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Andor Season 2 trailer and more!  image

Andor Season 2 trailer and more!

The GALactic Podcast
79 Plays8 days ago

Welcome to The GALACTIC Podcast! In this episode, Andrea and Lauren chat about the latest Andor Season 2 trailer. They also discuss the latest news around the galaxy. Did the trailer hype them up even more? What character arc are they looking forward to seeing the most in season 2? Kathleen Kennedy not retiring!? They discuss these topics and much more!

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Introduction to the Glad to Podcast Hosts

um well Hello everyone and welcome to the Glad to Podcast. I'm Lauren Romo. With me as always is my cousin and fellow nerd, Andrea Gutierrez. What up, what up? Bright sons, what's going on?
Just, you know, trying to stay warm. Yeah, it's cold. this chilly world we live in Both physically, mentally, all the things.

Current Star Wars Engagements

emotionally spiritually spiritually it's all it's all ah all connected right now but we have some fun stuff to talk about today i am so pumped uh this is gonna be fun this is gonna be fun episode kids but andrea have you star wars before we get into the stuff have you star wars lately and if you have what have you star wars ah Well, I've been reading ah Star Wars.
I'm reading the new Alexander Freed model. What is it? Reign of something? Yeah. Reign of the Empire, Mask of Fear. Yes. I have started as well. Amazing.
Then every day i watch, ah every night I watch Star Wars movie. And last night I watched Revenge of the Sith. so Which? because of you, I didn't know coming back to theaters for a little week run.
so good. I can't wait. This is like, it's one of my favorite. It really is. i think for both of us, it's one of our favorite Star Wars movies. I can't wait to see it on the

Revenge of the Sith Nostalgia

big screen again. i can't Yeah.
That for, I mean, just that opening. know we're, we'll get into some other stuff, but I can't wait. Oh God. can't wait. Yeah. ah oh gotta get wait yeah And then just to put into context what we know, right, from Clone Wars.
Like, it's just, yeah. It's going be different feels all all around. yay Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. 100%. I can't wait. Yeah. So what that come that's coming in April, though.
But yeah, go ahead. What do you What have you, Star Wars'd? So yeah, I've been reading that

Audiobook and Reading Experiences

book. I got it. That just came out as ah as they were recording. It came out on the February 25th, which was on a Tuesday. tuesday m So I got it on. It came in on Tuesday. So I got the book and I did get the audio too. So while I'm at work,
I'm listening to it. And I just, audio books, you you said it before. and and I, and I agree the production is so good. and Like it's, it's good. um read It's a female and I can't remember her name and I apologize, ah but she's doing a really good job of doing everything. So it's great. i Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it.
um Highly recommend again, audio books. um We're both into them. They're good production. If you, you know, if you don't like to read the pages or I know you're big on the Kindle too.
Yeah. Book great too. So. Oh my God. This, this past weekend, i got one of those like arms that like you can hook an electronic device to like a tablet or a Kindle and like, it like hangs over your bed. Right.
But then I also have a remote that will switch the pages on my Kindle. So I literally can just lay under the covers and read without having to move at all.
Besides my thumb hitting a button to turn the page. And it is life changing. Like I laid in bed for like three hours straight and just like read. And it the time went by like that. And I was like, this is this is the life.
This is the future. We're here. ah I love that for you.

Andor Season 2 Trailer Excitement

Yeah. So, yeah. And I'm, I actually plan on, cause we're going to talk about Andor, Andor season two trailer.
Uh, that's the big topic plus some news that we're going to discuss, but I'm probably going to an Andor rewatch. I did it early last year too ish.
Oh, I feel like it's time for another run. Cause I just, uh, That trailer got me pumped. We're going to talk about but that trailer got me pumped. And I feel like I might start a Rebels rewatch too. Yeah. I just love Rebels. I mean, just it's it's Rebels.
Oh, I've also been building Lego Star Wars things. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. All right. I got the skeleton crew ship. I really bought it just for a Neil minifigure.
Because Neil is so cute. Because why not? I mean, if that's only way i'm going to get one is buying a $100 set, I guess I'll do that.
Makes sense. Makes sense. Makes sense. Okay, so let's get into the main topic, though, kids. Andor Season 2 trailer dropped. ah It starts, it's coming out in April, i think it was April 22nd, if I have it written down correctly.
It could be the 25th, but I feel like it's the 22nd. But it's coming out this April. We got the first trailer. 22nd. Thank you, Ange. Okay, so twenty second and And what it's doing, I kind of like this. i'll get I mean, we'll well discuss.
But what they have said is that they're doing it in like three episode arcs, which is kind of cool. Very cool. i'm I'm down with that. I kind of like that. So we'll discuss you know we'll discuss that. But it's coming in um three episode arcs, four weeks, so 12 episodes total.
And yeah. but's And overall thoughts. On that trailer because... wowie, wowie. I was...
Like, I was hyped. ah It got me hyped. What do you got? Yeah. Fist-pumping excitement, honestly. ah Just seeing a few characters that I kind of forgot about. And then I was like, oh, my gosh.
Deidre. I can't wait to see my girl Deidre again. Yep. Yep. It's like, yeah. Cyril in there. Cyril Karn. And um his mom. His mom looking fancy. Like, that was so cool. What is up with her?
It's going to be interesting. So, yeah, i was i was excited. i i am ready for new Star Wars, and I absolutely love that it's our sophisticated branch of Star Wars. So really happy about that.
I've always loved this story from Rogue One.

Andor Season Structure and Rogue One Connection

Even reading you know a couple novels. And then also the first season of Andor was just absolutely amazing.
um So I'm excited. like that we're like past the getting to know characters part. Because that was kind of the first three episodes in season one. And now we're just waiting to see what their future lies. So unbelievably excited.
i mean, it had everything, I think. a fan of the show in the first season of the show wanted obviously see we get shots of andor we get shots of like you said deidre cyril um we had a small glimpse of chronic in there sprinkled with the death star that was cool um we saw luthan real quick we saw a mon mothma dancing like she was living the life he was living that life right then So it was a lot of like, oh, it' I'm glad you brought that up.
The idea of like, oh yeah, this character, this character, this character. Like, let's get back to it. And like you're saying, we don't have to set that up now. Now we can just dive in. And with that, what they're saying though, too, is that these arcs are basically like a year. like, so like The first part, the first three episodes are like a year, you know, like a a year, you know, total ish.
And then the next one is a year from that. So it's basically like a year to year to year to year thing. So four years will transpire through these arcs total once we get done with it, which is cool. I think that's I think that was reported a long time ago, though, too, I believe.
you and I might have talked about it when we first started talking about Andor way back when, but this was the idea that obviously it's setting up to literally where we run, where we meet Andor in Rogue One.

