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58. 1-800 Soul Support Hotline: career alignment, clarifying personal message and authenticity in biz, betrayal wounds in relationships  image

58. 1-800 Soul Support Hotline: career alignment, clarifying personal message and authenticity in biz, betrayal wounds in relationships

It's Happening For Me
26 Plays5 months ago

Hi babes! This is a Q+A style segment where you submit your questions and I answer right on the pod! I open your Akashic Records and intuitively analyze your Human Design + Gene Keys to give you guidance from your guides, spirit team, and soul codes!

Spirit works in mysterious ways so you may be shocked to find that even if you didn't submit the question, there are gems in here meant for you too! I hope this brings you clarity, transformation, acceptance, trust in your path, and some entertainment as you get to be a fly on the wall and listen in on a reading!


Here are the themes of the questions:

  • Career Alignment and Soul Purpose: Exploring how to choose a fulfilling career that resonates with one's spiritual mission and values.
  • Job Satisfaction and Overcoming Rejection: Addressing feelings of unfulfillment in current roles and strategies to navigate job rejections.
  • Clarifying Personal Message and Authenticity: Identifying and articulating one's unique message to connect genuinely with others.
  • Healing from Betrayal and Forgiveness: Understanding how to recover from betrayal and cultivate true forgiveness.
  • Embracing Abundance and Flow: Learning to live in a state of abundance and effortless flow, aligning with the universe's natural rhythms.


Nathasha L's answer starts at 5:30

Tina T's answer starts at 1:04:15


Let's connect! Did you resonate with the guidance in this episode? I would love to hear about it!


Book a reading:

xx, Ellisa 


Introduction to 'It's Happening For Me'

Hello, my friend. Welcome to the It's Happening For Me podcast.

Focus on Spirituality and Personal Growth

If you are obsessed with all things spirituality, personal growth and development, and living as your highest self, you are in the right place.

Alyssa's Journey to Alignment

I am your host, Alyssa, and I spent the majority of my teenage years and young 20s living totally out of climate. As I started to question my patterns and behaviors and actually got to know myself at the soul level, I realized that everything was happening for me.

Becoming a Spiritual Life Coach

Now, as a spiritual life coach and human design guide, I am here to share my voice, personal stories, human design wisdom, and learn from incredible individuals living their purpose. Join me each week as we walk the spiral path of purpose together. I cannot wait to dive in.

Introducing '1-800 Soul Support Hotline'

Hello, hello my friends. Welcome to the It's Happening for Me podcast and welcome specifically to the 1-800 Soul Support Hotline series. My name is Alyssa. I am a spiritual life coach, a human design and G&Qs expert.
and Akashic Records Practitioner, and I am really here to help lightworkers, healers, anyone on the soul purpose and spiritual business journey really tap into their soul codes so that they can confidently live their purpose. And so we can all just raise the vibration of the planet

Setting the Scene for Recording

together. So you guys today, I am so freaking excited, like,
It feels like fall. I got home from work today, made the yummiest soup ever. I'm in my coziest sweatpants, my most comfiest, cutest shirt, and we're on a Thursday. This is literally my favorite day of the week because George is away at the sunset market. For Anime World, I'm literally just here with Peanut, and it's literally the highlight of my week to get to record the podcast and specifically this series. I'm just like so like lit up by all of your questions ah from anyone who has submitted. So yay.

Inviting Listener Questions

So just really quick before we get into it, if you are not aware, you can submit any question that you have around soul business, the spiritual purpose path, love, relationships, literally anything you can think of, you can submit your question directly on my feedback form.
And I do this series once a month is the plan, but depending on how many people submit, it could be sooner and more frequent. I'm finding that as like my state girl, my generator state girl is honestly so lit up by this. Like I absolutely love responding. um It's just so satisfying. And then it's like my favorite modalities. So um yeah, I just, I love this series so much. I've already gotten such great feedback from the first episode.
the two beautiful beauties who submitted their questions. So if you would like to submit, go to the show notes below and you can submit your question. It's just going to ask you for some basic like birth information, just some questions. You can totally reate remain anonymous if you'd like. i'm Totally up to you. If not, I am going to shout you out on Instagram when your episode airs just so that you know it's out there and so you can go look for it. So I think that's it. And Also, one more announcement before we get into it.

Special Offers for Readings

If you are interested in getting your Jean Keys reading, I have spots open for October for both the Jean Keys purpose readings and the Jean Keys money and business readings. and so
I think once you kind of listen today to like what we're going to get into, today's a little bit different. I always say i said this on the last episode. OK, it's a little bit different because I'm combining all of the modalities here. So like I'm going to be in the records, in the Akashic records, so connecting to like your guides, your spirit team, um like God, highest truth, love, light. And then I'm also going to be analyzing intuitively your human design and gene keys, like wherever I'm just like intuitively guided to once I open your records.
um With the Jean Keys readings, I absolutely love it because usually I also have the Akasha records open anytime that I'm doing literally any sort of spiritual work and so it just helps me be like even more tuned in into like what's really going on for you and it kind of just helps me I don't know you guys like the Akashia crickers are like this. I don't even know how to describe it. It's literally like a magic tool that just helps me tune even more into like what you subconsciously or consciously need without you having to like tell me everything. um It is just super psychic and like intuitive and so I absolutely love combining that with
these other like systems so that I am kind of just like guided to know exactly what you need to hear and like why. So yeah, so those readings are all available. The link will be in the show notes below. Also, I have my Akashic Records reading, recorded readings, which I absolutely love.
So if you have like three burning questions, you can submit those. Again, it can be on any combination of topics. um The more specific, the better, like the more clear the answer you're going to get. um But you just submit that and then I send it to you within eight business days, um a 30 minute plus recorded reading, um answering your questions. Okay, so let's just get into it.

Natasha's Akashic Records Reading

Okay, so our first beauties question that we have is for Natasha... Natasha L. Okay, so I just opened your records, Natasha, and first of all I just want to say...
you have a very beautiful energy. So even like before I pulled up the questions um to get everything like secured for tonight's podcast and to like pull up your human design and gene cues chart and everything and like even before I even opened the records I artists started getting like such a just like divine beautiful like feeling from your energy but and when i looked at your human design i was like oh my god you're the incarnation cross um the right angle carnation cross of love but
And it's so funny because this always, always happens. But I just went to a sound healing last weekend, this this exact last weekend, and um met a beautiful friend that I've known for like three years online. And this is the first time we've ever met in person. And I got a sound healing done from her and she has the same incarnation cross as you.
Um, she is, I think hers is the vessel of love three. You're the vessel of love four. But I was just like, oh my God, how crazy is that? Like it's, it's always like so connected. But anyways, let's get into what all that means. But first of all, I want to read your questions out loud of what you would like support in. And then we'll just dive right into the Akashic Records and see what starts coming up. Um, also besides like just having really beautiful, just like almost like this like pure energy. I don't really know how to describe it other than almost like angelic energy. um um I did feel as I was opening the records, I did feel a little um anxiety kind of come over me. um And so this could be this could indicate that like maybe you are someone who suffers from anxiety or maybe you just recently have like worry or this could also be related to your question like just like worrying about this question. But for me it came in the form of like heart palpitations. um
So that's just physically what I was feeling. Okay. So, which is super normal. So, okay. For the first question, I said, what is your question? What would you like guidance on? Give as much context as you can for a more clear answer.
And you said, I want to help people with so many different things. Confidence, authenticity, habit reformation, chakra work, developing a personal relationship with God, spirit. I feel like a jack of all and a master of none. And therefore I'm targeting to serve, and therefore I'm targeting to serve any particular person.
I'm able to serve lots of people types of people on lots of types of journeys. So I guess the question is, how do I know what is in my truest alignment to teach from a complete

Natasha's Path of Self-Acceptance

flow state? Like what is my main message supposed to be about? And then we'll get onto your second question afterwards. And then I asked, what have you already tried that is not working? And you said, I've successfully taught one persons in each of the above categories. What isn't working is that No one in my audience hears me specifically because I am still all too generic because I'm not even feeling super divinely guided and in flow and I don't know what's missing.
Okay, first of all, I just want to say, like, who can resonate with that? Literally everybody is. So I completely understand where you're coming from. um I think that's one of the biggest struggles for most spiritual entrepreneurs. Okay. And then lastly, I said, what is the best case scenario for you regarding this situation? If I could wave a magic wand and you could have exactly what you wanted, what would that look like?
And you said, the dream situation is that I know what my message is and I am buzzing so hard about it that those potential clients know that I'm their girl and they will feel seen and heard. And abundance is flowing all directions and my calendar is fully serving people from a divine flow state.
is full from serving people from a divine flow state. Okay, so I just want to tell you, first of all, girl, when I ah read your question, like when I was getting everything ready, i and I pulled up your here human design chart and your Jean Q's chart, I was like, oh my god, literally, like, I got so excited for you, because it's in the question itself.
part of your design. Like literally, I just, I cannot wait to get into this. I am so excited for you. I'm so excited for it like all of these beautiful things that you want to create. And it's just about really clarifying like, what is that through line? And I promise you there is a through line. Like that is why I love human design. That is why I love Jean Keys. There is a through line. Everything makes sense of what you're feeling. um We're going to get into all of that. So the first thing that came up um that I just want to say is like,
for you as a generator it's going to be to follow your passions. So you are a generator, you are a pure generator, um you have two centers defined, so I'm sorry you have three centers defined, so you have the identity or g center defined, you have your sacral center defined, and you have your root center defined, and then everything else is undefined. We have really similar um really similar human designs. So what I first want to say is like, for you, really following what is so exciting for you in the moment is going to be above everything because your
authority which is the way that you're designed to make decisions in this lifetime for you specifically is a sacral response and so you really are here to follow what lights up your sacral so it's like what is a fuck yes and what is a I'm not sure if I really feel like doing that or it's like a fuck no and you're kind of just doing things that you feel like you should do. Whether that's because you put a lot of time into it, whether that's because you put a lot of study into it, you don't have to do everything but you should do all of the things that you're really really excited for.
Okay another thing that like really came through as I was like just tuning into like your energy and really like what do your guides like like want to tell you and I drew some cards for you and it's literally crazy like it's just so on point so essentially this is a message you have done this before like you have lived many lifetimes and you have had so many incredible gifts that it's like that's why you're drawn to so many different modalities like you really are when you set a jack of all trades but a master of none i want you to know that that is very intentional like that is very intentional and it
also they really want you to focus on like don't even focus on the last half of like a master of none like honestly even that whole like yeah okay this is so crazy it's coming through so strong even though a whole phrase is like a lie like literally I feel like that phrase is really meant to It's almost meant to make people feel bad for having so many different passions and interests. Like that phrase is not even true. Like being a jack of all trades and having like this knowledge, this wisdom, this excitement for so many different modalities is so you. Like that is so your soul. Like your soul literally has done, has had so many lifetimes of like being a healer, being a teacher, being a sage, really guiding people to healing. And it's like,
you've done this before literally they're saying like you've done this before don't even listen to that don't even listen to that phrase like a master of nine like that is stupid that's what they want you to know um they're also showing like so i got the card weight of the world and so it's really like boundaries let it go it's not yours to carry so i feel like there is and this happens to a lot of us this happens to a lot of us in like spiritual entrepreneurial path is like you've probably also have had many lifetimes where you are persecuted for sharing your gifts, right? And like you and maybe even in this lifetime you might even have certain family members or maybe even like old friends or like old acquaintances even old co-workers that maybe ah you potentially feel nervous that they're going to judge you for like
just doing what you're doing and like you know living your life to the fullest and like living your fullest potential and having all of these ideas it's almost like It's almost like there is a specific person or people in your life. And i I'm getting this is more present life. And this could be like family again, or this could be like old relationships where they really ah made you feel almost like fickle for having so many different interests. And they're almost just like, choose one, right? Like just choose a path. Oh my God, like what are you doing already? Like, can you just figure out your life and like just pick a direction? And Spirit is saying like that is,
their projection onto you of like what they think a successful life is. And so you're really you're really being called to like let that go and just have such strong boundaries that like you know and your heart of hearts that you've done this before. You are creating a life that you absolutely love and there's no way that you should have to like pick one thing or fit everything into this perfect little box because that's literally impossible for how just like big and beautiful your soul is. The next card I got is Portal. Doors are opening, you decide rewards, and it's the wild card. And so it really is this portal and this invitation from Spirit to be like, girl, you already know what to do. You already know what to do. Are you potentially overcomplicating things? And can you just lean into your excitement and
but just allow yourself to like just really step into this higher version of yourself. It's like they're already showing me

