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Episode 146- The Bad Batch Recap Season 3 Episodes 13-14  image

Episode 146- The Bad Batch Recap Season 3 Episodes 13-14

The GALactic Podcast
115 Plays10 months ago

Welcome to The GALactic Podcast! In this episode, Andrea and Lauren chat about The Bad Batch Season 3 episodes 13 and 14! The end is upon us Batchers!. What will happen in the finale?! Omega being a straight BOSS! Where do we go after the series concludes? They talk these topics and much more Go listen and enjoy!

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Introduction and Pop Culture Catch-up

Hi everyone and welcome to the Galactic Podcast. I am Lauren Romo with me as always is my cousin and fellow nerd, Andrea Gutierrez. Yo, yo, yo. Right sons. Tortured poets department.

NFL Draft and NFC North Analysis

We're on the Taylor Swift kid. I'm behind. Man. The new album. I gotta catch up. We were just talking about that. There's not much in pop culture I don't keep up with.
Besides Taylor Swift and BTS?

Star Wars Focus and Other Topics

Well, yeah. I mean, but I haven't... Did you watch that Fallout show? I didn't watch it. No, not yet. Everybody's, again, Rant and Raven about it. I know. If someone's Rant and Raven, I feel like I gotta watch it. Yeah, that and Shogun. I don't know if you watched that. I told you I'd try to, but I wasn't in the mood to read subtitles, so... Fair. No, that's fair. That's fair. It's a really good

Bad Batch Series Finale Discussion

show. But now that it's all over, maybe I'll binge it one weekend.
Yeah, they're like, it's on, if you have the Hulu Disney bundle, it's on C Plus. I don't think I do. Okay. I have everything else. Okay, it's on Hulu, obviously too, so you can watch it. The draft this weekend, bro? It's huge. Let me tell you. We're both big football fans. Our teams, our rivals. I'm an Alliance fan, you are a Packers fan.
I will say this. This is quick NFL talk, kids, because this is our podcast. This is what we're going to do real quick.
The NFC North is going to be the toughest division in the league next year. Hands down. Hands down. If you look at all the offensive, the teams and their offenses, the Lions were stacked last year and we didn't lose anybody as far as key players. The Packers, again, same deal like the Lions. Yeah. Well, we didn't lose anybody. We did lose Jones.
But we picked up a running back and then we still have what's right? So in your your QB just like I think the Lions QB your pride the two best in division at this time Yeah, at this time, but then you look at the Bears the Bears just drafted Caleb Williams who's probably gonna be very good There's some fun if you look at their offense and I'm telling you their offense DJ more Keith and Alan and then you add Roma doomsday
And then you have swift and the bad bro. I'm not gonna look over the bears, man. I'm telling you they are in a quick rebuild in my opinion. Dude, I was proud of the Packers. They picked up a bunch of defensive components. It was really great. So well, I thought that

Character Development Insights

the QB back up for Jordan Love.
Yeah. Yeah. So I get it. And then the lions, we, we did defense too, because again, the offenses in the division are going to be very good. Yeah. Vikings are still going to be the Vikings too. They're good. Yeah. Jefferson, Jefferson, TJ, Hopkinson, Addison, like again.
Players all over the field. So yeah, it's swear to god. This is a Star Wars podcast Anyway you move on but yeah, we're gonna talk about some Star Wars now bad batch we series finale coming up and
But we're gonna talk about the last two episodes that's leading up to this, I will talk about it, this finale I think is gonna be insane. So before we get into all that, if this is your first time listening to us, welcome. We are a Star Wars podcast that discuss anything and everything within the galaxy far, far away. In each episode, we will dive into one or two topics and have a general discussion on them. Topics could be movies, TV series, books, comics, a specific character, you name it, and we talk about it.
All right, Angie, episodes 13 and 14. Oh, boy. I mean, it's setting up for a wild finale. You know what was weird about this?
I was looking for spoilers before I watched. Really? Yeah. Interesting. Let's talk about it. Go ahead. Yeah, talk about it. So I've been watching the episodes when I get home from work. And usually I stay off of Twitter because I don't want spoilers. But I don't know what it is about these last two episodes. I just wanted to know what was
what was going on before I went in. I wanted to know,

Speculation on Finale Outcomes

did the breakout happen, right? Did they get to Tantis? I just wanted to know all of that before I started watching. It was really strange. And I think it made me a little bit more relaxed while watching because not that I knew exactly what was going to happen, but I didn't feel so on edge watching. But I don't think I'm going to do that for the finale. Like, not at all.
I'm going to go in spoiler free. Gotcha. That's interesting because I obviously I was a totally opposite way. I watched it in the morning and I was on pins and needles for both of these episodes. I mean, intense, intense, intense stuff. So that's interesting that you again.
that you did it the way you did it and wanted to know, is everything going to be okay? Right, yeah. Which I totally get. I want to be assured. Everyone's still there, right? Please. No major deaths or anything. We didn't lose. That could get like... Tint just didn't explode. Like, we're good. Right, right. No, I get it. No, I get it.
I used to not be that way with, well, Star Wars, I am that way. I will stay away from all that with movies, shows, whatever. Marvel, I used to be that way, but then now, recently, I'm like, I don't care if I know what happens. With the upcoming Deadpool and Wolverine movie, tell me what's gonna happen before I go, and I don't care. I'm still gonna go see it, because I know it's gonna be hilarious, and I'm gonna enjoy it.
But I don't care if I see any spoiler talk or like I'll watch the TV spots that give a little more way and stuff like that. But yeah, this this was a wild ride, kids. I mean, these last two episodes, they set it up to be a wild finale, which we'll talk about, but.
To begin, so episode 13 was called Into the Breach. Our director was Mr. Saul Ruiz. Writer was Mr. Brad Rao. And then, as always, story editor was Mr. Matt Michnovitz. And then for episode 14, Flash Strike. Director was Nate Villanueva. And then writer and story editor this time was, again, Mr. Matt Michnovitz, who he is just absolutely killing it.
He's been the story editor the entire season. It might be series. I'd have to double check. But at least this season, he's been the story editor. And I mean, he's had some writing in there as well throughout the season. He's doing a really good job story editing. I agree. It's insane. It's really, really insane.
So, Ang, you talked about it a little bit, you know, that you watched it after work and everything, and you kind of went ahead kind of knowing-ish what was going to happen. So walk us through kind of that process now with these two episodes, and then we'll break it down after we give our initial