Character Arcs in Andor

Right. Which is going cool. Like I'm excited to kind of just see this build up. Right. What, what did he do before that? We saw K2SO. K2. We didn't see a BB2.
No. Where's our droid? We kind of saw the back of Bix's head, right? Maybe that was Bix. I think there was, was that Bix when they were walking and then he clicked and then the big explosion? but I thought that was Bix.
No, I think that was somebody else. There was a part where there was like a lady with dark long hair, like ran up to him and hugged him. I was guessing that was Bix. Yeah, that was her. Yeah, that was her for sure.
and And I liked how it kind of had similar vibes to the first season trailer where we saw a lot of like from behind and then the like the character walking like forward and we're just kind of following them.
I like that. They're kind of keeping the keeping the same kind of like, you know, visuals that way, which I like that. I like that. Again, seeing Andor in a TIE fighter.
It's so cool. Yeah.
It was so great. i and Again, not a lot of dialogue, which was cool, which was fine. you know saw you know We got Saw Gerrera. was great. I'm interested to see his arc as far as we know where he goes, right? Because of Rebels. We know a lot of what happens kind of after after this series.
I'm interested to see, do we see why he has that breathing apparatus? Because from the shots that we got, and he doesn't have it yet. So I think they explained that in the one gin novel.
Do they? Okay. Like ah they went to go do something and like a building fell on them. So I wonder if we'll get like either post that in the show, you know, like just again, a little bit of that.
And for people that might not have read that book, maybe they either, i don't know if they show it or just they mention it. Right. That would be cool as well. So I love seeing Saw Gerrera. I mean, that character, you and I have talked about him. He's fascinating from Clone Wars to what we see in Rogue One to Rebels. Like, he's a fascinating character.
And then we know how his, you know, his path goes in Rogue One. And then Ma Mothma. I think i am most excited for Ma Mothma. And like what, like, a how does she get out of

Mon Mothma's Story Speculation

Because we know that's happened, right? And obviously, again, spoilers for anybody doesn't watch Rebels or Star Wars, but we know the Rebel crew got her out of Corsair.
I think was, what, season three or four, I believe? think four. Four, right? So we know they are a part of that. But right now we're into the lead up of her getting out. Right.
And we, you and I talked about when we were watching and or like. What, what, at what point does she leave? Because we find out in Andor that she has a family. She has a husband and she has a daughter.
A lot of people are speculating that that dance scene and that like um party scene that we see in the trailer is of her daughter's wedding, which would make a lot of sense because in obviously in last season, one of the last I think this last episode, we see that um that was whole marriage. yeah Right. The arranged one with that guy, the crooked.
um I think he's from San Chandrila. Yeah, right. Right. Right. So that that would make sense, right? But what happens, like, you and I have always, again, we've kind of mentioned, like, what happens to Perrin? What happens to her daughter? Do they stay? do they yeah Obviously, we only see Ma Mothma in Rebels.
But what happens to her husband, to her daughter? do Does she just leave them? Because that's, you know, you and i talked about, like, Perrin is not obviously, see with on the side of Mom Mothma.
he's He's definitely an Imperial siding dude. right That's why I think a lot of us don't like him.
We're not fans. But again, i i say all that because I'm so excited to see Mom Mothma. I think we're both big fans of her. I can't wait to see that arc. Do we get to the point where we see that like not the exact scene from rebels of her and the ghost crew, but like leading up to that. Right.
Do we get a mention of the ghost crew, like helping her escape, like the plan to get her out. Right. Are they mentioned right? Like now, I mean, to kind of track myself or check myself,
I believe in the and that Rebels episode, they didn't know was Mom Mothma. They just knew it was precious cargo. Yeah, correct. But I think ah if memory serves correct, Mom Mothma knew who was getting her, but the ghost crew didn't. So, like, again, it'd be cool. Obviously, I don't need to see Hera or any of them, right? We don't need that in Andor.
But I would love a mention. Right. And especially if we're doing like a four year period, they're a big part of what they do, especially towards Rogue One. Right. So like.

Potential Cameos in Andor

Maybe like if we get a shot of Yavin, maybe we see the ghost ship. Right. Just like in Rogue One. Right. We saw Chopper. Yeah. i yeah I don't know if we did see the ghost ship in Rogue One. I think we did. if im yeah it was there.
Wasn't Yeah, I feel like it was. was on Yavin? It was on Yavin. that We saw Chopper. and I think it was in the fight the fight um above Scarif, too, right? I think. If I'm not mistaken.
It might have been in in that montage, right? Anyway. But, again, as a Rebels fan, I would love to hear... mentions of them right of that of the feet i think is the phoenix squad were they phoenix i think at the was she the leader of the phoenix squadron i think or yeah it was uh season three that this all happened okay okay so yeah i mean we could definitely get a again those type of like hidden things in the show in the season like hey there's the ghost ship maybe we see chopper roll by again right that'd be cool i i'd be cool with that i don't need a harris and doula like cameo a zeb cameo but i just like the visuals though like just a little like yeah you guys know who this you know what that ship is you know who that droid is we can move on right
But i like this this journey of Mom Mothma, I think, in season one was, for for me anyway, I'll ask you, Ange, for me it was one of the more compelling storylines, right? I think beyond Andor's, because Andor's was great, and obviously it's his show.
But all the other storylines that are like surrounding him and that are intertwining with his, hers was the most interesting. I think her and Luthan, I think maybe the and the combination of the two,
But for me, I liked her that her story because, again, we we got so much information about her that we didn't know in season one. So I'm fascinated what we get into season two. So what do you think? I mean, is there any storyline or anything that you're looking forward to season two? Obviously, based off the trailer, like you're like, oh, yeah, I can't wait to see this or that or anything that intrigues you heading into this this last season.
I'm really interested in Luthan's story, i think, because we know there's nothing known of him after this time frame. That's good point. like, what happens to him, especially since he's so prevalent in the, seems like, the formation of the the rebels. So, like, yeah where where does he go? What happens to him? Maybe even a little bit more of a backstory as well, too.
So, yeah, and Stellan Skarsgรฅrd is just amazing performance wise. I think of like that get that scene when they're on that the top of that ah that building, that scaffolding and and his speech is so good in season one. So, you know, I'm excited. i hope we get some more information around Luthien's character.
And then I'm really intrigued with Deirdre's character as well, too, because to i just watched a scene with her, the one where she was trying to present what was going on on Farrick's in front of her one Imperial officer. And that other one was like trying to state that she was doing something incorrectly.
And, you know, you got to you got love a good. villain who knows they're a villain villain and accepts that and, and, you know, is going to do whatever they can to, to fit.
So I'm excited for her character as well, too. I'm glad that she's back.
Yeah, so, I mean, this is this is just, I love the, you know, like how you say the style that they're going to be doing, the three arcs, the three years, of all of that, because this was supposed to be, what, a four-season show, wasn't it, and initially? At some point, it could have been that. ya Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
But I'm glad they're kind of doing it this way, though, right? Like, I kind of like this format. Yeah. It's different. It's different than what we have usually gotten with other Star Wars. Oh, yeah. So I'm excited for for all of this. And you think we're going to see, like, some Jyn Erso? think we're going to get her with Saw Gerrera? You know?
i I wouldn't mind it. I mean, I would think you would have to. i mean, if you know, like from Rebel Rising and then even a little bit that I've read and this new book, she's with him most of the time. So. and Yeah, because we don't I mean, obviously, when we meet Jen, she is already like captured at the beginning of Rogue One.
and And Saw had left her. Right. And that was like, i can't remember what was it, how long that How long ago that was when he like left her. I kind of had to rewatch Rogue One, which, yeah, I like Rogue One too. We like Rogue One around here.
But that'd be interesting. I wouldn't mind it. But I don't know if I necessarily need it. i wouldn't It's one of those, I wouldn't mind. Just like, again, the Rebel stuff. Wouldn't mind it. Do I need it?
No, because I think the show on its own with the characters that they have set up, is fine, right? Like, it's gonna work regardless.

