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we keep going & we don't give up

Awaken Bake
34 Plays1 month ago

if you're scared, listen up


Introduction and Podcast Overview

Awaken Baked
Welcome or welcome back to Awake and Bake, where we get high vibes and talk about the universe. I'm your host, Dani, and these are my high thoughts. Honestly, they feel like a little bit of low thoughts if I'm being real with you.

Fear and Leadership Concerns

Awaken Baked
President Trump is unfortunately running the United States, and it's scary. It's been like, what, a little over a week? It feels like it's been at least over a year already, multiple years if I'm being honest.
Awaken Baked
I wrote these notes down when it was only five days that he had been in office and I literally wrote, why does it feel like five years? And I'm still wondering that. I swear this whole episode is not going to be low or negative, but I do need to start it off just like being honest and addressing the elephant in the room, the big orange Cheeto in the room.
Awaken Baked
And I'm also here to ask because I know that we have a ton of international listeners. Could you guys please just pray for us? Just send us love and good energy and manifest for us and just help however you can, whether that's like talking about it on social media, sharing information. I know it probably sounds so rich coming from an American asking other countries for help when my country is known to do quite the opposite. I'm so fucking sorry. It's my government. It's not me.
Awaken Baked
But if y'all could find it in your heart to just like send any kind of love and even energetic assistance to the Americans, that would be really, really helpful.

Social Media and Political Discussion

Awaken Baked
So I think if you follow me on Instagram, which if you don't shameless plug, it's Danny Liz Watson. And then it's also Awaken Big podcast.
Awaken Baked
So go follow me there. I share my opinions all the motherfucking time all over my stories. You can also follow me on TikTok. Danny B. Watson Awakened Bake does not have a TikTok anymore just because it gets flagged way too easily. My point is those are the platforms where I mostly speak about like politics way more just like openly. So if you want to get the fuck into it, we'll get the fuck into it over there.
Awaken Baked
But in order to cope, because we need to cope, here's the thing. I don't know what's going to come. And if you're scared, I need you to know I'm scared, too.

Revolution and Self-care

Awaken Baked
I'm anxious. And I do feel like some kind of revolution is probably on the rise. And I'm going to be honest, right as a kid.
Awaken Baked
I'd say, I don't know. I suppose I learned about war or like world disasters and horrible scary things like that. I was like, oh, that's fucking terrifying. I'm not going to be able to handle anything like that. I'm so glad that the world got its shit together before I was born. Yeah. Ignorant, stupid little girl.
Awaken Baked
Little did I know. So the thing is, I'm down for a revolution. I will participate. I always try to do my part as best I can. Obviously, I can always do better, but I'm just saying I'm not. I don't shy away, right? But between us, OK, between just you, me and, you know, the the thousands of you listening.
Awaken Baked
I'm scared and I actually never thought I'd be able to live through one of these or handle one of these like I thought that I would pussy out and I would just like die like not die from someone killing me like the stress of it I will explode and die or I'll evaporate or something now that it's here I'm like well we can't do that now can't we?
Awaken Baked
So here's what I need from you. I need you to take care of yourself while you are doing your activism, while you are being proactive, while you are taking care of your neighbor. I need you to also take care of yourself because if we aren't at least healthy enough or together enough to manage ourselves, we won't be able to help other people. I'm not saying you need to be fucking thriving. It's going to be hard to fucking thrive, but you need to be taking care of yourself so that you can be as healthy and best as you can be. Now, if you thrive, beautiful, amazing.