Omega's Plan and Potential Twists

thoughts. So go ahead, kick us off with what you got. Yeah, I think I'm like very methodical about it now, right? Like I figure out what's going to happen.
I go home, get dinner ready, watch an episode. And then I kind of like, ah, yeah. And then I'm like, I'm going to really dive into that on a Sunday, right? Before we podcast and take notes. That's kind of like how I went. So watching into the breach, it was very brief and I feel like it didn't really, um,
It didn't really like, I don't know, hang on that long. I wasn't like thinking about it throughout the week. I was just like, okay, another episode, another step that gets us closer to where we need to be and it's moving all in the right direction. And I like the speed that it's moving in. So that's like how I felt about Into the Breach. And then Flash Strike had a little bit more thought provoking elements in it as well too. But overall, I mean,
We've had a lot of character development, now we're moving into the action of what's happening and it's been great. It's been very classic Clone Wars, very classic Clone Force 99. The rampart element that came back in was, you know,
We'll talk about that, yeah. Really great, but annoying also as well. And then, you know, Omega just being a boss and knowing she has to do her part, she's not just going to sit there and wait. Very Keno Loy, very Andor vibes, right? The look of, yeah, the look of defiance in the eyes, I'll quote Dune with Omega. She just, she is like not, she's not backing down.
Um, there's so much I think that still needs to happen. So I'm sure we'll get into that in the end, but there's just so much that still needs to happen. But I feel like we're in a good spot. Yeah, no, I 100% agree. I think we're in a really good spot. I think they really set it up for this series to end. It could end in a few different ways, right? It really could. We'll talk about that later, but
I like what they have set up going into the finale. Like the, these moments of the, of the, of the team getting a tantis, right? Really good. Like I just, like, they didn't drag it out for like, you know, a season. And we talked about that previously where they, they could have, this could have been the whole season, right? They're getting a tantis.
It could've been, but I like how they were like, no, this is what we're gonna do. It's gonna be like, she escapes the first time, she gets back there a second time, and that's where they have to get back to like, fine tantis. And they do it in the most bad batch way, which was amazing. Like, it's just so good. It's, I mean, it's close, like you're saying, it's

Future of the Bad Batch Series

Clone Wars.
Yeah, vibes as as always, and it's just it's so good and they do such a good job with these characters. Like you're saying the developments of. Rampart, we'll talk about again, crosshair just always always keeps growing on me, especially this last season. And then I really like Omega, like you talked about, we'll talk about, you know, we'll dive deeper into that.
But yeah, I mean, yeah, I think for, you know, for the episode 13 into the breach, I didn't have a lot of notes, but it just, it did the thing, right? Like the previous episode stopped where they had to get Rampart out of that imprisonment. And now they have to find out how to find Omega.
and how to get the Tantis, and obviously they use Rampart to do that. And again, it just did that, right? Like, boom, okay. Yeah, and it was like a cool, like, setup, right? You had to go to a ship hovering over core sign. You had to get the, you thought you just had to get the coordinates and end up, they don't get the coordinates, so they launch. Like, it was a slick move at the end, like, attaching to the ship, like, and then all the while, Omega's just like,
I got to make a plan. I got to get ready. She was straight up in an escape mode. And I love it. Well, OK, we'll talk. We'll dive deeper into that stuff. But yeah, like I said, not a ton of like like you're saying a lot of like, oh, man, like kind of write that down. Big piece of information in that episode. But it did the job of for me. The build up the suspense, because again, not knowing what was going to happen for me,
I mean, I wasn't sure if they were going to latch on in time. I know, that was sweet. That was close. I mean, honestly, the build up that they did the entire episode, like you're saying, like, yeah, there's a, you know, that's, you know, Rampart had the gist of it of like, hey, the ship gets the, gets the coordinates from the stocking station. But then the extra piece of they don't get it until they depart. And then it's like sent.
It was a nice little, like you're saying, like a switcheroo or like an added component to the stress of the episode. So I just, yeah, I really loved, I loved that part of it where you build