Tony Gilroy's Story-Driven Style

But I feel like Tony Gilroy isn't the type of guy that does cameos for cameos' sake or anything like that.
Right? Oh, absolutely not. he He, if it makes sense for his story, yes. If it doesn't, no. He's not goingnna he's not he's just not gonna do it.
I mean, he's kind of been clear about that, I think, in, like, interviews and stuff that, like, he's gonna tell his story. You know, like, there might be props. I mean, remember all the props in Luthan's, like, art gallery?
Like, it's not like he wrote that in. that's That's the story team, like, saying, hey, let's have this, this, and this, right? So, yeah again, i wouldn't mind it. I would love to see, I would love to see Jin.
Like, i that character is a very cool character, a very compelling character. Even though we know what happens to her, it'd be cool to get a little bit more. right what What was she doing before she got kidnapped?
Right? i mean and how I mean, again, in Rogue One, they know they know of her. so like do we find that out? right like yeah how How do they know of her? Does that get kind of tell? Again, do we need that? No, but I i would love it.
This might be this i be the perfect time to do something like that. Yeah. I'm in. I'm in for Jen. That'd be cool. do you want Is there any other character that you want to see? Like for me, Bail Organa.
Bail Organa. Give me Bail. Give me Bail. It would make sense. He has to show up. I think it's been reported. I'm pretty sure it's been reported that he's in this season. Really?
I mean, why not? He should be. i mean, it's frequent it's Jimmy Schmitz. Come on. like We love that man. Number one. Number two, it's Bail Organa. He is an important piece of this whole thing.
Even Mothma, right? they mean they With Luthan, I feel like Mothma and Bail were more of like the front end and Luthan was kind of that behind the scenes guy that was a lot of the architect stuff, right?
Yeah, hopefully we get to kind of see some more of that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I agree. And again, how does Bale figure into all this? When did Bale Mon kind of...

Hopes for Character Reunions in Andor

start this whole thing. I mean, obviously that book, maybe we'll explain it because it's basically, you know, with that Reign of the Empire book, it so it's basically the like right after everything.
Right after, her yeah. So, I mean, we'll probably get maybe some answers in that book a little bit. But again, in this, we could really see how connected Mon and Bael right, like in this whole situation. so i I would love it. Bale would be one. Anybody else for you that you wouldn't mind seeing? mean, it could even be like a senator or anything. I mean, do you want a Palpatine or anything like that? Mention?
or not Palpatine, but like, you know, the ah like any of that. Do you want? Darth Vader?
i mean, why not? We get Krennic. We get the Death Star shots. Right? You're not wrong. You're not wrong. Again, it's one of those, i don't mind it. Do I need it?
No. Because I feel like a Darth Vader like cameo would just overwhelm the the the series overall, right? want to see a sophisticated Darth Vader.
You know? I do. I do. That'd ah i be good. Again, you're not wrong because with Krennic, we know the history they have.
Exactly. would work. and we would work Can you see a Thrawn? Oh, God. Don't even tease me with that. as He's in the Empire right now, right? He is, and he's he's completely against the Death Star being built. He's, you know, working on his TIE Interceptors.
That's not going to happen, Lauren. No, I know, but I would love a mention. Again, it could be a mention, right? It could be a conversation that Krennic is having somebody about, hey. An up-and-coming Admiral.
Grand Admiral Thrawn is doing this on Lothal. Like, I would take that in a heartbeat. That's not going to But again, I know it's not. Tony Gilroy's not going to write it for you know for my Rebels love.
But i again, you could. It's not out of the realm of possibilities. right mean All these things are in play. Right. Based on the timeline that we're in, it's all in play.
Right? So...
Yeah, I just... There's so much possibility. and I know, but there's so much... a lot A lot of possibilities. But, again, just to focus on the characters that we know, though, I am excited to just see how this all plays out, right? Like, Bix. Like, what what happens to them after Andor? Like, goes... You know, obviously, we know Andor goes to get Jyn or whatever. or Yeah, I think Brasso was in the preview, wasn't he?
Yes, he was, too. Yeah. So, like, I hope we kind of get a... closure for those characters like where we leave them off before Andor kind of does his thing for Rogue One right like what what that that I'm excited to see too like where did they go where are they hiding right because we really don't know where they went so and then like is does Bix get into the fight with Andor Do you think you see Andy Serkis' character, Kino Loy?
Do you think he made it?

Andy Serkis' Possible Return as Kino Loy

Do you think he he learned how to swim in that moment and made it? i would I would love it. i mean, Andy Serkis. Give me more Andy Serkis than Star Wars.
I don't know. It'd be interesting. I mean, obviously, a lot of people want him back. um I don't know. i I feel like for that arc, which was one of the best arcs and star like in any Star Wars content that we have gotten, arc was amazing. I feel like it would just diminish.
I don't want to diminish, but like that arc was so powerful on itself. like His speech to the whole facility and everything, like you know one way out, like it was just too good. Yeah.
kind of let it go, right? in me Maybe they mention that if he survives or not, I don't know if I need to see him. I'll take a mention again. We saw Melchie, speaking of.
Yeah, he's in Andor. Right, so we saw him. i mean can be interested he's in He's in Rogue One. I'm sorry. He's in Rogue One. Right, right, right. So we know he survives, but again, we get that we see we saw a shot of him.
um anybody else that you want to see or any like again mention like a something that we know that's happening during this time is k2 when he shows up is he gonna be like an actual like you know yeah imperial like when does his mind shift change you know because that was in the didn't they do a run of that in a comic i don't remember I feel like it they did or in a book.
But again, are they beholden to that stuff? they Obviously in the past they don't really quote unquote follow canon per se. so Never. I mean but they veer off of it sometimes. From a certain point of view they do some stuff, right?
So that'd be interesting. I mean I i think
I don't know if we'll get like the exact moment that he gets K2 and like, you know, does the whole switcheroo, but I'm excited to see K2 though.
That'll be fun. Me too. Always great. One-liners love the delivery. Always so good. Yeah, no, he's a fantastic character. How did

