Podcast Introduction and Mission
Welcome to the FitFem project alignment podcast. It is here that we cultivate and gather all who have been through it in fitness, relationships, careers, lifestyle changes, and unforgettable crucial life pivots trying to achieve their most sovereign selves.
We're here to provide you with thought-provoking detailed stories and information from truly fascinating men and women from all walks of life, professions, generations, and modern day sagas who speak to the rawest, darkest moments that made them the strong, decisive, humble, helpful, healing people that they are today. We ask them to hold nothing back because life is a multidimensional pursuit to be stronger, healthier, and more aligned mentally, emotionally, and physically. Let's go.
Diet Fads and Ineffectiveness
Hello again, everyone. Thanks for listening. And again, today we have a super cool topic to go over diet fads that we all fall for, why we fall for them and why they don't work. So lots to dive in here today. So joining me is coach Nicole and coach Lindsay. Hi. Hi. Hello. Hi. Hi.
So quick question to kick things off from your perspective. What are kind of the top two, I would say main diets that you see your clients doing? Which order do you want us to go in? Any order. Both are main. Height? Wait, what? So which order are we going in? By height or alphabetical?
Oh, to answer. Both of them are me. So anyway. Yeah, go ahead, Lindsey. Blondes go first. Yeah. Even ones that are made that way. But for me, for my clients, it is, you know, a low, low calorie, like super low calorie that usually involves some type of appetite suppressant.
like part of it and low carb. Those are, those are the most common that I used to would have said low carb and intermittent fasting, but intermittent fasting is not as prominent right now as some of the other, um, super low carb slash appetite suppressing part diets. Yeah. I feel like that's pretty common. Just like the low carb. Um, I feel like that's really 1990s.
It's, it just keeps, it's like the best transformer. It's like low carb. Now my name is Atkins. Now I'm keto. Like it's just, it's a morpher. Hmm. So that's the main one dessert. Is that, uh, another one that you tend to see a lot or me? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, low carb is just as common. Um,
Low carb never goes away. That, that's a, that's a mainstay and other fads will cycle in and out with low carb. Low carb changes names, but not, not type and not what, what the basics basics are of it. Um, it'll change brand names. It will change presentation.
But the baseline, it's the same. But right now, what is really common in, Nicole, I was actually, probably not the time for this, but, gonna touch base with you.
Rise of Ozempic and Super Low-Calorie Diets
Is the low calorie ones, which come in, you know, it'll be slim fast, right? We go all the way back. Super low calorie. Weight Watchers. And then it was Fin Fin. Are you old enough to remember Fin Fin?
I've never heard of that. I've only heard of it, never experienced it or even seen it, but yeah. Prescribable myth, basically. It's not on the market anymore, because people are dying and other unfavorable side effects. When was that? Ew, that was when I was young, so I'm going 80s, something like that.
Okay. Um, but right. And then Octavia was a big deal. Remember that one. Super low calorie. Again, with the component of an appetite suppressant. And right now, and I don't know if you guys have come across this yet, but it's called Ozimpic. I believe that's a brand name. It's again, started out as a diabetes drug for top two diabetics to help them lose weight, to improve insulin resistance.
But doctors are now, it's injectable, it's an injectable once a week. And they are injecting people for weight loss. Oh, that doesn't sound right. I know. However, here we are, which tells us it's profitable. And that's all it tells us about it. It goes to the top. Okay. What about you, Nicole?
Experiences with Keto and Clean Eating
So I was thinking, you know, there's definitely the low carb. I have had clients who were, you know, I think about maybe a good third of my clients have said, I've done keto. That's like the main one that they reminisce on because they did get fast results because they cut out a food group. So cut out calories. Um, another one was intermittent fasting. Um, just a four as a weight loss approach, not for anything.
I do believe like some diets when they're in a clinical setting can help, but it's to help with whatever the disease or illness was not to lose weight. Weight loss was the side effect, but when people take that diet for weight loss, then that's where we can see some stuff come through, like disordered eating, eating disorders and all that stuff, but not always. But those two would be the most, well, actually there's one that's kind of up there too, which is like the clean eating.
where it's like no ultra processed foods are allowed. So kind of on the lines of paleo, um, trying to eat, you know, we kind of like the 80 20 approach. They just try to make that 80 to 80% and stretch it to a hundred percent for the rest of their life. But then when they bend or overeat, it's on the foods that are ultra processed cookies and all that stuff, which isn't bad. It's just the stories they tell themselves from eating that, that then makes that diet hard to stick to.
Mm-hmm. Yeah. I, that's a good point to bring up with the, um, clinical study. Cause a lot of people forget about that. You know, we were talking yesterday about keto, how that started to help treat, what was it? Epilepsy. I think it's very much in the neurological realm of.
medical use for sure. I think started with seizure disorders, like you said, and then they started noticing some other cognitive things like from even people with traumatic brain injury. Right, but these people lost weight. Uh-oh.
