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We're Feeling It Too image

We're Feeling It Too

E9 ยท Awaken Bake
158 Plays3 years ago

Anyone else feeling a Get comfy and have a cup of hot cocoa ready, cause today the girls are getting into the feelings they've been feeling, and why they've decided to really feel them.

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Introduction to 'Awake and Make'

Welcome to Awake and Make, an educational, high vibrational, mystical, spiritual pot, I'm sorry, podcast, brought to you by two girls, one joint, and a journey to awaken what's inside all of us. In the words of the wise was Khalifa, let's roll something and get the day started. All right, another week, another day, another whatever, another morning. Welcome back. We have some huge news we want to thank you guys

Celebrating 300 Listens

about. First order of business, drum roll.
Thank you for 300 listens. Yes. Okay. I should have planned it and said it with you. No, that's okay. It's more organic. I was going to say ironic. It's more ironic this way. That's just odd. Thank everyone. It's, um, it's more natural. But no, you're right. You're right. Um, but yes, no, thank you.

Touching Hearts and Personal Growth

Uh, that's crazy. That's so cool. We were trying really hard to get to a hundred lessons. Yeah. Um,
That was like our first milestone. So we just hit 300, one hour over 300. And it feels like it went from a hundred to three. Like it felt quick like it went. So we're very excited. It feels cool to like have not that we're doing it for the validation or anything, but it feels cool to know that like people are liking it. Like can't lie. I like that. It's fun. It's why we did it. Like we want to touch people.
touch people's hearts. We want to touch you emotionally. Oh Kelsey you're gonna get us in trouble. But yeah so speaking of touching your feelings. Okay so today we kind of wanted to just like talk. We've both been in a weird sort of energy.

Mercury Retrograde Emotions

We've been very tested by the retrograde that's happening. Miss Mercury.
um life everything yeah i it has been a kind of roller coaster of a time i think immensely a what a mentally i'm mixed up emotionally and mentally mentally you know that's a new thing um it has been like really a roller coaster of
I feel like just events, like I've been exhausted, I've been energetic, I've been motivated, I've been anxious, like I've been all over the place. So many random things have happened and I'm kind of playing the game where it's like, all right, let's just see how well I can handle everything. I'll just keep doing my best. It's been very quick, so it's been, like, that I've gone from each emotion, so it's been very, like, I haven't been able to deal with any, like, so I feel like it's just like, oh my god, I'm, like, right, like, I'm hanging on, but I'm realizing that I gotta make some changes, and I gotta, because,
I definitely realized too like there's some things I probably haven't processed yet I might process them later but for right now I'm doing what works yeah and that is just feeling your feelings yeah it's crazy it sounds and it seems like such an easy thing but I think at least I know I often forgot to do like I never really knew honestly I don't think I ever knew how to feel my feel I mean

Challenges in Expressing Emotions

Yeah, I mean, they don't teach you nor is it really encouraged. Right. I was always thought to fight my feelings. Don't be sad. Don't be angry. Yeah. Just be happy. But like. Yeah. Not even really be happy. I mean, like, I don't know, like school and stuff. I don't really want to be happy. It's like just be like. No, it's like these are the standards. You have to meet them. That's literally all like standardized testing. Right. Like it's like. But like if you're like creative and super bubbly, like schools often like I mean, they don't like you, but like it's not always like.
I think I accepted or like if you're, if you're emotional, if you're in touch with your feelings, people are like, Oh my God, especially if you're God forbid you have emotions in this day and age and it's like, sorry, the world doesn't operate on emotions. It's like, no,
don't you think it maybe we should start though like just a little bit since mostly humans run the world and humans have emotions like I don't know maybe it would be smart start implementing and it's emotional care and like emotional care with intention and you know I'm not saying like if we're angry we should just lash out like I'm saying like right you don't need to

