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Awaken Bake
36 Plays1 month ago

stay aware of who is influencing you!


Introduction & Personal Thoughts

Awaken Baked
Welcome or welcome back to awaken bake where we get high vibes and talk about the universe. I'm your host Danny and these are my high thoughts coming to you from my fucking period. Yeah, I'm still on it. Okay guys, I'm at the end of it. But I'm still on it. You're probably thinking God damn, that's a long period. and I know if you're tired of it. Imagine how tired I am. Because I'm on my period. I'm feeling like a bitch. I'm feeling a little bit preachy.

Engagement & Awareness

Awaken Baked
So I've got a little bit of indica right next to me. I got my notes right here with a bullet list of things that I want to talk about and we're going to get the fuck into it. So take a hit because you might get your feelings hurt today. Actually, if you're listening to this, you probably won't get your feelings hurt, but you'll probably resonate with it and then maybe get a little irritated and be like, oh my God, wait, I also don't like XYZ. Oh my gosh. That's so funny. I'm like, I'm going to spread the negative energy.
Awaken Baked
But that's not the purpose of this. The purpose is to like spread awareness and actually get it get the ball rolling in terms of discussing this in our communities or just in our friend groups.

L.A. Fires & Conspiracy Theories

Awaken Baked
So let's just jump into it. We all know that L.A. has been having fires. First of all, devastating as fuck. And I will get into a little bit of why it's devastating, obviously, aside from like people just losing their homes or people dying, honestly, um and animals, et cetera.
Awaken Baked
But goddamn, before I can even get into it, I'm so fucking mad because we have all this fucking devastation happening. But we have people out here making it a thousand times worse with their fucking fear mongering, with their fucking conspiracy theory, religious bullshit. And I am just tired like.
Awaken Baked
You would think in times of natural disaster, in times of crisis, we as a community, as as people, as humans would come the fuck together. Why are we creating these fucking false narratives that the fucking purge is going on or that this is a punishment from God because of the sinners living in l LA?
Awaken Baked
Neither one of those weird ass fucking theories are actually helpful. They're creating way more division, way more hate. They're making people way more fucking paranoid, way more scared. And what do people do when they're scared and they feel like everyone's out to get them? They become selfish, especially when you have motherfuckers like Leo Skeppi saying, listen to me carefully, protect yourself at all costs, defend yourself at all costs. Then he's blaming homeless people, saying that homeless people have been waiting for this for an opportunity like this that they can strike so they can rob you, break into your homes, assault you.
Awaken Baked
And it's like, hey, all you big motherfucking dummies, why are we refusing to acknowledge climate change being like the main fucking factor? Why are we refusing to acknowledge all the people that are coming together to help one another?

Influencers & Misinformation

Awaken Baked
And also something else that bothers me about conspiracy theories, not the stuff about, oh, you're being punished from God because they're sinners or whatever the fuck, but some conspiracy theories that I've heard about like, oh, well, maybe like, you know, once the fires started, like they're trying to like,
Awaken Baked
cover up the evidence and in the tunnels, quote unquote. And look, there might be I don't fucking know. How the fuck do I know? Could it be total bullshit? Absolutely. But could it not be bullshit? Could it be 100% true? Absolutely. I don't fucking know. But what I do know is all of y'all having these crazy conspiracy theories and then you explain it like you all don't get it. You're part of the problem. You couldn't even understand it. It's this intense like scientific Super obscure, way bigger than we could ever imagine. Bullshit. You're not helping. You're not explaining. And I'm sorry to be the one to say it, but you all suck at expressing yourselves and you fucking suck at communication. You should not have platforms because what you actually do is you create fear, you create anxiety, you create division. And 99 fucking percent of y'all are so goddamn fucking ignorant and uneducated and ah I have to take a hit.
Awaken Baked
And then it's like on top of all of that, I'm so disappointed to see the way that people are speaking about this. I have seen so many people say, oh, wow, it looks like what's going on in in Palestine right now. No, it does not. OK, two tragedies can exist, but we are not about to compare genocide and what is happening in the Middle East to natural disaster fires that are happening in a city.
Awaken Baked
that the whole fucking city is working to put out and nobody is fucking under attack, maybe from Mother Nature. I don't really think I need to say that genocide is not the same as a natural disaster, but I guess I do. Also, if you're so fucking emotional, Jamie Lee Curtis, I'm looking at you over these fucking fires then and and because Jamie Lee Curtis wanted to compare it to what's going on in Palestine, please open your wallet for Palestine and the fires.

