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Every Villain Is Lemons

Awaken Bake
77 Plays11 months ago

Time to get to the nitty gritty, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Dani and Kelsey are here to talk EVIL, how to avoid it, if you even can, and how to move through dealing with those who seem to choose evil. 


Introduction and Changes

Welcome to Awake and Bake, an educational, high vibrational, mystical, spiritual, pot, I'm sorry, podcast, from two girls, one joint, and a journey to awaken what's inside all of us. In the words of the wise was Khalifa, let's roll something and get the day started. What up, sluts? Long time no talk, bitches. We're so ready to menage a trois with your ears.
Okay, yes with your ears Kelsey. That's so funny. My jaw dropped. I was like, oh my god, wait consent I did not know this was happening. Yeah, you don't need consent for ears Kelsey's the next Diddy No, I'm just gonna talk about that later. We'll get into that still to come still to come on awake and bake
Um, you guys, we're really excited. Before we get into today's episode, we wanted to announce a couple updates. First of all, Kelsey, go ahead and take it away with some of the make sure that they remember to subscribe. Make sure you guys remember to subscribe to our YouTube. Obviously, Danny's there making some amazing smoke movie videos. It's the only place you get that content. She is like, outrageous. It is hilarious. She's all right. Just outrageous.
Um, but honestly, the highlight of it is the water bottle. So when you see it, make sure you always comment that you see

Podcast Format and Mental Health

it. So we know that you've seen, um, also Instagram, Tik TOK and our big update. We're kind of making some changes here in a way can bake. Danny and I are realizing as we're going to talk about with the state of the world and everything, uh, and everything that we have going on in our lives, like we want to be doing this more together. Like we started this, not that we don't like doing our own separate episodes. And I'm sure you'll still get that all the time. Um, but I miss my best friend. So you will be seeing us.
Just on Mondays, for the foreseeable future, I'm sure we'll change a million times in the life of Awake and Bake, but for right now, we're Monday bitches.
Yes, we are. And along with just being once a week, it's also going to be a little bit longer form episodes. We've kind of gotten into like the routine of doing like, well, at least me personally, I was doing like eight to 10 minute episodes basically when they were solo, because when it's just me and it's not a conversation, I talk fast and then I'm like, and then the episodes done because there was no feedback or anything. I don't wait for your guys's input because I can't hear it. Danny gets to it. She's like, all right, I'm here to give you a lesson and here it is. Like fucking learn it.
And that's just how my brain works. So I am really happy that we're going to be able to do some more long form content. Because honestly, when I'm listening to a podcast, that's what I want. I'm truly not clicking on no 10 minute episodes. So I know, except for like there's certain times like you need every once in a while.
I feel like some podcasts do like mini episodes, maybe we'll explore them. Actually, and those are good, especially when they give you like a lot of information on a very like specific topic that you need quick. Like if I ever had to learn something about math, I swear to God, if it's more than one minute long of a video, you lost it. Right. Or like any like how to really, like if I'm, I had to put together my, uh, high chair for the baby and I was like, I'm going to watch a video. I'm not reading instructions. And yeah, like the first 10 videos were all like 15 minutes and I was like, okay, it cannot possibly take that long.
Yeah, absolutely not. Fuck no. Give me a two when it's an instructional video. It needs to be two to three minutes. That's it. It's like with a recipe. Like, have you ever noticed on recipes? I was about to say that. Oh, my God. You get out of my brain, you little slut. I live there. OK. But yeah, no, they have like their whole freaking life story. But before every recipe, I'm like, OK, I just want to make a cake. Like, come on. It's enough. Literally. OK, so yeah. So we're making some changes and I think it's going to be good. It'll be.
one, I'll say good for our mental health, because I know it'd be good for my mental health, because I always like, feel like I'm letting people down or something, even though I know you guys like the most understanding in the world, and it's not like that at all. It's not like that at all. Right. But I feel like we just need it. Like I needed this like, okay, yeah, no, one, like one episode a week that we're gonna put our all into just feels so much more like, tangible for me right now. So I'm like, I'm excited. I feel re energized.
Yeah, I love it. Honestly, when you brought that up, I was like, not only am I more excited about that, it does feel more doable because when our lives get busier, I do have time once a week to sit down and bang out an episode, but the stress of twice, I'm like, oh, right. But I have other things to do. And when we lived 10 minutes from each other, it was a little different. When we lived 10 minutes from each other, we could bang one out every fucking day. Because that's all we did, right, was get high and talk.
And you know what that's that's the beauty of this episode.

