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65. why my biz coach Madi Maple had to have me as a guest expert in her mastermind after her Gene Keys reading image

65. why my biz coach Madi Maple had to have me as a guest expert in her mastermind after her Gene Keys reading

It's Happening For Me
12 Plays3 months ago

Hi babes!

Join me this week as I get interviewed my by my business coach Madi Maple. This was an Instagram live that I loved so much I had to share to the pod! 

Madi had a Purpose to Prosperity Bundle reading with me and was so blown away by the specificity and in depth business guidance she invited me to be the resident Gene Keys expert for her new high-level  Icon Portal Mastermind!!! Each babe that joins her mastermind gets a Gene Keys Pearl Reading as a bonus :)

In this episode I share exactly how and why the Gene Keys are so life changing when it comes to your soul business!


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The Icon Portal Mastermind with Madi Maple:


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The Portal of You, my 90 day Activation for lightworkers, healers, coaches and guides is now open for enrollment!!!!  details and application:




Introduction to Gene Keys and Icon Portal

Hello, everyone. Welcome, welcome. I am about to go live with my resident Jean Keys reader inside of my mastermind, the Icon Portal. And I am so excited because I've actually never gotten a full Jean Keys reading before until just a couple months ago from Alyssa, my Jean Keys reader. And it blew me out of the water.
like i'm gonna be honest i've gotten my akashic records read multiple multiple times i have gotten my human design my astrology multiple multiple multiple times like i've gotten so many like astrology and human design readings and the way that alissa delivered my gene keys reading was insane so oh and she's right here so let me invite her
do a jinkies reading for every single person in my mastermind because it was so on point with the the purpose of the icon

Alyssa's Insights on Personal Growth through Gene Keys

portal. Hello. Hello.
Okay. Alyssa is here. I was just talking about how, so I got my reading from you and immediately I wasn't even like all the way done. Like I had maybe listened to like 30 minutes or something. And I was like, this aligns so perfectly with what I am trying to create with my mastermind and the icon portal, like just doing business in your own way. And, ah um, Oh, sorry.
Oh, Kian said every time I read it, it's like brand new information and perspective. Yeah. So I had been introduced to the Gene Keys previously through like a really, really dear friend of mine. And she inspired me to get the book. And I just never dove into it myself. You know, so it's a lot, honestly. And so I got into it like a little bit. um And then I got a reading from you and it just blew me out of the water. The way the Pearl sequence like perfectly describes everything that I believe in and feel passionate about when it comes to creating a business that is authentic and iconic and doing it in a way that works for you and feels good. It just was like
It was immediate. It wasn't even like, oh, should I ask Alyssa? I was like, oh my God, I have to ask Alyssa to do one of these readings for every single person that joins my mastermind. And aid is in the chat right now. She just said Alyssa's reading blew my mind. It's just, oh.
so So fucking good. So welcome. Welcome to the Instagram Live. Alyssa, can you say hi, tell everyone who you are, where you're located, just a little bit about you and then we'll get into the jean keys and some fun conversation.

Gene Keys in Business Decisions and Authenticity

Yes. Oh my gosh. I'm so excited to be here. So hello everyone. I am Alyssa. I am a human design and jean keys expert. I really started with human design. I'm also a spiritual life coach, but when I found the jean keys and actually learned how to navigate it, it was like something in my soul awoken. And like, I'm like, I get this language. i'm like this is literally like the language of the soul I feel like it's like truth and it just resonated so deeply so since then I'm like okay I'm never going back to like anything else I'm so obsessed and um yeah and so I live in San Diego California that's where I'm currently at now and yeah I help healers coaches light workers really tap into their like divine confidence to really
unlock their purpose, live their life's work and what I really discovered on my path of stepping into like the coach archetype is that even when we get the certifications right and we get the trainings and we learn all of this knowledge it's like when we actually go and apply it or try to create a brand which is why I'm obsessed with Maddie and like obsessed with all of her work it's like there's still this internal feeling of like not being good enough and it's like what is that and through the jinkies i discovered that it's very specific shadows that we have in super specific themes of our lives and when i understood the shadow and realized that really the shadows are so good the shadows are like the soil kind of like for us to like you know put the seed of our gift of our genius and then it blooms out of that and so
It really is beyond like spiritual bypassing. You know, like a

