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Episode 158- Latest News and Skeleton Official Trailer Reaction  image

Episode 158- Latest News and Skeleton Official Trailer Reaction

The GALactic Podcast
95 Plays3 months ago

Welcome to The GALACTIC Podcast! In this episode, Andrea and Lauren chat about the latest news from the galaxy far, far away. They also discuss their reaction to the official trailer for the Skeleton Crew! Do they care about Star Wars movie being moved from the Christmas holiday slot? How excited are they with Skeleton Crew? They discuss these topics and much more! 

Reminder to rate and review where available! And as always, may the force be with you!  


Introduction & Catching Up

um Hello everyone and welcome to the Glad to podcast. I'm Lauren Rummel with me as always my cousin and fellow nerd Andrea Gutierrez. Yo, yoy yo, yo. Right, sons. Man, I was just about to clear my throat like as you were. Oh, look at that. Like, see, I got like a little thing. Little thing, little thing. In a second, I'll mute and then I'll like. and ah and then cough it up as you mean. It's how the pros do it, kids. It's out how you do it. we're We're professionals. No, we're not really. We just have fun doing this. Yeah. All right. What's going on, man? We haven't talked in a minute about Star Wars. Honestly, it's been busy as far as life pro stuff, I can say, probably you can say. and then Oh, yeah.
Not a lot of Star Wars news? No. To talk about, pretty much, is how I'm feeling, but go ahead. Yeah, what do you got? Yeah, I mean, what have I been doing that Star Wars-y? Reading books, I think I'm on the George Mann book, which is excellent. But in October, I try to read spooky, scary books. Nice, nice. So I kind of stopped wearing our, but if you're the nameless, I think it's called that. I don't know. Whatever. I'm a terrible fan. Why do I, why do I even podcast? I'm like, I'm reading a book. I don't know the name. But it's good. I like it.
Yeah, for me, honestly, I haven't really done much Star Wars-ing. I'll be perfectly honest. I will say this, I still watch Star Wars every night. That's my thing. Okay, good for you. Yeah, I like that. I have not. I just don't like... And I don't know if it's burnt out with just all of the... Just the fandom crap

Star Wars Burnout

and all that.
Maybe that has gotten to me, especially since there's not much that we have, like, no shows are coming out just yet. We'll talk about some stuff, but tears of the nameless. Tears of the nameless. OK, very good. And I just yeah, I just I don't know. Not that I don't love Star Wars. That will never go away. It's just my passion of talking or watching it has diminished a lot. I'll be honest. I think just because of the fandom and all some of the just the just the rigmarole of it all.
I think when they announced that they were going to not do season two of the acolyte, it really hurt a lot of fans. i will yeah A lot of fans became disengaged thinking like, what's the point?
Um, I hope that those people get a spark back when the skeleton crew comes out, but it that was a really big hit. No, no more acolyte. What? I know we talked about it, but I honestly, I still can't get over it. Dead serious. When I see like a gif or an image or anything like that, I'm like, how disappointing. How absolutely disappointing that.
Disney and Lucasfilm couldn't see the potential in that series and what it was going to do for the fandom Business is business and I understand all that but right I it's your business all right. I know I I'm going to say that right and right i'm not saying it's right. That's a that's right But businesses business it is what it is. It sucks because I think there was so much potential right and what they were telling and I think it just got a misconstrued because I think, again, a lot of the quote unquote hate on it was, I think, from a certain group of fans. Demographic. Yes. So anyway, we yeah we we talked about that a while back, so we're not going to harsh on it anymore. But we got more news to talk about because I think slowly as we approach Star Wars Celebration, which is just a few months away,
We're getting a little bit news on some things.

