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59. Unlocking Soul Biz Prosperity: Aligning my Offers with Gene Keys & Human Design  image

59. Unlocking Soul Biz Prosperity: Aligning my Offers with Gene Keys & Human Design

It's Happening For Me
28 Plays5 months ago

Hi babes! I'm diving deep into the transformation I've experienced by shifting my business offers to align with my Gene Keys and Human Design. I share how this change has sparked so much joy, bringing me into greater alignment with my true self and unlocking a whole new level of prosperity on my soul business path.

Here's what you can expect:

  • How embracing my Gene Keys & Human Design has brought me closer to my authentic self. 
  • The power of aligning your business offers with your soul's blueprint
  • How Gene Keys can unlock a new level of joy, creativity, and prosperity.
  • Why being more yourself is the key to thriving in your soul-led business.
  • Practical tips for integrating these tools into your own business for more ease and alignment.

This episode is all about unlocking prosperity, not just in financial terms but also in joy, fulfillment, and ease. If you've been curious about how aligning your offers with your Gene Keys + Human Design can bring more flow into your work, you're going to lobe this topic!


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Ellisa Mae


Introduction & Personal Transformation

Hello, my friend. Welcome to the It's Happening For Me podcast. If you're obsessed with all things spirituality, personal growth and development, and living as your highest self, you are in the right place. I am your host, Alyssa, and I spent the majority of my teenage years and young 20s living totally out of climate. As I started to question my patterns and behaviors and actually got to know myself at the soul level, I realized that everything was happening for me.
Now, as a spiritual life coach and human design guide, I am here to share my voice, personal stories, human design wisdom, and learn from incredible individuals living their purpose. Join me each week as we walk the spiral path of purpose together. I cannot wait to dive in.

Business and Personal Growth Updates

Hello my babes, welcome to the It's Happening for Me podcast. I'm so excited that you're with me today. Oh my gosh, it feels like it has been forever because the past two episodes have been um the 1-800 Soul Support episodes, so I feel like I haven't talked to you guys in so long and I have so much to update you on.
But, oh my god, I feel just so lit up and so on purpose, so exciting for everything that's happening in my business and in my life and I feel so grateful. And yeah, so I'm just so excited to share with you what has been going on in my world.
and really how everything has been ah really unlocking itself because I have been really tuning into my human design and just like responding to things that really excite me and allowing my state girl to really like lead the way. And so I'm going to talk about all of the ways that I have like updated my offers and just how it's unlocked so much creativity, so much excitement on my business journey. And then I also want to share with you guys some really cool healings that I have experienced recently by some really beautiful people. And then I'm going to talk about the power of being in aligned community. And I want to talk about specifically how
Through our Jean Keys lens, we can either attract our like mentors, teachers, coaches, guides, friends, peers,

Attracting Mentors and Manifesting Goals

relationships. We can either attract them through our wounding, like subconsciously, or when we're in the gift and we attract people at that frequency, it is literally our like soul fractal line.
it is our people like it is just a completely different experience of just meeting people that are so aligned. So I want to talk about that because that's been really, ah really cool like literally, I just feel so happy and so excited. and um And then also just like so abundant you guys and so grateful and so like It's crazy how literally anything can change in one second. like so So often, we I think we really hold ourselves back from like manifesting what we want on our purpose path in business and finances.
because we feel like everything has to be linear and we feel like certain things have to happen in order. And like, oh my God, this goal seems so far away because I'm not even at X, Y, and Z yet. And so we're actually putting so much distance between us and what we really want. But literally I've had proof over the last like couple of weeks that things can literally change the next day.
And your business can completely change tomorrow, like 100%. If you have an offer and you have something that a way for people to pay you, literally like your business can change tomorrow. And that's another thing I'm going to talk about as well.

Utilizing Social Media for Business

i did um I did like a little TikTok, I love TikTok you guys, because it's like a little more longer form than Instagram, but I did a little TikTok about, but I actually think I posted to Instagram too. Yeah, because there's a way where you can post longer videos just to your feed. Like it won't be a real on Instagram, but it can come up as like on your feed. And so I posted it there too, where I talk about this idea of like If you got everything that you wanted and that you dreamed of tomorrow, would you be able to handle it? Like would you be fully equipped to have that thing fall into your life like really seamlessly or would it actually be like really hard to handle?
So those are all of the things that we're going to talk about this week um on this week's episode. And so let's just get into it. So let's just start there really quickly. So I just want to really share like that teaching that I was just talking about, because this is so helpful, especially if you feel like you're kind of like.
If you feel like you're in a season on your purpose path or in your business path where it feels like nothing's happening, it feels like you plateaued, like nothing's changing and you just feel really stuck, a really beautiful way to like reframe this is said to know, first of all, that it's not that nothing's happening. like There is a reason why you're exactly where you're at. like You're not doing anything wrong.
and so This might just be a time where your soul has more lessons to learn, where there might be more karmic things that are being healed, where God is like working on new spirits, working on you. So it's not necessarily that you're doing anything wrong or that something's like, there's two sides to this. It's not that you're doing anything wrong. And it could be also that what you're doing isn't fully aligned with where your higher self wants to go. And so you're not going to see it like take off or pop off. There might just have to be like little alterations that you need to do to it um to be fully aligned, which I'll get into in a second. But let me fit first who finish this song because these are actually like two really different like views of this. It's funny because I have an undefined OSHA and undefined head center. So it's really easy for me to like see like a million different perspectives and change my mind so often. But anyways,
let's go back to the first one. So let's say that you feel like nothing's happening, right?