I tried keto for like five minutes probably. And I was just, I just don't stick to fads. I did fasting, which was kind of, I kind of, my body. I was like, you kind of used to that. You what? Like you kind of do that now. I know. Cause I'm just, my, my digestion isn't like really awake until like 11 o'clock. Cause I did intermittent fasting for, I don't even know how long.
But it is interesting, like, okay, eat between a certain timeframe and that sounds logical.
Did you guys try any of those? Yes. I tried fasting, but I was like when the first weekend that came up and I couldn't have Sunday brunch, I was like, well, screw this. I'm going to miss Sunday brunch because I was trying to skip breakfast and only eat lunch and dinner. I was like, no, this does not work for me. And keto lasted only days. I was like, no, I don't know. I think my mom might have cooked me something with carbs in it. I was like, I'm going to eat this. I can't do keto. So.
Oh my gosh. My family is definitely in that category of statistics of people who try fad diets, especially keto. I don't have enough time to go over all of the stuff my mom has gone through and has tried and all this stuff more on trying to help on the clinical side of things. But I'm like, mom, recently it was super low carb.
And I'm like, mom, you got to eat. And she's just so tired and like, she's like, I just feel better when I eat carbs. And she feels so guilty. Oh, I know. But, uh, number. I know she, she should, but she's just so it nevermind.
Psychological Reasons Behind Diet Choices
Anyway, so Nicole, we were going to chat about just the more psychological, emotional reasons why we kind of fall for these and things like that. So go into that.
Yes. So like I, I don't know. I always think of like, I think that I've been like my, my own best and worst client because I, you know, I just try to understand why people behave the way they do, especially when it comes to weight loss and fitness. And, you know, I didn't see a reason why some of these diets couldn't work, but there was also the evidence, like people weren't sticking to them. So I was like, why, why is that? There's really nothing wrong with
Keto. There's really nothing wrong with paleo. It's still food. You're getting enough nutrients. Um, but it's like people were still, it just didn't mesh with what we've got available in the world, especially in the modern world. It just, people have such a hard time, you know, going out and having drinks, but you can't drink if you're on what paleo or even keto, I don't even know. But it's like, um, so it's like lifestyle and diets, fad diets, warrants,
They weren't able to be married easily together. And I was like, but that's on like, it's just food. It doesn't make sense why people like can't find a way to make that work. And so it just, you know, it's just part of what I do. Like, I think a part of the bedrock of my coaching is understanding. Like I really love the nervous system and emotions and feelings and thoughts like that. And I really began to understand that.
You know, people like anything will pursue something that feels good. And if they don't understand how their nervous system works or how desire even works and how their thoughts impact their their behavior.
anytime something feels good, they're going to pursue it. And so, you know, we get that rise in dopamine whenever the anticipation of something, it's not necessarily the thing, but when we get it, it's the anticipation of getting the thing and how we're going to feel that makes us go for either that diet or that goal. And it's learning to, I would say,
manage that anticipation and that that desire that really makes your success in the long term or short term.
Addressing Underlying Issues over Diets
I feel like I'm kind of going all over the place. I'll just say to come down that people will like
It does not matter what the external diet is, like the menu of food that you eat that day. It's how you feel about it. That's going to make or break your success and how you think about it. And so that menu can be more keto one day. It could be more paleo one day. It could be more high carb one day. It doesn't really matter. Just what's going to get you to stick to it and actually follow through on it is how you think about it and then feel about it.
Did that kind of start answer your question or open the door? Yeah. Yeah. What's your experience with that, Lindsay, in the clients that you've coached so far? You know, my experience with it is in, I think about it in how I think about all of these diets, any kind of which you would call a
diet, right, is mouse holes. That's what all these things like that. That's one of your other mouse holes. And it's people constantly trying like, Oh, I've got a mouse hole here. I'm going to cover that up. I'm going to fix it.
What's the problem? Is it the hole in the wall or is it that you've got a mouse and you keep addressing the mouse holes over and over? That's not the issue. You can villainize a food. You can tell yourself stories about the magic that happens when your digestion system is empty for X amount of time. You can go into your blood type. You can, I don't even know, mouse holes.
address the mouse. The mouse is you. And that's why people, like in all areas of life, not just health and fitness, that is where they avoid, is addressing the issue that is them, that is habits, that is mindset, that is preconceived beliefs, emotions assigned to food. That's the hard work.
That's where you get uncomfortable. That's where there's no light switch. There's no magic potion, pill, ointment, salve, or fairy dust that's going to save you. You are going to save you. And you're going to do, and you can do it eating cookies.