Anticipation & Star Wars News

We got a trailer, official trailer for skeleton crew that we're going to talk about too, which. We'll talk about it that it it did something to me in a good way like i'm I'm very excited for the show We'll talk about it But before we get into all the good juicy stuff if this is your first time listening to us welcome We are so our spot cast to discuss anything and everything within that galaxy far far away And each episode we will dive into one or two topics and have a general discussion on them Topics could be movies TV series books comics a specific character you name it and we talk about it All right, Ang
I wanna start with the news. Let's let's start there. Cause there's two kind of linear stories going on right now, right? So the first one is a few, I'd say like three weeks ago, it was announced that Steven Knight, who was tapped because the original screenwriter for the new Ray movie ah left the project. And now he,
has left a project. Not the greatest of news as a fan, but I feel like, again, this is one of those, it happens, I think this is just a normal process that I think because it's Star Wars and because maybe we're so ingrained into it, it hits differently and it's just like the whole, like, here we go again. Right, motion. Here we go again. Right, so again, he left, which is fine.
But now recently, an article by Variety has said that Disney removed that Star Wars movie that I think a lot of us assumed was going to be the Ray movie ah from the 2026 December slate. So I feel like, again, I wanna talk about both both of these, they feel very,
Linear that they obviously see Could mean something or could it could not right? So age what's your initial thoughts on? the whole Stephen Knight Leaving the project. Do you really like do you really care when that gets announced of writers or this or that? Leave projects for Star Wars because again, we've been down this rodeo, right? We've been to this rodeo. We've we've heard this song and dance. I Just I get numb to it. What were you where are you at with all that?
Yeah, I would say pretty numb as well too. I think because there wasn't really too much information even coming from that of like what his plan for the story was, you know, anything like that. So what I don't know, I'm i'm not bothered by.
ah But you know back in my head I think of course right like people just can't get along in Lucasfilm not that they don't get along but it looks like ah there's always like this disagreement of where the franchise is going is what I'm getting and So I don't know if that's a good thing if they said if he stepped away if they told them to walk away I don't I don't know the story so you know it could be a good thing could be a bad thing I don't know. Luckily um someone else picked it up that has some pretty decent experience.
So that is makes me hopeful that this is still happening.

Concerns About Future Movies

You know, the whole idea of having like a Ray movie in a and Ray as like the front runner or the centerpiece of all these movies makes me really nervous just because the fandom is so disgusting towards women and
I just can't take enjoying something and just seeing people completely bash it on ignorant information and ignorant beliefs.
So that's what I worry about. It's like, why why are we still going to um put these women in this position just to be annihilated by these groups of people? It it doesn't seem right. But you can't just hide under ah you know in a corner. you You have to stand up and you have to be present. so You know, I go back and forth on this like should we should they scrap this idea should they go with something else but Honestly, like we all know how I feel about the rise of Skywalker but the one thing I absolutely loved about it was Daisy Ridley's performance and the way Ray's character was was um like Moving into what she was potentially gonna be So yeah, I want to see it
And I hope Lucasfilm gets their act together. I also think they shouldn't have done a December release in 2026, cause they're already doing the May release in 2026 of Mandalorian Grogu. So let's just not like pack it on like we used to and, you know, allow people to ingest and all that stuff. And let's, let's do like single releases each year. Like I'm a movie exec, like I know what I'm talking about.
But I think you're you're coming from a a place where I think, and I agree with you, we are burnt out of what has been going on recently, right? So instead of doing two in the year, I agree. Spread it out. And I think maybe that's part of the decision as far as them removing it from the December, right? Maybe it's good to give time to breathe. Maybe it's because of this whole change.
Right. According to like interviews and things written up, and Daisy has said that it's happening. Right. So we know it's happening. I feel like that isn't in doubt, but maybe again, the whole, again, the story of it, maybe it's not finalized. And again, I think I agree with you where does that, is that a Lucasfilm problem or is that the people that they're hiring aren't
following what they, what Lucasfilm

