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Episode 151- The Acolyte Recap Episode 4 image

Episode 151- The Acolyte Recap Episode 4

The GALactic Podcast
106 Plays8 months ago

Welcome to The GALactic Podcast! In this episode, Andrea and Lauren chat about The Acolyte Episode Four! Is Qimir Darth Teeth? Yes, that was Mundi. How connected to the EU could we get? They talk these topics and much more Go listen and enjoy!

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Introduction to the Star Wars Podcast

Alright, hello everyone and welcome to the glad to podcast. I am Laura Romo with me as always my cousin and fellow nerd, Andrea Gutierrez. Yo, yo, yo, bright sons. What's going on cuz? Oh, man, I like I think I need like a liquid like IV or like a real IV. Like when you work in a 95 degree warehouse, It is rough on you. I can't even imagine that would be awful. Very awful. You just stand there and sweat. Your shins sweat. Who even knew your shins could sweat? Apparently you do now. I do. Oh, there's a lot of sweating going on. and Star Wars made them this week and we're not even going to touch that stuff.
But we're going to have some fun talking about the Acolyte today, for sure. This is episode four. So before we dive into it, people, this is your first time listening to us. Welcome. We are a Star Wars podcast that has discussed anything and everything within that galaxy far, far away. In each episode, we will dive into one or two topics and have a general discussion on them.

Diving into 'The Acolyte'

Topics could be movies, TV series, books, comics, a specific character, you name it. And we talk about it. All right, Ang. Episode four, the acolyte. Wow. ah The title is Day. Our director was Mr. Alex Garcia Lopez. Writers were Claire Kishville and a core Donna, A-D-A-N-A. Apologies for messing your names and mispronunciation.
That's not me. That's not on you. ah These are pretty new writers that haven't seen them before as far as in Star Wars. So very cool. Again, we've been getting a lot of that, I think, within this ah season and the show really of new writers. Right. That we haven't seen before, at least in Star Wars. Some of these writers have done other other things and other shows. So, but it's very cool to get this, ah these perspectives, right? It's very news perspectives on Star Wars, very new way of looking at Star Wars. Yeah, fresh. Yeah, fresh, right. it's a And I think that is the one thing this show, you can't, at least in my opinion, you can't say it hasn't been a very fresh take.
and Star Wars and just in general really and then just adding new flavor new lore really to to this grand grand galaxy that we love to talk about so Let's start us off and overall thoughts

Personal Reactions and Highlights

opinions. How you feeling about this one? Let's dive into it man. What do you got man? I was loving that man. I loved it so I My mother and I, we watch the show together and it was getting around to nine o'clock and I like turn on Disney Plus and she's like, are you gonna watch it right now? And I'm like, she's like, I gotta water the flowers. And I was like, listen, I'm not gonna wait for you. This is a business for me, all right, lady? like
Go do your thing. And I was like, listen, I'll watch it when you get done. ah You know i'll I'll want to rewatch it. So I watch it and I'm like, oh my God. My mom walks in the house. I was like, oh my God, you've got to watch this. Then my sister calls me at the same time. And she's like, I pick up the shoes. She's just like, oh my God. So it was like just chaos. um And then I was like, rewinding, taking pictures of my TV. I never do that. I like and never do that. And I'm like zooming in, I'm like enhanced.
Let's look at these hands and these arms. Let's look at this. So um it was quite fun. I thought it was a very fun episode. um I didn't mind it ending on a cliffhanger because um I think one of the things you and I really like is, um like, responsibly speculating throughout the week and and trying to think of what's going to happen next and rewatching and and all of that. So um um yeah, I just I thought it was I thought it was great. Little ah couple head scratching moments, couple um
Why did they say that moment? So um really interesting. And I've just loved like everyone else's reaction online and and watching um other podcasts, listening to other podcasts, watching other shows.

Star Wars Narrative and Fan Reactions

So it feels great. Yeah, it was a good episode for me overall. I watched it at nine o'clock, just like you. And throughout the episode, it was good like I liked The little nuggets of information we were getting. I liked the especially the stuff on Coruscant and like the Jedi and what they were kind of, you know, what their whole thought process was, was very fascinating. And we'll talk about that. um Yeah, the ending again, I don't mind it. It was great. Like I love the reveal was spectacular. Dope. Loved all that.
Yeah, was I like, when it just abruptly ended, while was I a little bit like...
Oh, okay, we're just gonna end it there. Like, I was part like, it was cool. Like I, again, I think that's where I think people might misperceive people or misunderstand when people say they didn't maybe like the cliffhanger. It's not that they didn't. It's not like I didn't like the cliffhanger. Like I, we have watched Tommy shows, even in Star Wars, they have cliffhangers and or how many episodes of that show left you kind of on a cliffhanger. Game of Thrones, all that stuff, right? So that wasn't the issue for me. I feel like some of it, some of my issues stem with just maybe the editing and maybe the the execution of
of Where to like where to like end it. I don't know maybe and again that's that's more of a me thing That's not nothing against the show. That's just a me thing me wanting more or me not jiving with maybe the abrupt end of it. I don't mind leaving on a cliffhanger, but just how it just like, boom, ended. I was like, huh, okay.

Character Motivations and Jedi Politics

But again, the more you watch it or the more you just, like you're saying, going online and seeing people and listening to people, again, that's one just small thing that goes away and it's not it doesn't take the enjoyment of what I watched, right? Because that ending is spectacular. That reveal, that just whole,
You know, hit the the, the, you know, the character, the stranger, I think is what they're naming him. Just floating down. Like that was insane. And then ah the shot of, again, this is, we're going to talk about it kids, but just, there's a lot of great shots that I liked, right? Um, again, a lot of, a lot of lore stuff, a lot of deep, uh, not deep, but like, like a lot of good just expansion of what we know. Versus you know um What we don't know right and again little nuggets that we still don't know the answer to like soul right and like what he says to OSHA In one of their conversations. So again, I liked it. I'm not I don't not like it This wasn't maybe my favorite episode, but that's okay because the show I will say From start to finish so far the story overall has been compelling
Right this mystery this what happened, you know 16 years ago. Who is this mysterious figure in a you know? Smiles my little red is what I'm calling them. Smile our teeth. Our teeth is a good one too. I love that one i But like who's who is this guy right? Who is this character? What is their deal? Are they the master? Are they the apprentice? Are they even Sith because that word has not been uttered once yet kids so Again, your, your Monday, you know, discourse is just for nothing because no, no, the word Sith was not uttered. So that doesn't take away or ruin what he says in the Phantom Menace. So full stop and the story. That's as much as the Monday discourse as I will dive into, but I enjoyed it. Yes, I enjoyed it. Cause I think I am now, I'm excited for, for this next episode.
Right. Because I think that's going to be where a lot of action, a lot of really good, like more, I think more of what we, more answers will be unveiled. Right. And I think even one of the writers, I'm not sure which one was on Twitter and said that they filmed this as an episode. like Like a full length episode, this episode and then episode five. But again, because of whatever, they had to edit it into two. And this is where they thought it would be a good stopping point. Which it is, because it's a good cliffhanger. I just don't, I did like the abruptness of it just ending, but I get it. And that doesn't take away from the enjoyment.

