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Episode 143- Bad Batch Recap Season 3 Episodes 5 thru 7 image

Episode 143- Bad Batch Recap Season 3 Episodes 5 thru 7

The GALactic Podcast
109 Plays11 months ago

Welcome to The GALactic Podcast! In this episode, Andrea and Lauren chat about The Bad Batch Season 3 episodes 5 thru 7! The aftermath of the reunion went as plan. We have snow worms! REX HAS RETURNED! Could Tech be the Operative after the crew now? Will we see Wolffe again? They talk these topics and much more Go listen and enjoy!

Reminder to rate and review where available! And as always, May that force be with you!


Introduction and Movie Experiences

Hello everyone and welcome to the glad to podcast I am Laura Romo with me as always is my cousin and fellow nerd Andrea Gutierrez Yo, yo, yo bright sons Made thy knife chip and shatter We're still on that dude That won't be going away for a while No Cuz that movie was fantastic now you've seen it how many times now for I got I've
I think I'm only two, so I gotta go again. Maybe I'll go later today, I don't know.

IMAX vs. Regular Theaters: An Opinion

So yesterday I went and saw it at like, I still saw it at MJR, but I saw it in one of the regular theaters, not the Epic or the IMAX. And man, does that make a huge difference. Like visually is it or? Yeah, it's like, it's so garbage on a regular theater screen. Like when it's dark, you can barely see like contrast.
Really? And the sound is not as good as well, too. There's parts where the scream comes in, like the Muad'Dib scream, and you can't even hear it clearly over the other things that are going on. So I just wanted three VIP seats together, so that's the theater I had to pick, but I will never go back.
to a regular theater, I'll only go to like an IMAX screen or an epic screen. IMAXs are epic. Yeah. Yeah. They're the best. I mean, they really are amazing. Like those that. So now I want to go see it again, but with a better screen. I mean, we'll talk. We'll see. All right. Yeah. And maybe we'll go today. I don't know what to look. But anyway, man, no, do no see such a good film.

Unpacking Bad Batch Episode Drops

But oh, man, bad batch.
So we are we are we are Wow, we're breaking down episodes five six and seven because they dropped to this previous week Which I either totally forgot or was not aware that they were doing that. I don't think we were aware I couldn't yeah until like the day before
I couldn't remember because I, I guess they sent out the schedule, but I wasn't paying attention. Yeah. Yeah. I was just going to say, I vaguely remember, it might've even been Jennifer Corbett's release, like kind of saying, Hey, this is how it goes. And I just totally forgot that this was a double, a double batch of bad batch. Yeah. I think I was just looking at when it ended and I was like, Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Probably. Yeah. Same. Who cares about the middle. I want to know the end. Right.
Just get to the good stuff. But oh man, we got some good stuff,

Podcast Introduction and Star Wars Focus

man. It's all good stuff. Ooh wee, ooh wee. All right, so let's dive into this. But before we do all that, if this is your first time listening to us, welcome. We are a Star Wars podcast that discuss anything and everything within that galaxy far, far away. In each episode, we'll dive into one or two topics and have a general discussion on them. Topics could be movies, TV series, books, comics, a specific character, you name it. And we talk about it. All right.
Bad batch, baby.

Bad Batch Episode 5: Creative Insights

So let's talk about episode five. We're gonna start right there. So this episode was called The Return.
This was directed by Mr. Nathan Villanueva, written by Amanda Rose Munoz. And story editor was Matt Michnovitz. So all very, I think they're all Clone Wars. They all worked on the Clone Wars. So again, great team as always. And as you know, producers are Jennifer Corbett, Brad Rao as well. And then obviously we all know Dave Filoni.
and George Lucas as well. But the, again, director was Nathan Villanueva, writer was Amanda Rose Minros, and then story editor Matt Mitch Novitz. So here we go.

Story Continuation and Character Dynamics

I mean, this was just right off the heels of that crazy ending of that reunion.
And oh boy, we, they didn't hold in it. They went right to it to see how it's been going. I don't know. I don't know if you got a sense of like time wise and of how long it's been, but I don't think it's been that long since we, since they, you know, reunited. No, I don't think it was that long either. Yeah. Not, not very long at all, but.

Crosshair vs. Hunter: Tensions and Humor

Let's go over thoughts, feelings, because ooh-wee, this was a good, good episode for The Return. Because I feel like it was almost like a full circle, kind of wrapping up almost those first four episodes, if that makes sense? Yeah, absolutely. And like setting the tone of what's going to come next. Yeah, I mean, it did a really good job. And The Return, again, a very apropos title.
the return of Omega and Crosshair to the Bad Batch, the return of Omega and Crosshair to Pabu.
the return of Crosshair going to that planet where everything kind of changed for him. So, Echo coming back? Echo coming back. Again, there's a lot of returns. So, apropos title for this episode. But, Ang, let's start with you, man. Thoughts, feelings, highlights, lowlights, struggles, or, you know, admiration. What do you got for this episode? Talk me through it. How'd you watch it? Let's go.
I watched it at night again at night.
I loved it. I thought this one was full of a lot of good information and conversations we have been waiting for. So I really liked that. I loved the struggle of crosshairs still not being able to shoot accurately. The fact that he was doing target practice was AZ was so funny to me. I just thought it was great.
And, you know, finally to have that conversation with Hunter and Crosshair at the end, um, talking about like what it means to like live through their mistakes and what they have to do going forward. So I thought it was an excellent episode.

