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Savage Worlds - The Phony Express 2.6: The Sex Loophole

Roll Players
88 Plays1 year ago

Ryn loses her cool, Cutter plays undead blackjack, and Maverick discovers a very useful loophole on the Doom Train.
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Introduction and Episode Jokes

We interrupt this program for a special news bulletin. None of us have our local recordings ready. Oh, man, what was that fucker? Can you start it that way? The powerpuff girls. Courage to cowardly dog was like we were like, oh, oh, sorry. Courage to cowardly dog. You unlocked a memory as the kids say. Great show. All right. Good morning, good afternoon and good naked ladies, gentlemen, non binary folks of universes. None and none. This is role players and welcome back to the Phoney Express episode.
Six five five five number says on six thing you clicked shit six Yep, let's call it six. Let's call it six guys. It's episode six So last we found her What what's six in German? Mmm. I'm spy. Did I know my night? Funt fun sex
Fuck, it is sex, damn it. What's fuhnf? What's fuhnf in fear? Fuhnf is five and fear is four. Fuck! Einswei, drei, fuhnf, fear, four, sex. It should just be fuck. That's how German's numbers should go. Einswei, drei, fuhnf, fear, fuck. There you go. Here to hear first, sex is six in German.

Rin's Battle on the Ghost Train

Okay, so Rin, when we last saw Rin, Rin got was trying to get to do that with Maverick's old dead buddy. And she got shot at by some by some undead folk from the train of doom or whatever we're calling it. And she was like, yeah, you jerks. And then, you know, she shot a lot of them.
And then at some juncture our friend stand just went mad and just was like i don't forgive you you son of a bitch and an attack ran and then that calamity happened and she kinda got him off her back.
A couple of failed checks later, she toppled over the wagon and the horse bitey on top of her, causing some pretty severe damage. And last we saw her, we heard some footsteps walking towards her as she was trying to recover. And then on the train of doom, we have a young bodied maverick and also a young bodied cutter.
caught some ne'er-do-wells, um, of different colors, inky, pinky, dinky, and Clyde or whatever. Um, and, uh, they did that, but during that, uh, some of those little vagrants were like, ah, we're going to cheat. And they shot at Maverick and cutter and then Maverick was gravely wounded. And he had a big old hole in his body, if I recall correctly.
And then Cutter was all like, oh man, I learned to be a smart boy. I'm going to try to heal your wounds after he caught the other guy and slug them one. That was one of the challenges by the man with the white hat, who's, I don't remember the name of, so don't ask. Um, and then, uh, yeah, I think that was the majority of it. So I think we just ended the episode. Either we ended it with, uh, Ren getting approached by some footsteps. We approached it with Maverick having a hole in him. I can't remember which. Um, Ren was hearing footsteps.
All right, so let's go to Rin. If there's footsteps approaching you and you are currently, you got one hand as the other one is currently clamped onto your tank from some damage it took from gunfire. And you're kind of under some rubble and some aloe. You smell like fresh aloe and you're trying to shake off some wounds. I think you got wounded what, two times, three times? I can't remember. I have three.
We wounds, um, you're pretty banged up and you hear some footsteps walking towards you as bitey's struggling to get back to his feet with the wagon and everything on top of her, like holding them down. What do you do? What was holding him down?
Like, you know, because like the wagon's still attached to bitey and bitey fell over in the wagon top. Okay. Can't really get up. Nevermind. I totally nevermind. I thought I saw, nevermind. Um, anyways, I saw something went woo in my brain all of a sudden. Um, what was it? I don't know. I totally thought that like, uh, somebody else got pinned underneath the wagon. Oh, yeah. That's, that's Rin's brain when it's like all fucked up.
Yeah, pretty much. That's all my brain all the time. So she is going to... Uh-huh. Massachusetts. Go berserk. Oh, gone go berserk. I know that's an edge you have or a trait you have. Tell us about that berserk trait.
Oh god, if I could get my mouse to work here. Berserkers become wild and nearly uncontrollable when the Red Rage takes them and they are deadly killing machines. If we get hit, we immediately suffer a wound. Oh, what's the positive benefit of the berserker if you get wounded automatically?
Uh, when I go into enraged mode, oh, sorry, I missed a spot. Um, my strength increases a diet type and, uh, I add plus two to my toughness. Ooh, she had. Okay. Okay. Okay. Toughness is so you're harder to wound, but if you do take a wound, wait, if you get hit, I get an extra wound.
Oh, well, that doesn't make you harder to wound. It should increase your parry, not your toughness. That's crazy. I don't understand how that works. I don't know. Oh, you do have your random attack thing and your fatigue. You have a lot of other things that just like your smarts are bad, but like you don't make smart decisions because I just see red.
Yeah, but anytime Berserker rules a critical failure on her fighting check, she hits a random target with the rage of her attack. So you're always going to hit something with your plus two on toughness. Oh no, you ignore one level of wound penalties. I must have not got the... So even though you have three right now, three wounds, you only take a minus two to the checks you make because when you're raging, you ignore one level of wound penalties. So instead of a minus three, you'll take a minus two.
That makes way more sense.

Maverick and Cutter's Challenges

Okay. Yeah. I don't know about the other word when I copied and pasted. Uh, no, you didn't. You didn't. Um, no, you good. You good. You good. You copy and paste three.
Copy and pastry if there isn't a bakery called that they are missing out because that is genius Adrienne write that down right now Copy and pastry. Oh my god. Yeah, we're trademarking that right now. We're gonna call the trade cuz you know, I'm a pastry chef So, you know eventually happy and patient we need to change a lot. We need to change atomic lipstick chef to copy and pastry That's great if it doesn't already exist
OK, so yeah, you're raging Cajun right now. Mm hmm. I'm so mad right now. All right. So you just hear footsteps coming and then you see you see a beat up, scuffed up. Red looking familiar face that you were just testing with and he goes, my God, I'm so sorry. I don't know. Are you all right? Let me help you up. She's going to she's going to let him help her up.
And then she's going to take the reins that I'm assuming are still wrapped around her arm, right? I'm sorry, what was that first part? She's gonna let him get him up or let him get her up. Oh yeah, because your other arm is still on your, on your, um, your mechanical arm is on your back. Well, her mechanical arm is still there, but her hand is detached. Oh, right, right, right. The hand is on the, on the, yeah.
Yeah, so she's going to let him help her up. And then because she's still holding on to the reins, right, of the wagon. I mean, if you want to be sure. Yeah. Oh, shit. She is going to wrap the reins around this motherfucker and then punch him in the face. That's not that bad. You're going to strangulate him to death. I'm just going to say, go ahead and roll your attack.
I mean, yeah, let's just see if the rage is making you accurate, because clearly you want to hurt this person. So just go ahead and roll the fighting rule against them and see what happens. Fighting. You can't use any skills that require concentration. So it's wounds minus three. So technically you rolled a four, not a three, because while you're raging, you ignore one of those wound penalties. So you got a four.
Uh, although I'm going to say that you probably do slug them, but since you're using your, your, your nonmetal hand to slug them, like, you know, like you, I mean, it's still a punch is a punch. So like you, I'd say he's probably more so just like taking a back and like, you've probably done a surprise on them. Um,
Actually, you know what? I take it back. He's approaching you peacefully and you lured him in. I would say that you got the drop on him. I take it back. You hit him because that's a plus four on top of that. So yeah, nevermind. You hit him. He wasn't expecting you to fucking slug him. Yeah, that's that doesn't make sense for him not to get hit. You definitely hit him. She's going to continue to just like finish tying him up with the reins. Are you tying him up or are you trying to like kill him? Right now, like right now you're on full you're in full rage mode. So I don't know. Yeah.
And then she's going to kick him in the face. You're going to kick him in the face. So, all right, roll. Trying to think of because this berserker role has so much text to it that like anything that involves concentration, you just can't do like anything that involves a thought process, it says you literally cannot do when you're raging. She's just thinking of violence.
Yeah. Um, okay. Roll another fighting roll. But this time he's like, you know, you got like, you got this, like the rain's kind of wrapped around and you're punching me like, God damn it. I'm so sorry. I promise it wasn't me. Stop. Come on now. I don't know. Not falling for it. Not falling for it. Oh, he hears his bra. That's a 13. Oh, okay. Um,
Yeah, go ahead and make sure just unshake yourself, by the way, because it's so asking you to unshake yourself. I'm just going to say that if you're full on raging, you're probably unshaken. You could just click the button and just make yourself not shaken anymore. Okay, so yeah, so you're just going to keep kicking them in the face and just abusing this person for a while. Yeah.
Uh, at what point does will written come out of this? We shall see. Um, I think he's going to try to, I think he's going to try to preserve himself at this point. You're slugging him like crazy. He's trying to talk to you. You don't hear his words. He, all he hears is you screaming in his face. Um, I think he's just going to try to just survive. I think, you know, at this point, fight's going to kick in cause he can't run away. Uh, and he's going to try to see if he can't, um,
If he can't give you give you a kick and maybe kick you off balance while you're while you're swinging I'm seeing get away So I'm gonna roll quick fighty-whity from him. He rolled the four. Does that go past your Perry? It does not I have a seven. All right. Well, he's like he's just kicking his feet wildly like come on. Stop it now. Come on. Come on. I'm getting a little short on air here good All he hears is bra
I feel like Rin thinks she's saying words like at some point, but she's just shouting loudly into his faces. All right, what do you so are you just going to keep slugging them until he until he dies? Is that just like what what like is she in full murder mode right now? Yep, she's in murder mode. I'm only going to give him one more chance to try to get free. And if so, I'm just going to say you bludgeon them until he stops fucking moving.
Um, cause like you've been striking them pretty hardcore. You're kicking them. You're punching them. He's like, you guys got fucking the rains wrapped around his neck, uh, bite. He's struggling. So like he's pulling out of that way. Uh, I'm going to give him one more shot to try to fight himself free. He does not. Uh, so, um, yeah, I'm just going to say after several, you know, you just keep striking them and punching them and kicking them and just harming them until at some point he just turns into a bloody punching bag, like, you know, with the rains wrapped around his neck.
And we're just going to say that goes on for some time because Brynn's got something that she needs to get off her, off her metal chest, I guess. Yep.

