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64. 5 Game-Changing Shifts That Skyrocketed My Biz After 3 Years of Slow Burn image

64. 5 Game-Changing Shifts That Skyrocketed My Biz After 3 Years of Slow Burn

It's Happening For Me
21 Plays3 months ago

Welcome beauty!

This week I share ALLLLL the details of my soul biz, over the past 3 years of experiencing a slow burn to everything completely changing over the last 3 months--unlocking abundance, prosperity, sales, dream clients, and opportunities. 

I share all the juicy details and share the exact shifts you can make to step into this iconic identity of being an Expert Coach/Healer/Guide and calling in your dream clients to be of service to!

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Introduction and Podcast Intentions

Hello, my friend. Welcome back to the It's Happening for Me podcast. I am your host, Alyssa. I am so happy that you're here with me today. So if you are listening on audio, hello. If you're looking on video, here I am. I'm going to be posting these to YouTube. So if it's not quite there yet, you might be watching me on Spotify or Apple podcasts, wherever you're tuning in from. Hello, hello. So today is Sunday.
November 24th.

Gratitude and Transformation Journey

And I, you guys, am feeling so grateful, so, so grateful for my life, for my purpose. And I wanted to create this episode to really a vulnerable share with you how my life and specifically in my business and my purpose has completely transformed over the past, maybe like three months. And I have been in business for two and a half to three years now. And it has been a long journey, okay? Entrepreneurship is crazy, you guys. It's literally crazy. yeah um And yeah, I've had the biggest shifts so far. Like I feel like the kind of, I always had this image of like the water faucet just like turning on, like when it's just gonna take off and like things are just gonna start happening. The aligned clients are gonna start pouring in and like everything is just gonna,
just manifest into what it is, right? And I feel like that's literally what has happened over the last three months. And up until this point, you guys, it has been extremely challenging, like emotionally, financially, um just belief wise, like all of the things. And so I'm, I cannot even describe to you like,
I feel, you guys, like I am literally living in the gift and in the civic states of my jean keys, like almost like 90% of the time at this point.

Lessons Learned in Business

Like I have so much energy coursing through me. I feel so creative. I feel so lit up. I feel so connected to who I'm helping. I feel so connected to like my creativity and like creation, right? And helping people, serving people and just like,
It's crazy you guys like I it's just I don't know I'm just literally like buzzing and I can like tap into this frequency all of the time and Nothing has really changed in my outside environment. And so I wanted to really I wanted to really share with you guys five kind of like lessons, tips, crazy um realizations that I feel like have led me to this place. And no matter where you are on your purpose journey, like whether you're still discovering your purpose, on your entrepreneurial and um business journey, right like maybe you've been doing this for a while, maybe
You can be in so many different places. Maybe you feel really stuck and it feels like things just aren't moving and you feel like you're at a plateau and you're like, okay, I just feel so stuck. Maybe you are continuously showing up and like putting things out there, creating offers, you know, showing up on social media, but like you're just not getting the traction that you want.
Or maybe you're doing really good in your business, right? Like, good, we can say in like quotation marks, because it really is no good. But we can say that maybe you are, um you know,
you're thriving, right?

Spiritual Entrepreneurship

Like maybe you have clients, you're seeing clients regularly, you're creating things, but there's still this piece of like alignment and abundance and like fulfillment that you just want to unlock to get to the even next level. And so I think that these five things that I have discovered for myself, like will really, really help you just take it up to like the notch, right? Like take it up to the next notch to come back to yourself, to come back to fully believing in yourself, fully believing in the purpose,
fully believing in the universe, fully trusting yourself that if you have a vision for your life, and if you have this idea of something that you want to create, like it is there for a reason. And I really, really, really believe that the entrepreneurial path is like an initiation, like it is a full on spiritual fucking initiation. And to like, okay, spirits, like you have this um purpose on your heart, you have this idea,
How much are you really about it, right? Like how, like, okay girl, you say you want to do this, but are you going to do the thing? And are you going to keep showing up even when it feels like nothing's working? Are you going to keep showing up? Because there are things happening, to you guys, behind the scenes that we cannot see.
right like There are things conspiring for us in our favor at all times. There are people who ah really, really like you, who really enjoy your work. As my coach says, you have secret admirers who are always like looking at what you're doing, and they're so excited for what you're doing. and It's just this culmination of like putting everything together, keep showing up, like keep tapping into your creativity, and then I really believe that like when everything's aligned, things like the the s floodgates do turn on.

Success vs. Fulfillment

and If you're already feeling successful in your business and you just want to tap more into like even more, like just feeling so good because you can be so successful in your business, whatever success looks like to you. right You can be having the clients, you know being of service, but how do you feel internally? Are you overflowing with energy and buzzing with excitement and creativity and you can't wait to get on the calls with your people?
You can't wait to create. You're just so excited. Or are you in a state of burnout where you feel like you've overextended yourself? Maybe you are running programs or offers that no longer feel aligned and it feels dreadful getting on a call, right? Or maybe you're so successful and you've created this huge following, you know, in a specific quote unquote niche or like thing that you teach and You're like so in it, but you're no longer lit up and you just wish so bad. You can switch and like switch over to this other thing that would actually give you peace, fulfillment, joy, satisfaction, like delight and really like fill you up, right? But you just kind of feel stuck in this place that you're at, even though on paper it looks like you're successful, right? So wherever you are on that path, just know that you're exactly where you're supposed to be.
like That's one thing that I have realized in the past three months and three years of doing business is like literally, you guys, we could not be anywhere else than where we are right now. We couldn't. we we couldn't we could If we could, then we would be there. right so This is our journey. This is our path. and There are these shifts that we can make right in our perspective and our identity and our beliefs about ourselves that can literally change the trajectory of like where we're going today, this in this very moment, right now.

Identity and Perspective Shifts

like We don't have to wait. And I used to really believe this. I was like, oh, I must have to just wait for like months or a couple more years of success till everything's going to unlock. It's like, actually, things can literally change overnight.
Literally, things can change overnight. You could create some really cool offer that you're freaking obsessed with, right? That feels so aligned. Your heart, your energy, everything is just like, fuck yes. like I love this offer. You can start showing up. You can start sharing it. People can share it with other people. And then people can literally tell other people about it. And literally, you can sell out your offer overnight. like It really can be something that happens quickly.
So, we don't need to put distance between ourselves and our desire or our big manifestations, right? And also, at the same time, we can release this need to have it so controlled and to know exactly how it's going to work out and to need to know, like, all the details of, like, who are we going to call in? Exactly how is it going to look?
You know, like, what is the timeline? Because when we do that, we're really gripping our, like, manifestations, like, so tightly. And we're being so controlling over it, where it's like, the universe god source could be like, okay, well, you want to do this, but I actually have something even crazier in store for you that I can never imagine. And if you just let go a little bit, girl, I could help you connect the dots, right?
Okay, so let's get into it.
Okay, I just had to close my blinds. I live on the second floor. um And before, like the sun was still kind of out when I started. But at night, when the sun completely sets, you can completely see into our apartments. I was like, let me close my blinds. Okay, so let's get into it.

Alignment in Business Focus

So I want to teach you the five things that have like, literally unlocked everything for me.
And just to kind of first paint the picture of like where I'm at and where I was. So I have been on my sole purpose slash spiritual business journey for about two and a half to like three years ish, give or take. And I during that time have really kind of like switched around a bit from the things that I offer right but it's always kind of been like it's always kind of had this like bigger picture of purpose it's always kind of been there but it just showed up in different flavors so when I first started I first started offering Reiki healing and then I transitioned when I got my spiritual life coaching certification I started doing what I called sobriety goddess coaching because I
um Now I've been on the sobriety journey for eight years. At that point, it was probably like five years. And I just felt like, you know, from everything that I was learning from the programs that I was in, everyone always said like connect yourself, like really connect your why, connect to the thing that you've overcame, that's gonna be the thing that you help others with. And so I took it a little bit really literally and I was like, oh, I must have to help people um on the sobriety journey. And that just felt like really good in the moment. So I was really excited about that. I created offers around it.
I actually was so grateful to be a part of a beautiful, beautiful community, A Sober Girls Guide, which shout out to Jess, frickin' love you. um if you don't If you haven't heard of A Sober Girls Guide podcast, I highly recommend if you are on the sobriety journey. It's literally, listening to that for years before I ever met Jess, literally has complete, like it changed everything for me on this on the sober journey. I was never really someone that resonated with like,
I don't know. I never really sought out anything that had to do with sobriety. I more was looking for more spiritual kind

Sobriety and Business Evolution

of stuff and like personal growth and development. And what I really love about a sober girls guide is it always, she has interviews with guests who are like bad ass like entrepreneurs and people just like creating really cool stuff in the world who are on the sobriety journey, right? That used to be used to be alcoholics or whatever. And so she would first kind of talk about like where they what where their starting point was. And like, I could really resonate to like their chaos, like their before story, I was like, Oh, my God, I resonate so much. And then to see and hear them now be at a place in sobriety and just be so successful, like in their businesses and like everything that they're creating and being like, literally night and day, I was like, Oh, my God, like I
look up to these people so much. So that podcast really, really helped me on my sobriety journey. And then it's so crazy. This is so aligned for like my design, my life's work and my, um, my conscious son in human design is gate 54, um, which is the gate of aspiration, the gate of drive. And in human design, it's really like the marrying maiden where it's like, it's like I really want to attain spiritual and material success and like,
Basically a climb the ladder and it's almost like getting noticed from other people like it's kind of this energy of like Oh, I'm doing so good and like I'm growing growing growing and then it's almost like someone else that is like a higher up like figure or who just has like Yeah, kind of like someone who is like a higher status in whatever way, right? Not necessarily on like a hierarchy, but just like they have something else going on and it's like they notice the 54 and they like pull you in right they recognize your gifts and like they give you opportunities and so I was literally like it's a manifestation come true that I used to listen to a sober girls girls guide podcast was sober and then
ended up going through Jess's a sober girls guide, like coaching

Embracing Change and Evolution

training. And then I became one of her coaches, you guys. So I was, it was so cool. I was one of her coaches where I would hold weekly sobriety circles. And my like specific theme was like spirituality.
and I it was so awesome but what I realized doing this and this is why I super recommend trying a lot of things you guys like trying so many things and figuring out what feels really good and what doesn't what I discovered in that process is that I actually didn't I didn't feel so connected anymore to the woman who was just trying to get by with not drinking for the day, right? Like still very much in it. And so because I had already been five years sober at this point, it was so hard for me to connect to the issues, to the struggles that she has going on. And I almost forgot what it felt like. Like I honestly, you guys, I couldn't remember what it felt like because it wasn't hard for me anymore, right? Like another thing to kind of add to the story is like, I never really subscribed to, um,
Alcoholics Anonymous or like the 12-step program because one of the things there is that, you know, you kind of like um claim that you're an alcoholic and that you are powerless to the substance, right? And to me,
like I believe that words cast spells and energetically that never felt right like I felt like I felt way more empowered to say like oh hell no like this has no power over me like ilyssa I Alyssa I'm choosing that I could literally decide to drink today do I want to no because I know the consequences that it has for my life, for my health, for my relationships, for literally every part of my life I am not good with alcohol. So because I took more I feel like of that route and more of a kind of like spiritual personal growth route on my journey I was never someone who like counted the days or was like oh my god like just so triggered in every situation and of course that took years right? At this point I was already at five years so I had already gone through like
being around people who are drinking you know telling like figuring out how to tell people oh like no I just don't drink and having it not trigger me which when you're just first starting out that is so triggering anyways long story short I feel like I always like go off to all these tangents long story short I started feeling very disconnected from the person I was helping and I felt like I was not the best person to help them so I started kind of dreading like these calls. Like I started feeling like like a sinking feeling because I did not feel equipped or even in the correct energy to help them, right? It was just a misalignment, which is literally not good or bad. It just is, right? And it's like when we don't allow these things to make meanings about ourselves, it's okay. We can move on. Also, I was also really busy creating other offers that had to do with purpose. I was still working my full-time job, which I still am now too. And so,
Anyways, um I so I had to let that go. And then when I did it freed up so much space for me and I was like, Oh, oh my god, okay, this isn't actually who I want to help, I can still allow sobriety to be a part of my journey right and a part of who I am as a coach that's just that's like a fun fact about me right but it doesn't have to be the main thing that I teach on or that like I make all of my life's work around right and so that felt felt really freeing so for anyone right now who maybe you have chosen a niche a while ago and it really really felt really good but now you're like okay now I'm in such a different part of my life I don't really feel as connected to this person anymore
I now just overcame this thing more recently, and I really know how this feels, and I have all of the solutions to know how to overcome this problem. Really allowing yourself to be okay with just switching, right?