Readiness for Manifestations and Marketing Strategies

And you're kind of like comparing yourself to other people's timelines or comparing yourself to like other peers who are maybe in the same field as you and you're just like, what the hell? Like, why is nothing working? And so one really cool thing you can do is ask yourself, okay, if I was given like my biggest manifestation that I really wanna call in, if I was just given that tomorrow, would I be in an energetic space to like,
be able to handle it. For example, say if your biggest goal is to be like booked out in your sole purpose business for like three months ahead of time. like You want to be booked out three months into the future. do you First of all, do you have capacity to have clients for the next three months? like In your life and everything they have going on personally, maybe you're in your nine to five, um everything they have going on. Do you even have capacity to have a full calendar booked out for the next three months?
do you have like things that are coming up is there something else that you're focusing on where it's like you think in your mind that you want to be booked out for three months but you also know in real reality that you have like a really big project or something that coming up that's going to take a lot of your time and so like energetically subconsciously you're kind of like blocking yourself because you know you have something else that you wouldn't actually be able to devote that much time to oh 808 on my clock guys, the angel numbers today have been insane. ill I'll tell you about that in a second. Okay. The other thing is too, is like, okay, if you were to get this thing tomorrow, do you logically and physically have everything into place for it to happen? So for example, if you want to be fully booked out for the next three months with clients, do you have an offer, right? Like, do you actually have an offer where you could have clients for the next three months? Do you have a way for people to
buy it Is there a way for people to pay it? Do you have a link set up? um Are you showing up on social media? are you Do you have and a social media presence? Does anybody even know that you're selling this thing, right?
sometimes we are just, like I've been a ah huge, like this is me, like literally. like Literally for the past year, I have like have not made a lot of sales in um my readings until recently, until I started actually really selling it. Because it's like, oh, well, I have these readings, why is no one buying it? But then if I look back before things have really started changing in my business recently, it's like, oh, I never talked about it. like Maybe I would talk about it a couple of times a month. Maybe I would sometimes post about it. but
I wasn't actively telling people like, Hey, I'm open for business. This is what I have to sell for you. This is how it can help you. I wasn't even really connecting it in a way. I wasn't even really clear myself and how what I have to offer can help people so much.
you know like i I've had my Human Design and Jade Case readings really available for the past year, but it wasn't until I really, really, really got clear in the past couple of months that I am like doubling down on who I'm helping which is light workers, healers, coaches, people who are spiritual entrepreneurs, people on the purpose path who want to unlock and activate their sole purpose codes and learn how to be prosperous energetically by sharing their gifts with the world. and like
overcoming the fear of being seen and like just getting super, super clear on that before I knew that I had human design engine keys readings. But again, it wasn't so specific as who it was to help. And so if I was ever sharing about the readings, I definitely wasn't doing it in a way that was connecting the dots for people of like how this is going to help them.
And so that's something that I really, really learned that has really helped me recently is being like, Oh, and something again, that also happens with all of us for sure on the spiritual path and so soul business is that we want to help everybody, but it's, it's just so crazy. Like I've learned so much about business and so much about marketing where it's like.
You can want to help everybody, but our messaging, if youre especially if you're showing up on social media and you want to be somebody who's using your phone to heal and help people all over the world globally, which is so cool that we have social media. It's actually like a really great tool.
then we do actually have to be really clear on who we help. And it doesn't mean we have to put ourselves in a box or pick a niche and like commit to something the rest of our lives, but it does mean that we need to like stand for a specific thing so that those people that are looking for it can find us and know that we have exactly the way to help them. And so that's been so helpful for me because, and I'm sure you can relate because I personally love to help other spiritual entrepreneurs who are also like obsessed with their modalities, whether that is astrology, Reiki, human design, whatever it is, it's like we can get so caught up in the modalities and like trying to show people, like oh, this modality can help you, but we're not really connecting the dots of like why it helps them. So anyways, that's

Recorded vs. Live Readings in Spiritual Coaching

like a little tangent. but
if you So again, let's go back to the like original idea of like, okay, if you were to get this great manifestation that you want, which is like, you're booked out for the next three months. Okay, great. So are you showing up? Do people know what exactly you're offering? um Do you have a way for them to pay you? Like, are there all those tangible things there? And then also just energetically. Energetically, are you possibly subconsciously blocking it?
because it's not actually aligned with what you want. And now let's get into this. And I'm going to get into how like I have shifted the way that I do things. And it literally unlocked so much for me, you guys. It's insane. So I've done my own. I've always been someone who invested in myself. I've invested thousands and thousands in like coaching, healing, learning, different modalities, training certifications. And ah recently I have gotten. So just in the past, like two to three weeks, I've gotten a sound healing and I'm going to talk about all of these separately, but I've gotten a sound healing. I've gotten in like an astrology and purpose reading. I've gotten like an intuitive business, like channeled reading, um,
Yeah, so those three, and the yeah, and it's been so cool because I'm always doing like readings for other people and connecting them to their soul codes, but it was so cool for someone one else to connect me to mine, because in human design, my profile is a 2-4, and so the 2 is a projected line, and it's very hard for me to see my own GIFs.
I can easily see other people's gifts and like show them and direct them and you know really help them get clarity and get clear on their path. But to see my own gifts and to know like what I'm really good at is really hard to do so any of you guys that are like two if you have two or fives in your profile or just um a lot of those in your chart it's very hard for us to know like what are we actually good at.
um because we're certain things just come so naturally to us. And it's like, wait, what do people actually like for me? So it was really cool anyways to get these readings to have things like reflected back to me. um So I'm like, holy shit, like, wow, I'm actually so fucking powerful. Like, I already knew that I was, but it's just been insane to see this, like, reflected back to me also to have this confirmation, like, from my guides, from my spirit team. So, yeah, that that's just been really cool.
um So something that I learned about myself is that I was actually subconsciously blocking selling my readings because they weren't super, they were aligned, but they weren't like perfectly aligned. And what I mean by that is this. So I learned from one of my mentors that I'm obsessed with that I love her so much. She always talked about how like she tried to do recorded readings where she like does the reading ahead of time and then sends it off to the person. And she said that she just felt like so drained by that. And it was not lining her up whatever whatsoever. She's a manifesting generator. So she also has like the sacral response. And so she was like, no, there's like I have to do it live because I really need the person in front of me.
to like affirm what I'm telling them. And then I see their face, I feed off of their energy, and then I'm able to like um ask if they have questions and like respond and go deeper into like whatever parts of the reading they're really resonating with. And so whenever I heard that, I was like, oh, that's probably how I am too, because I also have a sacral response. So I just assumed that I was the same way. So I had never tried doing recorded readings. like I only did live readings. And something that I was experiencing in the live readings is like the reading part itself is more of like a teaching. It's more of like a transmission of like you're teaching this information to somebody and yes there are spaces for them like to pause and for them to like reflect and think about it and then like respond or share something but what I've noticed was that and what I've noticed for myself in the way that I like to receive information is I'm someone who processes in by myself like in a alone time and so
I would actually much rather personally receive a recorded reading, be able to like go through it in my own time. I have a Taurus, my midheavens in Taurus, and so like my career you know is going to be really centered around me being like really cozy and like very like in my own space, and then obviously offering like very practical, grounded guidance.
but I just love to be cozy and be in my own space. I personally don't love for myself when I book if I book something say like a couple weeks out, it's like I never know how I'm going to feel that actual day. And like sometimes, it especially as a line to like the hermit mode, sometimes like I genuinely don't want to connect with other people. Like I really just want to be in my own space. And so if I was to book something a couple weeks out, it's like who knows how I'm actually going to feel on that day. And then
also it's like who knows how that actual day goes and if you're like and really investing in yourself and like receiving such like a beautiful spiritual transmission it's like I would much rather be in a space where I am choosing the time that feels really good and aligned for me and then also trying to like coordinate with people's schedules and like some people really do their best work at different times. And so anyways, I really started thinking like, what if I offered my readings in a recorded setting?
But again, I still just like never gave myself permission to like try it out. So I never, I just assumed like I wouldn't like it. So then I was listening to my response to my sacral response and I had this like incredible download to try this new podcast format. So that's where I came up with 1-800.
1-800-SOL-SUPPORT, where you guys, listeners, can submit your questions. And then I answer your questions live on the podcast by opening your contract records, analyzing your human design and gene keys, and then like transmitting it to you on the podcast, which is like the coolest shit ever. And I was surprised by how much I really loved it. like Literally, you guys, I've done two episodes so far. If you haven't heard them yet, they're the last two. They're so juicy. but I, you guys thought that I was going to do answer like five, five to like six questions, people's questions in an episode. I thought it was going to be a quick, like 10 minute, you know, reading like a very quick 10 minute response.
You guys, I ended up only doing two people's questions in episode and they're like an hour and 45 minutes to two hours long. Like I literally spent like 45 minutes to an hour on each person's question because I realized like when I'm in my own space and I'm in with my own energy, I go so much deeper. Like I was in the, their Akashic records. I was analyzing their gene keys, their human design, like just having the time of my life, like literally time and space as we know it is not linear. Like it's.
And when I'm in the Akashic Records, it feels like it doesn't even exist because I was like, how the fuck was this just two hours long? like Literally, I was like, it was insane because I was having so much fun. I was so much in my joy, so much in my passion, and just completely in my zone. And I'm single definition in human design, and so I really thrive. like I pick up things very quickly and I move very fast in my own space. And so what I've also learned in my professional life, in my corporate job is that I love working by myself. And whenever I have other people there, it almost like interrupts my channel and it really does throw me off. Like I don't do so great with collaboration. Like I don't do, not to say that like, oh, I can't collaborate with people, but even like if I look back in my life,
I always hated doing group work. like First of all, I used to have like severe social anxiety. So I hated any time the teacher was like, you're going to work in groups. I ended up always just like being the one that just like takes initiative and like does it all myself. like you know like The night before something, I'm like, I'll do it. So I just say completely take over and do it all by myself. And I just thrive like that. like I thrive in my own space. And so I really learned, like and i I used to feel bad about that. And I really was judging myself of, like wait, I can't just like offer my readings as recordings. like That's not powerful. like nobody's I feel like people are going to expect like that one-to-one you know on the screen. And then I was like, wait, why do I think that? And I had to start really diving into my own beliefs around that. Why do I believe that? And I remember that I heard that from my
mentor that she, first of all, like was energetically drained by it. So I had never let myself try it. But then through the 1-800 soul codes, or soul support podcasts, I realized that, oh my God, I'm not drained by it at all. Like I am so lit up. Like afterwards, you guys, I felt high. Like I felt literally high. Like I was like, so happy. Just like, so goofy. So silly. Just like, so just like the happiest ever.
And it's because I'm using my intuition and I'm in my own energy. So anyways, I had to really dive into that and then ah realize like, wait, it is actually so powerful to just do things that ah work for me however they work.
And through these past couple of readings that I just so happened to have in the past three weeks as well, I've gotten so much guidance on my like astrology and on just like intuitive guidance from my guides and spirit guides.