Humor and Healing on the Train

Okay, so instead of acting that out any further, let's go over to the train of doom for a minute. Cutter, you're sitting, you're standing over, kneeling over your wounded friend, young Maverick, who just got a big old hole blasted in his chest cavity.
And you've been working on him trying to like, you know, pat him up and catch the blood and do whatever it is that you've been doing with ghost magic to make him feel a little better. Maverick, I'd say that you're probably conscious, but very loopy. Because you did just suffer a pretty severe injury. Yeah. And you kind of see kind of like a blur of old cutter kneeling over you when working on you.
kill me all right why are you so it's only hey what are you talking about you old fool come on keep it i'm gonna kill this son of a bitch devil man each is what i didn't mean to make you old like that i think you're delirious from goop loss
We gonna get off the top of this here. And like I realized that it's like a huge hole. You're kind of right, there's some goo missing. Maybe you should like go and see if there's like a medical section in this train. I'm thinking that I'm down in Maverick. I think we ought to get you off the top of this train, old feller. How long am I old?
And you're not actually old at all. It's just that's what Maverick thinks. Yeah. I like it treated. You could like take a nap or something. No, I ain't going to take it. I'm going to get us all this damn train. If you if you feel the urge to slap Maverick in the face, maybe he will see you as old anymore. I don't feel the urge to do that. You're old for a little longer. Get up there, Mav.
I'll think I'll do that. All right. Let me help you. Thanks. And as he gets to roll an athletics check, strength, strength, roll. You maverick roll a vigor roll. A vigor roll. Yeah, I critical failed. You critical failed maverick.
Uh, yeah, you guys fall through the train. Uh, as you're trying to pick them up, you just fall through the roof and just land like in the, in the middle of a, of, of one of the other carts and just crash. Well, uh, and then not, uh, and Maverick, you don't see old cutter anymore. You see. That's one way to get down. I suppose train is really strange. I think I might've eaten something bad.
Whole thing's bad. Come on get up He's got like a big old hole like in his and his clothes like out the back and in the front But like you just see his skin is kind of looks like there's like these very tiny like silk threads that are like being built across him It's taking a little while, but it looks like his body's repairing itself My don't know don't look down I will be the shit at a Halloween party. I
That's true. Let's get on up to the back to this fellow we were talking to and you got to rest though. Yeah, maybe I'll play bop it while you rest a little bit. Yeah, I'll just go and look for some ghostly medical supplies or something. Yeah, there are any dead doctors on this train. Perfectly. You didn't die because you sucked at being a doctor, did you?
No, got assassinated. Cause I was taking it. Oh, Hey, there you go. Merrick fall on that feller. Also, we said sucked back in these days in that, in that way. You know what? Let's let's see. When did. Sucked come into lexicon. Let's see. Early as the 1600s. Well, does it say what turn and what manner?
Thou hath sucketh, or something. That's great, alright. Anyway, Maverick, go talk to that feller there. He probably knows something about Goop. Alright, I'll do that. I'm gonna go back up that front of that car and talk to that son of a bitch with that white ass hat. Where are you at, you son of a bitch? Be careful, I don't want to lose a goo as well. I'll be careful, Maverick. I'm full of piss and vinegar. I'm gonna go kick your son of a bitch's ass.
I tried an idea. I didn't work well. Cass T-shirt idea, don't lose your goo. Are you suffering from goo loss? You are someone you know suffering from. Yeah. Yeah. Are you or somebody you're suffering from goo loss? Did you say goo loss? Goo loss? Back on track because we're on a train. That's why I was laughing when you said goo loss because I was thinking of goo loss the whole time. The entire ghost drama is made up of goo loss.
Goulash, that's right. Every every ghost is filled with goulash, and that's where she gets their ingredients from. OK, so cutter, you're going to go back up to the front of the train. Maverick, you're going to go talk to the doctor. Mm hmm. All right. Let's just do that real quick. You see a little dwarven looking lass. She's got a she's got a bit of a prickly, stubbly chin, and she's got a really nice bonnet on her head. She's a boy. What happened to you?
I kind of got a huge hole in my chest. Kind of embarrassing to ask, but do you have like a really big Band-Aid for me? I don't know what Band-Aid is. I don't think they were invented. You have a point there. But can you like fix up my goolessness?
Yes, you know what? You know, because money doesn't mean a thing on here. Why don't we trade service for servers?
Um, what kind of service are you looking for? She wants you to service her Maverick. Do you want me to sucketh? I want thou to sucketh mine. No, no, no, no, that's not right. My husband's still alive. Um, no. I mean, if he's alive and you're dead, then that means you're like a part right now.
Yes, but I'm going to go see him eventually. I'm just waiting for the train to drop his back off home. They do say till death do us part. So, eating ain't cheating. So there's no better time to get a piece of this, of this magic right here. Well, I was just going to ask you to teach me some German. You look like a fellow who might know a few words. I did visit.
Probably not Germany at this point. Was it pre-Germany? It was pre-Germany, yes. I feel like Germany probably existed. No, I rather mean like, I don't think that at this point, Trev will be so commonly available that he would have gone to Germany.
You might have been a German guy unless they took that unless they took the super tunnel underneath and rode their horses. Yes. You know, they rode underneath the ocean. What's that thing called? That that that is all made up. That's not a real word. A fuck was called. Yeah, the fuck. No, I just wanted you to teach me a few words. You know, I've been trying to find the German teacher.
Um, you know, I've had some strange dreams recently, but it was actually like a German guy teaching me German. So I might pass it on to you. Oh, is that right? How's that work? You know, sometimes you just smoke some things and then you have like some weird dreams. Normally you quite know how it works. Well, now I don't know if I want the German or if I want you to suck up my flapjacks.
I mean, you can do both and you just give me two things in exchange as well. Are you telling me that you'll play with my saggy udders and you'll give me your lessons? Yes. If the exchange rate is good enough, that can happen. All right, maybe one hand on the water bags and one hand on the other one. Yes. On the exchange, I want to feel like I'm six years old again.
All right. Come here, young boy. What words do you teach her? Why she's why she's mending you up. Let's teach her the words for train station.

Negotiations with a Ghost Doctor

And cinema. Which are.
I isn't bunched. That's your own. I isn't bunched. I isn't bunched. That's your own. Why does that sound Korean as well? Because maybe I'm speaking so much Korean lately. Are you turning Korean? What was the case? Are you turning Korean? I am turning Korean. I thought you were German. I'll be called out mix of things.
So like you could just go to the store and start becoming. That's crazy. It is. I'm just kidding. I'm totally kidding. So, so, so you taught her the word for train station. Whoops. Which is what? Eisenbanschatzion. Eisenbanschatzion. Yes. Well, that's a long ass word. Eisenbanschatzion. What else? Kino. Kino? Like Kino speaker?
Pino. He is. K-I-N-E-O. P-I-N-G-O and Binka was his name. Hey, thank you so much for playing with me, Gladbags and giving me some good language. I appreciate you. And you're all done and patched up, you little boy. I mean, that's all thanks to you. I had fun teaching you and doing the other things. Yes, yes. You want to take one more motorboat for the road?
What was that? Do you want to do one motorboat for the road? I don't know what a motorboat is, but... Let's just invent the motorboat. What's a motorboat? And at this point, Marek has an invented motorboat on a ghost. That's right. Hey, you know, if you can draw, why don't you go ahead and make an image of...
of maverick motorboating a ghost woman on a ghost train that's a doctor. Nope, nope, nope, don't do that. There's still a sign next on the wall says no motorboating loud. Someone from doodad must have died while holding on to that in the brothel. He's like, I'm going to take this sign down. Then he gets shot. Then he just goes to the ghost train with it.
all right cutter you're on your way back up to uh what is our show i'm sorry guys i don't know why my brain takes that what does my healing look like like stat wise you look a mate you still have the vigor uh issue uh right now that's gonna take a little bit to wear off because you just suffered that terrible blow but your wounds are all gone from the cutter and from the doctor helping you out
That's great. Yeah, I'm gonna say I'm gonna say you're gonna you're gonna have that for probably the remainder of whatever the day looks like because you just suffered that severe unless you get some sort of real extra sexy healing.
Sexy healing. You're getting a sexy healing. I mean, that was pretty sexy, so you might need to keep that going. Find some more sexy healing. Or consensual butt touching also helps. That also helps. Yeah. All right. So, Cutter, you're on your way back up to the front of the train to go give the guy in the white hat a piece of your mind or whatever? Yeah. All right. You do that. And he's there.