Human Design and Sacral Response

that like you are already at this like highest most like beautiful blossom version of yourself and like you've done so much work on yourself and you're at such a beautiful place and it's this last little thread of like just and not fully trusting yourself and so they're saying like the doors are wide open like this is your time to walk through it that's literally all you have to do is just decide that this is what i'm doing i'm here for greatness i'm here to live my fullest potential i know what i'm doing i trust myself and i'm just going to walk through it and i'm not going to try to fit into anybody's idea of
even anybody's idea of what a spiritual entrepreneur looks like or how they run their business or how they do things or how they create their schedule right it's really like stepping fully into yourself and they're saying that like you know that like they're saying that like you know that and maybe you just needed this extra little reminder to just like walk through the door And then the last card that I got was all paths lead to home and it's all about inner authority, intuition, and turn your gaze within. So if you potentially, if you have been stressing yourself out and we all do this, this is, I honestly love doing this on the podcast, you guys, because this is for everybody. I hope everybody is listening to this. It's just so universal for all of us.
Oftentimes we like look and see you like what everyone else is doing, right? And like not even on purpose. It's just in our face. It's just so obvious that we get so confused on like, okay, like how am I actually supposed to run my business or show up or create the offer or the messaging? It's like you see everyone else
with all of their ideas, and then it just makes you feel like you're stuck in like a constant state of comparison. And so Spirit's really calling you to just like turn back to your inner authority, even if that means like muting people.
Even if you need to mute people on Instagram, even if you need to mute, like people who are in the same industry as you, like that a lot of times can be like really overstimulating to be following so many people who are like on the same path as you are offering the same modalities. And so even if you need to like mute them on Instagram and just fully turn inwards and like turn back into yourself until you feel like it's time that you can consume again. And I often, I do this all the time too. Like I had to mute a lot of people on my Instagram and just, I honestly have to practice this every day, like coming back to myself, back to my mission, back to the people that I'm here to serve because it can just get so, it's so easy just to see like, oh wait, I'm so tuned in and now I see what this person is doing and now I'm confused on like how am I supposed to show up? So they're really calling you back to your own inner authority, or your own intuition.
Okay. So this leads me where I'm so excited to go to your human design and your gene keys. I think this is going to literally answer your question and give you so much clarity. Like its I just get so excited. Like I can't. Okay.
So, first things first, I already said the generator thing, like, you really are here to listen to your sacral authority. And a lot of times as well, you guys, if you, if anyone else listening is a generator or a manifesting generator and you have sacral authority, but if you are in a state of burnout, if you are in a state of stress,
and your nervous system isn't fully regulated, it can be very difficult to understand what a sacral response actually feels like. And so it's kind of sometimes like easier said than done if you haven't yet experimented with tuning into like what does that look like for yourself in terms of making decisions because all human design is is an experiment it really is making this choice that like hey i'm going to experiment with my design and start you know listening to my inner authority following for you it would be your that inner gut feeling and just noticing like okay when i listen to it x y and z happens when i don't listen to it x y and
C happens and I prefer when I listen to it so I'm just going to keep listening to it. That's kind of what it is. It's just like a whole, it's honestly like a game of just like practicing listening to whatever your inner authority is and so for you Natasha it's going to be that inner gut feeling.
Okay so the next place that I want to really bring your attention to which just makes me so happy for you is your profile. So you are a three five. And so the three five is the martyr heretic and what i I honestly am so obsessed with this for you because it makes so much sense as to why you have so many different passions and you're just like feeling like you need to like pick one thing or like hone in on it and the truth is like you don't. So the line threes are
really here to learn by trial and error. So you really are here to have many, many, many life experiences. The three for you is conscious, okay? This is in your conscious sun and your conscious earth. And as a line three, like, there is no end destination.
So this is honestly so healing. Like I honestly love whenever I have someone with a profile, a three in their profile. Um, I, this is crazy to tell things work, but I just did a gene case reading last week and one of the beauties had a three in her profile. And for her, she realized that she was really like her whole life working towards this like end goal like okay once I go to school for like 10 years and then I become this occupation I'm gonna have my whole life figured out and then everything is going to be great I'm going to be like living my purpose and I will be happy
But she got super close to like finishing school, getting that becoming that occupation when she decided that it's completely out of alignment. And she actually does not she did not want to pursue that path anymore. And it was really, really hard for her, but she completely stopped and altered her path. And that was really hard for her, especially with her family members, because they were also like just so set on her following this path.
and It was so freeing to her because she realized that like it's never about the end destination, especially as a 3. Anybody who's listening with a 3 in your profile line, you are meant to enjoy the journey. You are meant to have so many different life experiences. In business, you're meant to run so many different offers. You're meant to try so many different ways of getting this out into the world until you really find what you like, especially as a generator. Like, so it's like about practicing. Okay. Do I want to offer one to one? Do I want to offer group coaching? Do I want to offer, um, a course or something that's recorded? Do I like showing up in person? Do I like doing online classes or, you know, like communicating through, um,
video like through zoom or do I prefer to do like boxer coaching or do I prefer to blah, blah, blah, blah, right? It's like, you will never know until you try so many different things and then see what your clients like love from you and see what you love to give them. And so I think it's so beautiful how you already said that you have successfully worked with someone in each of those categories. And so you already know it works. So right there, that can already give you confidence to know like, okay, I can teach in all of these areas. I can teach in confidence. I can teach in authenticity. I can teach about
habit reformation. I can talk about chakra work and I can help people with their personal relationships with God and spirit. Now you just need to find a way that really lights your soul up that you can share this with everybody, which brings us to

