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61. PART 1: My trip to Salem, how the Gene Keys lead to a HUGE opp in my biz + why, how to finally "niche", details on my new program! image

61. PART 1: My trip to Salem, how the Gene Keys lead to a HUGE opp in my biz + why, how to finally "niche", details on my new program!

It's Happening For Me
15 Plays4 months ago

Hello babes!

Welcome, this week I tell you all about my trip to Boston and Salem, the BTS on a HUGE opportunity I got in my biz after aligning to my Gene Keys and switching from live to recorded readings, how to actually "niche" in a way that makes your dream clients SEE you and not feel constrictive, more details on my 1:1 program officially launching 11/11.

Be sure to listen to part 2!


Work with me:


Welcome to the Podcast

Hello, my babes. Welcome back to the It's Happening for Me podcast. I'm your host Alyssa, and I am so happy that you're here today.

Cozy Setup and Taurus Moon Vibes

So I'm still deciding if I'm going to put up the video of this or just the audio. But either way, just know that I am so cozy. I'm like living my best Taurus moon life. I'm in my bed. um I am just relaxing.

NLP Certification and Subconscious Mind

And I'm so excited to just do this episode with you guys um to really catch you up on girl
girl everything that has been going on like in my business and my personal life I have so many things to update you guys on I'm so excited so I was like I just want to feel really comfy I also am coming out of a seven and a half hour intensive training for my NLP certification. So I was up this morning. Okay, I'm not gonna lie. I was like 10 minutes late this morning because of the time change, which doesn't make any sense because the way the time change works, I think I actually like got another hour of sleep. But anyways, the way this works is it's on Sundays at 4am. And so for me, I have to wake up at least by like 3.30 to like 3.45.
just to like get dressed, brush my teeth, like you know maybe make some coffee or something but for some reason my alarm didn't go off and so I literally woke up at 4am so I hurried as fast as I could to like get dressed and then like just get in and pop in um on the call so anyways I did that today and it was so much fun you guys like I cannot explain to you the just the way I'm nerding out on learning about the subconscious mind. like So i doing the um I have been doing the
Sorry, let me just fix my, how I'm sitting. Okay, so I have been doing the certification since, I wanna say since before summer started, so like springtime, but I was doing the self-paced version. And then um I decided to sign up and just like go all the way in and do the like full live version so that I can actually like become certified in this. um Because when you do the self-paced version, it's only like at your own pace, you're learning, but you're not actually required to like,
practice like with people in real life and so I wanted to sign up to be live and the only way that it worked out for my work schedule honestly was like to do this like Sundays

Investments in Growth and Learning

intensive. Normally this is a 28 week course um or certification and so yeah it takes like months to go over everything but this is like jam packed into seven weeks so it's like eight hours times seven weeks so it's like what like 56 hours plus we have to get all of our like field training and everything which i'm so excited for so anyways it's been super intense and i love it um and also it's through yes supply so i don't think i don't know if i ever mentioned that but i absolutely love reese um i have been following her for a long time and this was actually
on my manifestation board like literally this was on my vision board I never thought that um I would be able to um sign up and like be in this cohort um because I have already invested you guys so much fucking money into myself and into my business, into my personal growth and development. I have so many certifications. and But as I sat with it over time, I was like, okay, this isn't something that I'm doing because I feel like I need more and I'm not good enough yet. like I'm already doing all of the things in my business. like I already have offers. I'm already doing the things that
I love to do gene keys readings, human design readings, caustic records readings. I'm the type of person that like once I learn something, I immediately like put it into action and put it into an offer, right? And so if you've been following me over the past like I don't know how long I've been doing my business like two and a half years. I've changed a lot, right? Like my niche has changed the offers that I have changed from like sobriety goddess coaching um to running like the sober girl circles to doing purpose, um sole purpose coaching, yeah only human design, now Jean Keys. um I think even at the beginning I did Reiki. So just things have evolved as I've evolved. And what I'm trying to say is that sometimes
Um, when we're on this path of personal growth and development in the spiritual path, sometimes we can continue to take courses and certifications as a unconscious way of holding ourselves back from actually putting ourselves out there and sharing our gifts with the world and creating offers like we kind of stay in the learning too long when we actually need to embody the teacher.
But something about me that I've noticed is like, I jump right into the teacher, like, I'm like, bitch, like, let me make an offer. Let me get paid for this. Like, like I already believe in it so much. Of course, I do a lot of the time that I'm trying out an offer, I do do a lot, not a lot, but I do do, like,
um exchanges, like in exchanges for testimonials, exchanges, um energy exchanges, just to make sure that it actually works. And then I see the transformation works and that it's like valuable. But I always go right in.