Personal Experiences with Gene Keys

lot of people kind of teach only love and light, but I really feel like through the jinkies and discovering our super specific shadows, it it gives us so much acceptance and like, okay, this is just what it is. I feel the fear and I'm going to keep moving anyways.
yeah it's almost like i'm not someone who needs to be fixed i can just see clearly who i am and the things that you know might possibly commonly come up for me and then how i can alchemize it right and so can you tell everyone what the jinkies actually are maybe where it like originated from and then what it actually looks like looks like because i know there's like the shadow and then there's something else and then the city which is like the the civic you know um I don't know. Tell people. Tell people about the jinkies. Yes. Okay, so first of all, I want to say anyone listening right now that loves astrology, that loves human design, this is literally what the jinkies is born from. So it's not this new age like thing that like you need to go and learn. It's literally based off of ancient systems.
Also, it's highly based off of the Chinese I Ching, which has been around for thousands of years. And people have really used this as a definition system, right? And the Chinese I Ching has, it basically breaks down like 64 archetypes of human behavior and change. And so that's where we get the jing keys from is from the 64 gates in human design. So like the numbers of the gates of your conscious and unconscious planetary placements are the same in the jing keys, but they have a little bit different meaning.
Hi kitty! Yeah, so they have a little bit different meaning and um they were created from the founder Richard Redd and he was actually a student of Ra Uruku and learned human design and was actually a teacher himself and super close to Ra and then he kind of discovered through like teaching that he's like wait when I'm exploring the gates I feel like some of the gates are like really positive and some are kind of like a little more challenging and negative But in his own experience, he realized that like every gate or every archetype should have a shadow, a gift, and a city, which will kind of explain what that is now. And so that's kind of how he created it over a lot of years, like seven years he created it.
and um

Gene Keys as a Business Guide

Yeah. So each, so if you, if you're familiar with human design, if you know your gates, like your conscious and unconscious gates, um, you can kind of look, look at the numbers and those correlate to your gene keys. Um, but the gene keys basically creates this hollow genetic profile, which is based off of your birth information. And if you don't know anything about human design or astrology, don't worry girl, like you don't have to know any of this information. It's straight to apply to you.
um But essentially it gives us a map of our hero's journey, which is like so fascinating. And it's actually, in my opinion, way more practical than human design because human design, which I'm obsessed with, teaches us how our body works, right? Like it teaches us how our aura works, how our energy moves through our body.
um how we can really make aligned decisions and it's very like body-based where gene keys is very practical like themes of life like it tells us there are three pathways to enlightenment right it's like the pathway to the self which is the genius sequence and that's all about unlocking your four prime gifts and then it's like okay now that you know I'm enlightened or like I'm on this spiritual awakening journey which most of us are we realize that we can't do it ourselves and so then we go through the Venus sequence which is about unlocking our hearts and like learning how to really drop our defenses in relationships which can be so triggering especially with our immediate people that are closest to us and I love it because sometimes on the spiritual path like some people teach you like like oh like you should
like i don't know like cut people off from your life right or like oh those people aren't good for you but it's like no in the gene case it's very holistic it's like how can you take accountability kind of like for your own shadows and really learn how to like open your heart it's very heart-centered which i feel like maddie is like literally everything that you teach which is insane yeah no i love it i like almost wanted to interrupt you for a moment but you were just like on this flow but i wanted to interrupt you and say i think that's why i loved it so much is because sometimes you get a reading right you get like an astrology reading a human design reading and they're telling you all these things and it sounds all really great but it's not like so so so grounded and i feel like that's where the humor where the gene keys really comes in and it was just like so like grounded and what it actually looks like in your life right it's not just like this fluffy thing around like well this planet is in this house and so it means this like
Like nothing about it was vague when I got my reading from Alyssa. It was like very clear and she Not only told me what was going on with my gene keys. She told me how like in a very intuitive way how it actually or why it actually matters in my life and for my business and what I can actually do about it. Does that make sense? Like it wasn't just like, here's all these like really pretty things about your chart. And you're like, oh, this is awesome. It was like, okay, here's actual action steps of how you can be a better leader and business owner and

