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Episode 147- The Bad Batch Series Finale image

Episode 147- The Bad Batch Series Finale

The GALactic Podcast
118 Plays9 months ago

Welcome to The GALactic Podcast! In this episode, Andrea and Lauren chat about The Bad Batch Series Finale! The it is time to say farewell (for now) to the Bad Batch Crew. Where do we go from here? How satisfying was the finale? How does Tarkin know everything? They talk these topics and much more Go listen and enjoy!

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Introduction and Star Wars Celebration

Hello everyone and welcome to the glad to podcast. I am Lauren Rummel with me as always is my cousin and fellow nerd Andrea Gutierrez Yo, yo, yo, right sons. What's going on? Happy happy holidays. Happy happy Star Wars holiday weekend. Yeah Happy May the 4th and then now revenge of the 5th. Yep, you're recording So yeah, it's good
It's a good day, kids. It's a good weekend for Star Wars nerds.

Phantom Menace Memories and Iconic Scenes

Real good day. We saw Phantom Menace yesterday. So good. Ah, that's slick. It slaps. It was good. Seeing the movies on the big screen. It's what they were meant for. I'm telling you, I agree, Angie. Like TV shows are cool, but like Star Wars movies on a big screen.
It is what it has been for, 100% I agree. There's nothing better than watching that pod racing scene. So good. The Darth Maul, Qui-Gonjian, Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan. That duel of fate hits. God damn it hits. It just hits every time. Every time. When it came on for the credits and you're like, this slaps.
It's so good. Like John Williams was like, let me show you, let me show you something. And it was just amazing. Yeah, I just, it's fun. I hope they keep doing this every May the 4th.

Revenge of the Sith Anniversary and Theatrical Nostalgia

What so revenge of the Sith would be what a couple years? Yeah be there next big anniversary I'd that film you and I talked about it when we were watching the Phantom Menace That is one that I remember seeing I don't remember seeing Phantom and the Phantom Menace in the theaters. I know I did mm-hmm don't recall it I recall revenge of the Sith though that one is
hardcore in the memories, seeing that one. I do not remember seeing Revenge of the Sith. I know I did because I didn't initially like it because I still had a problem with Hayden Christensen's portrayal of Anakin. I'll say it like that, not his performance, how they had him portray Anakin.
Like at that time I was just not about it. So I remember, I remember Clear as day, Phantom Menace, Clear as day, Attack of the Clones, but I just do not remember seeing Revenge of the Sith. Yeah, no, I remember seeing it like midnight.
Huge crowd. I think mine was late too, but it's just not clicking. It was MJR. I remember going to MJR where we see our movies. I remember MJR for Attack of the Clones and Phantom Menace.
Yeah, I remember, yeah, so we've had just as I remember going to MJR, I remember getting there early, sitting, waiting in line. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because kids, back in our day, it was as we've mentioned this before, no reserve seating. It was first come, first serve. And they weren't the comfy lounge ones. Nope, they were flat on the ground. Yep, they were the old school, man.
Uh, but yeah, no, that was, it was a lot of fun revisiting that film on the big screen. It's been, I mean, I don't, if I saw, I do remember seeing it in theaters when it first came out. That's why that was, this is the only other time I saw it on the big screen. Yeah. Cause I know they did re-releases in like the mid to like 2010 or 11 or something. They did like the re-releases for like a short timeframe, but I don't.
I didn't see those then. But yeah, I'm that was fun. That was fun. It was just it's just cool seeing that stuff on the big screen. It just like you're saying, and it's what is meant to be.

Focus on The Bad Batch Series Finale

Yeah, shows which we're going to talk about. We're going to talk about the Bad Batch series finale is good, but it's Star Wars is great.
On the big screen. Yeah, there's nothing Nothing more to it than that really so alright guys. Yeah, we're gonna get into our bad batch finale talk If this is your first time listening to us welcome We are so as podcasts that discuss anything and everything within that galaxy far far away
Each episode, we will dive into one or two topics and have a general discussion on them. Topics could be movies, TV series, books, comics, a specific character, you name it. And we talk about it. All right, Ange, the day has come. Babatch series finale. It finalityed. It did finale, did it not? It really did finale. The episode was called The Cavalry Has
arrived. We'll start off as always, directors, we had three. There was Mr. Stuart Lee, Saul Ruiz, Brad Rao are the directors, writer, Ms. Jennifer Corbett. Nice. Gotta love it. And then as always, story editor is Mr. Matt Mitchenovitz. Again, kudos to this entire team throughout the series. An amazing job.
And I do want to shout out again, as we always talk about the music, the kinders, Kevin kinder, bro, the intro, Indiana kinder. They are absolutely just on one every time that intro. Wow. It hit the last two episodes. They haven't really done the usual. Like it just goes straight into that. Like.
Real goody, goody music. And it just doesn't stop. Yeah, the music is just, it's so good every time. So yeah, I mean, like I said, Kevin Kiner, Sean Kiner, Deanna Kiner, fantastic job. Fantastic job. All right, Ange, let's start with our overall thoughts. So how'd you watch it? What'd you feel? How'd you think? High slows. Let's talk about it. What you got? Well,
It's a lot of feels, man. What it's kind of bummed me out is I could not do my season three tradition of just waiting and going home and watching it. I had plans later that night and I just didn't, I don't know. I didn't want to rush. It's so funny. I'm like, oh, I didn't want to rush it, but then I did.
But then I didn't but then I did um, so I watched it while I was on a break at work on a break I was And I wasn't paying attention to it as much as I wish I would have but there were a few moments that I got locked in of course like towards the end so And then I went and then eventually I did watch it again at home and then I watched it again this this morning and I
It was really great. Just perfect. Uh, touched all the points I wanted it to get to, um, and, and closed it out. I mean, honestly, it's been a long time since we've, I mean, maybe only in rebels. Right. Where we get like the end of a series and then we get a flash forward of like what's going on. Right.

