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Episode 144- Bad Batch Recap Season 3 Episodes 8 and 9 image

Episode 144- Bad Batch Recap Season 3 Episodes 8 and 9

The GALactic Podcast
103 Plays11 months ago

Welcome to The GALactic Podcast! In this episode, Andrea and Lauren chat about The Bad Batch Season 3 episodes 8 and 9! The return of Fennic and Asajj!. Can the Bad Batch trust Fennic? Too hard to see? Master Ventress? Does Omega have a high m-count? They talk these topics and much more Go listen and enjoy!


Introduction to the Glide Podcast

All right, hello everyone and welcome to the Glide podcast. I am Lauren Omo. With me is always my cousin and fellow nerd, Andrea Gutierrez. Yo, yo, yo. Greetings. Salutations. Oh man, my phone just vibrated. My bad. I didn't hear it, so I think you're good. Didn't pick up on the audio. What's going on, cuz? Chillin, chillin, chillin.
Yeah, let's talk about it's been a little bit since we were able to record. Again, they dropped a double episode on us when we were not expecting it. Right. So now we're like four behind instead of three behind. Right.

The Bad Batch Episodes 8 and 9 Overview

Right. With Easter and just work stuff. So we're a little bit behind, but.
We're going to pop these out. So this is going to be episodes eight and nine of the bad batch. So we got a lot to talk about today for sure. A lot of good stuff happened, I believe, especially in one episode that we'll get. Oh yeah. It was really good stuff. Really good stuff.
But before we get to all that, if this is your first time listening to us, welcome. We are Star Wars Podcasts that discuss anything and everything within that galaxy far, far away. In each episode, we will dive into one or two topics and have a general discussion on them. Topics could be movies, TV series, books, comics, a specific character, you name it. And we talk about it.
All right, Ange, ooey ooey, uh, episodes eight and nine. So I'm going to do this first.

Episode 8 - 'Bad Territory' Analysis

So episode eight was called bad territory.
I was directed by Nate Villanueva, writer and story editor was Matt Michnovitz. So he's, I think he's been the story editor for everything so far. He's been fire. Yeah. And I think he also has had some writing, I'm not sure directing, I don't recall, but writing, he's had some, besides this one, he's had some
Credits too.

Episode 9 - Highlighting Female Characters

So they again stellar job by this entire crew And then we'll get to it. But then the next episode was the harbinger which was written Well directed by steward lee Written by miss jennifer corbett and then obviously story editor. Like I said matt mitch know that so
Let's talk about I let's start as we always do and Your overall thoughts on both. Well, then we'll get we'll get into it but overall thoughts opinions feelings highs lows for episodes eight and Nine how'd you watch it? How'd you view it? Let's talk about it It was so long ago. I don't even remember when I watched it or how I watched it. That's fair
I haven't been watching things that work. Uh, so it's gotta be home then, right? Yeah. Yeah, for sure. You know, all I know is two of my favorite female characters showed up in these two episodes. So that was so fun. Um, absolutely love Fennec Shand and, uh, Ventress is just number one on both of our lists. So that was great as well too, to finally see that. Cause we've been waiting since we saw the trailer for this upcoming season for, for this season. Um,
I'm gonna be dead serious.
animation outstanding. Just lights out. It's so good to watch. I rewatched it

Impact on Storyline and Animation Quality

again this morning. It's just beautiful. It's so good. The story with crosshair and Omega is going along really great. And then just Omega overall, we're starting to get a little bit of answers on what's going on with her. So I was happy with both. I mean, honestly, I haven't been disappointed this season at all.
And, you know, just two really good like guest appearances just really topped it off for these two episodes. Yeah, no, I 100% agree. I think, again, because I'm such an Asajj fan, obviously, I will say the Harbinger was more
more than my liking, but I love bad territory because it gets, it moves the story along, right? And well, I mean, we'll obviously talk about a little bit more, but it was just our, our mission of the week for that episode, which was fine. It's not, I don't consider it a filler. Some people would and probably do, but it moves the story along. Cause we still got to get from point nine to point B. And this was a part of that journey. And we got some really good omega and crosshair stuff that we'll talk about in a bad territory for sure.
But yeah, having these two stellar female characters show up was fantastic. Fennec is just so badass and as Asajj is as well. So it's fun to see these characters do their thing and again, learn a little bit more about Asajj.
And again, Fennec too, kind of learning what she's all about as she, you know, as we go through that episode with her and Wrecker and Hunter, that was a lot of fun. I mean, again, like you're saying, the animation is just so good. Like, it's just ridiculous.

