Introduction to FitFem Project Podcast
Welcome to the FitFem project alignment podcast. It is here that we cultivate and gather all who have been through it in fitness, relationships, careers, lifestyle changes, and unforgettable crucial life pivots trying to achieve their most sovereign selves.
We're here to provide you with thought-provoking detailed stories and information from truly fascinating men and women from all walks of life, professions, generations, and modern day sagas who speak to the rawest, darkest moments that made them the strong, decisive, humble, helpful, healing people that they are today. We ask them to hold nothing back because life is a multidimensional pursuit to be stronger, healthier, and more aligned mentally, emotionally, and physically. Let's go!
Meet Casey Samsel - Founder of FitFem Project
Hello everyone, and welcome to the very first episode of the Fitfem Project Alignment Podcast. To kick things off, I am sitting here with our very own Casey Samsel, founder of the Fitfem Project, the Wellness Era Women's Body and Mind Transformation Tribe, retired IFBB Pro and Olympian and creator of the FFP Alignment System.
She has been coaching since 2014 and started building her mission into a team of women warriors in 2018, now known as the fit fem project. And not to mention my dear friend. Hi. Hi, buddy. Hi. Okay. So let's chat about what this fit fem project thing is.
Casey's Journey in Fitness Coaching
What led you to start it?
So I started my coaching journey, like I said, or like you said, back in 2014. And that just started where someone had asked me to coach them and I was like, well, I'm not going to charge you for it. I don't have a lot of faith in myself, but I've been coaching myself for a hot minute. So she was a good friend of mine and she got into her first contest prep and her first show and ended up getting second place.
and so honestly things just started taking off from there and I continued to coach myself and started taking on more athletes and they were doing really well so I started to invest in my you know more education knowledge and eventually we got to the point where I had so many clients that I
You know, I had some inquiries about lifestyle training for women in specific, and we started building Team Casey up into a lifestyle realm as well. And it just fully expanded to the point where now we have a complete tribe of people coaching these women, teaching them how to have more inside of their lives, their careers, relationships, and fitness while achieving all their goals.
Birth of the FitFem Project from Personal Struggles
I remember you saying at one point that you created it for yourself. What did you mean by that? So I would say it was just kind of curated by like all of my life's experiences and fitness experiences and going through the highs and lows of dieting and self-esteem issues and just rebuilding myself from the ground up, honestly, just trying to map out a new foundation and create a life that I was able to sustain.
all of the things that I love to do while also having a healthy and fit body. And as we all know, that evolves over time. We age and so, you know, no one's the same. No one stresses the same, sleeps the same, operates the same, thinks the same. So everybody's got different genetics. It's really, really important to know that throughout your life, all of that still evolves too. So the FitFam project is really aware of that. And that's why we have so much success.
Entrepreneurial Challenges and Imposter Syndrome
Yeah. So what have been since you started? Let's go back to like 2014 when you basically started being an entrepreneur, which has been almost a decade now. Can you believe that? No. It's crazy. We got to celebrate. Yeah. Oh my gosh. For real. No. Yeah. I realized that the other day. It's kind of crazy. So since then, what have been like some of the biggest challenges that you've encountered just being entrepreneur business owner?
And are you still facing those challenges? Spill the beans. Yeah. I mean, I go through phases, I think.
Probably the biggest thing that I've learned throughout this entire process is if you really want your authentic mission and vision to get out there, you have to be able to show up in the exact way that you want to and feel so authentically true to yourself, whatever that means. So in doing that, especially in, you know, an industry where
like looks and the way you carry yourself are so heavily weighted like it's really hard to just kind of like drop the mask and just show up authentically but it is the most important aspect of running a company because you don't want clients that
that don't work with you, they don't fit with you or you know that you're not going to connect with. So when you're showing up with a mask on you're not your your whole authentic self and you're going to get clients that you're not going to click with and in order to enjoy your job career life and all that stuff and build the connections and build your true tribe you need to show up as authentically as possible.