Exploration of Empire's Internal Conflicts

Um, it was kind of really nice to have in, in the way that they capped that off was just amazing.
But I definitely screamed when Tarkin called in and said, bro, I knew it. I knew it. That guy wasn't gonna let them screw shit up. I knew it. He was on it. He was on it.
So yeah, overall, I'm happy everyone survived. And I am happy that they got to grow old together for a little bit. So that was really great. But overall, the series is essential to Star Wars. I definitely want to do like a binge over a weekend or a rewatch of all of it together just to
see the character arcs and the development and all of that. So a great show. Just great. Yeah, I I loved it. I think I did my usual morning. It was a nice I was surprised. I wasn't worried about the time that I think maybe some people were. But this was a nice what 40 ish. Yeah, I mean, on the landing page, it clocked in at 50 minutes, so.
I mean, that's with all the credits. I mean, we probably got a full, what, 40, 48 ish maybe of like actual, uh, meat and potatoes of the episode. Yeah. I, I think they, they stuck the landing, not that I think they stuck the landing for me. They absolutely stuck the landing. I think they touched on things that needed to be touched on.
They left some stuff open and we'll talk about it. I, I love the character arcs. I mean, there were moments where I thought we were going to lose some, you know, I mean, there, I mean, crosshair record record. Whoo. I was, I was, I was a little worried. I was a little worried, but I'm glad, like you said, I'm glad that they ended it the way they did with all them on PAB, um, PABU.
And we talked that we've been talking about that for a feel like a very long time. Yeah, since middle of season two. We always thought this might be the end game of them just kind of going off in the sunset on Pablo. And they did. And I I'm satisfied with that. Like I'm totally fine with that's how they wanted to end it. It just feels it just felt right for them to do it and it worked.
I really, again, Omega's character. Give me live action now. Take it. Yeah. Give me another, uh, we'll talk about it where we think we should, where she's going to go. I love the, again, the, the episode itself. Such a clone war Z bad patchy episode of them getting out of a pickle or, you know, doing things they had to do. And again, like you're saying Tarkin showing up was.
Perfect. It adds up. He is everywhere. That guy, anywhere where there's a, you know, a project going on that fails, who is always right behind it? To like say, okay, scrap that. Everything has to go to Project Stardust.
I literally, I love how it, the empire like ruins itself, like all the time, you know? Well, nature does too, right? The last six Star Wars. Yeah. So great. And it was so well displayed. Just the inside bickering, the bureaucracy of it, uh, you know, just people thinking that they're more important than someone else. It just, I, they always
get to my eyes on her own. It's great. Yeah. I mean, again, it's such a, an empire thing, right? Where it's there, they act like they are together, right? A, a cohesive organization when really everybody's kind of out for themselves in the hierarchy of it, at least maybe not the
the stormtroopers or maybe the lower level officers, but like you get to the admirals and grand admirals, they're all out for themselves in a lot of ways, right? Hemlock, we'll talk about him.
But yeah, I love just how it played out and it played out. I think how we, we thought, I mean, the Zilla beast basically as, as they kind of set it up and which was fine. The Zilla beast was released and basically destroyed the.
Tantus and Tarkin shows up like you called and was like, all right, well, shut this down and let's fund everything to Project Star does.
So, I mean, it was, and I just love in the middle of the chaos, Tarkin reaches out to Hemlock like, so I hear you have a problem. Like I have people planted on your base telling me, yeah, I have sources and they're telling me you have a problem. We'll get it. We'll get to all that. But yeah, I like how you played out. I love what Omega did. I love what.
You know, Wrecker and Crosshair and Hunter did, Echo, MVP, Emery, big MVP. I think the show stealer MVP is Nala Say, we'll talk about that. Nala Say going all in. Yeah, love Nala Say. So yeah, I think as a, as a series finale, right? Cause this isn't like a season, this is a series finale. It wrapped up perfectly for me.
I mean, I think they just, they stuck the landing. Like I said, they touched on what they needed to touch on and they left some things open. Right. We still don't have some answers, which we'll, which we'll talk about too. I just, yeah, I love, I love what they did, man. Again, Jennifer Corbett, Brad row, you know, steward Lee saw Ruiz, Matt mentioned of this the entire season. Like they, they did such a good job. Not obviously this season, but like the entire series.
They just did a phenomenal job with these characters. And I'm with you, Andrew. I'm excited to do a watch of the entire series. I'm going to see how it flows, see how it works. So let's start with this. I kind of want to start with the baddies, the empire. And let's talk about Hemlock because
What a failure. And I love to see it. We love to see it. Dude, he thought he had it all the way to the end, though. A hundred percent. Yeah, talk to me. What did you think? Well, I absolutely love that. They're like, oh, we captured one of the insurgents and it was Rampart, right? And I just.
And to see those two conversate with each other and just they're, they're not on the same page. They're not trying to, they're not trying to, there's no common goal between them. There's, we just mentioned it. They're completely selfless and they're going to continue to, um, try to get the upper hand hemlock bragging that he's indispensable. Like ramparts, like thinking, are you kidding me? Like that was me like a little bit ago and look at me now. So.
Yeah, it was just excellent to see Hemlock keep his calm, honestly, and try to maneuver through everything and thinking that, oh, Clone Force 99 showed up here. I knew that they would so I can handle it. Give me a break. Give me a break. If you really thought you could handle it, you would have taken care of them a long time ago.
So, you know, that was all just interest. Like, I just absolutely loved how he, uh, tried his best just to use all the tools that he created. I mean, all those CX droids, when they came out, I mean, CX clones, they were outstanding. Yeah. That's like the bad, the badder batch, the badder batch. Yeah. Uh, and.
I mean, it just comes down to that. No one is as important as the Emperor. And if you start to mess up, you're out of here. That's just the way it works around there. If you don't have a value anymore to the Empire, they're not going to keep you around.
Um, but it was all like fun to watch. I'll tell you that much. His failure was, was fun to watch. It was because I feel like, like you're saying, he was so confident. Right. Like you're saying, like throughout the episode, he was like, well, yeah, they're here. That's fine. You know, we know there, we knew they were going to come.
So, you know, let's, I'll bring out my, my batter batch team or the CX and I'll take care of everything. Right. And then when the Zillow Beast, you know, releases, he was like, okay, yeah, cool. Well, I'll take care of it. His main concern was Omega, right? Which.
because how crucial she was to this project, Project Necromancer, which we still don't know, which I'm fine with, and we'll pin that for a minute. But I just like that even when Tarkin called him, and Tarkin's like, you know, basically like,
I hear you have a problem. And he was getting angry, but then right before, like he was like, I have everything. And then like calmly, he says under control. Like he had to like almost tell himself that everything is fine.
you know it's like that meme of like fire all around and then somebody calmly like drinking coffee this is fine right this is fine right it's fine here everything's fine how are you you know Han Solo so yeah I did I love that even up to the end like even when he had Omega and god that that final scene
raining on a, again, non-handrail platform. Yep, I'm telling you, that's one thing the empire really needs is to talk to OSHA and get some violation codes updated because they could do a lot of, you know, they could save themselves some serious issues with just putting some handrails on these walkways. Could you imagine them walking through, what

