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Episode 156- Star Wars Convention News 2024 image

Episode 156- Star Wars Convention News 2024

The GALactic Podcast
105 Plays6 months ago

Welcome to The GALactic Podcast! In this episode, Andrea and Lauren chat about all the Star Wars news that came out of SDCC and D23! From books, comics to the first teaser trailer for The Skeleton Crew the GALs break it down. Will the Skeleton Crew be The Goonies of Star Wars? What novels and comics are they excited about? They take these topics and much more! 

Reminder to rate and review where available! And as always, May that force be with you!


Introduction to Galactic Podcast

Hello everyone and welcome to the Galactic Podcast. I am Lauren Rimmel with me as always as my cousin and fellow nerd Andrea Gutierrez. Yo yo yo. Bright suns. What's going on? Yeah, hey bright suns. It's been a minute. It's been a minute, yeah.
We got some news to talk about, which I'm super excited. and I know. I love talking about news. I think you and I both like to discuss the latest and greatest coming out of this galaxy far, far away.

Recent Star Wars Activities

Any, any Star Wars related stuff you've done over the past couple of weeks, guys?
i Mean I watch revenge of the Sith every night. So nice that the the go-to routine. That's my go-to Love it. Love it. I was watching what was the something was on and Empire Strikes Back was on like TNT or something the other day. I was watching that a little bit I'm still finishing the Living Force book. How's that? So far so good? ah it's good you know The end is is um pretty solid and it's pretty cool to see a story in the Jedi Council's perspective right before the Phantom Menace and what they were going through.
So that's pretty cool. um Is it High Republic or no? It's like right at the tail end of that. Is that how they're kind of... It's not High Republic. No, it's it's like right before the Phantom Menace. Oh, okay. We're like... Like Depa Blabas in there. Oh, okay. So we're like there, there. Okay. Yeah. Okay.
i That's on my list. God, there's so many speaking of books. We have a lot of books to talk about Geez, there's just ah too much Star Wars, but that's a good problem to have kids.

Podcast Format and Star Wars Topics

That's a good problem to have Alright, so we got some stuff to talk about here some news But before we do that if this is your first time this you know, it's welcome We are showers podcast to discuss anything and everything within that galaxy far far away Each episode we will dive into one or two topics and have a general discussion on them. Topics could be movies, TV series, books, comics, a specific character, you name it. And we talk about it. All right, and so the twenty three and San Diego Comic Con have come and gone. And we got some Star Wars news out of it.

Latest Star Wars News from D23 and Comic Con

I know a lot of books, a good amount. Yeah, like decent amount.
i more than I would expect. Yeah. Variety as well too. Yes. Very, yes. We got a trailer that we're going to talk about for skeleton crew in an article that came out around that time as well. And then books, man. We got a lot of book stuff that I'm excited to talk about for sure. And I'm excited to read that this is, especially this first one that we're going to talk about is up, I think our alley for sure.

Exclusive on 'Reign of the Empire' Trilogy

So we had an article from IO nine,
Now that was by Mr. James Whitbrook and they had an exclusive on a new Star Wars trilogy called Reign of the Empire. I'm already intrigued. So this is the tag. What do they call it? The official log line.
for this first book, ah the first book of this trilogy called The Mask of Fear. So it says this, so it says, before the rebellion, the empire reigned. In order to ensure the security and continuing stability, the Republic will be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire. I'm doing a help. We know who says that. ah For a safe and secure Society. Okay. So with one speech in thunder's applause, chancellor Palpatine brought the era of the Republic crashing down in his place, Rose, the Galactic empire across the galaxy. People rejoice and celebrated the end of the war and the promises of tomorrow, but that tomorrow was a lie. Instead, the galaxy became twisted by the cruelty and fear of the emperor's rule during that terrifying first year of tyranny.
Mon Mothma, Saw Gerrera, and Bail Organa, our boy, face the encroaching darkness. One day, they will be three architects of the rebellion of the Rebel Alliance. But first, each must find purpose and direction in a changing galaxy while harboring their own secrets, fears, and hopes for a future that may never come unless they act. Ooh-wee!
Sold and that let's go red So the first what we know so far is this first book of the trilogy is called the mask of fear And it's gonna be written by one of your faves. Oh my gosh for mr Alexander Fried Alexander Fried thank you very much. He also did the incredible Alphabet Squadron series that you are a huge huge fan of huge So this first book, uh, what they're saying is going to take place that first year of the, you know, post revenge of the Sith. And this trilogy is going to take over like a timeline basically of the, the 20 years between. Yeah. Yeah. So it's going to be a lot of themes, political stuff. Right. Obviously, um, I'm in for it. I know we,
you and I have talked about where, you know, yeah, maybe they, we have a lot of content within this era, right? But there's so much that we still don't know, right? Like this, like the more political stuff during this really timeframe, cause we got it right as it started, right? Like revenge of the Sith and you know, the the prequel trilogies, right? We got a little bit of that.
political side, but then after that, you know, ah the original trilogy happened. We don't really get any of that. Siegel trilogy doesn't really dive into any of that either. So this book is really going to dive into the political stuff and even what all of the shows that we have post.
ah You know what? ah Kenobi didn't really touch it. And there's probably the only one. Yeah. Well, the my show rebels a little bit. Yeah. No, it's a good call ah that touched on some of the political stuff. But the the the series will touch on all that. And the first book is coming out February. See here, February of 2025. So far away. Right. Yeah. February 25th of 2025. And then the other ones are scheduled to release spring of twenty six in spring of twenty seven.
The other authors for the rest of the, uh, so Fried isn't doing the entire trilogy. Uh, he's doing the first one. The second one is going to be written by, uh, Rebecca Roanhorse who did the resistance reborn novel. And then the other one will be, uh, by Fran wild, who's making her full star Wars debut. Uh, she wrote, uh, from a certain point of view, uh, returning the Jedi. She had a.
a little Spot in there so and ah initial thoughts on this Three this but not even just a book. It's a trilogy like they're a trilogy of this decade Seems more political. How you feeling about this? I this intrigues me for sure. What do you got? I mean the minute I saw Alexander freed was doing another Star Wars book I I Blake was so excited. I think. You're a big fan. You're a big fan. The Alphabet Squadron trilogy is lights out one of the best series of Star Wars books. ah The way he writes tactitional battles in space is outstanding. The way he ah develops his characters and intertwines them and interacts them ah together is so freaking good.
um So I'm extremely excited for this first book. And um but ah also I'm really excited. like We know pretty much what these characters were doing around this time. We don't know what their psyche was.
pretty much. We don't know what their like inner turmoil was and and things that they had to um deal with in the shadows and things like that, ah especially Bail Organa. We know that he had to keep up

