Episode 152- The Acolyte Recap Episode 5 image

Episode 152- The Acolyte Recap Episode 5

The GALactic Podcast
91 Plays3 months ago

Welcome to The GALactic Podcast! In this episode, Andrea and Lauren chat about The Acolyte Episode five! Darth Smile-O is renamed as Darth Arms. Is the Stranger really a Sith? What did Sol do? They talk these topics and much more Go listen and enjoy!

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Hello everyone and welcome to the glad to podcast. I am Lauren Romo with me as always is my cousin and fellow nerd Andrea Gutierrez. Yo, yo, yo. Bright sons. What's going on? Dark tragedy. Very dark tragedy. Bro. Night has come. I'm still not over it. It's day two. Yeah, we're recording this a little earlier than usual. So yeah, we're only, uh, we're pretty freshy fresh, pretty fresh, fresh from it. Still only two days removed. Uh, love thoughts. I just rewatched it right before we started recording. So me too. Refresh in my mind, but I watched it a couple. I watched it maybe three times that night. Oh, dang. Okay. Yeah. Hmm. I woke up and watched it and then I was like, I'm going to watch this forever.
This is hurt so much, but it's so good. It was pretty good. 30, 37 minutes of Star Wars. No doubt. All right, kids. So yeah, what we're going to talk about today is the acolyte episode five. Before we get into all the fun conversation with this episode, o we, this is your first time listening to us, welcome. We are Star Wars Podcasts that discuss anything and everything within that galaxy far, far away. In each episode, we will dive into one or two topics and have a general discussion on them. Topics could be movies, TV series, books, comics, a specific character, you name it. And we talk about it. All right, Ange. Oh, wow.
Acolyte the night, or just night really, but night did ah come come in this episode and oh way, oh way, oh way, a lot happened. So ah before we get started, I want to do the writer's directors as we do. So again, Acolyte episode five of season one. I don't know if there's going to be another season, but they haven't really mentioned. Well, I mean, on Wikipedia, they just updated it to like one dash five, one dash four. Okay. All right. We'll see. We'll see. Maybe more, maybe more, maybe more. Uh, but so this episode was directed by Mr. Alex Garcia Lopez, who did episode four. So that's good stuff. Your writers were, uh, core and, uh, and, uh, and Donna.
and Cameron Squires, where are your writers? And obviously created by Leslie Hedlund. Okay. Wowie. We're going to kind of do what we did last time because it's basically part two of a two part thing. So obviously last week left on a big cliffhanger of the stranger floating down and force pushing all the Jedi. And we really pick up right from there. ah So before we get into the deep discussion and, you know, kind of talk about it, seeing my scene issue a little bit and let's go over all thoughts as we always do, my friend, thoughts, feelings, emotions. How did you handle this episode? Let's talk about it.
Man, what a roller coaster, you know? I mean, honestly, it felt like, I don't know if anybody's from the Midwest and goes to Cedar Point, but there's a ah ride called the Steel Vengeance, and it just like does not let up until the very end. And that's like how this episode felt. It was just like one twist, turn, hill, um drop, right one right after another. And it was like creepy and creaky and just, whoa. But um it was a lot. I was ready for it. And um um my mentality was just like absolutely ready for this. like Let's go. Let's let's see this. let's But then I was also also like, oh, wow, I just had also like eight times. It was kind of like that punch combo that sold it. But anyway, um yeah, I was like, man, if we don't go right back, right maybe
someone blacks out and we don't get to see what happened. Okay. Um, or if we don't get a reveal of who the stranger is. All right. Um, and if none of these Jedi make it out alive, then okay. And, uh, okay.
But like as everything progressed and you got to see what you were anticipating, it was just like so fulfilling, right? It just like felt like, oh, this is what we asked for and this is what we got. you know And it was just like a really it was just such a good feeling, you know but then full of pain. and in sadness, man, when we get into it, i I was so sad about the one. I was like devastated. I was like, cause I was like, oh, I can't, we'll get into it later. But- It was a lot to talk about.
You know, still more questions, still more um anticipating like what might happen next week or with these next three episodes. So that's really fun as well too. I don't think the mystery has been solved yet. So still a lot to uncover and um make so i'm I'm ready. I'm just sad someone's not there. It was a lot. Uh, just like you said, the mystery continues. And that's one thing I will continue saying is that the story, this mystery, right, has been very compelling, right? Cause it hasn't been, and we'll talk about it, obviously, but like, it hasn't been about who's behind the mask, right? It's not about, it's not about that. It's not about that reveal.
It's not about the reveal that it was twins, right? That, uh, Osha and Mae were, you know, were these twins and it wasn't just Osha.
The show has been pretty much as it kind of seems, if that makes sense. Like they're not really trying to hide him. Yeah. Yeah. Right. I mean, we all kind of thought the guy, the guy was the guy we'll get there. And again, I don't think they're not really trying to, I think, hide those type of mysteries, but the mystery they're trying to hide is what happened on Brendan and who's right, who's wrong, right? What's going like, what truly happened? That's the mystery. And that has been super intriguing to me. And each episode just keeps building on it. Like you're saying, Ang,
More questions, right? You get some answers, but then you just have questions upon questions upon questions. Even when you get an answer, then you have more questions about the answer that we got. So in that regard, this show has been amazing, right? i the The fight choreography in this episode, out. Oh my God. Standing. Outstanding crazy. It's amazing like some of the best stuff in all honesty some of the best stuff that we've seen for sure I think it it would hold up to I think You know movie levels movie level like choreography. Yeah, and with its own flavor as well. Yes. Yeah, you know Okay. Yeah, it's sprinkled with it's it's like a mix. It was a mix of
Prequels with a little with a dash of even a little OT But yeah, cuz it has like those samurai moments right that those those waiting those posings those anticipation moments Right, and then I even had some sequel stuff where it's like more power driven more Ferocity more it's about that. You know that type of fighting Then you know the the quickness of like the prequels and all that stuff So in that regard, again, amazing. Did I have some issues with maybe, again, the editing and like where we like we jump? And I wish we would have stayed in like maybe a fight a little bit longer than we did. Yeah, but again, that's just small stuff that it doesn't take away from the overall experience, right? That's just, again, that's a me thing. Just like last week, I had some couple me me things. And that's fine, though. Again, that's... that's
That's okay. It's just little things like that, that maybe I would have liked to stayed in certain scenes a little bit longer instead of cutting away. But again, there was so much action. It was like, where do you cut? Right. Like, I mean, honestly, where, I mean, how do you, how, where do you cut where you, where it kind of makes sense? Because in the movies, a lot of the times the cuts where they like move to, you know, cause obviously in Star Wars, right. And people have brought this up. So this isn't like an original thought by me, but in a lot of the Star Wars movies, right. With at the end of the movies where we get like the lightsaber battle and the space battle, right. We're going back and forth. And I feel like the movies do a good job where.
You're in a good moment with the lightsabers, and then they they do transition to like the space battle, but it's a good cut, right? Where I think in the show, and again, it could be because of limited budget, but whatever, it doesn't matter, regardless. they were I felt like some of the cuts were just a little too quick for me, where I was like, oh, I want to stay, I wish I would have stayed in that scene just a little bit longer, instead of cutting away where they did. But again, there was so much action. It's like, where where could they have like made the, Where did it make the most sense to like move on to the next scene? I mean, again, that's just, again, a me thing, nothing wrong with the episode. It's just one of those things that, it it was just a thing for me, but again, it didn't take away from the overall action that was just outstanding. Tremendous. like You was from, like you're saying,
start to finish, rollercoaster, right? You were up, you were down, you were spinning around, doing like flips and didn't know where where you were half the time, right? Because you were just so discombobulated with like what was going on. You didn't have time to really relax in any scene. like It was just boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Yeah, and I'm always always like, where am I looking? like I wish I could like split my vision. And I also wish like I could like slow the speed down right in certain parts and be able to like it just like it had so much going on which makes you want to rewatch it right it makes you want to absorb it more and pick up and then what's nice is when you do rewatch it you see something you've never even saw before on the third viewing the fourth viewing yeah you pick up on things like that too and i think that's again a very testament to
The show is the rewatchability, in my opinion, for all these episodes. They've got a lot of good things in it, a lot of lore and everything like that. So, again, the music was outstanding. I know some people have- Oh, boy. Some people picked it up. Oh, boy. I didn't listen to it with the headphones on either yet, so that's eventually one of my things I have to do. I did that. But there's a, I guess, a Kylo Ren note that towards the end, I think, is what people are saying. It's towards the end. It's very strong. It's when Khmer is looking at Osha um and covering her up. So it's it's interesting. So again, I mean, just even the music bringing back some sequel and tying it to again, little themes that doesn't really mean anything. Who knows? It could have just been a note.