Project Necromancer and Empire Downfalls

if someone falls? No one's going to fall.
Are you sure? Right, yeah. No, trust us. No one's going to fall. But even up to that point, like he, you know, he had Omega. He's like, I know they're not going to shoot, shoot me, you know, shoot you to get to me. But even Omega is like, bro, you're cooked, you're cooked. Like, where are you going to go that there ain't not going to follow?
And B, you don't think they're going to do anything to get me from you? It's over. And I love that it was, again, it was the bad batch. It was crosshair specifically.
that kind of did the kind of the dagger for that, for him. And him falling off the walkway, classic Star Wars, you gotta love it, when one of our evil guys just falls off a walkway. It was a perfect ending for sure.
I am, so what I want to come back to is again, he, as we know, he was running Project Necromancer, which now is, at this time, as far as we know in this timeline, seems to exist, right? We hear it get mentioned later, so obviously it gets brought out of the files, so to speak, I guess, right? Somehow, some way.
But are you okay with, because I know that was one of your things where you were wanting to get more information, are you okay with that we didn't get that information? Yeah, because I guess it's still an assumption, right? We can put pieces together and know what that means, right? They utilize
They utilize DNA from a force sensitive person that can capture the force of the emperor's being and make him live forever. That's what it's got to be and that just never really happens.
I like that it started here and we get a glimpse of it and then we get a mention in Mando and then we get to see it's pretty much it's failure on Exegol in the Rise of Skywalker. So, and I think I've said this before, you've said this before, the minute that they
torched Kamino, got rid of Kamino, that was the end of it, right? They were never going to be able to perfect cloning the way the Kaminoans did, and Nala Se calls that out in this last episode as well, which is really great.
They just, you know, they got, they, they ruined their resource. Um, and I mean, rightfully so, like the Kaminoans realized, at least Nala say realized the danger of what they were trying to do. And, um, was very protective over their work and even, you know, and that's pretty much what this, this last season was about her making sure that.
The Emperor was never going to be successful in creating a clone that can retain a force, whatever. Yeah, I loved, I like how we don't know, but we can maybe, like you're saying, we can put pieces together as to knowing what Project Necromancer could mean.
It kind of adds up to the pieces that you and I believe it adds up to is whatever we see on Exocole in the Rise of Skywalker. That is basically what Project Necromancer is about. We could be wrong. And again, I'm glad they didn't totally give us that information because we talked about it last week where there are some threads that we can continue.
Right. And this is a thread that we can continue into a different story that could be brought back, which we already know. I mean, we got a mention of it in Mando, like you said. But I like how this is. We didn't get the full conclusion, right? Rampart did. So I want to talk about Rampart in Nellisay because, oh boy, see, Rampart absolutely fail.
I love it. I was here for it 110%. Like it was amazing. And again, Rampart thinking that he could get back into the good graces of the empire by finding out what project Necromancer was. Right. Like he would have some sort of bargaining chip. Right. Right.
Like they would be like, oh yeah, okay, cool. You know what's going on. We'll just let you back in. That's not how this works. It's not how the empire works. You should know that out of anybody. You should know that. That's not how the empire works. But I like, there's that moment with obviously Omega and Nala say before she does what she does and we'll get to it.
But it's just a very kind of nice moment of now say acknowledging that, you know, she's trying to do right by the Kaminoans, by herself, by destroying the data that was all the research, right? And that could not be retrieved again, which is really smart. Like it honestly is a very smart plan.
And of course, Rampart, you know, you see him sneaking around behind now, let's say. And I was, I remember watching this episode, you know, watching it, I was like, God, what is, is he going to screw it up? Like I was going to get so mad if it like, if she was not successful in destroying the data. And, you know, there was that moment where, you know, she, she picks up the, um,
What is it called? The thermal? Yeah, the thermal detonator. And. Rampart didn't see her take it because he was kind of behind, so he didn't know she had it. So that because I was trying to play that in my head, too. I'm like, well, didn't he notice her picking that up? But no, he wouldn't know because he was kind of still behind and following her. And then that's, you know, he grabbed the blaster, little blaster pistol.
And she's in the lab, so she goes back into the lab and her idea is basically just throwing the thermal and destroying the data, right? And then obviously, Rampart comes in to break that up. And that's when he is like, all right, give me, what is Project Necromancer? And then, you know, cutscene, we don't know. And then we come back to them and she's obviously told them everything. And that line, you brought it up and like, of what kind of knowledge they was telling him, like,
Listen, I'm not, this is not gonna go into the empire's hands. This is Kaminoan. It will always be Kaminoan. And I love that line. Like, and it's such a full circle, you know, for him being the one that destroyed their lab and everything, right? Back on,
Camino and for a Kaminoan and specifically Nala say to be the one to to end Rampart Was probably so it was so poetic for me like it was so Perfect, right? So she tells like she basically tells everything he he shoots her with a blaster She falls and lets the thermal and then I just love his face when he just sees at his feet and he's like, oh No, and then just explosion
data destroyed, right? And I love that moment too, of like Omega knowing that, like, you know, cause they, she, they, she's with Rampart at that time and they, you know, one of his officers tells him that the data was destroyed and Omega knew, you know, even in that moment between Omega and Nalese, like Omega knew what Nalese was doing, you know, and she wasn't going to see her again. Like she knew what she was doing.
So I loved, she is the true MVP of this finale for me. Like she got Rampart back, which I love. You know, it's just for him to go out that way too, like a punk.
was my favorite. It's my favorite moment. It's the fact that he thought he had her like, I'm going to shoot you dead. I got you. And she was like playing chess, not checkers. And she was like steps ahead of him. Like, watch me let go of this boy. Yeah. Like she knew, like she, she hit the button to turn it on, held onto it, knowing what was going to happen probably. And then just as she falls, she lets go and then just goes to his feet and just
Bye bye, Rampart. Sorry. Sorry, not sorry. Like, you're done. Like, goodbye. And again, it's so fitting that she's the one that does it. And it's just so, and it's, it's perfect. Like it was just a perfect ending for Nala Say too. So, and now again, we have this project necromancer.
Will we find out more about it down the road probably? Because now it's like, for me, it's the, okay, who and why do they revive this project, right? I mean, again, we kind of think we understand it and it's for the emperor to come back. But it's just like those answers, I'm hoping we get them eventually, like you're saying, the thread's still there and I'm okay with that.
But it's going to be fun to, I think, explore it more. And we can. And that's kind of the good thing about it. Yeah, I would think, like, Necromancer was probably, like, in the playbook with Project Sender, right? If something happens to me, these are the things we're going to do, right? You're in charge of this, and you're in charge of that. So that's kind of, like, where I see it. It probably...
I don't think that Emperor focused on it after it was kind of killed in, in this era, but he had it like as a backup plan. If I go, this is what's gotta happen. And obviously he had others either working on it or just knowing what to do, uh, to continue that, that work. Yeah, it was, ah, it's so good.
And again, yeah, how it, how now say again, real MVP, how she did everything with rampart is beautiful, is beautiful. So to, I want to go to Emory because she's empire, but obviously what happens, she becomes team bad batch and we love it. So we find that obviously in the last episode, part of the vanilla, we, she recognizes echo.
And we kind of have a sense that she's going to help. And obviously this episode, she is full help mode. And her and I like her. Her and Echo's journey is fun. Just them talking.
And then kind of following Omega's clues, like I like with them, like when they real, when they go to the vault and the kids have already escaped. And we'll talk about Omega and the Bad Batch in a little bit. But when they realize the kids have escaped and then they realize that the Zillow Beast is.
release, Echo's first thought is, Omega. This is Omega. Yeah. And I love Emery was like, how do you know? He's like, well, because this is exactly what I would do. And it just works out. So, but I like how Emery just, again, we talked about it kind of last week, but the full turn, right, of her wanting to help. And she's one that, you know, once they find Omega and the kids, she's the one that takes them off planet to Pabu.
And she gives Omega her data pad so they can go through the facility when Omega and Echo search for the bad bachelors.
So I just, I like how Emery is on the path of redemption. We always, I know you and I have always talked about that, redemption for characters that have done some wrongs, but now she wants to do some rights. And, you know, at the end we find that, you know, on Pabu, her and Echo are talking and Echo brings up, you know, Pantora and the clones and that Senator Chuchi would probably, probably be very interested in her help. And she was like, I'm here to do whatever.
hope we see her more maybe down the road somewhere I'd be cool with it she might be kind of a like a danger though too for the knowledge that she has
Yeah, but if she's team rebellion. I know, but if she got captured. Oh, true. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, no, that's fair. That's fair. That's fair. But I do love how her and Echo were kind of like the narrators a little bit, like going through this story, the conversation that they were having was kind of keeping everybody well informed with like what is going on.
I thought it was really funny when Echo finds them, the kids, and he was like, hey kid, and other kids. I love Echo.
And that Emory was willing to take care of the kids and leave and had trust in Echo and Omega that they were sending her off to do the right thing. So yeah, it was really great to see. It's always good to see someone who's a baddie.
has a moment of clarity that they're not on the right side of things and then makes that choice and that decision to do better so she was a great example of that in this series and they planted it really well all the way from the beginning of this season with her like
giving Omega the doll and then giving the kids the doll. There were threads of it. It wasn't a surprise. It could have gone either way, but I really like her little arc that they did. And I do think she could be someone in the future
that could be a strength in the rebellion but then again maybe a weakness as well too because she has all that cloning information and she knows what necromancer was so kind of interesting yeah i mean she is going to be one of those characters that i hope we see in the future for me but like you're saying she could be very she could be very vital to the rebellion
with knowing things like Project Necromancer, but also the inner workings of the Empire too, because of where she was. Again, I hope we see her again. I think she's a very cool character. I think she would be a fun character for Omega to see again in a series. We'll talk about that in a little bit.
But yeah, I like her and Echo's little journey. And of course, Echo, always MVP. His stuff was great as well.