Good vs Evil and Societal Accountability

So you guys today's episode is going to be we need to do a quick trigger warning. Yes. Okay. We're going to be talking about a lot of dark shit because we're going to talk about like the two types of evils in the world. Not the two types of evils like don't you can't be googling this shit like what are the two types of you know we
We have been chatting. Yes. And we were really high and we were talking about all the crazy shit that we will get into what's going on with these celebrities and these politicians and all that. And we were talking about that. We were like, damn, it's just like so many types of evil. And we came to this realization that we kind of want to talk to you about. But I feel like Kelsey does a better job of explaining the two evils. And I even like just before, like when we were talking about this, like finally figured out how I wanted to phrase it because I kept being like, yeah, like there's two evils. And when we were texting like and talking about it, like I had put it out, but it wasn't like
I don't know guys, it's not how I wanted to say it, but I just figured it out. Okay, so what it is, is like active evil versus passive evil. So passive evil is gonna be like an evil that you're born with, okay? An evil that like is unavoidable. An evil that maybe isn't an evil even to yourself, but it's an evil to others. So for that, what I'm gonna be specific and say like,
someone who's stealing bread for their family, an evil that is witnessed as an evil by society. I remember in San Diego living there, a lot of the homeless people were witnessed as evil and a lot of them even had, we're going to talk a lot about how you can visualize evil in people sometimes and how the passive evil, it's sometimes a different, and again, especially in that population of people who don't really have a choice and it's almost like a
It's a battle that when you're fighting your whole life against a negative energy, eventually and unfortunately sometimes it wins and it's not anyone's fault. And that's why I like the word of passive because it's not like they're choosing it or they're going out of their way, which is the opposite, the active. And that's when you continue to make the choices. Something I want to point out about the active evil is that it can stop. If someone can choose evil, they can choose to stop evil.
Um, so that kind of leans two things. One, you have to allow people to change, but also two, you have to call them extremely accountable. And if they say they change, like wait for proof, you know, it's gotta, it's gotta have some, some leeway, uh, or some give back, not leeway opposite of leeway. Um, and then I think another important, the last important piece of it is like,
then like releasing like and I'm talking about the smaller evils like those smaller active evils like when people are doing like little things to you that you're like oh god these are like just pestery evils just get them away from you you can distance people for whatever kind of evil they are they don't have to be like super evil you can even just like dislike someone or they don't serve you you know you we've talked about this all the time you can unfriend unfollow unsubscribe to these people who aren't serving you
And something I really find healing in that and we've talked about this is a ho'oponopono. Ho'oponopono-ing them, which is a kind of funny adverb. Talk about sexual. I know, right? I was like, like, yeah, I was gonna say like pongoing and I don't know if that's something but like pong, everything's something in the sexual world. But ho'oponopono-ing is a meditation. Actually, we have another episode about that. So go look at go look back into our
archive for that, but it's the it's a meditation of repeating the mantra of I love you. I forgive you. Thank you. I'm sorry. And you can do it in any order. But I find that to be an extremely helpful thing in these situations, especially when I'm like, in the middle of it, like just repeating that over and over again to get myself out of it, especially because like, I feel like what we're in is this moral crisis, like it's not like a, I think a lot of us are feeling like we're not in the gray area, like,
Things are black and white, which is something I don't say lately because not many things are black and white, but it really feels like it's like good versus bad right now. Good versus evil. And I know like in spirituality, we say that there is no real good or real evil. And obviously there is truth to that. And that's why I'm saying like it feels like it is. Like we feel like we're up against the wall with all these things that are happening and like all this stuff that's like constantly getting poured into our brains of what feels to be a lot of negative stuff and like,
I feel like since 2020 it has been like a repeated just firing of like people doing things or things coming out of people that we love and look up to that are like just like holy crap that now I'm like again like I feel like the whole world is like backwards. Yeah. And well, I feel like when we talk about
Uh, I guess in terms of like evil, I kind of see it as like to be dramatic. I know this is dramatic. Okay, guys. But like I see it as like demons, like real life, like demons, like we have inner demons. But also like there are people who have, for lack of a better term, like sold their soul. They don't have a soul. They're just like demons walking among us. And like think of people like Jeffrey Epstein. You know what I mean?
But but I feel like everyone has inner

Privilege and Societal Structures

demons, too. Like, that's just being human. Like, that's fine. Right? Like, like addiction, insecurity, poor mental health, like that can send you into certain episodes, toxic environments that will enhance these like PTSD of any kind, like, just being human, like we all have our demons, but we work on those like every day, right?
And I do want to point out that it's not always an even fight you kind of touched on this when you were talking about living in San Diego and there were a lot of unhoused people that were like seen as like bad. And that like is one thing that really like frustrates me like because most I don't know, I just feel like it's such a privilege to have a home and like
We take for granted how many things have to go wrong for someone to end up on the street or without a home. I don't think that we all start at the same place. It's not a fair fight. I didn't feel like I had a very stable childhood, but then I look at other people's situations and I'm like, damn, I at least had a roof over my head all the time.
Like some people literally do not have that. And when you do not have that, like why the fuck would anything go well for you? You literally can't survive. Like that's not enough. Yeah. Like I do want to point out like, yes, we're all human and we all have our demons and everything. And sometimes like certain people's win more than others, but we also don't all start from the same place and like,
even if you and even if you do start from a place of extreme privilege like you still have your demons as well and like your experience is valid but the key for this type of like inner demon is just that it's very human it's very common and it's just part of like your lifelong journey whereas like someone who has literally like no soul someone that is a demon themself they are demonic like
And I am speaking dramatically, but I'm also being like serious guys like people like these billionaires, these celebrities, these top 1% high profile people that are really prominent and famous that are getting exposed for being insanely fucking evil. And they're trying to have mass control over the public or over people's
sexuality or over like the world in general or people who want to like colonize land or who have already colonized land and slaughtered innocent people or forced them out of their homes like all because they care about like greed and like owning things and having control and it it's so it's it's so everywhere across the board like in healthcare in education in
politics in music in arts in science in sports like and that's why it's like it's feeling like this end of like like it feels like that like like that anxiety that they talk about like oh when you feel anxiety it's like you're feeling like that crushing end of the world feeling and it's like yeah that's what it feels like because it's like wow everything that we looked up to every like our whole societal structure is built on a lie and we were told our entire lives to be good and be kind and be all these things and
And then I'm looking up at these people that told me all this shit. And they either didn't do that. And they did shit or they watch people be shit and said nothing. And so it's like, who do I look up to now? Like, who do we who what what is good? Like, and I'm sorry, but like, not to sound like a conspiracy theorist or anything, because I do think a lot of conspiracy theories are really misinformed and like kind of dangerous, especially like where they take it. But also,
In the same breath, there's a lot of conspiracy theories that I'm like, well, you got me there. And I almost feel like we've like, let conspiracy theory mean anything that's like, anyone questions instead of like anything that reality questions. Like, a lot of these things are like, there's proof, like, and get worse being told, like, right, everything we're gonna talk about. It's like, it's Yeah, duh.
There's it's like I'm so sick of being lied to when I'm seeing I have it and I'm looking at it and then you're telling me that like the sky is green and it's like hmm
Yeah, I wish it was but it's not like I want to be on your side, but it's not And what exactly what you're saying? It's like we see this with our own eyes But people are trying to like gaslight us and like literally like tell us that we are not self-aware And here's the thing guys like we need to just start like waking up and not tolerating bullshit Yeah, that's really what it is. Like we need to like
And I don't I'm not saying like we need to start a revolution, like get your get your arms and guns or whatever. Like, no, that's personally like if you all want to go do that, have fun. I'm a pussy ass bitch and I'm definitely more of like the motivator on the sidelines. And also I will like snitch on whoever I need to. I'll call whoever I need to call and get things done for you. Yes. But like I would rather help you guys benefit, not just be a body. That's just like a number that dies. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's not what's go.
So when I say we're not going to tolerate this shit, I mean like we genuinely need to like call people out, stop supporting, stop giving attention to, and let's just like- Whistleblowing is in. I want whistleblowers everywhere. It's so sexy. I want you to on a first date, tell that person about how that one time your boss like tried to sexually harass you.
And then you called him an asshole to his face and went right to HR and they stormed him out of there right away and then promoted you to his position on the spot. That is what I want to hear about. And if they don't immediately drop to one knee and propose to you, then it's their issue not yours. Exactly. That is a very normal rational thing to do on a first date. Exactly. It's probably what more people should do. I feel like we'd have a lot better
outcomes with marriage if people got married more sporadically and instantaneously instantaneously. Yeah. And if people trauma dumped immediately on like a stranger, they are kind of sexually romantically interested in.