Rebecca Roanhorse's Role and Trilogy Speculations

this facade of of ah like neutrality with Alderaan. With everyone, yeah. And and somewhat of a like a royalty as well, too. So to get into- And keeping Leia safe and all that stuff. Keeping Leia safe, knowing about all of that as well, too. So I'm really excited for also Bail Organa's perspective and Saw Gerrera's. I mean, come on. He is one of the most complex, interesting characters in Star Wars.
He thinks he's doing things the right way, and um we all know that he's somewhat of an anarchist and ah really strives on ah violence. you know We know what has some of his past was, his past trauma with his losing his sister, so um' I think it's great.
in Which one was it? Rebel Rising. You get a little bit more with Saw interacting with Jyn. So i like I said, like but that's a Jyn story. So this time I'm assuming it's going to be more, you get to get more in the psyche of these characters.
um I'm gonna be honest when I saw that Rebecca Roanhorse was doing one of the books I got a little sad because Resistance Reborn is one of my least liked Star Wars books I feel like it and maybe it's because it was in the beginning of my Star Wars novel reading journey, but I felt like it was very dense and ah And also, I'm going to say this, maybe it was also the disappointment of Rise of Skywalker, which made me dislike the book as well, too. Right, you right, right. A mix of everything could have, yeah. Yeah, because that book just did not give you um like the the story that you were expecting to get right before the Rise of Skywalker.
so um I, you know, just because it's that one book doesn't mean that she's not going to write a fantastic story, but, um, you know, you, want you want to see authors that, you know, and you know, that you've read books from them and that you love those books. And my only experience with her is resistance reborn. And I just did not like that book. No, that's fair. I mean, again, it does like author wise, like you're saying, I think that dictates maybe excitement level. Right.
I like that freed is doing the first one kicking us off. Cause he's the like you said, I read bits and pieces. I've never read the full alphabet. I read, you know, I read some of it and what I had, what I had read, have read so far. It's good. I think what's so good he he's very good at character, like thought process.
Inner turmoil, he's very good at that stuff. So him doing Mon Mothma. Yes. Bail. Saw. And then you never even know because thinking I'm thinking about this now too. So Andor and Bad Batch are really the two shows that we have super right after Revenge of the Sith ish, right? Bad Batch specifically. I mean, we're there day one.
Right. Again, not a lot of political stuff, but we kind of know what's going on. Right. A little bit. So I'm curious if any of any of that, like mentions of any of events that we know about will be mentioned in these books.
But if we're going from like a Mon Mothma and saw, obviously saw and bail perspective, they might not know any of that stuff. Right. As viewers, we know those stories because obviously we follow them. So I'm interested to see what stories he's going to tell in that first year. Cause it sounds like, I mean, um this is like ground zero day one. How are they pushing back against this?
Right. And we really don't know. I mean, we have like bits and pieces, right? Like you, like we were saying, like in other shows, we get sprinkles, right? Rebels really with my Mothma and how she got out. And Saw. I mean, there's a little- Yeah, good point. There's a little arc ah or like three story with Mothma and Saw. and Yeah.
So I think with that, it's going to be, I'm, I'm interested to see what he does with those characters. And then like you said, saw, I'm very interested because we, again, we have a little bit of background, right? Rogue one, a little bit of Andor clone wars own wars, right? But in this specific like timeframe, not a lot again, bad batch, but that's like what season season Did he end up to show up in two? Did he show up in one? OK, I know two. I'm trying to think if he showed up in one. Because wasn't he there when in season one, when they first were told to go after that like group, wasn't that saws group? I don't know that. What's his face? Oh, God, I'm trying to think of his his name crosshair when he took those newer
storm, like storm troopers, people, they were like a new unit. Well, no, there was it was like a new unit of people. They weren't close. Remember that? Yeah. Yeah. I think that was saws group, right? I can't remember. I feel like anyway, regardless. We don't have a lot of him in this timeframe, right? Like the very first like year or so.
yeah I mentioned to see what like you're saying, what his psyche

