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60. Corporate Powerhouse to Intuitive Guide + Strategist: Season's of Self with Nicole Doyle image

60. Corporate Powerhouse to Intuitive Guide + Strategist: Season's of Self with Nicole Doyle

It's Happening For Me
19 Plays4 months ago

Welcome babes!

In this episode, Nicole shares her powerful story of leaving the cooperate world to become an intuitive guide and strategist soloprenerur. Nicole dives deep into her transformation, uncovering the pivotal moments, challenges, and lessons she faced along the way. Join us as Nicole introduces the Seasons of Self philosophy that she has created from incorporating western Astrology and tracking her own energy. I'm obsessed with Nichol's energy and you will be too! 

There are SO many gems in this episode:

-Guidance on knowing when it's right to leave your corporate job and go into business fulltime

-Figuring out your transferable skills and learning that creating a business does not mean you're starting from scratch

-How Nicole's Seasons of Self philosophy can help you align to your natural rhythms in order to heal burnout, and make big decisions in your business aligned to your energetic rhythms 

-Nicole shares about her Saturn return and how she finally knew it was time to leave corporate and work for herself full time

-How to trust your intuition and make your gifts work in a way that feels good for you


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Introduction to the Podcast and Guest

Hello, everyone. Welcome back to the It's Happening for Me podcast. I'm your host, Alyssa, and I am so excited that you're with us today. Today is going to be so juicy. We have such a special guest, my friend Nicole Doyle. She is going to be talking all about so many juicy stuff. I just can't wait to get into it.
Um, she is an intuitive guide and a strategist. And I am so excited that we've crossed paths. Um, we went to Dharma coaching Institute together. I think it was in like 2021, 2022 was like our cohort. And since then it's just

Nicole's Journey to Purpose

been so cool to see both of us just like fully flourish in our purposes and just like see our businesses take off. So yay, Nicole, thank you so much for being here.
Thank you for having me. I'm so excited. that It's happening for me. Podcast is like the juicy girlfriends chat that everyone dreams of. So yeah, I cannot wait. Yes. Amazing. So can you let us know what is your big three in astrology and what is your human design?
Okay, so my big three in astrology, brace yourself. I'm a Scorpio rising, Scorpio sun, and an Aries moon. It's quite the punch. And then in human design, I'm a 1-3 splenic projector. Yes. Okay. I freaking love it. And later you guys, we're going to talk all about like her insane intuitive abilities. And I feel like that projector-ness is just like so, it's so aligned for you to be able to just like still see deeply into people.
and to kind of see like the bigger picture which also helps you be an incredible strategist. So yay! So um what? Okay so I love to always do this whenever we have guests. I love to see like what was life like before you found your purpose? Like what was life like before you ah really started to become your higher self?
Yeah, that's a great question. And when you told me that I was like, oh, I was like, yeah, I just had to remember it really quickly. Like it was interesting. Like it was almost muted and chaotic at the same time. Like there was a lot of unnecessary suffering. There was a lot of unnecessary like denial of myself of just like what I wanted. And then like, I don't even like to use the word self-sabotage usually for people, but like there was definitely self-sabotage going on where I was just like earmuffs, earmuffs. Like I don't want to know like,
anything about myself that like doesn't fit the mold of this corporate powerhouse climbing the corporate ladder um you know with like the perfect this and the perfect that and like everything just worked out and it was like I don't know like as a child like I knew I had spiritual abilities and my mom was really great at like holding that in a container for me and like keeping me really safe and like letting me know that like whatever I was experiencing was fine she also did compare me to Sylvia Brown and if you've never seen her before I was like What, why, why hurt? Like I just, as a child, I was like me and her same thing. I was like, no, no, I don't want that. But now I know that that was actually like really a compliment. um So years were, you know, years went by of me just like pushing, grinding, like going full force, climbing this corporate ladder. And then it was like, one day a ton of bricks hit me and I was like laying on the floor of this office. And I just was crying like, why am I doing this? Like this means nothing. Like I am successful on paper.
but I'm not satisfied at all. I won't okay I was satisfied in some areas like my relationship my husband was really great like I really love my garden my dogs were awesome you know those kind of things I had great friends and people in my life but like when it came to career it was taking up like 70 percent of my life and it was not fulfilling so it was pretty bleak it was bleak to say the least.
Yes. I think so many people can relate to that. That's really, I feel like that was me on my journey too. It's like, I got to this point in my career where I'm like, Oh, this looks really successful. And it's like, I'm sure even your friends and family were really proud of you, you know, like, Oh my God, Nicole, like you're killing it. And so then it almost makes you feel a little bit crazy or almost maybe like guilty for being like, wait, like, why don't I appreciate this?

