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63. Unlocking Your Psychic Gifts for a Rational Person, Inner Child Healing with Transformation + Empowerment Coach Shubhangi Shukla  image

63. Unlocking Your Psychic Gifts for a Rational Person, Inner Child Healing with Transformation + Empowerment Coach Shubhangi Shukla

It's Happening For Me
18 Plays3 months ago

Hi beauties!

Welcome to this week, we are diving into all thing's psychic development, inner child healing and getting to learn about the purpose path from Transformation and Empowerment Coach Shubhangi Shukla!

We talk about super relatable things that come up on the purpose/entrepreneur path:

 -Leaving corporate to go full time in her biz

-Coming out of the spiritual closet, and how it's different for each person in her fam

-How to connect to the inner child, practical tips to make it easier

-How to tune into our intuition 

And sooo much more!

You can connect with Shubhangi on insta: and you can grab a free workshop from Shubhangi at

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Introduction of Hosts and Guest

Hello, everyone. Welcome back to the It's Happening for Me podcast. I am so excited that you're here today. My name is Alyssa. I am the host for those of you that this is your first time. And today I have a very special guest, Shubongi, and we're going to get into all of the juicy things that we're going to talk about. But She is a transformation and empowerment coach. And we met each other in our DCI cohort, I think like two years ago at this point, potentially. um And so just to give you guys a little DL of what we're going to get into today. So um she is an expert at helping um exhausted firstborn daughters heal their inner tribe child trauma. um She really helps empower women to feel whole, seen, and valued without losing who they are.

Unlocking Intuition and Psychic Gifts

And my most
favorite topics that we're going to get into is um she's going to teach us all about how to unlock intuition and psychic gifts for more of like a rational person. So this is going to be super juicy for people um especially for a lot of us that listen are very spiritual but I know all of us have friends and family members that aren't and so I'm really excited for this conversation because I think it'll be kind of a good bridge you can kind of teach us like how to maybe talk about these topics in a way that is a little more rational to kind of like connect it to people in our lives. um We're also going to be talking about how to heal inner child trauma and really figure out who you are and talk about some of her favorite um modalities to use. So, yay. Thank you so much for being here, Shubhangi. How are you? Thank you. Thank you so much for having me. I am feeling very excited. It's bright morning for me and i'm I'm just so excited for this.
Yes, I feel like it's kind of so we've been planning this for a while and then you know you guys know how it is like you know some things will come up, so we had to like reschedule a couple times. But i'm so excited and also our time zones are very different so you're in India, so thank you so much for actually like making this happen it's so cool that we're literally.

Global Connectivity and Personal Identity

across the world from each other and we're able to connect. That's one of the reasons why I love like DCI and just the fact that we're really following our dreams. um how would you okay Give us like a quick rundown on what is your big three in astrology and your human design.
Ooh, so i I go by the bathing system. So I am a Cancer Sun, I'm a Capricorn Moon, I'm a Sagittarius Rising, and I'm a 6'3 human design, a manifesting generator with sacred authority.
he Yes, okay, I think that's why I can feel just like voice noting you I feel the sacral response like whenever we're talking to each other like oh my god like this girl's energy just lights me up and I just feel that like kind of sacral response back and forth like when we're talking about things that really excited us so I'm really excited um for

Journey to Spiritual Awakening

today. so before um so For my listeners, we love really talking about kind of like what was your life like before you had this like spiritual awakening? like Were you always as a child intuitive and psychic or is this something that came later in life? and like What was life like before you kind of got into like spirituality and and now being you know a transformational coach?
Okay, so this is so fun to explore because as as a little girl, I was always fascinated by magic, like just the word magic. And I was trying to decipher what it is. Like as as a kid, I'm just fascinated. I'm watching these magic tricks. I'm watching these TV shows and episodes made of fairies. And that there was a very, very famous I'm not sure if you've heard of the news. It was an Indian show called Shakalaga Boom Boom, which was about this boy who would have this magic pencil and whatever he drew, it came to life. So I was always the kid really drawn to these things about magic and creation and and seeing how the word is from that little girl's eyes.
But as I grew up, everyone started saying, like, this is not real. You are creating yourself. It was like this voice in my heart that always said, you are you know you have to explore what magic is and possibly create it. But as a rational person who wanted to be accepted in a very logical family, in a religious yet logical family,
I did not want to go out on the box. So for a really long time I stayed. I had these passions. I would keep them to my personal internet history and not share it with anyone. But during pandemic, something very deep opened within me. It was almost like this knowing of wanting to liberate myself from that box. And as I went forward with discovering different spiritual teachers, I realized, oh, i this feels like hell. This is what I'm meant to do. It started with these energy healings where I just knew intuitively what to heal in my body and how to channel energy. these These are still one of my favorite sessions to do for myself and others. And then I started having these psychic visions and gifts come back.
After a while, it it it was, it was inevitable to not follow this path. It was almost, like there's no other path. You have to go this way. I keep seeing so much, you've experienced so much that anything else fades away in comparison. it's It's like waking up and not being able to sleep again. That's how I would describe my journey.
Mm-hmm. Oh my God. That literally just unlocked memories for myself that I honestly forgot about, of like loving like fairies, you know, and like always being into that kind of like magical stuff. I really was too as a child. So I love that so much. It's it's interesting how like we're so much more open as children and it probably was like, we were probably even way more connected than just like being interested in like fairy tales. Like it probably was real and we were probably just like so tuned into it. Because I think the veil is like thinner when we're children.
before we kind of like get conditioned, but I love that so much. So, okay, so you had this like awakening, like in 2020, things started shifting.

