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Savage City - Cybernetic Superhuman Bullshit

S1 E6 ยท Roll Players
54 Plays6 months ago

We're back in Savage city and today Evan gets help from Stoop and Snowspear in his continued search for clues as to the whereabouts of his missing sister. This endeavor leads them to some cybernetic superhuman bullshit! Come on and listen!


Introducing Characters and Plot Recap

i'm hilarious jello and welcome to the broadcast we are as you've seen on the title that you've clicked on or whatever it is it's savage city baby he thought we forgot about it i kind of did but we're back with it now and two we've got We got that guy, Adrian. um He's playing a fella named Evan, um which is funny because that was a big thing in the dungeon, I think. And ah we got Adam playing stoop. That's like, oh, I forgot. Evan is a human cyborg type man. Stoop does like is a dwarven fighter type criminal hater. And then we got for what is it? Snow snow face snow here. Spears fur face. No spear furry face. I can remember it.
Cass is playing that character ah who is a rakashan kitty cat person um who likes to drive cars as my main knowledge of her. And she has a car too, that's what is handy.

Revisiting Past Missions

It's a pretty sweet car too.
And so what what's been the story with these guys last time that they were here? And if you forget, you can go back and listen and pump our views up. That'd be great. Or listen, pump our clicks. I don't know. Either way, like and subscribe. but um ah Last time, they just did some different missions. First thing they did was they went to a medical storage place where there was a bunch of different medical equipment and stuff and things stored out in the desert, which is like Dangertown.
um because bad people live out there and also air is supposed to be bad. um They live in a giant box city for safety. They went out there, they were supposed to blow it up, but then they felt bad because they found out it was medical stuff. So they didn't do that, but they took a box of dicks or they gave it to somebody. I can't remember what happened with that.
um And, but then the people who owned the place cleared it out anyway, and they got their money for the job. And then after that, they went and they helped some people who were being human trafficked and, uh, held for extra money to a lady, uh, who's was the wife of the and mother of the people who were held. And they pissed off the aquarium people mafia. There's a mafia of aquariums, uh, named the hydro mafia. And they pissed them off by going there and disrupting that little operation a little bit.
And Stoop was mad because he didn't like he doesn't like crime. And also, Evan found some stuff about his sister who he's looking for, who is a cybernetically manipulated like him back in the day, ah younger days of them. He's looking for her. And again, Cassie's character drives a car. Right. um And that's the long and short of what is going down so far. They're just kind of ah doing some jobs and getting things done and helping people in the chitty, ah the savage chitty.
Isn't that right, guys? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Probably EDI before this. Yeah, we it was the last minute I said, oh, we could try some else, too. We tried this. Oh, isn't that been around for a while? Anyway, speaking of Savage City.

No Plans Outside the Strip Club

So you guys are back in the city that's called Savage City um and you don't got nothing to do with yourselves. What are you going to do with yourselves? That's a good question. You have your you have your guy, you get jobs from down. and I fuck, I forgot the place in the name of the place. It was like it was it was a grubbing. It was like something about tugging jobs.
It's probably gonna have a new name now. you go You go to the strip club. It's a strip club anyway that he works. He operates. Hey, is Dovin working? Oh, that's why I didn't want to do dungeon diving.
look game Now, there's just another guy there looking for Dovin and then I'm just like, oh, that guy really likes Dovin. I don't even know who that is. ah Anyway, so yeah, you guys are free and loose in the city. um You just pissed off a criminal organization and you've are bored.
So what, what was the thing I found about assist? I don't remember. Um, just some various details. Um, uh, I probably told you something specific, but you know, uh, just like kind of point nothing to like, uh, you know, where exactly where she is, but like, just that, you know, um, some more stuff pointing you in the right direction of where to go, but you need to do more research in that regard.
Because I will probably try to like investigate on that information. Oh, shit, brother. So you're back. at where is Where does um Evan live? What's his last name? Do you have a last name? It's a secret. Okay. Evan, where does Evan live? Evan Efron? No, Evan Efron was a different character, I think. Oh, was it? I thought for sure. I i thought this was Evan Efron. Oh, okay. I totally thought so, too. Okay. It might have been. It's been a while.
it's a secret either way it's a secret even age um so where anyway what kind of what kind of places ivan live in in this at this in this city and He in a pretty cheap apartment, that's like...
you will kind of see like in the slums or something because it doesn't really seem necessary to like spend a whole lot of money in the apartment. So what I imagine for the city is that since there's this giant box around this like city ah that keeps it like safe and there's all kind of filters and shit for the air and stuff, um there's a bunch of built like really high ass skyscrapers that like are also supports for like the the box you live in. And you live in one of those like shitty ass like just giant like 100, 100 floor um apartment buildings. Good luck workout.
Yeah. So, yeah, heaven forbid the elevator goes out. You're you're like, like, we'll say you're on floor. What floor you want to be on? You're probably pretty high. I'm not going to let you be below 50, but what floor are you on? A 69. Nice. OK, so you're you're in your house. what What are you doing? You have a little you have a file there. Are you plugging it? I guess I think you took it in your own. so I think you uploaded in your own brain. So why don't you roll hacking for me to see if you can. um I think you already did do this. I'm going to hack the internet.
We have you does a six brother. Yeah, yourickin you find some more stuff about um another facility. Let's say we're there um doing cybernetic augmentations, tests and things kind of like what was done with you sort of against people's will sometimes and stuff whoa to try and find out what they can do with people. And it's somewhere is out in the desert. We'll say you get like a coordinate or something you can follow at some point. You kind of get like a location in in that regard for that kind of thing. they like Do you like that?
I like that. Okay, great. how Do you like that? Are you all right with that? do you do obey ba May I have your kids set to appreciate that, sir? um so yeah What do you do then, brother? Anything else? With the information, I want to like ah go and search for my other partners to like go and check out this facility.

The Investigation Plan Begins

Okay. Are you going to go? um ah just wander her around you're gonna call them on your cellular phone or like the phone in your head go out into the street and scream stoops name okay um roll a scream roll a scream roll do a uh do a spirit roll for me i'm gonna tell you what i'm doing that's a five five um stoop do you hear but do you hear someone screaming your name
Well, before I tell you what I hear, literally what's happening before like any sort of shouting happens is I have like a teenage thug, like up against the wall, like I have him like his feet are dangling off the ground and he has like an ice cream cone in his hand and it's like all drippy and shit. There's like a scary little boy next to him like, give it back or I'll break all your bones. I mean, I'm sorry. ah yeah My blood sugar was getting low here. Take a kid.
Get your own candy. Get your own blood sugar medication. What if he has diabetes? ah It's a sad story, but I can't afford it. It's a story, but I can't afford it. Yeah. All right. Hang on a sec. Wait. Wait. Wait. Hang on. Do you hear that? Hello? No. ah Adrian, do a muffled shout of stoop. Hey. That's too close. You have to be far that way.
You're like three blocks away. This is going to have to put like echoes in like in like post. Hey, hang on a second. That's that dumb fuck. I always forget we have phones. Hang on. I just like like reached my finger in like a little hole in the back of my helmet and like beep, beep, beep, beep. I just like call him while I have this guy like suspended ah above his above the ground. um You get a phone call, Evan. Hello. Is that you screaming for me? Yes. Stop it. It's embarrassing.
I'm working. I told you not to yell at me while I'm working. It's really important because I have like something for us to check out. Well, I'm working. so So pencil at a time on my calendar and I'll try to fit you in. But right now, hang on a second. Don't even try to put that ice cream in his mouth, Billy. I know you feel bad for him, but he took that from you. Mommy, so I have to help the underprivileged.
this is and I just like dropped the kid on there. I'm like fine eat your fucking ice cream. I don't care um Just kidding a little but I got out my sword and I throw it at the kid yeah ah Do you really I'm kidding? I don't That's what I get for trying a new tactic fucking after-school specials of bullshit Anyway, what what do you want? All right, I'm off the clock now. What do you need?
So I found this facility that could be a place that have kidnapped my sister and I back then. And I would like to investigate it. I don't remember if you've told me anything about you and your sister. Did you tell me