Authenticity in Fitness Coaching
you have to overcome a lot of like imposter syndrome. What does that look like for you? That for me has looked like not posting something in the past because I thought people were going to just completely freaking shit on it. Like a bikini pic or something like that. Yeah. So like,
I was like super ripped, conditioned, all this other stuff, like in my bikini competition era. And then when, like when you're going into like an off-season, and I'm sure a lot of bikini competitors can relate, like when you're going into an off-season, you're not as shredded, like you lose followers, you lose likes, and you lose like all of these things. Really? That's so mean. Very fast, yeah. It's really crazy. And I mean, I've been, you know. I would've never thought that. Yeah.
That can get to you, it doesn't get to me anymore. You know, because I'm comfortable in my own skin, I'm very confident and I say whatever I want to say and whoever wants to still stick around afterwards as long as it's not malicious, mean, or towards anybody directly, like, great, that's awesome. But, you know, I'm not the type of person that would do that, that kind of stuff, so. But yeah, I definitely speak my mind, I'm very direct. Enneagram 8.
Just the biggest in the building. It's fine. God damn it. It's rough sometimes, but we're here for sure. But yeah, so the imposter syndrome can come through as like, what are they gonna say? Like, or what are they gonna think? Or am I gonna, you know, am I gonna lose followers because of this or whatever it is? But at the end of the day, like,
Whoever's not for you will definitely absolutely leave so you can kind of confide in that and also imposter syndrome shows up when like completing projects or
when you're like putting stuff off. Like when you're completing a project and it's showing it to the world and what people will think about that. Yeah. Like if it's going to fly or not.
Naming the FitFem Project
Like how did that feel when you were creating the fit front project? Was it pretty strong? So well, yeah, like I would say the first a couple of months were like even like to change the name because we were team Casey for so long. And you know, at some point I was like, we really need to distinguish like our lifestyle realm.
You know pretty hard and coming up with a name i think i think are my first decision um A couple years ago me and when the fit fem project came to life was uh, we were going to be miss muscle
Really? I didn't know this. Was that where you're going to go with it? Yeah, that's what I was going to do. And then was that I'm sorry, was I hate to interrupt, but were there other ones you were toying with or was it just that one? And then, man, I've got I think I have a notebook like full of them. But yeah, there was a couple other things in there. I mean, that's kind of cute little miss muscle.
Yeah, and it was going to be more than just a pretty face. It was going to be our slogan. But big muscles. Sure. Somebody can take that if you want. I really love fit femme project, but you're welcome. So what got you to change that? I realized that your body and your mind are always going to be a whip, a work in progress.
Oh, that's funny. Yeah. I'm learning so much today. Whip. Yeah. Whip. Um, so I figured like we're always going to be a project. We're always going to be building. We're always going to be coming back and, you know, it's just like architecture. You're literally building all of these, these things inside of your body, your health, your mind, literally down to like a genetic level. So most times when you're rewiring the brain and teaching it how to do new things, getting rid of what doesn't serve you and,
obtaining what does just clearing the field like you're constantly a project and it's supposed to be fun you're supposed to enjoy it like you get one life but the point is like let's live happily let's have healthily and you know let's be our most like you know divine feminine selves that we possibly can be so um project was definitely big for me um the word fit of course we want fitness and everything career relationships um life fitness of course so
usually when you are applying the...
pressure to one of the hardest things on the planet and that is to be fit, you know what I mean? To diet and to train and to create a different body, create a different mind, grow yourself, is one of the hardest things to do on the planet for most people. And that usually teaches you how to, that will trickle down and that will domino effect into the rest of your life.
