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2025 type shii image

2025 type shii

Awaken Bake
43 Plays2 months ago

we can do this yall


Introduction and New Year Wishes

Awaken Baked
Welcome or welcome back to awaken big where we get high vibes and talk about the universe. I'm your host Danny and these are my high thoughts. Happy 2025. Happy New Year. Happy January. Happy all of it whatever it is you celebrate How does it feel you guys checking back in having another little smoke with me

Cannabis Talk and Gym Avoidance

Awaken Baked
sesh? I just took the fattest rip from my gravity bong before starting so I'm smoking a sativa xj13 from a northern harvest y'all this is actually one that I've had for so long I'm trying to go through my supply from when I used to work at a dispensary I got so much product and so much flour specifically that it was genuinely too much to go through like in the time period that a normal person would because I was working like all the time so I couldn't be smoking it the way that I usually would and also I use a gravity bong when I smoke so it just goes through flour a bit slower if you know what I mean if you know you know
Awaken Baked
So I have a ton that's like close to expiring that I'm trying to use all of it. And so right now we are smoking this nice sativa XJ13. I'm not gonna lie. It's not that I like avoided this strain. It's just like the name does nothing for me. I guess I don't know what it means. Like i I don't guess I know I don't know what it means. So that's why it does nothing for me. And that's why I've never smoked it because I'm not a sativa diva typically. And I do judge ah a strain or like a cannabis product by its cover quite often.
Awaken Baked
which is fine it's not a book it's not a person so i can judge it by how it looks actually some would argue that is how you judge cannabis by how it looks like i like to see like can i see the little trichomes like let me touch it let me smell it moving on i have been awake oh god far too long um we're gonna get into that like about like my sleeping situation but i decided you know what I'm up as fuck and I haven't been able to go to the gym in the last like week because my husband's schedule was super, super crazy. And by the time that he would get home from work, it was just too late. I don't like going to the gym when it's already dark outside because it's super packed then. And I don't like driving in the dark and whatever. These are just my

Gym Experiences and Culture

Awaken Baked
excuses. You don't care.
Awaken Baked
Bitch, I'm awake at 4am and I said, well, I should probably go to the goddamn fucking gym if I'm awake because I could not fall the fuck back to sleep. The thing about taking sleeping meds is once you're awake, you're awake. And that sucks if you wake up in the middle of the night. So why am I bringing this up? Do I just feel like telling you about my gym in the morning because that makes me feel like I'm better than everybody? No, that's not the only reason why.
Awaken Baked
um just kidding. But I want to talk about gym culture. I have a genuine fucking question, guys. I am somebody who is very comfortable in a gym. I'm just not very comfortable in public in social settings all the time in general. But that has nothing to do with it being the gym. If I'm like, if I'm in a gym, I'm as comfortable there as I would be like anywhere else, especially a place that I'm familiar with. So it doesn't have anything to do with that. I'm also somebody who not only goes to the gym a lot and has gone to the gym a lot in her life,
Awaken Baked
The gym used to be like my job. Like I didn't work at the gym, but I did like bodybuilding and fitness influencing online and like fitness on only fans. So I was always in that fucking gym. I don't give a fuck really if people like kind of look at me like a quick glance. I don't care. We all do it. Usually you're not trying to be like pervy, right? Like you're just looking around. I'm always looking the fuck around because I don't know what to do with my eyes.
Awaken Baked
Can anybody relate to that? Like, I don't know where to look when I'm in public when I'm especially when I'm walking. Oh, my God. If I have to walk somewhere, it's a nightmare. If I'm walking with somebody, it's way easier because I feel like a little bit less pressure. Like they're probably not going to notice how I'm walking because we're walking so close to each other. But if I'm by myself, I'm genuinely like, where do I put my eyes? Where do I put my arms? How fast should I be walking? Am I putting enough weight in the right part of my foot? I just overthink things and it's not anxiety. It's just me forgetting how to be a human. I've been this way since I was little. I can't explain it.
Awaken Baked
I'm rambling. I'm rambling. Sorry. that That's the TV did me well. Anyway, I am no stranger to when people at the gym look at you, especially if it's just like a quick glance. I know how like gym culture likes to be painted as this like really like toxic pervy thing. And you know what it is. And you know what a lot of it is.
Awaken Baked
But I don't know, I guess I'm somebody who's like pretty comfortable with people like looking at me, so it doesn't genuinely bother me that much. However, when gawking is different, when you're gawking, when you are staring, that's different. If you thought that I was awkward just walking around people in public,
Awaken Baked
You can't imagine how awkward I feel when you are gawking at me while I am trying to execute or perform an exercise. Holy shit. Suddenly, I don't think my form is right, even though it could be perfect, but you know what? It could also be like bat shit crazy.
Awaken Baked
Anyone gawking at me like it just sends me into a panic always. But when I'm at the gym trying to do an exercise, I have heavy weight, hundreds of pounds that I'm working with. And then I feel that like awkward, uncomfortable energy. Like that could be a little dangerous. I'm just like, damn, boy, like, oh, ah sorry, let me correct myself. Damn, old ass fucking man old enough to be my great grandfather. Like, are you staring at me because you're a pervert or like, are you staring at me because I'm doing the exercise wrong and you're judging me like I i literally can never tell.
Awaken Baked
So for 2025, let's all keep our eyeballs when they look at each other. We'll keep it to a minimum, please. I don't care if I catch you in the back of a video. I don't even record in the gym anymore. Like years ago I did, but I don't anymore just because like I mean, I'm not I'm not going that hard anymore.
Awaken Baked
But even then, like, I don't really care if I catch you like kind of look at me for a quick sec, like in the corner because it's like, number one, if I look cute as fuck, like that's OK.