Convincing Snow Spear

anything? Because I feel like it's been like six years since you and I talked last. I don't think he did. It's been kind of a while. I don't think you told me anything, but... So you're telling me that somebody kidnapped somebody?
Yeah, yeah. And like that person very close to me. And I know we're not the close right now, but I would kind of appreciate your help on this. Yeah, well, I mean, you did eat my buck burrito burger that I was saving for myself. So I'm still a little bit cheesed about that. How about I give you five bucks?
Make it four. OK, deal. All right. All right. a here Wait, where are you? I'm at my apartment. I'll send you the coordinates. Send me on what? Are you just going to yell them out your window again? We own a smartphone, you dingus. No, I know. I just want to make sure that you know that that's my preferred method of communicating when we're more than three blocks away.
I mean, yelling your name is efficient, but like getting a whole address would be kind of a pain in the ass to scream. Yelling my name is for all the guys and gals that I bang, okay? No more, no legs or ba or okay and like yeah and less. banging, don't scream to me for hanging, okay? So I've got needs, Evan. Only when we all bang, okay. No, just don't scream my name out of window unless it's a booty call.
and Okay. By the way, do you know if that snow spear's single? I kind of want to get into some cat stuff. Is that weird? I mean, you do whatever you do, man. You do you do, man. I don't really know about that much, so you probably just have to ask her.
I mean, it doesn't have to be her in particular, just, you know, hanging out with a bipedal cat person after a while. You know, you think, what would it be like if I just did something sexy to it? You know what I mean? And you mean like through a tail and stuff? Yeah, like pull it, swing it around like it's a mace or a flail. I'm sure a tail is bigger than you. i Have you seen how thick my thighs are? We can talk about this later. I'm on my way. and Okay.
Jesus. like um Do you let Snow Spear know about your situation either of you guys? Yes. I i also want to roll for a scream to Snow Spear. Okay. She's like, I've been curled up in a ball at the bottom of your bed this whole time.
How did you know I was going to say that? Your your voice cracks. as you your Your voice cracks and falters. Scream it again. but Too much cat fur. He's got a fur ball. ah um So do you call her on your... Yeah, probably just call. um And I like call the number. Okay, Snowspear, wherever you are, whatever you're doing, you get a phone call.
She looks over from the foot of the bed and, but why are you calling me? I'm right here. this is You know, I didn't know that. And and I kinda need your help. I forgot you were crashing at my place. We were up late playing video games, duh. Right, that was a thing. Yeah, just don't tell Stoop, okay? Because I'm pretty sure he's into me.
I like it. And the phone call. So, about this thing I just looked up, it's like a place I'd like to admit investigate. And I also will be here in like a couple of minutes probably. Okay. You up for that? Sure. Great. And I put on my reported finger, like thumb.
You put your robotic thumb up, you know what you said? Thumbs up. I'll give a big more robotic thumbs up. Nice. OK, so yeah, you guys have that decided. um And I'm sure if you go downstairs, Steve's probably coming on his way because he was close enough to hear you yelling ah moderately. So you guys meet outside. It's fantastic. um And you're there together.
Yeah, you see me as soon as you come outside, as you come outside, you see Stoops holding that same kid up again by by his collar. He's like, I told you not to take his ice cream. And he's holding up the other smaller kid by his collar. He's like, why do you keep giving him ice cream? We talked about this. It's been like two minutes, guys. We've been over this. And then a little kid like going to join us.
Now I'm going to eat them if they keep disobeying me. The little kid holds his ice cream up to to the teenage kid across like across your body because you're holding them both. He's like, want to lick? Psych!
You know what? I take the ice cream off of him, I give it to the taller kid, and I dunk that kid in the trash can nearby. like me I just like ah just like slam dunk his ass right in there. The teenage kid runs away, and the other kid's like, and I kick the i kick the trash can down the road. After the taller kid. yeah right yeah You're going downtown, little boy.
Road players does not condone child violence. It was just a joke. don't Hang on, hang on. I was doing a PSA. Road players does not condone child violence. just I do. What were you saying, Adrian? I said, and I much appreciate that all you eating them. Like, I ah kind of get the cat stuff, but like eating people is kind of gruesome.
Wait, what? I didn't say. You think I'm going to actually eat people? I mean, you said it. I kind of believe anything that you would do. I believe that you believe that I would do anything I say I'll do. And that's a good piece of information to log into my brain. just What's up, Snowy? Hey, Stu. What are you doing? and ah Just waiting, waiting for you. Still sleeping on beds and stuff?
Yeah. Do you do that thing where you curl up in a ball and tickle your own nose with your tail? Sometimes, but, you know, sometimes I want to tickle somebody else's nose. That's weird. I mean, yeah, I feel that. I want to tickle other people's noses too. I know. Just reach up and tickle Evan's nose. Gucci, Gucci. Why would you do that?
I don't know, I just thought maybe... I don't know, I thought maybe you had a button in there. I don't, tickle your nose. I can't, I'm wearing a mask right now. Take the mask off.
Hell no. The moment I take it off, it's when a bullet comes from my brain. The mask stays on even during sex. I haven't seen my own. You just see, like, Snow Spear's tail, like, crawl underneath a Stoop's mask and tickle his nose. Achoo! Stop it! Achoo! Achoo!
All right. I think I'm allergic to you. Oh, God. Oh, it's going to take weeks to get all this fur out of here. You're welcome. It's like glitter. So anyway, you guys see Snowspear's car there ah waiting to be used to go on a mission, an adventure. yeah yeah like All right. So where are we going?

Preparations to Leave Savage City

First of all, is it outside the city or is it in the confines of the city? Is it? Where is it? It was outside of the city. It's outside of the city.
so You still got your gas masks prepared? Oh, yeah. I can't go outside and breathe that shit without it. ah I don't know about you, Evan. I don't know what your deal is. Are you all robot or mostly robot? It's just partly robot. Oh, then are your lungs human? Because you might want to wear a gas mask if your lungs are human. I'm pretty sure that my lung, my humans are lungs, yes. All right.
There we go. Then we'll make sure you keep your little chest human safe while we go out. All right. Yeah. Gross. All right. Put in the coordinates. I call backsies. I'm going to sprawl out on the backseat. I'm going front. Yeah. Just give me the coordinates. I'll put it into my GPS. Sure. I'll send them to y'all real quick. Oh man. You get a, you get a little line and it says turn left onto the filtration street.
Ovation Street. I fucking do any crazy much. Damn cats can't drive.
That kid just got my ice cream cone. Not again. Drifting. You get to the ah the border door that goes outside of the box of the city to the outside world, and there's a line of cars And there's a guy going beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep. I can't go anywhere. You did quick fucking beep when you're hard. So you guys wait there for a little bit anyway. And then anything you want to do while you're waiting in this line? Can you does your car have like a flying ability so you can just kind of fly over them? Um, I have not installed that module yet. No.
Ah, that's unfortunate. Hey, play some music. Can you play Kitty Poop? I hear that's a fun song. Yeah, I've got that song. Click. Yeah, I fucking love this joke. Yeah, it's a shit. It's a new song by Perry Schmeckle. Yeah, coming up next by Perry Schmeckle, we've got Kitty Poop.
Who pumped the radio? It was at the perfect volume. Yeah, and then the line starts moving the guy in the booth like come on ways for you guys to pull up and Pull up do you pull up to the booth to the booth? Yeah, you're not driving but You're Evan. That's not driving issue know yeah some rock paper sis i actually stupid No one drives my car, but me Um, there's a, uh, there's a dwarven man in the booth. Um, he's, he's leaning out the window and he says, what's your business outside the city? I am looking for my sister. Oh, you and everybody else. All right. Go through. Good luck out there. Thanks. Like I have a name tag on, uh, Reginald. Thanks Reggie. You're the best. You're my favorite worker here.
What? Oh, sorry. This isn't my shirt. This is someone else's shirt. I lost my uniform. What's your name? Josephus. All right, Reggie, see you around. Next. Come on, you asshole.
I kind of speak like Fetchcrest. Find my shirt. We've got to find my shirt. See you guys. the gates open up and you leave through them and you're outside and you see a big billboard that says you're now leaving, um, Savage city, uh, Savage city brought to you by llama John's food and energy. And there's a picture of a llama on a bill and a bill on the billboard. Oh yeah. Right. I remember that. That was more than me and Adrian came up with that. We didn't ever mention that my favorite everybody eats a lot of llama and the city is powered by llama mostly.
But yeah, anyway, so you guys are outside the city. You have your directions to go. Um, and you are presumably driving to them. I see. Yes. Okay. I mean, drive out there. Some people like that. And we're also leaving the city. They kind of like go their own ways. Somebody budd like pulls off the road and starts like shooting fireworks off like, hell yeah, brother. Um, were they fireworking? I made it out of the city. Oh, okay.
Um, and you drive down and you get on like the old highway

Journey Through a Post-Apocalyptic Highway

sort of thing. And, um, all kinds of old shitty cars left behind there and like, uh, weird shit that people like wrote on the signs and stuff and like some fallout three shit, you know, going on, all kinds of stuff like that. Um, and he drives some more down that highway and, uh, eventually, um, some ghouls. How does nature know how to do that? I don't know.
Make this high how did nature to make this highway like you got to make a t-shirt catch right at that. OK, they're just like some weird picture of like something growing out of out of the ground. It's just like a like a sign. It's like how does nature know how to make that sign? And you guys are driving is pretty far. It's pretty you're driving for like a good year. They've been driving for like 15 minutes now and you have to get off the highway because it's so clogged up with shitty cars and it tells you to go off a side road anyway.
And you're starting driving down some back roadways. What does the GPS sound like? um I did it already, I think. Did you? Yeah. Turn right onto Spring Hollow Road. Oh, that's so that's the voice. Hi, can you set it to a different voice? This one's boring.
Um, this is just the one I came with, but, um, I can try. Yeah. Can you pick a different one? I think you'll come up with the perfect one. That'll sound way better. I was going to say, you see an option that says CM as you're typing in, as you're like looking for settings and voices. Oh shit. Check that out. Um, let's do snooty British man. Yeah. yeah like She didn't pick CM at all. Yes. it Turn left here at Pinecrest Road, you ruffian. What sort of what you up year? What making model in the year is this car? This is ah getting me out of this vehicle. It's so crass. That one's too mouthy. Let's try something else here. Yes, keep going. Keep going. There's there's there's one that says just CM on it.
Is it Charlie Murphy? like on bargan meman Now you're going to turn right up here and you better do it nice and slow. I like it nice and slow. ah I'm not going to tell you the name of the road, though. Just turn right. That was too sexy. Let's let's find another one. He's all scrolling through. Like her fur is like all puffed up. She's like, oh, that's too much. let's do let's Turn right ahead, human.
ah That one's cool. This one says, what the heck is a dim? What are you really asking me to turn? I don't know. What the hell am I supposed to turn? I don't know. What the hell? I'm not from here. Don't ask me. I'm not from here. Turn right over here. I guess. Where's the ale house? Where's the whores turn to do a U turn and head back 20 miles. There's a whore house.
Hey, hey, can you press P W P W? Yeah, click. Pick a record. I don't know what you're talking about. What?
follow magic it works better Yeah, turn turn right down here at the at ah Johnson's Cleft Road up ahead. Yeah, I like this one.
I'm getting a little hot and bothered too, but I'll deal. Let's go.