Evolving Ideologies of the Jedi Order

So that is my overall thoughts, Ange. Anything else you want to bring up or any any comments to my overall thoughts? Yeah, if you think about the name of the episode is Day, right? And at the end of this episode, it's the transition from Night and Today, which was outstanding. Absolutely cool. Very horror-ish feeling. I absolutely love that. It was like that character brought the dark, and it was so freaking cool. um So you can only assume that the next episode is going to be called Night, and then we're going to see what happens at night. Right. so um
If you kind of look at it that way you can kind of understand since they had to split it probably for runtime or or whatever is necessary. um That's where they split it so. um Yeah. I mean, but you never even like, it does feel like, yeah, we're going to, we're going to pick right up from that moment. Like we have to, right? But if we didn't, and somehow it went to some sort of flashback because some of the Jedi got pushed off, knocked out, I don't know that is cool as well too. So I'm not going to like bank on, we're about to see the, but I, I'm pretty sure we're going to see the, the night version of it. Yeah.
Um, especially because I went back through and I watched the last trailer and there's still a handful of things that we haven't seen right and it does look like shots from being on Kofar and, um, soul fighting with, uh, Darth teeth.
Yeah, i there's there's a lot to still be seen I think in the obviously in this scene. And I'm glad you you brought up the trailer, you know some of the trailer stuff. We've seen a lot of it, but yeah, there's still a few shots, special still in this setting that we have not seen yet, right? when I mean, the one that comes to my mind is the one where he's a dark teeth like throws a lightsaber, right? We haven't seen that yet. And like you're saying, there's a couple other small asking who are you or what are you? um We haven't seen that. So, so there's, yeah, so there's still, still stuff, right? Still stuff. So I'm excited. Yeah. I think this, I mean, i this gets me excited for this episode because I want to see what happens next. A hundred percent like this, this gets me fired up for that. So.
Yeah, I mean I again this is not taken away from the show. I love what they're doing with this show I love the characters that the characters have been Spectacular right the growth of some of these characters have been amazing And we'll talk about uh that stuff as we go so we're gonna do this a little bit differently than what we normally do we're kind we're gonna go not scene for scene but kind of section by section of this episode just because i think how uh how it went down and and that's what you and you and you brought up this idea for us to do it this way because and it's a very good i think it's a very good idea because it's just how the episode progresses like you said
It's a good kind of let's take it that way instead of taking topics that we use like that topics that we would just pull from. Let's talk about these sections because I think there's bits and pieces of each one, like you're saying, that progressively continue on. So the very beginning, we're right on Kofar and we are in Kalnaka's little hut, or little house, whatever. Domo Sayo I think is what, it's that towards the end of the episode is what it's called. yeah And you see him just kind of rummaging around, making dinner, a salad maybe, I don't know what it is. But you see those weird, the thing that I think catches my eye,
is like the weird markings, right? Which is very yeah clearly coven from Brenda, the witches. So what's that all about, right? And then within that kind of cold opening, I don't know, whatever you want to call it. Then we go to Coruscant and we meet up with Sol and Vernestra and they're in like this a briefing room with a lot of other Jedi, not the council, right? This is a a small group of Jedi.
This is in the high council. Right. This is it' like the mid council. Right. This is your mid managers, so to speak. Right. But it's not the the council, right? These are just a small committee. Should we call it a committee? I'm not a committee.

Kelnaka's Isolation and Past

ah These are committee a committee of Jedi looking into this ah Situation with OSHA and may and you know what who you know their question of who is training may and all that so and walk me through Your overall kind of what you picked out from the this section of the episode any information or anything that popped up to you Let's talk about it my friend
Yeah, I found it. The beginning, the the start on Kofar and seeing Kel Naka um just living ah a life of solitude, right? One almost could even say maybe he's like a taking a Barash vow. And a weird, right, like in his own way? Yeah, in his own way, just kind of like, I'm off here and um I'm left with the the pain and the guilt of what I did in my past, whatever that is. And you can tell it's torturing him because, like you said, there's symbols all over the wall and these symbols ah most likely represent ah the coven of Mother Anasaya.
Again, that's just like one of those little nuggets where you're like, oh, that story is not over with. Something else needs to be told because obviously it's highly affecting Kalnaka and that's why he's off here like by himself, right? You don't see him in a village. You don't see him on post or anything like that. He has gone off to himself and ah likes to eat salad. ah He does like to eat salad. Yeah, the thing that jumps out to me with the whole writing on the wall thing is that like you're saying Something clearly like happened, which ah I would assume eventually we're gonna find out right but something happened 16 years ago down Brundak that has just made how do I say possess but has really
I'm trying to think of the word. Just really ah over has consumed his thoughts and his feelings or whatever, however you want to say it, but something has consumed him. And I wonder if that's a small hint of what might have happened because we know in the previous episode that mother and Isaiah show that she could possess them very easily with Torbin. Now, yeah granted Torbin was a padawan. Kanaka is a Jedi master, but I do wonder if maybe that could have happened to Kalnaka. What do you, where do you go if I say that? Like where do your thoughts go? Is that possible that maybe because of what one of the mothers did that night, like maybe they possessed him and he did something, right?
And because of them getting into his mind, it has kind of consumed him. And it um it reminds me of, maybe this is a weird kind of connection, but in the first Transformers movie, when when the Sam of Wiki's grandfather sees Megatron frozen, and he gets kind of like crazy and possessed after like he gets zapped, right? I wonder if that kind of happened with Kalnaka. Where do you go with all that? Well, when I think about like the previous episode and what we saw with Kalnaka, we also saw him having like a somewhat of a connection with Osha as well too. Like she actually felt comfortable approaching him. He said some things to her and then also when she was leaving it, her, her thoughts or whatever seemed to catch his attention. Um, so I, you, I don't know, it's so disappointing. It's just kind of disappointing that we didn't get to really.
meet him well enough in this episode to see like what's going on. It was very brief what we got out of him. um So yeah, I definitely think like that's what happened. like He was possessed or maybe he um knew what happened to Torbin when it happened to him. Whatever. I also find it really interesting that there's like not just like coven symbols But there's like like other symbols like it could almost look like prime Jedi symbols as well You know like the first Jedi you see that and the last Jedi i like um And you brought it up like earlier saying like with the dark comes the light and within each of those is a little bit of each other so the yin and the yang and all of that so
um it's It was a great way to start the episode and get your brain turning like, how far back does this does this go? How far back does the coven go? um and And what is this thing that's like haunting Kalnaka? Yeah, it's it's gonna be fascinating to kind of find and discover that it was like you said and we'll get to it but spoiler kids ah He's not alive at the end of this episode. Untimely death untimely untimely ah We'll get to that again eventually. So yeah, it's gonna be fascinating i'm I'm excited to get more of his story and I do
I do think we are, we have talked about it last week