Awareness vs. Transformative Coaching

And so yeah, just like being able to manifest this was something that I'm so excited for because I feel like it was like the piece missing in my puzzle, in the way that I want to show up, in the way that I want to teach, right? Like I did DCI, i Dharma Cooking Institute, learned so much about how to help people like find their purpose and all of that. But I still always noticed that there was this one thing missing. And then with human design and jean keys, it's like the awareness piece. Like it gives people the awareness of who they are at the soul level. The jean keys even takes it further than human design and it tells you like, oh, this is how you alchemize
your shadows into gifts. And like this is a very clear pathway of your hero's journey. right um Three very clear pathways to enlightenment through the self, through love and relationships, and through being of service or prosperity. right And then very specific themes and ways that things show up in our life.
But again, that is still at essentially an awareness level, especially if I'm only doing readings. Like readings are, you know, a one-time thing or if people get multiple readings, right? It's not a ongoing relationship that I have with someone where I can help them actually transform their lives. And I feel like that's something that has been missing in like my fulfillment and what I want to do and how I actually want to step full-time into my coaching business as my career.

Fitness Journey and Madeline Raskan

And so,
you know it's really difficult to do that just from having a reading business and for so long I thought that I only wanted to do readings because I love them so much and I just like My eyes hadn't been opened up yet to like the powerful transformations that can happen through coaching until literally, until I learned like the things I'm learning right now about subconscious and mindset work. And it's like actually very deep, very science-backed research and tools that actually change us at the subconscious level. It's crazy. It's literally insane. So that's something I want going to talk about today.
Um, actually, that was kind of like a brief overview of everything I'm going to talk about. I just like got so excited. Um, but that's why I'm comfy. Okay. That's why I'm comfy. That's why I'm here. I've been awake. I've been learning. I've been integrating. Um, I went outside. I ate my eggs. I'm also back on my fitness journey. Okay, guys, for those of you that follow those um avid listeners, I'm back on my fitness journey. I'm so excited because I'm actually like tying this into like the and NLP work. So I'll let you know how it goes with the mindset.
side of things, but I renewed my gym membership um just specifically for the sauna. Okay, so I have one gym membership that's specifically for the sauna and treadmill for if it's too dark to walk outside or if it's too hot or if it's rainy because we're going to get into rainy season and I'm not going to let that stop me from getting in my steps. um And then I signed back up for, let me just shout her out because I'm literally obsessed with her work. um Madeline, I always forget her last name.
Yeah, Madeleine Raskan, Studio Era. So she runs Studio Era on um Instagram. If you ever look her up, her handle is M-A-D-E-L-A-I-N-E-R-A-S-C-A-N. Literally, I've never been so aligned. I've talked about this in past episodes, but I've never been so aligned. This is her.
I don't even know if you can see it. I don't even know I'm doing this right now, but I think it's fun because I have video. But anyways, I've never been so aligned with a fitness coach. I've never been so aligned with how she talks about eating, how she talks about food, the relationship with food, how she really prioritizes more of like high protein, um high fat, and then like pretty balanced carbs, right? um But about how to eat whole foods, how to be satiated, right? Not doing all of this like bullshit like protein bars, fake protein made up like
stuff with like fake ingredients. It's just, she's very simple. I'm all about simplicity. um She makes things very easy. And then I love that on her app, she literally does the exercises for you first. So it's like you're following like a video. So I put hers on and then inside her app, it's only $30 a month. And then you get access to all of her programs. So she has, like you get to pick, do you want like a four month transformation? I'm sorry, four week. Sorry, let me just open it up.
I really want to like literally tell you the behind the scenes of this because this has changed my life. and I think this, coupled with the work that I'm doing with NLP now, I'll literally be unstoppable on my fitness goals. okay so She this app called Studio Era, and you get to basically pick like a program that you want to follow. You get a pic, do you want to do like a four week transfer, like a 12 week transformation, eight week, whatever. Right now I'm doing the 30 day hottest hell challenge um just to get back into things. And so this is four workouts a week and and then like every other day is walking like an hour. And then it literally is her like doing the workouts with you. So like you just put it on, press play and you can do everything at home you guys, which as someone who has like gym anxiety, social anxiety,
um someone who like really doesn't like taking up space in the gym. I am doing mindset work on that right now. So I'll report back to you guys how it goes. But it's like, if I have like all of her workouts, you can do with like a 15, a 10 and a five weights, right?
And then once you get super good and you're ready to start lifting even heavier, then I think that's when I'll transition into the gym. But it just works for me. Okay. It just works for me. So if I have any other like anxious girls out there, um, girlies who are very busy and like might just be easier to do things at home, I highly recommend her. She has the workouts. She has the meal plans with like recipes, um literally tells you exactly how to do it. It has like a macro tracker. So literally everything is broken down for you. Everything is broken down for you. There's a community, an online community where you can like talk to each other. She does weekly calls literally every single week. She has a call with the girls and you can ask questions like Q and&A, anything you're struggling with. And just her vibes is like, I would love to know her human design and her gene keys.
Because she's so cool. Like she's so funny. She's literally hilarious. She makes things like so light and fun and just like she's like no BS. I just love her so much. So anyways, that's my little um plug to her. Okay, so yeah, so I'm back on that.