But it's easy to say that if you just don't eat cookies, you can eat whole blocks of cheese because the cookie was bad. That's what it was. And it's not. I mean, be realistic. And when we talk about carbs and we villainize carbs, which I'm using that example because it's the most common thing. Yeah. Who's getting fat from eating bunches of bananas and bowls of white rice?
Nobody. It's not the carbs. It's high calorie foods like cookies. What are they? Carbs and what? Fat. Fat. Which is high calorie and highly palatable. So is the issue carbs or is it over consumption? It's over consumption. Why are you over consuming? Dig in. Fix it. Quit patching mouse holes and catch the mouse. Do the work.
What a great example. That is so good. So have you guys, or do you guys have like the clients who do these diets and actually it is meant for them? I had one.
No. Oh, interesting. I've had, I had one who did keto and she really liked it. And at first she was having a hard time eating all the carbs that I was recommending. But then she got used to it within like three months and she was having a hard time eating all her fats. And I've also had the opposite. I had a client who was scared of fats because of
a surgery she had earlier and so the doctor told her she couldn't eat high fat but I was like you need to eat more than what you're eating right now and so now she eats more fats.
than she was before, which is really cool. But yeah, it's all about also like having someone there with you and saying, no, you're going to be okay. It's okay, you can trust this process and attempting it, attempting something different that's not keto and seeing how you feel and the results you're getting saying, oh, okay, this works. Oh, and it fits my life a whole lot better.
Yeah, so what would be your advice for somebody who may not have a coach right now, but somebody who kind of is realizing, oh, I think I'm a fad diet, or how do I get out of that? What do I do? What would be your advice? Nicole. What? She just has this look on her face that's like, I want to say what I want to say, but I don't want to say it.
This, Caitlin, like y'all know me. Caitlin, you obviously know me. I'm just very realistic. And if you want to consume your calories in its keto style, I don't care. But I'm also not gonna lie to you and tell you that there are special benefits or health effects that you're gonna receive as far as a weight loss, nutrition, fitness capacity.
That's it. If they have a client that really, really is interested in low carb or keto or whatever the case may be, cool. That's a client that hits your protein goal and then gets your overall calories from what you feel comfortable eating. 10 times out of 10, that naturally becomes more balanced
as they start eating, whether it be more carbs or more fat or whatever, as they start to trust the foods, right? Instead of villainizing them. But what I tell people that are really interested in fat dieting is if it works so well, you wouldn't be talking to me right now. Oh, this did not work for you. Let me help you. Let's, let's see. And I think it's important for people to understand too,
Like you didn't stick with it. So why are you so hard to let it go? You can always go back to it. I'm not handcuffing you to carbs. You know what I'm saying? Let's try it on how it fits. If it sucks, take it off. That is so funny. I think you're, you're exactly right. Cause people are married to this ideal that they don't realize isn't working for them, but it should, because that is what is being told to us in.
The greatest gift we've been given, it is free will. We are allowed to change our minds, change our bodies, change our methods, change our goals. You do not have to always be trying to be skinnier. You do not always have to try to avoid carbs. You can decide you want to be a powerlifter tomorrow. You know what I'm saying? Just go with what, and that's so important for women to understand too.
You spent your whole life trying to be skinnier, skinnier, skinnier. Maybe that doesn't fit you anymore. Maybe the reason that's not working is because that does not job with who you are anymore. Try on something new and see if you don't feel maybe more fulfilled, like go in a drink cycle. See what happens. Yeah. What's your advice, Nicole?
Well, so if someone is wondering if they're in a fad diet or still pursuing them, I'm so I'm just going to assume, you know, because just because it's what I see mostly is, uh, they, they want to lose weight. That's why they're on a fad diet. They want to, they want the fast results from it. And so what I like to, what I think is an important question to ask themselves is are you getting the results you want in the way that you want them? And you can,
I have a, like, I believe people know as soon as a question is asked of them, I believe that they will, you know, an answer will come up and they'll say either no and no to both those questions. Like, are you getting the results you want and are you getting them in the way you want them? And if they say yes, then fine. Like they move
Emotional Indicators of Fad Diets
on with their life. But like Lindsay said, like they wouldn't be, you know, coming for help if they felt differently. So, or if they felt that way. So, um, I would ask them, like, are you getting the results you want in the way that you want?
And then also if around food, especially like if we were to look at it from like an emotional side, you know, looking at your behavior, like on a weekly basis from food, if you're like restricting Monday through Friday and then say overeating and binging, you know, and binging, I used to be, I'm a former binge eater, so I could, I feel like I can throw that word around, but some people might get triggered by it. But, um,
It's like, if that's the pattern you want, go for it. But like I said, if not, or like Lindsay said, if not, then, you know, that's why you're talking to us. But if you feel on an emotional level, if you feel like you are on a scale of one to 10, right? I love the subjective unit, the subjective unit of distress scale, scale of one to 10. One being low, 10 being high.