Celebrity Scandals and Intuition

Yes. Trauma dump all over. Honestly, just trauma dump on everyone. Yeah, why not? This is the best advice. I'm just kidding. But like, okay, we're just gonna name some names, you guys.
I'm kind of like shocked that this whole Jeffrey Epstein situation while I feel like it's a huge deal I also feel like we all kind of fucking forgot about it because there's a lot of rich famous people that are involved that are still running around town and it's still we've only gotten like what like a third of the names or something but guys I can't lie rocked my world Stephen Hawking
rocked my world. Yeah, I'm not gonna lie. If I hadn't seen it in writing, if I hadn't known that this case was already a real thing that exists, so anything they basically tell me at this point, I'm probably gonna believe lowkey. Yeah. Evidence will help. But I'm just saying. But wow, the evidence was damning. I mean, the evidence was damning. And like, I never in like, like, right, I never would have if any, anytime before
three or four years ago, whatever. If you told me that, I would have been like, you're lying. And also, you're kind of a bad person. Like, come on, he's like a science hero. I don't know what he did, but I know it was really big in science. And like, I maybe I'm like, I think I'm realizing through this experience how like ableist thinking I have been.
because I just didn't see it coming for like a lot of reasons. Yeah. Like, no, I was just like, I don't know how when I think of trafficking, I think that's the big like thing, too, is like when I think of trafficking, I usually do think of it as a bit more aggressive and like violent. And just because he's not able to like tackle somebody, he has all the power and stuff to like. So, yeah, it was it was a very like eye opening experience for me and also fucked me up because I was like, oh, so we can't trust anyone. Right. Like it was just a very like like when
Not to get into like, guys, I'm not going to say vaccines are a conspiracy. That's not it at all. But when that was coming out, I was like, oh my God, it's so crazy that people are questioning doctors. What a silly thing. But now I'm like, well, guys, I don't know, scientists. When they tell me stuff about whatever it is he's a scientist of, I'm going to question it. I don't know. It's a tough one. I mean, there's like, Diddy, that's coming out right now. Did they find him yet?
I okay I apparently they found him or like I saw I saw like one tweet that was like him in handcuffs or something but then people are saying it was a clone here's the thing I don't know but nothing says guilty like selling all of your assets and like sending something like a plane out of the country like you know what I mean exactly
And also, again, the evidence is damning. There's a lot of people that have been victims, celebrities that you guys all know and love, okay? I'm gonna throw out a couple names, Justin Bieber. Usher, right? I'm gonna throw out another wild card, Usher. Yeah, that man was just on the Super Bowl. Yeah, and like, here's the thing, and I don't know all the T cuz I wasn't there, but I've done- Oh, you weren't there.
No, I couldn't make it to that party. Unfortunately, it was the weekend before actually ended up being fortunate because look what happened. Right. Thank God. You know, terrible. But guys like it, it's really like shocking, but also like disgusting and also.
Also not shocking, I guess. I think I think it's like, well, yeah, if I was going to choose like a big person in power, I think I think like I heard something about Jay-Z being next. I hope that's not true. I know. But I really hope that's not true. But it's like, who can we try? And that's the scary thing is like, I feel like more and more I'm like, I don't know. But and then there's, you know, I feel like we look back and we can now at this point.
you know, see all these patterns of like these behaviors and what it leads up to. I mean, even like, and this is, we're kind of jumping to Nickelodeon, but the situation between Drake Hill
and Brian Peck. And like, that whole, the red flags throughout just his story, like just that singular story that his father caught, like, again, those weren't even hidden. And I'm not trying to blame his mother, but I'm like, right, what I'm trying, you know, I would like to sit down and speak with Mama Bill love to have some Yeah, that poor woman probably
would love to speak to myself. You know what, maybe I don't want to sit down and talk to her, but I have some disappointment in my heart. And I like to think that she does, too. But yeah, no, no, I feel you. And that's hey. Drake's dad was just honestly one of the few heroes in that story. And that broke me the most when he lied to her, or didn't lie to his dad, but he didn't tell his dad when they found out the uh-uh.
And his dad said like, Oh, I'm so glad to have him before he got to you. I was like, Oh, I actually can't go on. And that's okay. Like, so like, he said it to so many people, and every single person, there's been so many tik toks. And like, right, like it is, it's one of those things that you have to make a joke of, because it's so obviously like, funny, because of the stupidity of it. Like, all these things that that these people did. But again, I'll stick to just the one person, Brian Peck, of all the many, like, all these people had all these things that they I mean, the man was
fucking pen pales with John Wayne Gacy.
I love your little New York accent. Gays. Pen peels. Pen peels. We gotta talk about that. What the fuck? How did no one immediately- I ought to punch you in the throat. If I was at a party, and maybe I don't think I know, I do know a lot about true crime, but if I was at a party and a man had a picture of a clown, before I even saw the back of it, I would be like, oh, so you're a pedophile, because I'm sorry, no man has a closet room or a garage room with a fucking picture of a clown.
And that's the tea. Exactly. And then as soon as he turned that around and told me who it was, and then show me the stack of letters that he slept next to one, I'm giving and playing into it because I want to read every letter. I am first and foremost, an investigator, I need to know all the details. Yeah, you know, in the words of Danny DMC, also known as a confidence activist, also known as an investigative journalist, if you know, you know, that's me.
Okay, first and foremost investigative journalist, and I'm finding out what he said to Gacy. But that kid also who told that story also said that he shared this with every child and parent in the room. So the parents in that room definitely would have known who Gacy was. Everybody upset me. Yeah. So then how did you not say? And like, again, like it's like, I'm in a room and someone says, Oh yeah, I just, I talked to this guy who's pen pals with John Wayne Gacy. Um,
I'm asking more questions. And so when you ask, cause why, cause what do you gain from that? Cause what do you have in common? I would like to know. And that makes this like a fun thing. And how do you not like, and that's what I'm saying. Like, so that's where I'm going to say guys, like things like that, those obvious red flaunt, red flines, red flags. Um, yeah, you cannot like just call out cause it's a lot easier to apologize for accusing than it is to apologize for not saying anything. So like,
Let's just say yeah, if you know anyone who's friends with Ted Bundy or John Wayne Gacy Yeah, they probably do things because again there's patterns and we can see these things so like when we see these people emerging and they're getting they're starting really slow or whatever and then they end up all working for one person like P Diddy and then they all have these insanely breakout careers and these things happen and then all these things start to kind of come out and
maybe at that point, like 10 years ago, when I feel like we probably first started hearing things about like maybes, maybe we need to investigate maybes. Like, let's get ahead of the ballgame before we're like, oh, man, we're here now. Like, this sucks. We have to feel from this trauma. Like, I just can't believe that in however long these people have been around, people aren't like coming encounter with them. And like, yeah, be open to your intuition. Like, you know, when that person's not good, like you can feel it.
Absolutely. So shout out Drake Bell's dad. Also shout out Drake Bell's girlfriend. Yes. Also killed it. Holy shit. Yeah, because you know what? And it's it's crazy to me that it took someone else's parent to get involved and to but to immediately be like, OK, so this is some bullshit. And also I'm not about to have my daughter's boyfriend being talked to by a grown ass old ass man. Right. Like harassing him. Like like shout out to her. Oh my God. Seriously. I mean, she
She did the Lord's work. And to even have, that must have been an uncomfortable situation to even take as a parent, to step in like that. That can feel uncomfortable. But, well, yeah, because, yeah. But again, again, to Drake Pell's mom. From the beginning, you don't let your child, there are just things that you don't do, and I think we need to start actually living by those things. I feel like we're told all these things that we shouldn't do, and okay, so actually don't do them. Follow through with the shit we're saying.
um like or like we need to allow for like space of like remember that we're human and like we make little mistakes i feel like just allowing us to forgive little mistakes would stop people from making these big mistakes like if we allowed people more grace when they're much younger you know much
in that nurture nature phase, like when we can actually like raise them to love if we only like fucking would put some love in these kids. Like, Jesus. We were talking earlier, Kelsey, and you were saying how like you hate when people say like, Oh, well, yeah, it would be like that in a perfect world. This isn't this isn't a perfect world. Oh, my God. And I'm like, girl, just because it's not perfect, does that mean we should give up? We should try. Right. Right. Like, I don't know if he's controversial now, but Bo Burnham, I always loved that song.
that he had from God's perspective because it was like...
uh, maybe life could be on earth, maybe life on earth could be heaven. Isn't even just the thought of it worth the try and like, yeah, like, damn, like who knows if there's heaven there, but like we're here now. Like I've always never understood that. Like why can't people get these like basic things? It's like somehow we're zoomed. We need to zoom in on like the finer details, but also take a huge step out and be like, okay, we need to grow the fuck up and like just collectively mature by one level.

