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Episode 148- Tales Of The Empire Recap image

Episode 148- Tales Of The Empire Recap

The GALactic Podcast
93 Plays9 months ago

Welcome to The GALactic Podcast! In this episode, Andrea and Lauren chat about The Tales Of The Empire. The return of Barriss Offee! The sad story of Morgan Elsbeth. Who really designed the Tie Defender? Does Barriss still have the heart of a jedi? They talk these topics and much more Go listen and enjoy!

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Introduction to the Galactic Podcast

All right, well, hello everyone and welcome to the Galactic Podcast. I am Luan Romo. With me, as always, is my cousin a and fellow nerd, Andrea Gutierrez. Yo, yo, yo. All right, sons, what's going on? Oh, just, you know. Not talking about Bruno? I was, yeah. I got incanto stuck in my head. It was a wedding day. We stand animation around this house. Oh, man. I'm just loving animation, especially Star Wars animation. What a segue, kids, because we're going to be talking about tales of the. We're professionals here. That's how you do it. And we're going to talk about the tales of the empire ah that came out. Wow, May 4th.

New Releases and Episode Focus

Yeah. And then we're also going to talk about acolyte because they dropped
a brand new trailer on May 4th as well. And we'll talk some speculation um when we get there as well. But before we get all to that fun stuff, if this is your first time listening to us, welcome. We are Star Wars Podcasts that discuss anything and everything within that galaxy far, far away. In each episode, we will dive into one or two topics and have a general discussion on them. Topics could be TV series, books, comics, a specific character, you name it. And we talk about it. All right. And so May the 4th has some good stuff. yeah yeah Yeah. As we talked about in our episode about the Bad Bad Trinale, we saw Phantom Menace on that day, which was really fun. Seen on the big screen. Hear all that on that episode for sure. But also on May 4th, Star Wars dropped the whole tales of the empire as they did. I think they did.
Was it May 4th as well for Tales of the Jedi? Yeah. So they dropped all six episodes offered the for Tales of the Empire as well.

Morgan Ellsbeth's Storyline: Analysis and Debate

And ooh-wee, we got some stuff to talk about, some interesting, interesting stuff to talk about in these two stories. So first, let's go just in order. They started off with Morgan's Elizabeth story. I loved it. I did too. We'll, talk we'll, we'll dive into it. Uh, so before I get your thoughts, so, and so the first three, uh, episodes again, Morgan Ellsby's, uh, story, and it was called path of fear. The next one was called path of anger. And the next one, the path of hate, which I love those titles, solid titles, uh, your directors for episode one.
was Dave Filoni in Nathaniel Villanueva and writers, of faony Mr. Dave Filoni in Amanda Rose Munoz. So a lot of the animation ah names that we recognize obviously from Bad Batch and other Star Wars animation. So that was for episode of the Path of Fear. And then for the Path of Anger, again, director Dave Filoni with Stuart Lee. And then ah writers were Dave Filoni. And then again, Amanda Rose Munoz. And then for ah the Path of Hate, which was the third episode of Morgan's
ah trilogy here I was Dave Filoni Nathaniel Villanueva again for directing and then writers were again Dave Filoni Amanda Rose Munoz So again, a lot of names, like I said, Muno, Stewart Lee, Villanueva. We have heard those names multiple times, especially with Bad Batch. And they are very heavily into the obviously Star Wars animation. They do a great job. And this was no different. So, Ange, kick us off, my friend. What did you think about Morgan's arc, Morgan's story? Did you think we need it? Let's discuss what you got. Talk to me.
Yeah, I felt like we needed it. I mean, ever since her first appearance in The Mandalorian season two, right? When Aamido shows up on Corvus looking for a Jedi, Ahsoka is there, and so is Morgan Elizabeth, and we're like, who the heck is that? um She named drops thrown. She named her on right? Yep. Yep. So that all gets answered in these three short episodes and I Absolutely loved