Creative Choices in 'Bad Batch'

It is so beautiful. Again, I you and I are both on the train of when is the next full theatrical animation movie?
Needs to happen. It's I think it's time like I think we're at a point where the animation is There and it's just like how all the characters and everything I think it'd be a really perfect time to to do an animation theatrical My opinion and I know you're with that as well. So yeah again and the music we can't I
Kyners always knock it out. I mean, they're so good. The brother-sister duo is so good. So good. It's amazing. Again, the cues, just the beats, the melodies, they're just great. And I hope we see them do some type of live action something because that would be amazing. Well, I know Kevin Kyner is supposed to be doing the
The Dave Filoni movie, right? Yes, I think that's been rumored,

Character Focus: Fennec Shand and Crosshair

right, which would make sense. I mean, kinders been working with Dave for how long now, right? Since Clone Wars. Since Clone Wars. So like, it's a long time. 2006? 2008? Yeah, it's a long time.
long time they've been working together so. Hey what did you think about there were some gripes on the socials about the darkness of bad territory like it was too dark like yes it's dark but and it's funny because I talked about this earlier
in a previous episode how I actually like that they're playing with the darkness and saturating the entire scene instead of just creating like oh it's a dark background and you can still see like I find it really fascinating that every time you can tell like where the source of light is in the animation and it hits the like the the characters correctly right so I have no problem with the darkness it is pretty it it can be pretty dark and I think like if
Someone isn't a bad batch fan. They might find it frustrating or it doesn't entice them to want to watch it because it's not like bright and vibrant but um I I didn't mind it. Did you? No, I again. I have no problems with it When I watch it, you know because when I do watch I watch in the morning and so it's kind of not bright out anyway at the time so like I'm fine with it and it never really bothered me before cuz I
Again, maybe it's just because how I have my TV set up like I can see even like you're saying, even if it is like a little bit darker, I don't care. I think it kind of gives.
more of a ambiance to like those scenes, right? Like in bad territory when they were going after that bounty, again, we'll get into it a little bit, but like where you couldn't really see Siler, like that, yeah, like kind of like you could barely make them out, but that was part of, I think, again, part of kind of like the horror of it, of that scene and everything. So I don't mind it. I mean, I get it. People, like you're saying, I think people that maybe A, aren't used to it,
because I think if you have watched recent TV shows where this comes up,
I mean, I don't know, it is what it is. I mean, it's just how the directors and how the team feel like this is the best for that, you know, for that episode, right? Yeah, I agree. It's their creative choice and it is what it is. If you don't like it, then that's fine. You can always brighten your TV up. I don't know what to tell you.
It is what it is. I mean, this is what they how they creatively wanted to do that, you know, those scenes or whatever. And I'm not I'm not going to besmirch them for that at all. That's their call. And oh, well, I mean, again, if you're a Game

Character Growth and Storytelling Subtlety

of Thrones fan, you live through the battle at. What's a Winterfell? That was kind of bad, though.
again i don't think it was bad i i mean i think it was it was a little bad again maybe that's just my opinion i don't i don't think it was terrible i mean i got the point like you weren't really supposed to you were supposed to feel on edge you weren't supposed to know what was coming around the corner but it would be nice to be able to see something
Oh, right, right, right. Just like you were saying that with the light, though, too, I think what the source of light. Yeah. The animation does well. Great. Especially in previous episodes, especially when that one where you had Rex and Commander Wolf and all you could see is the ship lights and everything else was kind of like dark around it. That was a good shot.
Yeah, all of it. It's it's so good. It's very realistic. It's very true to like what you would what you would see. It's great. Yep, I agree. I mean, it is again, I get people. I mean, I get it. I get where people might have a problem with it, but I personally don't.
I don't like it. It's fine. It's fine for me. What have I did? So it doesn't take you out at all either then, right? I mean, I love it. If anything, it draws me in a little bit more. Um, cause I can, I just, I appreciate it so much more. It's great. Yeah. No, I agree.