Body Image and Self-Acceptance

Awaken Baked
If you're just like, oh, she looks cute, but you're not creepy about it. Right. Then you move the fuck on. If you gawk at me, I'm going to lose my mind. I forget how to exist. I start performing exercises the wrong way. Exercises that I've been doing for forever. I start doing them the wrong way and like kind of fucking up like the weight shifting. And it's that's not good. That's not safe.
Awaken Baked
So yeah, in 2025, we are keeping our eyeballs to ourselves or when they do have to like, you know, go yonder, keep it to a minimum. and then kind of segueing like gym culture to body image. So a big part of gym culture for me was always genuinely like me being insecure about the way that I looked. I'm so happy to say and I really wanted to talk about this today specifically because it's a new year and I really feel like I'm going into this year. So not only confident but so secure and that is just so rewarding and healing and like I just didn't really ever think I would honestly get to this place. So
Awaken Baked
I've noticed that and it's but so annoying because growing up, everybody said this would happen and lo and behold, it fucking did with age. The older I've become, my body image is truly improving. But honestly, that didn't start until I was about 24, 25 years old. So when people say like, Oh, it gets better with age, I think they mean like there's a certain age where everything kind of just like clicks in your head. And what I mean by that is like, my body image, yes, it was improving. But I've been doing personal work on myself to like love myself and break those like toxic ways of thinking about myself for years.
Awaken Baked
But when the shift happens, it's suddenly like I don't care to adhere to certain body standards. Like I just want to look like my best self, like what my body is meant to look like, but then to its best ability. I don't need my tits to be shaped like everybody else is the size of everybody else is. They should be my shape, my size, but like looking their best. I don't need like my face, my lips to be the same size and proportion as everybody else is. But I want them to just like look their best on me. I want to take care of myself.
Awaken Baked
I also love uniqueness the uniqueness about me and other people holy fuck I love when I see somebody who just is like doesn't look like Instagram face like you know what I mean I met up with some of my childhood friends in LA like a couple months ago and it was so funny because they were like oh my god you look the exact same and I was like honestly that's adorable as fuck like I kind of love hearing that Because I've been coming to terms with like my individuality and my uniqueness and noticing how I resemble my mother and how I look especially like my mom now, but also when she was my age, we look like fucking twins. And growing up, I always hated the way that I looked. I was so fucking self-conscious, especially when I was hanging out with these people, my friends, like because we've all since moved out of Cincinnati and like we're actually a lot of us are living in California or the rest of them are like in New York.
Awaken Baked
But hearing them say that made me so genuinely fucking happy because I was like, oh, my God, are you serious? I look the same. You're telling me this what I've been looking like the whole fucking time when I was hating on myself. Like, I think I I don't think I know that I'm beautiful. I'm like, we are