Political Themes in the New Trilogy

is, what he feels is the best way to counteract. Right. Because we know he's more of the guerrilla warfare type of style. Right. So i I'm just yeah, I'm fascinated with these three characters are some of our favorites. Yeah. Oh, man. So so getting this whole book again, at least this first book,
on them is gonna be really really good and to get maybe more Palpatine to to see what he was doing and setting you know what I'm saying like getting more of him I think would be interesting do you want a lot of Palpatine in it or do you want to really stick with are quote unquote heroes. You want to just stick with the mamathma bale, saw anti-hero, but I mean, or do you want, do you really, do you want obviously empire stuff too? Like hearing from that side. I'm assuming we would, right? You think we'll do that? You would think, but he has a lot of, you know, people under him that he sends off to, to do what he needs to do. Like you think of a hemlock or do you think of, uh,
Who's the other guy that Crosshair killed? The doctor do. What's his name? I know. Hemlock. Hemlock was a guy. And then who was the other guy that they saved? Right. Rampart. Rampart. Yeah. Yeah. And then do we get their names? Right. or Right. Do we get Darth Vader? Yeah, no. I mean, this is kind of the time his kind of like.
Yeah. The, the man, you know, the man, the myth, right? This black figure with the right, like, like this is his era. I mean, because bail knows that's Anakin. Bail's probably one of the very few that, that know that. So at this time. Right. Right. Right. Yeah. And do we get like Leia? Do we get a little bit? I mean, she's right. Yeah. She's super young. She'd be one, but do we get like him?
You know, looking at her, thinking about what that, you know, just all that. I, and more of, um, Oh God, what is Bail's wife's name? Bria. Bria. More of her. Cause I loved her in, in Obi-Wan. She was great. Yeah. Oh yeah. No, a hundred percent in Obi-Wan. She was great. But in the book, trying to think of the book, it was, Oh, yes. Yes.
She was fantastic. Like again, that character is cool. I'm wondering if we'll get her. There's a lot of, I think there's a lot of stuff they can throw in. Right. And, but they don't even have like, free doesn't even have to really touch any of the quote unquote legendary characters. Does that make sense? Like you don't need Yoda. Yeah. You obviously you don't have Luca Leia. I mean, you have Leia, but they're young, right? You have Palpatine, you have Vader.
You could use them, but I feel like this is more, it seems like, more political driven, right? So do you think these three trilogies are going to, each book is going to encompass all three of those characters, or do you think the first book is going to be a Mothma book, and then the next two are going to be ones centered around Bael, and then the other one centered around Saw?
I think it's gonna be all three together throughout this journey. That's that's the vibe I get, hu is that we're gonna, it's those three we're gonna follow in each book together as a collective, them building this rebel alliance, right? And that's gonna be really interesting because again, with what we know, especially when we get into events that happen in Andor specifically, right?
How does that play? Because we know like when that whole heist went down in and or. Empire was pushed. So do we get more that like. Do we get more of like maybe Palpatine's point of view on it, not so much the ISB? Senators, do we get what they know? Like again, my mouth knows what my mouth we know, right? But what's saw?
What's bail? I think bail is going to be the really cool one. Cause like you're saying, you don't really have a ton during this timeframe besides OB one Kenobi. That was like 10 years after all this though. So yeah, I mean, do you think that's what they're going to do? Follow these three altogether? Or do do you want it separate? Like here's the, my math, my story saw bail. How would you, how do you, would you feel would be the best way to do it?
I mean, like you said, personally, I think each of them pull or has roles throughout this entire timeline. So it would be nice to see it inter intertwined with all three throughout the entire trilogy.
Um, but then I also like the idea of like character focused books and it's more, it, then it allows you to have more detail and, uh, more time with, with your character as well too. So part of me kind of wants it to be like each book is for each character.
um just so that I feel like some of the thought process and the psyche of these characters is fleshed out a little bit more. so But either way, I'm fine with either way. um But I think, I don't know, we'll see. It's going to be interesting. Again, just how it reads to me in the article, it seems like it's all three together. Yeah. And we're kind of just following those three, because as it said, they are the architects.
Really? I mean, as we know, those three are really the major players to the Rebel Alliance, right? My Mothma being, I think, the bigger beacon. Well, I mean, you also got to think about like, what's going to be Luthan's, you know. Oh, that's a good point. Does he show up in this? Yeah. Like, what is his fate that will happen in Andor season two? So will he have a presence in these books?
So I wonder if they stay away just because maybe they don't want to contradict what's going to happen in the show. Probably. You know, or they may or or maybe Alexander is a privy to. Yeah. What's going to happen so he can kind of. He would write a really good loosen. Oh, I think so, too. Oh.
So you could, I mean, it could be a pasta. I mean, maybe if it, if his book is the first year, that could work still because ah I'm trying to think and or is how many years like after I'm trying to think when do we catch up? Like those first couple of episodes, I think are past past the year point. I feel like it says five BBY.
So ah maybe we won't because I thought I read in that article that they are going to be like the first year, like right after Revenge of the Sith, but then it is going to do a little bit of a time jump. So maybe like this area is going to be skipped over because that story is being told.
Yeah, no, you, that makes a lot of sense. But I would love to know where Lucent comes from and um how he got involved in the Rebel ah Alliance and creating that, what do they call them? Like a network, but I can't remember specifically. They call them, I can't remember, I'll think of the word. Yeah, but yeah, he had a whole like network that he basically started. So yeah, I i would love, just I mean that,
Him, Luther alone, I think would be a great not like it's his own novel. Or his own comic. Right. Like that would be a really cool content for that character to get more. Cause like you're saying, we don't know any, like, where did he come from? What made him do what he is doing? Right. What's his motive? I mean, we kind of get an idea, but like,
how Like, how did he start? Where does he come from? Like, I want all those answers. So yeah, I factions. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. That makes sense. So no, i but these three books, I'm very excited.
Because again, I feel like this is up our political like we like the political stuff in Star Wars. So this is going

Reading Star Wars Novels: Kindle or Audiobooks?

to be up our alley. So this will be one that I think I will definitely probably read right away instead of just sitting on the shelf like most of my books. Sad. Sad. I know. Sad.
Listen, I think you should get a Kindle or a Nook or whatever. Because when I read a paper book, it is very overwhelming to me because of the way the the font is smaller and how much information is on one page but like when you read on a Kindle you can obviously make the font bigger and then that way you're just reading like really quickly right instead of like drawing out an entire sentence or an entire row of words so that's what's helped me reading better is reading on a Kindle um
And then, of course, like I sprinkle in listening to audio books as well, too, just to kind of get pronunciation and yeah and stuff like that. But um you should consider a Kindle. Yeah, I'll have to consider that. I do like when I was doing audio for a hot second. I liked it. Oh, yeah. I like audio. Great. Yeah. Yeah. Especially if um what's ah who's the guy that does Thrawn? Oh, um I know god blinking today on names. Mark Thompson. Thank you. I love when he does books. He's so good. It's so good. It's so good. The only thing I don't like about audiobooks is sometimes I can zone out and then I'm like, what just happened? Yeah, like, all of a sudden something happens. You're like, Whoa, wait, what? Yeah, yeah, I can see. Yeah, I agree with that one. Overall, how are you?
Excited for this. Is this something you want like not want but is this something that you are? interested in learning more of Like what they're setting up or or or do you feel like it's a we're just retreading more of the same era Let's move on Does that even enter your mind at all? No, not at all at all. I'm excited for this. I mean, if you know how it's telling parts of the story that time, little time periods of the story that haven't been told yet, um then it's like, oh, this isn't just like a redo or a repeat. It's actually new, will be new information. And again, like,
We know the actions of these people. We don't know the thought processes of these people. So I am really excited for this, um especially the first book. um I'm telling you, if you haven't read the Alphabet Squadron trilogy, it is so good.
No, it is. It is. Again, from what I have read, it's very good. Characters are great. Alexander Fried does a really good job but with writing like these type of situations I feel like. So this is really up like it's his strong suit. And I think he's going to, he's going to knock it out of the park. So.
All right. So that was IO nine's exclusive with those three new reign of the empire. And then the first book is called the mask of fear. And that's going to be by Alexander freed. And then it's hitting bookshelves people, February 25th, 2025. So we're a few months away, but.
Very cool, very, very, very cool. All right, the next bit of book news that we got, and this is from the website, from so from the source, ah at San Diego Comic Con, they announce a bunch of Acculite adjacent comics, books, a lot of stuff going on.

