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Love n Light is TOXIC image

Love n Light is TOXIC

Awaken Bake
108 Plays5 months ago

that's all im sayinnnnn


Introduction and Apology

Welcome or welcome back to Awaken Big, where we get high vibes and talk about the universe. I'm your host, Danny. You guys, I am so sorry. I owe you guys an apology. I fear that I may have grossly represented myself. If I ever gave you the impression that I am a love and light ass bitch. I am so sorry. That's not the truth.
I'm a justice will be served ass bitch. I'm I believe in karma ass bitch. I also acknowledge because I have a brain that there are two types of energy. There's many types of energy. But you know, when we talk about different sides of like polar opposites and everything, low vibes, high vibes, anger, love, light, darkness, we can't only ever exist in one of those planes, all of those exists, we have to utilize all of them. It's how you use them. So no, I'm not a love and light ass bitch, because I actually want change and progress for the world.
But I will get into all of that. I'm not just going to like start ranting. And you guys are like, what are you fucking talking about? We will get into it. Hi. How are you?

Critique of 'Love and Light' Philosophy

How are we doing? Sorry to just start it off like that. I've been watching a lot of Secret Life of the American Teenager. And you know, the lady who plays Betty, she plays the prostitute. What's that actress's name? It's the one. Everyone does the voice. You know, hot dogs on the Fourth of July. It's it's her. I'm just high right now.
Makes me want a hot dog real bad. That's actually the worst impression in the world. Please ignore that. that Actually, that probably confused you more. Whatever. It's the funny blonde bitch. Moving on. This episode needs a big fat, wet, juicy disclaimer. Do not intentionally misunderstand me. If you are going to listen to this episode like a fucking conservative ass bitch and look for one single word that might have 20 million definitions and be like, are you really saying this about this exact situation? Shut the fuck up.
I want to talk about the love and light concepts that is with the spiritual community, mostly the new age community. First of all, I am guilty slash a victim of it. It's totally fair.

Accountability and Racial Issues

OK, it's very common when you are first starting out. It's almost like that's just how it goes. I almost want to say it's like a rite of passage. Like you either start out with like law of attraction and you read like The Secret by Rhonda Burns, or maybe you heard about Abraham Hicks and you religiously listen to their rampages every single morning. Bitch, I have been there. OK, however you got started, I've been there.
And that is not to say that there are not many good fucking teachings that those people have to say. But it's not fucking Bible. Also, the Bible is not Bible, if you know what I'm saying. Now, the concept of love and light seems harmless. And honestly, I think that I used to say it like, oh, yeah, like love and light, it helps you so much. Like, I just want to like really channel my love and light energy right now. It sounds harmless. And I get that because on its own, love is a beautiful concept. Light is a beautiful concept. And there are times and places where together, love and light, beautiful concept.
It's just that there technically is a responsibility, an extra responsibility to be ah a white woman in the spiritual community. Obviously, just to be a woman or to be in the spiritual community or a white woman comes with a lot of responsibility. But there is this one in specific where we need to be extra fucking mindful of our words and our actions and spells and rituals and beliefs and what we are promoting and what we are truly saying with our fucking chest.
The problem with love and light is that it literally does not allow for accountability or rather it doesn't encourage tangible or like worthwhile progress for other people

Addressing Racism in Spirituality

in need. We cannot love and light our way out of racism. I'm so fucking tired of having people tell me you didn't need to post that video when your husband was racially profiled and harassed and called racial slurs in front of his house. OK, it's my house, too.
I had so many people and they were all, you guessed it, palm colored. They were all whiteys, big fat whiteys like me. And they were telling me that I shouldn't post a video. Some of them saw me recording it and they're like, you really shouldn't do that. Two wrongs don't make a right. If you think that me standing up for my husband against racism is me doing a wrong, then bitch, I don't I literally don't give a fuck what you think. I hate you anyway.
OK, I don't hate you, but it was the people who were like literally there was a man while I was recording and he was like, well, you're what you're doing is even worse. I'm sorry. I hate you, dude. Oh, another disclaimer. I am going to do my best to not come off very fucking white, save your white night ass bitch right now.
Um, it's like very confusing for me to know as a white person, like, you know, they always say, or at least, okay, when I say they, I mean, like, when I've done my research and I've like i read books or articles or listening to Ted talks or videos from black women saying, you should not fucking ask us, don't come up to me and fucking ask me to teach you something. But if I am putting the resources out there, bitch, learn from me. And then But when I do that, what I've kind of learned is they want white people to be having these conversations. Well, when I look at my demographics for my podcast, got a lot of whities on here. Okay, a lot of palm colors. So I'm having this conversation because I don't I don't know how else to have a conversation with every single white person who I think would have
kind of a similar mindset as me. I'm assuming if you're listening to this podcast, you vibe with me. That's why I feel like it's cool to have these conversations because it's like, well, yeah, you guys get me. We're all working toward growing, being our best selves, being our most authentic selves and acknowledging it's okay to make mistakes. We are going to make mistakes, but we are always