Right, it could have been that um who is the composer for who does the score? Michael, I want to say it's Michael something or other. But he's been ah he's been he's been doing a heck of a job. like doing the score. Right. And it doesn't mean like, oh, I'm going to insert Kylo Ren's theme because this is about Kylo Ren. It could be that I heard that theme and absolutely love it. And I find it chilling and disturbing. And i I want to homage it, right? I don't necessarily need I'm not placing an Easter egg in there. Or maybe it is kind of like an Easter egg, but maybe I'm not placing intent with it as well.
Just, but he might've just liked the melody, right? Or just kind of fit like that moment. It felt like a good melody to use. It's, uh, the composer is Michael Ables. That's right. So again, shout out to him. Cause he's been doing an a bang up job. Cause he did nope, right? Yes. Yeah. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. He's good. He's really good. So, I mean, I have no, again, music, choreography, visuals, we're all really outstanding this episode for me for sure. So, Ang, let's ah dive into it, man, because, I mean, even just from that kind of cold opening, right? Where you we leave, we we kind of, we go right where we left off.
Osha wakes up and then all the chaos is ensuing. And you see Jedi fighting the the stranger and Osha is trying to make sense of it all. Like it's just, it's a wild cold open. So talk to me about your thoughts, feelings just on the very beginning of the episode, cold open. Where were you? The very beginning, Osho wakes up, right you have that shot where it like comes down and shows like that red spice or whatever that's flying around from those pods. right And you see the the trail of the the push from the stranger. home like right that That was like a really good touch. But what, like fear struck at me for a split second. I was like, man, we're not going to see what happened. like They're already gone.
They're gone and then she sees a dead Jedi and I was like, they're already dead. They're already gone. They're already dead. We're not going to see it. I can't believe it. And then I see them fighting behind the trees and I'm like, oh, there they are. Because you hear it because it says like lightsaber, like like the birds in the distance. So yeah, if you had the captions on it kind of gave you a little bit of a. heads up that it was going on. But yeah, I mean, what I mean, I mean, it goes from OSHA to then that fight with all those Jedi with the stranger than to. you know, uh, OSHA running away and then master soul. So yeah, I mean, just talk to me about all that entire cold openings. Good stuff. And I mean, this, this first fight that you see with the other Jedi, I mean, he's, he is, like you said, the ferocity, like the ferociousness, the fierceness of, of his fighting style is very apparent from our first glimpse of, of us seeing it. You know, him like just.
killing off Jedi like it's nothing like skewering them pulling them into his blade like that. It's a wild water shot. That was that was that was pretty good. and was like I don't think we ever see that before. We've never seen that at least in live action. I don't know if we've seen an animation, but. And I was just like, oh my God. This is, and I'm like, look, I'm like, oh man, he's got, he's got man arms. Like look at the man arms. And my mom kept saying that. She was like, they're man arms, they're man arms. Because we were kind of anticipating maybe like a mother coral or, or something like that last week. We talked about that last week. Yep. Yeah. So last week when we're looking at pictures, we're like, are those man hands? Are those lady arms? Like what is that? So, um,
And then the short out of the lightsabers, right? I did not pick up that it was cortosis at first. At first I just thought he like chopped them in half and they were done for, but then they sparked back up and I was like, man, what the heck is that? So um it took me... A couple of Twitter people to talk about courtors cortosis and a couple of rewatches for me to really um see that part of his fighting style and his defenses and even like how he ah like
Goes after the Jedi with that metal on his you know wrist and on his helmet um Purposely to be able to short out their lightsabers. It was just like so freakin awesome I Mean like you're saying the His fighting style was was what caught my eye too Because it was just brutal I mean, it is he was not holding back. He was very um ferocious.
Again, had no problems taking these Jedi out at all. So clearly well-trained with a lightsaber, right? And then the cortosis, that was... Wow. I totally, I had no idea what that was called. And it like you said, it took me to get on Twitter to find out too. And apparently it's in the books. The only time I've ever heard of cortosis is in Plagueis where Plagueis and Tenebris are mining it. And that happens in the first chapter of the book, but they never use it. But they do say that it's a metal that can affect lightsabers. So.
Apparently I think I again I can't remember if it was Alex and Molly's video that I watched or Somebody's thing and I said that it's it's in the one of the new Thrawn books. Oh it No, it's in Thrawn. Um when one where he's with Anakin lion says oh Yes, that's what they were might and in that one. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. i Again, i I, it's been a very long time since I read that book and I totally forgot about that, but I didn't know that's what that was or what that could do. Right. Oh, it's cool that Leslie, again, it feels like more of an EU pull, right? that I mean, it's canon, but it's clearly more of an EU pull. It's a cut, bro. Yeah. You think you're not getting deep cuts in this show?
Right. No, it is a very deep cut. I mean, even a lot of people, like even just, uh, like reactions that I've watched, like they're like, what is that stuff? Is it best car? Cause that's the thing that we would associate, like maybe general audience or even just even fans that don't know that you EU like me, I'm like, yeah, best car that kind of makes sense. But like for it to like spark it out though, that was crazy. And then like him doing it intentionally, like you're saying, like not trying to like.
Like evade them. He was going after them. Like you said, like he was not trying to like get away or like hide or whatever from these guys, right? He attacked them. Their son there could be no survivors in his mind, right? Like he was like the the area needs to be cleared ah So let's start clearing them out. Right? Right and just yeah Like he was used that helmet which is made out of the cortosis and that stopped the sabers Like it was cool to see like just again It's a totally different fighting style and more and he was definitely more one-handed But again, he was excellent with that and then he had that
The Courtaulds, he's like on his arm. ah It was cool. Right. And then, yeah, we'll talk about his saber because that was we'll get to that moment, which is sad, but also very cool. I know. Isn't it crazy how we're like this dude is bad and kills people, but he's so cool. It's the Darth Vader effect. Like, honestly, like this this thing is menacing, chokes people and kills people. And, you know, but it's so cool to look at, you know, Right. I mean, should we start calling him Darth Arm now? Because everybody is calling out. He had some nice arms. He's got some arms. He's got some arms today. He's not going to lie. Not going to lie. Pretty good. Pretty good. But yeah, so so again, we get to a scene where eventually Osha hits him with a stun and does absolutely nothing. And that shocked me. I'm like, not even a little bit like
Nothing, just absolutely nothing. It's kind of a callback, though, to Tales of the Jedi, where you get to see them trying to tase Ahsoka, right? And she's like knocking all that stuff out because Anakin's training her to be able to withstand that. I didn't think about that. yeah That's a good one. I know. That's a good call. I like that one. So I mean, yeah, so either clearly he's been stunned a lot or he's just that powerful. We're like, it doesn't affect them either. Or maybe it's the cortosis. Right. Oh, that's a good call, too, because I mean, if it affects the lightsaber, it's got to affect the stun gun, I would assume. Right. Because it's it's also when.
ah Why did I just almost say Jen? That's when Saul. BTS on the brain when soul asks him to take it someone up off I know we're about to get to that humans like why so you can read my thoughts and it's like does cortosis also um Diminish like force abilities as well too. And then I was like my god. Am I gonna have to replay this again again? We'll talk about that. Yeah, so So Osha stuns them. She runs away. He runs after her. He throws the lightsaber, which is a great shot, again, of the lightsaber just floating through the air. And then Sol knocks it out. he tell And then Yord's with them. And he tells Yord to take the civilian, basically saying, get Osha out of here. And then he faces the, and then we'll we cut. That's when we cut the cold open is just that last shot of Sol.
But there's also like that point where Yord gets injured as well too. So like later when Yord's like running away, um at first my mind is like, man, he's kind of like, puts it out on this one, you know? Like he's kind of like, oh, yeah, sure. I'll take her a civilian to the ship. Let's go. Like I'm out of here. I felt like it's where he was following orders from the the older master, but i but right. It's not like he was fighting it. Right. But in reality, I was like, yes, Yord is marked safe for this episode. He is leaving the battle area. He is marked safe. We're good. We're good. We're solid with Yord. Keep going, Yord. We're good. So we go to the next scene. And we have a really... Okay. So now we're going to talk about a big so big section, but it's
The May and the Jackie and then the soldiers versus the stranger ah fights. And we'll talk about what happens, you know, with, uh, OSHA and Yord while they're together heading to the ship. So a lot of, again, the action never stops, right? I mean, it just continues with these great choreographed fighting. And so the, the episode kind of really begins and we are with, soul and the stranger and then we're with May and we're with Jackie. So let's talk about this whole kind of a big part of it.