Cutter's Bop-it Battle on the Train

So he goes. So and so. We caught your little creeps.
Oh, hey, good job, Shorty. I'm proud of you. Oh, you son of a bitch. All right. I'm going to play once a day. I'm going to play some bopping now. You said I get tokens? Give me a damn token. All right. I'm sorry about that, man. Absolutely. Hey, Timography. Timography's. Timography's. Yep. Give him a token. Hey! And then you see a little pixie flies over and drops a little red and black token in your hand. All right. Thanks, feller. I put it in my vest bucket.
That's all we can say on the counter. That's all I told him. He only knows how to go. I mean, I'm ready to play bomber to bash somebody's head open with a bopping. Let's pop somebody. All right. Hey, maybe you could win like a razor to fix all that scruff. He got on your face there. Mr. It's pretty gross. Hey, in this case, you're not. So you're insulting a very nice gentleman back at do dad. A little, a little strange. He is, but very good at his job and very nice and kind.
Gave me a key to his back door. He said, there's some fudge back there I could have. Oh, well, you know what? Pardon me then. I didn't, I didn't mean to, sorry. Anyway, you want to do some bopping down? Yeah, I want to bop somebody. I never got shot through his damn chest back there. Yeah, I heard about that. That's awesome.
Oh shit, I couldn't shoot them, but them fellows could shoot me. Anyway, I'm gonna bop somebody. Hey, I said that you weren't allowed to. I didn't say they weren't allowed to. I know, it's not a bop bop bop. Anyway, let me bop somebody. All right, you gotta defeat Mojo the Mongrel in a game of bop it, and you win another token. All right, show me this fool. All right, he's right behind you.
And you see you see a guy who's like he's he's kind of has to like duck a little bit to stay inside the the confines of train car even though it's much much bigger than what it looks like on the outside and he's got like these rippling muscles he's got like a like yellow eyes he's wearing kind of like a black leather strapped across his chest and kind of like a
Like it's very gimp like what he's wearing as far as like, you know, like sexy armor is concerned. Uh, he kind of looks down at you and he kind of breathes real heavily. He goes, and he's also, he's got a real thick ass mustache on him. And he looks down and he goes, all right. Oh, then are you ready for a good old fashioned game of puppet then? Yeah, you son of a bitch. Awesome. I love puppet. How long have you been playing?
I don't really, uh, off and on past a couple months, so. Aw, it's a little bit of a newcomer. Shall I take it easy on you then, old chap? Well, whatever I gotta do to win a ticket, that's all I care about, fella. That's what I'm gonna bop ya. Oh. Get me and my friend off his here train. Might I give you a bit of a, of a, of a, of a tip then? Sure. Aim for the head. That's where the bop-it happens. Thanks.
You're welcome. Do you want to roll a dice to see who goes first? Uh, sure. Alright. Actually, you know what? Let's just flip cards. That's easier, right? Let's just flip a card. You take a card, not take a card, and whoever goes highest goes first. Alright, that's good. There is a card system we have set up on as a game. Alright, you've got a king of clubs. Ooh, that's very good. That's very good. I'm very proud of you. Wow, what a lucky draw for you. Oh, and a nine of spades. Oh, dear. I guess you get to go first and give me your bop on the nuggin if you could reach.
All right, you son of a bitch. Here comes strength. I believe it was a strength role, I guess. Hacha. Wow. My role is a bit shit on walls lately. Oh, I know. All right. Can I give you a tip for the next role? I mean, your next attack, you're not rolling. That's crazy. What? A harder a bit. Aim for the head. Thank you. You're very welcome. My turn.
They're all fighting this time. I have a better fighting. I want to know if I forgot I made a character sheet for this guy. Hang on. All right. He's going to roll the strength against you. He rolled a seven against your Perry. Oh, I have a seven. How did we do this before that? We just do damage to see if somebody got knocked out. I think it's what we did, right? Feel like maybe I don't remember. All right. This one's called this one's called Big Fist.
You rolled a 12. Christ, I'm dead. How much damage did you take? How many wounds you got? What's your type in? So that's one above.
Yeah, so you're shaking and you're wounded. He knows it says you're real good. It's got a security. It sure does. Oh, yeah. That's how you do it. He like he winds his arm up like Popeye and then just like brings it down on you and strike the fall. And then he hits you really good and you start. So it is hard like he's a three stooges like.
Hate this damn game. I know I should have played this shop. I'm so mad. Oh All right, there you go. Get angry. Yes channel you're in the fury. No the hell up. All right All right, you son of a bitch let me My mother was wonderful. All right, I've been shaking myself Okay, you son you so-and-so and I
If I, if I, uh, you know, I won't know if I just straight up just go and just punch him right in the face instead of like trying to bump him on top of the head. Can I roll a fighting in that case? Sure. Right. In a stupid mustache. 12. Nice. Does a 12 hit mojo. Let me see.
Goddamn better at the damn 12. That's a five. Well, it hits him. Yep, you got him. Jesus. Chris doesn't destined to fail. He's a tough. I mean, it's it is Mojo the mongrel we're dealing with. They're going to be in my strength, I don't think. Oh, is he like the is he like the king cobalt? I'm just kidding. And kind of kind of in a way. Yeah, I don't know what that is. Anyway, you only roll my damn once more fighting. Yeah. Roll your damage with your face. It's probably a strength plus D4 or something.
I presume. How did I roll a zero? Well, I got a minus one for my wound. Well, I put you in the face for nothing. You do.
You find them across the face you say they didn't they didn't tell me I couldn't use my gun here. Did they? I want to shoot him in the fucking face. No, they didn't tell you that, no. They didn't tell you that. Oh, right, right, chap. Hey, listen, look, look, you're still new. You're still getting your chops. Don't worry about it. I'm going to guide you right through it. Don't you worry. Yeah, guide me by knocking me overhead again. Come on, give me another one. Geez, I'm going to die on this damn train.
He like swings his arm real, real hard. I'm like, may I forget that dog? And she's like.
I is playing with me flat jacks right now. Call back later. Goodbye, that lady. I go and, like, see what our friend is doing. Go ahead and flatten me there, feller. Well, no, this is happening when you were still doing your lesson and the healing. Oh, OK. Yeah, so, like, that's why she yells that out, because you're still in the middle of your transaction while this is happening.
Um, so yeah, he swings his arm up real real high and he says and you're like and he stops it short and he just gives you like a little love tap. Oh, dang, I didn't hit you as hard as I wanted. Oh, gee. Come on, you can do better. Come on. Get harder. Come on. Get angry. All right. I'm going to do strength again. Well, if I do strength, I leave a D6 and never I'm never going to hit him with with a bopping with that. If you ace, you will.
Alright, well I'm just trying to do a normal bop at this time. I got a 10. That's a 10! You got him! You got him! You did it! Direct it! How hard do you strike me, my friend? Let me find out once I press the button right now. Not at all. What's your hand made of you son of a bitch? You're all zeroes on both things.
Technically, that's a critical fail if you roll the one on each one. That's damage though. Can I fail on damage? Oh, that's damage. Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry. Yeah, he goes, he goes, oh, well, you know, I could be, I could be persuaded to throw the game for, you know, if you got a little something in it for me, otherwise I'll take my turn.
What the hell can I give you in this death train? What's your offer? I don't know, man. I ain't got nothing. What do you want? You want a couple sticks of dynamite? You want some beans? Like a can of beans? Oh, I know what I want. If you get off of this train, I want to live inside of you for a little while in hopes that you do so I can experience the world outside of this train. Just hit me on the head, fella. Come on.
Are you sure? I promise I only- I only just want to see the world and then I'll go back to hell. You have my word. Nah, that ain't- I'm sorry. Okay. Hit me on the head. Hit me on the head.
Uh, wow, he rolled a two! He's gonna use a Benny? Fuck that guy. I couldn't use a Benny, it's just a little motherfucker. I still missed. He tries two times. Wap, wap. Oh, you're so quick. Alright, hey, alright, now he tried, he just feller's cheating now. Come on. This guy told him I wouldn't let him inside me. I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me.
Sorry. He gets down on his knees and goes, all right, maybe this will make it easier for you. Come on. I'll make it more fair. All right, you son of a bitch. What's wrong with your dice? Yeah, he's rolling like butt. He's rolling threes. Do you want to do anything else? This ain't never going to end. God damn it. Well, no, because now I'm not quite as mad at him. I'm not going to cheat and shoot him in the head. God. I'm just going to.
Can I skip this one, maybe let Maverick play it? God damn, I suck at this guy. I knew I was going to lose this game. Oh, do you surrender? Well, no, if I'm going to fight, if I'm going to like, can Maverick play? I mean, anybody can come and play, but I mean, our game has begun. Do you surrender? I don't know. What happened? Hey, either you fellers, what happens if you smash my head in and kill me? I'm already in. Well, then you lose. What happens to me overall?
Uh, you know what? That's a good question. And then, uh, the guy in the white hat says, well, I imagine you're just gonna pop back up back on the train from what I've seen. Just you'll have lost. That's all. All right. Fine. Uh, it was, you go ahead, smash me on the head again there, feller. I mean, you can just, you can just walk away and go play another game.
Can I come back and play this again? Or am I going to let it be? Of course, I'll be here for buff at any time. If I'm coming back later, I'm going to be the same man I am now. So come on, fellas, smash me on the head. Go pull your damn punches. All right, you asked for it. You rolled a nine. That beats my parry. And then he rolls a nine for damage. Oh, God.
That doesn't go above my, I guess, to above my toughness. So that's one more wound. Oh no, you're shaking again because you, did you unshake before? I did. So you're just shaking again. He just shook you. He didn't hurt you. He just gave you a little wobble.
Alright feller, you just wait as once I get my faculties back and once I see which one of these two uses is the right one, I'm gonna be right back and I'm gonna bump you on top of the head of yours. Let me see if I can un-shake.

