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Episode 145- The Bad Batch Recap Season 3 Episodes 10-12 image

Episode 145- The Bad Batch Recap Season 3 Episodes 10-12

The GALactic Podcast
109 Plays11 months ago

Welcome to The GALactic Podcast! In this episode, Andrea and Lauren chat about The Bad Batch Season 3 episodes 10 thru 12! The mystery of the what's in the vault is revealed. Pabu has been found! Omega taken again? Can Rampart be trusted? They talk these topics and much more Go listen and enjoy!

Reminder to rate and review where available! And as always, May that force be with you!


Introduction and Excitement for 'Dune Part 2'

Hello everyone and welcome to the glad to podcast I am Lauren Romo with me as always is my cousin and fellow nerd Andrea good tea Eros yo, yo, yo bright sons Yeah Maybe a pub ooh, but I wasn't ready for that. I Threw me. I threw you off. It's really through me
Well, we're back, baby. We're back. Can't wait to talk about what we're

Focus on Star Wars Franchise

going to talk about today. But Ang, as we just just mentioned, Doom Part 2, Doom Part 2, digital release. I can't wait. On Tuesday, as we're recording this, Tuesday, I think it's April 18th. Today is April 14th. OK, so six, 16. So April 16th, it comes out on digital.
I can't wait for that. I can't wait to watch that movie. I can't wait to watch it with Dune and then go right to part two. Exactly. Like that's what I really can't wait for. That's exactly what I can't wait for too. I haven't watched part one in a while. So I'm like ready to do like a straight watch. Don't bother me. Don't call me. Don't text me. Don't ask to come over. I need like four hours of just silence.
in the voice, using the voice, silence. Yeah, we're excited for that. Obviously, we talked about that before about Dune and how we love both of those movies. So yeah, if you haven't seen it, well, now if you want to buy it on digital, it's coming out April 16th.
Small plug, I guess, for Dune. I don't know. There you go. It's sometimes a Dune podcast. Sometimes it is. Sometimes it is.

Recap Plan for Star Wars Series

All right. But before we get into our Star Wars stuff, if this is your first time listening to us, welcome. We are Star Wars Podcasts to discuss anything and everything within that galaxy far, far away. In each episode, we will dive into one or two topics and have a general discussion on them. Topics could be movies, TV series, books, comics, a specific character, you name it. And we talk about it.
All right, Ang, so we are doing a recap of three episodes today because who we? So 10 and 11 dropped together, which we missed a memo on. I don't remember. Again, again. I don't remember. We even talked about it. And we're like, no, there's no more double drops. Right. Boy, were we mistaken.
Jennifer Corbin was like, oh, country mofres. There's another one. There's a double drop. So we're going to do episodes 10, 11, and then obviously 12 today as well. I feel like 12 went along. You know, I was getting worried because I felt like we were behind because we still had to do eight, nine, and then we had to do 10 and 11. But then when 12 dropped, I was like, this this kind of
Finishes this little thing and puts us in place lows. It flows really well. Yeah. Yeah, that's why yeah I'm glad we can talk about these three But we're gonna we're gonna talk about number 10 kind on its own and then 11 and 12 because they do those two flow for me Right into one another so we'll talk about it, but

'Identity Crisis' Episode Overview

Before we get into it, so episode 10 was called Identity Crisis. Director was Saul Ruiz. Writer was Amanda Rose Munoz. And then I'll see story editor as always is Matt Michnovitz. Episode 11, Point of No Return. Director Nate Villanueva. Writer was Amanda, again, Amanda Rose Munoz. And then story editor, as always, Matt Michnovitz. And then episode 12, which is called Juggernaut.
Ah, we have your director as Stuart Lee, writer Ezra Notchman, and then again, Mr. Mitch Novitz as your story editor. So, stellar team. I mean, I don't know. We say it every time. We bring these names up every time because I think it's important to
Let the people know who did it. Obviously, Brad Rau and Jennifer Corbin are executive producers. Obviously, this is created by Dave Filoni and all that stuff, right? We give them their flowers, but we have to give the people to who are the directors, the writers, the story editor.

Comparison to 'Game of Thrones' and 'Andor'

We got to give them their flowers too, Ang, because they deserve it. Amazing. They do great work. Great work. I mean, bottom line, you said it last week. This season, I don't think there's been a miss. Nope. At all.
each episode and then these three are no different. So let's talk about these three as a whole and then we'll break them down. I'll kick us off. I think these three, if you watch them all together, they actually do all flow very well together.
all honesty so again kudos to these writers and directors and story editor because they do such a fabulous job by putting these story beats together and then it just all leads into you know each other one by one again i liked how these weren't a lot of action besides juggernaut right we got action in there but all these three episodes i felt were very
I wanna say Game of Thrones, but in the sense of Game of Thrones where it was like those quiet moments of people talking and the learning of information and the processing of information and things like that. That's what I really, like these episodes to me really did well is that, yeah, we were in basically Tanis the entire time in episode 10. We were on Pabu the entire time in episode 11, right?
And basically we were, you know, in one place for majority of juggernaut to, you know, two, but like we were basically in the same spots and they did. And again, that's what they did such a good job of. Yeah, we were in one location, but Ooh, we were going to give you a lot of information. And that's what happened within these episodes.