Approaching the Secretive Destination

You're gonna want to stay on his road for about five miles and then look out because you're headed towards a seedy sort of like conspicuous place. It's sort of like off the grid. ah Don't know how you got ahold of this location. I'm a little too sentient, just like all the other voices were. All right, this sounds like the place. And you turn down a road, Johnson's Cleft Road and at at the front of the road, you see no outlet um dead end.
ah Danger. Go back. Piss off. Stinky. Yeah. Piss off. Don't come here. Throw off. how many Somebody sprayed on one of the signs. Crazy signs, aren't they? Someone sprayed on one of the signs that says, fuck off underneath, or it says, don't don't come down here. It says, fuck off. Don't tell me what to do. And then a little further down the road, you see a skeleton with a spray paint can in its hand. Yeah. like with it With a sign drilled through his chest.
And it just says scary, ain't it? No spray painting. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, there's like a new rule says no spray painting, but it's but it's written in spray paint and and that person's dead, too. And it says, what did we just say? And it's written in the marker. Sacrifices for the company. So these guys don't these guys don't have any outlets. It's dangerous over here. And you can't spray paint. Yes.
yes At two miles ahead is your location. now Just letting you know. That's. Yeah, you want to do any sort of like sneaking around, do it now. You're like you're like in like in stoops, like metal army here. I'm like, oh, oh, got me bothered again. Hang on. Stop it. Anyways, what we're going to go sneaky and get At ah Evan and. She's like, um so.
Do you really want to go here because this looks kind of dangerous and I'm not really sure if we have enough firepower for this. Otherwise we can try to like, you know, talk our way in, but but we need to figure out a plan to get into this place or we need to figure out like what the people look like so that we can blend in.
Know what I'm saying? Because this looks a little dangerous. Yeah. I mean, that's probably on an illegal side. So that's probably like some danger there. um But we could pretend that you also want some augmentations to your body and and we're just kind of like your body got something.

Infiltration via Remote Access

All right. Hang on. Hang on. Before we go in China. thing Right. Right. But before we go sending anybody in there. Right. Why don't we do this?
Evan, you tried last time and I don't think you did a terribly good job, but you have a chance to redeem yourself. Can't you just try to do some sort of like remote infiltration, maybe try to like splice into their network, see if they got any sort of cameras or computers in there before we just go, I'll go kick the door and start roughing people up if I need to. Ain't no sense sending you two in the danger. Maybe let's do a little bit of recon. Am I right? Yeah, exactly. You need to find like some kind of access point to the building.
An access point to get in or an access point to hack? Can't you access remotely via your Bluetooth? You have a Bluetooth in your mouth, don't you? I do have a Bluetooth outlet, you notice, with your mask on. I mean, I still got eye holes. I could still see. I thought you were kind of blind the whole time and you just kind of went through vibrations. You know what? Actually, I have, Evan. I have. I have been activating blindly this whole time, just guessing about what I see.
and that's pretty well Do you believe me? Is that okay? Do you like that? Do you like that? i love i So you guys pull off somewhere? before get too close what are you What are you doing?
yeah like that I'm looking for some kind of like pole with like electronic stuff on it or something. ah Something that we could like splice into the building. Oh, I love a good electronic pole.
Uh, uh, there's not really anything like right on there. There's like, there's like power lines and stuff, but there's like, and up on like top and there's like the, like, kind of like the big, you know, boxes or whatever the shit that is that goes on on power lines, but nothing that, you know, you could see at least at the road's edge. It looks like sort of like, uh, an electronic old, like sort of access internet site, a sort of thing. You might need to do some, uh, some snooping in the more off-road areas to see if you can find, uh, some that serious. and Okay.
um like What does the facility look like? um Well, it depends on what you're doing. Did you guys pull off or are you like creeping in now? what's What's the deal here? What are you guys doing with your bodies and your physical forms? I'm pulling off right now and loving it. Yeah. Get it.
Look, I'm going to like look for some other stuff that I could like use to make in tripling. Otherwise, I need to like get closer. Oh, OK. Are you going to get out of the car and like snoop around like the I'm imagining you're in like there's sort of like a sort of dead tree foresty area here. There's like some trees are still kind of alive, which mostly be like kind of like decrepit foresty shit. So get out of the car and roll a notice roll for me, motherfucker.
I look behind like Eric, we have something here, something here, something here. Eight but oh yeah brother, eight. So yeah, you walk a little bit. You walked like, um, you guys kind of, I just, I'm going to assume you stopped that two mile warning mark whenever I had, what's his face say is two miles away. Um, so you walk kind of like.
sort of meandering through to through the woods. Um, you kind of walk like close to like a half a mile or something like that, like closer to the building. And you see like a little box and in the middle of the woods somewhere surrounded by some chain link fence. And you think, Oh man, if I ever seen like, uh, like, uh, an outdoor internet sort of thing, that was it. And you see that what were the other guys doing while he was sleeping around in the woods?
I already told you what I was doing. Okay, you're pulling off and I'm back in the car. No spear, McFurry face. What are you doing? She's going to go to the trunk of her car and look for some binoculars. Binoculars? Do you have a survival role, a skill? Do survival to see if you are smart enough to bring that along with you. Okay.
Holy fuck, I got a 17. Hell yeah, you go like ah you got like some f freaking like space age goddamn binoculars. They got 90 feet on them and everything, man. They're all digital and shit. She can zoom. Yeah, it's crazy. You got a high tech pair in there. Hell yeah. And a nice block there too. Yeah.
are you going to get? I guess when you get somewhere kind of high higher. You can look down through the forest region or you look down the road, I guess, and you see like ah sort of a smallish building and sort of like just a big rectangular concrete thing. um It also has like chain link fence around it and some barbed some barbed wire around it there around the fence. And um there's kind of like you see a dude walking on like the rooftop, kind of like keeping an eye out, it looks like. And um there's ah like maybe like one or two cars, and like a big van and stuff like outside.
And like a little way that goes around back pride, like a loading Bay area or something, but it's kind of otherwise all quiet on the Western front out there, nothing going on outside of that place.
Are there any differences between like the outfits that we're wearing to the people in that area? We only can see one guy up on top and he's wearing probably it's like he's probably wearing some like black shirt and can I tell like my pants he's wearing but he doesn't look like he's wearing anything too crazy that guy at least he's got like a Sort of I need like I guess you have a high-tech thing to zoom in with he's got kind of like um Sort of like cybernetic bullshit all over his head He's got like some like I weird eye things going on and like his arms like he just looks like he's he looks like he's jacked in general but his arms only guys like little you know some some shiny shit on his arms too from where you're looking at and
and Okay, so we would be able to go in and kind of fit our way through if needed. I don't really think that anyone looks like stoop. Good goal.
I just saw one person. Um, okay. Well, she's going to replace the binoculars back into the trunk and she is soup. So it's still right there, right? Apparently in the backseat. Right. Okay. So she's going to get into her car and look back at stoop and say, well, if we favor our way in, we'll, we should be fine. Yep. I got, I already got a plan.
I thought I was pulling off. You guys waiting on my brain juices? No, I'm not waiting for Evan. I'm just going to like, I'm just going to get out the car, do a tuck and roll and just like sprint. How far away from the building are we? Like at least a mile and a half, assuming you start a mile and a half from the building. He said like two miles. That's why I stopped. Never mind. I'm not getting out of the car. I thought we were closer. All right. Just drop me off and let me tuck and roll when we get closer. Or I guess we're walking. I would have a way.
Well, I'm gonna drive in and see what we can do. Right. She's going to look in the back of her car and see if she has any, like, old um drive through bags, like fast food bags. Roll a filth roll to see how disgusting she is. I'm definitely sitting back here in a bunch of trash. That one's more if if you wanted to, that's more of a a character role playing thing. If you think she'd be the person, the kind of person just throws shit in the backseat and leaves trash in the car, that can be what you do.
Oh yeah, she's definitely one of those. yeah there's Still a couple of cold fries in his dick models bag. There's an ironing board back here. yeah Yes. like Her hair curler like a curling iron, but you don't know why because she is a tiger. So I think um'm she has a really neat one.
I think I'm sitting on top of a hobo that lives back here.
So she's going to grab like one of the the bags that is empty and she's going to grab a couple of the wrappers and stuff and just kind of make it look like there's something in it. And she's going to sit it into the console in the middle of the two seats.
and ah Is she able to see Evan still? Probably not. He went pretty deep in the woods. But I will say, are you waiting? So what are you going to do? Are you just going to pull out then and go down the road? Let him do his thing. Yeah, I was going to go up to the gate and see if I could.
Just like, evan has a okay. So yeah, you guys start driving on the road, Evan, uh, as you're, uh, you find that little thing there, you hear, uh, the car start to go down the road. Um, what do you do with that box? Let's see. It's behind, like, uh, as I said, a chain link fence, it's all steeled up kind of with Barbara wire on top of it.