Rin's Discovery in the Deserted Town

Alright, I'm shook. Wow, girl, the 14, Jesus Christ. I can now act. Alright, you son of a gun. Alright feller, here's the thing.
I look around, don't tell nobody I done said this, but I got a girl back home named Bathie. If you said something mean about her, I bet you I'd get real riled up. Well, I told you it's never mom. I'm just going to punch you in the face, all right? Your girlfriend, Bathie, she does not bath very well. I told you not to say nothing, you son of a bitch. What the fuck is wrong with me? Is something seriously wrong? I have a lot of zeros showing up there. It's like something really actually wrong with my shit.
Well, the zeros are just for like any modifiers that go with it or on it. So try rolling from the dice roller on the left side of the of the screen. All right. I was doing fighting. It was a D 10. It's still a two. You just had bad luck. You know, just get a few out. Just roll a few. Just roll a few fighting rolls just to see, you know, need a mere cutters cheaters, David. Well, no, I just want to see if the game is broken.
Let's just see if the streak continues. Those were threes as a seven. I'm just bad luck. It's like me when we used to play D&D back in the day. All of my rules were dog shit. All the time. I would describe the coolest fucking thing I could think of to do and then I'd roll and just fall on my face every fucking time. Like the dice, just my damage, my damage in my D20s just fucking hated me. He says, all right. I had a few things like Tari with that too.
Damn feller, maybe, um, uh, well, I mean, I'm still dumb doing poor anyway. Damn. Uh, I just, I don't know, smash me again. It's going to be great for it. Look, I'll tell you what. Why don't you go, you know, talk to your friend and maybe come up with a strategy. I'll be here. You don't have to do this right now. I'll be here and I'll be cheering you on as you complete the other challenges. You sure you don't want me inside you? No, I don't. Game don't.
Are you sure? There's things I do, I don't want no one else seeing. Well, no, I won't be, I won't be, you know, you just have to, you just have to let me know when it's okay for me to take a peak see. He's like, that's, that's, that's devil rules. Nah, that's fine. That's fine, feller. Um, well, here's the thing. I mean, if I go talk to Maverick, what am I going to do? He's going to tell me, hit you on what you said to me, hit you, hit him on the head there, matter cutter.
Good idea Maverick, I'll try it. Where Maverick comes in, we're going to both punch you at once. Either way, if I suck you still, you're going to suck too. I tell you what, if you can get me the guy whose name I don't remember over there is White Hat. I've had my eye on it for some time. We'll call it a win. What do you say? Can I shoot him dead, do you think?
I mean, probably not. But I mean, if you make some sort of deal or if you defeat him in some sort of challenge, like all devils are bound by certain rules. These games are kind of pissing me off. Can I like just challenge him to something and then avoid all these stupid games and getting cock to the conductor? I mean, you very well could give it a shot. Why not, old chap? What am I good at?
good at. Alright, so while you're thinking about what you're good at, you think long and hard about how you're gonna approach that situation. Let's go back to Rin for a minute. Rin, you are
Uh, well, you're, you're, you've been beating on this poor guy for quite some time. Um, and it's got to the point where just like, there's not a whole lot left, but like mush on your hands or on your hand, I should say. Um, and I'm going to say that eventually you just kind of power down as like, bitey's trying to get up. Yeah.
Uh, and I'll say that, uh, for just sake of not still remembering how all that works, that maybe enough time has passed it. Like your jets are cooled. You've probably given that a lot of steam, uh, unloading on this feller. Um, and then her in kind of comes to her senses a bit and then just sees, uh, she still sees red cause the world is still red on the outside, but, uh, well, I'm sure like her eyes are like covered in blood too. So, Oh yeah. What do you do?
Um, she's going to, um, take what's left of Stan and get him out of the reins. She's going to help bitey up and, uh, try to fix whatever happened to the.
the wagon. She's gonna also check on Maverick to see what happened to his body. I actually honestly forgot his body was in the back of the wagon for a minute. Yeah you go check. I'm sure he's fine on that bed of aloe you know.
rigor mortis has started to set in, you know, as like he's kind of in like kind of like a bent position just like on his side buried under a bunch of aloe and like scraps of wood that are tipped over the wagon. The wagon looks pretty shot as far as like you might be able to salvage a couple of the wheels or something. But like the wagon itself is pretty fucked. But yeah, Maverick is I mean, he's still dead. So what's the worst that can happen to him? So he's just covered in aloe goop aloe goo and but his body's indestructible.
Yeah, yeah, it's indestructible. That's right. Well, she's going to detach Bitey from the wagon and she's going to grab what's left of Maverick and kind of like throw him over the back of Bitey and she's going to ride Bitey kind of. If she's not able to ride Bitey, then she's going to walk back to do dad slowly.
I mean, body doesn't have a saddle, but you can try to bear back it if you want. Butternut's there with a saddle. Butternut, butternut. Oh, yeah. Butternut is still around somewhere. Forgot about her in midnight. So, yeah, she'll look for butternut. All right. You could try butternut. Butternut comes back once they see life is OK, I guess. Sure. Although I think for good measure, she's going to take one of the wagon wheels and set it on top of Stan's body just because
Right, just to weigh them down a bit. Yeah, stay down there. I don't care.
And you see you see butternut as she comes approaching you. She's got Cutter's body dangling from her reins. Somehow she found him and brought him back and just just dragging him across the ground. What a nice horse. Oh, geez. She's going to throw Cutter's body up on Baidi's back with. Butternut, butternut. And then get on top of butternut. OK, and you're going to ride your way towards Dudad.
Uh, let's just say that you, huh? Oh yeah. She was still going to go to Dr. Lulu because, uh, I feel like you still have to go to the doctor for like pronunciation of death or whatever. So, okay. Um,
You go there. Well, you make your way towards do that. You see that the train that's been barreling ahead of you like has just left you in the dust. And you eventually when you make your way to do that, you see it. No pun intended, but it kind of looks like a ghost town like like it's probably earlier in the morning by now. A giant ghost train just rode through there.
And a lot of the residents as you go knocking on the doors or like you people usually see out and about in the morning getting ready for the day or hitching their horses or on hits no horses, whatever. You don't see a lot of whole activity on the in the town right now. OK. And when you go to the doctor and you wrap on the door, you see a small child kind of comes like staggering up and opens the door and she's like, I win.
Uh, do I know you? Yeah. And of course, you know, it's a little early in the morning. What you recognize, this is Dr. Lulu's little girl, Lulu the second. Oh, hi, little Lulu. Is your mommy awake by chance? Uh, nope. Um, she's on the train. She's on the train. Yep. She said she had to go sleep on the twain.
Oh, that's weird. Uh, what about your dad? Great. Okay. Well, uh, nevermind. Go back to bed. See you later. You need some services. I'm a doctor. Okay. No, I'm fine. Thanks. I'm good. You have booboos. You have booboos. Let me look at your booboos. Uh, do you have a band-aid?
Maybe it's weren't invented yet, but I have some gauze and some rags. You have to learn from my mistakes. You know what? I happen to have some gauze and some tape here to have the Ninja Turtles on them. You want someone else? Yeah. Do you have any dinosaurs? Dinosaurs weren't invented yet.
I mean, I mean the hit sitcom that came on in the nineties. I love that show. Not the mama. She's going to go, well, thank you so much. I'm okay though, but, um, I will see you later and she's going to go see, uh, mutton chop Joe instead. Okay. I win. Um, I see you later.
Um, so you go to Mutt and Chop Joe's place, and he's where he's always at sitting in his chair, doing a sing, admiring his beautiful painting. He says, Oh, hey, Rin, what's what's up? Uh, we we've got a situation, Joe. Yeah, I don't know what else to do.
Uh, do you want to tell me what, uh, what you got going on? And then, uh, I'll fill you in on my end. Oh, good. Um, so we got somehow ambushed by some weird train on the way back. And, uh, I've been hurt, as you can see, and, um, Maverick and Cutter, I think are dead. Uh, yep.
That sounds accurate. Okay. Um, well I have their bodies. I don't know what to do with them. The little girl at Dr. Lulu said that she was on the train and that her dad was dead. So I don't really know what to do with the bodies. Ah, yeah. So yeah, pretty much, uh, yeah, that train came a barrel in through here and, uh, took pretty much all the adults.
Oh. Interesting. Yeah, yeah. So we're like the only two left. I mean, the kids and so I mean, adult wise, I mean. Yeah, yeah, I don't have my little assistant here either, so that sucks. Huh?
Interesting. So like all my girls are gone then, huh? Uh, yep. Why, uh, were you looking to throw a party? Well, no, but I mean, I didn't expect to come home to not having.
any of my brothel girls. Um, all right. Well, I guess what do we do next? Cause, uh, I've got dead bodies and apparently a lot of kids to take care of. Uh, do you, do you, uh, do you, uh, want to play cards? Do I want to play cards? Yeah. You want to play cards?
I mean, not really, Joe, I really need to like figure out what to do next. I mean, you could go get on the train. That could be fun. No, I'm fine. I don't want to die with everybody else. I mean, you'll come back to life if you defeat the demon sloth. Oh, that's what's going on here. Oh, yeah, that's my brother.
Hmm. Yeah. Seems like a real dick. Uh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And, uh, yeah. Mm hmm. Yeah. How's your day going? Um, well, I'm hurt. Uh, I killed a few people, you know, um, yeah, so, and then I, I,
I came back to find out all the adults are gone and do that. So that's. That's fine. I mean, I guess, you know, if I well, no, I don't want to I don't want to take that chance because I already have someone that can already fix me. Hmm. Oh, yeah, he's probably around, huh? Yeah. Well, Joe, do you mind if I just leave these bodies here with you and I'm going to go see Punky?
Oh, all right. Yeah. All right. That's fine. I guess a couple of dead bodies are, uh, fine. Yeah, it's fine. Okay. Well, good luck with that, Joe. Are you sure you don't want to, uh, play around the cards before you go? Um, I mean, I guess I could, but what's, what's the prize?
I'll let you touch my butt. Yes. If if you win. All right. I'll play a couple of hands with you.
Excellent. So let's just do a quick draw. You got a queen. You got a six. You win. You got a two. You got a five. He wins. You got an ace of spades. He got a seven. You win. Best of three. He says, ah, well, prize is a prize. And then he pulls down his pants and he's got a nice pair of boxer briefs on.
Um, and, uh, he's got a real tight booty and he says, all right, go ahead. One, one touch of Rudy for you. She'll walk up all like real close and she's going to put her one hand, like her regular hand on the one cheek.
And then she's going to go hubba hubba. How did you know what my butt cheeks names were? That's crazy. All right, so Rinn at least gets to have that before you head off to Punky's. She's going to go to Punky's after that.
OK, so while you're heading up to Punky Brewster's house, let's go back to Maverick, Mavarino on the on the ghost train.