Character Development with Omega

I mean, we learned so much on tantis alone, right?
We learned, I think, what, what, what we might see in these last three episodes now. You know, again, the music, we always talk about it, the kinders, I, they don't miss. I'm just going to be real. They don't miss at all. They are so good at this.
Again, these establishing shots that we see, it's almost realistic in when we see it. Like those shots of like Tannis all the time, when you're like on that mountain, on that fortress, basically, it just looks so real. And then again, the Imperial imprisonment, those establishing shots, man. I mean, there's just Pabu.
It's so good. I mean, we talked about it last week, too. When are we getting another full length theatrical animation Star Wars movie? Because we need it. It's time. It's time. It is time now. But yeah, overall, the story again. Here we go, Omega. We're back at it. We're back at it with her. We're learning more about, you know, what what's in the vault. We got that answered. We'll talk about that.
And then again, just the, the bad batch, being the bad batch, doing a bad batch mission and number 12, it felt clone war Z. It felt like season one, a bad batch. I loved it. It was so, so

Animation and Storytelling Quality

good. So, and talk to me about these three episodes, likes, dislikes, highs, lows, what you feel, how'd you think talk to me.
Just I was rewatching them this morning and I love rewatching them on a Sunday morning, bro It is it has it has so many feels, you know It has so many feels it old Saturday or Sunday morning cartoon. Yeah can't beat it
But I was like, man, I wish people that don't give animation a shot would give the show a shot is what I was thinking. Like if this was live action, everybody would know who Omega was and wondering what was going on with her. Like swear to God, it just would be phenomenal if it was live action. And I don't know what that means, right? I just guess like some people,
don't know associate animated with kids and they just they can't break themselves away with that but these characters are so well developed so well performed so well animated everything is just top tier and it's it's
in an encapsulating story. It's really awesome. I'm not jumping ahead, but when Crosshair and Omega had that conversation about how she had to go, that was a good scene.
Yeah, just everything, it doesn't really miss. Even though I did say to someone in the last episode in 12, someone was like, oh, what did you think about that last Bad Bash? And I was like, oh, nothing really happened. I felt like it was, it got us to a point to where we can get to where we need to go, but we didn't get that fully, right? So I was like, oh, you know, I don't know.
still still some really good action and and just some amazing just just some great watching so star wars the action right oh yeah star wars explosions all over the place
So yeah, I absolutely, you know, the 10, was it 10? Yeah, 10 felt just like one in three, right? It had that same music, same feel, that drag, that uncomfortableness, which I think it should have. So I have a lot of, you know, wonders, like what's gonna happen? Who's gonna break? Who's gonna, you know, I don't know, it's gonna be interesting.
There's a

Cad Bane's Ruthless Return

lot you're right. There's a lot to dive into which we will Like you're saying the moments it's those moments of uncomfortableness where It's again it again it reminds me like I said it reminds me of Game of Thrones where you're sitting there watching two people just talk and
And you are just glued. It was like Andor, right? Yeah. Yeah. That's a better one. That's a better one to come to Star Wars. Yeah. It is Andor. It really is. And we've talked about that before too on here where it's like bad batch is Andor animation to a certain degree because of those moments, right? Because we've had, especially these last two seasons.
We've had a lot of those and or e moments of just two characters talking. And it's just fabulous. Right. It's a lot how they portray like the the empire and imperial beings. And, you know, hemlock is so creepy.
And the drag of his voice and the whisper and all of that, he's so devious without being overly aggressive. So it's just fascinating to watch. It's crazy. These are people drawing and doing things on computers and then someone else doing the voice. And it just creates this awesomeness that we get to view.
Yeah, again, it's all of it. Like you're saying, it's the animation, it's the style, it's just the story. I mean, really, it really does come down to the story. I wanna say one more thing about summarizing it. I love V and I love Wanda Sykes. I was thinking about this when I was rewatching it today. If we can get her live action V. Oh, Wanda Sykes is so good. I would love it so much.
What the psychs in Star Wars? We have her. So good. We see her in live action. Oh, I'd be so, I, I mean, you could, she, again, her character very similar to her. Oh yeah. We could, I mean, they could pull it off. She could pull it off. I say do it. Like get her into live act. Oh my. Can you imagine if she shows up in like the Mandalorian? She's hanging out with Pelimoto. Come on, give me those two. Dude.
We need it now. Pee and Pally, oh god. Can you imagine them? Oh, that'd be so great. But yeah, again, it's these act- these voice actors, actors. I mean, you brought up Hemlock. I think it's Jimmy Smits is the one that does the voice. My god. He does such a good job. He's a creepy, like,
Again, it looks like his character. Like you could pull him if whatever happens down the road, if Hemlock's still alive, which I, I don't think he will be, but you could bring in him and get that voice and get that look of that, of that, of Hemlock. And like you said, he's not the typical Star Wars-y officer, right?
He's very Tarkin-esque. He's very chronic-esque. Man, Tarkin showing up, not knowing what to do. Right, we'll talk about that. We'll talk about that. But yeah, again, these three are so good. So let's get into identity crisis. And I was telling you before, I don't have a lot of notes, but like so much happened. There's like just these moments, right? I mean, first of all, Cad Bane returns.
and is a total jerk. Yep. We don't like him. I mean, we don't stand campaign anymore. I mean, he just, there's no saving him. No, no, he's non redeemable now. Always. Yeah. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. So again, this episode is when we find out what is in the vault.
Right, and we've talked, we've talked about that, we've kind of speculated and now we know the answer of what, who and what they have in the vault are for sensitive children.
Boom. Which we've, I think you've been on that train. We both have been kind of on that. It's something, right? We know it's force sensitive, whatever. So now we know it's these force sensitive children that they have captured. I mean, literally captured, let's just be honest with it. Like how cruel was it when Henlock described like why they capture children instead of adults? Right. They have no idea what's happening to them, so they're a little bit easier to work on. It was nuts.
And then we literally see we follow this little like not even a child because who's in the vault are children But then we follow this