Bodybuilding and Self-Esteem Transformation
So it'll teach you discipline, it'll teach you your standards, it'll teach you
How to bring fitness into all that you do, you know with a little bit of like structure And fun man, because that's just how we do it at the fit fan project. Yeah living your life should be somewhat fun Yeah, oh my gosh No, you should not you know, there's time constantly so aware and like worried. I gotta lose weight. I gotta die it I can't eat this I can't eat that like
That's so fun. Yeah. And I mean, I've been there. I've been there in that phase of my life, too, where all I thought about was the exterior of my body and it was driving me absolutely insane. And when I stopped really working, you know, working or worrying about that and started working with my mindset around that, that's when a lot of things changed for me. I want to talk about that because someone could who doesn't know you could easily look at your Instagram and be like.
what the hell does she have to be insecure about? You know what I mean? And you know, if you humanize everybody, everyone has insecurities, no matter what. So I want to talk about the time in your life when that was probably at its height. Like what were you going through? Where was your mind at? And kind of that evolution of to where you're at now. So that probably started back when I was little, I would say,
mostly with just those, I feel like all girls go through that self-esteem issue phase of their life where they're looking around, they're looking in the magazines, they're seeing people on TV, they're even checking out the Victoria's Secret fashion show. There's points in your life where you have to understand that you can't control these things. These things are always gonna be like that. Photoshop is a real thing.
Um, you know, really immense extreme diets are a real thing out in the world still. Like, and I mean, I feel like they were worse back in the day. I feel like people, the world's kind of starting to wake up now, but, um, you know, I got sensitive. Like when my boyfriends would like watch the Victoria's secret fashion show, I would literally starve myself for like a week just so I could feel better about myself.
Yeah. Did you end up feeling better about yourself? Absolutely not. I felt like garbage. I was tired, I was miserable, and he still watched the Victoria's Secret fashion show, you know what I mean? Yeah. Like, it just, it gets to that point where you're like, how far do I have to run myself into the ground for other people in order to feel good about myself? That'll never happen. That makes my heart hurt.
That's a circle, it's a very toxic, cyclical thing. And it doesn't end, you could just, you chase your tail, you know, 24-7, and eventually you do get tired, and you get tired of feeling like shit, you get tired of trying to show up for other people, and you just want to start showing up for yourself. So the self-esteem issues, I definitely was able to work through in a healthy way, and that was just, honestly, exposure, and letting go. And what I mean by, like, exposure is almost like...
immersing myself into a place where I had to push myself into comfortability um and then you into uncomfortability yeah through through uncomfortable into the you know where I felt comfortable yeah um and it was icky I mean so I didn't join um I didn't start competing due to this but I started working out and started you know
I definitely still was kind of pushing myself into the ground a little bit because I didn't know what I was doing until I really started getting into it. But working out definitely made me feel better, not just not eating and things like that. I was eating, I was educating myself on nutrition, I was starting to speak to myself a little bit differently.
And I was staying busy, I was staying regimented in, you know, my job, making
Empathy and Compassion in Coaching
some money. So I was staying, you know, I had a good structure. I started, I started just building structure and new habits in my life that were going to get me just a little bit closer to feeling better about myself every day. And if, if me having a healthier body and being able to like press 600 pounds, like was like my goal and that was what's going to make me feel good inside and accomplished.
You know, I had a job and I could do the 600 pound leg press. I was like, all right, this is really cool. Like, this is something I could say I did. But, you know, at some point your body does start to change. So it's cool. Like, you get to see your body evolve. And somebody came up to me and asked me if I competed. And I said no. And then I started to do that. And that's where I really started to get into it. I was like,
All right, now we get to really actually have a real reason behind pushing our, you know, our new ideals into the light. So eating healthier, eating more regimented, and just starting to understand the way my body works, being more aware of how I'm feeling. Um, yeah, so I mean, bodybuilding definitely changed my life in a lot of ways, but I definitely did it much differently than I feel like a lot of people ended up starting out doing it.