Emotional Depth and Symbolism

I mean, it was, it was just like full of great little nuggets all the way through. Yeah, it was just.
Again, I feel like it wrapped up, not wrapped up, but it really ties in well to those first four episodes, right? Just that continuation of the reunion that we got, you know, that we saw at the end of episode four and then now five, we're seeing kind of the, not repercussions, but just the aftermath, right?
Where you and I talked about it last week, where it was, okay, how will Hunter and Rucker respond? Because obviously that last shot in the previous episode, they, it was silent. They were both kind of just looking at crosshair and the episode ended.
So again, no, I think not surprising that wrecker was just like, okay with it automatically. Like, I mean, his thing to Hunter was, Hey, Omega trust him. That's good enough for me, man. Right on. And that's always been record, right? I think he's always the kind of go with the flow Batcher. Like he's, he's cool, man. Like if he, if one of, if one of the teammates trust somebody, then he's all, all on board with that other person.
And Hunter obviously took longer because I think he has more of a issue which oh man that conversation even before that
Right when they land on the planet and they're having that conversation when they're like scoping out for the, uh, the ice worm, I guess we'll call it. Yeah. I mean, again, dune coming full circle again for a shy hallelujah. Shy hallelujah. In the ice.

Character Development: Crosshair’s Evolution

Ice style. I think it was wicked too. I don't know if you saw like when it was like, it was like literally rotate like a whole, so that's crazy. Anyway.
But I think, yeah, the major thing for me in this episode was the crosshair and hunter dynamic, right? It was needed. And I just like Omega just kind of not pushing the issue, but like, you know, right when you, you know, he's at target practice, like you mentioned, you know, one of the first things Omega said is like, man, you need to talk to Hunter. Like you need to, like you need to squash this because this is getting out of control.
And then they fight when they get on the ice planet and she's like, I said, talk, not argue. Like, so it was just like, it was that. That moment had built. I felt like that it was like an earned moment between crosshair and hunter. Like it just, it felt organic, but it felt needed obviously. And they both had to get things off their chest. So I love that, uh, that whole.
aspect of this episode. Again, I loved the little mission, going to a planet where they have to, you know, decrypt the iPad, the data pad that they had. Data pad, whatever, same thing. But they had the, which I don't know, I completely forgot that they even still had Nala Say's data pad.
I told you, I'm like, oh yeah, they still have that thing. So they love that. They went back to that planet because just the memories of crosshair turning on that Imperial officer, that Vulture type thing flying around in the sky. That was like a really good touch of like putting you back in the place that was so impactful. Oh my God. And then crosshair setting up those helmets. I mean, there's just so much good stuff. You know, when he saw those clone helmets, it was just,
And you kind of like alluded to it, but when Crosshair said to Hunter that he failed Omega, like Crosshair did his best to get him the information and he wasn't able to keep her safe and that he was jealous or he thought Hunter was jealous because Crosshair was the one that was able to help her escape. That wasn't wrong, man. He wasn't wrong though. That was such a good like little
slide like dig I was like wow that's what crosshair has been thinking about this whole time right he he has some sort of resentment towards hunter too because like he said he put his life on the line to get him that information and he dropped the ball on it he was mad again it was it was such a a crucial moment for those two that they went through this journey on this planet like you're saying the symbolism
of it of being on the place where it all changed for crosshair right and him going through all that right like you're saying kind of PTSD almost in ways like rethinking it memories and you know again even him telling crosshair telling hunter like dude you know I I killed an imperial officer like this is why
I got locked up, this is what I did. So, yeah, again, just to, because I want to talk about that more for sure, but yeah, just overall

