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an updated yapping sesh image

an updated yapping sesh

S3 E1 ยท Awaken Bake
37 Plays2 months ago

oh how ive missed u


Return and Personal Reflection

Awaken Bake
Welcome or welcome back to Awaken Big where we get high vibes and talk about the universe. I'm your host Dani and these are my high thoughts. Holy fuck, it has been an entire three months since I hopped on this mic and started talking to you. Honestly, it's my fault, okay? I take full responsibility. A bitch has been going through a lot and I'm not gonna act like it wasn't because of the election because it definitely was. I know I'm not the only person affected by this and I'm not trying to center myself in any way.
Awaken Bake
um I'm just kind of letting you know if you also feel like you've been heavily affected by, you know, the winter kind of seasonal depression and the fucking election.

Nightmares and Mental Health

Awaken Bake
I got you, bitch. OK, I see you. I hear you. I feel you with consent, of course. And I don't think that this is necessarily because of the election, but I'm going to be so real with you. My dreams have been nuts again. I'm pretty sure I've told you guys a million times, but for the million and one time,
Awaken Bake
um i have had chronic nightmares since i was a little baby and by a little baby i just mean like as young as i can possibly remember so like i specifically remember my dreams starting around four years old but i've just never had like good dreams i've always had not just negative dreams or in different like I've always had terrifying horrific dreams where I'm either I wake up crying I wake up sweating my heart is racing and I'm really sad like a lot of the day now does that happen every single night yes there are just some nights where I'm able to get high enough that I don't really
Awaken Bake
Remember my dream or I have a good strain that I can smoke in the morning that will kind of get my mind off of it I've also lived my whole life this way So I've come up with my little morning routines and practices to help me really get my mind out of that mindset It's hard to explain this but it really does feel like what happened in my dream Actually physically did happen to me because of the way my body responds to it I produce an insane amount of adrenaline everyone does during nightmares um But that's not fucking good for me. I racing so fast. I have full on panic attacks and anxiety attacks in my sleep. Sometimes they'll they'll just stay. like Like you think, oh, when you wake up, it ends, but it doesn't because it wasn't just happening mentally. It was also physically happening to me. So then I just wake up already having an an anxiety attack. So when my mental health is not wonderful, right? That's when I noticed that the dreams are way, way worse. They're constantly happening, but they're insanely way more intense when I'm not in a great mental place.
Awaken Bake
And before I go any further with this, I do want to say we all know I love spirituality. I am such a it's a sign ass bitch, like just as much as the next person. But I do not want to hear any of this fucking shit that I heard on TikTok. I swear to God, I was so angry. if If anyone says this shit to me in real life, I will smack the fuck out of you, bitch. OK.
Awaken Bake
Someone tried to say that it's because I have like a demonic soul and too many demons inside of me and that it's not normal to have nightmares all the time and that I have some serious spiritual warfare happening inside of me because I have an impure soul and a demonic heart and Yeah, that shit had me heated and I'll tell you why because since I was a we taught I always did think am I being punished? Like did I do something wrong? Like why do I have these crazy dreams?
Awaken Bake
growing up catholic having all this fucking catholic guilt thank god i got out of that but it doesn't take away from the fact that it did program my brain in my youthful really formative years i used to think everything was a punishment because that's how they paint it that is absolutely the way that you are taught to feel you're supposed to feel guilty all the time then you can go to confession but if you don't go to confession then the guilt is like triple the amount Do you know how hard it was being a little fucking kid trying to be perfect every single day and not understanding why life was really scary and really bad when you're awake and then dreams are really scary and bad when you're asleep, but you're told that if you just do the right thing and ask God to help you and always be a good person and always do your best, then you'll be rewarded and these things won't happen to you and then you'll just go to confession and everything should be fine. You just ask God. He will answer. He will provide. I literally used to think, OK, so he forgot about me.
Awaken Bake
So why does he not listen to me? Like, what did I do? And then I came to the conclusion as a child, oh, I must just I must be bad. Like, maybe he's ignoring me. Maybe I deserve this. Because, you know, you're also taught that God made hell. And if you're bad, he'll just send you to hell. Well, I felt like I was living and dreaming in a real life hell. So it just made sense to me that I was like, oh, I probably did something to deserve this. I probably caused this. I must just be a horrible person. And God doesn't love me. And he forgot about me or whatever.
Awaken Bake
You know, and hilarious that growing up, um God was presented as a he and I had the like, like your father, he and I was like, what but he hates me. He doesn't love me. That parallels my real life so well. Anyway, I'm saying all of this trauma dumping on