Speculation on Asajj's Return

I think it does pull you into those scenes a lot more. So especially again, as we're talking about bad territory now.
Yeah, they definitely made this a again, like you're saying, like a darker kind of setting, but it matched it. It matched the mood. Right. It matched the mood of this episode where it was kind of a little bit darker. And, you know, you're on this Star Wars, the, you know, Everglades planet. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it just that's the feeling they went with. And I loved it. And it.
Again, it's that side mission of the week, totally fine, right? It was a great, I mean, I liked the story where they went to Fennec, right? And that's who they went to, they figured they could get information from her and she obviously made a deal as she's a bounty hunter and said, I can get you the information, I don't have it, but you need to do something for me. And I like the distinction that she makes with Hunter and Rucker, because they're the ones that go and obviously Omega and Crosshair stay on Pabu.
And, you know, Fennec tells them both like it's not. We're not working together, it's you work for me, right? Like here's the rules. It's either take it or leave it. And I love Fennec for that.
And again, I like the silor. I like the bounty that they went after. New creature? I don't think we ever kind of seen his design before, like a praying mantis-esque. He looked good. He looked like that one thing. Ringo? What was that movie? There was an animated movie with like a chameleon and like Johnny Depp was his voice. Yeah, I think it is Ringo. He looked just like that.
Close. You know what, remind me of the, again, at a bigger scale, that creature in Attack of the Clones that's in the arena.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Smaller version. I think that's what it was. So again, again, maybe it's, I don't know if it's a one for one, but in that vein, kind of similar, you know, similar creature. And he was, again, it was cool. Like he could take a, he could take a shot. He took tons of hits, tons of stuns. Yeah, that was, that was impressive. So his outer shell must be very, very tough.
Again, I like how they use, you know, Fennec knew how to use Hunter and Wrecker at their, what they're really good at, right? Hunter's good at tracking, Wrecker's good at explosive and, you know, all that stuff. So there were parts where they had to both use like those skills.
on this mission, right? So I

Omega's Journey and Asajj's Influence

love all that. And what about you talking about, again, the Fennec Hunter wrecker stuff? Like it, loved it. Anything stood out to you during those scenes? What you got? I love it how Fennec isn't like completely likable, right? You're not like, oh, man, she's so awesome. You're like, wow, she just really doesn't want.
She really wants to use them for her advantage, and she's all about money. There's this feeling like you're not sure if she's a good guy, bad guy, or whatever. I always love it when they bring up the good guy, bad guy, no difference.
Yeah, I love seeing Hunter and Wrecker in action. I just, you know, I love seeing their skills being displayed. That was really cool about this episode too, like Hunter tracking and then Wrecker being able to
Loved one record through that huge crocodile thing man. It was so good, right? We got space crocodiles. Yeah, so I mean overall Just the dynamic of of those three I could watch those three going out on missions all the time. Honestly I thought it was really great and I really just liked that they kept fetic um kind of you know on the line of you're not sure if she's really gonna help or she just needs something to To help herself. So it was great
Yeah, cuz that like when they do catch Tyler and they're you know, they're back at like She's dropping on a wrecker off You know, she says I will you know, I she told him before I don't have the information but I will get it to you and It's like you're saying it's like they have to trust her
And then you really don't know because when she gets on, when she goes into her ship and she makes that call, A, at the time, we don't know who that is. We obviously find out the next episode, but we don't know who that is. And we really, like you're saying, you don't know if she's doing it to capture them or if she actually is helping. So it is kind of a nice, she gives, I mean, very similar to when we met her in, what was it, Mandalorian.
It's just later on in Boba Fett, right? You don't know what side she's on. Yeah. I mean, it was very true to where we meet her character in other stories. So I liked that. I thought that was great because you knew she was somewhat of a good guy because she was not like a good guy, but she.
She had the heart. She had somewhat of a heart, right? Because she was helping Nalo say, find Omega. Granted, there was money behind it, but she wasn't working for the wrong side or the devious side or whatever. You feel like Kat Baine does. Right. So she has somewhat of a moral compass, I guess you can say, it seems like. Yeah, that's a good call.
I thought that that was very well displayed for this episode. Yeah, no, I agree. She is that character that has more of a moral compass than I think other bounty hunters that we know about. And again, I think when you brought up the point of seeing Hunter and Wrecker use their skills, we don't really

