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The Reality IS Duality

Awaken Bake
80 Plays10 months ago

Your favorite dynamic duo back again to talk about the duality in this world and how to find balance navigating through it. Dani and Kelsey are back and ready for a sesh with YOU!


Introduction and Podcast Overview

Welcome to Awakened Bake, an educational, high vibrational, mystical, spiritual, I'm sorry, podcast, from two girls, one joint, and a journey to awaken what's inside all of us. In the words of the Wise Wiz Khalifa, let's roll something and get the day started. What up, Sluts? We are back and better than ever. We have a super fun episode for you today, don't we, bitch? It's so important, guys. We are gonna have fun. We're gonna give you the tea, and we're also gonna teach you something.
Yeah, I feel like we're getting to like the real life examples of duality, not like the truth of duality. We're going to touch on it. Kelsey has a great definition of it. But we're going to really talk about like implementing it in real life. Yes, it is a very divine concept. We can talk about heaven and hell and we will. We actually will touch on it briefly. But we're going to talk about like real life when you're existing at work, in school.
sitting on your couch watching reality TV. We're going to touch on all of it. Duality is everything.

Exploring Duality in Life and Actions

The exact definition of duality is a world with infinite and without anything being finite or absolute. There's nothing that is one thing, and we say that all the time. Nothing's black and white. Everything has gray area.
That's what is the duality is that that ability to do to be more than one thing to believe in one more than one thing to be able to watch more than one thing and that not define who you are or mean that you're some like bad person because you watch reality TV or you follow someone who might be controversial. It's not about
that it's about what you're doing with it or your intention behind it. Yes. I think that's super fair. And we're going to touch on all of

Engagement and Social Media Success

that. Before we get into that, I did just want to say thank you guys so much for officially 1000 subscribers on YouTube. Unbelievable.
already passed 1000 as of this morning, but we hit 1000 last night. That's so exciting. We're so grateful. If you haven't yet, please go watch our latest video and like and subscribe and leave a comment if you so please it helps us a lot with the algorithm and being pushed out so that other people can, you know, be on this journey with us and talk about shit that's actually good for you. I say that and then we're like, we're gonna talk about reality TV. But trust me. Um,
it is and we'll touch on it all and i did just want to also thank kelsey she's been on it with tiktok absolutely killing it something about kelsey and tiktok that that app loves her so and you know it's funny because i hated it for so long it's because you're the people's princess honey like and tiktok is the people's app oh my god well dream yes i even have the sapphire ring holy shit well there goes my head it is blown up
So today's episode, we are so lucky to have Princess Diana with us today.