Community Impact & Support

Awaken Baked
And while we're talking about opening your wallet and like different areas that need our attention. I would before we move on from the fire situation, I would like to direct our attention to Altadena. I hope I'm pronouncing that correctly. I actually don't know and I'm very sorry. But um if you aren't aware, it's a historic black community that currently 58% of its residents are people of color, right? During the civil rights movement, Altadena offered
Awaken Baked
housing and loans to Black Americans as one of the very few who would even do that in the first place. So it was one of the very first and one of the very few. So now today, Black homeowners ownership is at 81.5% in Altadena, which is literally about double the national average. You have to imagine like how incredible that is, how impactful that is, and how important this community is to the Black community in general and to people of color, right? It's fucking gone now homes, businesses, community gardens, parks, whatever the fuck, all of it is gone. And if not all a vast fucking majority. So I'm bringing this up because instead of fear mongering, and instead of being like, wow, maybe you guys should like pray for the fucking sinners and like pray that this doesn't happen to your city because if you send your city is going to be on fire. Or instead of saying, grab your bats, grab your torches, grab your guns, grab your knives,
Awaken Baked
the homeless people are coming. This is their fault. They've been waiting for this. I would like to just direct our attention to um maybe a list of donations. I have a list of, well, I don't, but Drew does. There's this wonderful creator named Drew on TikTok. The handle is D-R-E-W-S-A-R-A-I. And she has a list in her bio of families that you can donate to. And it's like specific, I don't know if the word is pro bono,
Awaken Baked
But it's like family specific, right? You can choose. Do you want to donate to a business, to a certain family, to a certain person, like whatever. share as much info as you can, donate to whoever you can. I know that TikTok is going away if you live in the in the US at least um within like one to three days. I'm not really sure the exact time that it'll be like gone. I also heard that it won't be gone. It's just gonna be kind of like you won't be able to update it, but it'll still be on your phone if it's on your phone. I don't know, but just please go to Drew's page and if you can't donate, just maybe share the list. Do whatever you can to actually create change and make a positive impact instead of fear mongering and spreading harmful lies and theories.
Awaken Baked
Yes, I'm fucking frustrated. I'm sorry. Honestly, I'm fucking frustrated about it just because I've also noticed so many like Yogi's that I follow sound healers that I follow Reiki healers that I follow. They haven't said a goddamn fucking thing about literally any of this. They just stay pushing their own brand pushing the fucking here's my coupon code or like hit the link so that I can get commission and like or here's my upcoming schedule if you want to like come to my retreat or buy my package XYZ.
Awaken Baked
And I'm like, isn't your whole spiel online like, oh, we just need to create like, more harmony in the world and like more unity and take care of each other and take care of the planet. But when it comes down to talking about real issues happening in our world, and I know I always bring up Palestine, but there's stuff going on in Congo, there's stuff going on in Sudan, there's stuff going on everywhere, you could talk about any of it. But when it's even happening in your own country, and you can't fucking talk about the fires, I'm like,
Awaken Baked
What is your so so are you not racist? You're just selfish. Like, you're just ignorant. I don't understand. I also don't ever see you sticking up for the communities that you steal cultures from. And I do mean steal because it feels like you're whitewashing when you just utilize their resources, you know, their polisantos, their sage, that all these indigenous communities are asking us, hey, can you not use up those resources? um They're not for you. And now we're fucking running out because all the white people are like, it's trendy.
Awaken Baked
But I see you all on Instagram literally a saging your whole fucking studio or a saging like your individual clients with your polisantos. And I'm like, Bitch, aren't you like 100 percent Polish? Right. You're 100 percent Polish. You live in Minnesota, but you're a reiki healer. So you need to use the white sage. You need to use the polisantos. Oh, my God. You have a dream catcher hanging up.
Awaken Baked
Like all of it is frustrating in general, but I always chalked it up to like, well, what else do you expect from the and the infamous well-meaning white person? You know what I mean? Like, what else do you expect from someone who loves to who's like a fucking culture vulture?