Understanding Emotional Triggers

emotions are meant to be felt in the way that they are triggered for a reason but if we listen to them and we honor them then that's when we can be like okay this is why it's telling like i'm sad because something's happening that's like not good right now i need to just take a step back you're like um yeah i've been feeling very anxious about just little things and very impatient and
not quite aggressive, but just short. Like I've been, yeah, impatient. And like, um, I just like, I've been like, wow. And then the more I think about it, the more I'm like, Oh, this is why it's because of this or this or this person. And then it's like, wait a second. No, like I just am not, it could be hormones. It could be any number of things. I'm just, but then it's also like, I feel like I keep getting things that come up. That's like, why don't we push this a little harder and see when we'll get to the point that like,
But I think, though, we all know that life ebbs and flows. We have to experience some lows. That's just how balance works so that we can appreciate the highs. And I think you're doing a really good job of acknowledging that things are getting thrown at you and piled on and you're experiencing emotions, but Kelce, you personally have done such a good job.
In my opinion, especially recently, you'll be like, oh, I was so angry and I was so full of rage or whatever. But you're saying it in the most calm way. You're like, yeah, I was really full of anger, so I did some serious reflecting. And I'm like, look at how beautifully you're handling your anger. That's the crazy thing is I feel very- Acknowledge your growth, baby. This feels like-
Okay that's a great way to say it is I feel like I'm in a low but it doesn't feel quite like a low because I feel like I'm handling it well and I'm using like my coping and like yes reaching out to my therapist and like right like just like I don't know I've been very good about speaking my truth and like learning it's just been awesome and so like right but it's because I've been feeling my feelings like I felt that I was feeling drained especially like socially I've just been very tired and I've been like trying to keep up with stuff and like I'm like oh
maybe and you know what i feel like we talk about a lot like um well kelsey and i like and the spiritual community too preaches a lot about acknowledging like when you feel drained after spending time with either people in general or a certain individual being mindful of that and like figuring out what does that mean does that mean you need less time with that individual does that mean you love you need less time around people in general um and it's like
wow Kelsey and I know that and we spend most of our day like taking in spiritual content and like learning and stuff um sometimes you don't realize that you have like that you even really have to apply it personally right right until

Choosing Podcast Topics

something like right now where we're talking about that topic because honestly guys like we choose our topics not only well okay based on what you guys um send in and like want because we've gotten fantastic requests um oh my gosh great questions i love i love the questions but then also we do it based on like we both needed this this is kind of like therapeutic for us and it's like very
I think the collective consciousness, I don't know how much you guys know about that, but basically the collective consciousness is like all of us, since we are all one, we all do kind of experience a lot of the same things at the same time in different ways, we just don't know it. So it's just the odds are if we're needing this message, you're probably needing this message too. Yeah, and I feel like it's, this is like when we created this and decided we wanted to do this as much as we wanted to like
learn and grow like we also wanted to share our lives a lot too so it's almost like
a plug, a podcast blog, like a blog. Okay, yeah, I had no idea what that was. A hard path. So like, right, like it's like, I don't know, it is important to talk about like, right, the feelings that we're going through because I feel like I want to share, like it is, this is therapeutic, right? We choose our episodes based on things that we kind of need to do and like kind of need to hear back and like the manifesting one. I needed to hear that, the body positivity one. And we needed that at the time. That's why we chose to do that episode. Like we were like, wow, we're both kind of going through a weird time. And now like we're both in a very like,
we just happened to be pretty aligned with our journey and so like yes both pretty um aware of our feelings and we have the energy happening right now and the energy feels a little bit uneasy at times and we're just like aware of that yeah um but we both you you've also been doing a great job of like recognizing and like being like okay i'm thank you and i think that's like a misconception though is people think like

Misconceptions about Spirituality

once you're spiritual like you don't have problems or you don't have like lows and it's like it's not that but it's like they they feel different like it's like you're able to save yourself so much um pain and prolonged pain
Um, because you're way more aware of like what's happening. And I think like you're more able to like handle it quicker and out of, in a healthier way, I guess when you like are spiritual, but you still will experience like the ups and the downs. Cause we have been experiencing a bunch of waves recently and like.
I remember it used to make me feel really guilty when I would experience that because I'd be like, I don't understand. I feel like I've been doing my gratitude and manifesting. It's like, dude, it's not your fault. And that's not really the whole point. The point is that like I guess whatever life is going to throw at you, don't you want to be able to like
regardless if you know that like you can't perfectly control everything don't even want to have the best experience possible so it's like okay if all this stuff is gonna happen anyway i want to handle it the best way right right and i want to feel it too because that's how you learn from it and have an attachment and like right like you have to
I was a big person who often like my I spent a lot of my life choosing to ignore my feelings or like right shut them down like you don't you don't really feel you know lie to myself about feelings like I didn't want because I didn't want to feel anything because I thought that was weak like any like I just didn't that wasn't what I wanted and so like now that I've learned like recognizing your feelings and like
to like say that like it just I don't know it makes all the difference yeah seriously I kind of lost where I started with that I have to be hey we're stony we're stony this is more of just like a chat with us because we just want to talk about the stuff and get it out and also speaking of that can we really quickly talk about Kelce like I am doing a lot of work on like trying to be more mindful of the way I
and treating not only others and but like also myself and the like the energies i put toward people like yes people who i don't know like i think a lot of people are sent here as like lessons to like test us and like show our growth um so i'm trying to do like a better job and that's what this mercury retrograde is all about is relationships with people and connections so yeah that's why we've been feeling very tested in that realm of like
our lives i think so too yeah because personally we've been growing with it yeah exactly and i think i'm i'm working on like finding a balance right now between like what is
Ignoring it totally and what is like healthy dealing with it I guess. Yeah, sometimes I worry like oh am I being petty by like feeling even feeling this way even feeling right frustrated by a certain person but like No, like we feel our feelings because we need to get it out and I did some oh, wow What a little okay great great thing to bring up last

