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70. Unlock Your Intuition and Step into Self-Love with the Passionate + Graceful Psychic Amanda Brocato image

70. Unlock Your Intuition and Step into Self-Love with the Passionate + Graceful Psychic Amanda Brocato

It's Happening For Me
27 Plays24 days ago

Welcome back beauty! In this episode I sit down with my dear friend and psychic, Amanda Brocato. We met in our Akashic Records training and I feel like I’ve known Amanda my entire life. She has this warmth and beauty that immediately makes you feel at home. She’s fiery and passionate, a graceful and charming force of nature, and an inspiring example of a strong female role model. I'm so glad to know her in this lifetime and you are going to feel the same in this episode! 

Amanda shares her journey of discovering and embracing her psychic abilities, coming out of the "spiritual closet," and building a life aligned with her purpose. From navigating small-town skepticism to helping others tap into self-love, Amanda’s story is a testament to courage, faith, and divine timing.

What You’ll Learn in This Episode:

  • How Amanda discovered her psychic gifts and overcame the fear of being seen.
  • The role self-love plays in personal transformation and fulfillment.
  • Amanda’s journey of coming out as a psychic in a rural community and the challenges she faced.
  • The concept of “dry planting” faith in life and business.
  • How spirituality and practicality can coexist harmoniously.
  • The importance of trusting your intuition and recognizing signs from the universe.
  • Stories of serendipity and divine timing that changed Amanda’s life.
  • Insights on setting boundaries and protecting your energy as an empath.


  • The link between unprocessed emotions, fear of being seen, and physical manifestations like skin issues.
  • Ellisa and Amanda reflect on the impact of sobriety and how it deepened their spiritual connection.
  • Amanda’s lessons on free will, detachment, and allowing loved ones to follow their own paths.
  • The power of raising your prices and stepping into your worth as a lightworker.

Connect with Amanda:

  • Instagram:
  • Services: Amanda offers psychic readings via Zoom, email, and in person, focusing on helping clients find clarity, purpose, and self-love.

Quote of the Episode: "If you’re alive, you’re worthy. Loving yourself is the most profound step toward healing and alignment." – Amanda Brocato


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Ellisa Mae


Alyssa & Amanda's Connection

Hello, everyone. Welcome back to the It's Happening for Me podcast. I'm your host, Alyssa, and I am so excited that you are with us today. Today, you guys, I am so excited because we have such a super special guest, my friend, Amanda Bricato. She is a psychic and just, honestly, someone who I am so happy that I crossed paths with. We actually met each other in our Akashic Records.
training. And she is someone that just has such a beautiful energy that I just felt so connected to like right away when we were together in that course. So I am so excited you guys. Hello, Amanda. Hey, Melissa May, how are you? I'm good. How are you doing? Great. Thank you for having me. I really appreciate this opportunity to visit with you. I've missed you.
Yes, I know. I've missed you too so much.

Embracing Psychic Abilities

I i remember, like I forget how many weeks it was that we were you know meeting and it was always the highlight of my weekend. I was like, oh my God, I get to see Amanda and the other girls and just like nerd out together in spirituality. It was so fun. And I really appreciated y'all because I was so much older than y'all. At that time, I was in my late 40s. And I guess all of y'all were like in your early, maybe to mid 30s, some of them. And y'all were just so great to me because I was so nervous and such a newbie and y'all were just wonderful.
Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. I love you so much. Yay. So, okay. Can you let the audience know like, what do you do? Like you're a psychic. Like what exactly do you do? Who do you help? And like, what do you have going on in the world? and Okay. So I I've been a lifelong psychic, but I did not come out of the closets like publicly until p probably a couple of years ago. Cause I live in West Texas in a very rural

Overcoming Visibility Fears

area. And it's just not something that is really, you know, profoundly,
popular and accepted here. So and well first of all as a lifelong psychic you don't know you're a psychic at first if nobody tells you you just think everybody's that way and so it it took me a little bit to kind of figure out that hey I'm psychic and not everybody is and then you realize it's kind of weird and so you try to squelch it. So I spent all of my 20s and 30s trying to conform which is really tough for a nonconformist and then in 2017 when my first grandchild was born that's when it just went off the charts and I could not deny it anymore. So I kind of came out to my family and then a couple years ago, I mean, I just can't not do this. And so um I took the course, which was like popping my cherry with y'all. And I remember y'all were so sweet, the Akashic Records course. And ah one of you asked if I could channel and I'm like, I don't even know what that is.
but I think I can. And then I remember you just really bolstered my self-esteem because you you told Rebecca, our instructor, you're like, Amanda has very powerful information and it comes really quick.

Beauty, Self-Image & Authenticity

And I was just like, maybe I can do this.
maybe I am legit and so that group really gave me the confidence. So I rented some office space here locally and I see clients in person and virtually and i also ah do it via email and I have never felt so whole in my life and I know this is what I'm meant to do and I love listening to your podcast because one of the things that has been difficult for me personally is I'm afraid to be seen.
especially with all that, you know, history. um And like literally I'm 50 years old and my face has been breaking out like crazy. I've tried all the things and I saw my psychic Marie Manucherry. If you ever need a psychic, she's amazing. And ah her first question was like, how are your hormones? And I said, oh, they're great. I've been getting them checked. And um then she said, are you afraid to be seen? And I said, absolutely. And she said that is a manifestation If you're afraid to be seen, you find a way to kind of. So yeah.
Oh my god, I have so many things to say like that I want to ask you, but first of all, you are so beautiful. Like I honestly feel like not even just like it's literally how beautiful and radiant you are, your looks and your energy. And that's something that I noticed too. Every time we would come together to these calls, like like our group calls, I would look horrible. Like I'm just like running, like, you know, getting out of bed, just literally no makeup.
just like looking like complete like ah shit. And then I'm like, oh my God, Amanda is so put together and so beautiful. You are so sweet. well I'm from I'm from the South where you have to freaking put lipstick on even if it is four o'clock in the morning. And now you always look great. And so I was just telling you earlier how great your skin looks. So whatever you're doing is working.
Yeah. Okay. Thank you so much. And you know what's crazy is I was actually just talking to my client

Childhood Sensitivity & Intuition

about this. She actually went through something um very similar last year with like a skin thing, but hers was hives. And she was kind of facing some like betrayal with like friends and a boyfriend. And it was affecting how she wanted to show up online. And she's a content creator. She has a really big following and she was, she was already used to like being seen and like putting herself out there.
But she like started like developing these hives. And then she actually ended up seeing this, like I really wish I knew what the name of it was, but it was like this like German um like alternative medicine like physician man. And he told her the same thing that, like oh, you have a fear of being seen. And it's like creating this barrier on your skin almost to like protect you. Yeah. you know yeah And so so similar to what your psychic told you about, like yeah, the skin will do stuff like that.
Yes. And she also said it stems from a betrayal, which I've had a lot of betrayal in my own personal life, like with family, but also talked about in past lives that it's just this betrayal.