Barris's Storyline and Transformation

it. If we had if I had to make a choice between did I like the Ellsbeth or the Barris? um Story I actually preferred the Ellsbeth story over the Barris one. I just felt like
There was so many good like little cameos and nuggets that got pulled in from from Star Wars. Well, obviously Star Wars, but but from um stories that we know from before. So um yeah, i I absolutely loved it. Yeah, i I liked it too. I liked the information, kind of like what you're talking about, that we got from it. again animation overall was spectacular never fails music music was ah hot hot lit whatever you want to call it it was great I believe the kinders did this as well yeah they ate yeah yeah they did for sure so
i Yeah, I liked it. I liked Morgan's story like you said she was an interesting character that we got in season 2 of Mando and then we get her obviously in Ahsoka as ah One of the main bad guys for sure and she obviously we we we knew where obviously before this We saw her in Mando, we get the name drop like we just talked about, and then we see her end too. So we kind of know where she where her story ends, but now we kind of get the start of it. So i yeah, overall I did like this
The story that they told with her, I liked the information that we got. I will say, and we'll discuss this in a little bit too, but I actually did prefer Barris's story over this. Not again, not to say that one was really way better than the other. I just liked Barris's story was more intriguing to me than Morgan's. And again, that's only because we have seen Morgan very recently, right? We've gotten like clues within those shows that she's been in. Now we kind of get the full picture though, right? This is what this this story, this tale of hers kind of gave us.
I love that, you know, again, throng shows up like you're saying, the cameos, the little, uh, just a little nuggets and information that we get. And I want to dive into that, uh, for sure. But before we do that, before I give kind of my, my two cents on some stuff within it that I really liked. What did you, any anything that pop out to you during these during these tales that stuck out, you found interesting or that you really were glad that they either brought it up or whatnot, what you got?
I mean, just to start off like seeing Grievous, right? And you're like, I know exactly where we are in the timeline. What is happening? I know that Dooku has sent Grievous to Dothamir to eliminate all of the witches because of Asajj Ventress. So it's like, we're there. that And there's other things going on besides Grievous trying to get Asajj. and then get Mother Talzin. So I was like, this is awesome. It was great, yeah. That whole first episode was fantastic, I agree. I was like, here we are. she was she was Morgan Elsmith was there when the witches of Dathomir were massacred, and you know that's the that's what the episode is called, I think. It's called Massacre in the Clone Wars season four. So I was like,
This is pretty awesome. That like totally got me like fired up. The Grievous looked great too. I'm glad you brought them up. Oh, yeah. and I was like, okay, so we get to see like a story within a story that we already knew. so I always, always loved that. Never even thinking that there's another story going on during the initial one that we know about. and And then you get to see the the aftermath of what happened and um where Morgan Elsbeth ends up going and who she um gets raised by or or sheltered with. you know And just to then see that that simmering anger inside of her because of of what happened to her.
so And then just like huge misunderstanding, right? Cause like it's pretty much like the empire, and like but before it was the empire pretty much sought out like her family and annihilated them. And then she wants to go and join the empire later. Like it's just like that tunnel vision that you get when you're angry or have ah some sort of revenge on on your mind. You don't see the bigger picture of who really was at fault and all that stuff. So. I mean, just right out of the gate like that and then right out of the and then right out of the second episode, like her being there with Imperials, Pelia and showing up, her being the one that made the idea around the tie defenders. Love that. I want to talk about that. Yeah. Yeah. That was huge. and I mean, I am a true believer that if the tide offenders would have stayed in production, the empire never would have gotten beaten. just just I feel like they would have picked off rebels nonstop until they were non-existent. So um that was really cool. And then Rook showing up, and then Pelion shows up again, and then all of a sudden there's Thrawn, and then also her being on Corvus.
And all of that it's it was just so great to like very simply get explanations to things that we we wanted before. And then I felt like all the fighting choreography was dope all the inner I mean I love the little tiny touches and details of like Morgan like tapping your staff and like the little like tiny like. nudges, I just thought all of that was so good. And then to go in to the third episode and then to see like that that shot where her and Ahsoka fought and then you know to hear Bo-Katan's voice and then like all that stuff. And I was like, man, this is just like a ah Star Wars nerd's um dream come true. right This is exactly like well what we want when we're saying, hey, who the heck is this person?
and then um they They just present it to us in the most perfect way. So yeah, that's why I really liked that story. ive I was like, okay, like I get it. and It fits and way better than I would have drawn it up. So thank you, Star Wars. Thank you, Dave Filoni. Thank you, Star Wars animation. Yeah, no, I agree. I like the the lead up to where we see right the before.
We get to her in Mando season two. We we get like that real snippet of her. And yeah, you talked about it from the very that that first episode, it was great to be back there. You know, it was just like, oh, yeah, OK, this is where we are. And it's a whole like you're saying, it's a it was a whole different point of view. Right. And it was cool to see how what Morgan felt, what Morgan saw. Right, because we obviously only saw the Clone Wars basically from massage's point of view while their towns in and they were closer to like the te the the temple or the entrance to their to their home. This was she felt like she was like way out there. Right. And then obviously we see her mom. Right. And her weapon. That was really cool. That was dope. Yeah. Again, like you're saying, the fight choreography choreography

The Acolyte Trailer: Speculation and Excitement

was great. Animation wise, it looked awesome.
I liked how we got to see a different clan of Dathomir, right? That's very cool. Like I'm glad we're getting more of that, like more of the Night Sisters. so And I don't know if they are considered Night Sisters or just, I mean, I i think so. I think they're just a different clan, but but obviously the the leader of that clan Has. Would you say force abilities or some type of? I mean, I would always go back. Yeah, force magic, I guess is what it is. I believe you're a night sister when you like take the oath and the green stuff and all. Yeah, that's interesting, you know. Yeah, no, that makes sense. That makes sense. Because it it and that was cool. That was a nice little detail of when you see Morgan wake up like her marks.
go away. So that was interesting that that's how they did that and to to show what they did and like to to kind of show like her change because obviously when we see her in Mando season two we don't see like we don't see any of those marks. A lot of people speculated that she might be a nice sister but now this is we kind of get a reason why she didn't have those marks.
And I like how Morgan was in at that episode, how she, she re again, she rebelled against what that clan felt.
And how they wanted to obviously stay out of the fight and just let it be. But obviously Morgan did not feel that way. She wanted to take the fight to them. And obviously she, I don't want to say courses, the, uh, the leader's daughter and a couple of her friends to follow her. And it obviously leads to terrible things, terrible, terrible things. And then again, to see that, like I just talked about, like that different magic use versus what we're used to was very cool. Again, it was white. It was light. It wasn't green. You know, again, it it gives you that sense of different, different ways of how
how the magic is used, for sure. And that's what I really loved the most in this first episode. So then in the next episode, the Path of Anger, I'm glad you brought it up, Ange, because that little detail of Morgan being the one that designed the ships was very cool. Very cool. And I honestly didn't even think about that. I always just assumed it was Thrawn, because in the the early trilogy books that we got for him I feel like it was I know maybe I just maybe I just understood it as he like designed it but no she did and which is very very cool I like how she's the one that designed it
And that again, she already is already on Corvus. Somehow like she already had, already runs the, runs the place. So that was crazy. And then yeah, when Rook, Rook shows up and their fight was really, really cool. Again, her having the staff very awesome. Loved it. And then again, thron being thrown and like just being in the background and then coming out and being like, So I know you're lying that you are basically doing it for the empire. What's, what's the deal? And then she tells him, she's like, I want revenge basically. Like I want, I want that. And he's like, all right, well, here's, uh, some help for you. Here's a whole battalion or whatever, you know, he has. And he's like, at your disposal. Like, okay, that's how that works.
And then again, in that last one, though, I like how we got the that guy from Mando season two, right? We show him and I guess again. They imply. Which I think they did in the show, too, in Mando, that he was kind of the guy running it prior to. Morgan. Yeah. Right. And then, you know, that girl, I guess a girl that was there who comes back and she's like, I'm from the New Republic. And they're like, say what? So like, that was like, guine that was like such a perfect portrayal of like the New Republic's arrogance as well, too. Like, no, I'm going to just walk in here and and tell this woman, hey, come with me, you're going to be on trial.
And I'll make sure you get a fair one. We're going to arrest you with no money. It was just like the arrogance of them to come back. But you know what? Like when I watched it a couple of times, I started getting like tripped up and I was like, are they making the tide offenders on there? No, because they were making them on low thaw. So I was like, what resources are they extracting from Corvus? I feel like that wasn't explained well enough. I was going to bring that up too, yeah. So go ahead. I because that's i was just like, what what is what are they doing there that has these people oppressed? Because later when you find out she's the one that that burned down all the trees and and did all that, um I mean, I assumed when the and when
It was decided that the project was going to go ahead and that they were going to you utilize Morgan. I assumed that it was going to be the empire that devastated the planet or devastated that area, but it wasn't. So that was a little surprising and then had my brain going a little like twitchy because I was like, no, OK, but what are they doing there, then? I think that, again, yeah, her burning was, that was interesting as far as that's why we see it when we see it in Mando season two.
As far as what resources, I think just like just like they were doing to Lothal, they were pulling whatever minerals or whatever they could from the planet to build them on Lothal. So even though she designed it, they weren't, like you're saying, yeah, they weren't building it on Corvus, obviously, but they were harvesting that planet's materials And then I guess taking them to Lothal and then building, that's that's my best guess is how that process was, how that was working out. But it was cool to see again, we and we kind of know where we are in the timeline, right? Because this is pretty much during Mando season two, right? And now we kind of understand a little bit more why Ahsoka