Influencer Drama: Tana and Brittany

We're going to talk. Hello. We are going to talk about, yes, examples of Johnny in the real world. And I'm going to be honest, what exactly inspired today's episode is the Tana Mongeau and Brittany Broski.
drama drama such a stupid word to use because it's not that big of a deal. But I kind of feel like people are making it a big deal, including Tana herself. And this is not a video hating on Tana mojo. Is she controversial and truly problematic? Yeah, that's totally true. Okay, I'm not here. Yeah, and I'm not here to hate on her for that. Right? Full transparency.
I have seen a lot of her content before because there was a long time before like all the stuff came out about like, hey, here's a lot of bad stuff that she did before I even knew about TanaCon and stuff. I used to watch her a lot and I've had even like purchased things from her. Of course I had to stop financially supporting her. I won't ever like go to a show or anything like that. I'm not gonna recommend her to people. But if, you know, for today's episode, I wanna make it clear. I'm not shitting on her.
I'm that is not what I'm here to do. Um, but I am here to talk about how I think it's okay for someone to be able to like grow and exist, but we don't all have to just immediately start working with you and accept you back into like forms of like our lives, basically. So what happened was if you're not aware, Brittany broski, she is an internet
I want to say just comedian and also commentary kind of talk show person podcaster. She really does it all but comedian is like the broad scope of what you would call her. Um, I also say that because while all of her commentary and all of her content in general is comedic, she also is a standard comedian. So when I say she's a comedian, I truly mean it in every sense of the word. Now,
I'm not saying Tana's not funny. That is literally the only reason I watched her in the past or have watched her recently is because she's not, well, one, I'm trying to get drama. I would love tea. I just love the tea. So if I'm like, oh, something happened, I'm going to watch. But also, she is entertaining because she's funny. She's always got, yeah, her opinions are funny. Sorry, guys. We've been smoking, so you got to deal with the cough.
Um, also I'm sipping on this cannabis hot chocolate by Kush cups. Oh my gosh, it's so good. It tastes so fucking good. Um, it doesn't get me that high because my tolerance is through the fucking roof. So it's basically a micro dose for me. It's 10 milligrams, but it's very like calming and relaxing and not gonna lie. The taste is fantastic. You would never know there's cannabis in this. That makes it dangerous. If you live with people who can't consume cannabis, make sure you don't like put it in. If you try to be those, yeah, tangent.
I love people who give a fuck about where they live and their home and the decor and interior design. That's fine. But like, I'm just never gonna be those people. Um, me and Isaiah both, we're just not those people that are like, we're gonna buy really cute containers and then empty like all of our cereal into the containers and use it that way. Empty the hot chocolate into a container. If you do that, I'm not hating on you. This is duality, bitch. I think that's cute as fuck for you.
But for me, that would be nothing but irritating and not it. It would just frustrate the fuck out of me. It's unnecessary. I don't know why. It doesn't seem efficient. It seems like it's more wasteful, even though I know it's not. It's still the box. But I'm like, if I just throw the box away, well, you already had to buy the box. So I'm like, I might as well use it.
Yeah, like you're going to have to recycle the box and throw it away anyway and like do all that shit. All you're doing is just buying more glass to have in your house. So I don't know. Hey, whatever tickles your peach. I'm sure there's more. I'm sure there's more logic to it. And that's fine. But for me and the way my brain works, that would stress me the fuck out. My point being, don't put this hot chocolate in one of those containers. Keep it in the labeled.
It's literally says cush cups. Then it says clearly every serving is 10 milligrams of cannabis. There's 100 milligrams total on the pack. Um, I don't even use the full serving either. So I know I'm not even getting 10 milligrams because that would be like a lot of chocolate, honestly, but the taste is fantastic. I highly recommend. And a mojo and Brittany broski.
And Brittany broski like Tana basically long story short they've met. They're both in the influencer realm, right. They've met and of course they're going to be friendly with each other. Why they have nothing against each other they have no reason to hate each other. They're both funny gals with successful platforms. And there is, I will say there is some crossover. Okay, I feel like it's a
There should be an expected level of like, it's professionalism between them. Like, it's not necessarily French friendly always, it's professional, which is how they should be. Like, right, you're in the same industry.
I would argue too that it's okay to be kind and even friendly to somebody and have respect like, okay, you have your issues, but when I see you and when I am in contact with you, I'm going to be kind to you and I'm going to be like, whatever, and I can still respect you and what you do in this industry, but that doesn't mean I condone it. That doesn't mean I actually like it or want to hang out with you.
Exactly. So what happened is Tana texted Brittany Broski after seeing her at an event recently. Or I don't know where this event I somehow they met up recently, I think it was an event. And they were like, chatting.
A few days later, Tana, guys, maybe my timeline is wrong, but basically they saw each other at an event. Then Tana texted Brittany and said, if you are ever down to do charity work, I would love to have you on the cancel podcast. Tana is very self-deprecating, but also Brittany is too. And mind you, they both have their own sense of humor, which you're going to see in this text exchange.
Um, so long story short, Brittany basically said no, but she was very funny. And I thought kind of nice about it, but apparently no one else thought she was nice about it. I thought she was like funny. Because she said like, I feel like I feel like she responded with the appropriate appropriate amount of humor, considering that she started Tana started it all with if you want to do charity work, like she started it off as sort of joking, like I feel like she knew that she was asking a lot in the question. Thank you.
Absolutely. Well, Brittany's response was basically no, she was like, lol, girl, OMG, you know, I love you. But my fans would like grill me on a campfire or something like like that. And everybody's like, Tana basically read the messages on her podcast. And Tana said why? And Brittany didn't answer.
Because, well, she just told you what, because her fans would not at all be okay with that. And it would jeopardize the relationship that she has with her fan base and the integrity of the content that she puts out and what she- Absolutely. And I think, but people are like, well, and she shouldn't text her and she shouldn't say like, love you and all that. If you are somebody who is like me and when I'm talking to people and I don't hate them, I have love for them.
I think it's fair to say Tana Mongeau has been very problematic and is a problematic and controversial person. But Brittany doesn't have to necessarily hate her completely. And she can. And so her saying like, Oh, like I love you. That could genuinely mean like I have love for you as as in like as a creator as a fellow woman in the influencer realm.
Like it just means many things. I don't think it has to mean you know I love you because we are best fucking friends And I get it people have really strong opinions about the word love a lot of people are like no You only use it if you're on your chest bed, and it's the one person who's there for you type shit like and I get it It is like a serious word, but I also don't subscribe to that. There's reality it is love and it's not
Yeah. And so I feel like Brittany was basically if you know her sense of humor, that was basically her saying like, Hey, I appreciate the offer. But I don't think you're lying in a very polite way. That's how I took it. Yeah. Funny polite. Thank you. That's how I took it. Well, Brooke and Tana were so especially Brooke was like so offended by it. And it's caused this big discourse over Brittany broski, not being a feminist being fake.
like hating women and being like just like a bitch and like not a good person and I just feel like I think it's okay to say hey I don't hate you as an individual but I don't want to do business with you and on a professional setting and on a broad scale like what I'm going to put out and recommend to people who I have influence over I'm not comfortable recommending you or your product or your content or your message like I don't
that's not what I want to put into the world. It doesn't mean that I hate that you exist. But I don't want to participate. It may be an unfortunate truth of like Tana's reality as far as like her perception from the how the world perceives her. But like, unfortunately, when you look at her, you have to look at her entire history like you have to take into all that is Tana and
There's a fucking lot. She's been around for a long time and she's done a lot of things that have been very questionable and she's showed a lot of pattern of not being honest, of kind of taking advantage of people, of being a little bit dumb, of getting her... Of being ignorant to specific minority groups. She has a history of making mistakes that when you're trying to be a professional and do what Brittany does, which is
be funny but also be real. You need to associate yourselves when in a professional setting with people who are at that level that aren't going to make other people then question you and what you're saying, like that's protecting yourself.
Absolutely. And that's and I agree, too, like with what you're saying, because also Britney's whole audience and also what Britney talks about a lot of what Britney talks about. You guys, I don't even give a fuck about I only listen because like Britney's talking about it, but she's much more of like an intellectual or like not intellectual and academic, I should say.
She has full episodes like a whole series on her YouTube and even full podcast, which is also a visual show as well on YouTube of just art history. But talk of a fuck about art history. I appreciate it. I respect it. But it bores me. I love that it exists, right? Duality. It's not for me, though. But when she's talking about it, I'm like, you know, that actually is really fascinating that this guy was such a tortured soul and was trying to get you know what I mean? Like, I'm like, okay, like, I see the lore, but I and she talks about things like
not gossipy, she'll be like, hey Beyonce put out cowboy Carter, I'm going to do an in-depth essay breakdown of every single track and what it means on a deep feminist level. Like that versus, this is who was sucking dick in the club and I hate her for it, but I did like, we are besties at the same time. And like I did fuck her brother and like her mom, like, you know what I mean?
And hey, there's a time and place for both of those to exist. I would be lying if I were to say Tana's podcast is not extremely entertaining. And if I saw Brittany on Tana's Instagram story, that would be nothing to me, right? You know, like, like, it's all about context and like how