Up until you know, we get where May and Jackie kind of ah Come up against the stranger. So and talk to me about your feelings with the the May and Jackie fight the soul versus the stranger Fight and kind of their conversations that you were kind of mentioning to so talk to me. What do you got? It's a good good action in the site in this section for sure. I it was really nice that we had like that Jackie May moment, because at the end of the last episode, you're almost like, hey, I think May is a good guy now. We're cool, right? And even when Jackie started fighting her in Master Kalnaka's hut, or whatever you want to call it, I was like, no, no, no, no. like she's ah She's a good guy now. like don't Don't fight her.
But, um, the minute Jackie throws that first binder on her and she was like, you were arrested for the murder of master and Dara. And I was like, yeah, that's right. We got weird. That's right. We have to arrest her. We have to arrest her. And Master Torben and Master Kanelka and the fire that killed your entire like family or however she said it. And I was like, man, you're right, Jackie, get her. I was like, dude, this is so awesome. And then May's also starting to really fight back as well, too, like even pulling out her daggers.
And um so it was a really good reminder of the story that's also happening, right? it This isn't just like some big fight where it's good versus bad because good versus bad had a really like muddy line to it last episode. So now all of a sudden you're like, okay, we're we're starting to be reminded that there's like adversaries and there's villains in this and and some people have chosen sides and some people are about to choose sides because they're they're desperate. And that's exactly what May did. She was completely desperate in that moment. She knew that the stranger would absolutely kill her if he came in contact with her. So she was like trying to to flee. ah She wanted out of there. And I i don't really blame her.
Um, but she was really looking out for herself, like in that moment. And when she started fighting Jackie, like I was no longer team may, and I was absolutely team Jackie, like Jackie's fight style, the fierceness of her, it is. Stunning like it is awesome to watch like Daphne's performance her athleticism her skill is so so so good like I was team like Jackie I was going to dedicate my life to Jackie and Watch her promising career all the way up to the to the end when she comes about her
I was ready for comics. I was ready for a show. I was ready to see her become a knight. I was ready to see her become a master. I was ready was ready for all of it, Lauren. I was like, yes, this is something I can get behind. I can jump on this team. I can be in the Jackie Jam. I want to be in the Jackie Jam. Yeah, I love, this May and Jackie fight was cool for a couple things for me. One is just the hand-to-hand combat stuff was great. Like again, We talked that we've, we talked about it before where it's just another way of showing how the Jedi use their, their force abilities or whatever you want to call it. Right. That's not always pull out lightsaber and let's go.
It's hand movements, it's the hand-to-hand combat, right? Because you forget that, yeah, these guys are like fast and they, you know, they can anticipate things, right? To speak on to speak on May real quick too, I think there is that moment where she was searching for Conelka's lightsaber. I feel like she was doing that because she was watching what was going on right outside the hut. And yeah, I think part of it was a her like k needing trying to find something that she can protect herself with, right? Conak is lightsaber. But I do wonder if, cause she was watching the stranger go after her sister. I feel like that was also for her to go and help her sister, right? Grab the lightsaber and go protect OSHA the best she could. I felt like that, that was maybe her motives until
Jackie attacked her, right? And then she was like, oh yeah, crap, I'm a i cri in trouble. I'm in trouble. Yeah, I'm in trouble, right? i mean And to Jackie's credit, she had to do that because, right, they were after her for the murders of Indara. That's why they were there. Kalnaka, because that's who they assumed, killed him and she had to be arrested. Right, so but yeah the fight between them was great, right just the hand-to-hand combats the the force pushing and the force pulling and even between even with ah May she was using you know, the force a Push on Jackie at times. Those are really good fight. And yeah, I mean again shout out to Daphne and a mandala because they right absolutely absolutely crushed it and those fight fight scenes and it seemed like they
I mean, from Elise again, from what I can tell, seems like it was both of them for a majority of it. Like they did a lot of their own stunts, it seemed like. I mean, could be wrong, but... It seemed like they were, it was them. I think it was them. I think and when you join a Star Wars project and you're being taught um fight choreography and skills and lightsaber, you probably just want to be involved in every single part of it. As much as you can, right? As much as you can. I mean, even if you think as far as they could do. As legally as you can. I mean, even think about like were ah what, ah
Daisy used to do for Ray and the wire work that she used to do. And she did a lot of her own stunts. I think like when they're like, Hey, you're going to be a Jedi or you're going to be a force user. You're like, um, uh, I'll do anything. I want to learn. wire me up i Let's go. I want to learn it all. Yeah. And they, and they really, you could tell how much practice and how much they really like focused on this choreography because it was well done for sure. Right. So. Love that fight. And then we go to, uh, within this, within the section two, it's soul versus the stranger, right? And they had some interesting conversations. You brought up this.
ah Where soul asked him to take off his mask and what you know and he says no no no you want to read my thoughts and then ah You know I the more like one of the big things for me was when soul told them You know what master hides their face and his retort was you tell me do Right. So this was a lot of a lot of good stuff. So, and you talked to me about your thoughts with those two, because there was a fight was great. Again, outstanding choreography done by everybody. And again, it seems like it's Lee Jong J. And seems like it's ah the, the. je just yeah We'll get to it for right. It seems like it's that guy confirmed that he did a lot of his stunt work.
Oh yeah. I just watched a video. Yeah. So that's pretty dope. So talk to me about this first encounter with soul and the stranger. Yeah, the the first encounter where the stranger standing there and he says you don't you don't remember me and soul says I sense something familiar. So like I'm like, okay, like, it's, it's either come here, right? Because they've met each other. It's either someone that was on Brenda, or it's another Jedi. So like, I wasn't like sold yet that like, it was come here, like from that moment. Um,
And it it was really cool how Sol threw in like, you carry a Jedi weapon, but you are no Jedi, right? Still not acknowledging that it's a red lightsaber. You might be ah a dark side user or a force, but he's just flat out saying like, you're not a Jedi, whatever you are. Like don't even think about it. So, and then their the fight was just absolutely stunning. um It was like really great lightsaber choreography, but it's like a hint of like, kung fu karate like um feel to it as well too it was just like oh man it was so good and then for them to um go like
Saul's trying to talk to him about showing your face and he brings, like what like you just said, like he says, ah what sort of master doesn't show ah them their face? And he was like, you tell me, like crazy burn, right? Because we all know that there's something Saul is hiding and we, that's like what we're invested in. And the stranger knows that Saul's hiding something too. So he's in on the secret and we're not yet. So that's just super intriguing. Yeah, I mean, clearly this guy, the stranger, knows a lot of what happened that day, right? Whether it's twisted or not, he knows things, right? So yeah, again, the fight choreography is just so good, man. I mean, like you're saying, it was it was prequels with like super, I mean, they were quick.
There was no bones about it. They were quick. Both of them were very, very quick. And then, but adding like the kicks, right. Or the punches or whatever. Right. It was, it was really good court fight choreography. Right. So I, yeah, I really loved their first encounter. Right. And then. You we we jump back to OSHA and Yord, right? Because they're trying to go back to the ship. And, you know, OSHA basically asked him, like, you know, who is that? what What is that thing? And I I love his answer, basically, where he says, I don't know, but there was no method to his movements, basically. Right. There's it doesn't make sense. And then OSHA is like, well, my, you know, he's a
Yord mentions that it's like he gets into their head and he just stays there. And then Osha states that that's like her mom did when she was younger, which we saw again. What we think is what happened is that she ah took over Torbin. So I, again, yeah, I've been to that point. I, again, it's like, okay, yeah, it could be chimer or it could be like we were thinking it could be the coral or a another. Coven member. Right. Just based off of, again, this little information that we're getting.
