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This is Your SIGN image

This is Your SIGN

E22 ยท Awaken Bake
155 Plays3 years ago

Good morning! This is your sign from the universe to start PAYING ATTENTION TO THE SIGNS. Dani and Kels breakdown the basics of navigating signs from the universe and why you never need to worry, the universe has your back!

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Introduction to Spiritual Themes

Welcome to Awakened Make, an educational, high vibrational, spiritual, mystical pot, I'm sorry, podcast from two girls, one joint and a journey to awaken what's inside all of us. In the words of the wise with Khalifa, let's roll something and get the day started.

Who is Ricky Thompson?

That was that was a Ricky Thompson sound so That comedian, you know who he is. You send me his videos all the time. He's like that really skinny dude He's like fabulous and he's always like new boots bitch. Oh, yes. Yes. Okay. Yeah, so there's an Aminรฉ song where he starts with if you're feeling sad lonely depressed He just does something like
I don't know. I'm fucking

Interpreting Signs from the Universe

fried. But he said something at the end like, you know, like, you're sexy, whatever. Oh, he said, shake some ass. Okay. Hey, I love it then. So, shake some ass, guys. Today's episode is about interpreting signs from the universe. So that was your sign to get up and shake some ass and get your sacral chakra moving.

What are Synchronicities?

Get it moving.
But now we're both like, now we're both, um, shaking. And perfectly in sync! Alright, and cut. Nice. Okay, cool. Whoo! Okay. Wow. I hope you guys got that out with us. Yeah. Um, so now I'm feeling creatively energized. So today we're going to talk about signs from the universe and how to, more importantly, how to interpret them. Right? Yes. Um, and I think it would be probably easier if we just like,
first talked about all the different types, different types that we know of right now that are kind of common like that like yeah we can kind of start to start to notice them yes start to know if you've been oblivious up to this point right so Kelsey would you like to begin sure so
uh first are like um any synchronicities so repeating patterns um anything that you're like seeing over and over again that's a sign there's a reason that you're seeing it over and over again or if you keep like hearing the same thing over and over again or if you like oh my god like every day he's like at three o'clock i keep doing this right right or like that's a synchronicity those are things that are happening and like and if you're noticing them then like yes it's a sign um there's also like repeating numbers um which you can like look those ones up if you want to
But I honestly think that when you see a repeating number, and for all signs in general, it's more about what you feel in

Receiving Direct Signs

that moment. But we'll get to that. But yeah, like repeating numbers also, this is like my favorite type of sign, the direct messages from the universe. So like, have you guys ever been, okay, this is just like an example, right? Say you have every sign in the world that your man is cheating on you, you're sad every day, you cry every day, you got the text, all of that.
But you just, you're just sticking it out for him, whatever. You're looking for a sign of what to do. You turn on the TV and then all of a sudden it's like a sitcom and the first thing you hear when you turn it on is, leave him! That is like a direct sign. Or if you're walking down the street and you hear somebody say something like,
for me I like when it happens like if I'm walking down the street and I hear like a conversation go by and somebody says something like I just want to focus on my health and my family right and then I'm like you know what yeah that's like all that fucking matters thank you a lot of times I'll see things like that I think I get a lot of direct messages and like um a billboard or something like it all just like randomly see driving you know like spark something like yeah but like anything that you see that you have like that immediate like
oh yep and you know a reaction and you'll know exactly what it's mean like when it's when the sitcom said leave him you're immediately thinking of it like you know like it all just comes together um exactly and then another type of song you can get is dreams and i really recommend keeping a dream journal so that you can start if you have a hard time remembering your dreams already um starting to journal them will help and if you don't you know if you wake up and you're like i don't even remember my dream i don't know where to start