Therapy and Treatment Decisions

Awaken Bake
you. Sorry about that. You know what you signed up for when you clicked on this goddamn podcast. Anyway, I say all of this to say.
Awaken Bake
I brought this up to my ah therapist and my psychiatrist, and I was like, ladies, I would love if you could tell me if it's fine if I do mushrooms again, like a little microdose journey, um because I'm not well mentally, I'm seeing the world in a negative light, my nightmares are coming back pretty strong, and after the election and seeing the way that everyone, you know, the the results fucking killed me. But then seeing people's response to it, I was like, not y'all outing yourselves as bigots, not y'all outing yourselves as TERFs, not y'all being closeted racists,
Awaken Bake
Not y'all actually putting racist penis inside of you, taking racist dick on the daily, I'm disgusted. I just wasn't feeling hopeful and I needed some assistance. Well, God motherfucking damn it, my doctor was like, no, sorry, you can't do shrooms again because of the meds that you've been on for the last like almost two years, which I haven't done shrooms in like two years. um probably Probably about two-ish years ago, I was in a horrible mental place and I did this like microdose journey for a few weeks and it literally saved my life.
Awaken Bake
So I was like, nice, let's do that again. I don't want to wait until I'm in a horrible, horrible place where I like need this to come out of it. I can feel myself like not being, you know, on a great track, on a great path right now. Let's get ahead of it. But I said no, no, no. Yeah, apparently, if I take mushrooms on the medication that I'm currently on, I will get seizures. And bitch, I've never had one of those, but I don't want to start now.
Awaken Bake
So then my doctor had this brilliant

Podcast Direction and Collaborations

Awaken Bake
idea. She was like, well, the nightmares have been a problem since we started working together and your whole fucking life, honestly. So I would love to put you on this little PTSD nightmare medicine. It'll just be a low dose. You'll only take it at night. It just basically it stops me from producing adrenaline in my sleep is what it does.
Awaken Bake
And I've been on it for a whole two days. So this is my like, I've now woken up. Okay, I've taken it twice. But I, I actually don't know what I'm saying. I've taken it twice. I don't know why I feel the need to explain that any further. But so far, so good. I don't remember my dreams at all. And yesterday, after my first night taking it, I i noticed that I woke up and okay, sorry, the whole like, Oh, yesterday, two nights, oh how many days that really threw my brain off. And I'm just like overthinking now. But waking up yesterday having not been like the first time I was waking up from having the medicine in my system. It was the first time I woke up and I was like my chest is not shaking and I don't feel guilt and anxiety and sadness just right off the grip like and waking up opening my eyes. It's not gloom and doom.
Awaken Bake
Will it always be this way? I don't know, but I will keep you updated. That's kind of why I told you that anyway. I'm just trying to update you. Like, where have I been? I've been going through it because of all those things that I said. It also made me feel very uninspired and I don't want to put out shitty quality content. And you know what? With that, I do need to get into something. um I will no longer be having guests on the podcast and that's not because I'm like, fuck our guests. Like every guest that we've had has been amazing and wonderful. It's actually um Moving forward, Kaylee will be the only person. Kaylee has her own series on here, as well as Allie, um authentically Allie, however, I'm pretty sure that she's on like a hiatus. Kaylee will still have her series on here. I think that that's gonna be really important. Kaylee will not be necessarily another host, like not not necessarily a co-host, but it's kind of going to be her own show on the Awakened Big podcast for when she does her own episodes. um And that will be you know here and there whenever she has time
Awaken Bake
She is a working actress. So she has and singer so she has things to do but what really made me come to this decision was also the election and um a little bit of what happened before the election to things I was just noticing I was getting a group of people together to have and I was so fucking excited you guys I had nine people lined up for guests to come on and they were all Like wonderful and what they had to talk about and bring to the table. I was really excited for all of these topics They were all things that I felt we could all benefit from and But holy fuck, like I feel like I do a great job vetting people just like before I even become friends with someone, I really need to know, like, you know, who did you vote for? Like, i'm I'm that type of bitch. I actually cannot be friends with people. We have different political beliefs. And I say that with my chest. If you don't believe that at this
Awaken Bake
Basically, if you don't believe that at in this day and age, right? So when our parents were younger and politics were a thing, bitch, I don't know. People say it wasn't as big of a deal then. I can't speak on it because I wasn't there. But shit has changed. So if you try to be like, oh, we should be able to still be friends. Well, this isn't the 90s. I really don't want to tell you like shit is completely different now. We have a dictator in office. I'm going to talk about it. And if you're like offended by that or you like Trump, I actually don't want you on this podcast. I don't want you to listen to this.
Awaken Bake
My content is not for you. My content is not for everybody. I am not a safe space for bigots. I'm not a safe space for someone who is close minded. If you believe in the transgender agenda, do you know how many bitches I saw posting shit about that? And now they're literally still in my DMS. Oh my God, you fucking bigot. You are literally a closeted fucking bigot and I want nothing to do with you. You don't know who I have in my life that is trans. Bold as fuck of you to post with your goddamn chest these horrific things on your public platform and then be in my DMS as if I would ever be cool with that.
Awaken Bake
And honestly, after a handful of the people that I had on the list posted some things that just made me feel uneasy, I was like, you know what? I would feel a lot safer not putting people on the podcast who I then later feel like I have to backtrack and apologize for, or God forbid, something. Cause you know, a lot of the people I was going to bring on have a good following.
Awaken Bake
God forbid they do some shit later down the line that I don't know about like because they haven't exposed that side of themselves to me yet And then I have to backtrack once again But this person is like more well known and then it like actually ends up reaching more people and offending more people I don't want any part in that so Kaylee and I it'll just be us from here on out Individually mostly, but I just wanted to clarify that So I hope y'all can handle it. I hope y'all can handle just me in my raw truest form talking about whatever the fuck going on rants and raves for like 40 minutes to an hour.