Setting Boundaries in Business

the next part. So the five in your profile line, the heretic is this is a projected line. So this means that people are going to almost look up to you and project onto you like a savior-like figure. So it's very important that whenever you are working with clients or marketing your um your programs and your offers, that you have a little section in there that is like a little, this is who this is not for.
and You know what I mean? like Don't sign up for this if you're looking for this. A way that you can really just flush out the people who are not supposed to work with you. Because what can happen is... Okay, this is crazy too because we also drew the boundary card, which makes so much sense. But what can happen is that your people unconsciously will work with you because they feel like you can save them. And because they feel like you are like the answer to their prayers and like you are going to like completely heal them and like
Yes, but us as spiritual entrepreneurs and as coaches, we know that like we don't actually do the healing for people. like We're leading them to heal themselves. right like We're guiding them to heal themselves, to become like you know have autonomy over their lives, to not need us after working with us for so long. right like The best thing we can do as coaches, healers, guides, is get our clients to a point where like they don't need to work with us anymore. right because They have taken our medicine, learned from it, and moved on to something else in their life. And so what can happen with Fives, with Line Fives, is that people project onto you that you are a savior and that they need you and that they like need you to fix them. And so having very, very, very strong boundaries in all of your containers, like knowing upfront like what your office hours are, like how are you going to show up for them and what capacity
Um, and just being very clear with that and all of your like copy and marketing is really going to help you feel safe and feel secure that you're giving enough and that you're showing up and giving enough and like that you don't have to cross your own personal boundaries. So boundaries, you guys as a line five is like so, so, so important. Okay. Now let's talk about the through line for you because there absolutely is a through line, um, of how you can make this all work. So.
first of all, I want to talk about your incarnation cross and in gene keys. So in human design, we say incarnation cross, it is your conscious sun, conscious earth, unconscious sun, unconscious earth. So the the four, like the two um gates on the very top of your chart on the left, and then the two very top gates on the right of the chart. So the two in the top that are left and red to on the top of your chart that are right and black. That is in human design terms. In the gene cues terms, it is the same exact numbers. So in your purpose sequence. Okay, so let's talk about that.
So for you, your conscious son is gate 10. And in the jean keys, that is called being at ease. And so in jean keys, this is your life's work. So this is that, this is on the Sagittarius and Capricorn cusp. And so this is your, if you look look at it in astrology, this is your sun sign, right? And so this is gate 10 and human design is called the behavior of self.
And so this gate is really it's coming from the G Center, which is the identity center in human design. And so this gate is all about self-love. This is all about you having this energy to harness your unique self-love in order to surrender to a life of authenticity, which is like, holy shit, mind-blowing, because that's literally like, that's literally a huge part of what you want to teach others, right? And what you're like, so excited to teach others.
And so this gate, this energy that you have that makes up 70% of your personality. So this is your life's work. This is the through line and the work that you do in the world. This is very masculine energy. This is very like the sun shining. This is what you shine out into the world is you really are a powerful example of acceptance and self-love.
which has the ability to empower others. um This is all about just simply being. So even though this is in the life's work, which is what you do, right, this is the doing that you do in this lifetime, it's all about being. It's all about just being yourself. um You're really here to share the theme that self-acceptance is necessary to live an awakened life. And This is literally how we move humanity forward is by you helping others at the an individual level of learning how to literally accept themselves through self-love. Again, this isn't the G Center. This is all about identity because you have this defined. um You have this like,
direction and this like knowing of where you're going in life, right? Like even I'm sure even before your spiritual awakening, even before you're on your purpose path, I'm sure that you somewhere deep inside always kind of still had this idea of like where you're going.
um and you're really here to offer that to others. Like you're here to offer direction for them, which I think is so beautiful, especially because you want to help them with their relationship with self, their relationship with source God. um When we look at this from a Jean Ques perspective,
just really quick, I want to talk about the shadow frequencies of it and the gift. So the shadow frequency um is self-obsession. And so this, it looks like being a victim of self-obsession. So there are two ways that this victim, these victim frequencies can pan out. Either you can relate to these and these are kind of like what you feel in your life. These are kind of like the shadows that you resort to in your life or you are like so against this. Like you hate these shadows so much but you attract them and other people. So it's like people do these, they do these shadows to you. So let's just talk about them real quick and then you'll be able to tell like what it is for you. so
It's being a victim of self-obsession. The repressive nature is self-denying. And so self-denying is like you are so concerned about
This is where people that are experiencing this repressive nature of self-denying is where they basically deny yourself altogether. And so essentially they're kind of like living through everybody else and completely putting all of their needs aside. um So these like honestly it really does show up as kind of like a zombie like energy because you're completely you know, neglecting all of your own needs. So it's like really swinging the pendulum in the far other side of like being a victim of self obsession. Now the reactive nature, this is where this is like an externalized form of this shows up is narcissistic. And so this really is the person who
just really excludes all others. like They're just so um just so living a life entirely revolving around themselves that they have this like fear and anger inside of them and they they project that fear and anger into everyone else because they're worried about losing their personal identity.
And so you may relate to one, you may relate to both, or you may have people in your life that you are attracting because you're so like, you hate this shadow so much. You're like, we're you're just kind of like trying to push it away from you so much that you actually attract people like that into your life. um Now, if you think about it in life's work, okay.
you're going to help people through that. Literally, like you have the gift of naturalness. And so naturalness is ah really this like center of your being, and it's how you're able to express your own creative uniqueness.
Once you kind of learn how to unlock this gift, and this gift is going to literally be like the through line in all of the work that you do, it's what you're really here to help other people with as well. And so a lot of people in this gift ask the question, who am I? Why am I here? Why am I doing this? Which is so crazy, because again, you want to help people on the path of figuring out who they are and having that connection with self and with God, which is just like so beautiful. So it really is just this journey of figuring out like who you are at the soul level, like who are you? What is your essence? What is your purpose? What is your reason for being here? And it's really this like beautiful like quest of self knowledge. And it really is, it honestly really is like
the personal growth path. It's like trying to figure out who am I in this world. And it's really just accepting all parts of yourself. Then when you are experiencing this beautiful energy, you will go in and out of the civic state, which is for you, it is um being. So literally just being is the highest frequency of your work.
just being you and teaching other people how to just be themselves. Um, so I think that's so beautiful. Okay. The other place I want to look at really quickly. Oh, sorry. Also, I want to tell you something super important. So the way that your soul is here to experience this and express this into the world is going to be as that line three. So
I just can't get over how just like so divine. It's it's just so crazy because in your question, you felt like you were stuck, right? Like in your question, you're like, oh, like I'm trying to figure out kind of like, what is my through line? How do they make this make sense? I'm like, I like all of these things. And girl, as a line three, okay, as a line three, life's work, you are the changer. And so you're here to literally change the way that people feel about themselves.
you are someone who is here to learn from life. You, I'm sure, have had so many life experiences that have led you to this place now where you have all of these personal stories and personal experiences of like why and how you healed yourself and why you want to help others in all of those very specific areas, right, that you're like so interested in and so passionate about. And so your job is to ah really lean into this like dynamism and don't judge yourself. like Don't judge the path. Just have so many different experiences. Allow yourself to be changing and evolving. And that is what you are here to really like share with your audience. So if you think about your life's work, we're also going to talk real quick about branding in a second. But
just remember that you are here to change how people feel about themselves through your Gene Key, which is 10, Gene Key 10, and it's all about self-love, and it's all about naturalness, being, learning who they are with their authentic self. This is also the third line is associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra, um which I just love how like it kind of doubles down a lot in Gene Keys, but um because if we think about this as your life's work, as like the sun, your conscious sun, and then solar plexus, so 9-3 solar plexus. So this is all about personal power, choice, self-efficacy, learning how to be the experimenter.
and letting go of the idea that there is no normal. And so the more that you can show up as like your love for change and like your love for uncertainty and adventure, the more it's going to draw in your people to you. So don't even think about like, what is like the through line in my messaging in terms of like,
what, like, who is my niche? Or like, how do I put this all together? You're, you, ah we all have very specific fractal lines of people that are just gonna be drawn to us. Like, they're, they're already, it's kind of already done. Like, we all have people that we chose to incarnate with in this lifetime that we're here to learn from, grow with,
Um, teach. And so all you have to do is show up as the person who is rating this like personal power, this you living your life on your own terms. Like I love watching your stories. You're doing your own thing. You're not living like a normal nine to five office desk life, right? Like you're living a freaking adventure. You're living a dream life. Keep showing up and sharing that because that is what people want from you.
You're an example to them that they can change their life, that they can completely defy normalcy and societies like normalcy's and create whatever the heck they want. And it's through you sharing so many different experiences. Okay. If we look at this through the theme of the brand. so um Brand is in the pearl sequence, which is all about like sharing your gifts with the world and creating prosperity and abundance through being of service. It's the same exact sphere. I'm sorry, it's the same exact gene key, but it's a different sphere and it's called um brand. And as a line three, I just want to share with you real quick. So as a line three,
This is the shadow that you might face. It's like how are you hiding or garbling your own truth and how do you hide from your own power? That is something I really journal on and just to reflect on. How do you hide and like garble your own truth and how do you hide from your own power? Because that is going to be a shadow that blocks you from sharing your divine essence with your people. um The gift to this is The key of liberation is being yourself. Like literally, just the more yourself you can be, that is what is going to be this like truth that you kind of speak to people. And the acidic frequency of this is like the enlightened state is that your innermost essence and truth. So it's like, how can you just share your truth
literally with your people. And as a line three, I love this so much, you are here to do it through humor and pleasure. So the more that you can show up in your humor and discovering that life is not meant to be taken seriously and that you're here to help other people make mistakes and feel safe, right? If we're really thinking about how you're here to be the line three of like authenticity and also like line the the GeneQ10 of all about like self-love through self-acceptance and authenticity. It really is like...
making other people feel safe to make mistakes and to heal. And so the more that you can sell your message through pleasure and laughter and knowing that like healing is laughter. I also think of this, I think this is why also your energy just came through is so pure and beautiful because I always see on your stories like you are always laughing and like you always have such a beautiful smile and you're always so happy and positive. That is exactly the way that you're here to share your message is through that pleasure um and helping other people feel good about themselves. Okay um so I hope that was helpful. One last place beauty that I want to look for you um just to give you like a little cherry on top is your

Healing Stress and Setting Boundaries

vocation. So this is really like the through line I think for you. So your vocation Natasha is going to be
your biggest core wound that you've alchemized into your vocation. This is literally like what you're here to share, teach, guide the world with. So I really always, for me personally, lean on this as like my through line for all the work that I do. So for you, you have GeneKey 52, which is the still point. And so the shadow that you have overcome, that you're really here to help other people overcome in this lifetime,
is the shadow of stress. And the victimization state of this, the two ways it can show up is the repressive nature, which is stuck and the reactive nature, which is restless. And so if we look at 52, I also have this, um, Jane Key. So I know it like very like vividly.
it's It's actually very mystical and very beautiful what this genki is about, but essentially there are, it talks about how all of us have auras, right? Like we all have auras that extend like half a through like can fill up like half a room and so on and so forth. Now the collective auras the collective auras interlocking together create this great sheath that covers the world and this sheath or the skin is like what prevents human beings from seeing and experiencing the true unity of all consciousness and this is in the east known as the maya or the great illusion and so if we think about it if we think about the collective consciousness and we think about all of the people who are suffering and all of their auras connected together as this like very strong sheath or like
skin that's kind of like covering the world and like holding people at this lower vibration. It is that vibration of stress, which is the the saying for it in the jean keys is the phenotype of fear. So it really is this like stress um that is a collective pressure. It's not even a personal, it's it's so crazy like spiritually because it's not even like a personal pressure. It's very a collective pressure.
But essentially, um it means that our environment greatly affects how we feel and behave and it influences who we think we are. And so if you really think about this and the through line of everything that you're here to help people with, you know, you said you want to help people with confidence, authenticity, um reforming their habits, chakra work, this all makes sense. Like obviously you have to work on, you can do chakra healing.
to help them heal their stress. You can do the um habit reformation and like the confidence and authenticity to help them remember who they know they are at the soul level. Because so many people are running on old patterns and you know subconscious reprogramming from childhood and from our society, and we're so instilled with all of these fears and these sheets of like stress that is just keeping us stuck from reaching our highest potential.
and so the way that the only way really according to the jinkies that someone can surpass this is by raising their own vibration and so by you teaching guiding people through all of your modalities that you love you're helping them raise their own vibration to break out of this like stress and the stuckness in order to move into the gift and Um, the way that this shows up repressively for stuckness looks like depression. It looks like apathy. It looks like just turning so inward because the stress is just so uncomfortable. It's like a mental and emotional collapse inward because the pressure from this shadow is so intense. The restless nature of this, I'm sorry, the reactive nature of this um shadow is called restless. And so these are people who are unable to sit still. So they're.
constantly doing more things, more activity, more activity, jumping to the next thing, always staying busy because of their fear of standing still and acknowledging what's going on internally, what's going on emotionally. These people mask their feelings by projecting frustration, frustration anger onto others.
um and they're unable to really see this own mental dynamic inside of them. And so through all of the modalities that you have, you're going to also help people break through all of those emotional and mental um distractions that they have, right? If you look at the gift of this, it's such a beautiful gift, it's the gift of restraint. And restraint really is like, it really is the signature source or the source signature, I guess, of activity in the whole world. And so if you begin something from a place of fear, that seed of fear will infect every aspect of expansion of that activity. So it's very important that we start new things
coming from a place of trust, of deep, deep trust in self, in source. And so it's having a clear intention. And so it's all about the intention being the seed. The seed contains all the necessary ingredients and properties that we'll need to start the journey ahead. So this is so beautiful because when we look at it in human design, this 52 is all about
concentrating. It's all about sitting still almost like on a mountain. And it's in the root center. This is a pressure. This is a pressure coming from the root. And it really is this pressure that is really here to just like focus on something. And it's really here to have self-discipline, how to direct this restlessness into
activities that will help you and help your clients overcome fear, stress, these limiting beliefs. Okay, so I just kind of want to like, ah sorry, I really hope that makes sense, but let me just kind of summarize it real quick so it just makes a little bit more sense. So again, your vocation is this biggest core wound that you've alchemized. So you personally, Natasha, have had stress, right? You've had stress in all parts of your life. You know every flavor of stress, you know every flavor of being a victim of feeling stuck, of feeling depressed, you know every single flavor of
um being restless and jumping from thing to thing because you're avoiding the internal feelings and emotions. This is different and this is probably why everything's coming together. I love when this happens. Okay Natasha, this is probably why you may have had people in your past tell you like oh my god like you're so fickle like why you like so many different things like why don't you just pick something That is because at the shadow level of your core wound, you are used to jumping around, right? You're used to acting busy and just taking you on new things, filling up your schedule because you don't, you at that time in your life or, and even when this pops up now, you don't want to just sit with yourselves and accept the emotions and the feelings and reflect on what's really going on inwardly. And so now that you're at a point where you are
Just like the card said, your highest self. You are there. Like you are walking through the door. You are a leader. You are here to help others through all of the ways we just discussed. It's like.
Don't get confused with that old shadow self of being busy and jumping from thing to thing to this healed version of yourself who's just interested in a lot of things and has a lot of passion. The difference is that now you know how to be still. still You know how to reduce stress in your life. You know how to meditate. right You know how to do mindfulness practices. You know how to be with yourself. You are fully authentic and you know the internal landscape of your emotions. right That is the healed version of yourself.
and so That's what you're here to help others with. That is the through line. The through line is that you're here to, through all of your modalities, help other people heal their stress and raise their vibration so they can come to this place of restraint, of stillness.
This is also cancer energy, so if you're into astrology, um this is a very Cancerian, I don't even know if that's how you say it, if you can say it like that, but it's a very cancer energy, which makes sense, right? Because it's all about the emotions. Okay, so I hope that makes sense. The very last thing I will leave you with is that um your vocation also tells us like how exactly you want to express this, um, energy. And so for you, let me just get back to your chart.
Okay. So for you, you have this as 52.4. Okay. You have, this is the four line.
And so you're the way that you're here to like share this with other people is through sales as the director. And so the line for vocation is the salesperson, the specializer. So you're really here to include others and open their hearts. If you think of line fours, it's associated with heart ah heart chakra, okay this is which is so beautiful because it wraps in so perfectly with all of your, um like being the, the with being the incarnation cross of love, the right angle incarnation cross of love. But anyways, um I want you to know this. You don't need to create something new. You don't need to work hard to show the value of what you have created. You don't need to worry about the strategy and implementation of it. You just need to find a final product that you love and connect it to others.
Okay, so you don't have to create a new modality. You do not have to show up on your stories and show up in your marketing proving to others like, Oh my God, like you need this. Like I have this, this will change your life. You do not need to come at it with that energy. but You don't need to worry about strategy and like trying to but create the perfect offer and like.
strategize to like get clients. You don't have to do that. All you need to do is find what you love, like what has helped you and connect it to others through love, through humor, right? Through pleasure in your stories.
The line four vocation will need to let itself plug into community and live fearlessly openhearted so that you can stay in your zone of genius. All fours, like all fours, rejection will be a big hindrance and love and gentleness are required to truly bring out the magic of this line.

Handling Relationships and Betrayal

So just know that rejection is going to be also something that you're very familiar with, but you have to have the courage to keep your heart open, to put yourself out there, to call in your people.
Okay. Oh my God. I'm so sorry. This is getting so long. I like can't stop when I get started. Um, I don't know why I'm apologizing because there's, there's something to be sorry for, but okay. Really quickly. I want to touch on your last question and I'm not going to go like, so I'm not going to go so deep into it. I'm going to more just ask you classic records. So, okay.
um Your second question is, in relationships, how can I keep my heart open or get it back open once you feel betrayed? And what I asked, what have you tried that is not working? And anyone who's listening, to you guys, we can all relate to this 100%. So you said, on betrayal, I've had a hard time forgiving and meaning it. I can go through the motions, but my body builds an impermanable wall of distrust and guard against whoever whoever made me feel betrayal. Perhaps there is a childhood wound having to do with betrayal. Can we identify what's up here? What do I do about it? Okay, so instantly I'm getting messages
Okay, so instantly this came through to the first part of it is how can I keep my heart open or get it back open once I feel betrayed?
First of all, it's like, it's really, really, really you stepping into your power and having that decision of do I want to open my heart up again to this person who betrayed me? Or am I going to have strong boundaries and know that I don't accept this behavior? um What's really, really, really coming strong, like so, so strong is like they were like, okay, the first thing they said was,
You can't bring how someone treated you or betrayed you and your like in your past relationships into new ones, right? like You need to start each new relationship with an open heart, with an open, clean slate, with a new partner, a new person.
i just love I just love the Venus sequence so much in the G and Ks because it tells you your literal shadows, um gifts, and acidic frequencies for everything, from like emotional wounding and patterning, um spiritual and mental, and it's all about at different ages, like from 0 to 7, 7 to 14, 14 to 21. I just don't have time to like go into it. I'm so sorry. but um Yeah, maybe you can submit this question ah again on another form and then on another episode I could dive into it. But what's really coming through just on Akashic level, spirit level, is what they're telling me is like, you're going to start every new relationship with a clean slate. It's up to you.
if you want to put in the work to heal and keep your heart open. But new people, when you're ready to move on to like a new relationship, um obviously everyone deserves to have an open and loving
clean slate, right? Like no one deserves to have these patterns and these old things that happen in past relationships come up to harm them, like old trust issues. um And that's, they're honestly showing me that that's how the majority of people move, like in our society. It's like that is how, that is why people are wounded, right?
And it's because they're not learning or doing the internal healing work to heal their hearts and fully heal before they move into something again, before they jump into something again. So the first thing is this is like, when you have been betrayed and that relationship ends and then, you know, give yourself time to do the inner healing work before you jump into something new so that you can give that next person the honor and the, um, yeah, respect of like having new boundaries. Now,
On the second part where it says, I heal betrayal wound in my heart and learn how to truly embody forgiveness and accept um and acceptance and turning the other cheek, no longer feeling entitled to what I think I deserve. Secondly, oh, okay, sorry, this was the best case scenario. So yeah so if I waved a magic wand,
And you could have the best thing happen for you. What would it be? You said, I heal the betrayal wound in my heart and learn how to truly embody forgiveness and acceptance, turning the other cheek, no longer feeling entitled to what I think I deserve.
I think you are, you're absolutely entitled to what you think you deserve, right? Like everyone deserves to have a healthy and loving relationship. And Spirit's really telling me like, do you need to look at your own boundaries around betrayal and acceptance of betrayal? Because to be honest, they're showing me sacred union This is so beautiful. They're showing me sacred union as this like beautiful, I don't know how to say the frickin' symbol, but it's the snake. It's the snake that's like eating his own head. And then they're also showing me like the infinity symbol. And they're showing me that sacred union is this choice between two people. If it's like, um, you know, if it's a monogamous, um,
relationship between two people, and it is a choice between two, and it's a very sacred decision. Like, I feel like our society is a little... I don't want to say No, I don't know what I'm thinking. i'm I don't know what I'm thinking of the word brainwash. It's not brainwash, but I think our society, especially like our generation, because of all of the things we've seen with marriages and like failed marriages, I think a lot of us like have a certain view of marriage or like a sacred partnership. And what they're showing me is like sacred union ship has nothing to do with marriage or like a license. It's like if two people are deciding to be together and and share their time together and be together,
you know until the soul lessons have gone up like you know have have contracted has finished then it's a sacred it's a sacred thing and if there's a betrayal there it's almost like that betrayal was there to teach the person who has betrayed the lesson of self-respect and self-love and the lesson of choosing yourself and the lesson of moving forward and not accepting that anymore. Because once you break the pattern of betrayal and you no longer accept it and you completely shut the door on it, you completely leave that relationship you're not here for anymore, you will stop attracting partners who betray you.
it's all about this this own energy that you have and your own boundaries and willingness of like what you're able to accept and what you're here for. Because once you're not here for it anymore and you are okay with losing another person because you love yourself so fully and you're so fully committed to like your respect and your um truth and honesty and love and compassion because that is what you also give the other person, then you're going to stop attracting people who betray you, right?
and so you do not need to turn the other cheek like you don't need to turn the other cheek i'm seeing what you need to do or what what spirit's guiding you to do is to learn how to like fully look at it like fully look at it in the face and say like i'm not here for this and doing the hardest part of completely letting that go and there really is this sense of like there really is this energetic sense of like what people feel is acceptable in our energy and just like even the way that you get into a ah relationship, right? And so they're really showing me that you don't like,
ah you, when you said, I can go through the motions but my body builds an impermeable wall of distrust and guard against whoever whoever made me feel betrayed. yes they're like telling me like listen to your body like literally listen to your body if you've been betrayed your body your soul your higher self is telling you i am not here for this like i'm not i'm not here for this and it's having that it's really having that inner
respect and that inner love to be like I'm not for this anymore because the body does not lie. There's no way that you can like manipulate the body. There's no way that you can tell the mind something or try to communicate something to the body. The body knows what the body knows. The body feels what the body feels. The body is subconscious. The body is like, I am not fucking with you. Like once you betray me, I am not fucking with you.
Now, it's a different story if you're saying that every new relationship you get into, you are bringing these old patterns and it's really hard for you to open up and like, you know, let yourself feel safe with someone who hasn't betrayed you, who hasn't showed you any signs of disrespect, who is honestly just there participating, you know, being their fullest self, being there in truth and love.
and you are projecting onto them, old hurts. But if it truly is like you just feeling betrayed from someone in your current relationship, your body is, there's no way that you can change your body. Um, it's telling you that it doesn't feel safe and that it doesn't like that and it doesn't want to be with someone who is betraying them. And again, that's going to be a huge soul lesson, a huge soul lesson of like, are you going to put up with that? Or are you going to choose yourself and walk away? And then the next relationships that you have, you're going to have healed that. Now, there definitely could also be childhood wounding that has to do with betrayal, but
I'm not getting that. I'm really just seeing like current relationship. So yeah, they're really not showing me. and Of course there's, of course we all have childhood wounding and we actually have patterns imprinted like in our gene key. So I would look up your Venus sequence and like dig into that. Um, but with whatever is coming up right now or whatever this specific question is through the energy that I'm getting is that you don't need to
you don't need to get your body to change how it feels from whomever made you feel betrayed. It's more of like the soul lesson of like learning how to let it go.
Okay, um so I hope that's helpful. Okay, I don't know. I feel like that kind of went downhill. I feel like I feel like everything was good. And then I'm kind of like, I don't know if that resonated. I really hope it does. um So that is everything. Okay, that was so long. Oh my god. But if you have any questions, let me know. I would love for you to also reach out and um i will tag you on instagram as soon as this is out as soon as i i really don't have to edit it i just have to like upload it so as soon as i finish this i will tag you and i cannot wait natasha to see how it feels if you have any follow-up questions feel free to reach out to me um and i'm so happy for you i'm so happy for everything that you're creating you're literally so and incredible so magical so pure so beautiful love love love everything that you are obsessed with and just remember follow that freaking generator passion okay okay
Thank you, beauty.
Okay, we are moving on to the second beauty.

Tina Seeks Career Guidance

And you guys, we are only going to get to the second one today. Um, thank you so much for your patience and your grace as I really figure out like this process, like how it works for me. Again, like I said last time, whenever I am in the equation, it's kind of like space and time like loses itself.
um And I just end up taking a long time because I want to give you guys like the best answers. And um I just have so much fun. And so we're going to get to one more beauty today, um which is our beautiful fat friend, Tina, Tina T. And um the next, the next episode three, we'll get to everyone um else. Probably is going to be like two at a time, you guys. Like it's just going to be two at a time. And then we'll go from there. so Tina, hello beauty! Okay, I just opened your records and first of all I want you to know that your energy also felt so beautiful. It felt like gentle, like your energy feels very gentle, your frequency feels very light, it feels very airy, um just a beautiful, beautiful energy. I did feel some
some things around like my eyes. like It was weird. like I always like to explain to you guys like what I'm feeling physically because it could mean something to you or it could just like later show up for us. but When, first of all, when I was reading my prayer, I was kind of getting distracted and kind of like losing, like not really remembering exactly what I was saying. So maybe there could be like a lack of like presence. Um, so maybe you are a lot in your head or just feel like scattered. And then I also felt like my eyes, like twitching, like both of my eyeballs and I had like, yeah, so something with like sight. So.
It could again just be like confusion. well We'll look at it when we get to your question, but it could be like confusion or like being in your head and just like having a lot going on. um I pulled up your human design and jinkies. You also do have an undefined, or I'm sorry, a totally open um crown head center in human design. um And so you literally,
like if you really tune into your gift, like can hear and know the thoughts of everyone around you. Um, yeah, it's, it's a completely open center. And so there could just be a lot of stuff going on in your mind, like, right? Like just a lot of distractions, a lot of noise from people around you. And you might not, you might be really tuned into it. You might not be. Um, so that's just something that's coming through. Okay. Then let's get into your question, girl. I'm so excited to serve you. So I asked you, what is your question? What would you like guidance on? And you said,
What would be the best career for me? That is both fulfilling my sole purpose and will also bring me the most abundance. I'm currently a business major at a community college hoping to transfer to a university with a focus on marketing. However, I don't like the fakeness aspect of business. I'm still unsure with what I want to do career-wise. I just know I want to do something creative and help talk to people.
hey I'm not very money driven nor am I good at sciences, math, which is why I thought that a major this major would suit me. It's realistic, yet I can be creative and social. 100% girl, I did the same exact thing as you. I um went to community college first and then university, but it took me 10 years to finish because I was all over the place. Yeah, we'll just leave it at that, but I ended up majoring in business.
um i also cannot do science. um So I just, I relate to you so much. I freaking love it. But yeah, I ended up majoring in business for the exact same reason as you, and I don't use my degree now, but I'm so happy I chose that one, because honestly, it is a gateway to everything. Like, it's it's really good. I love this degree, especially if you feel aligned to it. So okay.
Here's the thing that first came through. um I want to let you know what first came through, like from spirit, and then we'll get into like your human design and gene keys and the next part of your question. So the first thing that came through was like, okay,
Um, you said that you don't like the fakeness aspect of business. Um, but you want to do something that creative that you can help and talk to people. So I want, I have a perspective shift that's coming through super strong from spirit that I want to share with you. And it's like, I totally get where you're coming from of like feeling like base business can be like fake or it can be like greedy, especially cause you said you're not very money driven, but all business is, is business is an exchange of goods. right like It is giving people a product or service in exchange for money, usually, because that's just where we are in society. But in the past, people like in the far, far past, like when we lived in tribes and like before we had like the industrial revolution like and money currency, like people would exchange goods like with other goods right or other services.
and this happens all the time to us in a spiritual community is I think a lot of us are we want to help people so bad that we have like our own money stories from childhood from society from subconscious things that make us feel like we're not very money driven or that business could be fake or greedy but really it really is a beautiful thing because if you think about business, you are giving the people what they want. And so, yeah, I just think a beautiful perspective shift is like, oh, actually, business can be so awesome because it's providing people with exactly what they want. And they're just choosing to exchange money in exchange for that.
Um, another really cool thing about money is like money can help you live a really good ass life, right? Like money buys us. Luxuries like money, not even like, not even if you're materialistic, cause I'm also not materialistic. Um, like I don't have any like brand clothes and like, I'm not a person who like cares about having like a certain car. I just have never been like that, but I do love money because of the things that I'm able to do with my life. Like.
The way that I'm able to provide for myself, like I have a dog named Peanut. He's a little dachshund. The things that I can do with money for him, I like um investing in myself, investing in courses that I love to do and learning. And so it's like money can be so freaking awesome. And so even if you're not really money driven,
You can still make a lot of money and live a really good life doing exactly what you want to do, which is talking to people and helping people in a creative way. Okay. So I just want to put that out there because it happens all the time to us that in the spiritual community. Okay.
So let's move on really quickly. So I asked, what have you already tried that is not working? And he said, applying to various jobs just to get some experience to see what I like and don't like. Yes, I freaking love that. um He said, I've noticed a strange pattern in which I will either not get the job due to simply being ghosted despite good interviews and relationships with the people. The job being very short lived due to the fact that it is very unfulfilling and insanely stressful. The longest I've stayed was about two weeks and I've only had two jobs. One was in fast food one day.
he I have a story about this too. And a salesperson, two weeks. The salesperson job was basically traumatizing. I disliked basically manipulating people and the ingenuity ingenuuity of it all. i'm almost I'm almost done with my general education classes, and I didn't really enjoy a lot of the classes I had to take, such as accounting, econ, and even business itself. To be fair, I don't need to take marketing classes until I transfer, but I don't feel exactly passionate in this field yet. And then he said, I've always enjoyed making editing videos. And so I try to make taking a film class for fun and somewhat like business. It's only about who you know in the industry. I don't like talking to people if I need something from them or being fake. So I thought it was very pointless to be a film major unless I was trying, unless I was truly passionate, determined about it. Also, I realized anyone can make films without being a film major.
100% girl. Okay, I have so much, so much to say in here. First of all, everybody who's listening, I think we, um everyone can totally relate to all of these things. So not getting the job, um despite having really good interviews the job I'm a recruiter so I just want to also say like I have a whole other perspective as well but I am a recruiter in my matrix 9 to 5 job I've been with my company for eight years and I hire people um to work for us in the automotive industry and so I totally feel you about
um not getting the job and having really great interviews, but getting ghosted. And I want to say I'm so sorry that happens to you. That is just a total fail on the recruiting end. Like you should be getting a follow-up, whether you got the position or not. That's just like, that's how we do things. That is just like professionalism, right? Like, especially if you're having an interview, you should be receiving some sort of update on your application, whether that's yes or no, right? So I just want to say I'm sorry that happens to you. That's totally um like an unprofessional part on the recruiters. Also
I'm also sorry, I just want to say that I relate to this too really quick because um the other day I was actually trying to apply to Barnes & Noble because I was like, I already have a Matrix shop and it's business. But I was like, wait, I also just like my Matrix shop, I ah work in an office. And so I don't have that like customer interaction, which I frickin miss and love because I worked so many years in retail.
So I've been looking to work at like Barnes and Noble for fun because I love books, I love reading, and I thought that would just be like really fun. And I got totally ghosted so like it literally happens to all of us. um Yeah, the job market's weird. Okay also, and also I just want to say that totally understandable that you um
are leaving the jobs because they're just literally traumatizing and that you hate them. Like, at least you know what you don't like. So I think that's fine. Okay. So this is what's coming up.
there It's totally normal, especially in undergrad, to not really feel connected to the classes because they're so general. like i I literally, like I said, spent so much time in community college and university um and I like hated most of my classes. i like Some of them I would have to retake. Some of them would just be so bored. I would stop going. It's completely normal. um My question is this.
and Yeah, I just have a very specific perspective on college. So I would ask yourself and really think about the end result of like, what is it that you want to do? And I know you don't know yet, which is exactly what we're trying to figure out, which I'm going to give you so much guidance on today, but just know that it's totally normal to like take general classes and not feel in love with them. And then also it's totally normal, even for like the business class to like, not like it yet. It's general, right? It's like not that interesting. Um,
And I also will say too that like just a thought is like, do you actually want to be in college? Because if you like, do you actually genuinely really want to go to college for like the experience? Is it like to meet friends? Is it to um sharpen your skills and like to sharpen your knowledge?
and to find your major, find yourself, find what you really love and pursue it. Or is it more of something that you feel like you have to do because you're being influenced by society or like by family members, right?
because I also see this happen. I recently had a client who was going to school for like medical school and had done a lot of years. Like I think she completed eight years, got eight years through, realized that she absolutely hated it. I just did this reading for her like this weekend. She absolutely hated it. She was getting physically sick from not listening to her body and not listening to like the fact that she hates what she's doing. And so she made like the really hard bull decision to quit and now she's pursuing something completely different and she is still doesn't even see that as a waste of time because she realized that everything that she went through and everything that she learned up to that point was what she needed her soul needed in this lifetime to like learn about herself and so
That's why I asked the question like, do you actually really want to be in college? Is it something that you're excited about? Or is it something that you feel like you need to be successful? You are a projector with emotional authority, which I freaking love. um You're a 6'2 projector. I don't know how much you know about human design and jinkies, so do not worry. I will get into all of this, but the Basically, all I want to say about the projector is like you know that you are in alignment when you feel success. So the the theme that you want to look for your life, like the the feeling that you want to look for is like success. When do you feel successful? And are you trying to um reach success from a way that you think you have to go about it? Or are you genuinely excited? Because I know you did say that like you didn't enjoy a lot of the classes.
um and you don't feel super passionate yet. So it's just a question, just a total question to ask yourself. Um, okay. I, oh, sorry. I'm being called to ask, ah how do you feel about psychology? Um, I'm just curious because you said that you want to help people and that you love talking to people. And I just like spirit just keeps sending me like images of like psychology, like psychology route, that's a whole other thing. You have to be really passionate about it if you want to do like marriage and family counseling. um But that is really like helping people that's talking to them. It has nothing to do with business. It has nothing to do with sales. um Yeah, that's just something that's coming through like super strong, but we'll keep going. Okay.
So I said, if I could wave a magic wand and you could have the best case scenario, what would that look like for you? And you said, I would want to travel the world and meet new people, but not to get anything out of them, just to simply connect with genuine, kind, positive, unique, loving people with similar spiritual views and learn about different backgrounds and cultures. Oh my God, girl. Okay. Wait, so then why do you want to Maybe college isn't super in alignment for you right now, you know? Like, if you're going to classes but you're not interested in all of them, if you're going to, you know, these jobs that you you can't even stay more than a week or two weeks or a day because they're just horrible, which is your soul telling you that you don't like it, then maybe you're meant to travel. Maybe your soul is calling you, like literally you just said that if I could wave a magic wand you would want to travel the world. Oh my god, I freaking love that. Okay,
you know you could always study abroad too. Okay so let's just let's just get into it. Let me pull some cards for you. Let's see what's going on. Let's see what Spirit has to say.
Okay girl so this is so interesting. So I pulled some cards for you and I asked Spirit what is the message for you and these aren't like the cards I pulled are kind of more like oracle cards so they're not they're not tarot. They don't have the actual like cards so I can't tell you what exactly what they um each one is but it's so interesting the message literally it's like so interesting so basically spirit is like okay you're at this place right now where you are looking up to like the sky and you have like these kind of like two options but in the sky it's also kind of like hazy and so it's kind of like confusing of like do i go this path do i go this path i'm seeing like do i go like
college path or do I go like travel path, right? Like travel abroad path. The next card we get is this person who is literally like burning the house down. Like in the back, it's like a house, it's like a trees and the person's just standing there kind of looking defeated, pointing out and everything behind them is like a blaze. And spirits really saying that like it's almost like how It's almost like how can you tune in to what actually really feels you and drives you because it really feels like whatever you're doing right now in this moment is kind of like just going through the motions, like doing what you think you should do. But again, this could be based off of like your like old limiting beliefs, what family members think you should do, what society thinks you should do.
but it's really like burning these old like shoulds, these old shoulds of the world down to the ground. It's literally like drawing a line in the sand and saying like wait like I want to become the director of my life and I like don't want to do this typical shit especially how you said that like you I even, it even makes sense too when you said that you don't want to um get anything from anyone. You don't want to, you feel icky, you feel manipulative in these sales jobs. Like you are not really of this world. Like you're not really of your, even when I read your energy, remember in the very beginning, I was like, your energy is so gentle. It's so kind and so pure.
And so I feel like it's really hard for you to fit into this world, like to fit into the 3D society. And your soul is kind of asking you like, Hey, we came here, we incarnated for something different, not to live this like old, yucky, stagnant way of like doing things. Like your soul is here to do something way different. Like you're so vibrant. Like there's no way to fit your soul essence into a fricking major or just to settle for business just because you think, oh, that's like the best option out of all the shit options, right? Or even how you said that like, you even said that you've really loved editing and making videos and try to film class, but you thought it was pointless unless you're truly passionate and determined about it.
So it's like, even that youre even that was like, you thought that might be something that you loved, but you like your soul was like, I don't want to actually go to school for that. You don't actually need to go to school for that. Okay. So the next thing I'm seeing is like, I see you almost wrestling. Like there's these like two people kind of like fighting with themselves. And it's almost like your logical brain and your more like receptive feminine brain that wants to like follow intuition and follow what feels good. They're kind of like wrestling with each other to like be dominant. And the thing is, is like, yeah, you're so, yeah, you're, you're femininity, you're feminine energy. And this doesn't mean like male or female. I'm sure you know this because you're also like very spiritual.
But your feminine is very, very strong. Your feminine energy is super, super strong. And that could also lead to you that could also lead to why you um feel really like manipulative and like slimy around like money and like sales. Because it's almost like the masculine side of you needs healing. like The masculine side of you needs
It almost needs to be healed in order to come up and also be balanced to serve you and living in this 3D life, right? I hope that makes sense. that's that That's kind of what's coming through. Now I do see that I had this vision of you like traveling and like going and like doing something else. And I see you making friends. Like there's these two little angel babies right here together, sitting together. They're like eating. They have like flowers and they just look so happy and like so pure. um And I really see that as soon as I i thought of you like going and traveling.
You also have um support from your ancestors. So your ancestors are here. um You have support like your guides are here. You have support. They want you to lean into them and they want you to know that like you have so much unseen support. Like you have so much unseen help and support that's here that if you want to make a big life decision of like pausing school, you don't even have to think about it as quitting. You could literally just pause, take off a semester, right? Especially because you're in community college still. So even before you like decide to transfer somewhere, you could go travel and like your ancestors are saying like, I support you.
I support you. You should go travel. You should go meet other people. And that is going to help you decide what you actually want to do in life because I'm going to be super honest with you. Like you don't need college. Like no one needs college unless you're actually going to be a doctor or some sort of something that needs like licensing and requires like very high ah degrees and licensing. You could be so successful in this lifetime and not need not need college, especially if like you're not lit up by the classes. It's like, oh my god, like wouldn't you much rather go what do you much rather find go travel, find what your interests are, and then take like classes and courses in topics that you actually love? like it Topics about spirituality and stuff like that, that's really coming through. It's like, yeah, let me pull cards for you from another deck real quick, too. And then we'll get into your human design and GQs to really support you.
But yeah, they're showing me like, girl. It's almost like very clear you already know what you wanna