Career Transitions and Personal Growth

But it's like only us know on the inside, like, wait, it's because I'm not actually super happy.
Exactly that's exactly what happened. I remember like hearing your stories too similarly where you were like I was doing all the things and this is like you know what everyone expects of you and you just think like I'm doing great but like my soul was like slowly shrinking or like quickly shrinking inside and it's like everyone was like oh look at you doing a great job and my mom had passed away in my early 20s and was like your mom would be so proud of you and I was like at that point I was like um no probably not she would be like of course but she'd want me to be happy And over everything like that was always her goal, like it was so funny because when I would like overachieve in school and stuff and like in college and she'd be like. You know, like you can you can work less like you can have more fun, you know she'd always say that to me, and it was funny because, like I was.
super I am still pretty super serious like my mom was like wild child and I was like I have to be serious and it was not any reason I think I was just born this way you know what I mean and so um it's funny to like think of that like that the parent was like you can be more chill super successful too but you know to hear her like impart that wisdom and then maybe like no like I need to work harder I need to do more crazy things like it just didn't it didn't jive with where I was going in life and it was so interesting to have that awakening at 30 my Saturn return was a bit late I'd say even though I'm in the early like I'd passed the actual exactness of Saturn like stubborn I was stubborn and I waited till 30 to like really say okay I'm gonna listen now
Yeah, can you talk about your Saturn return? Was like there anything, I know obviously like your career and purpose, like was there anything super specific that you went through that like maybe it was really challenging? Yeah, so at the beginning of my Saturn return, it was great. like I'd gotten um married, and so I was like, this was super fun. like I got engaged, I got married, I planned a wedding, had a really fun time. And then toward the end of my Saturn return, like I was dealing with like some family stuff, like some family illness and things that I was like kind of the primary person to like be the advocate and do all the things and that took out so much out of me I was so stressed and then with work I just felt like okay like they're allowing me to take care of this problem but I'm like still throwing myself into work and then my stress became so high like my own physical stress from this family illness that I was dealing with and helping work through with like hospitals and medical professionals and then my own career like demanding so much of me and I just felt like I was torn in like a million directions and so
at that point in my Saturday return I started to get really stressed and then I decided I'm like oh my god I want to have a baby and I even able to because like I'm so stressed my cycle was irregular you know I don't know what's going on so I decided to like go to a doctor and like tell me tell me how I'm doing you know this is this was my idea so on my 30th birthday I looked because it was the only day I could get off from work I literally went to a doctor to tell me like how am I doing and they were like Ooh, like not great. And I was like, what? I mean, I was like, okay, kind of, I can see that. But that was like really the difficult piece for me was like, everything I'd been pouring into my career for years was impacting me physically, mentally, emotionally, resulting in stress, inflammation, all these problems. And so it was like very tightly tied to my health and my ultimate goal of becoming a mom. And I was like, oh no, like what have I done? So that was like the big like,
big moment like 2019 the end of the year I was like wow I can't believe that was five years ago that that like literally all unfolded and changed everything for me well I changed everything like at that point I was like I was like it's not the job doing this to me yes of course the conditions weren't ideal but it was me I was doing this to me and I'm like oh no you know because that's the moment you know you're like oh crap you know Yes. Wow. That's crazy. I feel like, I feel like so many people can relate to having like some sort of like, it's kind of like we're just going through life, like doing the things like you were really successful at work, doing all of the things, trying to help your family, and then kind of putting yourself on the back burner, not even realizing that your health was being affected, you know, from all of the stress. So I feel like that was really like your soul, like telling you like, Hey, let's go have an appointment.
you know, like, cause that's kind of out of nowhere just to be like, Hey, I actually wanted to see, is everything going on for me? Like yeah correctly to have a baby? Like that's kind of probably one of those like intuitive hits that was like, Hey, like we need to get things checked out. And then that kind of like sparked an awakening for you. It seems like exactly. And it was like, Oh my gosh. Like, what have I, what have I done? Or like, what am I doing? Like, what is this worth? Like, what was all this worth? And that was like kind of this whole, like my mom passed away in 2012. And so it took me seven years to realize, Oh my gosh, I'm making the same, like,
bad, you know, corporate choices and that result in health problems that my mom did. Like I'm doing the same exact thing, even though I'm doing it like a little bit different in a different outfit, like it's the same pattern of like work yourself into the ground, ignore all of your needs, take care of everyone else first and then here's what happened. You know, so like life is so precious and it took me a couple years after she died to realize that I was doing the same thing. I joke with um my close friends that it's like that year I got promoted at work And I call that my $100,000 breakdown.
Like I was like, that's all I wanted to do was like to make a hundred thousand dollars before I was 30 and I did it. I was like, yes, I did it. I'm amazing. And now in hindsight, like what did I give up for that? Right. And of course then I also know it all makes sense. It all had to happen this way for this path to unfold. So it's like at the time I was like, Oh no. And then like now I'm like, Oh, that makes so much sense. But it is kind of funny when you put it in terms of like, like oh what was it that made you break down? I'm just like a lot of money. yeah Okay, I'm dying to know like when you finally got the $100,000, how did you did you actually feel? Did you have this moment where you're like, wait, like now what? like I don't care. like was did you Because sometimes I feel like that happens where we finally get the goal that we thought was like everything we wanted and then we actually don't feel anything. And then we're like, oh my God, like actually, I don't even care about this. Now, like who am I and what do I even work towards?
Exactly. That's exactly it. How you described it. I was like, I was expecting to feel some big like thing of relief or some big like excitement or like, Oh, now all of my problems are fixed. And it was like, no, like I actually feel nothing. In fact, I feel kind of sad because like I've met this huge goal and it didn't feel like anything. And it was like, wow. Like, you know how people build up like really big things like marriage or like, um, you know, buying a house or like getting a new apartment or something like that. I can say that all those milestones felt really cool. You know what I mean? Like they felt fun. Like, Oh, I got my first apartment or like, Oh, I bought a house and it's like, Oh my God, this is amazing. And it felt really like a rite of passage, but this goal that I'd been working for for so long didn't feel like a rite of passage. It felt like an elevator just straight to rock bottom of like, now what, you know, now what's my next goal? And then so my next goal in my mind, when I told myself, well, I'll reach this. And then in five years I'll become a director.
And so what would that have taken of me? you know What kind of shell of a human would I be now? And then I realized at that moment, I was like, oh no, this cannot go on. And I was like, what do I even like? What do we even care about? And um you know I was really amazing at my job. And I've taken all those skills and I bought them into my business, but like at what cost? you know So it's like, it was so interesting. It's a great question because it really did kind of feel numb.

Exploring Human Design and Astrology

man Yeah, i I love what you said too about like taking the skills into your business because I think a lot of times when we're on this like purpose journey or when we start as like spiritual entrepreneurs, sometimes it can feel like, oh, I'm starting something new, so I'm completely starting from zero. and it almost I feel like that's what kind of feeds into people's like imposter syndrome where it's like, oh, really? like We're not starting at zero. we have incredible careers that we have been we like you know living up until this point. We can take all of those skills and literally just transfer it over to like this new thing that we're doing. um So how do you feel like yeah how do you feel like your skills like fit in with the things that you're doing now?
Yeah, that's a great question. And it's super interesting. Cause when I work with my clients and like, even my friends who have done different jobs, then they're going to apply for other things. Like I'm like the friend who will write your resume, right? Like I'm like the person who's like, everyone's like, I want this job. And I don't know. Like I write my husband's performance reviews for him, like his, his self assessment, he writes them. And then I'm like,
but me Let me tell them how really went. you know And so a lot of things I did for years, I was a strategist, I was a business development professional, and I helped people win mega pursuits. So a client would come to us and say, hey, we want this new thing like to happen, whether it was like an actual physical project, because I worked in project construction management for a while, or we have the software system we want to install, and we need professional consultants to come in and help us guide through that journey. Whatever it was, like we need you to send us a proposal. Tell us what you can do. with pricing and all that but these are highly competitive hundreds of millions of dollars usually that they were like you know you're fighting for this stuff so I would go in and make the plan from beginning to end of like one how are we creating this actual proposal document any collateral that we need what is the strategy what's the you know beautification of this all the way through okay now these guys who just sold this okay me I sold this
have to go in and talk to the client. So they don't even know what we broke. They do, but like they don't. you know And then like how are they having client interactions and doing all that? And I would prepare them for that. So it's like this big campaign kind of creation that we would have to do. And this was deadline driven. Nobody wanted to put the focus in because everyone was doing their day job plus doing this as like a side activity, even though it was the way we made business. um So I did all that. And so the strategic project management aspect, just I see things unfold in front of me like a nice little path. i'm like This is exactly how it's going to go. And you know it was really hard working in proposals for over 10 years. Being intuitive, I would almost immediately know if we would win or lose.
And it was like, Oh God. And almost harder because when I knew we'd lose, I tried way harder to like influence it's like, Oh, but maybe, maybe like, we're going to like tweak this thing and like yada yada. And it would be fine. So I've used all of those skills, like under, I take big business planning, big business strategy, and I can make it really like palpable for people who are in a smaller, smaller business or solopreneur because the tactics and the strategies work.
But the difference is that I know that a lot of people get like a consultant, right? Like they'll tell tell me what to do. Consultants hand you a thing, a deck, a PowerPoint, and they say, okay, good luck implementing this unless you want to hire us to help you. It likely won't get done. I don't like that. And when I first started my business, I was like helping people. Like I was like, hey, like this is what you could do and this is how it could happen. And then what I'd find is that they couldn't actually execute on it.
They couldn't make it happen. And I was like, what is going on here? Like, these aren't hard things, right? That I'm asking them to do and or that I'm like, suggesting that they do and they're they're aligned with their goals, they're aligned with where they want to go, they're aligned with how they want to scale. And um I found I realized that it was like, oh, all the personal resistance and stuff that I've understood over the years like that kept me from reaching my goals and what it was happening to my clients. And so then I went on i went on a journey. I was like, I'm gonna figure out how to bring the you back into business and like make this difference. So while I take all of that, I've like completely put it in a new outfit and been like, okay.
It worked for you, but now we are working with real humans, like real souls. I mean, not that business is, you know, corporate, whatever, but it's like a bunch of people, you know, you're not working individually with one person and just changed it. And so it's like, I'd say to anyone who's got imposter syndrome about like what you've done before,
One of my really best friends worked at a nightclub as like an entertainment, like she kept the crowds going for years. Like while she was in college, she loves to dance and she loved to go do that. And she had the opportunity to live really close to a bunch of really cool nightclubs and do that. And so she was applying for different jobs. And she's like, well, how am I qualified for this other thing? And she was a bartender, she did stuff. I'm like, you know how to manage difficult people. You know how to manage high profile guests. You know how to do all these things. And it's like,
you understand how to work in a team, you understand how to work in shifts, you understand timing, you you know so many different things like that feed into this other thing. She's now doing training programs for a major um hotel and casino chain where she helps their HR department get compliance for people and she still has that on her resume of when she did entertainment and guest relations and it's like it all transfers no matter what it is. I don't care if you literally cleaned up chicken poop yeah It transfers into what you want to do. Yes. Oh my God. I love that so much. I feel like it's so true. Like, and sometimes it just takes someone like a projector genius to kind of like, like see the bigger picture, you know, to be like, Oh, like this, cause sometimes like we can be so focused on like the day to day tasks or what we actually did that we don't see how their actual skills that are like transferable. So I love that so much that that's literally your genius and how you help people.
Thank you. Yeah, I love love being a projector. It's funny, when when