Influencers: Reputation and Content Focus

it's been, how they're interacting, what they're doing. But for Brittany to go on to that show is for then for Brittany to then give
that a platform which is not Yes, exactly and to say I condone all of this behavior and maybe she does not and even if she Like you're allowed to have grace for somebody like I I know it's actually not I genuinely think
As a white woman who didn't go to TanaCon, I have nothing to forgive Tana for. It's not my place to say, well, I forgive her for her discussions and for her, like, whatever, because I wasn't the victim of it. I wasn't the target of it. You know what I mean? For people to have issues in beef with her is so fair.
And so for Brittany, to like be like, I, I can, I understand that you have quote unquote, apologize, you're trying to do better, you're trying to grow, you've been trying to stay out of issues recently. I definitely believe people can grow and change. As a person, I can totally want to uplift you. But
like Britney is very her whole thing is about feminism and and tana's whole thing is not and like i think that there's it's not to say tana's not a feminist but i don't think she's intentional with her feminism at all and i don't and i don't think that she is mindful of it either
good way. And I think that Brittany is I think that Brittany is intentional of it. I think she's mindful of it. And I think that she also like works all the time to educate herself further on it, like a conscious effort, but not in a way that's like, Oh, well, I've just been, I've been canceled. So I'm gonna grow because I'm canceled right now. She doesn't wait to get canceled. And you don't even sad about the whole like thing is that like, I feel like it really showed like,
that Tana is still just the mean girl. Because like, also, like, I feel like, as someone who I feel like I relate to Brittany a lot, like, I'm also a plus size person, like, we have a lot in common and like that, right, like, I, I feel like I really relate to her. There's a lot of different ways, like, when I hear her talk that I'm like, I love, like, she really resonates with me. And that's because I can, like, I feel like I can be her, I've been her at times with the when she shares like some of her intimate, like how she's felt and stuff.
And like, I feel like it's just another example of someone like her who is bigger, who is going through something like this, like trying to be careful because she is the person who would be immediately taken down for being canceled for doing something like this because she's an easy target because she's got these things that people look for just like in Lizzo, because she's black and fat, like,
people look for these easy vulnerable targets to take down. And yeah, they have to be more careful. And it's not being judgmental. If Tana is using her judgment, like, absolutely, absolutely. And let's talk about that for a second about like, first of all, the podcast is called canceled. So we're not gonna act like it's such a far concept that Brittany would be scared to go on that because it would not be good for her in general as a whole in her personal life or her professional life. But
Also, Brittany and Tana have both actually been canceled before and that was brought up on the show. And it's the difference in what they're canceled. That's really like telling. Also, I think it's telling that Brittany is like, you know, I love you, but I just don't really think it would be a good idea to come on the show.
And then they immediately read her their personal message girl. Yeah, that's why she doesn't. That's why she doesn't want to come on the show. You just proved it. It's not the same audience. It's not the same vibe, but also Brittany was canceled for not speaking on the.
Middle East, what's happening in Middle East, the conflict, the genocide going on. We're not going to get into that right now. People's opinions on that are all extremely valid on all sides, and that is totally fair. That's why we're not going to talk about it, because as a white woman, it's totally not my place. We're not going to touch it, but it's because Britney is so vocal about her stance on feminism and equality in this world and progression in this world.
No one gives a fuck has asked or even really knows what tana's opinion is because It doesn't matter circles. It's different like yeah, that's probably horrible to say But like it doesn't matter like no one no one is looking up to tana for those type of ideas And I think most people have already decided it doesn't actually matter what she says because it might not be it There's a great chance. It won't be a good take and so like you have to and i'm not saying put her in a box but like
take her for what she is. And then in that like, also allow Brittany to do the same and like, I think it's just so crazy.
that Tana is so removed from like how reality is that she can't see that like what she has created while it's cool, it's beautiful in its own way, canceled as a podcast. It's a very cool concept. They have fun conversations. Like you said, like it's not a, I don't hate it. I think it's very cool, but you have to understand that those are, it's a different realm of level of media. Like it's a different, the goals at the end of the day are very different. One is gossip and one is trying to teach. Like at the end of the day, Brittany's trying to teach us stuff.
Absolutely. And is she trying to entertain us? Yes. But like it's impossible to watch her content and not understand. Oh, she's definitely she has a bigger picture. She has like actual real long term goals. And her intention of this content is to teach and be better and help people be better. Like that is the goal. Whereas Tana is like the end goal of Tana's whole existence is to
be famous and have clout like, like, that's it. That's cool. Do you like I love it. You more. Hey, and I love someone who can admit I love attention. We need those people because same because same. And it's way cooler for like, Tana, you know what you are. She will, you know, Brittany will hit you up when you're out part like, but you're not the person that like, it's just not
And it's not to say that you can't be that one day, but your actions need to align with that. And just, and just staying out of trouble is not the same as changing your actions. You know what I mean? Completely. And like your words have to, and also again, Tana's entire like.
public existence until this point has been semi-problematic in some circle. So that means it's gonna take some time to like, heal the wounds. Yeah, absolutely. You got some growing to do, Tan. Like, and we love you for it.
Yeah, and like I said, it's not Kelsey nice place to forgive Tana. We're just we're trying to be as diplomatic about this as possible. Like about saying like, if you fucking hate her, your opinion is valid. But if you're also like, look, I think what she did is wrong. But like I can get I can like, appreciate someone's growth. I also agree with that. That's like, that's totally fair. It's really not my place to have much of an opinion on her. But
I will say like she, I do think staying out of trouble is not the same as growing. And I do think it would be cool to see like major growth from her. I think that would be really cool. But I'm not here to shit on her and I don't think that she's like getting worse or anything like that. I've heard actually apparently
And again, I don't know her, but apparently she's sober. And I think that's an amazing thing for her specifically. Like, I think that's going to be really great and is really great. So I just want to make it clear. This episode