Exploring Dharma and Devotion

do. Maybe you're just looking for someone to give you a little more, um I love this. Oh girl, girl, girl, girl. Okay, I just get so happy when this happens. Okay, yes, oh my God, okay. So first of all, you,
Hold on, let me pull this up for you so I can tell you exactly about her. Okay, so first of all, I got Dharma. Dharma is all about purpose. It's all about you literally living your sole purpose and doing something that absolutely lights you up and it's not going to be found by um like watering yourself down to try to fit in a job that you hate which i love honestly that you don't stay longer than you should i love that for you um so we got the goddess we also got the goddess sita which is the goddess of devotion and loyalty and so
This is really saying that I'm just going to read this to you because this is so crazy. So you've devoted your entire self to a person or project and your loyalty cannot be questioned. Even in the face of harsh treatment, you have endured in the name of love. Sita remained loyal to her husband, Ram, despite being told he was dead and when another king wanted to marry her. When her husband returned, he did not believe her fidelity.
She said, if I'm telling the truth, I will jump into this fire and will not be burned. She stepped into the fire untouched, proving that she was loyal indeed. Sita understands how much you truly care and the sacrifices you have made. You have displayed selfless devotion, which is one of the most holy things we can do in serving those that you love and serving the divine. So this is really showing me that you've been really devoted to your studies, right? Like you're really trying to find your purpose. Like we have Dharma card, which is all about purpose. You are devoted. You are out there trying to find it. Okay. Now it's not probably not going to be and
in the most obvious place like for example college unless you do find that you love something about it but again just from getting your answers you know you're not really that drawn to anything and it's more like you're just kind of picking something to be like the best option right the next card we got girl China Master. Oh, okay. I used to, I, when I used to use this deck, this is a yogic deck, a yogic path deck by Sahara Rose. When I used to use this deck, when I was at like a very low point in my life, ah trying to figure out my life, working a job that I fricking hated. And every day I would just kept going to it.
I would draw this card every single day. I'm not even joking. And China Master is here. She is the goddess of destruction. She is here to help you. She's literally, if you could see her right now, it's it's the goddess that is standing um naked and she has her head cut off. Like she's holding her head in one hand and a sword in the other hand and there's like blood squirting everywhere. And she is here to help you.
burn down whatever the hell you need to burn down to get out of whatever you your soul doesn't want to be in. If you feel trapped and you feel confined by society and by trying to fit into society and like go to college because you think you should even though you hate all the classes and like trying to do these jobs you just frickin hate but your soul is literally telling you that you want to travel the world and meet new people um China Master is here to help you literally burn to the ground whatever you need to burn down to follow what you want to do.

Principles of Self-Discipline

Okay and the next card that we got was Tapas and this is a really this is this is a yoga
I don't know what it's called, like a yoga principle. I'm not sure if it's a principle, but it is all about self-discipline. And so this is really talking about how like you've gotten to where you are suit through self-discipline, and you're undergoing really deep transformation. And so it's really time for you to step outside of your comfort zone, gain strength, move through the fear, and ask yourself very important questions. And you can journal on these later, like What practices am I committed to? What practices do I still need to commit to? Is my daily routine serving me? How can I improve it? Where do I need to stop set boundaries for myself in my life in order to align to my truth? Am I showing up for myself the way that I would for a friend or a child? um And so those are some really good questions you can ask. And also just think about like, okay, do you have like a meditation practice? Do you have
time throughout the day where you can really enter reflect and think about what do you actually like to do? What are you actually passionate about? um And Spirit's really supporting you again on like And again, I'm not saying like, oh, you need to like quit school today and like go travel abroad, but you do have your ancestors here that are supporting you. You do have the goddess Trena Masta, who's here to help you literally destruct and cut out anything in your life that is no longer serving you. You have Dharma.
right and you have And you have the goddess Sita, which is all about devotion. And then lastly, we have Pitta. And so if you're familiar with the Doshas in Ayurveda, Pitta is fire. Pitta is energy, fire. this this Remember earlier in the reading when I said, like I think you might just need to heal your masculine um energy? That's where Pitta comes in. Pitta is fire. Pitta is um Pitta is motivation,
drive, discipline. It is purpose, right? It