Influences of Gene Keys and Personal Insights

you first found out your human design, did you like did you think like, no, that's not right? I was sad. i was like Because I wanted to be a projector because I was like, ew, I don't want to be a generator like everybody. I think because I have, um um my Venus is an Aquarius, so I want to be like different. you know So I'm like, why do I have like the one that's like the most common?
It's like, why do I have the one that keeps the world going? Well, when I found out I was a projector, I like checked my birth time because I was like, this could not be right. I was like, because I was operating like a manifesting generator, like doing everything for everybody. And so I was like, this is wrong. Like, this is just not right. And then I was like, I read about projector and I was like, okay, this is cool. But then I felt kind of sad about the sacral energy. And I was like,
on that. I know. I feel like everyone does that. They're like, wait, I wish I was like the other one. You know, that's literally just how humans are. And then once you get to know your design and like, be in alignment, you're like, Oh my God, I actually love who I am. You know? Yes, exactly. I was like, what a gift it is to be a protector. I was like, how cool, you know? But then at first I was like, Oh, I'm either a manifesting generator or a reflector. Like I didn't even go, like I went like two opposite ends of the spectrum. I was like, either like, I'm totally on the line or like, this is exactly how I'm supposed to operate. And I was like, wrong both ways.
That's so funny. um how okay I want to know, how did you get into like human design, astrology? like What was that path like? So you were working in corporate, you had this like you know health wake up call. did you ah Were you already interested in those things? Or like how did that come into play?
So funny enough, my mom used to joke. Her and my Aunt Kathy used to write horoscopes. They worked for like um a sports newspaper and they used to write horoscopes back in the day and I don't think they were legitimate. Like I don't know where they were going to need them from but I think she's like oh don't read those. Like Aunt Kathy and I used to write those and I was like oh my god like you did. So like for years I just kind of thought like oh astrology whatever like not real not my mom was writing for us because I'm like, they're they're not real. You know what I mean? So I don't know the legitimacy. I should probably like look up the archives and see if I can find some for when they wrote them. So I'd always like known about astrology and human design was super new to me. So in 2020, like right after um the whole world shut down, I was home like everyone else and I was scrolling through the internet and I was like,
You know what, I think I want to get my birth chart. I want to figure this out. Like I want to know. And then human design popped up. Like someone was like, as a projector mom, like dealing with manifesting generator children, I was like, what is this? I was like, I want to know what this is. So then I looked it up and I was like, Oh my gosh. So 2020 sparked like, my deep journey into both human design and astrology. And I've been certified and trained in how to be a human design reader, astrologer, all the things over the years, like I've done it all. But I love, I love astrology, like in a way, like we joke about human design. I'm like, you speak human design and gene keys like really well. And I'm like, uh, like I just, I know it, but I actually learned human design for myself. Such a projector.
but Or in astrology, I'm like, show me your chart. Show me your thing. Like I look at everyone. So it's like a good mix, but it was really 2020 that sparked everything for me. That's so cool. And then, okay. So then you started learning about all of that. How did you discover DCI, like Dharma Coaching Institute? How did you discover like, wait, I'm so successful. I'm making so much money in this career, but maybe I actually want to do like life coaching or something else. Was that more for you to discover your purpose or was it to help others find their purpose?
Well, I've been helping people with business for a while and then I was like, well, maybe I want to do something a little bit more like fun. You know what I mean? Like a little bit more like life coachy because I was like, I, everyone, everyone comes to me for everything. Like you used to go to a gym and I had a trainer and I doubt she's listening to this, but like literally my favorite part about going was nothing to do with the gym. It was like her telling me all her problems and me going like,
oh like and like helping her like rework and reframe and like see what was going on in her life like I love doing that like when my friends call me like ask me for advice which is like typical projector like ask me questions ask me and what what you should do like invite me in and I will be like here's the solution I'm happy for you and I don't really get that bitter when people don't take my advice because I'm like I know that there's like free will um but it's it's super fun for me so like DCI popped up and I was like I could do that. I was like, I could totally do that. I was like, that kind of sounds fun. But I will admit I was a little bit embarrassed because it's like the name of it and like spiritual life coach like Dharma. What's the other one? Dharma. Dharma Coaching Institute. dark Like Dharma coach. and Oh, like oh um like spiritual life coach like Dharma.
I don't know. We got the dual certification. And I was like, I'm not telling anyone about these names because this is like totally different than what I do. And then I was like in it. And I was like, the Ayurveda stuff didn't really like pop off for me. Like it's something I wanted to use in my practice, which is totally fine. It was all helpful to learn. But then as I was doing it, I was like, Oh, I'm really good at this. I was like, damn. So that was really fun. And then I went on to get another coaching certification. My dear friend, Ali Shapiro, She was was my original coach in 2017 when I first worked with my own relationship with food. But what we joked with her, she called it truce with food. And that's what it's called. um But I joked with her every time like week two, I was like, girl, this is not truce with food. This is a truce with life. I was like, this is a truce with life. Like this is everything food is just the facade that we used to enter into like the deepest parts of the brain.
And so I went on to work with her, you know, in her coaching certification with coaching supervision and like out she would like watch me coach and like give me feedback and I work with a lot of her clients and stuff for another two years after that. And so Dharma Coaching Institute really sparked the thing of like oh I can do this, you know, and it was cool because that's where we met. Yes, yes, I feel like I feel like we've met so many cool people in that. And it's kind of interesting because when we think about the gene keys, and like, we think about our culture, it's like when we're in the gift of our culture, we are this magnet pulling like our people to us, like our fractal line, all the people that want to learn from us. And so I feel like because Sahara Rose is so
you know like in her power she's so like magnetic it's like there's something about her that drew all of us to her and then we all have created these own relationships with ourselves you know the people who we just feel like we really resonate with like from the pods or just like you know from like different things from meeting each other there so I feel like it's just so cool like when we're all in alignment we can attract our people to us That is so true. And you saying that about Sahara, I just remembered. I was like, how did I find DCI? I don't even know. I remember I took astrology mystery school, Danielle Page, and she showed us Sahara's birth chart. And she was like, this woman is a powerhouse. like She does all this stuff and yada, yada. And like because she had done reading for her, so she like was able to use her chart and show us like for school.
And I was like, oh, Sahara, I was like, interesting. So i start I think I started following her. And that's when, and I joined Rose Gold Goddesses, her thing. I did this ecstatic dance thing, like one of the circles. And then I was like, I think I want to do this. So yeah, it became, it was like this secret awakening that I was having of like,