Frequent Project Changes

want, like. Yeah, the vision. Who, right. Whose, whose issue is it? It could be a little bit of both, right? I mean, obviously we can go back to solo, right? And that whole debacle of ah Miller and I forget the other guy's last name that we're originally going to direct it. And then Ron Howard had to come in and basically save the movie quote unquote. Great movie. And it was a pretty great movie. But again, the fandom.
Tore it apart.
I hate the fans. Also the last third reaction to The Last Jedi, there was that too. Right, so there's a lot to play in the solo stuff for sure. But again, I go to, okay, yeah. Okay, so the guy that was tapped in from the guy that left originally is leaving. like I guess I just don't care about that stuff anymore.
Right, because I feel again, I go back to I'm numb to this whole Star Wars announcing stuff. Then everything changes like it just seems like it happens more than again, maybe more than we feel it should happen. But again, we're not in the business. This could be a total normal, which it probably is thing for movies to go through. Right.
writer changes, you know, revamps, reshoots. Everybody likes to go crazy on reshoots and everything like that. I feel like because it's because of the.
Presence of people knowing and throwing stuff online now. I think it becomes bigger than what it really should be, if that makes sense, right, these these these types of stories, these news.
Right, so i again, I, ah yeah, I don't care that he left. i don't That's not gonna change anything, I think. The movie's still coming out. It being pushed back, could it be related to that? Maybe, maybe not. It could be a whole thing of, like you're saying, give the grogos, like give it to time to breathe. Let's not jump into it six months later or whatever, right, in December and have another movie.
So I'm fine with it. I don't again, I don't I don't care about this stuff anymore. Honestly, like maybe I think or like talk to me about six, seven years ago, maybe I cared a little bit more now. I just I don't care that writers are moving or whatever. Right. I don't care. I just hope and pray Lucasfilm gets our act together. And that's part of it, too. Right. But but again, is it a Lucasfilm problem or is it a the people they're hiring?
aren't vibing with the vision of Star Wars that, you know, and again, who's right, who's wrong? We don't know, right? Like that's, I think that's a problem too. Where I think people want to blame Lucasfilm and probably rightfully so. Some of it's put on them, right? Because again, announcing this stuff and then taking it back or changing this and that, that's an issue. That's an issue. Like,
just tell us when it's happening just give us a trailer say here you go guys this is what's coming right celebration use that as your mega this is what's happening this is what we're doing moving forward thing I don't know again I don't These stories are never gonna go away, right? When a writer leaves, I mean, and and this isn't even a Star Wars problem though, right? Like Marvel, same thing. yeah This and that, right? People get all uppity about people leaving projects or that. I don't know. that's That's just how I feel about these stories. is it Is it annoying and is it like, here we go again? Yeah.
because we've been down this road, we've seen this play out a million times in Star Wars. And I think it just gets to the point where it is numb, like you're just numb to it. You're like, okay, well, all right. Like didn't see that coming, right? Like you're just like, okay, we're moving on. I don't know. That's how I feel. And anything else you want to say about those two stories? ah Again, do do you care that that could be in Christmas? I don't anymore to be honest.
Um, so, but I'm like confused because right, there's supposed to be the, the James mangled movie. Right. Did I say that right? Um, and then there's like the Ray movie that Chinoy is doing, but now they're saying that Kimberg is doing a trilogy. What? Like, I don't know.
I like the idea of doing the trilogy and planning for it, you know, because we all know what happened with the sequel trilogy. Not Ryan Johnson's fault. Dead serious. Anybody that thinks that. And honestly, I don't even think it's a JJ problem, in my opinion, but that's that's a different discussion. That's actually a good topic maybe we could talk about. I honestly think Lucasfilm just pandered to the the worst part of the fandom.
I mean, that we yeah, I agree. But no, to to piggyback off of what you're saying, so now, moving on to the next news we got, we get that Simon Kienberg has signed on to do a trilogy of movies, right?