Critique of Alex Rosin

Awaken Baked
But it's so funny to me when it's your own fucking country, your own fucking, for lack of a better word, culture, like you're an American, and you're in the United States, um California is burning.
Awaken Baked
Entire neighborhoods are gone. And not a fucking peep. Not a link to share. Not a donation. Not, let's all send them that healing energy that we talk about every day because, oh, when you're waiting in line for Starbucks and it's taking too long and you're frustrated, send yourself healing energy. But hey, when there's actual crisis happening, save that energy. You need that energy.
Awaken Baked
I think I'm like really critical. I'm always but more recently of people that I am calling influencers or that consider themselves a person of influence because it's like, then what are you influencing? Literally just consumerism, literally just being like you want attention, like being as basic as you can, following all the trends that you can. And then I also have an issue with people like, i know I'm going to say it, fuck you, Alex Rosin and your whole goddamn fucking crew. You're also fucking lame and weird.
Awaken Baked
If you know who Alex Rosson is, then you might be shocked that I'm saying that. You might be like, bitch, what the fuck? Like, I thought he was doing great things. He calls himself the predator poacher or the pedophile poacher. I think it's predator. It's basically those to catch a predator type of guys, right? Now, I found his channel, um, I don't know, maybe like six months ago, maybe eight months ago, not a full year ago, but it was quite some time ago. OK, I don't know why I just had to get weirdly specific, but it was a bit of ago.
Awaken Baked
I watched one video and I didn't see anything that was alarming other than the fucking predator obviously that he was catching and so I was like okay like you know sometimes it bothers me when you see these streamers that like do the most and then they're like oh I made him eat hot sauce and drink his own piss like and then they don't even call the cops or maybe they do call the cops but they've already tortured him first and it's like what was the point of this like what Like it feels like they're doing it for the wrong reason, right? Like for the streamer specifically, it feels like they're doing it for clout and just to see like how shocking can they be rather than actually caring about this person doing something horrible? Because I understand if you're like, hey, you're a fucking predator pedophile and I hate you. And like before the cops get here, I'm going to probably beat the fuck out of you. But beating the fuck out of someone is different than being like, here, drink hot sauce, drink your own piss. Call yourself a crybaby bitch.
Awaken Baked
Like, if you don't call the goddamn police or take him out yourself, I'm sorry, I'm not actually encouraging violence, but I'm just like, y'all make no sense. Like, you're not hard whatsoever. You're pussy ass bitches who want clout. Well, what I'm trying to say is I didn't feel that way about Alex Rosen at first. I was like, oh, this guy seems to really care about catching predators. And then I was like, hmm, maybe I'm tweaking, but I thought I saw a Confederate flag on the back of his car, but it was such a quick clip and it was kind of blowing in the wind. Maybe I'm looking for problems.
Awaken Baked
But then I realized every fucking video I watch after that, he can't shut the fuck up about his horrible political beliefs and the crazy shit that he says, this man is so anti-LGBTQ, anti-gay, like allegedly, but you can just like, whoa, my puppies hate that. My dogs are barking because they said, fuck that.
Awaken Baked
He opens the show with make sure you all buy this red pill merch, go to red pill dot com, and then it's shit that's like pro Trump anti-vax randomly shitting on Obama for no reason. Very like white nationalist vibes, right? Then he'll be in the middle of like catching a predator and he'll be like, yeah, well, were you ever like touched as a child? Like, oh, yeah, that's probably why you do this now. That's the same thing for gay people. They turned gay if they were touched. And it's like um you're actually arresting or like catching right now a straight white cis, quote unquote, Christian person. So I'm confused. He literally calls being gay an illness and a disease and a trauma response. And it it makes me honestly fucking sick. And it makes me kind of question like, why are you doing this actually?
Awaken Baked
because you have to notice 90% okay that's me just like generalizing I haven't done the math but majority of his fucking people that he's catching are all straight white people who identify as Christian or like who are of the Christian faith you know what I mean?
Awaken Baked
most of the people that he catches look like his goddamn twin like look like him looking in a goddamn fucking mirror at this point so like if this many people that you're catching identify as your own type of breed oh and by breed I don't mean white I mean like a hick like a red pill ass hick He says not shit about these people. They will be just like him and not a word about their political identity, their religious identity, their personal sexuality, anything like that comes up whatsoever. But you get that one person that like is bisexual or something. And all of a sudden, that's all he gives a fuck about. That's all the subtext that you need. He goes into detail about it. Make sure to get it on camera. Make sure to mention, oh, well, it's because, you know, homosexuality is an illness. It's a trauma response or
Awaken Baked
It's like it's unnatural. So I have a few questions then for you, Alex. Why are you actually doing this job? Because it's not giving what you think anymore. And now I can think of two or three easily two or three reasons right now that you're doing this job and they're all equally pretty fucking bad. They're all pretty fucking sus.
Awaken Baked
So either you have an anti LGBTQ agenda, which I'm sure you do. And I love using the word agenda like to refer to like these fucking conservative ass red pill ass bitches because they use the word agenda for everything. You're gay. Suddenly you have a gay agenda. You're a woman. Suddenly I have a female agenda. I have a vagina. No, this is a vagina.
Awaken Baked
So, yeah, what is your purpose, Alex Ross? And I would love to know, are you just trying to create this like type of narrative that it's LGBTQ people that are doing all of this and that it's their fault and they're the ones that are hurting kids because it's either that.
Awaken Baked
And if it's not that, it could be a few other things, but those are even worse. So you tell me, buddy, because you can't say, oh, no, it's just an observation and I can have my beliefs because your beliefs aren't backed up by fact or by your own history and the outcomes of your own investigations. So it's straight up prejudice based on hatred and lies or what or like what's going on.
Awaken Baked
And you might be thinking, well, Danny, are you like looking for a reason to be upset right now? Like, does he really harp on this stuff all that much? Or are you reading too far into it? Motherfucker will caption or like title his videos like transgender wants to meet a child. And it's like you've had one person who you know of that is transgender in your whole like four fucking years. But suddenly, like, that's the big issue is like, well, these trans people are out to get these kids. Like, it's like, okay,
Awaken Baked
Again, I have to question, like, look in the mirror. You are an exact replica of 90% of the people that you are arresting, and they agree with your views and lifestyle. So what is what are why are you ignoring that? Like, you should be able to call that out and also, like, address them and their issues and their beliefs, right? But since you're not doing that and you share those beliefs, I just have questions about, like, what is your motive? What are you actually trying to uncover or perhaps cover up?
Awaken Baked
I'm also not alleging anything. These are my genuine questions because my whole fucking point is when you act like an asshole, you leave interpretation for people to think you're an asshole or worse. And that is what I think. And I think if we ignore all the red flags that this man just publicly fucking puts out there, it's literally right in our goddamn fucking faces. And if we choose to ignore it, and then one day it comes out. Oh, my God, he got arrested for this horrible hate crime or he did something terrible or it came out that he holds these insanely harmful beliefs and ideologies. Everyone's going to say, oh,