nobody needs to know about me doing my coaching institute I was like secret secret but it really did end up opening up so many doors for me creating relationships with so many amazing people and just like learning so much about myself at the same time as like figuring out how and what I wanted to use in my own like coaching practice so you're you're absolutely right that magnetism that she had really just drew in the right people and was like okay I'm putting you all together for a reason Yeah and it's crazy how you found her through like your person like Danielle that you were learning from astrology from and then like I think I don't know how I found her originally but I started listening to her podcast when I had my spiritual awakening so I listened I think it started in like I don't even know when it started maybe like 2018 or something so I was always listening and like that's the first time I was like hearing about any of these things like past lives you know like all of the like woo woo like
like spiritual stuff I had no idea about any of that before I started like I think following her and listening to her podcast and then it kind of opened me up to like I did get kind of um interested in Ayurveda and like I almost went to like become an Ayurvedic practitioner But then like I was so worried. This was in like twenty this is before the pandemic. I think this was 2019. And like I was so worried about what my family was going to think about me. where it's like Now looking back, I'm like, they don't care what I do you know like with my career. But I was just like so nervous. I was like, no, I think I'm just going to wait. And then I just stayed in my career. Things unfolded.
Later, you know, she created Dharma Coaching Institute and then that kind of started like my coaching um career and then like I took other certification. So yeah, it's just so cool how it's like little seeds. It's like we don't even realize like people can be listening to our podcasts that we're not even aware of are listening to it. And then like five years later, maybe they'll somehow end up working with us or like they'll create something crazy. And it just like started from the seed of like listening to our podcast. Isn't that crazy? I know. It's so cool. And it's always like, where did you come from? like How did you find me? like I don't really ask those questions, but I do i think about them all. I probably should, but it's like to think that we could be the same as Sahar planting a seed for somebody. It's like it's actually really
exciting. just Thank you for saying that because I was like, huh, like sometimes when you're in the thick of it, and you're building your own business, and you're, you're doing your thing, you're serving your clients, like you forget that like other people might just be finding you, you know, like, and that's the hope, of course, that other people are finding you and like taking an interest and like being like, wow, that's really interesting. But I hadn't thought about it like that in a while. That's super cool. Yes.
um Okay, so the other coolest thing that I just wanted to touch on really quickly ah about your jean keys is literally insane Nicole. Because okay, I was drawn to like one specific sphere and I was like, Oh, I wanted to like just really quickly touch on her vocation. And when I was like looking at your vocation, like the shadows, the gift of it, it's also crazy how this works because I just did a reading for someone I think like two weeks ago. And this was a major she had the same jean key here, which is you have 40.1. And so she had a similar one.
And so like I was really like, you know, contemplating that janky and then when I saw that was yours like oh my god, and then literally everything that you just said about your story about you know like being like pushing so hard like working so hard becoming too like.
stepping into this like powerhouse, like corporate, boss, babe, you know, like and then kind of finding yourself in exhaustion. Literally the shadow of this is exhaustion. And it's crazy because our vocation is like, our vocation is also the sphere of our biggest core wound in the Venus sequence. So it's kind of like, it's going to be the shadow that is literally present in like all parts of our life. right like In our childhood, adolescents, young adult life, it's always going to kind of be a part of you. and It's going to be the shadow that you know so well. and It's going to be the shadow that you, Nicole, know how to alchemize so that you can really help people step into the gift. and The gift of this one is resolve. Just to talk about the exhaustion really quickly, it's like
It's really exhaustion from coming from a place of like pushing and forcing and trying so hard to tap into will, when like we know that like from a human design perspective, we don't really have willpower. Do you have your do you have your will center defined? No, I don't. And sometimes I'm like, God, that would make it a lot easier. Because like you know you're always trying to over-provide without that. you know like You're over-giving, is this good enough? like I'll prove my worth. and it's like Oh, like girl, just be, you know, just be. Yes. And it's crazy because we as humans think like, Oh, we we kind of romanticize willpower. We're like, Oh, I'm just going to get it done. Like, Oh, like we romanticize hustle culture and like, we just feel like, Oh, I want to be the best. I'm going to be, you know, at the top. And so we keep pushing, pushing, pushing. And it's like, it's leading us to have this sort of like breakdown, almost like you had with your health, you know, and just like your happiness and realizing like, wait, I actually like,
I actually don't even want what I thought I wanted so bad. And so resolve, when we get into the gift of resolve, resolve is like this energy of like choosing yourself. It's really crazy. It's like you have to like, it's this weird, like, it's not weird, but it's like this frequency of like choosing yourself over like everyone else and learning how to say no to things and like having boundaries. And like in resolve, you now tap into your life force energy. So now you have this fricking insane power to like,
keep driving just like you kind of were before but instead of being in force you're like really in your own like life force energy and it's like this beautiful energy of resolve of like you can literally do anything and it's like creativity and it's like helping people and just being in your power and it's all from choosing yourself and like having boundaries and like saying no to people which I thought was so crazy because you talked about like you were always the person of like saying yes to everyone and like doing everything for everybody else and then you know you had to like have that lesson of realizing like oh I actually have to choose myself for my happiness and like now
you work for yourself, you know, like you're living your purpose, you have a business that you love. And so, yeah, does that resonate? Oh my god, yeah, so much. But it's so funny because like I had tried to study this gene case fear before and i I feel like I'm a bit deaf to like the gene key sequences when I tried to study it on my own. Like I feel like I definitely need someone like you to translate it in a way that you do because you do it so beautifully and you just see what's going on. um but the exhaustion yeah like someone was like this is like really important you need to figure this out and i was like wow like i don't know you know like this is crazy and then resolve um it's i will be honest it is really challenging the way that i grew up the way that i learned like everything to then go into this resolve like when i was younger i was an only child my whole life and so i had a lot of cousins who lived really close or even at some points like lived with us like we had a really big house it was weird
and so it was like full house kind of um and choosing yourself like you became selfish you know and that was like a bad thing like nicole don't be selfish nicole don't be selfish and it was like i had a coach like we we reworked like selfishness for a long time like it's not a bad thing you know it just depends on the flavor and so it so resonates resolve feels like Obviously I know the city, like you have over a lifetime, right? It's kind of like Northfield, like embodiment, right? And so I don't, what is the city? for It's divine will. Divine will. okay yeah Because then you're literally working with literally spirit and source. And like you have, yeah, it's like you, it's like this unlocking of like, you are just divine will. It's very mystical. It is very mystical. Like, wow, that else that feels really nice. And it's like, I like that it's really like,
big feeling, because I feel like some of the cities in in Jean Keys almost feel like, well, I could do that, I could do that, and Define Will is like, no, just work on Resolve. Like, because every time, I'm like, if you ask me right now, like, how far are you in the, in the Resolve category? And it's like, oh, like two thirds, but like you asked me like in another year, I'll be like, One half, you know? Like I'm doing it, but it's like, I think it's the power of just being in it, right? And like allowing yourself to know that like you can choose yourself, you can do the thing over and over