Transforming Business Approach with Gene Keys

creator. And you know, with these like kind of like more tangible pieces it felt like. Yeah. And so I feel like that kind of resonates with what you were saying. yeah
but No, exactly. That's why. And then like, for the third part, and I feel like that's also why it resonates so much with you. And why I feel like I resonate so much with your teachings, because literally, it's like, I just feel like it is divine truth. And like, everything that you teach is like, you're always directing your clients back to themselves, right? You're never like, like, you'll give advice of like, Oh, well, this is what I did. But like, this, that might not work for you. So like, how can we turn back into like, what works for you? And so that's so like, so individualized and like,
Yeah, I just feel like that's why I was like so drawn to your work. But yeah, the third pathway to enlightenment once once you kind of like are like, okay, like now I'm like good in relationships, then you unlock the pearl sequence, which is what we do in your icon portal mastermind. And it's all about, okay, how can I now Take my biggest core wound, right? Which is your that's the last fear in the genius in the Venus sequence It's like how can I take my biggest core wound? Alchemize it and now that is my biggest talent that I'm here to share with the world, right? Like now I'm going to take that I'm going to become a leader I'm taking this like step of like initiative onto my life purpose work and I'm going to go out into the world be of service to others and And by doing that, I'm going to create literally unlimited prosperity, abundance, wealth, relationships, like opportunities, because we're so aligned with our soul. And I feel like what happens is like a lot of us are searching like and looking at what everyone else is doing, and that's why it's not working for us. And so the fact that like all of your teachings are just literally so aligned with like, okay, how can we get you back to you? like what is What is your way to do things? It's like, that is how we create prosperity. so
Yeah, yeah, I love that so much. It's so fun. Yeah, I feel like we're, it's like so different the the way that we approach what we're teaching, but the things that we teach are so similar. And again, I'm just like so grateful I was able to bring you on and yeah, bring this different perspective and this different, not even modality, what would you even call jinkies like this other channel of of wisdom that you get to provide of just similar to what I teach, but just in a different way. It's like so, so powerful. So I mean, I'd be curious to hear from you either from your own experience or from some of like your clients that you've worked with.
What's like a really specific thing if someone was coming into my mastermind and they're like, okay, I'm about to get this gene keys reading. What is it actually going to do for my business? What is like one or a couple very tangible things that you could see happening, whether it's the way that they create content or the way that they sell or you know, I have a lot of clients come to me and they're doing something and they're like, I hate this

Gene Keys for Audience Connection

or it's not working. And I'm like, okay, then why are you doing it? And they're like, well, my coach told me that this is the way you do it. And I was like, no, not necessarily. You don't have to do it in that way. So is there any like really specific tangible thing that you've seen maybe somebody doing and then you read their jinkies and you're like, oh wait, actually you're supposed to be doing this like completely different thing and it shifts things for them.
Yes, literally. I'm like, I have so many examples. I also want to use you as a case study because I feel like this is like, everyone knows who you obviously here. So I'm like, oh my God. Like when, Maddie, when I have read yours, I was like, no fucking way. This is just so cool because like, it's so cool to see you so aligned in your business. And then to be able to see this, like.
it's like obviously when I read for people I'm like okay yeah like this they' they're always like wow this you literally blew my mind but it's like I don't know them potentially as intimately as like seeing what your business is doing you know so it's just so cool to see it but okay so There's four main things that you guys are gonna get from this, which is like all about business. So the first one is unlocking that core wound and like seeing how you alchemize it into your vocation, right? Which is like the thing that you're kind of like, it's kind of like the undercurrent of everything you're teaching people. And so for you, you have genet 46 here and the shadow. like I love that you have it pulled up. Like you're such an iconic queen. Okay, keep going.
yeah i'm like oh i have it pulled up and i took my little like notes um okay so for you that's it okay sorry i just want to say this other side note because this unlocked everything for me about feeling like i'm actually an expert is like understanding my human design so i have an undefined head and ajna center and so like information comes in and it literally goes out one second later like i cannot hold on to like facts or like recall information so like if someone was to ask me like oh like I don't know, something like from history. I don't care about history, but I would be like, I literally don't know. I don't know. But if I like have the information i' written down and like I allow myself to take notes, it's like embodied information. So I love sharing that with coaches because sometimes we might feel like, wait, can I actually call myself like an astrologer if I can't memorize all of these things? And it's like, yes, literally, you're just designed to like not hold on to this information. So that's something that yeah I love that.
Okay, so for you, you have um the shadow of seriousness, which is like the biggest core wound that you're here to really alchemize. And this is really like, this is Virgo energy. It's really body-based. And the two ways it can show up is like frigid or being frivolous. And it's like feeling kind of like frigid in the body, right? Like not really comfortable in your own skin and your own body. And the way that you really alchemize it is by stepping into the gift of delight and realizing that like,
at the highest state the body is it's a vessel for your soul's mission it's not just this physical thing of like how it looks and so probably growing up and also just like listening to you like