Positive Focus and Inspiration

Awaken Baked
I'm just saying if you're like bitch thriving is impossible why even try the goal isn't isn't to thrive okay the goal is for you to be okay so in order to cope because right now baby i'm thinking simple steps i love fixating on things i need to have something to kind of fixate on just to like feel alive or motivated or able to function I noticed that some of my little special interests are kind of negative. So I like I don't know if I just like need to chill the fuck out on the true crime or if I need to chill the fuck out on psychology, you know but I need to chill the fuck out on something because the world is getting darker and darker and feeling just like more negative on top of the genuine true negativity that already exists.
Awaken Baked
in our country. Like it's so fucking terrifying. I hate getting on Facebook because I'm like, you're a racist. You're a racist. You're a bigot. You fucking hate women. I will never let my daughter around you. Your mother should have swallowed what I genuinely need right now. And this isn't my method, right? But what I need is to have more of a focus on the goodness and love in my community and in my world. That's what I need to be like more aware of.
Awaken Baked
So once I figured that out, I was like, OK, what activities can I do that will like still be a great focus for me and something that actually like fills my cup or at least is a good like hyper fixation for me. That specifically makes me feel positive about the world, about my community and shows me the goodness and the and I don't know, just more, more love. I want to feel inspired. I want to feel connected to people. I want to laugh with people. I want to feel safe.
Awaken Baked
So I did what any reasonable person would do once I made this decision through a a bunch of journaling and self discovery. I started watching RuPaul's Drag Race. Sorry. Let me tell you why bitch, this shit is healing. I needed to recharge like as a culture, energetically, like the way that I see the culture, the world, I needed to be recharged. So the best way to do that, and I needed to feel safe, right? Drag queens are, I've never felt more safe than being in a drag queen's arms, honestly. The love and warmth of a drag queen calling me bitch. Oh my God, calling me baby. Honey, Mary.
Awaken Baked
Okay, no, but in all serious so seriousness, the way that these ladies are just unapologetically themselves, they are so creative, they express themselves in the most unique, beautiful ways. Unapologetic is actually not even the way to describe it, because there's nothing to apologize for. They're innovative, bitch, like they are setting the trends.
Awaken Baked
and the community like it's so amazing to watch an entire drag community come together support each other hype each other up like be invested in the same I don't know just like the same type of thing that it's seeming to me at least in the way that our direction of like the world is going or for our country maybe not the world but for America wow how like America like us centered of me that was so fucked up I said the world when I was like mostly just fearing for my country Hey, and you know what? Get you a bitch who can call herself out in a minute when she is wrong. I apologize. I'm working on it. But like I said, I think that um the state of our country was making me feel like the state of the world was horrible and that there were more bad people than good people. So watching RuPaul's drag race and just seeing so many people in that community just be so fucking loving and accepting and like motivating toward each other and encouraging. I mean, they'll drag each other like they'll give each other a good read for sure. and But when the performance is happening, like the love. Oh, my God. And the excitement.
Awaken Baked
It just makes you feel very safe to be yourself and to not be afraid of like, oh, well, if other people aren't doing this, or if this is not the norm, or if this isn't what people usually think looks good, or is usually how things are done. I don't know, it's just kind of helping me hang on to hope.