Empire's Cruelty and Emotional Impact

infant. Yeah for sensitive and That's who cabane like captures stuns the mom. I mean even care. Oh God it was a
Emotional, I don't know if that's the word, but you were just like, for me, I was just like, wow, this is really happening. This is what Fennec and Asaj were talking about last week of these bounties, these four m-count bounties, right? Well, now we know that Cabane pretty much is doing all of them, because he's the biggest jerk.
in the galaxy. And he's like, cool, I don't care. I will take children and then give them to the empire. Give me my money. Like, who are you campaign? Like, seriously, ruthless, ruthless. And I thought, you know, we've talked about this side, I mean, kind of super side note, but like, we talked about his appearance in live action, which was great. I mean, no, no, I mean, that's still one of the greatest moments in both of them.
And, you know, that moment where, again, spoiler alert if you haven't watched Boba Fett, but the moment where he, you know, he gets shot by Boba and then at the end you hear the beeping so you don't know if he's dead. I hope he's dead now. I want him to return.
Because at first I was like, bring him back, right? It's campaign. Yeah. No, not anymore. We need villains. Bring him back. Not anymore. He is a villain, man. Straight up. He is not just a villain. He is a jerk and a half. You know who's a jerk and a half is his droid, Toto. Toto, come on. Because he just goes along with it, man. It's crazy. Fair, fair. There's no logical thinking within that droid whatsoever. It's just devious.
Fair that's fair and that's one of the reasons I wanted like when in Boba Fett I was hoping to see Toto because I think it would have been cool to like see you know because that's destroyed but yeah no no no no I don't care about them anymore no after this episode no campaign no you may not return at all I don't want to see you again but again of course if he does show up I'll be excited but anyway
It cements his character, this episode does for sure, because we all knew in Clone Wars he was a ruthless person. But this takes it to a whole other level, and then this does such a good job of tying all that way back, right? And the first couple seasons of Clone Wars,
about season two. Yeah. Or maybe the beginning of three. I can't remember when the Holocron heist is. Yeah. Because it was out of order. It's not the order stuff, right? But anyway, but yeah, but this was early, early Clone Wars where they were talking about, you know, the Emperor. Was taking these four sensitive children, right? And Kat Bain was a part of that. And now he's ruthless in that episode too. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He's just a ruthless villain. That's why he is like,
That's why he is who he is, man. I mean, he gives no S's at all, man. He just doesn't care. And the one thing I love too is that, so we learned in this episode too, Emery, having doubts, seeing hard truths now, really seeing what's going on. Now that she is ahead of this project, and now that she saw what's in the vault,
She is just like, oh crap, what am I doing? And then there's moments where it's like she wants to do something, but then she doesn't. And we've talked about this before, is Emory gonna turn? I think she will now. Well, because there's more in episode 12.
for her too, which we'll talk, but like in this episode specifically, this was a big eye opener for her, wasn't it? Like this was huge. Yeah. And, but I also think like Hemlock's smarter than that, right? Like he's utilized maybe to do the test samples, but he's not stupid. Like he already heard her try to like find out the specimen's name, right? And she ends up finding out the name and calling him by the name, but whatever.
And I just feel like if she is like the key to either getting Omega out or getting the other four children out or the demise of Hemlock, I think Hemlock's gonna be one step ahead of her, honestly. It's gonna be interesting, right? Because this is a nice, it's a nice little cat and mouse. It's a nice little cat and mouse kind of within, within Tantis now because now that she is fully aware, right? Because she wasn't.
Right, she had no idea what was in the vault until she brought it to Hamlet's attention. Like, listen, now let's say we are kind of behind because you locked her up. That's on you. So make me the lead and we can get this back on track. And I think he does trust her to a certain degree. But I think like you're saying, to a certain degree, he doesn't. Right. Well, I mean, we'll see. We'll see where this goes. But I
I think the moment for me is when she talked to Nelsay, right? That conversation with between Emory and Nelsay was big, I think, for Emory, because I think Emory was almost looking for guidance, obviously, right?
And she was like, how, you know, basically asking, I'll say, what, what were you doing? She's like, and I love Nala says kind of response of basically telling her, I did what I could like, just like you, your hands are tied. My hands were tied.

