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The Skeleton Crew Recap

The GALactic Podcast
105 Plays1 month ago

Welcome to The GALACTIC Podcast! In this episode, Andrea and Lauren chat about the Skeleton Crew Series. Did the series live up to their expectations? Was the story hold up for the entire series? Will these characters show up in upcoming Star Wars projects? They discuss these topics and much more!

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Introduction and Catching Up

Hello everyone and welcome to the glad to podcast. I am Lauren Rimmel with me as always is my cousin and fellow nerd Andrea Gutierrez. What up, what up? What up? Oh my God. It's been a minute, brah. It's been a minute for a lot of things, you know? Yeah. I haven't seen you. Yeah. Christmas is of what, uh, just stuff things life. Yeah. lot of weren able to Yeah. We weren't able to, the chill. Um,
and hang, but what do you been up to? What do you been up to?

Packers Pride and Super Bowl Hopes

Football man, my lions. It hurts. I'm still, I'm still, I'm still not. You're still hurt. Can I tell you how I feel as a Packers fan? Oh, you're probably happy as hell. Oh, I loved it. Can I tell you why? I'm i'm really gonna put salt in the moon work right now. I really am. One, it was because your stupid quarterback that everybody thought was so awesome through all those interceptions. And two, all that stupid play calling that they do that everybody thinks is so cool bit them in the ass. So that's what made me happy.
And you're 100% right. Football talk real quick. I agree. We just, we, we got outplayed playing our own game. 100%. You going to cheer for the commanders tonight? I don't know. Honestly, like I'll watch, but I'm not like. You gotta pick a team, Lauren. You gotta pick a team for the rest. You can't just, you gotta pick a team. I don't care. Cheer for the, you know, here, I'm going to tell you what to cheer for. Either side.
Eagles won because Saquon Barkley is awesome and he was on a terrible team. He was on a terrible team for a really long time and he deserves to go to the Super Bowl. yeah Maybe not win, but go. ah Josh Allen, amazing quarterback. He deserves to win a Super Bowl, so I want him in there. I want him beating the Chiefs. I like the Chiefs. I like Mahomes. I love Travis Kelsey, but I would like to see Josh Allen in the Super Bowl and win the Super Bowl. I actually like those two picks because I, again, i I don't hate the Eagles. I know a lot of people
I think the fans, the Philly fans are, I mean, reputation does proceed, but yeah I know a lot of, you know I think we probably know a lot of Philly fans. and They're actually really cool people. I love them. And yeah, I wouldn't mind. I like Saquon too. And then yeah, I, it's not like I hate Patrick Mahomes and Travis. Like I love, all like they're a good team. I just, yeah, I want it for not just Josh Allen, but the whole Bill's fans. Like Bill's mafia. yeah You know, like rise up Bill's mafia. That'd be sweet for them. One time. Yeah, I would love it. I would love to. All right. Off the football team.
I better watch football today, Lauren. No, I will. I will watch. I'll 100% watch. I don't know if I'll just be like super laser focused on it. Like I probably would have been if my lines just were terrible regardless, you know, like in the past, but I'm just I'm still bummed out.

Focus on Star Wars and Skeleton Crew

I'm still bummed out. But all right, kids, if this is your first time listening to us, welcome. We truly are a Star Wars podcast that discuss anything and everything within that galaxy far, far away.
Each episode we will dive into one or two topics and have a general discussion on them. Topics could be movies, TV series, books, comics, a specific character, you name it. And we talk about it. All right, and so while we were on a we were on a break, we were on a break. Skeleton crew dropped on Disney Plus. We had we were pretty pumped up. You know, leading up to the show, I think we had like really good vibes going in.
At least from our our conversation, you know, we had the Goonies feel to it. We thought it was going to be kind of Goonies in space. Yeah. And everything. So let's just go over all thoughts. How'd you feel? Would you think of the series overall? High slows? Let's talk about it and then we'll dive into to it a little bit more. But go ahead. with What's your overall overall thoughts?
Overall thoughts is I liked it. I thought it was a good series. It lived up to our expectations of what we thought it was going to be, which is Goonies in Space. ah I thought the performances with the kids were really, really great. I loved all of the costume design, um practical effects, all those types of things. um I would say that the story fell a little flat for me at the end.

Critiques and Praise of Skeleton Crew

but that doesn't, and that's probably just like my own thing, my own expectation. And plus I had like a lot going on. I didn't watch this series. Like I normally watch a Star Wars series. I wasn't as invested. I wasn't like watching other pod listening to other podcasts or watching YouTube channels talk about it. I just did not do any of that stuff. I was, I actually didn't even watch an episode until I think episode four dropped. And I think I watched all of them just way too much of my life going on.
So um yeah, it was, but I, you know, did a little bit of a rewatch these last couple of days. And ah i I mean, the kids' performances were absolutely awesome. Those characters were very well written, very well acted, very cool. I i loved all that. Some of the other performances, I just, again, fell flat for me. But overall,
I mean, I'm sure we'll talk about this later, but does this need a season two? Do I need to see these characters later on? I don't necessarily have you know those wants and needs, but what'd you think about it? Yeah, I'm 100% with you. Overall, I dug it. It was exactly what you and I talked about. It was Goonies in Space, man. I mean, it was just, it had that 80s,
vibes, nostalgia of like Goonies, E.T., like, you know, this goes on and on and on of any of those type of movies that came out, you know, the, the Ambien, um, Ambien. Yeah. So yeah, I, I enjoyed the heck out of it. It was great. And I 100% agree. The kid acting was fantastic.
Fern Fern was great. Well, we'll we'll dive in. We're going to dive into the characters. But the Fern was great. Obviously, Wim was really like, again, he was kind of that. Not our main kid character, but we kind of focused on his little like story a little bit more. Again, we'll we'll dive into all of that. um Neil, obviously, everybody loves Neil. How can you not love Neil? Neil was stole a show. yeah And then um The other kid character was a K. K. A. B. K. B. Was one of my faves too. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They all did great. And then again, Jude Law. Fantastic. See, that's where it fell flat for me. Did you? Okay. Well, obviously we'll dive into the characters and everything else. Yeah. Yeah. Overall, I loved it. I loved the vibes. The music was great. This was a, I think it's a Mikey Kachini. It's Michael Kachini's son did the scoring.
Or Cachino, I believe is how you pronounce it. But he did an amazing job on the on the score and everything. It was fantastic. I love the vibes. Loved all like the little piratey, like it just had you know those little sounds. that feel It felt like a pirate, you know, like a ah pirate stuff.
Again, just the you said the costumes were fantastic. I think all the aliens that we saw was really cool. Yeah. Again, specifically, I want to shout out the owl. I think his Kim the um was the name of that character. Yeah. That was amazing. That was one of the coolest, like, like, oh, wow. I we've never seen that in Star Wars. Like we have never seen a character like that in Star Wars. That was cool. You know, so they did a lot of cool things and a lot of different planets.
And again, and we'll talk about world dive deeper into the story, but yeah, the story was okay. Like it, I liked the story. It was interesting. Um, and yeah, well, like when we get to the, when we get to it, but yeah, I kind of, I'm kind of with you where it towards the end, it was kind of just, Oh, okay.
We'll talk about it more, but yeah, I think overall the series was what I think I hoped for, what I think you hoped for. And I think a lot of fans hoped for it was just, I just needed it to be fun. And it was that, you know, it was, I think we talked about it previously. I was hoping for a solo, you know, solo Star Wars as kind of just fun journey. And we got that.
Right. And I think one thing I will say about again, kind of overall is that this felt more continuity between each episode with different directors. And I think we've had in sometimes in previous live actions, what I mean by that is like the overall kind of theme and kind of how the tone of the show wasn't different from each episode based on the director. It felt connected in that way. I don't know if you felt that way. Oh, yeah. It didn't even feel like there were different directors. Yeah, absolutely not. It was the theme and just the energy and it was very continuous.
Different from, I think, what we had before. Right. Whereas some, you know, some shows that we have loved, right? Like Ahsoka, sometimes it even Mando, sometimes each episode feels a little different, you know? So, um, in that respect, I think it did well. There were some points where I felt like the end of the episode kind of ended in a weird spot. But again, that's just, it is what it is sometimes with like the editing or where time wise, how much these episodes have to be, you know, length and all that, like,
that that I'm not like it doesn't take me out of it but I just those are just a couple things that come up to me when I think about like overall picture of it but others like but again there's only maybe a couple of those other than that like I felt like each episode had a kind of complete thing like a like Star Wars animation does, like each Star Wars animation episode is a complete episode from beginning to end. And then it moves into the next episode,