YouTube Growth and Content Strategy

Awaken Bake
Bitches, I need y'all to follow your fucking dream. I'm gonna talk my shit. I'm gonna brag like a bitch right now.
Awaken Bake
I am at 2.4 thousand followers. We are at 2.4 thousand followers on YouTube subscribers, I should say, on YouTube. If you know me, I've been a YouTube baby since YouTube was a fucking thing. Like the original YouTube, but ah I don't know, like makeup gurus. I feel like the YouTube makeup community is really what, like, kind of got YouTube on and pop. And I know people are going to be like, David, don't bring the dollar. Shut up. You know what I'm saying? That's what really made it like extremely fucking mainstream. And I've wanted to be a part of that for so long. Not necessarily the mainstream, the platform. Like I wake up and the first thing I do is check YouTube. And then I'm checking YouTube all day long to see like, well, did anybody post anything? Like, you know, people post midway throughout the day, some in the morning, some at night. I got to check. I don't want to miss a video.
Awaken Bake
and i remember being younger being in my room doing homework having makeup videos like tutorials up in the background it would be like jackie i know it would be like jacklyn hill and i would just or back then tati westbrook and i would just have those bitches on and i would do my homework and just think i would love to do this i would absolutely slay And it's funny because I remember like not necessarily knowing. I feel like at the time I knew that I wanted to do like just sit down videos because that's what I grew up watching is that style video. And it just does something for me. I love to just hang out with a bitch while they talk. Hey, what are we doing right now? So.
Awaken Bake
I started doing that with Awaken Big, but it's funny because before that I had videos up that were like vlog style. I had some that were like makeup tutorial style. I had some that were like, let me, you know, teach you spiritual lessons and I'm in my yard and I'm like laying down. ah I was trying to figure myself out, okay?
Awaken Bake
But when Awake and Bake started a YouTube channel, especially like in the past two years, I really knew like from the beginning, OK, this is going to take time. This is something that I want to do. This is something that I really feel is aligned and it feels the most comfortable. I did have to really get into the vibe of finding my voice because the voice that I used on the podcast was a little bit different than the voice and kind of the tone that I was bringing to YouTube. but And I don't fucking know why because the people that I love to watch were silly and fun and had personality. But I it's probably the autism. I felt like I had to be very like girly and pretty and like soft spoken to go on YouTube and really be popular. And I felt like I had to look aesthetic and like look a certain way. And I am actually none of those things. So it was very hard to do that. I did not do a good job.
Awaken Bake
You're going to look at those. Oh, actually, I deleted a lot of those old videos. But if you can find any of them, you're literally going to see and be like, why is she acting like this? Like this is just not the bitch that we know. And you're so right, bestie. I'm fucking embarrassed. OK, but we all learn and grow. And you know what they used to tell me in the beginning? They I say they um YouTube when you would Google videos of how to start a YouTube channel tips for starting YouTube channel. Everybody says.
Awaken Bake
You need to start right the fuck away because your first videos are going to suck, but you have to do it so you can get better. And I was like, no, not me. I don't want to put out anything that sucks. Guys, I didn't know what they meant. I'm not saying the video itself is a horrible video because it's not.