Upcoming Topics and Boston Trip

um The other thing that I want to talk to you guys about today is my trip to Boston and Salem with my brother and dad that I did um two weeks ago. It was so fun. So I'm going to tell tell you all about that. I'm going to tell you all about my NLP certification, how it's going, the things that I'm learning. So I'm just so excited. And then I'm going to talk to you about um my one-to-one mentorship that I like I'm just so happy you guys because as time goes on and I get even more clear and more excited about how I actually wanted to look, I have created a whole new even like structure of how it's going to be so I'll talk all about that because I'm actually going to do like a really juicy
ah yeah sale I guess I'll say sale for Black Friday. like I'm definitely participating in Black Friday. This is going to be the best time to ever get in if you want to work one-to-one with me. so I'm going to tell you all about that and like how it looks. um and Then how things have changed for me and how my business has blown up over the past like month from getting very clear on my niche and I'm going to talk about niche and why it's so hard for us to niche down and what to do instead of niching down. I'm going to talk about why I think my business has blown up as well in terms of like the mentorship that I'm receiving um and just some things that I have tweaked that have just literally blown up my business and then also like the coolest shit that ever happened to me um while I was on vacation where my business really blew up. I'm going to talk about that as well.
just like a really cool thing that happened. um And that's what we're gonna talk about. Okay, so that was like a what, like um already like a 25 minute intro. But you know, that's how we do things around here. Okay.
So let's first talk about my trip to Boston. So I went to Boston, I think it was like two weeks ago. If you guys follow me on Instagram, then you got to see all the fun stuff I was up to. But I flew out a couple of days early to Denver. That is where my dad lives. And my brother currently lives with my dad. um My brother was living in California with us here. um He works at the same company, but he went to just like visit my dad for a little bit. um He works remotely and he was able to actually just like stay there. So he's literally been living there for a year now and he just got residency.
He just got his license, a Colorado license. So my mom was like super sad about that because now it's like hitting home for her that he's not returning. But you guys, the rent here is just literally insane. The rent in California for a single person is very, very difficult and he makes good money. It's just like, it's hard, right? And he also loves it there. He loves being with my dad. He loves um nature. He loves going on walks. Denver's so beautiful. So anyways.
I flew back a couple days early and just like hung out with them at my dad's house, which was so fun to be back home. And then we flew together to Boston. And Boston is so cool. Like, oh my God. I came back and I was like, I'm literally an East Coast girl now. Like, take me out of California. Now I know why everybody wishes California would like just be cut off and like burned off the US. Just kidding. But I always get people telling me that. I grew up in the Midwest, Nebraska is where my my um parents were born and all my family lives in Nebraska, but I'm from Colorado.
But I've always heard heard people say like, People just hate Californians, and I never really knew why, but being in the East Coast and being in Boston and just seeing the people, like I'm obsessed with them. I'm obsessed with them. They're just so genuine. They're just like so cool. like All of the men that are there, I'm just like, I love you guys. like Honestly, I was like, oh, if I wasn't dating George and I was single, I was like, I would be down to move here because I think I like East Coast guys. like I don't know. They just feel very like manly.
I think that's what I also love about George. I did see George and a lot of the guys. It's not like I was like me interacting with the guys, but just like you know like Uber drivers or just how people are you know like interacting. They're just very like genuine, no BS, very um down to earth.
um I don't know. I like it. I'm just like, wow, these are like ah way better than what I think of a stereotypical like, California guys. but That makes any sense. um So that was really fun. And we okay, so we stayed in Marblehead. So Marblehead is like,
It's like the crazy thing about Boston is like everything is so close miles, like distance wise, but it takes so goddamn long to drive anywhere. Like, I don't know if it's like the roads, how the infrastructure is set up. Well, yeah, like all the roads is like 35 miles per hour. It's all like very like back roads through neighborhoods and stuff. But everywhere took like an hour to get like 16 miles.
So anyways, that was kind of weird. Um, we definitely have traffic in California too, but I just thought that was like kind of crazy. So we stayed in a little really cute town called Marblehead and everyone told us that like Marblehead is kind of where like, I guess we're really like wealthy people would like live, like people that actually get to live there.