Reality TV: Duality and Impact

is not the show on Tana. However, this episode is inspired by her little drama gossip moment. And I so that way with a lot of celebrities and I think like a lot of us get like ashamed. Like I've been scared to listen to the cowboy Carter album because I've been like, oh, my God, I don't want to like
be bad and like be supporting Beyonce and like I think sometimes we need to like both zoom in and zoom out like one listen to me listening to Beyonce isn't the reason that she's a potential billionaire aluminum like like, you know, I'm talking like worst case scenario type thing like I'm being dramatic, but like
Sometimes there are instances again, use your judgment like you can listen to things you can do things if you make a mistake if you like. It's not a definite thing. It doesn't define who you are. It's not everything I watch sister wives. They're terrible people. I love that show. I will admit like I have consumed it unbelievably.
Right now, they are going through something horrible where one of their children has taken their own life and that's a wild thing to be something that's like due to reality TV and it's the first time we're kind of happy. It's a very crazy thing. I still am like apart. I still consume it. I'm still interested. But that doesn't mean I condone it like Danny said earlier.
It's hard because I know that we say don't support people, but there's a difference between supporting financially and watching and learning, and I think that you can watch and learn.
bad people sometimes, from bad people sometimes. Yeah, and not learning like, oh, this is what they've taught me. They've taught you what not to do. They've given you an example of negative patterns to look out for. It's sometimes the slapstick boldness of the craziness of things that you see on reality TV to me that almost make it so like, slap me so much into my reality of like, oh my God, that's so crazy. To see the way that the Kardashians lived,
makes me so much more grounded in my life and what I have in my situation because I'm like, okay, see, this is real. Like, you know what I mean? Wait, wait, before we go on, I need you to touch on the Beyonce criticism because I know we have some beehive lovers that are gonna be like, wait, what the fuck is she talking about? Why? Why do you not like Beyonce? Because this is another reality situation. Because Beyonce is
was and always will be a huge pillar and major representation for black women in the industry, in the music industry, in the just arts industry and entertainment industry. Absolutely. I go ahead and give you the artist that she is. Like I truly I remember when Homecoming came out, like when she did that Coachella and like that was such an incredibly powerful perform like. Again, duality, she is an incredible performer.
I am someone, and I think Danny agrees with me, unfortunately, to be a billionaire, which she is, you cannot do that in this world without exploiting people. And when you do any bit of research into her, her clothing lines and stuff, it's sweatshops. They have to live in the factories that make her clothes. They don't get let out. They can't see their families. It's shit like that. And that does not take away from the greatness that she has done.
she should use her power to be better. And you should not be able to just Google Beyonce sweatshops and see the proof that that is real and that is happening. Like, you know, like you should be people who are putting on these pedestals, we should hold accountable, we should force them to be real and be better and make the world better because they have the money that is required to do it. And so like, that's true. Her new album, I think that's incredible. I think it's so cool. It's country as hell. Sure. I mean, I fucking hate country. I'm not so like, whatever.
But it's country as hell. I love it. Right. And I love it for her. She's from Texas. I think that's cool as fuck. But I can't listen to it and not like, think about people who are trapped in sweatshops, or like, things like that. It's, it's kind of like Taylor Swift. Like I am not
I don't like Taylor Swift. I've never liked Taylor Swift. I've said this my entire life that I'm not a Taylor Swift fan. However, I wish her the best. I'm glad she's winning. She's an artist. She's doing great. The era's tour seemed cool, just like Beyonce's. Both these things, like, as artists, they're equally incredible. Or not equally, I'm gonna say, I will say Beyonce is a bit better.
A bit, lights it, light years, light years, light years, light years, light years, light years, light years, light years. But I'm talking morality. They're pretty similar when you're doing, when you're doing it on that level, when you're like being this kind of star. And unfortunately, so like when I, that was like a shattering moment for me to like realize that like as, as performers, like, Oh, okay. So Beyonce is on the same level as like Taylor Swift, as far as
level of fame and the cap that we're at. And so that was a shattering moment for me of like, wow, it's so weird to think that these people, once they get to this level, they're so blinded. You can't understand what reality even is.
Um, and so that's why again, the duality of it, it's, it is important to see that and to honestly, probably in some ways root for it and like, yeah, go Beyonce. If anyone's going to be winning, I want it to be the black woman, at least like, I'll say that I take Taylor every time. Take her, like take her down. I don't care. Um, but both of you could be better. Us to the aliens. Take Taylor. All right. We got to pick one. Take Tay. Take Tay Tay. Take Tay.
Cool. I just needed you to touch on that. Yeah,