Trailer's Contemporary Song and Its Impact

you feel? And so the trailer, again, the trailer was great visually and everything like it, it hit the mark, a lot of action, right? I mean, it was like back to back to back action scenes.
Yeah. How did you feel about, again, in a trailer, Star Wars trailer, you the use of contemporary music? Did that bother you at all? were you pumped up as I was for it?
um It took a minute for me to be okay with it. It's always kind of jarring. like It just doesn't seem like it fits. It's so jarring when it happens.
But the placement of it and then like the the explosion and how it all went together was really great. But yeah, when it first came around, I was like, this is, surprise it surprised me, to be honest. So, but it fits.
So apparently, so that song is called The Revolution Starts Now by a Stephen Earl, I believe. And this was a, apparently i was listening to, shout out to Force Center, because they they were talking about this on one of their live streams.
but believe But I believe the song that, again, this is it was was by Stephen Earl, and I think it's called The Revolution Starts Now. And it was a song regarding, like, it was it was like an anti-Iraq at the time, like us going into iir Iraq.
Like, it was an anti-Iraq song. Yeah, it says it was released 2004. Yes. Yeah. So it was like a again, like a anti-war song and everything like that. So again, in Star Wars being Star Wars, it's political.
People, if you don't want to believe it, I don't know what to tell you. Let's keep our politics out of Star Wars. Some people say they obviously don't know Star Wars. yeah Clearly. Clearly.
So i i think it's just interesting the choice of song that they used. Right? Because, I mean, it fits and or, right? Because it is. that the What...
At this point of the story for him, the revolution is starting now. Yeah. I mean, it's full throttle revolution right now. So it's a fitting song for the for the for the show.
And it's obviously fitting for our time right now. So it's all very interesting to me. The choice of song. I loved it. I know, again, and I'm with you. Like, I understand...
Where it's like that first time it's contemporary in a Star Wars... Like, hearing it with Star Wars stuff going on. It's like... I don't know. Like, I get that. But, like, for me, i don't... It's different, like, if it was in the show... i would probably feel a lot different.
But because it's in a trailer... and Like, i don't I don't care. Like... i start, like... it doesn't have to be... ah star wars trailer Star Wars trailers don't have to be the same, right?
Like, for, like i mean, like Obi-Wan or Ahsoka, like, the the the the Williams, John Williams music, right?
That fits what those series was trying to portray. It fit more of that. Andor is a very non-Star Wars-y Star Wars show, right? I mean, if that makes sense.
Like, it's It's not a typical Star Wars show. Well, I mean, also, like, this song choice is, like, kind of like a... I guess you could say, like, a deep cut, right? We're not hearing, like, ACDC or, like, Led Zeppelin or, like... You know, it's not, like, something that's commercialized. so yeah um So it fits with this type of story.
So, yeah. like It took me a minute to be like, oh, we're... This is this is English. Yeah.
And not at sea. ah But it's going to be, but I like, yeah, I liked it I think it was cool. Now, how did you feel about,
the Like the quotes or like the little like critically acclaimed... push of this isn't like your typical Star Wars. This is an adult critically acclaimed Star Wars. I mean, they've been pushing that a lot.
And honestly, i don't... Maybe it's to entice new watchers is what I think. Oh, 100. I'm with you on that. It is. Yeah. yeah um Like for us type of fans...
It's not going to do anything for us. For even like those fans that suck and like are like, oh, Anto is so boring. I tried to watch the first two episodes. I couldn't even get through it.
Like that's not going to really go like fix them either. I think it's just trying to draw in. And it goes to the article we're about to talk about. ah You know, they're trying to reach different generations and throughout different with different shows. And I think this is just kind of going for that.
That rabid TV series watcher. That person that constantly wants to see the new show and comment on the new show and stuff like that. I think that's who it's gearing towards. Right. Not necessarily a quote-unquote Star Wars fan, but just someone who likes to take in shows.

Marketing Strategy of Andor's Trailer

think you're 100% spot on. I think that's what it was...
i think that's what it i think that's what it was Doing that was what why they did it. It felt like again as a trailer with the with those little like, you know, critically acclaimed and all that stuff.
It felt like more like of a TV spot. Yeah. Does that make sense? Because and again, I know other people have have brought this idea up as well that it felt more of like a TV spot more than like a quote unquote like trailer.
So I'm interested to see how like the next trailer we get for it ah comes out. Right. Because that's the official. That will be the official one. I know this is like the I think I think it's marked as official, but like we'll get another one before it starts.
So that'll be interesting to see how that one. i do want to say this my entire life, even from being like a teenager to now, I've always been very skeptical when trailers have quotes of ah reviews in shows. And I always look to see like who that quote is from.
And if it's not from like a reputable like media, then I'm like, I think this might be crap. That's fair. like that that push of people are saying this to try to like coax you in a saying like oh well it's got to be good has always made me like pause and be like o i don't know so that that i i'm not a fan of like putting in reviews in trailers i'm 100 with you on that that was the only thing that i felt as in the for the trailer overall that's the only thing that i was like guys i don't think you needed like one or two okay you know like
But like they did it like multiple times, multiple times. It's like, all right, dude, you get it. But like you're saying, and like you said, they did it for a specific purpose. Like they're doing it to entice the non-Star Wars fan that just likes to watch television and wants to watch what's coming out next, right? Like...
My other red flag that ah something is going to be bad is when they used to do an HBO first look. If they did an HBO first look, the movie was garbage.
Swear to God. You're not wrong. And I got really nervous when Peacock did like a first look for Wicked. And I was like, ah it's probably not going to be good. But it was amazing. So fair what an HBO first look is a kiss of death, I think. Yeah.
ah You're not wrong, though. I think you're right. That's a good point. That's a really good point. But, I mean, again, I think knowing what we got in season one and knowing that it's everybody's back, obviously, for it. Nothing really changed for season two. Like, is it going to be ah another big like it's going to be banger. Like, we know this. Like, it's going to be so good.
and i'm And I'm excited. I'm excited for this season. Like, I just... where they could go with it the things that they could do are pretty might i mean some people might say it's limited because we know what happens but not really like they can do a lot of things yeah that never that never stops me from feeling like a good story is about to be told agreed no agreed 100 i agree with you i and Any final thoughts on the trailer or anything you want to bring up that caught your eye or anything?
Oh, this promotional poster that they also brought out of Andor's face. with it When you're zoomed in at first, it almost looks like some sort of Renaissance painting. But when you zoom out and you can see like the Death Star um like peeking through, it is chef's kiss.
So good. I love when Star Wars posters just have this artistic flair behind them. Phantom Menace, Anakin standing with the Darth Vader shadow.
Just perfect. So um big fan of this one as well, too. Yeah, poster's great. I mean, it's amazing artwork. So, yeah, I just, it's, I'm excited. Like, guy this got me pumped up.
This got me excited to get back into this specific show with these specific characters, right? And now I'm so, like, in my head, I'm like, God, I can't wait to watch Andor, right, through its entirety, and then watch Rogue One.
Like just seeing the progression of this character, right? Even though we know how it ends, being able to watch it in that like that was span of time, that it's going to be cool. Like I'm excited to do to do that once this is all wrapped up. Like it's going to be it's gonna be amazing. I can't wait.
I can't wait. Alright, so moving on from Andor Season 2 trailer, we have some breaking news or news that it's...