Clone Choices and Emotional Arcs

Him talking to the clones that they release and saying, hey, you don't have to follow us. I'm giving you the choice.
I had a choice and I want you to have that choice too. And you can either, you know, we have, we can get you off planet, take care of you, or if you want, you can help us save in like, you know, really bring this whole thing to the ground. And they were like, yep, a lot of them were saying, yeah, okay, I'm with you. And again, him, him being echo, I liked that he survived. Like, I just,
I want more of his story, you know? And I know that obviously he's very tied to like Rex and all that. And we don't see Rex in the finale or Wolf or Gregor, and that's fine. Were you okay with that? Are you okay that that, again, openness to that storyline?
Um, I mean, we talked about it before there was so much to squish in there. So like some parts had to be left out. So if that was one of the parts that they, they obviously left out. Um, it was kind of a bummer because, you know, like how impactful Rex is going forward. Um, that he didn't get like that last hurrah of going to free the clones that were on Tantis.
But it just makes me want to see more Rex, right? Like, what is he doing? Like, so I didn't mind that it was left out, but it would have been nice to see. Yeah, it is kind of, I agree. I would have loved to see Rex. Like, I would have loved to have the whole, like, you know, his whole squad or whoever he's got to come help. But I also kind of like the symbolism of
echo being the one because of him being captured and being freed by his brothers now he's if you want to call it paying it forward or doing the same for his you know his other you know clone brothers I'm like that I'm fine with that too right but again like you're saying
We know there's more stories we can tell, right? And hopefully Rex and Wolf and all that are in that where we can see them prior to where we meet them in Rebels, right? That would be, it'd really be fun. But yeah, Echo, glad he's alive. And I hope somebody give him a robotic hand now. Can we just...
Can we just give that boy? Bro, now Crosshair needs one too. Yep. Yep. And so, yeah, I mean, speaking of, let's talk about these guys. Bad Batch and Omega. I mean, there are moments for me and where I thought we were going to lose one of them. I agree. A lot of moments, especially Crosshair and Wrecker were the two that I was uber worried about. Right. I mean, especially in the very beginning of this episode, Crosshair is like, you know, basically like I
Ah, you guys call Rex. I'll infiltrate. I'll take care of everything. And I like how Hunter and record were like, no, dude, this is, we're doing it together. We're a family, right? We're, we're a team and we're doing this together. I mean, even crosshairs, you know, kind of retort of, you know, we haven't been a team since tech died.
But Hunter and Wrecker still kind of pushing the fact that, but we're all still here, right? We're still a team. So we're going to do this together. And again, them doing bad batch things, you know, and infantry, you know, getting.