Personal Transformation and Relationships

Was there anything like, how was your like personal, I don't even know if we want to go into like dating life, but like, ah how did you, I don't know, I'm feeling like drawn to that, but how did you change as a person? Like, can you talk about that? And maybe it is like related to like your dating life? I don't know.
Yeah you think the right thing and I talked about this yesterday too and I was questioning should I talk about this because it and was another person but yeah we go for it so one of the moments in 2020 was I I was on my birthday I was turning 24 very excited But I'm sick for three days and I had fever, I had sore throat and you know I thought I'm down with COVID and my sister went oh my god I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die and
It was almost that day I woke up, my body was covered in these red dots. I don't know what they were. And I was like, oh my God, I've contracted a new version of the Corona virus. Like my body has invented something. And I was really scared.
And I don't know anyone who, but on your birthday, it's like, you want to be celebrated. People are calling you. You want to talk, but I was just like, leave me alone. I just want to rest. And that day I have this breakdown moment. I was so sick. I was so frustrated. I was in my job. It stopped giving me any fulfillment.
there was a lot of money, like I loved the money, but beyond a point money stops filling you and I was in the race of getting my next promotion, did not like that, but something within me just kept going. Maybe it was just the momentum that had built up in my job and I didn't want to lose the progress to the position.
So i I remember taking a leave that day because they're very generous to give you birthday leaves. But I was saying all day on the on the bed, my roommate made me some kichri, but those of you who don't know it's lentil and rice soup but we Indians make. And I was having this breakdown moment and I cried. I remember calling out like ma, which means mother, like it's too much, just take this pain away. And I didn't know who I was calling to, but it was it was my first most surrendered moment in in my life where I didn't know who to turn to, what to do, because I had created this life and everyone was supporting it. Indirectly, everyone was like, oh, you have such a great life, you're in this cushy, covering job.
But that day I realized I had also made a promise in in my wailing, in my crying. And I said, help me go out of this. And then I will take this message forward. I will share it with the world.
and but but but And I remember that moment and I cannot help but feel so much love for that vision of me who even knew that she was going to do something because I think the journey has been so crazy but freaking epic.
And my dating life was very interestingly, i I was in a relationship with someone I had met during my school years. We were dating since we were, like I was 16. And I thought this was the man I'm gonna marry. This is the one I'm gonna have my house and my kids with. And I was literally so excited during our and during our initial years very long distance relationship but it was falling apart because I wanted all things personal growth and I wanted to go beyond the box and it was happening at a mental level much before this spiritual awakening moment happened and we were having conversation. I remember I was, we were in a cab ride going to a hotel, a restaurant to have some food and I asked him
what would you like to do if you had to all the money in the book, which is a very competent question we have. And he said, oh, yeah, I would like to travel, but then we have to come back to make more money. And I was like, dude, you're such a wuss kid.
he And I was always trying to groove. I was trying to convince him that the life outside I don't have to drag myself alone. And i I wanted to drag him along with me. But during this time, I started to see the differences. He's an atheist. He was an atheist back then. I'm not sure right now, but he was an atheist. So our our views conflicted a lot. I would do these meditations and he's like, what the fuck are you doing? i would I used to run a club and we did these write-ups. And one day I just suggested, let's write a letter to our emotions in the club. And we were doing that. and
I was telling him and he was like, you are doing all these crazy things. And I did not feel supported by the one person I wanted to build my dream life with. And it was a really hard decision for me, but I'm so grateful for that relationship because it showed me what I really don't want in life. At that time, I was in shock.
When I had to call him and break up and do all the things and stay by myself, um, this happened in 2021 and I was processing the dying of my grandfather. At the same time, he was hospitalized. He was on the ventilator. We knew like my douche knew he was going. So I, and I lost at that time, I lost my complete will to go back