Trust and Accountability: Crosshair and Hunter

thoughts. It's just an amazing episode, emotional episode, but again, the peaks of it were fantastic. The little, again, this is a little side mission of the data pad and everything like that, working together as a team again.
it was great to see the music again the kinders are just so good they are so good at doing this like it's just insane insane insane but i want to yeah let's if you want and i want to keep talking about crosshair and hunter because
Again, I think that that moment because it kept building right it kept building kept building and they get on that planet and you know They start kind of going back and forth and even echo was like alright guys. Let's this is Let's settle down. We need to do this. This is our mission, right? Cuz out because hunters Oh a hunter just thinks he's lying like or he's just holding something back and
Right. And he was, but I think there's obviously reasons why Crosshair didn't want to say it because he just, I don't know if he was just wasn't ready or he, and maybe that was it. Maybe he just wasn't ready to fully say it. And maybe he was still even processing it after all this time. Does that make sense? Like what he did.
All those months back and now he's back where he was too. I think that had a lot to do with kind of his emotions his kind of state of mind at the um when they were talking uh that first time when they land so When yeah that moment because I you brought it up. I want to talk about that too that moment of him just
putting the clone trooper helmets like respectfully, right? They weren't, they were laying on the ground and he just, he puts them up, you know, in kind of a respectful manner. And I think that might've been a moment cause Hunter saw that. And I think maybe that was a moment where Hunter was like, okay, so what's going on? Right? Cause he's, I think he felt like maybe he's getting just, he couldn't read crosshair, right? Because it's like he, you know,
He betrayed them. Hunter, this is kind of what Hunter remembers, right? He sent, like he told him, like you brought up, he told them that, you know, I sent you that message and I sacrifice, like that was, I put my life on the line to tell you to stay away and you didn't listen. So like, I think there's so much, I think going on in Hunter's mind where then when they had to go out and kind of just inspect what was going on,
that conversation of him just saying like, listen dude, I killed an imperial officer, the empire betrayed me, so I betrayed them, but you're not, this is not why you're even mad at me, like you brought up, Ang. You're mad because A, I was the one that saved Omega, you didn't, and I'm the one that actually put my life on the line, and you failed her.
I told you to stay away. I told you not to come to, you know, to rescue her. And look what happened. You put her in danger. And what she went through, I like that line that he told her, he's like, what she went through, he basically was like, that's on you. Like that is because of you, because you didn't listen to me.
So it was very just like, it was an emotional scene for those two characters. And then to even like go out of that and to think that this was just one dude doing these lines, it's crazy to think like this is Dee Bailey Baker, just like literally talking to himself. And that's crazy to think about. He's so good. Like I forget that. Oh my God, this isn't like two voices. Like it's one guy.
Doing this scene, like wow, it's amazing. So again, keep any, I know we're, we're talking about it, but yeah, anything else you want to talk about? Because with crosshair and hunter, because man, it's just there's a lot of things there's more, you know, they started, you know, when the ice worm came, they had to work together and we can talk about that too. But any of the emotional stuff that you want to bring up, anything else that you spread through that scene or anything, what else do you got?
No, but I definitely get frustrated when
hunter gives crosshair like a hard time, like, and feels like he needs to know all of his business and make it his own business. Like I kind of, kind of get mad about that. Like, he obviously left the empire. Like I get it. They're trying to be safe and like dot all their I's and cross their T's and find out like, is he legit? But, um, like part of me, it's like they've known him. Like, can't they just like,
give him some time and have a better conversation with him. I mean, just like Omega said, I said to talk, not argue. And he said he started it, and it's true. Yeah, he did. Hunter did. From the jump, he was on Hunter.
And I mean, even- Hunter was on crosshair, yeah. Finally, the Bad Batch crew resolves their issue with crosshair. But then to move into the next episode and then the other clones outside of that group also have an issue with crosshair. It's just constant bombardment of what he is, what his agenda is.
As always, it's crazy we talk about animated characters like this. But they are. But they are. They're real to us, folks. That just always lands with me. I get really frustrated when he's either telling the truth or he's giving them as much as he needs to and they're still prying for more. It definitely bothers me.
You know, I wish, I wish, I wish they were real people.
And, you know, it's, it's actually good that like Omega doesn't like get in the way. I mean, at times like Echo had to hold her back, but it's good that she's like, Hey, I actually know what happened and I'm going to tell you all the information. She allows them to have that conversation with each other, which is obviously helpful. Cause when you get to the end and they're, they're able to like compare each other's feelings and, and come to an understanding. So.
Yeah, I don't have much else on this episode, but I just thought it was consistently amazing because they were just little nuggets. Even them sitting on Nala Say's data pad, there was only medical records, right? So when will we break into those? Will we start to see who they were testing on and what kind of information they were collecting? Yeah. Where does it go, right? Where does the medical stuff lead them to?
Because it seems like that's, again, I think Echo said it, where, you know, based off of what Crosshair and Omega had told them before they went to that planet, and then based off this information that they got from the data pad, you know, his assessment was, you know, him and Rax could at least narrow down maybe the location of Tannis, but at least, yeah, or at least get a kind of a good starting point. So, which is good.
Again, for me, this is my last bit on this episode. Again, just like you brought up, Angela, little moments, right? I mean, again, when Hunter and Crosshair are working together, when they're trying to get that worm past the perimeter, right? And I like that one moment of, you know, him and Batcher, because Batcher's with Crosshair, which I love.
I love that too. I love it. You know, he tells Hunter, he's like, all right, we, I like how he says we, because he's with Batcher. We found a weak point in the ice that, you know, when we'll start breaking, he's like, you know, we'll try to break in, you know, we'll try to break it. And I like, Hunter's response is like, try. And then Crosshair was like, I'm glad you heard me right. Like, it's just that. That was just little moments.
I just they're good. This is why the show is so good, because those they the characters, like you're saying, we talk about them as they're real, because they there's so much emotion that these voice actors put behind them that they do such a good job. And again, to think that it's just D Bradley Baker, just this one guy doing all these voices. Yeah, it blows my mind like it really is like it's just insane to think how talented he is and being able to do that, being able to go back

Bad Batch Team Reunites

You know hunter to record a crosshair to echo To Rex to house or like it's just it's it's insane. It's really insane. I've been no I Yeah, oh wait house there was in the next one. Never mind. Let's keep going. Okay, but I like the real quick We'll wrap it up here. I like the again the return to for me. I
Like a big like symbol for me of this title was when they, when Hunter and Crosshair were able to obviously get, get the worm, pass a perimeter and then get back. And then they're walking back together. Well, first, even before that, there's that little moment of them just nodding to each other. Like just, right. And again, it was just a little moment, but that felt with no words, but you felt it.
And then, you know, they're coming up, uh, back to, uh, the, um, like the command, wherever they, you know, the command center where they, uh, where everybody else was. And then record just runs up to them and hugs them. I feel like that, like, again, the return of the bad batch as a whole, I think in that moment.
Again, The Return is such a solid title for this episode, and I loved it. And I just like how this, that theme kind of played throughout this entire episode. It was perfect. Again, great writing, great directing, and great acting. Music was, you know, amazing. And then my last bit, though, is with Echo. When he tells Omega C, they patched it up, and there was no blood, so that's progress.
Again, just some great lines, just great moments in this episode. And again, a fantastic episode. I think this is a great full circle for crosshair. Now, I feel like he can move on, right? Because I like that shot of the bird not swirling, kind of circling, but then now it's off. So I feel like that's, again,
crosshair being able to do that himself now and let this place go and kind of fully come back and then he got his uniform didn't even bring that up record gave yeah record gave him he's like it just felt you know we didn't feel right like getting getting rid of it and it still fit him so which was amazing so yeah there we go
Great episode, again, The Return is such a good episode. And I think, again, it's going to show how important everything is. Even in that little episode, it's important. Like you're saying, the information based off the data pad and everything, it's moving this storyline forward. All right, let's get into episodes six and seven. So we're going to talk about these together because
Ooh wee, these were fantastic episodes.
Man, they were so good. They were like straight out of like Clone Wars. Yeah. This was a very, yeah, very, I was trying to think of that, but yeah, I was trying to think of like a comparison, but yeah, that's probably the best one. It's such a Clone Wars-y episode. Like it's just, it's really, really good. So the first part, episode six was called Inflatration, directed by Stuart Lee. Writer was Brad Rao.