Disabling Alarms and Creating Distractions

I first want to try and check if there is an alarm. At least around the fence, it's pretty standard stuff. It's just got a little lock on it kind of thing and nothing too fancy. Okay. Then I'll just try to break it off. Nice. What are you going to do? You're going to just clearly hit it with a... Just going to smack it with the back of my sword. Nice. Do a strength if I ever heard something like that.
Yeah, brother. frank Smack and bash, that low start with two. You clack it a couple of times. It's not really working. You want to try again with your strength. Or maybe a fighting even if you have a good fighting. I'm going to stand back. I'm going to shoot a magic bolt against him. OK. How loud is your magic bolts, brother? Oh, he's going to say he's blasting. That has 2d6 damage. How loud is it, though, I say? Oh, you hold out. I don't know.
Probably not super loud. Okay. Well, so go ahead. Roll it. I guess roll your, um, uh, where she gets, where we got to do weird science. Yeah. It's just a fricking locks in there. Yeah. Do your, do your damage on that little sucker. If it sucks, you're going to not do anything. A Niner. Oh yeah. You, uh, what, what, what do you say? What's, what kind of magic do you shoot out of your thing? What was it? What's it look like? What's it smell like? What happens?
And the circle starts to clone and it shoots like ah water. The water is clad as shit, man. You yeah you just see a little. um And like you, you bust a hole right through that lock and it goes click, click down to the ground and the gate can now be opened into the little square area that the thing is in.
OK, then I want to try and check in there and see if there's like any defenses that that place has. OK, cool. Hey, brother, I hate to tell you this, but there's a lock on the next thing too. But for the sake of not being boring, you just do the same thing. We say you bash through. It's fine. And you open up the little panel and now roll hacking for me as you do you like insert a wire, I guess, or something from your head.
Cool. Yeah. I have like some kind of nice frickin frickin cyberpunk style. The game, the exciting work from the team. Whoa, man. Yeah. That too. Um, you hack that shit, brother. And you're, you're sifting through things. You're specifically looking for defense kind of things it has on it.
Yeah, kind know if the place has like defenses and like what kind of ah stuff like an inventory, kind of like a catalog of what happened in the place. So as far as defenses go, you see a shitload of like stuff about the alarm systems and the doors, which then when and when in and when the when and how and where they activate them. Like, you know, right now, at least like the front main door is like to the lobby little areas doesn't have any alarms going right now because it's work day.
um And a lot of the interior doors do though, still have alarms on them but without key code access, things like that. um And you see like there's like five security personnel on staff. um And you see um one noted as laser fist. um And then you also want to see what else do you want to see?
um um collection of like the inventory or like if they like worked on people if they have like documented what uh who they worked on um you see a lot of stuff about kind of what led you here from the other place they like the statement receiving stuff supplies and things like that cybernetic stuff they've noted all that stuff down but as far as you know, who or what's been happening here. They don't really have anything noted there like that that you can find. Is it cybernetic, superhuman bullshit going on there? There's some humans, maybe superhuman or not. We definitely know it's cybernetic. Cybernetic, superhuman bullshit. When I try and disable like the alarm. Oh, shit. Do another hack then for me, brother Broski.
That's a 12. 12. Holy shit. Yeah. You fricking, you disable their alarms and they are none the wiser. They don't even know, man. But you do. It says, bing, alarm disabled. Whatever the voice of your, I don't know if you have a voice in your little hacking module. And it also sounds like Patrick Norbert. I like want to go back to the car.
OK. Ain't no car there, buddy. As I've said, you heard it going down the road and they're like, um they're probably not going fast. So if you did a little sprint, you could probably catch up to them. But they're they're driving down the road. Hey, where are you going? We have like a hyper dramatic like we're going like three miles an hour down this like bumpy road to be there quiet. And he's like, wait for me. I'm like hanging my window out the door. Evan, you fool. Grab my hand. Let's go.
I try to run in slow motion, trying to catch up. Dramatic music plays. Come on! We can't leave you behind! Grab on! I'm almost there! Hurry up and get in, jackass. Yeah, and I just get him and I swing him up on the roof. Oh, that was close. Yeah, I thought I'll miss you. You see, like, yeah like he's up on the roof and like stoops, like he's like hanging out the car window and he's like you friends like he brushes the sweat off his brow, but he's just like wiping the top of his helmet. He's like, oh, God, that was tough. Don't scare me like that again, you idiot.
scar Snowspear reaches up and like opens up the moonroof. He like slides in to his head. I have arrived. Do you like that? It's so difficult. Yeah, that was kind of fun. I disabled the alarm so he could sneak in from the back or like any kind of entrance a speed like find. I have an idea. Right. What is it?
Well, I was going to act like I was going to deliver food that I was, you know. Well, you can still do that. They don't have a lot. You could be the distraction while I scale the building. OK. Because I mean, just because the alarms are going off doesn't mean we don't have sons of bitches standing at the door. That's true. You never know.
sons of bitches. Although I shouldn't say that. I don't know what their moms are like. That's mean of me to say it's me. um They don't know that mom. Anyway, it could be sons of assholes. It could be sons of millionaire playboys, sons of Richards. batman um And then we'd have a fist full of assholes.
Well, an asshole full of fists, you know what I mean? Better have a fistful of assholes and an asshole full of fists from all right. Yep, yep. Now that's some cybernetic, superhuman bullshit. and um So guys are driving in there towards that place. Is anybody getting out? do What are you doing? You're coming closer to the gate. There's a little a little boost, a little guard booth there where you can see a man sort of sitting in there. I'm hiding amongst the garbage in the backseat. I'm just burying myself in trash. Uh huh.
And what do you call that? When you sit in a front seat where you put it like your feet under. the little the the the For the foot areas, you're just in your car. Like the dashboard? You're trying to cram yourself under the dashboard? Yeah. Oh, man. You got to roll. You got to roll. Well, back actually, both of you guys roll a stealth for me.
Well, I'm free. oh But I have a penny. You do. That's a fine five. Five? Okay, that's better. How about you stoop roll the stealth underneath the garbage in the back? ah You said stealth? Yeah. Do you not have a good stealth throw? Let's see. Yikers. Oh, no, that's a two. I'm going to roll. I'm going to use one of my Benjamins. Okay.
Go. That's a little better. Well, you know, that's all right. I'm just going to be. Just look like I'm passed out in the. There you go. Don't worry about that. You pull up to the um ah the little the guard's booth gate thing, Cass. Yep. I mean, Cass Spear. I was going to say, who's that? I don't know who that is. and that I mean, yeah. So you pull up to that. There's a say he's an elven man. He's got he's got like a sort of like a Tight buttoned up little like, you know, gray security outfit on and like a little, little like gray cap on, but he's got like beautiful, like silvery blonde, like elven hair coming down, is down out of it. Like he looks really, it's like a mismatch of what he's wearing and what he looks like. you eleven man Like Lego loss was wearing like a janitor's outfit. Yeah. And, uh, he's a, you should wind your window down. And, uh, do you say, what do you say to this man? Um, hi, sir. I have a delivery of food delivery.
food delivery for who? Um, let me see here. You hear like stupid tobacco. It's for whom? For whom is what you meant to say? Shut up back there.