New High Republic Content Announcement

with with this era, which is kind of cool. I'm very excited. I'm just so the there's going to be a Justina Ireland. Novel that's going to take um an explorer, Vernestra Rose, life about 20 years prior to the events of the Acolyte. So this is going to be.
in phase three of the higher public storytelling. ah giant Okay, so it says a giant leap from when we last saw her, last saw the teenage prodigy in phase three of the higher public. So this is past all that. It's 20 years prior to the acolyte events. Justina Ireland is writing that book. Then we are getting a Yord and Jackie. Is this a comic? No, a young adult novel. And that is going to be by Tessa Gratton.
So that's a good, very excited for that. Uh, then we have comics, Marvel comics. We have a Kalnaka comic coming in February, 2025. And that is Kevin Scott. Always good.
And he is joined by Kiv, it's Kalnaka and Kiv Trennis. It's going to be this comic book run. very And then we have the art of, but we love our art of books, art of the Star Wars, the High Republic coming out. And that is by Kristen Baver. And that's the volume b too.
yeah Yes. Yes. Yes. Yep. and pick up Volume two. So that's really cool. And then we have even more Acculite. Let's see. So the art of the art of Accolite will be coming. Again, it looks like is that one by Kristin as well? Yes. Kristin Baver with a forward by Leslie Hellens. Let again. Very cool. I'm huge into the art of books. I think you are too. we i I love all that stuff.
And then we have a new visual guide by our our favorite person Pablo Adalgo. He's doing the acolyte visual guide. So that's going to be good. I love those are like little encyclopedias, you know. Yeah. i like Yeah, it's cool. He really breaks down like the different stuff. I'm very excited for that. um We're getting a Vinestero action figure with her lightsaber whip.
Very cool. And then the final battle of the Galactic Civil War