Continuity and Cameos in Skeleton Crew

but it's still connected to that previous episode, right? I mean, we can go down the list, ah Bad Batch, Rebels, Clone Wars, right? Each episode was its own thing, but it was a full, it still was this whole full arc of a story that they were telling.
So in that respect, I feel like they did a really good job in that in that area overall as a show. um Anything else before we kind of dive into the story of it? Anything else you want to bring up overall your overall thoughts? No, no, I mean, I think we pretty much hit on everything about like how we felt about it and all that stuff. So yeah, let's get into the characters. All right. let's Well, yeah before we get into the big characters, let's just talk about kind of the story of this show overall.
Because it was interesting. like i' I'm with you. You were as far as like the beginning of this series was very cool, right? These kids are in this planet. And, you know, again, you get the whole vibes of Goonies or, you know, name that mateys, you know, aim the movie, especially with Wim wanting to be something different than everybody else and all that. And.
firm being a character of, you know, trying to be tougher than maybe she is. And I get all that stuff, but i I like the whole story of, again, these kids going on an adventure and kind of finding out like what they have been told their whole, you know, up until that point, it's kind of been like a, a, not about a lie, but a lot of deception that I feel like their parents,
I don't know if they were doing it intentionally or just they were following quote unquote the way that they you know that they were taught because of their planet of at at and how secretive and how lucrative it is and they are trying to keep it away from a lot of people right and then obviously Jude laws characters is this pirate that has heard about this planet and believes it's true and believes that it's this kind of ah Golden City, you know Atlantis type of deal where it's just and full of gold which it is we find out in the end It is so I kind of I like that aspect of it of like kind of learning something new in in the Star Wars universe right a new planet kind of a new new lore so to speak right because I
You don't, you know, especially when they were talking to Kim, uh, at the, in that one episode, she was really kind of given the details of like, these planets were thought to be destroyed, but then, you know, come to find out there was, you know, at Aten was still around and who knows maybe these other planets were, are the same as a at Aten where they're just high, you know, they're in secret.
So and it was cool to learn how much that and didn't really know what was going on outside of their planet. Right. Because you learn, you know, obviously you learn that they don't really know obviously of the of the of the war or anything like that. Right. They knew well. The the A.I. that's controlling these people, as we find out the supervisors is a is a robot as a droid is a droid. Yeah. Yeah.
They are aware, or at least a droid is aware of Order 66 in like Jedi stuff. So you're, they know up to that point. So, and I don't know if we really know the timeline as far as where this falls. We know it's in the Mandoverse. I don't know if we have exact time, which is fine, but there's, I wouldn't mind Exploring this more maybe in a book or anything. Well, maybe we'll get we'll get to that conversation later But overall the story I didn't mind it I like how each each thing was kind of like how are they getting back? right the first up the first couple episodes is these kids break out of this barrier and They're on their own and now they got to get back home and throughout, you know throughout their journey they learn they learn things about at end they learn things about the world the galaxy overall right because They were not aware there were so many
Galaxies planets like this is all new to them right and then for Jude laws characters a kind of Like stir them there to a point and then them realize that he actually he's he's the bad guy in a way I Liked it and then I think where it fell for me towards the end was just I feel like the last Couple episodes again were great. I loved it. It just was like oh, okay. This is it just There it is. Right. It kind of did not abruptly ended, but it was just like, Oh, okay. Like this is what happens, which, you know, the X wings come and, you know, the, the, is it the new Republic or whatever it comes and saves them? Like, which we kind of figured, like, I kind of thought that was, was going to happen. Right. Cause of that conversation that KB and Kim had, like,
You kind of knew that was going to come back. you know So it was, again, I liked the story overall, maybe highs and lows, but I liked the different planets we went to. right We kind of went to that like French revolutionary planet with these young kids. We went to that cool kind of like swanky hotel thing.
We had a really cool port with all the pirates, like a lot of cool locations, a lot of cool places that we went through throughout this series. So in that respect, I liked the, in the, and the store in the story and how it all connects was really great. What's your overall kind of the story itself, how it played out. Did you like it? Were you into it? Were you invested? Give me, give me your thoughts on that. I felt the story was.
you know really fit the storyline of previous like kids' 80s movies that we used to watch. right right You have a group of kids that ah aren't necessary. Sometimes you they're friends, they're not friends, right and then they find their friendship along the way.
and um You know one that you had a couple that were kind of like the stargazers the ones that kind of like Had like these ideas of like doing things different or or being better than what they were and then you also had like Neil and KB that just kind of like followed what they were supposed to do and were kind of like the conscious of the other kids so then um Yeah, all that was like really great. And even in the end, you know, when the the kids are like teaching the parents the lesson and they're showing bravery above them or they're encouraging them to to do the right thing, you know, all that stuff is is really great and has like awesome 80s feels to it. It just does. And sometimes that's like as simple as the point, right? It's not that.
There's some big, bad, you know, behind lurking or anything like that. It's just like the simplicity of, like Fern says at the end, you know, everywhere we went, it was bad, but there were good people everywhere, right? So it's just like, it was a very simple story, right? Super simple, not complex whatsoever. No lore to pull in from it. No, hey, you know it was just, it was super simple, right?
Even the concept of like Jedi ah was simple in there. They didn't dive too deep into it. um We all know what Jedis are. We don't necessarily need to know if someone was in Order 66 or anything like that. But where it fell flat for me,
is I think Star Wars has trained me, maybe in others, to expect ah like tie-ins, right? And to expect not necessarily cameos, but like other people that you've learned about to somehow ah be a part of this next story that you're watching. And when that like didn't happen at all, I was pretty surprised.
Not saying like it was a bad thing, it's just that my anticipation of thinking the supervisor was going to be something, or JODS, whatever, was going to be something, or I just i just thought something was going to be something, was going to be something, and it never happened, so it like fell flat.
Once I got over that and re-watched the series a little bit and I could just concentrate on the story, which is just like a a hero's journey and a story of like development and and in family and and courage and bravery, then I'm okay with it. But my Star Wars brain was like, where are the other people, right? And I don't necessarily need like a Luke Skywalker to show up, but you know, i we get giddy over, you know, ah a Captain Yularen or, you know, like Captain Pelion or just something something small.
So um that that's the only thing like it was missing. Knowing that it just did not have any of that, I was cool with, right? Once I knew it had nothing to do with any of that stuff. And I mean, Vayne was in there, you know, ah and but they didn't even say his name.
So, um yeah, it was all, that's kind of, and then, I don't know, we can talk, when we get to Jude Law and Jod Manawud's person or character or whatever, I just could not get, I couldn't, I was i didn't vibe with Jude Law being a bad guy.
He's too good looking. He's too charismatic. you know I needed something more devious. I needed a different character or a different actor to play that character. So that like really fell flat for me. like When it turned out that he was a the a bad, bad guy, I still just didn't warm up to it. So those were the two things that kind of fell flat for me was one, Jude Law's character, the casting choice, and then the fact that there were the outside world of Star Wars didn't didn't seep in as much as we expected to. But again, when you know those things are going to be like that, it's still a really great story. It was still really presented well and beautifully.
So that's just like, but the story was, it was super eighties, which is great. Yeah. I, I, I'm with you a hundred percent. It's, I had that thought too, in my head, knowing that, okay, this is supposedly tied into the Mando verse. Right. As we know, cause like you say, we see vain, that pirate that we see in Mando. I was half expecting.
a cameo of some sort. I'm with you on that. And at that point, I was like, I don't know if I don't need it in this story. I i don't need it. I just felt that it was coming and it was almost like not dread, but I'm like, Oh, okay. Like that's where I was. I was like, literally expecting like mando to show up, especially when like they were calling like bounty hunters and like, right. Saying all that stuff. I'm like,
Yeah, didn't you watch Mando showing up like and i've I'm like that's gonna take away from so much So I'm glad they didn't do it. Mm-hmm But I what I was with you. I was half expecting some type of cameo whether it be a ah a um What's the fighter pilot and Mando ah I Know who you're talking about. Yeah Tolson or I can't remember his name. Sorry, take my Star Wars card away. No, but it was like I was expecting maybe him because of like the X wings and things like that, right? Like that's what I was. Okay. I can accept that type of cameo because that would make sense, right? In those contexts. But I really, I'm, I'm telling you Andrew, I'm like, I really thought, yeah, I'm like,
They're going to bring in Mando here somehow, some way. And I feel like it was just going to ruin everything, but it did it. And they didn't do it that way. They let the kids be the story. They let the kids run that