Clone Wars and Bad Batch: Thematic Connections

Story editor was again, Matt Michnovitz.
And then episode seven was called Extraction. Director Saul Ruiz. Writers are Jennifer Corbett and Matt Mitch Novitz. And then again, Matt Mitch Novitz was story editor for this episode as well. And again, I'll throw it to you buddy. Talk me through these two episodes, thoughts, feelings first, and then we'll dive into it, but oh man.
What an episode. What a episodes. It was so good. I mean, to bring out like the outside storyline of what's going on with the empire and how the people of the empire are starting to break away from.
what Palpatine is doing and you get that Andor feeling, that rebellion feeling. It was pretty cool. Do I think they need to dive into that anymore? Nah, just what they did enough with Chuchi and Singh I thought was really good. And then to show that Palpatine's not dumb, he has assassins following these senators. And then to bring out the assassin clones
Were they CXs? Was that their number, CX? I think so. Yeah, CX and then whatever. I think it's their designation. I mean, obviously there's multiples of them. You still get that feeling of like, who's underneath there? Is it someone important? Or is it just the fact that they are clones, they get their memory erased, all that stuff.
And then to jump into the next episode and it's just like a straight out like strategic battle and clone fighting. It was just awesome. It felt very clone wars, which it should being a part of the bad batch.
But that old feeling of going back to where senators are meeting in secret and all of that, it was just amazing to tie all those things together. Yeah. You and I, I think we both love when they...
Bring in the storylines like this. Oh, yeah. Because I mean, last season, they did a again with that that episode, those two episodes when they were on Curzon and they met up with Senator Chuchi. Again, like you said, it's Clone Wars. It's a little bit of Andor with that kind of spy like political stuff. Right. And I'm 100 percent with you. I like how they're doing it because it's not over the top.
It fits like the storyline because of who's involved, right? But it still moves this overall.
overarching arc of the Bad Batch and the people that they are with, right? Yeah, again, the music, the music when those, especially when that one operative comes into play, I mean, it was just so cool. The music choices were great. Again, we go back to Teeth, which is a big Clone Wars callback to season one.
Just a lot of, again, Clone Wars vibes, like you're saying.
big kind of, again, full circle thing where it goes from Clone Wars to Bad Batch and it all just kind of seamlessly works together in this huge story, right? Like this feels like it's just, again, it really is an extension of the Clone Wars, just we're following these clones, right? We're following this specific set of clones and not the huge overall clones back during the Clone Wars.
It works. It's so good. The intrigue, like you're saying, the Senator Chuchi and Senator Singh stuff, I loved because it's almost like you said, it's the start. We're seeing just those crumbs of the start of the rebellion, right? How these planets and these once foes, right? That was one thing I liked that Singh brought up.
was that, you know, he said the two cheese, like, you know, I'm surprised you even reached out to me because we were not cool back in the day.
But the bigger picture, I love, you know, again, Chu-Chi's point was like, there's basically one thing we have in common, and it's the empire, and it's the emperor, and we have to band together. And I like, again, it's that hanging kind of line of sing when he says, what are you, I think it's like, what are you, like kind of, what are you implying? Or what do you have, like, what do you have in mind? And we don't really get anything else. And I like that, like you're saying, just leave it there because it's just,
We could revisit it maybe in a few episodes if we want to, but we don't have to because as fans, I feel like we know, right? We know that's kind of the start of the rebellion. Right, that's the start of everything. And then, yeah, going back to teeth, having, again, this episode just be a Clone Wars, just like throwback. Straight up. Oh, it was so good. Then to see Rex and then see Houser. Yeah, we get Houser back. We're really doing this, huh?
Yeah, no, we're really, yeah, we're really doing Cold War. It's like we're really going back to like almost our roots and it's it's fantastic. But yeah, again, overall, the imagery was great. Again, the music was solid. Animation is so crisp and clean. Like just it's so good. Like overall, it's so, so good. So let's talk about again, I think we talked about the Senator Singh and Choochie stuff.

Rex and Hauser: Covert Operations

Let's dive into the whole Rex and Hauser and operative stuff because I mean that's the crux of these of these two episodes man. I mean let's
Rex going back to teeth, that's, I love that. Like it's just, and that's the base that he chose, right? It's just so, again, it's so Rex to kind of pick a place at where he's been and that, but a place that maybe the empire wouldn't think about going back to, right? Like it's such a remote type of, if I'm not mistaken, like even in the first season of Clone Wars, like this place was like, it's pretty remote. Like it's mostly jungle.
Uh, the planet is mostly jungle and everything. It's very kind of off the beaten path of the, of the, you know, of the, of like the galaxies that are, that they know are the planets within the galaxies as they know. So it's so cool that he uses this base as their kind of main hub, right? I love it. And then that, you know, they have been encountering these operatives. They call them shadow operatives, which I love that.
So obviously we remember him coming across one in season two when they were on Coruscant, but now we learn like you brought it up and just a whole like network started by Hemlock, like you're saying, assuming approved by the Palpatine's approval, obviously, that there's just these
reconditioned, as Crosshair said, because Crosshair gave some really good information about them, where it was like, there's a network of these operatives. They were former clones. They are loyal to the empire because they are reconditioned. They go through this program. And again, you brought it up a little bit ago about, again, Hunter not believing Crosshair. And then we have Houser, who rightfully so, does not like Crosshair.
for multitude of reasons, right? Because of what he did to his crew. But again, you get that self-doubt by, you know, Hauser about Crosshair, and Crosshair's like, listen, man, you can believe me or not, what I'm telling you is the truth, right? And I like how Crosshair was like, you know, I do, you know, I will tell you guys that, yeah, there are a bunch of
kind of secret super operative clones that are very loyal to the empire. And then I like, you know, Hauser kind of questions them more. He's like, well, how would you know that? He's like, well, I tried, they tried to do that to me and it failed. Which do you buy? I mean, I buy that for sure. Because again, his explanation was, you know, being defective is in my nature.
I think that tracks, right? Because they are defective clothes. It does. It tracks, but it also can leave that seed of doubt in your mind that maybe they just let crosshair go out to be able to be a double agent in some sort. If that happens, that sucks, honestly.
But I think you're supposed to doubt it, right? Because you've seen crosshair turn so many times. But I think we've had enough information and enough episodes about what crosshair went through mentally and is going through physically to understand that. And he flat out says it, loyalty has to work both ways. And that's what he stands for.
I don't think, yeah, I just think they tried it on him. It didn't work. And they just continued to imprison him and then he broke out with Omega. Yeah. And I think, again, we've talked about that twitching. This could be maybe a part of that?
whatever they were he was going through in the reconditioning process like really messed him up I think that's possible but I think yeah I think obviously as an audience we have followed his journey through last year or not last year but through season two so like you're saying we know what he went through we know that struggle when he was on that ice planet right that he was just ahead