Career Transition & Supportive Relationships

And I had gone through the gaining weight thing to protect myself and got tired of that. So then evidently it moved to the ah skin thing. So who knew?
Yeah, that's crazy. Can you tell us? Okay, I want to know you said that you were psychic your whole life, but obviously you didn't know that until you knew that. So can you share with us like what were some of the things that like what happened to you like what are some of the signs or some things that you would experience that you just maybe thought were like weird or you didn't understand them until later realizing Well, like, so for instance, as a young, young child, if you were to ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would tell you either a nun or a missionary. And what's interesting about that is that not only were we not Catholic, we weren't religious at all.
So like where I came up with that, I i had no idea. And then, ah I don't know, I think this comes from being from an abused family too. I was hyper aware of everyone's energy, every nuance, every head tilt, every eyebrow lift. And so, um and I just thought everybody was that way. And then when I was seven, I told my mother that my father was having an affair. And he was.
She, and she just looked at me like I was crazy. But then ah she asked him and he was. And so I ended up staying married and it was fine. But um no seven year old knows that and knows how to articulate that. And then like I knew, I knew stuff was going to happen before it happened. And so I just, as I started to realize, not everybody's like picking up on this, but I am, I didn't even have words for what it was, but I knew it was different.
h Oh my gosh, that's crazy. I feel like I can relate to that too, of just like always sort of having this sense of things, but then like not really like realizing what it it was or also kind of like sensing things are going to happen before they happen and then being like, oh, that's what that was. Would you, would you say, what was, I'm curious, what was the thing that made you realize like, oh, I actually want to explore this side of myself. like what like What brought you into spirituality if you didn't grow up like you know with a religious family? like How did you even get into spirituality and have this idea of like even like knowing that you had gifts? Well, and of course, I grew up in a religious area and my parents were raised religious. We just didn't go to church ever when I was a kid much. So like I was familiar with it. But then that the flip side of that is that you grew up religious to where stuff like psychics or complete voodoo
and, you know, sinful and wrong. And so I had that to deal with too. But um probably because I tried to answer your question, I tried everything else. I tried to conform. I had a bunch of different amazing jobs, really careers. I owned a hotel in my 30s. I was a vegetable farmer for eight years. That was has been my most recent career. I was in healthcare marketing. I mean, so I tried everything.
And um the moment that I was good at, but it just never really clicked. And so um I've been married to my husband, Tony, who's the best. And I want to talk about that too, to go off on a tangent a little bit, how yeah when I'm trying to fix my husband or psychic everything around him, how that's a whole other thing. But anyway, he's the most ah supportive, amazing man ever. And so as a feminist woman, independent woman, who all of a sudden marries a strong man, he was a Marine,
And now he's a healthcare executive. Um, I didn't have to hustle anymore. I had that burden lifted. And so whenever you're not surviving and you're not hustling and you're not just stressed to the hilt all the time, then you kind of have the space to be like, okay, I want to explore a few different things. And then like I said, um, spirituality and my gifts just kind of kept beating me over the head to where I couldn't escape them.
ah For instance, one time we were at a farmer's market because I was selling vegetables and an elderly lady comes up and buys something from us. The sweet lady, always well, she leaves. About an hour later she comes back and says, I saw the countenance of God all around you from way over there and I just had to come back and pray with you.
And so she asked to pray with me and my husband. And so I'm telling him, I'm like, see? Because I had been telling him, you know, hey, it's hard when you talk about coming out, I have a gay son. So I kind of equated to that, even though it's not the same. But um you kind of start off like I remember my son telling me he was bisexual first.
and you know before he had the courage to tell me he was gay and so from my perspective I kind of you start out a little bit like hey I think I'm a little different and then it's kind of like hey I think I'm a little artsy fartsy and then you're kind of like hey yeah I know a few you know I know some stuff that not everybody knows And so I had prayed that I needed to see like real signs that would help solidify this because at at some point you feel crazy. Like am I just making this up, right? Yeah. So then I started having these external signs like the late at the farmer's market. And ah my husband is the biggest hype man ever. He believes in me. And so that has been a blessing. ah My kids, it's like a mixed bag. I have four children who are young adults in their twenties and thirties.
And a couple of them really believe me and a couple of them just think I'm woo woo wacky mom. But I guess that's with anything, right? Oh my gosh, I love that. How like, so I relate so much because my brother is also gay and when he came out gay before, when he was in the process of it, we were still like pretty involved in our church. Like I grew up Lutheran and and There was just a part of me, and we actually our Lutheran church in San Diego is one of like the first like super um accepting churches, like but I just really felt like some of the other, I don't know, just some of the things that they teach in Christianity like did not align with my beliefs. i was like
I don't believe that my brother, like it's a sin for him to love whoever he wants to love. And so that's kind of what really like brought me out of that and could kind of see like, Oh, this is like a matrix programming, like religion really is, you know? And I was like, that's not rooted in truth and love and like, you know, freedom for every person. And so I feel like that also kind of gave me that that was like the first thing of like, Oh, I love my brother more than I love this, like, God that I can't, you know,
yes And people, Christians were some of the most hateful. Oh, and it just it just hurts my my little heart. um Yeah, that was a a big wake up call. And to look at my precious son who has a heart of gold. And ah yeah, the adults treated him so poorly in his home church. Expected from the world, but you don't expect it, you know, in your people. And so that was a huge wake up call.
for me too. So yeah. Yeah. That's why I think, um, yeah, I just feel like I love this, like, I don't know, just exploring spirituality. That was one of the biggest things for me was this like, Oh, love consciousness kind of, you know, and like, it's, it's so different than having these like rules and like regulations on people and, and yeah, just like control over them. Um, so when you So you came out to your immediate family. Do you feel like you ah felt any resistance towards like, coming out to your extended family? Or is that still something that like, you don't really talk about the things that you do? You know, like, is it like, Oh, it's just something that you do. And like, you're not really hiding it, but you're also not really like bringing it up to them? Yes. Or do you talk? Yeah, yes that makes a lot of sense. Yeah. You're a little psychic too. So you know, so in 2017, my first grandchild was born Tatum.