Aging, Beauty, and Confidence

Awaken Baked
all beautiful, but it's so rewarding when you actually fucking love yourself and accept yourself. And I feel like accept is honestly like bottom of the barrel of how I feel about myself. Like I get pimples still sometimes, but I'm not like, oh, my God, I'm ugly because I have pimples. I'm like, oh I don't like these pimples, but damn i'm a beautiful bad bitch this is gonna sound kind of weird too but on the topic of aging gracefully and so i've been open about it before and i have no problem in talking about it now but i did get temporary i don't know why people call it temporary lip filler i thought all lip filler was temporary but i guess some of it's permanent but i got temporary lip filler in 2019 um in October. It was for my birthday. I bought it for myself. Y'all don't apparently don't do what I did. I did it on Groupon. Yeah, I feel like you should go somewhere that like, you know what, I don't want to talk about my experience. It ended up fine. I was safe and I looked beautiful and looked great. But I got fucking lucky. I walked into that place and I was like, should I really be doing this in a hotel room in New York City? Apparently not. Apparently that's not what you do.
Awaken Baked
Also, I thought that they were going to last like eight months because that's what everybody else was saying. No, mine lasted maybe four to six because nobody told me that it dissolves with your what's it called? Your metabolism. But also now we know it doesn't even really dissolve. It breaks down and migrates. So I guess I got it kind of all over the place. And you know what? You can't even tell the difference because I am, since the dawn of time, a chubby cheek queen. Both cheeks, baby, but mostly the top ones, mostly my face cheeks.
Awaken Baked
Aside from that, though, I've kind of been trying to age gracefully. I say age gracefully. I'm literally 27. I'm literally still a babe in the womb. I'm a child bride. If you know, you know, have you ever seen Broad City, please say yes. But what I'm noticing is that it's really like beautiful, in my opinion, seeing my friends age too and the way that they age like seeing like where we all of our faces right like we all smile i get it we have like smile lines in the same spots but we don't all age the same way like some of us get little smile lines by our mouth some of us by our eyes some people more on their forehead some people scrunchie on their nose
Awaken Baked
it's just so cute to see like the difference in the way that we age and I feel like it's like so you know when you're little and you're like oh I have freckles oh you have dimples it's kind of like that like it's like the adult version it's like wait this is so fucking cute I love the way that we are aging so like uniquely and it's all so beautiful and so cute Yeah, I just wanted to talk about that really quick because not the gym necessarily, but like just I don't know, since I turned maybe twenty four or twenty five, I feel like I've really had a shift in my mindset about like accepting my body, loving my body, having confidence in myself and being really secure within myself. And especially like this year, I can just tell it's different. The energy is going to be different. I am the most confident bitch in the world.
Awaken Baked
Also, for some reason, twenty seven is such a sexy age to me and twenty seven is how old my mom was when she had me. And for some reason, that's a very significant age to me. So I just feel like this