Closing Remarks and Farewell

up to that moment and you really don't know if they're gonna make it.
I mean, Rampart was all was just like, we need to afford it. And I just love Hunter's just like negative. And he's like, Nope, we're going for it. I love it. The trust that they have in each other, even crosshair was like echo, echo, make it echoes on it. It was just like, it was perfect. It was great. Yeah. Yeah, it was great. I mean, it was just it was so good. And then
with flashstrike again there's a lot of omega stuff for me which we'll dive into which i loved the echo and emery stuff was great again just how they
how hemlock knew what was happening because they were already like alerted and all that stuff like just again the moments built right and then what you know what omega does in the vault and how she finds a Zillow beast and doesn't like we'll talk about that but yeah i i really liked the these two episodes especially again i think for flash strikes since it was the penultimate it's it was a great setup
to I think a wild finale that we're going to have. So I kind of want to talk about first, Ange, and I'll throw it to you. As far as like Into the Reach and then with Flash Strike, we'll stick on like the Bad Batch and Rampart kind of side of stuff.
moments or things that stuck out to you during their scenes, anything that you liked, anything that you kind of questioned or anything like that, what you got with those, with that crew with these two episodes. There was a moment, there was a moment in Flashlight where I was like, man, I hope Rampart hangs out with them like the whole time. It's kind of nice, like having this little brother to pick on and you know, like,
He said it had like this different element to it, but then he like awakens that tiger and you're like this guy sucks Get him out of here, right? But um this the screams the I can't do that You can't do that all of that is was just great Star Wars humor and action and storytelling um
It also gave us that moment where he challenges crosshair on like why he's doing these things and what he's about, right? Like he thinks he knows crosshair so well and that he's only loyal to himself, just like how himself is, Rampart is. Which I don't know if that's just
to give us a moment later where Rampart might actually come to his conscience and make a right decision, and it's establishing that. Or I don't know if it's establishing a turn on Crosshair. I don't think it will. And I don't need Crosshair to go all in on convincing Rampart that he's loyal by doing something extreme.
Um, I think it was just kind of, you know, cause in the beginning we're kind of like, Oh, he could be like, um, like Calus, right? Like, Oh, maybe he'll kind of like, maybe he'll catch on and he'll be like, Oh, I want to, I want to be a part of this. Right. The, the empire did this to me. So now I'm going to be like a rebel. Um,
And so maybe it's just like establishing like, nope, that's not what we're doing here, right? We're going to keep this guy a bad guy. We're going to keep him, you know, just trying to just do for him and, and move on. So.
It is interesting because in the finale, you could see it's set up for a couple different things, right? It's set up for maybe that it's true, Crosshair is only loyal to himself, or it could set up that, no, he's not, and he really sacrifices himself to go and make that point. And then also it sets up like maybe Rampart has a moment of truth with himself.
I kind of think that's what all those interactions were about. And then you just have Hunter and Wrecker doing their thing, right?
To me, it's like a last minute element they added to the story, which I enjoyed. And it just, again, was a little thought provoking on, maybe this could go away, we're not hoping. So it was good, like the way they developed it was great. Yeah, I really liked the crosshair and rampart stuff too. I'm glad you brought it up.
Because there is that element of, will he betray them? Won't he? Right? And there's, like you're saying, the conversation between Rampart and Crosshair, when Crosshair basically told him, like, I've changed. And then Rampart was like, okay, whatever, like not believing him. But then will that, like you're saying, will that turn Rampart into a team player or is he going to
to turn on them. And I think again, a big moment, similar, well, not similar, but a big moment as well was when Hunter told him like, listen, we saved you, not them. They're the ones that imprisoned you. Don't forget that. So is that also setting up like him being on team bad batch?
or again, that conversation with Crosshair, does that set up for his betrayal? That's what I really, like you're saying, I think that's what I'm really interested in finding out, because it could go either way. It really could. I think they set it up.
to where you're not sure as an audience like, will he, won't he? I personally, this is my take and I'll ask you too, and I think he's going to be team bad batch. I really do. I feel like he's not going to turn on them. I could be completely wrong and I'd be the first one to admit it.
But I feel like he will be with them because of what they did. Because I think the words of like Crosshair and Hunter will, I think, do that switch like with Calus, right? I feel like that's the road we're on. I could be completely wrong, right?
But who, why would the empire want him back? And why would he want to go back to the empire? Like that's not really been established. Well, you did have a couple of comments about like how he missed this, right? When he's talking to that lieutenant and it's so his delivery, the voice actor. That's a good point. So fricking good. And
I think he was also like earlier in the seasons, he wasn't like a hemlock fan, not like you can be, right? Or anybody in the Imperial is a fan of another person, right? But to be able to outwit someone, I think is like Rampart's thing. I don't know, I don't think he's gonna be like, I just don't know, I'm surprised he's even back, but I don't think,
Maybe he's out for himself more than really? Absolutely. That's where I think it's going to stay. And if it doesn't, it doesn't, right? Because it teaches a lesson of, you know, to selfishness and self-centeredness is like the root of all evil. So maybe that's going to be the lesson that he learns, or maybe he's just going to, we need another selfish and self-centered person in the galaxy. So we'll see. Yeah, I'm fascinated to see where this goes, because again,
I could see it both ways. I'm on the, I hope he's with the bad batch in the end. Again, maybe, maybe not like you're saying, not a callous where he's going to join the rebellion, but I think he will not betray them. And like you're saying, but it's more, that's a really good point. Maybe it's more of one upping hemlock and
slash like the empire for himself more than doing it for the good of like the bad batch and for the good of what the cause. Right. I can see that. Yeah, I can definitely see him doing that. Yeah. You mentioned it earlier, though, and it's him screaming out of the ship. So good. So good. That was a big I just I wrote down Rampart screaming. LOL. Like that's what I wrote, too.
It's so funny. And then another one of my favorites is when they do give him the outfit. He was like, uh, I'm a vice. Yeah. I was a vice admiral captain's uniform, bro. You're demoted. So just deal with it. I love this. I can't wear this. Yeah. He's like, Oh, well you've been, you know, you've been demoted. So just deal with it. Like I love all that. But he did, I mean, to his credit,