Roots of New Age Spirituality

trying to get better. So I'm acknowledging I've made a mistake way way in the past. Okay, not even way way. It literally could have been like last year. I'm sure I've said the phrase love and light. I do think I've said it a lot more as a joke. Like i' I'll be like, I fucking hate that bitch. Love and light, love and light. You know what I mean?
But really, like over the past like year now, I've been diving into like, I don't really fuck with love and light at all. Like just ah how spirituality pushes it down our throat, how new age spirituality and new age spirituality is rooted in white supremacy. So I mean, we can get into that another episode too, if you want.
What I'm saying is that essentially love and light says keep the peace and pray for them instead of expose corruption and bring the ugly truth to the surface. Love and light does not allow for progress or for like true change to really be made because it stops it from fucking happening because I'll be in the middle of trying to expose a situation about my neighbors harassing my husband. And then I have white people coming up to me saying, don't expose them, don't bring it up, don't mention it, just pray for them. And who does that help? And who does that hurt? Who does that benefit?
And if you're a loving, light ass bitch, you're going to say it benefits everyone because he will grow. Your husband will heal. but then Nothing bad will happen. Like two people won't be hurt. And the other person will still grow. um Shut the fuck up. If you're OK with something negative and horrible happening happening to any person who does not fucking deserve it.
and thinking, well, you know we really can't do anything about it because love and light, like you're the problem. Progress can't be made with that type of thinking. I don't care. Look at where we're at in life right now. And if you're like, you seem a little bit, I don't know, passionate about something kind of random, I am passionate about it and it's not random random to me. like I've been talking about this with my therapist for a super long time. ah you know like The Hindu goddess Kali, I think I'm saying that right.
coli Um, also I want to be clear, I don't think that I have Kali spirit within me or anything. That's another thing I've seen a lot of white people doing. So I'm trying to be really mindful of my language.

Cultural Misunderstandings and Humor

I love what Kali represents, which is, um,
the goddess of death, essentially. And maybe it's not God as fuck. I'm like, I want to speak correctly. And then I did not speak correctly. That's hilarious. Um, but she represents like death and but it's not death in a negative way. She breaks down everything that is no longer worth working. She cuts all in its tracks. Also, if you're like, Damn, Danny, like a lot of stutters tonight, your tongue is getting twisted. I'm so high, I woke up from a nap and just like had this train of thought going and I had to jump in front of the mic.
But yeah, I just think that that is a beautiful thing to kind of think about rather than love and light. Think about like, yeah, if something's not working, it's okay. We always talk about when you level up, right? Everything that's not working has to like kind of crash and burn. It kind of gets fucked up. It blows up in your face. It has to end. Negatives have to be brought to light and then done with, rid of completely.
That's basically what's happening when we're saying fuck love and light, like justice will be served, bitch. And I will see to it. If I have to be the one who does it, then I will. I'm a Libra. We talk about the scales. We talk about justice, bitch. If it's not just, it will irritate me till the day I fucking die.
Now I want to talk about the dumbest thing I've seen happening in the spiritual community recently. I've seen it since the trend first came out and I knew it was going to happen. I just knew it was because white women love to be victims. I am also a white woman. This is so funny. I'm sure there are many times where I love to be a victim, too. Oops, I'll work on that. Any interaction I ever have with my father, I am the victim.
So the spiritual community has kind of jumped on this a bandwagon of hating on Jules LeBron, who is a trans woman of color on TikTok. She is the creator of the very demure trend. Very demure, very mindful, very cutesy, very sweetcy. You know what I'm