Investigating Jedi Murders and Conflicts

too. Well, we're going to go back at least one more time I think to that flashback, right? Or we could, as Ian ah said last week too, Maybe flashbacks within episodes? You know, not a full episode flashback? Not a full episode flashback, right? Right. We could get that, too. So. Well, I did hear on Star Wars explain that the director that did episode three is doing episode seven. Oh, OK. So you. OK, that would make sense. So maybe that's when we go back. But ah again, right, you can flashback throughout five and and six as well, too.
Yeah, that, ooh, that makes sense then. And oh, that's a great, again, Alex and Molly always, always up to date with their i but their' stuff. ah We love them. So yeah, that's interesting. So that, yeah, that would tell me that obviously at least maybe one more time for sure. And like you're saying, maybe sprinkled in ah five and six. So we'll find out. So Ang, so then obviously we go straight to Coruscant. We see this briefing of the committee ah that is kind of handling the situation right there, looking into this.
these unsolved murders of these Jedi, right? Vanestra, Sol, we have a master Holden, I know was the name. yeah And then a guy that looked like K.O. Mundy, wasn't confirmed until the credits, but that was Mundy. I did not think it was him. I thought like it was just the species. It was just the species, right. I was like, cool. I thought like that Plo Koon looking character was Plo Koon for sure, because I know that they have, ah And it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter when the man was born. God, dang it. Nothing is in canon. nothing Again, yeah, legends had a a certain way. Yeah. Canon will have it a different way. Who freaking cares, man? But I absolutely love the way he they portrayed him. Exactly like how we see him in the Phantom Menace, Revenge of the Sith, like all that stuff. like When they talk about her style and that, like
um And they said, maybe it's a splinter order. And he was like, splinter order? That's absurd. like I can't believe that that could possibly happen. that is like his his That was a great way to establish his mindset going forward. like He is just a ah naysayer on any idea that you're going to bring up. Oh, the Sith haven't been around for 1,000 years. And oh, she's a splinter order. We got rid of those. That's absurd. So I thought it was a perfect portrayal of Ki-Adi Mundi. And I wish people didn't get picky about little things and act like it's under the world, but I digress.
ah we What I also found really interesting is that when they're talking about, the they're watching a hollow of May because she was fighting Sol and Jackie was the one that like recorded that information. So that's like what they're looking at and they're saying like it's very, um she moves on emotion, it's very messy. um But what I find really interesting is that When the one Jedi says, so you think that she was trained by a Jedi, and Vernestra says, like I know she was. like You can see that clearly like through the hollow. So they have no idea. They're not thinking Darkseid. They're not thinking Sith. They're not thinking anything to that cause. They are thinking there is a Jedi that broke off and is training people. and
now killing Jedi just like in a splinter order like it's just like hey we don't really believe in what you guys are doing anymore so we're gonna go this way and we're gonna do our own thing and the Jedi probably seek out those types of situations and try to like quell them so no one is mentioning Sith
nope nope not a single word of Sith dark side whatnot right nothing right nothing so yeah this doesn't take away from what Munny said in Phantom Menace or anything like that But as a viewer, you know from episode one that there is a dark figure holding a red lightsaber, you know, our wheelhouse. Absolutely love it. So we know that there is possible Sith, possible dark side. ah We're in the know, the Jedi are not, and it's not even crossing their minds.
Right. And it clearly this is, again, it just like you said, it establishes one, Mundi's thought process, right? Clearly. Two, it establishes the order, the Jedi order overall, right? Of them being arrogant at times. And somewhat divided, right? Raster's really serious about keeping that information from the High Council so it doesn't get to the Senate. Right. That's interesting. So that's really interesting as well too because yeah in the books, Vanessa was very by the book. If something needed to be addressed to the high council, she flat out walked up there and told them and and now um something has happened to keep her from being ah like that. So I want to know what that is because I mean, I think I have an idea, but my idea is probably wrong. Again, it shows how much
they changed, right? So even from the high Republic era, right? I mean, I know we're still in it, but from like the early, early high Republic era to towards the end, that shift, right? I mean, Leslie, Helen has talked about this about showing that shift, showing that what the Jedi order became in episode one, like it's, you're, they're showing us that. And this is a perfect example. Like you're saying, Vanessa, not wanting to go to the council because of politics, right? Because they, this would be used against their enemies could use this against them or, you know, political people could use this against the order. So again, what, like you're saying, what had, what happened for them to start thinking that way? Because again, Angie, I know you're way more,
knowledgeable in the in the high republic novels Like this wasn't again my my again. I'm only phase one So you know this more but from my recollect recollection of phase one the high republic like they weren't that way Right. They didn't they didn't think this way. So I do I do attribute you I think what Transpired in phase one and what we're gonna probably see in phase three as it goes that event with the Nihill, with all that. The nameless. The nameless. That changed them. To the core, that changed the Jedi Order. Do you think that's maybe a big reason for this shift? Like that event, like that event that we are reading about in in the High Republic novels. Do you think that's a big contributor, like huge? Yeah, absolutely. I think it was
yeah When Starlight Beacon blew up, it changed them drastically. They recalled all the Jedi back to the temple and they started training them more as soldiers um and telling Padawans like, hey, you can take the trials early and we might just like call you up to like be a Jedi Knight. So um it was very reminiscent of like what they did with Anakin during the Clone Wars and how they needed more generals for the Clone Wars.

May and Kaimir's Journey and Allegiances

So, it that what seems like that was the break. um They never were like protectors of, or like soldiers of the Republic, but during the High Republic, you can see that transition where they where they where they start to be.
and i think you know, politics get within that. If you have a um military or you have a um someone telling you like what your orders are and where you need to be stationed and what you need to do, like um there are plenty of people that um have a different thought process of what Jedi should be. And my guess is Vernestra Ro was one of them. Yeah, what I found really fascinating was she flat out called out soul. She was like, ah no, for Jedi and you were there.
And she said that they were stationed at Brendock and, um you know, and then the conversation that they have off to the side where you see a little bit more of Vernestra's like compassion of saying like, why didn't you tell me like we could have about this poor girl could still be alive. So that was kind of nice to see because everybody thinks she's kind of sus. and she's just like She's she's she's lived a long life guys and she's a typical like again in this time Jedi now, right? Right. Yeah because of what they've been because of what she's been through what the order has been through, right? Yeah again. This is I think this is a change. Yeah that side conversation with her and soul Was interesting. I like that again soul
Soul just says to her like, yeah, I would have told you. I thought she would like. I didn't think she survived. He said he saw her fall and that no one could survive it. And I think that is like, he is not like trying to make up, like I think that's, it's not that he hasn't told the truth about that. Like it's not like a scene we haven't seen fully. Or from right different perspectives. Right. Or it's not an accurate like depiction. That's what he saw. So that's what, you know,
I think he's telling his truth. I think other things he has not been forthcoming with as far as with OSHA may we'll get to that but With that though. He is I think he is telling Vanessa. Listen, this is That's what happened Of course, I would have said something but I saw her fall. There's no way she could have survived. So yeah, I didn't bring it up why would I have, right? And then Vanestra's like, well, what can we give May that she would want, right? And of course it's OSHA, yeah right? So that transitions to our next kind of section of, we see May and Kaimir on Kofar now, right? So they land.
Kaimir is telling Mae that he he knows where to go apparently, which is again sus. We'll talk about that as we go. But this whole conversation of, I like the, when he brings up to Mae that even though her sister's alive, this doesn't change. what her mission is right but it changes everything right and unbeknownst to him it has changed a lot so and she's talking to me about again what what kind of because there's a couple different scenes you know that where they land and then when they're in
Like the forest and all that heading towards kalnaka. So we'll kind of combine this uh combine those kind of two with with these guys, so Kind of your overall thoughts with um may kaimir their conversations while getting to kalnaka's place What's your kind of what's your vibe? What's your kind of? What are you thinking? because that kaimir again, he seems sus But then there's I think i Don't i I don't think he know or I don't think he know he knows a little bit more Than maybe may then he's leading on But I don't think he knows as much as maybe we all think he does I don't know if I'm making sense, but like yeah, he's and then him again I want to definitely when he brings up that how he knows this mysterious figure to Right like all interesting. Yeah, so let's talk about all that
Yeah, I think in this moment, the first moment is they're really trying to lay it on thick that this guy is uncoordinated. He bumps into things. He seems like kind of a mess. like And even May is questioning, like you went in there. like You, by yourself, like how is that even possible? And him saying, like I did it for you. So like when he says that, it makes me question, like Is he working for her?