Card Game Tensions and Chaos

I feel discovered in the force. I'm sorry. I got punched right now. Oh, yeah, that's probably that's probably a mojo to mongrel having fun. Probably. Who's that? I don't know. Who are you? Who am I? Yeah. Where are we?
What? Where are we? Where are we? Where are we? What? Us? Place? What? Try? Try? I think what I've tried. Okay, that's enough information.
I thank you. Bye. And I stand up and I leave. Does anybody want to touch me? Flap checks. So you leave and you go towards the front of the train where you see Cutter, who looks very frustrated at things going on. And then you hear part of a conversation where he's like, what am I good at? You know, Cutter, I think you're good at a lot of things.
Well, here's the thing, Maverick, I'm getting... I know it's only the second game I played here, but I've been playing Bobbit with his feller for about as long as he was getting healed up back there by that nice lady doctor. And dang, if I ain't beat his eye, I ain't been able to barely crack his man's skull. It's like a damn... He's like a damn cinder block. We don't got cinder blocks yet, do we? He's like a damn... He's like a damn normal old rock there he is. You know, I'm feeling pretty spicy right now. How about Ike for a try?
All right, if you don't get it, I'm going to challenge that big feller over there to some sort of some sort of thing that I can hopefully beat him at. Oh, yes. Have you decided what you're good at yet, my man? Well, I'm a good I'm a good shooting. But that's kind of, you know, I was trying to think of something more a little more sad, a little more exotic for folks at home. I look at the camera. It's the camera looks back into you. Oh, just broke the fifth wall. Well.
Um, so you're going to try to take a swing on mojo to mongrel maverick. Yes. That's a lot of M's. That's a lot of elevation right there. You try to take a Mac at the, at the man. That's a five. Yes. Ooh. Yeah. It's cucky. It's cucky. It doesn't do it. He goes, Oh, I didn't know we were starting young man. I'll use a Benny. I don't know what that means.
That means, why is everyone so illy twitter on a train? I am going to take my hand and punch you again. You hear from deep back in the train. What? Alright, well re-roll with your Benjamin, I suppose. You did about the same. I didn't talk shit. Mojo the mongrel's like, okay. Take that, you fiend. You only rolled a five.
You know, maybe we should make love instead of four. All right. I've got a few minutes. Okay. Hold on a second. Is that going to get him a damn token? Yes. You see with love, you can achieve a lot of things. You get like free healing, you get tokens. That should really be a life lesson to everyone.
Fuck your way through life. Well, I'm going to. There's some people that. Yeah, I'm going to go somewhere I can't see, so. All right. Let me know when you're ready and done, Merrick. All right. You see the guy in the white's like, oh, damn it, he found the sex loophole. Damn it. God, just give him the token mojo. What do I roll for sex?
Uh, athletics, obviously. Um, just for starters, just to see if you got the stamina. Um, six. All right. And then, you know, how about a notice roll? Just to make sure you're keeping up with, with his needs. Oh yeah.
I know all you need is motor. And then roll survival just to make sure that like you're not getting too fucked up because this is a big boy and he can hurt you. That's 11. I'm like so ready for this. I was playing for this moment. And then roll spirit real quick just to make sure that, you know, you're staying, you know, you're staying strong. That's a six. And then finally shooting. And you know why. Oh my god.
I mean, where do I exactly hit with a 17?
Oh, yeah, this is what happens, like the moment Maverick shoots. Everyone's feeling it. Everybody starts cheering as Maverick the Virgin turns into Maverick the demon dicker. The demon dick. It's my new title now. Ah, good stuff. Anyway, what's Cutter doing?
Hey, Cutter, what are you doing, buddy? I'm waiting, I guess, another train car sitting with my elbows and my knees and my hands clasped in front of me, leaning my face on them, my mouth covered my face. The new hero.
And then at that you hear. Oh, I know that's what I've heard Maverick in the broth before he's done. I go back up. Yeah, that's his boom goes to dynamite. So you go back up and then you see Mojo, the mongrel, handing a red and black token to your friend Maverick.
There you go, young man. You look like you've aged a bit since, you know, the thing we just did. Hey, remember, you sucked a life out of you. I mean, good performance takes its taller body. All right. Yes, what he said. All right. How many more challenges we got there, guy? What'd you say, Cass?
He said performance takes its toll on the body. Yeah, performance takes its toll on the body. Fucking hilarious. Put that on a t-shirt or a sticker. Okay. So I'm sorry. So you asked the guy how many more challenges were left? Yeah, how many more, how many more challenges I got there? We got to do. I think you got three left if you think that the option. What is, what, what were they? Blackjack.
I'm able to see extents and a trial by desire. What? That sounds like as a new one. Oh, at this time. What the hell member? That one's on you again. Six. You say these things differently than you did the first time. Well, you know what that means. Six stunts. Six stunts. Yeah. You got to do cool stuff in the dining car. Oh, damn. That sounds kind of easier than all the shit I've been doing so far, man. Well, I mean, there's also blackjack.
Yeah, yeah. Unfortunately for the viewer, they won't have as much fun as me, but I'm kind of excited to try Blackjack because I forgot we have the cards here on the program we're using. We got the cards. And if it doesn't work out, don't forget about the sex loophole. I will. Again, Maverick, that is for you to enjoy. You're a young man, new to life.
I mean, I've talked about this exact same thing with this lady order. We are dead right now, so there's like no commitments really that we have. I disagree with Maverick, but anyway. While we split up, this is driving me damn bananas. I'll go play Blackjack. I don't got a good game on skill. Damon, I don't got no game on it at all. Shit.
I mean, you're also young.
I'm probably going to need it. Good news is it's all about luck and your own skill and just as a person. So you're not really about rolling a gamble. We're actually just playing. OK, well, I'll play Blackjack, man. I need a damn break.
Even though you got shot in the chest, but I'm like mentally and I'm just, I'm up. I hold my hand over my head. I'm like, I'm up to here Maverick with what's going on here. Uh, you know, just need to try and go with the flow. I've been trying Maverick. I've been trying anyway. Why don't you go play that desire thing, wherever you seem good at that and go see what that's about. All right. I'll try and get his blackjack game one for us.
And don't and don't tell me what sort of details went on back there. Just tell me if you got the token or not. Can I show you my show you token? I've seen him hand me that one. Just go get another one, Maverick. And we'll we'll both have two and it'll be great. I love that he rolled a 17 at the end of all that for shooting. Yeah, it's the best fucking thing. The highest roll is when he shots. It's so funny. So you're going to play some blackjack there, Cutter?
Yeah. All right. They instruct you to go back to the game room to which you go to the game room.
And it's a game room. There are cars, card tables everywhere, some slot machines, some pretty guys and gals dancing up on the bar, doing coyote ugly. Now, question, not that I'm looking out for it, but as I'm just walking around like this, my eyes glancing around the cars, do I notice anybody from doodad that I recognize that since they've been sucked up onto the. Oh, fuck. Yeah. Fucking Sheriff Jeff is at one of the tables like and he's slamming his fist. He goes, damn it.
Oh, that's about, I'm down to my last coffee bean. Sure. Jeff. What? Oh, what the hell are you doing on this train? What the hell are you doing on this train? I don't, I don't rightly actually know anymore, Jeff.
Is this a blackjack table? Yeah. Oh, that's good. I'm sitting next to you. I'm sucking hard at it. I'm sucking harder than Maverick was all about ladies, blackjacks. Let me tell you, Jeff, I'm glad they came up with that terminology, sucking as a way to say you're bad at something. That's a fun thing to say. I like that we discovered that. It's like a nation. We went through the civil war. We all got together. We said, hey, man, North, South, that whole thing sucked, huh? Let's just all be cool.
And we say, you know, you know, I tried to, I tried to put a bit into the president to say that our new country's motto should be let's suck less, you know, make America suck less again. Right. Am I right? Am I right? Yeah, that's exactly right. Yeah. All right. Wait, wait. I got to play black deck so we can get to talk to this damn conductor.
Yeah, all right. Well, good luck. I'm down to my last coffee beans. I ain't got much else left. Oh, Damien, I don't got no coffee beans to play for. What are we playing for? I asked the dealer. Oh, hi. And you see the dealer is a beautiful blonde woman with bright red lipstick and a paintbrush. She ain't bathy. She's ugly to me. Well, it's bathy. Is it? No, it's not. It is. But what the hell are you doing dealing with? What are you doing dealing with?