Feminism and Education

It's fucking hilarious. It's supposed to be ironic. It's not supposed to be. It is. It's very easy to understand. Let me give you a little bit of context since this is a podcast and not a video. So you can't see Jules right now. So Jules is a woman of color with a blonde like 30 inch wig.
One, two inch nails, some acrylic ass, beautiful ass, long nails. When Jules walks in a room or makes a video or opens her mouth, you listen because she's gonna pull your attention. That's a bad bitch. That's a queen. That's also just somebody who like has a lot going on appearance wise. Like they know how to put a look together. They're extra as fuck and they own it, they embrace it. So saying that they are demure. Saying, her saying that she is demure.
Put aside the tone of voice, which made it very clear that it was a joke. Just, you know, um use your noodle. And by noodle, I mean the dome. And by dome, I mean the brain. She's making a joke. It's a joke. You can laugh. You're actually allowed to be spiritual and have a sense of humor.
But unfortunately, a lot of the spiritual girlies didn't get that memo. So I've been seeing so many posts about this. And the majority of these white people saying it are demonizing it. And they're saying that it's harmful to women or that it's brainwashing girls to be small. I've even heard people say, and I want to quote this one and get it wrong, that it's intentionally taking women out of their bodies to look for external validation.
Holy shit! Hold on, hold on. You gotta be the most creative person in the world to think that from this trend. So that's that new logic they're teaching in school, okay? This is the episode of Disclaimer, the story of my life being a Libra. um Disclaimer, I'm not an expert in any of the areas that I'm about to speak on. I'm not a person of color and I'm not trans.
I do however spend a lot of time trying to educate myself though on being like a better ally to these groups. So also, I just want to be a better spiritual woman, especially because I'm a white woman. And I know that white women step into these spaces a lot, make their voices super fucking loud, and then they misinform everyone. And that can be really harmful. And we'll talk about that a little bit later.
So while I cannot speak on this situation coming from a point of experience, I can say that what I've learned so

Responsible Discussion in Spirituality

far is that purposely misunderstanding a woman of color, a trans woman of color at that, taking a joke that she has made that has not only allowed her to gain success in a way, but also it's the reason that she is now able to finally fully pay for her transition demonizing her harmless joy and humor and intentionally making it something negative is far more harmful to feminism and progress as a whole than the 0.01% of white women who don't know where their rage should actually lie out of the billion trillion million fucking things happening online that are being supported and that people are people are still enjoying their motherfucking Starbucks and you want to get mad at this woman for bringing joy not just to herself but to so many other people that's a fucking choice dude know and don't get me wrong
I have a straight white man or a preacher. Oh, say a preacher or a priest, right? Is posting some shit telling me that I need to be demure so that God will love me and a man will want me and want to marry me and that I can be a good mother and you know, a subservient wife shut the fuck up. Yeah, that's crazy. But that's the complete fucking opposite of what we're talking about. You know what I mean? So like any type of offense is like it's not just reaching bitch like it's digging something up and creating something out of nothing.
an unpopular opinion, but I personally believe as a feminist that women are, you know, not fucking dumb. I believe that they have the ability to be educated and use their brain and know when something is a fucking joke, even the young ones. I actually don't consider young people to be stupid as fuck.
And a lot of people actually like have responded. I made like a post about it and I posted on like on my story. I said, um I think that people like taking the demure trend to heart and being so serious about it is really dumb. I think intentionally like misunderstanding people are dumb. And I had so many people swipe up on that and they agree with me and say like,
Bitch, I've been thinking this the whole time too. Like I've had so many spiritual people say I've literally been thinking this the whole time too and I didn't even know the backstory. I didn't even know that it was this trans woman with like a long wig and long nails who takes pride in how extra she is and loves to put like a fabulous look together and not be demure. They didn't even realize like the irony of it. They just were like this sound is so hilarious and using it in a funny way and in an ironic way is funny.
Because women be who that's the target demographic that everyone's saying is being harmed by this fucking trend. Women are not idiots. I don't know if that's news to everyone, but when you're constantly being told that you have to be small or be a certain way your whole fucking life and then you are someone who represents the complete opposite of that, then you make a joke to take back your power and you belong to two minority groups.
um that's you know what i find that to be beautiful and i find people making a problem out of nothing to not only be toxic but really fucking harmful to progress in multiple fucking areas and i find that to be hypocritical as fuck And just to make it clear that I am not a hypocrite, I wanna publicly say, maybe I have, I actually am quite certain in the past