Reflections and Future Star Wars Content

shows up there. Right, there's that too, right?
which is cool because, A, it was cool that it wasn't initially Ahsoka, it was actually Bo-Katan. And then that, again, that's why Bo-Katan knew where Ahsoka went because she was the one that told her to go to Corvus, right? Again, that's not that wasn't really explained in Mando, it was just like she knew where, she just knew where Ahsoka was. But the reason she knew was because she got a distress call, she sent Ahsoka there to, Check it out. So again, it's just so small little details, but it's cool to kind of connect those dots now within that story. And yeah, again, make sense that right where you enter her like fortress. There's again, because of the burning. Hey, that's why all the trees look that way. But then that's why there's like that big kind of more open space by it because the plane and like just everything blew up.
So just go again, this is small little details that work for me. And I was like, yeah, I was not expecting Bo Katan's voice. No, I thought maybe Ahsoka's honestly, but it was cool that it was it was Bo's. Because then you can like connect the dots of like how it all happened. Right. And why she knew where she was and why. Yeah. Why she knew where to send Mando and all that. Yeah. So, yeah, again, overall, I like these three. I like, again, these little bits of information that we get from these three stories. Again, learning a little more about the the Nightsisters and the different clans and like kind of what their thought process is. Right. Like, obviously, the clan through Mother Townsend really was, you know, more wanted to take the fight, whereas those other clan, the mountain clan, I guess is kind of what they
referred them referred to themselves as we're asking more recluse and kind of just Try to stay away from everything So it was and then again finding out that she Morgan was the one that designed the tie defense as a tie defenders, right is what the Was ah what throne was making on the fall? Yeah, tie defenders. So again in that
That's very, like, I just would have never thought about that, but it's cool. I like that. I like that's just a small little detail. But yeah, again, i like you're saying, there like what, like you're saying, what resources was she talking about? They don't really answer that, but that's just, again, my assumption is that they were just taking from that planet and then taking it to Lothal, I guess, ah for whatever reason, right? Lothal maybe just had a better setup to build them. I guess, and Corvus was just not prepared for that. Or obviously the easier answer is rebels came out before this, so they had to and to do it this way. Let's do it this way. Right. Whatever. It works for me either way. But but yeah, again, I liked it. i i Like I said, I still like to embarrass the story a little bit more, but we'll get into that next. but
Any final thoughts for her, ah for Morgan's story, Angel, you wanna bring up? No, i just I just love how detailed Star Wars animation is. And you know I'll just go back again to like the fo the fight choreography. yeah um Just the the detail of of the staff and and all of that is just so cool. um Because you see it in Mando, right? and they And they bring those little details into animation as well. And they don't have to, but they do. and it
um is so authentic to to like what we know. So um i i I really enjoyed this one because I felt like I was like, I needed this information. Thank you very much. I enjoyed this. Yeah. Maybe that's the difference with me is that, I mean, I'm glad I got the information. Did I need it though? Not necessarily. it's it's I'm glad that we got it. I'm not saying that that that I wouldn't have wanted it, but it it wasn't one of those that I was yearning for like Barris's story. Yeah, I agree. I think everybody what that is a Clone Wars fan wants to know what was Barris's fate. um I think what made me not
Um, like preferred over the Morgan Elizabeth story is because I felt like some of my expectations were met. Well, let's, well, let's talk about it. I mean, I'll kick us off for this one. So, uh, first the writers and directors for these episodes. So the fourth episode was called devoted. And again, this was, uh, Dave Filoni and then Sal Ruiz again, familiar name. And then the writers were Dave Filoni and Nicolas Anastasio. Again, familiar name in the Star Wars animation. And then for number five, realization, directors were again, Dave Filoni and then Stuart Lee. And then writers were Dave Filoni and then Mr. matt Mitch Novits. Again, very familiar name. And then the number six, The Way Out. Again, Dave Filoni, Nathaniel Villanueva.
And then again, Dave Filoni and Matt Mitchenovich were your writers for this one. So my overall thoughts for the Barris tale was I loved it. This is again, this is what I have been wanting to know. And this is just one of those stories that in Clone Wars that just was open. and i And I'm glad that we kind of have it now and kind can can put the pieces together. Again, nothing wrong with Morgan's story, right? It's just, and and maybe that's it. Maybe it's just because we've just seen Morgan recently and all that. Like maybe I wasn't needing that information just yet, but i'm but this bear stuff, I'm so glad when they dropped the trailer and you see her, I was like, oh, all right, cool. What happens to her?
right And man, they did not hold back at all in these three. Animation, again, you talk we've been talking about it. Animation was stellar, the choreography was fantastic. And then again, the story, I love this story. Because I was very interested to see how they would do this. Would they keep her like as an Inquisitor? Would she do this story of Oh, no, what have I done? And they've got they went that route, which I love. And again, just again, the little.
Just a little nods, the little cameos, especially in the first couple episodes of ah the Inquisitor, the Grand Inquisitor, those other inquisitors that we've seen before, right? And then. Just I love. her story and I'm glad that we get it. And I'm glad that we got it. And I want more. I hope we get more for her. And we'll we'll talk about that ah later. But your overall thoughts on these three stories. How'd you feel? How'd you like it? yeah Let's talk about it.
Yeah, i I like exactly where they picked up off of, right? So Barris is in jail or you know detained and Order 66 is happening. So again, like we know exactly where this part of the story is happening. um And then to see ah her then taken to be tested by the Inquisitors was was awesome as well too and then to see the Inquisitor that was in Kenobi as well and then to like kind of hear bears call her by her Jedi name and and all of that as well too was great but a great setup for the end as well um
It was my, so my expectation, it wasn't every time the, every time they took her into a room that was black and red, I go, here we go. She's about to be in a room with Vader and it's Anakin. and it's Barris and she betrayed Ahsoka and it's about to go down, right? that's like That was my anticipation of it. like That's what I've always thought. like If Barris became an Inquisitor, did she ever have to interact with Vader? Because that's Anakin.