Excitement for New Trilogy

Which is cool. This kind of pumps me up because of his relationship with Star Wars. He was a part of Rebels. He was, I think, an executive producer of it.
Like you and I, if you know us kids, you know we love rebels. His two main episodes was Twilight of the Apprentice and ah the the finale. Hello.
Need we say more. That's all you gotta say. Exactly. So like that gets me pumped up because I feel like he knows the vision.
He gets it because of who he's worked with maybe and all that, but he gets it, right? Like knowing those are the, again, yeah, looking at those two episodes alone, some of the best. I mean, honestly, some of the best Twilight of the powers is hands down in the five, the finale, my opinion, one of the best rebels finales. I loved it. So yeah, this excites me.
Right now.
Trilogy, I'm with you. If he is the anchor to it all, right, if you have the one voice or one vision for it, cool. Let him cook, as the kids say, because he knows Star Wars.
Clearly, that is what the kids say, Lauren, good job, thank you. See, we're hip around here. So let him do what he knows, right? Because clearly he knows Star Wars. He knows how to tell a good story. So if he's the, again, hopefully, if he's the anchor to this whole trilogy, cool, I'm good, let's not, you know, I'm fine with that.
Now what the trilogy could be, again, now there's articles by, I think it was either Entertainment Weekly or Variety again, they're saying the trilogy, it could be outside of the Skywalker saga, which again, that I am totally fine with. I thought we were already outside of it. Well, you and me both sister. I know that's where we were, but hey, I guess people still want to go back to the well, which is fine.
yeah which is fine so this also coincides with a little like news and stories of people saying that the Rey character inside Lucasfilm quote-unquote they're saying the Rey character is like very pivotal to what's gonna happen moving forward which I love I love Daisy, I love that character, you and I both love that character. So yes, if she's, again, if she's the anchor to what we're doing in the future, cool, right? to How do you feel, Ann, about again,
kind Simon, you know, any more thoughts on that? And then trilogy wise, how do you feel if it's outside the scope of the Skywalker saga? Do you want it to be episodes 10, 11 and 12? What do you, as a fan, what do you hope for? Not want, but what hope for that they do moving forward.
I do not want it to be a 10, 11, and 12. I want it to just be a trilogy that is organic and unique.
And again, revolve revolves around Ray. I, we need that. I think we do. I think there was some really great stuff written about Ray in shadow of the Sith. And I think like some of that should come to light on film, you know, so.
I love the Skywalkers. I love the original trilogy. Right? I love it. Right, right. But there's also that comment going around where like Star Wars is based on nostalgia and there's not much nostalgia to pull from anymore, right? It's kind of the well is run dry. They are scraping the bottom of the barrel, right? So it's time for something fresh. I agree.
It may be, I think Ray is that point of i i nostalgia plus moving forward. Yeah. What do you wish? I wish they never would have had Ray, say Ray Skywalker at the end of the ride of Skywalker. I know that's a whole, again, you and I have had that discussion. I would have loved us just to put to rest the Skywalker saga, truly.
And I get that because again, I have you would know my opinions. I was very team Ray from nowhere. Right. Let her be her own character. I understood the whole naming again. That's fine. And that's that it is what it is. Right. it It happened. That's how they wrote the story. We move on. Right. In a.
perfect world, yeah, I don't, I would have wished she would have not had the name, but now that she does have the name, that's cool, you can use her, again, maybe that's why, because it kind of, maybe maybe they forced their own hand into making her important because she is a quote unquote Skywalker now, right? And I'm not saying she can't, like, again, I say that in air quotes, but she took the name Skywalker, she's a Skywalker.
Hands down, I'm not gonna fight that, nor should anybody. To be honest, that's my opinion. She's a Skywalker, we move on, it is what it is.
And now she becomes the focal point of I think what's going to happen moving forward as she should. I agree. She's amazing as that character. Daisy is amazing as that character. I learned I can change my name to Skywalker. I can be Andrea Ray Skywalker, but I can no longer do this podcast if that happens. Just so you know. I mean, let's day those are the rules. I have to be a nobody. I can't. I mean, I'm not saying I'm a somebody, but
Can't do it. Can't be somebody. And do this podcast. Can't have the last name Skywalker and be somebody. You can't. Don't get sued. Them be the rules. Them be the rules. So if you're never here for me again, just know I changed my last name to Skywalker. Write it down kids, right here. No, but again, it's...
I want this franchise to succeed. And I feel like Ray is a piece of that, that moving forward, we can push into the future. I agree

Speculation on Releases

with that. Like if that's what Lucasfilm quote unquote is saying in the room amongst themselves, I agree with them. Good. But you have to execute what you want to do.
Right, so this raised standalone movie that I believe is what we're getting from all reports is going to be, I think, the pushing point to what that trilogy that Simon is writing will be. That's my opinion, right? We're getting that mangled movie, like it's that that's a solo, like thousands and thousands of years, right? We're getting basically,
the birth of the Jedi from all accounts, right? We're going like back, back. And obviously we have the, the Filoni, Grogu, and Mando, right? And then, if I'm not mistaken, we're still supposed to get a movie. And that's true too?
That's true, too, supposedly that that never has been canceled, right quote, unquote. And I know again. This is where again, like we talked about earlier, them announcing stuff and then it just kind of goes to the ether. It's a problem. It's a problem. It is Lucasfilm. And I will say that that's where they need to be better.
right you need to be better at your marketing because you're not very good like with that type of stuff like the news and all that like stories of like again the writers leaving or all that stuff that okay that's it's it needs to be better now i hope that simon kyberk stuff sticks because he is the perfect fit to helm a trilogy because of his past, right? Especially with Star Wars, right? He was a part of the X-Men stuff. Recently, he's been some like Marvel to, but his Star Wars was Rebels. And that, again, is pretty much, I would say, fandom wise, a very beloved series. Yeah. So for him to be- It's very promising. Right.
right? Isn't it? I mean, for him to be a part of it, it's promising. I agree. So, uh, anything else, Ang?

Praise for Kathleen Kennedy & New Series

Like thoughts, opinions regarding trilogy, Simon Kainberg?
i mean Along with this news, they're very heavy about ah talking about Kathleen Kennedy along with it, right, as producer? Yeah. Which I think is great, right? I think she's very smart. I think of that she... We both knew that. um So hopefully that's true. Hopefully, I think like she has those good bones in her from George and from Spielberg. So, you know, her as a producer, executive producer, I think is great.
again Look just look at her record people look how many movies she has been a part of and produced Find me a a Bad one honestly like in honest in Ernst Try to find what a movie that she has produced that hasn't made a lot of money and is pretty much You know very good film for the most part, right? Rise of Skywalker side. And again, that's no, that's no disrespect to the Rise of Skywalker because if you listen to our review long, long ago, we both, there's a lot of stuff that we really enjoyed in that film, right? There was things that we scratched our head on for sure, but there were moments, there were themes that we absolutely loved in that film. I can definitely rip that film apart.
But I'm not going to anymore. And I still watch it to this day. I think I watched it last night, or the night before. Because you know what? Again, I love Ray in it. I love it. And honestly, I love Ray in that movie is great. I love Kylo. I love Adam Driver in that movie. Again, there are a lot of good moments in that film. Some of the decisions as far as pathways for characters, that's a different story. But anyway, I digress.
But with Simon Kainberg, I have hope. It gives me good vibes that they're finding somebody that hopefully helms, it seems like, right, by all accounts, by all reports. He's helming the trilogy and that's what's needed, like you said, Ang, and you've been saying for a very long time, one voice for the trilogy, always, right? One voice, that's what we need. And then it's still, and then speaking of trilogies,
They haven't really said the Ryan Johnson one isn't happening. They never really get yeah So, I mean there's a lot there's a lot that has been said in Star Wars that technically has not Been cancelled Or has been confirmed to not be happening so I don't know any of the final thoughts and before we get to the skeleton crew I No, um, I think a lot of this will get, uh, finalized and whatever for during celebration. So I look forward to that. Yeah, no celebrations. I think for, I i know every year, every celebration, I always say this, but I think this will be a very interesting celebration as far as news.
Right, what is said, what is confirmed, timeline of things, shows, are we getting more? Are we getting less? Are they really pushing cinematic now? Because again, it feels like the Favreau stuff from all accounts, right? For the mu Mando and Grogu is basically season four, right? yeah Like by all accounts, that's kind of what's happening.
So I wonder if they are steering away from shows and they're trying to do more cinematic stuff, which I'm fine with, but I still love a good Star Wars show.
Me too. You know, like the Mando show is great. Acculite was good. Boba Fett was great. I mean, all the animation, and well, again, I will be on the top of the hill of give me a Star Wars animation theatrical movie again. Andor. And Andor? Ooh, yeah, now that came recently real quick. We got April 25th, I think, is it 25th or 22nd? Yeah, a couple little teasers images and ah within that Disney Plus ah coming up, yeah, 2025 thing. So that was exciting to see. He was in a ti he was in a TIE Fighter. I know.
bur Bruh. Bruh. Bruh. And Orton Tie Fighter, bruh. Let's go. God, I can't wait for that show. Ah, we're seated. We are seated with Mantel Mix ready to devour that show. God, I can't wait for that show. It's going to be so good. ah But speaking of upcoming, we got an official trailer for Skeleton Screw.
And I'm gonna let you talk about this first, because I have a lot of thoughts. But what were your thoughts on the official trailer? How did you feel? Vibes? Are you are you digging it? What's your thoughts? Let's talk about it.
I am absolutely digging it. I am totally digging it. When the synth music showed up, I was like, am I in the 80s? Let's go. Right? The flashlights through the woods, you know, the word booby chat ah traps being thrown around. I was like, this is all I need. Pirates. Pirates.
Right, this is what it's about. This is what I want to see, you know? um Just some of the creatures that we got to see, ah you know, everything looked really good, you know, looked crisp. The music, and very I mean, come on. Was it, that that really was major time in Huttese? Wild. Yep.
You gotta love that. You gotta love that. So I am ah pretty excited. you know This is from our era. I'm gonna be dead serious. I don't wanna take ownership of it, but come on. you know his um Kids on the bikes, kids having adventures. This is us. So I'm very excited for it.
Yeah, I 100%. This is ET. This is Goonies. This is all the 80s kid movies. Flight of the Navigator. You remember Flight of the Navigator? Oh, yeah. I remember that. Wacky stuff, but it was still so good. back It's so good. Makes no sense. Speaking of side note, Dallas Bryce, I was supposed to do like a reboot of that. I wonder if that's still happening. Really? Yeah. It's supposed to do like a newer version of flight of the navigator, which would be pretty dope. And it'd be pretty cool. It would be cool. But no, I, this trailer, I think gave me more hype than the first one. The first one was great, right? Sets the scene, gets you to kind of where we're looking at.
This trailer just comes out and hits in his heart. Right? I feel like now we kind of know what, what, maybe what the story is, right? These kids go on an adventure, right? They stumble upon this old ship.
takes them somewhere, they run into, um what's his face, his character. ah I'm b blanking on the actor's name. Jude Law. Jude Law, thank you. Do you know what took me a long time to remember his name? I was like trying to tell my mom. like I was like, it's a guy, he's in a lot of movies. like I can't remember. He's Dumbledore. I was like, why can't I like remember his name? i kept And my mom kept going, you and McGregor. And I was like, no.
Not Obi-Wan. But I like where Deb's thinking though. Solid process. I applaud, I applaud. But oh, so then then they run into Jude Law. He seems to need them and they form a partnership, right? Sign me up. Like this looks like a just flat out fun adventure that we're gonna be taking on, right? It's not gonna, it's like,
I think previous shows, for instance, Acculite, for instance, Ahsoka. We talked about it when we when we reviewed the episodes. Heavy themes in those in those shows, right? Heavy, heavy themes. I feel like this is just gonna be, here you go, here's some fun Star Wars, these kids in the universe with Jude Law,
You know, watching them and taking them on an adventure for seems like buried treasure or something. Sign me up. Sign me up. Give me that hudsy Major Tom on repeat because that was a great jam. That was perfect. Yeah. And it sets up the vibe. It sets up the vibe perfectly.
I can't wait. I am very excited for the show. I think this is where, or I think this is what is needed right now in Star Wars. Flat out fun, nothing serious. We're just in it for just the S's and G's, right? We're in it to see, you know, just fun characters, maybe go to some, you know, familiar places or not, either way. Seen some pirates.
And I hope, my only hope, Hondo. I need Hondo. Yeah, that would be nice. That would be amazing if he shows up at the show. Yeah. That would be the cherry on top. I don't need it. But he, that would be a cherry on top for me. And it it may be for you too, and Angie, because we got it. Because he's one of our favorite characters. And he is the pirate.
Right. He is like the guy. Yeah. If someone says pirate in Star Wars, it's Hondo. Immediately Hondo, right? Clone Wars, Rebels. It's immediate Hondo, right? Like it's Hondo. Clone Wars, like the introduction of Hondo, just messing with Obi-Wan and Anakin, imprisoning them. Come on. It doesn't get better. Having parties, throwing out jokes.
It was great. He's the best. He was so good at revels too. It's so cute. Him and Ezra were so good. Oh god, that and then him and that what that got that other character's name. They were going back and forth. The little piglet guy. What was his name? I know, I can't remember. Munchy or something like that. Munchy, Munchy. Mulch, Mulch, Mulch. Mulchy. Mulchy. No, Mulchy was in Andor in Rogue One. Oh yeah, never mind.
But no, it was him, and then it was an Ugnaught. But him and that other guy that tried to ah not enslave... The same thing. But the the one that tried to enslave Hera, that guy, the creepy dude, their interaction was always hilarious too. yeah Anyway, I get enough of... We could talk about Hondo for like two hours. But bottom line is that this show I think is what is needed right now in Star Wars.
the hi I say that, how what is your reaction to that? Do you feel like that's appropriate? Do you feel like you need something serious or this is like perfectly like, yep, this is what we need right now? Oh, this is, this is what I want. We got serious, you know, and look where that took us, you know?
Let's get back to Star Wars is for kids. Not saying that Acolyte wasn't for kids because I feel like it really sparked some inspiration within younger viewers that never enjoyed Star Wars. But um I'm a big fan of Star Wars is for kids. George said it. He said that for many years. Star Wars is for kids. Yeah. So.
