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cut the crap! love, the universe image

cut the crap! love, the universe

Awaken Bake
50 Plays7 months ago

a loving rant!!!


Introduction to Channeled Message

Welcome or welcome back to Awaken Bake, where we get high vibes and talk about the universe. I'm your host, Dani, and you guys, today's kind of a long one. Today is kind of a lecture, if you will, but I'm not lecturing you guys. I mean, I am, but I'm lecturing myself as well. So don't get mad at me for what I'm gonna say in today's episode, okay?

Evaluating Relationships and Needs

This is a message from Source, channeled through me, meant specifically for you, okay? I needed to hear it, and so do you. This is a season where you are meant to cut out the bullshit for real this time. You are meant to cut out the fucking toxins in your life, okay? Because what do you even want, okay? What's that quote from the notebook? What do you want? What do you want? It's not that simple. What do you want?
That's literally the energy I'm coming at you with, okay? What do you want out of this friendship? What do you want out of this relationship? What do you want out

Overcoming Setbacks and Negative Influences

of this business? What do you want out of this life, okay? Do you hear me, bitch? I'm asking this because the current person or place or situation that you are in is not part of that. It's not part of that future you are trying to build or trying to get to. You cannot and will not get to where you want to be if you continue to allow yourself to be treated less than you deserve by any person, place or thing. Any of those fucking nouns, bitch, OK? You cannot allow yourself to be treated poorly by any noun. And this should not be a confusing message. You should immediately know what the fuck I'm talking to, what I'm talking to, what I'm talking about when I'm talking to you. This should be resonating with you. And you just you know, you might not like it. You might not want to hear it, but you know what I'm getting at.
Pause, I haven't said this in a while, but I'm psychic as fuck, as fuck. So listen to me, bitch. Oh, you don't have to like do everything I say, but at least listen, like, you know, take it in. You have been going back and forth on this topic for a long time, okay? You've been trying for a while to make this work. You've been trying, like, you know, you're kinda, it feels like you're getting by and you're doing the best you can and it's kind of working. You're like scraping the bottom of the barrel, but that's literally just because you're a hard worker and you're a boss, but you're not thriving. you're not feeling the best that you can, especially when you're doing this job, being around this person, part of this relationship,

Energetic Level-Up and Letting Go

okay? Like it feels like a constant fucking struggle.
And I feel like it also kind of feels like the more progress that you try to make in this situation, the more bullshit pops out the woodwork ready to just make you cry or send you into a straight anxiety attack. Like, it feels like all the progress you make. Oh, here's another fucking problem. Here's another roadblock or something in my way. And in life, we're always gonna have challenges, but it does not have to be a constant fucking struggle and a constant battle just to like feel somewhat okay. here let's like break this down a little bit because i want to get to like the cold facts the hard facts so it feels that way like like everything is crumbling when we're trying to like break through to a new season it can feel that way honestly all the time but there's a few reasons for that like i was saying you're trying to get to a place that you're meant to be but the people or the stuff around you is not meant to go with you so that all needs to fall apart
And also when we level up right when the lower vibes are not aligned with that future that we have. We have to get rid of them it just in one way or another it's gotta go but I think you're out of here bitch so sometimes that's painful sometimes it feels almost fucking random to when you're like what this one. This person can't come with me. That's crazy. But it really is that way sometimes. And then another thing is you're leveling up, but the situation isn't because it's just not aligned with you. It did serve you for a season. I'm not saying just because it can't come with you that it's fuck that person. Fuck that situation. But it is bye bye. It is. I'll be seeing you. Probably not. But you know, it was good while it lasted. Maybe I don't even know.
Every season is important because it gets us to where we are, okay? Like try to understand that. But also just on an energetic level, anything that is not aligned with our future has to fall apart and break down when we level up.

Personal Transformations and Intuition

Almost like when we when we talk about quantum leaping, right? Or going to a new level of consciousness. Or like just when I talk about leveling up, I'm talking about energetically. I'm talking about in your 3D and the 5D. And I'm also just talking about your level of awareness. All of that has to do with quantum leaping. I'll do another episode like an updated episode on that. I what I want to do is go through all of the old episodes where there were two hosts and kind of redo them from just like a one host standpoint. Also, because at this point, I think we have a whole bunch of new followers and listeners. So it would probably just be good to like get those kind of back out there. Plus, I think my opinions might have changed a little bit.
But anyway, it doesn't mean that you're better than these people or better than this situation, but it just means where you're trying to go, they're not part of, they're not aligned with, can't bring it with you, bye. Can I be a vulnerable for a second? Do y'all want the tea, the reason that I'm even fucking talking about this today?