If on that scale, if you're like at an eight, nine, 10 out of 10 with anxiety and fear and panic and frenzy and overwhelm, um, and sadness and disappointment on like that heavier emotional side.
And it's on a weekly, like multiple times a week basis. And then the behavior that comes from feeling that way around food is not in support of your goals or not in service of your goals. Like maybe you're overeating or under eating to the point that it's affecting your energy and then how you show up at work, how you show up with friends and family. Then that's maybe you are, that would say that's, yeah, you're pursuing a fad diet.
If it's somewhere like seven or below on that scale, then, you know, keep exploring. Maybe keep doing what you're doing. But, you know, you're not to the point where you are, where that diet is ruling your life and you're arranging your life to fit that diet, which it should be the other way around. How you eat should be in support of your life. Yeah, I like that. Not necessarily.
putting your life around it and marrying it, like I said, and it should fit you and it should fit your lifestyle. Yeah, so let's talk about that a little bit more into the keto, low carb, and how that may or may not be okay for you. I also want to point out that it's okay to be curious. Absolutely.
of on the point that you were talking to Nicole, like it's okay to try it. There's nothing wrong with the fad diet and things like that. But if you want to come to it from a place of curiosity, like maybe that will help and maybe this will help and that's okay. Like, don't put too much pressure on yourself that you're maybe trying all these things that aren't working. So yeah, I always like to say that to kind of ease people and their anxieties of Oh my God, that's me. Ah, it's okay.
Oh yeah. I mean, if anything, I think we would understand more than most people because I'm super curious about nutrition and fitness, right? When something comes out, I will look into it. I'm going to be the first one reading about it, looking at the promises, you know, relating what they're saying versus what I know. Going more into it, but just, it's just usually
a sales tactic. It just is what it is, even if it's not obvious. Nobody's making money off of me not buying as much Wonder Bread. Okay, but are you buying all these low-carb products now? You know what I'm saying? Just go where the dollar is, basically, on this fad stuff. That's what you're looking at, because a lot of times it doesn't have as much to do with
women's health as it does with women's money power. I was going to say money. Yeah. There's a lot because there's a lot of it in that industry. There's a lot of money to be made by kind of focusing in and sometimes preying on body image issues. Oh, that makes me so angry. I know that's why we're here. That's exactly why we're here.
Yeah. So let's kind of chat about the couple of the fad diets and why they might be right for you, why they might be wrong for you. So obviously we're bringing up keto slash low carb a lot. Where in the vet would you see that beneficial for somebody?
Um, somebody who has a neuro neurological condition, first of all, or it's doctor prescribed and that's what their body needs to feel. It does not feel, um, the parts of their brain. Right. That are causing seizure or epileptic events. That is number one. Number two is if someone does not enjoy eating carbohydrates. Who is that? I don't know them.
I have not run into them in the wild. I have, I have run into people that, you know, say that the trade-off is worth it or said that in the beginning. Um, you know, and I can't, I can't, who was it that said this and it's always stuck with me. It may have been Lane Norton said, no solutions, only trade-offs, right? Green juice without squeeze. You're going to get A, but you got to give up B, right?
So there are people that say, I'll give up bread as long as I can have steak and cheese.
Right. And there's people that say that, however, how that feels in your body, I think is more unexpected than people realize. And they call it what they call the keto flu. Is that what they call it? And I'm like, oh, you'll go through the keto flu, but then you'll come out of it. Yeah. God bless our bodies.
That will be like, oh yeah, that's just detox. And your body's like, I'm dying. I'll figure out a way to adapt, don't worry about me. And we just do these things and they're like, oh yeah, I finally feel better. I'm now burning fat. I think another thing too, and I go back to this, is like,
Look at the experts in the field. If you had to pick one field of people, not weight loss people, just a field of people that you would say, these people know how to get really fit and lose a lot of body fat and look really lame. Who would that group be? Who are those people? Are you asking us? Yes. Oh, bodybuilders. When have you ever seen a bodybuilder go keto?
That's true. Right? That's just, it's not the experts in the field say no. The people selling you low-carb pretzels say yes. Oh. You know what I'm saying? I'm not saying everybody needs to be a bodybuilder. I'm saying look to the experts in the field.
Right? Because that's, that's, it's a level. It's not, the method is not different if the intensity is. Yeah. That's true. I love that example and learning to look in the right places for what you want. You're exactly right. This is, this is the, this is the physique that I admire. What do they do? Yeah. I remember Nicole saying in her last episode,
that when you were following Casey in her story before you met her, you were kind of in disbelief that she was, you're like, she's lying. She has to be lying about what she's eating. I was like, you can't go to the Olympia and eat donuts. Like what? Liar. She's fake. No, she's very real guys. No, she is. And that's why I like, Oh my goodness. Like, yeah, but she proves it.