Coping with Social Media Triggers

night. I did some intense journaling
and I was on social media and I saw a couple accounts of people that I have nothing against these people I don't dislike these people at all like I wish them the best I admire some of the stuff they do like yeah it's all good but sometimes when I see what they post it makes me feel bad about myself and I had to start asking myself like why and like why does that trigger me and like what does that mean and what yeah so what I basically did was like I went outside
And was smoking and doing I journaled like for like 10 pages just being like Basically, I love this is what triggers me about them And this is why I think it is and I it was really good to like get it out and then through doing that too I was able to kind of get into like a flow state and then so then what I did was I grabbed one of my crystals and I lit some polisantos and I was meditating on it and sending them love so I
I know like when you like do energy chords either like chord cutting or like fixing or mending an energetic chord um you're supposed to visualize like the person and that energy going to them and everything but i kind of have a hard time doing that so what i was doing was
Picturing all of my energy surrounding me like full of love I pictured that person and then I pictured myself this sounds so weird but I pictured myself like embracing them like hugging them and like because I'm really good at feeling my Energy like I usually am better at like conjuring it all up around my heart so basically what I did was I conjured it all up while I was meditating holding the crystal and then I visualized and
whoever it was and I was hugging them and like my energy from my heart was going into them and it was like healing our bond and it honestly did work so that's what I'm going to try to do with like some of the other people that have been testing me this retrograde yeah and it's a really good way to and I did journal like about it first but it was a really good way to like
number one it made me feel better about my feelings because i was like okay i've written everything out and like clearly my feelings are valid but clearly i need to heal this cord too and when i did it i just felt so much better and i felt like i got to actually release it because i wasn't being mean to myself for feeling negative