Tarkin's Skepticism and Tantus Speculation

And then I like, you know, Nala says like, you know, basically telling her like, you have power to do something. And Emory's like, and you know, Emory's response was like, I don't have any. She's like, don't you know?
So again, it's that small little conversation in this episode that I think will change, I think changed Emory because then later on when she's talking to Eva, who's one of the children, right? Again, she feels these feelings, right? And you can tell that she cares. And I think that it all goes back to Omega, right? Her caring for Omega earlier in the season. And she gives Eva the,
uh, the little straw doll that, uh, Omega made. So I, and I think there's going to be a mo, yeah, I do. I think there's that, that moment again for Emery when she saw and got the infants for sensitive and she's talking to Kat Bain. Again, she was asking questions and even Kat Bain was like, you know, ask and asking that.
You're giving yourself away, so you might wanna shut up and not ask these questions. So, and all your thoughts on Emory, where do you think she go? Do you think she is coming to the good side, quote unquote? She's gonna help Omega down at the end. Like, what are your feelings? What do you got?
My guess is yes. I think that's the safe bet, but I'm still going to go back to my weird suspicion that she's a clone and then there's multiple memories. That's fair. She acts different sometimes. Some things just don't match up. That's fair. That's going to be my weird theory.
Yeah, to think like Nala say, like her questioning Nala say like, what were you doing? Like they're Kaminoans, they were cloning things. They were like willing to like, you know, destroy a whole batch of specimens because they didn't do what they wanted to. I think the only reason now that Nala say protects Omega is because
She understands what the Empire has become and how dangerous it is so whether she cares about now say or cares about he Humanity or however you want to describe it in Star Wars. Um She definitely knows that like Omega cannot be put in the hands of the wrong people so it's it's interesting I think that um
that Tarkin's gonna show up and shut it all down. Cause there's like, there's money involved. I'm kidding. No, that's a, I mean, you never know. He should, I mean, think about it. Tarkin shut down, Thrawn stuff and rebels. He does not like not being in the, or not being in the know. He hates it.
I mean, that was a great, again, to jump into that, you know, Hemlock talking to Tarkin. And Hemlock's basically like, stay in your lane, buddy. This is me, the Emperor's, you know, this is our thing. Just give me the money and be on your way, right? And Tarkin's, if he's anything, he is suspect of everybody.
Oh yeah, for sure. And he as, as he should be, right? So I could see that and maybe it's not the bad batch that bring it down, but maybe it's target. That's like, Hmm. Well, sounds like you failed. This is being shut down.
Sorry, not sorry. Like I could see that. I really could. Because again, we have seen Tarkin shut down stuff before, right? Thrawn stuff. We've seen him take over Krennic. We've seen him take over the Death Star, basically. So like he is not above either taking stuff over or shutting it down. Right? So I mean, and here, I mean, it's interesting too. I want to hear your thoughts on this.
Obviously, from what we are gathering, and I think even in previous seasons, this is it's basically mentioned that tantis is obviously hard to find. Not a lot of people know the coordinates or whatnot. And I wonder if how much. Like, how much does the emperor tell Tarkin?
about Tanis, if at all. I don't think anything at all, honestly. That's my, and then again, Vader, not to bring Vader into this whole conversation, but like, how much does Vader know about what's going on too?
I think honestly, Tarkin was like balancing the books and then he was like, what is this expense over here? And then he didn't even ask the Emperor, like was like, I need to go check this out. But remember there was, was it in three or two where they had like a summit? Remember they had a summit where like all of them sat down? Hemlock was there. Remember Tarkin? That was the end of season two. Season two, it wasn't in Tantis, it was at a different location where tech died.
They had a big meeting i think was that i think it was where tarkin was.
Yeah. Well, remember, like, Tarkin is not a true believer, like, in the Force, in the Jedi, anything like that. So I think he kind of thinks of this as, like, the Emperor's, like, hobby, right? But he's kind of ticked off that it's costing so much money when they need to be able to either pay for Thrawn's project or start working on the Death Star. So it always comes back to being, like, bureaucratic and, like,
It does, but that's super, that's one of the interesting parts, right? Yeah. Is that even in the empire bureaucracy takes over at some point, right? And Tarkin is the numbers guy, right? Tarkin is that accountant or the, like you're saying, the guy that's running the numbers is like, what are we doing with this? Why do you need money? What are you doing so, that's so important.
And again, Hamlock just throwing like the Emperor's name out like it's, you know, get out of jail free card, basically. And Tarkin was like, okay, but yeah, I'm keeping my eye on you now. And that's where I think you could be right. I think that's gonna raise more flags to Tarkin to be like, all right, I need to keep an eye on what's going on.
Right. And again, I like, I wonder if Tarkin even knows where Tantus is or does he just know the name of it? Like how much does Tarkin know? How much does like, how much is the emperor like keeping, you know, carpet, uh,
Keeping everybody departmentalizing, keeping everybody in their own lane. I mean, that's fascinating to me. This is where I like the Star Wars. Do you think in the last three episodes, we're going to get like, this is going to come to head with the Emperor and even maybe Tarkin or like, what do you think? Do you think that
It's going to be obviously this program isn't going to work out because it needs to be put onto an even more secret world that you can only get to with, you know, what were those things called? Not at the Holocaust. Shadow Council. No, no, no, no. Remember those those little. Oh, shoot.
Not the Holocron, not the Sith Holocrons. Remember Kylo Ren had it, he went and got it off of Mustafar and he plugged Oxkor down to it. Yeah, I know what you're talking about. Okay, whatever those are. And whoever was looking for it and riding Skywalker. But wait, I just went way off. I don't even know where I'm coming back to.
where Tantus is. Okay, so obviously, Tantus is gonna be no more, and they have to move everything to X-Cult, right? So, I mean, that's what it sounds like, and it's just, it comes up a little bit in the Mandoverse, obviously, it's a big deal in the sequel trilogies. So it's just like, what's gonna tear Tantus down, the Bad Batch or the Empire?
Yeah, a little bit of both, maybe? A bit of both? I think so. I mean, we'll talk about that maybe in a little bit towards the end, because that's a fascinating question. And I do want to stick a pin in it, because I think these last three episodes, yeah, I want to talk about our thoughts

Emery's Redemption Arc

on that. But no, I think it's a little bit of both. I do. But we'll talk about that.
Anything else, Ang, within identity crisis you want to bring up? Any moments or anything? They somewhat brought up said. Yeah. A Trandoshan. Gave up coordinates. Yeah. Of. Well, we find out fee, so. Right. She gave up fee, so. You know, dirtfall. Your favorite Trandoshan.
I wonder if we will now. I mean, I said before that, I think we will, but I don't know now, maybe not. I didn't even mention her by name, but you know that's who the trained ocean was. Oh, right, right, right. 100%. That's who that CX2 was basically strong arming for information. And she gave up fee. Maybe there's a deleted scene.
Maybe we'll find out at the end of the series for sure, but we'll see because we still got three episodes. Maybe we go to her for some reason. Who knows? We'll find out. I will say at the end of this episode, it was pretty devastating hearing that Eva telling Carr that one little guy just wanted to go back home. That's all they want to do. They just want to go back home. It's so devastating to hear that.
And it's like, why, why, why, why are they still doing this? And why can't Emery just put a stop to it? Like immediately you think that she could, or there's, you know, a lot that goes into it. So, but that ending on that note was tough. Yeah, no, it was because it was just such a, it was a downer. I mean, it really was. It was just, you see how ruthless the empire,
It really is. I mean, we've seen it before, right? I mean, we see it in the movies. We see how they take over planets. I mean, in Rebels, they took over Lothal and basically burned it to the ground. They've done that to many other planets. But then when you add the child factor into it, yeah, it ramps it up to like, you know, times 10 and it makes it 100% worse. And the fact that
You kind of get the idea of basically following like Cad Bane's little, you know, like how he got the infant, uh, force sensitive. Like that's basically how he was getting these children is basically he's getting, uh, like a notice, right? From some random citizen. And then. Crampy, Aqualish. Stupid. And then.
He is basically taking them away, like physically taking them away from the parents or whoever, the guardians of these beings. Like it's just, yeah. I mean, to see the little baby, like that little scene too of like the baby looking down and seeing his mom, I'm assuming the mom, right? Just laying on the ground after he's thunder, like,
That's sad. That's really sad. And then like you're saying, to end on the note of like Eva saying basically like, we all just want to go home. And Nala Sei said that she was going to try to do that. Are you going to do that?
And maybe that's maybe this is Emory's new goal. Now, who knows? Right. We don't know. We shall see.