Confrontation with Laser Fist

Anyways. It's a cool silver skull you have sitting back there amongst your crest. You just see like a skull sticking out of like all the garbage.
it's my It's my friend, he's drunk and passed out in the backseat, it's fine. he I had to pick him up from the bar so that he didn't try to drive and so, yeah. I see. He's like, his eye he's like eyes are rolling back and he's like, okay, who's this for?
Um, Mr. Uh, I was going to say, um, Oh my God. Well, okay. I say, Evan, Evan, if you remember, you did see among the ah security listing names, there was someone called laserface yeah the name laser If you want to whisper laser fist to her. Laser fist laser laser. Oh, Mr. Laser fist. Sorry. It looked like fish odor, but it's actually laser fist.
Oh, shit. um ah He like gets his little head like a little radio like a patch to like is his collar area. He's like, ah Mr. Fist, there's a what do you guys are you are you are you door gash door bash? What are you guys? There's a food delivery for you. You run, you run, you run, you run food delivery here for you and ah There's no reply, but um if if you were to look towards the front of the car, you see up on the roof, the guy goes up there, he looks over the edge and then he jumps off the top of the roof and lands superhero landing style. but do And um he starts walking over and then he you see he pulls his little own little walkie talkie up and ah you hear through the guy beside you. He's like, you hear, I didn't order any fucking food. Somebody ordered it for you.
guy The guy looks um towards ah the guy walking towards you guys inside the gate and he's like, ah he didn't order any fucking food, you guys. he looked He looks scared. What do you want to do? I want to get out, rip the door off and throw it at the guy. OK, there is a chain link fence between you. Are the gates not open?
No. All right. I just want to get out and parkour on that guy's little like a guy's little box and then like fucking jump over the fence to go after that guy. OK. Rolling athletics for me. Because they both have walkie talkies. I'm not going to be to eliminate both of them unless I slice that dude's arms off on the way over. He's just in his booth. All right. I'm just going to roll. All right. Roll athletics to do a jump. I'm going to climb up over and jump in a bow. Now I do get a plus two to climbing rolls as I climb up onto it and then jump over the fence. So technically that would be a five. That's good. OK. OK.
because I have a bonus because I'm a free runner on my edge. Oh, OK. All right. Well, yeah, you jump over it. Then you you do a little like Olympic sort of like flip over with you like where you like to have to have twist your back. So you like fly over like the barber wire. Yeah. And as I land my shield, my my riot shields in one hand and my my runic sword, my what did I call it? Not a runic sword, my molecular, molecular swords in the other hand.
OK, OK. So he you see this big dude, he's got like his black tanked up on and he's got like, like I said, cyber neck sort of eyes. Well, at least one eye. So I think I like he's got like sort of shit going up his arms into his fists and he says, oh, hell yeah. And he punches his fists together and naturally lasers go across like his fists like brass knuckles. And he's like, bring it on, little man. I'm taking those dibs. I look behind me like looking back at the car. Dibs, dibs on the laser fists.
Um, and I guess, uh, we'll do, what are you other guys going to do in the background? Are you doing anything? I guess she's going to watch it off. I watch. I look on it and before you do that. I look over at his eyes. I go cybernetic eyes and I look back to where he landed.

Combat Strategy and Superhuman Feats

Superhuman landing. This is bullshit. This is cybernetic. Superhuman bullshit.
like when you Inside the mask, you see his dwarven eyes get real big. He's like, his eyes are dilated. He's like, Oh my God. and yeah Um, so you got a joke or something. Everybody gets a Benny, I believe in, uh,
You can choose where you want to go. I got a joke. Oh, shit. I was too busy, like, in my own world, imagining that scene. I forgot to look at my computer screen. That's funny. hey I was just imagining like the camera panning in. Like, you know how they deal with Iron Man, where you see him inside of the suit sometimes, like talking to the Jarvis. And so I just might he's in there. He's like, what the super bullshit. So I got a jokey. OK. OK, cool.
um So can I tell from like he clasps his fist together and lasers are coming out of his fists? Can I tell like, is he wearing gloves that do that? Is he? is his Are his arms cybernetic or is he? It's it's like it's little built into his body. Damn, those aren't gloves. I'm still taking them. um You can rip robert rip it out.
OK, well, since I get a plus two to everything I do, I'm going to do a multi action here. um So what I'm going to do is I'm going to run up to that fool. I'm going to Captain America, my shield for a second. Actually, no, I'm not going to do that because it's not built to do that. I'm going to try to like just like fucking just slam his ass with the shield to like block the lasers and maybe like push him up into him while they're coming out. And then while he's do if that is successful, I'm going to try to lean up and and try to chop one, if not both of his arms off.
oh Okay, I'm trying to knock them off guard or any potential things. Yeah, I'm doing two different actions. and As you again you said, you got a plus two to things you do when you do a joker. Well, typically it'll be plus two and be a minus two to both if I don't have a joker. Right. But since I have a joke and it gives you plus two to your next actions. So that cancels out that negative buff. So it'd be just a standard role for both.
Okay, so you're gonna try and bash your shield into his arms and try and make him cut himself. Well, that'll be a bonus if I really slam him, but really what I'm trying to do is knock him off balance so that way, like, my next attack will be more likely to succeed. Or if nothing else, at least he won't be able to rebound and and hit my ass real quick. Because there is a function where you can, like, you can knock somebody off balance and, like, make them, like, dizzy so their next actions are shitty or something. So I'm trying to slam him enough that, like, he can't use his lasers properly. And I'm gonna try to capitalize and hit him.
And I'm guessing that'd be a strength contest. to See if you can bash him off balance. So roll strength, brother. Let's do a strength off. and i Can I convince you that it's athletic since I'm trying to slam that motherfucker from a running ah position? ah running um Yeah, OK. He's trying to do strength so he doesn't get knocked down. That makes sense. But I'm literally trying to like charge into him like a football player.
Yeah, that's fine. Go for it, brother. All right, come on. Dice, don't fail me now. That's a five, baby. Oh, yeah, you you bump him off a balance there, and I don't know anything about Savage World's ah things like that. You can daze him, so that would give him like a minus two to like like certain kind of roles moving forward, like an attack or like a reaction or something. So I'm trying to knock him off balance, so like his reactions are shittier to what I'm about to do.
OK, roll ah fighting. just justla him so I probably don't get him to cut himself his own lasers, but I push the lasers up out of the way and just fucking knock him like onto his heels. um So as he's doing that, I'm going to try to do a fight and see if I can hurt this mouth.
um Let's go. That's another five. ah Five for five, five for fighting, as they say. Fighting. Yeah, yeah, yeah. um That does not beat his parry, unfortunately, sir. Well, I will roll my Benjamin to try to beat his parry then. Damn, go for it, brother. I was at nine, tickle you. That beat his parry, my friend. By how much?
I forget by two. Okay, so I don't get the extra bonus, but that's okay. You shook him, I think. Well, I haven't rolled my damage yet, so you don't know if I shook him. That's just to see if I can... You've hidden him, so go ahead and damage this man. Alright.
ah those ah damn i wish sure i got the bonus damage whatever for night yeah not have been awesome I rolled a 15 for my boner damage, but because I didn't get too high, I couldn't get it. So I did eight. But it's two armor piercing, by the way. It's two armor piercing. So whatever his toughness is, if he has armor that contributes to his toughness, subtract two off of that. If he's not wearing you know any armor, does that take effect or no?
Uh, I think it does, but I don't remember how I think it just auto. No, it doesn't auto do anything. I guess it would be minus two to whatever its toughness is. OK, well, in that case, you're you're only three above if it minus is two off of it. So you just at least do one shake and then right. ah If I match his, I shake him if it's four above. I forgot that you don't remember how this game runs when you're not on a GM side of it. I got to relearn it. We're learning. We is learning a podcast. We always try to get forward. I'm sorry. I just assumed after all the savages we played, you remembered how this worked. But I just I just let you tell me what I got to put it in the play yeah right.
um So, yeah, if it's four above, if it's four above, it's a wound and a shake. If it's a shake, if it's if it matches and it's not four above, it's just a shake. So sorry. you've've You've you've you've shook him with your with your attack. You've stricken him. He blocks kind of it with his little metal part of his arm. And he's like, yeah I'll just like scrape into it, but I don't quite slice through it. Yeah, no. Yeah, you kind of. Yeah. Could I say at least because I knocked him onto his heels that he falls like that's the shake is that I knock him on his ass.
Uh, sure. Yeah, I don't care. He's Lee's fucking yeah God damn it. He's on his little butthole. Uh, yeah. So I just flex real hard. Yeah. Yeah. Cool, man. Um, and then, uh, I have your shit open to get that out of here. It's in my way. there's other So the other two are not fighting. What are they doing? Well, I'm fighting this dude. ah At least no superstition is watching. Are you doing anything, Evan? I would like say, um, Hey, so,
We should probably like drive through the gate and like help stoop. Well, I'm not going to drive my car into the gate. It's closed. You know how much cost for repairs these days? Yeah, this is the only thing I have that's mine. How about you go after him, climb over the gate and then I'll meet you there. Cybernetic. Hi. Don't be giving bullshit. I like. Stop blocking my swords.
It's why you guys are cheater chatter and the guy beside you in the booth is like we additional units out to the front. I was going to say, why are you guys not handling that guy? um And he pulls the taser out and he tries to shoot it at at um you, Snow Spear, ah because he hears you guys talking about driving through the gate.