Asajj's Moral Ambiguity and Impact

I mean really trying to go back. I don't think we really see them or it's just like natural that we see them using those skills But I feel like this episode they really obviously focused on you know, he's again like reminding everybody he's good at tracking He's good at like, you know explosives and all that stuff. So that was nice to kind of like Go back to that and like like focus on that
Instead of just trying to like, you know, move, go save Omega or do this and that, you're kind of back into like what they're good at, right? When we first saw them in season seven of Clone Wars, or yeah, season seven of Clone Wars, where you saw those skills, right, and everything?
Yeah, I mean those three yeah, I agree with you and I could watch a whole series of understood missions I think it just be fantastic. They're really it's a good trio to have for sure Anything else because before we get into the a little bit of the Omega crosshair stuff No, I'm ready. Yeah, I think I really like this was subtle
the Amigo and crosshair stuff, but it's been building since beginning of the season, right? The bonding that they have gone through since their escape from Tantus. And I just like, again, we get a little bit more of crosshair and
What what's going on with his hand, you know, even hunter tells Omega, you know, help him out, right? That's what I want you to do. I will help him out. See if AZ can do anything. Figure this out. And what we what we find out is that AZ did everything that he could. But AZ's kind of point was it might not be physical.
It might be more of a mental type of situation with crosshair. And I love that. I like that they're going with that route because we've kind of speculated, right, of what it could be.
And I kind of like how it's not physical. It is more of a mental thing. That's kind of a new thing, right? For like our characters to do. It's not a just, oh yeah, we got to fix your hand or give you a new hand, right? Like Luke Skywalker or something like that. Like it's more of a- Just let's throw you in the back tank and you'll be fine. Yeah. This is more of a struggle. And I like that. I mean, what's your thoughts on all that?
It's really interesting that it's done with a clone as well too, because clones are created, programmed, all that kind of stuff. Of course, these are defective clones, defective air quotes, but it is really interesting that they're going to the psychological aspect

The Role of Filler Episodes in Storytelling

Those types of things can affect you physically and can affect your health. I think it's great that they're doing it that way. I think it's true as well too.
When you have anxiety, it tricks your body into feeling a lot of different things. So I'm on board for this. I love the way it's going. And I love the remedy that Omega attempts with the meditation. I think that's really, it was very awesome to see that. Yeah, I'm glad you brought that up because yeah, I love that scene.
where she's teaching him how to exhale, inhale, and he's like, where did you learn all this? She's like, Kashyyyk? He was like, what? You were there?
Until that point, I was kind of like, man, they're really pushing this. Omega has a force already agenda very quickly because I thought like, what is, what is, what is Omega doing meditating like a Jedi, right? And, and relaxing her mind, like all of a sudden she's, she has, she can do Jedi things. And I was like, what is going on? And then like, when she mentioned, like she learned it from Gunji when she was on Kashyyyk, I was like, oh yeah, that's right. I get it.
was kind of, you know, kind of forgot about that. Yeah, it's again, again, and it was a nice reminder that yeah, she did meet a young Jedi.
He was just teaching her these simple like breathing techniques, you know meditation and I again I like that moment that moment of between her and a crosshair just doing that and how he's kind of you could tell like he's like kind of nervous or just anxious about you know doing this and she turns his hand