Religious and Capitalist Critiques

Like, can I talk my shit real quick? Please.
I'm going to talk shit about fundamentalists, okay? Yes. If you're a fundamentalist listening, either cover your ears or don't be offended. How did you get here? How did you get here? You're lost, baby. Take a hit, bitch. Also, if you're down, hell yeah. Yeah. Anyway, that's one thing that fundamentalism teaches is that because in fundamentalist religions, typically Christian fundamentalists or Mormon or whatever.
Um, you know bible bible lovers. Yes, um of the fundamentalist groups they believe that We're only alive right now so that we can like create a bunch of like little mini god lovers so that when the world ends and we all go to heaven jesus has like All these little lovers and army all these little all yeah, basically, right? So their whole thing is while we're here utilize all of earth's resources It's here for you to just use up because you're only here so that you can die and go to heaven
And that's and that goes against every actual like sense of like, I don't even like I feel like the like what you're taught a Christian thing to do is to be like charitable giving, help share, right? Be generous, donate, you know, yeah, charitable 100 ways. Like, I never understood how like growing up Catholic, I blew my mind when I learned about like,
queerness and all that stuff. I was like, wow, the church hates gay people, but the church is love. God is love. I don't understand that. It never clicked for me how people could turn that into this hate, but they do. The way that they use the Bible, and then I just saw that Trump is selling
for like 60 bucks. 60? How much are Bibles going for these days? Probably not that much, but he's broke or whatever. So like, it just again, like in and of itself, like, it's just the silliest, like, all of these evils are like, so obvious at this point, like, right, like that. And again, like, that's such a sick like, and yet it's the Christians that are like loving him. And so I'm like, that's so funny, guys. Do you remember how Jesus was like all about the poor, like, and now you're gonna spend this money for your
American Bible because it's like yeah, I guess I don't know Jesus was friends with prostitutes not rapists Jesus was friends with people who have consensual sex not rapists I also was listening to this guy that I found on Instagram and he's very I can remember his name He's very interesting. I'll share him on our page But he was talking about how Jesus totally was like fucking everybody and he was like, are you telling me that like Jesus is
knew he was the son of God and he was not blessing every being he could possibly insert help himself into. And I was like, honestly, probably I would be. And that's why we're all, no wait, we're children of God, not children of Jesus. I was about to be like, Oh my God. And he had a bunch of kids. It would all make us all siblings. Ew. Ew. Nevermind. Nevermind. Icky. Religion's all, see guys, that made no sense. Religion doesn't make sense. I think it should be a requirement to be someone empowered to not be religious.
because you're automatically biased if you're religious. I'm sorry, I've never met. Or you're not allowed to talk about your religion. I shouldn't know what the fuck. I shouldn't know shit about you. No. Now, if you want to do literally anything else in the world, that's fine. But if you want to rule our free world, it should be like jury duty. Like Congress should be like a jury. They should just be impartial. They should have no biases. They should be vetted like crazy. And like they should just be like the most neutral citizens of the world. I want bakers. I want teachers. I want like a
Farmers, sure, some of them. But I want people doing shit. I'm so sick of these. Yeah, what about those bitches that just work in plant stores and then have their cute little hobbies on the side? Yes. And then they get to interact with people from all walks of life, all levels of income. Why can't they? They know everyone. They know what we need. That's all I'm saying. You elite people. And I'm sorry, but I feel like you can't have power in this world because it's a world built on money. You cannot have power in this world without
Exploiting people like there's no one of I can't say there's no one of influence. There's no one of
capitalistic influence who is a positive person. Well, yeah, I mean, I think that's fair. I think it's fair for us to acknowledge it's almost impossible to be to ethically participate in capitalism. Unfortunately, we have to participate in capitalism. Right. And so it's it's not my fault that I was born where I was born the same way. It's not anyone else's fault. They're born where they're born. If we could stop wasting so much time needing to like explain those parts of like justifying why we feel this ways or like
enough time, like devil's advocating. We've talked about this before. Like I'm done with that. Like we don't need to know, like it doesn't matter if this tiny, my, my new group of kind of bad people might feel left out of society. Um, if they're choosing that they would rather not pay into everyone having healthcare, then you don't get to be a part of society. Like fuck off Elon Musk. If you want to go take Mars, have fun. Like good luck. We'll see you.
probably not. I will never and now look I know he's done actual horrendous things this is not actually that big of a deal but I will never forgive him for ruining Twitter it was my favorite platform it was the only platform that I never tried to be famous on
And it was the only platform that most people never tried to be famous on. And now all of a sudden, everyone's fucking verified. You got to pay money for this version. I got to do that. They're not like you click on a viral tweet and the comments are literally just ads and tweets unrelated that people are like either paying to get there or that are just like put there because they're like blowing up right now from bots or some shit. And it's horrible. It makes no sense. Everything is ads. I think the quickest thing to turn me off from an influencer these days is honestly like selling their product.
In the day and age that it is now, and I'm talking about, obviously, from a personal gain point, the way the world is right now, people who are out there just trying to get clout and make a buck, I'm like, who are you? What are you doing? What are we doing? Because over-consumerism is literally killing us, first of all. Oh my God, we're recording and it's 4.20. Happy 4.20. Hey. Oh, it's 7.20 here. I love that it's 4.20. I'm going to eat another edible.
As you should. Oh, my God, I love that for you. But over consumerism is literally running rampant in our society. And if you're out here putting out bullshit products on top of that, like stuff that's very scammy, cheaply made, like it just feels like, bitch, please stop. Just you know what? Do something else. Also, like we need to be better. We know we don't need all this stuff. Like be reasonable. Like stop being selfish, guys, collectively. Let's stop being selfish. I'm not saying you can't have nice things. I'm not saying you can't go on vacations, but
Do you need to stay at a five star hotel that you know, like people who stay there are like not good people. Like, you know, like it's, we always talk about not, um, paying into like, um, companies that we don't support, like she and her, like, you know, companies that we know are morally corrupt and it's like, okay, but that has to extend even to ourselves. And like, I know that it's not that one person can make a difference necessarily. However, just energetically, like cash.
Exchange isn't as an energy exchange Actually, you're you're totally right though because the Starbucks boycott Starbucks has been like hey I actually I totally forgot because like I do pay attention when people talk but like the details sometimes escape me but Starbucks has lost so much money in sales because of the boycott it has and it's because there's power in numbers and
And that's also exactly why all these social media platforms are silencing anyone talking about these things because they're getting hit in the money because that's all they care about, which is why I think we as a world need to evolve past money. My brother-in-law said something like, shoot, if you're a society that's smart enough to create guns or something, then you should be smart enough to evolve past war or past violence, exactly.
Like, holy shit. And that is on a big scale, but also on a small scale. So talk about this stuff that you're seeing. Talk about these evils. Talk about all this shit. Watch these movies, these documentaries. I'm not saying that's the bad thing. I'm not saying look away. I feel like a lot of people are like, oh my god, just stop watching it. I feel like people said that about the Nickelodeon thing. Like, oh my god, well don't watch it, whatever.
That's a crazy thing to say. And I'm talking to older people. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm like, guys, I'm kind of on like an ageist thing and don't tell on me, but.
If you're 50, everybody knows it's like a joke that I used to be ageist.

Generational Complacency and Sensitivity

I didn't know ageist was a word. I just used to always say I fucking hate old people because they did not understand me. They don't. And a lot of times they still don't understand me and they don't understand the world. I'm sorry. But you know what? I also. I don't understand them and I will get old one day and I won't understand things. Right. And I acknowledge that. However, it's funny that I used to be ageist. I've come a long way. You have come a long way. But you know what, Danny, when you get to that point, you're going to sit back and you're just going to enjoy your life like you should.
And it'll happen at unreasonable time because we'll have taken over the world and so we won't have to retire at fucking 85 anymore. Period. That being said, like I have like, yeah, like this whole thing has caused a moral crisis within me about my parents and their generation specifically and how they raised us and how lazy they were about
being demanding of change. I think that they were very, after the civil rights, everything of the 60s, I think people got very complacent of like, it'll never be this bad again. It'll never happen again. And it's like, okay, but it is. It's worse now. And also it's like,
the outcomes seem to be much more ending, much more catastrophic. They're the same people who seem to be fighting every step of the way of change. So it's like, guys, sit back. You got to sit down. Hand over the reins.
I that's kind of also what I want to talk about like your it's not just it's not just your parents who did that it's all of our right parents generation right so when like I feel like now is the time when we need to like refuse to support these people refuse to allow them to have influence or power over us and I do want to not to be like oh and the full moon but guys the eclipse and the full moon that have been happening and like the eclipse that's coming on April 8th
It really is shedding light to a lot of things. It's bringing things to surface. It's showing us what's no longer serving us and what is serving us. It's not going to like make anything that, Oh my God, I never saw that coming. It's just going to make things very clear. It's going to illuminate everything that was kind of hidden, but like always underneath. And it started on that lunar eclipse what a week ago or so. Um, and it's, yeah, it's just going to keep compounding into that. Like until, if there's things, if you're getting these signs and you're ignoring them,
and they're already seeming kind of like smacks in the face, start listening or else you're really gonna get hit by a bus. Like, yeah.
okay so sorry back back to like selling your souls um and like battling inner and outer demons so you don't need to be famous or a billionaire no to have sold your soul by the way you don't need to have done a ceremony or like one of those famous humiliation rituals that a lot of like the bullshit like celebrities do um people like murderers people who hurt kids people who abuse others for their own personal gain whether sexually emotionally physically financially
or just for power. Those are the kind of people we're talking about. And at least for Kelsey and I, and I'm sure for a lot of you as well, people who are very energetically tapped in, you can feel when someone's soul is not right. It's more than just, oh, they have bad vibes. It's like a mixture of I literally can't fucking read you. But what I can read is like cold and empty and off putting.
And it gives you like a chilling kind of energy. And again, it's not just like, it doesn't feel like Oh, yeah, you're straight up evil. It's like, you're like, almost robotic, almost like not, not they're not human, like, you're so disconnected from your humanity. And I hesitate to use the word psychopath because I feel like psychopathic is even different. I feel even a psychopath is like, still has a connection of humanity. Whereas like, these evils are like the like
Like the Elon Musk's, like their eyes are just dead. There's no other way to say it. They didn't have to do this. Right. None of this. They chose to do this. And you can see that they lie. Like another one, like one of the worst people I think in the world is like the Purdue Pharma family. I'm completely blanking on their name, but the people who created the opioid crisis, like single-handedly chose to do it.
even did research to do it better, bought doctors prostitutes to sell more drugs, all documented, all found out, everything. They've never been charged with it because they were the owners, not the CEOs, so all the CEOs took the hits, but the family got to keep all their money. Evil, evil, evil, evil.
I don't know why we don't take them down. And I'm talking about like anarchy of like storming their freaking castles and just like, yes, you know, why do riots and loots happen at like Walgreens? Why don't we do it outside of
I guess it's probably security. Unfortunately, because the stand your ground law, people would just start shooting. But as I do think. But when when they don't know you're coming, look, I'm not I'm not here to incite violence. OK, this is I'm not telling you to do this. But isn't it strange that we have people shooting up schools when in fact they should be shooting up the Jeffrey Epstein of the world? And we're just saying allegedly.
Allegedly, allegedly, it was a good idea. Also, I want to be clear. You're allowed to be selfish and do shitty things and make really big fucking mistakes and have to like grow from them, repent to a certain degree or whatever the fuck. I don't know why I said repent. I was thinking jail. And.
like you can fuck up and go to jail but that does not make you evil by any means like no and that's no that's a very human experience right but like again guys just use discernment you can tell are we just a mean girl in fourth grade or do you own a sex trafficking island like right ask pretty ask the why when you go to judge someone i feel like we need to be much more um you know we talk about two-dimensional three-dimensional like it's not right or wrong like there are there's more story to it and i think we need to be much more open
damaged person who's going to do hard things or Amanda binds or Britney Spears or any of these people that we have seen be Yeah, I feel like it doesn't it doesn't excuse it, but it does explain exactly and so we need to a bit allow ourselves to have that third option of like Time like patience. Okay, so that person fucked up. However, I
to hear it all.
There was a lot going on. Do they seem like they want to change? And again, that doesn't mean you have to then be like, okay, I'm gonna make you change. You can say, hey bud, you gotta change. Good luck, peace, I'm done. And they have to accept that. You can't control other people, obviously. But it doesn't mean you have to keep holding it or hating it or allowing it to be part of your energy. You have to release it. You gotta get through it. Which can be really fucking hard. But that's the collective grow up. That's the, we gotta do it.
If we want to be better, we need to, like I was thinking about jail time and I was like, man, what if like, and obviously jails need to be better and not privatized and all that stuff. I could go all into how we could redo the prison system. But like, what if when we like, when someone got a crime, what if it was like, instead of just like, you know, parole, house arrest or jail, what if we had like a complete array of different things ranging from like mandatory anger management,