Societal Reactions & Personal Messages

Awaken Baked
What I had no idea because you chose not to because you chose to overlook things that don't directly affect you like you always do I Love how I say you as if it's like the people listening right now and y'all are like, I don't even know who Alex rosin is bitch Don't come at me And I know that this episode is a little bit shorter, but I do want to say three things really quickly to close out this episode. As you can tell, I have had a lot of energy. um I've been feeling a little bit crazy. We did have the full moon. I'm pretty sure that it was in cancer, which is why I've been so fucking emotional, not to mention the fucking PMDD.
Awaken Baked
And I've just been feeling really upset with humans. like I'm just like not happy with the way that like humanity is reacting in times of crisis, the way that they move throughout their daily life, the people that say that they're good, and then it's like, oh my God, but like why can't you just be good? Why do you have to be like, well, i I'm good for most of the time, and then I'm evil the other 20%. I was just feeling like, okay, I need answers, I need help from source, I need to focus on something, or I need a source to tell me what's going on. I asked the universe for some details or just for some insights, and here are three things that the universe wants us all to know.
Awaken Baked
Number one, the universe knows that you are going through some shit right now, whether it's what I just said or it's something personal to you. But the universe wants you to lovingly to get a fucking therapist and talk about it or find somebody who you can trust to actually like have a meaningful, productive discussion about it with because this is already something that is weighing on you heavily. And it's not for like, oh, is you're not making it up. You're not being dramatic. It's not for no reason. The universe is acknowledging This is already kind of a big thing and it's justified that it's affecting you, but don't make it harder than it needs to be and don't let it consume you more than it has to. So talk it out with a therapist or a buddy and then try to move on. The second thing that the universe wants you to know is that there is something that you have had as a goal or a dream kind of like for a while now, but it's kind of been in the forefront of your mind. It's been like, hey, remember me? Like, remember when we thought about this? Go for it, bitch. Now is the time the universe said, You need to commit and you need to commit now. Start now. Get into it now. If it's a big goal, that's okay. Start baby steps now. And then the final thing that Source wants you to know is that Source knows, the universe knows that something from your past, whether it's like childhood memories or trauma or something that really shaped you and affected you kind of in a negative way or just in like a very traumatic way.
Awaken Baked
The universe knows that it's kind of been bothering you recently, whether you're having dreams about it, whether you're having flashbacks about it, whether you're contemplating like, did I handle it the right way when I was seven? God, maybe when I was nine, I should have been a little bit more um'm fucking mature.
Awaken Baked
Don't do that, okay? The universe knows that you're thinking about it. You're contemplating it. You're having the flashbacks, whatever it may be. And the universe wants you to nurture yourself and be kind to yourself and do not punish yourself with the what if or how did I do? Could I have done better? It was a while ago. It wasn't your fault. You were not the adult. You were not the one in control.
Awaken Baked
Also, if you're if you're like, but I made a mistake, all kids make mistakes. That's okay. You don't need to be punished for it forever. And the other thing that source wants me to say that I'm just now getting like a download for is that it was