'Point of No Return' Episode Discussion

And I, I think it's going to be really interesting. Like you're saying what her journey is going to be now, because I think she's not down with it. But like you're saying, she's not really doing anything about it yet. That's two different people to your theory, to my theory. There are so many Emory's.
Alright, so let's move on to episode 11, point of no return. Oh boy, this is the one that we saw in the trailer. Pabu on fire. I loved it. Woo wee. I was good. So I'll start with you, Ange. What was your, uh, anything?
in this episode, we'll kind of talk about 11 and 12 together-ish, because this was 11 was point of no return, and then obviously episode 12 was juggernaut, and they kind of flow together. So let's talk about kind of these stories as a whole. So again, big moments for you, anything like what stood out, what information did you learn or what do you got? Talk to me through these two episodes.
I thought they were great Clone Force 99 episodes, right? Very traditional, especially in Juggernaut. Yeah, Point of No Return was just so good because, like you said, it had those moments of calm, setting up the story, Omega talking and putting text glasses in that Pabu Museum and saying they have to leave.
And all of that, it was just so good. And then for that CX Droid to show up, and then some of the things that kind of point to who maybe that could be or not be, or maybe it doesn't even matter, really had my wheels turning again.
Overall, it was a amazing episode, right? Because everybody was a variable at one point in time. Hunter, Crosshair, Omega, Wrecker. So just across the board, it was really good.
And even at juggernaut, it was a little bit like reminiscent to to like the end of season two, like when they, you know, record having to jump. Yeah. I was like, we can't do the same thing, right? Like you, you're you like, no, they're not going to do the same thing, but you're like, they can't do.
Can they though? And you're like, oh, he made it. Oh god, wrecker. And then the, in Rampart coming back, that was unexpected. I liked, I liked that. Him is in a, cause you wonder like, what happened to him? He's an Imperial prisoner. That's pretty dope. So, um, yeah, I, I, like I said, I felt like.
Joy or not didn't really give us any new information, but it was a good watch, especially coming off of the heels of Point of No Return. Because I think when we got done with Point of No Return, we were like, oh man, Hunter is going to be so pissed that Crosshair let Omega go. And it was kind of like a real quick conversation. And then they were like, now we got to figure out how to go find her.
I'm glad they didn't like dwell on that too much or like play the blame game or anything like that. So Yeah Overall, they they did they they matched up well together and and set us up for finale time Yeah, three episodes left. I mean it's gonna be it's gonna be nuts Yeah, I think for me for the you know pointer no return a couple things for me one is just the shot again
How good is this animation? That shot of the star destroyer above Pabu, that moment was insane. Just the concentration on Hunter's face, and you're just looking at Hunter's helmet, but you still knew everything that was going through his head at that moment, and then the shot that went up to that, it was amazing. Yeah, again, this is storytelling at its peak.
And then again, you get those, like you're saying, those little moments of, oh no, Wrecker is down. Oh no, Hunter is down.

CX2's Identity and Ruthlessness

Oh no, Crosshair's down. Oh no, Omega's been taken. Here we go again, kids. Here we go again. We're back at square one after we got her back earlier in the season, which even back then we were talking about that. And I think we talked about the idea of her getting captured again.
right this was this was something that you and I discussed and Thought that it could be a possibility back then and it it is so Yeah, it makes sense because I think to get to where we need to get to she had to be taken back Right. I mean it wasn't Wasn't gonna be easy wasn't be easy Street after you know the first four episodes and we're it was a reunion Wasn't gonna wasn't gonna come back, but I do like the I do like the
The Omega and Crosshair stuff was really, really good. I like the, again, the establishing shots of Pabu, and then when Stormtroopers are coming down and just walking through the village, it was really, really good. I mean, just those establishing shots of that stuff, of Stormtroopers coming down Pabu, CX2,
telling them where to go, CX2 telling the mayor, like, I'm going to burn this all down if you don't tell me where Omega is. Like it was, it was like terrifying stuff. Right. And then again, like all of a sudden, RIP Marauder, like no more. Oh my God. I couldn't believe that. Like didn't see that coming. You know, when that happens, you know what I always think? I think, man, I should have bought that Lego set.
Always think that this air marauder said cuz I got one now though. I think there is yeah, but I don't think it's in production anymore and I was like, ah, I still have the Mando one side note the Come on Lauren. I know I still haven't built it either. I just got a Soka's ship did that one. Ooh That'd be good one. That would be good one so again, I just I
The moment though, where I think this, again, it's these little moments, the moments between Omega and crosshair, really good stuff. Again, like when it comes down to basically her, like saying, they have to take me, it's either that or this place is going to burn.
Dude, when she says focus on the bigger mission, I'm just a small part. What a throwback. What a throwback to episode one, wasn't it? Of the season where he was like focused on the mission and then she tells him that. Again, talk about story writing that is so good that everything comes back. It's just amazing. But at that moment, even Crosshair, I think was like, yeah, she's right.
She's right, this is the only play we have, right? I mean, it was, again, yeah, the Omega Crosshair stuff is just getting so good this season, so I'm really excited to see where that ends up. And then again, in this episode, CX2, wow, ruthless. Talk about ruthless. Dude shoots down a transport just to bring down Hunter. Like, shoots his own guy.
It was like, no one is his guy, honestly. Right, right. And he's like, whatevs, I took that guy down to take that guy down. All right, whatever. So when he was talking to the mayor is like, when I was like, that could be tech, right? Because there were some moments where he was speaking like very, like logically, right? He was like, oh, he was like, you ruined our village. And he was like, actually, he goes, I just shut down their ways of getting off this island.
just saying like, I'm not doing this to you. I'm doing this for my mission. So it seemed very tech, right? Just I'm giving you the logical reasons of why I'm doing what I'm doing. It's not against you. It's what I'm supposed to do in this moment in time.
But then it also makes me think a little bit more of crosshair and how crosshair was before this season. And maybe these are crosshair clones or whatever. And that's really why crosshair is so worried about going back to Tantus and why his hand shakes and all of that.
I felt like that moment with CX2 and the mayor was very telling on, there is definitely something important going on with who this actually is. And honestly, there's been a lot of name drops with tech lately, one with his glasses in the episode, or this episode. And then Fi saying, any friend of Brown Eye's is my friend, all that stuff.
I feel like we are going to revisit Tech and he is still alive. I'm just going to throw that out there because we've been kind of skirting around it. Will it happen? Will we like it? Will we not? I don't think that really matters anymore. I just think it's going to happen. Yeah, I don't. Yeah, this is where I don't know where. I don't know what