Hey, Sweetums. Uh, are you ready to play some cards? How did you get a job here? When did you get on his train and when'd you get a job here? I've always said, okay, cutter. Come on. Um, I've always had a job doing this. Like you silly guy. Are you ready to play cards or what? I promise I won't cheat for you. Oh, wow. I was actually gonna ask you if you could help me win. All right. Whatever then. I guess I'll do it the right way. Oh, I mean,
I mean, you know, the sex level. That's exactly what you need to do to self title of episode. I don't know. Cutterwood covers. I can do it. All right, baby. Come on, do them to me. OK, well, I'm going to give you two cards to start.
And then you let me know if you want me to hit. Oh, that's a six and an eight. That's a 14 cutter. I'll tell you. This is Sheriff Jeff. My bath has been teaching me how to how to how to do numbers and read and whatnot. And we were playing blackjack. So I got to learn. So I got this down. Eight in this. All right. Eight. And then that's one. That's nine, 10, 11, 12, 13 cutters. I was just about to get it. I'm trying to learn, Jeff.
Hey, well, yes, 14. I should let you know that's going to cost you one of those little blue coins that you have in your pocket to play. Well, these are whatever I just got. I just discovered these are here so you can have one. I don't care to just one. OK, here you go. Thank you. Do you want to hit or do you want to stay? But now, if I double down, can I get can I win a token quicker?
Mean I suppose if you if you really want to I forget how that works I know you can split your cards and then you can play on but I forgot that we're not we're just going to do nothing We're just gonna do one pile. I can't remember how the rules of that works. So I mean hit me, baby Okay, that's a 10. That's a 24. Unfortunately. Damn you lose my coffee beans
And you lose one of your bennies That's what that is that's what that is that she takes. Yeah. Well, I only got one more play Jeff damn Good thing I didn't use earlier. Oh, don't worry There's a way for you to play if you don't have if you don't have any coins left, but hopefully we won't have to get to that Would you like me to deal you in again? Yeah deal me up again there Bethy only got to win one hand to get a token back Do you want for me to sweetheart? I'm feeling lucky this day. Yeah for you playing for tokens I'm playing to
Actually, I don't know why I'm playing. Well, hey, Jeff, we're trying to get off this dang thing. Uh, we're trying to get to talk to the conductor. Beth, he's playing for a token. Tune out and talk to conductor. So Jeff, come on, man. If you win this, we can get that one more step closer to talking to a damn conductor. If I don't win, we get it together. Jeff, I hold my fist up to fist. It's something we do. Yeah. All right. I was like, yeah, I just didn't deal for myself because you lost already. So let's do it again. Ready?
So right now you start with a 10 and a 10. You have a 20, would you like to hit this? Yeah, I grabbed, it's like that picture of like Joe Rogan and all those guys and they're like excited at that one, at the one fight or whatever. I'm like leaning back in my chair, grabbing Jeff's back like, Jeff, damn it. This would be the time if I remember how to double down, I could do it, but I can't. It doesn't matter. All I gotta do is win one. I'm staying, Beth. You don't even lay no more cards down for me.
Oh man, you should hit. Come on, you can get an ace. You can get a 21. Come on. You feeling lucky? Yeah, I know when to hold him, when to fold him. That's what one feller I met told me.
All right. Yeah. And that's singing voice, too. She deals for herself a two and a six. And then she goes, that's an eight. That's an 11, 11 plus. That's a 20. Oh, my God. She tied you. She has to keep. I think she has to keep playing. Yeah. Keep going.
Yeah, that's it. Yeah, it's rules. That's rules, Beth. All right. Then she loses. She breaks. Do that damn token. God damn it. Sorry, Beth. I'm just a little round up this place. I love you, Beth. And and and and I and I and I. I'm sorry you had to hear me say that in front of in front of you, Jeff. I try to kind of do that kind of stuff in front of people.
Oh, it's fucking gross as hell. You're trying to rub it in my face. I lost again. I lost my bean. That's all right. I won. I'll get it. I'll get us out of his dang mess there, Jeff. You just keep keep keeping on there, feller. You know, I just tried to say something nice to you now, Cutter. And that was strange. I couldn't say it very weird. That's all right. Anyway, do you want? All right. You can now that you're back to even you could you could win the shiny token.
What? What? I got I got I got to do what? You got to win one more time. Oh, a joker. That doesn't count as anything. Let's get that out of there. All right. So you start with 13. Would you like to hit or stay kind of rough? This is rough, Jeff. Oh, so rough, Jeff. That's what they tell me when I'm at the brothel. They go, oh, it's rough, Jeff. It's so rough. Yeah, please. Oh, my word, Jeff.
I don't even know about what happens when they when they take you into this scrubbing room back there. I, Bathe told me about- Yeah, I asked him to use the hard metal bristle brushes. Yeah, yeah. Bathe told me that they gotta get two of them in there to help you, dang. Man, I don't know, you gotta like- Oh, I got a really tough skin. You gotta, I don't know, you gotta cut that hair back there, feller. Dude, they tell me it's like a forest. Yeah, it's like a baboon. Um, anyway, it hit me, Bathe, I suppose. Okay.
That's a 13 plus a 5. Oh, that's 18 right back three. That is. Oh, yeah. Oh, Jeff, it's a tough one. 18. That's pretty close. Jeff. Oh, we're going to hit it. Jeff. I think we do. Hold my hand, Jeff. Better. Hold my hand with your other hand. You're not dealing with. Okay. Are you hitting? Yeah. That's a King. You bust.
David gives! He goes, no, I was feeling lucky. Hang on, let me go. I'm gonna try. All right, so I got a king. All right, I got an 18. Should I hit or stay?
I just don't know. Stay, Jeff. Damn. I'm going to. I'm going to hit David. That's a joker. You're like, don't be crazy like me, Jeff. Oh, I busted shit. And then. Damn, I was feeling earlier. It worked out for him. And then Bathy pulls out a pistol from beneath her dress and shoots Sheriff Jeff with it. He goes, Oh, God, damn it. And you see like he starts to fade a little bit like like he's a little bit more translucent. What the hell?
I mean, those are the rules if you don't have anything to bet. Sorry. He's these. First of all, this place is bullshit. They didn't tell me all the damn rules before I get involved in the game. Oh, second of all, no one told me the rules and yet I somehow know them. I just I hate this place back. Give me some more cards. God damn it. All right. Let's do it again. So that's you. That's that's a loss. I unfortunately cut her if you keep losing. I'm going to have to do the same thing to you. It's fine. I'll just wake up ready to
beat somebody up again. I don't know. Hit me. Hit me. Hit me. Hit me. Come on. Fives are easy. I can know how to count fives. That's funny. Oh, wait. I hear him. I know. He's still there. He's just wounded. Hit it. Hit it. I ain't got a nice hit. No, I know. I'm going to do. I'm staying back. I won last time. You, you're going to, you're going to bust it up this time back that you go and throw them down. Okay. That's a nine. That's a three. That's a 12. That's 12.
15 15 that's makes 15. Oh, I don't know if I busted. Oh damn, baby. Come on. Throw me down again. Come on. We can do it. Cutters getting the itch. Somebody give me a whiskey. A whiskey comes comes to your table. All right. That was a good shot of whiskey there. Come on.
Calm down. You want it? Oh, are you sure? Are you sure? I'm worried about you. I'm getting all this damn train, baby. OK, there's a there's a Jack and there's a six. That's a 16. Do you want to hit or stay? Sugar, sugar, sugar. Give me another one, Beth. Come on.
That's a two. That's an 18 cutter. Oh, damn it. You're a good, a good, a good, or no, you're feeling it. Go ahead. Hear it again. You know, you've been having some bad luck when I, when I stay cool and calm, I'm going to stay. Okay. Come on now. I'm going to hit, hit me. You son of a bitch.
It's a 10, a 14, a 15. There's something to be said about being calm and reasonable, Jeff. Oh, damn it. That's what you get, Jeff. That's what you get. Good God, Bathie. Good job. Look at that son of a bitch. Call me a pussycat. She starts with a 14 and she draws a 10. Oh no, I bust you in. Damn it. All right. This is my, I got my two little, little tokens back here. My chips.
I'm back on top, Jeff. You keep your mouth shut, and then you play them again. Oh God, my belly hurts so bad. You got no one to hold them, no one to fold them, Jeff. That's all I'm trying to get. Man, I'm gooping. Mama always told me not to lose my goo. I'm not helping you with your goop. I'm not helping you with yours. You find that lady with the flapjacks or whatever later. Play them cards, Matthew. Come on.
The lady with the flapjacks. Nine and a five. That's a fourteen, Bethy. I can add another card down there. Teach me some more numbers. That's a fourteen plus six. That's a twenty. I'm staying right there, Jeff. And don't you say a damn word. Oh, fucking hit you, post. Come on, get it nice. You know you want to. I feel like I don't hit you.
All right. Oh, hit me. Hit me, sweetheart. Oh, I got a queen of the three. That's my sweetheart. Oh, it's a 23. She shoots him again. He falls off his chair. Oh, he's like practically invisible. You could just see like an outline of him in his hat right now. If I'm making it off this train, I'm just going to tell you straight up. I'll tell you straight to you. All right, what you got. Come on. All right. Let's see.