Right. I just lost my train of thought. I was about to add something. I did that whole thing and I would say for me it was all about the experimentation of it. I think that's why I ended up being such a good coach when I first started without even knowing it because I did so much experimentation on myself like, is this going to work? Oh no, that's going to fail miserably. That sucks. That's kind of painful.
or like, you know, try something else. So just a little bit different, like the same thing, but a little different. And okay. All right. Success. Awesome. That's great. This works for me. Cool. Let's try something else. Almost similar, but not the same. So I did a lot of, uh, I did a lot of experimentation in order to learn all the things that I know today. And I still do it all the time. So, I mean, that's, there's a lot of evolution there. And as long as you're growing, like if you're a coach and you should always be growing, you can grow alongside of your clients and you can grow
you know, yourself. So it's just there's a T-fold there. So give me an example of a client past or present, obviously anonymous of some because you talked earlier about you don't always click with your clients, which is a normal part of the thing. Like it's not always going to be perfect. But give me an example of somebody that you may not have clicked with and coached them and taught you things about your own coaching style, helps you grow,
Let's hear an example about that, I'm curious.
Yeah, I have not had a client in a very long time that I haven't clicked with because I am very selective on who comes into my roster. My goal is to enjoy what I do every single day. And of course, yes, we're all gonna have bad moments, but that's a reason to come closer together rather than separate further apart. Right. But yes, in the past where things were a little bit different and I didn't, you know,
I didn't even really know who I was at that point, you know what I mean? So I was still figuring stuff out. But I know that you run into these conversations where you're like, am I a good coach? Can I be a better coach? That was probably the biggest thing. I was like, how do I be the best leader I possibly can be for my clients? How can I help them see themselves more clearly? How do I speak to them in a healthier manner?
Aligning Emotional and Physical Health
And it all came down to,
being able to connect and have empathy and compassion for what they're going through regardless of if it was just a bad day or if it was a bad month whatever it is like i think that
The biggest development for me as a coach over the last couple years is going through it myself, like just really going through a bunch of really gnarly shit in my life and then still seeing the other side and working through it, you know, because I had, and that's where I, you know, I obtained that empathy and compassion that I feel like I have now and I'm able to really see my clients I have now, but I have not always had that and it was more of just like,
get over it yeah like this is what you have to do like this is how it feels and and you know
But also too, I would say back in the day, maybe six or seven years ago, probably about three or four years into my coaching career was when I really started to see, okay, there's a major pivot happening. Because I was always taught, just put your head down and work, put your head down and work, trust the process, this is what it is.
It's gonna hurt, it's gonna suck, you're gonna be hungry, you're gonna feel like shit. Repress those emotions. Yeah, repress, repress, repress. Yeah, so don't even think about what you actually need. I mean, it's effective for a while. No, I mean, yeah, it'll get you, it will absolutely get you the body that you want, but I'm telling you right now, when you're done getting the body that you want and you're trying to maintain it and you haven't caught your emotions up to it, you're gonna snap back like a freakin' rubber band with a bunch of repercussions and consequences health-wise.
Personal Emotional Struggles and Self-Discovery
And then good luck. And then you haven't trained your body, you haven't trained your mind and your emotions to come with the strength and the will of your body. So when those are not aligned and when they're not connected, you're literally going to rubber band back and you're going to be so lost because you have all of this time in between that you were just repressing your emotions and shoving them down like you don't have them. When did you realize that was happening for you? Oh my gosh. So I competed for nine years that whole time.
You realized that the whole time or that's how long it went on for? That's how long it went on for so I realized that for myself I would say when I finally had like my one big personal like explosion in 2020 or before the 2020 Olympia and I showed up to the 2020 Olympia and I was just like I didn't feel there I didn't feel present I felt emotionless I felt just kind of like blacked out when I'm inside and you're not supposed to feel like that when you're out through the Olympia
And that's when I realized it, I was like, you need to sit down because you've got some stuff going on inside that you don't even know what it is, but you're feeling something, girl. So that's where I registered and I haven't been back on stage yet because I've been on this journey of just like self-discovery and working through these emotions and just growing as a person.