Crosshair's Shift in Loyalty

And we know that he killed that operative because, like he said, loyalty in that he betrayed not only him, but a fellow clone, a fellow brother. And that's where he drew, you know, he finally, you know, like he told Houser within these two episodes, he's like, you know, at one point I just realized, right? It just, I realized that they are not, you know, what I was doing was wrong.
What they wanted me to do was wrong, and it finally hit him, and that's why he did what he did with the Imperial Officer at that planet. I find it fascinating that, again, it's how they're using these clones now, right?
They, first of all, I would say as we know, they chipped them to have them go through order 66. And now some of them are even being pushed even further down the rabbit hole almost, right? Like to be like these operatives that just follow orders, these whatever, um, these clones that they reconditioned, right? To be like these agents that just follow orders and just do what they are told and go after the mission and everything like that. So I love this kind of,
this whole network of like, it's almost like Mission Impossible spies, right? Like it's a whole network of like these guys and I love it. I like how Star Wars is doing it.
Yeah, and what's interesting is what you learn in episode seven is that there's even these pockets of clones that haven't been messed with. They're just continuing to follow what they believe, like Wolf, and are still completing missions.
Hammer like doing attack like attacks that are being assigned by by the Empire So what'd you think about wolf? What did you think like? Were you were you thinking like yeah? We knew woke wolf was coming around. We want to know his backstory because we know how he ends up in rebels, right? Did you what did you think about that?
Well, for I didn't realize it was wolf, honestly, because I recognize the armor when they kind of showed them, like, I'm like, I know I know I've seen that armor. I couldn't place it, though. I'm like, I can't remember. I'm like, I know I should know who that is. And again, eventually, when Rex says wolf, I'm like, oh, my God. Yes, that's who it is. Why did I not know that before?

Wolf's Journey: From Clone Wars to Rebels

So that was a big like for me, like a big like, oh, yeah, duh. Yeah, that's wolf. Hello.
Like I should have known that like it's clear as day pay attention Lauren But I I think it tracks. I'm glad you're bringing him up It tracks so well from what we see him in the future doing in rebels Because he's the one that reaches out to the Empire. He's one that makes callous aware of You know at that time Canaan and Ezra and everything like that
And it makes so much sense because of what he was doing back then. He was following the empire's orders, right? He was being a good soldier. And that's hard to break. Clearly, we see that. We've seen what it did to Crosshair and what it's still doing to Crosshair, really. So having him
kind of again, be a part of the empire. And then obviously we know where it goes, right? But for him to still act like in that way, like in rebels, when he was like, you know, the Jedi are after us and he has to inform the empire, like it's just, he was so conditioned to do that back. And we're seeing that now, now we understand it. So I love it. It's really good storytelling because it just connects those two
in a really organic way, that it makes sense for what his actions are during those two episodes and Rebels. Like, yeah, dude, he was the one that was super like, clearly the empire, right? He was all about it. He was just following orders. Whereas obviously Rex and Gregor, who we did get a mention of Gregor, we didn't see him, but we know Echo was going to pick him up, which is very, very cool.
We know Rex and Gregor are a little bit not, we're obviously very different than Wolf, but now we understand why Wolf is who he is and why he maybe did what he did and informed the empire, right? And now it's gonna be interesting to see because as Wolf said, obviously he was told that Rex was dead, right? He told him he's crashed. So it makes sense that it was Wolf in Rebels, the one that sends the message,
And then it's interesting again in Rebels when Calus was like, it's not like they were hunting him clearly, right? So it's like, it's going to be interesting to see how he kind of gets away with what he did because he lets them, obviously he lets them go because of the conversation him and Rex have.
Like, you know, Wolf's like, dude, what are you, why are you fighting us? And I love Rex's like, I'm not fighting you. I'm fighting who you're, who you're like working for. I'm a clone. You're a clone, man. We're on the same side. You got to realize what's going on. And I think having Wolf start seeing the, you know, the realization, it's going to be interesting to see if we even come back to, I think we will, that storyline and how he kind of fully comes into the team, right?
Yeah. I mean, I'll throw that kind of right back at you, buddy. Like, what did you think of the whole, uh, wolf of it all? Like, does it make sense? Did you, were you, did you even know that was him? Again, I didn't, I didn't know until like the episode. Cause I'm an idiot, apparently. But what, what would you, what's your thoughts on all that? Yeah. Um, I did know it was him.
And it was, it was just like really fascinating to me that he seemed like well put together considering the way you see him in Rebels and he's like somewhat shell shocked. So you like wonder like what gets him there. Um, but he's like, he's like CT trooper to T right? He gets so mad at that operative for not following orders.
and going rogue, and just the naivety of him when he's talking to Rex and saying like, oh, the Empire wouldn't do that. They wouldn't imprison an experiment on our brothers. Like, he got to wonder, like, where's he been? And to worry, he thinks he's still got like a cushy spot. Well, again, it tracks so well now though, right? Like for what he does in the future, for sure.
So you got to wonder if that story is going to continue a little bit because I think it needs to, right? Like Wolf needs to go back and question why he's there and exactly who's behind giving them orders and what their mission is. Just because like Rex said, like you're, you're hunting a child. Like, does that open your eyes? Right. Yeah. Like, does that seem like you? So.
I think we'll see a little bit more with wolf just because that's gonna be like our bridge to getting back to hemlock or getting back to the hemlock initiative and the clone initiative the Omega initiative so I mean I I loved seeing him I've
It made me think that's, that's like check one of the clones off my list that I wanted to see where he's at and what he's doing. So we got that. Yeah, no, it was a great, again, a great kind of tie-in because of what we know in Rebels, right? We know Rex, Gregor and Wolf stay together, right? And kind of right off into the sunset in a way. But then again, it's almost like, again, Wolf was the one that
you know, didn't give all those messages that Ahsoka was sending to Rex. So he's always had that, that mentality, right? That like empire, not empire first, but like, I am a soldier of them. Right. Right. And that's what he said. Like be aware of that episode. I'm a soldier of the empire. He never breaks that. Right. It's, it's clearly hard to break, right? Cause he's been so conditioned to do so. I think, again, yeah, I think we'll see him. I wonder if,
Him and his squad will be the the extra help that they need when they do get the tantis to free all the clones. And then again, maybe the reason that. Because if he is like, you would think that the empire would have him on a list of like, we need to find this clone. Because again, clearly when he when he reaches out the callous cat, they're not like, oh, all right. Like they're like, OK, it's just it's just this dude again, like.
crazy old, you know, crazy old clone trooper, man. Like, so somehow something happens to where like, they're not aware that he's a part of whatever happened either on Tantis or whatever happened on teeth too, right? That he let them go. Like, so there's somewhere that gets all, yeah, I think that has to get tied up for sure. Or again, for me, then the rebel stuff wouldn't make
Wouldn't make a lot of sense then. But again, I know these guys, like the writers of this team, they know rebels and everything. So I know they're going to tie it up very well. But yeah, I love that we kind of see the beginning of this Gregor Wolf and Rex kind of trio getting back together. And I just, oh, our old clones, we love to see it. Anything else on Gregor and before we move on?
I'm Wolf. I'm Wolf. Sorry, Wolf. Well, again, we got mention of Gregor, but yeah, Wolf. I met Wolf. Yeah, they were making Gregor's food, weren't they? Yeah, something like that. No, but it was just a great way to keep you in that Clone Wars feel, bringing out a character that we've known.
You know what I really liked about this episode was that it was so dark like I know that sounds crazy because like when you watch it in the middle of the day you can't it's kind of a little bit difficult to see but the fact that an animation that they're capable of like creating like this dark saturation throughout the entire like scene not just like a dark background and they were like running around like