Content Creation and Personal Alignment

on podcasts and stuff right like can you relate to that literally When you were like, your your wound, your pattern that's like coming up in your human life is the body. I was like, I remember I like had my tea, I was like doing my puzzle and I like stopped and like, of course she just said that like, that is so resonant. I feel like in different ways too, like in a couple of different ways. so Yeah.
Yeah and like and so yeah and so you probably always felt that like growing up and like it's gonna be something that like continues to show up but then look at how you alchemize that and like girl you do the most iconic photo shoots you literally teach people I think you have a masterclass of all or like you teach people how to pose for like photo shoots right or maybe that's just something you gave us before like a like a oh here's like some ways that you can like practice posing so you literally alchemize that where a lot of people, Maddie, their whole life, they actually stay stuck in the victim. So just to give you guys a little backup for a second, the shadow state is really like the victim state, right? So that's where we're being a victim to our shadows, whatever like specific flavor that is. And that's kind of where like the mass consciousness lives, right? If you think about the matrix and stuff, like most people are living in their shadows.
and and it's not to say there's like a hierarchy or it's like better like someone's better than people who aren't awakening but it's like when we're growing and evolving that's when we're alchemizing into our gift and so for you you're able to alchemize that and to delight and to really like change the way that you see yourself change the way that you see confidence so that is a huge underlying theme and everything that you teach your clients it's like confidence right like feeling good in themselves yeah i honestly the The way that I teach confidence now is a little bit different, right? I talk about a lot of things beyond the body and like body image and you know, just about even like your personal power and your beliefs and everything. But when it comes to my personal journey, I, the way that I struggled with confidence was completely physical. Like I would look in the mirror every single day, even with like the past couple of years, I went through like a really hard period. It was all about my acne and like
the way that my skin was just like flaring up and I just didn't feel good about my physical appearance so now inside of Metamorphosis there's only one session around around body image and I dive into like all these different pieces of confidence but oh happy um yeah it was just so interesting that you said that because that has been my come here get over here
It is so funny. she This cat, she's very like a little bit skittish. She only likes me and she only likes to hang out with me when I'm working. So when I'm working, if I'm on a call or alive and she's like here and you're like, Maddie, why don't you just like lock her outside of your office when you have an important call? It's because this is the only time that she hangs out with me.
Oh, that's so cute. It's when I'm working. This is like our bonding time. so I love it.

Leadership and Unique Business Style through Gene Keys

but yeah and anyway so yeah it just blew my mind when you said that and it's interesting because a lot of the things that you shared in my reading it was kind of this confirmation where you would share something and I was like okay like that that explains it that shows me exactly why I have been struggling with this thing or why this is such a big part of my journey or why I feel so called to talk about this message
but at the same time same it didn't just give me confirmation it showed me how I can how I can um ah spotlight and bring even more attention to that thing because it's what makes me unique because it's a part of literally who I am in a sense and so I think when you learn more about who you are and how you're supposed to do business it's not just about being like okay cool like that's confirmation that like i'm on the right path it's also okay that's confirmation that this is a big piece of of who i am um and how i'm supposed to stand out online right because so many people are blending in online right now by talking about so many different things and they're talking about so many different topics so many different stories
and I really think when you find what makes you uniquely you and a lot of times it is your your core wound a lot of times it is that one thing that maybe you're meant to go through that you're also meant to teach through that makes you such a potent leader right and so for me it's not just telling me like okay this is your biggest wound and I'm like great thanks for letting me know my wound. It's like no actually here's a part of of kind of who you're meant to be in a sense. Yes and what's interesting too that this is so aligned for you that you only have one class that's actually about the physical body is because when you move into the gift of the light it's not the physical anymore right it's like this it's like the soul it's the spiritual it's like
it's like how can we like literally delight in everyday life and like relationships literally everything so it makes so much sense that like that's kind of like what you would shift to um and i love what you said too because i think a lot of us struggle with like you said there's so many people talking about so many information like so much information right so we're like how am i really going to stand apart from others and so the other part i love to look at where i think like yours is such a freaking iconic example because it's so aligned is your brand. So let me just pull it up here. Okay, so the brand is the same sphere as your life's work. So your life's work is like 70% of your personality. It's what you're here to do in this lifetime. That's your Aries energy, right? And so the brand is really like, okay, this is your unique message that you're here
to really share with the world and so anytime that you're kind of like muddying that down or like you know shying away from it or not being super clear in it people aren't really going to see you or hear you and for you the gift is initiative and it's CF51 um which is called Jean Key initiative to initiate and it's really like literally what you do with like helping women like it's even your coaching style of like We're not going to believe that anymore. You know what I mean? Like when I hear you coaching people, sometimes you're like, Hey babe, sometimes it's as simple as like, I'm not going to believe that anymore. And I'm going to move on to the next thing. And so you're very fiery. You're very like and initiative. And the thing is, is like, if someone was to try to copy your style and be like that, it would not hit, it wouldn't resonate unless that was also.
their placement right and so it's like people can see you being really successful and maybe try to come off with that same energy but if it's not what is aligned with them it's just like they're not gonna have the success that you have because it's just not aligned yeah there's a lot of people that I see them and I see their posts and you can almost tell like who they're working with right you can almost tell like which coach they're a part of their programs because their content just kind of is like similar and you're completely right it doesn't hit as hard and this is why I talk so much about authenticity and again why I wanted people to have these readings so badly is nothing bothers me more than seeing someone's content and knowing that they're powerful knowing that they are like this leader that can like share so much wisdom and then just seeing them
trying to be someone that they're not and it just like you said it never hits there's some people where you read their content and it might not even be like a static it might not even be like a groundbreaking message but just what they say in the way they say it it's just like potent like you can feel it And then, you you know, and then