Kathleen Kennedy's Role and Succession

Yeah, duh, people. it's yeah This is so ridiculous.
But I want to talk about it because i find I find it all interesting. I find this whole situation... Just ah well, a nauseating for one, right? Two, it's just so old that it's just like, it's, it's just ridiculous that we have to keep talking about this specific topic, which is again, it was reported that again, how they spun it.
was that Kathleen Kennedy was being like, quote unquote, pushed out and is out and is retiring because they're pushing, they're forcing her to do that. Who will take over? year Right, where right, right, right.
So again, how many times have we seen this headline, Ange? A lot. And it's, it's old and it never happens. Right. The person that, okay, so Deadline, so this is the articles from Deadline.
It was written by Mike Fleming Jr. Shout out to Mike. I think he did a fabulous job in this article with the questions that he had for Kathleen. It was great. I especially love the beginning of this when he basically calls out the person that reported this, you know, putting her to pastures, as he called it um by this puck report ah gentleman by the name of Matt Balani. don't know, whatever. Matt mad is not a cool person in my opinion.
I don't know personally, I'm just going say that based on what he was reporting and based on that he has done this before previously about reporting on this you know Kathleen Kennedy whole situation, right?
So couple of things, well, more than a couple of things. There's a lot, there's a lot into this article that to talk about, but the first thing is obviously Kathleen, like obviously Mike asked her like, Hey, there's been all these speculative reports.
What, what's the deal? What's, what's the truth um that, you know, the next person's who's going to take over and everything. And her answer was very, you know, PR, but, you know, she said, the truth is, I want to just say loud and clear, I'm not retiring.
But then she goes, I will never retire from movies. So it's one of those, she's saying she's not retiring from movies, but that doesn't mean that she's not retiring from Lucasfilm eventually. and and And again, in the article, as you read,
She does say that again. Yeah, she this has been going on for like probably the past couple of years. It seems like like she's been talking to Bob and Alan about, hey, let's start setting up succession.
Great. She's not Emperor Palpatine. She's not like I'm going to run Lucasfilm to the day I die. And then I'm going to try to figure out how to live past my death and still run Lucasfilm.
She's not ever doing that.
Contrary to popular opinion, she's not doing that. What was that thing? Kathleen Kennedy has a project sender. And here's the thing.
Okay, there's a lot in the article. We're going to get to it because there's a lot of other things besides this whole stupid reporting that she's being forced out and everything. But the it's just the fact that the people that have wanted her to quote unquote get fired or retire and somebody else taking over.
Did you really think that with if they, if Lucasfilm or if she retired forcefully or not, whatever, right? If this is, if that's what you think is going to happen or what or has wanted that to happen.
Do you really think Lucasfilm is going to be like, okay, Let's just and do everything and anything you guys have ever wanted. You want a rated R Darth Vader movie? Here you go.
You want this and that? Here you go, kids. We're going to give you everything and anything you want. You are a bunch of morons if you think that's what's going to happen. Right? Like, do you really think that she is not that she would not be a part of, like she said in an article, she's a part of the process of bringing in the person that's going to succeed her.
Just like George, and she mentions this in the article, George picked her Picked her. Do people not understand that? I don't how many times we gotta say this.
George Lucas picked Kathleen Kennedy. Ha ha ha. 13 years ago, kids. I don't know what else you want to say about that, but he picked her.
For a reason. And now she's doing the same thing. The fandom didn't pick her, Lauren. That's what they're saying. I know. And it's so stupid, is it not? Like, it's so irritating that this happens every, like, two years, every year.
Anytime a show comes out, honestly, or a movie, and if it flops and does good, i mean, it always... it's Right. It's a vicious, like stupid circle that never ends.
But I do like in this article that she says this just isn't a Star Wars thing. This is a ah um movie society thing going on right now. The scrutinizing of what everybody does in the process of things. So, um yeah, it's just people need to take it easy, guys.
It's not that serious. It's not that serious. And you're not going to get your rated R Darth Vader movie. So calm the F down. You're not. You're like, just stop. Speaking of rated R movies, I heard for a second that that Jurassic Park rebirth was going to be rated R. And I was like, that has to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard. I got to I'm going to sneeze. Pause.
Now, I think that's supposed to be. I thought it was PG-13, but could be wrong. It is PG-13, but there are kids out there saying like, oh, it's going to be rated R for the blood. Like, again, people who... Check your sources.
This is where media literacy comes in Find the proper channels to watch. Find the proper sources to read. Don't read your Doobros YouTube channel and think that what they're saying is gospel.
They don't have sources anywhere. They make the shit up just for the clicks. Listen, I just want to say this real quick. Ready? Jurassic Park, The Sixth Sense, Indiana Jones, E.T., Munich, Lincoln, The Color of Purple, War of the Worlds, Poltergeist, Schindler's Back Future, Back to the Future,
These are all projects and things that Kathleen Kennedy has yeah been participated in, been assigned to, promoted, produced, all those types of things. Like, yeah it hurt is her resume not good enough for people?
Or is it just because she's a woman? it's It's all the above. It's wild. Right. It's it's amazing. and And again, shout out to this Mike Fleming, the gentleman that wrote this article, basically calling the guy that did the article saying that she was you know being put to pasture.
He's basically like saying, ah no, you're wrong. She's first ballot Hall of Famer in sports talk, which she is. like She is a one of...
one of one. There's not many other, if you really look at it, producers outside of her that have done so many like just overall work like and then the grossing money of those projects like There's not many that can that have outdone her, if any.
Yeah. And, you know, in this article, she also says, like, she's a filmmaker, like, first and foremost, then than an executive. Being an executive has been like is is not in her wheelhouse, but she's capable of doing it because she has so much passion for film and for the industry.
um So to say like, oh, God, I just can't even I can't. I can't stand how women have to work 10 times, 20 times harder. can we play the man by Taylor Swift in the background?
ah I can't take it anymore. again, basically, but again, I, it's, it's annoying that again, this comes up every time. And so she addressed it though.
And so basically she's been like, like we were talking about, she has, she's, This has been like when she is when she retires, she will make that announcement.