Balancing Corporate Work and Entrepreneurship

again. And it's funny because usually what we're helping other people with is like the thing that we struggle with the most. yeah And it's like, I'm like, yeah, my clients are all big mirrors for me. Like I'm usually holding up a big mirror for them. Like, look how amazing you are. But then I'm like behind that mirror, I'm like, I'm you also for the same.
but yeah so cool Yeah, no, and that's why I love um vocation because it's literally like, oh, that is what your soul is here to give to the world to teach to guide because you know, every freaking flavor of exhaustion, like, you know, every flavor, you know how it shows up in every scenario. And so that's why you're the most equipped, the most like, anointed to teach resolve to people because that is your genius that you're here to really shift into others. So it's kind of cool because it's very aligned if you have people coming to you that are kind of working through those kind of things because that's literally and what you're supposed to be doing. Yeah because everyone thinks like I have a lot of people that are of the generation that either their parents were like they worked one to two jobs or they worked in a career their entire lifetimes and they did like everything for that career and they just they were quiet and they were very demure and they put away their savings and they kept it for a rainy day
and they worked you know until they were like 72 and then they retire you know like that kind of traditional family thing or I have the people who's like parents like were really hustling and they like were constantly go go go like to to provide for the family and now they feel that like if they make money and it's not bone breaking back breaking or like super dedicated for 35 years work that somehow they're not worthy of the success that they'll receive or that it can actually it's not easy right but it can be done with some ease and it doesn't mean that like I think in our our time right now like not every single person is putting in a 40 to 60 hour work week to be successful at some point there's mastery gain right and you do put in the time but like us as spiritual practitioners right like we're not necessarily required to clock in 40 hours
of of client work to make a sustainable living. But like guaranteed at some point, you know, we're to keep taking care of our channel, we're studying, we're learning, we're doing things. And so people don't understand a lot of my clients don't understand that, like, you don't have to work yourself into the ground, like, production wise in order to be worthy. And it's a lot of unlearning because it's conditioning a society, it's all this stuff. And, you know, of course, like our generation, you know it really well, because you have so much capital in your chart, like you're like, I'm gonna put all of this right here and all of it together. And it's like so crazy, but I also have a stellium and capricorn. And I feel like this like pocket of a generation is like conditioned in a way that is like so unique. And it's like, okay, like we're gonna work and we're gonna prove our worth. And it's like, but what was it all like for the shadow of this? It's like, especially the Uranus Neptune Saturn conjunction in Capricorn, like that little generation that we're both a part of.
is basically like, hey, how can we actually show like not lie that like our careers are making a difference if they're really not. And I feel like it's like a bunch of shadowy energy and it's a bunch of like one day just like waking the f up and being like, oh, holy crap, like kind of like what happened to me and I'm sure like what happened to you over the years of like, there's more to this picture here than I've ever thought of and like now all of a sudden you've got like peripheral vision.
Yes. Oh my God. Yeah. I literally feel like that's kind of how it happened for me too was just like, wait, I don't actually have to be this stressed out, you know, or trying this hard or, you know, especially when it's like, if I think about the actual like impact that it's having of the work I'm doing, like I want it to be on a greater scale than like what I was doing, you know, previously.
Yeah and I'm sure like we both touched so many people and like everyone like in the gap between when I realized oh my god I want to quit my job and then the moment where I actually did leave was four years like it was a long time and I'm i'm saying that because like it is a very realistic journey because I I went to work every day after that moment in choice of okay if I'm going to continue to work year one it's funding my life right which is super important I was I wasn't trying to like give up everything. And some people do, some people take the leap and they make it work for me. I just knew that would be like nervous system. See ya. Like that would have taken me to a draw, should not resolve. So it would have been bad, bad, but like I went to work in choice. I was like, okay, who am I going to connect with? How am I going to make an impact with people? Like where are these one-on-one conversations that are going to make it worth it? And I like, that was how I measured my values over the last four years of work before I went on and to work for myself. And so it was like, how can you,
Change that perspective once you have that new vision of not like I highly don't recommend burning down your entire life Ever because like everything that's gotten you here has happened for a reason and makes sense in your journey You know, you don't need to like throw it away. And so like that to me feels like okay why not see with more vision and also choose to like drop like drop it in, you know, like drop it in along the way, like not just like fill up the cup of the fire hose. You know what I mean? Yes. Oh my God. I could not agree more with you. I'm still in that journey of like, okay, I realized that I want to, you know, work for myself. I don't want to, you know, I want to become an entrepreneur, but I'm still in the journey of working my nine to five and like, you know, being in the space between, I'm actually like able to make it my full-time job.
myself. And it's like, I agree so much because I love my job. Like I love the people I work for. I feel so grateful for them. I've been with the same company for like eight years. I've seen countless like growth opportunities. Like every single year I'm always growing. So I feel like it really like feeds the Capricorn in me. Like I'm never like stuck doing something I don't like. It's like, I feel very valued. I feel very appreciated. So when I'm at work, I give my all to it, you know, and I feel like I'm making a big difference. And I feel like that's a really good energy to be in while we're in this transition, you know, and so and like, um but it also wasn't always like this, like I, before I was in the position I'm in now, and I was in like a managerial like operations in this actual service center is like job. That's when I actually had like,
health you know problems and I was so stressed out and like I could not stay there anymore and Somehow live my purpose. So I manifested this role, which is like a support role So it's like oh I have my nervous system feels good. You know, I have a set schedule I can clock in do my work clock out and not have to think about work, right? Like I'm not on call I'm not stressed out about anything else. And so I really recommend that for people It's like if you're still gonna be in your corporate job or like in a job before you can fully transition. It's like, find something that you feel safe. And like you said, it's like you're your nervous system feels safe. You're like investing in yourself and it feels good and you feel appreciated and then just give it your all. And that energy is going to like seep into all parts of your life, I feel like. Could you agree?
I do I think that's so beautiful too and like what you said at the beginning though before you told the story you were like you know I'm not I'm not fully an entrepreneur yet and it's like no you totally are you're totally an entrepreneur but you also just have another stream of income and I used to joke like to my friends who would say like oh when are you going to go all in on your business I was like no offense but like no man nobody would ever ask a man when are you going to go all in on your like rental property You know what I mean? That's another stream of income. Like it's just having multiple streams of income. There's nothing wrong with it. It's actually really smart and really diversified and so Capricorn of you. But I love that what you said like, oh, I actually, you know, if I manifested a role that's so much more aligned with the time effort and like the type of skills that I want to be doing right now and like the team and the people I'm working with. and I think that's super important. I made a small switch before um leaving my corporate job it from pursuits, sales, business development, deadline after deadline. For 10 plus years, I literally worked waiting for an RFP, a request for proposal, to drop on my desk. and Then it would say when it was due, when they had to go for the presentation, all this other stuff. and that would dictate my life for the next four to six weeks or months like it literally so I would go to make a dentist appointment like six months before you know because you're getting your teeth cleaned they're like when you want to come back in and I was like who knows just put me in and I'll see where I'll be at that point because I had no control over my schedule it was really jarring for like 10 years to a communications role which was
the best team i ever worked with i love those ladies they were amazing but we all got dispersed in like a reorg and it was just crazy and it became insane and that was when i finally solidified i was like i gotta go you know what i mean because it was like the job wasn't as like the team was what I joined for and then the team kind of dispersed and it was it was hard but like it was a different role and it allowed my nervous system to adjust had I never left pursuits I don't know that the ego would have been like oh I can do this I can like go you know like I would have felt too self-important in my role but like oh I'm so needed which is like a secondary gain sometimes that we do to ourselves when we're so in this career we're like but then who will I be if I don't do this thing you know if I'm not like so important in my career and it's like anyone who's considering going full-time in entrepreneurship or doing anything just be prepared this is basically pushing you up up against every edge you have.
yeah And like asking you to be vulnerable and you know, be real with yourself. And it's like so powerful. It's so powerful. And it's okay if you find out it's like, you know what? No, I love doing this thing. It's like a fun like side thing. It's another stream of income, but I don't want to be full time. I don't want to give up the, you know, the safety net. And like, that's okay too. You know what I mean? Like it really takes some soul searching to know what you want, but don't like listen to anyone else unless they've done what you want