Self-Discovery and Identity with Gene Keys

there was vice versa. And so I think with something like this, yeah, you're you're able to tap into who you're actually being. We talked about this in Iconic Identity today in the lesson. It's like I had a point in my journey where I thought I had to be this soft-spoken feminine coach.
And then I was like, wait, what if that's just not who I am? What if I am supposed to be fiery and not supposed to, you know, when someone has like a limiting belief or a negative thought come up, maybe I'm not supposed to walk them through like, maybe I'm so cute.
Maybe I'm not supposed to walk them through like this, you know, deep somatic meditation and hold their hands or their emotions. Maybe I'm supposed to just just tell them you should just stop believing that and just do this instead. And that's just my style. And so, yeah, I really, I really love that.
um So yeah, people are going to see what their actual style is of showing up, how they're supposed to create content, what what the biggest parts of their story are that they're meant to share, right? These biggest wounds and how to transmute it and how to alchemize it. I mean, for me, I see the jean keys being You know, the the human human design they call like the permission slip. Like here's your permission slip to work with this type of energy and be who you are meant to be. The jinkies I see as more of a permission, ah more than a permission slip, right? It is a little bit of that, it's that confirmation, but I think it shows you almost
your archetypes in a way like it shows you a little bit of the this isn't just how like you're saying this isn't just how your body works this isn't how you're supposed to create or work with your own energy this is actually like who you're meant to be to lead people into This new new reality, right? I feel like the gene key are so much more connected to business than human design, at least in my opinion, human design is like. Okay, I have permission to. Like, projectors, it's like, they have permission to like. Take naps and go a bit slower and have.
this different perspective of business. Generators, you have permission to only do what lights you up. Manifesting generators, you have permission to do like all different types of things. things But Jean Keys is like an actual blueprint. who Yeah, that's why it's like literally the map to your

