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68. I'm 35! Lessons I learned in business, life, love, friendship over the last year of 2024!  image

68. I'm 35! Lessons I learned in business, life, love, friendship over the last year of 2024!

It's Happening For Me
26 Plays2 months ago

Welcome babes!!! Ahhh I am 35 yay! 

2024 was actually a really beautiful year for me. Yes, definitely lessons learned but I stepped fully into my business and experienced the faucet turning on, the most success I've seen in 3 years! I share all the lessons I learned in biz, love, and friendship!

For my birthday I extended the early bird price for The Portal of You, go here to apply to save over $500, this ends 1/11/25!!!! --- >

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Introduction and Birthday Reflections

Hello, my babes. Welcome back to the It's Happening for Me podcast. I'm your host, Alyssa, and I am here with my peanuts. If you are watching on video, you will see peanut here. If this is your first time, welcome, welcome, my babe. I'm so excited that you are with us and if you are I have been listener. Thank you. I appreciate you so much babes. And today is a really special episode because you guys, when this comes out, this will be Monday, January 6th, 2025. And I am 35 years old. This is my birthday. I am so excited. I am a Capricorn and I have like five planets in Capricorn.

Lessons from the Past Year

So I'm a Capricorn to the T and I wanted to do this episode all about the lessons that I've learned over the past year, right? As being a 34 year old, being a spiritual entrepreneur, being a woman who still works her nine to five job while also creating her sole business um as a dog mom, as a friend, as a girlfriend, all of the things, right?
So, yeah, and if you're watching a video as well, you can see my little picture right here of my grandpa and me.
This is me um trying on his shoe and then I'm like tight. I'm like putting on his shoe and I have like chocolate all over my face and he's just looking at me and like smiling um and just being so pleased with me. And that really is the energy that like my grandpa had for me. I just like love and just like, yeah, he is my main guide. um He's passed over and he is my main guide. So I'm so excited to just have this relationship with him.
my grandpa Dean. And that's really like the metaphor that I see for life. Like I see myself as like going and like, you know, being the Capricorn climbing the mountain, having these high aspirations, and just like taking on way bigger things that I can shoot, like his shoe, right? With messy action, chocolate on my face, also Taurus moon, loving life, and enjoying the simple pleasures of life. I love food and all the things that are so good. And he's just smiling at me and like supporting me. And I really feel that in the afterlife. So I love that so much. And now say bye-bye peanut. I'm going to put you down. Bye friends. Okay. Oh, I'm sorry.
Are you okay? Okay, you guys are gonna think I'm a horrible dog mom, but he literally just makes that sound anytime that he doesn't want to like go somewhere. So he really is crying wolf. Okay, he is. No dogs were hurt in the making of this. He is literally a little crying wolf boy, but it's okay. He just doesn't want to be down there.

Energy and Business Alignment

Okay, so you guys, let's get into my lesson so I have some lessons that I want to share about a lot of them are going to be around business because hate and Capricorn fashion, my life's work is that gene q 54 aspiration, it is ascending spiritually and materially and knowing that we need both right to thrive and so I love business, I love purpose. um And yeah, so a huge part of this is going to be things I've learned in business. I'm also going to be talking about things that I've learned about honoring my own energy um and friendships, like a really big friendship lesson that I learned this year. And I'm going to be talking also about
Yeah. A lot of the things are going to be about business, honoring my own energy and how I've just have stepped into the most success that I've seen over the past three years of my business. The things that I did to get here. Um, what helped things that I've done that did not help me to help you avoid any like potential mistakes or things that just take longer. Of course, there are no mistakes. Like we're all on our own journey. Um, so yeah, let's get into it. So I am so excited you guys that I am now 35 when you're listening to this. Well, actually I won't be 35 till the evening. um My birthday was like later in the night. But um one of the first things I wanted to talk about is how I actually started last year and how it was actually kind of the incorrect move for me. So last year I like got really sick right before um the new year. I think it was like in November or December and I got pretty sick and then I was like, you know what? I'm going to like take a rest. I'm going to like just
like I saw all of essentially what happened is like I saw all of these people talking about how like oh don't fall into the trap of like hustle culture um when the new year comes don't be someone who like creates your goals and like visions this is a time to slow down this isn't actually like the time to create goals or to like go full force into like your energy like wait till airy season later on in the year. That's when the actual new year starts. So like start your new things there. So I was like, okay, I'm going to like listen to that and I'm going to go all in in like hibernation mode. So I completely stopped posting and like December and then January came. I completely stopped posting in January and I was like, Oh, like all like pick it back up. Um, and a little bit. And then I found myself in a huge funk and a huge energetic, like.
Stuck place and this was actually not honoring my energy and knowing this about myself now and this year and like fully honoring where I'm at has allowed me to like feel really good and like keep showing up in this time so because my birthday is January 6, and that is like my personal new year.
I think that's how they say it. I'm not an astrologer whatsoever, but I believe that is like, that's my solar return, right? And I think that's my personal new year, I think as they would say it. And so for me, this energy feels really good. It feels really good to be in my initiating energy, to be in my um creating my goals, creating my vision, to really be planning out and mapping things out. Like that feels really good for me. And I think what happens, and if we think about like the spiritual laws of like,
I don't know the exact spiritual law, but where it's like momentum, like where something is in in momentum, like it just keeps going. It's easier to keep going. And then when something's stuck, it's really hard to like initially pick up that energy again. And so I had gotten into this stuck place last year and I really like listened to like everyone saying like, this isn't the time to start new things. This isn't the time to like be high in your energy. You need to like go in, like hibernate. And so I was doing that and then I was finding myself more and more stuck and I wasn't actually honoring the energy that like wanted to come out.
And so it was really hard for me at the beginning of last year to come back into social media. And so all I can say about this is like there's going to be talk about energy, about how to show up like following astrology stuff, following human design stuff, following just like business advice. And the best thing we can do, you guys, is just listen to ourselves and like learn how to honor our own energy. Because there's always going to be someone talking about like Oh, now is the time to like rest, go inwards, hibernate, slow down, tune into yourself. And then there's always at the same time going to be someone else that's like, you need to like, you know, be more fiery and like create your goals and be more in your masculine and you need to be more like planning things and you need to be like showing up every single day and blah, blah, blah, blah. And so every, there's always going to be a time and place where at the exact same time, you guys, people are going to be giving you
polar opposite advice. And so it's like, okay, what actually just feels really good to me. And so it actually felt felt really good for me to, I took a week off from work, but I still kept showing up on socials this year. And I'm like, oh, I'm in this momentum. It feels really good because I'm honoring my own energy. So that's the first lesson of the year was like, wow, not honoring my own energy and then really finding myself in a funk. um Let's go to number two.
If you're watching on the video, just reapplying some lip gloss. Okay, so. Okay. Number two was I had this crazy thing happen around. What was it in again? I'm not an astrologer. So dang it. I really wish I like wrote these things down, but I think it's when we had like a new moon and Capricorn or no, it was the.
ah What's it called? We're like an eclipse. Did we have an eclipse in Capricorn? I don't know. Something happened in like two Capricorn big signs back to back. I think it was the the lunar eclipse and then the solar eclipse. I don't know. Something happened last year at the beginning of last year, like April or something. Anyways,
i had ah I got so sick, you guys. I got so sick, and I was looking up ah around like what was actually going on planetarily. This is so horrible, but again, i'm not I never claimed to be an astrologer. Anyways, whatever was going on astrologically, it was really aligned to like my planets, I guess, of whatever was happening. and My dad ended up getting really sick. like I found out on this like huge astrological date that my dad went to the hospital for something with his heart. right They thought he was having a heart attack. Thank God he didn't have a heart attack, but he did have heart stuff and he had to have surgery.
and That was shocking to me. like i've I haven't yet experienced, besides the loss of my grandfather, Dean, I haven't experienced a loss yet of like someone that I know that's very close to me. And so that really did something to me. And also, I was really working on the father wound at the time, which I didn't even realize.
and so And then, oh, actually, right before this, you guys, I think this was a lie. Was this the same last year? I think this was the same last year.