Authenticity and Personal Exploration

And they're confirming like, yeah, like literally just do like what lights me up and how it feels good. And then you guys, when I got the feedback from people,
Because of course I was like, okay, I don't really know how this is going to hit or how this is going to resonate. But every person was like, oh my God, this is so helpful. like I cannot believe that you did this for free. I cannot believe I received this. I honestly wasn't expecting anything and you completely blew me away. The guidance was so spot on. like everything was like to a T. um I can't believe you picked up on that. That is so helpful. I feel so clear. I feel so confident. I'm so lit up. but And so it just confirmed to me like, wow, like I can actually do this. And people can get a lot from it. So that gave me the idea to completely transform the way that I do my readings. And
it gave me permission to fully be like, wow, like this does actually work. And so that's why my advice you guys is like anytime that you want, first of all, don't ever assume anything about your design, about your human design, about the way that you do things based off of like a textbook, based off of somebody else's experience that has a similar design to you, because there's so many things about us. Like human design goes way, way, way, way deeper than type, strategy, and authority, right? I assume that because my mentor that I freaking am obsessed with
just because I really did believe that because she honestly felt so drained from doing recorded readings. I really felt like I would too, because it just made logical sense of like, Oh yeah, I'm a, I'm a generator. Like I need to respond to other people's energy. I really thought that. But actually,
when I'm in other people's energy, it throws me off because we're so different, right? So it works for her and in certain people doing live is going to work for them. And for certain people recorded is going to work for them. You're never going to know until you try both. Honestly, like there's things that we can look at in our design that can really support us. But I always really have this belief of like live your life first and then use these systems to like um
to like highlight, clarify, um confirm, affirm that you're on the right path. Give you permission to follow what naturally what you actually like to do and what really lights you up. Never never never never because I made this mistake and even me like being someone who knows this and like teaches this, I still made the mistake of following what someone else said and just assuming that that would also be me because I have a similar design which actually none of us have a really similar design if we go like really deeper into it. So then I started finding all the pieces of my design that support like oh my god you're meant to do this however you want which feels really good in the moment of just doing it recorded in my own space and it's like I'm in and I got the confirmation from my guides from the reading that I got
that she was like, I see they're showing me that you're in like this pyramid. Like you're in this pyramid and which is like this divine safe like space that is like where you do your work. like you' intel You have to be like intellectually stimulated like every day, which actually came from the astrology reading. And then it was like, you do your own work and like the gifts that you have are just barely scratching the surface. like You think you know what your gifts are and like you got they they're really powerful right now, but literally you have no idea
what's to come, how they're going to transform. So just keep doing it and keep following the things that light you up, but like, you're going to be like blown away. And so I was like, okay, so yeah, like me being in my little space where I have like my desk right here, I feel so cozy in my house, like my tourism feels so safe. I have like my cards, I have my Jean Ques book. you know I have all of like my systems. i have I'll have like the client's chart pulled up and I just get to be in my own space and whatever time feels really good for me. And I don't have to worry about like, oh, I'm not going to see. I like i have to wait until next Thursday at 7pm to see my client and do her reading where it's like, wait, but I feel really excited about it right now and I can just do it right now. Or it's like,
say that Thursday came where it would be scheduled. And I'm like, Oh my God, I had a really long day at work. And I honestly just like want to eat and like veg out and like watch something. Or I just want to go to sleep. Like I don't want to be in anybody's energy right now because you know, I'm a line two. I really need to like hermit down. I was already with so many people today. Like I don't want to do this. Like I don't have to worry about that anymore.
And it's perfect for the other person as well because they are going to receive me at my best. Like, I never have to, um, I never have to, um,
like sacrifice or give them I don't know, like a part of me that is just like could be much better on a different day. And again, this isn't to say you guys that I'm like convincing everybody to do like recorded things. Like some people really, really, really thrive in person, in that one-to-one, in um live, right? And this is crazy because It's just so insane, you guys. Because, OK, in our gene keys, I just want to share this with you really quickly before I move on. In our gene keys, in the pearl sequence, if you look at the culture sphere, the line in the culture sphere is going to tell you like the amount or like this group size of people that you're really here to like help and work within this lifetime. And it's not met at all to limit you. So like I always say, don't let human design or gene keys or astrology um dictate your life.
but Allow it more to amplify what you already find out about yourself. So I am a line one, and I'm really here to do like i'm here to impact people on a personal individual level. Line twos are here to really be with like pairs. like They do really good like one-to-one. Line threes, line fours, line fives, line sixes, so on and so forth.
so Richard Redd, for example, who is the founder of the Gene Keys, he's a Line 1 here as well. And look, he created the Gene Keys system. He created his whole platform. He created like all of his um like recordings and teachings for the Gene Keys, and it really takes the individual on like the individual journey of self-discovery through the gene keys. Everything is that he does is like recorded lessons, recorded teachings. So he's not like live with anybody one-to-one, he's doing what his genius is and it's at that individual learning level.