Integrating Intuition in Professional Life

to do. It's kind of how I... how I feel you know exactly yes and I thought it was it's so funny because when you're just talking I was thinking about um and I'm doing an NLP certification right now and we were practicing last week and they're like oh like how the goal that I was like oh I want to like imagine that I
ah you know quit my nine to five and now i'm fully full time in my business and like oh how will you know when that happens and i was like oh so i will be giving my manager my two weeks notice and like i i see me giving it to him and he's like you know talking to me and like so happy for me and like sending me on my way and then we were kind of talking about how like that's kind of funny that like that's the image i get and it's because i love my boss so much and i'm like I don't want to leave them. I'm like, I feel like he needs me. Not that like he does need me, like obviously I can be replaced, but I'm like, I just like, it's, that's like the hardest part for me is like so scary and so sad is like having that conversation of like, oh, like I am moving on. And I know he will support me because he wants what's best for me. But that's just like, it's funny that that's the scariest part where like, you know, sometimes when people like really don't like their job or they really dislike their boss, like they would fantasize about just like, I'm putting in my notice, you know, like I'm leaving. That is so cool that that's like what you're picturing me because I think it means it's like really aligned and like I was super nervous when I put in my notice like of how people would react and if people would project on to me and also I knew that I was leaving
in a pretty difficult time for people we had just re-orged and so there was a bunch of newness and so I felt really bad like I felt like but I'd been planning this for you know months of the timing and regardless of how the re-org had worked out like that was what I was going to do so it was hard for me to then be like oh my god am I leading someone in a lurch here like you know is this a problem and so when I was putting in my notice I was prepared for people to not take it well I was like even if they were happy for me like for them to be really upset for what it meant for them because there was like we were doing a ton of work like it was really hard and so when everyone like started to be really happy for me and then I like told I told like the one lady in HR that I was such a strologer and a business coach and a life coach and so she was just so funny she was so funny she was like oh I don't know like she was shocked and like kind of like I don't know like I don't know what she like how she reacted she did a great job like reacting but it was funny
And so then when I start, you know, I was like, you know what, forget it. I'm not going to lie and tell people I'm just doing some basic stuff. Like I'm going to be completely honest. And you know what? Everyone was so supportive. Everyone was so interested. And I was like, damn, I could have made a lot of connections sooner. Like of people who are also interested in this stuff, like had I just been honest. And so it's like, it kind of gives you that like,
hindsight is 2020 but also like everyone was so supportive but isn't it funny how we go in like thinking like oh my god my boss is gonna be happy for me but it's gonna be so upset and then like you know this is like such a rite of passage for you of like doing that whenever you're ready that it's like anchor that stuff in and as you come up to it like remember these moments remember the day you decide remember the day you start calculating out on the calendar of like okay, this is the day I'm gonna do it. You know, remember that morning, like it's a big deal. And I feel like it as humans, you know, we don't really anchor in those threshold moments of our life once we get to a certain point. But like, these are big moments. Even just you doing that in MLP certification is like huge. Cause the first time you made contact with that vision or maybe the second or third, but like, yeah, that's like really important. And I feel like for the subconscious and for capacity expansion,
it's important to notice those moments and to like really like oh wow like that is that is big like i have moments that have come to me in meditation over the years that are like pivotal moments that i recognize like you know over the years actually you know what one of the moments that i like remember where i was like oh i'm on to something here and whether it was intuitive or like human design or whatever base but we were in a pod Alyssa and I were in a pod in DCI i like a little practice thing and I remember talking to her weeks before like we had just gotten like randomly like put together and you were telling me what you did and a little bit about your human design and I had been like in another training for human design and I heard about the 57th um gate and I was like
Do you have the 57th game of human design? And I was like, cause I feel like you said like you can suss out like people just by listening to them. And you were like, I do, how would you know? And I was like, I don't know. It just feels like something that's like one of your really big skills. And that was like one of those moments where I was like, okay, either I'm like crazy or like I'm onto something here. And that was like really fun.
Yeah, that was like the