Overcoming Fear in Business

Our niches are the people that we help, our offers, they're going to continuously change over time.
as we change, right as we grow and evolve. Of course, like it's it wouldn't make sense for it to stay the same because we're always growing and evolving ourselves. And so it's like, how can we release that? and so that is going to bring us into step number one, or like the first lesson, which is really connecting to your soul codes, your jinkies and your human design. um Okay, so just to really quickly finish up that story and tell you where I'm at now. I'm like you guys, I'm so like, I'm like, I can never just make anything linear. Like I have my notes right here of what I want to talk to you guys about. And even the order that I put them in is like very chaotic. Okay. So
so i let that go then i started doing purpose coaching right and Again, I had offers out, but nothing really

Transition to Human Design and Gene Keys

felt aligned. I was scared, you guys. like inside the The feeling that I felt inside when I would post these offers was terror. it was like And this was unconscious, but it was like in my body, I felt unsafe. I was like, oh my God. like It was almost like a part of me was hoping that no one would sign up because I didn't really have confidence that I would be able to like deliver or move them through the session or my offer or whatever. And I was really in the shadow
of one of my jean keys of actually my evolution of just like immaturity which is like putting things out too fast like I was just I would have an idea I would create an offer put it out there and then would it wouldn't fully be aligned with what I actually wanted to do or yeah just like what I actually really wanted and so then there would be this weird energetic frequency about it where I would be like actually almost blocking people energetically unconsciously from signing up because I wasn't actually so obsessed with the offer like I wasn't I didn't love it I didn't love how it looked I didn't love the structure of it it was more of like I should just do this I need to put something out there and so it was this really like yucky like
ten like almost like taintedness of my energy behind the things that I was putting out. Then I moved into human design, obsessed with human design, and that my energy was fully behind. So anytime when I started creating human design stuff and started selling readings, one-off readings, I would sell readings,

Gene Keys and Soul Mission

right? Because I felt like I was so like behind that. Even when I was just a beginner and just starting out, like I would just throw myself out there like a real like line two.
really love to just like learn by teaching and so and I don't know I just always had this confidence about myself with like certain modalities because I think they are my soul's modalities so I would throw myself out there sure I would get human design readings here and there then I transitioned into gene keys and you guys the gene keys for me ah literally unlocked everything because I feel like it is my soul's I feel like it's one of my part soul one of like my soul's missions is to be a channel for the jean keys, because I just get it. like When I first looked at it, I had no idea what I was looking at. I was like, what the hell is this? This is so confusing. But I studied with my mentor, and Maria Henning, for a year, and I'm actually even still in a program with her, and just
understanding and like really being in the energy of the gene keys, contemplating my own for over a year. I feel so connected to them, you guys. It makes so much sense to me. And so I feel like I am a channel for them, which I feel so grateful

Subconscious Identity Changes

for, right? Because it's, they're kind of confusing, right? Like, I don't know if you've ever tried, even just like reading the book, it's still like, okay, like what does this actually mean? So I just feel so lucky that like I love them. I work with them. They literally speak to me like, I literally the Jenkins, you guys speak to me through numbers, like I'll see a number. And then I'll have to like, look up what that is. And then it'll be like, giving me a message. I see they speak to me through animals, through words. And so yeah, I'm just obsessed. So that whenever I start putting on Jenkins readings, okay, I would get some I would sell some right because I feel like the energy was like good. But
You guys, it wasn't until things didn't actually shift until I started doing self study with Yes Supply. So for you those of you that are unfamiliar, Yes Supply is um a beautiful like school and like certification program um from Reese. I always forget her last name. Oh my god, I feel so bad you guys, but
Reese Evans. I'm like, why am I blinking? Anyways, I'm obsessed with Reese Evans. I'm obsessed with her

Mentorship and Alignment

work. It's all about mindset, and it's all about working at the subconscious level. So I'm actually in her NLP certification, and I started as a self-study. This is where everything is crazy, guys. That's happened over the past three months. So I started as a self-study certification back in, like, I think July. Yeah, seven to eight.
Yeah, i it was June, June or July, like so the sixth month of the year or the seventh month, one of those. So I started self selfst-study and I started learning hypnosis. I started learning EFT tapping. I started learning these different ways to work with the mind and actually change my identity.
at the identity level and not just changing my habits at the behavioral level. And so I started doing that in like June or July and I started changing the way you guys that I viewed myself. And I actually started seeing myself as a freaking expert. I started seeing myself as a leader. And so that in the background started shifting things at my subconscious level, okay? So that was working at its way out.
Then I found my new business mentor who I'm obsessed with, Maddie Maple, and I just felt like so connected to her. And all of these of you guys are literally the five points I'm going to talk about, but I'm just trying to give you like the backstory. So just follow me, okay?
so I found my business mentor obsessed with her. I finally felt like I was finally attracting someone like a business mentor at my gift level,

Learning from Business Investments

right? Of my jean keys. I was finally seeing someone who like, when I just like saw her work, I was like, oh my God, I feel such a deep resonance with her because she teaches all about like through the heart and being of service. And that's literally what the jean keys is all about is like,
you know, through the heart being of service to others. And I felt like for once, I wasn't putting a mentor or like someone that I wanted to learn from on a pedestal. Because in the past, I had done that with different business coaches, which is no fault of their own, right? This is completely my own journey. So I would actually attract business mentors from my shadow of weakness and my attraction sphere.
And so it would kind of be this weird dance where I would feel like, Oh, they are up here. I'm down here, right? I'm pedestalizing them. I feel like they have all of the answers. I feel like working with them will completely change my business. It'll completely unlock everything for me. I need them, right? It's like, I need to work with them. It's an urgency feeling. It's a feeling of like, Oh my God, like I have to have this or like, I'm just going to die. and Like nothing else is going to work out. So it's very scarcity focused. It's very, uh,
retracting. It's very like, pedestalizing them, putting me way down here, me feeling very less than, me feeling like they have these crazy secret answers are going to unlock, unlock everything for me. And every time I made an investment from that place, it just
I will say that it was exactly what I needed because I don't think there's any wrong decision we can

Creating Supportive Business Spaces

make. And it's actually led me to like my, it's actually led me to solidify my niche and solidify the way that I want to show up and like offer something to people because I saw a gap in the industry. But so I will say that it was definitely not for anything. It was for me, but I had to attract these coaches from my shadow in order to gain these crazy insights of like, oh my God, I will never,
teach someone this way. I will never hold the container this this way. I will never put someone through this, this, and this, right? And it's not coming from a victim place. And I am not mad at anyone I've ever worked with. I have high respect, high regard for anyone I've ever worked with. I love all of them, right? They're successful. They're great people. They have great hearts. It's just the way in which they taught I needed to go through and kind of feel almost kind of like fail myself and see like, okay, let's say you just invested another $5,000 because you thought this was going to fix you. It put you more in debt. It's not fixing you. The answer is actually within yourself. And then it kind of showed me how I can create this gap of like what I feel is like missing, right? So everything was literally for

Karmic Lessons and Decision Making

me. So if you've ever felt like you've invested in a coach that it didn't really work out or
You didn't really like how they treated you or you didn't really like their methods. Think about the way of how like that is actually such a gift, you guys, because it shows you exactly the opposite of what you want to do. And it's going to help you tap into the way that you actually want to show up for people. like It just solidifies the way that like you want to make such a beautiful space for your people.
And so it was never a wrong investment. It really wasn't, right? It was not a wrong investment. We cannot make wrong investments. We don't make the wrong choices, right? We're just, it's like when we're doing things from our shadow, it's, you know, it's going to be a dharmic lesson, or I'm sorry, um a karmic lesson.
Yes, yes, yes. Anytime that we do something from our shadow, you guys, we attract someone from our shadow. We choose a business coach from our shadow. we Whatever we do, we create the offer and put it out there from the shadow. We are creating a karmic lesson because we still need to learn from our karma. We're still learning, right? Nothing is wrong. It's just that it's going to be a little challenging and we're going to feel some road bumps and it's going to feel like, fuck, like why is like why did I do this again? It's going to feel sticky. It's going to feel uncomfortable. It's going to feel like you're being pushed against your edges. When you start moving from your gift frequency, you're now making choices and and creating Darmic

Mindset Shifts and Aligned Mentorship

lessons. right You're living for your Dharma. You're calling in the coaches who are going to be with you side by side to work on your Dharma. You're going to be calling in clients who are soulmate dream clients that are just going to help you feel so empowered in living your Dharma, right? You're going to create these beautiful offers and these beautiful creative endeavors that are just going to further propel your Dharma, right? So it's like we're kind of moving from drama to Dharma whenever we start attracting people from our gift frequency of our attraction sphere. Okay, so
um this business coach, right? Love her, obsessed with her. I wanted to work with her one to one, you guys. like i literally like I signed up for a couple of her like lower ticket offers. They were so transformational to me. I just felt like I got so much from her. And just being you guys in the energy of someone who believes in you, even before you can see it for yourself, is so highly valuable. That is why 100%, I always, always, always will ride for like having like coaches and mentors, right? Aligned ones, right? When you have aligned ones, it's like, oh my God, it just unlocks something in you because there are going to be times on the journey where you're like, oh, I feel like, like, is this actually working? Or you're kind of like doubting yourself, right? All of those, we're going to get into the mind, but all of those things are going to come up. But when you have a coach that can call you back to your power in one second and be like, no, you're literally a

Financial Challenges and Solutions

legend. Like literally like, like, no, right?
It's just, it's literally priceless. And so I was like, oh, I am already seeing such a shift in myself working with this person. Like I want to work with her long-term. So then I, again, I almost invested you guys from a place of my shadows of like being impatient, forcing things, right? Impatience force is some of my shadows. So by this time, this was like, let's say three months ago,
right I've been in my business for two and a half to three years. I still work full time in my nine to five. That is what fully supports me. That is like my security. That is my safety. I have a good job right that I've been with the company for like over eight years. I feel very supported. I love my boss. I love my coworkers. I feel um fulfilled. I feel like I do a great job. There's nothing that I don't like about my job other than I know that it's not my purpose and that I'll be much more fulfilled over here. right So I have this great job that's supporting me. However, I had gotten myself, you guys, into a lot of debt, a lot of debt from all the certifications I've ever taken, all the programs, all the businessmen tours, all the coaches, right? I have spent so much money, you guys, on my personal growth and development and investing in my business over the last three years. And I've gotten myself into a lot of debt. And it's not something that I even hold any negative energy towards. Like I would do it again because I honestly feel like we should be able to leverage
leverage credit to help us get new skills, right? To get those um mentors, to get the coaches, to help us move forward. So I don't have any ill will about that. However, three months ago, I found myself, you guys, in a really sticky spot where I was like, holy fucking shit, I have so much debt and I'm almost to the point where like,
I'm just paying my bills. Like I'm just paying my bills and my expenses, my rent. I am putting gas in my car, but there's times where I'm like, oh my God, like I don't have any more money until I get paid on Friday.
So I was literally living paycheck to paycheck, even sometimes stretching it so close to where I'm like, fuck, like um like I don't know what I'm gonna do, right? And so from that place, I still wanted to invest in my business coach. And so I almost made the really crazy decision, you guys, of like,
Also by this point I have a lot of credit cards and stuff so it wasn't like I can just get another credit card or like put it on a credit card, full transparency and honesty, I maxed out all of my credit cards like my credit cards are maxed out so there's no like, I can't just put another coach on one right. um And so I was like,
okay fuck what should I do so I almost you guys I almost took out one of those like loans one of those like loans that is like highly predatory I didn't even realize how predatory it was but I just applied for like some loan I forget from like what and then I was like they're like oh you're approved but for like a really little amount and I started like reading the fine print and it was so bad you guys it was like oh my god it was like It was so predatory. I feel like it was like, I don't even know if this is possible, but the interest was so high. It was almost like 80% interest or something. I think it might be exaggerating, but it was something where I was just like, Alyssa, Alyssa, I had this like coming of Jesus moment. I was like, girl, you need to stop. like The answer isn't getting and borrowing more money that