Star Wars Comics Storylines and Challenges

begins. This is a new era of Star Wars comic book. And that is, let's see, that is by.
okay So we have a new Marvel's Mac series run by Alex Sogora and Leonard Kirk. And this will do, let's see, Star Wars issue number 50. This is Darth Vader issues number 50 at the Star Wars, uh, series jumps forward to time. So now that whole Star Wars, like comic book is moving to the return of the Jedi era now. So that's very cool as well. And then we have a Star Wars battle of Jakku by alexand Alex, Alex, is that Serga? Sogora.
We have that that that is coming out as well. And then we have the prequel trilogy graphic novels coming out, which is pretty cool. I do like those. And then we are on that one looks dope. Yeah, yeah. And then we have a hybrid public adventures.
Comics coming out and then what's this one? Star Wars Encyclopedia coming out in November of twenty twenty three. And we have the High Republic Edge of Balance Premonition that looks like it's a Yoda, the Yoda, the the Yoda comic coming out as well. So, ooh wee, a lot, a lot of again, continuing the very, very good Star Wars like written media.
We're getting a lot of acolyte connections, which is cool. Very excited for that. A lot of higher public stuff continuing. Again, art of books. I always love ah comic books. I really got to get into the comics. they are They are pretty good. They look cool. Like you're saying, the art of them looks really, really good.
Yeah, the only time I don't like the comics, and this is like a comic book thing, this isn't just Star Wars comic book thing, is where like, you have to jump to a different series for the next like when multiple series are intertwined in a storyline.
and then like you're reading Darth Vader but then you gotta go read bounty hunters number whatever for this part and that's where I get like my brain can't keep up to that it just can't like I just want to I don't know I should probably just read a series and read a series and read a series and then get over it but um I get so confused when it's like next issue bounty hunters number four and I was like what I thought I was reading Vader like what's going on So or it tells you to jump over to the Star Wars series. um But what's cool about all the comic books is that it tells some really amazing stories in little pockets that you don't know about. And I absolutely love the Star Wars ah series is because for it's been telling between the movies, which is really cool. So like in between Empire New Hope and Empire, in between Empire and
And, uh, return of the Jedi, like you got to see like what happened with Han when he was frozen in carbonite and how Boba Fett lost him and, and all that stuff. Um, and then they've also like introduced like in more detail, the crimson rain. So I love all of that. I, um, but it is a lot. It is a lot.
And that again, that I think that harkens to like you're saying, not just a Star Wars comic book, but just comic books, comics in general. Yeah. Like I, there's a super kind of side, but there's a, the newer that happened, like, I think it was like 2018, maybe or 19, maybe even 17. But there was a whole new like X-Men run that Marvel was doing. Like, I think it was the house of X power of X.
and i was like getting into it but then it started doing the whole split off but then it'll come back i'm like yeah yeah so yeah it's not just to start you like like you're saying it's a comic book thing but if you can keep up with it they're good stories number one number two the The artistry, like the, the, is beautiful. Always great to look at. Yeah. Like the visuals, oh it's, it's really, really good. So highly recommend go to your local comic book shop, man, support your local ones. And if you can get, you know, get, yeah, like you're saying, maybe just do a series, right? Start with the Star Wars series.
And then maybe get into the bounty hunter stuff and, or the Marvel unlimited app. Like you pretty much have free access to old comics. newer comics um when a comic just releases, it doesn't immediately go into unlimited. ah So if you want to be like very current on it, that's probably not the best route to go. But if you want to catch up right now, like having a subscription to Marvel Unlimited and just kind of like reading through series on either like a an iPad on an iPad is is really cool. That's what I like doing as well, too, is reading them on my iPad.
But then, like, I lose like the Dark Horse comics I can never find. are I sometimes find sometimes they're in um iBooks for Apple and sometimes they're like on the Kindle app. But I feel like the Kindle app isn't as organized as like the Marvel Unlimited is. So it gets tough, like trying to find what you need. But there are really cool digital ways to catch up on comics.
Yeah. If you, if you want to comics are again, besides going to your local again, we, we promote local businesses, go support, support, support. We have a really cool one here in Allen park. Yeah. The, was it big bends? Yeah. And they just opened one up on King road. Yes. and Yeah. Yeah. Cool. Yeah. So they're very, very well organized, like really good. Yeah. A place, but yeah, again.
If you can't digital digital there again, yeah, definitely support these comic books because they are. There is a lot of fun stuff in them. And I think it's cool with comics anyway. There's some stuff that they can do that wouldn't maybe show up well in like maybe live action, maybe even animation to a certain degree, but they can do some really kind of weird and funky stuff. Yeah. But it's cool. Right. But you're like, it's, it's in a comic. It's fun. It makes sense. And there's just, it's just this one off.
Stories, right? Or like you're saying within the Star Wars, like Maine, like comic run, right? These are stories in between the movies. So that's really cool. Cause you get maybe more information, like saying a fun story of how Boba lost Han, right? Kira and the Crimson Dawn and all that. Like it's fun. Like they can do a lot of cool, cool stuff within comics for sure.
How are we feeling about the acolyte stuff? do you Is this something that you would that you kind of wanted? Or is it stuff that like you're like, okay, I mean, cool. Is it something that you're really clamoring for? What's your thoughts on those novels, those acolyte novels coming out? I'm pretty excited for it. I think we talked about it in our recap how um we were hoping for maybe some sort of novelization to maybe get some backstory. And the fact that it's set before the the TV series ah is is going to be great. The fact that Justina Ireland gets to write the Vanessa Rowe book, I think is very huge.
It's super appropriate. She was the person that created For Nestero in a test of courage. That was the first book that ever had for Nestero in it. So I think it's very appropriate that she's going to be writing this story as well, too. So I'm very excited for that. The Jordan Jackie stuff. I don't know. They're dead.
That sounds really bad. But they're dead. Right. Right. And um I know their fate. So reading that kind of stuff, I i think it will be. um It will be fun. I mean, it's written by Tessa Grant. And so she writes amazing books for the public yeah as well, too. And a little bit of a backstory on Jordan, Jackie, I can see it, but that's not one I'm like, I'm going to pick up right away. I don't think. But who knows? I usually do read most of the stuff right away. Yeah, yeah it's so it's a YA novel, which are usually fun to read as well, too. So yeah. Yeah. yeah That will be great. Yeah. And a comic all about that. Yeah. I mean, come on. Yeah. And I wookie. Come on.
Yeah. And Kevin Scott writing that he writes some pretty tragic. Right. You never know. You never know what's going to happen. a it's always He's up to something every time. Every time. And he's he's very good though. That that whole team. you So I've talked about this before. Yeah. The High Republic team behind the novels, books, comics. They're very good. Like they have set up such a great era just with writing.
right, that now, I get, Acculite, we're getting, we're stepping our toes into it, right? And now we can maybe even go further, really get into this era with getting more live action, right? So yeah, I, I'm excited. I think the, the, the one with Vernestra and, um, okay, Moss's character, they're going to be together. And Dara? And Dara.
That that yeah that what I'm interested in because just of how What they were, you know, what I was going on 20 years before all this Right. Where were their mindsets? What hopefully we'll get a little more political stuff. I Wouldn't mind that just to kind of get again understand or just set more of the scene of The Jedi versus the Senate and you and I've talked I mean that's it We eat that stuff up. So if we could get it in the book, I would love it So that one, that I'm intrigued with that one. I'm very intrigued with that one, especially like you're saying with Justina writing it and her doing Vanessa again. And then her writing and Dara, I think will be really cool and interesting. Yeah. So I mean that one I'm, I'm excited for. I agree with you. The Jackie and Yord of it all. Okay. Cool. Like I'm excited to learn more about him, but like,
Okay. Yeah. I mean, again, and that's nothing against like, I know Tess is going to knock out of the park with the writing. It's just like you're saying, I think just because of what we know they're ending and like, it's just like, okay, like I still want to learn about them. Like it's going to be a cool read, but like, it's not one that I will be crack.
cracking open day one that will probably would be on the shelf. for And I'm I'm a huge Jackie fan. I think yeah on both are yeah gone too soon. Everything that she did in the acolyte was amazing. ah The way she was a student, the way that she displayed her knowledge, her Jedi skills, her fighting skills were outstanding. I thought she was like,
She's pretty much one of my favorite Jedi's and just flat out gone too soon. So to get a little bit of more information about her will be great, but I would have preferred that she lived and we would have had her for even longer. Yeah, I mean, she was so good. It was. Yeah, Daphne Keene amazing. Daphne Keene so good. So good. Yeah, again, it'll be fun.
Just to learn, cause you do get that like, Oh, one of what their backstory is, right? Cause I think we talk to them and talk about that during the show. Like you could tell there's history there. So now we're getting it. I mean, we, we literally were like, we said that on our show. I'm pretty sure like, Oh, you know, there's history there. I wonder what that's like. And now we're getting it. So that's cool. I'm i'm down for that. But yeah, I mean, kill Naka comic. Yeah. Give it to me. Kevin Scott, give it to me. I mean, that's.
That's a certified banger already. Like he's going to be. He'll crush that with Kel Naka, and that will be cool again just to see. How he was and all that learning more about him, that will be a fun comic comic for sure. And then, yeah, again, art of books. I'm. Oh, it's great to look at. Yeah, God, I love. Yeah, I those are some of my favorites to get.
Just because I love looking at the visuals, I love looking at like the concept art. And then just the little like nuggets that they give about, you know, this is what we were thinking. This is what we ended up and all that. Like, I love all the art of books. So very excited for both of those, uh, volume two of the higher public and then the art of Acculite.
very pumped up and then kristen great love it so i'll be buying those as well ah anything else out of this news san diego news and hot dry any anything that you were maybe thank you ah like looking forward two but didn't get announ or anything or Everything they said, cool. Like, I'll take it. Where you at with it? Yeah, everything they said, cool. I know some people were a little bit grouchy that we're getting a battle of Jakku storyline so far removed from the sequel trilogies. um But that's whatever. I mean, I feel like we're going to get back into the sequel trilogy with the Ray movie, so we might as well start.
Yep, we we should start getting media that is is pulling us back that in that direction. Yeah, we need it. I mean, again, we don't. We have the one book. Aftermath that really talks about the battle, Jakku, right? Like, yeah, you don't really have a lot, so I'll take all the information for that stuff. So, yeah, i don't I don't know why people are complaining about it, whatever. Who knows?
But yeah, I think more information with that heading into like you're saying the Ray movie makes a ton of sense. So hopefully this will be the beginning of more of those stories and more to come for sure. and All