Animation and Atmosphere

It's difficult to see like what's going on. And I just find it so fascinating that they're able to do that with animation. It's just like absolutely stunning. It just like really stuck out to me. It gives it that good feeling of not knowing what's coming next and trying to be more attentive to what's going on. So, I mean, these two episodes were just like,
100 yeah, I know they were good and again I like when you talk about that like that one shot of you see Rex and the Badgers and then wolf and his team and the only light you see are from the two ships like Yeah, and that was that was a great shot The only thing I obviously want to talk about though is that is the operative that is on teeth We don't know who he is.

Speculations on the Mysterious Operative

We don't see his face. He keeps surviving
Do you think he's someone? I was we can go down this, go down the road if we want to, and we can go down the speculative road responsibly. He's either three things. OK, what's your thoughts? Yeah, go ahead. My three things is it's either tech. Cody or a crosshair clone. See, OK, and I think those are all valid, I think. Yeah, I think those are the three.
that would make sense that it could be. Or four, he's just a clone. Right, no, it's just another deal. That had his mind erased and went through the conditioning and now he's like a mega assassin. I like that one the best, to be honest. I'm on that camp more than any of the other ones. Here's my thing.
It is interesting, and again, I have been on the very, I want cross, not crosshairs, I want tech sacrifice to mean something. I'm not gonna be upset if he comes back alive, but again, I've been on that train since the end of season two, okay? You can hate me for it, people can say that's ridiculous, whatever, that's fine. That's just how I feel the story will be impactful if that remains.
but you can't deny some things that I picked up. Again, this is me with a tinfoil hat now. We rarely go there. I'm ready. We do. We rarely go here, but there are some interesting things. One of the things that popped out was obviously we saw the picture that that one
the the one operative had that got captured by Rex when when Chuchi and Singh were talking and he obviously they took his helmet off he looks just like a regular clone and then he had a puck or whatever and it had Senator Singh and then it had Omega a very young picture of Omega
Right, because it wasn't like her, it wasn't what she looked like now. It looked like a little younger. So that's the picture that I assume is obviously what these operatives have. So in the episode, obviously Omega had a hat on, had her helmet on, right? She has a ponytail. And dude, that operative automatically knew it was her somehow.
Right. I just feel like that's it. It could be just hey, hey, it's just he knew somehow, whatever, whatever. And that's fine. But that's one thing that I feel like that's interesting that he knew right away. And even when when he was reporting it, they're like, you have confirmation. He was like, yeah, like it's her. It's her. Yeah. But like, again, based off the picture they have. She was wearing a helmet. She has a different kind of hairstyle.
I think that's a little sus, that he would know that. Again, that leads me to believe that it could be tech, right? So this is why I think it's not tech, right? No, I don't want, I mean, again, I hope it's not, but yeah, what do you think? The story of crosshair, right? They tried to condition crosshair, they couldn't do it because he's defective. Is he a double agent? Oh my God, I can go down like so many line holes, right? Right, right, right, right.
But I mean, that's a good pickup, Lauren. I'll give you that one. I didn't think about that whatsoever. Again, I don't know if it could be nothing, it could be something. I don't know.
But again, it's not it's Star Wars isn't as we know it's not a Twisty twist. They don't do that. It's not right. It's just the fans that thinks they're gonna exactly That's something that we are trying to anticipate and be like ha ha we see you But no, it's not that's not how they usually do it. So that's why and the only other thing I will say is this And the end of episode of season two
The reason that Hunter has texts like goggles, right? Hemlock gave it to him. So does that mean Hemlock's obviously saw tech and maybe that's when they grabbed him and he is, he gave him, you know, the goggles. You know what I'm saying? Like it's not that they found the goggles when they were trying to run away during that episode, right? Like Hemlock was the one that threw him at Hunter.
So like, either they found the body or they just found the goggles. Again, this is where I go with it. I just got really confused in my brain because I crossed over fandoms and I like thought of like a Dune thing. Dune? I thought of Angola and I was like, wait, they don't do that in Star Wars. Wait a minute. We're talking Star Wars. That talking Star Wars.
Yeah, I think we brought that up before. The goggles are just not proof whatsoever that he's to give you doubt that he still is alive and Hemlock found him and did something with him.
So again, those are my two things that I will say. But I will go back to, what was it? Like episode one, two, or three, where they're at Tantis, the lab, and there's one of those CX operatives standing off into a distance, and everybody was like, that's tech. So there is that. Right, right. We'll see.
I feel like there's enough going on to where we don't need to bring that in. No, and that's another but that's where I mostly go with is that and we don't AC a they don't Star Wars isn't twisty. We don't do that stuff but be It could be again, like you're saying that theory of it being like a crosshair clone. I I don't hate it. I
A lot of people have been throwing that around. I'm not like, I could believe that. I'll buy that. I mean, I'm sure they can clone. They know how to clone, but they're, I