and I hadn't told my kids or anybody and my kids are so psychic too but it's like when you grow up in a psychic family again you don't know that you're psychic you just think everybody's that way because we all were that way right and so um we just didn't put words to it. So I go to the hospital to see my first grandchild I'm so excited because everybody tells you it's amazing and it's wonderful and I walk in and I take one look at that baby and it flies out of my mouth this child is psychic And so my kids are looking at me like, what the fuck, mom? And I just, I was like, this child is psychic. I was just like almost like, whoa. The energy was just crazy. And ah she's seven and she's psychic as hell. oh my god i love it So they kind of started opening up to it but yes so my extended family which I'm estranged from my mother and my siblings which is a whole other thing but my extended family I mean I'm just now starting to get out there in social media and be really upfront about it and um some of them scoff at it and some of them I can talk to about it who are really deep Christians who know that it's a gift from God and don't think it's weird but then there's the others that laugh about it but ah at this juncture in life I just don't care.
And um I mean, it's to the point where I can't not do this work. God has pushed me so much and I've tried to hide my little light under a bushel. And, um, he's just not allowing, allowing me to. So, yeah. he Yeah. I want to celebrate you for taking the step to, you know, getting your own office and like, to say yeah. And like having a space, you know, to do your work. And I feel like that just opens up so much from the universe of like, Oh, I'm ready to receive abundance. I'm ready to, you know, I have spaciousness in my life now to see clients and to like, you know, go all in on myself and trust myself. So I think that's so special that you did that. Thank you. And you've always been so supportive. And I just I love your content, because you really speak to women or people like me who are just kind of scared. Yeah, because it's also me. That's also that's why you can speak to it. Because I'm like, Oh, that's literally me too. You know, it's like, it it really is if I, I used to have so many fears around even just even spiritual gifts aside of just being seen, like literally being seen on camera before
yeah Before COVID happened, and I feel like once COVID happened we kind of all, you know, we're forced to go on to zoom. But before that, I never like use Skype, I never used FaceTime, I think that was kind of a little bit before FaceTime was like super popular, maybe it was already popular but I never use FaceTime. I never use any sort of like video conference with like friends, family, because I literally hated the way that I looked. Like I truly was like, oh, I can't. i't Yeah. I was like, I don't want to hear my voice. I don't want to see myself. And it's so amazing at this. That's just crazy.
Yeah. And that was only in 2020. And I remember I joined this group of girls that I found online. This was like my first spiritual friends. And there it was like an online book club. And so we would meet online and like, you know, on Zoom and like go over the book. And the first two times I literally like went to press like, you know, connect and I didn't go because I i didn't want to be seen on camera. So what changed for you? So I feel like what changed for me was just like,
i I honestly don't know, just like a huge self-love journey and then just taking baby steps, baby steps like the whole way. like I remember before I would host a social media, I would first just like record myself first like for probably like months and then be like, okay, I'm going to like post it. and I just like took little steps like that to be like, okay, I feel comfortable. like before I did the podcast, I would like drive home on my commute from work and just record myself on my phone on just like the record app. And I would just be like, okay, I'm gonna pretend like I'm teaching a masterclass. Like, what would I say about this topic to somebody? And I would just talk to myself. And then I'll be like, okay, like that's starting to feel more comfortable. And then, yeah, so I think it's just doing it and like kind of like exposure therapy ourselves before we actually like put ourselves out there. And then
just knowing that it really is always scary at first. like And then we just get comfortable. Did you get any um pushback or any negative? I mean, did you get negative comments? did you Was anybody in your friend or family group like, oh my gosh, what are you doing? You're embarrassing yourself.
No. so Lucky for me, my extended family lives in the Midwest. I live in California, so they're I'm pretty like disconnected from them. like We might see each other. Even now, it's kind of sad. Even that now, it's like not even on Christmas, so I honestly don't see them that often. but i mean We're still like connected in each other's lives, but I feel like i'm able to kind of it's a little easier for me because I'm a little you know easier to kind of disconnect and I'm not openly telling them like hey guys like this is what I'm doing like you know I'll tell it like I tell my grandma like oh like I I tell her I'm a coach and like I'm doing life coaching and um yeah I'm pretty sure I told her I have a podcast my dad has like listened to my podcast I think before which is so sweet but and like my parents are really
They really are pretty supportive. I think what I did is I just like did not think about creating content or putting myself out there with any of them in mind, if that makes sense. I kind of just completely disconnected from them and like only thought about the person that I'm really here to help and like myself.
And I feel like that really helped me kind of just like do it and be a little disconnected from that. But um i never the I got my first hate comment, or like, I guess like negative podcast review, I think after a whole year of podcasting.
I remember you talking about that where it talked about you were a little millennial just rambling on and on. Yeah, she was like, fun is so great. You're like, I am. Yeah, I was like, Oh, that's actually so aligned because I do talk for literally hours and like I can't stop talking. So yeah, I think just yeah, I think it's just like practicing and just putting ourselves out there and knowing like it is uncomfortable until it becomes not uncomfortable. So how long did it take you to be comfortable?
for like podcasting. Um, I think it took me maybe like, uh, probably only like four weeks, like four times. And then I feel like I was like, okay, like this is, it feels pretty good. And like now I think the thing is like everyone finding their own way to do it. Right? Because some people are really good at like having an outline or maybe having bullet notes or, um,
some people like to edit, I personally just like press play and just like do a run through and don't edit it. That's awesome. Yeah, because I feel like I would be overly trying to edit it, it would take so much time that I would never put out podcasts.
And it kind of takes away from the role and um yeah, the genu-genuity of it. Yeah. The one is what I'm trying to say over here in West Texas. Yes. And I personally like listening to podcasts where people are just talking. So I'm like, okay, like that. Yeah, it makes sense. It's not overproduced. Yeah. Good for you. Yes. and What advice would you give to someone who's curious about like,
