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shine even brighter bitch

Awaken Bake
24 Plays17 days ago



Introduction and Black History Month Celebration

Awaken Baked
Welcome or welcome back to awake and bake where we get high vibes and talk about the universe. I'm your host Danny. And these are my high thoughts starting with happy black history month. I'm so fucking excited. And I also hope you guys have something to smoke because we're going to be high as fuck.
Awaken Baked
I have a few things I'm going to talk about today and I want to start with Black History Month. So for every episode that I'm going to put out for this month, I'm going to talk about a creator, an author, an educator, an intellectual of some kind who is Black, who I've also learned something from or continue to learn things from.
Awaken Baked
someone that I think you guys should maybe look into or be supporting or learning from. Not maybe, definitely. Starting with today's episode, this is so perfect, honestly, because one of my favorite Black History content creators goes by the name Chemistry or Chem Possible on TikTok. And I was having a really hard time trying to figure out what I wanted my first topic to be about Black History Month because, like, there's obviously a lot to go through.
Awaken Baked
This girl thought of it all. She literally has an episode on like, how did Black History Month even start? If you're looking for information on where to start, start here, I said period. So she had like Black History Month day zero because actually it started. Well, we'll get to that.

Origins of Black History Month

Awaken Baked
Now is a great time to take a hit if you are smoking with us. I'm smoking some Yuzu Mac. It's a 50-50 hybrid. So I'm probably gonna start off with a little bit of energy and I'm sure I'm going to finish ready for a nap.
Awaken Baked
Love it. Okay, so let's start off. Bitch, did y'all know Black History did not start off as Black History Month. It was Black History Week. A singular week. Now I'm not hating on the person who started it as a week because we're gonna get to that. But I'm just saying, why is this the first time I'm learning about this? Hey, thank you, chemistry.
Awaken Baked
So in 1929, there was this man named Carter G. Woodson and he was basically, he was the guy who started Black History Week and he was known as this incredibly intelligent and like influential man. Being the man that he was, he noticed how Black History was being erased, not even just erased, but also rewritten and kind of not not made to paint Black people out in a good way. Honestly, like he felt that they were being painted as like criminals or that type of vibe.
Awaken Baked
Now, something really important about Carter is that he knew and he really understood how politics work and like how to talk to people. So when he noticed this, he was like, OK, I'm going to do something about this. And with the help of the black church, he was able to gain support pretty quickly.
Awaken Baked
Now, that's basically what started Black History Week because at the time, you know, Abraham's ah Abraham like, you like we're just calling him by his first name. Abraham Lincoln, his birthday was on the 12th, right? Well, Frederick Douglass's birthday was on the 14th. At the time, Carter G. Woodson wanted to celebrate their birthdays during the same week and really kind of just like highlight their significance within Black History. Now, yes, we know that Abe Lincoln didn't do great things, but at the time, I don't know if they knew. I wasn't there.
Awaken Baked
Now, mind you, that's 1929. So all the way up until 1969, when the Black Power and Black Panther movement really started, it got around to Kent State. OK, so once it got to Kent State, the faculty and the students. Oh, wait, by the way, I'm talking about Kent, Ohio. What the fuck do y'all know about Kent State in Ohio? but Let me tell you what I know. My best, best, best buddy went there. My best friend in the world, my Nemeli Glott. You will respect her.
Awaken Baked
OK, so yeah, like I was saying, the Black Power movement in 1969 made its way to Kent State. So by the time that 1970 came around, Kent State was having its first official Black History Month. It started February 2nd and went until February 28th. So technically on February 1st, that is why the video was titled Black History Day 0.
Awaken Baked
So at Kent State by 1970, they were celebrating Black History Month. Well, only a couple of years later when President Gerald Ford acknowledged Black History Month, did it really like boom and take off and become a mandated school teaching that they had to implement everywhere. And as they fucking should, I don't say had to in a negative way. I'm like, bitch,

Supporting Black Creators and the Power of Joy

Awaken Baked
y'all should have been done this.
Awaken Baked
But when I tell you my mind was blown that Black History Month actually started as Black History Week with Carter G. Woodson in 1929, like it sucks that I've gone 27 years and I didn't learn about this, but I'm grateful to chemistry that she's now taught me and now I know.
Awaken Baked
And now let's take a moment to hype up my girl chemistry. She actually doesn't know me, but hi, I adore you and I'm grateful for you. So chemistry is extremely passionate about keeping black history in schools and making sure that not only is it being taught, but it's being funded properly. She has a nonprofit.
Awaken Baked
It's called the Black Party Foundation, where you can donate. And then she's really good at showing receipts about where your money is going and what it's being used for. All of this information is available on the website. Also, the link tree in her bio on TikTok does have if you just want to donate in general, there's a leave a tip option, which I also really recommend because not just in February, but especially in February, we're going to be funding and supporting and shopping from black women, black creators, blacks,
Awaken Baked
owned stores, I was going to say black shops, just black owned everything. Like we shouldn't just be doing this in February, but let's really make a point to focus on it and be intentional about our education. It doesn't have to be one of those things that's like, oh, well, I'm just going to naturally see like if I stumble upon, you know, a black artist that I can buy from. Bitch, if you want art, look up black artists in your area.
Awaken Baked
I feel like a lot of times people don't always know like where to look at some people say well I just don't know anybody you know I don't have any like black friends or I don't know any black people that are selling XYZ and it's like really go to because I understand Google is like weird as fuck go to Instagram type in a hashtag of like where you fucking live or just type in like ah so I'm from Cincinnati originally, right? So I would type in Cincinnati hairstylists or Cincinnati black hairstylists. Like, you know what I mean? You can be specific and find things that way. But like you it's just about being intentional. So let's all make an effort. I know I'm definitely going to make an effort more of an effort than you already may be doing is what I'm saying to support and uplift the black community.
Awaken Baked
Oh, my God. And one more thing. I don't know how many more times I can hear these politicians say the word blacks like with an S at the end when referring to black people. Why does that sound like a slur? It's giving like they want to say the N word. It's giving when I'm not around. You don't say blacks. You say just the N word anyway. Yeah, it's been cringing me the fuck out. And you know me, I got to talk a little bit of shit about our government. So.
Awaken Baked
Yeah, that's my gripe today is I don't think I can hear what's his fucking name RFK. I can't hear him fucking say blacks one more time. I, me saying it like this is making me feel wrong. I'm going to stop now. All right, let's take a hit and then I'm going to get into a separate topic.
Awaken Baked
OK, I guess this topic is barely separate, but you know how the state of our country and the state of the world has been not so great. And if you live in the United States, it's getting progressively worse. Right. OK, so we're on the same page. OK, I want to talk about continuing to shine your light brighter and brighter, regardless of all the hate that's going on and all of like the bullshit that's happening and all these mandates or whatever the fuck is going on, because they want to exhaust us.
Awaken Baked
Your feelings like you need to feel them and you need to give yourself time to cry and to grieve and if you have fear like that is valid and that's okay. I'm just saying we cannot give up and our joy is resistance. Your joy is resistance.
Awaken Baked
And you're not gonna fucking hide your existence. Hold on, no, hold on, bitch. So today I'm a poet. I'm on a roll. Now I know what you're probably thinking. You're probably like, hey, hippo, hippo crit. Weren't you the one that was feeling sorry for yourself and feeling down as fuck about the state of our country just one week ago, two weeks ago, three weeks ago, four or five? Um, yeah. And now what? Bitch, I told you I was working on it. You want me to just stay sad forever? God forbid a bitch tries to progress.
Awaken Baked
And I said it last week and I'll say it again, but there was also just like a point where I was like, well, I guess it does say something that me as like a cis white woman, this is my first time really having to experience something like this. Whereas like basically every single minority in the world has had to face these types of adversities all their fucking life, whether it's due to racism, whether you're disabled, whatever the case may be. Someone doesn't want you to love who you love.
Awaken Baked
So many people before me have had to fight for their existence, like literally just to wake up every day and go to work and not be attacked or not be ridiculed. So that was like a little bit of a tough love that I really needed to give myself. And then I was like, okay, but now I need a little bit of like inspiration. And what really did it for me was hearing people say that your joy is resistance because they want us to be scared and upset so that we just give up so that before we even know it, we've let our sadness and our fear and our anger and our depression allow things to just slip under the rug and happen without us even really knowing it's going on.
Awaken Baked
And then by the time we know it, all this shit is eradicated because they literally took your soul and your spirit from you. We are not going to let