Justice System and Courage

to different community services, which I know both of those things already exist, but then even further into mentoring and teaching and like longer stints of things like that, but then have more accountability with it. And then if we had like, again, like collective access to things like therapists and people to help us, like, but again, this is systemic change, which is gonna cause, which is gonna, the cost of that, which is going to be all of us sacrificing a little, all of us,
Maybe giving up a little bit of time or whatever to connect with each other to hear what we need to hear to do what we need to do I've been my brother-in-law moved in and it's been the most incredible thing because he is an atheist like he has no spiritual beliefs metaphysical at all and you guys know me I love pretty rocks and the sunshine and I think the moon and
controls my body and makes me bleed. And I love it. And so like we've been talking about like, I was talking to him about how he feels afraid if he doesn't believe in ghosts. And so we were talking about how fear feels different for us and like, all these incredible conversations that are so cool because we have these different beliefs and the whole time we're like, Oh my god, I hope you don't think I'm challenging you or whatever. And we're both like, no, no, that's not it. We're good. But like, it's just these eye opening, life changing conversations of like, wow, you can be different.
and still have like the same end goal, which is what we kind of need to focus on where we are right now, I feel like is the end goal. So like, yeah, people are pushing you in certain ways that are avoidable. Again, we're not talking about those active evils of people who are like choosing to be bad and do real bad. Just try and like, allow it with
releasing it and moving past it. But when you're seeing those active evils, I think we need to be a lot fucking braver about saying something and knowing that we're going to be backed up. And like, I think that's where we get scared is we're worried that no one else is going to say anything. And like, what if we all just agreed to like,
Yeah, and I will say like I especially recently have been feeling like I Speak up for a lot of shit that a lot of people around me don't but it's not like it's not even just recently it's kind of like always yeah like um and But I think more recently people have just been saying to me like oh this kind of stuff like always happens to you or you're always having this whatever and I'm like No, I'm just not a fucking coward, right?
Like and I actually can't stand cowards and something that I think is like misconstrued a lot in our society I grew up. I was raised by a coward. Yeah, my father and he is a very very muscular very physically strong individual very tall very Wounded masculine, you know what I mean? Oh, yeah, and But he's the type of person who
Yeah, he's angry. Yeah, he's being scary, but he picks on people smaller than him. Yeah. Like no one, no one who could actually like take him in a fight. People who he views as weaker than him. You know what I mean? Like that's very cowardly to me and he's very passionate about things that that put him in a position of power. Again, that's being a coward to me. Yep.
Like he thinks and he doesn't see it that way. But everybody else in the world does. Right. And I feel like doing anything, being any person who's afraid to admit to being wrong is being a coward. I think that's like one of the most cowardly things in the world. And I think that's one of the things that your father is like the most is like he's afraid to be wrong. And like you have to be wrong sometimes.
He hates being wrong, especially if he's wrong to a woman. If a woman is actually right, especially if it's his daughter. Fuck that. Fuck that, dude.
Um, but anyway, nightmare nightmare. Um, God, get them out of here. But anyway, cowards, like that's just something that like, I think, yeah, we all need to step the fuck up and just like start calling shit out for what it is. Yeah. All those kids on those shows knew that they all would say something, you know, if all those parents talked about it and were like, I'm going to say something, will you say something too? Like there's power in numbers. Again, that's what Starbucks is showing us. Like.
If you do it, it makes a difference. McDonald's, too, I think I saw, also had like a billion dollar hit or something. And yeah, they did. You're completely correct. Because they changed something on their menu where it's like a big deal now, which I'm like McDonald's doing extra discounts. That's interesting. Right. Is the dollar now a dollar? I hope it's like the cent menu.
Um, but along with guys, along with like the boycotting or like the not paying attention to certain things, not giving your attention to certain people, companies, et cetera. We also should celebrate people who are making a difference. Oh, my God. Yes. Again, those whistleblowers, like the people who are doing this shit, we need to talk about them. And like, also, I think idolize that like dream about it. Dream like I want Phoebe to dream about being the girl who like takes down the class bully.
You know, like dream about being that person who stands up for what's right. And I feel like we've really like, again, I don't want to say lost that, but I think we've kind of like accepted throughout the years, like, Oh, but it's done. Like, Oh, it'll, it'll happen. Like someone will take care of it. And it's like, no, be the one to take care of it. Cause what the fuck? No one's doing it. And also why not? Like it's, it's, it is, I am beside myself of seeing people not handle things because they feel like it's not their job or like it's not whatever. And it's like,
I don't know, guys, I'm done doing that. I'm going to step in then. Like if I'm seeing someone being hurt, I am not going to allow it. I'm it will not stand. Just like if I see someone being a creep, I was at Walmart today and this guy was taking this old guy was taking pictures of the bikinis. And I just feel like it probably was not like for his girlfriend or his wife because he was decrepit the old like. Yeah.
And so I just made it a point to make sure that he knew I saw him doing what he was doing until he walked away. Because even that, you don't have to say it. It doesn't have to be aggressive, but tell them you know what they're doing. I feel like that's the best way to... And then just say it to them. If you don't say it to anyone else, say it to them. Like, hey, I see this.
It's not going on. I just recently did that. It did bring a bunch of chaos into my life. But you know what? My therapist says that I am Kali, the goddess of death and rebirth. Yes. And she destroys things that need to be burnt down and that need to like have something better be rebuilt. And this is the time for that fucking shit like.
This is the time I'm sorry. I called a motherfucker out on their shit. Yes, you did. I said, oh, you're actually not going to come at me disrespectful. But since you are, I'm going to let you know that I see exactly who you are and exactly what the fuck you do. And it's a coward and period.
And that's that, that's all you need to know about that, they work at work. And that's all you need to know about that. But yeah, like, now is the time to burn shit down, like anarchy guys, like Danny was saying, like rebellion, like this is it, like revolution, like I want like a renaissance of life. I want a completely new world. I want to dream about new ways education could be. I was thinking maybe like our final to like graduate is that you have to go grocery shopping. And at the end, when you put away all the bags into the car, you then have to return your cart.
And they're not gonna tell you that that's what the test is, but that's the test. So all those fuckers, because I'm sorry, if you can't return a shopping cart, you don't get to be in the world. I'm sorry, but that's how we need to be. I feel like we need to be more harsh about things like that than stupid shit, like if someone can do trigonometry. I would much rather someone who is not very good at math, but knows how to ask for help, than someone who can't fucking
Hold open a door for a pregnant person. Absolutely fair. Absolutely fair. Where's the humanity in it? That's all I'm saying. Right. That is the single thing that we need the most is to check ourselves that we're all human. Is what the person's doing, is it a response to an emotion? Is it a human emotion? Should we just be like, hey, not my business, I'm going to walk away? Or are they a shit person and do we need to be like, okay, fuck you?
But then make the choice don't just sit there being like the and then wait for it to end and walk away And then when it happens again to someone else even worse, you're like, oh my god. I can't believe that happened Yeah, like guys being neutral is just not cute anymore. Like it's not it's also like to me It's more annoying than you having an opinion and I think because you being neutral to me actually just says oh You're probably scared to admit that you have a shit fucking opinion exactly and that's why you won't say it and
And even if you're like, no, no, no, I just want to step on anyone's toes. Well, since you're acting like a little fucking coward, I am going to assume the worst because you're not putting out anything positive or like sure about yourself. Bitch, if you're not even sure about yourself, why should I be sure about you? Exactly. And we need to be grown up about the fact that social media is new. This is new to be able to have information like this going on at a time like
All of these things we're being able