Future Stories and Closing Remarks

over places her hand on top and then you know, he kind of
You know, he kind of calms down, he sees what she's doing, and then he starts doing it. And there's just that great shot of those two looking at the sunset with Batcher, of course, right by their side. You got to love it. And again, it's just such a small moment, but it's so big for these two. Yeah, it really shows crosshairs growth.
And his connection with Omega. Um, I think we're really starting to finally see crosshair pull away from his old self. Um, which is great because, uh, I mean, think if you go, um, season one, season two, we hated that guy. We did. He was a bad dude. He wasn't, but he was the bad guy. Right. Talk, talk about atonement and, uh, and, uh,
What's the word I'm looking for? Redemption? Redemption. I mean, we're getting to see it in the pattern of what it needs to be. When you're correcting something that you've done in your past, it's really great.
Yeah, no, it is. And I like that we're seeing this with his character because we don't really get to see it a lot in Star Wars. You and I have talked about that before, where a character has to, is going down a redemption atonement path, right, of their choosing. And it's not like they, they, you know, are trying to atone and then they become one with the force or whatever happens, right? These, this character, RIP to a real one, but
To, you know, again, to their credit, they are doing that with this character. And they're also doing it with, I think, Asajj Ventress. Let's get to the big elephant in the room. Asajj is back, baby. Real quick, when, uh, before when you just saw Fennec talking to someone, uh, did you think she was talking to Asajj?
It crossed my mind because, A, just knowing like she was going to be in the season, I was like, OK, makes sense that it could be her. And then I was like, OK, it could be Kat, but I don't think it would been Kat at that point. But yeah, it made sense. And then it crossed my mind that it was her, but I wasn't 100 percent sure. Right. I mean, I was like, OK, yeah, it could be.
It would make sense that Asajj and M-town and all that stuff. It added up, but I wasn't a hundred percent sure. What about you? Did you think right away or did you have thoughts? Yeah, I did right away. Just cause, uh, again, we saw her in the trailer. We knew she's coming up and.
We know her background from Dark Disciple that she was not still on the path of revenge or being an assassin or anything like that. She might still be a bounty hunter.
I think we're all pretty much from the clues that we've had from Kenobi and all that stuff that she's most likely helping protect four sensitive children. So I was all for it.
We're finally going to see her. Like, here we go. Let's let's go. And let's go, indeed. And we went. We went there and it was amazing. I mean, I was fist pumping the entire time through this episode because it was fantastic. It was. It was classic Asajj, you know, peak. It was peak Asajj.
And to the 10th degree, it was so good. Like it was what I wanted as a fan. It was like, yep, this is her. It feels like her. It feels like this is what her journeys would be coming back, being, you know, coming back from that from death and, you know, continuing down this path of her own atonement as we talk about that and redemption. Right. Because of all the bad stuff. Right. And they even mentioned that.
Right. They mentioned that to her. They pull her file and they're like, hang on a minute. And they tell Omega, like, listen, she's not to be trusted. And I love Omega's like a. We, you know. If she wanted you guys dead, she would have already number one, which we'll get to that stuff. And then number two, I like how.
you know, crosshair, again, those two bonding, he was like, you know, you're naive to, you know, basically calling her naive to think that, you know, we could, that they could trust Asajj. And she's like, I never gave up on you. So what's, what's your excuse? So she made really good points. So, but yeah, I, I, that, you know, just seeing, I didn't recognize her ship. I don't know if that's her band she ship anyway. I don't, I don't think it is.
But anyway, you see that basically what happens is that she, Omega, goes into this cave, there's a ship there, and it's a shot, a sash. And then the bad batch, obviously, go down there, she does it again.
She's not like capturing. She's not like holding Omega captive. She kind of gives her back. And that's when she says that, you know, she's Phoenix like connection and that she kind of goes into the whole M count explanation, which I love. I liked that how she broke it down to where it was like basically just because it's in your blood doesn't mean
you are force sensitive, kind of what we have been told, really, right? Since rebels, I mean, I'll go back to rebels and Cain and Jairus' whole explanation during the dark saber trials with Sabine. And then again, reinforced in Ahsoka.
that just because you have this thing in your blood, it doesn't mean that you are, which makes sense. So she, she, you know, and I, Omega kind of pleads with her to like, well, how, help me. Cause I don't know what else to do.
right, and Asajj was like, all right, well, I'll test you. And I just, I love the thought of Asajj being like a master, master Ventress. This was the greatest, like, where can I sign up? I want to be a panelist. I choose this one. I choose, I choose her. I choose her. Because I just love it. Because again, just how she was trying to explain everything to Omega,