Recognizing Emotional Distress
And I mean, I suppressed all that stuff for nine years. It's a long time. You know, all the childhood trauma and stuff, like you can easily ignore it when you're just winning shows 24 seven.
Yeah, like you're, you know, on top of the world, on top of your community. The one thing I was like good at, and it felt good, the dopamine hit, you know? Yeah, who wouldn't want to stay there? Right, exactly. No, that's funny what you were saying earlier about the few shows that I've been to with you. It's just so true. You'll look at these girls' faces and they're just like, are you actually alive? I know. Total zombies. I understand your body is just going through a lot regardless of
how mentally healthy you might be but yeah you could just it's just everywhere it's put a stamp on their forehead it's just like i am repressing my life it is and you know what and that's what we're here for like if i could bring awareness to that at all like that is the biggest thing like if you feel something it's real
don't entrap it in your body for it to fester into some chronic shit that you're gonna have to deal with five years from now in the form of cancer or a broken bone or fucking stomach issues or whatever it is. So what would be, if somebody's listening and they, let's say that they don't know that they're in that spot, what would be some signs you could say to them to look out for it and be like, you gotta turn this around right now?
Yeah. Having emotions that are super reactive, like just having that threshold of like... Short fuse. Yeah, short fuse, irritable, can't connect in relationships, isolates, or like will over socialize and try to numb, like with, you know, drug abuse, alcohol abuse.
just the feeling of you always trying to escape something or running from something, not finishing something, going into the next thing really fast or just not present.
Introduction to FitFem Alignment System
If you're not present and you're anxious or depressed or you're worried, you know, where you're thinking about the past and it's still affecting you, which means like you're still pulling all those patterns and habits and behaviors, you know, for the last couple of years of that suppression of those emotions and they're playing out in your life right now,
And then you're also thinking about the future. You have just the utmost, like, crippling anxiety. And yeah, I mean, it's a life-ruiner. I'd rather sit here and trudge and crawl through the ick and the fog and the mud and that nasty ass shit that I repressed for 10 years than have to feel like I am just on edge.
24 seven oh for sure like you will know when you are at like your wits end But like the point is to not get there It's to stop at the pink flag and go what do I need right now? And that's my big thing with the fitment project alignment system right now is to help these women understand like let's always just stay in that like that surrender let go mode like let's stay in a flow let's achieve some sort of like balance in our lives and
and alignment rather than, you know, if we get to a pink flag, that's fine. At least we know how to utilize our tools and resources inside of ourselves, you know, cause all of these childhood traumas and things like that, like they are actual tools that we can use as adults instead of like, you know, saying that they're a bad thing. Like they, it's just, it is a wake up call. It's just something you can restructure and build and build strength inside of. So, um,
And where was I going with that?
Physical Symptoms of Emotional Suppression
But yeah, so the pink flags. It's understanding like where your pink flags are and how to get back to the white rather than jump right into the red and just the body just shuts down. It stops responding physically. Like no matter what you do, diet, cardio training, like you're, you're catabolic rather than anabolic. It doesn't matter how many drugs you're on. I don't give a shit.
Um, and then, uh, you know, you're worn out, you're inflamed, you're getting sick more often. Like I was about to ask about the physical acne, hair falling out, like dry skin. Yeah. You go lose your cycle for sure. That'll probably be one of the first things to go.
Oh, all right. Watch out for that. So have you have you coached someone? I'm sure you have. But have you coached someone and you've seen somebody go through that process of like being in the red zone and then seeing them come out the other side?
Oh yeah. Yeah. Tons of my clients. That's, I mean, that's where the development of the FitFem project alignment system had come to life actually. Yeah. Yeah. A lot of them, I think a couple of them have actually been, or will actually be on the podcast. I think you've, you've recorded a couple of them. Yeah. You know, what are you talking about?
Vision for Spiritual Transformation
Um, yeah. Uh, so then where do you see, um, the future for the FitFem project?