Social Media Responsibility

to see in real time. Like I was just able to pull up on my fucking computer the journal entries of Ruby Frankie and like what she did to her children and like read all that. Like the things that we have access to are crazy. Obviously, if you cannot handle the realities of that because the world is crazy, it is your responsibility to log off. Do not use Facebook. Do not use Instagram. If seeing what is happening in the world is too triggering for you that you can't speak out about it and say that you're not for it,
Excuse yourself because that's supporting it using those apps that do support it is supporting it So yeah, exactly and we're not talking about if you're somebody who literally never posts No, right, right, but if you're we see you this is what we are saying bitch. We have about a select 20 plus of y'all
In our minds right now. Okay, and we fucking see y'all spamming your social media your fucking Instagram all goddamn day and you can't say a single thing about what's happening in the world whether it has to do with any of the genocides that are currently going on and what is multiple or whether it has to do with anything happening in your own fucking country or whether you have five followers or five million followers like we're not talking specifically about any like like there are people from all walks of life doing it and it's not okay we
right, we're at genocide or not. And I hate to be the one to break it to you. But accepting this is like just saying like, this is warfare now, like this is what it is. So like people who sign up now for the military, this is what they're signing up for. So like, what? I'm not okay with that. I'm not not that I was okay with war when it was fucking muskets and shit. But at least it was tangible, understandable. At this point, the violence is so
obscure that I truly do not, I know we cannot, I cannot comprehend. We see what is happening and we truly like your brain cannot believe that it's real. I still think a lot of my head is like it must be somehow moving, you know, to cope. It's like you put it in that other box, like, but it is. And so again, if you can't handle that, that's okay. But then you don't get to use social media as a responsible person. You don't get to do that. And you especially don't get to try and make money off of it.
because then you're disgusting. Oh, and period. Because then you're disgusting. And period. And you know what? While we're telling you what you can and can't do since we're the ones in charge of your life. Yes, amen. I also wanted to let you know if you are racist whatsoever, you're not allowed to smoke weed. No. And that's that. That's kind of where actually I'm comfortable wrapping this. Yeah, I love that. Awesome. I love that. It's starting to rain where I am, which is like so relaxing and awesome. But my sweet girl Lupe is getting very anxious. Oh, I think I can hear my baby crying. So that's OK.
Okay, well guys, I hope you enjoyed our first episode back in a while as the OG duo. It's been a long time, but it feels so good to be back and this was a really good episode for us to get into it because we both had a lot to say. Oh my god, we should also shout out Kaylee. She's launching her Apothecary, Goddess of the Moon and that's coming out and you know you've listened to her episodes here so maybe even go listen again and tell her how much you love her and go follow her because that's going to be really cool.
Oh, absolutely. Yeah, she's an herbalist. She's a queen. She's everything I want to be when I grow up. You know, she comes on and teaches us all about our sex magic. I'm obsessed with her. I'm not kidding. I have an actual crush. Yeah, so that's fun. Thank you guys so much for listening. As always, tell your friends, tell your grandma, as always, stay high.