Dreams as a Source of Signs

Start by writing down how you feel when you wake up and then Every day by doing this you're just gonna remember a little bit more and a little bit more until you're fully remembering your dreams You write down like how do you feel when you wake up? Well, I did a color come to mind did like, you know, whatever Anything like that and then eventually you'll build that muscle you'll start to remember your dreams Then you can start reading back through your dreams and looking for reoccurring patterns. Yeah, um
dreams are really dreams are a really cool way of science because um like there can even be things that seem bad like everything in your dream is kind of a sign but like you just have no idea how to interpret them i feel like dreams are like literally just like uh intense downloads constantly happening and then like because like right your dreams are insane like no like but i feel like they are um
spiritual in nature and like they are sent to us so like there's a reason we have all of our dreams but I do not think that they mean what we think they mean and I think dream science is like such a fascinating
I would really love to get a dream therapist honestly because I have like horrible nightmares ever since I was like a little kid and I know that's a PTSD thing and I've already been diagnosed with that but I want to know like what these dreams mean and stuff you know and I think they right they mean stuff and then like the last thing that we kind of thought of was like animals there are like certain like spirit animals and stuff and symbols that mean things that if you see

Role of Animals as Signs

yeah like I know universally you know if you see like a crow or like a dove or something you know like I'm sure that means something you can look it out right and a lot of those things will be personal things that'll kind of like be sparked from you like and those types of personal signs are like kind of how we were talking earlier about how like anything when it that's specific to you could be a sign like yeah um exactly like we both have like specific instances like I don't know like for me uh seeing a monarch blue monarch butterfly is like a specific sign to me
I've never seen one of those I see them like all the time like online or like Even like or like having them be mentioned or on a tarot card or like what if I'm watching like a nature thing like that happens anywhere Me and bugs don't really like

Personal Meanings of Signs

do that, you know? Hey, same, but that's why I don't know anything. But the blue butterfly, I don't know, as soon as I like, yeah, there was, I'll get to that story later. Rainbows are a big one. Yeah, rainbows. A bunch of things like, I mean, right, and they all you can look them up and there are like, yes, everything has a specific meaning, but I think it's
more personal and you'll kind of just know like and it doesn't mean the same thing every time. Exactly. I could see a rainbow and it could be telling me that today's gonna be a great day or I could see a rainbow and it could be like hey better days are coming you know. Yeah and it's very personal to you and I think it's really important okay so when you see a sign guys um the signs are not meant to incite fear in you they're not supposed to scare you so like if you are just again I don't want to make you feel like if you're watching TV and
You turn on the TV and the first thing they say is leave him and you're in a perfectly healthy relationship. Then no, you shouldn't be like, what the fuck? I need to leave him. No, absolutely not. So the signs are not meant to scare you. And so if it feels bad to you hearing it, then it's probably not the case.

Are Signs Scary or Comforting?

But there is a difference between something giving you a bad feeling
Versus like the hard truth that you know, right hard and possibly hateful, you know like you might see you might hear him hear the TV say leave him and Be in a perfect relationship. So then you're like what the fuck why but if you're watching it and you're already extremely happy you've been fighting you have all the other signs and right that's one of those times where when that really resonates like You should really take that as a personal sign. Yeah
And it's funny, you said, she was telling me, Danielle was talking earlier about how they aren't bad, and I was saying that I had a sign that I thought was really bad, seeing seven threes in a row, because I saw it back in September, I was in San Francisco, and a man was shot, and that number I kept seeing, and so I was so afraid, I was like, wow, I didn't even say it out loud, because I was like, that's so bad. And then when I mentioned it, Danielle was like, well, no, don't think of it like that, just think of it like your angels were with you, and you were the one that was safe.
It was so crazy. It's so true. Like I truly was like, oh my god, there are bad signs out there. And then like, there's not like you're right. Like they all have in some way a good.

Signs of Protection

Yeah, I think it's just like your aim is protecting you and like saying like, hey, we're here, especially I think, you know, for that instance, Kelsey, I'm not gonna like tell the whole story, but like when Kelsey was in San Francisco, she had multiple instances where she left.
um a certain location after she started to get like a feeling that it like wasn't maybe good and then so i feel like you kept leaving those places and then you kept seeing those signs so that's like affirmations like good job you're listening your angels are protecting you and so while it's super unfortunate that like a man literally died outside of her window right but that's so close to her like
Your angels were, I just kind of see that as like, you know what I mean? Like, it could have been you. It was so close to you, but you were protected. Yeah. And you kept following your good. It was something that I was struggling with. And then right to have it put like in a different, I was like, oh, that was

Personal Story: Blue Butterfly Tattoo

beautiful. This is why I love Danielle. Oh, Koshy, I bloody love you as well.
I'm gonna talk about my blue butterfly thing now. So like the blue butterfly like It's a crazy story bitches. