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62. PART 2: My trip to Salem, how the Gene Keys lead to a HUGE opp in my biz + why, how to finally "niche", details on my new program! image

62. PART 2: My trip to Salem, how the Gene Keys lead to a HUGE opp in my biz + why, how to finally "niche", details on my new program!

It's Happening For Me
25 Plays4 months ago

Hello babes!

Welcome, this week I tell you all about my trip to Boston and Salem, the BTS on a HUGE opportunity I got in my biz after aligning to my Gene Keys and switching from live to recorded readings, how to actually "niche" in a way that makes your dream clients SEE you and not feel constrictive, more details on my 1:1 program officially launching 11/11.

Be sure to listen to part 2!


Work with me:


Boston and Salem - Land, Trials, and Stories

so my Okay, so this is like part two of the same episode. I had to restart it because um I have no more space in my computer so I needed to delete a lot of things but anyways I think it's it's also a sign that I need to like be a little more concise with what I'm talking about because I don't know if you guys care about all these details one thing that I'm learning my certification is like some people talk like very chunked down with like details of like oh you guys this is what I learned in Boston that Boston is man-made and like the land was literally filled in by people. It's like, do you actually care about that? I don't know, because then there's also people that are very chunked up, that are very vague and broad. And actually, I'm definitely more of like a details person. And I think if you listen to this, you already know that about me. um Like, remember the one bad review that I got about how I just like to yammer on about myself. So I'm just gonna go with it. So anyways,
Okay, so yeah, it's it's fascinating because all of the new condominiums that have been um built up that are now the shoreline are blocking the old views of the houses that were there first that used to have a water view, but because only the city owns the land, like they're able to do that. So I just thought that was fascinating. um Okay, so the other crazy part is that I learned so much about the witch trials I had no idea about before. So it turns out you guys that There weren't, it wasn't this like, witchy, also Salem is where Hocus Pocus, the movie Hocus Pocus was filmed at. And I did get to go on a tour and go by a lot of like the famous places that they filmed at, which is really cool. But anyways, okay, so the reason that Salem got so famous is because of Hollywood. So Hollywood, I forget what movie it was. It was before Hocus Pocus, but Hollywood created some movie
about the witch trials which yes there really were witch trials there and so that kind of created this huge craze that like made it really really popular in the 80s but before that nobody was really like talking about it or even remembering that part of history because they actually had to seal and destroy a lot of the documents that even talked about the Salem witch trials because the people were so embarrassed of what happened. But essentially what happened is like, it wasn't like these girls were like witches and they were creating these like spells and doing this like Minecraft stuff. Like, no, it was literally that these freaking men
wanted to steal land from other people and so they would accuse the women or the daughters of the of the owners of being witches just so that they could basically take them to court and then like imprison them and anytime that and it's crazy because the prison owners the judges And like everyone, like the prosecutors were all the same people. like It wasn't like this checks and balances that we have now, day and age. But anyways, they would basically essentially accuse these women of being witches, and then they would like put them on trial. And as they were waiting in trial in jail, like every day every day that you're in jail, you're owing that the the sheriff money. like You actually have to owe a debt for like being there for like
your stay there, right? So of course they wanna keep you in there for as long as possible. And then when you go to your trial and they end up like murdering you, they get your land. so And then also, if you ever get released from jail and you're found like innocent for whatever reason, most people were in so much debt because they could not afford to pay off their debts that now they became indebted servants and would like work for people's families as servants for the rest of their life to pay off their debt. So this not this was completely a fucked up, like, patriarchal,
thing that they would do to women to just steal their land. So it was really, really sad. Of course, there's like way more details that go into it, but that's kind of like the gist of it is like it's not at all what they made it seem like it is. And the hype that they made it seem like it is is because Hollywood wanted to therefore profit off of this, off of these like stories, right? And make them seem like really crazy and really spooky and glamorous just to like make more money. But honestly, it wasn't even true. It was just literally to like lie and like steal people's money. um but Another thing they would do is they would be like they would like strip search them, which is so awful. They would literally take off all their clothes and look for like witches marks. And so if you had like a birthmark, if you had a third nipple, um if you had any sort of mark on yourself, any scratches, any he bruises, they would be like, oh, that
um that's the sign of the devil because what they thought is that witches actually went signed a contract with the devil saying that like oh I'm going to be a witch now I'm basically like selling my soul to the devil and then they would get this like devil's mark on them and so sometimes women would be in jail and then they would search them like every day and so the next day if they found a bruise on them they'd be like oh my god that's the sign of the devil you must have like signed the contract over the night and now you're a witch right So it was just really crazy. It was really sad. um the It was so sad, you guys. We went on this like tour that walked us past one of the old jails in Salem. And this jail, you guys, was open until 1991. And up until 1991, they still used buckets to go to the bathroom in. They did not have toilets, okay, up until 1991. And when the witches back in like
I have an undefined head in Anjana, you guys, so you guys know I don't recall facts that well, but I don't know if this was like, I literally, oh my God, you guys, I don't know if this was the 1600s, 1700s, 1800s, I don't fucking know. I know it wasn't the 1900s. Whatever year it was, the way that they would like keep the witches in jail is they would keep them like in these tiny little coffin cells that were like the size of a coffin and they would keep them like boarded up and like chained up, they would literally have to go to the bathroom on themselves. There was nowhere to go to the bathroom. They just went right there. um They would throw food at them like through this hole. And so the food would often fall onto the floor like into their own like pee and poop. And so they would have to literally like eat their own poop if they wanted to like eat the food.
um And then they said that oftentimes these jails would flood because they were so close to the water line back then. So the water would come in and a really like high tide or high storm and it would completely flood the first floor, which is where like they held like all the witches and stuff and it would literally be flooded with all of their pee, poop, like everything, just like going everywhere, swirling around everywhere, and they would be like sitting in that. so It was honestly horrendous. It was really sad. For some of the executions that they had, there would be up to 5,000 people that would come from really far away to like watch it. um It was horrendous.
and pure evil. And um eventually they decided that like this was not okay. And so they basically, I forget how the story ends, but they basically like stopped doing it. um but yeah it's because it really was like a really corrupt main sheriff guy and then this other family that had like these little girls that like would go and accuse the other women and so I'm like okay that's probably where a lot of the witch wound is coming from it's because people are just first of all it happened to women
um who like it would inherit inherit um land and property, right? Because back in the days, women cannot own anything. Like literally, we could not own anything outside of our husband or outside of like our dads. And they wouldn't even call women by their names. They would call them by a so-and-so's wife or so-and-so's daughter. But if there wasn't a male in place to take that property on when like the but owner died and it had to go to the female, that's the only way that women actually got like property and their names.
And that is when people would come after them a lot too, is is like when they had property in their names.

Boston Experiences - Food and Reflections

So yeah, it's very interesting, very fascinating. um So we did that and then I like really could feel, um I just felt like I could feel energy. I just felt like I could feel sadness. I felt like I could just feel um even some like hopelessness. I feel like I was tapping into and just um
I feel like I could even kind of feel the feelings of like the greed and of like the people that were doing it to these people. And then when we were going on the little walk, I felt like I saw so many orbs like in my phone. I like took a video and saw so many orbs that I really feel like were something. But my dad and my brother were like, oh, that perfectly reflects like the moon and like the light and the church and blah, blah, blah. And I'm like, OK, whatever. um I still believe it. So it was really cool. It was really, really cool.
And then um we had some of the best food ever. So like that night we went to eat, I forget the name, but it was like a really bomb-ass place that we ate in Salem. um And we got lobster rolls. So it was like the best lobster roll I've ever had in my entire life. i like I'm not even just saying that. um My dad got the lobster bisque. My brother got the clam chowder. It was like the best soup I've ever had in my life. um It was so good. And then I got like my mocktail, my diet coke, and my water, like the big three drinks for a sober girl.
at all the dinners. So that was really fun. One night we went into Boston to this like really, really, really high end dinner. It's the most expensive and like craziest dinner I've ever had in my life, but it was basically like um think it was like a 10 course meal and the way the menu set up it was really cool because it was actually the first day of the fall menu so like the menu had completely changed but the way it's it's set up is like um you get a pick between two things for like your appetizer you get a pick between two things for your entree you get a pick between two things for your dessert and then all the other things you get all of them to equal up to like 10 little
entrees or 10 course meal. Maybe I'm exaggerating. Maybe it was like an eight course meal. I don't know, but it was really, really expensive. But and the foods was really weird. Like it was really weird. I was like, Oh, I guess this is like what really ah wealthy people eat I don't know maybe or maybe like very fine dining culinary is but it was very interesting so one of them was I wish I had the money you guys because it was it was really interesting um the weirdest thing was rabbit so the weirdest thing that we like i none of us really liked because it was just so weird it was this little bowl and
It was like shredded rabbit and on top it was this thick like white glaze that was just like fat. you know If you think of fat, if you've ever seen fat when it's at room temperature, it's just like hard and solid. It was literally like that, like a really thick layer of fat and you base like that seemed like lard or something. And you basically like cut into that and then you spread it over a piece of sourdough bread. And it was the weirdest shit I've ever tasted. like It was really weird.
Um, it was just too much for me. Like, I don't know if it was like too much animal, too much what, but it was really weird. Um, some things I tried that I was really proud of myself is I tried, um, I think it was like a halibut sushi me. I've never liked any raw fish. Like anytime I eat sushi, I barely started liking sushi this year. And I get the like super like, um,
I get the super like, and not that sushi-ish rolls, if you know what I mean? Like um the ones that have like cream cheese or like jalapenos or like shrimp tempura, um I like crab, but I don't really like any of the raw fish and I don't like when it has like salmon in it or anything like that. But anyways, I was i tried it and it was actually really good and it was like really big chunks of this like raw I think it was hella bit. It was weird, but it was, i I did it. And I was so proud of myself. And then the other, okay, you guys tell me why one of the options to choose from was, this is so funny. So I love, yeah I never know how to say the name, right? But you know, Noki, Noki G N O C H I, you know, like the little potato pastas. Okay. It was that, or it was something called veal sweet bread. And so,
And also I'm sorry for anyone who's vegetarian or vegan. I'm talking a lot about like animals right now, but okay. So I got the veal sweet, sweet bread and I was like, Oh, it sounds like a sweet bread with, I don't even know what veal is. I think that's cow, right? I was like, that sounds really cool. Turns out sweet bread literally means like.
I think it's like pancreas and like liver of an animal. So it's not a bread at all. Sweet bread is literally organs. ah So it was like this organ soup with like tomatillos and it had like some chilies in it.
it was actually really good. And I was like really shocked. I was like, oh my God, this, like, wow, I would never try this in a million years. I never thought I would like any organs or try any organs, but it actually was really good. And I was like, this is fascinating. So I really pushed myself, I feel like through that culinary experience, I realized that even when I'm like a fricking millionaire, multimillionaire, I'm still gonna stick to the things that I love. I don't think that that kind of fine dining is really like for me. um It was a fun experience. The dessert was so good. It was like this,
chocolate mousse with grape ice cream or sorbet. I've never had grape sorbet in my life. It was so good. And ah yeah, and it had like hazelnuts and like, you know how Nutella comes from hazelnuts? It was kind of like that. It was so good. Oh my God. It was so good. So yeah. And then I had like a mocktail that was like really expensive for one. So I was like, I'm just going to get one. And that is it. That was really good. That was really, really good.
But anyways, it was a really cool experience. um It took forever. Honestly, I think it took us like three hours. We were so tired, you guys. Like literally, I was just like, this shit is dragging on and on and on. And like to you, it was like on a really high story. So like all the windows can see like the downtown of Boston. And like to get to the bathroom, you have to take the elevator, like that's in the restaurant. It's a very small restaurant. You have to take the elevator down to the second floor to get to the bathroom. um So it was just weird. It was like weird.
ah cool experience and I would probably never do it again. And and then we were like dying like thinking about how like if someone took someone on a first date there like now that person's standards of what their dates are going to be like are insane right because it was like ah it was outrageously expensive.
um And then we were also like, oh my God, imagine taking a first date here and you guys like matched on like Tinder or something and you don't even know anything about each other and you have to sit here for like three hours and like make conversation. It would be so awkward, like literally.
um But yeah, other than that, it was really cool. All the food that we ate everywhere was really good. Another thing you have to eat if you ever go to Massachusetts, I heard this is like really big in Massachusetts, is the roast beef sandwiches and get it the three way. So it has barbecue, cheese, sauce, and mayo.
I think it was. Oh my God. It was so fucking good. Like I wish that we got that on the first day that we got there. When we got to the Airbnb, we stopped there first and got like a roast beef sandwich three weeks. We heard that's what you have to get. And every day I was like, you guys, we should go get roast beef sandwiches for lunch. But then we just never did a again. Another cute thing. and One of our um Uber drivers that I really, really liked him.
he was telling us this funny story of how like the first time he ever like told his son that he like bought him a three-way and his son was like 14 like going through puberty and so he thought he meant a three-way like sexually ah so he was like what do you mean dad and like he's like he even like put it on the calendar he's like yeah like in two weeks I'm gonna take you to get your first three-way son and so he like put it on the calendar and was like really like building up to he's like don't tell your mom like this is just something like that I'm gonna do for you So he said he was like so confused and like so like um weirded out and then like he took him to get the sandwich and he's like oh it was just so funny the way he told the story. I think I really just like killed that story but it it was really funny we were dying.
um So yeah, I loved all the people like literally all the people are so cool there. I'm definitely an East Coast girl at heart now. um And then we flew back we I stayed in Denver for a couple days after that. um The time just flew by literally like I did readings um because I'm about to transition to next girl as my business has been popping off which I'm so excited about. um So I was doing readings and then Just spending time with my brother, like going to eat, going on walks, going in nature. So it was really, really fun. um So that will translate. OK, yeah. So anyways, that that's me ending my Boston

Business Growth - Insights and Strategies

recap. I would definitely go back. I like didn't even give you guys any names of the restaurants, but um I for sure had them on my phone. So if you're ever like going to Boston, I could tell you all the places we went. It was so good. I highly recommend. Highly recommend staying in Marblehead, the Airbnb. I can also give you that information if you ever want it. It was the prettiest view of my life. like Highly recommend. OK.
So that brings me into my next story about how my business has been popping off. okay So the last episode that I posted to you guys, I got to interview Nicole Doyle. And Nicole Doyle is my friend. She's my peer um that I met through Dharma Coaching Institute. We've known each other for the past couple of years, both doing our own thing, living our purposes, growing our businesses. so She's an intuitive guide and strategist, and um I got an intuitive session from her. And this was like a month ago, maybe now, I think like a month ago, and I had already you guys been wanting to transition my readings from live readings to
recorded readings because I found through doing my 1-800 soul support um podcast recordings you know where you guys can like submit your questions and I answer them on the pod I realized that when I'm in my own energy I'm able to actually go way deeper into your gene keys and into your human design and like my channel is just way more open and I'm able to go deeper, longer, more excited, not have any distractions. And so I was really like going back and forth was like, okay, can I do this? Like, is that something that somebody would actually want to buy? Or like, would people feel like they need to do a live reading, right? I had all of these doubts. I think I talked about this actually in episode 59 about how I was like, oh, I actually decided that I want to do this, right? Like I want to do recorded ones.
so In that intuitive guided session, she like I literally just said on my form, I was like, oh i just want like next I just want some clarity in my business. That's literally all I said. She channeled this whole insane message from my higher self, which wasn't even my higher self, it was my higher self in her greatest form. I forget the word that she said, but it was like, mo no ad or like, I forget the name that she said, but basically it's the form of the highest version of our higher selves. right and so She had a was talking to her.
And she like had this little riddle and she was saying things in riddles and all these things that made sense to me, all these things that made sense through the Jean Keys. And one of the things was like, yes, I can totally be in my own pyramid. And she saw me in my own pyramid, in my own office, in my own space, in my own genius, especially as a line two, like so excited and lit up doing my work and then like being hermiting and then like putting it out into the world.
And so the moment you guys that I decided I'm going, I'm changing these to recorded. I changed them, changed it on my, um, I changed it on my stand store. I changed my prices. ah No, I didn't change my prices yet. And then I put an announcement that, Oh, I'm changing my prices because I am now transitioning my money and it was my money and business reading into my now purpose and prosperity package.
which is a reading, a channeled message and a hypnosis, right? And so I was like, Hey guys, my prices are increasing on Monday. Just so you know, I was posting this on Instagram for only like three days. I ended up selling the most readings I've ever sold and just having like the most engagement ever. The moment that I energetically shifted and was like, Oh yeah, I'm going to go to recorded and then I'm going to raise my prices.
I don't know if I talked about this in the other episode, but in another community, my Jinkies community that I'm in, what I what i learned from my... um my mentor Maria Henning, I had also submitted a question about like, hey, like I created this whole package. I think I need to increase my prices. And they were like, yes, like 100%. That should not be 333 for like all of the value you're giving because it's way beyond a reading. Even the readings themselves are crazy. So i the moment that I increased my prices or decided to, that's when I sold readings. Again, literally the same second, you guys. like
I decided later I checked my email and it was like that same hour that I sold one. So this is my message to you. Figure out how do you actually want to deliver your service, right? And in our gene keys, it gives us a very big clue in the size of the group that we wanna be with and in the way that we wanna impact the collective, okay? I'm a line one individual. The size of group for me is more of like, I'm here to impact the person at an individual level. I'm here to be bold, I'm here to go first, I'm here to take an initiative, and I'm here to create something in a way that I want to.
Whereas Align 2 does really, really well with pairs, right? With business partners. Okay, so me wanting to do a recorded reading or some kind of offer that's like in my own space, I give it to my person, they're in their own space, they're their own individual, they're having time to go over it when they have time, when they're in the best head space, when they're ready to learn, when they're ready to to take in the information, right? It just unlocks something, you guys, in me energetically that I did not even know was holding me back because I realized that I do not like seeing things on my calendar.
I'm still in my nine to five, um which is not like an excuse, but I mean, I think things will definitely be different when I'm in my business full time, but I'm still in my nine to five. I have certain things that I do on the weekends. As a generator, I've learned from the past that like it is not good for me to have my schedule filled up every single second.
And I have a pattern of being an overworker, of being an overachiever and having everything scheduled out so far in advance that I have literally no room to breathe or to be creative. And it subconsciously stresses me out and it does not leave any room for fun and excitement. And so switching this literally shifted something in me energetically.
I was able to send out like all of my vibes to my people, to my fractal line, and then they started coming in. The reading started coming in, right? And it's because I was excited about what I was offering. I was energetically aligned to what I was offering. So if you have something that you are offering, if you're talking about it and no one's buying it, there might be something energetically off with the way that you're delivering it, with the way that it's structured, right? There might just be something that you can tweak to be like oh my god this is actually like way more aligned and there's no way that we're actually ever going to know until we just start doing it right just start experimenting start changing things lean into it like i wanted to do this so bad and i it took me
confirmation from like two different like readings and help from like people to be like, yes, you can do this, do it, do it, record it, if that feels good to you, do it. And it's like, I know that as a human design guide, and I know that through my jean keys, but we all just need sometimes that outside confirmation to be like, hey, you can literally do whatever you want, and you're probably gonna see better results. So that's the number one, my business has been like night and day since I made that but decision. um And I also want to say that that's not going to be the case from a lot of people. A lot of people
don't have any any energy just recording things by themselves. right They feel dead. like They need the other person's energy to feed off of, to give them inspiration. right I'm also single definition. so my like The way that I learn, the way that I do things on my own is very like in my own lane. I don't need any other outside energy to like connect my energy channels. like i'm just My circuit is singular, right single definition.
some people who might have split definition might do really really well live right with somebody because they have that energy to go back and forth whereas like if they were by themselves it might be really boring or it might be really uninspiring or their channel might just be like the way people's channels work not even thinking about human design but even the way people's channels work they might need someone to be in front of them to be feeding off their energy and to be like yes yes yes okay we're me I don't for me it throws me off for me
not I'm the things that I'm learning right now I'm actually really excited to do like in person like sessions for um more for like shifting and releasing things but when it comes to my channel or when it comes to teaching a subject like the gene keys which is so such an alive um the gene keys is alive the gene keys is a living breathing wisdom. um It's very distracting for me to be face to face with someone and to be kind of like communicating this information while also holding the space, making sure that they're interested, you know, especially if like, especially because
I can just get so easily distracted and this is more such a like a teachable transmission. It's just easier for me, that's all I'm going to say, for me to do it with no one else there and to me be maybe my own energy. I go so deep, like I have zero distractions and it feels so good.
now There are things I'm so excited to incorporate into my one-to-one um coaching that I'll get into in a moment, where it's way better to be live. like To be live, like we need each other. like I can help you literally transmute stuff in real time. That's going to be much better translated live, but just for this purposes of like my readings, it my Kaushik readings, everything like that, I really, really love.
being in my own space, sending it off to the person, them receiving it. And the feedback that I've gotten is like, they love it, right? Like it's bringing people to tears. It's bringing people to like having insane realizations about themselves, to have so much permission to do things their way, to have confirmation that they're on the right path.
to give them new ideas. It's just, it's been so cool. um So that i that is one thing that I will say is if you've been struggling with um any offer or just like not feeling like it's aligned, there could just be a little, little tiny part of like tweaking how you deliver it, the size of group that you deliver it to, the way that you deliver it, all of that stuff, which is so fun because there's so many like, I don't know what's going on with my hair, but there's so many opportunities to change things up and try new things.
So don't ever feel like you can't change things. That's something else I've learned from my mentor, Maddie, is like, you can change things. And as you do things, you're going to realize that you don't like how this was done, you want to tweak this. So we're able to change our offers and update them all the time, you guys. So I want to give that permission to you. Okay. Um, the other thing that really helped me, you guys, before I get into the story real quick of like, what's really cool in my business that happened is that really, really, really allowing myself to Get very clear on who I'm helping has helped so much with content creation, with people knowing that I'm talking directly to them. This, the niche, the niche thing is something that I struggled with for years. Something that I've tried to get help with from so many different business coaches. It never fails. that I never want to put myself in a box and it just like doesn't work. And what I've been learning recently that's really changed everything is.
Don't niche yourself, niche the offer, right? Have different niches for your offers because you can always change as a healer, as a coach, as a guide. We're always going to have new excitements. We're always going to have new passions. There's going to be new lessons that we learned that we want to guide people through.
But when we can niche our offers, we can know exactly who we're talking to for that offer, create content around it, and then sell that offer, right? But if we're not clear on exactly who this offer is even for, and like what I used to do for so long is like, I didn't even have an offer, I was just creating content, because I thought the whole point was just like, create content and be live on social media. No, that doesn't do anything for your business. Because the whole point of content is to bring people to your offers.
So if you're not clear on your offers, there's no way you can be clear on your content. And if you're not clear on any of them, no one is going to know that you're talking to them.

Spiritual Entrepreneurship - Clarity and Confidence

So having the audacity and the giving myself the permission to say, hey,
I'm choosing to help lightworkers, healers, coaches, people who have gifts and abilities that are creating businesses that want to have confidence to show up, to have clarity around their messaging, to actually reach their target audience, to figure out who their audience even is so they can start helping them and start creating profit and income and prosperity, right? And giving back and serving. Like there's not like, and I honestly, so long you guys was holding myself back because I was like, I'm not a business coach, right? I'm not a business coach. I'm not helping people make $20,000 months. I haven't made $20,000 months myself. Why would I ever be out of integrity and teach people how to do that, right? But that's not what I'm doing. And so I think that's why it was so
Hard for me and took so long to be able to like claim. This is the people that I'm helping but it is I'm not a business coach giving lightworkers healers coaches strategies to make 20k months. I'm working with healers coaches guides Lightworkers to help them get confidence to help them get clarity and to help them take action on their business, to show up, to show their face, to express themselves, to create the podcast, to understand who does their soul wanna help, right? Like you're so multidimensional, you have so many things that you love. How do you know who your soul wants to help? Well, that's where I come in because literally the jinkies gives you that information. The jinkies literally tells you what your life's work is, the problem that you're here to solve, how you're here to solve it,
the size of group that you're here to teach, guide, serve, the impact that your soul wants to have, the branding that your soul wants to have energetically, the messaging that your soul wants to have, um the way that your soul wants to be prosperous and um interact with money, how to heal your money mindset, your purpose, what keeps you healthy and vibrant. All of that is in your gene keys. And so Instead of going to a random business coach right who is not spiritual and has created success for themselves, right say say you go to a random business coach like I did who made 20k months for herself and she's not spiritual but she's
Successful, she makes $20,000 a month plus. And she's like, I'm going to teach you how to make $20,000 a month in your business. You're going to follow my exact step-by-step process. If you follow my exact step-by-step process and follow the way that I made $20,000 a month, you will also make $20,000 a month. If you don't follow it exactly to a T or if you don't end up making $20,000 a month, well, there's something wrong with you. You're not doing it right. You're not listening to what I'm telling you.
That doesn't make sense, you guys. And that is what so many of us are doing. like but it's just It blows my mind, you guys. I'm sorry. It just blows my fucking mind because that is what most, and this is not hate on business coaches. This is not hate on any coach because all of it does work and it will work.
But if it's not working and you keep trying to find this external thing that somebody else has that you just don't have and you're like, okay, the next person is going to have it. The next person is promising me this. The next person says, just follow this.
No, because if you follow someone else's path to success, it is 100% not your path. I'm sorry, I can literally blanket say, I can say that blanket statement. Maybe you will get more successful. Of course you can learn so many strategies and business tips. There are strategies, right? Like there is strategy to business, 100%. That's why I work with a business mentor still to this day. But The strategies do not matter if you're not aligned with what your soul wants to do.
You will not be successful and prosperous if you are not living up to your highest potential and living out your purpose and the way that your soul wants to live it out, right? You're gonna constantly be chasing other people's versions of success, copying what other people are doing and saying, why is this not working? Comparing yourself to other people's versions of success. um Trying so many different things, staying on the hamster wheel and like just feeling so like sad and so like,
disappointed because things are not working out and you're going to keep jumping to more certifications, more courses, never putting yourself out there because the advice that you're given is like, just go live, go live on Instagram once a week, you'll get a following. But if you are so scared to press live,
If you cannot bring yourself and your body to press live and start talking to your audience in a confident, beautiful, magnetic way, why is anybody going to listen to you? First of all, we're all fighting for attention because we honestly are like we are trying to get people's attention. And also your body is probably just not going to do it. Like that's what happened to me. I worked with someone for a whole year. That was her advice. I never went live because I was scared as hell to go live because I didn't feel safe in my body. I had limiting beliefs coming up.
I had fears around being seen. I had fears around the way that I spoke. I had fears around my messaging. So many fears that were not being healed, that were not being addressed. And I was just told to just do the thing. Just do it. Use willpower. That does not work. And also when we look at at it from a subconscious level, we are running off of old patterns, old stories, old fears. It's never going to work.
to just do it. We cannot bypass the subconscious mind and so that is where I come in and me fully claiming I am going to help all of the lightworkers, all of the healers, all of the guides, all of the Reiki healers, all of the mediums, all of the people who are woo-woo and spiritual Akashic record readers that have gifts. You know you have gifts But you just don't know how yet to put yourself out there, what the through line is and all the work that you do, how to market yourself, how to talk about it, what your messaging is, how to have the confidence, the clarity to show up, how to create and how to create socials, an audience, right? How to create a podcast, all of those things that
just working with a business coach that's going to give you her strategy to 20K is going to be missing the mark, especially because you're not just trying to get to 20K. You're trying to live your life's work, right? You're doing this because this is your life's purpose.
You're doing this because you love to help people. you're You're not trying to create a random, any random idea to just make money off of line from selling a dumb ass product they don't actually care about. You literally are creating a service of your soul right? You're creating a service, a soul service that your soul wants to help others bring them at the end of the day from suffering to joy. If we really like, that's my thing. Like if we really, really, really break it down to like what it is at the at the very basic level, it's like, I want to help people move from suffering to joy. And then like, if we chunk it
that's like That's very chunked up. And then if we wanna chunk it down, it's like, oh, I wanna help light workers, healers, coaches move from feeling inadequate, from feeling scattered, from not knowing what what steps to take next, from feeling overwhelmed, from feeling burnt out, from feeling unsure in themselves, to feeling so confident in their gifts, knowing exactly who they're talking to, having a through line in all of the work that they do, showing up consistently, creating the offers,
magnetizing people to their offers from just being so much themselves that they will create prosperity, wealth, abundance from living their life's work. And so that's where I really come in with the gene keys and now with the um the NLP work.
um And I don't think I ever explained this, but it's neuro-linguistic programming. So it's reprogramming the mind, reprogramming the subconscious mind. um There's so many tools that I'm learning that if you thought, I'm just going to say this, if you thought you knew how to do like belief, change limiting beliefs or whatever, I thought I did too. I've taken many life coaching certifications that have claimed to do that.
e No, no, no, no, I'm like, you guys, I'm, I feel like I'm going crazy right now, because of how was like, passionate on fire. I want to scream and laugh and cry. I literally feel an emotional wave coming over me right now. Because I have taken so many life coaching certifications. So many dumbass like, sorry, they're not dumb, but so many, I will say the ones I've taken ah I've taken dumb ass courses that were like $19, um, anywhere from like my life coaching certification, that was $5,000 to another light worker initiation. That was $5,000 to all of these things, right? I've spent thousands and thousands of dollars all the way down to something that's been like 1999. Oh, how to.
I don't know, just think of like one of those dumb ones of like, how to do this for 1999? I've done all of them. And why is it that I have never been so more sure of myself that I can provide a transformation in a one-to-one setting than right now? like Why has it taken me two and a half years, thousands and thousands of dollars, and so many trainings and certifications to be like, oh my God, I didn't know anything until I started learning this from Yes Supply.
I'm also going to, I do also have, um, um, if anyone's ever interested in doing yes, supply work, I do have a, um, affiliate link for a lot of their different stuff. Like if you're ever interested, because I'm telling you guys, like I've never felt more confident as a coach than like the things that I've been learning since this spring, like I could cry. It's literally insane. I feel like there is no problem a client could bring me that I could not help them transform in a session. Like 100%. Like there's nothing that I feel like would be too overwhelming, that I don't want to touch, that I don't want to go there, um that I would have no idea how to like handle a maneuver. And that is a fear that I used to have, which is why I never wanted to go beyond really doing readings. Like
My genius is readings. My genius is human design and gene keys. I know I can blow your mind with those readings. I know that I can transform your life with those readings. I know that it is worth every single penny, every dollar, every minute of your time. I over-deliver. I have so much conviction, so much in belief in myself, so much fire that I will take that to my grave. that like I will change your life with human design and gene cues, 100%. But I have never felt that same level of conviction and trust in myself when it comes to coaching until I started working with a subconscious mind with actual science-based proven tools and modalities that I have learned from hours and hours of training, practicing, studying, learning, right?
hours and hours because even before these intents ah have started I've been studying this material since the spring four hours okay there's so much that goes into it that we have to learn before we even get into the in-person intensives and so I'm telling you guys if you if some if some part of you feels like if some there's two things that goes on either you don't believe in the offer like you truly don't believe that your offer can transform lives, or you have a lot of limiting beliefs that are holding you back from believing in yourself. And if you want to find the quickest way to figure out what it is, if you're not making any sales in your business, start doing your offers and exchanges for testimonials like
start doing your offers for free actually see if they give people transformations and do it of course with an energy exchange of like either exchanging something for their services or getting a testimonial so there is some sort of energetic exchange but you need to know and this is what I'm going to do with my one-to-one clients, you need to know if this is actually transforming people. And if it is, and you have proof that it is, then all we have to do is work on your mindset and your belief about yourself, right? Which we can do through the gene keys and through NLP work. But if
if you're if you're practicing with people and you're realizing like, oh, I'm actually like, maybe maybe you just don't have the skills yet because that is very possible that maybe you just do not have the skills yet. Coaching you guys.
Coaching is unregulated, right? It's an unregulated industry. You don't need to have certifications. You 100% can coach without having a certification. You 100% can help people overcome a specific problem that you've overcame yourself.
But I will say you guys that it is in your best interest to have some sort of training, to have some sort of certification, not for the certification. So you can say, I have a certification because no one gives a shit what your certification is. It's not regulated, but it's so you can actually have the tools to help people, to give people a transformation because I'm going to say something so honest that this is very true. Like.
And this is something so interesting that we have to learn as coaches and healers is that just because something worked for you does not mean that it is going to work for somebody else. Okay. Just because something worked for you does not mean it is going to work for somebody else. And it can also be damaging to assume that it will. And so it's like,
And I've really been, I've really, we've been diving a lot into this, but it's like, there's so many different ways to go about healing somebody, right? Energetically, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, we have all these different layers of ourselves, right? Of our bodies. We have different layers of ourselves. And it's almost um like, I guess it's like ignorant to think that just because you went through something and you figured out a way of how to like get yourself through it, that that will also 100% work for the other person. Because when it doesn't, now like you're kind of in this like responsibility where like you need to help them, right? Or like there needs to be some like proven way or skill. like Everything is a skill is what I'm trying to get at. and so
Yes, we have personal experiences, which is so cool. That's why I love coaching and not like going to the therapist route, because I want to have my like life experiences in there. But like we need to have skills. And you don't of course, you can be self-taught. Of course, there's things you can teach yourself. You don't need to go get a human design certification to understand human design um unless you want to. And I personally have. like All of the things that I teach or that I guide, I have studied.
i have practice myself. And some people don't need that. But I think it's beneficial. I think it's very beneficial for people, ah especially if you're going to be coaching, and especially if it's going to be for
Um, just ethically, right? Just ethically. And again, this is not coming from a place of lack of feeling like, oh, I need to be certified. You don't, but you do need to be confident in what you're offering. And there's probably going to be skills involved in what you're offering, right? So.
Yeah, I think that's where I stand on that. It's like, I really like to help people identify like, do I just need more skills or do I just need more confidence in myself? And most of the time, the people that I work with, they have the skills, they have so many certifications, they've taken so many courses, they've worked on themselves, they've healed themselves for years. And it's like, girl, you know what to do. Now we just need to get the fricking self belief in there,

Mentorship and Gene Keys - Transformation and Healing

right? Which is sometimes the hardest part, but not when it comes to the tools that I help you with, okay?
Okay. Um, so it's a little bit about yeah, the offers. um So yeah, so now I guess I'll just like transition real quick into telling you a little bit more about like my one to one. So I'm so excited you guys. So um if you've been seeing on my Instagram, I've talked about it on the past couple of episodes, my one to one mentorship amplify, I've been putting like little like here and there talking about it in the captions of my um Instagram, but I haven't like formally like posted it.
I think I'm waiting for 1111 I'm sorry 1111 to like the 1111 portal to like put it out into the world like with like all the like marketing and everything but I want to give you guys the sneak peek because you guys are my girls so I'm just pulling up my calendar actually to see um
Yeah, we'll only have one more episode until then. Okay, yeah, we'll have one more episode till this launches. So stay tuned. um If you're not on my email list, we'll get you on my email list because I'm going to start doing emails. so But anyways, I created this and I think I'm just going to go ahead and like tell you the name of it. So you heard it here first. I'm creating all the marketing this week. So it is called the portal of you. And it is for Lightworkers, healers, guides, coaches to amplify your voice, your expression, your offers, your business, um your clarity, your confidence, and just everything in your life's work. And it is going to be a three month one to one immersion. And so it's essentially going to be where I am going to be dropping
your gene keys as like little mini trainings every single week. So we're going to work together for 12 weeks, um every single week, and it's going to be primarily taking place in, what do I always, I always say like my undefined head in Ashna. It's like, I see the, it's not Voxer. I use this literally every day. Telegram. So it's going to take place in Telegram. Okay. We're going to have a Telegram channel together, you and me. And Every single week. Okay, I am going to be dropping a jean keys training for you a jean keys.
What is the proper word. It's like a cellular upgrade, if you will. It's ah insane. I'm going to be going through your genius sequence. So your life's work is going to be one week. So we're going to talk all about like, literally one week we'll be like, what is your life's work? This, and then I'll leave you like, um, a voice note in there of what your life's work is. These are going to be very in depth training. So it'll probably be like, I mean, I can go on and on for each sphere. I don't know. I haven't done it yet. So we'll see how it goes. I don't want to make like over promise, but Anyways, each week I'll give you like probably like a 25 to 30 minute download of like, what is your life's work, right? So then you'll have that week to work on a part of your goal that we're going to set at the very beginning. So we're going to have
a total of six live calls. So the first call is going to be like onboarding. I'm going to onboard you. I'm going to like show you around your portal. um And then I'm going to really yeah create an achievable outcome with you. So it can be like, okay, what is it that you want to work on together in our time, right? Like, what are we moving towards in your business? Is it that you want to create and launch a podcast? Do you want to get clarity and create offers and start calling dream clients into your world? Do you want to create social media and start creating a following and learn how to like start posting and you know getting out of your way and like having confidence to show up and like express yourself and get super excited about your mission? Is it that you want to really nail your target audience, your messaging, who you're here to talk to and like work on that together and the time together?
So whatever it is that you have been wanting to do in your business but you just have not been doing it either because you don't know what to do or you know what to do but you're just not doing it, this is for you. um So every single week I will be doing instead of doing like one like two hour jinkies reading it's going to be a drop of like for each sphere every single week. Then on our calls okay our calls are going to be twice a month So the calls are going to be dependent upon what you need. So they're going to be a mixture of my and NLP tool so it'll be a mixture of like releasing things, it'll be a mixture of maybe um programming and something new like a new belief, installing a new belief, maybe it's going to be
a technical thing. So for example, let's say if you're like, okay, Alyssa, I really want to start showing up on my social media. I want to start talking on my stories. I want to start sharing my voice, my face, but I am so nervous to press play. Like when I press the button, I get too nervous and I just like never do it. Then I start spiraling and I just never post on my stories. And then I keep pushing it down the line and I just like never do it. And I'm just like not where I want to be in my business. So we can have a call where we use one of the tools to release that fear and create the identity of the person who easily and effortlessly gets on there and starts talking like as if it's your best friend, to your best friend. right and It's insane, these tools, because it's nothing like you've ever experienced. like Literally, you're physiologically going to change. You will not have that same reaction of being nervous like and blah, blah, blah. like It completely changes the physiioology physiological level. so
If there's little parts of like your journey that you've really been holding yourself back because you're just like, can't get over the fear, or you're so confused, or you have so many ideas, or you're so tired, I am like this genius who is going to help you create structure. We're gonna create outcomes, goals, um so that each week you know exactly what you're working on, okay? I'm a very structured person, Capricorn, Stellium, Stellium, I have a Capricorn sun, Taurus moon and Taurus midheaven.
So it's very practical, right? Like what I'm meant to do in my career is very practical. It's very kind of like money driven. It's very like um tangible, long-term safety. I want you to feel very safe in what you're doing. I want you to feel good. It's very abundant. It's very um luxurious, right? And then my Virgo rising.
like she's very structured, that girl like knows what to do. She's also very service oriented. So yeah, and then, so that's how it is. It's like, we're going, you're going to have the telegram where you get live drops every single week, like live trainings, literally telling you who your soul is. Like literally going through each gene can tell you, this is what your life's work is. This is your evolution. One week is going to be like, this is the biggest core wound you're, you're, I'm sorry, this is the biggest, um,
This is the biggest lesson that your soul is here to learn. This is exactly how you're going to alchemize that. The next one will be like, this is your radiance. This week is all about health, being vibrant. This is your shadow. When you're in your shadow of this,
This is the way it's gonna show up in your life. This is what's blocking you from being healthy, from thriving, from creating great relationships. This is exactly how to alchemize it into your gift. When you're in the gift of your radiance, you're healthy, you're thriving, you're a magnet, you're vibrant, your relationships are gonna be better, your career is gonna be better, your finances are gonna be better, right?
then the next week will be purpose. This is your purpose. This is your soul's purpose. This is how it shows up. This is the shadow of it. This is how you're going to block your purpose. This is how you're going to thrive in your purpose. Then the next week, this is your vocation. This is the biggest core wound that your soul is here to alchemize and turn into your biggest gift. This is exactly how to do it. This is exactly how your people want to learn from you, right? Then the next week will be like a money mindset, poverty conscious reboot. This is the exact frequency that is repelling your clients from you. X, Y, and Z. This is how it shows up. This is the exact frequency that pulls and magnetizes your clients to you easily, effortlessly, and quickly. This is how to be in that frequency, right?
then the next week it'll be like, this is your brand. This is your messaging. This is how you need to show up on socials. This is the ah expression, the way that your soul wants to express itself on socials in person. This is how you're gonna draw people to you. This is what's really blocking you from having people come to you and be in your world.
the next week will be the pearl. This is how your soul wants to experience money. This is the way that you're blocking um money. This is the way that money will come to you easily. This is the way that your soul wants to experience money and abundance in this lifetime, right? So it's like,
each week different training completely blowing your mind teaching you about yourself so you have a full week to kind of integrate we're always going to be making moves on your business so like anytime something comes up like say you created an offer and like maybe you're like really nervous to talk about it. Well, I'm literally available in the app Voice Notes, Monday through Friday during office hours. So you can just message me like, hey, this is what's going on. I can help you move through it, right? Our calls, like I said, we're going to meet twice a month in person, not in person on Zoom. So our calls are going to be up to you. Do we need to do some work? Do we need to do some releasing, some energetic work? Do we need to do like,
Do we need to spend it doing like techy stuff like, do you want me to like, well, we'll have like a work day where we like put up our screens together. And I literally help you create a stand store, literally help you like learn how to like link your bank account to Stripe whatever it is, right? Some people really struggle with that kind of stuff. It's very easy for me So that's where there's a lot of like individuality in my mentorship It's it's very very structured to give you safety and to have us know like this is exactly where we're going It also includes my five-step manifestation process so that we will achieve your goal We will be on the way to achieving your goal. It is done
um And then it also has those weekly drops, right? Weekly drops and trainings of your gene keys of learning about yourself, of learning about your four prime gifts, your genius, your purpose, how to show up in business, right? All based off of your soul codes. And then it has those um calls where we can release things,
work on things or techie do tech stuff together. And then my other favorite part is that I will be creating as time goes on, a library of resources of hypnosis and very, very specific EFT toppings.
So that way you have like resources where you're like, okay, I'm worried right now about like like someone DMing me, a potential client's DMing me. I don't really know. I'm like super nervous. I don't really know how to respond to her. I have so much anxiety. like I don't even want to look at it. I don't even want to read it. Okay, there's going to be an EFT for that.
to help you move through those emotions and then be excited to open up all your DMs from potential clients and like talk to them and know exactly how to feel to like be in the energy of like receiving and be in the energy of service, right? So anything that you think of that can come up in entrepreneurial business life for a spiritual business girly like you, I'm going to be creating resources along the way that you can tap into at any time. um Because sometimes, yeah, like you can ask me a question and I can coach you through it,
But it's kind of like if you need something in the moment to actually like the tools have actually helped me get out of anxiety and like panic is EFT. The things that have actually shifted my money's mindset is hypnosis. So you're gonna have access to all of that. um And it's called the portal of you because it's literally the portal of you, of your higher self, living your life's work, living your purpose, having so much support from me,
We're gonna be doing it together. You're not alone. And um it's just my highest life's work, which is 54 aspiration um drive and human design is the gate of drive, ah like I am driven to achieve goals, physically, spiritually,
on both planes. like I want to achieve enlightenment. like That is what my soul wants to do and that is what I want to help people do. so like I will help you achieve your goals. I will help you get to a place where you feel really good and you're going to feel supported and you're not going to have to do anything that feels icky. Of course, you're going to get out of your comfort zone. Of course, like literally, I've never gotten anything without getting out of my comfort zone.
But you're going to have the tools to feel regulated while you do it. And you're also going to have support. But you are going to have to get uncomfortable. You are going to have to be the one that has choice that says, I'm going to live my purpose. I'm going to live my life's work. I'm going to take the steps to do it. I can't make you do anything, right? And I'm not going to like be polling people or like, like, it's like, yeah, I'm with you, but I'm just like you're equal.
If you think about it, like we don't pedestalize anyone that we work with. If it really is a match, you see them as your equal and it's just someone who has different skills in you or just knows something different that coupled together can just help you far exceed wherever you're at, right? So it's not like I have anything that's like you can't have or you can't figure out, it's just trade secrets. So like if you're working with me, it's just literal shortcuts to get into the same place that you would get to anyways. But it's also with feeling supported quicker with my tools and having fun and having guidance, right? Because I'll be with you every step of the way.
So again, that's the portal of you. um I will be doing some sort of special discount. I've already said this on the past. two episodes for my listeners, so stay tuned for that. If you're already excited, if you're already interested before you see anything come out on Instagram, send me a DM. Just be like, girl, I heard you talking about the portal of you. I heard you talking about your mentorship. I'm really excited. I want to know more, um and I'll send you more details. But I'm getting all of the marketing stuff, like I said, together this week, so I'm really excited. And that brings me to the very last part. This is a very long episode, you guys. um
okay I'll leave you with this because I think this is like really like this is why the Jenkins are so important. so Our shadows, you guys, are going to be with us no matter what. and At every next up level, our shadow is going to be present just in a different... like It's the same shadow, but it's just a new level. It's a new height. right It's like a spiral. We're always evolving. We're never going backwards. My biggest core wound, you guys, is inadequacy.
Every single time that I up level in my life, in my business, in my career, in my relationships, I'm going to sense the the shadow of inadequacy. It's never fully going to go away, but every time that I heal that, that every time that I move forward anyways, anytime that I feel inadequate, but I move through the fear and I do it anyways, and I get to the other side, I have genetically healed a part of myself that will never revert back to that old level of inadequacy.
So even though it's always going to be an inadequacy my entire life, it's never going to be the same level of inadequacy, right? It's just going to be a new level. And it's never going to be as deep as it was because we're always healing those very deep wounds. So it's like incredible. Every time we step through it, we're like, oh my God, wow, like, holy shit, I just healed a deep part of myself.
will I ever feel an adequacy again? 100%, but it's never going to feel like it did there, right? And so I share this with you because one of the coolest shifts that's ever happened in my business happened while I was on vacation. So right before I went on vacation, I upped my prices for my ratings, right? Started selling ratings like crazy. i um My mentor that I was manifesting working with her one-to-one, Maddie, and I've been in her other programs like recently. She bought a reading for me and I was like, oh my god, I'm so excited. I fucking love her. I love how she's doing in business. I can't wait to do her Jean Q's reading to see what it's like with someone who's so living in her gift frequency, right?
because she's thriving. She's freaking thriving. She wants to know how can she unlock even more abundance, even more prosperity. What are her blind spots? She loves where she's at in her business. She is killing it, right? So I was like, how freaking cool do I get to do a reading for someone that I admire, someone that I'm so excited to work from, that I've learned so much from that really lights me up, right?
So I was like, okay, cool, I'm so excited. So I was preparing to do her reading and I first did the channeled Akashic reading. Anyways, something unlocked for me that had never been there before. I very specifically saw a loved one of hers come through, like how she looked, how she talked, she was talking to me, and it was very clear in my mind's eye, never like I've seen before. I've never visually seen
a loved one or like a guide so visually. So I was like, Whoa, this is so cool. But then I also started getting imposter syndrome and feeling very inadequate. Because I was like, Wait, am I just making this up? I've never seen this happen before. This is kind of weird. So I almost didn't send that to her. But then the woman was like, No, you need to keep going. Like I was having this conversation with her. I was like, Oh my god, I don't think I can do this. This is I was like, this is just crazy. And she's like, no, you need to keep going. You need to give this message to her. I want this message to come for her. But also, you need to do this for yourself. So I was like, OK. So whatever. I finished the Akashic reading. And then I do her Jinkies reading, which was so much fun. Then I do her hypnosis, send it off to her, right? And then I go on vacation. And I don't hear back from her for, I think, a couple of days. I think there's a couple of days in between. And that inadequacy, you guys, was at its peak. I was like, oh my god.
it it just it's not that I put her on a pedestal because honestly I i talk about this to another podcast that I feel like this is finally someone that I'm learning from where like I'm not i'm I'm actually attracting her from my true attraction sphere of like my gift which is like she's on an equal playing field as me and I just am really drawn to her because she expands me and she just makes me feel like I just love her work I love what she's about I love her work I don't feel a sense of lack from needing to work with her. I'm not pedestalizing her. Like I've done with people in the past where like those, it just like never was a great coaching because I was attracting people from my shadow. So I was putting them on a pedestal. I was like, Oh my God, they have what I need. If I just learned from that, that's going to change everything in my business. And I just need that and blah, blah, blah. And then like that never works. But with her, it was like, Oh my God, it was more of an expansion. Like if I work with this girl,
my life is going to fucking change. Like my business is going to blow up. I am so drawn to the way that she teaches, the way that she shows up, everything about her frequency, it was a match. It was for once a very perfectly aligned match. So even with that being said, I was still nervous to send her her reading because it's just kind of like another level of like,
ah this is my like mentor that i'm learning from i'm kind of nervous to send her this reading and then you know that whole inadequacy right which i said is always going to be there but i was like no you know what i tapped through it i was like it's good like it's good my work is good like i already know it's really good but it was just like i said kind of a new level of inadequacy that i was like ah questioning everything i was like fuck i fucking suck like she's probably gonna hate the reading she's probably gonna think i'm crazy This is just a disaster. But then I had to coach myself through it, right? Guys, tell me why. I go on my vacation to Boston. We get to Marblehead.
We're driving through the little town to our Airbnb. There's a freaking store with a sign, a huge sign of a dragonfly. And the dragonfly is the sign of the jean keys, right? And I had been getting so many signs, you guys, from the jean keys. The jean keys talk to me. like it's a It's a living wisdom. The jean keys talk to me through animals. There's animal totem that's connected to it. It talks to me through numbers. It talks to me through words.
It's like always communicating with me. and Like I'll see an animal, I'll see a number, I'll see it two or three times. I'm like, oh my God, like, okay, the jinkies are talking to me. I'll look it up and then I'll see what the message is for me based on that jinkie.
So that kept happening to me on this trip. And I was like, Oh my God, I think something crazy is going to happen, but I don't know what it is. But I feel like something really good is going to happen. Like I feel like something really, really good is happening to me, but I have no idea what it is. And then I saw that sign of the dragonfly and I was like, Oh my God, like holy shit. I'm in a town that's literally like, I'm supposed to be here.
I'm supposed to be here right now. I'm so excited because I have all of these other readings to do while I'm here. So I get to like, you know, be on vacation, be, you know, remote working, do the readings. I love my life. Holy shit. I get to be with my dad and brother, eat all this yummy food. Like I love my life. I was in complete gratitude and complete excitement. Tell me why literally.
she messages me that night and she's like oh my god Alyssa she like voicements me she's like girl i'm literally 20 minutes into the reading the jinkies reading i'm so obsessed like i think i need you to do this for my mastermind girls like i'm creating a new mastermind that's going to be coming out like in the next couple of weeks I need you to like, I want you to be a bonus, like for them to sign up. I want to give gift them a gene case reading, right? She's like, obviously, I'll pay for it. And like, you'll do the readings for me. And she's like, I'm pretty sure you want to do that. But I don't know. Like, do you want to do that? I'm asking. And um it was so funny, because I was like, Oh, my God, like when I heard that, you guys.
Remember like 48 hours ago when I thought she was gonna tell me that this sucked, oh my God, that was so trash or just like maybe not even respond and just be like, oh, thanks, you know, like that inadequacy, right? But she loved it so much. She was only 20 minutes in and she had to message me and tell me like, girl, I want this to be a bonus for my mastermind women.
Oh my fucking God. Like I cannot even tell you guys the amount of excitement that I had. And I was just like, Oh my God. Yes. And like it kept building on the, like the readings that when I increased my price before I left and I was selling readings, I was like, things are changing. Like I energetically felt something changed. Like something is changing. The faucet is turned on. I'm aligned you guys. I'm aligned. And when we're aligned, things flow and we're in Korea. And from the moment that I decided to go to recorded readings and raise my prices,
There was now this energetic on of like, I want to do this. I want to do this and be in my own energy and like do this for you guys. And I'm getting adequately paid for my genius for this, right? This isn't something that I taught myself. I've spent $10,000. I'll just be super honest. Yeah, I'm pretty sure. I think when I did human design school, HD school, I'm not sure. I think it was 333.
Yeah, so I think that was 333, and then I'm pretty sure the master key training that I did to learn the jean keys was 5,000. So I've spent at least $8,000 to $9,000 learning the jean keys and human design. For sure, 12,000 because I've taken another um taking another um whole course with my mentor, Maria Henning, to do to learn how to do like a reading business, right to like efficiently do a reading business, to have everything laid out to just like successfully, efficiently do readings.

Investing in Growth - Personal and Professional Development

So I have invested a lot of money in myself, a lot of time of training, hours and hours of studying, hours and hours of being in community, learning from others, um reading, practice readings, actually reading for people,
So I'm not just like a self-taught person, which there's no shade against anyone who's self-taught, but I'm not just self-taught, like I'm an expert. Like literally, I can literally confidently say that because of the time, money, effort, um life, joy, passion that I put into this. like This is all I eat and breathe, like all the time. This is all I'm doing. Like I legit, and I mean, it might sound sad to others, but I legit do not really have a social life. Like I work mine into five. I have my boyfriend. I have my mom. We go to the dog beach on the weekends and then I work in my business and I study. That's but like, that's literally all I do. I love it. That's in my season of life. That's all I want to do right now. And that's all I do when I tell you guys that I live for this shit. So.
When I raised my prices to what I felt like they should be, it took away some sort of like resentment or some some sort of like feeling of like, oh my God, this is way too cheap. like I'm just giving myself away. I'm devaluing this beautiful modality where like I have worked really hard to get to where I'm at to be able to um look at a fucking body graph and tell you about it. Who can just pull, I'm sorry, but who can pull up, and maybe you can if you're like a Jean Keys reader, but what random person off the street can pull up, can put in their birth information, pull up their body graph chart on, and even understand what the fuck it's saying. No one can understand. It is a language, you guys. It is a language. It is a language that I have learned, that I have mastered. Same with the Jean Keys. You can go to right now, put in your birth information, pull up your hologenic profile. Cool. You can go by the book, the Jean Keys book, the blue one. Amazing. Now what?
Now what are you gonna do, right? It is so confusing. And I know because I was there before I ever learned how to use these modalities and and before I ever studied it. It's literally so confusing. Like you look at it and all I saw was circles, numbers, words, and a book with a bunch of very beautiful, but very poetic and very not practical language. That it was like, what the fuck does this even mean? I have no idea.
And me, I come in, my moon in human design is gate 23 assimilation. I'm here to take complex information and assimilate it to give you exactly what you need to know to help you with whatever context I'm helping you. If you're searching for your purpose and how to create a life's work and run your spiritual business and attract solo line clients, heal money blocks,
I'll literally tell you how to do that through the gene keys without you ever having to know what a gene key is, right? Because that's just the way that I deliver information. is It's very practical, it's very relatable, and it's very like what you need to know, right? Because you can read a book. I'm not going to regurgitate to you what's in a book.
And so that's where my value is at. And that's where I value myself. And when I raised my prices and I changed my packaging, something opened up in me, you guys, that turned on my magnetic attractor and it started pulling people to me. And that is why I'm telling you that I've been the most successful I've ever been in my business in the last like month, month and a half.
okay so yeah so i just wanted to share that story with you that even though i felt really like inadequacy come up when i sent maddie her reading i was like oh my god this is so embarrassing like i hope she doesn't hate it she's probably gonna think it's shit um she's probably gonna think i'm crazy with the akashic reading oh my god with this doesn't resonate whatsoever she was like girl the akashic reading so much resonated you picked up so much on myself on my boyfriend it resonated so much like it was just crazy and so I was like oh my god okay another level healed another level of inadequacy healed I will never feel that again I have now ah not only
saw so much transformation, confirmation, affirmation from clients that I've helped. But now even having a mentor who is also a client in this terms of like getting a reading, I saw how much it helped her. I saw how she is already so fucking successful in her business and how this gave her even more permission, boldness, confirmation, clarity to do things her way, to lean into her way.
And it even unlocked so much in her, so much, that she wants every single woman in her mastermind to receive this. That unlocked a level and of inadequacy, you guys. That will never be there again. That healed something for me genetically, okay? And this is what happens when you know your gene keys. When you know what your shadow is, any of them, but specifically a vocation, and you know that every time you're about to up level, you will feel that very specific shadow, okay? That very specific shadow. What are some examples? um Because we're also different. Mine's inadequacy, yours might be,
like agitation, greed,
impatience. Um, I'm trying to think ah of random once, but again, I'm defined ahead in ASHA. I can't recall information like that. So You know what I mean? There's 64 different options. Whatever yours is, as what once you learn it with me and once you understand that every time you up level, it is going to be there, but you are going to push through anyways, especially with the help of a mentor who's in your back pocket to be like, girl, keep going. Who cares? I got you. That's perfect. That's great. Commenting on your stuff, helping you, like engaging with you when it feels like no one else is. That is going to pull you over.
into success. And that's literally why I'm so excited to be here because I will help you understand like that is just blah, blah, blah coming up. That's just inadequacy. We don't subscribe to that. We're going to keep moving, right? So it's just so healing.
Okay, so yay, I feel like that's everything I wanted to touch on you guys. This was a very long episode, but it was very like much needed. I hope that

Podcast Reflections and Future Plans

you loved hearing about my journey to Boston and to Salem. It was so much fun. um I hope you loved learning a little bit more about like what I'm learning in my NLP. I hope that you learned to love to learn all about more of the portal of you.
um Again, I'm so excited to put this out there. All of the stuff is going to start coming out so that you can sign up around the 11th. But DM me if you have any questions or if you're just excited beforehand DM me. Another thing is to you guys. um I'm doing the Yeah, I'm already told you this, but um I'm doing ah like a little special discount for podcast listeners. So again, feel free to DM me if you have any questions, or if you're just excited, if you want more information, so I can share that with you, you'll have a special link yourself to sign up. um And I can give you more information too, if you want more. I'll probably do another episode two before then, just like once I have the actual structure completely mapped out, and then um have the marketing up in the sales page. So it just is very clear and efficient. i think i
Hopefully I explained it well. It might have been a little bit all over the place today. I'm just like super passionate. The download came through to me really like the last two nights. I could not sleep. I think with a Scorpio new moon, my sleep has been insane. Insomnia, which never happens to me except whenever these things happen with the moons, but.
um yeah it came to me of the structure of how i want to do it um and i'm just so excited so yay okay you guys i hope you have the absolute best week and i will talk to you next time okay bye bye