you to believe this or the pastor is telling you to believe that, you need to find it for yourself.
And you need to find that experience so that it's yours and not just because somebody told you to, you know? So that's one of the most valuable things he ever taught me. So pushing those boundaries in the church doesn't go over very well for those people who don't know. You know, people like to be in that box. Even with a non- I grew up in a non-denominational church,
Christian though, right and that's probably the most boundary breaking of the rule because it's Catholicism is super right in the box and yes while Christianity or non-denominational is really on the other end of the spectrum, so we liked that freedom and Expressing ourselves and the way we worshiped and all that stuff, but yet it's still gotta be careful and so
learning about that Enneagram stuff and I would hear them talking about it on this panel I'm just it's kind of hard to describe because I was so angry I was so mad just so mad that I grew up being like um
Contained like that and I mean I was a kid like what else am I gonna do or no?

Enneagram's Healing Role for Women

Yeah, but it would just made me so angry that it was like that and that they Expected that of women it was as progressive as we are in that church was It was still very traditional in certain ways. I Get it. You know what? I mean, but just listening to it really just gave me a lot of closure and things that made me so angry over the years and
So I'm curious cause you know yourself, like you've dissected yourself and the new ground was such a huge, um, really compelled you to do that. And it's served you like immensely to the point that you help like, and I know this cause I see it every time we get on the call, you help other women.
understand themselves and answer questions that they may have had or weren't caught didn't think they could ask or should ask but you help them say that no that's just part of who you are and that's okay and that's normal and um but you also I feel like because you've immersed yourself so much in the into the enneagram like you just described having kind of revisited your
your past with you know the lens of the enneagram just with how much you understand yourself now but you're able to do that i've noticed with other women that you speak with about the enneagram like do you i guess my question is do you feel as like actually it's not a question it's an observation you are as well versed about the other types as you are about your own like how did you get yourself to that point or do you feel like you're
still growing there? Or like, where are you, I guess, in your expertise with the Enneagram? Well, I learned a lot just by kind of forcing the people around me to take the test. Like, I gotta know what you are. So I, so when I'm reading, you know, I might read a chapter on the type seven, but I can't relate it to anybody. So the information is just kind of going in and out of my brain.
So it was very helpful knowing that it was, well, okay, let me back up. The girl who introduced it to me, you know, that whole group, we were very close by that time, especially with this few select others. And so everyone knew every once in a gram. And I realized the people that I was just the most drawn to were type twos. Because that's, you know, for people who don't know, that's my point of growth that represent the type, the healthy qualities of the type two represents that
innocence, that inner child that was once lost. And so I told you this on the calls before where I would take a bullet for people that are in my inner circle. But when it comes to a type two, get don't, don't dare look at them. Yeah, so it was so cool learning about what I just naturally surrounded myself with, because that is, you know, having those healthy characteristics around me helped me grow, you know, and just learning
You know, oh you're you're a fat my I had an ex who was a type 5 and that taught me a lot because type 5 is my stress
So I'm always thinking, and I asked the girl who introduced it to me, I'm like, well, he's a five, so is he like so stressed out all the time? Because the qualities I'm seeing in him are the, not bad qualities, but when I'm in increased periods of stress, I act like him. So I'm seeing this, I'm like, wow, he's stressed all the time, huh? And she goes, no, but you probably think that you do, when that's just his normal,
state, whether or not he's a super healthy version or super unhealthy, whatever. Oh, so it taught me a lot. And that relationship was very important to me. And it taught me a lot about myself, because of the ideogram, and knowing my personal red flags of when I'm in increased periods of stress, things like that. So I really just started with myself.
And the calls honestly helped a lot too because if I don't have a lot, let me think, I don't have a lot of sixes in my life that I know of. I pretty much know everybody's though. I'm still working on my family. I'm going to get them to take the test. It's a little different. But yeah, for example, I don't have a lot of type sixes. So
um if we do somebody who has a if we're doing a call that somebody says that there are six i'm gonna read up on it and i'm gonna take my notes and that helps me learn obviously and those calls are like i've said that's just the tip of the iceberg
It's very because we don't we haven't gotten into the instincts. Have you heard about those? Yeah, only because of you. But you're right. We don't get into the whole new level. And honestly, if we just talked about the three instincts aside from types, you can learn so much about yourself. That's true. Yeah, I haven't even I haven't even gotten that far with my clients. I just like I like that they can sit on those calls with you because it just answers so many questions. You know, I don't have clients who are in there.