Awaken Bake
If you go to my personal page, please don't. God, it's embarrassing. But my personal YouTube, a lot of those videos, that's kind of the more tone and voice that I was talking about that I didn't like. The ones where I was trying to do spiritual content on there. um My older videos is where I'm like vlogging at my New York life or getting my hair done in the bathroom, that's a little bit closer to my personality, but that was still very much a character that I thought I had to be for a theater and to be like this. I don't know. I just thought I had to be a certain way because that's how my school and just the industry was painting it to be that way.
Awaken Bake
However, once I got to like Awake and Bake, how it is now, the YouTube channel, I just in the past couple years realized, oh my God, when I act like myself, that's when I do well because like that's gonna also last longer. I'm gonna be able to maintain this for longer. It's gonna be more fun. And that's just that. If it takes a while, it takes a while. Everybody also said it can take like years to build a following. I remember one of my favorite YouTubers and influencers, Bria Jones, she said it took her four years to get an audience.
Awaken Bake
but I am basically on your four and now I'm at two point four thousand subscribers. So hell yeah. I'm going to tell you why that's a big deal. Analytically, that's fucking huge because it took me three and a half years to get to one thousand subscribers. So I'm doing really well. And then I like I feel like in less than a year, I had already gained a thousand subscribers. And then so let's say beginning of November. Right. That's when I hit two thousand subscribers. That was a big deal. I wanted to hit two thousand by the end of the year. I'm already at two point four, bitch. That's crazy.
Awaken Bake
Follow your fucking dream hooker because I'm just saying the way the charts are looking analytically, I'm only going up and I'm very excited and I'm so grateful for all 2.4 thousand of you. And I'm so grateful for the community. The comments on there are so fun. I feel like it's the same people to coming back to comment, which is amazing because it's like, wow, I'm finally starting to kind of, you know, get an actual community of subscribers that keep coming back. So thank you so fucking much. If I could suck all your tits, I would with consent with consent. Like I just want to hype you up.
Awaken Bake
Like, honestly, it has been the biggest joy. And it's been also the only thing that I've been continuously doing for Awaken Bay because the Instagram also I kind of like started lacking on a little bit. Hey, take care of your mental health. It's always OK to take breaks. I highly encourage it. I love it. But I'm back, bitch.

Predictions and Humorous Insights

Awaken Bake
Back by popular demand. And I just wanted to end that little portion with saying 2025 is going to be an amazing year for Awaken Big. I can fucking feel it. I can fucking tell. And I'm psychic. So, you know, listen to me. I'm i'm right about this shit. Actually, no one else I'm right about. One of you bitches is pregnant. One of you bitches listening to this is fucking pregnant. And you actually know it. You have a hunch either you've already taken the test or you've been thinking, oh, fuck, I think I'm pregnant. But like,
Awaken Bake
you are okay and if you are will you let me know i won't tell anybody because i think you're keeping it on the dl right now i won't tell anybody but i know you are i also don't know who you are like i just have a feeling and i've had this feeling for like two weeks now so congratulations bitch Let's talk about some fucking stoner shit right now, okay?