Balancing Business and Financial Stress

you don't have. That's not the answer. We need to do something else. Something has to change. and so
I was so lit up and motivated you guys to start paying off my debt and to like be able to like work with my coach that I literally started applying for a second job. I was like, I want a second job. i like um It was so funny what I replied to. I really wanted this one where it was so stupid.
oh my god it's so stupid are you guys okay so i really wanted this one where it was like because i work nine to five monday through friday in office so i can't no sorry like seven three to four so i can't like work any anytime during the week i only needed something like nights and then weekends so i wanted it to like be and also i took full like i took full um understanding that would be like going back to like minimum wage like I think here it's like $16 an hour and I was like fuck it like if I can get like if I can work like 16 hours on the weekends and a couple nights on the like nights I was like I can bring in a couple extra hundred dollars a month and that will make me feel really secure like I can like start paying off my debt throwing a little more down than usual and like potentially have some things cleared up to like hire this coach right
It was gonna take a while for me to save for that but anyways, I was so committed, because I was like, I fucking want this. And so I got so excited starting applying to all these places I applied to this like be like a toll road, um a person who like sits like in a box in the toll road, and then like,
helps people make payments as they come through like I take their card and like literally just like make payments for them because I was like okay if I'm in a box and I'm just helping them with payments I was like I can listen to like my like yes supply classes like in my headphone or something right like I was like I can't be like learning on the side and also just doing this I was like oh it's easy I feel like you know it's just super simple so I applied to that I fully wanted that one so bad never heard a call back and then I was like okay how about I work at like somewhere I love where I can maybe like meet like-minded people and maybe like spark a conversation about like human design and gene keys. So I was like, let me work at Barnes & Noble. I was like, I would love working at Barnes & Noble because I could just like lose myself like looking at all the books and looking at the tarot cards and like, you know, if I see anyone in the spiritual section, I can like talk about things. And so I was like, okay, that sounds so fun. Like I could fully see myself like,
my my nine to five, you guys, I'm at a desk all day. So I'm like, I want to do something where I'm like walking around, I'm interacting with people, right? Because i i am I'm introverted as fuck, but I'm also, I i can be a people person when it comes to like um similar interests. So I was like, let me work at Barnes and Noble. So I fully visualized it. I was like, I'm going to work at Barnes and Noble. I picked one that was kind of more by my work, so I could go against traffic, you know like against rush hour traffic.
work there for a couple hours, come home. I was fully like, I'm going to do this. And so I was like obsessed, right? Like I applied or like had the number, I think to call the next week. And I was telling my friend about this, one of my like besties who's also as a business or not a business. She's also a coach. And I was telling her my plan and she was like, girl,
She's like, why are you doing that? Like, she's like, why don't you just focus more on your business? She's like, I really don't think that you taking those extra hours on the weekends and at night to go work for $16 an hour, you're not gonna have any time for your business. She's like, that doesn't make sense. Like, why don't you just focus on your business?
And you guys, at that point, my mind was so, so sure, you guys, that there was no way that I could bring in another dollar for my business, that that was my only way out was $16 an hour working at Barnes and Noble. I fully believe that. I fully believe that, no, I need to like,
work all weekend, work the nights. It's okay. I can grind this out for a couple months. I can start saving some money, start like paying off some debt, get this coach. And so when she said that I was, I almost was like, you're crazy. Like you don't understand. Like, please like get the fuck out of here. You know, I was like, yeah, okay. Yeah. That's yeah. I'm going to focus on my business. I've been focusing on my business for two and a half to three years and nothing's fucking happening. Right? So it was just like, girl, please.
So I honestly, you guys was so fucking sad in the ways that she's crazy and that there's no way that, how can I focus more time? I focus all of my time. I was like, I feel like I'm posting. I feel like I show up. I'm always thinking about my business. I'm always doing stuff for the business. I'm like, how can I put more time into this? Like there's no way that that's going to do shit for me. So I need to actually get real and just go do some hard work. Even though Barnes and Nobles, you guys, please, that's not hard, but.
I was like, let me just go do this. like

Identity Shifts for Growth

And then even my boyfriend George was like, Alyssa, there's no way that you're going to have the energy to do that. like You're going to be so tired from work. The weekends are the only time that you get to work on your business. He's like, when are you going to have time to do your podcast? When are you going to have time to like do calls? right like He's like, that doesn't sound sustainable at all. When are you going to have time to sleep? When are you going to have time to like relax and watch Netflix? And I was like, please. like This is what I have to do, just leave me the fuck alone. So I already made up in my mind, you guys, that I was going to become a Barnes & Noble.
worker. I was like, it is what it is. um And I think that leads me to one of the numbers I'm going to talk about. But because I did that shift, and I think because I let go of, I had this shift in me where I was like, I will literally do anything to make my dreams happen. I don't want to give up on my business. I really don't. But what else can I do in my business to move things forward if nothing has been really happening for two and a half to three years?
i need to just I just need more money at this point to be able to eat and still pay my bills and pay gas, get to where I'm going so I can work on my business. so that's where i was at okay That's where I was at about three months ago. I was like about to get another part-time job. I was um totally paycheck to paycheck that have a lot of debt, which again, I don't really care about because I feel like it was all necessary. and I feel like I've never used debt, you guys, to buy clothes, to buy new bags, to buy makeup, to buy trips, to do blah, blah, blah, to buy a new car. I've never used debt for that. All of my debt, you guys, is from student loans and then from literally investing in myself in, again, programs, certifications, working with coaches, all personal growth and development and business related, literally. So I'm like, I don't care that I have debt, really. And if you do, if that bothers you,
There's a lot of mindset work we can do to get you okay with being in debt if you already are, you know, so that you don't have this burden hanging over you because I used to have a burden. I used to feel so stressed out, you guys, with my debt. I used to be like, oh my God, like it would weigh so heavy on my heart. But now I'm like, okay, as long as I'm making the payments, I'm making the the minimum payments. When I start creating more income, I can start throwing more at them. I already, I follow a lot of like,
debt relief and like financial advisors and stuff. It's just I've never been in a place yet to create my emergency savings, right? Like I know the steps of how to get out of debt. I know the steps of how to like, like I follow like Gordon Ramsay and like different people on YouTube. Like I know the steps. It's just that I never had that extra income to start doing the things, creating the emergency savings, throwing more money at my debt. So now I was like, okay, I'm going to take the step of creating more income. I'm going to grind it out. I'm going to go work at Barnes and Nobles and make some more couple of hundred dollars a month and get shit rolling, right? I was like, I'm on it. Okay, so that's where I was at. Done you guys. This is where I want to get to like all of the five lessons. So one of the lessons number one is mindset work and completely shifting
who you are, the identity of who you are at the subconscious level. So I, this whole time, the past three months, now was in my live cohort of my certification. So we meet every single Sunday but for like seven to eight hours, and we're just doing the techniques on each other, right? We're just literally in there in breakout rooms doing our techniques on each other, um rewiring our subconscious mind,
completely shifting ourselves at the identity level. And so I was working on business stuff, on fitness stuff, on health stuff. And in the background, my identity started shifting. And I was like, Oh my God, I see myself you guys as a fucking expert. I see myself as a June Keys expert. I see myself as a highly sought after very knowledgeable knowledgeable person when it comes to like the modalities that I love, right? I see myself as a leader. I see myself as a confident, well-spoken, trustworthy, just
incredible light that is here to just be of service, who's in her fullest expression, who is serving her people, who is so excited, who has clarity on her business, who knows exactly who she's talking to that shows up. That is, you know, again, fully expressing herself. That is not confused, right?
And let me tell you before when I used to think about like going on podcasts or going live, I would get so anxious you guys that like I would black out during and like nothing would come out correctly.
And I would feel so stupid. I would feel so disempowered. Um, recently, you know, going live with different people, doing, being guests on different podcasts, like somewhere about to come out soon, just talking about the gene keys. I felt like a fucking expert. I felt like an icon. I felt like a genius. I felt like I was so tuned in to my gifts that it just came out. It just came out so beautifully. I also have done um anchoring techniques. So that's where you can like anchor in really good feelings. So feeling like a confident, powerful expert, leader, compassionate, leading from her heart, fully open, right? And you can just like, when you learn how to anchor in something, you can't see me if you can't see the video, but I'm just tapping on my knuckle. There's this really cool technique you can do to like anchor in these feelings. And so anytime that you feel nervous, you just tap on that anchor, boom, these feelings come over you and you are in that those good feelings that you want to feel. So that was number one is,
work you guys on subconscious work. So if you, and in the end of this episode too, I'm going to talk about all the different ways you can work with me, but if you want to get started now for free, um I can't wait to put out free more free resources, but just start going to YouTube and just start like looking for hypnosis or different EFT tappings that are all about whatever you're struggling with. So if you need to tap into like having I just actually, I feel so, and no, I'm sorry. I'm going to reverse that. Don't go to YouTube and don't do that because literally everything that I'm creating you guys is for you is for this. So just wait till the end. Okay. Just wait till the end until I tell you about everything I'm offering and then I'll give you some more resources. So anyways, this is what I want you to do. I want you to start working on your beliefs at the subconscious level. The way that you can do that is through releasing.
difficult emotions, releasing beliefs that no longer serve you, and then installing new beliefs about yourself, right? You're programming in new good feelings that you want to feel, and there's a lot of different techniques that you can do this. This is why it matters. When we are only trying to change ourselves at the behavioral level, right? So, say you want to work out like, I want to start being a gym girly, right? You're like, I have such a hard time going to the gym. I have so much social anxiety. I always press snooze on my alarm. I just can't get there. So say you work with a coach who's just working at the behavioral level and they're like, okay, I want you to set your alarm at this time. Put your shoes out, right? Put your shoes out next to your bed, put your bag out, have everything packed. So all you have to do when you wake up is just
Put on your clothes and get to the gym. Simple, right? Have your gym where ah plan worked out so you know exactly what you're going to do when you get there, right? And have your whole day mapped out so that you just know exactly what you're doing. Okay, cool. You might do that for the first day, the first week.
you might not even do it for the first day. I couldn't even do it for the first day because you're only changing yourself at the behavioral level and you're just giving yourself ideas and habits of like, okay, do this instead. It's literally like someone's just giving you advice and just telling you what to do. Your body, you guys, it doesn't wanna fucking do it because it hasn't done it up until now. You're working off of programs and like the neural pathways that have always done the same thing on autopilot that you do now.