Gene Keys and Business Alignment

And so when I really, and I'm a line one too, so I was like, oh, this really supports why like the teachings, the transmissions that I do, it's going to be for someone to be in their own space
i think for example I think specifically for when I'm doing a reading or when I'm doing yeah like transmitting this thing to them, and then when it comes to working with someone in mentorship and one-to-one, then that's when like we can meet and actually go over and work on something very specific, like a goal that they have. for example My life's work is Genki 54, which is a serpent's path, and it's all about aspiration, ascendance. It's all about really like climbing the spiritual and the material ladder. and
um becoming our highest selves, like spiritually, materially, physically. And so that's all about goal setting. That's all about like accomplishing something. I have my big three in astrology are are Virgo, um Ascendant, Capricorn Sun, Taurus Moon. And then so that's all Earth energy. I also have a ah ah capricorn stellium in the fifth house and so that's again just so much earth energy so i'm very practical i'm very like and then also my mid-heaven like i said is in torus again grounded that's earth that's very like practical so i'm here to help you literally pick and like realize what your goal is and i'm here to help you make it happen i'm not here to
Um, like I'm not here to like help people facilitate like healing their emotions, for example, right? I'm not here and that doesn't sound like some, that that doesn't light me up. I don't want to do that, right? I'm here where that is someone else's journey or someone else's journey might be to like
Yeah, you you get the point. There's so many other people's journeys, but my journey is to help people ascend spiritually and physically. And so that means like growing as a person. It does include, of course it includes evolving emotionally, but I'm not here to like, I wouldn't love sitting with someone one-to-one and like walking them through their emotions that that that are coming up. Other than outside of like,
mentorship, which I'm about to get into in a second. But do you see what I'm saying? Like the difference and me accepting that and being okay with that and being like, okay, cool. Like I'm not the coach for that is so freeing because I don't have to be right. Like, or I wouldn't be the coach that guides somebody through like, um, a plant medicine ceremony. That just is not me that I'm not the coach for that. What I want to do and what I'm, it's completely all over my chart, all over my design is like, I want to help people grow in their purpose and in their spiritual soul business. I want to help you sit down and be like, girl, you have so many ideas, so many beautiful ideas. You are scattered, which is normal because you have so much fucking magic. You're really multi passionate. You have so many things you're obsessed with. You love all of these things. You're so smart. You're so intelligent and you want to figure out how to put this all together. Okay. Let's come up with a plan.
Let's sit down together and let's come up with a goal. What do you want to accomplish in your business in the next three to six months, right? Do you want to create an offer? Do you want to launch your podcast? Do you want to um grow an audience and call in more clients? Do you want to whatever it is, right? So we're going to sit down, we're going to create an achievable outcomes goal, like, you know, one session would be like setting the goal, and then we're going to work together for three to six months to accomplish that goal. And through the time together, I will help you move through all of of the limiting beliefs and all of the confusion, all of the stuckness that comes up through all of the modalities that I have, right?
Which I'm actually so excited you guys because I talked about this on a couple episodes ago, but I'm going to be getting my nlp certification. Um. In December, I'm actively working on that right now. It's I'm obsessed you guys literally like in 2 months.
I'll be like a certified and NLP practitioner, and I can literally help you reprogram your mind to get your body and to get your subconscious mind on board for all the times that you know what you need to do, but you're like, why am I just not doing it? Or for all the times where like you wish you would show up on social media, you wish you could just talk freely in the stories, but you get so nervous in your body, like you're having a visceral, like,
anxious response and you have ah these other coaches over here who are telling you like just go live once a week just have like a live show on instagram that's all you need to do to like start growing your audience but you're like okay but every time i go to press play i literally start shaking my voice is cracking and i'm just and i can't do it because i'm so anxious in my body well i will help you through the tools that I have literally overcome that anxiety because you've already declared that that's if that's something you want to do. If you want to start going live or if you want to share your voice on stories, if you want to create a podcast but you're just so nervous, I have tools that will help you get through that anxiety. I have tools that will help you reprogram your subconscious mind so that these behaviors just become easy.
they just become second nature. You don't have that like emotional, physical response anymore. Like things just become easier because it's very, very, very hard to move forward on your sole purpose and spiritual business path. When you have an unregulated nervous system, when you're running off of old subconscious patterns and beliefs, fears, right? Someone can just tell you what to do, but if you you're not going to do it if you don't feel safe to do it. So I literally have the tools to help you feel safe to do it and completely change your like perception of reality. So that coupled with the gene keys, coupled with human design, getting yourself so aligned to figure out like how do you actually want to do things? right like How do you actually want to show up? What is so aligned to you? What is the through line in all of the work that you do? You're so multi-passionate. You have so many things to offer. okay How can we take what you have to offer, what you're so obsessed with,
How can we look at your gene keys and say like your soul came here to teach this very specific frequency. For me, my vocation is inadequacy. That's the shadow. So the shadow that I'm here to heal in the collective is the feeling of inadequacy. So I'm here to help you get over the feeling of like you're not good enough to be the healer, to be the spiritual coach, life coach, to be the go to Reiki Healer to be the number one astrology in your astrologer in your town. right like All of those fears and everything that comes up around like sharing your gifts, coming out of the spiritual closet, not being good enough, worrying that like you're not going to actually give your clients transformations in your coaching, even though you already have certifications, even though you already went through a coaching certification, but the actual like idea of getting in a call with somebody, you're like, oh my God, like no, like I don't know how to handle it.
That's where I come in with all of my tools to help you literally know that you can handle it. And so it goes so much farther than just telling you to do something because I've worked with a business coach for a whole year.
And I actually regressed on my path because she wasn't a spiritual at all or like tapped into any of this kind of stuff that we're obsessed with. She was very much more just like on the 3D like behavioral level, like, Oh, like you just need to do this. You just need to go live on Instagram every week. Have a live show.
say good morning um on your stories every day, say good night every day, and then you'll grow your audience. It's like, okay, but how come in a whole year of working together? I never went live once on my Instagram because I was so anxiety-ridden. I could never just press play. right i'm like But now I have a podcast right that I've been doing for a year. so it's like
sometimes and Also, I will say this too because that this is something I said in the beginning I want to talk about. it's like finding your, attracting your coach, your peers, your guides, your healers, um your friends, your romantic relationships, attracting them at a place of your gift frequency is going to help you find the perfect person to work with as opposed to attracting someone at your shadow frequency. So when I when i wanted to work with that coach and decided to work with her, I was in my shadow. I was i put her on a pedestal And this is a shadow of my attraction sphere. I pedestalize people and I feel like inferior to others. And so I was like, oh, she has