Importance of Growth and Support in Partnerships

to my job. I was an unpaid leave.
tro for a few months. So everything revolved around breakdown and endings in in that moment. And somehow I found the strength, or I'll say the strength found me. And I overcame all that adversity and I am here. I have learned a lot and I'm very proud of the journey that I've had. and Yeah, but that's how we got here.
Oh my god, I love it. I have so many like things that I want to ask or like say about that. But like, okay, first of all, I think so many people can relate, like once we kind of have these like spiritual awakenings, or like we love personal growth and development. And so we're changing, we're like, you know, becoming these different people, we're we're healing our emotions, getting in tune with our intuition.
And then like a lot of people, like their partners aren't. And so I think a lot of people are in that space of like trying to figure out, like wait, if my partner isn't spiritual, is this not the person I'm supposed to be with? And I always felt like it's like not that they have to be spiritual, but it's like what you said. of like They have to be like ambitious, too, and like want to grow. it's like they don't know And maybe like yeah maybe for some people, it is really important that they're also very spiritual. But it's like I feel like if you have someone who also like is supporting you like if he was excited for like the classes you were doing you know and like wow that's so cool like maybe i don't he doesn't get it but like was excited for it i feel like that would be a different story but what do you think about that like people who have partners that like aren't spiritual but they're like really conflicted of like should i stay and grow with this person or not i think the most important thing is even if they're not spiritual and even if they're not ambitious and they support him
Because that's the thing that matters the most. Are they going to support you no matter what? And are they going to support you like the way that you really want to be supported? Because if I, if suppose I am, stay at home, stay at home.
Stay at home, ah my buds. Stay at home, mom. And I have two kids to take care of. And my husband isn't willing to come home and do the dishes so I could take a class. And he's not willing to even hire support to do that. And he could do anything else in the world. But what I'm really asking for, he's not able to give to me.
that that would be That would really make me think, why am I in this relationship? So the support that you can figure out, this is what you really need.
And if that person can give that to you, I think that's still a very beautiful relationship to stay in, but you have to be willing to ask for that support and to have that difficult conversation. Because I know some some of my friends and they have been in beautiful, loving marriages and their partners are not as ambitious.
But, like, they have supported their wives financially they have been there and i I see them as a blueprint of like what I want my relationship to be, and I have this She has three kids and both of the both of the parents, they have jobs outside. And she she was also a DCI friend and her husband is like the biggest cheerleader whenever she's done. He supports her, he helps her invest in everything. There's no question last. And I think that's that's a very beautiful form of love where someone actually wants you to grow and is willing to put the effort to grow with you or to at least be there and slowly catch up.
And the cash out plan is really important for me because as a manifesting generator, I know, and probably you can share the life on this because I don't know what life makes, but I can change my decisions in 30 minutes. Like my whole life is going in this momentum. I'm like, nah, not making sense anymore. We're going in a different direction. So someone who can still accept and go on that journey, even taking his time, but not being narcissistic about like I have made my whole life around you and now you're doing this or being gaslighting that how could you do this to us or being manipulative like we should do this later and not now when your soul is calling those are the red flags those are things we must be really careful of because somewhere deep down our patterns are running that show as well
Because if you didn't believe that, that wouldn't have affect us on some level. It's it's all the mind, body, soul connection. And maybe your soul is showing back to you right now so that you can transcend and grow from that experience and learn, setting some empowering boundaries and standing up for yourself and developing your own personal will and power.
Um, I love that because I think so many people are so quick to, to kind of jump to the end of like, do I have to leave this person? You know, or it's like, it doesn't necessarily have to be like, do I have to leave or do I have to stay? But it's like you said, how can you use this as like your spiritual, like literally use your relationship as your spiritual like training ground and like learn how to set boundaries, how to ask for what you need, you know, because if you're just going to like jump the ship, like those same patterns are going to come up in the next relationship.

Relationships as a Spiritual Training Ground

I love that. That's so, that's so true. Yeah. Yes. Okay. So I just wanted to tell you this other like, ah, I just get so excited because I was looking at your jinkies before we started. And it's so crazy because I was drawn to your um culture sphere. So in your culture sphere, you have, are you familiar with the jinkies or not really? And you don't have to be. let not Not that much.
Okay, yeah, like literally you don't have to know anything, but I just wanna tell you like, so as you were talking about your story of how you were in this corporate job, right? Like you're thriving, you're making money, right? You're like, and you even said like, oh, I kept climbing the ladder, but I didn't realize like, why am I even doing this if I'm not really happy, but I just felt like I had to keep going, right? Well, you have gene key 54 and I also have this as my life's work. So I like, I know this inside and out and it's the gift of aspiration. And so it's really this energy of like,
You deeply want to climb the ladder both spiritually and materially like we're so driven it's it's the gate of drive right it's like we want to drive we want to attain success we want to keep going and it can be so beautiful in the gift because if you think about it.
where you were up until that point, like that did serve you. like That job was ah a really great job for you you know until you started changing even more and like evolving. so um I love this energy because the two shadows, so like the shadow of it is greed and there's like two ways that it can show up. One is like being a victim of drive. like Like you said, like, oh, I wanted to keep going, but I didn't realize that I actually didn't really want that. And what was this thing that was like pulling me up, up, up, you know, it's like you want to keep ascending. So that's kind of being a victim of like a drive. Right. And then the other end of it is being a victim of um
the lack of drive. And so it's really being like, uninbitious. And so that's where we kind of swing in the other direction. You're like, now you're like, Oh, I don't want to do anything. Like even kind of when you said like, you're on a leave, you know, and you're like, I could not go back, like nothing in me could make me want to go back. And it's really that the other end of it where it's like, okay, now like, I had a kind of a similar like existential crisis when I got COVID. And I really tied a lot of my worth up until that point around my job in my corporate job. And like,
So when I got so sick and I couldn't work and I felt literally like dying too, I was like, wait, who am I outside of this role of like the job that I'm doing? right i'm like my I couldn't go back to work for like three weeks and everyone kept working. I was like, how can they even go on without me? like This is crazy. you know And so I started like really questioning my own value and like realizing, like oh, wow, I'm not actually like that job is not my actual value and so I had to kind of like yeah then I kind of like what I can see myself going into like the unambitious swing of it but anyways I just want to tell you like the beautiful part of it is like when you tap into the gift which what what you're doing now is like aspiration aspiration also wants to drive and achieve and climb but
for the greater good of others around them, right? It's like you want to empower other women and help them achieve their goals, help them achieve their highest potential. And it's very tribal energy. So it's like, the more,
prosperity that you have, the more money that you make, it's good for everyone around you, right? Like you want to take care of the people around you. I'm sure like the people are very close to you. You're like, hey, if I win, you will win too. And it's this other like kind of driving force of what makes you want to be successful. um So yeah, does any of that resonate? Yeah, all of it.