Family Influences and Personal Growth

Or was it the other year? I don't know. My dad right before this also had appendicitis and it was really scary. So I took off work and I went to actually work to be, to stay with him for like ah two weeks, I think in Oklahoma, um, to be with him, me and my brother did. And so that was really special time to like get to be with my dad and just kind of be with him as he's like recovering. And so to see the second health scare happened to him this last year, now with his heart was like really scary and
it it really had me heal some stuff like around the father wound. So that's some healing work that I was doing. um And I guess like what I would say my lesson in that is like, sometimes we don't even realize like, I don't know, sometimes we we, we don't even realize that we have wounds or things that are like going on that we're not even like aware of until like we deal with them. And it can be related to like our family. And sometimes on the healing path, we feel like we have gotten to a certain point or like we've healed certain things and they're like, Oh my God, it's coming up again. And and that's just because you guys like the, it's like a spiral, like the shadows are going to come
back up. And so nothing's actually wrong with us. It's just that something else needs to be shown. Like another part of the shadow needs to show itself. And then um I had, okay, so then another thing that happened to me was I had a friendship thing this last year and it was, it wasn't a fight. It was not a falling out, but essentially it was just something where I felt like a certain way in the friendship and a pattern of mine tends to be, I used to think it was anxious, but now I'm starting to see that it's also avoidant.
But a pattern of mine really was like anxious attachment where it's like, oh, I want to be communicating often, right? And if we're not communicating often, then I'm going to start thinking that I did something wrong and something is wrong with me. And so essentially this just happened with our friendship, long distance friendship, where we kind of stopped communicating and then I just internalized it and thought that I did something wrong.
And so instead of reaching out to the person and simply asking them, I just started assuming like, oh, the friendship is over. And so I literally would have nightmares about it. Like I would cry about it. I basically was just like really.
like going in on it. And again, I never brought this up to the person, which is something I'll get to in a second about what how I healed it myself. But essentially, I was suffering on the sidelines because I really thought this person just like didn't want to be my friend anymore. And it was like really tragic for me. And I had to go through this whole like healing where I had to learn that I need to learn how to give certain things to myself. like I can't expect a friend, a boyfriend, my mom, my brother, whatever to give me this something that I need, right this um attention or like this validation or this feeling of like um
Yeah, there's just just this feeling that I was really seeking from this person was something that I actually had to learn how to come back to myself and receive it for myself, which again, I thought I already healed so many parts of myself. like I already thought I healed codependent relationships, not to say our relationship was codependent at all, like it wasn't, but it was just like i had this had to happen in order for me to learn to not rely on other people to fill any part of what I need, which is what I can get for myself. Does that make sense?
and so um Another huge part of it was actually like learning how to use my voice and to speak up and advocate for myself because then my this friend came to me and just um basically told me that um she's so sorry for being more like avoidant or like dropping off she has a lot of things going on in her life and then the old me would have just been like oh it's fine like no worries but this new me this new version of myself because I needed this in order to step into this like
higher version of myself that shares and speaks my truth, then I did this scary thing of telling her like, oh actually I really did feel a certain way about it and I felt like you were mad at me or like didn't like me anymore and I honestly was really spiraling and I'm so glad that you're bringing this up and I'm glad that I can tell you about this in our friendship and so it really healed something for both of us and made our friendship much stronger because now I just more realize of like how her energetic patterns work and what her like patterns are and I understand myself and I understand that I i understand where like I can't always expect again to have a certain like need filled from a friend when
It's something that I can just feel for myself. And it helped me be more understanding and it helped me, it really brought us much closer together. And

Friendship and Communication

so anyways, that's my whole point of this is like, sometimes we think that a friend needs to like, it they owe it to us to like show up in a certain way of how we expect them to show up. But really, it's like, how can we actually honor our own friends and see that like everyone is different. like Everyone has different things going on in their life. They have different patterns. They have different ways of showing up. They have different things that they're going through. and so Instead of just like being so quick to be like, oh I'm going to write this person off because they're not showing up in the way that I expect them to, how can we love them anyways through the way that they just are without having to change anything about the person? right It also healed something in her.
for me for to have me to be like oh oh my gosh okay I felt this way because of how you were but now that I can see that that's not your intentions I just see that that is the how you show up and that's just a pattern you have I fully accept you and I'm here whenever you have time or whenever it's you know good for you that healed something in her because then she's not having people you know, pull away from her or experience the same pattern in other friendships is not ending in the way that it would have with other friendships. So essentially, we both needed each other to heal that aspect in each other, if that makes sense. Excuse me. Some water.
And it's so cool because we have each other um to reflect this back. And now I feel like our friendship is even stronger than ever. And it really is the type of friendship that it's like, oh, it can literally just pick back up wherever it's at. And so, yeah, I'm so excited. And that really healed something in me.
to learn how to actually express my feelings and not just go into like instant rejecting the other person because I feel rejected, um which we can really do, especially as like line twos. Line twos are the hermit, but we really do require and wants that deep intimate connection with other people. And sometimes a pattern can be like to reject the other person before getting rejected. So that is something I would always used to do. Like, oh, like they must not like me or they're not showing up in a way and consistency that I like. So I'm going to reject them first and I'm just going to like, oh, I don't need them. Like one foot in, one foot out, it's fine. Like I don't really need this friendship anyways. Where it's like, no, this friendship is actually very important to me. And so instead of rejecting the other person first, it's just letting them
expressing how I actually feel. And then we were able to create even a stronger bond that's like, I feel so safe in the and this connection now. um And I understand her better, right? And then she understands me better and has a commitment to show up in a way that I need her to. So yes. So that was my thing on friendships. And Um,