Tech's Potential Return

I I don't know if it's not like what I want to see or what should happen.
I just, I don't know where they're going to go with it. Because I think you brought up two great points, or you brought up more than just two good points, but you brought up some really good observations of that conversation between the mayor and CX2. Again, like you're saying, that makes a lot of sense. I'd buy that. I'd buy that, that it could be tech.
Right? I buy it that you could be right. Where maybe they somehow cloned Crosshair and that's the entire CX team or just his clones.
I don't know is did they have enough time to do that? See, this is where the stuff I like where I like the idea of like, again, it could be tech or it could be crosshair, but I'm like, OK, story wise or even, you know, in Star Wars way, is it possible for them to have cloned crosshair in that time and then for them to be grown as big as they are in that like, what's the
What's the process of doing that? You know what I'm saying? Again, that's where I go with the nuts and bolts of it. Not that I don't like it, because I could see it. I like that idea. But does it fit the story? Does it fit the narrative? I guess we'll see. I think Tech is the one that I think is more, if it is him, I think that's where it's going to be. Well, my mind just went somewhere. Where'd you go? If you needed to...
clone crosshair to a already fully grown clone. You probably couldn't do it with a rag, but you could probably do it with another defective. So maybe it is a combination of tech still alive with crosshairs DNA. That's interesting. That's interesting.
But maybe, I mean, I don't know. Maybe like the text stuff, the name dropping, the brown eyes stuff. It could be like a red herring and they're just trying to get us all to like go there. Meet that way, yeah.
And, you know, I'm trying to speculate responsible, but responsibly, but it's hard. Sometimes it's so hard, but I, um, I just, I just want, I thought that conversation with the mayor was so telling, right? It was, it was how we've seen tech talk about missions. We've it's how we've seen crosshair talk about missions. So that's where I'm just going to drop that again. And I like it.
It's like what you're saying, I buy, like I could buy that as a narratively story that they could write. 100% I could, I can buy all that.

Analysis of 'Juggernaut' Episode

And they had, again, for all that too, a lot of these CX, you know, assassins or whatever they're called, like we've seen them and they are just regs, right? We have yet to see in his face and that is a little telling as well.
Right? Like why, if it's just a rag gen, just show us so we can get over the speculation. Right? I mean, in all honesty, but I think, again, like you're saying, I think there's a purpose of why they're doing that. Could it be to, because it is a tech clone, like you're saying, a mix of crosshair. Is it just, again, maybe it's just because they don't
They feel like, hey, you guys have seen who's behind this. We don't have to show them who, you know, we don't have to show you again that it's a reg. But it sounds, again, but the big thing is that when in the previous episode, when Hemlock spoke to CX2, he's like, basically your crew isn't done yet. It's like they are like getting more of,
that type of CX, right? Like that's the vibe that we're getting. So clearly these are something that they just started doing. So again, timeline wise, that could make sense because they just got tech. So yeah, again, I will still always go back to, I hope it's not tech. I will go on that Hill and I will, you know, I will, I will not get off of that Hill of wanting that sacrifice
to mean something. I guess I just want that, I need that for that character, because he did so much, and he did such a good, it was what he wanted to do, it was his choice, it wasn't anybody else's choice. I want that to stick. If it does, it does, if it doesn't, if it does cool, if it doesn't, that's fine too, I trust,
the team telling this story, that if he is back, narratively speaking, it's gonna make sense. And again, I agree with all the drops of the brown eyes, the goggles on the, you know, being displayed. It's heavy, heavy, it's heavy tech talk for sure.
So again, I want his sacrifice to mean something, but if it isn't, it isn't. And that's their story to tell. And I will, again, I trust them, I trust his team to tell a good story. And if that's the story, if that's the story of he is behind that helmet, then so be it. I trust them, but will I be not happy? I don't know until I find out how they tell that story. Hard to say, but again, I want that sacrifice to mean something.
and I will be on that hill until proven otherwise. And, you know, again, this episode of Point of No Return goes right into the next episode of Juggernaut, which again, the end of that, you know, the end of Point of No Return is like, what do we do? No marauder, no nothing, we're stranded here. And then obviously Fi comes to, you know, to their aid and then, you know, crosshair,
Kind of, you know, says like, well, I have an idea, but. I wasn't really a hundred percent on it. Which for, I mean, he's right. It's rampart. He's not going to give you information easily, even if he knows it. So it, I think it's fine that crosshair has held onto that for so long. Cause I mean, even at the end of this episode, we don't get anything out of them. Right. And it's a card that he didn't want to play until absolutely needed.
So, and it's a card that now he has to play, right? So, again, bringing Rampart back, we talked about it, very cool. You know, beard it up almost like Callus, love it. Let's get back to it. No, no, Rampart is in Callus in that regard. Rampart's still a jerk. But it's gonna be interesting how this all plays out.
I mean, again, enemy of the friend of my enemy or whatever, how that saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. It's how is this going to work, man? Like how are those three guys going to trust Rampart, especially crosshair?
Right. So again, this is, again, a clone war Z episode. Right. And like straight up mission, straight up action, getting somebody out of prison. Like it's just it's great. I mean, we see these the juggernaut transports, which we saw a Mando right now. We see it in animation, which is really, really cool. I don't know if we've seen these prior to Mando probably somewhere. Maybe I'm not sure. Maybe in solo. No.
Could be solo or, um, rogue one with, uh, was she in that in the very beginning? Oh, the prisoner. Uh, yeah, maybe. Yeah.
I can't remember. But anyway, but I love again, having these huge vehicles and just like them driving them like they're like NASCAR's. It's just I love it. It's Star Wars like it's so good. Just jumping other juggernauts, you know.
No big deal. It's just a typical Tuesday. Talk about playing in the sandbox, man. I'm just like, well, mine's just going to go right over yours. I mean, it's so good. It's so good. I love it. But yeah, again, like you said earlier, Ang, information wise, not a lot. I mean, basically, Omega learns what we have learned previously, right? She figures out what's going on.
within Tantus, so that was like a little of the B side of the story, right, of this episode. But the main thing was our guys and Fi getting to that Imperial imprisonment and breaking out Rampart, which is one of my favorite things of all time. And the best scene, I think, in this episode is when record just throws a lifeless Rampart onto Fi's ship.
it's the greatest thing I've ever seen it's so funny and it's just like that dude is probably bruised not even like conscious dude's being thrown around like a rag doll and he's just yeeted him yeah yeeted and yeah yeeted for sure just threw up but again the whole prison break was great again them
you know going stealth like the bad batch does how they infiltrate the the juggernaut the one that they steal is great like what again one of the best shots to for me is fee when they roll up to the planet and she just dead drops the plane
from space. So that was so cool. That was very man like that reminded me of Mando. And it was a season to it. Yeah, season two, when they go to that, when he takes the frog lady to the planet and he just hands dead dropping down. Bryce Dales, our did an episode two, which was great.
But that gave me that vibe. But she was just, I mean, it was funny to see like her sitting down and then all, but everybody else was like floating in the ship. So it was, again, that shows off how good V is as a pilot. Like real good. She's, she's up there.