Fear and Rights Awareness

Awaken Baked
And then that kind of brought me to like a quick reality check, which was Wow, I am literally a white woman in America in the United States. And this is my honestly my first time as a white woman having a genuine fear about my rights and safety. And I am sure that black women, trans women, immigrants, those who are disabled, ah those who are, I don't know, just like literally anyone who's not a white male right now.
Awaken Baked
or a white woman. Honestly, like if you're not a white, okay, if you are not a white person, specifically like a cis white person, this is not your first time feeling scared or hopeless or concerned about your well being and your rights. So damn, what a fucking privilege this is for me to just now be having this concern. And it's also like I was already radicalized, but I'm just like, holy fuck you guys. Like, I don't know. This is just absurd. Like this is just Why did it have to come to this for so many other people to realize what is happening and why taking the rights away from some risks taking the rights away from everyone? If some of us are not free, then none of us are free. It's like in 2020 when I heard people saying all lives matter and then it was like, OK, all lives do not matter until black lives matter. Like that's kind of the whole point.
Awaken Baked
So this whole time, I feel like so many people have just ignored when people want to take away gay rights, when people want to take away D.I. programs. It's like people knew what this was. They talked about it, but they didn't understand the fucking reality of it. Now that we're fucking here, it's fucking scary. It's fucking horrible. And I hope that people wake the fuck up. I hope that people have been like, oh, my God, I was fucking wrong. But the upsetting thing is I think there's a lot of people who have not done that.
Awaken Baked
And that is why it's so necessary for me right now to keep moving forward with hope and look to those people. Look to like the black trans women who've been paving the way for revolution for centuries. Look at the way that these people always keep moving with hope. I'm going to like really make a point to listen to more podcasts or like audio books, because guys, I'm sorry, reading. I can read stuff, right? But lately it's like every time I sit down to read a book, I fall asleep.
Awaken Baked
I'm turning into my mother. So I'm going to listen to like audio books or like podcasts from these people who lead with hope versus fear and who have actually been on the other side of this and came out of it successful and are still here, still kicking, still leading the revolution.
Awaken Baked
also like look to the older generations who are on the right side of history because that's what I need to do when I'm like looking for hope when I'm like oh my god is everyone bad people who are older than me have like been able to step in and be like well of all the years that I've been on this planet honestly I have found more good people than bad I've just found that the bad people are much louder and annoying specifically in times like this where you know change and like a massive societal shift is on the rise So, yeah, I guess between like leaning on older generations in my community who are on the right side of history, who are safe people for me, like leaning on them and looking to them for wisdom. Also, when it comes to older generations, even who I don't know, even in like who are not really immediately part of my community, but who I look up to, um like I said, audio books, podcasts, anything taking in information from them is going to be so helpful for me, at least at this time.
Awaken Baked
And, again, RuPaul's Drag Race. It's really keeping my spirits up. It's really reminding me that my type of people do exist in the world, and there's many of them. Notice I say my type of people. Like, I'm not actually a drag queen, but in spirit, I fucking am. I don't miss a show, and I don't mean the TV show. I mean, like, in my community, I mean, okay, I might miss, like, one or two, but I go to as many as I can, bitch.
Awaken Baked
Okay, anyway, I needed to address all of that in the first like 10 minutes of the episode, just getting it out there. Because if I don't talk about what's going on with the state of the world and with our kind state of the world, with our country, but it is the state of the world because other countries are fucking worried about us and talking about us. And I've literally seen that multiple people, like multiple countries, not even just people, whole fucking countries will not air what Elon did like the Nazi salute, they won't fucking air it because it's not allowed. Like it's not fucking deep. And I've also heard that like other people are starting protests for us and other people are like starting to openly you know, advocate for us however they can. There's movements online.
Awaken Baked
Like it is so bad in our country that the world is talking about it. So I mean, please