He could have turned on them at that point, right? When they were on the, um, uh, the space station, uh, above course, he could have, he could have been like, no, these guys, but no, he followed, he followed them. He did like help them in that way. So I feel like it might be.
a more amicable separation, like, hey, I didn't screw you, you didn't, we didn't screw each other, I'm gone, you're gone, we won't ever see each other again. I can see that. Maybe that is where that path is going, for sure. I think with Crosshair too, I know he kind of, I know you brought it up, and it's a really good point of,
Will Crosshair do something? I don't think so. I hope not. But that self-doubt, not gonna lie, it's there.
Right. Right. Because I mean, we've had so many episodes of him being good soldier follows orders and then- And Rampart even said that, remember? Right. A couple episodes ago, yeah. And to throw that element back in there that Rampart brought up that he's kind of only loyal to himself, I mean, that's right on the nose. I mean, because there's plenty of times
You know, Hunter and Crosshair prior to all this were at odds like running a mission and things like that. But it's Omega that's the Difference Maker, so we shall see. Yeah, I mean, she is the big Difference Maker to see how she's going to handle it.
But yeah, I mean, with that kind of side of the story with these last two episodes, I loved it. I like how the bad batchers are going full bad batch. They are bad batching. Our odd tannins have no clue how they're going to do it, but they're going to do it regardless. I love it. And then with Echo, like actually in the bass, it's huge.
And that's another thing I want to talk about is echo. Again, he might be the MVP of these last two.
episodes. To think of where he came from, not the beginning of Echo, but the adversity of Echo and him being captured by the Separatists and being used as a human computer, have you for tacticians and all of that. And then to come out and just continue to be
this driving force that wants to save his his brothers and do what's right for the galaxy. It's so cool. It's a big I mean, again, go back to the Clone Wars episodes of him getting captured and all that. And then again, that was like what season four or five or something like or maybe even sooner than that. I can't remember. But we don't see him until then. Season seven.
with the bad badge. So like, it's a kind of a full circle. Are you, I want to keep talking about Echo, but quick question to you. Are you fearful that he won't make it out?
at all. No, I'm not. I feel like, um, he kind of, it's kind of weird to say this. Like he already died once where he's not going to die. Yeah. I get what you're saying though. Like he's kind of been directed in a ways. Yeah. That's fair. No, no, that's fair. That's a good point. Cause I mean, I know a lot, some people might are afraid of that and I get it, but yeah, I just, that's, that's a really good point. I,
I think he will be okay, but I'm interested to see what happens with him at the end, right? Cause he's not with Rex or Wolf or Gregor. So like, where does he go? Maybe he stays with the Bad Batch team and does whatever they're...
Continuing to do right which again, we'll talk about future stuff right later on But also with echo. I think the big I think a big moment With him was with Emory before that though. I do want to mention I loved his sneaky like on the ship off the ship stuff. It was so great and I have a hand not have a hand I wrote that down to where it was like him and
with that auxiliary output hand or whatever he has. And then you see him, he changed his outfit, which was really smart. But then you see him holding his weapon with his port hand. It just looks so silly. But it was brilliant of the writers to have him
take that droid out and then take the hand, which is really smart. I love that. And then he kind of looked like normal, but can he, I was trying to figure this out and maybe this is just a dumb, like one of those like rando Star Wars questions, but can he use it like his hand? Can he move that hand now? Or is it just like a,
Placeholder, you know what I'm saying? I wonder. Yeah, I don't know because obviously that that end droid part has functionality to it So I don't know if it has like connections and then maybe that's the same way like a droid arm connects into it. So yeah Cuz it had like I mean cuz that one shot of him when he took it off when he was in tantis Yeah, it looked like it like it had like a port where he put it in so like I'm thinking like well I wonder if he can
And then I think in the elevator when I was watching it today, I think he used that hand to like hit the buttons. But again, I don't know if that's just because like he could do that. I don't know. I don't know. It's just one of those like I wonder if doesn't really matter to the story.
But it's just like a stupid question of like, I wonder if he can actually use that hand though. Like, why didn't he just, why didn't he do this? Right, exactly. Yeah. Why didn't we think of this before, people? Like, what are we doing? We just figured this out now. Like, give that man a hand. Like, come on. But I loved, again, the bigger thing with him for me is when he ran into Emory.
That was a big, big moment for me. Yeah, it was shocking that she recognized him. Oh, right off. Right off, she knew it was him. Like they're real people. Right. She's part of the story. It was written that way. I was shocked. Yeah. Oh, I was too. It took her seconds to compute and be like, oh, no, that's who that is.
And then just the way she like said his name and he stopped, he was like, oh crap, what am I doing? Sounds like Omega saying it. Yeah, no, right. And I think maybe that was maybe that's part of why he like didn't like straight off attack her or like whatever. Like he listened to her and then his comment of like Omega talked about you too. So like,
I love that there's that connection and now we know she is full team. Like, get the kids out. Right. And she continues to call them kids children. She will not show them specimens, right? Which I love. I love that memory. That's like in that show. That other skank is like, they're specimens. Scalder. Yeah, I don't like that. Scalder. That's her name. I wrote it down. Skanky, Skalder. Skanky, Skalder. There you go. Write it down, kids. That's such a Stanley like Marvel name.
like Peter Parker. But anyway, but no, this is a big moment because I think this is again, how, how are we going to achieve what we need to achieve? And I think a big part of it was Emory, but I think you and I talked about it before where it was like, well, will she join the team or will she kind of just be a part of just the empire cogwheel? And she has chosen to be part of the solution.
Right to join and help Omega because I have I did write this down to. That moment where she took Omega sample. Do you think she like purposefully left the tools there's because she knew Omega would take it? Yeah. Right. I had a feeling like that. That's how I read that stuff.
Like she was encouraging. And then, cause even Scaldor made the comment to Emory, like you shouldn't, you know, Omega shouldn't be able to speak to these other children and Emory's like, uh, first of all, know your place. I run this stuff. So I will run it the way I want to run it. But again, that, I think that is Emory's way of letting Omega and knowing that Omega was going to do what she's going to do. Probably same with the doll. Right.
Omega knew right away, right? We'll get into Omega a little bit, but I do like this whole Emory thing. Cause I, we've been talking, like I said, we've been talking about it. I love, and I hope that this was going to be the case and it is, and I'm glad that she is going to be on the side of.