Nods to the Broader Star Wars Universe

story. And that was so smart on their part, right? Carson Teva. Carson Teva, thank you.
Like that would have made sense and I would have been cool with that, right? But then, you know, what they did do, I thought, and I don't know if you caught, you probably, you might've caught this too, but at the end, when the barrier, first of all, that, when the barrier comes down and everything, that was really cool. Yeah, it was. That was really cool. Like really, really cool. And you see that, was that the tanty of four flying in? Like all beat up like that?
and don I don't know. That's where like, that's where my head went. I'm like, hmm. Like that's cool. Like if that's kind of like the, let them think who they, what they want, let them see that ship, let, let the fans think of who could be in there. That's cool. I was cool with that. I was like, Oh, and then one of the pilots, the, and it was the alien one. Look like it was in the force weekends. Thank you. Okay. So it was, that's what I thought too. He was with pose squat. Yeah.
That's what I thought too. I'm like, Oh, okay. That's a cool pool. Again, small, but like a little like nod, right? So that, like, that stuff, I'm like, Oh, okay. That worked for me. That type of stuff worked for me in the story and the context, right? But I'm telling you when we, when an episode was, I think it was three, when there was X wings, when we first see X wings, when Kim calls them in, I thought I'm like, you, I'm like, we're getting Carson.
We're getting Mando watch this, right? And I'm glad, I'm so glad I was so wrong. Because I think it would have took away from what I think the story, like you talked about the story at the core, the theme of again, family, friends, you know, coming together, you know, all that 80s, you know, kids movie vibes.
That's what they kept it at. And I'm glad they did. What if we would have saw a Hera and one of those bee wings? Bro, ah that would have been sweet. I would have been like, Oh yeah, they're really cool. but But I'm glad, right? Cause again, I feel like if they would have did something like that as fun as it would have been for us fans, I feel like that's would have been that's what what would have been talked about more. Yeah.
than Anything you know so that again smart on them and smart to just again give visuals not full cameos if that makes sense like give that visual of the of that ship Give that visual of the of that alien right? Piloting like you don't have to fully say guess who's in that ship who's in that like you know I'm saying like I'm glad they didn't do that I'm glad to do that, but I agree. Like I feel, and we'll, we'll talk about it when we get to the scarters in a minute, but yeah, I, Jude law was interesting <unk> and we'll talk about it that for overall characters, but I, I want more. That's one thing I will say at the end of the story. I'm like, I kind of want to know a little bit more. Like I feel like we learned, we did learn about him, but I'm like, I wish I, I wish I would have got a little bit more.
And we'll talk about it. um Anything else, Ang? Story-wise, any theme that you like you thought pulled out that really stood out to you or anything like that before you moved to characters? ah No, but I do want to ask you, you know how did you feel that it was somewhat of a pirate show and we didn't see Hondo? I bummed out.
love out It was it was right there for I know it was like a like a ah like a layup, you know, just do it. That's a soft toss. That's a that's a home run derby. It's right there in the sweet spot. Come on. We'll get it. I I I'm telling you, he will be in. He's going to show up. I just have a feeling no ah again, this is He's one of a lot. He is so many people's like favorite pirate. I know. Right. I mean, he's been there since Clone Wars. You gotta have him come to live action. You have to. You have Cabane. You have all these other Clone Wars characters.
Just Hondo, it's so easy. And it was right there. Even just like a cameo walk-by in that pirate. like Yeah, like him and his mother all like revolting. like He's not even paying attention, just like doing his own thing. you know That would have been awesome. Yeah. But again, that's fine. I mean, it was a hope and a dream for us to see our our our main man, Hondo, but he didn't show up. I was bummed out.
I was bummed out, but it was cool. It's still, it's still, the story was great. All the new pirates were cool. yeah too like Just everything was great. I mean, getting the storylines and everything were great. So let's move into characters. Let's talk about, let's let's start with Jude Lasker. I want to say wait one more thing. I feel like we kind of glossed over. ah So like I didn't really watch it as it came out, but a lot of people that I talk Star Wars with in in my real life, you know my work life or family life, they were like, hey, what do you think of Skeleton Crew? like I've been watching it. I think it's really great. And I was like, man, I haven't watched it yet. but
I was getting some really great feedback from people that aren't necessarily Star Wars fans the way we are, like casual viewers, and they were absolutely loving it. Like, how did, how did, did your mom watch it? Did your dad watch it? Like, I'm sure your dad didn't watch it, but was your mom watching it or? Yeah, I, I do recall, I'm glad you brought that up. My mom did watch it and ah she liked it. She dug it.
And I was talking to my sister and her husband and he liked it too. And again, these are, casual like you're saying, casual people. hu And they were like, yeah, dude, it's, it's fun. yeah Like they liked how fun it was, how like just the, the, the, the vibes of what we've talked about of Goonies and like the kids and all that, like they really liked the story.
They thought it was really fun, fun adventure, and they had a really good time watching it from what I've heard as well. and And I feel like that's, it seems like that's pretty across the board. I don't know if you get that vibe too of people just saying, yeah, do like even casual.
People are like, yeah, dude, it was fun. Yeah, like a lot of people. The only person that had like a problem with it is my mom. And she is so hard to watch shows with her to have kids in it. like I feel like she just finds kids so annoying, right? like She was super judgmental of like little Leia. And then when was, you know he he did a lot of wrong things. And and she was like, this kid. And I'm like, dang. I love it. This little kid.
artsh reviewer harsh reviewer ah fatigue But then like I didn't watch the ending. She ended up watching the ending by herself and she was like, Oh, it wasn't that bad. I was like, Oh, we finally calmed down about like the kids, the kids, those dark kids. I would have gotten away for it from it. Yeah. It was with those those dark kids. Oh, that's awesome. Yeah. No, I'm glad you brought that up because I feel like that's a overall kind of like feeling that I get from like just watching or just hearing people talk about it, like they had a good time. Right. Yeah. No, no discourse. It's either people didn't watch it and we're fine without watching it and watched it and liked it. So. Right. but Right. Right. So let's get into characters. So let's like that let's start with Jude Lost. John and I would. John. John.
Interesting character. I think. and I mean, we first meet him in the very first episode, he's in a mask and like. You can hear it in his voice. I knew it was right. I don't know what they were trying to pull. Yeah, that's June. Like I just knew right away. I'm like, OK, there's Jude law like that. Like that's him. Like, are you trying to keep it a secret or are you just like not caring what we're doing here? Like.
And then like when you, you know, when he's in the, he sees, you know, he gets the kids in the prison and everything, like meets them in the, in the prison or whatever. Like the brig, the brig. Yeah. I'm like, okay. So that's the guy that they, that they, you know, had a mutiny over with. I'm like, so what are we trying to do here? Right. But I didn't care. Like it wasn't like a, oh, okay. They're trying to like play dumb with it. Like, I don't think that was like, I don't think that was their intention. Like I,
I feel like they pretty much kind of laid out like yeah he's he's not a good guy like I don't think they were trying to fool anybody right I mean there were moments maybe where you're like okay maybe he's not so bad but no he's he was a He was a total bad guy. Like I was thinking like, you know, maybe he was like a victim to and his own circumstance, right? He's surrounded by pirates. Of course he's going to be a bad guy, but you put him like around a couple of like curious, positive thinking, you know, ah do the right thing. Kids that maybe he would have had like a ah change of consciousness, but ah no, that didn't happen.
Again, there was moments and flickers of that maybe happening. Yeah, yeah. Right, especially when