Kaimir's Role and Intentions

Is he working side by side with her? Is he like her peer? Is he just tagging along? Is there some sort of arrangement he has with the stranger that he has to make sure that may fulfill the mission? Is he the actual stranger and he's just, you know, hiding in plain sight as as dark side users do. So, um,
But that conversation that he has with her about like, and he brings it up, hey, you know you knowing your sister is alive, that doesn't change anything because he actually knows like that is the one thing that feeds May's grief and anger and suffering and resentment. So if she's not dead, what is there for May to um want to, have revenge on these Jedi and continue on this path of of murdering Jedi and maybe becoming a a dark an accolade or a dark side user or whatever.
I think, and it and it's just like, it's just interesting because the things that he says are are lessons, right? He's definitely teaching lessons to her. Like, how do you how do you actually kill a Jedi without a weapon? did you He's like really prodding her about that as well too. Disarming, is that cheating? dis Right, if you grab their lightsaber, is that a allowed? and And like all of that. And what I think they are trying to, get us to think is that she has to kill a Jedi like with her bare hands. right But I think it could also be like metaphorical. like You have to like ruin the reputation of the Jedi, show why they're flawed and what they did wrong, and that kills a Jedi. Because he even says- That kills the dream, right? It kills the dream, right.
um And they really just they go back and forth made like tries to pick at him to like um Have you ever seen his face? Like how when did you first meet him? um all those types of things and In those moments like if you rewatch you can really tell me is very thoughtful like during this time like everything that Kymer says to her, you can tell that she is just inputting and and filing and and saying, huh, I don't really know if that's necessary. And I'm thinking a couple steps ahead. So I think it was like a great portrayal of watching that progression of May reconsidering what she's doing with also like these really good nuggets of Kymer like,
like checking her loyalty as well too. So I just, and then, you know, you get to the end and you're like, oh ah well, we'll talk about that, right? Have we always thought maybe Khmer is the big bad, he is a stranger? Yeah, we've thought that like from the beginning, from then when he tussled with me and um just the things that he says, the minute he said that that piece is a lie in the trailer, everyone's like, that's the guy, that's who the bad one is. So I think what's nice is like watching these interactions, you're just trying to look for clues, right? This is a mystery and you're trying to figure out like what who who done it and what really happened. And these conversations are a great way to just pull information to get you to that answer. Yeah, I think what he what those conversations set up are, again,
Like you're saying, more maybe more questions or getting answers to maybe questions that we are seeking. Right. Yeah, I find it interesting that he already knew. Well, not interesting, but it it's. I mean, I guess it is interesting that he like you're saying time here knew that with OSHA being alive, that could change me just like soul. And we'll we'll we'll talk about that in a little bit. But just like um just like Soul knew, Kaimir knew that May would be susceptible because what was driving her was this grief, this anger, this wanting justice right for what happened to not only her her mothers, right but to her sister.
right and that And that goes back to that flashback episode of you know them saying that kind of little mantra, I am one, but we are two, and all that stuff, right? That shows how connected they are to each other. And even with OSHA, I think OSHA is fighting that, again, we'll talk about that in a little minute, is fighting that kind of connection, Loyalty right to her sister whereas May is Wanting to get that back now that she knows she's alive. Yeah, it is kind of changing her again. She's not letting Smartly she's not letting that on in these first couple scenes with them right with with with her and Kymer She's not letting that on but like you're saying Kymer is checking her and
to make sure that she's still on board, right? And he keeps asking those kind of probing questions specifically, right? To be like, oh, so how yeah, how how how are you gonna do it? is Is disarming and taking their lightsaber cheating? Like what's, like he wants her to kind of keep thinking, right? Keep thinking in this mode of revenge and justice and, you know, all that. He's trying to keep her on task. There's a couple of times where when she answers and he just shakes his head and he looks to respond like, no, you're wrong because he knows what the truth is, which kind of leads me to believe like he actually is, you know, the stranger, dark teeth. And he, he's looking for a specific answer. He knows it because he's the one teaching the lesson because he is actually the the big bad guy. So there's a lot of indicators here that he should be
who we see at the end of the episode. um But that could just be creative writing. Like it definitely could be a red herring. One of the, probably one of the best executed that we've seen and in Star Wars. So um this it it's just it's just great information to be able to keep your mind thinking like, hmm, I wonder. And then like what happens in the next scene, like when they're off on, they when we catch back up with the Jedi and they're on Kofar, now you start to question Osha's intentions as well too. Yeah, so yeah so before we get to, again, yeah, so we get to Kofar, everybody gets to Kofar eventually.

Osha's Loyalty Struggles

But before that, let's talk about
OSHA Jackie and then OSHA and soul kind of those scenes before and then the whole ah Heading towards go far. We'll what kind of jumble all those together. So We get this really wonderful. I think a very wonderful scene with OSHA and Jackie We see Jackie training, which I love a good we all i loved it a good pad one It was so good. It was so good. It's good stuff. Like it's that's good stuff It's good stuff kids and then you just see kind of how those two have Bonded in kind of the friendship that they are forming maybe flirtation I'm okay with it. I'm okay with it. Love it. And then again her ah OSHA and soul
or yeah, Osha and Sol and kind of his, ah his needing Osha, but for not the reasons that Osha is is wanting at this point, right? But that's a good fascinating kind of ah friendship and again, former Padawan, right? And then, you know, them going too far on that ship and you're doing his briefing. funny stuff, I'm sorry. but And we meet Basil on that yeah little trip. So ah again, a lot of fun information, or I guess a lot of...
Good bonding, good, I think, character building in these scenes with these characters. I think this is one of my favorite um episodes for Jackie overall. I think it's strong. ah ah Daphne did a really good good good good job. And again, I think Sol and Osha, just that really that that chemistry between those two characters and then those two actors is really good. like You just feel how much he really you know he he He's connecting with her because he was ah she was a former Padawan. And in how much she kind of connects with him because of what they went through, he saved her from, you know, Brenda and all that. I think that's all really displayed well in these few scenes. So, Ange, let's talk about kind of this grouping of scenes, what you got. Let's talk about it.
Yeah, I absolutely love that Padawan scene. It's just so good. like The camera work of it, the choreography of the the fight movement and all that stuff was so freaking awesome. Absolutely loved it. I thought real quick, the guy that was training the met the Jedi Master was Tormund from Game of Thrones. I always got real excited, but it wasn't, but that's okay. but i I always got real excited because him being a Jedi would have been fantastic. and He would be a good he would be a good a Jedi. yeah um Yeah, what I found
interesting is between the conversation of OSHA and Jackie was that OSHA was going to leave and she was just like, man, ah it's not my problem anymore. It's a Jedi problem. Right. Um, I've come to terms that which she's still alive, you know, that whole conversation, which kind of puts that seed of doubt, like in your head, like, were you, do you really not care or do you really care so much that you want to remove yourself or is there, do you have another agenda? Are you going to go off on your own and look for her? like What is that? it just Just like how Jackie portrayed it, it was very surprising that she would want to leave and not see out the mission until her sister was apprehended. so And then when you move to her ocean soul getting together and
soul saying that he needs her and she immediately thinks it's to become a Jedi again and to go on a mission. Which she always has wanted. Right. Is what she wanted. So like you can tell like she has a lot going on in her head right now and she's very confused on her needs and what she should be doing. So it's kind of crappy that soul kind of uses her as bait and says like, Oh no, uh, not, not yet. Like not as, you know, let's just come with us and, and, you know, let's, she's your family and you need to kind of see this through. So.
I feel bad for Osha, but I also have like these feelings that maybe Osha's not being um completely ah forthcoming with her information as well too, right? Because we'll get later to where she's walking with Yord. so this This whole episode is awesome at making you think like it could be them. right It could be them. It could be her. Maybe it's him. right So it's it's like you're watching Clue. That's fair. no and And you found out that it happened in the conservatory. So now you're thinking, well, this person was at the conservatory, and this person was at the conservatory. So it could be them. It was a candlestick.
so there That's what I think this is like all establishing, right? um is It's trying to confuse you. It's a mystery. It's trying to make you think like, maybe it's this person. And I don't think we've really had a Star War mystery before. So this is like new territory. And I think that's why a lot of people are just so into this show because It just has you thinking on all different levels. so um But I agree with you. like The way Sol and Oshia interact is outstanding. The way Jackie um is a Jedi and is professionally conducts herself and makes connections with with other Jedi, I think is absolutely outstanding.
um The Jedi Temple, I just want to say this real quick. The Jedi Temple was cool as hell. All those people, all that stuff going on in the background was just outstanding. um You know, when you like weird Star Wars and you like creatures and and stuff like that, and that scene was just very cool, a lot going on.