No, she, you know, like I love just all of the company that we're in, like we talk the talk and walk the walk. But to answer, just to kind of tag or add to that last question, Caitlin.
the like, when would you recommend or when would it be okay to be to try a fad diet? Um, and we're kind of like on keto. I would say like, you know, and with that scale, I brought up one to 10, if you're like a seven or below, like you're not emotionally attached, like over, like overly emotionally attached to a certain diet and ranging your life around it. If you're experimenting with different ways of eating, if you're jumping from like,
you know, keto to high carb or something. What I do like about the kind of
It's more of a curious approach. You want to learn. When you try keto, for instance, if you've been trying, if you've been on, you know, just eat here and there, whatever you want and not feeling satisfied and you want to try, not feeling satisfied, not just with your results, but with the food you're eating and you want to try keto.
One thing that I do like about keto is that it does help you feel physically satiated. And so when you gain that experience, I think that's really helpful for some people to gain that knowledge about their own body and know what physical satiety feels like.
Because then let's say they try another fat diet and they say this does not feel physically satiating. I am hungry and low in energy. Then they bring in more of their choice. They're like, okay, well, maybe can I combine keto and this other approach? Maybe that would work for me. But again, that's when you're on a more emotionally, I would say,
a healthier bandwidth approaching those different ways of eating versus on the extreme end where you're overly attached to one style of eating or just fast fat loss, for instance. And I would say even paleo, for instance, that's eating basically no processed foods, you do get tons of nutrients and you do feel really good and get plenty of fiber. And I think having that experience and knowing how
how amazing your body can feel on that. I mean, I eat cookies and donuts, so I'm not paleo, but I do like the aspect of eating very wholesome foods, like, you know, foods that came from the earth or had a mother, like, as original as those foods get, does do well for your body. So I think just trying things
And having experience can really teach you what you prefer and then you make the choice on how you want to proceed with how you eat and the results you want to get for your physique and your health. But just, you know, if you feel yourself teetering on that high end of the scale and you're getting really attached, that's when I would say reach out for help or take a, you know, kind of a, take a look at how you're doing things and just, you know, realign yourself with your values and, you know, how you want to do things.
Yeah, like taking a step back, looking at the overall picture of how you're approaching things and thinking it takes some self-awareness, I feel, for people to really do that. And that can be hard. A hard first step to take is, one, having that self-awareness. Yeah, I think that's it. And I think, too, like keto and low carb are for the people who want the quick results.
Intermittent Fasting and Nutrient Issues
I wanted to bring up that point that they might be
Well, I could be wrong about this. As far as the mindset goes, they might be in like an okay mindset. But we're all so stuck on needing and wanting those quick results. And that will happen with keto and low carb and severe. It's really, Lucy, you brought up this point before, it's just really restricting your calories in the end. Well, and just like, you know, it's, it's
It's easy for us to understand, but carbohydrates, one of their functions in the body, besides providing energy, quick energy, is to transport water, carbohydrate throughout the body. So when you reduce the amount of the carbohydrates in the body, there is literally less water flowing through your body. It makes you weigh less on the scale.
which is why they call it waterway, like you gain or lose waterway. That's where those quick results come from. They quickly level off. And then if you are still eating in a deficit, you will continue to see very moderate results, just like you would if you were eating carbohydrates, but also in a deficit.
That's a good point to bring up, but yeah, it's going to be the same whether or not you're eating carbs. That's the thing is I'm not saying it doesn't work. Yeah. It is not special. I agree. So what about fasting? That's another one that we've touched on at the beginning was fasting, eating or the intermittent fasting, I should say eating within the eight to 12 hour window. Yeah.
Because I am like in young, I feel like I'm talking because I do feel like I'm just talking to y'all. I know I'm talking to like a podcast too, but I'm like, but like that to me is very boring. That's weight loss for the sake of weight loss. I'm here for weight loss as it pertains to overall health and fitness, right?