Maintaining Confidence Amid Criticism

Awaken Baked
is going to be a bomb ass year. I'm surely not going to be having any fucking babies, but it's still going to be a great year. Everybody take a hit and then I have a question to ask you. And then when I talk about it, we're going to kind of ponder it together, because to be fair, I can't hear your replies. This is a podcast.
Awaken Baked
So my question is, what do you do to maintain your sense of self and your confidence in yourself when others are questioning you or invalidating you? And you don't actually need to like answer that right now. It's something you can think about because this is what I have been pondering and this is what I've been kind of trying to figure out for myself um and my own. I need my own solutions for things like we don't all handle things the same way. Right. So for some people, when someone challenges them, it's a lot easier for them to just like genuinely brush it off and like keep moving on. That is the healthiest thing for them. They do a really good job of being able to kind of either compartmentalize or just simply put it out of their mind because that is the most effective method for them and the healthiest method for them. I wish I could do that, bitch but that's not me.
Awaken Baked
I'm definitely somebody who believes that I'm trying to figure out the best way to say this. I'm somebody who believes that anger is what leads to action. Obviously, like, yes, to a degree. But like, can we just not do the little semantics here or just like the thing the Internet loves to do where if I say I love apples, people are like, so you hate bananas? I do think anger leads to action. But obviously, I'm not talking about fucking murder when I feel disrespected or when I feel like someone is trying to invalidate me or ah discredit me in some way.
Awaken Baked
What I have genuinely found that helps me so much is knowing, and this has this is kind of work that you have to do before it even gets to this point, knowing that everything you do and maintaining that every single thing you do moving forward is coming from a place of your best judgment, is coming from a place of honesty, your best intentions, a well-educated place as much as you can. Obviously, we can all be further educated and sometimes we get things wrong.
Awaken Baked
But just knowing that like everything that you do and have done you have done to the best of your ability. That helps so much. Now I'm gonna be fucking petty for a sec. For some reason not shitting on the like the accuser of the situation or like the perpetrator in the situation the antagonist if you will not shitting on them. That's not what helps me but hyping myself up and like Really saying out loud and proving to myself and having like ways of showing myself, this person's opinion is simply just an opinion. This person's words, they're just hurtful, but they're not true. And I can see that they're not true because of the way that I feel about my own self, my actions, my choices, my beliefs, my work, etc.
Awaken Baked
So I'm personally working on ways to really cultivate that sense of self and confidence without taking it to a place of like pettiness because I feel like I kind of teeter that line. So that's going to be one of my goals. But overall, my goal is mostly just kind of cultivating like a toolbox of ways to OK, I've now developed all of this confidence. I've now developed like a pretty decent understanding of myself and where I stand in this world.
Awaken Baked
At least right now, obviously. But my best friend reminded me that with success, the more success you have, the more criticism that you get. So I really need to. I thought I had thick skin. I'm going to work on really thickening it up and maintaining that thickness. OK, with three

Therapy and Personal Growth

Awaken Baked
C's, motherfucker.
Awaken Baked
And then I think for myself personally, the healthiest thing that's helped me is handling it with humor. And I'm going to spend a little sec talking about this. I used to think when people say that they handled things with humor, that they were kind of saying it like, oh, I shouldn't do that. That's a coping mechanism. And yeah, I think sometimes it is. But I also think it could be a tool when used, you know, in moderation and not overused.
Awaken Baked
Because just think about like all of like the real life issues that are out of your control on a daily basis. OK, so maybe your car broke down. Maybe you lost your job. Maybe you got scammed. That happens to me more than I would like to admit. I'm literally just such a giver. So when people are like, oh, my God, like I need money or can you donate to this or that? I'm like, oh, yes.
Awaken Baked
And then all of a sudden I'm like, oh my God, wait, OK, wait, I should probably we should probably like stop the card or like call the bank because no, those weren't our charges. You know what? And that last one, that is in my control. But you know what I'm saying? Healing with humor is so helpful because it's like, yeah, at the end of the day, we really are like on a hurling floating rock through space.
Awaken Baked
You know what? I don't think I worded that right. A floating rock hurling through space is what we are on. That is the least serious thing in the world. The amount of unserious is actually ridiculous. So if I fucked up my taxes a little bit or I got scammed or I lost my job.
Awaken Baked
I'm going to need to find a way to fucking laugh at that shit. And this also works when you're dealing with a petty or toxic family members or like just annoying people, any type of bullshit or pettiness. You can remove yourself from the situation and use humor while you're healing because it's also like, damn, y'all must be miserable as hell.
Awaken Baked
The reason that I found this works so well is because you are literally taking away the heaviness whenever you can, like whenever you're able to. So obviously if you're dealing with like heavy shit, you're still gonna deal with that. But if it's actually not that heavy and you're able to take that away, do you realize like stress ages the fuck out of you? If you can laugh it off, you'll be so much better off and you're gonna feel better. I genuinely feel a physical difference when I am choosing to like laugh off a situation rather than like sit there and panic over it.
Awaken Baked
That pairs really well, too, though, with like cutting out the bullshit and then filling that space space. I developed a list just now. My apologies. Cutting out the bullshit and then filling that space with some good giggles and with therapy, because honestly, holy shit, I have therapy tomorrow and I can't wait. That woman changed my life. I feel like I talk about her every single episode, but I'm just so fucking grateful. Marissa, you're the best.
Awaken Baked
Oh, and you know what, while we're on the subject of therapy, I told you guys I would keep you updated with my nightmare situation in the new meds that I was on.