So again I, again, this is one of those things where I wish we, again, we stayed in these fights a little longer, because we would cut to Yord and Osha, which is the ah a bad thing, because again, um information is conversation that I think was important yeah important to learn. But I just like staying in those fights, that because the fights were so good, you didn't want to leave, right? So anything you want, you took away from that Yord or Osha, Kind of conversations about him because like you said, it's interesting that he says that he's like, it's like he's in the, in their head, but yet when soul, which and we're bring we'll, we'll, we'll, kind of we'll get to the bigger scene, but soul eventually, uh, brings talks about this idea of removing the helmet. And that's when he says like you brought up earlier, no, no, no. So you can read like basically, so you can read my thoughts.
So I don't know if that means that cortosis is like a magneto. People brought that, you know, that idea up where it's resistant. I mean, it could be, but I don't know if I buy that yet, but that'd be, again, a very interesting kind of addition to the lore that there was something out there that could do that. i mean if you look think back about like ah islammari and heir to the
on empire that the name of it timothy's yeah the where they had those creatures that they hung around their necks yeah he did paul yeah all the force um And that's like something the Sith were always, or anyone that's opposed of the Jedi, always wanted to find something that gave them an advantage over the Force, or of the Force, like if you're thinking of the Nameless with Mark Amrow, or you're thinking of Cortosis, Islamiri, all that kind of stuff. like You have to be able to take away the Jedi's advantage.
What was really telling what that conversation was you're saying like they're fighting styles like nothing I've ever seen. Like that's all he knows is sparring in the Jedi temple, right? And fighting other practice fighting other Jedi or maybe roughhousing with like some some smugglers or some some drunk ah bar patrons. Right. Or someone with a blaster that you just have to deflect. So it was just a ah new new thing that Yord had never, ever, ever experienced. And the whole thing about being stuck in the head, that's super interesting because we kind of get like motifs of that in later Star Wars, like sequel Star Wars, but not too much um to where some
Something is like a constant nagging press presence, which it seemed like the stranger was to Jedi and maybe ah and you see it like again when he's in May's head, so Really really really interesting stuff Yeah, there's that then that little piece of information was interesting and again that goes mo more to the mystery of Who taught this guy? Right. Or, I mean, is he self-taught? Like, why? We don't know. Right. We have no idea about the stranger and his origins or anything like that. Right. So. So now we get to the the next kind of bigger, another big section of, uh,
ah stranger evading soul right because he sees Mei notices Mei is gone right so he goes after her right and that's when like you said he kind of he gets in her head that was a cool little shot of like his I mean it was a very like full like just shot of the mask right and he just says like coward and all that stuff right and then she's asking you know he catches up to her and she's asking for forgiveness Which is crazy. Like she was just like, I was weak and he's like, you've always been weak. Right. So, well, well, let me, I think that's even jumping forward a little bit. Cause we get to the point where he catches up with Jackie, like arresting may. Right. And then, uh, he attacks Jackie and then he even tells me and that he, she could learn from her.
by being a loyal pupil, right? And Jackie has a really good move. It's like, dude, I had butts. She had, ah she you know, because she had Kalnaka's blade, right? And he took out her one blade and she brings that out, blocks him. And then her blade comes ah back on, you know, back on. And now she's fighting him with two blades. And again, I'm a sucker for a person with the two blades, man, that's cool. Yeah, I know right it was so a soca soca Ventress like I love all that that was it was good stuff So and she even like there's that little moment of her like just a little smirk when it comes back on right like Her thinking that she has the edge on him, right? So again, so during that little scuffle between Jackie and the stranger may kind of ah still handcuffed but she's able to kind of
get in a position where she can run away and she starts running away. The master, the stranger gets Jackie to kind of like focus on the broken saber that he breaks, which is kill knock us. And then she's kind of distracted. He runs away. He is super fast by the way. Like, dude. And when he runs, like when he came running at Jackie during this part, it was scary. Yeah. Yeah. It was like this aggressive, like growling, run. It was crazy. Like a linebacker going after if we like it was crazy. Yeah. It was straight out of like a horror movie. Like it was crazy. Yeah. So, so he's running after me. So so we we to the bar where he's running after me, he's like in her head and she sees his face and is just like coward and she, he stops her, you know, from, uh, from running.
And then that's when she, again, she's asking for forgiveness, right? And he's like, you've always been weak. He then, which I find this move a little odd is that he freed her from the handcuffs, but he still was trying to kill her. Right? Yeah. So, but he, you know, he frees her. And that's when again, Jackie catches up. and saves May a couple times, if I recall. And, but again, this is when he's like telling May that she could learn something from Jackie because she's a loyal pupil and all that stuff. So talk to me about all the, all this section, and what's your thoughts, feelings, anything you pick up on that stuff, what you got.
Yeah, I think ah it made, well, after watching it a couple times when I re-watched the scene, it makes me think that the stranger is just in search for, like he said, a pupil, right? So he sees Jackie with like this courage and this like fierceness and she's completely fearless and she, but also has this this style that adapts to her aggressiveness as well, too. Like she she she almost fights like and like she has like an Anakin-esque like fight style to her. Yeah, a little bit or even Ahsoka like. Right. Yeah. Yeah. So it just seems like in this moment, like the stranger is just trying to get someone right. Maybe it's me. Maybe it's going to be this little tiny padawan. Maybe I can teach a lesson like in this moment.
You know, so that's like what I, I got out of that, but what I like absolutely got out of that was like, Jackie is just complete badass, right? Yeah, she can fight. She can fight and she's a very good swords, uh, lightsaber, uh, person. So laser sword, laser swords. So yeah. And then we get to a point where, uh, York and OSHA. Uh, basically OSHA kind of gets the sense from, is it may or i we don't know. Right. I think they hear a scream. may They hear a scream. Oh, no, no, no. May reaches out to OSHA. I think, right. That's kind of how I interpreted that somehow. Oh yeah, absolutely. So, and then that's when OSHA tells your, they have to go back.
And they have this big idea of bringing the moths with them because previously they saw them and they're trying to like sneak around them. So then we get, so, so now we know they're kind of coming back to the fight. So while they're coming back, we get the soul Jackie stranger fight while he's talking again, he's still kind of talking to me, wanting to kill her. Right? So,
This fight was cool. When soul kind of runs out of nowhere essentially, right? And he stops, I can't remember if he, no, he didn't throw his lightsaber, but he stops the stranger and then Jackie like comes from the other side and almost hits him, but he kind of ducks. And then that fight, then the, the, the two on one fight begins. It's really good stuff. It's really good stuff. So I,
Again, at this point, everything seems cool. We're okay, kids. We're okay, guys. We're okay. She's going to make it. We're fighting. we' we We're doing good. We're hitting them with the butt of our lightsaber. We're doing jumps. We're doing kicks. I mean, that's what I absolutely love. Like, Jackie, Jackie just kicking the stranger, like, like No fear, right? I don't need my lightsaber. I can literally kick you. I'm just going to kick you. Yeah. And then soul doing the same thing, going hand to hand after, yeah like he heads, but, you know, after the stranger head butts his, like say, uh, his lightsaber, Jackie's like going after him hands and so is soul.
All seems well. Everything was so good. We're fine. Everything's fine. Thank you for asking. It doesn't jump, and I'm like, ooh. Them fighting, right? It was very Soul and Jackie fighting together, Master and Apprentice. It's very Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan fighting Maul. it like just truly was. right You can kind of see that connection that they have with each other, that trust that they have with each other and the and anticipation of their next move as well too. It was just like perfectly choreographed. right like I know that's not what really happened, put but you believed it because it was executed flawlessly. It was so good. Yeah. The choreography was amazing in this, especially this fight.
But the, um, the, uh, I can't. So, so she's hitting them with the end of her lightsaber. Albert comes up. I can't. Albert comes up. And all of a sudden you don't see like the phase, but you see, the stranger pull out a like a hidden lightsaber blade from his lightsaber, which was not gonna lie, kids, pretty cool. Pretty cool. Nice little like, you know, like this, like a secret little like knife in the boot or something, right? Like just pulls it out from the butt of his life. homes yeah And then just goes pop, pop, pop to our girl, Jackie.
RIP, we knew you too short. like it was That one shocked me. I was not expecting that. Was not expecting that at all. I wasn't either, right? Like there were a lot of jokes flying around prior to of people saying like, oh, the the other named unnamed Jedi, they're obviously going to be. Which they were. Which they were, right? They were the red shirts. So, and You're thinking, man, are these characters that we've created a relationship with, they're gonna make it, right? So Soul, Jekie, or their they're in it to win it. They're fine. And then just like, and then plus it's just amazing display of like, Jekie's awesomeness. And then to see those those three burns just pop, pop, pop right into her.