Balancing Ambition and Surrender

its is Is it the Genki 24?
This one's Genki 54. And this is what you have this is what you have in your culture sphere, which I'll talk about in a second. But yeah, it's Genki 54. Okay, okay. I feel ambition has been such a strong force all of my life. and The ladder, initially like I named the ladder because it's step by step you do your schooling and then college and then job and then in the job you keep climbing the ladder. And after a point I felt so unambitious in the work aspect but then the ambition came back in the spiritual aspect and I wanted to learn everything and do it da da da da da.
And the space I am in now, especially this year, has been not learning a lot of new things, but integrating and solidifying everything I've learned to not let ambition drive me. I'm not sure how that works, but this year I have not let ambition drive me. I um i feel this was my surrender year it in a lot of senses. Yeah.
Mm hmm. Yeah, no, that makes so much sense. And it's because you're not being a victim of drive, right? Because ah in the shadow frequency, it's being a victim of drive. And so this year, like, oh, I'm not being a victim of drive anymore. You know, like, I'm allowing myself to surrender. I'm allowing myself to like, deeply embody all of the things that I've learned and like, stop like, i do I've been in the same era of like,
you know, we're lifelong learners. So we want to learn everything. Like we want to take all the courses, we want to get all the certifications. And like, I think I've been in this year too, where it's like, no, like, I need to take time to embody what I've learned and become the teacher, you know, like become the leader, become the person who now shares all of this wisdom and knowledge that we have. And that really is aspiration because it's like,
we now are taking everything and kind of like aspiring to yeah just like be our higher selves and then like share it with others and kind of bring people up with us. Yeah, yeah, totally. Yes. Oh my god, I love that. um Okay, so now I'm like so excited because I'm wondering for you. Okay, real quick also before we move on, can you you said that your family is um religious and also very like logical, like rational, right? So like, how is that relationship now? Because I have a lot of people that come to me
with you know this fear of like coming out of the spiritual closet, looking crazy to their family. So a lot of people are still hiding. you know like They're still afraid to kind of... you know it like What you're doing right now is really brave. like And we were just talking, you guys, before we pressed play, but Shabagi literally went on like a press tour this past two weeks of being on... like So many Instagram lives, like doing like podcasts and just like really putting your story out there, which is courageous. And a lot of people I know look up to you. Like even my old self before I started this podcast would look up to people that are like so confident and just able to like share their journey. So can you really speak on like, how has that transition been with your family? Like, do you tell them what you actually do? Do you more just like, Oh, I do mindset stuff and not really get into it. Like, how how is your relationship like with your family?
Oh, wow it's it's very different with each member of my family. So wow, this is, it is definitely very different from when I started the relationship that I have with my family because initially a lot of my personal growth started because I wanted to stand up to my family and say, I do not want this thing that you want for me.
And at that time I was a very weak timid shy girl who was very afraid of hurting her family. So that's that's where I started. Now the relationship is very different with everyone. I have drawn boundaries with my family. My family knows, like even for the school, I said, I'm going to be there for an hour. Don't disturb my face. And my mom understands a bit of my psychic gifts and she understands my intuition is strong because sometimes I've said some things and she's able to relate, though that that's not like a full reading or stuff.
My dad doesn't know and if he would have his way he would still want me in a girlfriend job now. ah he If it was up to him my mom is more open, my mom is also learning more and the things that I used to tell her three years back she's now understanding it through some different teachers but she's on a journey so I'm letting her be in her own space and my siblings have been fascinated. I have two younger siblings so they're they're fascinated, they're very supportive and yeah the rest of my extended family doesn't know and some of them know I cannot want to keep it personal until not exactly short until when but
I feel a lot of times when we tell people and they question us, we, even though we might be really strong build it, it takes something out of that dream. And if they're not, and the way that I tell myself is if they're not going to be my clients, if they're not going to be learning from me, why have I been care telling them?
To be very honest, like I'm a very logical thinker. in this In this frame, you can understand the logic because it makes no sense. I don't need their approval anymore. I did at some point, I don't need anymore if they don't accept my psychic gifts. I'm not cool. The word loves it. I don't care right now.
So something i I was really afraid of was sharing this part of me and people finding out. I had to really work through that fear of being seen and now I don't i didn't give a fuck. So but that's where we are.
Yes. Okay. I love that so much because I feel like people, again, either think like, um, I, I talk about this all the time where it's like, people think there has to be this like coming out of the spiritual closet where you're like sitting your parents down, right? And you're like, Hey, I have something really important I need to tell you. Like I'm a witch or like, you know, like, you know, I'm psychic. And I'm like, think about From their perspective, is that really the best case scenario for someone who really loves you, right? Like are they want the best for us. They literally love us. Their minds are so set it on their own like religious ideals or whatever. Nothing that we say is ever going to convince them. And if we set them down in this like really weird like serious
conversation, it's going to almost feel like we're like an occult or something that's like the the sense I get and like they're going to be more scared for us. Like I just feel like nothing good is gonna come from that if you try to like, oh, I need to like sit them down and have this like very serious conversation. It's like, so I always like recommend like to my clients like, oh, just literally Live your life. Like, live your life if they ask you, hey, what'd you do today? You can, you know, kind of be open to how much you want to tell them like, oh, like I was on a call. Oh, what was it about? Oh, it's a mindset call. And then just kind of like test the waters like for each person. I love how you said like each person is so individual because it's so true. Like we're going to have different relationships and everyone's going to have their own
you know, sense of like depth or understanding or curiosity about what we're doing. But I really love just that idea that you have of like, who gives a fuck and like not holding yourself back from that fear of being seen and also being okay with like, that some people just don't know, you know, like you're you're not gonna Like maybe in this lifetime you'll never ah sit down with your dad and talk about psychic things, right? And that can be okay too, right? Because they can literally be so separate. And also like they, if you think about like our parents or whoever like the judgment we're afraid of, they're not like sitting us down and running everything by us that they're doing in their life, right? It's like they're not worrying about our feelings around their decisions to live their life. So it's kind of like, yeah, I think that's, I love the energy that you have around it.
Yeah, I also want to bring an aspect of inner child over here because that's so important in it because our parents, especially like I'm speaking from my experience as a six three. i'm I'm always such an experiential person. and As a parent, they have seen you in that mold. And if you try to break that mold all at once, their system will be shocked and your system will be shocked.