Personal Experiences: Theater Industry

I don't. Right. Like it's not a hate thing. It's just I feel conflicted. Like I and it's not like when we our last episode when we were talking about like the bad people, like when we talk about like Chris Brown, like I can't listen to Chris Brown's music. It's very different because it's this like undefined. It's like this this fluid like a feeling of like I just don't know. Yeah, that makes sense.
So yeah guys duality and Kelsey Kelsey never talking to you about like duality even in like careers and like what we do like life paths and This just really like hit home for me. Honestly, I talk about it a lot, but I grew up doing theater I thought that I was gonna grow up in like just the goal was always Broadway right or the goal was to be like a backup dancer for somebody on tour and
Things change. You realize that you're a highly sensitive person and even driving in a car makes you ill for days. So how the fuck are you supposed to go on tour on a tour bus or a plane? When on a plane, I need to literally drug myself. Guys, I did I did a gig once and we had to fly like to to and from Vegas in California and everybody was trying to like work on the plane. And I was like, are we all fucking insane right now?
I'm having a panic attack. I am shitting and puking and sweating my ass off. Like, what are we even doing right now? I can't even imagine you reading something while moving. Yeah. No, exactly. Exactly. So anyway, I grew up doing theater and I thought that was going to be my life.
Um, me and I would venture to say half or more of the participants in the arts category of specifically like dance and like musical theater. There's a lot of toxicity and really kind of dark shit that happens in the background and in the forefront, but definitely in the background. Um, and it can just be very toxic. It can be very unhealthy for a lot of us. And I was one of the us. Okay.
Now that being said it is also a very beautiful vital part of our culture and our society and with like developing the minds of young children and I fully agree with all of that and I can acknowledge that. The industry side of it though is really toxic and unhealthy however because this has like been my life for so many years and it like it's just within my adult life that that well my yeah my adult life that that kind of changed
A lot of my friends are not only still in the industry, but doing extremely well for themselves, either on Broadway, have been on Broadway, national tours, cruise ships, whole thing. So I am also very connected and plugged into that world. And I see how it benefits them and how it serves them and how it's literally just them fulfilling their dreams, having the time of their life. And I'm so happy for them, but it's crazy because when I watch them, I'm like, that would just not be me.
I could if I booked the gig that you have right now, I guarantee I'd be fucking miserable. Because not because the because like the show sucks or the people necessarily have to suck. It's the whole thing. It's getting there for me. It's comparing myself to other people. It's the whole fitting situation. It's the whole rehearsal process of like,
seeing myself in the mirror next to the other dancers and oh I'm too tall I'm not this enough I'm not that enough like that whole type of thing it's like well what if the director doesn't like me I'm already Karstik I'm already nauseous I'm already this like I am just not built for it and I'm much happier not trying to do it as a fucking profession but still knowing like that doesn't mean I'm not good at it just because I'm not trying to make a living on it doesn't mean I'm not good at it
And again, my whole opinion on theater, I'm still working through I'm not gonna lie, like, I went from absolutely loving it to like, absolutely hating it to like, now I'm really working on the duality of it. I think that's how it has to go a lot of times. Unfortunately, I think not a lot of people are able to have the grace to go from disliking something because usually when we dislike something, it's because it's a trigger in some way, you know, there's some sort of a trauma that causes it. And so it's hard to admit like,