Business Transformation and Gene Keys

okay. So now I want to talk about business because I feel like business, you guys, um, if you've been with me and like just following me the past, uh, months now, I am at a place where I am thriving and I feel so happy. Like my business has completely transformed over the past like six months. And.
It's a combination of a lot of things, you guys. It's a combination of a lot of things. A lot of it has to do with my subconscious right and really working on my subconscious mind, really actually working on any like old residual limiting beliefs, anything that was actually holding me back from the success that I wanted, and like really deeply understanding myself of like what why am I blocking my but my blessings? right like What is going on here? How am I repelling things?
ah huge aspect of that as well was understanding myself through my gene keys because I was able to really understand, oh, what are my shadows? And how am I actually repelling people from me? Or how am I creating offers and then like launching it and talking about it one day on stories and then completely ghosting it forever? like you know like Just those different patterns that that would show up for me and my business. And I just feel so clear now about who I help, really um allowing myself to claim it, to claim my expertise, to claim my bigness, to claim my iconicness, to claim um the person that I want to help, which is healers, like coaches um sorry healers light workers, coaches, guides.
ah really help them step into their confidence to literally live a prosperous life. And for so long, you guys, I was holding myself back because I was like, wait, I'm not a business coach. Like I can't help them with their business because I don't have a thriving business. I'm not a millionaire. Right. And it was really like, wait, I don't, I, first of all, never claimed me to be a business coach. Right.
I'm helping healers, light workers, coaches, guides with their confidence. A lot of it obviously it has to do with business and creating their sole business in a way that feels really good and like connected to their energetic gifts and their genius. So it is about business, but I'm not positioning myself as, Oh, I'm a business coach. I'm going to help you make 10 to $20,000 months. Oh, I'm going to help you instantly, you know,
get 100,000 followers. like My work has nothing to do with those metrics, those vanity metrics. It has nothing to do with money. Money is a byproduct of being in our gifts and our genius. It attracts our fractal line of people who want to genuinely work with us.
And in return, our bank account will go up. Like that's just how it works. Like when we're in our genius and our gift, God wants us to be abundant. It is God's plan for us to be prosperous, to be prosperous enough to live our purpose, to share our gifts, to share our expression with the world. And we will be rewarded for doing what God wants us to do, for sharing our gifts and stepping into our light and are owning it, stepping into our expression, being courageous, not being afraid to be perceived wrong, not being afraid to be judged and instead being like, I'm fully going for it. I'm going to live my purpose. And then also really, really, really grounding it down with like, okay, well, how do I actually practically create the business and actually practically
put an offer out there so that I can get paid for an offer. I think so much, and I did this for like three years where I was like, oh, I'm building a personal brand. I'm showing up on social media and sharing about my life. Yet I was never actually guiding anyone to an actual offer that like for any period of time that was out there. Like, of course I did readings and I really started getting more successful when I started doing Jane Keys readings, because that's really like, I feel like my, one of my highest sole gifts is like translating that information and synthesizing it for people. but It wasn't until creating my signature offer that I tried so hard, you guys, in the past to force. I tried forcing it from so many different advice from like different business coaches that I was always hiring out of a place of my shadow of weakness, of pedestalizing them and feeling like, oh, they have the answers. like They have the answers to completely change my business, to help me become you know successful and make a lot of money. and
um always coming from a place of like weakness, pedestalizing others. Then I manifested this year my dream business coach from my gift of equality, which I always talk about where it's like, oh, I found someone that I absolutely love just because she's such a genuinely incredible soul and everything that she teaches aligns so much with everything that I believe in.
through the gene keys, through human design, through like my lived experiences. And I was like, oh, I genuinely know that if I work with her, like I will reach new heights. I will reach my highest potential. I don't need her. She's not better than me. She doesn't have this secret thing that I don't know, but I just love her energy so much that I know being in her energy alone is going to help me step into my fullest power and empower my own self.
And so, um yeah, I know they're a huge part of that has been finding the correct coach for me. And I will always stand by like Lightworkers, coaches, guides, having their own coaches, having their own healers, and having their own support system, because it's so lonely, you guys, to try to do business alone. Like, sole business, any business, entrepreneurship, spiritual business, is going to be the biggest um personal growth and development will ever do because we're literally overcoming our own limitations, our own fears, our own blocks. And then we have like our friends and family who also can't potentially really see it for us because they've never seen someone be successful by having an online brand, an online business sharing spiritual things, right? Like they've never seen it. So that's scary. And so it's like, okay, well we need someone in our corner who fully believes in us and fully
can see our potential for us even before we can see it for ourselves. And so that has been super, super helpful. I would say is finding a coach, finding a coach that you can work with for a consistent period of time to help you overcome all of the things that are gonna come up because they do come up. And and then another huge thing is creating my signature offer, you guys. So I tried for so many like years to come up with this, like offer and so I would what I would do is and I've come up with a lot of them and what I would do is I would come up with that talk about it for like one day on on stories and then like never talk about it again take down the sales page and it's because I was never solid I was never solidified in that offer what I mean by that is I was actually creating it from a place of my shadows and my jinkies and so I was creating from a place of
um Being a victim of drive, which is of my um my life's work, the shadow of greed can show up as being a victim of drive, of forcing things, of like trying to like, oh, let's go, let's go, like, you know, let's let's go like super high ambition, mixed with looping with the shadow of my evolution, which is immaturity.
immaturity is like starting things too quick without taking the time to have everything in a row, right? It's like, oh, i I'm just being a victim of my drive, so I'm going to immaturity put out this offer, create the sales page one night, boom, and now inviting people in.
The energy was not there. It wasn't in integrity and I wasn't backing it up with the energy of like, I know that I can give my clients a transformation because it was an offer that was just put together so fast that my soul still needed time to learn a lot of things. I still had to learn the jinkies. This is what I was trying to like help people as a spiritual life coach to find their purpose. And I was just going based off of just strictly off of the information that I learned from, um,
a spiritual life coaching certification that I had, I was taking the knowledge that I learned from the spiritual life coaching certification, and then kind of just like regurgitated it into this like signature offer that I was not going to help people find their purpose. And that was scary because I didn't know what the fuck I was doing. And I um even though I had this like framework that was it was a framework of someone else that just taught me this framework it wasn't yet embodied and I didn't yet have um This like strong foundation behind it to feel like confident that I can actually help give someone a transformation um and I think that's what happens often and a lot of you might be able to relate to that is like I Mean use my shadows being a victim of drive of like I need to find out my purpose, right? This is in um
This is in the root center. It is connected to pressure, adrenaline, the pressure to hurry up, to be farther along than where we are, coupled with the immaturity of trying to get things out before they're ready, before they're fully matured.
like it's going to, if you're creating offers from that place like I had in the past for so long, there's going to be this energetic frequency behind it of that, of immaturity and of being a lack of drive. And you're not going to have that solid trust in yourself that you can actually give the transformation. And so there's going to be these underlying fears, these underlying blocks that you can't even see that are frequencies that are making it really hard and scary to show up and sell and talk about the offer and invite people in. Because really when we have an offer, we're just inviting people into our world. We're inviting them like into our party to hang out with us and to have this awesome transformation. But if we're not solidified in the transformation itself, it's going to feel so scary. Like, oh my God, I actually like low key secretly hope that no one actually signs up because I don't know what the fuck I'm doing, right? So I think that can happen a lot as coaches where we get the certification, but then
and we have our life experience, but then maybe we're not yet super embodied in the transformation, or maybe we haven't practiced enough, or maybe we haven't gotten worked with enough people for free yet to see, oh, it actually works, or