Episodes and Cast Reflections

they were on the the French, I just called the French Revolutionary episode, which was great. I love that episode. That girl was so like, again, that's, you could say over the top, like there's that one shot of her at the very end when she leaves, she does like just a parkour move of like, was it necessary? No, it was a cool yes, I don't care. Like, let's go. Like, didn't matter to me.
But in that episode, that was the one where I was like, okay, maybe he kind of does care. Like you're saying, maybe there was that small yeah glimpse of like, okay, maybe he's actually going to help. yeah right maybe Maybe he's going to be the one to save them from the pirates taking over. Maybe we'll have a, but no, now which was fine. I think that's that's what I think maybe his character was supposed to be, obviously in the end.
But, but yeah, and I know you brought it up earlier regarding how you didn't feel like, you know, June Glau was suited, not suited, but just hard to believe a bad guy. So expound, expound on that. would What was your, what else did you think about that character?
Yeah, you know, i I don't know Jude Law's like filmography like perfectly, right? But i what I do know of it is he's always very like charismatic. And he whether he is difficult, plays difficult in a movie, he ends up being like um still having like a good heart. like I think of Gattico. Do you remember Gattico when he was in the wheelchair and ah Ethan Hawke Had a plate had to be him so that he could go to like that amazing movie you should watch it get cuz I'm freaking awesome Okay, but Jude law was kind of a jerk in that movie and and um
So I was like, okay, he's casted perfectly to be like someone who is difficult, but eventually um like wants to be like helpful. And i just that once that like didn't happen, I couldn't get past it. He's just like standing there like trying to be a bad guy. And I'm like, bro, you you're not a bad guy. You're just not.
But I mean, maybe that's the point. If we have a season two or we see him down the line, and and you know we we always talk about like redemption and and all that throughout Star Wars, maybe maybe that was the purpose of him. like You know he's going to finally come around and be good. Maybe he just didn't it in this show or this season.
so um But I would have hoped for a little bit more of a devious looking bad guy, right? You can have, I'm trying to think of who you could have casted, who is like,
very charismatic, but also very devious. Like you just know they're not going to be good. I can't think of anybody ah off the top of my head. either But that that part just like felt kind of flat for me. And then like, maybe I wasn't paying attention well. And I don't, again, I don't need to know what type of like he, his backstory was very short, very, very, very short. There was a Jedi, a female Jedi,
I don't even really remember. And that was kind of a bummer. I didn't need a flashback or like I said, an order 66 reference, but I just didn't get a feeling of like how that affected him or why he continues to like use the force or what or anything like that. So that it was kind of a bummer that that didn't kind of, you know, get s flushed out.
100% that's where I am with it. I didn't mind I'm not let me say I'm not as bothered as him being the character because I feel like the the point of I think just like you were saying that maybe the point of the character was to Look like he's a good guy, but I actually a bad guy. You know I'm saying like maybe that was just in He does that well cuz like you're saying he is mostly you know, looking real briefly at his filmography, mostly good guy. You could argue, obviously, in them and Ms. Marvel, bad guy. I mean... Oh, Captain Marvel? Yeah, Captain Marvel. Yeah, that fell flat for me, too. Like, even at the end when he's, like, yelling at Captain Marvel, like, just do it.
whatever, that just, nah, it didn't yeah didn't land for me. He's too good looking. And I don't even like men, but he is very, very good looking. He always has been. And he's a good Dumbledore. i mean that He is a great gay Dumbledore. I love it. Yes, he's a good Dumbledore. But yeah, I'm okay with it as far as like how he played it. And maybe that's just how they wrote the character.
Right. And. But I understand where you're coming from, like you he is that charming and that good looking to where it's hard to believe. But again, that's maybe that's the whole point of it, right? That's that's the whole point of his character is that obviously looks can be deceiving. Right. And you don't know a book by its cover and all, you know, all those those trophy stuffs or, what you know, storytelling things.
I 100% agree with you, though, on the fact that we got very little of his background. I wanted more of that. That's where it really, for me, fell flat. Like that last episode, like you're saying, he mentions that he he was found by a a Jedi.
That's basically all we got. That's all we got. He was found by a Jedi. Right. So did he go to Coruscant? Did he train? Like, what happened? Right. And then again, we don't. Did he survive? What happened at the end? Because it looks like he just you know walked away. Like, did they arrest him? Right. Nothing. He just nothing happened. Right. So that's where, again, in that aspect, I I want more and i meet and I would have liked to have gotten more with that. But I know they leave it open-ended to now, okay, if down the road you need to show up, we can use them. right and Instead of trying to have to explain, which you still kind of have to explain. If he did get away, how the hell did he get away from all those, ah from the new Republic, right?
Like, or to find a way. Right. Right. Right. But that, but I, that's, I would have loved, a like you're saying, I don't need a flashback. I just needed more exposition of him as far as what were his motives. Like, yeah, he was all about the pirate life, but why? Like you're saying like, what?
again That's that's where I think you and I really like when they do that in stories Like give us more exposition of like motives Right like okay. Yeah, he's a pirate he wants gold But what like what drove him like you're saying he's a form of Jedi question mark What happened was it yeah again like you're saying was it order 66 was it this was it that I?
and Again, they could tell that story maybe in a comic maybe in a book or whatever like that's fine But I would have loved a little bit more instead of having to maybe wait for those second Secondary kind of material to come out right or wait until he shows up again To get more exposition So we'll see I Overall, I like this character. I think it's interesting like a former Jedi Former or former, whatever. We don't really know if he was not really a Jedi, but obviously he's force sensitive. Like, you know, but, and he was found by a Jedi for him to go from that to, I want to be a pirate kind of gave me, again, you can maybe not one for one, but like if Ezra would have stayed with Hondo, yeah you know, that's maybe what it Ezra could have been turned out to be.
but that Because Ezra's coolest and and I want to know who this Jedi he ran into she must I sucked That's the information that again Do we need it? No for the story because it wasn't about that but like you set it up to like obviously he's using the force and everything and Like, give us a little bit more than just, I was found by a Jedi. Yeah. Okay, cool. So that's, that's all we're getting in this whole thing. So that part of that part of his character was a little frustrating. and
But then all the different names, I didn't mind that, like Captain, yeah it was a Captain Jack Crimson or what like all those other names he had. That was cool to keep you like in amenity and like moving from place to place. Like that's fine. That was cool to me. So yeah, overall that, I think that's where I'm with you on that. Needed more.
We need him more in his background, just to give maybe a little bit more motivation. Not that just him wanting to prove that he was right the entire time too, right? Like I understand that, right? Cause that was the main thing is that he was trying to prove to that pirate crew, like, listen, I know, like I've been telling you the truth the entire time, this place exists, we can be rich, right? And he did prove, he did prove everybody wrong.
But like, okay, that's, that was it? Like, that's really all he really, like, I just wanted more. I just wanted more. and But, and maybe we'll get more down the road. Do you think we will see him? Do do you want to see his character again somewhere?
Yeah, sure. I want to know what happened to him. I want to know how he finagled his way off of that planet. I mean, obviously you just got to find a ship and you don't have to get past a barrier anymore. Probably really simple to slip off of that planet now. You know, so, um,
Yeah. I, you know, the other thing that like bothered me was how long like the supervisor played along with like knowing that he was a bad guy and then was like, Oh, I'm going to wait till you like mess up your words and say that you're an emissary and a Jedi and neither, you know, blah, blah, blah. That, I don't know, maybe that's just storytelling, but it made me just feel like everybody on that and was stupid. So.