Family Acceptance and Self-Expression

And the system that yours will be affected a lot is that inner child. Because even if you sit down and have that conversation, the instant rejection, even if it's not complete rejection, but it's like, what the fuck are you talking about? Like that can feel such a big rejection to your inner child.
it it It will shatter everything and put you even deeper in the closet. And self-confidence is, because I remember having, so I had to share about this. So we were on a DCI call, the calls used to be like 1030, 1030, it was 1030 at the time. And we were doing this meditation when the war was breaking out, the Ukraine-Russia war, I think. do Do you remember that? No, I don't remember that specifically.
Okay, so I'm not sure. So we were doing some form of meditation and together on the call. It was night and I was crying my eyes out and the call had ended but I was crying because of all the love that was flowing in my heart. heart And my dad walks in at 10.30 and he's like, I tried. And I was like, oh, I was in a meditation. And he's like, why the fuck do you do these things? Oh my God. We've been having the conversation in Hindi. He did not say this, but the sentiment was the same. And but he was, I don't understand why you're so weak. Why do you have to cry all the time?
And I said, that is the day I stood up for me and my inner child and I said that it's not weak to cry. And that was such an empowering moment for that. For some reason, I don't know something shifted in my dad's heart I think that day, because he put his hand on his heart and I was literally scared for two minutes, I have given him a heart attack.
oh Like literally, like like his face went really weird, but I think in that moment standing up, I healed something within me and within him at the same time. So sharing your truth is so powerful. It can impact people you don't even know how it's impacting. At that moment, I got a glimpse of how powerful my voice and my truth could be. And that was literally more than three years ago. I think two years back, it it's not a very long time, like 10 years ago, but two years back, but, and being able to back myself in that moment when I was still scared and I was still in the spiritual closet, when I was still going through the first program that I would sign up for. It was really hard, but in that moment, my soul was like, go.
girl you can either shut down today or you can you can say it and i was so tired of putting my emotions back and not crying because i'm a big crier guys i'm a big crier i love releasing emotions same so in that moment i really felt empowered and i tell this story a lot because nothing happened to him thankfully i'm very grateful nothing happened to me but a fear had been broken and something that was always pushed under the rug it came out the emotions came out so ever since that day he never questioned like why are you crying and sometimes when i'm doing meditations i go to the terrace i go to secluded place in the house somewhere and my parents don't come
They know I'm gonna, maybe I'm gonna cry if they are not able to see that. So they'll have that boundary themselves. They'll just respect that. So sometimes you don't even have to repeat 10,000 times, but a powerful embodiment will this just bridge the cast. I'm very passionate. I'm not finding any words for this. Yeah, no, i I love that so much. And it's like,
It's like when we fully believe in what we're doing and we're just like, this is what I'm doing. like I believe in it. It's almost like this energetic shift where they're like, oh, okay. It's almost like it gives them safety because they're not scared for us because they realize that like it's something that we really are like really serious about and love. you know like Almost like you standing up to him who was like, oh, wow. like Okay, you know, and now he sees like how serious it is that for you and that you take meditation.
Yeah. Yeah. Okay, so can you, this is my favorite part that I'm so excited to ask you about. So can you talk to us all about How? Okay, first of all, I also think it's interesting that you have a line two in your profile because you probably don't have a specific way. Well, maybe you do. I'm going to ask you, but you might not have a very specific way that you learned how to like channel or to like be intuitive or to like unlock your psychic gifts. Like but I'm guessing it's probably just like a natural ability that came to that might be hard to explain because I'm also a line two. But can you explain to us like how can, how did you
And how can someone like tap into their like psychic abilities or like, what do you have to say about the topic?