Strategizing Through Physical Barriers

Whoops, that's your sheet. I need to pull up a goon sheet. She jams your car into reverse.
Hey, guess what? You didn't get a card. You didn't say you were doing shit. So he's doing it. He's going to shoot you with a taser and it's going to see if that it works. A four. And you're just sitting in the car. So yeah, you get tasered. um yeah and Or you do that. You make that noise. Well, you have to see what kind of damage it does to her first. It's just a taser. You're just you're just whatever. um You know, you're just you're you're you can't do shit for.
this turn. and I'll give you a card now, I guess. well i'll give you turn yeah I won't give you a card now. ah Next turn, you'll be able to do shit again, but it's just taser. I don't know if there's taser in the game's stats, but I'm just imagining you're just incapacitated for a moment. I want to jump out and a attack the guy. Okay, when you jump out and you'll get a chance to do that after his turn, because it's now the the later fist turn, and um he he stands up. and I guess but I guess he got to un-shake first. Let's do un-shake roll.
And he he succeeds, he can now act, so he stands up. um he He comes at you with his fists, ah and ah he's gonna try and punch you with with with them. Okay, I brace with my shield. He he does a three, does that get through? No.
He punches you in the shield. He punches my shield. And like like like, just like plasma like splatters over like, oh god, it's disgusting. It's just, he's going to splash his shield. I forgot though, he he can peakek and punch. Again, he has two fists. Punch again. What do you look at that? anything um He does the other one. It does a six. Does that do anything to you? No. My shield gives me a little bit more parry than I probably should have. Fuck this shield.
And then ah let's do ah the cards again. I have too many freakin things up. There's all kind of shit ah queenie yeah Queenie Queenie McBee Ace goes first, doesn't it? Yeah. Okay, cool cool. So the little guy Um, is there at the booth again. And, uh, the other guys start coming out of the front door. They're kind of too far away to be able to do anything right now. So they're just like, you know, filing out of the building. Um, and the guy in front of you, uh, he's, as you kind of get your senses back there, snow spear, he still got his, I guess the tape is still on you because his little as the string sticking out. So he yeah can't really do anything else with that. Um, and he says, turn your car off, turn your car off now.
And that's all he says to you. um You can I'll give you a chance to say something to him. ah We can't really do anything turn wise yet, but you can say something if you'd like to this man. Either of you guys in the car. Your face is stupid.
Not true at all. I'm very, but I have many women that come to me at the clubs and I go, I'm a beautiful elven man. Shut up. I'm like, give give me this taser back. Um, but then, uh, Queenie McMeany is next. So that's laser fist again. Um, and I'm going to have him try to, to yank your shield out of your hand because he doesn't like that thing. So I'm going to do a strength against you. If you wouldn't mind doing another strength to keep ahold of it. And he only got a two. Um,
And don't end me wild. They have at least one Benny, don't they? A five ah wild card. So you can have like a pool of the way that I've always done it is like I have as many bennies as there are like not enemies in general, but like every so many enemies I do it. So like if I have like one to three enemies, they have a Benny. And if I have a wild card, I give them a Benny. So that way I just have like a pool I use for like the whole the whole group that I'm using.
I'm going to make him use one and he's kind of, he's trying to get it off you, but he's very, and you're like, you're like fighting against it real well. And he, he looks, he's looked over your over to shield into your eyes. He's like, let go. God damn it. I'm assuming. Holy shit. And he got a 21 on that one. Okay. So he ganks that out of your hand. Um, and for now he just kind of has a held there because he's, I'm not going to make him do anything else. He's kind of like as a held for the moment and it's your turn then. So you can re re re do a reprisal. If you would like, he's got your shield in his hand. Actually trying to figure out what my, I think my shield gives me.
extra I'm trying to think if that shield is the extra the shield gives me the extra parry. I think it is, I think it is. It all makes sense, yeah. Let's recover from shots. I have to look that up because I don't remember. I don't have that. I don't know if I have that written down properly, but I'm pretty sure that that's later. Yeah. Later, says I'm glad I took us from you then. I think it does. I don't remember if it's a two or a three to my Perry. So I have to look that up when we're done. I can't remember. It's been a little while. It's prepared for DDI. I forgot to look at this. I don't allow to do it. All right. So
So, yeah, I also have two less toughness in the front right now. So I'm done at 12 instead of 14 as I do that. I'm just like, you know what? I don't need it because you're a little punk ass bitch.
um Hey, what I'm going to try to do, does he look can I tell if he's like organic and robotic or if he's just full robot? Yeah, he's usually he does a do with some cybernetic enhancements.
Uh, okay. Gotcha. Uh, what I am going to do then is, um, I think, uh, I'm actually, where did he put my shield? Where is it? Did he throw it? He's he still just holding those two hands. So I didn't make him do anything else outside of that. Well, if he's got a shield like laser punching me, idiot. Um,
You know what I'm going to do since he has the shield in his hands right now is I am going to go low and I'm going to try to take him out at the feet. Um, so I'm not going to try to attack him per se with my sword. I'm going to try to grab ahold of his feet and then just start swinging him in circles.
but um I guess that would be an athletics attempt. I'm just trying to grab him by his, just just grab him out and just like shake him like a fucking runner. He's not minded to use your shield against, to like defend himself. He just, he just poured it off you to get it off of you. So he's not, I'm not going to give him anything bonus for that. So you can just do your athletics attempt.
Try and grab a hold of his legs. I think eight. Eight. Oh, yeah, you definitely you yank him off of his feet, I guess. And if you want to whip him around a little bit, you can if you want to. I do. I want to swing him around and then just what I want to do is swing him in a circle one time, like a full 360 and then just like ragdoll him like a fucking rug and slap him on the ground and see if he'll let go of my shield. OK.
Since you're doing, technically, a throw there at the end, I'm going to let you do athletics for damage to see if you can... Oh, interesting. ...wrestling maneuver him and whack him on the ground. All right. So I got a raise on that. So do I get the bonus dice, or do I have to pass a certain amount of pair of toughness on him? So I know what kind of damage I'm getting. I guess you would get the bonus dice if that's the case. You just gave me a check. OK. OK, cool.
So I don't know what I would roll for that because athletics is just going to roll again. It should give you a little take the wild dice. If you want to damage him, you should probably roll strength.
That's okay, we'll do this. i'm letting them Wow! Well, you smack him on the ground again, that's for sure. now Technically, I don't know if you can createt fail on damage because that wasn't a roll. So could I use a Benny to reroll my damage? Because that wasn't like an attack roll, that was damage roll. Yeah, sure. Okay, let me try that again.
How does a 10 treat you? And holy brother, you um ah shake this guy again. We don't go above his toughness yet. Oh, really? You don't go for above. You'd only do three above. Damn. What did I hit him with before that I did three above your sword, I think. And when I hit him with my sword, fuck, what did I hit him with? You did something that ignored. our yeah You're likely a sword.
Damn. So any who had damage, it doesn't go above his tough yet or four. But he's got he's not enough for only three. He's just seven. All right. Well, I'm just going to rag doll him again and see if he let's go my shield. He's he's he's on the ground. Yeah, he's kind of like he's kind of laying on top of now. He's he's just like kind of like got one hand on that, like holding it down. but He's just like, oh, stop throwing me on my back. Got a bad back to you.
I'm going after this. um yeah And I have to go see my chiropractor after this. I am your chiropractor. Snow spirits, your turn. The guy in the booth is trying to reel back his taser in. I don't know if you can reset it or not, but he's trying to reel it back in because he's mad at you and your car outside the gate. What do you do?