so Every time there was a red and black room, I was like, here we go. It's about to happen. And it didn't. And then like, when Vader finally did walk in, there wasn't really much, um you know, there wasn't much behind that too. We don't even, we don't even know, right? That's, there's, there's nothing there, which is, that's fine now. That's absolutely fine now. Now we know. um So that, I think that was like my first letdown, right? Cause I was anticipating like some sort of, you know, like Vader, Barris standoff or some lesson that like Vader was going to teach her or anything like that. But I guess like Vader doesn't want to give away who he is even to the inquisitors. So there's that. so Exactly.
And I kind of like was i anticipating her being, I mean, she really could latch onto the dark side quickly and like given to that, that hatred, but I was expecting a little bit more of that. Um, maybe through the first two episodes and then maybe some sort of realization that would happen at the end. But it seems like she was never comfortable being an Inquisitor, was how they portrayed it in that second episode. So I was kind of like, oh man, I i could have gone for a little bit more Evil Barris, right? Because coming out of the Clone Wars, when she gets ahold of Ventress's saber and and she makes that comment of like, I say like, I can get used to this, or I like this, or something like that. Something like that, yeah.
you know You always assume that maybe she tipped a little too far to the dark side and really embraced what what she was. Because in these episodes, you only see her surviving, right? Not actually like how Lynn did, where she just went and massacred that whole like group of people. That was wild. yeah Super wild. old Wild. Yeah. That kind of was my anticipation for Barris, so that when we didn't get it, it just, on my first watch, I was like... But... um
Now that I was familiar with the story and knew what to to expect, um it was it was perfectly told. It really was. I don't think any of my headcannon needed to be brought into it whatsoever. And I really did like the resolution of like what happened with her. This one wasn't strong with like cameos, but it had these really good mentions in it that allowed you to connect different parts of stories that we know of before. So that's what I really liked. And honestly, the animation and again, the fight choreography, the Jedi lightsaber fight.
That was amazing, absolutely amazing. So, will I watch that one again? Yeah, probably because it was very, it was very entertaining. um But i i I was just expecting different things. That's it. Yeah, no, that's fair. I mean, would I be lying if I didn't say I was thinking the same thing too, as far as early on Vader, Barris? But when it all played out and he just, you know, strolls by, sits on the throne, and she says for the empire. I was like, okay, no, that makes sense because a, like you were saying, Anakin was gone, right? He was Vader. And so that part of him doesn't care about what bear, like he's focused on other stuff. Right. So.
I understand, I get it, where people would want that because, again, Ah, Ahsoka, Anakin, Barris, all that stuff. But this makes more sense because, again, we have been shown in other mediums that when he turned into Vader, I get all aspects of Anakin basically ah Except for very like this tiny bit was basically overtaken right by the dark side So he probably could care less that that was Barris could care less what he was, you know, he was just on a mission With the yeah you know from the Emperor like what he was supposed to do see like me like I feel like
him holding on to grudges that he had as Anakin is what creates Vader even more than anything else. So to me, like, I think he did know who that was. And I think he did want a lesson, but I think like, um, He had more discipline or perspective and plus he was completely ruled by the Emperor, you know on on what he needed to do But especially in that Vader comic you really see that. Oh, yeah, he's so he's a puppet poor writer Poor squishy Vader poor squishy Vader as we call him. But again, it's interesting that she was one of the very first Inquisitors
Yeah. I mean, cause like you're saying in the first episode, well I mean, we'll, let's, we'll talk about them kind of a little bit deeper. Yeah. And that is right off of order 66, man. And we are right in it. And then you're talking, I don't know how much longer after she sees the building on fire, did they come get her? But it can't be too long. And then they were like, you know, here you go. You want some absolutions or resolution? Do you want like join me? Right. And this is what lynne you know basically Lynn comes in and tells her. And then you can already tell, I think. And I think that's why I like how they set this up is that even in that first episode of her.
going through the training, yeah, she was tapping into that, her anger, but there was always that little bit of hesitation though, right? Like when she was fighting that friend at the end, like she was like, we can, like, they're not going to kill us both, right? Like she was like, we don't have to do this. And then she actually did what she had to do and she had to throw them into that pit. And then he was a wimp anyway. Yeah, I mean, fair. both Both of those other kids were. But but again, you could just those little right. It was just those little moments of her like. Doing what she's doing, but like you can tell that she's not super OK with it, even in the training, right? I mean, when her and the Inquisitor fought, that was great. I loved all that.
And then when they are at the very end of the episode when Vader strolls by, and again, you see the Inquisitor that Ahsoka defeated in Tales of the Jedi, and then you see Ahsoka, Maroke, and then Lin, and then obviously Barris. I don't know, and I don't think we ever got, did we get her name her sister number? On Wikipedia, she's the fourth sister. Okay, it is the fourth sister, okay. yeah So, and then she puts on that helmet and her voice, like it's pretty cool. i yeah That was, it was pretty sweet. Inquisitors are pretty cool. that's just but I loved all the detail we got around their lightsabers. Yes. Oh yeah. Yeah. And so then again, not again, but so then in the next episode, they go to this off world little town village.
There's rumblings of a Jedi, right? And then they're trying to find them. And again, it you see it, that she's trying to go about it in a different way than Lin, right? So you can already, like, again, and just like what you see in the in the previous episode, She, she's doing what she's doing because I think she, again, she, I think she strongly feels what she said in clone words about the Jedi, right? But she's not that like way that Lin is. And yeah, when Lin like destroys that village, that was insane. Like just insane.