Osha and Jackie's Relationship

So um I absolutely love that. So, and then you get them on the ship, Basil's freaking cool. Little Basil. I literally love like, is he or they like, I just thought that was like, it was like so fondly executed, right? Because these are creatures, like we don't know what sex they are and it doesn't really matter either, right? This isn't like a, a woke call out, calling out pronouns thing. This is just like, this is the way they think in the freaking galaxy. They're respectful to,
what other creatures are. Maybe we can learn a thing or maybe we can learn from them. So um that whole thing was that those scenes were just great because just planting seeds of doubt and just character development throughout it. um It's it's I mean, to think that this episode was 26 minutes long and there were so there was so much that happened in it within like short little two minutes bands, three minutes bands. Yeah, a lot, right, a lot. I mean, again, I love, I love the connection that, especially, again, the Jackie and OSHA stuff. I love how they're bonding. I love how it's very organic. It's not forced.
Right like yeah, could you I can get vibes of Jackie maybe flirting with OSHA vice versa maybe maybe not That's that's that's all fine and dandy like as far as how people read it I think padawans are flirtatious just to begin with just from like yeah the Star Wars books that I've read um I think they also have a strong connection with each other Yeah, um once they're placed either in the same class or have the same master or anything like that. They definitely um Create connections right and and I love that that little Oceans like when I'm you know, if I'm back in course on I'll look you up We'll go to a cantina and we'll just swap soul stories. I love that like it's just like it's very cool just to kind of think like oh, yeah these pet like
Not that they really dive into this type of stuff in in ah in a lot of Star Wars, but like what do Jedi do on their off days, right? right To think that a Padawan goes to Cantina and just like talks talk stuff right with somebody else. It's fun, that's just cool. But yeah, the soul stuff in OSHA, i yeah. The fact, I feel like, and I'm glad you brought it up, i take what he's doing as
yeah you you can take it as he's just using her as bait a hundred percent and is right i mean there's a reason why he is bringing osha but he's doing it i think for a good reason, right? A, because he needs, because he's worried that if he doesn't do it this way, that those other Jedi on the mission are going to take May and it's going to be bad, right? Because that was his whole thing to Venestra, that like, they are going to lose this opportunity of finding out who this person is if they don't do it the right way, right?
Or I kind of think like maybe they're going to find something out about soul that he doesn't want anybody to find out if they capture me without her being there. Yeah. Again, then that her comes to a conversation that we'll get to when they're in the forest for sure. First of all, I love Soul, right? i watch all I rewatch all four episodes and I really hope he's not a bad guy because great dude, his his one, ah the performance is just outstanding. His portrayal of a Jedi, a caring, compassionate ah Jedi has been outstanding. So if he is bad, that will shake my world.
It will shake I think a lot of people's world, but yeah, I don't think he yeah I don't think he's doing it like doing these things maliciously He's doing it because a he again. He wants to he is really I think he wants to protect May and OSHA right because of maybe again like you're saying maybe things that he knows that he hasn't Brought up yet right of that night and I think he again I think he is worried for OSHA and You know why he the reason why he says that you know, yeah, I'm not gonna have you be a Jedi It's because I think he knows that she's not ready right he can feel that
Right, that was his padawan, he knows her, right? And we've seen that kind of like, him kind of feeling and like knowing who she is, right? Especially in the first couple episodes, when they're like tracking her down and they find her on the ice, that ice mountain, right? And he's one kind of like sensing her. So you, you understand, or at least I understand where he's coming from as far as, telling her she's not ready to be a Jedi because I think he knows she's conflicted, right? Because of this past, right? And because he doesn't, and because again, I think he is worried and wants to protect those two girls too because of what happened. So you kind of get like where he's, what his motives are. But like you're saying, are those motives trying to keep a harsh truth of himself?
from coming to light could be, but i we'll see, right? I think that's part of the part of the mystery. And then yeah, I think again, you're doing his briefing and Osha is just like, oh, top-notch dude, you're doing great. It's just funny Star Wars. And then the little gag, like you're saying with ah with ah but Basil or Basel and with Pip and Pip like sprays him. No, it's just like I'm so sorry. It's like it's just it's good stuff, right? Like it's just that's good Star Wars to me for sure And anything else in these few scenes before we get to the kind of the the the major Kofar ending stuff No, um I think
What we're talking about, like it's summarized well by Yord when he has a conversation with Osho when they get to Kofar and saying, maybe Sol brought you here to face yourself and to face your sister. That conversation was ah really great to kind of show the like maturity of Yord as a Jedi Knight. like At first you were thinking he was kind of like, He didn't really know what was going on. He like acted out on emotion. He didn't have like this set of like standards that, I don't know, it's weird to to describe, but to see the way he taught back to OSHA um when she's asking him to possibly get rid of May, interesting,
um It just really goes to show that he is like a serious Jedi, right?

Yord's Growth and Guidance

He's not just like this throw-off character um that, you know, says things and his master has to correct him. He actually has some pretty good knowledge on his own. Yeah, no, I those scenes and that yeah, well we'll keep talking about it those scenes with I think all the Jedi will start there with all the Jedi landing on Kofar and obviously what they do is they use basil basil to tracker and They are having him tracked down kill Naka. So within this, you know band of a band of Jedi and Padawan There that conversation between
Yord and Osha is it is is I think you're saying like you're saying and it shows Yord in a different light Right that yeah, he is like he can be a serious Jedi, but he also can show some Compassion and some sympathy and I think especially to OSHA because I feel like he because of maybe their past there's that little connection just like you were just talking about with like Jackie and OSHA and then their connection because they're they were padawans of soul right there's this connection between Yord and OSHA that I think I hope we get to explore more because there's it seems pretty like relative I think to of how he feels
of Her right and like you're saying what he says to her like, you know, there's a reason why you know souls is a wise master like there's a reason why he brought you here and It's you know, it's this has been one a wound of yours that you need to confront no such a good thing right and then again her but OSHA is like I don't know if I can do you know do it and again that shows OSHA's loyalty and Again, maybe something that she doesn't want to say, but I think that shows that she is still loyal to her sister in a little in ah in a small way, right? Because they are family. And I think that is what her big confliction is, right? like Maybe because of what she at this time believes what May did, right? And I think that will change right once we know the truth and what she knows the truth, right? Because
Right now, I think she's having a hard time being loyal to May, whereas May being loyal to Osha is no problem, right? But because of what Osha believes happened, she's having a hard time being able to just you know see Osha as her family. Yeah, because I mean, she flat out calls her a murderer a little bit earlier in that episode. So she's very locked on that her sister is still alive and she killed two Jedi. Right. And I mean, if you go back to like what she said to Jackie, it kind of is a Jedi business. She shouldn't be involved. Right. And she doesn't want to be feel responsible for the reason she gets caught, arrested, killed, whatever. So she would like to separate herself. But being on this planet,
has somehow like triggered her um feelings, thoughts, like all of that as well too, which I find interesting. but Connection to the force right right you have heightened. Yeah, and I wonder if that's again based on where they are Is this a kind of force sensitive ishy? Place like is it the place is it cuz she's near right here may um All that good. That's a good point. I like that. I like that because maybe she's closer to her sister that connection with her is Stronger when they are together. That's interesting. I like that. I like that a lot. I So, but then there's that, again, as they are tracking, as Basil's tracking can actually get deeper into the forest. And there's that real, like we're kind of hinting at, there's that brief scene where she kind of connects or feels, again, kind of harp or kind of harpening back to that flashback when she was kind of like feeling that butterfly, right?
She kind of does it with this creature and disrupts it, right? And then soul has to ignite his lightsaber and eliminate it. And she tells, and I like this kind of that conversation with Jackie and Osha in the forest where she, you know, Osha's like, man, that was, I connected it and then it got destroyed. It's almost like that's how she feels. what happened in Brenda, right? It's almost like a small symbol, you know, symbolism. Do I think the larger, larger picture of how she feels, right? And I love Jackie's response is like, it's, we're not defined of what we lost, but what, how we survive, right? That's a great Jedi line. That's a great Jedi line. I love that.
So yeah, they get deeper in the forest. There's ah that conversation with soul and OSHA. And then again, obviously we get to this, uh, this point of where they are at the camp. But before we get, before we get to all that, Ang, anything else again with maybe the OSHA soul conversation in the forest, OSHA and Jackie, um, those conversations or anything else, uh, with this group, with the Jedi group in the, ko Yeah, I found it really interesting how remorseful Osha was when that giant insect was was cut in half by soul,