We had to remember that Omega is like what? 12 Between 12 and 14 like that let's say right and she's talking about you know your unconscious mind and everything and and the mega is like I don't know what you're talking about You know so it just it just goes to show that again. It's a It's not easy being a master. I think number one clearly, but number two That trying to explain it to a a young person
It's difficult. They don't know what the you know, and I think that's part of why maybe Asajj is doing what she's doing because she knows It's not even about the potential of what Mego Omega has but maybe the danger that she could a that she has endangered with herself is endangered to others without knowing how to harness and wield this power and
Appropriately, but she could do some damage right? I mean again let out anger right? What do we know about anger is he? Dark side and it's the fastest path right in it you use your emotions and stuff can get out of control So I I love this whole I think to me my my thoughts You know and I want to get yours too, Ang
I think the reason she's doing this is one, I think she genuinely cares, right? I think you're right where she, I think she's on this path of saving these four sensitive beings, maybe working with Quinlan on the path and like getting them to safety. I think that might be it. And then number two, I think this is just who Asajj is now.
Right. And I mean, just like she like she explained to the bad batch, like I'm on my own side, man. I'm not I'm not with you or not with them. I'm I'm me. I'm doing my own thing. So I mean, either deal with it. But this is this is what I feel I'm doing is right. Right. She's down. She's going down her own path.
And I think that's part of why she's trying to help Omega. You know, I think there's just a lot, there's a lot to it, right? It's not just trying to see if she has high M count. It's just, I think she, I think she's trying to save as many more insensitive kids, maybe that, that she can. Right. And maybe that's why Fennec reached out to her because maybe Fennec knows what she's doing. And like even Fennec said in the previous episode that like, she, she doesn't do those.
bounties. But she knows people who does. So I yeah, I the whole training stuff I loved, you know, I love when they're on the boat, the boat one is really great. And she shows omega how to what you can do if you know how to do it right.
I just love all that. So I mean, I want to get your thoughts, Angel, on the the the training. The training tips of Sasha Ventress. Again, sign me up for sure. Yeah, it was. The way they displayed or portrayed Omega was awesome, right? Very Luke Skywalker, very Ray. When Ventress tells her to reach out with the force and she's like, reach out, I mean, that is completely Ray right there.
Because it is different when you have that feeling inside of you that there's supposed to be something else you're supposed to be doing with whatever.
You want to learn, but you have no idea what it is you're supposed to learn. And I like the resistance with her as well, too, just saying like, oh, this rock is slippery. Can we go somewhere else? Very Luke, right? Luke was always complaining about whatever he was doing, so. Oh, Luke. With the blast shield down, I mean, we will see. Oh, Luke. We love our Winnie Luke.
So that was great. I mean it really was a combination whether she is ends up being Able to wield the force. I don't think it really matters, but I think seeing this process with her is pretty cool so I'm just absolutely loving this and You know the the three tests that the first one and the last one were pretty legit I think the second one was just to get her away so she could right deal with Clone Force 99
It was great. So we don't have an answer, right? We have somewhat of an answer of whether she passed the test or didn't pass the test.
I think it was crosshair that told Asajj that she was lying when she said you don't have the force. And they were like, which part was I lying about? So you really don't know. You don't have any answer coming out of this episode of what Omega's path still is and whether she is going to be able to wield the force. And you still don't even know what's going on with Asajj either.
you know when people say like episodes like that are filler like just really don't understand character development and you know the
like the richness that it puts into a story to have these events that might not affect the outcome later, but at least gives you some perspective on what the characters are thinking and what they need to go through to get there. I think these two episodes display that just brilliantly.
I'm fine with not having all the answers after every single episode. I think that's what keeps people coming back. I think that's what makes a good story. It feels good to get a conclusion and then have momentum going into the end, but this is the time where we need to just absorb the story and learn new things about characters.
I think they are doing an excellent, excellent job. I mean, they are. Yeah. It was fantastic. And then to see Asajj in all these different ways, calming down the
the water beast or whatever that was fighting against the bad batch and just completely owning them. That was outstanding too. And to see her as somewhat of a master was really, really, really cool. I loved all her different hairstyles, whether her hair was wet or dry or pushed back or pushed forward. I mean, she looked great every single way. So it was so cool.