I mean, that's kind of almost not the point, but like clearly the people in it and we're being run by as we know a droid and they were just following what I can't remember the phrase that the great works great work. Yeah, which is kind of like a high republic thing.
oh See, you know, that's a good catch. I didn't know that yeah, that's kind of cool again. Maybe that harkens to why they only know so much Lina so great works Okay, nice. I like that. I like that But yeah, overall, I think yeah Jude lost character. I liked it. I Just wanted more, you know, but yeah, I wouldn't mind seeing him again though either ah I wouldn't mind seeing him again.
Like maybe he shows up in and something down the road, maybe one of the movies. Who knows? Cause I mean, I mean, yeah, you, you get him into Star Wars. You're just going to use him the one time. It's kind of a bummer, but yeah. I mean, the same though with like Carrie M. Austin.
Yeah, fair. That's true. That's true. And maybe this is just what he wanted to do too. Maybe this is just what Jude, you know, he's like, no, I'm good at through this. Like I was in Star Wars. That's all I wanted. You know, like, all right, cool. Cool. What do you think about him wielding a lightsaber and all that? ah Fake. Look terrible. All right. it but The way he held it was gross even wim held it better than him But again, maybe that's part of he wasn't fully trained then obviously right like obviously not the way he held it was gross Again character choices were made But no, yeah, I Overall dug it dug it dug it dug it. So let's ah unless you got anything else and you want to add to the Jude law character. No, I
Let's move to the kids. Cause this is where I think the show really shined for me. Like the kids were outstanding. Like they were so good. And it was, it was what I was hoping. I think as we've been saying is what we were hoping for and the kids being the focal point and those act and the kid actors were fantastic.
They were awesome. Yeah, they really were. They were great. Like, again, Fern was amazing by Ryan Keira Armstrong. You had Ravi playing Wim. You had Robert Timothy Smithley, Neil. And then who played KB was Kirina Cratter. Cratter, K-R-A, Cratter.
Fantastic like they worked so well together like you could feel that they were all friends right like if The friendships were formed while doing this show Right and the vibes came off great. And yeah, I Again, I like how whim was not again. I don't wanna say the focal point, but he was kind of the main kid that we were following and I kind of dug it because he had that kind of a that thing I don't know what that thing is but that that thing where like you he was that wanted to do more right the Luke ask looking for more adventure right wanting to get off the planet wanting to be a Jedi wanting to do this and that
Like I, that was cool to me. Like I, I liked that he was kind of the focal point. And then again, just even getting the little story, like backgrounds of like their parents, right? In the beginning, in the early stages of the series, like Wim's dad works, obviously crazy hours and he's by himself, but then you get shots of, you know, Neil's family all together for dinner, right? Or.
Um, Fern and her mom and her mom being what was it? The, the, uh, not the supervisor, but like high up person within the organization. Yeah.
And just again, like you can kind of see where maybe where, why, where and why she was kind of being rebellious. Cause maybe she didn't want to be what her mom would, you know, like that all kind of sets up everything. Right. And then KB and Neil, just being those, you know, long for the ride friends and they were amazing. Like that one episode of KB and whim. Yeah. So good.
And even like Neil and and Fern together, right? You just take people out of their regular environment and put them with different people and they like learn something new was awesome. Yeah. And again, those were the really strong, strong episodes, just part of it. Again, just how good these actors were. um For me, I will say I think Fern was my favorite.
i Her and KB were probably my top two not to say Neil wasn't obviously Neil's gonna be like just Neil cuz he's just the cutest alien looking kid ever loved it. And Wim was again, Wim was fun. I like his journey of like, you know, being who he thought he wanted to be and all that kind of stuff. Like his whole story, his whole arc was great. Him and his dad kind of maybe coming together finally and all that stuff. But I loved Fern and KB. They were probably my, my favorites, right? Cause I feel like with, especially with Fern,
her trying to like prove herself. You know, it's it's just very relatable. I feel like as a kid, right? You just want to yeah be, you know, try to prove who, you know, prove to everybody that you're not this or that. And you're trying to prove that you're tough and all that. Like it's very relatable. And so when Wim's character is very relatable though too, right? Like, yeah you know, when he tells his dad, like, oh, you're going to tell him, you know, read me a story, you know, aren't you too old for that? Like,
Yeah, it was I felt bad. Like his situation was super sad. Like you got it. You did feel feel for Wim, but you understood why he wanted to. Do everything like he why he really wanted to go on this adventure and not really go back home because. What was there for him, really? Right, just a mole. He wanted he wanted excitement.
So and then KB just being rock solid, loved it. Like just the overall, her vibe and her being like, droid, really? Like, a yeah, kind of like ah a low bot. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And then having, she, feared yeah she had two moms. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah,
so yeah I loved all these characters. They all had really, like you're saying, they all had moments in the series. You know, again, and in the the French Revolutionary episode, Neil and that girl. I love that. i Like, I loved all that. That was fun. You know, and again, yeah, I think the episode that really, I think all four of them was the one where they split off and it was KB and Wim, and then it was Neil and Fern. Like, that was really a...
the the come together, finally like learning from one another instead of like, you know, in the beginning it was, you know, the boys versus the girls, right? And all that, like they finally became a crew after that episode, which was great, you know? So, and your thoughts overall with their characters, moments or anything that stood out to you, who was your favorite or anything, what you got?
I mean, pretty much the same as you, you know, that episode where they split up, I thought that that was just like a turning point for all of them and, you know, was really great. Neil was my favorite just because he, his, you know,
to be able to perform in those types of prosthetics and still like have like a ah humanness or whatever behind it, I think is just absolutely awesome. I loved his little overalls. I thought that they were so cute. you know when he was in When he was in the bathtub and his little face, like he was so cute.
um And then, you know, I just love how they all like represent like a ah form of like consciousness, right? Like there's the fearful one, there's the courageous one, there's the one that thinks rationally, and then you have the one that's kind of like,
I would say Fern was like the in-between. She didn't know which one that she was and she kind of exuded like all three. So um it was just a really great representation of like what kids go through and ah how they feel. It was really awesome the way that they did it. The independence that some of them had like at home, ah having to like, you know, make their own cereal, get to school by themselves, you know, and then just like the fun little um interactions you know, in the beginning with Neil and Wim, like, you know, like playing and and people look looking at them. or fake lights or yeah yeah And people looking at them like, what are you, what are they doing? You know, so it was, it was just like a really good representation of what it was like to be a kid in the eighties, nineties, maybe a little, maybe just kid, you know, age overall. Like, so.
just that's what made me really like the story was it was really great at like just representing emotions and um like you know what drives you to to do the right thing and all that types of stuff so um Yeah, i would I would really like to see them again in more adventures. like I really would. I would like to see another season of them and see like how they develop and progress and and what they turn into to see them go through struggles, to maybe lose their way a little bit. um that That's what like I would really like to see.
so I don't know if I need to see it in a season two. I don't know if I need to see it you know in ah in a like a a portion of a story in a movie or or whatever, but I feel like the the characters are long lasting, so it would be nice to see them again. I'm with you. I would love to see them again.