Connecting with Inner Child to Unlock Abilities

Oh, that's, that's like a whole bit topic we can, we can explore it. always the day So one thing that I would really recommend anyone who was there, first of all, you
You have to connect with the inner child because when we come through, we are not conditioned. We are actually enslaved. No beliefs, nothing, nada. It's the closest to source we are. And at that moment, our psychic abilities are fully there.
they are there we know and what what senses are active so the quicker you could connect to your inner child and start developing trust with her and asking her what she feel this magic what she how does she express herself being creative, being being able to talk to her is so key. It's an underrated part of intuition and psychic abilities because like you said at this in in the middle somewhere that as as kids we are so in tune, as kids we we are not so judgmental of ourselves even. So we came with all these gifts and because we have different charts and everything that shows us what our psychic abilities are,
um we already know that was there when we were born. So how can we start accessing that instead of thinking, I mean, I love courses, don't tell me not, I want to do all the courses with the word. But instead of going to the course first, start connecting with that deeper part of you, which is a child, and asking her, what does she feel is magic? ah How does she want to but perceive magic? And slowly,
As you start communicating, you'll see how she expresses herself. Maybe she's drawing and while drawing you get insights and you start listening to, okay, this is the voice actually. This is not me. This idea is not mine. And it will come at your most random moments.
you get the biggest hits. I get my biggest hits when I'm not doing anything, when I'm grooming my house, when I am literally I don't have a pen or paper next to me is all the time I get the good ideas. And once you can connect with your inner child, also start developing your own discernment of the voice. So what is the voice? That's intuition versus what's the voice of my mind.
And another thing is being so grounded and deeply in tune when you're receiving something to understand if it's fear versus intuition, if it's judgment versus intuition, whether it's your little me running the show versus your high me guiding you.
And being a psychic for me is more than just doing all the good stuff and doing readings. It's being in tune with who I am and making decisions from that very authentic place, which feels scary. Ask me, like, I have done the scariest things I couldn't imagine five years back.
But it feels so right like in your heart you feel this stillness, not this is the way I have had that even before I was reading for people even before I had signed up for any special course. When you know in your heart is when you know it all.
So connecting to your inner child, getting grounded, connecting to your heart, you will start to see what your pattern of intuition is. And once you start disc designing the pattern, you can own it with different teachers, courses, all the things you learn online and test it, test your intuition. So whenever you meet someone, and this this used to happen with me even before I became spiritual, I would send some people and I would just get a really bad taste in my mouth.
or something just didn't feel right and eventually they would prove themselves that why this did not feel good so learning to have Just little experiments. Experiments are my best friends. If you are 6 or 3, you love experiments. Do those experiments. Do test out, again, I'm going to meet this new person. How do I feel? And for that feeling, you don't have to be up here. You have to go down in your body. So body work, being grounded, inner child, all of that is just the magic you need for developing your psychic gift. I hope that answers the question.
I can't hear you.
Can you hear me now? and Okay, sorry, I accidentally pressed mute. No, that answered my question so beautifully. And for someone who doesn't know or just hasn't had a lot of experience with connecting with their inner child, what are some practices that you recommend? Like, would it be like meditation? Like what, like what, how would they connect to their inner child?
a one of the things that I love to do is watching my old photos and that's that's that's very intriguing you start to see who you were and you can meditate with that photo you can journal with that photo so having that clear view of your inner child at first health and then you can go without the photo and explore in your meditations without it. But having a photo is such a physical keystone even to connect with your inner child. And connecting with your inner child is as simple as trying out things that you love to do as a child but did not get to do. Like I used to, I used to love dancing. My parents even had no clue. I was having this conversation with my mom. She had no clue. I loved dancing. And
I'm, but I did. So for me, dancing was a big release and connecting to my body, but so much more to my inner child and listening to songs of that era, listening, or listening to things that belong to that time.
it can start unlocking those memories. So with the photos, with songs, with movies, even we're trying to unlock that part of you. So she starts coming in bits and pieces and you could take it deeper and do more things that you really liked as a child. And if for someone who doesn't have those memories or is too scared and none of this works out, I would have encourage you to try new things like Go for a dance class, go for a music class, go to a painting class, do anything that brings you out of your mundane logical mind and puts you as a newbie anywhere.
like maybe maybe go to doing a rock band class day one one or go swimming or go something where you're a beginner. And that also starts unlocking so much more. And sometimes it would be fear. And underneath that, it will be, oh, that little child's scared. I need to soothe him or her. And with that, you start instantly building that connection and talking to your child.
Mm. That's so good. I when you said swimming that unlocked a memory for me where I used to pretend like to be a mermaid and like go swimming with my little friends like I love that. Um, so how do you specifically like what is your favorite way to work with clients and like use your intuitive um, and psychic gifts, like what, what do you love to do to help people? Like, what is your, but if you could like, name it or like, you know, think of something specific, like, how do you like to help people and like, kind of like, what problem are you solving for them? and So,
well, the problem I'm solving for them, the most important one that I feel is connecting them to the inner child and helping them love themselves. because we've received so much conditional love. And specifically for me personally, I feel that I had received a lot of conditional love. Even though it may have been unconditional, it felt conditional to me because I was an a grade student. I was a top performer. So all the time, I didn't know if people liked me for what I did or liked me for who I am. I loved me for who I am.
For me, unconditional love and tuning into my spirituality for unlocking that, tuning into my own psychic girls, tuning into my inner child who were key for me to harness, I guess, more love for me because I was outsourcing it. I was outsourcing it to my ex-partner. I was outsourcing it to my friends. I was outsourcing it to everyone, but not to the source where it really needed to come from.
So my my the problem that I want to solve is that I'm solving right now is helping women heal their inner child so they can connect and feel that unconditional love. My deeper mission is to help heal the divine feminine in all forms that I can.
So the way that I love to do this work is I work with a lot of women or any man if he wants to work with his feminine energy. We go through this process of connecting with yourself, identifying who you are, because that's where we start on the spiritual journey where we forget and we question everything. We go into the depths of who we are, what our beliefs are, how are we manifesting those beliefs through our actions and what's but's coming up in our reality, what are we ready to share?
And we have like, I have coaching sessions and I have healing sessions. So both of them are very close to my heart. So in coaching sessions, you know, it's, we're talking, we're uncovering. I'm getting, as I'm getting stuck against science, I turn my clients in the moment, you know, that you need to hear this or you just need to go and do this. Sometimes it would be as simple as go take it out of class. I think that would be really beneficial. How does that feel for you?
or sometimes we are actually dancing on the call. It's like, I've done that with my fans. They were pushed on music and danced. Sometimes we do some release work. um My specific release works is what I do in my activation sessions or healing sessions, as you might call them. It is my first gift, so it's very it's very close to me connecting you, channeling um channeling your energy through.
through the heavens, through the earth, clearing up the energetic system, releasing all the blocks that there are. That is my favorite. like We shouldn't have favorites, but that that's the session that brings me most fulfillment. So that's how there's a mix of these sessions, depending on who comes and what their journey is, but mostly using my kids to understand where you're playing is small, where you're telling yourself, little me, that's like, I cannot do this because I wasn't able to do this back then. or
I have this fear and how can we transcend and move through that fear? How can we love ourselves deeper? I feel love is something I craved all my life and everything ultimately for me comes back to love and loving ourselves. And even though there's bougie ways to love yourself, like the whole box and candles and everything.
what you feel about yourself is still the most effective way to love yourself. And we might forget that in the charms of all the expensive personal care products. That's not the personal opinion. We might forget that. So just bringing you to the ground reality of this can happen, yes, but how do you feel with it when nobody's watching? Do you still love yourself? Do you still love yourself when you're not Going out and making memories and just sitting and not really having anything to show for it. Can you find love for you in stillness? So that is where I lead my clients to find that love in those uncomfortable moments and situations.
and That's so beautiful. And I feel like that literally is like the healing point for the