f the empire like these are children we should not be doing this right like even that like you're saying skinky skanky sculptor tells the kid like when she was like you know i'm hungry she's like it will pass like screw you lady like i wanted a slapper like give the kid a bowl of cereal like what is your problem give him some puffs give us some snacks come on
Can't starve a child? It'll pass. Right, like, whatever. I love how those kids take care of the baby. I'm like, man, those are some good kids. I know. I think it's Sammy takes care of the child. Yeah. It's wonderful. I love it. I love you very much. But yeah, I'm so glad Emery is on our team. And I like how, again, she knew it was Echo and she's like, she even said, like, Omega said, you guys would be here.
to help her escape. And I like, I was like, well, we ain't just here for her. We're getting everybody out. And she was like, good. Cause there are children and they are kids down there. Yeah. And I like, that goes like, wait, what? There are children. Right. So again, such a good full circle, like from Clone Wars to now, right? Like the force children, like thread that started in Clone Wars.
is making its way into Bad Batch. And it might, again, I wonder if we're going to close that loop or what, right? But I'm glad they kind of kept that thread going through this series, especially the season for sure. Any other, you know, your thoughts, Ange, though, on Emery, Echo, all that stuff, what you got? No, I mean, it always comes back to, you know, following orders, right? So Emery and Echo have a quick convo about that.
She was just saying that she didn't know when she was just following orders and all of that. It's always a main theme going on when you have the clones involved. I think that was a good touch for that conversation between those two to show that they're also very similar in their situation.
I can't, there's a lot to happen. There's a lot that has to happen. No, there's, yeah, there is going to be a ton and I want to start, let's get into the Omega stuff and I'll throw it to you again for sure. Like she went in, I love, again, the beginning of Into the Breach, she went into straight like boss mode, like, all right, we're getting out of here. I've been, I got out of here before, I'm getting out again.
Right, so talk to me about all Omega stuff and what you think what you thought highs lows or whatever what you got Let's talk about it. Yeah, I love how there's like no give up in her, right? It's not like she's like welcome back here I guess I'm here, you know She's just like I'm here and I and I got to get out even though I know my brothers will work their butts off to get to me I have to do my part. I'm part of this mission as well, too and
And these kids like don't know how to be that way. And, you know, but, but she does because that's how she's been trained all the way up from, from tech to echo to hunter to record to crosshair. Right. So she.
He has elements of all of those guys and she can utilize them to be helpful. So, you know, it was just, it was very like the, when she said, I found our way out, it sounded just like no way out, right? From Andor. And I mean, that would have, that would have been a nice little tie in, but she said, I found our way out.
It was, it was very, it reminded me a lot of the prison breakout in Andor, the one way out. So, and she reminded me of like, you know, Lloyd and Andor, like, just saying, like, we have to get these people fired up. They have to know, like, we're, we're doing this, right? Because it's not just me, it's them too. So, you know, and then she was just.
She's not afraid of those, you know, the new doctor. She, she's very straightforward forward with Emory, like, and she, you know, knows her elements. She pays attention. She makes a little tiny map out of the little blocks, like all that stuff, right? It's just, it's, it's Omega and it, it, she's developed into this amazing character. Um, so I,
I just can't wait to see what happens in the finale. And I hope that her story continues because she's just so impactful, um, in this last season that you would hate to not see her again in future projects. Yeah, we'll definitely talk about future stuff for sure. Cause that, yeah, I have some thoughts on that and I'd love to hear yours too. But yeah, for, for Omega in these last two episodes, I just, I love again,
the the growth if you think about season one and her just again following now say right and just doing what she's told and then you flash forward to now being in prison and she was like alright well I'm getting out of here and you're all coming with me and
Don't worry about it. Like, like she has zero concern of like being in there permanently. And I love that. And I like how you brought up to like, she's telling the kids like, okay, I'm going to go scope this out. So basically what, what she, the plan is those hatches that take up their blood samples. She was like, okay, I'm going to open one up.
Go through it and see what we got right which that whole scene was crazy That was pretty intense. I I was yeah, like I I mean, I'm not claustrophobic really, but I was like, oh my god I don't and those things flying by like yeah. Yeah, I was like every time one flew by I was like, oh like I'd be like, oh no, oh no, like it was like concerned but I
I just like how she, again, she's like, OK, this is what we're going to do. You guys need to cover me. And they're like, well, she's telling the kids like, OK, they're covering me. Right. They're like, what are you talking about? Like she is such a you talk like you brought it up and because of her being with the bad batch, she is so like tactical. Right. She doesn't think like a 12 or 13 year old that she is. Right.
She's thinking tactically. She's thinking like Hunter, Echo, Crosshair, Wrecker, Tech. Like she's thinking in terms of chess moves, what do we do next? What's my escape? Like, what are we doing? And I just, and I love that. And I like how all those other kids are like, who is this lady? Like, who is she? Like, what are we doing?
And I love how they come up with like, I don't feel good. Or I'm hungry, which is legit. I will say maybe she was hungry. And again, F U Scolder for not giving the child snack. Like you're very rude lady. And I hope, I hope something terrible happens to you. I don't like you, but I just, yeah, I like how she,
She's just so proactive, right? Instead of being just following orders, right? Like a clone does. She is very much a bad badger where she just, she is different and she is, you know, smart and she knows what to do now because she's been with these, this crew so long. And I like, again, the big thing too when, um,
when she's inside the walls inside where the meds samples are taken, she stumbles upon the Zillow bees.
Just chilling, not really. But being tortured, right, yeah. Poor Zillowbees. So my immediate thoughts, Angel, I want to hear what you think. My immediate thought was, OK, awesome. She's going to force connect with that thing, like Asajj did with the water monster. And that's how Tantus is coming down, baby. And I am here for it. That's what I think is going to, like, that's my prediction.
I mean, either she, I don't know if she'll force connect with it, but obviously they're going to get it. They're going to release the Kraken. Oh yeah. They're going to release it. I never even considered that she was going to force connect with it. I think that's huge because that was set up easily, just like you said with Ventress. Right. So, man, I'm completely there for that because I just figured she'd create some havoc and it would break out. Right. But if she.