Future of Characters and Star Wars Connections

Shout out to Alex and Molly, Star Wars Explained. Alex brought up this in a ah video, can't remember which video, but he brought this idea up of
This series may be taking place a little bit before the Mando stuff. So then now if we go present day, we kind of follow their age.
So it's you like, you know, like, Hey, this is like two years before this. So now the kids looking older because think about it. They are, they were two years younger when they still, when and they felt this to when it came out. and Yeah. Right. bit Right. Kids obviously that age group can.
can grow and all that stuff. yeah So having it maybe do that, capacity like somehow maybe that's what it is. That would be fine. I'm cool with that. Because I think these characters, like you said, they're long lasting. I would love to follow them in like whatever next adventure they get into right or follow their like path of, hey,
Does Fern become something in the New Republic? Does Wim become a pilot? Like, what happens to these kids, right? Like, I would love to know that. Whether that's in a book, comic, maybe an animation series, I don't care. Like, I would love it. Or like you're saying, maybe they, maybe they show up in a movie. Yeah. For part of it, which I, maybe that's my guess is that's where they're going to show up next.
Yeah, I would think so too. In maybe the ah the big Filoni verse movie that's eventually coming out. Maybe that's where, because I swear, I think they were, they executive producers on this. Favreau and Filoni, I feel like they were. Yeah, of course. I think so. So, and I, and again, I, as far as I recall, this is supposed to to be part of that universe.
If I'm not mistaken, obviously, because with the the Pyra vein and being it, we would assume that's, that would be the truth. But again, will we? I don't, I hope, and I don't know if I really, like you're saying, I don't know if I need a season two per se, I'm with you on that, like I would i would take it.
But I don't know if I need it. I don't even, I don't know if I need it. I think I would like to follow them though, somehow, some way. But I just don't, I just don't know how they, like what, what they would, you know, where would they put them and all that. That's, that's obviously the question, but we'll see. I would love to see them again though. I'm, I'm interested with you on that. Do you want like,
would you be bummed out if we don't see them? anywhere else like this is it like I mean because in reality it could like this could be it right I mean Yeah, this could be it. And like right now, no, I wouldn't be bummed about it. But I think like future, right, maybe like 10 years out and new Star Wars stories are being developed or we're seeing new movies. And if we never get to meet these characters again, then I think is when I would be disappointed because they, you know, represent Star Wars so well, they should they should continue to be in Star Wars.
I'm with you on that. I would love to see that. I'm with you. I don't know if I need it now, but yeah, I think future for sure. I want to again, catch up, right? It's like. Again, not a one for one, but like with Omega. Yeah, if we never see Omega again, right out of town, bro, I would be bummed out, be bummed out. And I think I would be bummed out if we didn't see these characters again.
Right? Because to see that kind of, okay, now that they know what is really going on in the galaxy, right? How does that change them? How does it change ad ad now too? Like I wouldn't, I would love to know more about that too. Like what happens now with ad ad, right? Like what does a new Republic do with it? What, like what occurs?
That is what I would, again, part of the whole, like, not lore, but again, expounding on kind of the new Republic stuff. I would love to learn like what, what happens to them. Right. And then like, where, I guess, again, maybe I don't have to know, but like, are, is that adding in like the outer rim? Like, where is it located? Yeah. It's gotta be, it can't be in core space, core, the core worlds. You would think, right?
so Yeah, I mean Again, those are just little questions that again. They don't have to be answered, but just Star Wars nerd Wanted like I want to know that you know so um Anything else again with

Star Wars Lego Sets and Collections

the kids cuz I mean again a lot of cameos who we could talk about other care characters Jaleel white showed up. Yeah as SM 33 or sme sme Really good stuff. What else? Anything else you want to, uh, what else you got? Um, I want to talk about Kim again because I just absolutely love that owl. It reminded me, honestly, I don't know if it was a callback of this. I mean, owl for owl, but, uh, the owl and clash of the Titans. So remember the gold owl. That's like the vibes it gave me. And then also like the owl from, you know, Winnie the Pooh. So that's, that's like where I felt like the inspiration maybe came from a little bit, but again, it's an owl. So whatever.
She was probably one of my favorite, like brand new. Oh, yeah, absolutely. They make a Funko pop? I mean, I got to stop buying stuff. I'm going to be quiet. Don't even look it up for me. Oh, there's a Funko. I think there is a Funko out there. You know what? I've been thinking like, do I want to buy that Lego ship that they have for the show?
If they have a Kim minifigure, I would do it, but I don't think they do. I have to look, I didn't realize there was a, what ship is it that they, is it the one that the kids are on the entire? Yeah. I have to look at that. That'd be cool to get that. that ship That ship was pretty cool. Like showing how it kind of just like had all that extra stuff and then it turned into like this really cool, cool looking like,
Smaller singular ship that was pretty cool. That ship was pretty cool. Yeah, it is the onyx cinder So is that that ship? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's it. Yeah. So, okay. So hang on. I'm looking at it. I shouldn't be doing this, but anyway, all four of the kids are there and then John's there as well too. Okay. All right. That makes sense. I mean, we'll have other like, I'm assuming that probably have pirates eventually. I might have to have a mini figure Neil, you know? Oh no. Yeah. I mean, Neil, come on. Oh, this is pretty cool. This has got some good stuff in it. The ship stuff. Okay. Yeah.