Star Wars Films Under Kennedy's Leadership

Right. Not some Joe blow from some stupid, you know, whatever is going to like scoop it and say that she's retiring.
Stop it, people. Just stop it. OK. this is an exclusive from Deadline. like This article um that Mike Fleming Jr. did is an exclusive. so but like Within this article, if you read the entire thing, and the the succession plan has been in the works and it's getting closer For years. yeah Yeah, it's getting closer to the the change of the guard, I guess you could say. Not her retiring, not her getting fired, but ah the the handover of...
lucasfilm from her to the next so it just is like george it's yeah it's it's happening it's not like breaking news it's not it's happening it's these are the this is the life cycle of business and why people think like there's negative intent or anything around it is is crazy It's ridiculous. Like, just in again, for them to for some people to spin it like, oh, they, you know, they're not happy with her. Shut up.
Yeah, shut up. Shut up. You don't know that. Like, hey, is could there be some people that aren't happy with? Yes, of course. Probably. that's business.
That's business, right? But they're not firing her. Bob and Alan, they're not firing her because she has not done a good job. Need we remind you that each Star Wars film has grossed, I believe in the article says, like $6 billion. dollars Billion.
With a B, people. With a B. an M for millions. Billions. Billions. and you don't And you think that that's not good enough? Six billion dollars?
And I like how Mike did bring up like this idea of... like he cut not not he He didn't compare her, but he brought up like Kevin Feige and like Marvel and how like you know sometimes things happen. and and it's true.
Like... You're not going to bat a thousand. Right? Now, again, you and I have always talked about we find the good in any Star Wars content that we get, right?
Has it always been bangers? Has it always been great? No, of course. It's the laws ah of physics, laws of whatever. like You're not going to get a home run every time.
And in reality, I only think there was one that missed. Only one. i I do not think the Acolyte was miss. I do not think that The Last Jedi was miss.
I don't think Solo was miss. I think that what some of those things were just a complete tragedy to the... the Where we were. in Yeah, the environment that we're in right now.
But I will say that The Rise of Skywalker was a miss. You and I have talked about that. It it wasn't our... Not that it was a can complete and utter like trash movie.
It was harder for us to digest. Was that easy to way to say it no but Well, for me, I'll say for me, there's a lot of things in that movie that I did enjoy.
And same for you, probably. I think I could say, like, there's things in that movie that we enjoyed. But the overall, let's say the overall.
like you the the the The execution maybe wasn't the best. if it it did it did It flopped, honestly. like If you think of like how Avengers Endgame and Infinity War was able to tie up multiple stories and create an ending that um like drew excitement and but like not much criticism,
like The Rise of Skywalker just did not do that like whatsoever. It like literally dropped the ball. It was just like, oh, people don't like the way it's going. Let's just, it it it had no backbone whatsoever. It was terrible. Sorry.
No, that's fair. And that's, and that's, that's your opinion. Right. I mean, again, you and i I, remember seeing that movie you and I had a, We had questions after seeing it for the first time. We were like, okay, interesting.
But I think more of it, like, again, i there's a lot, again, I will say for me, there are parts of that movie that I just absolutely love and that it is quintessential Star Wars.
a lot of other things in it that I didn't jive with. 100%. We have talked about that. We're not going to rehash any of that stuff. But I think everything else is was great.
Excellent. Top tier. I was having fun the entire time. Made me think differently. Let's talk about the book of Boba Fett. It yeah really like was a rollercoaster ride. And in the end, it completely explained the the essence of like life and learning.
It was awesome. Right. And then people are like, oh, Boba Fett became he's woke and he's soft. Shut up. I agree. I mean, Mando has been great. Boba Fett has been great. Everybody's saying Mando season 3 sucked. That's crazy. i love That's one of my favorites. love Mando season 3. Yeah, me too. ah because i i like I love more the Mando stuff, which he's a freaking Mandalorian. So yeah, give me more lore of that stuff.
Again, Ahsoka for, again, maybe it's ups and downs a little bit. Loved it. like The overall execution was great. awesome it's fantastic obi-wan obi-wan was great i mean people stand we got an obi-wan invader fight like i know think about that under kathleen kennedy's watch under her her he got a ewan mcgregor and a freaking christian hayden like come back do you not understand people how fantastic that is i don't get it like and don't get it
and just It just bothers me. But again, she i think she is one of the best producers. You can't argue that. You really cannot. You can you could try to sell that to me, but I ain't buying.
Because of all her accolades that she has done outside of and including Star Wars, but even outside of Star Wars, you mentioned some of them. Hello, these are all-time classic movies.
all-time classic movies Like, what what are we talking about? So, i don't know. That's my two cents on that part of the like the article with her and what it means, you know, for the future. And again, like you said, this has been in the works for a while, which makes sense. i get yeah
Nobody said she was going to be there, like you said, until the day that she croaked, right? Like, Nobody expected that. Of course she's going to retire. as she should. And of course she's going to be part of the process bringing the next person in And do you think that person is going to be radically different?
Where they're going to like, yep let's do all star, you know, let's get that R-rated Vader. Let's get this and let's get that. That's not going to happen, people. Star Wars the Star Wars because of the people in it. Not just the person running it.
The storytellers. Mm hmm. Like, what are we like? What are we talking about? Anyway, I want to move on from kind of that part of the article to some of the films that are ah Star Wars movies that are still coming out.