Reality TV: Escapism and Community

man, maybe I can find some good in that like, you don't you never want to find the right. I also want to talk about I saw a really cool fucking video recently from Mickey Adkins. Mickey is one of my favorite therapists on YouTube. And they always clarify they cannot be your therapist. They cannot terrifies people over YouTube. It's not possible. It's also illegal. However,
And my therapist is my favorite therapist like for real life. But my favorite therapist on YouTube is Mickey Atkins. She made this video. That was very like, I was like, Oh, bitch, I needed to hear this. It was all about reality TV and the effects it has on us and like the truth about it. And it's like,
I think we all know if we have a single working brain cell that reality TV is not this like educational, extremely healthy form of content to be consuming. Okay, got it moving on. I would also argue that all these action filled drama filled murder filled shows
aren't either all these emotional turmoil shows aren't either it's just a matter of is it real life or fake which one do you care about like right kind of the same vibe but regardless mickey's point was number one a lot of misogyny is rooted in the whole thought of reality tv and the whole thought of like oh well it's just gossip because here's the fucking thing first of all
women are the ones who way back in the day before media was a thing before the news was a thing women used to have to through word of mouth quote unquote gossip but really just like talk to each other and communicate with each other because that is how information was spread that is the only way people could like figure out well what's going on in this community what's going on in my community what's happening in the world around me like what it who's a safe person who's not a safe person what's going to be happening soon who can we trust like it's very
That was the question that got the men to make them stop and turned it into gossiping, is who's safe? And then the women started sharing who was safe and who wasn't. And then the men were like, oh, these fucking gossipy women.
All y'all do is sit there and talk that shit. Exactly. And also, so like everybody kind of gossips anyway, but also everybody watches reality TV, whether it's like sports, like football, soccer, whatever the fuck. That's the TV, whether it's the fucking great British baking show, that's fucking reality TV, whether it's your fucking HGTV home remake shit. That is reality TV or if it's Vanderpump Rules or Real Housewives. I don't give a fuck, bitch.
If it's botched it's reality TV It's just like it just all varies and also it creates a sense of community with a lot of people because it's nice to be able to watch something and Instead of just when it comes to like the president or like Beyonce, right? It's like, okay We know what they like post and put out there, but that's very curated and not to say reality TV is not curated But it's not curated by the people putting it out, right?
It's like the subjects we are watching are not the ones editing. They don't have a say in the storyline 99% of the time unless they're obviously like the Kardashians I'm putting on their show the Kardashians that fine. We they know exactly what's gonna be put out there
Yeah, the rest of these bitches are just as nervous as we are, but like sweating before it comes out. Like, what the fuck? What are we going to watch? Like, what are they going to do? They're like, what are they going to fucking show? Like, oh, my God, I showed my ass so much. What are they going to show? And it's nice, too, for us to be able to have all of this information.
about someone that we all get to witness and put out there. We don't have to speculate. I heard this room where I heard that rumor, we get to see it, then we get to decide how we feel about it. We get to talk about it with other people. It does create a kind of a bond or a sense of likeness and like, understanding with people around you. There's really nothing that fucking wrong with that, especially when these people sign up to do that to be entertainment for the show completely.
Obviously, reality TV is easier to be addicted to because of the way it hits dopamine wise for a lot of people and the way that it hits Mickey touched on or not Mickey and Mickey's comments. Someone who said that they were therapists as well touched on it for a lot of people with PTSD or CPTSD.
It's almost like a safe way to consume chaos because it's not their own. They can they can also see it all play out in a way that like it kind of hits. Even though it's traumatic, it kind of does hit a little dopamine receptor at the same time. Oh, I can totally.
because it's kind of like an addiction almost. And so it does kind of serve that purpose, but without triggering you and putting you in fight or flight, because you're safe from it, it has nothing to do with you. And it's like this whole character thing, you know what I mean? Where it's like, not only, you're not the only one watching it, everyone else is watching this too. So it's, you're not alone whatsoever. And it's kind of a safer way to consume that. And so that's also why it kind of serves as an addiction for a lot of people.
But to say, Oh, it just rots your brain because all they do is gossip. All they do is party. All they do is whatever. That's literally like 90% of just all content and media put out in the world. It's that's kind of bullshit. Like, what's the difference between watching? I don't know when people like sit there and they'll watch violence all day long.
like superhero action movies, and I love a good movie. I'm not there to shit on it, but we could argue that it promotes violence. And then it promotes lack of emotional, um, what am I trying to say? Like emotional intelligence, because everyone just fucking resorts to extremes and fucking killing each other. Usually it's sexualizing women and usually it's, you know,
smell aggressive and you know, there's a lot of things you could say about movies and how like, but we could literally dissect any category any genre. But yeah, like there is duality and it's very misogynistic. It's rooted in misogyny to say that reality TV like it's it's so bad for you. It's so trashy and it's so gossipy. And it's just kind of like, okay, dude, like
I don't I don't really want to have this conversation. I honestly feel better watching reality TV than I did when I used to like watch like criminal minds and all those shows like because I found myself getting like paranoid. Like whereas reality TV, because it's so
silly and not like in haha silly but like just it's silly like the way that it's made like when you can look at it as a person who is like objective and like not to speak too highly of myself but pretty self-aware and like grounded I'm I can watch it in a very objective way of like oh okay what I'm getting out of this and what it's so like there are times in your life where it might not be great but like compared to watching like
shows about people getting murdered and stuff. I'm like, damn, I really like just my Vanderpump Rules fights. Like, yeah. And most of the time, it's really not that fucking deep. It's like you you second in like my dress and it's like that would probably upset somebody. And that's why I'm here for the petty tea. No one's actually getting that fucking hurt. And if it is like an episode where it's like, oh, so and so cheated on me and that can be triggering for some people just in general.
just turn it off. I know what's a really good show the boys and that fucking the one with Homelander he's scary as fuck. However, that show trigger it's a great show triggered the fuck out of me because of how our wordy it is. And I had to turn it off. I'm not trying to cancel that fucking genre of like action superhero stuff from existing. I'm not like oh actually all that shit is toxic like if you don't want to use your goddamn brain and utilize duality. I'm so mad. Well, that's the thing is just use your fucking brain like stop
Everything we have to both be more critical and less critical. And that's hard. Like I get it. That's a hard thing to get. That's a hard concept to grasp. But if you can't grasp it, then stop making decisions. Get back and learn. Like grow a little bit. Stop commenting on it. Shut your mouth. If you can't do it, then you don't get to do it yet. Another shut your mouth topic for me is when people shit on cannabis use. Oh, shut your mouth. If it doesn't work for you, shut your mouth.