Osha's Guilt and Past Events

right? You kind of just think, like, it's bug. No one likes bugs.
Let's get rid of the bug and let's move on. But Osha saw it differently. She saw something that was living that was a part of the force um and that she disturbed and then the cause and then she was possibly the cause. So I love exactly what you said. Like it's kind of looking back on to symbolizing what happened on Brenda. Maybe Osha finds herself somewhat responsible for for all of this. So, um, Did you think it was weird when Soul killed the insect? I think everybody is like, oh my god, he just didn't even like try. He just cut that thing in half. He's a bad guy. Did you think that way? No, I thought he was just being rid of an attacking creature.
I know, I know, and they're like, how can you just kill a living being like that? Well, I mean, seconds before that, Basil's screaming about how it's rotten in this place. And you know and they all know like when the darkness comes, it's it's gonna, who knows what is in that forest, but they can all feel what's going on in that forest, and it has them heightened up um in their ah paranoia and their fear and all of that. So, um no, I didn't think it was, to dress like, did I think Soul's a bad guy now because he killed that moth? No, I don't think he was. I think he was. He had no idea that that Osha disturbed it. He just saw it coming. she He heard him scream. He protects Osha. And and that's exactly what he did. Like in that moment, he protected her. Yeah, that's what he did. So, yeah, then I like especially with Soul in these.
scenes in the forest, you can tell to, as they get closer to Kalanalka's domicile, he senses something. He's on edge. He does not know what it is. Right. You can tell, but he is, because there's that moment where Osha's like, you know, what is it? And he's like, Oh no, um um it's fine. Everything's fine. Like, and then that, again, that leads me to that little, Conversation with them as far as him saying that you know, once we have may I'll explain everything. Mmm Like again, what more does he have to explain? What is that going to be? Because l um I was on radio rebellion show yesterday. I don't Alberto ah good friends Okay, we had some fun conversation and he brought up this idea and I loved it That
especially with like a character with Yord, like eventually we will find the truth out, right? Will that truth for a character like Yord, who is very by the book and who feels like the Jedi or do things the right way, for him or for those other like like Jedi like him, find out that maybe they you know this group of Jedi didn't do what they were supposed to and they're covering something up. how much that will change him in his view, right? And could, you know, what what we will learn, hopefully by soul, hopefully he stays alive, like you're saying, i to to have it come from him, I think is would be hard hitting, don't you think? Like oh yeah for Yord, like that's gonna be, I think a tough pill for him to swallow.
Once I think the truth comes out, do you do you agree with that? Where do you kind of go with that? Who kills the dream, right? Yeah. Yeah. Ooh, I like that. Yeah. That's what that will do it. Right. If other Jedi start not believing in that dream. hu Do you think Yord would just leave the order? Like, do you think he'd be one of those people? No, I think he's pretty smart in understanding people's intentions and he would be able to get himself through that thought. I think he's just going to die, die. Sorry, Lauren.
No, hey, I don't disagree. i But I mean, same with Jackie. Soul is her master, right? So that's going to be very hard hitting for her as well too, if it finds out that they actually did massacre a group of people and stole this child and assumed left this other one for dead, right? that Or whatever happened, right. Or whatever happened, we don't know. What they were involved in. Right. So I hope we get that story. like right that That whole thing of soul saying, once we get me and get back to the ship, I'm going to tell you everything. You immediately think, oh man, he's not going to make it back to the ship. I'm never going to know. like Alberto brought that up to you yesterday, famous last words. But I think we will. I don't think we're going to get cut short of of that.
No, as like night's falling, right? You're also and then so now we go back to this scene with May and come here. I'm here. And she holds him up for a minute. He's very panicked. He's like, we got to keep going. We're about 10 minutes south. It's 10 minutes south that way. Like he can tell that night's falling. You can tell he's very uneasy. That's perfectly portrayed. um When you like rewatch it, you kind of think like, oh, is he on edge because he knows the stranger Darth Teeth is there and he knows it's his responsibility to get her there, right? Or is he just on edge because he truly is scared of what happens in that forest during the night? um But what's interesting is, you know, May stalls him.
and confesses that she realizes like this is pointless, I don't need to do this. And I know a lot of people thought that that was very abrupt and it happened very quickly, um but she does describe it as after I've been running for a very long time throughout this forest, I came to the realization. So we didn't get to see that that running and that thought thought process, but it was there.

May's Mission Abandonment

So um would we have liked to see her come to terms with, or kind of, put that through her head. Yeah, I guess, but um to me, I can just kind of assume like what that felt like from beginning to end, right? And I think that place is strong with a force, and I think it is supposed to challenge you and um bring out the the truth of what you really are as well, too. And Mei is not bad, right? she It's so weird. It's like Mei is not bad. She just murdered two Jedi.
But they're doing a really good job at making you question, is she truly bad? um Is she being manipulated? um Can she be redeemed? Should she be redeemed? um Maybe she's not even the bad one, right? so It's just really interesting like how you get to that moment. But it does absolutely make sense for her to come to that realization saying, my sister's alive. like I don't have to do this. I don't have to take out revenge on these on these other Jedi because they didn't do what I thought that they did, right?
So, um, so it's kind of interesting, like, what does May think that they did, right? How does May think that Osho was dead, right? How does, um, like who stumbled upon her on Brenda and has had her for those years? and her plane to go and um seek out Kal Naka and then tell um to surrender. And then to tell the Jedi who she knows, found that really interesting. I'm gonna tell them who I know, which is weird because we've already established that she doesn't really even know who her master is, right? That's what Sol thinks. She says she's never seen his face, um like all of that. So what is she really gonna tell them? Hey, there's there' Sith around or?
I don't even know that that part is like, again, just opening up like the mystery of this as well to like, who is he? What is he? And who knows about him? And will the Jedi ever learn what what he is? Or will this continue to stay a secret? So um and you then you say, see, come here, like run off and he's getting water and she tricks him and um all that stuff. So it was just a great way to just kind of to accumulate that moment, like cultivate that moment in in a very like small stretch of time and giving you that feeling of of panic as well, too. Yeah, this is where and and I agree with everything you're saying, 100 percent. I agree that. It was set up for us.
to like it they set up that change of may to to come like to to happen i had no problems with her character changing like that at all like her thought process because like you're saying The sprinkles throughout the episode were there. Right. And then even go back to like episode two when she sees OSHA. And again, like soul said in this episode that changed her. Right. Right. Her face softened. Right. What I mean, again, me personally, what I have a problem with is not that change.
It's more of the execution of how they did it, right? Like for me, when I watch it, it does seem out of left field, but when you sit back, like you're saying, put in all the context clues and just realize what she is saying as far as, yeah dude, I've been thinking about this as we've been running through this stupid freaking forest for this guy. This is stupid, this is pointless. My sister's alive and I have more loyalty to her than to some freaking guy with a mask, right?
And again, that adds up again with everything that we have seen in the first four episodes, right? Again, their connection as twins, right? It, it all matches up. I just, again, for me, and again, this is a more of a me problem. It's not a show problem. I just didn't. by the the change because of again the execution of it for me wasn't as crisp as I would have liked because you and I have talked about how at least
It will come down to ah the girls, the twins working together. right i just like I think they're just building this moment to them coming together and you know being these this and yang of the fours and being able to take down maybe this masked dude. That's just hawaii how I see it, how I perceive what the story is being set up as. right so I think, so the change, like her changing sides or her not wanting to do this anymore was fine. I just, like I said, I just feel the execution of it was a little bit kind of just okay. Does that make sense? Yeah. So again, nothing, again, that's nothing against the those show. Like I'm not gonna,
go on the rooftops and go on Twitter or X or whatever and just say this show is trash now because it's not because the story still is compelling like okay what's who like you're saying who is this guy and I yeah and the whole chimer of it all I personally think it I think this shows that he is not the the guy behind the mask And I say this because of how much i how much fear he showed when he got tangled up. And when she said that he's like she's going to basically give give up that guy, the master, he was like, you could tell his whole his whole demeanor changed. And he was like, he's gonna kill you for this. And like the fear, I think, that he felt
for I think for for Mei herself, I think fear for him right because like you're saying if this was his mission That was set forth by the master for him to like assist me and he failed He then knows that he's maybe on the chopping block, too So that's why I feel like it's not again. Yeah, could you say it could still be him? Yeah, but I I I don't buy that yet. I don't buy that yet. I still buy I still think i