I loved it, you know? It was great. Yeah, I think what I loved too is, again, like the variation, like you're saying, of massages that we get, right? We get the badass, we get like this almost, again, master-like trying to teach Omega. And then just, again, those two, I could take a whole series of those two just,
running around the galaxy, maybe helping four sensitive kids. Her lines of, you know, Omega was smiling or she's like, stop smiling. It's unsettling. And she's like, you're an odd little close. I just love their interactions were so good. And I like, I mean, when, you know,
When she goes back to a size like the, um, and without the, without the bad batch. And, you know, she tells us that, yeah, you said no distractions. They're not here. And, you know, I just like how mega was calling her out to like, Hey, listen, you're here. You could have left already, but you're here. You're here for a reason. Cause I think you like us. And I think she, she called her out on it.
So I think I think Asajj did like her for again, because I think she saw the potential. Right. But I think in a I think Asajj, it's not that she wants a padawan or anything like that. I think she generally wants to help these four sensitive beings, if they are, avoid the empire, because even that's what she told told the bad batch is like, listen, I'm not your enemy. We were pawns in the same war, man. And the empire is bad news.
And you're not safe here. I mean, she did warning shot after warning shot to these guys, telling them that this is you're in trouble. And then I like how she told them when she did, you know, like you're saying, when she kind of when crosshair called her out and but she didn't really give an answer. But she was basically saying, listen, even if she is. You're going to have to let her go because of what she has to go through to be trained.
Like, I mean, she is telling them the future, man. If this is the path we're going, right? If this is what we're leading to, is Omega maybe leaving the bad batch because she wants to either be trained? Like you're saying, whether it's a high M count, low M count, whatever, it doesn't matter. If it's Omega's choice, that she wants to be trained because she feels that maybe, and I can see this happening, where she feels like this is,
the best way for her to help people, because that's what she's all about, right? This entire season has been about trying to get back to Tana's to get to the clones. And even in the other season, she has been there to help people. That's that's her drive. So I again, I I could see a path where
She does leave them for that type of reason, but we'll see, right? I mean, we'll definitely see. Any thoughts on that real quick age before I want to get to the fight sequence for sure? Any thoughts on that? No. No, go to the fight sequence because I think Crosshair held his own. I was very impressed. I mean, they weren't bad. I don't think she was going full out on them. Let's be real. Let's be real.
But that was some great, I mean, it looked mocap and it was spectacular. It was spectacular. I loved the different, like, again, the non, like, non...
lightsaber right she wasn't attacking him with that she was just like being like a monk Jedi man was just using the force right and just her quickness her ma MMA like style fighting right hand-to-hand combat stuff it was fantastic you know it's cool that the bad match was like keeping up I mean last time you saw them doing hand-to-hand combat
It's been like fighting creatures are like shooting something. So that was really cool. Right. And you can write that showed their skills as decent fighters because, yeah, they held their own for sure. Right. But of course, the size was just whooped them. And I loved it. But I just like her again, it is her style fighting. Right. And then when she like went to push, it was I think it was a wrecker and hunter that she used the force. Right. It was like she was powering up to like just push him down.
I just loved all of that, yeah. And I love that scene when Omega comes back from getting that blossom, her second test, like you're saying, it was just for her to leave.
But the sash ass like wrecker in a chokehold in the air, she's got a lightsaber to utter. It looks so vicious, but if you only knew, they would already be dead if she was actually vicious, you know? And that was Omega's point. That was Omega's point after that, because that's when they talked like in the ship and she was like, she could have killed you guys, obviously. Like, let's be real about it.
But I love that. Yeah, that fight sequence was so good. I love the choreography and just how kind of, again, the hand, the hand stuff was really, really cool. We don't really see that a lot like you're saying. I loved it. And again, I just like Omega coming back and being like, what did I miss? Like, it was just like.
It was like that gift where I think it was What's his name Donald Glover comes in I think it's from community and he opens the door and everything's on fire. He has like a pizza It's like Omega Coming back like what what just happened? So yeah, I loved all that I I think they did such a great job with the sash and I'd like so I
How do you feel about not knowing how she survived? I don't care that we don't know about that yet. What's your thoughts? I don't really care that we don't know.
I'm glad she's back. Um, I really am. And I mean, we've always said before, like novels, books are a good medium, but it was a little disappointing that her ending wasn't shown. Um, you know, either on film on TV, however you want to say it. Um,