Getting a reading or I guess I should say I should structure this like this. Like, what exactly are the offers that you how can you describe how someone can work with you and like what it's like Yes, and I'll give you my link and everything. And so it's some of people have described it as like psychic counseling like a little counseling session and so um in-person ones I really like too because I can feed off the actual energy and zoom as well and email ones are really good too so like if you decide to do an email if you're like here people are like scared to come in they're scared to be seen because it's so new to this area which is funny and so I'll do a lot of email readings
And so people will either ask me questions or gonna give me like three areas of their life that they're interested in. And then I send them an email back on what I pick up. And it's just, I just did it. did It comes real fast. And I just view forth all this stuff. And then we just kind of go from there. So yeah.
Oh my God, I love it. what What would you say is like, do you find that you have a theme of people coming to you for something? Like, is there something that like often comes up in your clients and you're like, okay, like I see why you guys are coming to me. There's like a theme here. Yes. I think the thing for everyone in the world is a lack of self-love. I think that will fix everything. it It just shows up a little differently. And so far, all my clients have been women and um but the demographic has been very different. I've seen a lot of young women.
who are you know looking for love or their purpose in life and then I've seen some older women who are wealthy and business owners who kind of are like stuck and like is this all there is and they have not lived by their true authentic self all these years and they're fun you know they've done for everybody else and they're finding unfulfilled in their life at that point but they're scared and it's like they almost need a permission slip. But the root of everything is self-love everybody trying to be somebody else feeling ashamed not loving themselves and trying just different coping mechanisms to to deal with that root issue.
ah Yeah, 100%. I agree. I agree too in the work I do. It's like, oh, helping people kind of coming back into alignment and like showing up or doing things in a way that they want, right? That their soul wants to. I mean, do a GPS system on on what you're supposed to do, but we like push it down and try to to do anything to, you know, to, to not embarrass ourselves and to, to be normal. And that is a big detour that would save a lot of people if if they would just not go on that big of a detour and kind of follow the GPS. I so agree. and
what do you think like How do you think the Akashic Records can kind of like tap into past lives to help people? like What is the purpose of someone looking at their past life?
And past lives are hard for me, I guess probably from the way I was raised. But for me personally, it's when like you keep having a recurring issue in your life that doesn't make sense to your current life right now. Like why am I always afraid that somebody's going to drown? You know, if if you never had any drown and you don't own a pool, but you just have this complete paranoia and fear that somebody's going to drown, then maybe that's something that occurred in a past life. And if you examine that, then maybe you can clear that out and move on to something else, it's a lot more fun. Yeah. I feel like I need to actually ask the records for me. It's about this sick fear of um like car crashes for some reason. like I have this fear, especially when I'm not the driver. It's kind of like the passenger side. That's a control thing. Yeah. I'm like, ah! I'm like, can you not see the brake lights ahead of us? you know like it's literally And it's pretty much like anyone that I'm driving with. It's terrifying to me.
And I realized this, I actually, sorry, this is just coming to you right now. I don't drink anymore, but when I used to drink and I would like take Ubers to go out places, I would be so terrified of the Uber drivers even. Like I would just feel so unsafe. And um yeah, it's interesting. I actually do want to look into that of like, I wonder what that is because it's a fear of crashing, of them like not seeing. Yeah.
Isn't that interesting? That is. And a lot of spiritual gifts are linked to or unrealized spiritual gifts are linked to like anxieties, different anxieties. And so Pat Longo, do you know who Pat Longo is? No. So she trained Teresa Caputo.
oh ah So you now know, I went to see her too. It's awesome. So you need to um look at Pat Longo and read her book. And she has this whole theory that makes so much sense about anxiety.
that ah because Teresa suffered some severe anxiety airplanes crashing elevators crazy crazy anxiety that was debilitating and it was because she had this obvious spiritual gift that she she wasn't aware of and once she tapped into that and so Pat Longo gives this whole thing of grounding and surrounding and shielding that I have utilized in my life ah to really help because especially like going in public places I just feel everything and I didn't know how to turn it off and so Pat really helped me with that so that's that's an author you need to look at because she's amazing.
Oh my god, 100%. Yeah, that's something um that's come into my like reality recently is like really focusing on and protecting my energy and like creating some sort of shield, especially like before going out into the world and just like, oh, calling our energy back. And I guess sometimes those are like,
obvious, but then it's like, oh, you actually need to do it every day. Yes. And nobody tells you that. Like when you're just a young person throughout the world and like, I do this thing now where I zip up my chakras. And like, you know, do you see people who like wear utility vest or whatever and are like, um, Bulletproof vests for officers. And then when they retire, they have all this anxiety.
But it's because they spent their whole life like shielding their chakras literally. And then you take that off and and you have all these feelings and you don't know what to do with them. That's so interesting. That's so interesting. I love that. what What do you feel like you wish people knew about spirituality?
Like, is there, like, what is your favorite thing or a takeaway? and It's a gift from God, your higher power, the universe. and It's a gift from light. It's nothing negative and scary. And I think there's especially in, you know, this rural area that I live, there's a lot of misconceptions that it's witchy and voodoo and the devil. And that's just hard to come to terms with because anybody who has these gifts is so tender hearted anyway. So that criticism really hurts.
And everybody has them just varying degrees. Exactly. Exactly. I feel like it's like not everyone is going to probably wake up to them in this lifetime because maybe there's other things their soul needs to learn in this life. But yeah, it's so interesting that literally all of us are like so gifted if we were able to just like tune in to ourselves. I think the other thing is that most people are so distracted dead and like you know they're so worried about numbing themselves because first of all they don't want to feel their feelings or like even think about like oh why am I actually not so happy in my life that they're just like that's the last thing they're even thinking about is like their intuition. Right and like you I stopped drinking several years ago and um I didn't realize how much more wonderful my life would be without a glass of wine.