Building Confidence in Business Offerings

whatever. And so there's just this unembodied energy that no one can actually see. like No one can actually see it. It might even be subconscious, but that really could be what's like stopping you, because let me tell you this. Let me tell you this.
I fully believe so motherfucking hard, you guys, in my Gene Keys readings, that just the reading alone transforms lives, that it blows people's fucking minds, that people, because, you know why? Because I've done it so many times. like i I've done free ones, I've done low cost ones, I've done things on my podcast, I've you know had all these different really cool offers where I've got to do it for so many people. And so I have the proof that my mind needs that this is life changing every single time you guys the and again, yes, we don't always want to base our we don't ever want to base our worth off of external validation. But I fully believe that we need to base our
transformations and our offers off of actual proof that it actually works because if you're only going based off of like what you learned in a course and you've never actually brought someone through it there's no way that your brain is going to be like oh yeah I can do it now there's a simple shift to this do it for free for three people, right? Go on your stories to date. If this is you and you feel like, fuck, like I have this modality or I have this framework that I learned, I did it myself and I know it works for me and I'm ready to do it for other people. But for some reason, my offer isn't selling no matter what I do. And maybe I am showing up a lot, but like no one's buying it. It's because there's an underlying frequency that you do not trust or believe in this
transformation in this offer. So what you can do to change that right now, because I fully believe in you and I believe in the transformation, and you just need the proof, you're right? you're The safety in your body just needs the proof. Go onto your stories and say, hey guys, oh my god, I'm so excited. I am offering to the first three babes that reply back to this story I am offering a scholarship to my X, Y, and Z offer. This is so fucking incredible. It can change so many lives and I want to get this work out there. So the first three babes that respond to this that are saying like, you're in, I'm going to coach you for free, or I'm going to give this to you for free, or I'm going to gift this to you, or I have a scholarship for you. And then you can literally get real people in your in your audience who actually want this thing, right? not just
your sister, not just your brother, not just your mom, not just your best friend who's like not spiritual and like doesn't really care about this stuff. And they're like, yeah, like you can practice on me, but like they already ah might be going in there with a hint of like not believing in it, not believing in you, not understanding this modality. Say you do.
astrology or Akashic records or human design or the jean keys. right So you have this modality and you really like ah love it and you're obsessed with it. But then you you try to like give a free reading to like your cousin who isn't spiritual at all and she's like not open to these modalities and she's like, God, like judging you the whole time, like this shit is so stupid.
her already not really believing in it is not gonna give you a great like idea of how much you can help someone. Whereas if you were to go on your stories right now with people who are already like in your own vibe, that already are spiritual too, that already attracted to you and like have been following you and like as you build your personal brand and like obsessed with you and you say, hey, I have something that's gonna change your life.
They're also astrology lovers. They're also Akashic record lovers. They're spiritual and you do it to them and you give them like the best fucking transformation of their life and then they give you that feedback, that testimonial like, wow, you changed my life. Not only is that going to give you so much confidence from your actual target audience,
like that can also open up doors to ah work with them further down the line like they they're definitely going to want to keep working with you they're going to want to like if you're able to give them that from this whatever like mini thing that you're offering for free imagine what it's like to work with you so already right there that's creating new potential clients and then also what it's doing is that's already gonna start creating word of mouth because now they're gonna be so excited about what you did. They're gonna tell their friends and family. And then you're gonna start getting this proof, this real social proof coming in that like, wow, I'm actually really magical. And again, what I found is like, don't do the free readings. My light went out. Don't do the free readings for just for like friends and family.
for people who like aren't really interested in this. You know what I mean? Because I've i've um've done that. like I've done it. for a perfect example is like my brother. I've done it for my brother who I love him so much, but he doesn't necessarily like love spirituality or love this stuff. And maybe ah maybe he resonated with it, but the reaction that I got from him versus the reaction that I that i get from people who are like in my audience that are my people, that are like my sole fractal line, the girls, the babes that I love, when I do a reading to them, they're like, oh my fucking God, bitch. like
you are blowing my mind, right? Because we're in the same wavelength. We're in the same frequency. So I highly recommend that. um And then when you have that proof and you put out your signature offer, which is going to be a culmination of like everything