Understanding Emotional Authority

is ah really, yeah, like lighting a fire under your booty to be devoted to your Dharma and to cut out anything that you need to cut out out of your life. Okay, so I hope that was helpful. Now let's move into your human design girl and your jinkies. I think this is really going to support you. so Like I said, I'm not sure how familiar you are with, or like what level you are with your human design. So I'm going to tell you just some, what is literally coming through intuitively. So I hope this helps.
so First of all, you are a projector, you are a 6'2 projector with a emotional, your authority is your solar plexus, you're an emotional authority. So as a projector, okay, you are here, sorry, I also wanna really, really quickly, I want to say um human design, jean keys, Akashic Records, it's never gonna tell you like what career like what career type or like position or industry is good for you that's something that like really you have to come to on your own terms but this can really support you and how you're meant to live your purpose how you're here to really
get a career that you absolutely love. So I just kind of want to preference that real quick so you understand. like um ah can't It doesn't necessarily tell you what career choice is best for you, but it's going to tell you how and all the energy around it. So as a projector, you are a guide. As a projector, your aura is penetrating. So you can literally, with your energy, penetrate the aura of other people and see and know information about them. So you are, projectors really are the guides, they are the counselors, they are
um like the coaches. They are the people who are here to guide others because you can see what other people can't see. You have a bird's eye view of what's actually going on in somebody's life. And this is so crazy because again, like I said, I love when it like doubles down, but we're going to get to in a second, your life's work is a line six role model. So again, it's a bird's eye view. You can just deeply know people and know what they need, you know what's good, and youre so you're here to be a guide. Okay, now the thing about projectors is there is a thing called strategy, um and so your strategy is really the cheat code for how you're here to show up in life, right? For how you're here to manifest things that you want, for how you're here to like go about
you know, doing things in life, getting things, creating things. And the thing with projectors is you are designed to wait for the invitation. so Because you can see into others so deeply and know exactly what they need, it can be uncomfortable for people who are not ready to be seen. So if you were to just like give your advice to like your best friend, your parent, your partner, um a co-worker, if you were to just like give them advice unsolicited and tell them like what they need to do because you can just understand what they need to do to feel better, oftentimes you could be met with
like resistance, which in turn leads you to feel your not-self theme of bitterness. And so if you've been rejected enough times of like people being like, oh my God, like you're bossy, that's quote unquote bossy, you're not really bossy, but that's just something that like projectors can be called, um or like know it all energy. If you've been told that enough times in your life when you're younger, it's probably gonna lead you to ah feel some sort of like bitterness. And so the way to like counteract this is to always just like wait for the invitation.
So that doesn't mean that you literally need somebody to tell you like, oh, yes, please give me advice. There can also be like implied invitations. It gets so deep, but you don't need an invitation to live your life. Okay. You don't need an invitation to make your own decisions to go do whatever you want to do. You don't need to wait for the invitation for anything that has to do like with yourself. It's more just like with interacting with others, um, and like aligning to divine opportunities. Okay. Um, the next place I want to go with with that is your authority. So you have an emotional authority. So,
This means that you have the emotional solar plexus center defined. And so you're someone who has what we call an emotional wave. And so you're someone who feels emotional highs and emotional lows um consistently.
And the thing to learn about this is like there does not need to be a reason for it. So oftentimes when people have um emotional authority, it can feel There's two ways this can show up. Either you feel a victim to your emotions, you're like, oh my god, I was feeling so good yesterday, and now I feel so low and just feel like helpless. Like, oh my god, what's wrong with me? like Why do I feel like this? And then you start creating stories in your mind around why you feel like that. and You stay longer in that cycle when really there's no reason for these these ups and downs It just is so the more that you can rest it's like oh, I'm just in a low right now I'm not gonna make it mean anything. I'm not gonna create a story around it. I'm just gonna accept it great when it comes to making decisions for you Tina
Never, never, never make a decision when you are in an heightened emotional state. So say you're like really excited about something and you're like, oh my God, like, okay, girl, I just saw this flight. um I was just looking at like plane tickets and you know what? I'm gonna just buy this flight right now. I'm gonna quit school and I'm just gonna like move to Bali. If you were to like do that all like in like an hour because you're so excited about something,
it could potentially be the wrong decision because you're making a decision at an emotional high, which is my mentor says it's almost like making decisions when you're drunk. Because like when you're in an emotional high or low, you're not really like tuned into like your full senses, you're just really going off of like that emotional wave. And so it's not necessarily the correct decision for you. So the best thing you can do for yourself anytime that you're trying to make decisions is sleep on it.
give yourself time to sleep, wake up, and then decide, okay, how am I feeling about this? And you're never gonna have 100% certainty. It's really aiming for like 60, 70% of like, yeah, this feels like the right thing to do. It's really being at this like Zen-like state of just like mutual neutralness. Like you wanna make this big life decisions when you're feeling neutral, not when you're having a really excited,
situation happening and not when you're having a really bad day so like you said as well when you quit this just came to me right now um and this might not necessarily be true but like when you quit your job after one day you probably quit it when you're an emotional low right it was when you said that um yeah I think it was the salesperson one. Oh, the okay. Yeah. It was either, I don't know if it was like the fast food one that you only had one day, but I bet you had like the worst day of your life. Like it was literal, literal shit. And you were probably like, I hate this. I'm never doing this again. I'm like, I'm quitting. And like you quit on an emotional low.
which in retrospect, that probably was a correct decision for you. But it could have just been that you were just like having the worst day of your life and maybe when you woke up the next day, you would feel a little bit different, you would give it another shot and you'd be like, okay, like let me see how this goes. And then potentially, it could have worked out. Again, I don't think that was the case for that. I think that probably was just for sure not aligned.
But that's just a tendency that you may have. So keep that in mind. Anytime that you make really big decisions, try, I'm not going to say try. Do not make them when you're in an emotional wave of either of having like the most shittiest day of your life or like the absolute best day of your life. Allow yourself to sleep on decisions. If anyone ever tries to pressure you into like buying something or like signing up or something or going somewhere and they don't allow you to like have time to think about it.
just know that that's not for you. um Because whatever's for you, the universe will never pass you by. Okay, it will never leave you, it will always give you time to think about it. The reason also why it's really good for emotional authorities to have time to think about things is like, you will get more information later on.

Integrity and Judgement in Life's Work

So say you're like, oh my god, I found like a flight to Bali and I found like the perfect apartment. I already have like a savings like a six month savings saved up. um I'm just going to quit right now after like looking at this like apartment online. um I literally love it. I'm just going to buy my plane ticket now, book it, and I'm going to move. Imagine you did all of that within like an hour because you were so excited.
And you end up booking it, you end up flying there, and you end up it ends up turning out to be like a really like crappy ah apartment. And you're like, oh my god, like this is the worst worst decision. And now you're kind of stranded with like nowhere where to stay. What can happen is like if you were to give yourself time and say, OK, I'm really excited about this apartment, but I'm going to sleep on it. Or I'm going to give myself a couple of days to just really you know make sure I come to like a grounded, neutral place to decide.
you may have found other places that were even better. You may have found information or like had time to dig a little bit more to find out like reviews on it that were like really negative or it's just it allows you to have time for things to come into your field from the universe and other people to give you information about whether that is actually a correct decision for you or not.
So that's just something super important. So just remember, you're here to really make decisions, not from the mind, not like, you know, again, when it comes to school, don't think. I'm not going to say don't think, but.
What we tend to do is we tend to like rationalize things with our mind like, okay, I'm not really like into anything, but I guess business just makes the most sense. So I guess I'm just going to stick it out and do like a business degree. But if you're actually listening to your solar plexus and really tuning into how you feel about something and really kind like tune into your body and come to like a neutral awareness of like, do I actually want that? like How do I actually feel about it?
follow the things that light you up and like all the things that you don't like. Okay. So I hope that's helpful. Um, okay. The next thing I, the next place I want to go to is I want to talk to you really quickly about the line that you have for your life's work. So for your life's work, you are a line six. And so your life's work is 70% of your personality. This is the sun. This is the masculine. This is what you're here to do in this lifetime. It is the doing. This is what you're going to do all the time. It's not just one career or one job. It's literally like the frequency behind everything that you do in this lifetime. um And I'm just pulling yours up now. Why do I keep missing it?
Um, okay. So for you, you have Jean Key and Gate, we'll say for conscious sign, Gate 18, Jean Key 18. And so let me just pull up the 18.
Okay. Here we go. Okay. So you have 18.
Oh, I think I already had it open. Okay. So again, this is, again, your jean keys in human design can't tell you like what job to do, but it can give you like the essence behind everything that you do. um And then I'll tell you about your purpose sphere. Those are the two that I'm really drawn to for you. So you're um you have gate 18 here, which is called the gate of correction in human design. And in jean keys, it's called the power the healing power of the mind. So this is in the splenic center. The splenic center is all about like survival, intuition, instincts,
And this is a Libra, um this is your Libra sun. So this is Libra energy, okay? So cardinal energy. And this really is this intuitive energy of the Splenic Center to harness your unique capacity to work on fixing something. So it seeks to hold up the basic tenets of human rights.
So what I love so much about just like reading about your questions was you're like, okay, I'm not really drawn to money. I'm not really drawn to like manipulating people or any of these like just basic interests. And so I thought it was so cool because this energy 18 is all about taking something in society and like creating like perfection out of it. It's really about like,
It's almost about like seeing what needs to be fixed and like fixing it. So if we look at this from the shadow frequency, the shadow of this is the shadow of judgment. And so I just want to talk to you about this real quick because this is probably something that you experience a lot in your life since this does make up such a big part of your personality.
So, the shadow of judgment shows up in two ways. It shows up as being a victim of judgments. This is the person who is like the self-identified perfectionist. I always teach him this lesson, this spiritual lens behind perfectionism because anytime you think that you are stuck because you're stuck in perfectionism, you're not in perfectionism because perfection is actually a very high frequency.
Anyone who, any listeners out there, if you feel like you're ever stuck in perfectionism, you're actually stuck in judgment and judgment shows up in two ways. Repressed judgment shows up as inferiority. So this is when you put other people in your life or other people you look up to on a pedestal and you are constantly comparing yourself to other people's lives. You're constantly comparing yourself to what other people are doing. You feel like everyone else has it figured out. You feel like, um,
Yeah, you're just you're so you're not moving forward because you're so afraid of not living up to other people because you're pedestalizing other people. The reactive nature is called superiority. So this is people who themselves feel like they are on a pedestal. This is people who feel like it's very hard for them to ask for help because they really feel like they know 100% what's best.
And so this can really block them and it's it's really being a judgment of receiving new information or like receiving help because you just think that you're above everyone else and it's really separating yourself from others. Um, so you can either oscillate between both of those or you can like reject those so much that you attract people who project that onto you and treat you like that in relationships. That's kind of like how it shows up.
Um, the gift of this is integrity. So this is not integrity in terms of honesty. This is integrity in terms of like, if you think about like architectures and like the foundation of a building has to be integral, right? It has to be strong. It has to be sturdy in order to build off of it. That is really the gift that you're here to do in this lifetime. You are here to.
move out of this like shadow of judgment, of like judging others, right? Of like judging either others as being better than you or less than you. And you're here to really see like what needs to be improved upon. You are here to have such high standards and such high integrity, which is so aligned with you saying that like you hate the manipulation of business. You you know, you don't like those like fake sales tactics. That is so aligned for you, right? And what you're really here to lean into is like,
this integrity, this fixing things and just seeing things that like need to be improved upon. when you are in this energy and like enough you're going to go in and out of the acidic state of perfection and so that is like when you realize like oh nothing actually needs to be improved upon like everything actually is perfect as it is um the place i really want to get to for you here real quick that's a little more like practical is you are a line six here and if we look at the line six um of life's work that is being the teacher okay so you have the teacher architect
So I want you to think about this. It's not so much what you actually end up doing for a living, right? That doesn't really matter. It's more of like the frequency that you do it through. And so for you, again, it's going to be through integrity. It's going to be through, you know, harmonizing things.
fixing things, having very high standards, and being able to like improve upon things. And you're here to do it in the energy of the line six, which is the teacher. And so you're literally here to change the way that people think. You are a wise one, especially this is like so doubling down with projector energy, but you're a wise one who sees further than others. You live life according to different laws, and through time and patience you will come to understand the approaches of all the other five lines in order to the answer the question why.
That is the question of all six lines, and as the archetype of the teacher, you understand that everyone is unique and everyone is born with different gifts, and you desire to support others in seeing and using their gifts and becoming self-sufficient.
The sixth line takes the creativity of the first line and takes it further. And so this is really associated, six lines are associated here with the third eye and the crown chakra. So you can really see where archetypes like visionary archetypes are associated.
um You could be slightly removed from the world, ethereal, and can see beyond what is obvious, which like, remember I said that earlier, I was like, I feel like you're very like, I really do feel like you're very out of this world. I feel like you are, I feel like you're like a like light worker, goddess, like just beautiful pure energy who's here to like completely do things different.
to not follow the beaten path to like literally burn like society's like ideas of what success is down to the ground and as a projector completely create your own idea of society. um You're here to again teach people so again it's not so much as like what is the the job or career but it's like how do you do it you're here to teach people and you're here to you know as a projector really look for things that bring you success, like fulfillment through success. That is just so important to you. And yeah, I think that's so beautiful. And that's kind of funny because remember the beginning was like, have you ever thought about psychology? I don't know why, like I was really pointed to that through the guides of like, what about psychology? Or like, you know, you want to talk to people, you want to help people. um You know, you can also look into like spiritual modalities. You don't even have to do the traditional, like um the traditional like psychology route. i
used to want to pursue that and I took like all my prerequisites to get into a master's program to be a family and marriage counselor but then I did like so much research on it and was really like following these like people on YouTube following their journeys and it's actually like it does take a lot to get licensed and and registered like it's a lot of school you can't really talk about your own personal experiences you know like there's a whole like client and um patient and
Oh my God, like piece patient and like, oh my God, why can't I think of it of like the same? You know, like you, if you're licensed by the state, you can't really like share about yourself. There's very strong boundaries. And so that's why I got into coaching. That's why I got into spiritual life coaching because I get to help people and I get to talk to people. And I found the modalities that I'm obsessed with, human design, gene keys.