Libido and Creative Energy

Awaken Baked
keep it going. Please keep the love coming. I so appreciate it. Take a hit and then we are going to move on to an extremely separate note. A wildly separate note. Also not appropriate for children. So if you got a kid around, boot him.
Awaken Baked
Okay, so Truth be told I have been so fucking horny lately like my libido is on a thousand and I only say that because while you know, I have no problem telling y'all about my pussy or My activities. Um, it also aligns with creative energy I know we were just talking about the stress of what's going on in the United States, and I was talking to one of my friends recently, and she was saying that she feels the need to really like, like focus and just hone in more on her creativity right now, while still obviously protesting, advocating however she can, but she just feels called like maybe in a healing sense.
Awaken Baked
And honestly, with the amount of horniness I've been experiencing, I'm taking that as a sign, you know, the creative energy um and the horniness, but I'm taking it as a sign to like really be creative with Awakened Bake and my work and just like any outlets that I can for myself during this time.
Awaken Baked
because I am experiencing a lot of big emotions right now and I know in the past like when I was younger not on an extreme level about like our government going crazy but when I was younger and like shit would hit the fan in my life that is when I produced a lot of my favorite and like in my opinion some of my best art And I think it's because when you're emotional, you get all this like, I don't know, it's like a flood of ideas, basically. And I'm going to grab onto those and I'm really going to utilize them. And when a thought pops up, especially if it's like one of those ah inspired action moments where it just like comes to you naturally and you're like, wait a minute, this could be like really fun. This could be so cute. I'm running with those thoughts.
Awaken Baked
Anytime I get a spark of inspiration and creativity, I'm going to run with it specifically and especially for Awakened Bake for my work and like for like my life goals. I'm also not going to ignore the horniness, though. I mean, I do be fucking and baby, if you're listening, if if you're my husband listening, get ready.
Awaken Baked
Also, sexual energy is magical. It's healing. So if you have a partner who you really trust and you really feel safe with, I encourage you to try some new fun sexual shit with them. Maybe experiment a little bit. Maybe just like focus more on like your pleasure if that's something that you've been lacking. But take advantage of it if you are also a horn dog like my motherfucking self. Or should I say my husband fucking self?
Awaken Baked
And you know what? Speaking of husbands, speaking of men in general, I'm actually not a man hater, contrary to popular fucking belief, but I just hate shitty men. And I think a lot of women settle and a lot of women will like go back against their morals when they find a man who like is I don't know, who's willing to like do a lot of the stuff they want like they will compromise their own morals and their beliefs that they have stood on for however many fucking years and that they've been like so outspoken about all of a sudden they're real fucking quiet once they get a man and it's just really interesting because it's like so you got picked and suddenly you don't stand for anything. So I would just like to point out that my husband is a safe man for everybody. He is an ally to everybody and I'm just very fucking grateful for him.
Awaken Baked
We love. OK, I don't know if you just heard my dog fucking scream, but she's just chanting because she agrees with me that she loves Isaiah. Yeah, so we love a man who you know respects women's rights and human rights in general. So really quickly, you guys, I have some downloads for you and they're very fucking important and they're very on brand with whatever is happening in the universe. Whatever the fuck is going on on Earth right now. So I suggest you take a hit before we get into it, because You know, a little gear shift, you know, myself as an autistic individual sometimes um changing like from one task to another can be difficult. I love using cannabis like in between. Like if I'm doing the dishes, OK, I'm going to take a hit and I'm going to do the dishes. And then if I'm going to do laundry, OK, I'm going to do like take a hit and then I'll go full close. Same thing with this shit. We're switching gears or switching topics. Take a hit and then shut the fuck up and listen.
Awaken Baked
Okay, so the first download that I had, it's probably the most important one. If your mental is struggling right now, I need you to not try to handle it all by yourself. I need you to ask for

Community and Future Challenges

Awaken Baked
help. I need you to ask your team. I need you to ask people in your life for help and seek therapy or seek professional help of some kind.
Awaken Baked
I want to be clear, I'm not saying this because I'm like, I'm fed up with your bullshit. And I'm also not saying this because I'm trying to stress you out more or make you feel like bad about yourself in some way. Literally none of that. But we are going to need to be unified and mentally well enough to be able to handle what's to come. OK. And if I am spiraling into full gloom and doom, it brings us all down. Our participation as a whole truly fucking matters moving forward as a nation. If you're an international listener, this still applies to you.
Awaken Baked
I just don't know what's going on in your nation right now. I'm so sorry. So that's the first thing. And that's the main thing is that if you are struggling mentally, do not wait until it gets worse because I'm here to tell you the next worst part is going to be really hard for you to handle. So just get a hold of it now. Please ask for help. Do not try to handle this by yourself. Also, the whole thing is moving forward. We need to be more unified. We need to be more of a loving community that works together, more of a village. If you will, people love to say it takes a village, but like that's what a village is.
Awaken Baked
It's stepping in to help your neighbor. So don't feel like, oh, it's not bad enough yet, or other people have it, whereas I can't ask for help yet. Just do it, bitch. Okay. And then the next thing you have a decision to make, you have some type of decision to make, and I hate to say it, but it's kind of a big one.