50s and they sat in on that call and they're like, oh my god, like and they've made so much faster progress in their time In the fit fan project then they've been trying to make on their own I feel you know for years before but it's a good combination like they have Not just the anneagram like anyone can buy a book but to have someone walk through it and point out examples like you do I think you're so good at is, you know each type of
at such a level that you can say, Oh, so if you catch yourself doing this, it's because you're stressed or it's because you're in a moment of growth. But like, even they wouldn't have known to point that out for themselves, but you can because you're so well versed in this. Thanks. That's what is
And honestly, if it only ever is just the basics that I ever talk about to clients or people on the street. That's it. I feel like I've done my job because it triggers curiosity, it triggers self awareness, and then they can take it how far ever they want to go. That's what I say at the end of those calls. I'm like, we're here, man, if you want to talk about this again, get another call. Let's do it. Yeah, they do.
Alright, if they don't and they want to read their books that we recommend then they do and that's you know What triggered mine was I learned about this and I just took it and ran and that's what I hope for other people because that's what's so great about the Enneagram is it teaches you such great self-awareness about yourself and improves your relationships around you even if you don't know anybody's around you your husbands or your co-workers or whatever
side note, my first job that I got after I retired from massage therapy, I had all my coworkers take the Enneagram and I printed out their type and then a bunch of characteristics and I put it, I posted it on their desk so everyone else could read it. And honestly, it was for selfish reasons because of what I've said before is that if people can at least know mine, be like, oh, this is just Caitlin, you know, Caitlin's not just being a bitch, she's just
an aggressive, outgoing, intense person. And you can't you guys say with a grain of salt sometimes it's not an excuse for bad behavior. But okay, that's just who she is. You know, you can't you don't have to take it personally is what I'm saying. So that's why I did that. I like I forced it on people against their I'm so glad you I wasn't you who suggested that the coaches be on the calls with
with their clients when they're on the Enneagram call with you. That's been so helpful because I like for instance, when we sat on one of the first women I worked with who was a type one, I remember being flustered around her and her check ins because she would give me minimal information. And I was like,
She is she just hiding stuff for me. Why isn't she giving me details? Like there's other women I work with turns out She's a type one if there's not a lot to say it's because things are actually going well But I would not have known that and I would have still been in agony That she's a type one and learned everything I did on that call with you if you hadn't explained it all
Oh, well, good. Yeah, it is helpful. So for the coaches for sure. Oh my goodness. Um, I feel like we're going somewhere with that question because you talked about co workers. Oh, I definitely derailed that my bad. Okay, but one thing. Um, let's see.
Oh, this is why I want to ask you, where do you see yourself growing with the Enneagram?

Caitlin's Enneagram Aspirations

Like, did you want to become? Are you a certified Enneagram coach? Where do you think there's a real certification for it? There probably is somewhere just so somebody can make money. But what are your personal desires?
I don't know. Are you just like having fun where you are? I am having fun where I'm at and just continuously learning more. And it would be cool to dive in a little bit deeper with somebody.
aside from like, let's really chip away at that iceberg a little more. And it would be cool. And that's helpful for me because everybody is so different. You know, you you're a type three and so is Christine, right? But you guys are so different. That's when those instincts come in. God, we got to talk about that. And that that's the cool part. And just seeing the consistencies with each type, even though you're so different, you know,
So it would be cool to dive in a little deeper with some people, because I'm just a nerd about it all. I just want to know. I want to learn deeper. I want to go further. That's just who I am. I just like to push and go and challenge. So yeah, I really do love where I'm at with it.
but maybe go deeper somehow. Yeah. We could talk to Casey maybe figure it out in the future. Yeah. I don't know. Just throwing that on the universe. Okay. So here's my question to you. Where did, because I feel like Casey, how, so how did Casey, you and the anneagram come together? I was giving her a massage one time. Okay.
And I knew I needed to bring it up to her. I just, I felt it in my soul that she needs to know this. And so we generally talk the whole time through her appointments and I know how to bring up something when I want to bring it up.
You know, I think everybody does like you have that ulterior motive, like, I'm gonna work this into the conversation and get to this point. And that's what I did. And she was like, Yeah, that's interesting. Because she nerds out about that stuff too. She wasn't as into the let's read a book.
and we have a self-help book that we read she was not she's like i don't read whatever now look who reads yeah i hope she doesn't get it i'm just kidding um yes i was giving her a massage one time
And we just started talking about it out of nowhere. And so she's like, yeah, that's interesting. And I was like, yeah, man. I brought my book over and we just started, I would just read it. She was just blown away. And so then she got hooked on it too. And I was like, yeah, girl, it's me and you are the same, but different.
Okay, so then I can kind of see the progression where she had team Casey and was bringing on the fit fan project and she was bringing on specialists and yeah, okay. Now I see how it's all come together and where we are now. So, um, okay. I'm so like, I've left this like history lesson because it's like, I, from a personal level, I've, I didn't understand the anneagram and,
When Casey brought on the fit femme project, she was talking to the neogram. I was very like, non personality test. Like I didn't for my own like, because I had my own coaching business, which I don't don't anymore. But I wasn't focused on. Yeah, I was very, I'm a big and I was focused on like the polyvagal theory and nutrition and fitness. And so
But then when I became a client and we started talking about the neogram and I started reading about it, I was like, hang on a second stuff here. There's more to this. Yeah. There's like, I'm learning about myself from these pages. And like you said, there are a lot of pages. Yeah. And, um, but I really appreciated and what I love about, uh, the vision that Casey has for the fit femme project. And I see how it's like a big part of it is from what you were able, what you brought forth was, um,
bringing the amiogram into health and fitness because it really helps show women, oh and men of course, but anyone who reads it, how big of a part that plays in your ability to have a health and fitness goal, which is a health and fitness lifestyle, be a part of you. And when you understand yourself to the level that the amiogram shows you,
It just makes it a little easier. It kind of does. Yeah. So I've always appreciated that. It was like a level of wisdom that I was like, I don't know where that came from, but that's really cool to see that this is it because it's it works. That's what I love about it. It's like it works. But how did you know it was going to work? So it fascinates me.
Yeah, but I really like I really appreciate I think it's just I think it's just genius actually. Well, so here's a random switching gears, huh? What kind of Yeah, cuz like I have, I love like I've mentioned the Enneagram calls that you do with clients. What do you well you said you love kind of showing people it opens up that awareness, it gets them curious about it and you want to dive deeper. What have been maybe some of your favorite moments on those Enneagram calls?
When somebody starts crying, that always gets me. Oh, I know. There's been a few of those. Or you could just tell they're holding back. I'm just like, I don't. Even as much as a softy as I am, when somebody, when there's an overt display of emotion, I'm just like, that's nice. Let's just not do that.
Everyone I guess feels a little awkward around somebody who's like crying or you know, but I definitely I definitely love it when that happens because you I don't know what's going on in their brain and they don't always and I'm not going to necessarily like maybe I should push it a little bit more if somebody starts, you know,
behaving like that. Just being like, well, what's going on with you right now? Like let's, I just keep talking. That's a great question. I asked that too. Like what's going on? Just get it out. I should. Um, cause I also want to be respectful of people's time because it couldn't really go on and on. Um, did that answer your question? Yeah. Because when they show vulnerable vulnerability is what, Oh, I love that. Shows that they're facing something. Maybe they, you know, didn't really know how to before or afraid to. And, but I think,
I feel like I feel confident or I feel safe enough that I can speak for all the women I work with who've been on those calls with you that they feel like they're in a safe space. Okay, like, you know, because you're so approachable, like, and you open up that way with those calls. And it's like, you can let your guard down, even if you don't know what we're going to talk about, it's like, we're just going to have a good time, we're here to learn. And so if something like tears do come up, it's like,
Yeah, this we're so well, it also just shows me kind of they're going through the same experience I went through of like, this is okay. Like, I, I'm like, it's almost like healing parts of themselves that they probably were really hard on themselves about. And, or just having some sort of closure that
That was my experience and that is okay I may not have been in the greatest state of mind or under a ton of stress and yeah we're not perfect humans but just being able to define things that like I've said were otherwise undefinable.
And it just putting words to it, you know, like finally diagnosing. Yeah, that's a good way to getting clarity clarity. Yeah. So I love that. That's exactly what happens on these calls. Like that's why as soon as I have a I'm working with someone new within like
a couple weeks I've gotten much better about it but like within a couple weeks after I've gotten to know them and a few we've checked in a few times I'm like hey let's get on the call now we're here take this test and then set up a call for like the very next week oh Lindy needs to do that she's only done one one of her clients I have I think two coming your way
But they're so valuable. Okay, so this is we're gonna kind of veer off from the Neogram a little bit just because I'm so curious on your perspective on because you started like this podcast is you have so many ideas for every episode and what we talk about. So I feel like you have a good
I think I've said this before, but like a good pulse on general trends that you're seeing in the health and fitness industry, um, and in different social media platforms. And you've been on social media, what we were talking about Instagram for like 2016. So I'm assuming you've been on it since then. So what are some, uh,
one here, this is an interesting twist with you having the neogram expertise that you do have. And that fired to like bring on that self awareness into health and fitness. Yeah, what is a trend that you've seen that you kind of wish
wasn't a trend in the health of business. We've talked about this so much, but the fast results, I hate that. I was just telling you about an ad I've been seeing circling around TikTok was for Beyond Body. And it's this book that, and it's just the classic thing that anybody falls for. It's great marketing technique. It will get you quick money.