Cannabis Discussion and Societal Views

Like, what the actual fuck? Do you know how many things don't work for me? How many allergies I have as a human? But a lot of stuff that doesn't work for me is life-saving to other people. Right. Amoxicillin is a life-saving drug. Not to me. Not for me, though. No. Not over here. That's a life-ending drug. And that's all I'm saying. But I'm not trying to cancel it. But for me, cannabis, that's a life-saving drug. Incorrect. Incorrect.
Walnuts for me life ending life ending done for a lot of these bitches life improving to a great extreme like especially for hormone Imbalances. Yeah, why not just supposed to be like super good for you every time I fucking yeah and nuts in general are bad for me nuts Give me like something about I looked this up peanuts specifically and then obviously walnuts Well wanted to try to kill me though. My throat will close up but peanuts give me cystic acne
really because then if you look up I don't know but if you look up peanuts and like acne it's like a thing really yeah however peanuts are so fucking good for most women most humans right but especially women I shouldn't say especially there's just a lot of benefits for women I don't know shit about the male anatomy and peanuts together lots of things about like nuts and seeds and like using those in different times of your like cycle and like
like sunflower seeds and stuff during the luteal phase. And this is I'm kind of throwing it out here. But like, and it's very interesting. I want to do more research into that because yeah, I've just started hearing about this like nuts in your female reproductive because yeah, I don't know. But it's very interesting. I never thought I never gave nuts a chance.
Yeah, they're supposed to be great. But you know what? I will never know. Also, same thing with coconuts. Those bitches try to kill me and it's so good for everyone. Cocon. No, I'm allergic as fuck. Like I get really, really like like coconut shavings, really, really light ones. The most they do is make my mouth ish. But if there if there's like a lot going on, it's not a big deal, but actual like coconut water, a piece of coconut coconut pie. My stomach will will like not just hurt like it's like
It's bad. It's really, really bad delicate flower. I know it's some bullshit, but my but cannabis helps a lot. And also a lot of people aren't educated on like cannabinoids in general. So they just think of cannabis and then they're just like, you're just going to melt on the couch like that commercial from the early 2000s.
And you know what? I saw that commercial growing up and I was like, I would like to know what that's like. No, literally. Because she's not dead. She's just big chillin' and I've never been relaxed today in my life until cannabis. So I saw that commercial and I thought that looks awesome. How do I get it? What's this called again? Marijuana? Done.
Exactly. I think my mom is a really good example of it doesn't always work for my mother. Love her dearly. She's tried many times. And, you know, sometimes I think it's gone fine, but she like me. She likes to overdo things. I should go big.
Yeah, I'm not. I don't want to give all of her information out. She should probably be like, shut the fuck up. But she also is a supporter of cannabis. She supports me using it. She supports my brothers, my family using it. She like is a big like proponent of like vote for cannabis laws. Yeah. Like loves it because she understands fucking duality just because it doesn't always work for her. She sees how good it is for me. Right.
I think that was really what changed it too for her because she never had a strong opinion on it. She actually said, oh, she really didn't smell much growing up, but her friends did all the time and she loved the way it smelled and whenever they would roll up, she would always be like, oh, I want to smoke with you. I'm not going to because I don't really love how it affects me, but it's nice to be around.
But yeah, when people don't understand like cannabis use, because here's the thing. Yes, there are certain drugs that it does not mix well with. And I don't mean like heroin. I mean, like, I mean, don't fucking do heroin. But it also doesn't mix well with like a lot of SSRIs and like SSRIs, antipsychotics, things of that sort. And that's fine. But to that, I say we give so much money to Big Pharma. If y'all don't come up with a goddamn medicine that does work with cannabis, I'm not going to stop using cannabis because
I already know it works for me and does not have negative side effects. However, I already know whatever medicine I take is going to have some side effects. Maybe not huge. The ones I've been on the past have had huge, but not always huge, but at least some. I'm not comfortable risking what I know is a consistent medicine for me for something that might not fucking work. Also, I know some jobs aren't cool with it. And to that I say, I don't need that job. I'll get a different job. That's why I'm not a nurse.
I chose cannabis. I think that's okay to talk about. Yeah. I think some people would, and I don't, of course, but I do think in our society, some people would judge you for that. Yes. Oh, 100%. My mommy does. Okay, bitch. Mommy issues. I understand that there are professional lines to be a nurse. I get it. You cannot smoke weed and be a nurse. I was like, well, then I'm not going to do that.
And that's really all it takes. That was me with theater when they were like, you need to stop getting tattoos. And I was like, I'm literally not going to. Oh, actually, never mind. I'll just change my life. Yeah. Like I was like, if you guys really just like, I don't care if I don't get fucking booked. Like, I'm not going to. If I die and I'm not covered in tattoos, what will I have lived for? Right. What was it all for?
because baby Danny the Libra in me which is so like about aesthetics and like being pretty and like the way I look baby Danny all she ever wanted was to be covered in tattoos my dad has a lot of tattoos and growing up I was like dad I'm gonna have tattoos like you and he was like yeah and then I was like old enough to like think a little bit and he was like no tattoos are only for men like women aren't supposed to have tattoos I was so crushed that he like said that but I was like well I also don't give a fuck like he was my tattoo inspiration
Now his aren't good y'all, but like my dad's older, you know what I mean? I feel like they weren't as good at tattoos back then. He was doing them in the barracks. Yeah.
Exactly. I don't even know if that's true. I'm just talking shit and I love it. But yeah, I remember being like, I'm going to get tattoos. I don't give a fuck. And when I was in college, I think one of my mentors who I looked up to so much saw me and I did not even have that many tattoos. I had I had like three maybe really tiny ones and they were like, OK, like that's enough. Like stop getting tattoos. Oh, it's because I had the one up here.
Um, and they were like, okay, like, I think that's enough, like, stop getting tattoos. And I was heartbroken that they said that, but I was also like, yeah, no, that's, that's not gonna happen. Like, I'm very comfortable having to find a new career field if I must, even though I didn't want to at the time. And now she sells cannabis.
And you know what, it all worked out. I actually remember being in high school and thinking, Oh, I'm definitely I didn't smoke weed in high school. I was really scared. My dad was a drug cop. It just wasn't. It didn't make me comfortable. I was just too scared. I couldn't risk it. But I remember being in high school and telling my best friend mo I was like, Well, I'm gonna smoke weed when I'm older. And she was like, What? And I was like, Well, yeah, like I'm gonna like, I want it to be a thing where I just walk through the living room and take a hit. Yeah.
And I didn't even know what taking a hit looked like, because in high school, I wasn't smoking it. So I was just like, Yeah, I don't even know what that means. But that's what I'm gonna do. And that's manifesting. It's crazy how I manifested that. Because I just like knew when I was younger, I was like, I don't know, I just fuck with weed. I just really enjoy like the concept of it. And I was too, not even sheltered, but like, restricted from my dad to like be able to explore it. And I will say a child doesn't need to explore cannabis, right?
No, no, no. Necessarily. But there were, there were, you had two, there were two ways that the dare program went for you. You either saw it and you were like, Ooh, yeah, that's scary. Or you were like, Ooh, wait a second. That's the answer. Yeah. Holy shit. You just, you guys just sold me. I was so mad when my dare essay didn't win the essay contest. Of course you were, you little butt kisser.
I know, but you know what, the guy Kyle who won, you know what Kyle, you pop the fuck off. You deserve that. Kyle was a quiet kid and kind of shy and that essay was beautiful. You know what Kyle, I want to know how many drugs you do now. You know, I don't even want to get into it. I haven't known Kyle since he was a child, so I need to not talk about his drug use, but fourth grade Kyle looked like he could get into some shit as an adult. Kyle, I think you'd test positive for some surprising stuff, Kyle.
Oh my God, okay, wait, I'm gonna talk more about this, but his speech was so cute, because he was like, after learning all of the things from Officer Lillis about drugs and the dangers of them, as a man who plans to grow up and have a family one day, I don't wanna be unhealthy for my family. And that's all I remember, and I remember being like, oh, of course you won, okay. Mine was very analytical, very like, well, these are the stats. 50% of American children
Yeah, I hopped on Google and was like, let me see. He had the heart. Dad, dad, what should I look up? Cause my dad's a drug cop. Dad, what's something I should say in my essay. All right. Talk about this. All right. Cool. Cool. Cool. Got it. Check. Yeah. He was like, talk about how they're lacing fentanyl and everything. And I'm like, yep, exactly. I know you lost and you went up to the teacher and you were like, just, you know, my dad's actually a federal DEA cop and he says you're wrong. Um, yeah, actually my dad.
Uh, no one knows my dad as I can say this. My dad fucking hated my dared, uh, dare officer. I'd believe that. He was like, she's not a real cop. I was like, Oh, okay. What's the T dude? You could tell she wasn't pussy ass bitch. No, I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I shouldn't, I shouldn't say all that. I think I accidentally said her name earlier. Moving on. Um,