Self-Compassion & Inner Child

Awaken Baked
an adult. It likely was an adult that made you feel this way, that made you feel ashamed, that made you feel like you did something bad or you can't tell anybody or you're broken or you're not good enough.
Awaken Baked
But the purpose of that and the purpose of you thinking about that right now isn't to like punish you or to make you think like, wow, I'm still having these thoughts like it must be true. It's actually to show you remember how this person made you feel and how you genuinely genuinely thought this way for so long. Look at where you are now be so fucking proud of yourself and also realize like, holy fuck, like these words and the way that we are shaped as children that does have an impact. Maybe that really does play a part in our subconscious and then the way that we view ourself with our confidence.
Awaken Baked
So like for myself, one of the messages that I'm getting when I think about this is, okay, since this is something that still pops up from time to time and it brings me sadness, but I know that it's not true and I know that I've worked so hard to be my best self and that these like limiting beliefs are just part of my past and part of like my trauma.
Awaken Baked
It kind of helps because now when I start to feel bad about myself, I can be like, oh, wait, wait, wait. This is probably just me projecting that childhood trauma. It's honestly not real because when I look at the facts, I'm a cool ass bitch. But when I start to feel bad about myself, I try to remember, wait, this is how I felt during this childhood situation. This is how I felt a lot growing up. This is how I felt a lot dealing with this. This is how I felt a lot when I was like or this is how a certain situation used to always make me feel as well.
Awaken Baked
So be kind to yourself, nurture yourself, nurture your inner child as well. And just remember, like the things that happen to us as kids really do shape us. It's not always a sign being like, you're fucked up, you're not on the right path. Sometimes it's like, wait, I don't feel good right now, but instead of me blaming myself, I can remember I'm doing the best that I can. And this feeling is not one of my actual like thoughts coming from myself. It's a physical subconscious brain thing. I don't have to claim this thought as my own. I don't have to claim it as truth because it's not.
Awaken Baked
Eat some chocolate, take a bath, smoke some weed, baby, you're self-dwelling. And that's really all I have for you today. I have therapy very soon and I have so much shit that I want to talk about, so I need to go take a

Conclusion & Farewell

Awaken Baked
shit before that happens. Okay, that was, again, supposed to be a joke. Why have I made so many shitting jokes this episode? I don't know.
Awaken Baked
Because I literally don't even have to shit. So like, why did I say that? I'm so embarrassed. at what And why did I lie? Sometimes I do that. Like, I don't. OK, sometimes I lie. No, but like sometimes i'll I'll like not intentionally lie, but it's like at the last second I say something that's like almost true, but not quite. What I what the truth would have been is I need to go wash my hair because before therapy, I want to take a shower and I want to wash my hair. But for some reason, I felt like that was a lot of information. And I thought saying I need to take a shit was more appropriate. I don't know what's wrong with me.
Awaken Baked
But thank you guys so much for tuning in. Please you know tell your friends, tell your grandma, stay high, smoke a little bit, and tune in next time. Bye.