And then for her to like let that little kid go and then Barris, you know, is basically like, oh, can't go back there. Please don't look. And then bye. And then just leaves up to you like what? But again, what is she going to do? So I. I again, I and then when they climb that mountain and they get to the Jedi and then she tries to talk to him and again, she's very like very Jedi-ish in like how she's talking to that young Jedi. Like, you don't have to do this, come on, I'll help you, like, there's a different way, aren't you tired? Like, she was talking to him in a, in a very, I, for me, like a Soka-ish way, if that makes sense, and like, like more Jedi than obviously Inquisitor. Yeah, right. Which I, again, yeah and then for Lin just to obviously kill that young Jedi, well,
Hurt him and he's still alive and then You know Barris was like we could have just brought him in she's like no that's not what we're supposed to be doing and then I look again I love that line from Barris is like you have one more Jedi to deal with and she force pushes her off the The mountain which I knew at that point cuz I know like you said, I know we see her in Kenobi I'm like well, I know she's alive so right kind of took it away, but this again it For Barris, I think that moment is, again, symbolic, if you wanna look at it, of her like pushing pushing away from those those feelings, those, you know, that way, from the Inquisitor way. So, and then, obviously, she, you know, um I don't know if we, we don't know, obviously, but it ends on her, like, like trying to help that young Jedi, which I love. Again, the fight choreography was great, the light sabers looked great,
Loved all that. And then the third one, the way out, I really like this one. This is a huge time jump. I don't know what is it. Yeah. And that's why I was just going to ask you, do you think I think we're still in like, I don't think we've gotten to the battle of Yavin yet. Well, I don't know because like. I mean, I guess the path probably was formed during this whole time, right? We just learned about, I mean, obviously we know in Kenobi it is, right? So we know the path is going on. I don't know, I don't think it's too Yavin yet, but what I mean, what's your what's your best guess or what do you think we're at with this one? This is the one where I was like, I wonder what the, this is the one where I kind of want to know like, okay,
Where are we in the timeline? Like I would like to know that for that one. Um, I don't know. It's weird. Like you, you see her with gray hair and lines on her face and she's aged obviously. So you assume, um, like we're going over like 30 years, right? That's like, what'd be your expectation, right? Maybe he like, can't go there, but then like Lynn shows up and she's, she looks perfect. Right. He hasn't aged a bit. So it's like. go back to the to the light side and and age kind of like Kenobi. But again, we don't know what her path was, right? Because Kenobi aged a lot. Some people say it was Tatooine. Maybe in your own head can and you could world between worlds it and they actually lived many lives. Who fricking knows, right? So I don't know. But all I know is I would guess it's probably 10 years before the Battle of Yavin. That's what I was going to say. I would say like 10 years ish.
because she knows Ahsoka, because the one thing that that kind of gives me like, okay, it's probably, I mean, closer yet, I say within 10 to five, like again, maybe around Kenobi ish timeline, maybe a little bit further. It's again that she she is in contact with Ahsoka. And we know Ahsoka, again, by the book, what, she finally joins Bale, Like how many years? Trying to think with that book, like three, was it three or was it just two years? That kind of whole book takes place. I'm trying, but regardless, we know Ahsoka is there or like we know Ahsoka is with the rebellion and again, somehow maybe Barris finds her. Cause I think that's who she, when she referenced like,
You know, take them to take them to her. She's a good friend. Yeah. Ahsoka is my first guess. I also thought maybe Ventress, but then I'm like, yeah, they weren't friends. So it had to be Ahsoka. And it would make sense for Ahsoka to be a part of the path early on. Don't you think? Yeah, I completely when she mentioned. the person to go to where I assumed it was Ahsoka immediately, just to kind of even like tie that off that they had been in contact with each other. They're no longer enemies, right? they're They have a common purpose now. So um that's exactly who I think that is. Yeah, that's kind of where my guess is. Now, my only other guess as far as why maybe she looks a little older is because she's known as the healer now.
And I wonder, and I can't, and I think, correct me if I'm wrong, in the Rise of Skywalker when Rey is doing that, how I interpreted it is that obviously it's something that they can do, but it does take away, like, I don't know if it takes away, not some force abilities, but just takes away some of, it's like they're giving some of their life, so maybe, From her doing all this healing, it's kind of aged her a little bit more.
Does that make sense? Do you see where I'm going with that? Like based on maybe just because of her doing the healing a lot, maybe it's just aging her up just a little bit more because it's taking a little bit more of her. When she does it, it takes more out of her. Does that make sense? Yeah, I mean, that's absolutely a ah possibility. um I'm going to stick with my head cannon that she tries to travel the cosmic force with Kenobi and they aged together. I mean, that's fair. That's fair. But yeah, she looks very much. She looks obviously a lot older. Um, I loved when her and Lynn fight, not fight, but like when they first see each other and she's doing like the Ezra, no lightsaber kind of monk like movement. Like just, I loved all that. Right.
And then again, the whole, I think her being a part of the path, I love to that's, that's just perfect. I could see that. And then again, this, the ending of her basically, is she alive? Is she dead? I mean, it's kinda up and up to interpretation. Yeah. Um, I mean getting, not to sound cynical, but getting stabbed in the gut with the lightsaber only does so much lately. and and Fair. Yeah. Fair. That's fair. I would think that she is still alive.
And what's what's cool about this group of stories is that there's so much more that can be expanded off of off of this, right? um Now there's like more questions. When when you watched the Morgan Elspeth one, it was like kind of finite. Like you got answers, it's over with, right? You you know the fate of of Morgan. like Right, right, right, right. that's over and done with, that story's there. But I feel like, right, like you who who is the friend? Is is it Ahsoka? Will Lynn then no longer be an Inquisitor and will she join the path? right like