Experiments with Lifestyle Choices

Awaken Bake
I got the student glass gravity bong, and I am like at final boss mode, okay, bitch? I am choking, I'm coughing, I'm fried as fuck. It is so easy to clean and use, first of all, because, bitch, if you know me, ah me and cleaning my pieces, well, I mean, I do it. I do it, but it's not fun or easy or often.
Awaken Bake
But see, this thing, it's actually perfect in every way. There's literally nothing wrong with it. Aside from the fact, aside from the fact that it is so goddamn stinky, it reeks. Holy shit, it reeks, you guys. So the part that you like, I use a torch, the part that you torch that like holds the weed in it, like what what would be the bowl?
Awaken Bake
Essentially that you're lighting that shit fucking reeks We have to keep it right by a window keep the window open when I'm using it Keep the window open at night just in case like to air it out keep a Febreze on hand because I literally have to Febreze that bitch because she thinks she reeks so student glass That's my only that's my only note. Can we get like a little scent proof something? Oh note, by the way, y'all know I stopped drinking coffee for like multiple years. um Well, I tried drinking decaf for the last like one, two months probably. And in the beginning, everything was good. Everything was great. Everybody told me, you should be able to do that because it's probably just a caffeine issue that was causing the breakouts and the hormonal issues like with my period and all that reproductive shit, right? Well, I thought that too, because at first everything was fine and fucking dandy.
Awaken Bake
However, I forgot that when I noticed coffee breaks me out, I noticed that it does take, because I did go back to coffee um probably a year and a half ago to two, when I first moved to slow, right? I went back to coffee you know and I drank coffee for three months. And it wasn't until the second month that I noticed it was giving me extreme acne and hormonal issues. Well, what do you fucking know? It was around month two, recently I was getting extreme acne and hormonal issues.
Awaken Bake
I am so sad about that because here I am drinking mud water. I'm going to drink the coffee substitutes because I need something like it, but it doesn't mean I'm happy about it. I can't sit here in good conscience and tell you, oh, it's such a dupe for coffee. It tastes basically the same. If you're looking for a coffee alternative, you'll love this. You won't. It's called mud water because it tastes like mud. This is earth.
Awaken Bake
strong senses of turmeric. Is it turmeric or turmeric? I don't fucking know. But here I am fucking drinking it anyway, burning the shit out of the roof of my mouth on it. I don't know, guys. I'll just always be this way. I can't wait until my drink cools off.
Awaken Bake
Moving on, I have been pole dancing, you guys, and it has brought so much joy and happiness and confidence and good shit into my life.

Pole Dancing and Personal Empowerment

Awaken Bake
So I started pole dancing. It's been it's been literally one year that I have been teaching myself. Mind you, I've never taken a class, never had like a professional, you know, help me or come teach me. I've never gone to a studio. I just have a pole in my living room that my husband bought for me for my birthday last year.
Awaken Bake
or was it Christmas? I don't know. um And that's what I've been using. You guys, I'm so fucking proud of myself. First of all, I feel like I found my style. It's very like extensions and showing my like elongated lines. And I call it ballerina pole because sometimes I'll throw a little a little bottom line. There's some shit, but nothing too crazy because it's still, you know, I want to I still want to learn the pole moves and terms and like techniques, right?
Awaken Bake
But it's fun because I don't have to be comparing myself to other people. It does not have to be perfect. I'm not in a studio where there's mirrors everywhere. So I'm seeing my body from all angles and judging it and then seeing other people's body from all angles and being like, oh, I wish I looked like that from all angles. That's not happening.
Awaken Bake
That's amazing. I am so fucking grateful for that alone. Like I, for a long time, I thought I was only just going to ever dance in my living room as in literally twerking or like, I don't know, doing a little bit of like ballet here and there, but like only for 30 seconds at a time by myself. Never show anyone. I do show the twerking all the time, but you know what I mean?
Awaken Bake
whole dancing has brought back my love for dance, my love for being seen when I'm dancing. It's made me realize and remember that I am such a good fucking dancer and that I'm fucking strong, and that I have amazing technique and that ah not to be that person, but like it's I don't just like dance. I am a dancer, bitch, like period. Also, PSA dances for everybody, but as somebody who like trained professionally their entire life damn near in dance, it was good to be reminded in a healthy way that like, oh, wait, I'm the shit.
Awaken Bake
Because, bitch, I feel so strong. I have never been this strong in my life. The amount of upper body strength that I have right now. um Ridiculous. If me and my dad had any type of relationship, I would love to, you know, flex on him because he would be so proud. But alas, I'm not a boy and I'm not the daughter he wanted. Oh, when I say show him, I just might show him my biceps. I did not mean show him pole dancing. That would be fucking crazy.
Awaken Bake
And I would love to give myself a shout out because I have been progressing in pole so much with these long ass nails that are literally longer than Cynthia Rebose. If you know, you know, bitch, these are some fucking beautiful, gorgeous pieces of art. Okay. They are jewels. They are not tools. Thank you so much. on My nail lady on Instagram is underscore nails. If you're looking for someone in the central coast area.
Awaken Bake
Okay, I'm glad that we've had a nice, good catch up and that you guys have really let me just kind of talk my shit and update you and tell you what's going on, tell you what I'm thinking. I wanna take this even further.