And to me that intermittent fasting is very much weight loss for the sake of weight loss. Like, and that's it. And you know, Nicole has touched on, on binge eating before and listen, I can take out an enormous amount of calories in a short time span.
especially if I come into that window hungry. Like I literally don't know how that works. I don't, I don't, that's, that's one, like people are keto. I'm like, yeah, whatever. And people were like, when they go into intermittent fasting and they're like, what did one girl tell me? She's like, no, you don't deprive you delay. And I'm like, babe, if you're eating,
And I know I have five hours and I come into that five hours hungry and that gun shoots and I sprint. 5,000 calories done before you blinked. Yeah. I think people forget like there's, it's not just weight loss. There's a second half to that statement. It's weight loss without malnutrition.
and get an appropriate amount of protein. How are you gaining 100 and whatever your requirement is for your body composition and your goals? That would be really hard for me to get in 150 grams of protein.
in a short window, like what am I just literally eating packages of chicken breast for three hours? That touches on the carnivore diet. Like they say you can't gain weight on a carnivore diet. I mean, only because now, well, I mean, I don't know all the science to it. I do think it's interesting, but it's like, you would get so full, you would get sick. You could not eat another bite with eating 500 straight calories or sorry, however, 150 grams of
uh, straight protein, like just animal meat, it would be gross. And so, but you have to, oh my goodness. Yeah. That's, but then you need to eat so much fiber to help digest all that protein. And it's like,
you would be in so much physical pain from being so full, so fast. I mean, that's like intermittent fasting is like, if you're willing to feel that way every single day, and you're your body can adapt, but it's like, you're not. And that's the thing that people don't understand. They're like, I'll do anything till he's white. And I'm like, you will not when you start really feeling like trash. And I think a big red flag is if your nutrition plan requires you or suggest like strongly suggest
that you take a supplement or you need to help your normal body processes still function properly. I mean, red flag. That's a really good point. I never even thought about that. That's a big deal with keto's are like, well, no, you just take your fiber supplements and your reds and your greens and your this and your that. And I'm like, that's guys, that's not okay.
you should be able to go poo poo in the potty right without a whole bunch of extras.
Yeah, it's like if you want to be 85 years old, spending hundreds of dollars on supplements rather than learn just how to eat like healthy, you know, healthy amounts of food and stuff like, you gotta ask yourself those questions. That's another thing with like fasting too, people don't realize how full they get. So they end up not eating enough calories, therefore they're under eating and then they wonder why they feel like crap a few days later, within a week or two.
Correct. And I wonder why things like their sleep is off, like they don't understand why they're not, why they're not sleeping well while they're waking throughout the night and feeling bloated and not being able to go back to sleep. Like, you know, health, it's one of those things that health will knock on your door. Right. Before it busts through the draw, the draw wall, like Kool-Aid man. You love that example. Because that's what I always think about when people just keep ignoring, like,
Hello, it's me, your colon, your brain. Like I'm giving you warning signals. It's, you know, like it's warning shots. Yeah. The biggest thing that I learned over the past 12 years of being massage therapist was how important it was to listen to your body. Not only that, but how smart your body is. And we don't give it enough credit that you can do what you want.
Yeah, it does. And I think too, when I have someone that's committed in, it's most people have tried multiple fad diets. But you have to understand too, because in a way people are like, and I know you, you know, you're probably so sick of this. I am not sick of it because when I see someone that's tried a lot of fad diets and has tried a lot of things, I see someone chasing excellence.
Right. I see someone that whether they realize it or not, they inherently know that they have more in them, that they have more to give, that they want and need to feel better, be better, do better. But we get thrown off track because it's almost like there's so much information that we have no idea what to do anymore.
That's so true. It's confused at this point because, you know, it's like, and I think, um, I haven't experienced it with my client, my personal clients yet, but I do see a whole lot more about vegetarianism and veganism. Like I see more. I'm just going to bring that up. I've ever seen.
Do you see more people being vegan or vegetarian or both? Not personally. I don't have people use it. When I say that, I'm talking specifically about people using that to lose weight. Yeah. We're talking aside from ethical things and reasons. Don't hate on us, guys. That's not what we're talking about. I mean, I have vegetarian and vegan clients, right?
But now I'm seeing more people that are doing that just as a weight loss tactic. And that for real will not work. I remember, I haven't had, this isn't a client, but I remember when I was very like 10, I don't know.
10 years ago, I heard someone go on a fruit diet. They're like, see, you just, you don't have to eat protein and vegetables. You can just eat fruit. And that was when I was on a really strict meal plan. So I was like, I can just eat fruit and lose weight. I was like, Oh, so I was really intrigued, but then Oh, but that's the David one. It's about the Bible that, uh, cause I remember, I think it's the
something David, some guy in the Bible's name where it's called that where you just eat like fruits and vegetables because when I was hardcore in church during periods of where the church would fast together, we would go on the David diet. I think that's what it was called. I was just like basically like fruits. That sounds familiar.
I've not heard of that. Just when you think you've heard it all. I know. This girl was doing it to lose weight. It wasn't for religious or ethical reasons. It was strictly to lose weight and not getting fat. That's a lot of sugar she's eating. It's a lot of other nutrients she's not getting. My old roommate was strict vegan for ethical reasons.
the products she bought outside of food was vegan. That's so difficult. But I could just tell she has certain nutrient deficiencies. What's the big one that they are deficient in when you don't eat meat?