Critique of Fast-result Fitness Trends

If you're on the business side of it, but it's this book that is fully customizable which sounds really cool. Yeah, right and I think it's, I don't think it has workouts in it, but it's definitely surrounding food and like meal plans.
Things like that it sounds it checks a lot of boxes for people. Just tell me what to eat. Yeah, you get that a lot but the way that they're advertising it is oh seeing the results after 30 days instead of a year like I hate that and
In the past, I would still be skeptical, but just knowing what I know now and being a client of Lindsay's, it makes me even more mad because I've been a client for over a year now and I don't have a six pack yet. I'm not in the perfect shape, but that's how they're advertising it is results in 30 days instead of a year or seeing my friend's body after 30 days.
Okay, let's calm down here. Like, it's probably a great product. But it's, let's just pump the brakes just a little bit. And it's basically it is false advertising. Because if, yeah, let's say you stick to it for to a T for 30 days, will you see results and you've never done anything else in the past before? Absolutely, you're gonna see results because your body will respond quickly. Yeah.
But no one's perfect and that will not happen. Let's be honest. Let's just be real with ourselves here that you're not going to stick to it perfectly. And that's okay because you have a life and you want to go out and enjoy drinks with your friends and husband or whatnot.
So having those, that false perception of results really makes me angry. Yeah. Cause then I just realized like, is there a second book you have to buy for month two? I don't know. Is there a third book for month three? Do you need like 85 years worth of books to make this last? Yeah. What's after 30 days? Well, yeah, look, you're back at square one, not knowing what to do, you know? So that's why coaching is super valuable. And I never not want to be coached.
Yeah. So yeah. Did I answer your question? Yeah, I did. Like that is definitely the fast, like fast trends that is
I don't know. I feel like that's just going to be a battle. We always have to be fighting. I feel you're kind of going toward this question of trends that I've noticed in the past or now where it's going. I really feel like we're taking a better turn because there's more stuff like what we preach. There's more of that out there of realistic expectations.
and working on, you know, therapy and stuff like that isn't as taboo as it was with our parents' generation. And so I think millennials are really
that generation has really started to turn it around to be like this, we need to have realistic expectations. Let's work on our ourselves and our heart and our mindset. And yeah, there's always, like you said, there's always going to be the people who want the fast money. And so they're going to preach fast results, you know, to eat this bar, drink this shake. And that's what you'll do this belly cleanse. Like, come on.
No. So then that's yeah, so kind of may almost answer next question is like, what are you seeing that now or lately that you wish would continue? Or what do you wish you would you could see more of in the health and fitness industry?
vulnerability, you know, a lot of what Casey does, you know, that's why she's popular is that she she has a lot to say about the realistic the realism behind, you know, the competing industry and then just the health and fitness industry in general, the what it really looks like behind the scenes and Instagram was fake for
several years, but it's taking a fast turn to people being a lot more real. It's a lot easier to point out the fakes. You know what I mean? Yeah. Kind of like those Photoshop fails. Oh my god. Those are so funny. And it's kind of what along that's
You don't see that a lot anymore because people want the realism, the authenticity, and that's starting to sell. If you're looking at it from a business standpoint, what's selling right now? Yeah, fast results will always sell, unfortunately. But what also sells is
personal stories, authenticity, vulnerability, like, because that is the human experience. And yeah, that's what I want to see more of. And I think it's going down that path a little more. And that's why we started this podcast, right to have to grow that some more to put that more out into the health and fitness world, more of what needs to actually happen. So here's a question for you.
I feel like like when my path was when I started into the health and fitness industry was very focused on nutrition and fitness. I mean, if you think about the math behind fat loss or body composition, the math alone is really easy.
Yeah. But then I realized for me, like I was binging, I was losing body fat and binging. So I was like, the math works, but what the sustainability of it, that's where the mental and emotional piece comes in. So then I feel like I got really steeped into the mindset side of things. And I kind of put the nutrition and fitness off to the side or up on a shelf for a second. So I feel like
And let me know if you, if you see this or maybe you don't see it, but I feel like people are, if you're either in one or both camps, either one of two camps, you're either in nutrition and fitness and, you know, professing everything about that or your mindset and you're like, you know, oh, you don't have to, you know, just very focused on don't be perfectionist. Don't be all or nothing. Like, you know, listen to your intuition, intuitive eating. It's all mindset. And then, but then like the other camp is no, just do it.
you know, like, work hard, play hard. Yeah, the grind grind, right? I feel like there's no nice middle. Yeah. Do you see that? Or am I just seeing? Make it up? Well, kind of like what I was saying was that we're really taking a
turn for the better, where those two things are starting to merge in a better way. Because they're going to see both all the time, probably. But I think we're really taking that path toward finding the better balance and doing both. And that's what the FitVent project is all about.