Mission and Spiritual Business Success

that you've learned, right? For me, it's taking the Jane Keys. It's taking my and NLP work. I feel like the NLP was like the missing puzzle piece, right? Because it gave me the confidence to be like, oh, I can actually transform anyone's problem. like I swear to god, you if you come to me with like wanting to change your fitness routine routine, if you come to me wanting to find a romantic partner of love and like learning how to put yourself out there to attract a partner, if you come to me wanting to make more money, if you come to me wanting to get the raise or like the promotion, if you come to me wanting to change your eating habits, if you come to me wanting to
um identify as an iconic coach, an iconic expert lightworker to attract dream clients. I fully believe that I can help you do anything. I can help you transform anything that you want through my NLP work, right? And it's just that I'm focusing on the type of person I actually want to help. I actually want to help light workers and coaches be successful in their business to create prosperity and abundance and fulfillment and actually call in the dream client so that they can live their life's work and feel so fulfilled when they go to sleep every single night.
because they're making an impact. They're sharing their magic. They're sharing their gifts. They have these certifications. They have the gifts. They they know that they're insanely talented, but all of the limitations, all of the shit that holds us back from fully claiming it and going out and actually doing it, that's where I'm here to help them because I, and with this NLP work, I know that I can transmute anything. You're afraid to show up on stories and share your face and speak to the world and share your expression, I got you. You're afraid to um express your spiritual gifts because people in your hometown or people from high school or your family members might judge you, I got you. We move through visibility blocks, we move through all of those things, and all those things just come from literal internal work of like the confidence to just be ourselves. um so yeah so It was like me finding like okay the jinkies and the human design and the NLP work all coming together,
And then it was like, I also needed to experience like even the way you guys that I um offer my signature offer, how it's like audio drops through telegram. I needed to experience my current coach and the way that she holds certain um containers and programs and coaching to see that, wow, that's how I love to learn as like a student. That's how I love to learn as a client. and So I want to offer that to my client. right Instead of having like only one-on-one calls via Zoom, like video calls every week, I'd rather have us communicate in between and telegram and have voice note coaching go back and forth. Oh, I'd rather take my like two-hour gene keys reading and instead turn it into 12 weeks.
a going over every single sphere for like 45 to hour hour drops in telegram where you can listen to this doing your hot girl walk, you can listen to this cleaning your house, doing dishes, walking on your walking pad, walking on the treadmill, commuting to work, right? So like I really wanted to have that component of the audio because that's how I learned best. So like all of these things had to come together from me just living my life, you guys, just experimenting, living my life, trying things that work, trying things that don't work through ah this three years of business to find my signature program. And so like I wouldn't have understood that if I just kept trying to copy, what is this business coach doing? Oh, this business coach is telling me to follow her exact formula to get to 10K months.
I definitely would have never been able to create my own like completely individualized um coaching program that I created in my own way. like I literally made this up myself. There's no one doing what I'm doing with the portal of you, but I would have never figured that out until I had all these different experiences. and so that's sort of That's just my advice, is keep living the life experiences. and if the program and If you're not getting the clients that you want,
there's probably because there's some sort of energetic block because you don't fully believe in the program that you have, or or there's some part of the program that you're offering it where it doesn't feel aligned. like This could be a great example. Maybe you're offering a group program, but your soul wants to teach one-to-one, and you're not honoring that because you're like, oh, like I need to scale my business. And the only way that I can be successful is to have a group program. So I'm going to create my signature program as a group. But your soul wants to teach one-to-one.
and so you're there's an energetic like misalignment there, right? And so you're not actually going to be really excited to show up and and share this and invite people into your offer because your soul isn't happy with that, right? And so all of these things we really get to learn from our gene keys, the type, the size and type of group that our soul wants to have impact and teach, right?
um the way that our soul wants to show up, what exactly is the frequency in the shadows behind us repelling our people from us? And when I really healed all of this, I was able to learn, oh, how do I go from creating a signature offer from my shadows of immaturity and being a victim of drive or a lack of drive not working on anything to going into my gift of aspiration, expansion, right? Aspiration in terms of like, I am going to aspire to help healers, light workers, coaches, guides aspire to reach their highest potential through marrying the spiritual and the physical, the the material. we you guys My soul is here to share this one truth. This is the one truth my soul is here to share.
According to the Jean Keys, our life's work is also our brand, your conscious son. So whatever gate you have in in your conscious son in human design is the same Jean Key number, which is your brand. And it is your personal truth that your soul is here to share with the world. Hands down, it is going to be the thing that your soul came here to share. I came here to share the gift of aspiration that we cannot spiritually fully ascend until we also materially fully ascend. So people, lightworkers, and coaches who are out here giving away all of their sole gifts at it too low of a cost because they're too afraid to charge for their gifts, they are out of balance, you guys. They are out of balance and you will not continue to ascend spiritually until you get your finances in lock.
God wants us to be abundant and prosperous. There's a certain way that your soul wants to experience money. And so if you're blocking that from yourself and you're not allowing yourself to receive, you are out of balance. Okay. And you can think that you're as spiritual as you think you are, but there's a lot of growth to go because until you get your finances unlocked and you start receiving the money that your soul wants to receive in this lifetime,
it's going to be out of balance. So I'm really here to bring that to you. I'm here to bring that to Lightworkers and healers to be like, hey, you get to charge a lot for your gifts and for your money in a way that feels really good for you. And I'm not talking about those like ridiculous coaches who, and this maybe is your journey, but coaches who charge like $20,000 to like work with them one-to-one or to work in a group container. To me, that's fucking crazy. like maybe Maybe one day when I'm at that level, I'll see the value in it. But at this point, I think that's crazy too.
Um, and I think there is a point to where it becomes greed, right? To where it does turn into greed. But there's also a very huge point where it's like, charge, like, like, we are changing lives, you guys. Like, my mentor always talks about this. Um, my Jenkins mentor always talks about this of like,
We're not drop shipping random fucking items to people and becoming millionaires off of that. We are changing people's lives. We're helping them heal. We're helping them energetically come back to whole. We're helping them heal themselves. We're helping them come back into harmony to create prosperity in their life, abundance to call in their soulmate partners to heal diseases and illnesses, right? We're here to help them emotionally ah physically, spiritually come back into wholeness and love their lives, why the fuck would we not be generously compensated for that? Why wouldn't we? Doctors make a lot of money. Dentists make a lot of money. Chiropractors make a lot of money. Why wouldn't we also make a lot of money? That doesn't make any sense. And good people like you and me deserve to make good money. Good people like you and me deserve to make good money.
We just do. When we have money, our soul gets to experience money in the way that it wants, okay? And there's six different ways. It could be simplicity, like it's me, my soul's here to experience money, to literally be able to love what I'm doing, to live my purpose, to share my gifts. I would need to make enough money so that I can do this, right? So I can teach my soul lessons, so I can guide, teach, coach.
My soul needs to make enough money to live a simple life, to love my home, right? Like I have aspirations of a sick ass house. Like, and I deserve that. And my house is going to be so beautiful, right? My dream house is going to be beautiful.