And I see that shift happening in the world today where it's becoming more prevalent for people not to be shift face trunk all the time. But you know, in corporate America, when I had my jobs, I mean, happy hour was just the thing. And that's how ah actually my husband and I, how we got together, because we work together and we would all go to happy hour.
and I would say I'm only gonna go if you will pick me up because I don't want to drive and I'm only going to have one drink and the reason is because I'm a fool if I drink too much plus I did not want to be that person that had one glass of wine and was in a wreck even with somebody else driving and and like lost everything and was in jail and on the news And so, um, he said that that was so impressive to him that I would, you know, only have one drink. And I mean, he'd like barely be in the middle of his drink and I'd be like, everybody go home now. And you'd have to keep me home. And, um, so yeah, so drinking is really overrated and it's a way to numb yourself. And once you take that out, yeah, it kind of opens up everything. So out there, if you're, if you're drinking, you should try stopping for a little bit and see what happens.
Exactly. it It really honestly makes you kind of look at everything differently, like the way that you are connecting with the friends that you have, you know, the way that you're spending your time, like your health, everything. I used to also get really, really like sick from drinking, which was just like, I took it as like hangovers.
Well, it was hangovers, but I i think that it just like didn't agree with me anymore at a certain point where I would get so sick, but then I would just keep doing it because I was like, oh, I was just very disconnected. I feel like that i feel like I was personally using it because I was so disconnected from myself, my higher self. I didn't understand my intuition or the things I was feeling, and I'm so empathic like that i would have I had really really bad, like social anxiety that I didn't realize what that was. But I just felt so uncomfortable and like groups of people are like out at the bars that I was like, Oh, I need to drink more so that I can feel a little bit better because it feels really uncomfortable. And then exactly. It's the relaxing, but it's like, Oh, I just didn't understand that I'm literally picking up on everybody's energy around me. And that's why it's so overwhelming. Yes. And nobody tells you that. And then I also have a MTHFR gene mutation. and It makes so much sense to me now.
Like I can drink copious amounts of coffee. I can drink coffee at night and I can go to sleep. I'm great. But alcohol, even in the smallest amounts, I just didn't process it normally. And I mean, I practiced for 20 years and trying to, I thought it was a lack of tolerance at first, but now I know I just, my body just did not process it like other people. And so I could have one drink and I would be drunk and it's just not very becoming.
Yeah, me too. I really relate to that. And then I would, ah and but then my problem too is like, Oh, once I started, I didn't want to stop. Like I couldn't just stop at one. So then it was just like, Oh my gosh, a little hummus. Yes. And now like, we'll watch movies now or we'll like see them. And we're like, we haven't seen this movie. And then we're like, Oh yeah, we have, but we were evidently drunk and don't remember half of it. I mean, there's just a large portion of your life that's just gone.
So yes, I don't know how I got off on the alcohol tangent, but yeah, it's a thing. Yes. um Okay, so my question, my next question is, how do you balance your spirituality with practical like aspects of your life? It's like, okay, you, for a living, are a psychic and you're helping clients with your abilities, but how do you also, like I guess, like how do you balance that with also just living in a 3D?
especially in the place you live in. Sorry. That's a great question. Because and and that's been something I've been working on here, you know, the last year or so is kind of incorporating because it is like living in two different worlds. I mean, it is completely living in like two different worlds. And um that is that is my hope to put all that into alignment because and just, you know, have them gel and meld together because especially since I was so embarrassed and ashamed of because I would just I would just say weird shit, you know, because I'm weird anyway, and I would just say weird shit. And so I learned real quick. Okay, you know, I really have to temper myself back and think like logically and think before I speak and not just be saying weird shit. And so now I don't care. I just say whatever.
And so that that's a step, one step. And if I'm judged for it, I would rather be judged for being genuine than trying to fit into these parameters and like for something I'm not. And again, having grandchildren helped because A, children are like that anyway. But B, if you have like psychic children, um yeah, they have it figured out. If we could all go back to that childlike thing of just being who you are, saying who you are. And that's why kids have so much energy because they're not thinking and overthinking and using all their energy in their brain space.
they're just living in the present moment and living from their heart and ah that's why I have so much energy and why so many adults are so tired and burned out because we're trying to conform and be normal. So it is ah to answer your question it's it's a daily struggle but I'm trying to not live in two different worlds and bring them together and live a spiritually spirit-filled led life in a 3D world.
And it also changes who you spend time with. I think that has been a big help too. I try to spend more time with people who I can be myself in front of. So much circle has gotten smaller, but I think over time it's a good thing.
I think so too, especially because the mine has two, but the connections are just so much deeper. Like you said, we can just be ourselves. And even I just love even being myself for like the people who like accept me that maybe aren't super woo woo or interested in this kind of stuff. But like they like like still like hearing me talk about it and like still like leaven accepted like my boyfriend, George, he's not he's not also like a practicing like spiritual man like you know but he really likes like hearing about what I do and like he's interested in me and he's so excited for all the things that I do and like how I get to help people and little things start to rub off on him like little things like right he'll be like oh what like
Oh my gosh, the other day he came to me, he's been really sick for like the past week, like with the cold and he came to me and he's like, you know, and he's like a high achieving like entrepreneur. So he feels like he always has to be busy and like doing stuff. So when it's really hard for him to slow down and he's been feeling really guilty of just like literally not being able to do anything cause he's sick. And he's like, Hey, Lissa, I just realized this thing, like,
I realized like, what if I just focus on the now moment and I can actually be really happy right now and I'm not thinking or feeling bad about myself for like not working, but I can just like be in the now. And I was like, Oh my God. Yeah. Like that's literally like, that's literally like presence. I was like, Oh, do you want to read a book about it? I can give you one. That is awesome. Just think it's so cute. That is awesome. and And he's going to continue to be sick until he, um, cause that's one of his lessons. He's going to have a really long cold. I've had mine for a month until he can learn to like, let go.