And then that shot of the look ah on her face, which is also very reminiscent of Qui-Gon getting stabbed by Darth Maul as well too. So it was like perfectly executed by Daphne. I loved it. And I yelled, no, like, like I was Anakin yelling for Padme, like dead serious. Like I pulled out like a Vader. No.
i was like i can't i mean I was shocked. I was like, oh shit. Hands over the mouth, gasping for air. i I'm telling you, Lauren, I'm not over exaggerating. I couldn't believe it. That was a big surprise. I was not expecting it. And my mom was like, oh my God, right? like We're all just like, oh my God. He did it so quick. That's the thing. He did it so quick. We're used to epic deaths in shows. You think of Game of Thrones and stuff like that. You think of a lot of people have been comparing this episode to the Red Wedding because in that episode, you lost a lot of characters that you created connections with.
so um were like all used to it. And sometimes that's what makes TV good, right? Killing a person off or ah devastating you in the middle of an episode. So it definitely had that feel to it. Like that was executed perfectly. If you wanted to devastate a bunch of people and throw shock across their face and make them audibly gasp, congratulations, lezzie Leslie, Leslie Hedlund, you did it. Leslie said F your feelings. Said enjoy this kids like that's what I feel like Leslie did. Yeah, it's like oh you really like these people F your feelings. Here you go. Bye like This is what we're doing. But I did just see a clip of they were interviewing um the actors that played nearly yeah, and um Leslie did call them ahead of time and say like hey, you know, you're you're gonna die I'm sorry, which I think is um
Like a genuine move, right? To show like yeah yeah the depths of a character's importance, even though that if you're not the main character. and um I think Daphne has a really good description. She even brings up like what I just said as well too about how you see TV deaths and you know how important they can be to people. So um she knew she had to execute it perfectly and and to give a good performance and she absolutely did. But I will not get over it. I'm not over it. Yeah, I love what she said in that little clip with her and ah Charlie Barnett who plays Yord.
But we'll get to in a moment, kids, because we're not done yet. But yeah, she brings up this idea of TV and how people get invested in characters. Right. And part of, you know, going through a show like that or like connecting with these characters and then having that tragedy, you know, tragic end is is like really good. like it's it's why you know is It's why people connect to these shows and these movies, right? And I think she even brought up the like a lot of, like in Star Wars it's happened, right? Like you just said, Ant, Qui-Gon, right? Things like that, like it shocks you and it's supposed to.
Han Solo. Right. it's It's supposed to do that because of your connection with this character, right? You're supposed to feel that way. That's like, but the but like kind of Daphne was saying, like you're saying like, it's her job or their job to have you connect with them so that when that ending comes that they know about, it's, it it can hit like it's supposed to, right? So I, yeah, I, What a, what a, what a shot, first of all. Right. And I don't know if he just did like turn on, turn off, turn on, turn off, or he's just like, boom, boom, boom. Like real quick, like stabs. I don't know, but it was cool. I'm not going to lie. Cause usually you see one lightsaber burn hole go through. You see one, you just see one. Then you saw another and then you saw another and you were like, dude,
And Leslie Haslan really said a few feelings. If you were ever thinking she's going to come back from that, he said, Oh no, she ain't. Whole country in my fair. So get your goodbyes, Jackie jams, throw, throw your light sabers up in the air. We're moving on. We're moving on. And then again, the big reveal. The mask is on the ground. He, you know, the, the slow kind of moves the hands away from the face and it's our boy Kaimir. Or we don't really don't know his name. know He says, I have no name. Right. So we find out that the Kaimir, who we, we've all suspected, I think has been a very, again, I don't really think looking back on it now, edge I don't think.
A, they were really trying to hide it. But B, I don't think that's and don't think that the point of the show was obviously trying to hide who's behind the mask. Right? That's not the main story. I think Leslie Hedlund is smart enough to know how Star Wars fans are. Because she's a fan herself. Right. She's a fan herself. She knows if you see Dark Figure in a lightsaber, you're literally about to compile all the files in your head that says Dark
character with light red lightsaber, who could this be, right? We don't need someone like shouting out ideas in the middle of a TV show of like who it could be. They're like, we're gonna actually tell them who it is. And then they're gonna still think there's no way because it must be a B or C as well. And that's exactly what happened to us. You know, she basically right they basically told us without telling us I mean, in all honesty, right? I mean, they did. They're like, no, really, it's this guy. And we're like, no, it's it's not. Like, no, guys. No, it's immune. We are telling you. No, I'm telling you it's going to be Darth Plagueis and its immune species. I'm just telling you as a fan. And she's like, no, it's actually this this human.
Guys, just listen to me. This is this guy. I've been telling you the entire series. Yeah. I was like, I actually think it's one of the people that he was in a scene with. So there's that. Nope. Leslie was like, I have your feelings with him. So get over it and remove it on. But yeah. Uh, Manny Jacinto is the actor who plays chimer slash a stranger. Homeboy got arms. Darth Arms. He is ripped. Homeboy is ripped in the triceps and biceps. Homeboy is ripped. No doubt about it. And again, he i there's an article, e I think Entertainment Weekly just had an article come out. And after this episode, Wright shared and now we know who the masked guy is.
and They basically said he did a lot, a lot of the stunts, a lot of the fighting. So homeboy choreographed and did a heck of a job with lightsaber training. Like he was top of his class. And he had to be because of what he had to do clearly, but he can wield a lightsaber, man. And there's that clip um people have been sharing where In an interview, somebody asked him like before the show came out or like, Hey, do were you able to like, did you get a lightsaber? And he basically was joking like, you know, during, during cuts or, you know, when we weren't filming, I would grab one and we played around. No, bro. You were the man. Don't even, don't even try to like play it.
You're the man. You were so good they gave you two. They gave you two. Right. They were like, oh, you want an extra one? Here you go. Don't kill this Jedi with it. Have fun. You're that good. Really, we wrote this character with one lightsaber, but you're really killing it. So here's a little mini knife one. If you do this little twist at the end of your hilt, there's a little surprise there for you. I want to know now, honestly, one of those questions I would love to ask. the cast is if they got to design no yeah the lightsaber, right? Had any input of like what it would look like or anything like that. I think that'd just be one of those, just again, fun kind of Star Wars-y questions I would like to know because I mean, the only one that I can think of off the top of my head is Samuel L. Jackson saying, I need purple ju purple. George, make a purple so I can see where I am.
You know, there's a really interesting scene in one of the latest High Republic ah comics where when they call all the Jedi back because of Starlight Beacon, And they stop making lightsabers look all elaborate with like the extra like pieces and embellishments like on the hilts. And they start making them look very generic. And they look kind of like Obi-Wan and Anakin's lightsaber hilts in you know and the prequels. Interesting. And they're saying, like we have to just start like mass producing these. we can't like It can't be this long process anymore with like all these extras like thrown into them. like
these padawans these nights they need lightsabers and we need to start just so it's it's kind of crazy like because you think like Oh, everybody's is so unique and looks a specific way and stuff like that. But there was actually like a moment in time where Jedi's were like, nope, which this is what you get. This is what you got. or Or they're very simple pieces. Yeah, super simple. Yeah, they couldn't do the like the guard, the yeah cross guard stuff anymore, really. Yeah. like Yeah, that's who that is that is actually really, really cool. But I would I would just love to ask.
like hey did you get to like have any input on the design or like do you know cuz how cool would that be if someone was like this is your lightsaber I would be like thank you very much all right awesome thank you I mean fair but I but like I'd be greedy like can can I see this in like gold or silver like can we do something with it Just throw a little splash of this, please. Yeah. Can I have something just a little bit like a mini knife at the bottom? No big deal. Just just a little something. But oh, yeah. Flashlight on the bottom. of Yeah. So that I don't have to turn the whole blade on. Yeah. Just say it. But I would be interested if they if they were able to have just any input of like, you know, what do you feel like the characters would look like or how, you know, the reasons why their blade would look
why they did and everything like that. I think it'd just be, just be interesting to know if they, um, if Leslie gave them kind of any, uh, any ideas that they could, that they could use that they made for them. So, I mean, cause they have to be functional too, right? They have to be able to like twirl on, hold on for extended amounts of time. So yeah, I agree. I agree. But yeah. So Kai mirrors the man. Uh, Darth arms, I think is what his nickname from teeth, from teeth to arms. eat arms So he and solar has this conversation while he has the lightsaber right to maze head.
which was interesting. And this is where we learn that he has no name, right? But I love this line, but the Jedi like you, he tells soul might, I want to stress the word might call me Sith. Yeah, not I am Sith or I am a Sith. yes not said he is he guys he just said genero right You over there with all the thoughts running through your head right now, you might call me a Sith, but I have no name, no label. I am the stranger or Darth arms.