Exploring Spiritual Gifts

Um, and so I would like, you know,
i would highly highly suggest especially with that third eye and like crown chakra it's so associated with that that's like intuition that's like spiritual gifts that's like psychic gifts i would really really really like suggest also leaning into like your psychic um i don't know why i keep saying psychic i guess i'm like supposed to say psychic but I meant spiritual gifts, especially because you just want to help people and you're so ethereal. Like even your energy, like I said, just felt so um pure, so beautiful, so gentle. um Yeah. It's a really, really beautiful energy. I'm so excited to see like where you go with everything. Oh my God. I'm literally so excited. A big part of me feels like it might not be through the traditional structures, you know?
Okay. The last place I want to look for you, my Tina is I want to look at your purpose just to give you a really quick, um, view of that. So for you.
to to- do
And I'm sorry, you guys, if you can hear sounds like I have my Oracle cards here, then also Pina is like eating and like licking food. Okay.
Okay, awesome. So for you, your purpose is 38.2, so let's just pull up 38 for you. So if we look at gene key 38, and you guys, I have an undefined and ah undefined head and ajna, so I do not memorize details. So I have like my beautiful system with all of my notes that I always look at. So anyone that's listening right now that is a healer, a coach, a spiritual leader, anything like that where you feel like intimidated because you can't memorize things, you can always access your notes. Like literally there's nothing wrong with that, like have systems, have notes, that's so freaking helpful for any of us that have any like undefined head or oshnas because there is no way we can remember these like solid facts. Okay,
Okay, Tina, so here you have gate 38, which is the, in human design, it's called the fighter. And in Jean Keys, it's called the warrior of light. Oh my God, how freaking cool is that? So this is in the root center. This is Capricorn energy, okay? um This is Cardinal energy. And this is in the individual circuit. So you're here to really like help people and influence people and influence yourself of like being an individual.
Okay, so this energy, if we look at this through the gene keys is um also, this is coming from the root center. So this is really this unique capacity to be able to fight for causes and empower and preserve individuality. So this is your purpose, Tina. Okay, this is literally the being. This is who you're here to be in this lifetime. This is the unique texture of your consciousness. And you are here to harness this capacity to fight for the causes that empower and preserve individuality. So the more you can be yourself and just do the things that light you up is what you're really going to be able to share with others. And in whatever special way that looks to you, this is really the frequency that you're here to hold in this lifetime.
So really quickly, I just wanna go over like the shadows and gift of this. So the shadow of this is struggle and it's the victimization theme is being a victim of the belief that you have to struggle. So the repressive nature can feel defeatist. This feels like, oh my God, like nothing's even worth like trying, like I might as well just give up. um I will say, okay, I will say that in your question, um when you said that anyone who wants to be like in the film industry has to like know people, so what's the use of even trying? I was like, okay girl, I am sensing a little of the defeatist shadow here, um because you can literally do whatever the fuck you want. like If you wanted to create films, you don't need to know anybody. like You personally, I'm talking to you. I'm talking to anybody here. We can do whatever we want. Even though, yes, there are politics and there are certain things like that go on in industries, we can literally actually do whatever we want if we're super passionate about it.
um and so Yeah, I just wanted to put that out there. Um, so yeah, defeatist is like, oh, what's the point? I might as well not even try. Um, I might as well not even try to fight for this. Like I'm not even gonna like be able to achieve it.
there's no use. And so it's really like kind of giving up on yourself. Um, the reactive nature of this shadow is aggressiveness. And so this can be just like being aggressive and like almost like fighting for things that don't really matter. It's like, um, or like just having this belief that you have to struggle, like, Oh my God, like everything's like, it's almost like the person who's like, Oh my God, like everything's so hard and like everyone's so annoying and like it's their fault. And like, it's just being really aggressive.
in the struggle, right? Where the gift is perseverance and the gift is like knowing what's the correct thing to actually fight for and not giving up.
This is Capricorn energy. This is like the goat climbing the mountain. like You have preserverance in you. This is the gift that you are here to be in the world. You're you're an example of this to others, is this preserverance of like going after the things that you actually want and fighting for the things you actually believe in. and like So you can ask yourself, like what cause do I wanna fight for? like What do I believe in so much that I will preserver and make that really the purpose of my life?
right Um, and it's not something that you have to like think of or like create in your mind. Like it will unfold as like, as you go in your life and as you have more life experiences, but it's just knowing that you are the fricking warrior of light. You are the warrior of light girl. Um.
And the city of this, the highest frequency is honor. So as you persevere and as you fight for others and as you have this like, you know, goddess energy of like fighting and changing the world, you will go in and out of the feeling of honor.

Embracing Unique Paths and Closure

It's a very honorable energy, which is so beautiful. um what i The last thing I'll say about this is you are here.
a line two. And the line two, this is very physical, okay? So anytime that we're talking about purpose, and this is for all the listeners as well, any anytime that you're talking about purpose and looking at your sphere of purpose in the Jane Keys, it is a very like physical, ah it's a very physical, I'm sorry, um a physical sphere. One second.
Okay, so you have the line 2 here. And like I said, this is very physical. So this is the um this is associated in biology to the lymphatic and the reproductive system. um The elemental metaphor of this is water. And so the line 2 is all about posture and fluids. So your deep sense of purpose in life will come from a sense of fluidity and expression and the deep joy of movement and flow.
So after line ones, which is the bones, it's like the structure in the bones, the next step in the magic is to bring movement to the bones. So in order to bring movement to the bones structurally, your spine most must be both sound and flexible, which is why this is about posture. And so um this really is a feeling of like liquidity, floating ease, effortlessness. And that really is the way that you're here to live your purpose is to be in this like fluid, joy, deep flow. So if you feel so stuck and stagnant in, for example, like the college and you're just like, I'm trying to figure it out. I don't like it. It just feels gross or like in these jobs that you keep finding that you just don't like. It's like, okay, what do you need to do or how can you move into a place where you
are in more of this like sense of fluidity and expression and joy and like finding things that you really love to do and like moving, right? It's all about moving. We don't want to stay stagnant or stuck. We want to be moving and even like moving your body.
Um, but really more about like flow. It's really more about like flow and like posture. Um, so yeah. Okay, my friend. Oh my goodness. You guys, we went so, so, so over, but I feel like everything came through that needed to come through. So just to do a really great short recap for you, Tina. Um, you are here to literally be a teacher. Your life's work ah energy is like as the teacher.
um you are your purpose is really like the light warrior, like you're a goddess of light. You are here to fight for the things that you believe in, for the things that are correct for you, and you're really here to do it in a way that is very flexible and moving. um So really, again, find those have those life experiences find the things that you really like to do um because nothing is going to like your soul's purpose isn't going to feel forced or it's not going to feel like just settling for like oh i guess i'll just settle for this it's also is a little defeatist energy and they're like okay i guess i'll just settle for like the business
you know especially because you're not really um super like excited about any of the classes again it could be because it is still so general ed um but yeah don't settle do not settle for anything in this lifetime because you are so special you're so unique you're out of this world like your soul is out of this world i think you're here to like change structures i think you're here to um completely do things in a completely new way and show people how to live life in a completely different way that is like not necessarily what society's normal standards are. um And you're here to ya enjoy your life and make friends. And the cards are showing girl that if you do, and it maybe it isn't even going um abroad or child out of country, but it even is just like going on a trip or something. Again, remember your ancestors were really supporting you.
And you had like new friends, you guys were eating together, like looking at little flowers. So you're gonna have like a lot of friends with like interests. um There are other little spiritual angel babies too. They're both like little angels with fairies. You're gonna have like little fairy friends.
um when you lean into like the things that you really like, okay? Okay, my friend, so that is all for you. I appreciate you so much. You have to let me know how this resonates. And okay, you guys, so thank you so much for listening. um Again, you guys, thank you so much for giving me grace and... um the room to just figure out how these episodes are going to go. I had absolutely no idea, but when I'm in the Akashic Records, it's freaking crazy. like Time escapes me. It's so much fun. I honestly think this is going to be like a three-hour episode. I don't even know because I and don't have a timer right now, but oh my God, you guys.
Ah, this is so much fun. So there are still a couple of questions to answer that we are not getting to today. So you beauties, if you have submitted questions, don't worry, you will be on the next episode. Most likely, I think there was like three more babes that submitted last week. And then anyone else who submits from now on out, just know that I plan to do these once a month. um It looks like we're going to get to about two people's questions per episode. I may do them more often if I have more people that submit because it's something I'm really, really called to and really excited. If you guys um loved what you got today. If anybody wants to work with me more, all of the readings are in the show notes below. um It's so much fun you guys, like I absolutely love what I do. And um oh my last announcement you guys is I am opening up my mentorship in October. So my one one-to-one mentorship is going to be a place where you get to work with me for three months and we're going to work on whatever your big yes is. So whatever you're like you're really excited to create in the world,
We're going to be working on that together. I'm going to include Gene Keys, Human Design, Akashic Records, um all of my like subconscious reprogramming work. um As you guys know, if you listen to the pod, I am in my NLP certification right now. um we I graduate in December. And so just learning like hypnosis and all of these other tools that really help us reprogram our subconscious mind so that we can make shifts far beyond just the behavioral level, really help us show up and like be able to decisively live our purpose.
and make decisions where we become the literal main character, bad as goddess, CEOs of our life. And we no longer like subscribe to these old fear patterns and these old subconscious beliefs that have just been kind of like holding us back, playing small, um not allowing us to just be our fullest express selves. So if you guys would um love to learn about that, just send me a DM on Instagram and I can send you all the information. um I will have enough room to take two people um two babes at a time because it's like yeah just like so devoted okay so i hope you guys have the absolute best day the best week and i will see you guys next time by bye bye
Thank you so much for being here and listening beauty. If you enjoyed this episode, please be sure to leave a review and share the episode with a friend who you know will love it. We can connect further on Instagram at I am Alyssa Mae. So come say hello, leave a comment of your favorite takeaway on