Desires, Wealth, and Purpose

It's going to have enough room and spaciousness for me to create out of it. It's going to be filled with things that I absolutely love. Plants, a beautiful kitchen so that I can have a beautiful food made, right?
massages, right? Skincare. These are things that I always talk about that I just love. Like, I just love to feel good. Taurus Moon, I love to eat good. I love to feel good. I love to live a simple life. That is why I'm here to experience money, abundance, and a lot of it.
um Then we also have people who are here to experience money to be recognized. So Line 2's are here for recognition and the amount of money in their bank account will be directly linked to how they are recognized for living their purpose. So if you're a Line 2 here in your Pearl and you aren't feeling valued, you're not feeling recognized for the what you're doing, for the work that you're doing,
your bank account is going to show that. And so if you think that you are maxed out at your nine to five, but yet you're not being valued and you're not being appreciated for the work that you do, girl, that is mere pennies to what your soul will actually make. When you embody the gifts that God gave you and you listen to God and you say, okay, God, I fully trust you. I'm going to initiate into my purpose and I'm going to express myself and I'm going to spend all of my free time outside of my nine to five to showing up to sharing my gift, to speaking, to expressing myself, to sharing my unique perspective, you are going to start making a lot of money in your business, a lot of money to where now you can eventually safely leave the nine to five, fully live your purpose, right? Which is what I'm doing right now. Line threes, we have, what is line threes?
Let me look it up. My undefined head in Oshawa, I'm like, girl, what the hell is a line three? um do-oo-oo- to- do Pearl, pearl, pearl.
Celebration, I'm pretty sure, line threes. Yep, pearls. Okay, if you're a line three and you're a pearl, you are here to experience money as a celebration.
So that means you are here to make a lot of money so that you can have new experiences with your loved ones so you can travel, so you can go to festivals, so you can go on vacations, so that you can have new experiences with the people you love. Maybe that means, I mean, whatever the fuck that means to you. If you love cooking, maybe that means to have the experience of um like becoming a chef and like sharing your culinary experiences with the people that you love. If you love surfing, then this is going to be like going on surfing trips right with the people that you love, having money to
um Whatever it is, it's celebrating, celebrating, using money to create new experiences with the people that you love. If you are aligned for here, your soul experiences money. I think I just lost my, I think I just lost everything.
Okay, here we go. Again, not my undefined Ashna being like, what is ah what is life? um
How is this happening? Sorry guys, I'm like looking at my computer. I'm like, how's this happening? Line fours are charity, okay? Line fours want to experience money. Line four pearls want to experience money know so that they can make so much money, you guys, that they can give back to charity. They can give back to charity. They can create non-for-profits. They can um use their money to help others, okay? They have the charity hearts, right? Line four is like very heart chakra. Line fives are power. Line fives, you guys, you need to make enough money so that you can be in a position of power. And I always say this can be as low key as like being in a position of power to buy the products from the businesses that you support. From having a lot of money to like buy the food from the the businesses that promote whole, organic, healthy, non-processed foods, to buy from the clothing brands who who create clothes that's in a very like
sustainable healthy way right to all the way up to being in power of like getting into like political power right like if you're like if your soul is like girl I'm here to like get into like legislation to like change laws you might even be someone who goes into like political office right and your soul needs a lot of fucking money to be able to have a ah political campaign right it's not cheap to run for president, girl. And a girl, if you're the next president, you need to make a shitload of money if your soul desires to be in that form of power so that you can go in and change things at the power level. I'm sorry, peanut.
Oh, I think we got confirmation because I just dropped this, um, picture of my grandpa. So he's like, yes, queen girl. I feel like someone listening to this is going to be the next president or something like, Oh my God. Okay. And then line six days are all about nature. Okay. Line sixes are so interesting, you guys. And I fricking love you guys. And this is going to give you so much. I want line sixes to get so much relief from this because you have a different relationship to money so you guys are almost like you want to these are the people that want to like go create like homesteads like off the grid where like money isn't even needed like you guys are so evolved that you're like girl we're like pass money i'm here to like grow my own food and like barter and like go back to nature you guys are very nature oriented people right
And you guys desire to move our humanity into a a place where like we don't even necessarily need physical money anymore, um which is a really beautiful energy. So do you see how all of our souls, it's good for good people like us to make a lot of money. All of those reasons, we need a lot of money, right? It's it's not bad. It's not bad to charge for our gifts. It's not bad to create money. And the only way that we're going to be able to do that is if we step into our magnetic energy and we fully claim who we are and we fully say, hey, I want to make a lot of money because X, Y, and Z. For me, I want to live a simple life. ah My coach, my business coach, is a line three here. And she wants to make a lot of money so that she can go to festivals, travel the world with her friends and family, create really fun experiences, create sick ass. She just created Maddie Maple. She just created the sickest um
retreat, which is all about like hot girl shit, which is all about a retreat where it's just like all like photo shoots and like creating like the hottest images of yourself. And it's going to be so hot, hot so i elevated, so iconic, so fun. like And you need money as a business owner to like invest and like create retreats up front. You have to be able to like book the stuff up front.
If she was afraid of her gifts, if she was afraid of claiming like, yeah, I like money and I want money to be able to go on festivals and create retreats and have really fun experiences with my friends and family and celebrate life. If she was afraid to admit that and she she would be blocking her abundance, okay but she's not afraid to admit that. right and so Anyone who is successful is not afraid to be like, hey, I like money, I love money, money loves me. like if there's so if you If this is bringing up anything for you, there is money work to be done. okay So that's a huge thing.
Yeah, so I see that. So I would say the huge things that have that have changed for me in business, again, is like creating my signature offer from a place of aspiration, expansion, taking everything that I've learned and putting it into this thing, not just like intellectualizing and thinking of like, oh, how can I make the most money or how can I create an offer to just like,
start selling to people. It's like, no, what is the actual transformation? And getting very specific you guys, when I was just like only doing human design readings and kind of trying to be like an educator of human design. Okay, well, there's so many people that talk about human design. And I really rejected any coach who told me like, Oh, you need to be specific. Like, don't just talk about human design. I was like, fuck off. Like, I've seen people be successful. I'm just going to talk about human design. And it wasn't that successful. And it's it wasn't until I was like, Oh, I help coaches, light workers,
create prosperity and abundance in their business through these energetics of human design and gene keys that is so specific because then the person is like, oh

Client Attraction and Personal Challenges

yeah, that's literally me. I want to step into my confidence, into my power so that I can live my purpose and just understand myself at the sole level. Yeah, I want that. So that is my other like huge tip you guys in business is especially sole business. You have the modality, right? You have the modality and you have the thing that you love. Now, what are you actually solving? And for so long you guys, i like would not do this. I was like, I'm not gonna niche down. That's stupid. You can't put me in a box. But this is the other best advice that I got from my other mentor.
You don't have to put yourself in a niche, but your offer should be a niche. Your offer should make sense. I've like, this is a very specific offer that I'm giving to a very specific person to solve a specific problem. If we just say, Oh, like human design, get to know yourself, get confident from human design, align your life. Like that's not going to stop someone in their tracks to be like, Oh my God. Like.
she sees me, I need that. Most people are like, what does that mean? right like What does alignment mean? This is the other huge thing I learned was like to get out of coach jargon and to actually be like, what does the person actually need? so yeah have you been strugglingggling We go all in of this into this in my um and my offers, but if you've been struggling with like, okay, who exactly do I help? How do I help them? um What problem do I solve?
then I highly recommend, first of all, the system you can do on your own is think about who was I two to three years ago? What did I need help overcoming? What if I just freshly overcame? I talk about this in other podcasts, you guys. And remember, I talk about how when I first started, I thought that I um needed to help with sobriety because that's a huge thing that I overcame on my journey was um sobriety and my life was like completely like crazy before um I had my spiritual awakening and before i I got sober and so I thought oh to give back I need to help people on sobriety and then I quickly realized that I was so disconnected from that because I had already been sober for five years that I didn't understand or remember any anymore the struggle of what it was like to like
not be able to just not drink like I couldn't remember I couldn't relate it felt like lifetimes ago so I say pick something that you freshly have gone through and this is counterintuitive because you might think I'm not an expert I can't call myself an expert on this thing I just went through that yes you can because you're only a few steps ahead of the person and who needs it. You're so fresh that you remember every single challenge, every single hardship, every single edge, every single flavor. You can pull them out of it with your tools and your modalities. So that's what I highly recommend if you're kind of feeling like, who is it? What? It was you, girl. It was you.
two years ago, six months ago. right like You are good enough. I want you to trust and fully believe that you, if you have the vision, if you have the idea and the excitement, you have what it takes at this now moment to help someone overcome something that you just overcame. right If you're also in integrity and you also have the modalities and like the tools and you actually trust in yourself and you actually try it out there, like, you know, get some free clients, bring them through the transformation, and then you'll see the social proof too that, oh yeah, it does actually work for other people too, then that will help you build the signature offer. Okay. And yeah, and those are mostly the things that I've