Encounter with the Dark Figure

mean he's there. right He's already there. right We lose track of him. He escapes. He's not tied up to the tree when the Jedi run back. right he's He's not there, so he's off you know doing the Superman um switch.
you know It could happen, right? He's got to hurry up and fly through. The timing of it all is the one that dr like again points me. The dude can fly and float. That's what me and Alberto talked about too on the show is just the timing of it all. like He would have had to get out, yeah go kill Kanaka. yeah And then do a quick, uh, you know, uh, change is outfit and then float down as all the Jedi and mayor that like. Again, not to say that can't happen. I just don't think it adds up, but again, I will be.
completely okay if that if he is the one behind the mask I just don't feel like he is I think he is more connected to the master than maybe he's letting on right because again earlier conversation like you taught you brought up how he kind of struggles out like ah to to may like oh I don't you know yeah I don't know what he looks like and I'm just, I owe him and he, you know, he collects people. Like, yeah I think he's trying to shrug off how connected he is to this mysterious figure is my guess is how I read it. So.
let's Let's talk about the the the big ending right all everybody's in the same spot and May obviously gets there before everybody she sees kill naka has already gone with again. You see a very fresh very fresh lightsaber, still steamy, still steamy and hot. And then all the Jedi um are there again because base ah Basil bazsil ah notifies them because he sees May. So they all know where they're at. They're all there. And then all of a sudden,
When May, I love that scene where May was in there, sees Conelka, and then she just feels his presence clearly. And then the whole sunset goes down. So good. It was great. And then she says he's here. Yep. You get him floating down, gets real close to Osha, lights a lightsaber that like in between them. It's good stuff, kids. It's good stuff. So Angela, talk to me, talk to me through your thoughts of Helene's this last like five minutes of the of the episode. It's wild. At first I was like, well, I can't believe Kalnak is already dead. Like it was established in earlier episodes that like, Oh, you killed a sleeping monk. What are you going to do when you have to, you know, fight a Jedi Wookiee? So.
kind of hoping that you were gonna see like a Jedi Wookiee in action doesn't mean that we won't later but it was surprising to see that he was dead but as a Star Wars fan you know that's lightsaber wound you know that it just happened um and then just the transformation from the light to the dark was just Amazing. And, uh, Amanda Lowe's performance is just so good. Just so good. As may be in OSHA. like there oh yeah So good. Um, the fear in her eyes, the, um, just, I mean, the her performance is so good.
And that thing starts floating down, right? It starts floating down. Like that was wild. And it's got like this kind of like light hue off the back of it, right? When it first starts coming down, which made me honestly, I'm just going to be honest. I was like, is that a bith? Like that's a bith. right That's only the front, like the way they lit it, like it looked like the front of the face was covered and that their big bith head was hanging out. right like That's what it looked like to me when I first watched it. and I was like, bro, that's a bith. That is Darth Tenebris. I can't believe it. We are here. But it wasn't. It was Darth Teeth. right He comes um up.
The helmet, the detail of the helmet was just outstanding. So eerie. Horror looking. um Are those teeth? Are they whatever? I don't know that that was wild. The red lightsaber igniting. um And honestly, I thought like he killed Ocean in that moment, right? Like he just did like a light and she was gone. But ah that wasn't the case. Then the hand flick, the force push, and then the the the main force push to to push six, seven Jedi away, like the strength of that, right? um Is that chimer, right? Is that um mother coral? is that Is that, I don't know, like it's so crazy.
But I, I rewound it like so many times and I took pictures and I was like, I want to see these hands and I want to see that arm and I want to see what's that bangle like hanging on their arm. Like it's gold, right? the the You know, it's just like, I want to know. I want to know. Um.
but just the execution of it. And I mean, even Jackie saying like, what's that? She's never seen something like that before. It doesn't even think that something like that exists. It was just a great way to, um, display like the fear that a padawan would have, um, seeing a dark figured possible Sith's possible, whatever popping up. So. I mean, honest I thought it was one of the best moments in Star Wars. I loved it. It was great. ah Again, the setup was amazing. I mean, it really was. it The build to it and for all those Jedi to turn around, right? And then for Osha to turn around and then to to see this figure and then the lightsaber, the red lightsaber,
comes up, right? As of as again, as as fans, we know what that means, right? And it's not good. It's not good at all, right? But I do find it interesting that, and I'm glad you brought it up that they didn't kill or they he didn't go after Osha. They just pushed her to the side, right? So I wonder if they are clearly wanting OSHA, now that they, presumably, know they're alive. Well, either that, or they need both of them, or he needs them together, right? Because clearly, and you and I talked about this even in previous episodes,
where those little force visions that Osha was getting in the first couple of episodes, that wasn't Mae. It wasn't them connecting. It was, I think this guy, who connecting, right? I think that would make sense. So I think this character knew all along, obviously didn't tell Mae that her sister was alive. So now that he has them together, which is maybe the whole plan, He needs them, he needs both of them, right? For whatever reason. And I don't know if this character is like the master or if they are the apprentice, right? right I mean, they call him master, but that doesn't mean- He is a master. right Right, right, right. That doesn't mean anything. So I do wonder, because this got, again, during the radio rebellion show yesterday,
this idea got brought up ah by Alberto about how if that is just the the the apprentice, then who's the master, right? Could it be one of the witches kind of pulling the strings? And maybe they are ah controlling or maybe they are wanting to get revenge on the Jedi, right? And so they train this person ah To be a like dark side user, right? Again, we're not saying Sith. They haven't said Sith again and the show is called the act light like If it's gonna be a Sith just call it the Sith Look, you know what I'm saying? Like there's reason why they're calling it the acolyte Yeah, right. So
And that's why i I think there is somebody maybe behind the scenes. Now, again, Alberto brought the up the idea that he thinks that maybe the one that's really the master, right? If this dark teeth is the apprentice, the master, what if it's Plagueis?
What if he's the one? Because if you we talked about it last week the connection between You know that flashback scene and we connected it to kind of a lot of things but specifically that revenge of the Sith Opera scene and how Palpatine brought up the idea of Plagueis wanting to create life, right? What if this is right? So what if this is Plagueis and? Finding out that it was possible and he's trying to figure that out, that's why he needs both the twins. That's why this figure, maybe the apprentice, is getting both twins in the same place, because then he can take them back to, again, maybe Plagueis, to learn and figure out how to create life. What do you say that, my friend? Do you like that? Because I know you're a big Plagueis EU book novel fan. What do you think?
It's a deep question. I know it's it's an EU would be a big EU pool. What a dot. Yeah, it would be.
I don't know. Let me think a minute. Give me a second, Lauren. Because again, I think a lot of people, we know Plagueis is obviously quote unquote, canon, right? Because of this conversation and revenge of the Sith. Right. So we know that this character was alive at some point. Would this be the perfect time to solidify what kind of timeframe he was alive in? And again, to expound upon that little conversation that again, a lot of fans

Speculations on Plagueis and Mythology

know, right? The story of Darth Plagueis the Wise. Would you even like that connection? or do you what Or do you like the idea of that story kind of being ambiguous and just a a myth or a legend, if you want to say, that's out there? I kind of like that story somewhat being a legend and
Because I think it was told so well, right? It was told so well in that book. um I think it was James Lucino that wrote it.
i I... right I was just told so well like and it doesn't it doesn't line up with what is either happening right now. What I think it establishes is that the rule of two is messy and there are dark side users out there recruiting. right is I think that's what It's establishing and that's also established in the Darth Plagueis book. So that's kind of like where I'm at. Like in this time frame, it's not plagued Plagueis. It's a few that came before and some people on the side doing things because that is definitely established.
in the book, right? That Plagueis's master also had another apprentice that was also had a list of people that he was also looking to apprentic or to have as apprentices as well. So that's like where I'm at like in that moment. What I think, so this so this is the other thing. All we ever know really of Seth is Palpatine, right? And that he is a fast thinker and he plans ahead and he is one step in front of everyone else, right? big Right, big chess player. So we kind of assume like that's how all Seth are. And so to me,
what I think is that this Darth Teeth, right, initially wanted Mae, right, because she was the one that um was lost and needed and in anger and in confusion and all of that. There's a thing in Darth Plagueis where they say that they actually go after older People not younger like the Jedi because they actually want someone that's been through life and has created resentments and connections
it makes them more um stronger to to the to the side of the dark side of the force, right? yeah yeah yeah So here May is like questioning everything and she's like, oh no, I don't wanna do this anymore. But you have OSHA that is maybe possibly about to find the truth of what truly happened from these Jedi and that could recreate the connection and she's a better candidate for Darth Teeth instead of Mei. So Osha is maybe now the one being sought after. That's why he pushes her to the side. I like that. And then she also, you know, has the science or the sorcery behind her of being created. So we have been told without a ah father.
um So
i don't geez I just don't know about the Darth Plagueis stuff. It's so hard. like like I'm telling you, Lauren, part of me like wants it like really bad, but like part of me, I was like, man, it's told so well. like It doesn't need to be brought into it. We can all just continue to imagine that that's the or or know that that is actually the true story. It will just never be confirmed and in canon fully, or we'll never see it like you know created. So I don't know, I go both ways on it, but it could be, I mean, the timeline, it it could be it could be a Plagueis, maybe not the Plagueis, not the Mun that we know of in um in EU. Maybe it's Plagueis, but now it's a human version of it, right? Or a different different type of creature species, which I'm not gonna like either.
but It's going to be tough. The whole but we reason Plagueis wanted Palpatine is because he was human and that he knew that the society gravitated more to humans than to alien species, and he needed a representative that could be that that person, that human. and that's why he is So if he's human himself, what does he even need Palpatine for?
Yeah, I, again, I think it's, it will be a delicate to see what they do, especially when it comes to play guests, because again, a lot of fans, just like you're saying in, as you are one of them love that book. It's a very, I haven't read it yet. It's on my list. Don't yell at me people, but. It's a very good book. That's one of the EU novels that I think genuinely everybody talks about with a lot of passion because of what it signifies and what it establishes, right? like you Like you're talking about. So yeah, it's going to be interesting. I wonder how
Will they connect? How they connect? Do they connect, right? Or do they leave it, like you're saying, as a a mythological story, right? Kind of like a Yoda species, right right? I mean, I wouldn't hate it keeping it that way, to be honest. But yeah, I think there's just a lot of connections that can be done. But will they do it? I guess we'll we'll find out.