that's but yeah so with Tony it's the same thing um like I was telling you so like he'll come home from work and just like randomly tell me about his day and a co-worker and I'll be like oh well she has ah a heart chakra problem and she has trauma from her childhood and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah and I'm sure he's like I was just telling you that like I was just telling you, I don't need all that. yeah so Sometimes I have to remember to rein that in and not give commentary on every little thing that I see without being, especially advice. I'm great at giving advice, unsolicited. And so I'm having to learn to detach and kind of, yeah, not my problem.
Yeah, 100%. And it's so hard when it's like our partners, because we're like, Oh, I literally can tell you how you can heal this. But it's like, is yeah yeah, it's like, ah yeah, that's like one of the biggest lessons I had of 2024 is learning how it's like, okay, when he's coming to me with some sort of like problem, or he's not feeling well, he really just wants to be more nurtured and not to be fixed or like have the solution given to him. Because I'm like, I'm like, okay, literally, you could solve it like this, you know, like, I just want to give him the thing. And then he's just like,
Well, I'm just like telling you I don't feel well. I'm like, okay, but do you want to feel better? Yeah, you have a whole list of how to fix it right now. And that's not, that's not what they were asking for. So that's kind of hard to mill those two worlds because sometimes I have a hard time staying in my own lane. Like with my children who are not children anymore, they're grown adults. And so I'm doing the let them theory. And so that has helped a lot. But yeah, cause I can, so I can like see the train coming.
And I can see that crash. And so when someone's not asking for it or open to it, it's really not you know my place to be telling them. but So that's hard.
Yeah, definitely a lesson that we'll probably have to keep facing. Yes. Yes. Okay, so I want to ask this, what is like one piece of advice that you've received from the Akashic Records or like from your gifts that you're like, that has stuck with you that you're like, wow, this is, you know, maybe it's a lesson or it's a piece of advice that is like general enough that a lot of people can take something from it. Oh, that's a good one. I have a lot.
Um, there's one from farming cause I grew up on a cotton farm and I had to hoe cotton. And so, um, when I opened my vegetable farm, I named it crazy hoe, like a hoe farms because I had to hoe cotton. And so there's a principle in in dry land farming, and I know you're in California, so you have like great weather, but, um, and it's called dry planting. And so it's time to plant cotton.
you've got to plant cotton but there's no moisture but you just plant it anyway because you're having faith that it's going to rain eventually it's going to rain at the right time and it's going to be okay so it's called dry planting and uh so in my life I dry plant a lot like getting my office I was dry planting because um you just gotta have that faith and also again it goes back to self-love if you are not loving yourself I mean just the fact that we're here alive means that you're worthy, right? But so many people don't get that. I mean if you've made it if you're alive you are worthy and so just loving yourself and letting your little light shine and following your GPS and I have so many intuitive stories that are just crazy town and I look back now and if I had not listened to that voice and it's your voice so
you kind of it's hard to discern sometimes if I had not listened to that little voice I would have had missed out on so many opportunities and so many different things and I've been collecting those stories over the years and I mean they're doing just miracles because you got to pay attention to that voice and intuition doesn't tell you turn left for you to be like well should I turn left or maybe I'll turn left next week or maybe when I you know get out of college and maybe when I get a new job I'll turn left it's telling you because now's the time a And so listening to that has been life changing. Oh my God, I love that. Can you tell us one of the stories? So um but and and this is kind of an interesting, so back to um back to farming. So I was a cotton farmer as a single female, and then I married Tony. And so my brother plowed up my cotton.
which is a really big deal. And it means that I owed a ton of money. And because the insurance adjuster came out there and there was no cotton. So I owed this ton of money. I like broke up the family whole deal. So I had to go to mediation with FHA, which was my lender. And um the lady that was the mediator, I was telling her, I was like, I can't, I mean, I can't pay for this. I don't know what I'm going to do. Is there any lawyers? You know, will a lawyer take this? And so she said, I'm going to give you a list of three names.
and you know, you can go talk to them. So the first one I pick and I'm like, huh, I call and they said they charged $500 to even come talk to them. And I'm like, I thought you had a free consultation, but whatever. And it was like 30 minutes the other way from where I live in this little bitty town. And I'm like, what the hell? I was like, okay, I'm going to call him. So as I'm driving to this lawyer's appointment, I'm just like, this is stupid. You know, I can't believe I'm spending money on this.
And I get there. And so I'm talking to him about it. And then he starts asking me what my, if my husband's a farmer too. And I said, no, my husband's in healthcare. And he's like, well, what kind of healthcare? And I'm getting pissed by now because I'm paying this attorney. And why is he asking about my husband? My husband doesn't have anything to do with this.
And so I'm like really irritated. I'm like, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, you know, this healthcare, care that healthcare. And he said, okay. Well, the reason I was asking is cause we were looking, I'm on the hospital board and we were looking for a CFO for the hospital. And I'm like, okay, fine, whatever, you know, help me with this, this deal. And so we finished the appointments and then I'm driving home and it wasn't until I was driving home and I was like, Oh, a hospital CFO, huh? Well, my husband's a healthcare care executive.
Oh, okay. So then I go home and I tell Tony, I'm like, Hey, I think you need to send your resume to this lawyer. And he's like, what the fuck? He's like, you were talking to this attorney about this farm and dispute with your family and about cotton. How, how's this even?
and he's like do you even have his email address? I'm like no but I think you need to um you know um contact this guy. So anyway long story short two weeks later he contacts the guy who's on the board of the hospital and he gets hired as CFO and the difference in pay from his current job to that new job was exactly the amount that I owed on my farm.
No way. Isn't that crazy? But at the time if I had not snapped out of it because I'm like why are you asking about my husband? Can a woman be a farmer? I mean I was off on this tangent and it wasn't until I went I was driving home that I was like oh that's what that was.
That's crazy. Isn't that crazy? Oh my gosh. Just like the universe and like source completely providing for you, you know, in a way that's like so unexpected. But like, what if I hadn't come to my senses or listen to it? What if my husband hadn't have paid attention? Cause we were happy and you know, doing what we were doing and everything was, he wasn't looking for a job. He had a good job. So any of those little twists or turn would have been different, would have led both of our lives in a different direction.