Curating Social Media for Mental Health

or like for getting caught up in like the social media comparison game which like guys like I make I'm a fool I make all my money full time on social media so like I have to be on it a lot and I understand that's a personal choice I've chosen this and that's totally fine but that's how I take care of myself is like I have to acknowledge when social media gets to be too much for me and like I have to do things to fix it so yeah it was it was really good as someone who's an avid like
I don't want to say censor of my like social media. I don't like social media.
But you curate your page. Yes, but I don't like how a lot of people treat it because I think it's dangerous for them. I see it hurting a lot of people and not even people that I know, but just in the world. It really can be an evil thing, but I have my followers. I don't follow a ton of people. I follow a lot, but I follow all stuff that makes me feel positive. I was telling Danny the other day, I saw this girl's story and it just,
It's a girl that I don't even really know, but we follow each other and I like looked at this and I was like, wow, this gave me a negative feeling. Like immediately. It wasn't anything terrible. Like it just was like, oh man, like when I saw this, I just was kind of like, oh, I don't like that. And then I was like thinking about it and I was like, well, yeah, there's a reason you don't feel like there's a reason you have those triggers and like you should listen to that because that's usually like, right, like, right. I have nothing in common with this girl. I don't know her. I don't really.
don't dislike her but I just don't like why I don't and if she is posting stuff that doesn't make me feel good then why would I take that in like I just so I just like right I unfollowed her and I was like oh that felt really freeing to like take control of like the way I feel even with what I'm consuming or like TV like and it's nothing personal doesn't know that this girl is like wrong it's like genuinely there's a difference between protecting your energy and like being petty and people right right I think people often don't realize like you
You're allowed to protect yourself. Right. And people think that like we have to, everyone has to be friends. Everyone has to follow each other. Like right the most. Are you kidding me? My dog is about to vomit right now. That's crazy. Her dog is vomiting at her.
Okay. So, um, welcome back. My dog just puked as you heard. So we had to take a little smoke break cause that was a lot Kelsey almost threw up. Yeah. I don't, uh, I don't care for puke, not a fan. Um, so yeah. So, uh, we'll just keep talking about feelings. That made me feel stressed and frustrated, but I'm choosing to let that go. And that's growth.
That is. And that is feeling your feelings. And releasing them. Exactly. In a healthy way. Um, but yeah, so, um, yeah, here we are. We're back. Um, sorry about that. Uh, there is something I want to talk about, but I got a cough. Oh, okay.
so um this is something that i i know seems really random i just want to bring it up uh because again if i'm feeling this way i'm probably not the only one but like is anybody else getting i don't know like comparison itis or like imposter syndrome or social media illness where you're just kind of like um i just feel like lately social media has been like i have to be very
conscious about what I choose to look at yes content wise especially recently and I think it's kind of triggering me a little bit I think social media is I'm at a place where I'm like
Um, I don't know. I'm just kind of having to be very aware. Yeah. Yeah. And, and like, so I just feel like I can't, I'm probably not the only one feeling that way. No, um, definitely not. And I feel like everybody is on social media right now to like doing their own hustle, their own business. And that's fucking awesome. I love seeing it and everyone's killing it, which inspires me to do more. Like I'm super, I was saying today when I was doing my gratitudes, um, one thing I'm really grateful for is the internet because
I like being able to learn from people for free. I just feel like it's awesome that you get so much content. There's so much available for free for you. And it can be so beautiful. Absolutely.
as long as you're being very purposeful and aware while you're using it and yeah this morning it was just like I was trying to like reframe my mindset and I was like okay so it has been kind of stressful for me recently I haven't but maybe I can like maybe I can just think about that differently instead maybe like this is a really good challenge for me to start being more mindful and even more
serious and strict with my conscious consumption of content. Yeah. Wow. CCC. Conscious consumption of content. Yeah. Yeah. I just feel like everyone's kind of on social media right now doing their thing and we're all just like everyone's doing so many amazing things and it can be easy to compare yourself. Yeah. And if that if that's been happening, you're not alone.
and that's okay and then like right you can choose to like not follow someone for a little or something like it doesn't even have to be a person but like right like a whatever it is like or you don't have to look at anything that makes you feel anything and listen to yourself because there's probably a reason you're getting triggered that way and right right now you don't need any comparison because you just need to do your shit so like exactly and anytime that you're feeling like
I don't want to say inferior, but anytime you're seeing someone else and it's upsetting you, that's a signal that you need to, in some way, do some work on yourself. So it's been a nice little challenge for me because I've been having to be really hard on myself and thinking, okay girl, what is your beef? What is your deep rooted issue that you are actually triggered by right now?
So yeah, and like that's how I've been feeling I've been feeling right very like triggered by people but I've been realizing that it's my own I've just been like it's something like hormonal or I haven't been sleeping well like it's like that's the reason I've been feeling off or at least the like physical reason I've been feeling off. Yeah, um But I keep trying to like put labels on it like someone will do something and I'm like, that's why I'm like upset and then I'm like I have to keep stopping myself and be like no like that's not it and
Um, but also like with like, you know, choosing your content, um, even TV shows and stuff like, oh yeah. And I finally like really started to like, I used to be someone who would just want, like, I loved watching TV and like, especially like new stuff and like popular stuff. I loved being like a part of like, you know, doing that. But like, like that new squid games came out and Cole was like, Oh my God, it's so good. You should watch it. And it's about.
and I've watched like half of the trailer so this is like a very vague um don't attack me if I'm wrong but um it's like about like people like competing in like games and then getting like murdered and like if they fail like but like I just was like oh my god I have no and like I just was like even though that's cool um yeah and I understand like yes that sounds like a really interesting thing to watch and I get it I'm like right now

Protecting Mental Well-being

I really don't want to take that, like that doesn't sound like something. It probably would not serve you right now. Like it just, I have no interest. And he was like, really? You're gonna make me watch it alone? And I was like, yeah. Like I really just don't. I think I'm tapping out of this one, love. That's all you, Cole.
I'm learning a lot of things that I like and dislike and I really while I can appreciate things like that or people that I don't like vibe with like or anything that I don't I respect the things that don't serve me or like aren't along in alignment with my path.
But I also, like, he said you have to protect yourself. Yeah, and there's nothing wrong with that. Right. And when you're in a better place later, if you want to watch it, go for it. Exactly. Yeah. I'm lying on him. I'm making such a big deal about this little show. No, no, no. It's a good example, though, because like, honestly, we're all feeling a certain type of way. That's also what I was thinking when you were talking, though, is like,
I'm kind of proud of us because this whole time we've been acknowledging like, shit has been weird. Emotionally, mentally, energetically, whatever. But we're being so mindful and I'm like super proud of us. Like really cool. And I've seen other people be mindful. I've seen like, and I can tell that the collective consciousness is kind of feeling the same way because a lot of seeing a lot of posts about this