Skeleton Crew Series: Trailer and Impressions

right. Anything else and before we get to the the meaty stuff here? Nope. All right. D23. We got a trailer, kids. Skeleton crew.
We have been waiting for like, I know this has been, I think you and I talked about this like yeah a year ago and we're like, God, when is it coming? Cause it's, it's been done. It's been in the can for at least a solid two years easily. Because they talked about it in London, which was what, 20, 2023. Yeah. And they even showed footage. Right.
So this has been done, like been done kids. And we finally got a trailer. And then we also got a article that came out around the same time from people. So we'll kind of talk about both ah collectively here. So, and first off, let's talk about that trailer. Your initial thoughts, reactions, how you feeling? What's the vibes? Let's talk about it.
uh my initial feeling wasn't like oh man i'm so pumped i can't wait for this december december so far away like i wasn't like that but i was like yeah this is like what we need right now in star wars something more fun, not necessarily family oriented, but, uh, just like, let's, let's have a refresher from all this serious and sinister Star Wars we've seen recently. So, um, and then like the setup that they had for D23 showing those pirates and seeing a vein there. And, you know, we were big fans of Star Wars creatures. So.
knowing that we're going to be getting like that flavor in this story was was pretty exciting. The trailer was very Amblin, very ET, very Goonies, very Kids on Bikes, so that was that's right up our alley too. I wonder the story that I heard that it didn't test well is maybe because There is maybe a generation that does never experience that kind of life, right? The kids on bikes life. So maybe that's maybe why it didn't test well, it wasn't relatable. But for people our age, i and I think for a newer generation getting into Star Wars, I think this is going to be like a really great thing. But I do feel like there might be a portion of the audience that might be missed, but I don't know. I haven't seen it yet.
But ah the characters ah look great. um I actually do really like ah like kid-led movies, um and that's maybe just being a product of the 80s. They're so emotional and serious about what they're doing. It's it's so fun to watch.
And again, like this is a cool timeline. This is coming off of, this is during like the Mandalorian season one and they live in the suburbs and they want to go on adventures like, and they end up falling into one. I'm here for it. I think that's really great. So, um,
i I didn't have a problem with anything that I saw. I didn't have a problem with like anything like any of the CG, any of the the ah physical effects or practical effects.
Um, I like it. Uh, and Jude laws in it. I like him a lot as well too. He may be a Jedi or might not be a Jedi and that's pretty cool as well too. I don't necessarily think we need a Jedi in this story, but hey, why not? Uh, we don't really know of too many in this timeline besides, uh, like Luke and Ahsoka.
Right. Calcasta. Calcastas. Yeah. Soka. Luke. I mean, Grogu. Yeah. Um. So we don't necessarily need a Jedi, but if he is. Ezra. Oh yeah. Ezra. That's right. But he's at this time, he's. He's missing. Yeah. Yeah. Sabine, technically. Yeah. Mm hmm. So she was a Padawan going through her training.
So not a lot though, like no very little during so of this time frame. So if Jude Law is a Jedi, cool. If he's not, um I guess in and some articles they kind of described him as like a trickster Han Solo type a person. So...
I wouldn't mind a Han Solo type Jedi. Why not? That'd be great. I mean, they kind of tried to do it in Obi-Wan with Kamal's character, which was great. Again, you and I both loved that. ah yeah Yeah. He was perfect. um But he you know, where the timeline is, he would be pretty young when Order 66 happened. So I don't necessarily think he was a Jedi Jedi. Maybe he was a Padawan. Maybe he was a youngling. I don't know.
But or he could just be someone that's force sensitive like broom boy and sometimes uses those things to get out of tight situations. So we'll see. Yeah, I 100 percent everything you're saying. I'm excited.
Again, hype. I don't know what I mean. I guess I get excited for new Star Wars. Wherever you want to say that level is hype, whatever. I'm excited. I am a little bit more excited because of the vibe of kids adventure, Goonies, E.T., stranger things. ah What was that? JJ Abrams, ah Super eight. Like, oh, yeah. Super eight. All those like classic kid-led movies are so good and I think this will translate well well in Star Wars and I'm with you though I can see where maybe a certain I don't know about a certain age group or whatnot but maybe there might be a certain section of the fandom and maybe on the younger side maybe not that maybe
won't connect to it as much as maybe like, again, kids are age or older or people are age and older. But I'm excited just to just go on this ride. Right. I mean, the trailer was so cool. You set up this whole like kids in school, you know, riding their like, you know, hover bike like in the street and like, it's just.
You see that shot of like the suburbs, some cutting the grass, like walking their dog. Yeah. And I know people like semi complained about that, but I'm like, why? Like you have to worry. I'm just walking down the street with a pet. That is so freaking cool. And you have to like, I think people forget, like not every planet in this galaxy is like Tatooine.
like or like or so. Right. Right. There are planets, a.k.a. maybe like ours. Maybe this is where they're getting the obviously like um inspiration from that are probably just like like Earth or like, you know, similar to that, where it's just people living their lives during a time of whatever. But they might not be, obviously, depending on where this place is.
They might not be close to it to really be affected. You know what I'm saying? Right. Or it's, again, think it's the timeline of the New Republic. So they're probably trying to create a new atmosphere throughout the galaxy and having people have homes and properties and living together in community. um Back to a normal type of... Back to ah like a normal type living. That might be what they're um displaying here.
Exactly. So I, I love it. Give me Star Wars suburbia. Yes. I love it. Like that. We've never seen that. Yeah. Never seen is like deserts. Snow. Water. This is what we get or a huge like city. We just get huts. Yeah. Or like high rise complexes. Right. Are these little like, uh, villages in the desert or whatever, right?
We're in suburbia. I'll take it. I think it's cool. Yeah. And then the kids, they look awesome. I think the one kid is like in a ah like a a full prosthetic. like blue, whatever that creature is. He's not an orderland. They haven't. Well, I mean, he's not because orderlands don't have arms. And like, if you think of Max Rebo, he plays with his feet. So maybe he's like a part orderland and I don't know. So, but he's so cute. Yeah, but that's and right. The point is that and his name is Neil, ah Neil.
And I look good. The girl that puts like the little visor down. I love it. It's going to be fun. Like, I think and just like you were saying, this is what we, I think we need at this time because we have had and we have loved all the recent live action stuff, right? Acculite, Ahsoka. Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan has been, you even go back to Mando season three, has been very serious.
Good, but very. Theme heavy, very serious Star Wars, right? Like, think of when Mando and Bo went to that one planet where Lizzo and Jack Black were there that that had like that fun vibe to it. And it was very refreshing. So like and people hated it, of course, because they can have fun. Clearly. But I liked it. So we both i loved it. It was great. We need more of it.
i Again, this is where we, I think it's just right here, right now, where we are in Star Wars, in my opinion, this is what we need. We need a just fun adventure. Adventure. This is, we need a solo a Star Wars movie S type of fun, right? Yeah. Nanigans, heists, or, you know, kids, you know, getting wrapped up in a adventure.
Dude, pirates, like let's let's have a comeback of pirates. Pirates were huge when we were kids. I was a pirate like three years in a row for Halloween. like I right ah love pirates. like We need a pirate era back. we Let's bring it back.
We need to bring it back a hundred percent, man. But again, this and again, where my mind goes to is, you know, who's our favorite pirate? Hondo and Naka, baby. Hondo. If this is not the biggest hondo watch, I don't know what is. I know be the perfect time for our boy to show up. So we hope he does. But again, I mean, kind of going back to the trailer, a little bit again, the visuals look great. It looks fun. All the creatures like you're saying that we see look amazing, and it just looks like it's just going to be a fun, hey man, these kids get caught up, they get on a ship that was lost, takes them into the galaxy, and they're on an adventure, and they gotta get back home, right? Simple premise, and it's gonna be a fun ride. That's what I want, and this is all I need this show to be, is just a fun ride, right?
Kids getting into mischief, running into Jedi, running into pirates, all that stuff. Jawas, we saw Jawas like, m give it to me. Like this is what I, and I think what Star Wars needs at this time. And I don't want to hear or see anybody, any freaking YouTuber be all pouty about it when it's all about kids. If you even go after these kid actors, you will be,