And that just makes me think about how many blessings we are always blocking because we're just like, in our ego, like you said, like, Oh, I'm a woman, like, why do you care about my husband? Like, I'm the one here for help, you know, and it's like, whoa, this is like, this huge opportunity because these genuinely just asking, like, you know,
Oh my gosh, that's crazy. Isn't that crazy town? its just those yeah and my And then my husband and I both went to school in a very small town in West Texas. He's originally from Alabama, but we both went to school in this West Texas town. I did not know him. I knew everybody else who were his friends, but I did not know him because we're five years apart. And then he goes off on the Marine Corps, travels the world. I go to different States and do different stuff. And then like 25 years later,
We end up working together and then we end up married, but we like were from this very small little town and didn't even know it. So yeah. That's too. Oh my gosh, that is serendipity. I wonder if you have that.
in your I'm thinking about what your gene keys are because I have your I have where you're from but I don't have your time of birth so I couldn't look up your um I just realized that because I tried to pull your chart right before this but um I know I'm like dang it I'll have to you'll have to send me after this your birth information like your birth time and I think you sent me the date. I don't know. I think it was just missing the time. Anyways, my point is I'm curious to see what your gene keys are because there's like a couple in there that are like lucky girl syndrome where it's like, oh, literally like you just attract like serendipitous, divine, like really cool experiences. And it seems like that's like super a part of your life. Yes, because I've dropped plant. I expect good things to happen. And they do happen. Again, another farming story. um I was a single woman farming and I needed some help. I needed a hard hand.
and my father told me nobody's going to work for you because you're a woman, right? And then he said especially a Hispanic man is not going to work for you. You're not going to find anybody to work for you and I was just like I refuse to accept that. So I just constantly spoke and prayed about my my guy coming and there was one guy in that whole county that did not speak English so nobody would hire him.
And so they reached out to me and we had a great time trying to communicate, but one of the most, the best humans I've ever met in my life. And he was the best worker and we're still in touch to this day with when I saw his kids when they were born in the hospital and I mean, just wonderful people. And so, yeah, I just expect good things to happen and they typically do, but I wasn't always like that. I've had a lot of tragedy in my life that's, you know, led me to kind of a different place.
Oh my gosh, that's so beautiful. I love that. What would you say is one of the more difficult, like what was something that was like really difficult that you weren't really sure how you were going to navigate it, but then it was like after being on the other side, you're like, okay, like I really can get through almost anything. Oh, lots of stuff. um another one of this this brings me to this another one of my psychic moments before I knew I was psychic so my first husband committed suicide in 1994. I had two children by him and so we were separated at the time he was an alcoholic and I had talked to him one night he sounded fine in fact he sounded better than normal
he sounded happy he sounded like he had plans he had been at an alcohol treatment center before that they said he was not homicidal he was not suicidal i never thought of this man committing suicide ever he never mentioned it i mean never but i talked to him this one night and i just immediately he was like he's gonna kill himself But he sounded great, happy. We were talking about counseling, different stuff. So I hung up the phone. I was 19 years old. And I called my dad and I said, hey, I think Brad's going to commit suicide. And my dad's like, oh, sweetie, why would you say that? And I said, I just felt it. And he said, ah well, tell me the conversation. So I did. And he's like, oh did he say anything? I said, no, we didn't say a word. Well, did he, you know, was there a tone? I was like, no.
I said, but I just feel like he's going to commit suicide. And he's like, well, there's nothing we can do. And I really don't think he has the balls to commit suicide. So I said, okay. Went to sleep the very next day, Alyssa. The very next day. I'm working at JCPenney at the cosmetic counter. Yeah. I used to work at JCPenney. That's why I'm like, Oh my God. yeah yeah cosmetic counter and as I was 19 years old I had a little girl under under the age of two and that my other little girl was five months old and um they get the call and so my parents had to come get me and my dad the first thing he says is I'm so sorry and he said he didn't have the balls to live.
And my dad felt horribly guilty. And I mean, it it was, it was nobody's, nobody's fault, obviously, except for Brad's. But I had that intuition. And so I carried this crazy guilt for years and years, and probably about 11 years. I carried this crazy guilt. And so sometimes the psychic gifts you have or the intuition, just because you have it doesn't mean you can change an outcome.
or just because you see something coming doesn't mean you can force somebody else to take a different turn. So that has been a lesson in detachments and that everybody has free will which is one of our most beautiful gifts and so uh yeah I think that that's been the hardest for me and like I said with my children I can see the train wreck coming and they can't but that's their path.
And as a parent or a spouse, you don't get to choose somebody's testimony. You don't get to. That testimony is theirs. And so giving that the sacred space that it needs. Wow. That is so healing. That's honestly like,
probably one of the most healing things or lessons that you can teach people about their gifts, you know, because we want to be able to help the people that we love so much. And you're so right, sometimes there's literally nothing we can do. Like, right they do have free will. So, oh my gosh, that's so, that's crazy. It's so sad. And it's like, yeah, it's just crazy because I feel like sometimes too, we want people to, the people that we love to also come onto this path with us of like growth and evolution. And then we're like, oh wait, but they're not. And then we're like, do I have to leave them behind? And that's something I learned is like, no, we don't have to leave our closest loved ones behind just because they're not also like, you know, on this path. It's like, they will come around if it's their time in this lifetime and just having acceptance and love for them for where they're at.
You know, but I do find that those people, maybe not family really falls off, but they kind of fall off. Oh yeah. Or as you know, your circle. and so Yeah. Just cause your vibrations are different.
so Exactly. And it's like, okay, there's nothing wrong with that. It's like, it's sometimes it's better to to like, love people from far away because yeah, like this yeah exactly. Yes, detachment. Yes. um What would you say is your favorite part about being a psychic? I love it when I can help people, you know, especially back to the self self loves. And it's real interesting because it's Intuition is so surprising. And so some of the stuff that will fly out of my mouth, i Amanda probably wouldn't say if Amanda was like thinking right. And so, ah but it's what they need to hear. And then to see the look on their face when the light bulb comes on or the tears in their eyes, um it's just, I mean, I've never felt more whole being able to help somebody see, see themselves through the lens of spirit.