Upcoming Star Wars Films and Projects

And the one that, um one of them that she brought up was the um Steve, is it Steve Levy? Yeah, Steve, Sean, I'm sorry, Sean.
Sean Levy's Star Wars movie, right? So she mentions this movie. She mentions, obviously, that they are in, she's obviously producing the Mandalorian movie, right?
The Sean Levy movie is is coming. That's She confirmed that. And then I think the other one that they mentioned was... She mentioned... Simon Kinberg making a deal to write the Star Wars trilogy.
Which we talked about that um previously because he was part of Rebels. Which mentioned that he was part of the animated stuff. So James Mangold pre-story.
Yep. Yep, yep, yep. So... And she's producing all of those. So yeah, she's not leaving anytime soon. And when she's good and ready to retire, she'll retire.
But the Sean Levy one I find interesting. So we obviously we know the Mando movie. We know that. Cool. We know that's coming. Right. The Levy one is interesting because that's the one that supposedly, Andrea, Ryan Gosling is supposed to be a part of.
I can't. this is what i wanted to ask you well i mean ryan gosling he you know if this was pre-barbie right if this was pre-barbie right this is if this was blade runner ryan gosling if this was uh what was the other one not baby driver the other one whatever right right yeah
um I would be on board. But he has become this blockbuster mainstream
actor. And I don't know, that always feels awkward in Star Wars movies. I mean, i i have with that yeah yeah i've i mean, even Jude Law was kind of a stretch for me a little bit.
So. I mean, like yeah i like Ryan Gosling. I think he's great.
I watched La La Land. Right. I hate that movie. I hate that ending. I've never seen it. Oh, my God. want me to tell you what happens? They don't end up together. It's ridiculous.
ah love that. It's so ridiculous. Here's my thing. I'm with you. Ryan Gosling is a great actor. Let's let's get that out. He's a great actor.
I mean, look at his Barbie just alone. What a what what a ah acting performance he did.
Oh, my gosh. And then what he did at the Oscars last year is singing that song. He seems down to earth, again, just outside looking in. We don't know him personally, but he seems cool.
But i I'm with you to the point where it's like, is he too cool? too up there and will it take me out of a Star Wars movie like when it was reported and we talked about this a long time ago that Patty Jenkins wanted Brad Pitt in that Rogue Squadron movie. right Like, no, thank That would took me out of the movie. No, thank you.
So I don't know if it's... I don't know if Ryan...
i'm torn because i like you say, I'm with I love Ryan Gosling. I just have to see like again, i got to give me a trailer with him. Well, first of all, let me just say, obviously, I know she's saying it's coming, but like it's not obviously confirmed that Ryan Gosling is going to be in it.
So I'm one of those, like, I'll see it when I believe it, when he's either a, you know, on set picture or when I see him in the trailer. Right. I don't. Nothing's confirmed, but it's been speculated again. Deadline.
A lot of people have reported it. So the the upper echelon of reporting are saying that, you know, he's in it. He's going to be in it.
And we don't know like how big of a role is he starring in it. yeah Again, that's... I mean, I don't know why he wouldn't be, but like... I find it, though. So, Ryan Gosling aside, it's a standalone movie that takes place five to six years after episode nine.
I'm fascinated with the timeline. I'm very fascinated with the timeline. Like, where, what, I wonder, like, what that's gonna be. Are we gonna, like, where, yeah, like, ah Sean Levy Star Wars movie will be fun. I think I'm i'm with it.
I'm just fascinated with it being a standalone and taking place after episode nine, five to six years after episode nine. Because I think the Rey movie is supposed to take, what'd they say, ten years post-nine?
Yeah. Right? And that's supposed to, again, that's supposed to still be happening as far as we know. That's being done. ah Like Daisy really has kept saying and they keep saying it's happening.
So I'm interested ah in what this movie could be. What are your, what, when you read the information that we read in this article, where do you go with all of it as far as timeline and anything like that? What do you got? A standalone after five years after of Skywalker, i even can't wrap my brain around it.
I can't. I can't wrap my brain around what is going on in the Star Wars universe at that moment in time. I just cannot. And so doing a standalone movie...
Maybe like a kind of one-off, like if you think of like Andor or Solo, like I can get done with it. Like i I like that feeling, right? I don't need a trilogy.
um So, you know, I think that would be pretty exciting, but I think it would be exciting. critiqued and um ah it just would be very interesting.
But you know what? I want to go back to into the theater and see a Star Wars movie. you know Me too. let's do it. We know Mando that's coming to theater so that would be it.
And again, according to the article she said that as see she she's already producing the Mando and then the Sean Levy film is after that.
So no mention of the Ray, but ah again, assuming that is. Yeah, there was no mention of Ray in this article. Right.

Speculation on Sean Levy's Standalone Film

Right. Which I find, again, interesting, but I don't, that does, again, i just take that with, that's not the one next up.
Right. Like. We got Mando coming out. When when does that movie even come out? Is it this year? I think 2026. and So we know that's going to be 2026. Then it sounds like Sean's movies after that. And then maybe after that, that's the Daisy movie, which would kind of make sense maybe with the I mean, because that would be 10 years.
and Well, they said the James, they did mention the James Mangold movie, which is the prequel. And um he's been tied up because he did the Dylan movie and like with Oscar season right now. That's like, but it does sound like he's free. Like his schedule is open to continue on with Star Wars coming up. So I would guess that would be after the Sean Levy movie.
with ryan gosling sounds so weird doesn't it again what would he be what would he be he'd be what do you what would he be i don't know we'll find out what would he what would he what can ryan gosling be in a star wars universe i mean he could be like a pilot yeah a pilot or a rebel whatever or but that yeah Yeah, i mean, you can do that.
Is he a force user? No. He can't be one. i but not be but I do wonder if this standalone... It's not an article, but wonder if the standalone will set up anything for the Rey stuff.
It seems like... Because she did mention that there will be characters from... Yes, that's true. Right. She did mention that there will be some um sequel trilogy characters...
In that movie. So we'll set up kind of maybe where we're like you're saying where we're at within the galaxy, like what's happening and all that. Yeah, she said ah that it's pretty much new characters. We may bring some of the characters back from the sequel saga is what she said, but pretty much new characters.
So that'd be good. I mean, again, I'm i'm down for small sequel trilogy cameos, but new stuff. I'm down. I'm down. And then it sounds like the Simon Kiberg stuff is really the next like trilogy stuff. Because obviously what was reported, and it sounds like she's kind of confirming, is that he's doing a three movie like arc or whatever.
right with I don't know what character, but obviously that's not talked about. But that sounds like his movies are the next like trilogy Star Wars films that we'll get.
The ones that we're getting coming out, like the Mando stuff is a standalone. The um Sean movies are standalone. And then again, we're still getting the Dave Filoni, I think that got mentioned in the article, the Dave Filoni movie that's Wrapping everything up in the Mando Ahsoka universe or whatever. Right. So.
I don't again, i don't know when that stuff will come out as far as the, you know, the Dave Filoni thing or the Daisy stuff or even

Star Wars Film Timeline and Future Projects

James stuff. But it's not again from what the article saying Mando. I've seen Grogu's next. We know that.
And it sounds like the Sean movie is going to be after that. That's what it seems the order from reading between the lines here. That's the order of movies. And then again, she mentions all those other ones um that will be coming out as well. So again, a lot of interesting, a lot of interesting stuff. Again, I really liked Mike Fleming here, his questions to her, right? I think they were really good and she gave some really good answers and interesting answers. So
um anything else and in this article that kind of popped out to you you want to mention or that kind of grabbed your attention that she said or anything from a certain question anything that pop pops out to you ah The very end, he just says, well, you step out of the Lucasfilm boss as Lucasfilm's boss this year.
and she said, we really don't know at this stage. There's so much going on. I don't know. and it says, when it happens, who will make the decision? And she said, me. It's my decision. This is 100% decision.
So a good way to just finalize exactly and shut down all the chatter about what's happening with her and her her future. You know, it's it's in her hands, which is as it should be.
Agreed. Agreed. And it should be her decision. She's earned that. one hundred percent 100%. Right. And again, i like this. ah i Again, like we talked about earlier. I like the idea of her kind of.
and she does She's not saying she's handpicking. It's her and like obviously a group of people. But that she's in the in the room making and trying to set up that. like you know I like that.
Again, it's very george lu George picked her. So now she is helping... Picking the the next person. but so Again, from what this article saying, that's what it sounds like is going to happen.
So that's great. So, yeah, all you haters are probably still going to hate when she leaves Star Wars. Because, newsflash, you already hate Star Wars. And or you hate your life, and so you just want trash Star Wars.
I don't know what your deal is, but... You're probably still going to write these articles on whoever the new boss will be. it's just going to you know, take out Kathleen Kennedy's name and put in this new person's name. You know, trolls going to troll.
I really hope in all honesty, my like dream scenario is that it's another female.