Holistic Business and Personal Alignment

hero's journey. Like literally the map to how you even so specific down to like the size of group that your soul wants to have the biggest impact working with right or like who um that was mine or like how blowing for me yeah you're the line one individual yes okay guys so i'm a line one individual which means i'm yeah i'm supposed to help people on an individual level i'm not supposed to have like a big non-profit i'm not supposed to have like these different you know um types of businesses that are not like
truly helping someone on the individual. The way that that gave me, again, a permission slip, but also it almost opened my world to how I can maximize my strength was just huge for me.
massive for me yeah and i i think that's something that really holds people back too is like they're comparing themselves to like other coaches that are maybe really successful like tony robbins right for example is to say it's like maybe your soul isn't meant to have that type of access to people right like maybe you and it doesn't mean that you can't be a multi-millionaire even a billionaire right has nothing to do with the amount of money but it's like how does your soul truly want to show up how are you going to feel So fulfilled and like have the connection that your soul wants to have with the amount of people And that is going to lead to like your greatest abundance and then you don't have to feel like you're always chasing Something else right and like feeling like you're not as good as someone else Yeah
i and I love that you clarify. It has nothing to do with the amount of money you'll make. It's just how you're supposed to connect with others. i was I made a post like a couple weeks ago. It was like a little bit of a controversial one, but I was talking about how having like a massive funnel where I don't work with anyone individually. I'm just like selling a passive course and it's just like through a funnel and I never see like I never connect with my clients like actually like first name basis. It gives me anxiety like it actually stresses me out. It does not feel fun. I want to know each of my clients individually and yeah go deeper with them and
and just know them having someone in my world that's like paying me a fuck ton of money to learn from me and not knowing who they are it's kind of stressful yeah kind of stressful like i'm like It doesn't feel like activating. It doesn't feel exciting. And so, and again, I, yeah, it doesn't matter. It's, it's not about the money. It's just about how you're supposed to connect with others. So powerful. Oh my God. Yes. And I love that. Yeah. And someone else would like find that and be like, Oh, that sounds really activating. I would never want to personally connect with someone that sounds really anxious to me. Right. So it's like 100%. So it's just like, oh my God, like why are we trying to be like other people when we can just literally be ourselves and and take away any like, yeah, any like other roadmap to success other than our own is going to keep us just spinning. Yeah. Oh my God.
It's so crazy that something like this exists that can give us so much guidance and so much clarity. Again, like I just want to paint a picture. I was like reading or not reading. I was listening to the reading like on my laptop. I'm like watching Alyssa. She read the Akashic records. She read the gene keys and sent me like a hypnosis and I've gotten really into puzzling lately. Like and I'm a grandma.
actually grandma I was like puzzling I'm like listening to this reading and the amount of times that I just had to like stop I couldn't even I was just frozen like jaw dropped just like the
I feel like a lot of people online right now are are very much focused on like this flashy marketing. And I wanna just strip that away for a minute, like strip away all the like flashy marketing and just say, having a business that just feels like yourself, no matter how much money you're making, but a business that just feels like this accurate representation of you and feeling the relief and the joy and the peace of just knowing exactly who you you are, exactly who you're meant to be, exactly where you're meant to be and how you're meant to do it. And just feeling that peace and relief that what this gave me is priceless. It's genuine. It's like what everyone could ever wish for. And so, yeah.
ah Guys, when you come into the icon portal, this is what you get. You get a full-on reading with Alyssa. She goes through the whole pearl sequence, right? Like, if you could summarize the pearl sequence, what would it be? It's like you get blank, blank, blank, and blank.
Yeah what um okay so for the pearl sequence you will we go over is your vocation turned into your yeah sorry your biggest core wound alchemized into your vocation so you learn exactly what your core talent is like what you're here to give to the world and in the expression of how you're meant to do it right and then we move into the culture and so culture is literally telling you girl this if you're in your shadow this is how you're going to be repelling your people because we're not repelling money so like i talk about because you say this yeah we so we talk about like um like being in like poverty consciousness right we're not actually repelling dollars you guys like literally dollars mean nothing like dollars are shit it's just like energy and so anytime that we're repelling money or not making the money that we want we're just repelling our people
and because we're just being in the shadow of our culture and so like our people can't see us like literally you can be showing up every day posting talking trying new things but like people cannot see you if you're in this frequency of your shadow and so like we are going to tell you exactly what that shadow is and exactly how to alchemize it into your gift so that now you're literally it's literally a magnet that's like pulling this frequency to you of like your people are just like oh my god i want exactly what she has and like it's not even that you're changing your offer you're changing your frequency of like how you're showing up how you believe about yourself and then you're gonna start like literally unlocking prosperity and abundance and then we teach you your brand and so this is so freaking iconic because it's literally what you teach Maddie which is like you are your brand literally that's what the jinkie says is like you are your personal brand and so this is your we're gonna teach you your exact truth that you're here to share with the world
And I'm going to teach you your exact shadow. So anytime you're in the shadow, you are looking over what everyone else is doing. You're like confusing yourself. You're confusing your audience. They cannot see you or understand you. All we have to do is shift that frequency into the gift. And then like people are going to be like, Oh my God, you're literally speaking to me because we all have fractal lines, right? Our fractal line is like.
very specific souls that came here to like learn from us right our teachers our mentors our fans our peers our clients like they are out there and they want to work with you but it's like an antenna or like a radio station we have to turn your frequency onto the station where like they can hear you see you and then just come to you and that's all we have to do right and then we teach you your pearl and your pearl is all about like how does your soul want to experience money in this lifetime so this is also what I love Maddie when you did that post about um
how you changed everything in your business because of like the the brave cruise yeah yeah yeah i was like oh my god so maddie is a line three here so the way that her soul wants to experience money is celebration you guys like she just wants to make a shitload of money so that she can hang out with her friends and family go to raves like do all of her festivals all of her fun stuff and like the more that she does that and like allows