all all of these things right there and then we can kind of like if we start exploring like a path story right uh either live action or animation like then you can expect that you're gonna see bears some more as well too so um this one really left it um open yeah no and i like that i kind of like how it's open ended because then yeah we could come back but if we don't then it's like okay well i mean we We kind of got the ending then, right? I mean, but I, I do wish, and I hope that we get more of her stories because she's very cool character, right? I love a good redemption. We're, we're big on redemptions. This is a good, you know, big redemption for Barris for doing what she did in the Clone Wars. And now again, redeeming herself and being like you're saying, and clearly we assume it's Ahsoka in them now mending that.
Right? That's great. I wouldn't mind the kind i wouldn't mind that conversation. I would have loved to hear that. Again, maybe in a comic or something, I would take that. But yeah, more stories with her because again, yeah, like she was known as the healer. what was she like What was she doing? How long has she been doing it? Was she going to like different planets and doing it? Was she just at this planet in particular? like I want full details now, right? Like I want that, that story. And like you're saying, we could get it, right? Cause we have, it's open ended as far as from the end of episode two to three, yeah you know, her episode from the end of Barris' second episode to the third episode, there's seems like a big time gap where you could tell some, some stories via book, comic, ah whatnot. So, and she's a fan favorite.
So I think a lot of people would dig it if if we got more stories from her. you know But yeah, the ending's open-ended. I think she's alive too. i think I do think we'll see her again. I hope we see her again. And I do hope where this leads, like again, the little crumbs that we're getting from like that, from Bad Batch, from Kenobi, like a path, we talked about it, a path story of some kind. Like I would like that, the like who formed it? How did it get formed? Who was involved? We know a little bit, right? I mean, just small details that we have gotten from basically Kenobi and just, you know, again from this, just little crumbs, but I want the full story of a path. Like that would be my my next kind of wish list of what I would want to know more of is that.
for sure. Anything else and that you got with this, uh, with these three, any details within these episodes? What you got? Uh, I really liked the, the cave, uh, atmosphere, this, this forest cave kind of along the lines of like the Dagobah cave, like you go in and in whatever your intention is, that's what you get from it. So, um, that was really cool as well too, to always think that like Jedi, get called back to these areas that are strong with the force is is really cool as well too. So um it's just another another planet, another place that um is interesting and is strong with the force. I thought that was a really nice touch.
Yeah, I like again, I like a lot of parallels like you're saying, right? I mean, the fall, why are we there? Why are we here? Why are, why are we, you know, at these different planets? It's yeah, a lot of it. I mean, even for to kind of go off that off, but like in the same vein of like the path, we know Cal Kestis. If you played the Jedi survivor, a lot of that stuff too, kind of comes up. So. i Yeah, I this is this is my next one is give me a path story like that's What I hope we get in it and I would love it an animation I don't live action be great. Don't get me wrong. Like give me a live action Cal With Cameron love it Live action like a bear is live action a size in that live action um Omega Yeah, man
give it to me. But if we're animation, we're animation, I'll take it too. Like either way. But I wouldn't mind animation. I don't know. It just seems like a cool, it'd be a fun animation tale to tell for me. but ah Final thoughts, Angel? Anything else before we go into Acolyte? Uh, no, it was a really good touch for, uh, maybe the fourth, uh, this Tales of the Empire. I know we were kind of expecting like another Tales of the Jedi, but to get a, get a side story on, on the other side was, um, was, was great. What's your next, is there a tale of that you would want to see next? Tales of the Sith?
Maybe after I feel like maybe we can get more of that. Give me a little Darth Plagueis. Good. Darth Sidious Mall. There's a there's opportunity there. Yeah, I tell the Sith would be great. I wouldn't mind. I know it might be played out maybe for some people, but like a tale of the rebellion. I wouldn't mind wouldn't mind tales of bounty hunters. That'd be a good one. uh tales of the first order a little more on that it would be kind of interesting uh yeah i would take another tales of jedi part two like give me more oh yeah absolutely i still am down for uh quinlin vos assage ventress dark disciple creation uh animation yeah yeah yeah me too no i'm i'm with you on that one for sure
All right, so let's go ahead and tackle it because we they dropped another ah official trailer. The first one was called official as well. This is another official trailer, although the first one was clearly a teaser. ah But this trailer was pretty, pretty good. Again, a lot of same images, some little more detail. Right. I think we're getting, you know, from this trailer, you get that. um I think it's Amanda. I think I'm pronouncing their name correctly. A man, a mandala or a man, blah, apologies. And then Stenberg. So she is, was trained by the um the one gentleman who we find out, like, that's what he says. He's like, I trained her. I can bring her in.
And again, we you get some like a little bit more of like the scene between her and ah Trinity. I'll just call it Trinity. A little more of that scene. ah And you we got that. We talked about it a little bit ah again at the before the ba Bad Batch finale discussion of what we saw after we saw the Phantom Menace. They gave us a little more of that scene, too, as well. But it seems like
A Jedi does die, maybe it is Trinity's character. Karian Moss' character. Karian Moss, thank you. Karian Moss' character, maybe, seems like. ah But they are obviously on the hunt for you know who's doing this. And it seems like it's... You know, ah May is ah the character's name for, I mean, it was Steinberg. And it seems like she's doing all this, right? And then again, the big thing and the first trailer was you see a red lightsaber flying by. Well, now we got a look at the guy or person, I i don't know, right?
a bean with a all black outfit with a very cool helmet might I add very cool helmet and you they're the ones that were holding the lightsaber
ooey, where are we going with this? That's huge. I don't know if he's Sith. I don't know if he's just an aculite. We will again, this is what the show will actually tell us, but ooh, and thoughts, opinions, what you got, what'd you feel on this one? ah I mean, i was um but you know a lot of people are really like grabbing onto this thinking that like this is going to be like the Star Wars that like pushes us to the next level. right this is This is going to be so Star Wars, you can't Star Wars anymore. right