Self-Love and Success

world. It's like that literally is where everything starts. Like if women want to feel like successful in their career, if they want to have a loving partnership, if they want to make a lot of money, it's like it all comes back to our relationship with ourselves, like literally. And so I love, I love how you like incorporate inner child healing and all the work you do. That's so juicy.
Yeah. Yeah. What would you say? Okay, so for people who, um, well, I don't have any skeptical listeners on here because everyone loves spirituality and and everyone's like, like obsessed, but what would you say um are some, what would you say to people who are like, what do you wish people knew about like psychic abilities? That's just like not true. You know what I mean? Like, are there any myths or anything that you're like, no, it's literally not like that. Does that make sense?
Um, it does.

Challenging Myths Around Psychic Abilities

So one thing that people are scared of when it comes to psychic abilities, spirituality is that there's something that will harm them. And it often comes this fear, it's almost the fear of unknown, but also the fear that if this does not harm me, how will my belief system still work?
So a lot of people who are skeptical about things and you might have friends or family who would still be a bit snarky about the whole spirituality stuff. They are really scared of the truth that hides within them and they just want to project their boundaries of protection on you.
When they don't want to admit something to themselves, or even when I don't want to admit something to myself, I will project it on the other person because I don't want to take responsibility for it. Being on the spiritual path and second guess one of the things that you need to learn over and over again is taking accountability for your own actions.
So people are really scared of taking accountability for their beliefs and what they believe to be true. Because if you start believing something new, it might break all the existing beliefs. And that makes us vulnerable because if you're believing something new and someone else finds out and they're not in that transition journey with us, just like that happens with so many of us during our spiritual healing journey.
they They don't want to be a alone. A lot of people don't believe in this because they don't want to be alone. They don't want to let their belief systems crumble. And a lot of people think spirituality or psychic earth is about dark magic. No, it's not. Something I believe about dark magic and it was shared by one of all the teachers I follow is If you do believe there's dark magic, you're giving your power away. So it's a word of your soul of Lexus Jakra. It's nothing more than that.
So, and a lot of people also think that being a psychic means you have these dark curtains and like beads hanging and a crystal ball. and You're getting the image, right? And like, where is that jewelry out of rocks and stones on gadaada and yada, yada. I don't know, honey. Like, see me. like I claim to be psychic. I have nothing like that. i I feel a lot of stereotyping comes when it comes to the word psychic. Even concert the image that comes up when you hear the word psychic. A lot of, we need to do a lot of unconditioning for that. This is
Um, and something I thought in one of my workshops is you need to uncondition what you believe about the word psychic to gain the clarity on your psychic. Because when you're against the word, there's almost a part of you protecting you from it. And we need to have that conversation. It could be an inner child. It could be a parent figure who, who put that belief in your head.
It could be anyone, it could even be a cultural belief that you just followed and took up. So, unconditioning that word psychic is the biggest gift you can give yourself to unlock your psychic abilities.
and and I totally agree because I think what happens too is um so I learned Akashic Records. That's how kind of how I learned to tune into like my gifts and um I feel like one thing that really helped me excel at it before that I learned Quantum Reiki. So I feel like what helped me excel at that is not being rigid right like what my mentors teach is like if we're very rigid like if we're holding our hands like you know super tight with the beliefs and like it's like nothing can come in but if we allow ourselves to just be like very open and be like oh I'm like who knows what's gonna happen today right like and just kind of like allowing ourselves to like move out of the way and just like allow whatever to come in and also like completely you know look at our relationship to time and space because like you know time and space can also really get us like as humans like
really messed up on like being able to be less rigid. But yeah, I totally agree. It's really like questioning all of the things that you ever believed about like the lady with the crystal ball and the creepy like you know black room with all the crystals like hanging down. you know It's like, no, it's literally not like that. And what fascinated me was that it's very subtle. like The way that I started getting information coming through, like I imagine people, and um I know it's different for everyone, but I just imagine people For example, who had the ability to like see things, I thought that like the site was so clear like they're watching a movie screen right here and it's like wow they're seeing so clear. And then for me when I started being able to see things it's like oh I'm seeing things in my mind's eye that is it's not so clear for me or like super bright it's just like
It's just kind of there and then just allowing myself to trust that or allowing myself to trust the thoughts that are coming through or the things that I'm hearing and just kind of like going with it. And I think a lot of times our ego can get in the way and be like, oh, I don't want to say what I'm hearing or seeing because like that doesn't make sense. But it's like in a spiritual realm, like nothing really makes sense. We have to kind of like bring it through. And as we kind of like speaking it, it starts piecing together. Like do you resonate with that too?