No, we won't stand that we can know we must protect these kids at all costs, okay people this is what we need to do because I will be damned if what we let these a-holes that Go on these tyrants about these shows go after kid actors Go ahead and try it and this let's see how you look in the public eye you moron. So please I dare you to do it Honestly, get them. But i again, I can't wait for this show. I'm excited. It brings that fun vibe. I think it brings a good, much needed, different type of Star Wars story. Right now, that isn't going to be like heavy, emotionally or heavy, like.
Again, like Acculite twins and all that like mom dying like I don't like I just want a fun adventure. And this is what we're going to help.
I really do. I think this is what we're getting. Anything else and I get ah again in the trailer, anything else pop out to you or anything you notice or get you like excited? So the creatures, there's a little callback to the Captain EO. Michael Jackson ah has that little character in it as well, too. I'm not as familiar with Captain EO as I am with like Moonwalker or anything like that. So but I've been meaning to watch it because I know it's it's pulling from a couple things In the show, which I think is pretty cool um But I mean I think I'll of also like remember flight of the navigator like That was yeah, like that's the vibe like I'm right hoping we get like and I i think that we will so um That's pretty cool
Yeah, this is what I want, right? This is what I think in what I hope they accomplish. That's it. That's all I'm looking at out for this show. I'm not looking for some deep, deep Star Wars like. Yeah, I don't need any. hour I don't need. Yeah, I don't need any of it. Just give me a fun adventure with kids.
and move on. That's all I want. Right. And if it's connected to the man over somehow, great. Maybe we'll see some of, some of them pop in, pop out. Again, give me Hondo. This is all I want. This is all I need. I need my space pirate buddy to show up in live action. This is all I want. But so around the same time, people did a article and Law was asked how basically how he would describe the show and what he said was the first word that come to his mind is joyful. I'm sold already. yeah That's the first word that comes to his mind when he was a part of this sold. Like this is what I want.
a joyful, fun Star Wars show. I don't want any deep, deep, heavy themes of like sisters paddling or master and apprentice or trying to find a friend that was lost and I don't, give me just, just give me fun Star Wars, man. This is what I want. I don't want any deep, deep, deep stuff. We've had a lot of it and it's been very good, but I'm ready for like a fun adventure, 100%.
Um, anything else, and, um, just going through the article that you kind of picked out or any, anything that stood out to you. Yeah. I like how he said that, uh, that like eagle eyed star wars fans will be able to spot details that pay homage to the original, uh, films. Uh, which I think Easter eggs are always really cool.
And like I think of when I finally watched Ghostbusters Afterlife and when the first watch that I did and all the stuff that they, the Easter eggs that were hidden from the the first movie, I was like, Oh my God, there's that. Oh my gosh, look at that. And then like at the end, I was like, I knew they were, the girders were used.
Like that's the kind of stuff I i do like. um And then to know that if they're paying homage to those things, they're also used using the technology that was used back then as well, too, is cool. um So it's going to look authentic and and good. So um I like Easter eggs. I think they're fun.
Yeah, I think that will be again. This is I think the show that would be perfect for that stuff, right? Little things in the background or mentions or whatnot, right? I don't need any deep like we're saying deep lore stuff. I don't need that. This is just supposed to be joyful as law says. It's supposed to be fun. And again, this is coming from John Watts who did Spider-Man. Which were great movies. All the newer ones, the Tom Holland movies. He's a great like,
great director. So I trust him having like setting up a really fun adventure, uh, involving kids, right? I mean, obviously is the Spider-Man movies ah deal with older, older kids, obviously in high school, but I trust him to be able to pull off this type of adventure. That will be fun. And it's him and a Christopher Ford are the two, uh, series creators. So at,
I'm excited. I mean, again, like you're saying, Jude Law. Jude Law. Come on, man. We had Jude Law in Star Wars. Dumbledore. Dumbledore. Come on. We're excited for this. So again, and I know with again, my only worry in all honesty is like what will be said about those young kid actors?
I just don't want that to happen, but I don't think I don't think it will. I think hopefully, hopefully we've learned our lesson. ah Jake Lloyd, I think we I think we need all to apologize to him, but we all need hate hat and Christiansen to write. Right. Yeah. ah Anything else in the article, and I mean, there's been there's some good little bits and pieces in here. um You know, they just talk about working with.
draw, you know, working with like the the puppeteers, the droids, the, um, the alien species and how, you know, law basically was saying how cool it was to kind of like see it in person. You know, so, I mean, it's just a, the article from people and people magazine is fun. They had some, uh, images in the two that looked pretty cool.
Um, one was just a Jude law. Um, kind of looking like a very, like you're saying, not, not Jedi, but a very kind of wanderer. Was that how you, I mean, that's how I describe it. Just a, a nomad. Yeah. Right. I love his scarf. Yeah. The green scarf is good. Solid, solid scar for sure. And then there's other pictures of like the, um,
the the the kid actors um looking at, I think as a robot, yeah, or a droid, sorry, a droid while they're on the ship. The flashlight. I love the little apron that Neil's wearing. It's so cute. He's gonna be my favorite. I can already tell. I love the backpacks. I love that it looks like the one girl's wearing like a ah ah flight jacket, like a leather jacket. That's so cool. Yeah. like that That's like, that's, that's perfect. Yeah. I mean, and then law had just obviously was a very overwhelmingly nice things to say about all, you know, cause he was the main person that was working with these kids. I mean, he just said that they were just very professional, very good. He had so much fun with them. So that's good to see and hear that obviously they, you feel at least on set, they're having a good time. They were doing it.
in this idea of joyful, fun adventure. And hopefully that will you know be displayed ah in the show. so ah Yeah. And this gives me hope. I mean, and then that one picture with them, like in the woods by their like little hover bikes, speed bike sings. Again, that's just cool with their backpacks. Like, it's just like, again, us back in the day riding bikes for hours. Yeah. Like let's just give those vibes. And that's what I'm, I'm here for all that. I really am. I'm excited. I think like you're saying, I think it hit, it will hit with.
People are age and maybe a little bit older just because of what we grew up on right the 80s and 90s were a very good time for those like movie, though those like kid move lead movies.
right And now with with like stranger things to kind of more of a modern. Yeah, modern. But I mean, it takes place in the 80s, but a modern show showing that stuff. Yeah, I think it would. I think it will. I think this show will translate because a lot of people, younger you know, younger people watch Stranger Things. So they grew up with these watching these kids, you know, become adults and they were riding bikes. So maybe we'll, you know, it will translate, I hope.
Yeah, there's a lot of you know like people in that age group that um appreciate nostalgia of that time and appreciate ah those types of that imagery and and all of that. so like yeah I think, I mean, it's so, I think it's going to be really great. um And again, just like a refreshing take that we kind of need right now, knowing that into the future, we're going to be going back to Mando and group Grogu. We're going to be going back into Andor. We're going to be going into a Rey movie and all of that. So I was surprised at D23, they didn't say anything about the Rey movie.
I am an i and I am and then am not because what celebrations 2025 next year. Yeah. So the price saved all a lot of, you know, as usual saving a lot of that stuff for that time. So we'll see. I mean, I, I was maybe hoping to hear renewals of maybe like Ahsoka 2 or Acolyte. Yeah. But we got nothing. But again, maybe that is more of a celebration announcements than your D23.
So we'll see, because yeah I feel like Star Wars doesn't mean they don't really do big reveals like Marvel. Yeah. Right. I mean, Robert Downey Jr. coming back with Dr. Doom. Oh boy. Drop mic. I have thoughts on that because this isn't a Marvel podcast. Mostly positive, but very like head scratching. Anyway, side note on that.
But i I feel like they drop news just randomly, right? Like this People magazine kind of dropped like a well week or a few days before the trailer. So like that's when Star Wars kind of does their thing. They don't really do big like D23 San Diego Comic Con. They do their own celebration. That's why I think they save a lot of the stuff for that. Yeah.
So we'll see. I mean, I'm, I'm hoping we get more announcements, maybe, you know, a little bit before celebration of the things to come.