Critique of White Feminism

I've mentioned Love and Light. I'm thinking like quite a fucking bit ago. Other than that, I've been using it like just kind of like ironically or like, you know, I wanna obviously practice being kind and all that. I'm not making fucking videos about Love and Light these days, hooker whores, okay? And I'm sorry if I gave the impression that that's what I stood for and that's what I represent because I definitely don't. I definitely am not the one to be played with, okay?
I don't want to have relationships with people in my life who I have to talk to like they're five years old about these kind of things. And if you're listening to this, that does not refer to you. It's just like the discourse that I'm seeing among the spiritual community and the which community online when it comes to this demure trend is really frustrating me. And I've had to unfollow multiple people because I'm just like so disappointed and all I'm I'm just like, I guess I'm not surprised. They're literally all white.
Truthfully, I really don't know the proper way to have these conversations, especially with other white women who don't like agree with me. I often get really passionate and I don't end up wording it in a constructive way that will actually help the cause and help things get better for our society. I usually just get really annoyed with like the ignorance of it all. and To me,
willful ignorance like that comes off as just like bigotry or hatred that you're trying to hide. And that really stresses me out. Also, I'm neurodivergent as fuck. So like, if I feel like you're just like being a bad person, I'm going to freak the fuck out. I don't want to be around you. I don't want to talk to you. And I've been trying really hard to like listen more.
and learn as much as I can. i'm I mean, I'm always trying to do that. But recently, what I'm really noticing is that we as white women have the power to tip the scale for a true progress or to literally continue holding us back. And I'm not saying that we've never made progress or anything like that. But it's not because of white women. I think it's more because of white women that we haven't made as much progress as we could because we have the power if we would just jump on the fucking bandwagon, get our hand head out of our asses, we would be so much farther in society with our dollars with our votes.
with our voices, with where we put our attention, with what media we consume.

Commitment to Justice and Growth

Who are we learning from? Who are we spending our time with? And because I think as white women, we have a bigger responsibility to think before we speak, I don't want to just cuss somebody out like crazy when what they need is an education and then an ass whooping. You know what I mean? Because i don't I don't want to be part of that problem of making everything worse.
Have you guys heard of white feminism? Like the idea that being a radical feminist stops when white women aren't centered in the discussion and it doesn't address the needs of oppression of the other groups of women's rights or human rights? That's kind of what I'm talking about with this love and light being toxic. The white woman basically gets to say, I'll send you good vibes and then they're set free from cutting off family members who spout hateful red rhetoric or from breaking up with their homophobic boyfriend because, well, it's justified because love and light and you'll pray for him and he's a good man otherwise.
News flash hook or whore, if your partner is racist or homophobic, so are you. You might not be the one out here saying the fucking N word, but if you're letting fucking Tommy Pickles say it, sleeping in the same bed with him every night, he's grown by now, guys. He's an adult now. Be real. Y'all letting racist dick in your vessel, that's crazy. You got racist energy inside you.
So I guess that's really all I wanted to say. I just wanted to make it really clear because I do think there's been some confusion about who I am and what I stand for. And maybe when I first started this, I wasn't very clear. Also, I had a lot of growing to do when I first started this podcast. I don't ever want to come off as your teacher whatsoever. This is more about like me talking about the things I have to do with, you know, I used to say spirituality, but I'm going to be real. That's why I changed the intro.
to what I talk about on the podcast and YouTube when I say welcome to Awake and Bake. Like I used to say an educational, high vibrational, mystical, spiritual show. And while that was a mouthful and beautiful, I don't really resonate with that. i'm I'm not your teacher, so educational is incorrect.
Um, spiritual, okay, I do talk about spiritual things, but every spiritual thing I talk about comes from a community that's not my own. And I typically am just kind of like giving it praise and saying like, this is what I just learned about from this community. I think that's really cool. So I'm again, this is not like a spiritual podcast, I would say we get high and we talk about the universe, everything that that encompasses, whether that's spirituality, Reiki healing. Um, you know, what's your fucking I'm in. I'm an INFJ. Is that what am?
I think that's what I am. Time, let me know if you're listening right now. If your name is not time, don't worry about it. I guess what I'm saying is I am not pro love and light. I am pro justice. I'm pro do what the fuck is right. And if you're a shit person, get fucked. I'm pro karma. And I am pro making it abundantly clear that if something is wrong, it needs to fucking change. And on that note, have a really good night everybody and stay demure, stay mindful and more than anything, stay high.