CX Clones and Escapes

to the base and then, you know, obviously getting captured by the badder batch of the CX droids. Which are really cool, by the way, just since we're kind of talking about those guys together. Did you feel in a moment like that tech was going to show up? No, I didn't. I didn't. Did you at all? Yeah, I did. Did you? Yeah, I was like, who is that? Who is that?
Like, why are they different? Like, yeah, I did have that feeling and I don't mind that that's not what happened. Right. Me neither. At all. And, you know, Hemlock says that like he learned from crosshair and obviously the CX droids improved upon each time that our, I keep calling them droids, CX clones. Right.
So there were a couple of times I was like, is that tech? I mean, a lot of people, a lot of people thought that tech was going to be one of them. Again, I, you know me, I've been on the train of let the sacrifice be the sacrifice. And I'm glad they did that. I'm super glad they did that. Now, what I've been mad if it turned out that
tech was one of the ones that they reprogrammed? No, because again, they set it up that way. They could have, but I'm glad they didn't go down that path and they were, they kept it. There was this one shot and I haven't seen anybody talk about it where there's like this, this close up of one of the CXs.
Coming in and it has like those circle eyes and like it almost looked like um Star Lord's mask in okay. Yeah, right and I was like that's when I was like is that tech
And it just like nothing came from it. And I was like, oh, OK. But it was it was it was interesting that that was a choice of face that they were using. Right. So but I mean, it's over and done with and none of them are text. But I I like the choice of making them all look different as well, too. That was interesting as well. Yeah, they looked really they looked cool. They all had a different kind of weapon and a different like you're saying, a different look, a different vibe.
And I think part of it, though, too, and I think Brad and Jennifer did an interview. It might have been in Star Wars dot com. Apologies, I don't have it in front of me. But they talked about how. You know, that that's the CX two guy, you know, in the whole kind of, you know, is attack or is it crosshair clone? Like, I think what I think how I kind of took what they were saying is that
They wanted it to kind of have the mirror of the team. Cause like you said, Hemlock was very like, I improved, right? I tried to do this with cross-air, it didn't work. So I made improvements and this is what came of it. So it is almost the, again, we call them the batter batch because I feel like they tried to emulate that, right? So like you're saying, I think,
Maybe part of that was the look. Some of them looked like, you know, like, like the guy that was after them kind of reminded us across here, right? The guy that kind of looked like tech. Maybe that was on purpose because of they, because of Hemlock maybe believing that because of the bad batch and how different they were, they wanted to emulate it. Does that make sense? Like,
Yeah, completely. It does make sense. I feel like it just that if that was a point they were getting across, I don't think it landed. Fair. I don't know if that right. Again, I'm very much paraphrasing what they were saying. Right. But. I could see like I could see where they were. Trying to go with it, right? Or trying to kind of like portray that maybe analogy in some way, shape or form.
But I, I was fine. Yeah, I was fine with it though. Like you're saying, I'm fine with that. That was it not being tech or not being clones or anything like that of crosshair or anything like that. But yeah, I mean there again, when we talk about moments of like, Oh no, like wrecker.
And Hunter, like when I think was it the blast door, wherever they were in the, in the facility, Hunter got hit like with some debris and then wrecker gets like stabbed or like electrocuted. Right. Like, and he was already injured. So I really did think, and then you mentioned it like before or hinted at it, crosshair losing his trigger finger.
or sugar hand, not even figure, his hand, his old freaking arm. That was another moment where I was like, who are these CXs and why do they know that Crosshair's hand is glitchy or he's not good with it anymore, you know? I think they did, I mean, I think the reason is because they know that was his shooting hand. I don't think it was more of the glitchy part of it. It was more of they knew that was his more, his favorable,
trigger hand. So that's why they did it, right? But clearly it doesn't matter because he's good with his left hand too. So jokes on you CX, there CX clones. He's good with both hands. But yeah, I there again. And then when they were in the pods, I had a moment of, Oh no, they're going to reprogram them. I don't know if you felt that way. I really didn't think that.
Oh, I didn't really think that I didn't even know that's what they were doing with them, to be honest. I thought they were just torturing them. And then I was like, it kind of dawned on me like the third time I watched it, I go, oh. Right, trying to reprogram. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So, yeah, I mean, again, I think they build up to those moments of like, oh, no, we're in trouble. But again, in the end, Echo and Omega save the day.
and they get Omega back and I'll as well on the Pabu front or when they go back to Pabu, I'll as well. And then with Omega, again, I wanna talk about the very, very last stuff in a minute, but with Omega, again, that little, she's so smart, man, I tell ya. Like the whole plan of them in the vault
by like reprogramming that little like medical droid and you know, Skanky Scolder as we call her, getting her due was beautiful. So good. Bro, that little kid saying, my game's not working. I loved it. It's so good. It was so good. And again, they worked as a little unit, right?
And she reprogrammed that little medical droid and then it hit a scalder, it knocked her out, and then they were gone. And I like the little baby, the bear, I think his name is Baron.
Being like in a, in a little like sling and everything. Yeah, like Omega even calls it out, like get Baron Sling right. Yeah. We're taking them. We're going. And then even, I mean, those, again, those moments of them in the, in the, you know, in the walls or whatever, man, it was again, intense. It was a good, it was good, intense stuff. And then when they get to the Zillow bees and then the baby starts crying, I was like, Oh no, here we go again.
And of course stormtroopers are mean stormtroopers and just don't know what, like, Hey, so stupid. You're not supposed to be here. Right. What do we do? They're kids like, come on stormtroopers. But yeah, when, when Omega like release the Kraken releases, it'll be.
I was like, yep, cool. Good. This is good. This is good. Star Wars. We're going to get some destruction with a little beast and I'm here for it now. And I was okay. You and I talked about this last week. I was okay that it wasn't a force connection. I was hoping, you know, I was thinking that maybe they do a callback, but not that that mattered, but I think it worked out even better because it was just release and let him do damage. Right. And.
