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What Your Budtender Wants You To Know image

What Your Budtender Wants You To Know

Awaken Bake
54 Plays8 months ago

Love,  your fav budtender.


Introduction to Dispensary Visits

Welcome or welcome back to Awakened Bake, where we get high vibes and talk about the universe. I'm your host, Dani, and today I'm going to give you some tips. I'm going to tell you what your bud tender wants you to know. I know it can be honestly super intimidating when you go to a dispensary. I've been to tons of different dispensaries across the country and they're all honestly a lot different. So this is going to be very generally speaking and while I say generally, also slightly specific to the place that I work at. I don't know you, I don't know where you live, I don't know those dispensaries, I don't know the budtenders there, so obviously every interaction and situation

Understanding Desired Effects

is different. Now that we got my Libra ass disclaimer out of the way, let's get the fuck into it.
I love when someone comes into the dispensary who knows what they're talking about, and knows what they want, knows what works for them. That's great. That's awesome because that makes it easier for you. But I just wanted to make it super clear. It's okay to not know shit. It's okay to have no fucking idea about what you're doing because you're coming to a dispensary. That's honestly the best place to learn or to get good quality stuff or whatever your needs are. That's what we're there for. So while you don't need to know everything about cannabis or honestly even that much at all about cannabis, here's what I think you should know to kind of help prepare you so that you feel comfortable and ready going into a dispensary.
The first thing I wanna say is know your desired effects, okay? How do you want to feel from consuming cannabis? Whether you're doing edibles, whether you're smoking, whether you're doing some kind of like tincture, topical, how do you want to feel after intaking cannabis? That's gonna be so helpful because that will tell the bud tender what to look for for the the desired effect that you need. There are so many strains and cultivars out there, you guys, and different methods of intaking cannabis. So you don't have to stress about that, but as much information as you can give to your bud tender so that they can kind of help guide you, that's gonna make your experience even better because the more specific you are, the more accurately they'll be able to help guide you towards something that'll be for your needs.

Dispelling Dispensary Anxieties

Now, while I say know your desired effect, on the other side of that, know your symptoms. What issues are you having? Do you just need relief in certain areas? Like is it a pain issue? Is it a sleep issue? Is it an eating issue? What's what's going on? Know exactly what your issues are that you are looking for relief from. Because while you might not know what the desired outcome is, all you know is, well, I'm dealing with this type of pain. I'm dealing with this type of inflammation or discomfort, or I'm dealing with this symptom. That is so important. That's okay. Tell your bud tender that they can help figure out what's going to be best for you, whether that's what terpenes you need, whether that's what cannabinoids you need, whether that's what method of intake you need.
You're listening to this and you're like, terpenes, cannabinoids, what the fuck? I'm overwhelmed. Again, you don't need to know all this. Your bud tender knows it for you. Or at least they should. And if they don't, I'm sorry for that. I bring this up too because there's a lot of people that come into the dispensary and their anxiety kicks in. For a lot of people, just the stigma of even being in there, they feel like they're doing something wrong and it just can cause a bunch of different reactions in people and that's totally valid. So sometimes when the anxiety kind of kicks in, you get something because you're just afraid of looking dumb or you're you're afraid you're taking too long to decide, but then you whatever you bought, maybe it's not working for you. And then for a lot of people, they just write off cannabis completely because they're like, I don't know, it didn't work for me. It's overwhelming. There's so many options. It's a drug and that's not good. that's not what we wanna do. So baby, if you don't know what sativa means, stop asking for it and then getting mad that you can't sleep. But I also want you to feel you know as prepared as possible. So I'm just gonna give you three tips or I'm just gonna explain three different things that I think you should know just as a general fact going into a dispensary so that you can also be more prepared and get what you want.

THC, CBD, and CBN Explained

We hear about different types of terms all the time thrown around in the cannabis industry. So I wanna focus on THC,
versus CBD versus CBN. If you haven't heard of CBN, don't worry, I got you. We're going to get into it. But I'm going to give you like the stoner, dummy, you know, like definition of this shit for it's not going to be hard. OK, let's just make this as easy as possible. THC is psychoactive. It will get you high. CBD is non-psychoactive, it will not get you high. They're both great for pain relief and they're both great for um you know like anxiety, discomfort. They have a bunch of effects. right I'm i'm kind of high right now and I'm forgetting every single thing that I've ever thought about weed, which is great for me having an educational session. But CBD is non-psychoactive, it will not make you high. THC is psychoactive, it will make you high. They're both still good for pain relief and for health benefits.
and ah obviously mental health benefits too. That being said, there's this other little cannabinoid called CBN. I remember it like CB night because it's for sleep. So when I was joking earlier and I was like, if you don't know what sativa is, stop buying it and then being upset that you can't sleep. So a sativa is going to be kind of more mentally stimulating and slightly energizing. So it's going to keep you awake um or just mentally active, right? And indica is going to be more relaxing, sedative, um focus much more on the body

Indica vs. Sativa: What's the Difference?