yeah And I've been kind of like, oh, you know, I just kind of, you know, want to see what it's about. I'm a high Republic fan. I've read all the books. um I know the characters very well. I know this has a little bit to to tie in with that, maybe not fully. But to see this this latest trailer And to see ah the wardrobe, and to see the settings, and then to see ah the the showing of who are our villain is going to be, maybe. um From that far away shot, like and then even from the from the close up with the mask and the red lightsaber.
um It's got me just like, yeah, i'm all ah I'm all about this, but I also kind of want to be a little hands-off as well too, right? I don't want to... expect too much. I don't want to anticipate like what's going to happen. Who is that? Who that could be? right All that stuff like um that is always a trap for me and in being disappointed. but um Right now, i mean everything looks flawless from these trailers. i mean they It just looks fantastic. ah casting is unbelievable. the The choreography that we've seen, like we saw that um special scene, that extra scene that was shown at the end of the Phantom Menace. like It is everything that we've been told it's going to be, it that's what it looks like. So I'm i'm really excited for that.
Getting into the argument of the Sith have been extinct for a thousand years and that's what Kiari Mundi said in the Phantom Menace, I don't care, right? Because we all know like darkness lurks and is always there. They were clouded. We know this is the point. They were clouded. Does that mean that all these Jedi that are interacting with this this Dark being with red lightsaber are going to die. Maybe maybe not but I mean there's a lot that has happened prior to we'll say the Skywalker saga that is kept from the Jedi and is designed to ah and
it really creates their downfall as well too. Like they're just, I'm not um admitting to their mistakes and and learning from them and all that stuff. So exactly that what's going to be cool is seeing that, right? is Is all these things that have been kept from us ah in the whole galaxy this entire time to start to see some of that leak out, right? Now, if you're if you are a you know a novel fan and you read canon books and you read Star Wars Legends books, there's there's a lot of there there's a lot of information around this this time frame, right? And there's a lot of theories that you can like pull from that too. But I mean, Leslie Headland said that this is this is her Star Wars, like book Star Wars is her Star Wars. So um it's going to be interesting to see
um If things some things get canonized, it's going to be interesting to see like house how this timeline is going to be created or told. so um i think What's going to be, I think what's going to be really cool about this show is that for nerdy, nerdy, nerdy Star Wars fans, I mean, you were talking like deep cut, like Star Wars fans. This is just going to be like a plethora of like finger pointing to the screen, Leonardo DiCaprio, ooh, ooh, ooh. But I think this is going to be also really cool for the casual viewer of getting back to um seeing Jedi.
um and and seeing those types of things, so I don't know. I'm excited. Yeah, i' am I'm very excited. Because just like you just pointed it out, I think this will be huge for fans like us, but this will be very good for the general public because I think you're getting the Jedi, you're getting a Sith slash Acculite, we'll find out, right? Red lightsaber, like that all, again, for the general population that's not invested like we are, that will be, oh, okay. They can connect with it, right? Because they know, lightsabers, Jedi, evil, you know, all that. I am so fully invested in what Leslie Hedlund wants to tell, based on like what she has said in interviews.
Like she just recently said that one of her favorite parts of Clone Wars was the Ahsoka trial, specifically with the very first episode in that one, the, was it the wrong Jedi or the, um yeah she, name that episode specifically as like a inspiration to kind of what she wanted to do as far as like tell a kind of mystery, like a mystery, you know, that Jedi have to solve, right? So I love that. Cause that's a like you're saying the deep cuts, I think will be there for the hardcore fans. But I think it will still be,
one that casual viewers, like but like my mom, my dad, they can get into. Because it's light sabers. It's this, it's that. It's it's it's fun stuff, right? that's It's what Star Wars is. Yeah. You know? So i I'm so excited for this. And yeah, I'm glad you brought up the whole the Sith haven't been seen in what day was it a century? or something that 1,000 years. 1,000 years. 1,000 years. I don't care either. But you know what? It like it lines it' it lines up right from like stories like that you hear or stories that are told in legends. like That's what the the Sith that were existing like during that time, they also knew that the Jedi thought that they've been extinct for 1,000 years. like So it tracks. like It's all tracking.
Right, because again, this is why the Sith were able to do what they did. This is why Palpatine was able to do what he did, because again, the arrogance of the Jedi and then the complete like just.
What Palpatine and obviously maybe more Sith were able to do as far as keeping them in the dark. so to speak, right? And to keep them not aware of them being around. I mean, first for F's sake, man, Palpatine was right in front of them. The dude was the ultimate like Sith and he was right under their nose. So yeah, when, when Monday says they haven't been around for a thousand years, sorry bro. I don't trust you from what we gather now, right? Like it's not that Palpatine just showed up and was like, okay, cool. I can run this now. Like, yeah, they have probably been around for a long time.
I wish I could remember like the line, I can't remember, but in the Darth Plagueis novel, Plagueis and Sidious were talking about how they are the descendants of Bane, right? The rule of two, right? So there was there were all these Sith and then Darth Bane decided, nope, there's only gonna be two. So then it was like him and Janna. And then from there, there were always like this betrayal and this acquiring of a new apprentice, right? And it just keep kept flowing down. But i I think there was a point where Plagueis and Sidious are having a conversation about how there are other Sith, right? There are other dark side followers. They're just not the descendants of the two, right?
and i have been meaning to try to like find that that passage or or that that part of the story that's told. And in all reality as well, too, like even Plagueis' master, Tenebrous, he had another apprentice as well, too, that Plagueis didn't know about until he challenged him. So it's not like there were only two Sith, there could only be two Sith. That just like was not a thing, right? There was the... i Yeah, there wi right, Palpatine with Maul. There was an intention of having a master and an apprentice, yeah but that didn't mean that there were those those two weren't creating other Sith circles that that were in the unknown, right? So it could be this this person that we're seeing, right? Everyone's like, oh, is it Plagueis? Is it Tenebrous? Is it Venomous? I don't know.