If she does it through the force, that's gonna be just an amazing touch that I didn't even think of. And the only reason I thought, I mean, again, part of it was because of that previous episode was a sash. But then now think about it too, like obviously it's going to be hostile. So she's gonna have to like calm it down, right? Because of what it's being tortured. Or maybe one of the kids can do it.
Right? No, that's a good point because obviously those specimens are all, but they don't have the training though, either. She has at least a very minuscule. At least she's seen it, right? She's seen it in person. And she heard Asajj talk about, you know, your unconscious self and all that stuff. So that's why I feel like she, you could be right though, maybe along with
the kids will like force connect with it and then it will kind of like help them for sure. That's right. That's where I immediately went. I was like, Oh man, they're bringing that moment back for sure. And I'm here for it. Like I, that's, that's going to be really cool. If that, if that's, if that's the case, I think it's going to be really, really cool. I wonder though, I mean,
What I I do wonder if. Like the bad batch team, like do they just. They stroll up the tannins and it's already like destroyed and Omega's like on these little bees like that would be hilarious if that's like the scene like I doubt it. It would be like in passing like she's leaving there. They're getting there. You know, she's like I got this.
Like, guys, I got it, yeah. But yeah, I think, again, a lot of the Omega stuff in this one, in these last two episodes, were really, really good. It just shows how much she has grown as a character. It just shows how much, like you said, how important she is now with, and then moving forward, like, what do we do with her? Like, I am looking forward to, I think, the future with her, for sure.
And before we kind of move on, maybe to that talk, anything else you want to bring up, uh, with the Omega stuff or with the bad batch stuff in these last two episodes, anything final thoughts before we kind of go to, uh, what we think might happen and what, what we see in the future. A little, um, strange off topic. I have been pulling my hair back into a little tiny ponytail, like Omega has been like, I'm kind of feeling that look now.
Inspired by Omega's little pony with the poof on the top. I can pull that off. So I've been doing that. I've also seen Park Jim into it. So I mean, there's that. Hey, inspiration comes from all over. So let's talk about then what
Predictions, I know we're not big on that per se. This is the thing. This episode shouldn't be this time-wise, but I'm really hoping that this one
has enough time to be able to address things that are somewhat open, right? And we know this is a finale, right? So it needs some sort of closure. Now, I also know a Clone Wars episode can have a lot of stuff happen in 28, 26 minutes and it feels like an hour, right? Let me talk about the lawless.
But I don't really want that. I want it a little bit fleshed out, fleshed out, however you say that. And I want a conclusion.
And if it's not concluded, then I have faith that the story will be picked up in a different way. But there's a lot that needs to be answered. So heading into the finale, what are a few things that you feel need to be
tied up or at least explained a little bit. Yeah, what do you got? Why does crosshairs hand tremor, right? Am I just supposed to assume it's psychological damage that happened that we are never going to get to see? I think so, but I agree. I think maybe more.
Explicit? Right. So when Palpatine shows up and there's the tubes, what's in the tubes? Right. We know that the kids are in the vault, but I want to know what's in the tubes. Right. I can also assume that they're making some sort of like. Death trooper, whatever with the Zillow Beast's armor, they you know, the Zillow Beast armor that's been something that like Palpatine was always about from like the minute he saw one. So there's all of that.
Um, we've gotten far away from his tech alive and who is that CX droid or CX clone. I feel like that needs to come back. That was a pretty big thread that was happening throughout the entire season. We can't just forget about it. Right. So there's that too. So, and then.
What does the Bad Batch do from here, right? What's going on with Rex? What's going on with Gregor? What's going on with Wolf? Do we need to see Commander Cody? I always call him Commander Cody. I know he's not a commander anymore, or maybe he is, but do we see Cody come back? All of that. So I'm thinking it needs its time
And those are the things that I think that need to be sewn up and given an ending to. Pabu, right? All that. Those are really good ones. I think some of it will be, like I feel like the stuff on Tantus, like you're saying, not the vault, but the tubes that Palpatine saw, I think we'll see that.
I think we'll get maybe a little more explanation of the Zillow Beast maybe. We know it's there, but we don't, and we have a, an idea of what Palpatine was doing with it or wants to do with it. We don't really even know if they've, I'm trying to think, had they, have they been able to re-clone that thing?
I don't think they're recloning it. I think they just need to utilize its shell, right? Was this the same exact same Zilbe's from the Clone Wars? Because I feel like we saw one that grew, right? It was like season two. Right. So there was the one that got captured, put on Coruscant, and then I don't know what happened with that after, but there's this other one that came up in season two, right? Whether it's the one that was captured on Coruscant, whether it's not, I don't know.
But, um, yeah. Right. Cause the one that it was on course and they did capture. And even at the end of that Clone Wars episode, I remember like Palpatine was with the scientists and he was like, basically, yeah, we need to start doing experiments or whatever. So yeah, I mean, I could, I could see that maybe getting wrapped up.
I really feel like though, because this is the bad batch, right? Obviously, I think we'll get the answers of where do they go from here, right? We'll definitely get that answer. I think we will get the PABU. Like, do we go back there? What's going on with that? I think we get that answered. And I think obviously with Omega,
Is she isn't she can she connect with the force all that stuff? I think we'll get answered and then what her journey will be. I think we will get those answers All the other stuff though, and I'll be honest I don't know If we'll get them answered here or What I believe will be the next animation movie
believe me, it better be a movie. Cause that's what I want. I want a theatrical animated movie, but I feel like, yeah, I feel like a lot of that, I think the, that other stuff that's not like directly bad batch related will get answered in other projects is my opinion.
Right. I think, and we've seen them do this, right? Like I mean, and, and Mando and all that, like they spread these, these seeds that get explained later. Right. And I feel like that's what bad batch is doing. Like the seeds of.
of the Zillow Beast, right, that started in Clone Wars. With the children that he's taking therefore sensitive, that started in Clone Wars, come in here. I think we get continuations, like I would love, in my opinion, this is just my opinion, and a lot of people have, obviously I'm not alone in this, but a lot of people want a show where it's about the path.