as well. So that's why people use it for sleeping.
Now, if you add CBN, the cannabinoid that puts you in REM sleep, it's not psychoactive, so it does not make you high, and it actually doesn't even put you to sleep. But once you do fall asleep, it puts you in REM sleep so that you don't wake up a lot throughout the night, and you'll get ah ah basically a full sleep cycle. I say that because a lot of people these days are wanting cannabis for sleep. I know a lot of people are trying to get off of their sleep medication and go to cannabis. So when you go to your dispensary, you look for CBN, CBN, CBNite. That's how you're going to remember it. And if you're going for a dispensary because you're having anxiety or pain issues like that, you're going to want CBD or CBG or CBC.
if you're wanting to go to dispensary and you want pain relief, anxiety relief, um and you're okay with psychoactive effects, THC, baby, okay? But all of these are beautiful components of the plant, incredibly helpful. And those are just kind of the three main things I think you need to know just as like a baseline if you if you're even curious about this kind of stuff.

Researching Strains Ahead of Visit

Now, fun fact, if you're in a dispensary and your dispensary has a website maybe of the products that they offer in store, you can Google the strains before you buy them or before you go in. You can literally just go on Google and type in. So like an example, ah you could, if the strain is Jack career, you can type in Jack career, strain, sativa or indica. And then it'll come up with a description of it, what it is, what terpenes are in and all of that. You don't have to worry about that if that's overwhelming, but you can always, yeah, just Google it to find out if it's indica or sativa. And if you need
help remembering indica or sativa. One is for, you know, like relaxing and one is more stimulating. I remember like indica, indicouch, sativa, sativa diva, because like, you know, like if you're a diva, I'm thinking like Hollywood, I'm thinking like I'm going out and then indicouch, I'm not going out. So there you go. Let me go ahead and do a little recap for you. I feel like I just gave you a ton of information in like a short amount of time. So my main points were, it's okay to not know shit, but what you can do to prepare is know your desired effect and the symptoms you're experiencing currently. You can understand the basics of THC, CBD, or CBN, and also just know when in doubt, you can always Google a strain if you're overwhelmed or anxious or you, some of us like, oh, I don't wanna look dumb. I don't wanna look like I don't know what's going on, y'all.
It's okay. This is its own world, okay? It's a lot. I was so overwhelmed when I first started doing this professionally. I thought I knew what I was talking about when I first started working at my current job. No, I didn't. I did not know shit. I walked up in that bitch talking about some, oh, I don't like anything that's under 30% THC. Guys, I didn't know what I was saying. I'm so embarrassed. What is wrong with me? I shouldn't speak if I don't really know what I'm saying. Bitches out here like, well, I want something in the 40% THC. What is wrong with y'all? Y'all don't even, y'all don't even know what you're talking about. And then they're like, it doesn't even make me like that much higher. Yeah, I know. Yeah, I know. What's the terpene content in it? I bet it's like not even anything. I like a good 2%. Anyway, we'll get into that another time with maybe a more in-depth episode.
It's okay to be a beginner. It's okay to be a newbie. It's okay to not know anything. And it's okay to ask for help from your bud tender. I truly hope that you all have access to a dispensary so that you can get your

Safe Purchasing Tips

products there. I'm super weary about people who go to smoke shops, not about the people, but about the people who work there and sell um these products at these smoke shops where they're just like hemp based products that are like infused with a bunch of different cannabinoids and chemicals and things like that. When it's just like, I don't know guys, a lot of this shit is synthetic. You have to be super careful. Try to go to a dispensary if you can, or even if you have a plug. I'll go to a plug before I'm going to a smoke shop for my weed. And hell yeah, go to a plug, shop local, I don't give a fuck.
I want y'all to have a beautiful, amazing experience every time you interact with

Racial Disparities and Activism in Cannabis

this plant. It's done so much for me and my mental health and my physical health ever since that I started. I don't know. I feel like when I was young, I didn't take it seriously. So I kind of just thought it was like a party drug. And then the more I learned about it, the more that I was like, wait a second, it's actually like a beautiful fucking medicinal gift that has a horrible reputation and that white supremacy has fucking ruined and made it into this whole racial issue. Speaking of that, if you're out of dispensary and they happen to sell something from farmer and the felon, check them out. um I would say that they're a pretty middle tier. I'm not saying they're mid. That's not what I mean. I mean, they're a very like middle tier type of quality flower and rosin as well. um But what I really like most about them is that their proceeds go to the last prisoner project. They work with the last prisoner project to help get people out of jail for nonviolent cannabis charges.
I love how I just like rambled on and on and on. I thought this was gonna be like a really quick five minute episode. It's quick still, bitch. But I'm like, let's talk about the racial disparage between the white and black community with cannabis. It's always a good time to talk about that, okay? Because every day that I am free out here smoking weed as a white woman, that is such a privilege. I get to talk about cannabis online for like, I'm not scared of going to jail or being arrested. Like what a fucking privilege. So be aware of that. We'll all try to be mindful of that. Stay grateful, stay high, and tell your friends and tell your grandma if you think they're cool.