Maverick's Surreal Party Experience

All right. Let's see. Seven and a queen. That's a 17.
Come on, baby. Oh, no, I busted. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Carter. Come on. I stand up. I'm like, I like not much ever. Come on, everybody. Carter. Carter. Give me another whiskey shot. Come on. Carter, Carter. Yeah. Yeah. Give me all this damn train. Give me that. Sorry, Beth. Give me that. Please give me that token. Oh, yeah. There's a guy in the train that was earlier telling me that you were teaching him how to read. I'm so proud of you. What? Staying on here?
How was that his name? Was that his name? Yeah, he was just around here. I think he was going to go mosey. I'm going to go wrangle that sucker. Where is he at? Oh, I don't know. He went out the right train car. He was just in here playing, but then he lost everything and didn't want to be sent to hell. So I got a vested interest in that man's future. I got to find him. Oh, all right. Well, I'm proud of you for reading the little legend I could. And it's could not cold. It's good. Oh, but the engine. Oh, dang. It's a tricky word because it's got an L in there where it really shouldn't. So the word could is a very strange word.
Yeah. I thought like, um, it's kind of close to cauldron. He taught me how to say that one. So I thought cold, cold, cold. It's weird. There's a lot of weird ones anyway. Thanks, Matthew. Uh, thanks Jeff. Sorry. I got a little snippy with you there, but you should have said some of them things you said to me. It's all right, sweetheart. It was a heated moment. All right. Whatever. You know, I'm not even looking for stay. I gotta go. If I gotta go get this next token, where the hell, uh, Bethany, you know where I got to go to play, um, stunt jumps or stunt six, stunt six and six stunts.
I that's the dining car, darling. I'm going to go there while Maverick places around. OK. So you do that. She hands you a token. And now you have two of those bad boys on you. And I think Maverick has one. Right. Yeah. Right. Right. Maverick, you're doing the what now? I'm going to the train card of desire.
Oh, the train car of desire, also known as the party room. Yes. Which is where you go. And there's a party in here. You hear some really cool rock music. It sounds like this. And they're in there and they're bumping around. And they're partying. Oh, yeah. That's good. Yeah. And you see, like, a girl comes up and starts grinding on you like some twerking shit. It's like, yeah. Yeah, you like that, cowboy. Yes, I thought about the fire here.
So much cowboy. And then another and then like a big muscly boy comes up to you and then he starts grinding and he goes, Yeah, yeah, you like that. Don't you cowboy? Did you call me Koenig? Yes. Oh, that's hot. I love that. How'd you know my name? You know, there's just something in the air that makes me like really big brain right now. Oh, that's great.
That's great. I love that. Do I want to get it on? Oh, with, with my cat. Sorry. Um, I mean, I don't touch. No, no. Uh, actually, um.
What I wanted to tell you was and then like all the lights go out for a second and then the lights come back on and you're sitting outside of do dad with neighbor margin or sweet smelling pie. And you guys are just enjoying the sunset as the kids run around and they're you know, they're playing tag and playing hoop stick and all the other things the kids did back then playing with the dogs.
Uh, you got a hot cup of Joe in your hand and, um, Sheriff Jeff is standing kind of to your right and he's like, Oh, it's a good kind of day, isn't it, Maverick? Makes you appreciate retirement. What happened to the party? Huh? I was just like in a really bitchin' party and now it's all gone. Oh, I don't, I don't know anything about a nobody.
I don't think you should really use that word, Maverick. It's unbecoming of a retired man around the ladies. Come on now. What do you mean, retiring at my young boy?
You are. All right. I mean, maybe your son down and again, they're big guy. I know it's been a long morning for you already. What with how many times you had to go have your Hershey squirts, but do I look old again? You don't know that, but you feel that. I mean, I would like to count myself to look older. If you look at your hands or whatever. Yeah, they look a lot more seasoned, more calloused, more wrinkly, more tan.
Oh, no. And I stand up and try to look for a mirror. You catch your reflection in like one of the nearby windows of the businesses. One of the businesses and yeah, you look like you look like OG Maverick.
original old maverick original grandpa original grandpa grandpa the original grandpa maverick um what's wrong i i do need your medicine again all damn that time knew i should have brought him out here shit you know it was nice to be back in my youth for a little while i don't know what in the hell you're talking about maverick i think you need to go take yourself a nap or something
I mean, I've been taking enough naps recently. I don't know, man, you're starting to freak me out. Sometimes in life, you just sleep too much. And then you become his young self again, that ghost train and that really changes a man. I don't know, hang on a second. And he takes a walk over towards the brothel and he brings Ren back.
He says, talk some sense into your friend. He's talking crazy. He said he was like a young buck and that like he was at some bitch and party or something. Talk some sense into your friend. I don't know what he's talking about, but I mean, I can try.