and Even like a cool minifigures of SM 33 be dope. He's not in there. Oh, that's a bum but but know i yeah Like Kim was great. I love that character I think Smee was great and all the pirates though all the extra pirate stuff was cool Um, those characters were fantastic, like Brutus and just that whole, that whole crew loved it. You know, what's bad about Legos is how they go out of print. And then so like you get this feeling of like, I must buy this. Otherwise I will never be able to consider buying it ever again. Right. Am I going to miss out on a Neil minifigure? Is that really is what's going to happen to me? Like it has me in a, in a panic.
Like, Legos is really the only thing that I am obsessed with right now and can't stop purchasing. You know what, I again, sidetrack, I wish I would have been more into Legos earlier in like when Star Wars. Yeah. Came back around because I i am so mad I never got a ghost.
like anything rebels, Legos. Bro, I saw that at the Lego store last year in March. We went for Eli's birthday and I was like, we should really get this. We should really get this. Look at this. Yeah. And I was like, look at it. It's got, it's got hair. And it was in print last year. or what However you want to call it. And then I was like, Oh, I found this really cool website that like has like accessories so you can mount them better and like put the mini figures together so that it's it's better displayed. I c sent you a stamp chat of my ones. And there was a, there was a ghost stand. So I was like, you know what, I think I'm going to go and get this one. Well, it's not made anymore. So it's like 200 bucks now. And I'm like, Oh, i want I'm so mad. I should, I want a ghost.
so i love my relationshipship My new hobby is not just putting Legos together but taking them apart because I have so many and I don't have enough space to display them that I've been taking them apart. I have really good storage for them. Some of them I even bagged by like the numbers of the instructions. like That's my new thing. um like I took that Luke Skywalker speeder apart because it's huge and it's just like it's so big.
So Eli's like, so I'm taking it apart. He's like, what are you doing? And I'm like, it's too big, dude. was just We If you want new Legos, we're going to have to put some away. So that's my new thing. Eli got that dark Falcon for Christmas. He's in the middle of building it. And then he ah we also got him the C-3PO. And he hasn't even cracked the box on that. And I'm like, if you don't do it soon, it's mine. And I'm building it.
Welcome to LEGO Talk. I've been obsessed.
I still have a lot that I haven't. I've never made the Mando ship. The Razorcrest? Yeah, I still have that boxed up. You know who's obsessed with Legos right now? And this is dangerous. Aunt Lisa, because she had her knee surgery, she needs something to do. So my mom's been getting her little Legos.
because, you know, like the flowers, they have cool little cameras, stuff like that. So she's been doing those. She's obsessed. But my mom is obsessed with Harry Potter Legos. Oh, so she's been buying random Harry Potter Legos and having me put them together. And we have them like because our Christmas, we have a Lego like Christmas village and a lot of the Harry Potter village pieces have like snow on them. So they go really well with like a Christmas theme.
So bro, this this house is just full of Legos everywhere. Then Wicked came out. Good Lord. There's Wicked Legos. There's Wicked Legos.
Okay, welcome to Lego Talk. I look glad i mean, it is just, it's what, and then, you know, I can get them on and I get a discount on there. So it's just like, let's go.
No, I really, I really want that ghost. Let go stop. Dang it. $200. That ain't worth a number. I don't know if it's worth $200. Yeah. You can find it on Amazon, but it's, it's, it's hyped up. It's not its regular price, which I think was like 139. Okay. All right. Well, I mean, I'll have to keep an eye on it. But there's a ghost and there's a, what's the little ship that goes with it? Oh, the, um, Phantom. Yeah, that's, that's there too.
Does the Phantom have, see now I need, okay, this is gonna be a whole thing. what Anyway, let's move on. ah I'm sure people like listening to us talk about this. ah ah no But I can't let go skeleton grew. I was there. There'll be probably more because right was it wasn't just the it was just that one. And I really don't think they're going to me more. I think that's going to be the only one. Again, my biggest regret not buying um bad batch Legos. Right. Because those are yeah that's been good too.
Okay, Ghost Phantom, Lego. Oh, it's still on Lego's website. Hang on, hang on. Ooh, 150, 159. All right, so it still is in print. The phantom and the ghost or just the phantom? Phantom and ghost together. So it comes with a Hera. It comes with a Jason Syndulla, a chopper. And then remember it open stuff this is an Ahsoka one. Yeah. And then that ah ah Admiral Ekbar looking character. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Take my Star Wars card. Take it as you're talking about, though.
yeah I want the old I don't know Because they used to have like you're saying on Amazon they had like the one where it was like from the rebels era And not the Ahsoka stuff like yeah that's the one that's like like you're saying it's like 200 $300. I just said you the link of the image okay how the look out at door and Get into Legos come on no, I do I love that goes I just got to put them together once I put it together I know I'll be like all I need I need more to do but I But i yeah, it'd be cool to see what other, like, what comes of skeleton crew merch, right? Funko pops, maybe more Legos, maybe not, that'd be fun. Do I need a Jon and I would? No, I don't need a minifig of him. um It'd be cool, but no. I do, like you're saying, Kim though, as a minifig would be sweet. That owl would be dope, I would love that, I would love that.
But no, yeah, a lot of the other, any other side characters, Andrea, that you liked in the show? Who was the werewolf guy? He was great. Brutus, I think that was Brutus, yeah. Brutus was so good. Brutus was great. The whole pirates, I mean, I loved all the pirates. They were good. Yeah, the pirate planet was awesome. Yeah, that whole ah whole like port or whatever was cool. It was really good. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I liked that. I liked that. I liked that.
I final thoughts and skeleton crew anything else you want to bring up or anything?