Omega Learns the Truth

She's up there. I don't know if she's Hera or Han asked, but she's up there as a pilot though.
She can she can fly. She can fly. But again, a lot of this, too, is what we saw in the trailer. Right. This is kind of like the last trailer stuff that we see. I think this was like the last of it. So I think from now forward, I don't think we have seen any of the any of the visionary stuff like anything from the rest of the season. So.
We'll see how it goes. But Andrew thoughts on kind of this episode and like the moments for you and all that, what you got. Yeah, really good action. Very classic. And I loved fees involvement. I thought it was just awesome. Um,
So it was, you know, like I said, it was a good episode, right? Because it kind of kept you in that momentum of like what needs to be done and that they're still working really hard to get what they need. So that was really great. And then the ending, you know, like you said, like,
It's pretty much Henlock explaining to Omega what we as an audience like already know. And then her finally seeing like what's in that vault and you know, here you think it's probably like, you know, maybe Omega thinks it's like monsters or some weird experiments and it just happens to be kids. So, and forest sensitive kids, they were showing off their forest sensitive talent when she walked in. So I think she picked up on that. So, um,
We're, that's where we are, right? We're kind of back at the, uh, the beginning, but, um, we know the stakes are way higher now for everyone. Everybody knows like what is happening now, why it's imperative that they get omega out of there. And it's, it's just been really great storytelling up into, into this moment and where they have us.
like finale type episodes like for the last three is what would be my guess is It's just a good spot Yeah, I think they set us up for I think a wild last three episodes, right? And again, we talked about earlier kind of maybe like what we think is gonna happen after you know within these last three episodes and
Again, we talked about Emery. I think she's gonna come into play because I think there's gonna be a moment where Omega just I was listening to for Center and again shout out to Joseph Jen and Ken always a good listen and Joseph brought up this really good point that I didn't even think about and It's the fact that you know Omega will be where she is right, but she'll see
that Eva has her Lula straw, like doll. And Joseph made like this, a great point of like that, maybe that's the moment Omega's like, ooh, okay, Emery's actually with us. I can get her, like I can really get her on our side because she will see that and know that the only person that could have gave that to Eva is Emery.
because Emery's the one that took it from Omega, right? So I think there's gonna, I think that's where it's gonna come down to. I think Emery's gonna make a choice and she's gonna choose to help Omega. And I think that's where, again, the beginning of the downfall of Tantus will begin. Now, we talked about who will it be? Will it be the empire self? Will it be the bad batch that will really bring it down?
Like I said, I think it's a little bit of both. I think the Bad Batch obviously will find it, will infiltrate, will get Omega and the clones out. And I think that Tarkin will hear about it. I like your idea. I think Tarkin will hear about it. And then he's going to be there and he will completely shut it down.
And then like you're saying, what happens after this though is really anybody's guess, because how do we get from where we are at

Bad Batch's Connection to Star Wars Lore

that moment to then where we see it in Mando, right? With the shadow council and how they talk about it. Then to move it forward to the sequel trilogy. And is necromancer, is it just get moved to Mexico, right? I mean, that's,
kind of what we all think, but is it one of the same? I mean, I don't know. It does make sense, right? But I really don't know. I mean, honestly, Andrea, I don't know if the two are connected. If Necromancer and what's going on in Exocle and Seagull Trilogy is connected. I believe it is. I want to believe it is, but maybe it's not. I don't know, where do you go with all that?
I don't know because it almost feels like they're doing two separate things, right? Like they're making like these troopers and then they're also trying to clone things and keep their force abilities. Are they combining the two or are they keeping them separated? You know, that data pad that had that picture of that clone was like very telling of like its armor and all of that.
Project Necromancer, I don't know. I think we're just gonna be growing some more little Snoke pickles and the Snoke jars and that's I don't and We'll see but what's great is that there are threads now, right? They go from Clone Wars to the Bad Batch to Mando to We're hoping then go to the sequel trilogy. So that's what's
I'm really liking. Is it necessary to tie those things together? No, but if it does, that'd be pretty dope. So it's a nice thread like you're saying, right? Yeah. Throughout the whole, you know, Skywalker saga, but the bigger picture of the galaxy as a whole. Seems like a lot still has to happen for only three episodes. Yeah. Yeah, I agree. I think there's a lot that still has to be wrapped up.
Again, if they do get Omega, we talked about that last week, does she choose to go with baby Ventress?