Unlocking Success and Prosperity with Gene Keys

herself to enjoy that the more rich she's gonna get and like more prosperity right And it's like, if she was hiding that part of herself or felt like, oh my god, like I can't want money to like go to festivals. like i I need to make money so that I can like give back to charity. That is not what herself wants to do. It's going to create so much like just confusion, and she's going to be in the shadow, and she's going to block prosperity. Whereas, like there are people out there, Line 5s, who want to literally have enough money. I think it's Line 4s to be
Charitable right like they want to be able to have enough money to like give back to charity for me. I'm a line one It's all about simplicity So I literally want to make enough money to like enjoy my life to love what I do to like be like You know doing my readings like be coaching to love the food that I'm eating all like simple, but not not a millionaire, right? So again, it has nothing to do with a lot of money But it's like how do I want to experience money? And so it's like really freeing. Those are all the things you're gonna learn and Oh my god, I love that so much. Alyssa, I'm so grateful. Like, I'm so, so grateful that this just takes everything to the next level because you guys, and thank you for everything you shared. I want to talk a little bit about the ICON portal. yeah Because yeah, this it just like goes hand in hand with the intention of the ICON portal. With the ICON portal, I really bring like the fire and the energy and a bit of my Aries into
really bringing people into their expertise and their iconicness but this really gives you I feel like the foundation and again this this blueprint in a sense of who you are who you're meant to be how you're meant to show up how you're meant to use your money how you're meant to alchemize your pain into your story your power like there's just so many pieces here that come into you being iconic because being iconic is simply authenticity and confidence right? Like that's all this is and you guys Alyssa's in the icon portal so I'll have her share a little bit about what that experience is like but right the the core values are confidence, authenticity,
And I would say integrity, right? It's creating a coaching business. For me, i I don't know about you, but sometimes I get like a little bit of an ick from the coaching business or there's some philosophies, some rules, some teachings that are circulating in the coaching business that make me feel like like this doesn't feel really fucking good like this doesn't feel like who I am and that's that's really what I try to bring through in my work is is the confidence authentic authenticity and the integrity right how can we create something that is so

Personal Branding and Business Success

not just get paid and for being you right i hate when people say that like just get paid to be you no there's work to be done we're doing a lot of work on our content a lot of work on our messaging a lot of work on the way that we're showing up our beliefs like there's a lot of work to be done you don't get to just like sit around and eat She's watching Netflix on the couch and get paid and also my thing is you don't have to follow all these rules and these strict guidelines of this is what it has to look like. You still have to follow the foundational pieces of you know marketing and sales psychology and we get to do it in like a really fucking fun way.
Also welcome everyone everyone hopping on, Paige, babe. Yeah, we get to do business in just like a fucking fun way. You just made that post about, fuck what was it, Alyssa? You made something so fun. Let me pull it up.
and sha knows it It's creating a personal brand where people are simply just obsessed with you. And you still need to learn how to sell. You still need to learn how to have really epic messaging that connects with your dream client. And just being really fucking authentic is what's going to sell more than anything else. Especially in this day and age, 2024. Like how many times, Alyssa, do you read a caption and you're like, I've literally read this before. Yeah. Like literally every day. Like literally every day. Oh my God.
Wait, this one. As if in ninth grade, I want a free modeling class and a wrap up and assembly. and My parent, they pressure sold my parents into signing me up for modeling school, right? And it's like this whole thing about you being like share from clueless and being yourself and or like learning how to be yourself and all of these different things. And you just like brought in all of these like fun, iconic pieces in your story, but then showed people exactly how to like find success through that. And it it was just so iconic. I just think a lot of the content that I see nowadays, it's just kind of plain and it used to work.
like a couple of years ago it used to work the online world wasn't as saturated and you could just like post something and you could make a couple sales now that is not the case like sorry that is not the case it's going to take a little bit more it's going to take learning how to integrate your values and your story into a brand that stands out and use mess messaging that actually makes people connected to you and see that what you're selling is actually the solution to their