And the basis behind the coaching experience through us is working on that mindset, but also doing those external things, going on the walk, striking the water, having the healthy meals, things like that. So yeah, I see that more.
I don't really dig into other people's coaching stuff or other businesses, so I'm not researching. I do. Maybe that's why I brought it up. Yeah. Well, then what is your answer to that? I feel like it's very heavy, one of two camps. I think we are good about being in that middle and bringing both the math of fat loss and the mindset of health.
we're good about merging them. Um, and I feel, and I think we do it well. I think other companies try and this is, I think this is me being biased. I don't think they do it as well as we do, but it's like, I still, I think that I'm still surprised a little bit that I see some fitness companies out there with all the information we have available to us, you know, and coaches are, you know, they're now getting degrees in exercise nutrition, like legit master's degrees, but it's still,
they don't talk about the mental emotional piece. It's still just the numbers. I'm like, what? I'm like, but if you want to help someone lose weight, you got to help them with the sustainability piece of mental emotional. But then you get people who are
who don't know that math behind fat loss and health, not just fat loss, you know, muscle gain, whatever the health goal is, health or fitness goal is, they're just so steeped in this form of therapy or this form of somatic
whatever. And you don't have to like that's the net that's all you need in order to lose weight. Yeah, you just have to think you're within. You know what I mean? So I feel like there's because I haven't seen I mean, just me like I haven't seen much and it may be out there. But I haven't seen much of a nice merge of the right not in like a massive way. Yeah, like what's a what's a big company, for example. Um,
I mean like beach body level? Beach, I was just gonna say, yeah, beach body, I couldn't think of it off the back of my head, but yeah, like if, if and when, no when, you know, the fit then project gets to that level of notoriety, like people as a household name, right? Oh, okay, yeah. I think it'll get to that point. And if the beach body was that level, you know,
I think, because they've been around for a long time, right? And a lot of the big companies that are on one spectrum have been around for a long time. And so this whole new theory and idea of merging the two is still really new, right? Yeah, so we just need more of those companies to stick around a little longer like us, and then it'll get to that place of people on the street know the name.
Everyone's heard of Beachbody. Man, you just got me really excited for like the future. See, I'm so good at that. I was like, oh my God, imagine if we replaced Weight Watchers. Or we replaced Beachbody. Not that we, I don't know, I don't know when that would happen. It was to that level of competition. You mean? Or that level of reliability or like, like you said, a household name. Yeah. Because we get people results.
good results. That girl who stopped me on the street, did I say that in this recording? No, not in this recording. You should tell everyone again. Yeah. So somebody stopped me and thought, they're like, I see you in the gym, like all the time crushing it. And I'm like, well, thanks. Hi. She's like, what's your, are you a trainer? Like, what's your story? And I'm like, we're passing each other by. I'm like, Oh,
And so I was telling her about the fit front project. She's like, I think that sounds familiar. I'm like, is it? Who knows? But I didn't have my, I had left my phone in my apartment. So I was like, I would have like been, here's the Instagram. Give me your phone. You click follow. It's all I gotta do.
So I was going to do that. But I said, this is this fifth round project. If you see me in the gym and you forget, just just be like, hey, what was that again? You know, so I didn't have my phone to like, and Mark is all like, oh, you got to find her and, you know, be a salesperson like Mark. It was just enough that somebody like saw me that often in the gym, like, isn't this like compliment? Gosh, I'm such a gush for compliments.
Well, for those of you who haven't seen Caitlin, she does have a phenomenal figure. It's just great. So definitely getting even better, believe it or not, with Lindsay's help. Yeah. Okay, that was
That was so cool. I'm so, I feel like this was just me, like with that picture of like the fitment project becoming a household name. That was really exciting. That was amazing. Yeah. Well, I actually, I don't know. I don't, if there's, is there anything that you would want people to know kind of thinking more like maybe a neogram wise, if we touch back on that vulnerability piece, if you feel like someone kind of like, if I were to put myself in my younger shoes.
thinking I was very hardcore, you know, just nutrition and fitness, just follow this plan and work out and everything will be fine. Someone in her shoes who didn't understand the vulnerability piece, what would you say to her that she thinks she would need to know? Um, that that, um, yeah, if I see somebody being like, honestly, that was my experience with Casey.
because I saw how hardcore she was with, you know, competing. And obviously you have to be, if it's your sport, it's your profession, you know, not knocking on that at all. But it's exactly what you just described. She's black and white, it's this way, hardcore, competing, lifestyle. This is her, that was her life. Everything revolved around that, which obviously it has to. So when I was like, this girl, let me see any of you, Graham.