Leaving Toxic Jobs and Finding New Opportunities

I have gone through two pretty major transformations or like transitions, and I gotta be honest, even though they're major as fuck, this has been the easiest healing process because in both situations, I trusted my gut, I trusted my intuition, I asked for a sign and I got answers, which bitch, did you know you could do that? I feel like not everyone knows you can do that, okay?
Like, you can straight up just be like, hey, universe, show me what my next step is. Like, what do you want from me? Like, what is this even supposed to be teaching me? Or you could be like, hey, universe, how am I meant to handle this? Can I get a little help? Then all you have to do is just wait for a sign. Look for a sign. It'll happen. It's like talking to God, except you don't feel the need to apologize before you do it. Like, sorry about that thing I did last week. um Here's a quick confession. Here's a quick prayer. OK, now can you help me? Obviously I'm kidding, like I know that source and universe, it's all God, it's all the same thing. I'm just a recovering Catholic and still traumatized from the days of being a second grader having to go to confession when I didn't do anything bad as a second grader. As a third grader though, we're talking murder. we're talking I'm just kidding. I'm 100% fucking kidding. I said, can we be vulnerable? And then I just start lying about kind of serious shit. I'm so sorry.
Okay, here's the vulnerability. Yes, I walked away from multiple situations, like two situations that I had a huge transition in recently. And I'm probably only gonna share the details of like one of them and then just like a brief rundown of the other. But you know what? Here's what I will say. Don't fuck with me if you don't want to end up on my podcast. I'm not threatening you. In my podcast, I talk about my life. I get high and I talk about the universe as it pertains to me. So if I can find a lesson in the situation, bitch, you better believe I'm talking about you, Mackenzie and Adrian.
So I walked away from a job recently and it was a job that I was killing it at. I i loved it. and I loved the place. I loved what I was doing there. I loved the role that I had there. It was just like a really great vibe for me. I was there for over a year, um not quite two years, but I had a great time being there. Well, Some mean girls, it was just a couple of mean girls made it a mean environment and they were always trying to make me uncomfortable or intimidate me and just really impact my experience there and my mental health there. And while nevertheless, I persisted after a few months of this, like, I just don't care to be unhappy every day. I don't care to be putting in extra fucking effort just to go to work and then have to be like, oh, yeah, and these bitches are over here like absolutely hating me and making it obvious to everyone who will look in their direction that they don't want me here.
Like, baby, I'm not even thinking about y'all like what the actual fuck? And I talked about it for a while um with my therapist and like management and everybody was really kind trying to come up with solutions for me. But at the end of the day, I had to listen to my gut and I don't want to be somewhere. that it's like, OK, this is a problem going on. It's specifically like targeted at me. No one thinks it's OK that it's happening, but like we're all just going to kind of dance around the situation and like, well, what can we do to make it so that you don't leave or what can we do to make it so that it's not bothering you? And it's like i low key, low key. If we're not going to like address the situation, I'm just going to like remove myself because I know myself and I am capable of better opportunities and situations. And so I deserve better opportunities and situations.
Not that this place that I was at was not a good situation or a good opportunity. I actually, I'm not even being dramatic. It is my most favorite experience I've ever had working anywhere. Absolutely ever. I can't express to you how much I felt like this was my home, basically. So you can understand why it was annoying when I felt like I had to leave and you might be thinking, well, why did you let somebody push you out of a situation? That's really not how I see it. um I am not like the older generation. That's like, well, I stuck through a horrible situation and I tough it out even though it absolutely destroyed my physical and mental health. Like, who are you flexing for, bitch? Because you're the one who's grumpy and broken now.
Absolutely not me. I also trust in the universe and trust in myself. And I knew that there were multiple signs saying, OK, maybe there's something more for me like beyond this point. And I talked to so many people who were just like, oh, yeah, you're not overreacting. I've had the exact same experience with these people I've had or I've heard about the exact same experience with other people who have like had to remove themselves from the situation. So. It was very validating, basically. I was getting validation from the universe and from the people in my real life that, like, you're not overreacting. This is an uncomfortable situation for you. And if you need to walk away, you are so valid and just, like, correct in doing