Future Leadership at Lucasfilm

but That da is Daisy Ridley. Like, I would absolutely love if it's an if it's a female. I would love it. ah yeah It could be because there's a lot of, there's females in that, organ like within Lucasfilm.
Yeah. ah For animated, ah what's her name? yeah um Carrie. Is it Carrie? What is her name? God. yeah it's She works close with Filoni.
So like, yeah. yeah Yeah. she could be it. There's a lot of people like there's there's people that female um that could get it and I would love it.
This world hates women. And i like I like how he did bring up in the article he asked her about you know Dave Filoni and she's just like it I don't know. I can't tell you. how can i yeah right i But hey, kudos for him asking because that i mean that's everybody was would be thinking the same thing. So I mean i appreciate the ah question.
right So I mean, whatever. ah Again, I know people are like Dave, Dave, Dave. and we ah We like a lot of Dave stuff. It's it's not always a grand slam him with him. But creatively and storytelling-wise, he's very good.
I like it. I like a lot of his stuff. He's very knowledgeable. I don't... Does he want...
want like i mean I don't feel, again, just from the outside, i don't feel like he's like, yeah, I'll run it. like he's To me, I feel he is more of a creative, like, let me tell the stories. I don't care about anything else, right? About, you know, the the the overhead, like, of Lucasfilm.
I just want to tell a Star Wars stories. But that's the vibe I get from him. Yeah, my vibe from him is that he wants to preserve George's legacy.
100%. I mean, again, he was like his right-hand person. So that would make 100% sense that he he wants to keep intact the stories that he and George would would write.
As did Kathleen Kennedy. Thank you. As did Kathleen Kennedy. Like, ugh. Anyway. I wish I could meet her. I would too.
Honestly, I would love to and just say thank you. Yeah, I agree. Like, she brought a character like date like Daisy, really like Rey, brought a female Jedi to, like, be a prominent character.
But you know what? That's what George wanted. Right. Right. its Like people, do you not read articles? Do you not listen to George interviews? Like that's what he wanted. Right.
He had this all like that was his vision of what like after Luke, who would be? It'd be a female bill like Jedi.
it's It just blows my mind that like, oh the, you know, anti Kennedy people some of them are like, you know, this is this is not what George wanted. Yeah, it is, dude.
And if you really want to talk real about George, he wanted probably way more weirder shit than you would want in your Star Wars. Yeah. and when he And when he was around, y'all didn't like him either.
Right. Either way. So, like, choose a lane. Choose a lane. Like, pick your poison. Because you look stupid either way. But, like, regardless.
And final thoughts. Anything before we wrap up? Um, no. i I love Star Wars, man. You know, there's something about it that is... It's the probably the nostalgia of it, the feeling of it, right? It's just so warming. And ah the expansion of this world, these worlds, the world building is just so good. So, you know, i just... If...
When if and when or when Kathleen Kennedy steps aside and in and announces a new successor, I just I just hope it's someone that that cares about Star Wars the way I care about Star Wars.
I mean, it's all it comes down to. And the way that she did, the way that George did, the way that Dave Filoni does. And again it's yeah that again, that's just the whole thing. like They're not going to hire somebody that has opposite viewpoint of what is already established in Lucasfilm.
You're not going to get, you know, name whatever person and they're going like, all right, this is what we're going to do. We're going to rewrite everything. We're going to do some really rated R. Again, like you're not going to get...
anything different you're not going to get a vader movie people i know i know knights of the old republic was like a really big thing for people in the middle of this lull of when we didn't have star wars but that doesn't mean that it needed to like transcend time and keep going like let's move past the old republic the knights of the old republic Or even like Mara Jade.
Everybody's like, let's bring all these, you know, those. Yeah. like So you want Luke's girlfriend who's a redhead to show up.
This is what you want. You want his love interest. like What kind of story is that? What story is that? Yeah, it was cool probably in the book, but it doesn't make sense.
Was it cool in the book? No. It's true. right you probably you've read though i mean you've read some that stuff i haven't like i don't like again she's not a character that i was can get behind honestly she wasn't like oh man she's like it just i she was she's okay yeah i'm not again i'm not yucking anybody's yum if you're into that stuff but like it's fine like if marriage age you're you're kink or whatever cool like but like Does it make sense? like if you Honestly, if people could be honest about themselves and be like, would Mara Jade make sense in what they have established?
No. No, it wouldn't. Well, they want to change what has been establish established. Right. They want to erase time. It's just so stupid. It's so stupid. You can't do that.
It's so dumb. It's so dumb. Anyway. Alright kids, that's it. That's a show. our season 2 coming. We're pumped. We're excited. can Can't wait. not retiring because she's been being put to the past years contrary to popular opinion she's staying in Lucasfilm until she she is ready to officially announce that she is retiring and to name the successor so that's the news of the month so far for Star Wars ah April
uh when april hits man we'll do so we're probably gonna do andor stuff so i'm excited and well we have celebration too like celebration celebration right on the they actually andor will be on the heels of celebration yep so yep yep a lot of news will be coming out of uh tokyo so very excited for that And we'll buy it. We're going to talk about all that stuff too. ah Once we read The Reign of the Empire, Mask of Fear, we might do a book review because it's kind up our alley. Yeah, it's great.
Political Star Wars and we're into that sort of stuff. So we'll see. But lot stuff coming down the pipe, kids. ah So get excited. We're excited. New Star Wars content is always fun. And we're jazzed.
And who knows what, like Andrea, like you said, celebration is going to bring. New animation? question Like, I'm ready for some new animation. Well, what we we know we're getting Visions 3.
So that's gonna be cool. God, I love i've had Visions. I love all that. that stuff That's good stuff, too. That's good Star Wars. right, that's it. That's the show. Andrea, anywhere you want people to follow you anymore?
I hate social media.
That's not true. I'm on Instagram. You can follow me on Instagram at R2D2step. On Instagram. That's about it. And you can follow the Galactic Podcast and all the social medias minus, well, we don't we're not active on that former Twitter site.
on blue sky around instagram uh i'll start posting more on that so we can maybe get active and into the scene a little bit more then you can follow me loran remote at lower nose at blue sky guess instagram i really don't really post on instagram lot but blue sky i'm probably more on there than anywhere else Alright, that's it. That's the show. And as always, may that force be with you.
Always. Always.