Yeah, how though I do say things. Okay, so I love this. So do you they see things like very clear, like as if literally you're watching a TV?
it It mostly comes as an image. It's not a video. It comes as an image, but it's subtle. So I could see like a woman sitting on a bridge with her feet dangling in the water. Like those are the kind of images I will get. Now I have to interpret it, what it means for me. So mostly they will give me an image and it will decide for it. And the cool thing is ah So a couple days back, I did a session for a friend and we decided to do an exchange. and She was asking like, what do you want to do? And I kept seeing this golden card and I did not know what the golden card means. So I was like, okay, probably Diwali is coming. Diwali is a very bright festival and in India. So probably I want you to do a card reading in Diwali or during that time for me.
And that is how we ended up doing it. And just this week I was in a workshop from another teacher and she literally had that image of the golden card and the same friend had invited me. So it was not it it was not even exactly how I was being led, I was just deciphering it, but I was led to where I'm meant to go.
somehow that friend and I were connected and the fun thing we both won prizes in that workshop so it is complete win-win. That is so cool that's almost like okay would that be like a premonition because it's like you kind of saw something that was like really there in real life and you're like oh my god i fucking saw this before it like it happened.
Yes, I do often see those things. I've seen some glimpses of even my own future. Sometimes I see for other people but when a client comes, I can see what their biggest potential is, if their spare guides want to show me, and I will guide them towards it. Sometimes I will share the vision with them. So it's almost like the picture, that thing. I've been very good with visualization. That's why my own activations and everything is having that sense of okay we are going to do this really good thing and yeah the the visualization gets up really strong for me so that's and that's and the funny bit is because i think i was i was unconsciously sharpening that muscle because i used to read a lot of fiction and Harry Potter and stuff and i used to imagine things in my mind
how that would look like because I they didn't go to a lot of movies. Even I still don't like movies. I like reading and conjuring that image in my mind. So I was mourning that gift all through my childhood. Not even knowing. That's why I say go back and connect to your inner child and how she did things. Because for me, my inner child was always mourning this visualization gift. And now I get to use it in my psychic abilities. And i I also do hear sometimes I get a feeling that the visualization part is almost like 75% of my gift, I would say.
I freaking love that. I love how it makes so much sense of connecting to the inner child because some people, for example, my boyfriend didn't read, we were just talking about this the other day, which is crazy, but I was telling him how like, oh, I loved reading as a kid. Like I loved reading. I have so many memories of like going to the library and like getting all these books and like seeing visually things and like using my imagination. He didn't read a lot growing up. And so he doesn't produce those own images. Like it's really hard for him to like,
see something or even tap into his imagination. um So that makes so much sense that if we can go back to what we did as a child, those senses are going to be like our strongest ones and probably come online more when we like really like sharpen them. I freaking love that. That is so cool. Yeah.
Oh my God, I love that. Okay. So, okay. I feel like I could talk to you forever and I have so many questions, but I know we do have to wrap things up. So can you, um, I know you already kind of talked about like your favorite way to like use your gifts and like what sessions look like, but like what exact sessions are like, you know, do you have workshops? What do you have going on right now where people can actually work with you?
I have a really surprise workshop coming up. It's it's not out here, so you can join me live for the workshop. It's going to be about your personal power. So you just got a sneak peek. And I do have some old workshop recordings that you can watch. One of them is about intuition and psychic gifts. Another one is about becoming your own healer. And if you want to to date da dive deeper. i would but If you want to dive deeper, ah we can do a one-on-one session. We can and explore options and activate your energy systems or get your cycle gets moving. So all the options are open right now. And also, if you listen to the episode, just let me know how which part landed the most for you and what did you enjoy more. and
Maybe Elissa will ask me to do a podcast episode again to talk more things. Yes. Oh my God. Of course. Like this, I feel like my inner child is like so happy right now because just having this like idea of like being able to talk about like fun, like witchy, like spiritual stuff, like with other people, it's like, it makes me so happy. What's your Instagram? I'm going to put everything in the show notes, but just so people can hear. What's your Instagram? Yeah, it's Shabangi coach, which is my first name and then followed by the word coach.
Perfect. I'll put everything in the show notes so everybody has it. Oh my gosh, amazing. This was so nice. Thank you so much for coming. ah Literally, I'm obsessed. like I feel like it's so fun and so interesting. like Just all of the workshops that you have going on, just everything, all the intuitive stuff, psychic stuff, it's just like it's so fun. It makes me so happy. so I know everybody's going to be really excited to hear this. so Thank you so much for coming.
Thank you so much for having me. I enjoyed the conversation, and but I'm so glad and we did this. Yay. Okay. Thank you guys so much for listening. I hope you have the best week ever, and we will see you guys next week. Bye-bye. Bye.