Losing Friends and Gaining Alignment

that. Like, take care of yourself, bitch.
And here's the thing. As soon as I quit, I started working with brands that I'm fucking obsessed with and they pay better. I didn't think that was going to happen. Honestly, that was one of the things I was like, damn, that's going to be a slight little pay cut. um I don't know if I'm going to be able to find a job in this field that pays as well. Wrong, bitch. I did immediately, actually. And that opportunity only came about after I decided to put myself first, after I let go of what was not serving me any longer to make room for what does. It's like, as soon as I left, what I thought was like, oh, well, this is as good as it can get for me. It's probably not going to be able to get much better for me. I'm lucky that I'm even in this situation. Bitch, if you don't have higher hopes for yourself, because I knew what my dream was, what my ideal situation was. And then as soon as I decided to let go of that other job situation,
my ideal situation fell in my lap, which is crazy because I didn't know that I could have another ideal situation. To me, this was as good as it was going to get, you know what I mean? So having like something that was better suited for me and is more aligned with like my dream, it was just really affirming for me and also made me realize, damn, my intuition is spot the fuck on, honestly. And then another situation recently that happened, a little less formal, I guess, I lost a friend recently. They did not die. They are very much alive. um But we are no longer connected. And while it was a very painful separation, the universe has reassured me and supported me through it like no other and has brought honestly more love into my life. And I just feel so much lighter. I didn't even realize that
I don't necessarily think that this friendship was weighing me down at all, but like I was saying, you know, sometimes we don't even realize it, that we can't take certain people or situations with us. It was like, yes, it was a painful separation, but I trusted my intuition. And I honestly like, for lack of a better word, was like praying or just like tapping in to source the whole time and just letting it guide me and being like, what should I do? What is my next step? What is going to be the healthiest, most loving, most responsible, option for me and for everyone involved in the situation. And I just did not even realize until afterward, like, yeah, it was hard. But a lot of good stuff came after that. And a lot of people started entering my life that are even more aligned, which, again, I feel like I didn't same thing with the job. I didn't really know that was an option. But then I feel like it wasn't until I made room for those people to come in that I was able to meet them and have them in my life.

Universe's Role in Removing Misaligned People

And now I kind of want to end this on when we involuntarily are separated from people, places or situations. So my mom actually taught me this lesson really young. She was going through her own situation and it was very sad and hard to watch her go through that. But then a few years later when I was going through something similar, she had all the knowledge to be able to help me heal through it and kind of understand why it was happening. So I remember specifically, she said, sometimes the universe takes people out of our life in a really dramatic and harsh way because we weren't going to do it ourselves. So whether or not we were given a thousand opportunities to do it and we just kept forgiving and forgiving and forgiving, or maybe we straight up did not see the fucking signs. And so the universe took it in their own hands and said, this person is not meant for you.
one way or another, they are not meant for you. And then they just took the took that person or that situation out of your life. The universe will pull a big dramatic incident to force you to adapt. OK, it will be out of your control sometimes. But when that happens, I always look at that as like, damn, OK, like this was really meant to be. That's one of those situations where I'm like, well, I guess everything happens for a reason, not the situations where it's like, oh, like I just got robbed at gunpoint like and he just took my money and kind of ruined my day. that, you know, not everything happens for a reason. Like that one. Fuck that person. OK, I almost said fuck that guy. And then I was like, let me not like a sign like gender or whatever. And then like, actually, actually, it probably was a dude, wasn't it? No hate to the men. If a bitch pulled up to me at gunpoint, though, I think I'd be more scared because what? Let me not joke about that. Actually, like I had a brother had I still have that brother. He's actually alive and well, but he got shot. So did my dad. I'm not trying to go through that. So um knock on wood.
Okay, we're good, everybody. Moving on. Sometimes the universe will pull a big old scene to get you out of a situation or away from a certain person that in the long run is not meant for you, is gonna hurt you. We don't know, but the universe is taking care of it for you,

Conclusion and Encouragement

okay? And honestly, when that happens, I just like to tell myself, hey, maybe down the line they were gonna do some fuck shit that I just don't wanna be a part of. Or maybe down the line they were gonna get themselves in a situation that I don't have the financial means to get them out of or the emotional capacity, whatever. I just try to get ahead of that, basically. This kind of reminds me of those J Cole lyrics, where he's like, fool me one time, shame on you, fool me twice, can't put the blame on you, fool me three times, fuck the peace sign, load the chopper, let it rain on you. I'm not saying you have to shoot people, let the universe shoot them for you.
I think that's actually really all I wanna talk about. I know I said it was gonna be like kind of a long episode, but I think I just had like a lot to say, but I talk quickly. So that kind of makes it a lot shorter. Anyway, you guys, thank you for listening. I hope that you didn't feel too attacked. I just want you guys to cut out the toxins and start listening to your intuition. I've been working on that a lot and I'm seeing a lot of positive results and progress when I do that, which is why I thought, okay, Let me just talk about what's been going on in my life, how I've been handling it, and how I really feel like I'm operating and moving through it kind of seamlessly because I am trusting the universe. And I'm not saying it doesn't still hurt sometimes. like Going through these situations, they're emotional. Allow yourself to feel your feelings, but you will come out of the other side feeling so much better, so much lighter in ways you didn't even know, you did not even expect. I'm so serious. I did not think I could find better than what I already had going for me before. in both areas, and all that's happened is I've been going up, blossoming, if you will. I love that people compare vaginas to flowers. Anytime I say blossoming now, I just picture like my legs opening. Sorry. Thank you guys so much for listening. Please like, subscribe, tell your friends, tell your grandma, and as always, stay high.