Nervous System Regulation in Business

On our autopilot, if you press snooze and you never go to the gym,
just setting out your clothes to go to the gym the next day is not going to change this habit it is not it is not it might change it for the first day the first week but it is not and then you're going to feel guilty you're going to go into a shame spiral of like oh my god why can't i just do the things that i say i want to do like what is wrong with me god i'm fucking lazy i'm so inconsistent Let's talk about it with business. Say you're like, okay, I want to start showing up regularly. I want to start posting daily on my feed and I want to start talking on my stories daily. Okay, cool. Let's set the goal. Okay. I'm going to get out a piece of paper. I'm going to have a little calendar. I'm going to create some content. I'm going to have a plan for myself. I know exactly what I'm going to do it. I know exactly what I'm going to talk about. Perfect. Okay. Tomorrow comes around. Maybe you'll talk on stories. Maybe you'll post something. Maybe you'll do it for a week.
Chances are you probably won't even finish doing it for a week, and then you're going to feel really guilty. You're going to feel like you're going to your shame sparrows. Oh my God, I always do this to myself. I say that I want to live my purpose. I say that I want to run my business, but I can't even get on stories. God, like what is wrong with me? I'm so inconsistent. I'm so lazy. I'm such a failure.
um God, like, why can't I just be like everyone else, right? Because literally writing down a content plan for yourself is not going to do shit for you when your brain and your neural pathways are so on autopilot to not do those habits, right? And let's also talk about regulation. Your nervous system, if you feel genuinely fear in your body, you feel um like contraction, you feel stickiness, you might feel some like burning or heaviness in your heart space, in your stomach, nerves, you feel like, oh, like overwhelmed, like your breathing starts, like, um, your breathing starts increasing, your heart rate starts increasing anytime before you're going like to press play on stories and like talk to the camera. and
You are not regulated, right? Like your nervous system is not regulated. It feels like your body thinks that you're about to get like eaten by a freaking tiger. And so it's this like stress response that you're under. And so why would you ever want to show up on stories if that's the feeling that it it incites, right?
No one would want to do that to themselves. So you're not a failure. Nothing's wrong with you. It's literally a human response to not do the things that are very scary and that feel unsafe. So when you work though at the identity level, you guys, and you work at like regulating yourself,
We go in and we find the root cause of like, why is it that I feel so terrified to speak on stories? Is it a fear that people are going to judge me? Is it a fear that I don't know enough and I don't know what I'm talking about? Is it a fear that I sound really stupid when I talk? Is it a fear that My high school friends and family are going to think I'm crazy because I'm talking about spiritual topics. um Or it could even be a past life fear of being burned at the stake for being a woman who is in her power and teaching
about healing and spiritual modalities, right? It could be so many things. So when we go in and we really work at this identity level, we are programming out all of those beliefs that are no longer serving you, all of those negative emotions that arise, and then we're going in and we're programming in the feelings that you actually want to feel, the identity of the expressive, you know, bold, confident leader, expert coach, who is so excited and whatever it looks like to you. Maybe you're really bubbly and like, you know, you love talking like as if you're talking to your bestie. Maybe you're more in your leader vibes, right? And this is where we get into Gene Keys to actually figure out what your flavor is.
but maybe you're more of like a leader and like an authority vibe or maybe you're someone who speaks with humor and you really connect like to your audience through like playfulness and lightness or maybe you're like a teacher archetype and so you're really like going in there and just like teaching people things right and so it's like how can we tune like now program in that identity so that you can show up easily effortlessly as this bad-ass coach, iconic healer, iconic guide that you are.

Alignment with Human Design

Because you guys, it is not going to feel scary anymore. like When I talk on my stories now, I don't feel scared. i don't I just feel like I'm talking to you. When I do my podcast episodes, like there's no fear. I'm literally telling you guys that I'm in thousands of dollars of debt. I'm telling the whole world that, the whole internet.
And I'm like, okay, I feel fine. I feel regulated. I feel fine in my truth because i want I feel like the reason that I'm sharing that with you is because i I want you to feel like it's okay. I want you to see yourself in my story. And if there's any part of my story that can resonate with that is giving you the confidence to keep going, that's all I care about, right? But I really had to get to a point of feeling like an expert, a leader, an icon, um and feeling safe in my body to be able to express myself. Okay.
So that's number one, lesson number one is learn how to change your identity of the person you wanna become and do it at the subconscious level, not just the behavioral level. We're gonna do it at the identity and the purpose level. And that is going to change everything for you, okay? To do that, we can use different and NLP techniques, which I'll get into at the very end of the episode. Okay, number two, tune in you guys to your human design and your gene keys. Start moving from being aligned with the way that your energy wants to move, okay? Human design. All of us, as you guys know, I'm sure if you listen to this, you love human design. I have all my human design lovers. But think about this, right? You have an energetic aura, right? Which is your aura type and whether you are a generator, manifesting generator, a reflector, a manifestor, or a projector.
And you have a certain way that your energy likes to move, that it likes to move through the world. You have a certain uniqueness about you, a certain flavor of like the way that you are going to do business. Are you moving from that place or are you moving from the not-self theme, right?
Are you creating offers? Are you showing up? Are you interacting with people in a way that is not yourself, right? That is causing you frustration. For me, I'm a generator. So it's like, now I'm fully only moving in ways, you guys, that fully satisfy me. Anything that is a fuck no, or that's, let me rephrase that. Anything that's not a fuck yes, it's a fuck no, not right now, and I'm not doing it.
So what do I mean by that? I'm fully tuning into my sacral response and I'm saying, what actually lights me up? And I'm responding to things. I'm not just sitting down with my mind, trying to force myself to create content and trying to force things to happen. Again, impatience and force are two of my gene key shadows, but I'm actually responding to things and I'm like, oh my God.
wow that I like that I'm going to do that oh I like this I'm going to do more of that I didn't like that I'm not going to do that then I took all my offers off my offer suite that did no longer feel aligned one huge shift I did you guys is I went from offering readings live like on a call to recorded this took a lot of behind the scenes of like

Benefits of Recorded Readings

That's dumb. um No one's going to buy it. Uh, recording ones probably suck. Oh, the energy probably isn't going to be there. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I had all of these preconceived notions of what it meant to like have a recorded reading. And then when I fucking did them, you guys, I was like, Oh my God, this is 1000% times better than if I'm in front of someone because with my design, it fits me. Let me give you some examples. I'm a line two. I'm a two floor. My profile is a two four hermit. Um,
Oh my God, why am I blinking? ah Opportunist, the hermit opportunist. Yes, I love people, right? The four loves interacting. I love relationships, but also as a two, I like to hermit. I like to be in my own space.
The genius that I have and the gifts that I have, like with my channel, with my intuitiveness, it's almost something that I can't even explain. And I'm also single definition. And so when I'm in my own space, I'm able to just tune in so much deeper and just like offer the most incredible readings. I'm tuned into my intuition. I'm tuned in based off like the feedback form. I'm also tuned into like this person's energy, right? Cause I also tap into Akashic records of each person I read for.
So I'm tuned into their souls library. I'm tuned into their design. I'm tuned into like what they are telling me that they need help with. And I'm so tuned in, you guys, that these readings are 1000% better than live readings. Not to say anyone, if you ever got a life reading for me, not to say that that wasn't good or wasn't like my best work. Obviously that was really good with where I was at. I just never knew that I had it in me to even be even crazier, more fucking insane. And so I gave myself the permission to be like, hey,
I had a lot of negative beliefs of like, nobody's gonna want that. um That almost sounds like less valuable. And then I was like, why is that less valuable? It's everyone you guys is loving them because, and this is exactly what I knew why too. When I'm doing a reading you guys,
It's like I'm more teaching you something, right? It's yes, it can be interactive because I can ask you like how does that resonate? I can kind of like hear your feedback go more into certain things, but it really is more of like a transmission that's coming through and so I think and I from my experience of what people are telling me it's so cool you guys to be in your own space when you have that perfect energy, the perfect alone time to sit down and listen to it. Listen to it a lot of times. people that are giving me the um My clients are giving me the feedback that they listen to it a lot of times. um Sometimes they take notes, sometimes they're on a hot girl walk listening to it. Sometimes they're like working around the house, doing laundry with the kids, listening in the background. And then sometimes they're like really sitting down and like focusing and studying. So having that like recording and me being in my best energy and having absolutely no distractions gives them like the best product. Um, and also now that's not to say you should, if you're like a reader, that you should do recorded new readings. That's not what I'm saying at all.
It just fits my design so well. Some people, it is going to be like pulling teeth. like right My mentor always said that like she tried to do recording rings before and it was complete shit because she really feeds off of that back to back energy of the other person and it just felt so draining. It felt so horrible. She never wanted to do it again.
Um, and so it's really like experimenting with things and finding like, if you don't feel a hundred percent fully, yeah, fuck yes. And your offers try to do little tweaks to see like, okay, how can I deliver this in a different way? How can I format this in a different way?
So. what Sorry guys, I just had to pause for a second. Georgie just came home. He just came home from Trader Joe's and put his yummy foods away in the kitchen. Okay, so yes, as I was saying, this second lesson or like the second tip thing that really helped me was tuning into my human design and my gene keys. So again, if you don't feel super lit up about your offers, think of a way that you can present it in a way or create it in a way that actually feels really good to you. If you're a podcaster and you like don't, you just
feel like it's so hard or you're really fighting yourself to show up in a certain way. How can you do it so that it aligns with your energy and so that it feels really good? And then how can you go back to lesson one, tune in the identity of the person who does the thing with the consistency that you

Gene Keys and Business Harmony

so that you're like getting rid of those old resistances and those old patterns that are holding you back from you know showing up in a way that you want to show up. um Because we really can, no matter what your human design is or your gene keys, we really all can have the ability to show up every day. like If we actually are fully committed and we love our purpose and we're committed to our business, we're committed to the entrepreneur entrepreneur entrepreneurial path,
It is not ah hard, you guys, to show up every single day. You can have a full-time job. You can have children. You can have other things going on. It takes literally 30 seconds to come on your stories, talk to your people.
wrote together like something for the grid right it doesn't have to be overly complicated and hard I think where we get stuck as we like get stuck and try to like make things. First of all, a lot of us don't even know exactly who we're talking to which makes things very confusing, which is why I love the gene keys because You guys, the pearl sequence is literally your roadmap to a successful business. It literally unlocks for you your path to prosperity from being of service to others, from sharing your gifts in a way that is very unique to you, to others, right? So let, since we're on this path of number two, talking about human design and jean keys, let me just tell you this.
In the pearl sequence, okay, and in the pearl sequence you I don't know what sequence I just named it right now, but I feel like I don't know what my brain just said, but in the pearl sequence, there are four spheres that we contemplate.
Number one is your vocation, okay? Your vocation is your biggest core wound from the Venus sequence that is now alchemized into your biggest core talent that you're here to share with the world. And it gives you the expression of exactly how your soul wants to show up and express this gift, okay?
For me here, I have the shadow of inadequacy, right? So I know every single flavor. This is drinky 48. I know every single flavor what it feels like to be inadequate, not know enough, not feel like I'm good enough. And within the gift of resourcefulness, I learned how to tap into this inner well of knowing exactly what I need to know in the moment, of knowing that I have this inner wisdom inside of me that is far beyond knowledge. It is far beyond any of my certifications, any of my skills. It is a deep inner knowing and trusting that I know what I need to know, right? And then I'm a line six here, which is like the investor. And so I'm here to help entrepreneurs, healers, light workers overcome their inadequacy.
Okay, tap in to their resourcefulness. How do I do that? As the line six investor, I show them exactly what they need to focus on. So I teach them their soul codes, their human design, their gene keys. I know exactly how to pinpoint and target the exact ah resistances, limiting beliefs, fears that we need to target out and, you know, program out. And then I know how to target the exact perfect programs that we can install to help them tune into the identity of the leader of the iconic healer, teacher, lightworker, coach that they are so that they can live their purpose. Okay, that's literally my vocation. Because I know every single flavor of what it feels like to feel inadequate, I get you. I know every part of how it's gonna show up on the entrepreneurial journey, every single part, okay? So I'm so equipped to help
my people overcome inadequacy. Whatever your vocation is, you're so equipped to help people overcome that shadow because you've known every single flavor of that your whole life. Who better to help people overcome this blank shadow and transform it into a blank gift. That is what you're here to share, teach, talk about, guide, lead. That is it. So if you feel confused on your offers on your content, on who you're creating content for, it who you're talking to, who your ideal audience is, vocation. Vocation vocation will help you tune into that.
Then we go on to the pathway of initiation. We arrive at our culture sphere. Our culture sphere tells us exactly how are we repelling our people from us because this is all about poverty consciousness and our shadow is really like, how are we blocking money? We're not actually blocking money. Money isn't insignificant. Money is just energy. Money means absolutely nothing. in Cash is literally It's only the value that we assign to it. So anytime that we're not making the money that we want, it's because we're blocking our people from seeing us, from hearing us, from resonating with us. Anytime that we're in the shadow of our culture, okay, for me, it's provocation. Okay. any Anytime that I'm in the shadow of provocation, I am provoking this sense in others of
like and not feeling good. Like the way that I think about it is like The way that I think about it is this, if I'm speaking to healers, coaches, light workers about tapping into their soul codes, right? About tapping into the infinite potential that they have in this lifetime, to live a life that they love, to be of service to others, to learn how to do business in a way that feels really good to them, right? If that's like what my main message is. If I'm in the shadow and I'm provoking people, I'm going to be talking to the pain points too much of people. I'm gonna be tapping into like,
It would be me creating content and feeling like, oh my God, like you feel so stuck in your business.

Authenticity and Client Attraction

Nothing that you do is working. You feel so overwhelmed. You just can't show up on on stories. You're just so inconsistent. If you feel like you haven't been able to make any like movement in your business, if you feel so overwhelmed, you have so many ideas, you don't know how to connect the dots, and you just feel like giving up and you feel like a total failure,
if I have messaging all like that it is going to be be provoking people in a way that is like that doesn't feel good right like so people who are actually ready to move and like that's more of speaking to victim consciousness right and when people are stuck in the victim they're not really into space to like make moves and to like step into their highest timeline and to like make things happen it's more of a just like a stuck feeling and like not moving right and not wanting to invest not wanting to change their circumstances. Whereas if I was to speak to people for my gift of dynamism it's this it's the energy that I'm showing up right now and I can prove that this is working because my business has completely changed over the past three months. I have made the most sales that I've ever made in the past three months over two and a half to three years and I'm not even talking about this from like a financial standpoint like again I don't care about the money it's I feel so fulfilled that I'm finally
calling in my dream clients. Every time I sell a reading, every time I have someone sign up for my free, even like a cautious hypnosis, anytime I even have someone sign up for my free Jane Keys workshop, anytime that I have people like really um Yeah, like interacting with my work, engaging with my life's work. I feel so fucking fulfilled you guys. On top of that, also, of course, I love selling readings. I love selling my bundles. I love selling my packages. I love getting to work with people and like decoding their gene keys. It's literally, I feel on top of the world. I feel again, this buzzing, iconic,
energy of just overflow, overflow of abundance, overflow of opportunities, overflow of feeling adored. I feel adored by people. I feel um that people feel so grateful for my work. And it's just this incredible feeling. And I'm able to attract that because I'm speaking to people from my gift of my culture, which is dynamism, which is like obsessed with life. It is an overflowing of energy. it is like it is It's also provoking something in someone, but it's provoking like the spirit within them of like them wanting to step into their highest timeline, of seeing possibilities, of stepping into abundance, of seeing that, oh my God, I can literally help you unlock clarity in your business. I can help you literally unlock the roadmap to your success, to your hero's journey. Oh my God, working with me, you feel so seen that you
just have endless content ideas your channel is wide open you know exactly who you're talking to you're so excited to show up every day you're so excited to live your purpose your life's work is unfolding you're calling in dream clients see how it's like really speaking to the gift frequency of dynamism and is calling in the pleasure and the desire of what someone wants rather than speaking to the speaking to the shadow, out which is just going to block money for me because that's not going to create any movement or momentum. It's provoking people in a shadow way. So what is your culture? How are you speaking to people? How are you how is your messaging? How are you showing up and like connecting with your people?
Is it from the shadow? What is that shadow? Well, the Jean Q's is very specific. It tells you exactly what it is. And then it tells you exactly how to alchemize it into the gift. So when you start showing up in that gift and you start showing up in that frequency, you can't help but be magnetic. People are drawn to you. That is why I'm so drawn to like my business coach. Oh my God, I fucking love her. She's in her power. She's so empowering. She's so magnetic. I'm like, I want what you have. That is why I have worked with other people that's why i chose the human design teacher that i chose so that's why i chose the jean kids teacher that i chose because they're so in their attractor they're so in their um gift of their culture that they're calling in the right people to them and it's like oh my god it's no like they don't have to force anything they don't have to try to convince anyone it's just a
Hey, this is me. This is my light. My light is fully turned on. Who wants to come to me? Who wants to join the party? Who wants to come in? Let's go, right? And so that's what I help you do in the culture sphere.
then in the pearl sequence, we move on to the brand. So the gene case really is it has this teaching that you are your brand, right? So you are your personal brand. You literally are a brand. You're building a business. You're living your purpose. You're your brand. You have a very specific truth that your soul wants to share with the world. Okay. That is the gift of your brand. Anytime that you're in the shadow of your brand and you are You're garbling your truth. You are looking around. You're seeing what everyone else is doing. You're getting that shiny object syndrome. You're trying to do what everyone else is doing. You're like, Oh, my message isn't working. So let me try this and let me ask my audience what they want. Oh my God. This is the one that like, you guys, this is the one that hurts my soul because I see people doing this all the time. And it's when people are asking their audience.
What do you want me to teach about? What do you want to learn next? What podcasts do you want me to do next week? what um What program do you want me to create? What would you love to learn?
Yes, I get it. There are, like, there's there's different layers to this. Let's say you put up a story and you're like, hey guys, I'm so excited to talk about A, B, and C. These are the things I'm obsessed with. What do you want me to teach first? What podcast do you want me to drop first? What do you want me to drop first, right? It's like you're giving them options based off of your truth. You're not asking them to tell you what they want you to teach you because if you're doing that, you're completely disempowering yourself and you're living up to your audience to tell you what they want from you, when how the hell you guys could they ever know what your truth is? Zero. There's no way. There's no way they could ever know what your unique truth is, that you're here to teach others, that you're here to completely shatter and to change the world and to completely focus on. You're the little puzzle piece in this. Think about some light workers, right? or
Think of us as like healers, coaches, guides. We're all here to play our little part in making this world a better place, right? We're here because we want to be of service. We want to help heal other people. You have a very specific frequency and way that you want to heal people. And you have a very specific flavor of truth that your soul purposely chose to incarnate with in this lifetime.
Every offer, every, everything should kind of have this through line of your truth. And that is what is going to lead you to success, abundance, prosperity, because that's really like what your soul is here to give to others. And so if you're constantly asking other people, what should I teach about? What do you want him to hear from me?
it that it doesn't make sense. It doesn't make sense because they can never know. They can never have any idea of what needs to come through you. When you're so connected to your channel, when you're so connected to who you are, your channel's wide open and things are coming through, you're connected to your truth, you know exactly what you want to teach them, and you stop like outsourcing your ideas.

Overcoming Inadequacy and Embracing Gifts

You stop
placing like outer validation of like, Oh, I kind of want to please my audience. I really, you know, i want to make sure I'm delivering with them what they want. Who gives a fuck what they want? Like, honestly, like really, that is very bold to say, but who gives a fuck what they want? How do they know what they need?
they don't know what they need, you need to give them what they need, which is your specific truth, which is actually gonna change their life, right? That's actually what is gonna change their life. So tuning into your truth, and then you get to learn what your pearl is and you unlock your pearl. And your pearl really teaches you like, okay, how does your soul want to experience money in this lifetime? And what is the way that you continuously block money and how can you be in the gift frequency to allow it to come in, right? So all of that,
You really learn in the Pearl sequence. And that's why I say like tuning in to my human design in my jean keys has unlocked everything for me. Like now I know that my specific truth is aspiration. I used to be really afraid you guys to commit that I'm helping healers, coaches, guides, light workers.
like on their business life's work path because I was like, Oh my God. Like there was this weird belief that I was like, wait, I'm just like selling out or I'm just trying to be like another business coach. That's like the easy way out or like everyone wants to be a business coach. But when I actually tapped into like my truth, my truth is aspiration.
My truth is like I'm here to help you ascend spiritually and materially. What the fuck does that mean? I'm going to help you spiritually ascend to like tap into what your purpose is. We're going to combine it with your life's work so that you can be prosperous and make money living your life's work. So you can also ascend materially because as the 54, we can't have the spiritual without the material. We can't. So I teach my people it's okay to charge for your your gifts. It's okay and it's important that you charge appropriately for your work, that you get paid to live your purpose, that you get paid to live your passions. That's literally what I'm here to help people with. And so before I was really blocking my truth of like, oh, I can't really claim that for myself. Who am I to help people with their business? Who am I? I'm not like a multimillionaire business person. I'm a fraud. There's no way that I can help people with business. And it's like, girl, no.
You can help people, you guys, that make a lot more money than you. like you Whatever your gift is, you can help people. like You don't have to be more successful in terms of money than the people that you help. That makes no sense, right? And I used to buy i used to believe that. But think about it. Healers also need healers. um People who are multimillionaire,
um people in corporate or something. I'm trying to think of like an outside example out of business, but people who make six figures need healing, right? They need to have a freaking healer. They need an astrologer. They want to have, you know, all of these things, all of these modalities that we do. So why do we think that we would have to make more money than them or be more successful than them in a certain outlook to be someone that serves them? That makes no sense. So I allowed myself to let that go. And I was like, Oh, I'm fully claiming that I help healers, coaches, light workers,
tap into their purpose and their sole business and do it in a way that feels really fucking good so that they can call in and attract dream clients, start creating abundance, start creating money, receiving money for their offers, right? That is what my truth is. That is my life's work. That is 70% of my personality. That is what I'm here to do. It's Capricorn energy. It's very like it it's very
ah The the city the highest frequency you guys is ascension, right? So it's like literally I'm here to help people ascend spiritually and materially It just what is what it is once I own that for myself and i I like I fully allowed myself to go there and create the business Pearl sequence reading to create my purpose to prosperity reading right which is all about soul business Everything unlocked for me and it wasn't just a coincidence because I decided to start teaching about business it's because that I unlocked my gifts. I unlocked what my unique truth is, right? And so that truth was now online. I was now on this like, I'm now on this like radio station that my people can hear me and they're like, oh, perfect, right? Like this is, I'm here to learn from you. This is what I can help with. So that is what I want for you to tap into yours
and to get the confidence to be like, hey, you might be nervous to step into this, but this is actually your highest potential. And when you tap into your highest potential, everything unlocks for you.

Identity Alignment for Business Success

Abundance, prosperity, opportunities, right? It all unlocks. Okay. So that was number two. So again, number one, I want you to start working at the identity level, making shifts with the subconscious mind to step into the identity of like the iconic coach healer that you are. Number two, I want you to connect to your human design and gene keys so you can actually start getting out of those shadow frequencies, right? Which aren't bad, but it's like, if we do wanna do business from a place where we're calling and prosperity and abundance, we do need to be in the gift, right? We need to be in our gift so that our people can hear us, so that they can see us. We need to have clarity. We need to clarity, you guys, changes everything, right? Certainty, we're never gonna have that. Certainty can fuck off. We're never gonna be certain about anything, but we can have clarity.
Okay. And that's what I help give you. We can have insane clarity, which just makes everything so easy. When you have, when you know who you're fucking talking to and you know exactly how you help them, the content is easy, right? That's easy. I think a lot of us don't show up because we're so confused and we can make a choice to be like, I'm not going to be confused anymore. I'm going to make the change.
to to actually step into this and know who I'm talking to that unlocks so much confidence you guys so much confidence so much inner trust so much just like iconic expert leader energy and you really start to feel like the leader that you are because you are you're so talented oh my god everyone you guys I just wish I could I don't wish I could cry but I could cry every single person that I have worked with in some capacity, whether that's readings in my bundles, over the past three months is literally dream clients. like They are so aligned. And if you're listening to this right now and you're one of them, I love you so much. I love you guys. like You guys are my people. I finally feel what it feels like to be like, oh my God, I'm creating my own little corner in my own little space of like calling in my Alyssa people.
because we're just like kindred spirits, right? And you get to have that. When you're in the gift, you get to attract people that are like you. Like for me, I used to always have this limiting belief. I used to always have this limiting belief from this one coach that I used to have. And I feel like it sounds like I'm really shitting on like past coaches, but I'm not, you guys. I'm really not. But there are certain things that we can learn and that we can pick up on that can really be detrimental to us. So anyways, I once had this coach who told me that
People are dumb. People don't know how to read. People don't want to do the work. So don't assign homework. Don't assign anything that's long. um They'll never know how to go to your link in bio. They'll never just go to your link in bio and buy something. You need to make it really dumb down. um Don't even put like links in your bio that's too confusing for them.
Yeah, people don't want to read, don't make a program that actually has homework, blah, blah, blah, blah, right? And I was like, what the fuck? Like, even when she told me that, I was like, that doesn't make sense because I, I love to read. I'm smart. I bought your program from your Lincoln bio. I love doing homework. I love doing personal growth and and work, right? And she's like, well, yeah, but that's because like, we're coaches, right? And like, we're like, that's just us. We do the work, but everyone else doesn't do the work. Nobody likes to do the work.
so I was like, wow, okay. so It really did put this idea in me that like no one's actually going to want to like sit down and listen to my two-hour reading. like No one's actually going to want to do the work. But then I was like, fuck that. and When I started like just doing what I wanted to do, I attract the most cool aligned people that are lifelong learners, that love personal growth and development. I love when you guys post like stories of like you have your reading and like you're taking notes you know from like our reading together or If you're listening to the hypnosis that I sent you, or I get messages of like, Oh my God, like I listened to your hypnosis before I go to sleep and like literally still to this day and it makes me feel so good. Or like, Oh my God, like I love just like replaying the the reading and like I got something different from it today than I did before. And it's like, Oh my God, if I would have listened to her and thought that people don't like to read, don't like to learn, don't like to listen, are never going to listen to my thing that I send them again.
I would have been stuck in this like really weird like energy where I wouldn't have like just made the things I want. But people are me. They're my people. That's why I just wanted like, whoever you are and whatever you love to do, that is kind of the people that you're going to attract. So I love getting the learners, the people who just want to like learn about themselves who like studying like, ah I love you guys. I love you guys. but All of you guys are chefs kiss my people.
I wish we could all know each other in real life. Okay, so step number three or the biggest lesson that I learned is that, oh, I actually kind of already talked about all of these. So they the other one, the third one that I was really gonna talk about was that it's okay to do what you have to do to make your nervous system feel safe while you're on this business journey. So what I mean by that is like,
Think of your business. This is something I learned from a different coach that I absolutely loved her that I was like, wow, life changing. Is that business, think of your business like a baby, right? So you just had a newborn baby and your baby's like two months old, three months old, a year old, even two years old. Are you going to tell your baby? All right, baby.
I know you're like one and a half, two years old, or even two months. You need to start carrying your weight around here. I need you to go get a job, okay? I need you to get a job. I need you to start paying your way. And I need you to start like financially contributing to this household. We would never do that, right? And so our bait our business is like our baby.
If you've been in business girl for three months and you're not making money, your business is a baby. That's not supposed to really make money yet. That's okay. Even if it's a year, even if it's two years.

Patience in Business Growth

Like I think we put these really um high expectation on ourselves where we think like we see we're looking at what everyone else is doing and these crazy ass coaches that are like, I can help you make $10,000 in one month. Oh, sign up for my 90 day program and call in $50,000.
Oh, this is the road to $50,000 weeks and all you have to do is work two hours from your laptop. Like we see all of this marketing and messaging and it makes us think like, oh my God, I'm not even making $100 and it's been a year. What the fuck is wrong with me? And it's like, nothing is literally wrong with you. Like, first of all,
Throw away all of that like really shit marketing like I honestly hate all of that. It sounds so money driven and of course like we are like you do deserve to make money and I want to be a millionaire, I want to be a multi millionaire, I fully claim that it's fully aligned with my design, literally all of us are designed to be millionaires multi millionaires.
so I fully claim that for myself. And I understand that it's, I'm literally creating a business is my baby and this is my life's work. This is my purpose. It's not a get rich quick scheme. I'm not doing this to, I'm not like wanting to coach people so that I can make like five, like, I dunno, $50,000 in a month. Like that's very outrageous and unreasonable. Again, we can also be,
delulu and set our manifestations and we can, things can change tomorrow. Literally, I could make $50,000 tomorrow. I really could. I, you could too, right? So it's really finding this balance between like manifesting, ah having very high visions for ourselves, right? Like having very, like breaking the ceilings and having like high, high potential, but also having some fucking groundedness and some realistic like expectations around okay this could also take a while it's my business it's my life's work it's my baby i'm not going to be mad at my baby if it's not bringing in 100k months when it's two weeks old two months old two years old that's not fucking realistic and if you want something like that i'm definitely not your coach because i'm somebody who's
Girl, I have all like, you already know, if you don't know, my big three are all earth signs. So I'm a Capricorn sun, Virgo rising, Taurus moon. I have so much earth in my chart. I think I literally have like two water sign placements and maybe like one fire. I have so much earth anyways, cause I also have a Capricorn selium, but it is in the fifth house, which is very Leo vibes. So that's also where I get my fire from and like my, I feel like my Leo energy anyways. So.
Girl, I'm here for the long run.

Subconscious Beliefs and Business Outcomes

That's why like I've never given up. like I have gone months without making a dollar, and I never gave up. I still show up all the time. I still put myself out there, and now it's just that I'm doing all of these things that I told you. It really is. It's not just showing up. right that that so This is the biggest lesson I want to get to, because I actually already talked about all the lessons in three points or two points. This is the biggest lesson.
It's not just about showing up consistently. It's not just about creating offers and it's not just about talking in your stories or like posting on the grid. That's, yes, we need to do all those things, but that's not what it's about. It's a about your fucking identity and how do you believe about yourself? And I never, like, I thought that was stupid. I honestly, you guys, I used to be one of those persons, people that was like, okay, like I don't really love journaling. I never have been a journaler. So anytime people would just assign journaling, I'm like, okay, like sometimes I would do it, sometimes I wouldn't. I don't journal myself.
Um, and I never really believed in like, I don't know, people would talk about like your beliefs and I'd be like, okay, sure. But I never fully believed it. You guys, until I started working with the subconscious mind and I was like, Oh my God, like it's all belief. Literally you guys, it's like 90% belief and like energetics combined.
like Literally, that is it's it's insane. It's insane. and It's insane that we don't even realize the beliefs that we have about ourselves that are actually blocking us and also energetic blocks that we have from our success. It's just insane. They're so hidden because it's in the subconscious mind. I didn't think I had blocks. I really didn't.
It makes sense that I did because it makes sense that I didn't have any success really. Like maybe some success is here and there, right? Very like sparse throughout my two and a half to three years. But once I really started working with a subconscious mind, girl, and I'm telling you that everything I'm launching my business and I'm in prosperity, I'm in flow, I'm in abundance, I'm in fully trust and surrender that they just keep coming, right? Things keep coming. I i keep getting the notifications that I keep selling things. I keep getting the notification that I'm having people enter into my world.
It's like the faucet is turned on and what has changed. Literally all that's changed is I've been doing the subconscious mindset work. I've been doing the identity work. I believe that I'm an expert. I believe that I know exactly what I'm doing and I've highly attuned to my jean keys and my human design. And I'm, again, I'm no longer operating out of this like not-self theme. I'm no longer operating out of my shadows. Of course, yes, like we're always going to have them come up, but it's like having that awareness of what they are and then moving through them anyways and knowing how to alchemize them is what success is. Every single successful person that you talk to is going to tell you, oh, before I go on stage and speak, of course I still get scared.
Every time before I make a big move, of course I'm scared shitless. I don't know what I'm doing. Their shadows are coming up, but, and they don't even know they're jinkies, but they're, most likely, but they're moving through the fear anyways and they're moving forward. And that is what successful people do. They feel that uncomfortableness and they keep going, literally.

Overcoming Fear and Discomfort

And then when you throw in like regulation work, we can actually like,
Yeah, you might still have some nervousness, but we can like learn how to set you up and have techniques to where you don't have that nervousness, to where you feel excited to go live, to where you feel excited to be a guest on someone's podcast, where you feel excited to speak on stage, whatever your big goal manifestation is, right? Where you feel like excited to hop on the coaching call, where you feel powerful and confident and iconic, and you just feel like a badass that knows what they're doing. like There is a way to do all of that through the work that I do.
just to wrap up, okay, because I love doing a little summaries. We talked about number one, connecting to your iconic vision, right? Your iconic identity of who you are, you are the expert coach, you are the expert healer, you know what you're doing, you feel confident, you are just so iconic, you are this expert leader, right? So it's connecting to the vision through subconscious work, then is connecting to your human design and gene keys, connecting to your soul codes, getting that insane clarity, right, in your business, having the map to your hero's journey of one, your purpose, which is through the genius sequence, two, love and relationships, which is like opening your heart to love and relationships, dropping your defenses and really like having great, like working on your relationships. And then three,
the pearl sequence, which is all about being of service to others and creating prosperity, abundance, opportunities from sharing your gifts in your very specific way, right? So turning into all of that gives you so much clarity. It makes you feel so seen. It gives you permission um to fully do things in your way, right? To create offers, to do things in your own way. It gives you this insane like blinders where you're like, oh, I don't care what anyone else is doing. It literally is irrelevant to me.
And it shows you that so many people in our industry can all be successful in our own way because we all have our own factor line of people that are meant to learn from us. We can all be abundant. There's way more than enough to go around for all of us. It is good for a good person like you to make good

Affirming Worth and Capacity

money. That is one of my favorite ah affirmations. It is good for a good person like you to make good money. So now repeat it like this. It is good for a good person like me to make good money.
Again, it is good for a good person like me to make good money. And so it is girl because it is good. Okay, it is good. um And then the last piece, uh, where I actually, yeah. Okay. I said there was like five steps, but that was literally two. So I'm sorry, you guys, but again, Oh, the other one was also, um, yeah, three. Yeah. The third one that I said was also, um, being okay. I never finished that thought, but how I said, like, we can't expect our business to like. If it's two months old or two years old to like be fully providing for us and making a hundred thousand dollars a year or a month or a week.

Supporting Business with a Day Job

That's insane.
that's I'm sorry but that's like there could be a logical success but let's get real people who are sharing those things if they're really in integrity it took them years to get where they're at so let's just tell them to fuck off um and realize that you can still work your nine to five and also have your coaching business and be a legitimate coach right you don't need to be full time in your business to be a legitimate coach. You don't you can still work a nine to five. I wanna say this a thousand times because this was also a belief that I had that stopped me from showing up because I was like, wait, if I'm still in my nine to five, I'm not really taking the leap. I'm not really a successful coach. I'm not legitimate. That is bullshit too. yeah like working Staying in my nine to five, you guys, has been the best thing I've ever done for myself because imagine if I did it like ah where I would be, right? I would be struggling way worse. like It's just giving me that security and that freedom and that, like
to keep going, right? And to not be desperate and to like, yeah, I have gone to desperate times and I was about to get a second job, which I also highly recommend. Who cares? Get the second job. Like if you have, if, if things didn't take off in the way that they did, I would have gotten the second job. I would have found a way to work at Barnes and Nobles or figured out something that I absolutely love. Um, and it would have made it work. Right. And I feel like because I was open to that, the universe was like, okay, girl, you're passing the test.
Now, here you go. let Let's go, right? But it's going to be different for everyone. The timing is going to be different for everyone. So if you need to get a second job, there's nothing wrong with that. It doesn't make you like illegitimate. That's even a word. It doesn't make you an unsuccessful coach. It doesn't mean you're not a real entrepreneur. You're literally an entrepreneur.
I love um who said this. I was actually in a podcast um with my friend Nicole Doyle and I love how she was like, oh, you're actually really smart if you have a job or even multiple jobs and you're running a business because it just means you have multiple streams of income. So you're actually a genius. You're a financial genius. So take any pressure off yourself to only have to bring in money from the business. Like, no, that's stupid.
um And that was number three. And then four was to keep investing in yourself. I didn't talk about this, but to wrap up the whole story, okay? i So after this three months, how everything has changed, right? I ended up, um the coach I work with now, she ended up buying a reading from me,

Pricing and Perceived Value

right? Because I completely structured and rereaded all of my readings and I completely raised the prices.
And when I did this, this is also you guys what set off my insane abundance, okay? I had my prices set at 111 for ever, for years, okay? Maybe I would sell one here and there, maybe here and there, pretty much nothing, nothing really. I was like, you know what? I am going to raise my prices because the energetic output that I'm giving is far beyond 111. And it almost like I realized that I was subconsciously blocking people from signing up because I almost felt like I'm giving you away too much or like this is too much work for me. No, I have a system where it's not too much work for me to like create the readings.
But it's a lot of work. like It's a lot of energy work. it's like I create like a 27 to 30 page like ebook that you get. And then the reading itself, now that they're recorded, are like insane. It's like an hour and 45 minutes for like a Pearl sequence. um And I was like, the energetic output im that I'm giving, plus the value, the value, you guys, the Pearl sequence will completely change your business.
like I'm not lying. It will open up your channel. You will have so many ideas. You'll know exactly who you're talking to. So many content ideas. It'll shift your confidence. So I'm like, how the fuck was I selling that at one 11? Like the universe was like, girl, we're we're not selling these because this is way too valuable. So I raised my prices to first to three, through three, three.
And then I was like, okay, I want to make this a package. I was like, I want to make this so valuable. How can I make this like a badass bundle? So I was like, Oh, I'll do a guided hypnosis channel reading. I'll do the Pearl sequence reading. And then I'll do an abundance, like mindset, money mindset hypnosis, because I saw how hypnosis has completely transformed my life or the past three months. Literally it's, it's changed everything for me.
So I was like, let me do a hypnosis where I literally specifically create one based off of like their intake form. So it's so hyper specific. And so I put it on my stories and I was like, okay, I am increasing my prices. This is 333 now. This package is going to go up to 555 on Monday. So my coach that I work with now, she ended up buying it.
because she was like, oh my God, that's so badass. She even told me, she was like, oh my God, Alyssa, when you went from just having the reading to having a package, she's like, I was eyeing it for a while, but that package was like so lit and like I had to get it. So I did the reading for her, the package.
raised my prices I also sold a lot of other readings right when I raised the prices you guys that's why I was like wow the universe was like yeah but yeah like as soon as I rose rose the prices you guys I'm not even kidding within the hour I sold another one I was like what the fuck is going on so like your prices also might be too low I'm not lying and there's there's so many things that go into this like there's also perceived value like now what I see like now when i see something and the price is so low i'm like i don't want it like i literally i'm like this feels like it's not valuable this feels like the person like i don't know isn't really confident in themselves this doesn't really feel exciting this doesn't feel good when i see a price that is like holy shit like that is stretching me there's something that happens where i'm like i need that like that perceived value is so high and then also what it does is
For the person, you have so much integrity behind what you're giving and you feel so excited. Finally, it feels like an an even energy exchange worth all of your efforts. You guys, I'm sorry, I have to say this too. If you're a service provider, if you're a coach, if you're a healer, if you are someone who has a modality like human design, jinkies, Akashic records, um Reiki, tarot, astrology, something that's like a modality. It can even be life coaching, right?
When you're selling a session or a reading or even a package, you guys, you are not just selling your time with this person or like the modality. You are selling the years that it took for you to learn this whole other language, human design, astrology, gene keys. These are languages. These are languages, you guys, that you have learned that you're an expert in. Nobody knows how to read these. It's just like a mechanic, right? Mechanics can charge a lot of money for what they do. Plumbers can charge a lot of money because people can't fix their own cars. People don't know how to go and fix their transmission. People don't know how to go and fix their septic tank. That is why these things are skills, they're vocations. People can charge a lot of money because it's a very
sought after skill that people don't know how to do. So you're not just giving your time. So right there, whatever your price is right now on like a single session or a reading, I want you to go literally increase it by $100. Like I'm not even joking. If you have a reading right now, or if you sell some sort of blueprint, or if you sell some sort of like one off session that's like $44 or $88, go make it $144 or $188 and see how things shift in you and you get someone to buy one. Like, I'm not joking. It shifts something inside of yourself. Like, you're like, oh, I'm finally excited to show up and offer this. It doesn't feel resentful. And you might not even be consciously aware of this. But there is this sort of underlying, like, you know, it's so much more valuable than that. So, like, why are we underplaying ourselves? And I get it because I did this for so many years.
But I'm here to literally help you move through your inadequacy. So whatever you have for like a single session or reading, hey, even if it's $200 right now, go make it $300, increase it $100. And I swear to God, you guys, it will call in more people, more aligned people, because you're going to be so much more excited to talk about it, to offer it. And then you're going to be excited to like show up on stories and like put the little link and be like, oh my god, Lincoln, like, you know, here's the link if you're excited. It also really just does make you look more like an expert. Like it really does like perception wise, it looks like you know what you're doing like you it looks like you really don't value yourself if you sell something that's like $44. That's like an hour of you literally
teaching someone that's first of all it's going to completely change your life right we know this we know that and if you haven't had a lot of experience yet or a lot of um like feedback just think about when you learn this modality how it completely changed your life right so first of all we already know it's going to completely change your fucking lives second of all do you have time years effort backed of like studying knowledge, practicing, all of that is going into there. Then we have your energy, which isn't even skills. So now we have your energy that you're pouring into something, and it's like this frequency that you have, this beautiful gift you're holding space, even if it's recorded.
or if it's live, there's something so special about your energy that is just like so divine for that person. You're holding space, you're connecting, you're making them feel really good about themselves, right? You're healing them, you're helping them overcome obstacles and limiting beliefs and you're completely transforming their lives. You have such a way of like, you know, you're beautiful, whatever your style is, it's so beautiful and it's such a gift for people to be in your frequency, okay

Valuing Expertise and Raising Prices

you guys?
because people don't have people like you in their life most people even think about our own family and friends a lot of us don't have family members that are like on the spiritual or personal growth development path a lot of us don't even have friends in real life that are into the same stuff as us it's pretty like it's hard right to find people that are into the same stuff as us so imagine the clients that you're serving, they don't have anyone in their life, right? They don't have anyone that they can talk to the shit about. They don't have anyone. Now they get on a call with you. They get in a reading with you or they receive your reading. They receive your blueprint and you are giving them the most high vibe energy. You're reaching them to their highest potential. You're seeing them at their potential, right? You're not seeing them at their weaknesses. You're pulling them up into their power. You're empowering them. You're teaching them. You're healing them. You're guiding them.
Just that alone is like so valuable to be in the frequency of someone who is doing that for you. You are a fucking gift to the world. You are an extreme expert, a guide, a healer, a coach. You are so good at what you do. And just think about Again, if you're ever questioning your yourself or doubting yourself, just think about the people that they're surrounding themselves with in their lives who are doubting their purpose, who are doubting their gifts, who are doubting whatever you're helping them with. They need someone like you to pull them up out of it and to hold them up here. So that alone is priceless, right? Then
Like I said, add in your coaching skills, add in all the techniques that you help people work through, add in your knowledge, your expertise, all of these things. It's like, it is so insane the value that you're giving people. So now you need to start valuing yourself or people are not going to see the value in you. And it starts with you. You have to be the one that takes the initiative to be like, hey,
I'm raising my prices. I'm like, the shit that I offer is so fucking badass. It is so transfer transformative. It is so life changing. It's worth more than what I've been selling myself for, right? So I want you, if you're listening to this right now, do you made it to this part of the episode, this is for you, okay? This is for you. Your soul needs to hear this. Go raise your prices, $100 at least.
stick to it. I don't care if it feels uncomfortable. I don't care if it feels like no one's gonna buy it. Right there, you're increasing your value, like 100%, because we cannot continue to devalue ourselves into like, oh, like tiptoe around, like, is this valuable? I don't know if people are gonna buy. Also, get your minds out of other people's finances. It's none of your business. Like literally, it's none of your business. I have, there's times where I've had no business investing in readings or coaches or astrology reports, but like I wanted it so bad that I found a way to make it happen, right? Like i I will buy shit if I want it, even if I don't feels like I don't have the money. So like, and people have money, right? Like people have money, people want this. It is sought after. So really, okay, if you felt any stickiness or if you feel any resistance towards increasing your prices by $100, go back to my step one of like, what do you need to shift?
to step into the identity of an iconic coach who charges for her value. right and Again, it's not necessarily charging for your worth. It has nothing to do with your self-worth. It has everything to do with the skill, the techniques that you're teaching, the time, your energy, your frequency, um your ability to just make someone feel seen and feel connected and feel you know really really seen because people don't have anyone in their life doing that for them. right So I believe in you, I believe in your gifts, and I would definitely want to buy your services if they were more expensive. And I think other people can agree, even if they don't realize that. It's like a subconscious thing that happens in sales. Okay, so that is that.
um oh yeah i'm sorry guys okay so that was another tangent i didn't finish all four sorry so my coach bought the reading for me right after i increased my prices everything started going crazy like i started making more sales than i've ever made in my business my coach buys my service um my reading and then i don't hear anything from her for like two weeks or no two weeks like two days And my insecurity, my shadow of inadequacy comes up.

Facing Insecurities in Growth

I'm like, oh my god, this must be shit. She probably hates it. I'm so embarrassed. I honestly didn't even want to send it to her because the Akasha reading channel message I came through was a whole nother thing. Like ah a whole nother unlocked skill came through and I was like, oh, this feels crazy. I don't know if I want to send this to her. Anyways, she messages me two days later and she's like, girl,
I'm literally like 20 minutes into my reading. I'm so obsessed like I'm creating a mastermind in the next couple of weeks and I want you to be the bonus reader for my mastermind like you have to give Jean Q's readings to all of my bonus girls like of course I'll pay for it like I just need you like to give them readings because it's so aligned with like the mastermind that I'm doing which is all about like personal brand and personal identity in their business. And she's like, I'm pretty sure you're down but just let me know if you're down like I don't like I'm pretty sure you are but just let me know. And you guys I was when I was on vacation in Boston with my brother and my dad, I was so fucking excited I was in a town that had if you see my stories on my um
On my Instagram, I post a picture of me next to like the the store that has the dragonfly store. That's literally the symbol of the gene keys. I knew something magical was unlocking, you guys. I knew something magical was unlocking. I had just raised my prices. I was starting to get more readings. I was doing readings while I was on vacation. So exciting because I had i was getting booked out.
And I was like, this is my dream. This is my dream life. This is my dream life. Oh my God. Pinch me. Oh my God. And then she sends me that message. I'm like, no fucking way. And my message to you is this. Every time that you're about to up level, cause that's a huge up level, right? That's a huge up level. Every time you're about to up level, your shadow, your shadows, whatever jinkies are going to be there. Mine was inadequacy. I had to tap through it. I had to move through it. Trust myself. Know that. Hey. And I have already had so much great feedback that people's minds were blown.
from the gene keys, but it's more, again, just like a new up level, because I was about to up level. So knowing that it's inadequacy allows me to keep moving forward, even when I'm really scared. And so that's why I want you guys to know your shadows in and out, because they're always going to kind of be there. And it's like and knowing them and having the awareness of you of it gives you the confidence to keep going. And then things are going to fucking unlock and up level. And you're going to be mind blown. And you're going to be like, what is life? This is crazy.
And yes, instead, my business has just been taking off. and so Those are all of the things i am and that really leads me into talking about my signature offer, for you guys. so I have been through the mind trying to create a signature offer for probably two years and like I've created things here and there, not never sold anything. I might've talked about it like two days and then like completely taken it down and like never like continued with the launch because I just felt like embarrassed. I felt like, have you ever launched something and then like no one signs up in one day and you're like, okay, I give up. That was literally me like my whole life.
um until I started doing this identity work. But um yeah, it came to me. It makes so much sense. I'm so excited. It's literally my life's work. I feel like this is exactly what I needed.
I feel like everything up until this point has led me

New Signature Offering

here. All the pieces of the puzzle have come together to lead me to this culmination of this beautiful one-to-one signature offer that is my three-month, 90-day activation called the Portal of You. Now, this is a beautiful one-to-one container for light workers, healers, coaches, guides,
astrologers, human design readers, Akashic record readers, anyone that is on the purpose path that is also creating a spiritual business, right? They're also creating an entrepreneur. They're an entrepreneur and you can be anywhere on the path. So you can just have an idea that you want to start creating offers and creating a business and like you're living your purpose. You can already be in your business. You can already be successful in your business and just want to unlock even more insane fucking results and like prosperity and like fulfillment.
So anywhere that you are on the purpose to business journey, but you but it's definitely for the person who is a coach, is a lightworker, is a healer, is a service-based practitioner that ah either wants to create offers or already has offers, right?
And what this is, it's a 90-day activation, you guys. So we work together for 90 days. The majority of this is going to take place in Telegram. So I have Telegram coaching. We'll be together Monday through Friday during business hours. You can talk to me at any time, fully. like um'm It's like a VIP client. I'm 100% there coaching you. Any questions that come up.
um The really, really fun part is, they're all fun parts. One of the funnest parts is every single Monday, I'm going to do a Gene Keys activation drop of one of your geniuses. So every single Monday, you're going to get an Intelogram, a in telegram ah beautiful, it'll probably be, I don't know how long it'll be, but a voice note.
of me giving you a reading of a sphere in your dream keys. So we're first going to go through the genius sequence. So you're going to learn your life's work, which is what you're meant to do in this lifetime. It's masculine energy. It's 70% of your personality. It's your conscious son. Like this is the doing in your life. You're going to learn that. Week two, you're going to learn your evolution, which is your biggest soul lesson that you're here to learn in this lifetime. That's your unconscious um I'm sorry, your conscious earth. So you're going to learn the biggest lesson that you're here to learn in this lifetime. And you learn the shadow, the gift and the city of it. Then on week three, you're going to learn your radiance. So what keeps you really healthy? What keeps you glowing? And what is the shadow that is going to keep you feeling like stuck, no energy, potentially creating like illnesses, disease, like not feeling your best. Then week four, you learn your purpose. So you learn what is your purpose? What deeply fulfills you in this lifetime?
What is the unique texture of your consciousness? Then week five, you learn your vocation. So you learn what is your biggest core wound? How do you alchemize it into your biggest core talent? And this is the thing that you're most equipped to teach to others, to guide others. This is really fun when we get into week five, five, six, seven, eight, because this is really business structured.