And that's what the plan was. And that's, again, we talked about with Echo. Echo was like, yep, that's what I would do, too. You know, cause distractions with their forces. This is, you know, this is peak, uh, peak bag batch, uh, you know, survival dips. When they were like, is this Echo or Omega? I was just going to bring that up. Yeah. Yeah. Record and hunter, like, oh my God, like no hesitation. Oh my God. Like, I love it.
And again, smartly, they just kind of waited in the walls, right? Just like waited for it to destroy everything and then walk out and then climb up the ladder. And again, there's that little, just that little moment of that, I can't remember the kid's name, but when she's talking to him because he's scared of heights and she's like, listen, you know, Wrecker is scared of heights too, but he's one of the strongest people I know.
And just again, those words, she's just such a born leader, right? At such a young age. And then just her words of, you know, look forward, not down and everything. It's really good, really good stuff with with Omega and the kids. And then again, her trusty memory, like knowing that, you know, she was going to take care of them. Right. And then knowing that, you know, even when Hemlock did get her in, she had that. And I totally forgot that she still had that tool.
right? And I was like, Oh, yeah, like when she like show it was showing crosshair and hunter on the walkway. I was like, Oh, yeah, she has that I'm like, duh. So when she like kind of stab stab some Yeah, stabs hemlock and then raises her arm and then pretty crosshair with a beautiful shot with his left hand.
Yeah, then Hunter in the middle of all of it like telling crosshair like you can make it. She knows what to do. You know what to do. She's going to have it there. Get ready for it. Like that's what Hunter is there for to like kind of facilitate like
and be the leader and encourage. So that was, it was just like great how each of them got to display their strengths throughout this last episode. I really loved that. Yeah, and then again, I don't know if people really are talking about this, but the fact that she hugged Crosshair first, I don't, oh yeah, I mean, I don't care.
Well, I think I think it was good, though, because like he thought right in the beginning of that episode, I can go. I'm going to go do this because she needs hunter and wrecker, not crosshair. And this was just like saying, like, no, she she's invested in all of us. Like we're all her brothers. She knows like what your struggles have been like. Don't think that you're like expendable.
So right. No, I loved it. And then again, then she kind of you know, then it's a it's a group hug with her and hunter and I love that shot though of them leaving hitting hyperspace and then like seconds later Tarkin's oh Man, dude, whatever. It's Star Destroyer show dude, and then that shot of it going over Good god Star Wars is
Awesome. That's all that stuff. I mean, when that stuff happens, it's just like you don't even see the animation anymore. It's just what it is. Right. No, it's not animation. It's just Star Wars. Right. It's just a great Star Wars shot. And it looks so good because the animation is so good.
So yeah, so obviously they, they, they get out of tennis all as well. Minus crosshair losing a hand or like a whole, it was at his hand or arm. I'm pretty sure it was just a hand. It was his hand.
and we get back to Pabu. You know, again, we talked about Echo already and how him and Emery, we're gonna go back to Pantora, maybe talk to Chuchi. And then, you know, there's that little moment of Omega sitting with Hunter and saying, hey, we're good right now. Nobody's following us. The tantis is destroyed. They are not after me anymore. And there's just that nice little moment of,
Then Hunter and or a crosshair and record come and they all sit down, right? And I honestly thought that was going to be it. I was like, oh, OK. I'm. I'm OK with this shot.
Wrap it up, I don't need any more. But then you do a flash forward for me, Bad Batch, Jennifer Corbin, Brad Rau, Sal Ruiz, Stuart Lee, Matt Menchovich, and then you make me want more Star Wars animation. Because then we get a flash forward of, I'm saying 10 years-ish. That's my guess.
Give or take, right? Yeah, I would say, yeah, maybe all the rebellion needs pilots. When would that have been? Well, and that's, yeah. So basically what happens is that Omega, we see a very older Omega. I'm going to call her in her twenties. Yeah. I think, I think we see, like we see her basically during the series. I think we're calling her anywhere between 10 and 13.
Yeah. Right? So I think this is her at maybe 23, 24, like mid to early 20s is my, again, my guess, I could be totally wrong, but it's an older adult M. Boga, right? And she has like, she has the emery hair going on too, like I feel like, right? A little bit, but she, yeah.
But her style like it's still Omega style and you see her going to the cave where she ran into Ventress and She's turning on these like lights and there's a ship and then you see hunter and it's a very older hunt door He loved it. He's aged. I loved it though. Like he looked really good though. Like I
How they had like the kind of samurai ponytail going on. Yeah. He looked pretty weathered. Yeah. And then he got the gray and everything. And he even said, like, he made that comment of, you know, time might've dulled my senses, but not all of them. Like in, you know, uh, Batcher was there. Love that. Gonkey was there. Like again, you hit all the good stuff. Yeah. And there's just a really nice moment of Omega and Hunter talking and like basically.
I'm like, I'm telling him like, listen, I have to go because like you just said, the rebellion is in need of pilots. And, you know, I, his, his whole thing is that, you know, you're still our kid. We still need to protect you. And her telling them like, listen, I'm not a kid anymore. This is, this is my fight. Now you guys had your fight.
Right, you guys went through that already. This is my time. This is my choice. This is my moment that I want to do more. And, you know, he, again, it's a very nice goodbye hug and everything like that.
And, you know, he says that if you need us, you know, you will always be there. And she takes off in the, this is at night. This is at night in Pabu takes off and that's it. That's the show. And I think it ended on a very great, like that's perfectly, like perfectly done and how it should wrap up in my opinion.
But yeah, I'm thinking 10 years. And you brought up about the pilots. And we know in Rebels, that was a thing too. Because remember they sent in, what was it? I think Sabine trying to get, what's his face? Wedge. And they needed, I remember the whole thing was that they needed pilots. So in between that, you know, around that time is when I think this is happening.