Collective Consciousness

Yeah. And I'm like, okay, so we all kind of need to hear this right now. I think one of my friends, her name's Sarah, and the company that I follow that she runs is Reformation Branding. Oh, yeah. And you guys should definitely check her out. She does social media marketing and just like digital marketing.
I'm not going to speak fully for her because she does so many cool things. I don't want to get it wrong. But she shared a post recently on her Reformation branding company page and it said, it's OK to unfollow people in real life.

Setting Boundaries for Well-being

And I was like, oh, oh, yeah, you're right, honey. Boundaries. We are setting boundaries. Like, honestly, your time is so precious and we should be kind to everyone and give so much love to everyone. But also, we do have the choice and we should hang out and surround ourselves with
energies that are good for us and lift us up and that does not mean that if someone like you know maybe is draining you or Your energy in a big group isn't like what it should be doesn't mean that they're bad for you It just means like hey Maybe hang out more with yourself for a little bit or surround yourself with people that actually do make you feel good It's not selfish like this is your time and
You want to feel good.

Law of Attraction

We just talked about Law of Attraction on our last episode. And you have to focus on the feeling. So whatever feeling you mostly put out is the feeling you're gonna get back. And we talked even about hanging out with people who you aspire to be like. It's really not selfish in a negative way. It's one of those self-respect type things. I'm gonna be so honest with y'all though. I'm high as fuck and I can't remember where I was going with that.
Hey, I just did that earlier. Look at us. Yeah. But, um, but no, I definitely, um, put your feelings, I guess. Just feel your feelings, you know, just like feel it. Um, but literally do it because it shows you a lot. I think your feelings, there's a reason we have feelings and they are signs and that's why some are extreme and stuff. And I think our trauma makes some of them more extreme than they're supposed to be. But that's a sign that you have to heal. Like they're all, they're there for a reason and they're not the enemy. Um,
like right as someone who in my past like tried to ignore feelings it feels really good to finally feel things and be like wow this is awesome like this is what it's supposed to be like yeah this is um and like right even when you're having lows like they don't seem as low like right now even though i'm not
I think maybe I was saying this, but maybe I finished it. If not, this might have been what I was forgetting earlier. But like, I don't know, they just don't feel as low when you're like, OK, I'm able to step back and write like you said before, be mindful and just.
So much back there being insane right now. Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry to interrupt. I wish you guys could see these puppies. They're ridiculous. Um, but yeah, I don't know. I guess I'm just saying, right. Mindfulness is a real, and like, as we've been saying, it kind of has been the theme of these first few

Maintaining a Positive Mindset

episodes. Like your mindset is everything.
and since we've been able to have these positive mindsets I think we've done really well handling some challenges that would have really stumped us in our pasts and it's cool because we're seeing people around us do it too and so it's like yeah like okay yeah exactly good job everybody like we're all we're all in this together yeah like and so um but also like be on the real side like we also have both like
and a lot of people like haven't been great like oh i've been yeah in a weird place which is like i think it's really cool to be able to be in that place and acknowledge it and observe it and like ride it out um because that's so much more beneficial because when you come out of it like you're gonna actually have learned something from it and you won't be stuck in this yeah cycle
which like I feel like everybody thinks with spirituality that's what I was saying earlier about the misconception is that you'll never be sad again or like you'll fix everything but it's like no life still happens but you get to decide how you handle it and how it affects you and like I think even though it's been a little bit intense recently Danny a couple years ago yeah I was younger I guess but also I wouldn't have had the tools or um