Coordinated Combat and Spellcasting

She's going to jam it into a reverse and try to hit him with her car. He's in the booth.
Oh, he's in the booth. All right, she's just going to jab an introverse and try to get out of sight. I'll try to jump out before he does that. um say I'll just say, I'll let you. You guys fine. You can drive out on your anything else you want to do with your turn. Snow spear other than drive away a little bit. She was going to go through the gate that Evan got the alarm taken off and sneak through.
um That was just like all the doors inside. there's there's no it's It's very rudimentary to get into the parking lot, just that chain link gate, but that is still ah locked up. The interior doors aren't laura alarmed, but and there's no alarm on this, it's just a gate. But as far as getting into the parking lot, you're still kind of behind a chain link and barbed wire.
Well, she's a cat. She's going to try to mi man um climb over the fence or try to find a way through the fence. OK. Either one you want to do, I'll let you do jumpy athletics to get up there. Or if you want to do a notice, see if you can find like a place where there's a hole where the fence is kicked up. Either way, whatever you want to do. OK, I'll do a notice roll.
got a fight fiverr um yeah You're looking around your and then you see um Actually right kind of near the ah the corner of the booth. There's like a little upturned ah Not like enough for you to fully crawl him You could probably try and yank it open to dig it in through there a little a little point where at least the bottom Oh, it's like sticking off a little bit from the pole. You could grab on to if you want to do that Okay and good So you did I'll just do that too. You want to do the little i' say strength to try and pull the chain link open enough so you can crawl through. Sure. Do that, Dan. Five. Five. Oh, yeah. You kind of stand there for a minute and the guys as you're like yanking out of the guy in the booth, like, what the hell are you doing back there? and But you yank it and and I'll let you you can kind of like as snicker snicker through. ah And then as you're doing all that, um Evan was jumping out of the car. What are you doing, Evan?
I'm jumping at least I'm trying to jump over what the fence to like attack laser fist as well okay do athletics for me then brother as you jump over this shit that's a free three oh brother I don't know how to tell you this but uh you get on top of the booth I guess but you're kind of trying to jump over that chain link and you can't quite uh make it over that shit um dad do that shit dan that's that's great That's a 13. Holy shit. You fucking leap over that shit like an Olympic athlete, even better than Stoop did. You don't know. I just imagine it's not like sending you in a spoof and I like try to like get ready for a jump, but I get scared of like the jump and like, oh no, not not good enough. And then like, then the second try actually jump over it. There you go. It takes a second. It activates like a jackrabbit fucking feature in his cyborg parts. A pogo stick comes out of his ass.
um And then I'll let you you land down there and you see um like there's how many said there's five people total so including later visitors three other dudes coming out of the building like security guards um and you see laser fist on his back ah with a shield in his hands and um Stoop standing over him yelling something Adam probably I think You can do some sort of action and attack whatever you want to do to these people anybody on the field Um, I'll shoot bolts at two people. Nice. You're going to shoot me like the security guards running in the new edition security guards. Yeah. Okay. Two of those motherfuckers. Um, do you have like a bonus for doing two things or is that going to be a negative for you? I have a bonus, um, a bonus, um, calculating if I roll below of five, I could like, I can like ignore two points for like multi-action and like other stuff.
If your action card is a five or less two. Yeah. Okay. So you got a four and you actually go, that's pretty neat. That's pretty neat. So, uh, so just took you longer to get into the fight and you do not have two points of penalties on one action that turns. So that's called again.
uh calculating that's cool that's pretty cool yeah and it's pretty cool so so yeah so you can shoot your bolts uh do your uh attack rolls for both of those little suckers that's uh six and a two oof okay um so definitely uh where's the do i think know a little weenie boy is still up So yeah, you definitely hit one of them. The other one, he kind of like sees the first guy get hit with the first bolt, and he think ducks and jumps out of the way of the second one. um But the first guy gets hit, so do your damage on that little sucker. So swing your sword and shoot water in his face, and that does seven of damage. He's a Pokemon. Yeah.
Do weenie type characters have three wounds still too? Or are they only hate it like named? No, they need it. They like if they're not a wild card, they take they can be shaken and take one wound. If they take one wound and they're they're knocked out of combat.
OK, so you do shake him as you smack him in the face of water, but he's not he's not out of the fight just yet. He's like, oh, my God, that hurts so bad. um And he sort of staggers backwards. But you have stricken and shooken him. Did that include his plus two damage? Because apparently he has damage plus two. The bolt causes. That's a plus two if I like use more PP points. Oh, if you use more PP points. Oh, OK. I thought you use more PP. And you didn't do that. i so so So that means so everyone is what? um so you took you take ah You take care of the big guy and I take the security guards. Fucking obviously.
Okay, so everybody gonna get more cars as a five for stoop. I don't want that. Can you give me something better? Or, sorry, no takes you back to 10 for what's her face, a two for the security guards and a five and a club. My five feet is five. way Nice. um So ah Mr. Calculation, you get to go first with your ace there. ah So what would you like to do now that you've splashed a man with water in his eyes?
Hi. It's like this scene in the office where he has to do the eye-rinsing scene. He's like... oh like Go ahead. Sorry. I need to be like Cass and make a reference. One, two, two. Another double action because I also have an edge or like a racial thing that's additional action that I have that I can do like two actions without like the penalty. Holy shit.
Um, first I want to cast a protection spell. So I have more armor. What? Okay. You got for that too. ah You only rolled a two there. What's that come off of? What's that mean for you, buddy? I roll not a penny for that.
Um, you reroll one there. You doing a five this time? Yeah. yeah i roll Or is or is that is that your second? Is that your second attack? Yeah. I know that's my second penny for like the protection. Okay. So well, what's that do for you? What's protection smell? Let me read it again because spinwhile um it gives me plus two points of armor. Oh, sweet. So I have an 11 for now. Hmm.
um And then I'm going to go up to the guy that I like. um Then I have Shukun and I'm going to go up to him and try and stab him with a sword. Oh shit. Roll a fighting on that guy. That's a nine. A nine. um ah yeah ah Yep. Yep. Roll damage there, brother.
That's an eight. And ah ah remind me, Adam, with that wild dice being a nine, the guy has a five in toughness. So that's four above his toughness. So you get the bonus D6 dice. Oh, hell yeah, brother. So you do 10 damage. And guess what happens? This guy goes, he denies. What did you do? to Stab him straight through the body? Yeah. like i i He's like, is he like on the ground or?
Uh, he was just like, he was just like staggered and standing up still though. Then yeah, I'll just like, uh, thrust my sword through his like chest. Oh shit, do you pick him up off the ground a little bit? Yeah. Hell yeah, brother. Without Katana, that's some cool looking shit. Anywho, that man has been deceased. He is no more.

Intense Battle and Enemy Intimidation

Um, anything else you want to do there, brother? No, that's all for this tour. I guess that was your two actions there, right? yeah Um, so yeah, yeah, yeah. It's, uh, what's your face? No spear's turn. She's parked back further from the gate. Um, fucking around. What'd you do out there?
I climbed into the fence next to the boost. Oh, that's right. I forgot about that. That shit happened. Um, so now you're inside the fence. What are you doing there? She's gonna help stoop with, uh, getting this big dude down. Okay. Get this big dude down. He's down. What are you doing to him while he's laying, he's laying on the ground. He has a shield laying on top of him. So accidental armor at the moment on his belly, at least.
She's going to run over and she's going to look at stupid and be like, all right, what do you need me to do? I'm here for you. What I can claws face. I can bite his neck. I can. What do you need me to do? That's central. Uh, you know, I just got to sound a bit gruesome, but I just really want you just to take his eyes out. They're electronic. I think we could use them for stuff.
Okay, she's gonna go and sit on his chest where like, you know how um babies will do that to their mom where they like sit on their chest and then like their face is facing their face? Sure. She's gonna do that to this guy and she's gonna be like, sorry, and then try to scratch his eyes out.
OK, would that be a cold shot? Technically, that I guess that would be a cold shot if she's trying to get his eyes directly. But cold shots are usually more for like range, but like that is technically one for melee too, but she's literally on top of them. So that's true. Yeah, he's laying down. If he does give like a if he does give a negative to it as a cold shot, that means that she would do more damage if she succeeds on that role.
Mm hmm. But yeah, um if you mean if you want to think, I guess i've taken it's it's not going to be negative either way, because you're ah he's got like all kind of negatives because he's laying down and shit to a shaken. So I'm going to just do a fighting role for me to scratch at his face. there So like um Perry, while you were on the ground, is reduced by two. Oh.
So you've stricken that man right in his eye, electrical sockets. What do you do your damage? And then we'll see what happens there, I guess. Thirteen. That's a lot of significant. yeah That's a lot of damage, though. That is six above. So you do do ah a razor on his thing. I think that's what that's called. Right. or race because I shook him. Right. He shook him. He hasn't taken his turn yet. So that's.
If however many, however, how what is his Perry or what is his toughness? You can just seven, seven. So go six above. So she managed plus another one. So she damages him twice. Oh, brother in the eyeballs.
um And yeah yeah, I'm gonna say since you've got so much damage there you definitely do um You like do a swipe across his face and you rip the one like of his little Like sort of like it's like a tube that goes down over his head and like it like has like a thing in his eye And you kind of rip that out of his he's like, holy shit And you scratch across the other one that kind of like gets dislodged a little too. He's like Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus
reptory is a save he's after jesus So you've done you've done that and he's pretty fucked he's laying there pretty pretty Forked on that one in stoop. It's your turn. Yes His spades go before clubs um Okay, so ah she just like knocked out one of his little sockets. So he has one left yeah, I was kind of like the other one's kind of like scratched off to a little bit but not like fully Uh, okay. I am going to, um, take my sword then and then just stab it into the other eye. Holy fuck. While I was like, I'm on top of him, like wrestling around. I just, well, I'm not on top of him. I was standing over him. She's sitting on his chest. So like he's held down a little bit and he's still on the ground. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. He's fucked. Stab away, brother. Well, we don't know that I i have a, like I could have a propensity to just roll real shit. So we'll see.
Um, it could be a critical fail. Could be a critical fail. Yeah, that's true. Yeah. Fighting. Well, that's a two, but, but I am going to, I thought that I got to get, I thought I always thought that, yeah, I thought I always thought that I got a bonus against fighting down targets too, but I can't remember. I'm just going to roll a Benjamin. Yeah.
How about that? As a as a twenty nine for a fighting role. He's dead. I mean, I can do damage because I mean, I see it. My damage would be anyway, just for shits and gigs. I don't think it would be that much, but I guess I got struck out. You have to raise on the damage. It'd only be 11, but that's still above. That would be enough to do with your damage. You stab right into it. You stab to his eye straight through his brain. He's like, you hear it. He sees you pull the sword up and like point it down on him. He's like, oh, no. so Right before I punch it down, I go.
I see you. And then I slap it into his face like, but you don't see me. No, no, no, no, no. And actually, no, I lied. I'm going to quote John Cena and say, but you can't see me. I was i speaking about that. Yeah.
And I'm just, I'm just going to twist it. Now, while I do it, could I potentially, technically this would be another action. So, but even if we took a minus two off for that, I'd still have rolled a 27. Um, but I'd like to flex that at the other guys. Cause I