Future of Star Wars Animation and Endings

Does she choose to stay with Bad Batch, the team, right? Do they choose to stay with her and do what she, like, that's where I have no idea where that goes. The thing that I think I know for sure is that they will find Tantis, right? And that they will,
get Omega hopefully out of there and the other clones. That's what I feel like I know is coming. What if this is the last season, but there's also gonna be a movie? Hey, don't tell me it was a good time, man, because I would love it. If this leads to like a big like animated movie, bro. You stole me on it. I know, I know, I know. That's epic storytelling, but that'd be great.
Wait, I really don't know where, again, beyond those things, beyond them finding it and then trying to get, oh my god, out of there, I don't know.
Like I said, do we see the Martez sisters? I've been on that. I want them back. Do we see Fennec again? Do we see, what's her face, the Trandoshan? Sid? Sid? I mean, we talked about it. Do we see her again? We got her mentioned. So does that mean we'll physically see her now? Do we see Boba fat? Yeah. We've been talking about that too. Again, there's a lot of things that,
There's a lot of threads that they could tie up, but maybe they're not because again, what's the next animated whatever? Like that's where I go with the two, like, okay. Clone Wars ended, it went into Bad Batch. Bad Batch, again, obviously in chronological order, Rebels is next animation wise.
And there's connections, right? I mean, Rex, Wolf, all that, Gregor, like, where do we go with all that? So, I mean, I feel like what's the next thing? What's the next animation thing? And I hope we, again, maybe it will continue with some story of Omega or maybe not. I don't know.
I don't, I really don't know where this, like, where are we ending up with this? Like this is the last, we know this is the last season. We know this is a series finale. What type of finale are we getting? Because in the past, Rebels open ended Clone Wars. I mean, again, just based on what we knew, we knew that was open ended, I guess, but. And then they had to come back to it, you know? Yeah, with Bad Batch, right.
So like it's, yeah, all I know is this, I trust this team because they have not let me down so far this season. So I trust them, I trust the storytelling, I trust that what they're gonna do will make sense and will lead into whatever they are working on next, right? Which maybe we'll get in a year or so, or in maybe a couple of years because
Again, even thinking outside of animation, what do we got? We got acolyte, we got skeleton crew, we got Andor. And then maybe somewhere. And then we got the Tales of the Empire. Dope. Oh, God. Yeah, that's the whole conversation we'll talk about for sure. Whole podcast episode. But where does the next animation fit in and all that, right?
We'll find out. I mean, bad batch fit into what we have now. So I assume whatever next animation we'll, we'll know, we'll get some information eventually. Maybe, again, maybe we hear something. Again, maybe not for a little bit, but maybe Star Wars Japan, Celebration Japan. Maybe that's when they announced the next animation something. So that's next year. And then maybe we see it in 2026, right?
But again, we got movies coming out, supposedly too. There's a lot of Star Wars, kids. A lot of Star Wars. And where it goes, we will follow it, for sure. But it's going to be a wild ride, I think, these last three episodes, at least of the Bad Batch, for sure. Ang, again, beyond maybe just finding Tantis and all that, where do we go? Where do you think?
is a good send off point for this series, for these characters. What would you in your, again, speculating responsibly, what would you like to see?
I mean, I've always wanted them to ride off into the sunset with a happy ending. Being on Pabu, being able to live regular lives, Hunter almost got to that mindset that he would be able to do that. So I'm hoping that's possible for them. I would hate to think that the ending is going to be very tragic.
So I don't know, but I would, you know, I would like my clones or my clone force 99 to be able to sit back and relax. So I know that doesn't sound like an exciting ending, but maybe it is how we get there. But I think in the ending ending, like, what do we do with this this team?
They deserve a happy ending. They deserve to be something other than soldiers. And Omega deserves a life where she's not constantly being chased and trying to be captured and all that.
And I but I also think that they also want to be able to help the galaxy as well too and the Empire is not anywhere close from Stopping what they're doing. So right cuz this is like just the beginning right? Yeah, so that's that's something I got to keep telling myself like this isn't like Towards the end of the end. This is like literally beginning an empire right so a lot to Like you're saying a lot of things that they could do to help the galaxy out and
So yeah, I just, yeah, I'm curious to see what they do with Omega, where we take her, because is, do we follow her journey still? And then do, like you're saying, does the, does Bad Batch 99 kind of just, like you're saying, go in this, go into the sunset and just chill out like Rex and Gregor and Wolf did, right? For a long time.
Like, that's her thing. And then Omega has her new journey. Who knows? Yeah, it's just... One thing this show has done is not really give a lot away. No, right? Like, it hasn't. Like, that's one of the beauties of the show. And that's one of the best parts of the, I think, of the writing of this show, is that it has kept you guessing, but it's kept you invested as well.
Yeah, final thoughts, Ange, before we wrap it up? I'm sad. There's only three left. I mean, let's be honest. Right. Right. The whole series. This is it for this crew. So yeah, we'll see. We'll see where this ends. We'll see where this goes. We'll obviously talk about it in our episodes to come. And then
Obviously, Tales of the Empire Kids, we mentioned it. We'll be talking about that as we get closer to the May 4th drop of that, which will be amazing. That's a good May 4th day of watching new Star Wars content. It's good stuff. And then we just found out too, as of this recording, the Star Wars Outlaw game is scheduled to drop in August. I forget the exact date, but August of this year,
Is right now the tentative drop date for that? I'll be playing that. For sure. Very excited to be playing that game, so we'll talk about that again. That's a little bit of time, kids. That's not August. So then we got again, Acculite in June. Skeleton grew probably in the fall ish time. And then Andor season two, man, that's coming to that's coming to. Oh, my God.
So much good Star Wars can't wait Alright kids. I hope you guys enjoyed the show. Thanks for listening to us You can follow us the galactic podcast at the galactic pod and all the social media places And you can follow me Lauren Romo at lower nose at all those social media places as well You can follow me Andrea Guti eras at our 2d two-step on Twitter and Instagram BTS update and Jenny to give
Oh, Jin comes home in like two months, so that would be nice. I miss them. Nice, nice. They'll return, right? Is that, I'm assuming that's the plan? Yeah, 2025. Nice.
Do you think they're making music already, like behind the scenes? Well, they've already like recorded a bunch of music and have been releasing it while they've been away. Like J-Hope just released an album. And there's a rumor that Jimin might have another album. So yeah, it's gonna be interesting. I can't wait to see them.
More BTS updates to come, people, more to come. All right, that's it, that's the show. Hope you guys enjoyed, and as always, may the force be with you, always, always.