Relationships and Personal Growth

really learned. I've also learned in, also one big lesson I learned in my relationship, my romantic relationship with George is that how to be more of a partner and less of a coach. And so the old B would like,
And also, this could be my Virgo rising, but i I constantly want to fix things like really quickly. And this year has really taught me how to it's how that it's so annoying, actually, for when a partner comes to you with like a problem or an issue, and they just want to vent to you, and then you immediately want to go into like fixing it. Again, I have so many Capricorn placements. I'm very earth. I'm very like grounded and like practical.
So I just want to fix things. And I realized that that was actually really hurting the other person on the relationship, which they don't want to be fixed in a relationship. They just want to hold space. They just want you to be there for them to let them vent. And so that's a huge lesson that I've learned. And when I really learned that it really did make things much, much better because I still have to find myself on it sometimes to be like, here's the solution. But instead just be like, okay.
I'm sorry, right? So yeah, that's something that I really had to look at. And yeah, I think that was it. And then also just um really just remembering that in our relationships, right, whether it's romantic or parents, siblings, it's like whatever energy you're really focusing on, that is going to essentially come out more of the other person. And so how can we focus less on their shadows, on their challenges and actually focus more on like what's good from them and what is valuable about them and how can we show up in a way that is gracious, kind, compassionate, understanding, gentle, and that will only like flower out of them more. Like I've i've really realized like the key to getting what you want is to
like treat the person in the way that you actually wanna be treated and then they will reciprocate it. Instead of just being upset with someone for not like showing up to the expectations that you have on them, instead trading them the way that you want to be treated, they take that and then while they open up like a flower, their heart does, and then they just want to do more and be better for you and be kinder to you and do more things for you. Instead of being very cold and shut off and like demanding energy or um questioning them or always like saying, like, you know, calling out things that are wrong,
And like nagging them doesn't do shit. That's what I've learned. And so I really had to learn to be like, okay, how can I just... you know, show up in a way that I would want to also be shown. And then it's just like, wow, you literally can get anything that you want. So it's really beautiful.

Gratitude and Client Transformation

Um, and yeah, I think those are, those are the lessons I learned you guys. I'm so excited to go into this as 35. I feel like I'm in a place in my business where like I said, I've had the most financial success, success the most growth success, the most fulfillment success, the most, um,
collaborative, collaborative success. The most, I feel the most engagement. I feel so connected to my purpose. I feel like a freaking expert, like an icon. um I truly trust in myself. i'm so My intuition is so on point. My gifts are so open. I feel like I'm so connected to like spirit, to the Akasha, to my guides. Just everything feels so good. And so I just want to remind you that if you are not in a place where it feels like that yet,
Do not give up, you guys. It is the initiation. It is the initiation. I did not think I would ever get here. I swear to God, the past three years were so rough, so rough of like not having clients, not having engagement, not seeing any growth, but still not giving up, just tweaking things, trying things, right? And I didn't give up and I i found my thing and I know you will too. Okay. And I'm here to help you guys. I'm here to help you with all of the actual things that have helped me get here.
um to cut down the time to give you support just know that you're doing a great job and do not give up okay there is a light at the end of the tunnel god wants us to use our gifts god wants us to share our gifts god wants us to be prosperous okay we're meant to be abundant we're meant to thrive we really are and i fully swear you guys that are path as Lightworkers is going to be hard as fuck. It's going to be hard. It's going to feel like no one cares what we have to say, but God is watching and he's and it's like, how much are you going to keep showing up? Are you going to give up on your dream and just, you know, go back to a life that you don't love and just settle, or are you going to keep fucking trying? Because literally we only have one life and we can get there. And it feels so good to be able to share your work with like clients who like are eating it up and that love it and that you're seeing transformations in their life through you just being your highest self.