Aren't there vegan bodybuilders though? Absolutely. It's probably iron or zinc, I would say one or two, maybe vitamin B, vitamin D, vitamin B12, I should say. It's just tough because of the amino acids, right? Like, yes, there are measurable proteins, absolutely, but they're incomplete. So you get into, and I actually know more than this than I need to, because I watched a documentary
Which one? When I was a young, I can't remember, I'll have to ask my friend Katie, because we were vegetarians for like a year. Oh, you were vegetarian? But like, because I'm an animal lover and I watch this horrible show. But like, I was a vegetarian that ate pickles and lays potato chips for dinner. Like that type. So when I started like being like, also, I don't think that this is good.
And I started looking into like, you know, being a healthier vegetarian, it's very complicated. Like it's like, you can, you eat this for this, you know, these amino acids. So pasta, right? Like you eat like a whole wheat pasta and you get this, these amino acids, but you also have to pair it with like black beans. And you have to, and then in a certain amount, which is more than you would with animal protein, which then ups the calories.
for anyone wanting to lose weight. Yes. And so then it's like, Oh, this involves math. Lindsey's popping up the peace side. I'll see y'all later. Tighter on my head up the meat counter. Probably being way too loud right now. You know, but I do try to buy like things from like local farms that are that are
Not the factory farms. That's the documentary I watched was something on factory farming, but also don't do a great job with that because convenience. Yeah, I get that. I don't think I'll ever stop eating meat. My brother tried it. We're from the Midwest. That's what you eat. Nebraska. Oh, meat and potato country. Yeah, casserole, corn.
And he did it. And when he got back onto eating meat, red meat was what upset his tummy. I don't know if that's like that anymore, but it like changed his, not biology, but his gut system or something. Permanently or for a minute? I need to ask. I can't remember.
Vegetarianism, Veganism, and Nutrient Deficiencies
Yeah. Cause I mean, you know, there's different things that will
Uh, you're just harder to break down and in your stomach is a muscle. And so people will be like, Oh, when I got back on gluten or dairy after I ate clean, I felt my, it hurt my stomach. So that means I'm allergic to it. It doesn't, it means it's a harder protein, a harder thing to break down in your stomach. He's not used to it, but you know, still most people still feel better when they don't eat, you know, red meat and bread and cheese.
but it doesn't necessarily mean that you can't ever. Yeah. Do you guys, I wanted to ask actually, do you guys believe in the idea that going back to the cave mandates, right? And we all grew our, those ancestors of ours grew up in different pockets of the world where more plants were more available or more meat and animals were more available and that DNA has passed down.
through the generations to where people being vegan or vegetarian works better for their biology, better than somebody who probably grew up in Nebraska since the Cape Bend days. What do you think about, do you kind of believe in that? There are some studies that show even like modern people, if I were to move right now to Hawaii, that I would be less healthy and happy
But it's one of those things of correlation and causation of, I don't know, I don't know if that, I don't put my, I did read a study about that randomly because I will read or listen to any podcast about nutrition. But it was a study that talked about that and it was, it was pro, like, yeah, stay where you are, eat the food that's indigenous to where you grew up and you were born and everything.
kind of going into like how people deteriorated when they moved away from where they were their origin, they called it your origin. But in my head, I'm like, is the reason that these people suffered health effects because they went somewhere where they did not have family and friends. They were not like comfortable
cookie. And I just think that I don't know. But that's my answer. I don't know. I think we're also all so mixed in our blood. It's like, where is the origin anymore? Or like, what it's just, I it's so complicated. And so I can't even imagine have like, looking at
where my origin would be. I have no idea where my initial ancestors from hundreds of thousands of years ago would have been from. I don't think they were eating potatoes back then. They were eating shrimp wherever in the world. We still have that food today, so I think we're okay.
There is some interesting parts of that because if we were so evolved in where none of the caveman stuff matters, we would not steal, store fat so readily with our much less movement, right? And just kind of the different patterns we have now. And we steal, we store fat very readily. So there is some stuff to that. We haven't evolved that much.
But our technology and our ease of being able to procure high calorie, calorie dense food very, very easily is part of the reason that so many people are overweight and have a very hard time correcting that. That's a good point. I just wanted to ask, because I always thought that when
somebody said, ain't vegan. Like, oh, okay. Well, then that's probably great for your DNA. I'm, I'm not interested. I don't know. I mean, it may be probably not, but it could be. There's always going to be a narrower, you know, like you can always find someone that's like, I stopped eating
Me and my skin cleared up and my hair grew three feet and I have abs. There's always gonna be somebody. But generally speaking, right? There's not a thing that's gonna do this. Oprah's all moments exist on her show. For the rest of us, you have to change habits. That takes time. We have to look
openly and honestly at exactly what we're doing that is not cohesive with what we say our goals are. We have to correct that cognitive dissonance with actionable steps and then carry those out one day at a time until they're habitual until, cause I think the goal is always to get off the freaking struggle bus.
to not be constantly exercising willpower to do this or to not do this, right? We just want to live freely and feel confident.