And God bless her. Because it's just, you could still have it. In a way, you can have it all. You know, you can have that competition lifestyle as using Casey as an example, you can still be hardcore and serious about it. But you can also grow your heart grow your vulnerability, you know, grow your
self personally inside your vulnerability you can have it all like people think i think often believe that
you can't get very far, the more vulnerable you are. For example, crying makes you weak. Vulnerability is for the weak. It's actually quite the opposite. And we all always have that armor up. And I think that's why for a long time I came across the wrong way to people because I had this unnecessary armor.
Right. And that's what type eight are like. We think the world is out to get us because that's what we were taught. That was our experience as a kid. Something happened, whatever.
And so the more I personally went through the vulnerability process and seeing Casey go through that too, uses these unnecessary armors starting to go down. And guess how much easier your life is getting, you know? How much happier you are. That's why I love it when people say, you're so approachable, Caitlin. I'm like, really? Because it's taken all hell of a lot of work to get there as much as like,
you know, if somebody were to kind of break through my little barriers and get to know me and be like, oh, you actually are approachable. You really aren't a bitch. Yeah, I was like that all the time. So that's what I would preach to anybody is that, you know, really work on that vulnerability, taking down those unnecessary walls and learning about yourself is step one. That's why I love the Enneagram.
because it teaches you where you're hiding your parts of yourself that you don't need to and taking peeling back that onion, right? So that's what I would say. And Casey is a great example, just kind of seeing her evolve and work. She perfected this thing, her
What do you call it? Her profession. She perfected that. She was at the top. You know, that was her career. Oh wait, it still is. But then- Of herself. Of herself. Yeah. And then to seeing her take that switch to the other end of the spectrum too, seeing her grow and finding her spirituality and should I be talking about her this much? I asked a lot of questions about her because I wanted to know about like the history of everything. Yeah. I've said all this stuff to her. So it's not like,
this is my version of talking behind somebody's back seeing how beautiful and how much they've grown and blah blah blah but yeah is that that should answer your question quite well i believe yeah no that was really good thank you um yeah i don't know this was fascinating hopefully it was fascinating yeah but talking about me
It's fascinating like to everyone as it was to me because I really like this not just speaking as like a client for the fit femme project but like as a coach like there's really there's something here and it's you know it just I wanted to know the origin of it and so I think other people do too because they're whenever they come across a fit femme project whether it's by talking to someone like that girl did with you at the gym or
online on a social media platform. It's like, why isn't this only talking about eat these macros and do these workouts and that's it? Why is there more to it? And I think it gets people curious and looking into themselves and like, do I need to take a look at my stress? Do I need to take a look at, you know, what I'm unwilling to face or conversations I'm unwilling to have? And the answer is yes, but
we create that safe space for them to at least start exploring that. And then to know that if they do join the fit fan project, definitely like you, an expert who literally lives and breathes this stuff to help walk them through that is like, you can like your health and fitness goals are as good as done. Yeah, it believe it or not. So a little backstory, you don't know, when Katie was first developing
the fit fem project and putting together the back end stuff, you know, the website and the intake form and all this. At that time, I don't know she's still doing it. But at that time, she was going through this business program thing where you pay and you have these a group of mentors who help you develop your business and scale it. Yeah. And so she told me that she put together the first intake form and she put it in the Enneagram. What's your Enneagram?
And you can put in, I don't know. But they advised her to not do that. Really? Yeah, she told me that she's like, and that's what I love about Casey is that she just she'll stick to her guns as much as I might hate it. But she that's the best thing about type eight is the intuition is like, no, this needs to be in here. I don't know why. But this is something that I want to be as she said,
She wanted it to be a part of the experience was the Enneagram stuff and they told her not to it because it wasn't necessarily Necessary and it was just another question that might throw people off or it's just too extensive You know what I mean like last questions the better or something maybe but yeah, can you believe that they told her not to it?
Yeah, and like that just that's what I'm talking about. There's that genius in what's woven into this program. It's just knowing what people need and helping them grow. Like I've met with or I've, I've spoken with people who have gone on to the website and taken the redundant take form and come across that question. And they didn't
this person didn't fill out the form, but she did take the neogram test. And she's like, I learned a lot about myself. And then she would ask questions about how does that work with health and fitness? And then I, you know, I tell her. So, but it's like, not only is it something that separates us, but it really is. It's just something that, honestly, I don't know if like, it's just something people need. There is more to health and fitness than just workouts and macros, you have to learn about yourself and
Yeah, and I think that's where people should really start. We talked about this in a previous episode, or a future episode, who knows what order these will be published in. But for beginners, for example, there's so much noise out there. Start with the basics, you know? And that's what I did. I just wanted to do something good for myself. I was sick and tired of trying to figure it out. I didn't have any direction.