Episode Structure and Pacing

I might do like a revisit rewatch you know just to kind of I mean I have been the last couple days watching a few episodes that you know I just wanted to remember a little bit better but I feel like it deserves another full rewatch Um, you know, the main things people talk about episode time, you know, the amount of episodes was very appropriate. That was great. You know, it actually was pretty good. So I had no complaints there either. Yeah. I feel again, kind of what I was, what we talked about.
In the beginning, the continuity of everything where it felt, everything felt the same. It didn't feel like one director had a different vibe than the next director, right? We had a Bryce Dallas Howard episode. That's good. we let We love our Bryce Dallas Howard around the street. Give that lady a movie, bro. Honestly, win. Just do it.
and then again all like they had a lot of good directors in this in the series the Daniels were um did an episode which was great so i mean it was just overall it was a good series i don't know if they'll do a season two i i doubt it it doesn't seem that way But maybe they show up, like we were talking about, maybe they show up down the road somewhere in another series or another or in a movie or something like that, you know? So yeah we'll see. Anything else, Angie, you want to bring up or anything like that? No, no, I'm good. And now we're going to go Lego shopping, everybody. I already am right now. I'm sorry. That's why I have nothing else to say because I am on lego right now and I'm clicking on things.
Bro, you should see it here at the house. It's wild. There's so many Legos here. it's I know I got to go to Amazon because I want to find like the rebels air like when rebels was airing. I like those Legos. That's what I really want. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Those are those are you can find them on eBay. Yeah. And but expensive as hell though. That's the only thing.
Bro, I almost dropped like $200. There's two Legos that I don't have that i've wanted that I want really bad. One, there's the Bespin, one where Luke is hanging from the thing in Darth Vader. There's that. That'd be a good one. And then there is the only helmet I don't have is the TIE Fighter one because that one was like a Target exclusive and you can't find it anywhere. And it's like $300 on eBay.
Those are the two Legos I don't have that I'm like, oh, I kind of might. Tie Fighter? That might be a need. Dude, that Tie Fighter helmet is dope. That's still one of my, I think we've said it, i've I've said it maybe before in this podcast. ah The Tie Fighter helmets will always be probably my favorite helmet. It's the best. They're dope. So Java sail barge. I'm still talking about Lego. Sorry, but I want that so bad just for the mini figs. There's so many good ones is there, ah but it's giant. It's like, I don't have space for it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, good times. Good times.
All right, kids. Well, thanks for listening to our recap of Skeleton Cruise slash Lego dot lego talk. Lego talk at the beginning. That's right. ah Find us on all social medias. I'm not anywhere on the social media. You won't find me. Andrea is not anywhere. So don't look for her. I am um blue sky pretty much, but not really. So like.
whatever follow us if you can find us. We're all on the major platforms. You can follow, if you want, you can follow me at Low Row Knows, at whatever social media you can find me. And then you can find the Galacta Podcast if you can find it. ah You can find it on any of the major platforms, Spotify, Apple Pod, all the goods, places. And then you can find us on social medias on the Galacta Podcast, at the Galacta Pod.
ah blue sky and Instagram I'm pretty sure that's all it ah we still have a Twitter X whatever that might be going away though how to figure I have all those things I just locked out of all of them yeah smart smart smart smart I'm probably gonna be doing the same thing I heard it's bad out there yeah I don't even want to know Alright kids, that's the show and I hope you enjoyed it. And as always, may that force be with you. Always. Always.