Yeah, I can testify to that because I remember when like we would do readings with each other, it was just like, to go back to what you said in the beginning of when you're like, Oh, I think I can channel I don't know. And then we literally went together and I was like, Oh my god, like all like your everything just came out of you, you know, as you were like reading me and I was like,
Oh my gosh, this is incredible. Like literally just, I just felt so like loved and just like so like seen. um And that's really what the power is of like being able to like channel like I feel like the Akashic Records or you know or like giving people guidance like from spirit. It's just so beautiful. So yeah, you have such a gift. And now I'll look back and I know now that I was channeling because I can't you remember what I said, because it like wasn't even me, right? And so that's that's how I know now in retrospect, oh, that's what that was.
so so yeah but y'all gave me so much confidence to talk about feeling seen and y'all were so sweet and you know I mean I could be y'all's mother and y'all were just so accepting and I just because y'all were way up here on this level and I was just like oh my gosh no but I had all these gifts I just didn't even have the language for what they were.
Exactly. That's literally all it was. I feel like you've already known that you've been psychic your whole life. And then I feel like now, with Rebecca, she's so good at teaching and giving you like, oh, this is what this is. This is how you do this. And then you're like, oh, that's literally what I've been doing my whole life. Right. I just didn't know how to call it. Yeah, it comes out of you. It's like, oh, that's so cool. Me too. Honestly, before that, I really was like, oh, I don't think I could be able to read for other people.
there's no way and then it's like we just do it and it's like oh my god like we can you know that's why i feel like it was so divine like our group i feel like our group was like i'm biased but i'm like oh it was the best group she ever had just kidding it was the best group it was definitely the best group and now like some people from my childhood that just thought i was weird now they're like oh this makes so much sense Now that I've kind of come out of their closet, they're like, Oh, that's what that was. Instead of just like, okay, she was a weirdo. I mean, I'm still a weirdo and I own that with love, but yeah, it makes sense now. Okay. My last question for you is what is next for you in 2025? Like, is there, do you have like a word of the year or like, what are you claiming? What are you stepping into in this year? My word of the year is unbothered.
I would be totally unbothered and um ah this year um I choose me, meaning, and you know, as a light worker in Path, whatever, you can get so sucked in to other people.
other people's energy, what makes other people happy because I'm also a major people pleaser that's trying to recover. And so this year it's going to be, it's all about me. And I just hired somebody to help me with my social media because I'm old and I'm not good at that. And um I'm doing. Yes, you are. You can rephrase that too. I am becoming great at it.
I am becoming great at this, and if i if it's not something that I'm passionate about, I'm gonna hire it out, right? Yes. So and I would love to see more people outside of my area in small west Texas, too. I've seen a couple of people in different states, and so that's been interesting, too. I just really want to expand my clientele base to people all over the country, all over the world, because I think I have something wonderful to offer. And you've really helped me because I like double my process after hearing your podcast. I was like, and you know what? Nobody died. Exactly. And they're like, okay, here you go. They still want to buy it. It's like they want to buy it more because you have you have more value for your services, you know, and when you put a value on something that, you know, if it's too cheap, people are like, well, what's wrong with that? And that's what it is. And so that was life changing. So thank you for that.
Oh my God, that makes me so happy. It's it's literally like just everything. Everything when we claim that bigger price, it's like our vibration raises. like We step into more of like our leader, expert, like majesty, like energy, and then people have this perception this true perception. I'm like, oh, this is very valuable. like yeah this I also think that I also have this true belief because I've seen it in my life and I know this is true that if we price it too low and like we're not seeing people come in, it's because the universe and God is like, no, I'm not letting you give that away for it like that cheap of a price. It's not an alignment. like It doesn't make sense. and Then once you really claim it and like you put it to what it should be, then they're like, okay, yeah, this is an alignment. Here you go. like People want this. Yeah. It's like the universe saving you from yourself.
Yeah. So yeah. So what about you? What's your, what's your word of the year? And what what do you have going for this year? So my word is excellence and I'm really using it in like, so that I can kind of use it in all parts of my life. So like excellence in showing up in my business and like my highest expression in my like fitness and like nutrition, and just like coming back to that word every day, I'm like, okay, it's the choice that I'm making like in my highest excellence. And um the phrase that I chose is, what was the phrase?
Oh, it was, I intend excellence. So it's my intention every day to, yeah, do something that brings me closer to excellence. I like that. Look at you. Yes. So amazing. Okay. Oh my gosh. I like don't want to stop talking to you. What is, um, before we wrap it up and close it up, what is like last, one last thing that you would like the people to know what's what's on your heart?
with just self-love that that's really I mean I know it so it sounds so simplistic and self-love not to be confused with self-care self-love is not getting a facial it's great to get one but self-love is really loving and embracing who you are at the core and you know if you can go back to to think about when you were a child and how you felt and look at a childhood picture of yourself. And I mean, that is who you are. And to to love the person you are today, like you do that little three year old in the picture, that we could solve all of the world's problems with just that. and Yes, 100%. Thank you so much. I am going to put all of your um contact information in the show notes below. So everyone be sure to follow Amanda. What is your Instagram?
It is Amanda Braccato Intuitive. Okay, amazing you guys. So be sure to follow Amanda. I'll put her information in the show notes and you you offer um services for like and people anywhere in the country, right? Yes, I do Zoom and I also do email readings. So yeah, I would love to work with people and I'm just so proud of you, Ms. Alyssa May.
And I have missed you and it's been so good to see you, your pretty face and be around your pretty energy and you're just a joy, a joy. Oh my gosh, I love you. You make me feel so good. I just love you so much. Okay, everyone. and Thank you so much for being here and um we will see you guys next week. Bye bye. You're the best.