Expanding Podcast Topics

Awaken Bake
I'm going to kind of be taking the YouTube videos, right? So going back to earlier, the YouTube videos for Awaken Big, they're pretty short. Like the average one is five or six minutes long, I'm pretty sure.
Awaken Bake
And that's because, you know, I do everything from my phone for the YouTube channel and I just don't have enough storage. That's that's all that that is. OK, I should spend the money and get the equipment and in due time. But until then, I have a ton of comments that are constantly asking me, hey, like maybe you could do long form content because we love these videos, but they're short as shit. And so fair.
Awaken Bake
So until then, until i'm a aber until I'm able to acquire the means to make some longer form YouTube videos, I highly encourage everyone to from the YouTube channel to maybe come over here to the podcast. I'm going to be treating the podcast as my long form content that would be on YouTube.
Awaken Bake
So the topics are going to overlap quite a bit, but it's not just going to be one topic per episode. Think of like those commentary style ah podcasts where people just chit chat about like a ton of shit. They give their opinions on it. They catch up about themselves. They move on to the next topic, you know, and it's not going to be like, oh, what's trending in pop culture? Like I don't want to become one of those, but I don't want to stick like straight away from or shy away from giving my commentary on those if I feel like it's something to benefit from. right So I process things out loud. I process things by talking about them with other people. And I would love to treat the podcast as that, specifically when it comes to things that are in pop culture, but that I think have a huge impact on our psyche, on our spiritual well-being, as women, as feminists.
Awaken Bake
An example could be the whole ballerina farm discourse, right? I would love to dive deeper into that and explore how I think and why I think that the tradwife movement is so toxic and harmful to people and women and how it is a direct pipeline to the red pill conservative.
Awaken Bake
world. And it's also, I would love to dive into how the spiritual community has a strange, very strange, but very much there pipeline to the red pill conservative world. And not to be like a super mega fucking hater, but With I feel like Mormonism is on the rise. So with Mormonism being on the rise and it's just becoming more popular and more mainstream, I think that's because of like the Hulu show, Secret Lives of Mormon Wives, also Salt Lake City has been like the housewives have been Mormon for like ever in the fuck. And look, no tea, no shade, but actually no. All tea and a little shade. um I think that's awful.
Awaken Bake
I love all these shows that we're talking about, but I don't want to normalize the rise of the Mormon culture into society where it becomes mainstream or where it becomes almost romanticized as this like i don't know as as this like glamorous thing because it's totally not. And if you actually pay attention to the subtext of the show,
Awaken Bake
um, they do have to unlearn quite a bit, but then they all still like partake in it. So it's part of like, you know, when we talk about deprogramming or deconstructing, there's a lot that goes into it and it takes time. But, and I am not like a professional, but I would love to dive into like,
Awaken Bake
this subject and like on ah on a much broader scale too not just with like the Mormon wives because I honestly don't know these ladies like whatsoever and I'm a big fan of the show I love watching the show so I'm not like coming at them but that's what I mean by I would like to discuss things that are mainstream but not just for shits and gigs not just to be like oh my god like Taylor's hair like it's so cute and then like did you see that other bitch like she's bald like that's not what I want to do I wanted to do stuff more and like what I just did about You know, they're deconstructing. They say they're they're deconstructing. But then two days ago, Taylor is posting that she's taking her kids to church and that like she's still going to the Mormon Church. So it's confusing. And it's also like real to like be able to witness that and witness somebody in real time kind of going through that and like what that looks like.
Awaken Bake
So I don't know, I'm not i am not necessarily the right person to judge. Does that mean I'm not judging? Absolutely not, I can't help myself. I know they're like, oh, only God can judge, bitch, I'm not religious. So I'm also not judging these ladies for like their trauma, ah like the trauma or that they grew up in the church, they can't help that.
Awaken Bake
I'm not even judging these ladies. I just think these are cool things to talk about and things to like notice. like If we just become brain dead and just absorb all of this and don't think about the underlying messages and what this could be subconsciously programming ourselves, not even the youth ourselves into thinking is okay or normal, then you know that can be dangerous. We can become zombies. We can become like compliant and complacent.
Awaken Bake
I don't know. That's just kind of what I mean when I say I will be talking about pop culture. I don't want to shy away from it, but I'm not going to be talking about it. Like, did you hear that Selena Gomez and Haley Bieber fucking hate each other? Like, yes, bitch, we all know that. But I want to talk about their birth charts and why they fucking hate each other and what the stars think.