Special Program Offer

that's crazy like that is crazy that we get to do that you guys so I love you so much um you guys this is I'm gonna extend this for one more week but if you're interested in the portal of you which is my one-to-one three months three months signature offer for Lightworkers coaches and healers to activate the fuck out of yourself and step into your confidence to show up as the icon, as the healer, as the coach expert in this 2025. I'm going to leave the price as it is for one more week. Okay, it was supposed to change on my birthday, but I'm going to leave it open for one more week so you can save over $500 if this is something you're interested in. It is
a beautiful container where we work together for three months. okay We are in Telegram together for like every day of the week, and you have weekly drops, you guys. okay I also upgraded this, so it's also including the Venus sequence, which is all about love and relationships. so Essentially, it's all of your gene keys. so Every single Monday, okay you're going to get a drop of your of a gene key, of your genius, of your gifts. right and It's also going to explain your shadow and how to heal it. so We go through very specific themes of your life.
and I'm going to read them to you what they are right now because this is really important um that you understand how awesome this is. okay so First of all, we go through week one is going to be life's work and evolution. so What you're here to do in this lifetime and the biggest soul lesson you're here is your soul is here to learn. Week two is going to be radiance and purpose. so What keeps you healthy and thriving? and Then also, what is your purpose in this lifetime? Again, this is the gene keys. This is based on ancient systems and modern sciences. So it's based off of human design, the Chinese I Ching, which is literally thousands of years old. It is a system that is basically the 64 archetypes of human change and behavior. So it's about like psychology, it's about who you are at the soul level. This is all based off of your birth information. So it's based off of astrology, human design, the Chinese I Ching,
um And it's also based off of quantum physics and so and epigenetics. So anytime that you're healing the shadows that we're going to be going over in the three months together, you're literally upgrading your DNA, you guys. This is this is insane. It's actually fucking insane. and And then week three is going to be then we go through the Venus sequence. Let me just pull it up. I also want to give you guys a tour of um the client portal, which, oh my God, I wonder if I could share my screen. No, I shouldn't. Okay, ah week three is going to be your purpose sphere and your attraction sphere. So how are you, are you attracting the same men, the same women, the same partners, the same bosses from the shadow, which is gonna keep showing up as reoccurring patterns in your relationships, which are keeping you stuck, right? And having issues in your relationships, or how can you alchemize it into your gift and start to attract people, places, opportunities
from your gift, right? Which is going to help you on your Dharma. It helps you live your Dharma, right? um Then the following week, week four is all about um your IQ, which is your mental patterns, then the following week is EQ, which is emotional patterns, the following week is SQ, which is spiritual patterns, and then the following week is core wound. All of those topics were imprinted from 0 to 7, 7 to 14, 14 to 21, and those are the shadows and the gifts that are running your relationships, you guys that are running your fricking relationships. So you're going to learn how to alchemize those. And then the following week is all about business, money and prosperity through service. So we're going to learn what your vocation is. And this is like your biggest core wound alchemized into your greatest core talent that you share with the world. The following week is going to be culture.
and an Akashic Records reading. So culture is all about how do you um get out of the shadow, which is repelling people. It's repelling your fractal line. It's repelling money. This is keeping you in victim consciousness. And how do we alchemize it into your gift, which is going to call in and magnetize your dream people to you. george as your As your dream clients are magnetized to you, money is magnetized to you. So this is this week is all about healing money blocks, right?
It's also partnered with an Akashic Records reading. So we can go all into any money blocks that you have through the Akashic Records. The following week is brand. And brand is your personal truth. So this goes far beyond aesthetics, fonts, colors. The brand of your business is your personal brand. And we learn what is your specific truth that you're here to share with the world and how are you here to express it. So this is going to help you with showing up on stories, creating offers,
how you're here to really speak to your dream clients, and what is the shadow? How are you blocking them? How are you muddying your truth and comparing yourself to every other coach and healer in the space, and in turn, completely disorting distorting your message? The following week, and that's also paired with the Nikashic Records reading, so we can answer any questions that you have around that.
the following week is the pearl. And this is all about how your soul is here to experience money in this lifetime. So how does your soul want to experience money? um And how does it want to express that? So like, how are you confusing things and making things really difficult? And how can we simplify them? Right? How can we simplify it to increase the money in your bank account?
That's also paired with an Akashic Records um message that week. So again, we can dig into any of that. And then the following week is an Akashic Records channeled message. that takes us through the 12 weeks of telegram. Again, those are going to be telegram drops. So audio drops, they range anywhere from like 30 minutes, like an hour per week. Okay, so that's, if you do the math and also some of the weeks have two, so really recovering 16 spheres. So that's up to potentially like 16 hours of like literal, like genius dropped into your lap. And then
The next fun part is we meet every other week for our coaching call, where we get to meet it for an hour on Zoom and we get to go over anything that's coming up in your business, in your life. So maybe you're having something come up around like, okay, like you're confident now on like um maybe like an offer you want to put out, but you're kind of nervous on like um starting to invite people into your world. Okay, we're going to dig into like, what are your visibility blocks? We're going to do subconscious, actual subconscious tools, right? Oops, sorry Peanut, I keep dropping stuff.
We're going to use the actual tools that I've learned in my certification to do single belief changes, um to go in and see how do you store past, present, and future encoding. like How does your brain store these memories? And then we can go in and do timeline stuff.
um we can do hypnosis is, we can do EFT. We're really gonna focus on releasing something, right? We need to release something to make room in the vessel to then imprint the new identity and the new beliefs of the person who has the thing that you want, right? We also kind of work through the five-step manifestation process of like manifesting this main goal that you have in your business. um So it's just a huge like self-discovery portal, essentially, with so much support. um We're like besties, we get to be together like throughout the week, anything that comes up, we can talk in the telegram, anything that comes up in between our calls. And then you also have access to the icon library, which is a growing library of super specific hypnosis and EFT sessions. Okay, and those are going to guide you through any of the anxieties that come up on the entrepreneurial path.
Now you can start to use these tools to like actually go in and like work through them in real time. And then the hypnosis is I always recommend doing them right before you go to sleep. So like you're doing it while you sleep, the work while you sleep, and you're getting your subconscious mind on board at the purpose and identity and value level. So then the behaviors just become second nature.
And that is essentially the outline. So again, it's still um five hundred over $500 off until I'll do it until Friday, um which is the 10th. Okay, you guys, I'm going to extend that offer until the 10th. I guess I'll close it on the 11th. So yeah, 111. Yeah, that makes sense. So it's going to close on the 11th, which is a portal 111. So get your applications in the app. I'm going to put it in the show notes, but all you have to do is just submit your application and then I will reach out to you via Instagram to chat about it and get you enrolled. I also you guys have a payment plan. So if the painful is
Um, something that is a little hard for you to squeeze at the moment. I have a payment plan, literally like I can do custom payment plans, like do whatever you have to do. If this sounds like a fuck yes to you, only if it sounds like a fuck yes. Okay. If this sounds like, uh, I don't know, then no girl, it's not for you, but this is like a holy shit. That sounds so fucking cool. And I want to be in your energy. Listen, I want you to be my resident gene key guide, my resident.
psychic, my resident Akashic record reader, my resident um you know coach in my pocket, then girl, let's fucking and go. Let's get you going in 2025. So I'll keep that there. And then also my other last announcement is if you guys um stay tuned also because I'm creating some really cool free stuff coming, um I'm going to launch it on the 15th.
I'm working on it this week. So um there's going to be a really cool offer launching the 15th, which is going to be um
I'm not going to say what it's about, but basically it's for light workers and coaches to really get going on your business. Okay. It's going to be a sick ass, like free offer. So be watching my stories, be like engaged on my Instagram, turn on any notifications, because that's going to be something really, really fun that we're going to do together. And I'm going to launch it on the 15th. Okay. Um, and it's going to give you a real, like, it's going to be awesome. I'm so excited. Like literally, I can't wait to give this to you. So that is everything again. I hope you have the absolute best 2025.
Happy birthday to me as a true Capricorn. I'm so excited to grow in this year and to help as many people who are ready to go as well step into your iconic expert energy as the coach, as a light worker, as the healer, put yourself out there you guys, get eyes on you so you can attract your dream clients and start doing the work. like I know your soul is ready and like you want to serve. like I know you want to serve and I know you have so much that you can bring to the collective and so much just wisdom and expertise and just beautiful energy, even just like this holding the space. Even just people being in our space, you guys, is so uplifting because of our frequency.
I know that this year is going to be a huge change for a lot of us stepping into that energy. And so if you are ready for support, I'm your girl. Stay tuned and I can't wait for her to see like where we go this year. Okay. I love you guys so much. I hope you have the best day. by Bye-bye.