I mean, shout out to Darth Arms, not, you know, going kind of just no names, just I am who I am. Like, hey, good for you. And to also say that he seeks out a pupil, an acolyte. Yeah. He calls out the acolyte word. We all know, like, May is the acolyte he's looking for initially. I thought he had a new one. Right. Right. So I mean, he makes some pretty big declarations like again. saying that he has no name, but they might call him a Sith, right? The Jedi might call him a Sith. And I think that's, again, a term that just makes sense for him to say. like it I don't think that's like a line to like fix a the Mundi line from The Force Awakens, right? That's not supposed to just fix that. like
Why doesn't why why don't I just realize that Monday is an idiot like I know no no no well again And then the Jedi how many times I mean can we talk about how they were clear clearly blinded by? cloud of darkness that yeah ah but like, guys, this isn't rocket science. Just because they because they haven't said Sith in a thousand years, doesn't mean that just because this guy who didn't say he was Sith, can we just repeat, say he was Sith. He just said that that guy, the Jedi master soul might call him that. But he's like, like good you you can label me. I ain't labeling myself.
kudos to stranger for not wanting labels. I commend you, sir. But why are we why are we trying to label him a Sith when he's not he's not even taking up that moniker. Yeah, they um it's interesting that souls next line is why risk discovery because that is like the one thing that you're taught like when you become a babysit. We're not even a baby. you come and at us and start side user You become a dark side user. They tell you like you must turn yourself off from the forest. And when you read books with like mall or Plagueis or Palpatine or whatever like that, you you hear of moments where they say like, I opened myself up to the forest and reached out because during the rest of that time they cut themselves off. They could not even come close to allowing themselves to be discovered. And it was something that their whole point of the Phantom Menace. Are we not paying attention to what the hell the story is about? Because they did.
They kept themselves out of the limelight. Is it that hard to understand? Why do we have to repeat this? Two of the strongest Jedi known to man. We're talking about the Sith while the Sith was in the room.
Guys, can we repeat? This is not hard. Again, I just don't understand the mental gymnastics that some people are like, oh, this breaks canon. This does this, this does that. No, it doesn't. First of all, most of them even hate cannon to be in with. They hate that like, you know, but whatever. I don't want to talk about those people. ever I know. I know. No, I agree. But i get again, just it is annoying, even just for people that are, again, aren't those people, but are legitimately like questioning and like has legit criticism of like, why would they even kind of go down this road when I said this? Right. Right. I get it. Right. It sounds like when you
When you see a guy with a red lightsaber, a helmet, black outfit, if it walks like a duck, it talks like a duck, he's a Sith, right? Okay, cool. I mean, I understand where you're coming from, right? But how about what he says to Sol again? Gonna repeat. I have no name, but you, you, Jedi, might, might call me a Sith. And I think that is because he's a dark side user. i The Sith are probably, again, right? I mean, that's how I've always understood Sith is that they are dark side force users, right? That is what they call themselves.
But he is not calling himself a Sith. He is a guy that just wants to wield his power freely. And I commend him for that. Honestly, I'm not trying to take sides. He's totally wrong. Do you think he has a master? Do you think he has a master? I don't. What? I don't. No, no, no, no. Again, he obviously clearly trained, but I don't know if he's answering to anybody anymore. Yeah, he is. I don't think he is. I think just like you said, He said he just what he wants a pupil right? He's looking for his his apprentice Right because maybe he killed his master after learning all that he did from him, right? Kind of goes hand-in-hand with what sith do I mean again how has this it's kept out of limelight. They probably been killing each other Yeah, they kill each other up each other so yeah
Guys, the point of Phantom Menace is that the Sith secretly became in power via Palpatine because they clouded the judgments of the Jedi. Why, because the Jedi were arrogant and they had a lot of Hebrews. This is not art, kids. This is not art. Go ahead, Anj. It's like they think like Kiari Mundi is like watching the show. You know? We're getting briefings of like, hey, we just saw a guy in a jungle with a red lightsaber. Nobody has said anything yet. The Sith are back, Moondi. When you get to the Jedi Council, do not say they've been gone for a millennium. And again.
Wait, why are we still talking about this? Not really off topic, but again, it's just that, again, because the Sith word who has been finally said, which is fine, right? Cause we have talked about it previous weeks where like they haven't said it yet, right? Well, now he said it, but again, in the context of what he said, He is not a Sith. He is just saying that the Jedi, like Sol, might call him that, but he is not calling himself that. So let's I just want to make that crystal so clear. And this doesn't take away from Mundi saying the Sith haven't been around for a thousand years, because guess what? They haven't been around to their knowledge. They've been around clearly, kids. We all know this. How the hell do you think Palpatine
We know that. Right. So anyway. I digress. So what do you think about soul's comment of why risk discovery? You know, I love his response as well. I did have a helmet, which was right. That was funny. he's okay um I have nice arms and I'm kind of funny. Yeah. So i double threat. So again, we got cookies and I'm a dark side user coming out.
But no, yeah, I think again, a part of the whole thing is beans being like secret about being but being a dark side user. Clearly, right? Because you even the coven was like that. be you free Do you think that soul knew that the dark side had a presence? because he didn't say that's impossible. He didn't say, there are no Sith. He said, why risk discovery? didn't you Did you find that line weird? No, I didn't find it weird. I think he was just basically asking him like, okay, well, if you're a dark side user, why why are you risking showing yourself?
and basically his response is, well, I and wasn't trying to, but, right you know, homegirl over here was going to rat me out. So I had to take precautions. I had to take you all out. Sorry, not sorry. So there we are. So yeah, no, I didn't, I didn't take that as a weird line. I just took it as him saying like, okay, well you're a, you know, Mr. No Name. that clearly knows the dark side of the forest. Why are you risking this? Right? Do you think soul is a sad? No, no, no, no, no. Do you think soul is a bad guy? Do you think soul is Darth Teeth? No, I'm kidding.
but Honestly, that's how our minds think, right? We're still like not to terms with like this mystery character was was presented to us on a platter, right? um but Then to see him fighting after with soul, right, without the helmet on, without, um and then to hear his explanation um of it's the if freedom free to be to be themselves and, um you know, the Jedi say that I'm not supposed to exist yet. Here I am.
You know, that was, I thought, like, just really awesome. Like, we didn't just, like, move away from that. We're like, this this is our guy. this is our This is our villain. He was hiding in plain sight, as they do, and he is very intimidating and and and also knows secrets. He knows secrets about the Jedi, and he's he wants to expose them for what they are. Right. And I think that's probably part of the appeal that May had with him, right? Exposing because of clearly he was like, clearly he was there in some way, shape or form. He was there 16 years ago, right? Somehow he, someone knows about them. Right. He, know he knows, he knows what happened clearly. Cause he keeps baiting soul, right? Throughout this conversation of, you know,
What are you hiding? You know, like when he asked him earlier in that scene of like, why are you hiding your face? And he's like, well, what about you basically? And then now he's trying to basically show soul that he's a hypocrite, right? Attacking him with his back turn and all this other stuff. o Right. So. ah As they're talking, we get a Yord check-in, right? Yord's good, kids. Yord's coming in hot. Coming in hot with the helmet, which is smart. Yeah. Like, sam smart. And I was like, look at Yord, man. He can handle it. Smart? Yeah. And then not smart. And then not smart. Dark arm said, let me show you my biceps and snap snack.