Overcoming Poverty Consciousness

So you're going to get super clear on your ideal audience, who you talk to, your niche, your offers. Then week Six is culture. So you learn what is the shadow of poverty consciousness for you? What is the shadow that is blocking and repelling money and clients, your people from coming to you, right? And what is the gift? What is that beautiful gift frequency that you can be in that is just going to attract people to you like a magnet so they can really unlock prosperity and abundance and your fractal line but for seeing you, hearing you, and wanting to work with you like a no-brainer.
Then week seven is brand. So we go all into branding, like what is your unique brand? What is your unique truth? You are your brand. You are your personal brand. So I teach you, what is the shadow? How are you confusing people? How is your messaging confusing and blocking people from wanting to work with you? And what is your gift? What is your unique truth that your soul wants to share with the world, right?
So you're going to unlock that. And then week eight is Pearl. So I teach you all about the Pearl, right? We arrived to this prosperity, this abundance, this money, these opportunities. What is the way that your soul wants to experience money? And what is the thing that's going to block it or kind of help attract magnetized money to you?
And then week nine through 12 is going to be Akashic Records readings that I'm going to drop every single Monday to empower you, to connect you, um it'll answer any questions that you have, or just be like these beautiful, I really think of this as like beautiful, energizing, um just feeling completely seen, connecting to your spirit team, your guides, and just really giving you any messages that they have for you on the path, right, as we're working together. And then The second kind of phase of this is we're going to be meeting twice a month on Zoom. So we'll have like our Zoom like coaching calls. These are really like activation calls where I guide you through my five-step manifestation process. So we're going to have six calls total. This is where I use all of my neural um linguistic programming techniques on you.
So anything that's coming up, okay? Anything that's coming up of like any fears, any resistances, any stickiness, anything that's coming up as you're like solidifying your offers, creating new things, showing up on socials, putting yourself out there. Anything that's coming up, we are going to program out.
And we're going to program in this new identity. And I'm going to walk you through my five step manifestation process and use all of my techniques and tools on you so we can completely rewire your subconscious mind to get you on the identity level of this iconic sought after expert, leader, coach, guide, healer. You will be like,
you will literally become your highest self through this mindset work. This again, you guys remember what I told you? That's literally like the one thing that changed in my two and a half to three years over the last three months was like my identity work around my subconscious mind. So we're going to do that. So that's super awesome. You know, we'll get to meet twice, like so every other week.
um We'll get to be together six calls total. And then the other part that I love is you get access to my growing library called Icon Alchemy. And so this is a library that's going to be full of EFT tapping sessions and hyper-specific hypnosis tracks.
So what I mean by this, remember how I told you that my biggest core wound is inadequacy? And like I've been on this path for like almost three years and I've experienced a lot of like frustration, failure, quote unquote, if you can't see me failure, feeling like nothing's happening, feeling like the needle isn't moving, having to come out of the fear of talking on stories, how to come out of the fear of showing up, using my voice, expressing myself, launching the podcast, creating offers.
um going on other people's podcasts, really stepping into my iconic leadership. There have been so many things that come up that created anxiety or just like fear or just like stressors, right?
And it's totally common and I think people don't talk about this enough. Like we want to, I feel like when we're on the business path, we almost want to like pretend or put on this front of like, oh, everything's great. And I'm like really successful. We're really behind the scenes. We're like, okay, I'm not selling anything. Like, hello, is everyone else just like selling stuff? Cause I feel like I'm selling nothing. I feel like that's kind of how it is when you first start out. So I'm going to teach you in those um EFT sessions, we're going to go through um and tap on the meridian points in the body to really like shake loose any of those yucky old like fears or like bad feelings that we're feeling like negative feelings and then we go in and we tap in affirmations that are highly specific. This is where like my genius lies you guys. I again am a highly practical specific person so they're going to be so specific like
I want to do one about like d like about like avoiding the DMs, right? like I used to be really nervous about like I would see someone DM me and I would be like, oh my God, I don't want to read it. like i would like I would get this weird contraction feeling and I'm like, oh, I just want to ignore that, right? So there might be some weird stuff around talking to people in the DMs.

Addressing Business Anxieties

There might be some weird stuff about um like speaking on stories using your voice, right? Talking, sharing your face. There might be some stuff around like being kind of afraid to like talk about spiritual stuff or like coming out of the spiritual closet. There might be some stuff around um
not feeling like fully equipped going into your coaching session. There used to happen to be a lot of feeling like, Oh my God, like, wait, like, I don't even know. Can I give him a transformation? Can I not? So all of those hyper specific things that actually really come up. And then also if you're already a seasoned coach and you already are successful in your business, but you want more, there could be more stuff around, like, there could be more blocks around like, Oh, I'm making 20 K months.
I want to make 30k months but that sounds really fucking scary or that feels like a lot more responsibility or I'm so successful I have 100,000 followers on Instagram I'm continuously getting people into my programs but Alyssa I'm not aligned anymore with this niche I want to completely transition and pivot but I'm so nervous I don't know if I can do it right so we're gonna do like highly specific tapping on that kind of stuff um And then the the hypnosis sessions are highly specific hypnosis tracks that you can listen to. I'll have some that are like daytime and then some like just before you go to sleep so just listen to them and then fall asleep that are going to call in you being the iconic identity right of being that coach of being highly specific we're going to do like money block once you're like opening up to like abundance and receiving we're going to do ones about how
Like it's easy to be in business. It's fun to show up on social media. If you have any sort of like, oh, like social media is like so hard or like, I hate it or like, God, I wish I just didn't have to do that part. We're going to completely eradicate that. And you're going to be excited for social media. You're going to see how it's a gift, how it literally connects you to millions of people in the whole world. You can use it as a tool.
You're going to love it. And we're going to create this like beautiful feeling around it that you're so excited to show up. You can't wait to talk to you like your friends on the other side of the screen. So just hyper-specific ones. um You'll have lifetime access to that.
And yeah, and so that is it. And so it's called The Portal of You. I'm so excited, you guys, because right now, um until January 6th, I think I have January 6th on my website, which is my birthday, um I am doing over $500 off, you guys. So right now, the price is over $500 off. At first, I was gonna do it only for the first five people that signed up, but I was like, you know what? I wanna keep that going strong into the new year because i really feel like new year's resolutions we all kind of want to like totally change our lives if you know you know that new year's resolutions never work because people are changing only at the behavioral level
So I really want to offer this to people who actually really want to step into this like iconic coach leader guide energy. 2025 is your year you want to make this like the year that you create prosperity and abundance and you're fully expressing yourself and you're showing up and you're living your purpose and you're teaching your people and you're getting people into your programs and into your offers and you just feel so fulfilled and like you're getting these like messages from the people that your clients and like oh my god like you literally changed my life like i'm so excited like oh my god look like this happened and like you just feel so good and so tuned in like imagine if like wouldn't it be so nice if you could literally wake up every day to like new stripe notifications coming in
new emails from stan store that you sold another workshop or that you have a new client and you're one-to-one or you sold another reading or you wake up to like notifications from your clients and they're like oh my god i had this massive shift from our session like i feel so excited like thank you thank you for the work that you do thank you so much for helping me and you see more downloads on your podcast and you are just seeing like this ripple effect and you have people, collaborators that are like oh my god I need you to like teach you my mastermind oh my god I want you to come on my podcast oh my god you're a genius can you please um like let's create a bundle together right it's like if you want to unlock all of this and I know that we all do especially like when we get into the new year we're like oh it's the time for like a new new fresh start that's why I wanted to keep it open for like a week
into the new year.

Launch of New Program

um And it was like my birth my birthday's perfect time. So this is going to be something that's always open, you guys. This is my signature one-to-one program. It doesn't close, but I am offering you an incentive to sign up before January 6th. You get $500 off and then my price will go up. And then from there, like as I I'm just like loving this and like moving on. like The price will probably continue to raise throughout the year, um but I'm just so excited. I feel like it's such a great great deal. I feel like it's literally jam-packed of value. I'm obsessed. I feel very solid in it and I can't wait to just, I'm fully surrendered. I can't wait to call in the absolute dream clients. I already know things are happening behind the scenes. I already know people that are like looking at it and like thinking about it and excited and maybe making things work behind the scenes or just like rearranging some things. I know they're coming. I feel it.
And, um, yeah, I'm so excited. And so if you, if that is you, and if you're excited, I'll put the link below. You can also go to my Instagram. Um, everything is in my Instagram, Lincoln bio on my stand store. And then of course you guys, if you have any questions, if you want more clarification of like, wow, what is the layout? What does it look like? What is this actually going to help me do?
Any questions you have, send me a DM on Instagram. um I would love to connect with you. I would love to just hear like what is your vision? like What is your goal for your life's work and your purpose in your business? Where are you trying to go? How can I help you?
And I'm so excited for us, you guys, to just leave 2025 and go into 2026 as like completely different people, as millionaires, as people fully living our purpose, seeing transformations in our clients, feeling just so lit up. Like I want you to feel this energy that I feel. I still have my nine to five job, you guys. I still have my nine to five job. I'm still living the same life, but the way that I view my life is so different over the past three months. i I'm excited. I'm bubbling. I'm vibrant with energy. Again, I'm vibrating most of the time at my gift and aesthetic levels because I'm just so fucking fulfilled and so happy. I just feel a complete shift in my energy and my confidence and my clarity and who I'm here to help. And like I want to get other women there, right? Because I really feel like as Lightworkers, Coaches, Healers, Guides, we have the most important work.
And but we're so intelligent, like we're so divinely gifted. Why the fuck wouldn't we be sold out? Why wouldn't we be making really good money, right? People like us deserve to make really good money. It's really good for good people like us to make really good money.
It's really good for people like us to live our purpose and to feel fully fulfilled in the work that we're doing. It's really good for good people like us to live our life's work and to feel prosperous and have opportunities open up and just be buzzing with excitement for life and an excitement to wake up every single morning. Okay, you guys, so that is everything. Thank you so much for being here. I hope you have the absolute best week.
um If you love this episode, if you resonate, please, please, please send me a DM. And if you haven't yet and you love these episodes, please leave a review, like, and rate, leave a...
I think I can't tell you to leave a five-star review. But, you know, rate it with however many stars you feel fit, girl. um Leave a review. It would just help me get this podcast out to others. That is one thing I really want to, um that's one thing I am calling in in 2025, is just getting more guests on the pod, becoming a guest on other people's podcasts. I love our last two guests that we've had. If you haven't listened to those, go listen to those.
um um so and If you want to be a guest on the podcast, DM me, reach out to me. I would love to hear um what you have going on and how we can like really share your genius with the world. okay All right, you guys. I love you so much. Have a good night. Bye-bye.