I don't know, and I don't even know if it's a new guy, and I'll be cool with it because I understand that the rule of two does not mean there are actually only two. Right, I think that's the the the thing that people have to realize is that, yeah, they call it the rule of two, but clearly, it's not like they were following it by the letter. Right. Because i again, you look at Palpatine, he had Maul, he had Dooku, He probably had, obviously was he had Vader. He was training him while he had Tuku and Ma, like. Yeah. Hello. And I mean, literally, Plagueis truly believed that his master, Tenebris, that they were the only two. He truly believed that until someone showed up and challenged him and found out like, oh, I was also the apprentice of your master as well. like So there there are other- Clearly they lie. red saber wielders. And then there's also like a red saber is a red saber. Like there's also another story in Legends about how this arms dealer was creating lightsabers and fabricating crystals that would would create a red lightsaber. But they were a little like wild and they needed to be like tamed by the force and whatever but they were they were creating lightsabers and red sabers. So it's not like
Only you could only there could only be two red light sabers going on at one time like that. Just wasn't a thing Well, we do know again. Well in can in any way. It's the bleeding of the Kyra crystal now right is Legends is different right right right So again, who's to say that people obviously write, like you're saying, yeah, a dark side user doesn't just have to be two people can bleed a freaking crystal and have a red light saber. Like this is not rocket science, like.
Yeah. I, the notion that people are like, it's going to break cannon. No, it won't. It's gonna, it fits perfectly with what was going on in the Jedi organization at the time. Right. The arrogance, the the dogmatic views, like everything. The hubris. They failed. They a hundred percent failed. And that's why Yoda at the end of return to the rest of the Sith was like, Oh shit. We screwed up. Big time. Big time. Right? Yoda was literally the only one that could probably, it is probably old enough to realize that, oh yeah, dude, they probably have been around for a lot longer than we thought. I mean, the more you read the High Republic and then you think about the the history of Yoda, I mean, he knew a lot. He knew a lot. And he didn't share.
Nope, but again, that's so Yoda because again, what is he the force? It's as the force wheels it right like He wasn't gonna mess anything up. He wasn't going to interfere right because the force was the force it was gonna do its thing so Yeah, again I get I don't I don't care if that guy's a Sith I don't care if he's an aculate dark. I don't care. It doesn't matter what they are and We have a very cool new Star Wars story coming out that is gonna be awesome. That's what excites me, right? Like you said, the cast is outstanding, first of all. You have the director, Leslie Hedlund, who is a huge Star Wars fan, like huge Star Wars fan. And I think what makes it even cooler for me is that she is a fan of the prequels.
Right. And we've talked about this a lot too. And just that the newer directors now, right? Like Leslie, they, the, the, their love of star Wars was from the prequels. Right. Unlike again, and this is no, this is no jab, but again, John Favreau, what did he grow up on? The original trilogy. Mm-hmm. So yeah, this is that they're gonna do what they, what connected them to Star Wars. And this is what connected her to Star Wars was the prequels. So we're gonna get some awesome stuff and I'm here for it. And the fact that she loves the High Republic too is great. The fact that Vernestra Rowe is in the show, that's crazy. I mean, again, yeah, there is some, you know I'm trying to stay away from
the TV spots and everything, but again, Twitter gonna Twitter or X is gonna X, whatever you wanna call it. And people are already taking snapshots of, you know, stuff that's coming out, which is fine. Hey, that's, that's fine. People are doing it and it was a TV spot. It's not like it's You know, leaked footage, although I think somebody did leak actual footage, uh, recently, but I am trying to stay away from it. But again, you can, it's hard to stay, it's hard to stay away from it when you are a fan. But yeah, seeing that lightsaber whip, oh pretty cool. I mean, we're talking about it but before you're recorded, like.
when When you read read that, right that she has a lightsaber whip and the way that it works and like you get the description of it, you're like, man, I can't wait to see that. like I can't wait to see that. And then to see it, and you're like, that's that's what it's supposed to look like. That's pretty freaking cool. it's very
Dang, it's pretty cool. And again, this is someone who's way behind in High Republic, so I am aware of the character, Renesta, and all that stuff, but just from people talking about the books and everything, I'm so behind. But yeah, seeing this idea of a lightsaber whip and everything, that's rad. It's pretty cool. It's pretty cool. um Any final thoughts, Anjan? The trailer? Anything you want to bring up? No, I mean, it's coming up, right? June 4th? June 4th, too far away. So... Two episode premiere. Do we know... and do we know total episodes? Is it six? Eight? Eight? Is it eight? Nice. Nice. Okay, I'm glad we got eight. That will be cool. And again, I mean, who knows if there's gonna be more after this? I mean, there's still a hundred years.
So we got some time to play around. So we'll see, we'll see, it's gonna be interesting. I'm excited to see what happens to see what Leslie's vision of Star Wars is. It's gonna be cool. All right, kids, that's it, that show. Hope you guys enjoyed our little conversation of the tales of the Empire and the new Acculite trailer. You can follow us on all the social media at the Galactic Pod and you can follow us and listen to us on Apple Pod, Google Play, Spotify, all the major platforms. And then you can follow me, Lauren Romo, at lower nose and all those social media platforms. You can follow me, Andrea Guti-Erez, at r2d2step on Twitter and Instagram. Any BTS updating? I had a dream about them.
Wait, I do want to say this. Okay, so... We all know, like, I love Jimin, Ian Jungkook, but I really love Jimin, okay? So, um, the other day, went to the K-pop store, bought a BTS album that I don't have, right? Open it up, Jimin photo card. Huge, right? So then Carmen goes to the K-pop store yesterday, gets me another album that I don't have, right? It's supposed to be for my birthday, but I opened it up anyway. She made me do it. Open it up, gym and photo card in there. It's like the BTS gods know, like they deliver. They are like, listen, she's really going through it. She misses them. but Just giving me gym and photo cards, crazy. We love that for you.
All right, kids, that's it. And as always, may the force be with you. Always. Always.