Finding Aligned Communities and Mentorship

all the answers. She's a confidence coach. um like She'll fix me. She'll solve all my problems. um I will...
like be able to like instantly change my business or I'm going to become like rich from working with her. She has all the answers and so I really attracted this and like oh I need her right it was coming from a place of fear a place of lack I felt like I couldn't do it on my own and I needed her, which is a very um shadow energy like that's really ah yeah like if you're if you're choosing to work with somebody because you feel like you need them or like they're on a pedestal and like oh my god like they're gonna fix everything for you 100% you guys do not work with them or it will be a huge soul lesson for you which actually like
I'm not going to tell you not to work with them because maybe your soul needs to learn from that. But when you're, but when you guys, but I tell you, I swear to God, when you, ah when you decide to work with somebody because you're so excited by what they have and you're like, Oh my God, that just seems so fucking cool. Like, or like, wow, that person, like, I am so like,
I feel so like her. I'm so related to her. We have so many similarities in our stories. I see myself in her. We are so similar. um you know like Wow. like And you get really excited by the things they have to offer. And like you guys have very aligned values. And like you see the world the same way. That is when you're going to attract your perfect, soul-aligned fractal line, which is like the souls you're here to learn from this lifetime. When I tell you that,
like I am obsessed with this community that I'm in right now because the coach that I attracted like I was just so lit up by her like her creativity the way that she shows up we have so much similar ways that we see the world and I never put her on her pedestal I never felt like I needed her I never felt like she was better than me but I was like oh like we could literally be friends like she's so cool like I feel like She is just so like grounded and she's not pushy. She's not like just no like weird vibes like very heart-centered very open very um What's the word it starts with a T very what's the word where it's like not translucent but
Transparent, like very transparent. um I loved her energy. I loved her creativity. And I was like, she's so cool. like And since Everge deciding to work with her, my whole world has changed. And I feel like I found like the best community that is just like with soul aligned friends, like literally. Where anytime that i used I've been in other certifications, um Not Dharma, Dharma Coaching Institute was very aligned I got like so many best friends from Dharma Coaching Institute so that was also very aligned, but I've taken others like when I took like for example my mindfulness meditation teacher training. I never like became friends with anyone from that, like, and it it it's not that it wasn't an aligned place.
but I definitely like just, yeah, like after the training, I didn't keep in touch with anybody. I didn't ever kept in touch with the teacher. It was kind of more of like an impulsive buy that I did, which I'm glad I did because it actually taught me so much. No, this is where I was coming. This is no, I just figured it out. This is what happened. So I put this teacher on a pedestal because he is a pretty like He comes from a very powerful lineage, a Buddhist lineage, and I really wanted to learn mindfulness mindfulness meditation like from an actual lineage, and like I felt like I needed to have like strong Buddhist roots.
and so I almost felt, i so I think I was like pedestalizing him and pedestalizing their organization. And I'm glad that I did because I love what I learned and I and i e really appreciate it. But I can see how it wasn't super aligned in the way where like anytime we were in class, you guys, like I felt so serious. like it felt so serious. I always was like really self-aware and like really watching how I was acting. I never felt like I was at home. I never connected with the other students. um i never like I was excited to be there more of like from like a discipline standpoint. like I was disciplining myself to this practice and you know I felt like it was a very serious prestigious teacher, but it definitely wasn't so aligned. like I wasn't like
ever going to get close to this teacher or like make friends with these people, if that makes any sense, where it's like now I'm learning that when I attract teachers and and people that are like me, I'm like, oh my God, like I feel like I can be myself. like Bubbly, the way that I talk, like i I felt stupid. That's the other thing. yeah so I really felt like I was like like a stupid girl, like a stupid girly girl. There was way more uh males in the class they were very like intellectual and like collected and very i don't wanna say blah but kind of like very like um yeah just like intellectual and spiritual but not like fun spiritual more of like
I don't even want to say you go like spiritual, but do you guys know what I'm saying? Like I don't fit in. There's so many places where I'm just like, I don't fit into that. Like, I don't know because I'm myself. I'm a very girly girl. I like regular, like 3D things, even though I am very spiritual. I'm also just like super like normal. like um like I'm obsessed like I'm addicted to Diet Coke like just different little things like that where I always felt really judged in certain spaces because I'm like oh I'm not like this super spiritual like um like vegan just what do you think of like a
certain stereotypes that we have around the spiritual community. I never really felt like I fit into those communities or people who are like nomads that are, you know, living off the land and like that kind of lifestyle. I'm just like, I love just living in the suburbs or like the city. I like shopping. I like just being all the things that I am. And I realized like, I don't have to be a certain way to be spiritual and I can be girly and I can talk like, however I talk. I don't know. Some people say Valley Girl. I used to be made fun of for that, but I can just be myself and then also be like so into these fricking teachings of the Jane Keys, of these highly spiritual things. And I can
be so gifted at that but also still just be myself and then also be working in my corporate nine to five not feeling bad like not feeling like oh i'm not an actual entrepreneur because i also still have a nine to five like no like i love that about myself i love the job that i work for and yeah and i feel like in this community that i found from attracting people at my gift frequency that I found my people. And so that's very possible for you too. So anytime that you want to work with somebody, you work with a coach, really just pick somebody who is
someone that you actually want to spend time with and someone that you feel like you can be yourself and completely be open with them. I highly recommend that. Okay. Um, so that was a little tangent. I completely forgot where I was going with that. But yeah, I guess I just touched on the power of being in a line community. Um, I talked, okay. So yeah, I talked a bit about like how, so from doing the 1-800 soul support podcast, which series, I still have that open now. um I don't know how long I will sustainably keep that series going, but I fucking love it. It lights me up so much. So if you're somebody who can't yet invest in coaching, can't yet invest in reading, but you really want help on the purpose path, this is a beautiful, beautiful way for me to be able to help you to open your caustic records, to look at your jinkies, look at your human design.
I'll put a link in the show notes below so you can submit your question. I do order, I do answer those in order of received. um And I am planning on doing them once a month, but potentially, depending on how much I love them, like last, I did like the last two in a row because I was just so excited. So, um but I don't want to make a promise. I have undefined um ego slash heart center in human design, so I know not to make promises that I can't keep.
Um, cause I don't have access to willpower. So I'm just going to say once a month, it could potentially be sooner. So you can definitely submit your questions.