Embracing Variety and Conclusion

I just think it's very cool and okay, and dare I say awesome as fuck, to have variety and differences in your, not only community or friend groups, but also in the content you take in. Yes. But I also think, oh, go ahead. I was just gonna say, and then to also be careful and use your judgment when, not only sharing, but when broadcasting, I guess, too sometimes. Yeah. Know where they fit in your life or how you want it to be, how it can be perceived.
Absolutely. Because also, that's what I was going to add is like, do this in ways that are not problematic. So if you're like, oh, well, I don't think I'm homophobic, I would never consider myself that, but I love watching this homophobic podcaster. That's different. That's not what we're talking about. Right.
Yeah, we're talking about, yeah, somebody who like, I don't even want to give examples because now I'm like, oh, god, like my brain is only thinking of extremes. So to be taken, so just know that we're not talking about extremes. Okay, people, like, get it through your heads. Okay, don't make us don't make our stoner brains give more examples.
Yeah, all I'm saying is people don't have to be 100% perfect human beings to be like worthy of like you accepting them, but just because you accept them does not mean you have to promote them and put them on a platform and and finance them and like push them, especially work with them. You don't have to promote everyone and want to do business with everybody on on a professional level or even a personal level, but you can still be like,
I see you. Keep doing what you're doing. I respect it. There are levels of connection and that is okay. You don't have to follow everybody. You don't have to like everyone's stuff. It doesn't mean shit. Absolutely. Let it be. Be grateful for the interactions and connections you do get and don't get hung up on the shit that isn't working out because there's duality. It'll come back around. Something will work out. In whatever way, it will be good.
And that's all I'm saying. That's all I gotta say. Well, damn, that was a mouthful, right? I really like these longer kind of sit down episodes we've been doing. I do too, because it makes me feel less lonely. Oh, Kelsey was saying she spends all day talking to her baby. So it's fun to talk to an adult. It's nice. It's real nice. But I mean, I do love talking to my baby.
Well, of course. And that's so fun because I feel like you can say anything. Anything. I can say the things I've told her. That girl, I'm telling you, she's going to have some seriously extreme political and social opinions in the best way for us. I love this so much. But she has literally, her uncle and I have been debating communism versus socialism for the past week in different philosophies. This little girl is going to be so advanced.
I love that. Thank you guys so much for being here with us and listening. I know that this episode was kind of triggering at times. I would dare to say controversial as well. Yeah. But you know what? That's the duality of it. It's kind of hot. You're so dumb right now. Oh my God. I love you. Thank you guys again. Please like, subscribe, tell your friends, tell your grandma and as always,
Stay high. Bye.