We're seeing someone get their neck snapped in Star Wars. I don't think so. Not like that. I think in Obi-Wan, remember Vader walking through that village and somebody's. But that was with the force, though. Yeah, we've never seen like a. No, I don't think we've seen something that like hand to hand like that. Did you think this was some of this ah was a little. Like could be rated? No. No, not our rated, but I need more of it, though. I think we need to go. Like, I like what we saw in these fights is brutality. I think we need to see more of. Yeah. I like it. but I think it fits. ah At least it fits this era. Yeah. A hundred percent. So yeah, no, I like it. I'm a hundred percent for this. Like it was. Again, brutal, but it it that's the point of this character.
is he's brutal, he has no, again, he's he's no name, he doesn't care about the Jedi, he doesn't you know he wants to basically expose them for the frauds that they are, right, for being the hypocrites of trying to control the Force, which he's not wrong. Can I just say, I'm not team ARMS, but ARMS got a point. Don't you hate that? I mean, this is what Star Wars does, right? Not a lot, I mean, you start to all of a sudden, you're like, I think Thanos has a point, guys. He had a point. I'm not saying he went about it the right way. I'm just saying he was making good argument, as arms was. He's making good arguments. You guys are monopolizing the market of how the force should be used. I think that's going to be yes. He's not wrong, kids. I'm not saying he's right, but he's not wrong and that thought presses.
I mean, honest, if you think about like, ah you know, you go to High Republic phase two in the path of the open hand, they were completely against to the way that the Jedi used the force and and made it out to be theirs. And ah I mean, I'm surprised there's not more people that dislike Jedi. I mean, again, there's probably a lot, but they were just hiding just like this guy was until his padawan tried to screw him over. He's like, well, Guess I gotta kill everybody and ah make sure nobody knows that I'm around. So yeah always the way though, right? The good guys are not all good. Right. Um, over time, what they believed in changed and.
They didn't change along with it. The world changed and they didn't change with the world. right So that's like exactly like another thing that lesson that's like being taught here. In Star Wars, right we all assumed Jedi's were heroes because that's what they were labeled. So it was a shock when we saw it in the prequel that they kind of didn't know what the hell that they were doing and were making mistakes and as it goes. so and the Republic becoming the the Empire and and all that stuff. So still same like themes going on in this show that have been taught to us numerous times by George Lucas and Dave Filoni and John Favron, all that stuff. So I love Leslie Hedlund just continuing to sew in these these themes throughout the show that is the the core of Star Wars.
Yeah, I mean, it's ah it's a deep theme that connects all these stories, right? I mean, it's the one constant in Star Wars is this theme of good versus evil, who's right, who's wrong, right? It's a basic storyline or found family, right? In non-found family or family as a whole, right? I mean, that's what Star Wars is to its core. and This show has plenty of the family stuff, right? Because we move on to OSHA. All right. Well, not R.I.P. Pip, but sacrifice and Pip. Throwing Pip on the back of dark arms, which is smart. Didn't put him on the arms because he probably telling Pip she loves him. Oh, shout out heartbreaking. Yeah.
But she throws pip on, uh, dark arms back. And then all the, uh, what do you want cicadias? I don't even know what the hell these things are. but ah Well, in the captions they're called Umbra moths. So again, like moths to a light, they go after him and he like Mary Poppins just floats away. oh I literally went from like Jana Jackson to Mary Poppins to like, I i don't even know. That's fair. But clearly, I mean, I knew I wasn't worried that he was like gone in that moment. I'm like, yeah well, he'll be fine. He's got his red lightsaber. But in that moment, also very cool, right? Creatures, nature, um helping attack evil, very Star Wars. you You might as well had Basil like tie him up in and
and hit them with a stick. Right, right, right, right. It would have fit because it would have been like a whole Ewok like situation. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. So then we get Osha confronting Sol about why the stranger, why Kaimir would say, not do not trust Sol, right? So but i know what before we get to that, though, real quick, um Kaimir when he um how long was it Yes, thank you because that When he showed how he was like change From Kaimir to like that was pretty cool and and i well act well acted by Manny to kind of play two different characters in the same character though, right like to play Kaimir but Kaimir was a character to this guy like
Very good. I mean, but honestly, Amanda, like, because there are moments towards the end of this where I'm like, God, I love OSHA and I can't stay in May. I need May to go. Like, I need her to go. And you're this. She's the same person, like perfectly executed. Like you're an amazing actor if you can get audiences to hate you. But if you can actually play two characters at the same time and you love the one and hate the other, right that is that is amazing. Yeah. So we get, so we get to where OSHA basically is like, well, why would he say I shouldn't trust you? Right. And because basically because stranger dark arms is basically telling her that like he's got some darkness in him too. I just accept, I've accepted mine. Right. And basically calling them out. Like what, what do you do with yours?
Tellings and telling OSHA not to trust him and she confronts soul about that. He says I'll explain and then that's when May Force grabs the stun gun stun soul Now we have sister and sister together finally, right? And this was a really again. You just brought it up and a mandala playing a scene basically Off of herself is amazing like It feels like two, two actors. It does. Like it it, like if you wouldn't have told me that's the same person or like they're twins, I would have a hundred percent actual like bought that. That was actually two, two like two people, two different. My mom had, a she asked me, she was like, is that just the one or is that actually two people? And I was like, no, it's just the one playing both. It's crazy how good she is. Like it's insane. Yeah. It's insane.
So again, you get these really is this interesting moment. I think with these two is How they have perceived what happened that night right like OSHA is very adamant that may started everything in that You know, it's all her fault and may is basically like you're brainwashed man. Yeah. OSHA's like, man, you need to be held accountable for what you did. And if I have to be the person that does that, then I'll, I'll be that person right now. And the, oh man, they brainwashed you. They turned you against me. That was a great line. It's a great line. We all know where that comes from. Yep. That's Leslie loving the prequels. Yeah. Gotta love it.
But yeah, so May is basically telling her, dude, you're brainwashed. I did this for us. Like I did this for our family. And, you know, don't forget where you came from. Don't forget all, you know, like basically who you are. And oh I love, again, Osho's response of like, the Jedi were my family more than you ever were. And that's a crazy thing to say when you're twins, right? Like, I mean, that's, hey that's a, that's a gut punch to May. when May thought that Osho was not alive and vice versa. Osho never thought May was alive, right? But May is so, they're so adamant about what happened that night on their points of view, right? So it comes down to like, who's right, who's wrong, right? What really happened? This is the major mystery that I think this is obviously what this whole series is about is what happened 16 years ago. Who's really right?
And at this point, I don't know. I don't know. I mean, I really don't know who's right. I really don't know what happened now. Right. I mean, now I'm questioning everything. Right. You can't really pick a side until you know the whole story. And even then, do you even know the whole story? So well, right. And like, how much did, did soul like interfere as far as like, did he brainwash OSHA to a point? Did they? Like tell feed her the story to hide her from the truth. I mean, everybody kind of said like when in episode three, soul was a little groomish, you know, yeah it was a little groomy the way that he was. Um, that's fair. seeing Like, Hey, look at my lightsaber. Wouldn't you like to have one of these? Like its it was kind of, it gave you the willies. So man, I haven't said that word in a while. How long is that? Like a John X word, willies.
Could be could be a millennial. I don't know. We're in the same kind of boat, but it works. but But we just we just don't know. ah We really don't. And again, I wonder, I really do. If with this idea of. Maybe OSHA was brainwash or whatever you want to call, right? Do you think that Osha was actually the one then that might have started the fire? Because now I'm thinking that. No, no. Listen, she told Pip she loved him. She's not a fire starter. She is a lover of droids. I get that. I get that. But I don't even. This is we've only seen the one side of the story. I seen her tell a droid she loves him.
Anakin loves R2. It doesn't make it right. It doesn't make it wrong. It doesn't make it right. I'm just saying a lot of evil people have like the droids. So, but no, I know. I just think this idea that maybe this whole story is just flipped around. No, I know. I think the Jedi are at fault and I think unfortunately, OSHA And may were caught in the middle of it. Yes. I agree. I agree with you on that one. Like they, yeah, they are the innocent bystanders that yeah based on what the Jedi did. Right. But again, what the hell did they do? That's the whole thing that I'm just like, I know we've talked about how like, there's no way they massacred. I don't think they did, but man, it's really shaky now of like what they actually did.
So what would be bad is not that they like killed all of the witches in the coven on Brenda in a reaction towards what was happening. But if they were ordered to go and do that, then OK, OK, that's why that would be wild. And again, knowing the Jedi Council. And their stance on. dark side users, right? Because again, darkthar and dark arms was was saying it, right? Like you won't let people, you know, the I just want freedom to do what I want with my power, right? Which again, yeah, that that that bad probably. But again, is is that wrong? Is that right? Jedi are monopolizing things.