So I'm saying 10 years, right? So that would put us maybe a few years before the New Hope maybe. Again, I don't know the years or whatever, but what do you think of, talk about the final scene, your thoughts, and then
Again, timeline wise, where do you think we are or what do you want? Do you even care where we are in the timeline with this final scene? I absolutely love that they did like an epilogue, pushed forward regardless of how far it is. I guess I would assume like 10-ish years.
And that would put her, obviously, she says the rebellion, so the rebellion is formed, right? So we're a little bit after rebels, a little bit, because the rebellion was starting to come together, right? And there were different factions. Right, and that's the thing too, is that... Right, it's tough. Is it the full, like, on Yavin, or are we the pockets still? Right.
I mean, it was still even the rebellion and Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. We could even be in OG territory. You never know.
I love that that's her calling, right? I wonder how she is informed of those things. I mean, I guess like there's probably news propaganda, stuff like that on Pabu and all that. What surprises me is it takes her that long to get involved into something. Or was it them not letting her though too?
Yeah, it might, it might've been a little bit of, of that as well too, but it also that surprises me that they would want to lay loaf in for that long, you know, not have the urge to like the call of duty. Right. So.
But I mean, I don't need to know what happened in between them. Honestly, I don't need to know. I can just assume that they were thriving on Pablo, and that's how we wanted it to end. So I'm happy for them. And then I'm happy that she
is going to go and be a part of the rebellion. That's great. It makes me want to know exactly what time, what is she going to be doing? Who's going to be her general? Right? Better be Zendula. Is she flying an X-Wing, a Y-Wing, a B-Wing? I mean, that would make so much sense if it was Hera.
Yeah, but I mean, she's nowhere in the alphabet squadron. Oh, right. Right. But maybe that like her connection with Hera, right? That's how she got into the rebellions. That's true. Yeah. Because like you're saying it, I think a lot of it.
when it comes to maybe them laying low is that their mission was always to protect her, right? And to protect Omega was not getting involved because getting involved, as we obviously see, got her captured and then they would have like, so I think that plays a part of it, right? And I think for Omega, sitting and not doing anything, I think got to her.
Oh, yeah. I mean, and then like she she wasn't I mean, she wants to be a pilot. She doesn't want to be a Jedi. Right. So all right. Right. Right. Right. What's that? Again, we don't that's kind of open ended. We don't know. That's another thing. If like the whole force sensitivity stuff, we don't really know. Do again, that's a thread that maybe they're pushing into a series where we follow her because I'm my guess.
is that's maybe our next animation. Would you agree with that? I think Omega Story is the next animation series that we get, that we follow. I hope so. But that's just, that's what I would, that's what I would want. Yeah, but I also would want like, I would like to follow Echo and Choochie a little bit more and stuff like that as well too, so.
with you could mix that in right yeah absolutely like echo comes and hangs out and Pablo and tells everybody what's going on maybe but development wise what could be next could there be an Omega story yeah there absolutely can be they solidified her as an essential Star Wars character so I would watch it yeah I I would too and especially with
the characters that she has come across like Hera. Perfect, like I think connection of her getting into the rebellion, maybe not working with Hera specifically, right? Like you're saying the alphabet squadron, but getting her into the rebellion itself.
Listen, I just want feedback. I want fee and I want Wanda Sykes in Star Wars. Live action, baby. That's what I want. I mean, do you think we are at a point where she could do the jump now? Omega into live action. Yeah. Now that she's an adult, as far as what we know now.
Yeah, I mean, you could, you could put her in some sort of, you could put her in like Mandoverse, right? She could be flying around with, uh, uh, what's his name? From Rebels, purple guy. Oh, uh, Zep. Yeah. Ooh, good call. Good call. So you could put her in there, I think. I think they should. I think they set it up to where you can. Yeah. It doesn't have to be, her story doesn't have to stay in animation, but.
I wouldn't mind it. I can't believe I just called Zep the purple guy. Your brain just locks up and you're like, no, I swear I know Star Wars. The tall brown dog thing. Chewy. Chewbacca, right. No, I get you. No, I get you. I hope we see more of her. Like you're saying, setting up to do so.
I fully believe that they are going to utilize her because why do a three season series and then we just don't see her anymore? I find that hard to believe. That's true. But again, who knows? I mean, we're not, obviously we're not in the room. We don't know where they want to go. We would like to be in the room. We would like to be in the room. Oh, yeah, yeah. We would like to be in the room.
But I would. I would hope that we get to see more of her story, and I hope we get to see like Hunter because we know it's Hunter Rex and crosshair because she mentioned all three. So we also we know they're all three are still with and Batcher and Batcher, beautiful Batcher.
So we know all three are still there. I would love to see them. Yeah, I would love to see them again. Right. I mean, let's let's catch up. Well, you know, I mean, does Rex and you're like you're saying Rex of let's catch up with him again. They have set up this, you know, the clone stories so well. Right. But they also kind of you can almost call it like a wrap up of the clones with this series. Would you agree with that? Or do you think there's still more?
as far as, like, there's a little bit more. There's a little bit more, right? Because there's still Chu-Chi, like, trying to fight for their rights at the party. She's still trying to fight for clone rights. And then, like, if you think of what we've seen in the Obi-Wan Kenobi series, you see, like, a clone trooper, homeless. So there's a little bit, there's more clone storytelling, I think. I love that Scorch died.
See ya. I know he was a big, if I'm, if I understand people, cause I don't read the E, I haven't read the EU, but he's a big EU character. So yeah, I mean, hey, I mean, say lovey. I don't, I don't know what else to say. Like cool, man. You, you rocked it for like a few episodes. I don't know what else to tell you. Like, all right.
All right, like that. See, that's things where I think they will pull in characters for like the names and for those EU fans. But like, I don't know. Again, I'm not I'm not a huge I haven't read the book, so I'm not a huge EU person. So I don't know how the people who read those books feel about it or know that character, how they feel if like how he died and all that stuff. I mean, maybe they're upset and they could be right for that. That's their right.