Community and Transformation in Icon Portal

problem. so
I feel like you've been absolutely killing it since we've been working together and just your content has become so fun and like the clueless pieces and pieces around like your epiphanies and your work. Guys, go follow Alyssa if you're on here right now. Go to Alyssa's profile, follow her like she just shares so much wisdom in a fun way.
um but right that's what the icon portal is all about i'm sick of boring i'm sick of everyone trying to blend in i'm sick of people trying to be liked that almost killed me when i was 18 trying to be like was almost the death of me like literally because i hated myself and i was just trying to get people to like me and i see the same trend happening in online marketing and coaching and sales it's like there's it's people feel like it's this popularity contest almost like high school all over again and people want to be liked
instead of learning how ah to be more of them in a way that sells. And so, you know, coupled with Alyssa's gene keys reading, obviously you get the gene keys reading when you join the icon portal, and then you get a 90 minute coaching call every single week, and then you get the telegram every single day.
Monday through Friday and then you get access to everything I've ever created from serve to the quantum league queenship trainings to the meta portal to offer obsession, iconic identity, spice,
sales call trainings podcast trainings all the things uh and it's it's just being a vip in my world so you've been in for a couple weeks what has your experience been like yeah in the icon portal oh my god literally i'm obsessed like it's so crazy because i have invested a lot like in my journey like in coaches business coaches like programs like and i told you before it's like i've never actually felt like how i feel right now i feel like i used to know what alignment was but i'm like oh if this is alignment i don't think i was ever aligned before because it's like insane like just everything that's unlocking from you guys like literally nothing has changed in
My skills, right. I haven't gotten in like another certification. I haven't learned a new skill. Nothing has changed and me except working with Maddie. She literally sees like the magic that you have and she's so good at helping you like create that messaging and literally be like, girl, this is literally like this is so magical like why are you not like talking about this more you know or like why you're not highlighting this so you have such a beautiful gift of just like being able to see like what people already have inside of them and so instead of people like always searching for like i think it's so easy especially as coaches we're like oh maybe i just need another modality or like maybe i just need to learn this it's like

Energetics and Strategy in Business

you already have all of it inside of you so and then maddie does such a great job of just being like literally
This is what you need to do. And I love how you do energetics and strategy. So it's literally like both. And like, I've never been someone that resonated with coaches who are like, oh, just learn how to like, work for two hours a day on the beach by your laptop. And like, you never have to like, work again in your life. I'm like, ew, I would literally die. Like as a generator, I love working. Like I want to live in my business, right?
And that's why I'm just obsessed with you, obsessed with your energy. It's like, you're so like fiery and just like so good at igniting people. It just feels so good. And like I literally went from like maybe selling one reading maybe like one reading here and there a month to like now making thousands in my like business you know from the time that i've been working with you which is like the biggest i've been trying to do this for like two and a half to three years and just like not seeing that and it's like again nothing really changed and like my education or like my services have always been lit it's just i didn't know how to like describe that to people which is like what you do you've always been that expert you've always been this fucking fire and
Now people just get to see it even more and it's so epic. Thank you for sharing all of that like dream client. I love you. Like literally I love you.

Conclusion and Encouragement for Gene Keys Exploration

Um, yeah, I'm honored to have you inside of the icon portal and I'm glad that you're having that experience. I really do feel exactly as you said, like that is my superpower is blending the masculine and the feminine. Like I'm not going to give you a plug and play strategy and I'm also not going to tell you to orgasm your way to 10k months. Like there is this blend of the both.
And you're fucking killing it like you're just killing it. So yeah, guys, the icon portal is open. The doors are open. You can come inside. We have what six Queens right now that are inside the icon portal and the energy is epic. We have another call tomorrow and What else? And that's all. And come in. Come into the States. If you're feeling the call DM me asking questions if you need. And we would love to welcome you into the icon portal. It's just the energy is like electric. It's so fun. Yeah. I can't believe it's only been a couple of weeks and we still have like six months together. I'm like, I'm so excited. Like you don't even know. Like, Oh my God.
you don't even know i'm just as excited like it lights me up just as much it's so fucking fun um yeah if you're feeling the call if you've resonated with any of this with our values the way that we do business the way that we create um come inside this space is it really is incredible it's it's just really fun so shoot me a DM. Let me know you're interested. If you have questions, you can leave them in the comments. I'm going to leave this on my feed, so I'll leave the recording. But thank you, Alyssa, so, so much. You are the fucking best. And everyone else, thank you for joining us. And I hope to talk to you guys soon. All right. Love you guys. Have an amazing night, Alyssa. I'll see you tomorrow morning. Okay, bye. Bye.