where it's maybe, and again, this is what I would love. I would love if Omega's thing now is, okay, I saved the clones, right? And I think, and I'm going to give credit to Joseph and Ken for Senate, because they were talking about this on their show, and I love this, and I love this idea that possibly it is,
You know, Omega's thing was saving the clones, right? And I think that they're gonna do that, right? I think that's the goal. But after they do that, I think she maybe, and this is where I agree with them, they feel like she might want to, okay, I need to save those children. So I could see her journey of saving these other four sensitive kids by
joining, helping the path. And maybe it's with Asajj. Maybe it's not, that's TBD. But I could see that. I could see it going in that direction where we get more stories with Omega. Because I think you set this character up for three seasons, you just don't stop it there. So that's where I feel like she will continue.
As far as the bad batch, I, again, I don't know if they just go into a, you know, right into the sunset and they just stay on Pablo away from it all. I don't know. I don't know that. I mean, or maybe they join Omega in saving these four sensitive kids, but then if that's the case, why not call it bad batch season four at that point? So that's where I, unless.
unless they name it something else and it is with them, but a broader scope, so it's not just bad batch, where it's like clone wars, right? It's clone wars. You can go to different areas and it still be clone wars, right? Like you followed all the Jedi stuff, you followed the Separatist stuff in clone wars, right? You can go to different areas. Maybe that's the next thing where they're a part of it,
Bigger like broader sense that I don't know if that makes sense. That's where I think it goes Personally and that's where I think in that type of show you get your answers to Some of the other lingering threads that I don't know that will get tied off So would you be okay with that if you if you know I guess we don't know that right as of this recording nothing's been announced, right? Would you be okay though if that's the case?
Or do you want it all wrapped up in, like, where do you go with that? Well, this is how, okay, so let's say it doesn't get wrapped up, right? And it leaves it, it leaves it, obviously, I think it's going to leave it open, right? I think we're going that direction. Somewhat, because you can't kill off people and stop the Omega Clone Force 99 story, or you can.
Right. I mean, right. Or remember when we were like- You could be Rogue One. Remember last season, Lauren, we were like, man, it's set up for them to just finish us off and have a good life and live on Pabu and then- Why were we rocking? Whoa. We were rocking. God, I'm so scared.
I mean, so would you be okay with all that though? Yeah, I mean, absolutely. I think that story needs to be told. I never played Jedi survivor or Jedi fallen order, so I'm not too familiar with the background stories of Jedi that had to survive
with Inquisitors around and stuff like that. I know about it because of Rebels and because of Obi-Wan and because of books that I've read, but it could get opened up a lot more. Utilizing Omega, utilizing Massage, utilizing Quinlan Vos, because they name-dropped Quinlan in Obi-Wan.
Sure did. It's a pretty good setup to do it. Would I watch something like that? Absolutely, because they have cemented Omega into being a crucial character in the Star Wars universe. If it ends open-ended and we don't get an announcement right away about what could happen, and we don't get an announcement for years,
I'm going to come back to it. I'm going to be a little grouchy. I'm going to be like, listen, that's fair. That's fair. I mean, again, the one thing they did was at the end of season two, they announced that, Hey, season three, if I remember correctly, right? Yeah, that's how they did it. Yeah. They're pretty quick to be like, Hey, it's don't worry. So I wonder if they will do something similar.
to be like, hey, we are continuing Omega story. And this is what it's gonna be called, right? I could see that, especially since it's ending on in May, right? May 1st is the last air date for the series. May 4th is obviously three days away from that. Why not kick off May with an announcement?
I mean, I could see that or maybe they wait three days into an ounce. I don't know. Right. But I do feel like. I don't think I I'm with you as far as it's going to be open ended to a certain degree. Right. They can't wrap up everything. They just can't. I mean, they can't. There's so much threads going on, like you're saying, especially when you think about the Palpatine stuff.
that and even just the Empire overall, there's just so much that they can continue. I think that's why they do things like that because then they can continue it in a different series.
where, okay, yeah, this thread is going to continue that way. Or, okay, you guys want more Omega stuff? This is what we're going to do with that, right? Like they can, they can continue these storylines in different animation if they want to do that, which I'd be a hundred percent with or movie. Do you think that Omega will ever transition to live action? I hope so. I hope so down the road. Maybe it'll be one too.
I mean, you never know. I mean, there's a certain reason why they casted the voice actress who does Emory to be similar to Omega, right? Because then we have an idea of, okay, older Omega,
Kind of sounds like that. You know what I'm saying? So they could. Oh yeah, I would love it. I don't know if there's gonna be any time soon. Like I don't see that. Like I see, like if anybody would get a live action, me personally, the next person, in my opinion, should be Calcastis. That's my opinion. But I mean, you could group all that together, right? Exactly though, you could.
If you did a live action of this, if you did a live action of this, live action Omega, Ventress, Quinlan, Cal. You could, right. I mean, it's there if you wanted to. Will they do it? I don't know. I just don't know. And I think, again, I feel like they will announce something.
Hopefully either after or you know, not too far after the show again, especially with May the 4th coming up like you just feel like There will be maybe some type of an announcement of a future something
Maybe, maybe not. Usually, May 4th, they don't really announce a lot of stuff though in the past. Yeah, it's reserved for trailers, some news, some merch news, stuff like that. Yeah, but it's merch stuff, right? Yeah. But it's been evolving. Let's be honest. It's really been evolving. I mean, we're going to have a show, Tales of the Empire. Yep.
We have the Phantom Menace going on plus with the Alkalite special scene with I can see that you talk about trailers We're only gonna be like a month-ish away. That's probably coming like the officials of teaser Yeah, we could get another one of those for the Acculite So yeah, I I wouldn't be surprised if we get some type of announcement will we though? I don't know. I mean I just Your word our guess is as good as anybody else's unless you are literally in the room
You don't know. How do we get in the room? Do we really want to be in the room? Do we want to know all the secrets? Honestly, like I don't know if I would want to be in the room. I want to be in the room. You want to be in the room? Heck yeah. I mean, it'd be fun to hear like what is talked about.