Family Moments and Holiday Reflections

Awaken Baked
And damn, okay. So yeah, let's make a joke out of this. Let's find humor in this. The universe thinks that she's a funny bitch. The universe decided she heard me saying to source like recently, before I got medicated, I was saying I woke up from like a really bad nightmare. And I was like,
Awaken Baked
I don't care if I get like small side effects, like weight changes or headaches or whatever the fuck, as long as my fucking nightmares stop and I don't wake up with panic attacks all the fucking time. And Miss Universe, that bitch said, okay, works for me. Hey, bitch, these headaches, not cute. Look, I know what I said. I know what I said. But what if I was lying? What if that was just me begging and pleading for some medicine that would fucking work, but you didn't have to give me the fucking headaches?
Awaken Baked
Bring the nightmares back, I guess. We all have a cross to bear and I guess that's mine. Isn't that right, dad? OK, OK, too personal. Oh, my God, can I please talk about such a sweet moment that happened recently? So as we all know, the holidays have been up and coming and just but be bopping around.
Awaken Baked
we finally got our package from my family. So my husband and I get a package like every Christmas from my family. So it's stuff from my mom, my brothers, my grandma, my aunt, whatever, just like some stuff for us. So my brother got a wand for my husband and it's the exact Hermione replica of the one that she uses in Harry Potter. and So that's what my brother got for my husband for his Christmas present, right? Now here's the tea.
Awaken Baked
It was actually meant for me because I love wands and as a kid I was obsessed with Wizards of Waverly Place. I wanted to be Alex Russo and I would carry around a little paintbrush and I cut the brush part off because then it looked like a wand and also paintbrushes come in like kind of prettier colors and I kind of wanted like a pretty wand.
Awaken Baked
Anyway, so that was like my vibe and I was too old to be doing that I was like an eighth grader a freshman in high school like that was fucking ridiculous So Hunter such a sweet wholesome gift decided. Oh my god. This is a Hermione wand I'm gonna get it for Danielle. She's gonna fucking love it. Mind you this cool fucking wand shoots fire You heard me right fire But I didn't know that at first and neither did my husband. So we get the box. We open it up. We're going through it. It's a lot of stuff for me. And then all of a sudden he sees the wand. There's some stuff for him in there as well. But he sees the wand and he freaks out and he literally said, oh, my God, this is definitely for me because your family knows I love Harry Potter. This is my favorite gift they've ever given me. And he knew what it was immediately. He was like, he was like, Danielle, babe, look, it shoots fire. Look, look, look.
Awaken Baked
This man was shooting it in the fucking house. You would think that an engineer would know better. A nuclear engineer would know about safety measures. His reaction was so adorable. I loved it. I was so happy for him. And then, yeah, we found out. Well, I found out that it was actually supposed to be for me, but then I had to let my family know, hey, we're not going to tell him that it's his now because the joy on this man's face. Ridiculous.
Awaken Baked
want to talk about childlike wander. You want to talk about honoring your inner child. Isaiah has been playing Harry Potter impersonating the Dark Lord because we just found out it was Hermione's exact replica. So we just thought it was like a wand at first. And my husband has been imitating the Dark Lord doing the boy who lived come to die. And then um shooting the little fire.
Awaken Baked
If anyone is listening to this right now, who is not married or with a partner, all I can say is get you a fucking nerd. Oh my