Upgraded Offerings and Gene Keys Prosperity

I still have some babes in line for that. Um, and then yeah, my biggest announcement that I'm so excited is, is that I upgraded all of my readings and I'm actually transforming them into packages. So.
my Money and Business Prosperity Gene Keys reading was a live one-to-one 90-minute call, which I found that it is actually taking way less than 90 minutes. It was actually only taking like 60 minutes. And I found that I actually really, really, really love to just do it recorded because it's kind of like I'm just teaching you something. And so I'd much rather you be in your own space, be in a place where you can just undistractedly learn, take notes if you want to take notes, but you also have like a copy of it. And then also I can be in my own space and be in my genius and be in my, you know, whatever, everything I just told you about how like I'm so much more tuned in when I'm in my own space. So that has transformed from a reading to now a whole package. So it includes a 60 minute gene keys reading. So I will be literally teaching you
your pearl sequence in the jean keys. And so I teach you your vocation, which is your biggest core wound alchemized into your vocation. So this is the thing that you're here to teach and share with the world. This is the wound that is so present to you and you've alchemized it, you know every single flavor of it. Like I said, mine is inadequacy, yours is going to be whatever yours is. And You're the most equipped, the most prepared to teach this because you know it the most. That is going to be the through line in all of your work. So if you're feeling very confused on the purpose and spiritual business path, like you have so many ideas, you have so many certifications, you love all of these things, but you're like, wait, how the hell do I put it together into like an offer? And I don't want to niche down. and
I am confused and I just want to like, I just need help. That is where we're going to really hone in for you is your vocation. That is the through line and all of the work that you do. So I teach you your vocation. I teach you next your culture. Your culture is really the way that you are going to either repel your dream clients because you're stuck in the shadow of it. So you're going to repel people from working with you or you can alchemize it into the gift and it honestly, it's like a magnet, you pull your people to you. So you don't need to, if you feel like you've been like hitting a wall, like you're, maybe you're afraid of selling, maybe you feel like you shouldn't charge for spiritual your spiritual gifts. um All of that is really being in the shadow of your culture because you are, through the Jean Keys lines,
Business is the third path to enlightenment, literally. Business and learning how to serve by sharing your gifts with the world and in turn receiving prosperity and an overflowing abundance. It's like you need, you're giving to the collective and you're receiving and it has to be an even exchange. So anyone who feels guilty around charging for your gifts, anyone who feels like you're not charging for your worth, anyone who feels like you feel cringier around sales, um you don't really know how to talk about sales, you um don't have anything set up for sales,
this sphere is going to teach you the exact frequency that you need to be in to heal your poverty consciousness and pull your people to you like a magnet. So you don't need to force anything. You're not shoving anything down anyone's throat. You're not being sleazy. You're not being salesy. You're literally turning on your light like a beacon and shining your light out to the world. And then your people are already out there waiting for you. You just don't even realize that yet. Like you don't even know how many people are just like obsessed with you and cannot wait to work with you. You're going to turn that light on and they're going to see you and like moss to a flame. They're going to start coming to you.
And it's going to feel good. It's going to feel juicy. It's going to feel exciting. It's going to feel like thriving. like I literally feel like that right now. I feel so happy. I feel so excited. I feel like everything is is changing for me. I am seeing angel numbers everywhere, you guys. like I cannot make this up. I saw so many angel numbers today. I saw even at the store, you guys, okay, sorry, let me just tell you really quick. So we were driving, I went to my mom's house this morning um to to um help her like do some cleaning and she,
I'm cleaning her house for her. like in exchange for like Instead of her having her house cleaner come, I was like, I want to do it in exchange. Pay me instead. I wanted to be a house cleaner. So I went to do that for her. And then um I was picking up Peanut because he spent the night at his grandma's house last night and went to like the groomers and everything.
And so me and my mom went to, after we cleaned, we went to um return some shoes. And we were like driving to like go to lunch. And every building, you guys, it was 444. We were in like this like ah business area. It was 444, 777, building 1011, 66. I was like, what the hell is going on? And then um we went to I went to the grocery store, and I bought these little like immunity shots.
They said they were like $3.99. And like when I went to checkout, each one was ringing up for with tax. It was like $4.04, $4.04, $4.04, because I bought three of them. And then my total with everything I got was $22.66, or like $22.55, something like that.
And then we got home, um we pulled into the garage, and i I was picking up my phone to check if it was mine or my mom's phone, because like our iPhones looked the same, and it was 5.05. And then when I was recording this podcast, it was 8.08. And it's just like, I keep seeing it everywhere. And like Spirit is literally telling me, like girl, you are affirmed. You are so fucking on fire right now. like Literally, you guys, um okay this is the other craziest shit. so And then I'll, I'll get back to where I was going, but the other craziest thing you guys, so when I decided to change up this reading into a package, right? So you get the 60 minute gene keys reading. Okay. Sorry, let me finish what I was saying. So you get the culture sphere. Then we talk about your brand sphere, which is all about like your, if we're going back to the reading really quick, this is what you get from it. If you're confused on how to like talk to your people, if you're confused on like branding, like aesthetically,
Aesthetically, branding is something different. This is more energetic and this is, if anything, more important. This is literally the messaging that you're here to share with your people. This is your ultimate truth. like this is your Where I said the vocation is like the through line of all your work. This is like your brand. like You have a ultimate truth.
that you're here to share with the world. And if you run every offer before you like finalize your offer, before you finalize any post, any caption, any real idea, if you think back and run it through your truth, does it align with your truth?
you are going to be in integrity and energetically integrity with your audience. And like, as long as you keep coming back to that, what is the truth I'm here to share? This is so important because in social media, in the spiritual realm, we have ah many passions, right? And it's easy to keep changing and keeping like, oh my God, like, well, they're sharing that. That sounds really true. Maybe I should like,
change this like what do they say like shiny object object object syndrome and it's so easy to be like oh i should do that and she's doing this and she's doing this no you have one ultimate truth that you're here to share with the world and this also gives you so much confidence and so much um
her mission to show up as your boldest self because this is your truth that you're here to share with the world. You stop caring how people are going to perceive your post. You stop caring how people are going to perceive your offer because you know that your soul came here to share this truth with the world. And this is your freaking mission is like this truth. That's what I'm going to teach you what that is. And then we talk about your pearl and your pearl is unlocked When you are finally sharing your gifts with the world, you're being of service to others and you're not getting in your way of like blocking abundance. And your pearl is really here to tell you how you're here to like enjoy money and spend money, which is so beautiful. So anyways, the reading, so the new package includes that. So the 60 minute reading of that, it includes a channeled reading from your Akashic records. So I tune into your Akashic records and I channel a message from your guides and your spirit team.
um let It's gonna be filled with love and encouragement and like any message that they have for you like to talk about like maybe somewhere where you're stuck or any message they have for you, which is like the most uplifting, beautiful confirmation. Like you'll feel like, oh my God, I'm not in this alone. I literally am so supported by my team and my guides.

Hypnosis and Prosperity Tools for Growth

And then it also includes a 20 to 30 minute personalized hypnosis track. So when you fill out the form to sign up for this, it's going to ask you like, if you could wave a magic wand and have everything like in your business exactly as you wanted it, like what does that look like?
And then also I ask you like what your current struggles are. And so I basically am going to create this hypnosis for you to, it's an abundance hypnosis to heal any major block that you have in your business. And it's going to help you tune into like that thing that you want, like that big goal.
It's gonna help you achieve that. And what hypnosis does is it works with a subconscious mind. So again, you can try to make a change at a behavioral level and you're not gonna do it. This is like when people wanna, for example, um start working out at the gym, right? And they're like, okay, hold on, let me just like plug in my um computer. I don't want my computer to die.
Sorry guys, let's say you want to start working out at the gym and you're like, okay, I'm going to lay out my workout. I'm going to lay out my clothes and my shoes. Um, so that I can just wake up and go. And, um, yeah, I have my water bottle laid out. I have my shoes laid out. I turn on my alarm at 5am and I'm just going to go. And then maybe you go for like two or three days. Maybe you don't even make it to the first day. Like I've tried this a million times and I never made it. I just press news.
You're only changing at the behavioral level. You're saying like, okay, I want to do this thing. I'm going to set out my clothes and I'm going to do it. It's not sustainable because we have our old patterning going on. We actually need to change ourselves at the identity level. We need to become the person Who does the action easily and effortlessly that we want? So if we want to have three months booked out of clients for the next three months, we need to easily and effortlessly do the things and show up in the way that that person would show up. And to do that, we can get the subconscious mind on board so that our body is just naturally doing these things and these behaviors and these habits that we need it to do.
Instead of just trying to do it at the behavioral level. It's literally impossible. That's why you know what you need to do. I'm sure. Maybe you are confused. Maybe you do need some clarity, but I'm sure there's been so many times in your life where like, you know exactly what you need to do. And you're like, why am I just not doing it? And it's because we need to change you at like, at the, um, at the brain level, we need to create new neurons, new neural pathways.
into new habits. So it just becomes super easy. And that's what we do with hypnosis. So each package is going to receive this 20 to 30 minute hypnosis that you're going to listen to for 30 plus days. I recommend at least 30 days and you're going to start changing and you'll be like, holy shit, I'm a completely different person. And it's because you're, you're receiving the benefits of hypnosis. This package is also going to include a 15 page prosperity report of your jinkies and, um,
It's a really beautiful summary that you can like look back on and incorporate in your morning routine or at night or anytime that you do some sort of like ritual to really tune into your codes and really remember who the fuck you are at the soul level. It's powerful to like read this about yourself. And then it also includes um a discount to work with me and one-to-one mentorship. So say you receive this package and you're like, oh my god, like literally this is life-changing. I feel so on fire for my purpose and my business. I feel so clear. I know the direction I need to go in. um I'm already changing my habits from this hypnosis and I'm like shining. I'm showing up on social media. I feel so good. Now I want to
create an offer or now I want to launch a podcast or now I want to start growing my audience and you're going to start having limiting beliefs come up like you're going to have clarity on what to do but now you're like wait I feel like I can't do this like who am I to do this and oh wait I don't actually know like how to even go about doing a podcast like I don't even know the technology I don't know anything like all of these things you guys is my but um
like all of these practical things and then also like energetics and then also mindset stuff is literally my genius. So we I have mentorship that I offer for three to six months where we will work together on like your big goal like your big yes like we're getting to business this isn't just like this isn't just like a random shit they're gonna get nothing from like I'm only working with people who have something they actually want to do like you and it might be something that you need help choosing and deciding that you want because a lot of times we can't even see like we block ourselves from even seeing like our biggest goal or what we actually want we don't even think that could be attainable so I help you
release stuff to actually pick the actual thing that you want to work on together. And then you have accountability and you have someone to work on that together. You have someone in your back pocket to give you freaking channeled upgrades like from your guides and spirit guides whenever you need some more encouragement.