the maybes and the what ifs, but I think that's, that would be more annoying. Like, Oh man, we almost had that. Yeah. Like I just rather be where I am and be like, okay, you're announcing that you're doing that. Cool. I'll take it at face value. And I mean, let's be honest, there are a lot of projects already in the works, right? So the, the Mando movie, the, uh, Ray.
The Ray movie, the Dawn of the Jedi, right? There are things in Acolyte and Endor season two. Skeleton crew. Skeleton crew. There's a lot going on. And here we are. We're like, no. More. More animation. More animation. Yeah. It's enough. Yeah. We want Kylo. You know, we're Kylo Remnant for sure. We need more. Do you think you got them?
Do you think you got a classic I love that movie but yeah, I just I Think it won't be again. I think it will be open-ended. I think we just I think we I'm expecting it. I am NOT expecting the entire Three seasons to be wrapped up in whatever minutes. I don't care. However minutes the show is I
this final episode. For me, you touched on it. It doesn't have to be a specific, oh, it's gotta be 45 minutes. No, dude. Whatever they feel like, how they wanna wrap it up in the amount of time that they wanna do it in, that's fine. I don't care. I just expect it not to be completely wrapped up. And I expect this to be told in other stories.
in another series, whether that be live action or whether that be another animated. That's where I'm at with it. Cause they have like, there's no, there's no rush. You know what I'm saying? Like there's no reason for them to wrap it up. Right? Like, I mean, in all honesty, I don't think so. Unless there's other projects that they're forced to concentrate on. Right.
True. And that's, and that's a good point too. But yeah, I don't think there's not a like, there's not, there's not an animation announcement or project that we know of. Right. There's just not, I mean, bad batch was kind of out of nowhere when it first came out though. Right. Like after clone wars, we really, I don't remember. It like, I don't remember hearing anything until later on that like,
Oh, by the way, they're doing another animated, right? But I also remember thinking like, okay, like Bad Batch, like, what are they going to do? And then we got Order 66 and Caleb Doom.
Oh, OK. OK, we're a little serious on this one. I got you. I got you. We're going Clone Warsy with it. OK. All right, Dave and Jen and Brad. I see you. But yeah, I they can. They can do whatever they want, in all honesty, right? They don't have to wrap up everything. They they just need to. I think they just need to wrap up the bad batch story.
those character stories, right? And I don't suspect us losing anyone else besides tech, to be honest. I will say this, though, because I just thought of this. I feel like them stripping their armor down to nothing, right, is either going to be like a closure of no more bad batch, no more armor, or it's going to be like they're going to remake it, right? And it's going to be like this new get up
And they're going to be transformed into something else. But because them stripping their armor was, I felt like that kind of was a moment that was major, that kind of just flew right by.
That's a good point. That's a really good point I mean they wasn't their entire armor because I can't because I I feel like wrecker at least That stands out to me like he still had color on the like the like on the chest plates and stuff But if you how the helmet is just I mean think of like what it was before and with the 99 on it and the and the white, you know Yeah, no, they yeah, they took that all off. Yeah, that's a good point though. Ang about like what does that symbolize?
Right. Does that symbolize the end to a new beginning or the end of the, you know, the bad batch? Cause yeah, I don't, I don't see us losing anybody. I could be wrong. I hope I'm, I hope I'm right. I don't want to lose anybody, but I just don't see, I just don't see it. They're all gone.
I hope not. I hope they're not all caught edge, but I get it. Who knows? I mean, they, that was a heck of a surprise with tech. So I don't know what Jennifer, Brad and grew and Matt and Saul and all the other writers and story editors. There's no more Marauder. They don't even have a ship. Right. They're dying. They're not making it. They don't have armor. They don't have a ship.
You're calling doomsday already? Calling it already, I love it. I'm gonna be so mad at myself if I'm right. Oh, well, yeah, you and me both. You and me both, I would be disappointed if that's what they do. But again, I don't see it that way. I feel like they will wrap it up how they feel is correct and I will be here for it. And I'm excited for this finale.
I'm looking forward to it and I'm looking forward to what comes next. In animation, because animation, you and I have talked about it. It is for me by far some of the best. Star Wars storytelling. It hits. It hits. It hits every time. Like in all honesty, I don't think any of the animation. Has not been good.
Like none of it rebels. What was the resistance? The resistance was good. Clone Wars was great. Bad Batch was great. The tales of stuff has been great. The little baby Jedi's right. Right. Right. The young Jedi's. Young Jedi's. I haven't watched it, but it looks cool. I've watched a couple of them. They're great.
Yeah, so again, the animation just solid. So we'll see. Again, this is why we want a movie theatrical animated movie because it deserves it. And I think people would see it. I think we're beyond the time of like when the Clone Wars did it and it was maybe not a success. Right. We are in a good time with animation now.
I mean, just visually, we're in a very good place where I think it could be done easily. And with the music by the Kiners, I mean, they absolutely just are so good. That tantis theme? Wow, it hits. It hits. It's good. It's so good. Yeah. Final thoughts, Ange, before we wrap it up, what you got? Oh, Wednesday.
I wanted to get here as fast as I can, but I don't want it to end. It is very bittersweet. So just looking forward to what we get to see, what we get to experience, and then what gets built from there. Yeah, looking forward to what happens and then what's built upon it. I agree. Yeah, I'm very excited, very, very excited.
All right, kids, that's it. That's the show. I hope you enjoyed our bad batch recap of episodes 13 and 14. If you liked all of our stuff, please go follow us at the Galactic Pod on all the social medias. And we are on Apple Pod at Google Play, Spotify, all the major platforms. And then you can follow me, Lauren Romo, at Loro Knows and all those social platforms as well.
You can follow me, Andrea Gutierrez at r2d2step on Twitter, X, Instagram, all of those things. Threads. I think I'm on threads too. Oh, nice. Um, RM from BTS, R.I.P. Monster, Kim Nam June is coming out with a new album. Man, they're releasing albums like while they're in the military. Everybody thought like, Oh man, we're, we're not going to have any new music. We're going to be able to save our money. No.
They just keep releasing things and making me spend more money. So is this stuff that they probably did prior to going into ISU? Oh yeah, yeah. So they must have been in the lab. Dude, can they do it because of their fans? It's so amazing. That is cool. BTS. That's our BTS update. I love BTS bros.
And I got to listen to Taylor Swift. You have to. That's my weekend listen while doing other things. Well, man, it's got to be. It's got to be. You got to be zoned in. You got to be zoned in. You got to be reading lyrics. You got to be googling. Who is Matt Healy? You got to be doing all of that. I don't go that deep with it, but I get it, though. I get it. I get it. I get it.
All right, kids. And as always, may the force be with you. Always. Always.