May's Potential Storylines with Jedi

right But I like your idea of like May maybe not being the one now and maybe they're after OSHA. I can buy that. I can buy that. I can buy like the twist of them being the, app you know, now May has to work with the Jedi to save their sister because maybe she knows what that master will do to her and all that, right? like i could I could buy that storyline. I like that storyline.
But I think it's interesting, though, too, that you brought up obvious like that they both are, you know, these created ah created beings from which magic, right, that we're aware of. We don't know how deep that goes yet. Right. That I think that will be told.

Impact of Osha's Ascendancy

But, you know, May was the only one that went through the ascendancy. Right, Osha didn't. So I wonder if that, again, it's a very small detail, but I wonder if that will matter down the line. If her not going through the entire ascendancy affects anything, I mean, again, probably not, but I just wonder if that will have any repercussions, right, down the road for Mae and or Osha, really, right? Because she's the one that didn't go through it. But will that have any repercussions?
We'll see.

Appreciating Show's Writing and Mysteries

We'll see. ah And final thoughts, my friend, as we wrap it up. What you got? I mean, just so many questions, right? We still want to know, like, what truly happened on Brenda? What did these Jedi do? um What happened with May and this connection that she has with this dark being, right? And who is he? And she was very afraid. She was very afraid. But she also said he she thought he couldn't make it there um on his own without a guide, which I found interesting, which made me think like he is maybe perceives himself to be weak or older or aged or something like that. Good point. I like that. So, man, so i so many questions. And this is like just it is it's like a true mystery, right? It's a whodunit and who is it? And
It's got us all exactly where we're supposed to be, right? Questioning everything, questioning everyone, um assuming that it has to be this. So um that's great writing. That's great greats story creation. I can't even believe that. I can't believe that people hate on this show just because people are people and they want to hate something.

Engaging Audiences through Plot Twists

But to me, ah this has been absolutely fun to to to be in and and to watch. Yeah, it's a good like like I said in the beginning, and I agree with you, Ange. This has been a very compelling story, right? The mystery of it all. And then even within that mystery of like what really happened, right? Because there's the mystery of, you know,
why, really the mystery of why May is doing this, I think, and then the other mystery of what, like you're saying, what happened in Rundok. Like, because we have not seen, like we've been saying, we have not seen that full picture. And Sol actually honestly knows more, or at least knows what happened that of the parts that we don't see. So I want to hear that. right I wanna he and I just want to know who is really like you're saying dark teeth why are they going after

Character Motivations and Mother Coral

why are they going out to those specific Jedi because again like you're saying are they pushing made to do this
or is like Darth Teeth and or his master going after these specific ones for like a very specific reason. Again, it all references and comes back to Brenda. So again, yeah, I could this all be like you're saying mother coral. Pulling the strings, maybe, maybe, maybe she's possessed just like an mother um but i say I did. Maybe she possessed some Jedi, right?

Identity of Characters and Storytelling

in They're cheese having them train these other ones in the Jedi ways and everything. Who knows? Well, how will you feel if ah the stranger is chimer? I can't be fine with it. I think it just. It would be very obvious, right? Because it seems like they're very like they are making it a point to kind of like say, hey, you know, he's acting goofy and all that and doesn't seem this way, but.
Yeah, you know, he's in the right place in the right time. It's kind of sus, right? He says those things like youre like you talked about earlier about knowing that Sith code or whatever, right? He taught he he was speaking to speak, right? So I won't be mad. I'll just be like, oh, okay. So that wasn't like the the mystery of who that is isn't really what's the point. right Right, it's not, it's the mystery of what happened on Brandoch. Right, so just like the, you know, finding out that Ocea and Mae were twins, right? And that those for that wasn't like the big reveal. And I don't think the big reveal of who this character is, is really the point of the story. As fans, we want to know, right? Because we want to put faces to names and all that stuff. But yeah, if it's Kymer, it's Kymer, that's fine.

New Character Developments

and i whatever man, I'm letting the story be told. and i will And I trust the writers because they have done a good job at really like keeping the suspense going, right? Every episode, every episode, it's nonstop. Like, okay, like you're saying, we are questioning everything, everything. So questioning everything. So my mom thinks Kalnaka was actually the dad of the twins. like
i love it that's what i would the deal My parents have have liked it they They thought that ending was very cool because again, they know again even as just general fans Oh, man, my sister was going nuts red lightsaber a mask, you know, that's bad in Star Wars So yeah, they were like they really liked that cliffhanger So again, this the show is doing its job, especially with general audience and we talked and we talked about that too where we think this is so will be and can be a good litmus test of getting general audience, right? Grabbing general audience because they don't have to know a lot about Star Wars lore, right? Do you know lightsabers? You know red lights, like, you know right know that a guy in a mask with a red lightsaber is bad? Well, here you go. That's kind of like when I was like, oh man, if this reveals to be
Tanabras, Venus, Plagueis, if it's one of those three, right? Like I would geek out over it, but the general audience would be like, what? No connection, right? No, no idea what you're talking

Anticipation for Upcoming Episodes

about. Maybe Plagueis, but I doubt it. Nope. Unless Emperor, unless like Chief Palpatine takes the helmet off, they're not going to be like, and even then they'd be like, how is that even possible? But. So it has to be something fresh. with with um like an homage to to what we have have read before, right? So it's gonna be interesting. Yeah, no, I agree. And I liked that point of, if it is, like you're saying, it's a deep thats ah that would be a very deep cut. Yeah, if it's a deep cut. That's hard for a general audience to really get excited for.
I agree so yeah I think that's why they will keep it just again a brand new character right again like you're saying maybe hints of things that are from EU that there may be a pull from to create this new character right but like you're saying they're not gonna say Plagueis or any of those other uh, you know, dark side force users that are in Plagueis, right? But my money is on Venus. It's just, that's where I'm at. That's where you go with it. That's where I go with the, the hidden apprentice of Darth Tenebris is where I go. Again, that'd be, again, that'd be cool. Or again, just that idea, right? Of a
of a ah secret you know apprentice to to a bigger master, right? Because I think that's what, that makes more sense for the story to be like, that's not the actual, like the guy, right? He's a part of this bigger picture. He's not the guy. So we'll see, we'll see, you man. It's a lot of, it's,

Closing Remarks and Social Media

It's going to be fun. I think these last four episodes are going to be really interesting and I'm excited to see where we go with it for sure. So. All right, guys, that's it. That's the show. Thank you for listening. I hope you guys enjoyed our ah conversation and almost two hours a kid and one episode on a 26 minute episode. We want to worry about runtime. Right. I can't imagine this is next week is like 40.
oo we we're gonna be in for like three hours so buckle up kids buckle up but thanks for listening to us guys as always you can follow us on all the major platforms at the galactic pod and all the socials and then on all the major ah podcasting platforms of like apple pod google play spotify all the major stuff and then you can follow me lord romo at low ronos and all those social medias You can follow me, Andrea Gutierrez, at r2d2step on Twitter or X or Instagram or threads.

Jimin's Album Update

Jimin, oh my God, Jimin's coming out with a new album. Big tickets update. Dude, Jimin coming out with a new album is just it. Oh man. Life is good. Life is so great to see like new concept pictures, you know, to get like,
Like you, I get notifications from like weavers and Instagram like, Hey, do this little crossword about, and it's just so good. And this is our BTS update for the week. And as always kids made that force be with you. Always. Always.