Seasons of Self and Intuitive Channeling

coolest thing ever. I was like, Oh my God, you're like a human design, like expert genius, you know, because you're like, I think I was talking about my stories, how like I can talk to someone um because I'm in recruiting. So like, I'll talk, I'll be like doing phone interviews. And I can just like, they're saying the right answers that I want to hear. But their tone of voice, I'm like, you're lying, or like, no, like, you're not really passionate. You know, I can just tell that like, I can just read behind what they're actually saying. And then yo you're like, Oh my God, do you have 57? And I was like,
Yes. And it's like the right it's the right ear. i Yeah, the right ear. The right ear and being able to hear things like as they actually are. And like that's so cool. I don't have that one, but when I was reading about it, I was like, that's really neat. And so knowing that you had it, I can see that like in your gifts, like especially for recruiting, of course. like That's why you probably really love it is because you're able to like use all of your other gifts that are like more esoteric and mystical in this really important and 3D job that you have to like be successful, which is like,
I never really thought of the gifts that really transferred from the mystical side into my corporate world until like maybe the past six months and then I was like oh my gosh but for you I see that transferring into your coaching as well too because like one if you're telling people a bunch of information right about like their gene keys or your human design and you're like coaching them through a difficult transition or something that they're going through you're easily probably able to pick up on Okay, are they getting this? Like, is this is this landing for them? Or do they have another question that they're really not answering? Like, tell me more, you know, that kind of thing. So it's like, it's a gift. It's such a gift to have that and to be able to like, one, know it works because you do it in in the 3d world, you know, and then to be able to do it here too. It's like,
So cool. So it's like, I just, I just think that's really awesome. Yeah. Oh my God. Thank you. No, literally that is like, I just made me realize that that is a gift because I do do that. You know, like I'll be like sharing something and then, and then like, they'll just be like, you know, like they're saying that they understand, but I'm like, I know you don't understand, you know, like, or I can just feel or sense like, or like, Oh yeah. Or how would they even say it? Like, okay. Yeah. And then I can like ask if they have like a deeper question and it like opens up this whole thing. So yeah, that's so true. so that Yeah, the undertone is clear and you hear it like, compar you hear what's really going on. That's so awesome. Yes. Um, okay. So now for my favorite part, I want to talk all about like, what is it exactly that you do? How do you help clients? Can we talk about the seasons of self? Like this is just like astrology, all of the things that you do. I'm so excited to hear about it. Oh my gosh I love that question and it's so fun because when you were describing vocation to me like through resolve it's funny because you're talking about this like vital life force energy and like all this stuff and so that is literally what sparked Seasons of Self. So I'll tell you more about Seasons of Self in a minute but like essentially my clients used to come to me just for business stuff and I realized that like
It, you can't separate you from the business you can't separate life right from business because most of us are solo producers entrepreneurs, and there's no, there's no separation and so I realized it's like I really just want to help women tend to the gardens of their lives like all the different areas come together, sometimes you need to deal with like one area of your garden more maybe there's more weeds maybe one area is experiencing drought whatever like you need to like tend to different areas but like the business is one of those areas right of your life that like needs tending at different times for different reasons and so I help women through intuitive guidance strategy coaching astrology of course you know bringing it all together and one of the main ways that I do that is helping people understand their personal seasons and so Seasons of Self was born out of curiosity I had a coach suggest that we had like different like
She didn't call it seasons, but like different, you know, peaks and valleys in the year. And, um, she was mainly using cycle syncing. And I was like, there's a girlie with a cycle that was irregular at that time that pissed me off. Cause I was like, well, when am I the best? You know, I don't know. My, my cycles like, whatever, wherever she was like Shakira, I was like, okay, I need to know like when I'm supposed to feel good, whatever.
so i was like well wait a minute and i was so connected to nature at this point like after years of like wanting to be connected to nature but like not so i started to like observe what was happening in my garden what was happening around and then i was like okay but i don't feel this way in summer like i don't feel in full bloom at this time and so i started tracking my energy for 18 months And I originally calculated my own personal seasons based on astrology, and then I ended up tweaking them like one month. Like I ended up moving them one month after actually tracking my energy. So I've done this for hundreds of people. I've looked at their birth chart, I've assessed their energy, and you know, helped them figure out their personal seasons called Seasons of Self.
And we use this plus our vitality. How much are we filling our cup? Where are we in resolve, right? To like do this, to understand how do we plan better? How do we meet our needs? Because this is like super important. Like what do we need? What do we want? And like, how can we build capacity to hold everything that we want?
um so all of that comes together I also do some astrology readings just to help people realize how amazing they are it's very gift space like I won't tell you like oh you're a this so like that means bad thing like I'm telling you the highest potential of your gifts so that you can really harness that because I feel like why not, right? Like, you know, we we need to like own that. um And then of course, just like working with women through the meaning we make about money, food, relationships, ourselves, our businesses, different things, because it all feeds into how we show up in the world. So it's super fun. Oh my god, I had no idea that you personally tracked your own energy for 18 months. That is so cool. Like,
That is, I don't know, that just makes me feel like even more excited of like seasons of self because it's like, you basically created this, right? I did! Wait! Oh my god, sorry. I'm having like an insane, like, okay, I'm having like a crazy insane moment because your vocation is line one. And this is like the creator, like you're someone who's supposed to create something new.
isn't that crazy yeah when projector they're like projectors are meant to master systems and i'm like i've mastered all these systems and i don't feel complete i was like what is happening and then i was going to joke with you i was like yeah it took me 18 months to share it with the world i was like line one much like i was doing the line three behind the scenes i'm like let me see if this works let me see how i feel yada yada all that and then like when it came time to share it i was like literally at a party and i like had my phone i was like I have a question. Do you want me to look at your birth chart? People are like, yeah, tell me everything about me. And I'm like, look. And so then I like always ask them the seasonal questions first, like see if I'm on to something. Like, how do you feel right now? Like, what's your energy? Blah, blah, blah. And then people would be like, Oh my God. Yeah. Like I do feel that way. And it wasn't just like.
You know them agreeing like they were like, how did you know that and I was like, okay, I'm on to something here and so get that line one like really came out strong with seasons of self and so as I continue to do this, I was like, well, how do I like explain this in a way people can understand, you know, and like I really take vitality.
Like how do we feel? how How full is our cup at any given moment? Plus our personal rhythmic energy and I combine them and so that's how we figure out like what makes sense for you in any given season. I tell people all the time there are extended seasons of life right so like I imagine um a mother who's like pregnant right like she's gestating she's creating a human she's like super tired that you're in an inner winter extended I don't care what rhythmic energy you have available you're probably going to be going more inward than you are at any other time in your life but then funny enough you deliver a baby and you just go right into summer a time of work you know because you gotta care for a child around the clock
And so, you know, I think of this too with like all different things. I was talking to a woman the other day who was a cancer survivor and she explained how, you know, after she had gone into remission and she didn't like really know like what she wanted to do with her life. And like, there was all these high expectations for when you, um, when you survive cancer that people like expect you to do crazy things. And she's like, I just want to like chill for a bit. Like, I just want to like live my life, do normal things. And I didn't know that that was such a, a thing for, you know, cancer survivors that had, they had this like heavy weight of expectation. like What are you going to do now, you know, like kind of like after you win the Super Bowl or something. And so, you know, she went from and a summer of like treatment and busy and like doing all this stuff and like working really hard into like a personal fall or like a personal winter where she went more inward and was taking time to relax and stuff. And so. these extended seasons play in our life all the time and we know like when you're in a season of burnout I don't care if you have a personal season right now that is summer it's not gonna it's not gonna feel that way and so what I find a lot of people are detached from their own energy cycles
that it first you're kind of like oh I'm supposed to feel this way now and it's like no there's never I'm supposed to feel this way now with seasons of self and that's what I really try to help people understand is that this is rhythmic energy just like earth just like when we have equal day equal night more night and more day like more light and more dark like at the solstices in the equinoxes like we have rhythmic energy available to us but what can we access at that point and the more we can get on like on board with our own energy patterns and our own cycles and everything that's available to us the more we can harness that easier. So it's all about attunement and like understanding and giving yourself grace and actually listening like what do I need right now like what do I really want right now and then figuring that out and so it's super fun and and Alyssa you're in a spring right now which you said before this resonates I'm super excited I was like I'm gonna send you a report I want to see where you're at
Yeah, okay, i that leads me into my next thing that I have to talk about, which is, okay, so I got an intuitive session with Nicole a couple weeks ago, and this was literally... Well, I don't know why I'm like saying Nicole as if I'm not talking to you, but I was kind of talking to the audience, but but this was literally so cool because she... Well, I'll let you talk. I'll let you take it away. Can you just talk about your process and like how like how you do like the intuitive channeling and then you'd like, you know, like what is your process for like writing and then you bring me on and then kind of like talk me through it. And then I just want to talk about like how cool it was. Oh, yeah, awesome. I mean, okay, I had the I had a really cool experience with your guide or like whatever we want to call her because like sometimes my process is different for everyone so of course like I get in my own energy I really clear my own energy away and make sure I'm well protected and I make sure like I have I have pretty staunch boundaries about my channeling because like if not like people will come knocking on the door like
ah like guides and