But when it comes to them bringing in these EU though, I do think that that is very cool that they do it, right? It's cool that they bring in the names of these characters that people have been reading for for years.
Yeah, I agree. It entices me to read more. I actually, because we left the Phantom Menace, I started reading Darth Maul story. That was EU, but him being locked up in this prison because he's looking for somebody for Palpatine. Pretty well. Yeah. I like the, I mean, this is, it's canon, but his comic book, the Darth Maul comic books. I don't know if you read those. Those are really good. Yeah. I've read those. Yeah. Those are really good.
But yeah, I get to full circle back the bad batch. I like how it ended. I'm hoping we get more and animation is where it's at. Animation is where Star Wars I think is really thriving in my personal opinion.
They can tell great stories in it and they can do, I think a lot of cool things now with animation. And I hope the next big animation thing is a theatrical. We've talked about it, Ange. I want a theatrical animation. Give it to me. Need it. Cause the animation is so good now. Like we talked about.
Is not just oh look at that animated shot. No look at that look at that Star Wars Like shot like it's just that that good Any final thoughts Ang and the finale anything else you want to bring up at this point or any things that you Want to see now next an animation itself what you got?
Um, yeah, just like you, we've been seeing it. I want to see animation on the big screen. I want to see, um, a little movie tying up some, um, some clone happenings and other stuff, you know?
And, uh, you know, I, I think it's time to even move Omega over to live action, just like we said. So those are like my wants out of the bad batch.
Um, but I am completely fulfilled with how this began and ended. And, um, just love this little part, uh, that we got to experience. Um, so that's just kind of where I am. I liked that there was like a little bow tied on the top of it and it was just kind of like, oop, here you go. Yeah, I think they, again, I think they wrapped it up in a very satisfying way.
Right. I think in a way that made sense. It wrapped up the bad batch like stories. Right. With the possibilities of more. Right. Just like you're saying like that. We haven't seen that since rebels.
So the future is very bright for animation, and I think the future is bright for these characters, right? I mean, could you imagine getting like an older looking hunter live action? Like Rambo, I'm so here for it. Like, I would need it. I need it. I need it. That's all. And anything else before we bounce in out of here? Do you feel like Wrecker and Crosshair should have been there saying goodbye to Omega?
No, I'm okay, it was Hunter because I feel like, you know, especially from season one, it was kind of them together. Not that the others didn't care, not that Wrecker or Crosshair or Tech didn't care for Omega, but I feel like it was more of a bond between Omega and Hunter was a little more
was a little more clear and a little more defined, I think, in the series. So it made sense that he would be the one to see her off. Right. And it made sense for Omega to, you know, to tell, you know, to, you know, to talk to him about her leaving and everything. Yeah. No, I'm cool. What would have been nice? Yeah. I would have been nice to see all.
Like an older wrecker? Like, what does he look like? What does an older crosshair look like? I mean, do they have bushy beards too? Like, what is it? Yeah, right. They rock in the samurai look like, yeah, I'd be interested. But no, I think thematically it made sense.
I think it kind of proves the point that they probably weren't letting Omega go anywhere and that's why she was sneaking Oh, no, yeah, that that's my conclusion too. Is that because of how she was thinking out it was They did not even though they knew what was going on. Like you're saying they they were probably they were probably getting Intel a hundred percent like they were still probably a
maybe talking to Rex and talking to the, you know, talking to their contacts and just kind of maybe keeping tabs on the empire. So they knew if, if they were still looking for Omega or anything like that, right? That would make sense that they would do that. And then throughout, you know, with that, I think maybe Omega as she got older was like, all right, I need to do more. And with them not letting her, right?
She felt like she had to sneak out. And then, of course, Hunter's there because he knew, right? Because Hunter's Hunter, and he knew. Again, I think he knew Omega the best. Not that the others didn't, but again, it's just that connection. Just that connection with him and Omega. That, yeah, I was cool with it. It was just them, and it made sense.
Right. And I just love that little just that very last like of him standing, watching her ship take off, standing there with Batcher and then he turns off the lights and was heading back. Like I just it just felt right. Just felt right. And then you just see her ship off in the, you know, in the Pablo night and she's off to the rebellion. I love it. I love her outfit, too. By the way, can we talk about that? Like, yeah, she definitely has a style, her own style.
It's great. Love that for her. Yeah, I I need her stylist because I love the look. I need an action figure of her, of that adult like or a Funko Pop something. Yeah. They best be selling that stuff soon. And I need an older hunter. I almost fell down the action figure rabbit hole. Oh, boy.
I'm telling you, they had those vintage Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith pack. I almost did it. I tell you, when they do Asage Ventures, Bounty Hunter, Black Series, take my money. And especially watching Tales of the Jedi,
There's some other action figures I want. I won't spoil it because I know you haven't watched. Tales of the Empire. Tales of the Empire, sorry. Thank you very much. Tales of the Empire. There's some action figures that I want in that as well. But we'll talk about, we'll do Tales of the Empire our next episode for sure. We'll talk about that.
All right, kids, that's it. That's the show. Hope you guys enjoyed our rebels or I'm sorry, rebels, our bad batch series finale. Again, it's all animation and it's all good stuff. But our bad batch series finale talk. You can follow us at the Galactic Pod on all the major platforms and you can follow us on Apple Pod, Google Play, Spotify, all the major stuff.
And then you can follow me, LaurenRomo at LowroKnows and all the major social platforms as well. You can follow me, AndreaGoutiEras, at r2d2step on Twitter and Instagram and threads. Good stuff. I don't have any BTS news. I don't.
We're low on the BTS news. We're low on the BTS news. I don't know. Mortica, maybe next time. We'll have maybe some updates. All right, kids, that's it, that's the show. Thank you so much for listening. And as always, may the force be with you. Always. Always.