We'll see. Yeah, I'm very excited, but like all all the visuals in the in the trailer were great, right? I mean, that little moment of, oh, God, the little kid in the blue outfit. Neil. Neil. He's gonna be my favorite. I already know. Yeah, I think he's gonna be everybody's favorite. He's gonna be my favorite. So, Neil, though, when Jude lost characters like you fly, and they're all like, what? Him? Like, it's just... Neil? You're right. Neil? Like, it's just, it seems... I said and I said I said this last time when we talked about like the teaser trailer This gives me solo vibes in a good way. Oh Yeah, cuz solo was fun, right? That was a adventure This is what we this is what this is giving me right and then to add pirate like you're saying to add pirates to add like buried treasure and like maybe like I
a little bit of you know looking for you know all that stuff right pirate like again it's our 80s goonies in Star Wars and I'm here for it and I'll honestly I'm here for it I'm here for it I'm here for the vibes and I mean again it's just I think it's it's needed right now for forever for Star Wars to just be fun, right? Because we're gonna get more serious with Andor come April, right? That's gonna be some heavy stuff. Oh yeah, for sure. Which I'm excited for, and I know you are too, right? We're excited for freaking Andor. I'm so excited. God, that's gonna be great. But I'm ready just to sit down and watch a at Star Wars show that, again, I don't have to, like, I don't have to take it serious.
i don't have to like really like oh man this is gonna be this is gonna mean a lot in the in the lore I don't yeah I don't think it's gonna do any of that I don't need to discuss what the theme is the theme is fun and adventure right exactly I don't want us to go on every episode and and have to talk about I mean we'd love to But I don't want to talk about like major themes in the show. I just want to say, this was fun, man. You believe what would just happen. Did you see what they did? That's what I want to do. That's all I want to do with this show. And I and i think, there again, as far as marketing, it seems that way.
right and I think they'll have some fun cameos or fun stuff in there right I mean again every Star Wars show has this little Easter eggs or whatnot right cool I'm gonna be sold on it regardless but I am very excited for this show and I think it's bringing back my like, okay, let's get back into Star Wars more. Let's watch some more Star Wars. Let's do this, let's do that. Let's read books. Let's do all that. Like that that trailer really did like hit me in a good spot with Star Wars. So I don't know if you felt that way about it, Ange, but that's how I felt about it. and i'm And I'm very excited. I mean, December can't get here soon enough, honestly. We're so close, honestly. We're very close.
I'm excited, I just, I can't wait. I cannot wait for that show. ah Final thoughts, Ang? The trailer, anything else you want to talk about? Any final thoughts, feelings before we wrap it up? No, no. I'm excited to see new worlds, new planets. Right, like, I mean, again, them doing a suburb, Star Wars?
I love it. Very cool. Like, come on. Like, not everything is going to be tattooing and like sand or whatever. Right. Like, yeah. Give me cool. Like, give me like these people that are just living their life in the galaxy and have no idea what's going on or very, you know, like very, very detached from all of it. Right. That's what it seems like is happening too, which I'm very excited for. And to see it through like the perspective of kids.
is gonna be fun, right? So I'm excited, I'm very, very excited. All right, kids, that's it, that's the show. Hope you guys enjoyed our little discussion on Skeleton Crew, all the news. So yeah, we'll be here, diving into those reactions, those episodes and giving our reviews on them for sure. And then obviously Andor coming in April, we got Star Wars celebrations. So I mean, kind of within the next few months.
Kind of jam-packed with ah Star Wars coming up, so we're excited. All right. If you guys want to listen to more of our opinions and thoughts on Star Wars, you can follow us, The Galactic Podcast, at all the major platforms. And then you can follow me, Lauren Romo, on all those major platforms as well. You can follow me, Andrew Gutierrez, at r2d2step on Instagram.
and threads nowhere else boom like we don't do X anymore we're just gonna be honest blue guy for me baby that's where I'm mostly at yeah I haven't gone there yet but you know it's cool it's kind of like old-school Twitter vibes yeah that's what I heard but I i need some I need some kpop ah that Give it time, right? Yeah, we'll catch up. But yeah, no, I I feel you you sure All right, and as always kids May the force be with you always always