Trusting Intuition for Self-Growth

things. Like I've been blow drying my hair before and like I was getting ready to channel for somebody and their guides were like, hey. And I was like, oh no, I don't even have a pen. Like I don't even know what you're telling me. So like I do all of that. And then what I love to do is channel, right? And I've been channel writing for years, but I never knew like that I had the ability to like really do it for other people. Like it just, the first time it ever happened, it really freaked me out. Cause I was writing my own journal and I like said something like kind of like invocation. And then all of a sudden I was like writing different. And I was like, oh my God, like this is crazy.
And funny enough though I realized that my channel writing was how I was so successful and corporate for years. Oh my god. I was writing things like because you just basically tune everyone out and you're just like going and I was doing that and winning like major proposals because people are like well how did we come up with the solution and like usually there's like a solution architect like doing that and I was like well I wrote this for them and then they said it was good and I was like I don't know but it didn't make any sense like why would I know this I didn't I wasn't a specialist.
so anyway I was I got into the process I started channeling and sometimes it depends like some channel some guys are like very insistent that I hand write my messages others allow me to type thank you thank you to those guys because I type really fast and allows me to get like a lot of information but I start with a certain thing and then I just go and I see what comes through um and your guide was so cute she was so funny she was you but like different like she was just like you know like princess vibes you know like so cool and i felt like it was really exciting to talk to her um and she told me all these cool things and you know as a channel the more you learn to trust it sometimes you get stuff and you're like oh god how am i going to tell people this like or what is this going to make any sense but you just have to trust right and so i did that i had like three pages of notes and then your guide specifically i forget how many cards she asked me to pull but usually they asked me to pull cards and they asked me to pull specific cards in a certain order from a certain deck did i
like six cards. Yeah. Yeah. you should most that you ever like had a before And had like very specific, like, okay, this section means this and this section means that it was like really cool. So I was like, okay, thank you so much. And so then I kind of like, you know, I closed the session for a bit. And then before we meet, like I'll reopen just a little so that like, if you have questions, I can still tap back in. And I think like half of the time we were talking, I had my eyes closed and I always feel bad because like that just allows me to like tune into like what I hear. No, people talk about their clairs all the time.
And um I definitely have clear knowing, I have clear sight and clear hearing. I have turned off like clear sentience. Like I don't, I'm just not open to that right now to like feel things in the body. and So, you know, but I know we have access to all of them. I think it's just up to us to decide which ones were available for, but it's really fun. And it's one of those things that being a corporate girly for so long, like I hid that. I would never tell anybody that I'm an intuitive, that I can do things like, but I could read people even as a child.
And yeah crazy I was like, if my mom would be like, what do you think of that person? And I'm like, oh no. And I was usually right. Like I knew like at one point my one aunt will never listen to this. Um, but she had a boyfriend. She had a boyfriend and everyone liked him a lot. And I had no reason not to like him, right? Like I didn't really know him, but I was like, something's not right with him. And it turned out he had a whole family.
Oh my gosh. I was like six or seven like I wasn't that old. That's crazy. And I had the visual like he was up in our attic and like he was like handing someone something like they were doing something he was like helping out like he was around you know it was weird and I was just like I was like I'm gonna go downstairs and I was like okay weird and she's like what's up with you like why like why did you go away and I was like something's not right with you. So yeah it's it's a whole it's been a whole journey.
That's so cool. Yeah, it was literally you're so powerful and I feel like the guidance that you gave me like really helped me because it really helped me kind of like honestly completely take off in my business in the past like I would say like three weeks or something because remember I was like so nervous to be like I was telling you like Nicole I really want to do like my readings as recorded because I feel like when I'm in my own energy it just feels so good. I feel like my channel is so open and then um it's crazy because like your channel message before we even started talking she was like oh like you know like you don't need to follow the sequences the way that you were taught and so then like all of these things started unlocking for me and I was like oh my god I can literally like intuitively go around the gene keys I don't have to follow like a certain sequence and so I kind of took all of that
like confirmation and guidance and then just like trusted myself and then since then I've had so many things unlocked for me and I feel like it's just like it's so cool like it's so cool because we already kind of have these like hints of what we want to do but it's really hard to trust ourselves and so having that like intuitive guidance you know and like having confirmation from like our guides or like you know our ancestors or whoever comes through it like gives us so much confirmation that like yes like do it you know just trust it.
i love that and that was so special when you were saying you were like oh my god this makes so much sense i was like oh thank god first off i was like good you know but also i was like oh my gosh because like the way that she gave me the message was like i wouldn't say it's cryptic but it was clearly in words and things that you would understand and that's the most like cool thing i find about doing channeling for others is that like the messages i get the images i get they're all very specific there's something I can understand so that I can translate it to you like very mercurial you know like to understand but then they land with you in a certain way I get like a lot of songs for people too and then I'm like oh that's like really specific and then like I had a client the other day like I gave her a song that was like this song just keeps playing like the entire time I'm channeling for you and she's like
I listened to that song every single morning and I was like, shut up. I was like, I had no idea. And it was like, that was a good song. I was like, oh my God, that's crazy. So yeah, it can be so different, but what I love to do is like say, okay, we know the answers inside. And like my my goal is to help us understand like how to communicate with ourselves, but that self-trust aspect,
we've been taught for so long to ignore our own self-trust at the you know at the expense of ourselves but for like furthering in society like being part of the you know the group and like to you know like work contributing family like all this stuff we've had to kind of like take a little piece of ourself and put it in the corner and then like you know do this and i actually remember like i think it's pretty specific image of you in that channeling where it was like you were like over here like kind of hidden like in this really bright box and then like the other part of you was like out you know like in this other part and it was like the part that you show like it's taking a lot of your energy but like the real magic was kind of like you by yourself. remember like that was like the thing and I was like I don't know how to explain this but like you're like over here and like like the hidden away kind of like hey you know and that's like basically what you were thinking like just doing these readings on your own so I love that but bringing back to the self-trust we've been kind of taught to like no you don't really feel like that I don't know you don't really know that and so it's like hard to say like how can we just
wake up one day and be like, I'm going to trust every whim that comes to me. Like it doesn't make sense. You know, I have this a lot with clients who work with me on their food and like their relationship with food. It's like, Oh, I just want to be intuitive eating. Well, that's great. But like you were never taught how to trust your own signals and yourself. So how can you just expect to like trust yourself when you want to eat a brownie or trust yourself when you think, Oh, I need vegetables. Like it doesn't, it's not that simple. We need to build that capacity.
Um, and I think the same for this. And so what I love to say is like, sometimes you know the answer. You just need someone else to relay the details. And that's what my channeling is really fun because like you asked me, I just want to see where I am on track with like my career. I think that was like, that was it. And then like, that was it. It was very simple, like three and a half pages later, like six cards. I was like, I'm typing. I was like, okay. I was like, cool. And I was like, crap, I hope we answered the question. And you're like, yes. So like, it doesn't take anything. And some people just say whatever I need to hear right now.
you know So you don't have to have a specific question, but it's really it's really fun. And um you know it's one of those things I did hide for so long. And then like my clients, like my my inner circle clients like knew I did that. And they're like, what what are you seeing? What are you hearing? Tell me. I was like, OK. I can toggle back and forth between. like I was like, I think I told you during our session, I was like, OK, this is my strategic lens coming through. I was like, this is me giving like some like just plain advice. And then I was like, OK, now back to like what she's saying. So it's really fun. I love that so much.
um Okay, so how can people work with you? Just to kind of wrap it up, like, what do you have going on right now? Like, what is the Seasons of Self? Like, or how can people find you? How can they work with you? Yeah, so my website and Instagram are the same, So you can find me there. I also have a podcast, the Soulbloom podcast. Alyssa's going to be a guest soon, so it'll be really fun. We talk about, you know, all the fun stuff about life and just It's like a garden chat um and then essentially if someone's interested in working with me and they want to have like a reading, Seasons of Self is a great place to start because it gives you your personal season, it gives you a whole guide um to work with to know what your rhythmic energy is all year round. um I also do astrology readings that are gift space so those are entry like ways to come in and see if our energies vibe and you leave like a really great
presentation and all this fun stuff and then I also do one-on-one sessions and work for personal or business and they're the same we just you know pick the pick the focus and go for it but essentially we're unpacking like what stories are we telling ourselves what are we preventing ourselves from really realizing and experiencing in this life that we want and then I'm a masterful business planner so I just love using seasons and those one-on-ones to like get your next three six nine months like planned and ready to go in a way that meets what you really want to do now what everyone else is telling you to do. Oh my god. Yes, I love that. And um also you have a podcast. Yeah.
Oh yeah, we already said that, I'm sorry. We said that we were about to talk about it. We're about to. We're back over there, it's so funny. We're like on top of mind. Yes, oh

Conclusion and Appreciation

my gosh. Okay, thank you so much, Nicole. This was honestly so fun. I love being in your energy. I literally feel like it's just like, I could just stay here forever. It's just so fun and you have such a beautiful energy. So thank you so much for coming on and just sharing everything that you have going on with my people.
Thank you so much. And thank you for like the mini jinkies reading because the way you describe resolve really just I was like, wow, maybe I have found resolve. Thank you so much. And thank you for having me on the podcast and just in your energy too. It's always so fun. Yay. All right. So thank you everybody so much for tuning in and we will see you next week.
I'm like, if I can find