Aligning Pricing with Transformative Value

You have someone in the back pocket in your back pocket who we can use a session to literally builds the technology part of it. like If you don't know how to set up um like a payment processor, or if you don't know how to set up scheduling, like I know how to do all these things. Or if you want help on, like I said, the podcast, and you have no idea where to start with that, we can use a session for the back end of that. And it's really just like tailored so specifically towards each person, and it includes all of my modalities. So it includes Jean Keyes,
human design coaching, it includes Akashic records, it ah it includes all of my and NLP. um um do to do why am i thinking Why am I thinking of exercises?
um Not ah tools, like all of my NLP tools. So it's for releasing. um It is for calling in new expected states. um It's just so juicy. And so, yeah, this is really going to be for people who are like, okay, I'm ready to go. I actually want to be in a completely different place next year. I just need that support. I just need that accountability. I just need that person.
who holds me at my highest self sees this for me and can help me and like guide me and help anytime that I have these like energetic blocks come up. So when you get this package, you get a discount into that mentorship, which is super exciting. um And I actually, so this podcast is gonna come out tonight on Sunday. And so this is the last day you guys that you can get this package for the current price. So right now it is 333.
And this is what is so crazy, you guys. So I, for my other mentor, my other business mentor, um I was sharing with her and my, um I submitted a question to her and like to my community about how I have this i just like upgraded the reading to this package. right And it's 333 because that was the price of just the Gene Keys reading. 333 was three through three is the price of just the reading for the 60-minute reading, which used to be 90 minutes. And I told them that I added all of these things, like the hypnosis, the channel messaging, um the prosperity report, all the things.
And I was like, I feel like the price is so low. And I just want your guys's input. And literally, everybody was like, girl, double it. like the You guys, it's just like, I can't even. The the people that are in my community are Hypnosis practitioners. They are Gene Keys experts. They are human design experts. They know the power of this work. They know the value of all of these things combined. And the fact that this package has all of these in one, 333 is just completely out of integrity. It's completely out of alignment. It's completely
way too low for the power of this and what I love so much is my mentor um she like showed she pulled up a ah picture of the body graph human design body graph and she was like imagine you just like heard the words human design and you just learned what that was look at this and read it." And she was like, what what could you say about this? And I was and like i was like, oh my gosh, this is so right. We literally have the gift of reading a different language. Like she's like, you guys literally have, we literally have PhDs in these systems. No one can just look at a human design body graph and know what the fuck it it means, right? No one can just look at
um at the hologenetic profile and gene keys and understand it. And the fact that I was offering this for only 333 is so hilarious because I'm literally I'm literally reading, translating, alchemizing, giving practical guidance on a completely like foreign language to somebody, right? And so the value of that is so high, you guys. And so I hope this inspires you in whatever field you're in. If you're an astrologer and you can read a fucking birth chart, do you know how insane that is?
Do you know how insane it is that you can look at a birth chart and know what that means and be able to communicate that to somebody and give them practical guidance? Or if you're a freaking Reiki energy healing, the fact that you understand Reiki and that you can energetically heal someone physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, through the power of Reiki is freaking insane.
And so this is so literally, I took their advice and I was like, oh, 100% I'm raising my prices. And so I'm telling you this because the moment you guys that I heard that, I submitted my question online because I wasn't able to make it to the call, but I watched the replay. The moment that I watched the replay, something energetically shifted in me and I was like, I'm raising my price. like This is crazy. I want you guys to raise my price and I saw that someone had booked a reading right at the same time that I energetically was like, I'm raising my price.
And I was like, no fucking way. So it was like, when I saw the perceived value of what I had to offer, like skyrocket. And I was like, this is insane. I'm a freaking PhD of the spiritual modalities. Like what I can give to somebody is and completely change the the trajectory of their life. Give them complete clarity around their business. Give them a complete roadmap to their genius through the gene keys.
The fact that I'm doing this in one second like you know one session, one package, the price, the value of this is lifetimes. The fact that they're going to listen to a hypnosis way more than one time right and completely change their poverty consciousness into an abundant mindset is so valuable and so the moment that I did that it sent out this signal into the universe and to the world and to all of my fractal lines that people who were are meant to learn from me and it's like hey Alyssa is like ready like she's turned on and she has something for you and I sold the reading so
With that being said, um I am raising the price tomorrow. And so if you listen to this podcast um before then, you can still get at the price of 333. And I have a special offer for you guys. So if you are someone who listens to this podcast, and you listen all the way until right now, um and you still want to get the reading, and it's after like the day that I um raise the prize, I will give you a little special surprise discount. So you just need to DM me.
and just be like, hey, I listened to the podcast. I want to get the package. um You said to DM you about a special. And I'll give you like a little special discount just because I really love you guys. I really love the podcast. And um I appreciate you guys so much. And I'm only like, I'm releasing this literally the day before I raise the price. So I do want to um honor you that. So it'll be a nice special. It's not going to be huge or like crazy, but it'll be like a little special um like a little special discount to take off a couple of bucks off of it.
um Yeah, to really honor you guys. But anyways, I'm so excited. So i the reason I'm also telling you guys all of this is because I want you to know that you might not be getting clients right now or selling your packages because your prices might be too low. There is something about perceived value. There's something about the universe protecting you because they're like, girl, you cannot give this away for dirt cheap for almost free. There's something about the type of people that are going to work with you.
because the people who are ready to have change in their life, the people that are ready to make a fricking difference, the people that are willing to do the work, the people that are ready to take accountability, the people that are like your dream clients, they're willing to invest in themselves. People who are not yet ready for this work, who are still stuck in um like victim consciousness, those are gonna be the people who are more attracted to like the free offerings or like the very, very cheap low offers.
And again, not necessarily because I've also been in a place where I, but the thing, the difference is you find a way, like really, like you really can find a way if you're really, really, really right. And think about yourself and all the times that you've invested in something. It really is just, do you actually not have a way or do you just need that?
guidance, that that reframe, that reality change, that like you can make it happen, right? Anyways, we've all been through that. I've invested so much in myself at this like up until now that It's funny when I think back on on the things that like I perceived as really expensive and I'm like, oh wow, everything that I've ever invested in has gotten me to where I'm at now, literally. like I'm obsessed with everything I've ever spent money on and invested in myself because the biggest r ROI that you can ever receive is investing in yourself, 100%.