I don't know. But again, but that goes back to the coven and the coven being exiled because of what they do and people think it's unnatural. Again, that's because of the Jedi again, right or wrong. Right. I mean, they're probably protecting people, which again, 100 percent agree with that. But right. Were they told? But then that that gives me to this. When May and Torben were talking. And she's like, confess your crimes. Well, then if they knew about it, why would he have to confess? They would have known about it. Or again, maybe they took it upon themselves right to handle the situation because they knew and what they witnessed with ceremony and all that. And then knowing that the kids weren't, uh, were created, uh,
unnaturally, should we say, through the witches, through the coven, maybe in Dara and they were like, we got to, we got to do something. Right. And save the kids. Right. Those, I mean, so um and Dara were the ones that went back to the Jedi order as if everything was normal. Everything's good. Yeah. Yeah, she went back to a station and he was teaching. Kalnak and Dormin were the ones that were affected by it by the most it seems like anyway. Right. So yeah, again, so it's interesting. and We'll find out. Yeah, go ahead. What else do you got? So when so then they argue with each other, they get in a fight.
May pushes Osha away, not with the force, but with the thread. Did you notice that? She did a thread push like her mother did. Yeah, the block. Yeah, you didn't know that block. Yeah, that was pretty cool. And then she, she chopped her hair. So now we're in a parent trap situation where they both look identical and they're going to switch parents and, you know, find out if they can break up their marriage. I think this is how that one went, right? They're trying to get the, the stepmom to not be the stepmom, right? That's going to get the people together. Lindsey Lohan version. Oh, I like the original man. oh and do oh They're and they tell her with ah the pots and pans. The mountain lion. No, that one, it was the mountain lion. It was in the mountain li that there a bear, I think they put the money on her face. Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah, it was. Yeah.
good so Classic, but anyway. he's really good Anyway, pear trip. So what I found interesting was when oh May dressed as OSHA approaches Soul and he's waking out waking up out of his concussion. yeah Whatever, just say I'm doing. He says, where is she? And she says who? And he doesn't say May, he says your sister. Which makes me think, Soul is not stupid and he can tell the difference between the two. Right? And he's just trying to... See how this all plays out? See how all this plays out and survive and I don't i don't even know what else makes this right. Clear as conscience. I have no idea.
but um I just thought the wording of all that was very strange, which would lead me to believe that Sol does not think that that's OSHA. He knows what's up. I agree. I don't think i don't think he's like he thinks that's OSHA. No, I do think he believe like he knows that's me. It's either he knows that it's me or like Basil is going to like sell her out, right? Yeah, because the whole Basil of it all, too, makes me think that maybe he's just he's buying it. Maybe he just because of just got stunned. Right. Know what's going on. Right. Possible. Now, do you feel so now we got right. The Basil has that past Pip and he sniffing around and they and he follows them because they go all the way back to the ship.
so right i think basil will have a something to do with the reveal of who is who do you think kaimir slash darth arms knows that that's osha not me i do oh yeah absolutely yeah now do you Were you kind of like shocked that he did a force heal, like he was able to do that? I know some people have a problem with that. I don't even know if that was, was that a force heal or was he just turning her over? I don't, know I don't even know. I think it was, it was a little bit of a force heal. Cause you can see the scar go away. Really? Yeah. Okay. At least from like what I perceived as it fading away. Um,
I mean, Sith know how to do, no, he's not a Sith. I mean, Jesus, I can't even keep up. They know how to do stuff like that, right? They do things that are unnatural that Jedi just don't tap into yet and whatever. Yeah, I know. I have a problem with it. I think it's cool. It is what it is. But now, yeah, I'm really interested to see what this whole parent trap situation will be. Will Osha get the version, obviously, of what May knows? And then vice versa. Right? Well, soul tell may, what really happened. And then will the two have to come together to really stop the entire situation, right? Jedi or no named Darth, Darth guy.
They're the ones that had to like, maybe put a kibosh to all of it, to the solution situation. All signs point to Brendan, right? Like maybe Sol's in on it. He's going to, he knows that that that's May. He's going to take her to Brendan to either try to explain himself or, or come to terms with, you know, face, face the mirror. Oh my God. I love that line. That's him on the Clone Wars thing. Face, yeah face the mirror.
And. you know For sure, Khmer is going to um sell out the Jedi to OSHA to try to trigger that that that anger and that hatred and that resentment. So I think we're really close to getting some information, whether it's the truth, I i don't think we're getting that yet, but I think we're about to get some information. Yeah, I think we're all roads lead to a confrontation somewhere, whether that's on Kofar still or we, yeah, maybe we go back to Brundak. That's a good call. I could see that. Do you think I, I mean, really, I really have no idea where this is going now. Other than we will get the answers to this mystery, right? But I have no idea what like, I mean, I was thrown off with all the deaths.
So I have no idea. I have no idea. Yeah, I'm not really in prediction mode. I'm more in... I just want to know. I'm in recovery mode, really. I mean, that's fair. It was tough. And what I do know is that there still are a couple more scenes that we've seen in trailers that we haven't seen yet, right? So we haven't seen Fornestra with her light whip. We haven't seen a Jedi crawling up the side of a building that looks like it's on Brenda, right? We haven't seen Kel Naka. fight Torben. So these are, these are all things that we still haven't, haven't seen yet that we've seen in a trailer. So, um,
and all those things that I just said are very intriguing, right? Like very intriguing because some of them go against what we've seen before. So, um, I think we're, we're there, we're getting there. Yeah, three more episodes to go. ah We know the penultimate one. So episode seven was directed by the same person that did episode three. So I think i think you brought that up last week or the week before. where that That's what I heard. on thely right Yeah, I'm pretty sure I heard that on a Star Wars Explained livestream.
So that would make sense that that's maybe the flashback that we get all the answers and then the final episode is just the confrontation. Yeah. Right. So and then maybe this next episode is again, a lot of information drop or I mean, maybe we get action. I don't know. That was a very action heavy episode, this episode. And obviously a lot of Jedi are gone. So there's not really a lot of people to There's not like a group to fight anymore, right? Like it's it's literally soul in May. And then OSHA in dark arms, Darth arms. Yeah, I think i I need a rematch between Darth arms and um soul. Oh, we'll probably get that. I think by the end of the season. And I want to OSHA and Mae fight.
Yeah, see that's commission. Do they fight? Do they fight together? Do they finally like, you know, accept that their sisters, and not accept, but like, do they finally come back together? It's going to be interesting. It's going to be very, very interesting. ah And final thoughts before we wrap it up. I mean, honestly, usually we have a couple more days to kind of process what we saw on a Tuesday. And I've had a really busy Wednesday. and Thursday. So right now, as we're talking about it, it's still very overwhelming what we saw. But it's exciting, right? It was it was one of those. It was a great Star Wars moment. Yeah, I mean, it was one of the it's up there. It's up there. I mean, it's a really good episode. I mean, a lot of action. A lot of deaths. Yeah, a lot of deaths.
But yeah, I'm excited to see what happens next week. I have no clue, like I really, I i assume we'll maybe get like OSHA soul or OSHA Darth Arms soul. May talking conversations, then maybe we'll shed some light on things, but we still won't have the full picture until the the next episode, but i yeah I don't, yeah. I really don't know where do we stay on Kofar? Are we, like you're saying, are we going to Brenda? I don't, I have no clue. No clue. Cause I was a, Vernestra could meets them somewhere.
Well, that shot with her lightsaber looks like it's on Kofar. Right. So a soul clearly reaches out. Let me gain Vernestra and not wanting to, you know, jeopardize the Jedi's, uh, political, you know, stance or, you know, their standing with. people, she's going to go there herself, right? Obviously. She's not bringing Monday around. Remember when vanesstra people thought Vanessa was dark teeth? yeah ah So funny. The funniest thing I've ever heard.
You know, it'd be really funny though, honestly, if, if Mundi does come with her.
Like that's the ending shot of this whole show is Darth arms with a red lightsaber in the reflection of Kiyadi Mundi's eyes or his large domy forehead.
And scene. And he still doesn't believe it, like and when like. It's absurd. What about the droid attack on the Wookiees? Exactly, exactly. All right, kids, that's the show. Hope you guys enjoyed our recap of this episode. Ooey, a lot to talk about. a Lot to have chatted about so glad you listened as you enjoyed it You can follow us the galactic podcast at the galactic pod and all your social media platforms And then you can follow me Lauren Romo at low road nose and all those social medias You can follow me Andrea Guti Erez at r2d2step on Twitter X Instagram threads
uh tonight Jimin's pre-release song comes out so make sure you're you're streaming bts update there you go for the week it's all right and as always may the force be with you always always