Perspectives on Immigration and Self-Expression

Awaken Baked
that happen. Trans people have always existed and they always will. And every person who is not indigenous Native American or indigenous Mexican American, anyone that is not indigenous to this land is literally technically another foreigner. So how can we ever call somebody illegal on stolen land? Like the things that they're trying to say and the things that they're trying to make happen are so fucking backwards. And it's stuff that's like, wow, y'all really are ignorant as fuck, uneducated as fuck, dumb and hateful. That could literally never be us. We are so much smarter and so much more full of love with more empathy and understanding of humanity.
Awaken Baked
That's why we will continue to laugh. That's why we will continue to celebrate. That's why we will continue to exist. That's why we will continue to prosper and be loud and show up. And if it makes people uncomfortable, they can get the fuck over it and get the fuck away. I've also heard a lot of discourse over wearing colors, and I know that there is so many different reasons as to like the history and how white supremacy plays into that.
Awaken Baked
Unfortunately, I don't think I'm the best person to explain it to you guys and really articulate it properly and do it justice without like giving a little bit of misinformation. But what I can tell you is this whole beige thing that's going on. No, we're not doing that. OK, that is directly correlated and linked to to conservatism, to the alt right pipeline.
Awaken Baked
where it's like, no, no, it's just clean girl aesthetic. But then all of a sudden it's like, oh, no, I just want to be like this day at home wife. And then all of a sudden it's like, well, what's so wrong with a tradwife? And the next thing you know, you're submitting to your husband, giving up your fucking rights and listening to whatever type of rhetoric that's anti LGBTQ that's going on within your communities.
Awaken Baked
I don't make the rules I autistically observe. And these are my observations and pattern recognitions kicking in right now. So that being said, we need to be wearing colors. Don't be afraid to be colorful. There was also a lot of talk about how when colonization was happening when people first came to America, came to the States, indigenous Native Americans, as well as Mexicans, use a lot of bright colors just in their community and their culture in general.
Awaken Baked
and part of demonizing them was making everything that was super bright and colorful be unprofessional or a sign of not being wealthy very silly not to be taken seriously literally just like a shit on it also as humans we need color to help our mood So this whole beige craze is going to get you. Oh, you might think you're, you know, clean girl and I'm aesthetic for Instagram. But then you're like, God, why is my mental health so bad doing that tight ass slick back button every day? Why do I have traction alopecia?
Awaken Baked
So what are we gonna do? We're gonna dance, we're gonna sing, we're gonna laugh, we're gonna party, we're gonna hug our friends, we're gonna kiss our friends. What what is it? Kiss a blonde, kiss a friend. Can a gay girl get an amen? Amen. When I have my smoker voice going on right now so I extra can't sing. But you're gonna make your presence known and you're not gonna hide and you're not going to dim your light for literally anybody because your joy is resistance. You're not gonna hide your existence.
Awaken Baked
And also you're going to wear bright colors because it's supposed to help. OK, like express yourself. Now is the time if you're like, oh, I've always wanted to do XYZ and like wear this or try that outfit. But what if it looks too weird because we're in this like phase where everybody wants to look like their business casual with like a hint of slutty, which I am never hating on a hint of slutty. I model ish and I pretty much only model in my underwear. So like I'm never going to let shame you.
Awaken Baked
I'm literally just describing the vibe. Or it's like that, but with like a cowgirl twang. I don't i don't know.

Closing Remarks and Encouragement

Awaken Baked
Also, if you like absolutely love that, like you're still a bad bitch. Just like maybe throw in like a pop of color on like your nails or something for me.
Awaken Baked
Just for me. Anyway, shine your light, bitch. Shine it bright and bright and bright and brighter and brighter and brighter and don't stop and don't let anybody fucking dim it and don't be afraid to brighten and like lighten and shine on other people's light because a candle can light another candle without it being put out. You know what I mean? That's not how the that's definitely not how the saying goes. I'm fucking dead.
Awaken Baked
Okay, I'm rambling at this point. Thank you guys so much for listening. um Please tell your friends, tell your grandma, and as always, stay high. Happy Black History Month.