Mentorship and Future Offerings

um So yeah, I hope that inspires you to raise your prices, you guys, and to remember that what you have to offer is so insane. It's so insane that you have these gifts, that you have these skills. Don't think about it in terms of like, what will someone pay for it? Think about it in terms of like, what is the value? What is the transformation that you're offering them? What is the life changing, freaking guidance and shit that you're giving them? It's so crazy. So yeah, I just want to share that with you guys. And that's the other power of having mentorship of working with a coach of working with somebody who can help you remember who you are and help you raise yourself, expand yourself beyond.
Um, in my NLP certification as well, um, you know, I learned that the standard rate for hypnosis should be like $300 minimum. And so the fact that I was giving away a hypnosis inside of this repackage for a total price of 333 is insane. Like it's literally insane, but I'm so excited that um So first of all, I'm so excited for the babes who got it at this price. I'm like, oh my god, they're literally dreams, like literally dreams, literally dreams. I'm so excited. And I know those are my people because the moment that I was like, Oh my god, this shit is so cool, actually. And I
sent that frequency up into the world, it attracted the babes that signed up immediately. And I was like, these are dream freaking babes. Like literally I'm obsessed with them and I'm so excited to do these readings for them and see what it unlocks and just like see their designs. I cannot wait.
And ah you, if you're listening to this, I love you too, and you know that. And so, um yeah. Anyways, if you don't see this before Monday, before I change it on Monday, I'll probably change it like Monday night, so you'll have all of Monday to get in on that price. um But if you do want in, just send me a message, babes, and I'll give you a little um discount for the pod. Okay, so um yeah, so that... Also, just having those readings that I rec received for myself this week and the past the past couple of weeks really helped me like talk through this. um One of the beautiful babes that did my um intuitive guidance session, she i really helped me walk through the fact and realize like, oh, she coached me through it that like
I can do recorded. If that's where my vibe is at, if that's how my channel is the most open, then do that and do what excites me um and my people will receive. The other thing I want to say too is that I really feel like I'm also here to help anyone who is Anyone who has like social anxiety, because this used to be me, social anxiety, anyone who um is neurodivergent, anybody who learns differently, I personally need to be in my own space. Also, when I like when i process my emotions, I don't want to be with another person processing my emotions. like I'm sorry. but
I'm not the person that is seeking out the coach to that can like guide me through my emotions. I want to do that on my my own. That is my own personal journey. That's just the type of person that I am. I know that some people really benefit from having a coach guide them through that, but that's not me and that's not the kind of coach I want to be.
and so I like learning and receiving things in my own space. And so I was like, oh, duh. This would be a dream for me. I don't necessarily want to get on a call with somebody. like I would love to just like, that's why I love Voxer. like I love Voxer. I love voice notes because I can like voice note my coach. I'm like, hey, this came up. Or like, oh, what do you think about this? And then like they can respond in their own time. And it's like, I can listen in a time that feels really good. It's also really good because you get You get to respond to things and ask things in present time like say you have a really and I forgot to mention this, but in my mentorship there will be a couple live calls just so we can do the. um
goal setting together and really like get to know each other and get on page for like the goal setting and where we want to go. But it's going to be mostly through voice notes. So Voxer three to six months. So anytime that something comes up in the moment, that's when you reach out and then that's when I can help you, right? Because say you have something that's like really pressing to ask, but like you don't have a call for two weeks and then like by the time the two weeks comes up and you're on the live call together, it's like that shit is not present anymore. Like you probably already worked through it or maybe you had like a catastrophe or You know, and it's like you want to be able to like do things live in the moment, which is why I absolutely love voice notes.

Authenticity in Program Creation and Sound Healing

um So yeah, I want to be able to help folks who don't necessarily want to always be in this like live with other people, but you do like the back and forth of being able to talk to them whenever you want, obviously during business hours. um Because that's just always how I've been. There's so much pressure. There's so much pressure to like have a question on the on the live call or to process things and it's like girl no you can process things in your own time that also really like helps with autonomy that helps you like be more empowered to like try to figure out the answer yourself or the solution yourself and then if you need guidance it's like okay the coach can like guide you through it so anyways i just have so much to say about it but i personally love
the voice note situation and so I know my people are going to love that too because obviously I'm going to attract people but that are like me. So that's my other um that's my other biggest advice is like don't create a program that you think people want Create a program that you want to lead. Create it in a way that feels good for you. Create a container that you want to show up for, that excites you, not something that you're dreading. like I was dreading having people on my calendar. I was like, oh my god. And so honestly, that was energetically blocking a lot of things. The moment that I turned it to recorded, I started getting readings booked. Literally, it's insane, you guys. And I always thought that nobody would want a recorded reading, and it's not true.
so I think that's that. um
Oh, yeah. So just want to share really quickly. So the beautiful sound healing that I received was from my very good friend, Maddie Cruz. And I've known her for honestly, three years. We met on an online coaching program, which is where I meet like all of my besties. And So we've known each other and we've never met in person. And then a couple weeks ago, I finally got to meet her in person and go to her beautiful sound healing. And it was so special. like Me and my mom drove up to LA and a part of me was like the old part of me, the social anxiety part of me that was like really nervous to like
put myself out there and like go. Even though I know her, it's like still nervous meeting someone in person. I feel like the old me would have like canceled and been like, find any reason to be like, actually, I can't make it, never mind. But I was like, you know what? No, I'm really going to push myself outside of the comfort zone because this is somebody that I really like. like I really respect her. I really, really like her and I want to meet her in person and I want to experience her magic and her medicine.
and so Me and my mom drove to LA super early, as set one Saturday morning a couple weeks ago. And it was so beautiful. And she's so sweet. She literally like sent me a video like a week ahead of time of like showing me, like oh, this is where you park. And then this is how you walk down to the beach. So I had everything like already ahead of time of like knowing exactly what to expect, knowing where to go. So I wasn't like nervous in that regards. And then I just had the most incredible sound healing experience um I'm so excited you guys because I'm actually going to have her on the podcast in the next couple of weeks and so she's going to share everything with you about sound healing, the benefits of it. So I'll leave her to do that.
um But it was just it was so beautiful. It was literally out of body like it was on the beach. So like literally the the waves were crashing and then I could hear all of her instruments. And um I felt like I was like going in and out of my body and just having like an out of body experience, which like sound healing is so powerful to me. Like I'm so sensitive. So it just always feels so good. um So yeah, I'm super excited. I will have her on the podcast next, not next week. I'm sorry. I'm like, why am I saying next week? But in the next couple of weeks or months, um so she can explain it all to you. So I know I have a lot of babies on here that listen that live in California and Southern California. So this is someone that you want to pay attention to. um And yeah, and then let me know if you ever go to one of her sound healings because then we can meet each other in real life too. so
Okay, guys, um I think that's everything. I'm going to leave it at that. um I'm so excited for everything that's just unfolding. I feel so aligned. um I'm going to be also upgrading my other readings. So right now I have the sole purpose jinkies readings, which is just the reading itself. um I'm going to also create that into a package because I know that not all of you are ready to have a spiritual business or to like create your spiritual business. And so maybe you're more on the part of your path where you're like really getting to know what your sole purpose is. um So I will create a whole package around that. So it'll be the reading like a hypnosis channel message from your guides. um So it again, it'll just be like a really beautiful all encompassing package. And then um I will also open that up to mentorship. So if you wanted to
after the reading work together for like the next three to six months to really like hone in on like your sole purpose and but like a big goal that you have in this in this lifetime that you really want to achieve, then I'm your girl. um So I'll keep you guys updated on the pod about like when all of that gets updated. But anyways, I'll put all the links to everything below. You can still book into anything that I have currently on my website and then um If you want to submit submit a question to get answered on the podcast, I highly recommend that. um Those will be out as well for the next couple of months. Okay, you guys, so thank you so much for listening. I hope you have the best week and I will talk to you guys later. Bye-bye.
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