Information Gathering and Intimidation

just took down their big boy and I'm just going to like wrench it over and over again, just screaming at the top of my lungs, trying to intimidate the other guys that are in the area. It's like, you haven't, do you have intimidation? I do roll intimidation for me, brother. I'm just gonna, I'm just like, yeah.
Yeah. Fucking you can't see me. There's like there's like sparks and blood and shit. And just like I keep taking it out and shoving it back in over and over again. Simon and and the superhu the guy in the like he's already dead. Stop. All right. Come on. Don't fail me now. Dice. Fuck the dice. Fill me down. I have one more Benjamin left. Let's go. ah Seven.
Um, yeah, uh, the guy in the booth, so he's already, he's already like demoralized. He's like, he's already dead. And, now um, the other guys who were standing next to their dead comrade that with what's his face standing right next to him. Evan's standing next to him. They're like, they throw it on there. Like the way the little pistols are like shit, man. Hey, hey, yeah, yeah yeah don't touch my shield.
yeah I look over. I look like for my look over at no spear. He's like still sitting on his chest. I'm standing like at his head, just like thrusting over. I'm just like, it's kind of doing something for me. So it's a little embarrassing, but you might want to look away. She's playing with his dead body, like adding out like the eye socket. Yeah, she's trying to get the other one out. It's tiny. OK, so you've killed that guy and demoralized the rest. And what do you want to do? I take his hands off for science. OK, you're you're carving him up. And I have it. Evan, you're out. You're outside. You're outside of the place that you came to to look for information. Do you want to do anything there?
So. Almighty. Let's go in. Oh, can Snow Spear look around for a flag? um Yeah, a flag. yeah She's going to take a flag and she's going to like jam it straight through laser fist chest. She's going to put one foot, like or not one foot, with one paw, one back paw up on his chest and one paw on her hip it while she's still holding the flag and be like, I claim this in the name of furry face snow spear. You hear, you hear like a splattering sound behind you and the guy in the booth looks thrown up over the edge of the booth. She's like, as she does that, like i so I'm like, I'm like standing kind of like down because she has, I'm shorter than her and she has like a foot up on him. So you see me like standing about like her hip weight or hip height. And I just like rip as the rest of his fucking hands off and I claim these for
Me. And like I can have like a little fucking laser fist and like I try to squeeze the wires and have lasers come like. I just stand down in like clap slowly ah slow there is like fucking like lasers going off, flashlights going everywhere. And the flags blowing in the wind as no spear smiles proudly.
Yep. With an eye socket hanging out of her other hand. Yeah. And Evan, you want to go in and hack some shit to get some more information? Yeah, I want to go into the building. OK, you go inside. There's a receptionist sitting there. She's like, sees you come in and she's like, oh, I have an appointment here. She has like a phone in her hand. She's like, I have an appointment. Did you just you guys just just killed Laserfist and Steve?
China, yeah, they they started it. Uh, um, well, she, she puts the phone on the thing. She's like, uh, she held her hand up. She's like, please don't kill me. Uh, I did. I called the police. They told me to call the police. I wouldn't have done it. Um, but you know, they said but we have to, somebody is here doing what you were doing. Uh, don't kill me. Could you like save you some time and like, tell me where, like, if you have like some kind of.
Save or like where you like story or all the information about what you guys do here. oh If you go down the hall there and she points to the left and three doors down, it's like the main like lab room. There's a computer there. um Dr. Dr. Whizlax in there. um And they've been trying to figure out that they they wanted to lock the place down, but all the like the this the security stuff, off I guess it was you, it's all fucked up. um So it's all open, just go down there, tell Dr. Wislak, don't tell him I sent you. um And just tell him you're trying to access the computer files, I guess, of everything you're trying to get everything, I don't know, yeah. and Okay. And like, pet her on the head and say, okay, good job. And then like, go to the laboratory.
As you as you leave you here, like her car, she hides underneath the desk. And ah um so you go towards the laboratory and you go down there and you can go into there. Yeah. and you're in there and there's a bunch of dudes in there and there's a guy, what's some weird things so we can, that's let's say there's a Sarian fella in a lab coat and he's got like a sort of a thing on his head that has like like a big like sort of telescopic little like ah lens thing. He can look at things in like a little mini microscope on his eye attachment, um not cyber night, just like a little thing he can move. And he's like, what are you doing here? You miscreant? I'm just here on a pedophile investigation.
um Are you part of like some kind of know bigger organization or are you like a standalone thing? He looks at you for a second and he goes... I'll tell you nothing. Neither will any of these people here. He hucked to it. Are you sure about that?
and The other guys are all looking pretty skeezy. He's like, yes, their prayer vessels, like kind of scared looking. I like. probably got Nothing from me. And like pointed at it at his head. I don't know why I can speak today. Um, appointed at his head. Um, okay it's the last chance to like, and this peacefully. Um, do you have intimidation? I do not.
Oh, you never do. Rowan unskilled roll then for me. Persuasion, no tears. No, I don't have. You can do it. You didn't do it. You may kill my body, but you will not kill my. You may kill my body, but you will not. You won't kill my research, you son of a bitch. Is there a window in that room? No, I was going to say, it'd be really funny if I just like chucked a body through it like.
Or you'd just like to collate me like, hey, I'm here. Yeah. um But I'm imagining that since you guys took a long time to chop people up and like, discrete their corpse, the corpse of that guy, that he's he probably walked in while you were chopping a dude's hands off. Oh, yeah, I know. I was just saying like, that'd be it just comedically. It'd be really funny if like, well, tell you nothing, body. I'll tell you everything. um But now he's ah he's standing. there He's like, yes, you may kill me, but my research, my work will live on.
There are things greater than one life or five. He points to the people around him. You

Securing Valuable Data

know, people usually have like some break point. So maybe you should you should just find out what your break point is. And I'd love to see you try i start to like chop down his toe, chop down his toe, chop down his toe. Yes. ah Do a fighting role on his toe, I guess down. That's a called shot right there.
so I'm staying right in front of him. It's still a cold shot. I was going to say, he's just, I was going to, he just, you don't want to give me a negative. He just, he just stand there, not expecting to chop down his toe. Um, so you get a four, um, and, uh, yeah, you just chop, you chop him in the toe. Uh, it's not really enough to get past a, it's not really enough to pass, to get past a Perry on, on a, just like, get him in the boot with your sword. But I'm going to say, I mean, you, you chop a toe off at least he's like, ah,
One toe. What is that in the face of science and progress? He turned in a hand killer for a second. He's like, duh. Have you ever had a show topped off? I don't know what you're going to say. Ah, the pain. And there's like like a couple of human people in the rakashaun. That was who you might have heard meowing earlier. um then There's like a guy. guy He's like, like Dr. Whiz is like, oh my God, he's going to kill us, he go chop us to pieces, just give him the research, Dad. Who cares what he has, what he knows? This man will not be getting anything through his terroristic means. Science is above this sort of thing. I like pushing to the side. So you guys are a bit more talkative, right? um I mean, I don't want to get my toes or anything chopped off my body. That's a good attitude.
So you're a college unison. I'll never will work with you again. Shut up, Dr. Whislack. What kind of thing is right there? i mean here All kinds of things, man. I mean, I don't i don't know what, I mean, does if you want the information, like the computers there, um ah we're just like, well, we're we're doing, you know, we're trying to and supposedly make people make them stronger people. I don't know, man, to survive the world. It's just, I don't know, man.
And do people come intentionally to your place or? Ah, shit. Sometimes we get people that they I don't know. I fight i don't like to ask questions, but I'm pretty sure some of the people we get are. And then and the lady bumps that bumps me. um They bring us like homeless people and shit all the time, dude, like people from the desert. They like are lost. They are. We die drug addict addicts, man. We get them all. they I don't know. Yeah, man. It's it's sucks. It's bad. But I mean, that's what that's so definitely what they do, man. OK.
One of the last questions, and what I said earlier, um do you know if this is a stellar thing or are you like part of like a bigger thing? um ah yeah will be um You can't really answer it. It's a no question. Yeah. Well, I'm sure there's somebody funding us, but they don't tell us that. We just got a job to work here, and the pay is really, really amazing. So I didn't ask any questions. Do you ask any questions, Jenison? I didn't ask any questions. Hell no, man. I just frickin' like, yeah. I've seen, yeah. Yeah, no way, man. There's definitely somebody behind us. I don't know who, dude. Your toes are safe for today.
Your toes are safe. And while you're talking to them, do a notice roll for me there, Evan. That's a 10. You hear click, click, click, click, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick,
so so ah seven hell yeah that hits brother do a damage with that little sucker 13. A 13. Holy shit. Dr. Whizlak is dead, ladies and gentlemen. I'm not quite sure what he was trying to do, but he was probably doing some kind of bad things. and as As he like, as his little, hands his little lizard hands slip off the keyboard, you see on the screen it says, confirm purge of all data. Yes or no? All right. Go to the PC and say no.
I go and press yes because, i mean the you know, he didn't get to finish his dying work. His dying wish. Okay, so you've stopped him from deleting everything and you can now upload it. oh Yeah, the people there to help you like, you know, not have to hack in, you know, just go like, okay, I'm in here, just go here, do that. Like, yeah, do that, man. Okay, yeah, there you go. That's everything.

Humorous Interrogation and Episode Outro

So what kind of data is in a computer?
Um, all shitloads of kinds that you're going to need to take more time to do at some point. Okay. Look through, but, um, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You're pouring files home with you. You see stoops outside. He's like grabbing another dude by the, by the collar and like, like he pushes him on the ground, grabs him by the collar and like leans in real close. He says, all right, no, I need you to answer one more question for me before I let you go free. Oh my God. What?
Where can I get some good ice cream around here? ah That's where we'll end the episode.
Exoskeleton warranty, have I lost my humanity? Is Machado entity alive? In this... Cybernetic Superhuman Bullshit! Cybernetic Superhuman Bullshit! Oh, does it look good already? time