And if you read The End of Dark Disciple again, it's somewhat open. You can feel it as being open, but I know for sure, based off of that dumb Star Wars timeline book that I have.
They did mark her death. Whether they changed it in the new versions, I don't know, but I mean, whatever, death is death in Star Wars. And I liked the little line that she had saying, you know, I got a couple lives left in me. So that was kind of like a recognition of her that, you know, maybe that she had died or whatever happened.
Will we find out? I don't know. Do we need to find out? It would be great. I'm not going to hate on getting the information download in one episode. Yeah, no, I see what you're saying. I was OK with it because I feel like, number one, this isn't the time or place for that yet. Right. This is the bad batch. We're following their story with Omega.
And then number two, for me, Asajj isn't one to just share information, clearly, right? It's not like she was gonna say, oh yeah, by the way, boys, I died, I came back, I am doing this, this, and this, okay, bye. Like that's not Asajj, like this is.
It's not her character. So yeah, I do feel like we will get it down the road. I think even Jennifer Corbett and Brad Rau talked about that in recent interviews where they're where they said, you know, yeah, more stories to come. Right. And we don't even know. I feel like we might see her one more time in here, possibly. And the reason I say that is because I feel like what could happen
What could happen is in the end, after I believe they go to Tannis, and I think they save all the clones, right? I think that happens. I don't think it's gonna be a clone, like revolution uprising, like on a big scale, but just on Tannis. And I think after they do that, I think Omega will choose, and I think she will follow Asajj.
in doing, I think maybe doing possibly a whole like thing about saving these foreign sensitive kids and everything. I feel like that's where we're going with it. Okay. Especially since again, spoiler alert kids, again, like we said, we're like four behind. We have seen the next two episodes so we know what happens. Right. So that's why I think I feel we go that route.
because of events that we will obviously talk about in the next episode. I think because of events that happen, I think that's the path that Omega chooses, right? I think that's the path Omega chooses and I'm okay with that. Like I said, I would love a series of Omega and Assash Ventures stories, right? I mean, I am for it, I would love it.
whether that's in a new animated series or whether that's in a, um, a star Wars tales of to be named yet. Come on. Tales of the empire. Whoa. That looks good. Well, that's something we want to talk about episode. We'll talk about that.
But I think, again, there is, obviously, if you're reading kind of between the lines of what Jennifer Corbett and Brad Rau are saying, like, yeah, we there's more to come with the size. This is just part of it. We will get to that. Because I know a lot of people might have been disappointed that we didn't know how she survived yet. But again, I feel and.
I'll ask you I'm okay with that like it doesn't matter to me that we didn't get in this story because it didn't Fit this narrative at all. I Think yeah, I don't know. Yeah, not not in the bad batch
Right, just not the time or place. Not the time or place. Do you feel like we'll see her again in this season? Bad bitch. Maybe. I think I might need to utilize her expertise. Maybe she goes back to the people that she's with and discusses what's going on. And they decide like, oh, we need her. So maybe she gets involved. I don't know. It'd be interesting. I'd be down for that. I would like her to help out more. I would love more Zaj.
I feel like she will. Like I said, I feel like just because of how I at this moment in time see the story going, I feel like she'll be back.
She'll be back for sure. I'm still on, uh, Martez sister watch myself too. I know you are. I need them. Bring them back, bring them back, bring them back. Uh, hopefully the season we'll see them again for sure. It was nice to see fee. It was nice. Um, here fee mentioned tech. Uh, so I think we're getting little droplets of tech. I'll stop there.
Yeah, we'll see I mean again, I know that's something we talked about last week too about speculation and where this could go for some characters so And anything else for episode 9 the harbinger before we bounce on out? No, I'm good. I'm just thoroughly enjoying these two episodes. They were great Very very good. I agree especially as such since we're big fans. It was great to see her back and
All the information, we'll get it eventually. I like what we got right now, and I am waiting for the Asajj series with that comes. I know, right? Oh God, it'd be great. It'd be so good. It'd be so, so good.
All right, kids, that's it. That's the show. I hope you liked it. You can follow us, the podcast at the collective pod on all the social medias. And we are on Apple Pod, Google Play, Spotify, all the major platforms. And you can follow me, Lauren Omo at Lauren knows and all those social platforms as well. You can follow me, Andre Gutierrez at our two D two step on Twitter X, whatever it's called in Instagram.
Any BTS updates, Ang? No, J-Hope released an album while he was in the military. So he prepared an album before he went and then decided to release it while he was gone as a gift to ARMY. And I think that is so awesome. Love that. Love that for you guys. All right, kids. As always, may the force be with you. Always. Always.