Reflecting on Emotional Growth

like spiritual knowledge or understanding yeah to be able to like just allow myself to feel the feelings that i need to feel and like move on i would have literally had a meltdown like right think about the weeks that we've had the past couple weeks Kelsey old Danny would have not been able to like handle it i would have lost it and i think i'm doing a i think i'm doing a great job yeah no i know i'm doing a great job and y'all are too because everyone is you pushed out in some way or another um and
if i'm handling it well i know y'all are too and that's why right like everything that happens it's you just have to like just breathe and get through like because you have to get through there's no other option so like when you're feeling like even when you're feeling like at your worst like i don't know or like even when like when things start to like kind of test me like i just kind of remember um i just hey it's gonna happen like right there's there's a lot like
most things you can't control it like if when you get like handed these things it's like okay so when you're when you're mindful you can look at it and be like okay i can look at this and be all upset and like scream and cry and like maybe i need to do that too like that i'm not saying where i'm not gonna do that but at some point i need to be like
What did you get from this? What did you learn from this? Exactly. Why are we doing this? Let's go. Okay. So this is why. And like, um, I think a lot of people hold a lot of negativity because they feel very, um, angry about things that happen and like, they're not able. And like, I think a lot of things, right? Like you said have been happening that like,
we could have chosen anger and like to be like wow things like that sucks my life sucks but like looking on the bright side has been like and it's been a genuine like not like oh yeah just like i'm gonna just stay positive no it's a conscious decision it's a choice absolutely yeah because i know that when i choose that and when i say that and like then i know that that's what everything's gonna be fine and like while i can i can say that and recognize it i can still kind of pull myself back a little bit
be a little sad and feel how I or anger whatever it is, I can still feel what I'm feeling. Yeah. But I like know that it's going to be okay. And that kind of makes the feeling easier to deal with. Because it's like, okay, I know it's gonna end. It's not exactly like, but I need to know how pass. Yes, that's my dad's favorite thing to say.
Literally, he says it all the time But yeah, like it just and so like and but feel them and like because when you feel your feelings That's how you know what to give them like that. You need yeah, what do you your feelings are there for a reason? What is it telling you? What are they telling you? I literally messaged my therapist and said I was upset because the kid I was hanging out with watching hit me in the head with a golf ball and I was like

Learning from Deep Emotions

very angry at this child for hitting me in the head with a golf ball. That's fair. Obviously I didn't react on it. Like I was good for you. But I just was like, wow. I was filled with like rage and she was, she said it. And it was so funny cause she was like, don't laugh at this. Like, but it's true. Like you were hurt by someone you loved. And that made you really sad. Even though you know, he's a child, like he really hurt you. And so it's like a beautiful way to put that right. It's like, even though, yes, it's not,
It's silly to feel that way. You're going to feel it. So she was like, so don't hold it that against yourself. Because I was like, I felt so guilty. I was like, wow, my initial thoughts were pretty terrible about this child. Like I was like, you're inconsiderate, uneducated. Are you kidding me? You just hit like I'm like, yeah. And obviously I kept it. I'm pretty good with that. Like I'm I'm I've worked with kids for a long time and like I'm pretty good at keeping it together. But on the inside, like right. The feel the thoughts that immediately occur, like
If you've dealt with children, you know that. Yeah. Oh, yeah. That's why I don't work with kids. I remember I was even in baby in baby school. I'm not in high school. I was babysitting me in baby school. I was high sitting. But in high school, I was babysitting. I was like a go to babysitter, dog sitter, house sitter.
And I was good at all of them. I gotta be honest though, babysitting wasn't my best. It wasn't my best. And I apologize if my distant cousins are listening now. I cursed way too much.
in front of their baby. But I was like, you're a baby, you're not gonna retain any of this. And I was obsessed with the word fuck. Never to the baby. I didn't fucking bottle you little fucking baby. I would never cuss to the baby Kelsey. I would literally just be cussing on FaceTime with people. I'd be like, yeah, this fucking homework makes no fucking sense. I'm trying to just practice my fucking lines and I have to do fucking math problems. I was just, you know, I was pissed.
um but damn what are we i guess we should end it here because i know i did what we're talking about i don't know but it was good it was a fun episode the edible had definitely hit yeah oh we were just talking about babies like yeah kids kids are cool how did we get here hey who knows i honestly kind of forgot it was a podcast for a second it was just fun yeah this was like i said this was a fun episode it was fun for us at least this is more of a therapy session for us i feel like then and i hope you guys relate to it i feel validated yeah
um and yeah that's kind of just where we're at too like also a little bit of an update episode of like yeah if anyone else was feeling a little but i hear that uh retrograde's ending very soon yeah so hopefully we'll all start feeling a little bit better just a little bit please no i know we will we will because everything's manifesting i keep saying that like i keep finding myself getting anxious and then be like luckily i've right created the voice in my head that says like
Hey, your life is beautiful. And then I'm like, right. And I have no, because I choose that, like, yeah. It literally is. We have jazz, smooth jazz playing in the background right now. Yeah, I'm a house music person. Of course your life is beautiful. Okay, but yeah, I guess we'll let you guys go. This is fun. As always, stay high. Bye.