Confrontation and Choices: Crosshair's Dilemma

mean. Right. But the fact that like Crosshair and him have like a conversation when they're fighting, you know, and him saying like, you could have been one of us, but you chose the wrong side, seems like it's just another clone talking to him.
And he- although I will- Crosshair did kind of freak out when he saw who they captured. I think it's just because of the tracker. Fair. Yeah, I see what you're saying. Could've been.
Like he was like you have him here like they'll be on top of us in a second. I I at first I'm with you I was like, oh man, he's afraid he's gonna be recognized or he recognizes this guy but when I Watched it a second time it was to me more about the fact that he knew they were being tracked and they were about to be on top of him and they had Omega there with him, you know, and I mean the fact that cross was so um like
His relationship with Omega was so great in these episodes when he was like, gacha crossbow.
Good Yeah, he was so trying to be like big brother and it was just fantastic I loved it, but I mean it showed through the other clones the way that he that's how I was right That's how why house or picked it up Because what he was how he he was treating Omega and then how different he was when they first encountered him on Rylof. So yeah Yeah, and I think it's it's an interesting Kind of
that they put in an operative that again we have seen their helmets off and we just know but we haven't seen this guy so it's like again it's it feels like it's a setup but then it could be just a red herring where we're just we're just all trying to you know it's a Maro 20 yeah right I hope it is just a Maro situation where it was just it's just a dude it's just
It's just a very talented clone assassin. It's who he is. And it could be. That's where I think it is, though. I agree with you. I'm more of the, it's just another clone that's just, he's gonna be our guy this year that's following them. He's gonna be one hunting them down. And that's just, it is what it is. But I'm glad you brought up Cody, though, because I had that thought, though, too, of
It could be Cody, that'd be interesting. I mean, the fact that they placed him in the season before, and not only that, like the way that they've been bringing back things from other seasons, you know, with like Hauser and Ryloth, you feel like we might get, like Cody went to go investigate, they got him, whatever, I don't know, that's kind of out there, but it will make sense if that's the case. Like you don't need more backstory to figure that one out.
right and again we know I mean we know he went AWOL like we know he left without permission so like he's on their list obviously I think the Empire's list of like dudes they probably got to be aware of is Cody which I hope we get a I hope he comes back I do I think Cody redemption I need it
Yeah, I won't like it if he's another They turn him into a baddie. Yeah, no, I need him to be like redeemed Like I think he's on his redemption tour and I'm here for it like this is what I need like he did ob one dirty He's got a he's got a yeah, he's got a redeem for it. So and I think he I think clearly in those episodes you get that feeling that he is kind of thinking that way too, so I
Yeah, the only other thing I want to say is yeah, and you brought it up a little bit Ang is the Omega and crosshair stuff Really good. Like I just I just love it. Like just her doing the tooth doing the toothpick stuff with him like it was just so good like it's just I Just love it. Like I feel like that's each season. She's kind of Embodied one of them right like the first yeah, it was hunter
Then season two. Right. And then season two was like record and tech. Yeah. And then this one is crosshair. And yeah, I love it. And I like how, you know, again, he like you're saying how he was he was worried, you know, like you good. Are you able to take all that stuff? And I just like her like you're she's like, you are as bad as Hunter. And he's like, oh, no, I'm worse. I know. I love it. Like, it's just so good.
And I I do I hope I hope he gets I hope we figure out what the twitching thing is because that's They're showing that a lot, and they're making it a point Right to show that so something's got to give and I hope yeah I mean I hope they I hope that gets resolved, but that could be maybe something that Never does and he just is