East Coast Adventures and Historical Tours

Because it's kind of like, it's almost like, um it's a beach. Yeah, it's on the beach. It's on the water.
So it's almost like a lot of people like have rentals, right? Like maybe certain people live there throughout the year, but then maybe a lot of people like rent things out and maybe they like vacation there in the summer or yeah, they have like rent out their homes. But we stayed in like the coolest, sickest view, most beautiful.
cutest Airbnb I've ever seen in my life and it was like in this little town and it feels so homey and it's just like completely beautiful beautiful trees beautiful old buildings like just the most insane beautiful houses that you've ever seen and then we like so we we got to the Airbnb and then You kind of like park in this alley and then like there's the house and then the back of it is gonna be the view of like the water and all the boats and everything and so um We stayed on like the second floor because it's kind of like a duplex so like the first floor they were renting out to somebody else like Airbnb which is like totally separated and then ours was all just like second floor and then my brother stayed in like a third floor which was like
uh it kind of seemed like the attic but it was like a really beautiful like walk out porch I don't know how to describe it like it was like a third story that was like a floor it was like a room and then you walk out on the porch and it has like a huge balcony with like a regular size table chairs where you can just like hang out and that's literally like on the rooftop and then looking at all of the pretty like boats and everything like it was just like Honestly, it felt like such great vibes for the fall because in California, it's been so warm um that it hasn't really felt like fall. And so just being there in October, it was cold, you know it was windy. There were some days that it was like drizzly and it just felt like such fall weather. like It was so beautiful.
um So that was really fun. It was me, my dad, and my brother. We all got our own rooms. And then um we would just like wake up and like i would I did clock in for like two hours um every morning just to like get some work done. Because right before I went to vacation, you guys, I work in recruiting in the automotive industry. Right before I went to vacation, I think I literally hired 28 people that week.
And it's like once you hire them, they were all in background, right? So they're all like in, you know, and they're waiting the background check to be completed. But that can be that can clear as soon as like 24 hours to a couple days. So I knew like that Monday that I was on vacation, I was gonna have so many people cleared that needed to be put into the system, you know, employee IDs created, shoes ordered, uniforms ordered,
put into the POS system, um they need to be contacted to schedule orientation with the manager. So so many things that um I would never feel comfortable putting that onto our other recruiter to do for me. Our other recruiter has her own like 37 stores so I would never expect anyone to like do that for me and also like I don't want them to like I have my own process of how I like to do things. And so I just knew that it was going to be a complete disaster and a complete mess if I like either one had someone else do things for me.
and completely get at get it out of my order and like my systems. And two, if no one did it, we would lose a lot of people because how sad would it be if you were hired and then you never heard anything back for like a week and a half because I wasn't returning until the following Wednesday. So I took the full week off and then came back even the next week on Wednesday. So anyways, and plus I was like, Oh, might as well save a couple of vacation hours here and there because I'm not doing anything in the mornings. So I'll just clock in. So I clocked in for a couple hours each morning, um you know, ordered shoes, ordered uniforms, got people into the system, scheduled orientations, and it felt really good. It felt really good. I felt like I was keeping my own flow. um That felt fun to me. So I didn't feel like I had to. It was nothing of like a should do. It's more of like, I want to do this. Like, I want things to stay good. um I'm going to fucking do this. And so it definitely came from more of an expansive place. Whereas in the past, I might have felt guilty or
I take that back. I actually never feel guilty, too guys. like Honestly, like ever since ever since I moved out of like being a store manager and into this role, anytime that I'm off or on vacation, I don't give a fuck. like I don't look at my phone. I don't care. I have no...
guilt. No, I don't care. Like if I'm not there, you guys know I'm not there. I'm not doing anything for you. So this was definitely more of like, Oh, I really want to do this. Like this sounds really fun for me. Don't fuck with my shit type of thing. So that was really fun. And then like, my dad would be like on the computer kind of like doing his own stuff. My brother would be listening to books because he just like loves listening to audible books. And then we would like get together usually around like lunchtime.
I mean, we're all together. We're like in the living room together. And then we would like go get lunch. And then like every night, we had something planned. So we did we went to Salem like twice. So we did a haunted ghost tour. We did um a historical witch tour. we went to um We toured some of the mansions there, the historical mansions in Salem. um Another day, we went to Boston and like went on this like harbor cruise. And like that was really fun to learn about all of the different history. like You guys, this is what freaking blew my mind.
Did you know that in Boston, like where the land is at, where the water meets the land, that is all man-made. They man-made that out. I don't know if I'm describing this right because my mind was blown when they told me this, but they created all of the land that is there by creating these like walls these block walls into the into the ocean and then like blocked it off and then built land so all of that is man-made land it's not an actual Bay. It's not a coast. There's not a natural coast there. It's all f freaking man-made, even like where the airport is. I think they said like two, I'm making this up because I have no idea, but I think they i think they said something like 200 miles span is all just them building stuff up. and Then what they do that they continue to still do is they still push out or yeah, they still like push or pull out the coastline. so This is super interesting. so
only the city of Boston owns the land in the city of Boston. like You can't actually own the land. So when they built houses that used to have water views, they now built out the land past it and put up huge condominiums. like We're talking like super high story condominiums, right?