Yeah, that's what I always like, what is it people like, it's how you want to feel people once they know how they don't want to feel, they don't want to know what the struggle bus feels like. So well, then when you ask them, well, how do you want to feel? And they'll say, well, I want to feel better or good. It's like,
will let's expand your emotional vocabulary so that you can get really clear on what it is that you want to achieve because how will you know you've gotten there because if you lose all the weight you still feel like you're struggling do you feel like you succeeded the answer will be no because.
it just, they don't feel like they got there. It's all about how you want to feel and how you think you're going to feel. And it is about that, but about like how you feel. And I was like talking to a client, you know, and I never want to pull the rug out from underneath somebody that especially when you get a win with a client, right? And they're like, I lost five pounds. And they're like, I feel great. My clothes are fitting like this. And it's like,
Do you want to take that opportunity where you're just like, yes, five pounds, you know, cause they, it's a big deal. It's a big deal. It shows them that they can, that they freaking can, but also you want to say, I want you to know that it's not the five pounds. Even if someone said you look great, what are you doing? You're wearing confidence. You're freaking smiling. You're happy because you kept promises to yourself.
That's what they notice five, you know, the dude down the street don't notice five pounds off of you. Nobody can see that hardly. It's the way it makes you feel and that in turn goes into the way you carry yourself.
how you show up. But it's hard convincing people like, no, you want to change because you want to feel better. And they're like, well, no, I would feel better if I changed. But it's like, I would feel better if I lost these 30 pounds. And you're like, well, you know, it's so it really goes hand in hand, like, let's lose some weight. And let's acknowledge how you're feeling. And then when you don't lose some weight, let's acknowledge how you felt when you gained strength.
Right? So, it's all about understanding that you're not going to feel good all the time, but it's regulating those moments when you don't feel good knowing that they're temporary and that you're actually in control of like negative emotions are going to come up, positive emotions are going to come up, how you regulate and manage all that is that freedom, is that control and power, is that confidence.
It's not just five pounds off or on or how much you gain or not. It's how you manage your emotions and regulate yourself, regardless of what's going on outside of your, what you achieved. That's the power. It is. It said that's the control and the power. And if you can get, if you can get people and you can't always, you can't always get them introspective and open-minded enough. But if you can get someone to
float outside of their bodies and look at themselves and get them to honestly answer, why do you wanna lose weight?
Idolization of Fit Bodies
What will happen for you? What will change in your life? What will improve if you lose 30 pounds? What's going to be different for you? And lead them to, it's not necessarily about
the weight because, and then you go, okay, why do we idolize these people with these super fit bodies? What is that? Why do we do that? Like, why do we all want to look like that? Like, well, it looks great. It looks, you know, they're strong. They're confident. They're sexy. Why? Yeah. Why no? Because that is an outward physical that we can see. Unarguable example of an
inward strength, discipline, and control. That's what it represents. You cannot buy that. You can't inherit it. You can't steal it. You can't fake it, right? That's what they want. That goes back to your habits, baby, from the way you go to sleep until the way you wake up. And that's why fad diets don't work.
It does not address what you even want. Wow. I just, I'm, I just feel like I, amen. Like a drop. Lindsay always has those like, you know, the best way possible, the pedestal moments, like she, no soapbox, soapbox. I am a soapbox preacher and a real preacher. You want me to break out my license?
She sent me a picture of that the other day. She's like, I can get you guys married if you want. I have married human beings in my life. I am. That's amazing.
Closing Remarks and Teaser
Good for you. I'll add that to your credentials. That's legal. You don't think you're allowed to, you shouldn't have been allowed to? No, I said I married two people, totally legal, but I also performed a wedding for dogs. I don't think that was legal.
You performed a wedding for dogs? Was it your dogs? No, I was the minute I was the preacher. You're like, that's messed up if I married my own dog. Are they literally brother, sister, like same litter? Okay. No, no, no, not same litter, but the same mom. Okay, so steps siblings. I know that I'm not a bad mother because only one of my dogs is awful.
All right. Well, that is pretty much all we had today. It was such a great topic. I was so glad we talked about that. There's still so much we could cover in this area because we've only really scratched the surface on all of that. But yeah, we'll definitely be talking about it again. Thank you, you too, Ms. Lindsay and Nicole for joining me today and diving
And next week we will be going into another cool topic, rebounding. All right. Well, what's that? I said, oh yeah, that's a good one. Super good. All right. Until next time. Bye. I'll see you later. Bye.
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