Speculations on Upcoming Star Wars Projects

I'm waiting for like, when's, what's the next animation, man? Let's go. Let's go. You and I are both animation fans. We need more of that.
Are any anything you want to ah bring up before we wrap it up because about the article or the trailer or anything like that? What's your thoughts? No, I feel like we're just.
going along, right? We're getting little bits of of shows and things just throughout, like we're going to have a skeleton crew in December. And then, you know, then after that, we'll have an announcement of like what comes next and all of that. So and or next year, eventually and or next year. And then we just keep going. So um i I mean, I just love that there are still projects in the works and stuff that we get to experience ah in the moment. So I'm excited. Yeah, me too. ah As kids say, the vibes are good. so We're vibing on the news. We're excited for all the new books, comics, new you know skeleton crew finally dropping. We finally get to see what that's going to be like. And it looks good. Looks fun. And we're very, very excited.
Alright kids, that's it, that's your show. Hope you enjoyed our newsy news recap from San Diego Comic Con and D23. Hopefully we'll get some more news between then and then we'll have more to talk about or we'll obviously have a topic to talk about. A lot of stuff, a lot of What are the Jedi? I feel like we should really need to talk about that. What's our thoughts on the Jedi post-Acolyte? How do we feel? maybe Yeah, we shouldn't because. I got thoughts. And I probably know I know you do, too. We may that might be our next. I'm like, even me reading the living force, like it still doesn't put them in this great light as well, too. They're still kind of like bureaucratic and
lost their way and it's just interesting. There's yeah crazy. There's a thing that happens with Yoda in the book that's pretty surprising. I don't know if it's super surprising. I'm not going to say that it it's not like this huge drop, but there there is this very tiny, tiny part. And there's this line that someone says to him about a choice that he makes, which is very goes back to maybe what we were seeing at the end of the accolades.
um More on that, kids, depending on it, and we're gonna talk about it. That's probably gonna be our next episode. All right, but that's it. That's the show. Hope you guys enjoyed. You can follow us on The Galactic Podcast at The Galactic Pod, all the major platforms, and then you can follow us on all the major podcasting platforms, Apple Pod, Google Play, Spotify, and then you can follow me, Lauren Romo, at Low Row Knows on all the social medias.
You can follow me, Andrea Gutierrez, at our 2D two-step on Twitter, Instagram threads. I've been watching the Jimin and Jungkook travel show. Are you sure that's on ah Disney Plus?
um I'm a huge Jimin and Jic Jungkook fan. I'm like a shipper for for them as well, too So it's been really great ah Watching that just has my mind reeling all the time. So that's been really fun Yeah, and that is your BTS update of the week. Alright kids, that's it. That's a show and as always made that force to be with you always always