I don't pay attention to a lot of stuff. And so I got so fed up to a point where I was like, I just want to have a longer, happier, healthy life. What can I do to support that? And I was like, water?
I think that's pretty easy. We all know water's good for us, right? Let's do that. And then it just snowballed. And I think that's the mindset a lot of people really should start out with or at least evolve into is just the longevity of it. You know, I'm not gonna, you know, whether or not I have a six pack, as cool as that would be in a sexiness that would look in pictures on the beach. You know, I just, at the end of the day, I just wanna,
not be in a wheelchair and not be a decrepit like old person you know here's a question yeah so that when you start drinking water did you already know about the enneagram or no no that was your 10 years ago so how has the enneagram helped you in your health and fitness oh that's a good question um
The big thing is I'm a rule breaker. That's why coaching is really good for me because it keeps me in track. And I think it doesn't apply to me. I can fudge these, blur the lines a little bit to make it convenient for myself. So I know that about me.
that I'm a glass ceiling breaker, right? And he got to stick to the base, he got to stick to the plan, like, ugh, that's just so boring. So that's a big one that I've learned that I can't, the rules still apply to me, you know, the laws of physics and health and fitness, you know, those like the math stuff. So you're saying that you stopped fighting that because you knew yourself as a type A? Yeah, and I still fight it.
Maybe less. But when I first started with Zoe, like I she laid out like the workouts, for example, I didn't like it. So I did what I wanted to do.
And then Katie's like, well, there might be a reason why she has those specific workouts. I'm like, yeah, but I don't like them. And I didn't necessarily communicate that to Zoe, but I would. I would change them out and train her. So she saw what I was doing, but she never said anything. So I was like, well, she doesn't say anything. So I guess I can keep doing my thing. What the F am I paying for? You know, so that that's a big one. I should think about that more.
Yeah, that's maybe just with workouts. But there's also like there's the nutrition side. How is the neogram? How has being knowing your type eight and what your personality is like? How has that shown up in how consistent you are or inconsistent or anything with nutrition that you feel has changed since knowing your type eight? Um, so I've learned a lot in the sense of
it. How do I say this? Like, it's okay to be me. And that I am the person I am a type that crushes goals. I'm a type that is fearless. I'm a type that does, you know, achieve things easily. And with
you know, a lot of success. But that necessarily hasn't been my experience in my life because of how I grew up. I was taught to be quiet. I was taught to suppress so much of myself and to be somewhat timid to stand up for myself to take the initiative and just to run and go for it as much as that is a part of who I am. It was just suppressed a lot in me. So learning about the Enneagram and the
health and fitness stuff is that. Oh, I can be as intense as I want to be. This is kind of cool. You know, like I can do this. I have my weak points where I'm gonna have wine tonight. I know I shouldn't, but I'm gonna do it anyway. So that really leaning into that.
part of myself that was otherwise suppressed a lot as a kid. And that's what one thing like kind of said earlier would make me so angry how much I was told to not be myself. It sounds super traumatic and horrible. I had a great childhood. I wouldn't trade it for anything. But yeah, so that is, and that's what I've learned a lot from Casey and I've told her this that
Her and I are so funny because she's learning a lot about the heart, emotional stuff and the spirituality. And I'm learning more of the traits that she's already developed really well, which is taking the initiative and being assertive and running and going and not and being a lot more fearless.
Because that was her experience growing up in that wasn't my experience you see what I mean so I've learned that from her and just kinda even though. It sounds weird but when I say I don't stand up for myself a lot because that's what people see that I'm a very like stand up for yourself person but you'd be surprised how much I don't.
especially like growing up and how much I have to like hold back because I don't know how it's going to come across to people. I don't know, you know, I shut up a lot. I know. So relating it to health and fitness is that okay.
I can really do that. I'm somebody who achieves goals. That's it. This is who I am. This experience has really taught me to lean into that more and be more fearless. Now that I have all the tools, there's honestly no excuse.