Decision Making for Success

Awaken Baked
It's no, it's not like a major fucking life changing decision where it's going to like, fuck you up. Okay. But I'm saying it's going to be emotional. It might be painful and it might be difficult. Okay. But you know what it is. You know, that needs to be done. And honestly, you've known for some time.
Awaken Baked
I think it has to do with certain relationships relationships in your life. It does not have to be romantic, but 100% could be. and Also could be friendships. Also could be professional relationships. Something has to give is what I'm saying. You need to make a decision one way or the other. Might not even be ending it. Might not be cutting it off. It might be setting a boundary or deciding where you're going to take the next step. But I'm not going to lie, for a lot of you, you got to cut someone off or something.
Awaken Baked
And then the third download which I honestly feel like ties it together is that you're entering a season of success and your dreams are arriving. Okay, but your dream life won't be ready until you're ready and this thing you have to make a decision on it's not able to come with you or at least the way it's existing right now. It is not able to come with you. Well, the thing is.
Awaken Baked
we know inevitably what's meant for us is for us, it won't miss us. So are you just pushing this thing off for like a long time until you're ready? Like, what is what is making you wait? Why would you wait? You know what I mean? Like this dream. It's not just a dream. It's yours for a reason because it's your destiny.
Awaken Baked
You're the one who's put in the work. You're the one who's been dedicated to it. The thing that you're making a decision about cannot be the way it's existing right now, at least cannot be part of that future. So you need to just go ahead and make this decision. Otherwise, I think you're just prolonging the inevitable. And then later, it's just going to all blow up, probably more dramatic, probably be a lot messier to clean up afterward when you could have just taken the universe's guide guidance right now and go ahead and get ready because your dream won't be ready for you until you are ready.
Awaken Baked
I hope that that resonates with some of you. Do with that information what you will. I don't want to get to nitpick you with it and be like, it's your ex or it's your coworker from five years. Like, you know what I mean? However, it fits into your life. Go ahead and figure out. I think the main thing you need to know is that you need to ask for help, especially if you're struggling right now. um You have a decision to make and you need to make it and your dreams are arriving. So go ahead and make it soon.
Awaken Baked
Listen, than bitches, we can do this.

Gratitude and Collective Strength

Awaken Baked
We're in this the fuck together. OK, that's the whole point of this whole fucking episode. I just want to acknowledge. I feel you. I hear you. I see you. I feel all the things that we are feeling of fear. OK, as much as I can as a white woman. Right. But I'm also just trying to let you know, like I love you. And as a community, I want to be in this together like for all of us. So.
Awaken Baked
We're going to take care of ourselves. We are going to take the necessary steps to ensure our well-being so that we can not only be our best for ourselves, but that when we come together, if there is a fucking revolution, if there is something that we need to be doing, you know, the hard part is I'm just Danny, right? I'm not a politician. I'm not the brains behind any fucking operation. I just would love to be a part of it and help however I can.
Awaken Baked
with making sure that shit gets right. Baby, I am nothing more than a vessel for Source to speak to me or to speak to you through me, okay? Beautiful, I'm glad that we are all understanding each other. Thank you guys so much for listening and thank you guys for being here with me, for being patient with me. I know I started a lot this episode. I know I was anxious this episode. I've been really not sure what to say during this time. I'm like, do I say anything at all? Because is it really my time to be talking? What do I even say? But also I know that as a white woman, I have privilege in this country. So I need to say something and I need to address something, but also we don't know a lot of stuff yet. We don't really know what to do yet, so.
Awaken Baked
I appreciate the grace that you guys are giving me because this is my first time, you know, being 27 and having this shit in life happen. I am so grateful for you guys giving me the patience and the grace to speak about this and figure it out and try to do my best. I am so happy that you guys are here with me listening, supporting every week. Thank you guys again. Please tell your friends, tell your grandma and as always, stay high.