Supportive Relationships and Personal Growth

Awaken Baked
goodness, the most adorable wholesome. oh I love everything about him.
Awaken Baked
And I also want to take this time to just point out, I know that it's really important as individuals to have like our own sense of self, especially as women to not rely on men and to not find our worth in a man, but I would like to shout out my husband. He as a man and just as a partner as a human has been my rock in ways that I never even knew were possible for me.
Awaken Baked
There are things that I am able to do now and like experiences I've been able to have that I never thought were possible all because of him. And I've also had a lot of space to rest and grow and heal and really figure out my own self and like really blossom in all of my passions since meeting him because he has provided a space for me to be able to do that.
Awaken Baked
I am not like working myself to death anymore and he has allowed me like the comfortability and the ability in general to really take care of my health to take care of my reproductive system to take care of my needs and kind of honor my softness and I do want to be careful when I say this because there is nothing wrong with like the soft girl era or like living in your divine feminine and i did i have talked about before it really bothers me how divine feminine and divine masculine has kind of been like warped through our society right now is becoming like an issue of feminism and like sexism and people think divine feminine means you have to be like a fucking prairie bitch like homesteading and that is not the vibe that i'm talking about i very much have my own autonomy
Awaken Baked
I have multiple of my own business ventures. I work independently for myself. I have the freedom to do whatever I want. It's not like that. It's just so nice that because I am a more feminine person and when we talk about the divine feminine, so I am much more.
Awaken Baked
Feeling based and flowing based where my masculine husband is really great at like going to work every day, having a long work routine, long hours, it doesn't bother him. He's a very go, go, go kind of guy and a very work, work, work based kind of guy. That being said, though, my husband's also not a perfectionist. I am. I have a ton of creative projects that I put a lot of work in until I feel that they are perfect. I am also somebody who's really just productivity based. I love being quote unquote productive.
Awaken Baked
Whereas my husband, the whole work thing, yeah, he loves it, but he's just there for the ride. He's just there for a good time. He actually loves his job and he loves his work. He's a science guy. Long, strict, high demand, rigid hours with no flexibility and minimum creativity does not make him want to kill himself.
Awaken Baked
That's crazy to me. But also like we need that in the world. Like that has to exist so that like things can continue operating. So like love that for him. But that's not how I operate. I'm much more of a what is the vibe? How is my health doing today? I'm a highly sensitive person. I have health issues. I'm not going to hold myself to the standard that my husband has for himself because we are completely different people.
Awaken Baked
My point of all this is I am so afraid of coming off as some like red pill conservative because I have to be honest, I'm a little bit afraid that that's where our society is going, especially with the election and the rise of Mormon culture and the rise of homesteading and the trad wife.
Awaken Baked
Also, I do feel that the carnivore diet is just a response to veganism, which is hilarious because a lot of these carnivore diet people that I see just literally eat a well balanced balanced diet. They just include meat in their diet instead of being a vegetarian, which is like, that's what most people do. So like, calm down.
Awaken Baked
But all of that is just not what I'm experiencing and it's not how I feel when I say that my husband has provided me a safe space for me to literally like rest and blossom and excel in my areas of work, in my areas of creativity. And I have a lot of trauma around men, male partnerships, um fatherhood, just the male form in general.
Awaken Baked
And I'm so fucking lucky and so grateful to say that my husband has healed and continues healing those parts of me all the time, every single fucking day, because he is such a safe man. Anyway, yeah,

Optimism for the Future

Awaken Baked
sorry to get sappy. I love my husband so much. And I just feel like there's a lot of horrible men out there, but he is an amazing one. And anytime I get the chance to just hype him up as a human, as a person, I love to do that.
Awaken Baked
Whoo, 2025, girly, you're here and I'm ready for you. Even though I'm going to wait till the spring to like really plan things and hone in on new goals and vision board and all that. I really do feel the collective energy of that sense of hope, that sense of let's fucking go. You know what I mean?
Awaken Baked
I genuinely feel very grateful and I feel very powerful. So I'm really excited for what this year is going to bring. And I'm so excited for the direction of the podcast is going. I'm so grateful for everyone who has stuck around. I took like a little hiatus for probably about like two, maybe three months. oh I think it was three. We talked about it.
Awaken Baked
But it feels amazing to be back. This feels really like the right thing for the podcast. I feel like I'm back in my groove. This feels very natural and like exactly what I pictured. Sometimes you really do just need to rest that you can get your inspiration again. You can get your your groove back. You know what I mean? I needed to hibernate for like three months, apparently, so that I could come back with a lot of things to talk about. Just another reminder, I am also on YouTube just under AwakenedBake. You can find us on YouTube or Instagram, but on you on Instagram, it's going to be AwakenedBake podcast.
Awaken Baked
I really hope that your 2025 is starting off on the right foot. Fuck 2024. I know a lot of people had a shit year. This year is gonna be better for all of us. I can feel it. You can feel it. what a sponge You know how Spongebob has that one scene where him and, so was it Squidward or Patrick? They share a heart. That's how I feel like with you guys. I'm like, we got this. We're in this together, y'all. Thank you so much for listening. Please subscribe, like, or whatever the hell you do on a podcast. Tell your friends, tell your grandma. And as always, stay high.