Communicating with Dogs

Awaken Bake
Now, this is equally as important as pop culture, and it has to do with dogs. And I would actually like to close out the podcast with this because I found this like dog whisper, this dog medium on TikTok. So I mean, I didn't find her, but I stumbled upon her page. Holy fucking shit, you guys. I was on her page for like 45 minutes, just like crying, just weeping, getting emotional. um I couldn't stop squeezing my dogs afterward.
Awaken Bake
because she said that she talks to dogs all the time and the main multiple main things that they want their humans to know is number one they don't like our phones they don't know like that it's a phone they have no idea what it is they just they think it's like this like box that we hold this like little box but they don't like when ah their owners hold the box because every time owners pick up the box they ignore the dogs for long periods of time So that broke my fucking heart because I promise you my dogs know what my phone is and they fucking hate it. Monkey will slap it out of my hands. Also, any chance he get, he lays on top of it so I can't find it. Now that I know why, um I'll never use it again, bitch. You need me? Sorry, it can't reach me. I'm hanging out with my dogs.
Awaken Bake
But what actually made the biggest impact, and this is what I really want to share with you guys, I want you guys to walk away with this so we can all be better people going forward. They said that our dogs understand more than we realize. it is People think it's just tone of voice and it's not. They understand a lot of the words we say. They might not know the exact definition, but they do really understand the gist of it. And a lot of them experience extreme shame and guilt because they hear their owners making fun of them a lot.
Awaken Bake
whether it's jokingly calling them ugly or fat or dumb or like whatever the case may be or, oh, well, all they do is rip stuff up or all they do is da da da da da. They feel extreme shame and they carry it with them. I am going to lose my shit if I find out that my dogs are feeling shame. What the fuck? I'm not mean to my dogs. I don't call them names. I don't call them ugly. I don't call them fat or whatever. But sometimes I call them, I'll be like, oh, you're just a silly dumb puppy.
Awaken Bake
Never again. Now they're just silly. Nothing dumb about them. But when she said that dogs um need to be spoken to as if you're speaking to a child, because that is like the tone of voice that they are most receptive to and that they understand the most. Not a problem for me, bitch. Every dog is a baby. Every dog is a puppy when they're around me. Not a fucking problem for me.
Awaken Bake
She also said that it's really important to talk to your dogs all day long in that voice that you would speak to a child with, but communicate with them all day long. And an example could be why you're doing the dishes, talk to them about how your day is going, while you're making their food or like getting their bowls ready to eat. Tell them what you're doing. Oh, I'm just scooping up your cable. Then I'm going to add a little bit of your wet food. One scoop for you, one scoop for you. That type of shit.
Awaken Bake
talk to your dogs as much as you can talk to them like they're a little kid do not call them names do not insult them because they can understand you and avoid picking up the little black box that they hate or at least like try to be mindful of it and like limit your time so that you can spend more time with them. That's really what I'm trying to do. Or if I am on my phone, I'll try to pet my dogs while I'm on my phone. Cause I'm a multitasking queen, baby. Oh my

Closing Remarks and Future Plans

Awaken Bake
God. That's actually all I had to say today. Thank you guys so much for listening. I'm so happy to be back. I'm planning on doing an episode once a week. I don't want to burn myself out right away. So gonna start with just one episode a week and then maybe we'll increase from there. No promises, but I promise one a week.
Awaken Bake
Hold me to it. If I don't, use a little dog collar and shock me. I diss deserve it. Anyway, I love you guys. Thank you so much for listening and stay high.