Omega's Importance: Future Storylines

He is who he is now, right? I mean, he's not the greatest shot, but he's still a heck of a, heck of a shot. So. But what's interesting is none of the other clones have like lost their, their skill. Right. Right. Hunter can still hunt. Right. Wrecker is still huge. Right. Right. That's fair.
We'll see. Yeah, I mean, I hope they do. I hope they kind of they get that fixed. Would you think when they when Omega said something about M count and then Rex was like, I think I've heard of that before. What do you think that's going to go anywhere? I it could be. I think that's just going to be a kind of off screen like. When they maybe meet up again somehow, maybe he'll have more information about it, because again, I think this whole M count thing and I was thinking about this.
Okay, so we know what we only really truly do know is that the blood that was like infused with Omegas her blood was accepting does that mean I think we talked about this last week too or maybe even the previous weeks like we don't know if that necessarily means she has a
Metachlorians or if just her blood is accepting of it, right? Like it's just I don't know if that really means straight off that she is super force sensitive or just Again, it could be that she just if she has an M count doesn't mean that a tie But her blood can accept it and not the minute I see diminish what? The M count that she that that blood is received like her blood is receiving second diminishes that makes sense like yeah completely so I
Again, I think the whole MCOW thing is it's a good story. It's a good like storyline I think it's gonna mean something to Rex eventually when he talks to somebody right and I mean even at the end of that episode
Like, Hunter tries to back down and saying, like, why are you still doing this? Like, the Empire is too strong. And, you know, Rex tells him that, you know, you can't, like, back down now. And that Omega is vital, and they need to find out why. Like, that's the key. And the key is the M count and Omega. So I think we'll go into that a little bit more.
I'm ready to have hemlock back. I need hemlock I'm ready for it now say in her knees. I'll say Bring bring the baddies back. I'm ready Yeah, I mean yeah, I think we're gonna get back to that storyline cuz we're we haven't seen him in a minute I think yeah, I'm hoping we obviously get him in this cuz we're gonna be halfway point That's crazy. We're only at the halfway point
But we'll see what's mid season. What's that going to do? I oh, yeah, I don't this. We have been saying it since the beginning. This season can go a multitude of ways. And it's just we don't know where it's going to go. And I do like I said, I brought it up a couple of weeks ago, but the the early access like the people that got early access to these episodes, they only got the first eight. So these last eight.
are ones that have not been given out pre-time.
I think that's where a lot of major stuff is gonna happen, obviously. Do we get a, I don't know, I don't think we're gonna get Asajj, but I could be wrong, maybe we don't, maybe we see her next episode, maybe not. I think we see her next episode. Yeah, I would love it, I need to. I mean, I need to see her, I would love it. I think we see her in the very last episode, in the very last scene, and then they're like, hey, Asajj Ventress, spin off, let's go. Yeah, yeah, I can see that, I can see that.
And then, hey, here we go, second half of the season. Asajj is back, let's go. And I wonder if, do you think we'll get an Ahsoka? You think we'll get a Mention or anything? No, I mean, maybe Rex talking to her about M-Count, maybe. Do you need it or want it at all? Cause I don't, I mean, I don't need any of that. I didn't even think about it, her.
I mean again, I know just because of the connection between Rex and her like yeah I would but I would love and I think we talked about it previously. I want the Martez sisters Yeah, they were obviously in season one. We'll get Sid bring them back I we I think we have to right at some point we do have to get back to Sid I really do I think they're their road because again I
I think anybody that might be able to help them like find out why I think Sid, Sid might be the person to like guide them to where to where because she well first of all she's she was the one that called Hemlock right and sees at the end of season two so she knows how to contact them so obviously she might know more than
Most so I think she would she's an obvious like we should go talk to her. I think person Don't you think like I think we do get back to her at some point? Will it be for like a long will be for one or two episodes maybe? But I think we do get back to her though. I do because I think there's that unanswered Kind of storyline or thread where I think it doesn't have to be but I would like it to maybe like be wrapped up like
repercussions and do they forgive like all that stuff like what's what's the deal with her i think she's a sneaky slithering trashy trained ocean i mean i agree i like to in my head cannon imagine that she's scraping by
doing odd jobs to just kind of get by, you know, she's no longer running a biz. You might not. I mean, I think you're probably a right. And a lot of that is that once she got the empire involved to where she was, you know, they took over. So her business plummeted.
So, I mean, you're probably right. She's probably, you know, having a very hard time nowadays. So she's at Jabba's palace, you know, serving drinks. That would be so funny. That'd be hilarious. Cut scene. Sid's at the palace. Oh, God, I love it. Cleaning up, rain core poo. Yeah, let's get us to that job. That'd be classic.
But yeah, I mean, yeah, where do we go? Again, we don't know and I love that. I like how this season is very like, we don't know. Just like last season, right? We thought it was gonna go one way and it didn't. It's being set up very similar to the season where we don't know, right? Is that tech? Is that nobody? How do we get to a size? Like you're saying, do we see Sid? Where is this all going?
Do we get, you know, it seems like the main thing though is they all want to get those clones out of that research facility on Tantus, right? Like that, that seems like the bigger, the big, big mission because it's been, again, Omega has talked about it. Rex is talking about it. Like this is, I think where we end up maybe at the end of the season is again, they find out where it is and then they,
I think they free them out. I think that's maybe where we go. But again, who knows? It could be we could do that in episode 12. I don't know what we do the last episodes. Who knows? Who knows? Who knows? Final thoughts, Ang, on these three episodes before we bounce out. No, we got everything. I got everything covered. We did a good job.
There's a lot a lot of good stuff in these episodes not to talk about so yeah, we did well we did well Alright kids, that's it. That's the show. Thank you so much for listening. Hope you guys liked our recap We've been doing recaps for this and I'll see previous seasons. We've done and or
We did, did we do, yeah, we did Ahsoka. Did we do, yeah, we did Ahsoka. We did a lot of good stuff. So go check us out. You can follow us, uh, the Galactic Podcast at the Galactic Pod and all the major platforms. You can follow us, uh, and listen to our show and all the major platforms of Apple Pod, Google Play, Spotify, all those places. And then you can follow me, Lauren Romo at low row knows on all the socials. You can follow me, Andrea Gutierrez at R2D2step on Twitter and Instagram.
That's any BTS updates. Um, Jungkook is a, is a cook in the military is what I found out. Literally a cook. Yeah. He's one of the, yeah, that's. That's a solid job. I mean, why not? I mean, that's a lot of work cooking three meals for a bunch of people. Probably singing, doing it. Oh, you know, he's singing while he's doing it. That guy always sings. I mean, come on, who, who wouldn't enjoy that? They're cooks singing to them. That's good stuff. That's good stuff.
Alright kids, that's it. And as always, may the force be with you. Always. Always.