Exploring Illusions on the Ghost Train

Yeah, he seems to think like he was at some sort of party. Part of that scene, you there was a party on that train. Yeah.
That's a very cool pie. I think you probably would have liked it, too. Is he talking? Is he talking about the train again? Sometimes he talks about the train. I think that's what he's talking about. Yeah. Oh, I mean, I just he hasn't brought it up in a little bit. I thought I don't remember a party, though. You're talking about a party on a train. Yes.
maybe we could go on another train and make our own party i don't know if i want to get on another train or even near one ever again i've never i didn't get on that one but i don't think i ever want to get on that one but uh if you want to that's totally up to you maverick but um maybe less cutter he seemed to really enjoy the train as well
And where is Qatar? I mean, I know. And you see Jeff pulls out like a comically large phone with a with a handset and he speaks and he goes, Qatar, could your friends act weird again? He wants to talk about the train. I don't know what train, but I remember. He said he says he doesn't know what train you're talking about, Maverick.
You know, that you know, he doesn't surprise me. That really doesn't surprise me. Since you're all probably ghosts. You see, he thinks he says we're all ghost cutter. Do you want to come talk to him or do you want me to just put him on the phone? You give him a phone. All right, you're going to want to talk to him. What? What's up, phone?
What is that? Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Really good joke. What is that Sheriff Jeff? I've never seen one of those before. Oh, it's a thing. It's like a talking box. You talk in and someone on the other side understands you and they can talk to you. What? I don't know. Probably from Dr. Plunkenstein. That guy's crazy.
Well, that sounds about right. Yeah. And he brings a giant phone by 1880. There was 48,000 phones in the United States. It's true. So maybe he has one. Because he just has a cordless. Yeah. What's weird about it is it's not plugged into anything. And he brings it over and he pushed he pushes it towards towards Maverick. He goes, all right, could I want to talk to you? OK. What year is it? Are you still on a train?
Hey man, I don't know what kind of train you're talking about. Whatever, Blazer. Guys, I want to tell you, and you'll be saved. I don't really understand you very well, but we need to like go and find this train again so that we can like go back to like a ghostly original self so we can go to our original original selves.
Go back to our goat I'm going through a tunnel Oh, yeah, I mean, you know, I don't know what to tell you about that man, it's just sometimes uh You know, uh Can you make like our new one poster and put like a train on it? You want me
to put a picture of a train on a Walnut poster and have people go hunt a train for a bounty? Yes. So I can't get at least paid for my time I'm looking for a train. Yeah, okay, Maverick, okay. And then the lights all go off again, even though you're outside, the sun goes out.
And then you hear Yeah, and then you hear a lot of gunfire and you hear the sounds of explosions and you hear people screaming. And then you when the sun turns back on maverick you're sitting in a chair surrounded by bloody versions of Sheriff Jeff.
And Ren and Cutter is laying there, even though he was just going to a tunnel. And you see all the residents of Doudad are all just laying in a puddle of blood and you see a bunch of bandits that are just all standing around, setting fire to the brothel, setting fire to the sheriff's office, setting fire to neighbor barges, pie, copy and pastry place. What do you do? What shit illusion is this? And I try to like stand up.
And am I also like bound by like rope or something? Nope. Then I want to stand up and go and shoot the bad guys. You're going to shoot the bad guys? Yes. Whoa, man. Well, what does that look like? What do you these shooties look like? What are you doing? It looks because we are in an imaginary world right now. I want to take my fingers, make finger guns and shoot them. Just pew, pew, pew, pew, pew. Yes.
And each time you do that in comedic fashion as one jumps to try to get you. Pow. And the other one's like setting fire to the to the office. Pow. Another one's on a horse. Pow. Pow. Kill his horse, too. Oh, man. All the bullets come out and you hear Packer Packer Packer Packer Packer Packer Packer Packer Packer Packer Packer Packer Packer Packer Packer Packer Packer Packer Packer.
And you see little golden eagle bullets coming out of your fingers as they fly into your enemies and slay them. And to the point where you're just surrounded by a bunch of dead bandits and then probably like 15 tiny golden eagles land atop your shoulders. I like give them like a big group hug. You give them a big group hug.
Good work team. Packer! And then you hear packer, packer, packer, packer, packer, packer, packer, packer, packer, packer. And then you see an image of a very familiar looking face. Maverick, what does your kid look like? My kid? Did we ever say that as a child? Apparently in this world you have a kid.
Uh, my child will probably look like we have short brown hair classes and a medium sized nose. Medium sized nose. She goes, Hey pops, thanks for the medium sized nose. Uh, so at least I could have got, I could have given to you. Yeah. So, Hey, you know, I'm born, right? Yeah.
How come you don't come find me or anything? You know, back then nothing really happened between your mom and me. So you're probably also just an illusion. You mean like you didn't banger? You know, that's not really for children years to hear. Did you do my mom?
I might have, but I can confirm that. You can't confirm that you made stuff with, and to my mother? Yes, because that is not for children years to year.
Oh, OK. Well, I mean, anyway, I'm just kind of here because number one, like you never come look for me. So it's kind of annoying. You know, I don't really look like this. This is just, you know, a rendition that the ghost train is making you see of just so I can talk to you. But I'm actually a lot older. Yeah, I'm actually a lot older now. But anyway, yeah, you never cut it for me. Yeah. If you are real, where would you live?
You wanna know where I live? Now you wanna ask me questions? I mean, you're both stuck, it's all. Now you care? Now's the time to have, like, aisle chatter. Well, if you must know, I live beyond the mountains in a place called Winchesterville. Winchesterville. Yeah. It's in the northernmost part of Dudad, not far from Canada. You ever been to Canada? It's kinda cool. I haven't been to Canada before. Yeah, it's pretty neat.
Kind of cold, but also green. And they they get this. Get this. They call. They they have different words for ham and bacon up here. That's what they call bacon is ham. This is weird. Now would I do that? I don't know. They're they're backwards there. Let me tell you, they are. And we have four words. It's so polite, just so polite. That's nice. Yeah. Anyway, so. So do you want to retire then or what?
I mean, that's a strange question because I'm worried in the middle of something right now, in the middle of life. Like to be honest, I don't really know what's like going on right now myself. Trying my best to like go to flow right now. And once I've like reached a point again, where I can like breathe and relax for a moment, then I'll contemplate on what I'll do next.
I mean, I guess if that's what you want to do, but all your friends are dead. So what are you going to do about that? I'm going to try to find a way to get out of this again and then get off the train and then live happily ever after with my friends. So you're going to retire after you get off the train?
Um, that really depends. I don't really know what happens when we do get off the train. I mean, maybe I would be like really disfigured if I get off the train. I've never really, I've traveled different realms before. Oh, all right. Cool. Um,
Well, I'll still be out here if you get off the train. So, you know, come look for me and you can meet the kids and you can meet my husband and see our cool place that we have. We got a little ranch that I'm pretty proud of. So you could come and see it sometime. I mean, I might do that. Yeah.

Conclusion and Listener Engagement

But first, there is some train going off doing then it's happening.
There's some trade going off doing that needs to be happening. Was that a sentence? That is, you know, ghost trains. Just fuck with your head. Oh, right. Okay. Well, Hey, before I go, can you tell me a joke? You haven't told me a joke ever. Um, I have done a lot of things in my life, but that is one of the things that I think I can't do. You can't tell me a joke.
Can you think of a joke right now that's like a really hard thing to do? Yeah, I can think of a joke. Tell me that. Here one? Yeah. Okay. Why did the orange stop? Because it was before the red light.
No, because it ran out of juice and then the lights go out. And then you wake up with a coin in your hand, Maverick.
I knew it. So that's where you're at right now. That's the episode, everybody. Thanks for listening. Good job, everyone who's also playing along. So Adrian, look up a question of the day while I do the thing.
Fuck. So, hey, thanks for listening, everybody. If you made it this far, hey, consider giving a review for the show. We would really appreciate it. You can go to wherever you listen and do, I think Spotify lets you do comments even now.
Uh, but it'd be really nice of you to at least go and visit and give us some reviews on there. That really helps a lot for people to discover new podcasts and we'd like to just organically find an audience. And if you don't mind, if you're liking the show, drop it somewhere where you hang out and be like, Hey, these guys are cool. Not only are their characters great, but they're just awesome human beings. It would mean a lot to us.
And of course, we have a Ko-fi, Ko-fi, Ko-fi, I think is what it's supposed to be. Just go to and just search fun installers. The link will be in the show notes, so go there. And then finally, if you want to say hi to Cass and the rest of us, go to and leave us a note on the contact section.
And you know if you have any ideas for places you want the people to visit some characters you want us to act out or you know where cutter and bath you should go on their next date let us know. You know maybe we'll maybe we'll make that happen in like a little side episode or something. Did you find one Adrian.
You know, I closed the site, like I removed it from my like bookmarks, but I recently got into a site with interesting philosophical questions. So I want to ask one of those. Uh, all right. Philosophists, specificize us, man. Philosopher Rick is back. Philosos, philosopher Raptor.
philosopher Rick. There was like, where Rick's name in like school, a philosopher Rick. Okay, go ahead. What's the philosophical question you want us to answer? As one human life for if it's one human life worth more than another. Justin has the answer to that. Yep. There you go. Yes. We like made that clear.
Yeah. Compare the value of a nuclear physicist to that of a little baby. That baby's useless. It's just a garbage.
Like if someone said it's not going to be said, hey, man, I'm going to kill this guy who's like working on, you know, clean energy. He's pretty close to saving the earth or this stupid dumb baby that can't hold his head up. Which one do you want me to kill, dude? I'd say the baby, dude. Well, what if the baby turns out to be the savior of all mankind? Jesus Christ.
What if it's raptor Jesus? We don't have the ability to see the future. We just know what's happening right now. And that baby can't even hold his head up. But what if you talk to the baby and the baby says, I am he? And then he goes, you don't understand philosophy at all. You can't talk to babies.
Number one philosophy rule, you can't talk to babies. Sarti said, hey guys, what's up, it's me Sarti, you can't talk to babies. That's the first philosophical thing I got for you. Tune in next to subscribe, like and subscribe for more philosophy from Sarti.
still look good already?