That's what yeah, that's like, where you like, distrust yourself. Yeah, to do it. And like, you got to finesse and make it work for you. But you don't have to work on the trusting yourself part. And that's a big part to work on huge, huge. And I always have to remind myself of that too, like with anything, just kind of have to constantly remind yourself and it's okay, give yourself a lot of grace. And I say that the Enneagram calls like, just giving yourself grace.
will take you really far in your life. Right. You stop getting in your own way. Yeah. How is it for you being a learning the Enneagram stuff and your experience because it's still pretty new to you. It is but I what I the biggest lesson has been to lighten up. Yeah, it's like I can get may not look it on the outside by the inside. I'm like it's like chaos with like, if I eat
something that I didn't plan, like it's that huge perfectionist behavior. But when I would instead of beating myself up and binging the rest of the day, I would say or even feeling that way. It's just the feeling really that would bother me so much. I'd recognize and say, okay, hang on, hang on, let's just pause. This is not a big deal. Yeah. And so that's where the Enneagram really helped me. Um,
like put words to how I was feeling. Yeah. And it gave me that clarity. And so I stopped being afraid of myself of my own like emotional reactions. And, but instead of acting from
I know instead of avoiding something because of, you know, I got scared about something. I'd be like, hang on, let's, let's just look at the facts here. And that's really helped me. I've grown immensely in my own, like, um, I've gotten stronger at listening to myself and that's actually helped me be a much better coach for my clients. Cause they can bring me any emotion. I'm like, I got you when normally it would be really overwhelming. But the beginning of my career as a health and fitness coach, like,
I would tell myself if she cries, I have to find a way to not, I have to find a way to deviate and not go there. But now I actually, like I will act like you need to get those tears out because otherwise you're going to eat them. So, but it's been so helpful because they're like, man, I needed that. I needed to just get clarity on that part that I was struggling with. And it's just, it's been immensely helpful.
That's good. I like that. And yeah, for me growing up, surrounded by boys, there was always that mentality of someone else is doing it someone else's like they were the one who's who did the sports. And all of our time was about that. And so I was kind of in the background, like,
Not necessarily like, I don't matter, but they'll do it. There's always somebody out, yeah, I don't have to. So I wasn't necessarily, well, my parents did challenge me to like, oh, take up a sport, follow through with your piano lessons, you know, stuff like that. But it was just always about, you know, it was still that traditional mentality of, you know, men and women, the Midwest, and you know, knowing your place.
Sounds extreme but there's still that underlying messages in a pretty traditional home. You grew up in South America, it's still really like that. I've read, where was it?
where in Latin American households, a lot of the pairings is a type eight man and a type four woman. Oh, does that make sense? Yeah. Yeah. Cause I'm a three wing four. Yeah. So I can, yeah. Isn't that interesting that they see that a lot in that culture. Oh.
Where'd you read that from? I cannot remember. That would be amazing. You studied cultures in the Enneagram? Where was that? Yeah, yeah. And that's why it's always cool to ask and dive into that a little bit more. Like this might be more cultural nature versus nurture. Oh, like you were saying, dive deeper, like the instincts and the very, very, very, like culture. Yeah. Oh my goodness. With the instincts. I'll give you a good example because
Casey and I. So we're the same type, right? We're both type 8s, but we have two different instincts. So there's the self-preservation, the social, and sexual instincts. Casey is a self-pres 8, and I'm a sexual 8. Not sexual, like you guys, you perverts are thinking. So a good example of a way to break down. The social instinct I'm still learning about
because it's pretty close in relation to the sexual one. But if Casey and I were to walk into a party, a big group, a room or whatever, our motivations are going to be very different walking into that. She's going to find somewhere to sit probably, like self preservation, pretty self explanatory. She must take care of herself. While I walk into this party and be like, who do I know?
Okay, who can I sit down and talk to and have you know these kinds of conversations and just like you know So that's the big difference where we're the same personality type But the reason why we make this decision is for completely two different reasons She might be doing it because this will support my safety and my comfort while I'll make the decision because oh It draws me closer to somebody. Yeah, does that make sense? Yeah, that's kind of like
you can really get into the nitty gritty with all that. That would be we may have to talk more about that on some other episode or so they probably I hope so. Yeah, we will. I mean, this has basically been an Enneagram call. Well, I hope hopefully it was a little more than that. It was like, I know I did ask a lot about it. But I just wanted people to know about your, like, you, you're part of the history of the fit femme project.
Like from the very beginning and making history. But, you know, I'm one of the newest members to come on board. And so it just I wanted like people to see just.
how things through my eyes, but also things through your eyes. So hopefully they got that through. Yeah, this is your idea. This is so sweet. I like what I'm being interviewed. Yeah, you guys will come across Caitlin in the future. But thank you so much for joining us. And yeah, we'll see you all next time. Yeah, until next time. Bye.
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Until next time, this is the Fitment Project alignment podcast.