Where do you see itself in five years? Yeah, no, that's a good question. Because, I mean, as a business owner, you don't identify as your business. The business is the business. And then, you know, you're you. So, if I was to say, like, where am I going in the next five years?
It's going to be a very spiritually transformed experience and spirituality is so effing different to every single person. But to me, it's just finding that universal connection and oneness with myself and everything around me, being able to feel like the energy is just an even flow.
You know, from the air to the trees to this goddamn sun into my feet through my body and back out the other side and just continuous.
Holistic Fitness Coaching Approach
So that feeling is really good. I felt that feeling, you know, before. And that's the feeling that we should be striving for, honestly, to feel like we're just we're one here and we don't have anything to stress about.
Um, you know, you can take your work seriously, but don't take yourself seriously. Um, and then with the fit fem project, it's definitely bringing these women back down to their roots, back down to their foundations and just like crushing everything that they know and being able to restructure a healthy, vibrant life that they can appreciate and continue to grow from with the ceiling that is never ending, you know, teach them that one outcome is in the answer to keep
all of your opportunities open in life, and you're going to achieve all of your fitness goals, all of your career goals, and all of your relationship goals, mindset goals, everything. So bringing in the emotional aspect to coaching and having these fabulous coaches in the Fitment Project right now.
they are like a force to be reckoned with and if there's something that you really want out of like your fitness program other than just like we'll get you the body that you want guaranteed but like as long as you show up but yeah if there's something extra that you want with a little goddamn bow tie on it like these coaches will will bend and flow and do for you whatever you need out of like whatever you need out of life whatever you need out of three six nine months whatever your wherever you know we've had clients with us for three years but like yeah i'm going on too
Yeah, exactly. That's wild, right? Yeah, it kind of is. Oh, thanks. You see this ass. I have seen it. I've seen it. Yeah. So I think I'm just making sure that there's always a spiritual and emotional distinction inside of the fit femme project is going to be really, really helpful. And I just mean like spiritual, meaning like just connection, just connection with the world around you. Like we're not going to try to throw the Bible at you. Oh my God. No, no, no, no. But just
I think presence is the most effective thing ever. Right. Yeah. Yeah. I think a big thing, especially when I do those Enneagram calls, just like the beginning of the self-awareness. That's why I love the Enneagram so much because it's like, oh, it's okay for one for me to be who I am. Because that was the biggest revelation I had was like, oh,
this masculine personality that rubs people the wrong way all the time, it's okay. But that's why I love doing those because it can really help people gain that just first step of self-awareness and navigating your relationships in a proper way so it helps you affect the world around you in a positive and more uplifting way. And you know how to nurture yourself a lot better and know your pink flags and all that.
So that's definitely part of it too. Yeah, it is 100%. Like if we can bring awareness to you the way that you think your patterns and behaviors and just like really show them to you factually, like learning how to rewire all that stuff and do it in a way that, you know, benefits you in pursuit of all of your goals, fitness and life, like that's exactly
Podcast Closure and Call to Action
right i love that me too we're here for it but um yeah so i think that's just like a great start to um this new era of podcasting for the ffp so stay tuned for more especially with nicole and lindsay and i was just about to say charlie but no we won't say that she's so cute charlie girl
Anyway, so join us next time each week as we talk about all this stuff that we just talked about, but in even greater depth. So thanks for coming over, Casey, and getting to see my friend today. Yeah, thanks for having me. Oh, anytime this is your business. You're the boss. Oh my God. Anyway, until next time, y'all. Signing out. P. Clocking out.
Thanks for listening to the FFP Alignment Podcast. Please support us by downloading, rating, and recommending us to your friends and family. Be sure to check us out on Instagram at TheFitFemProject. That's F-I-T-F-E-M-M-E Project. And for those of you looking to find their central balance of lifestyle and fitness, book a free consult by going to
That's F-I-T-F-E-M-M-E, and click apply now. Until next time, this is the Fitment Project alignment podcast.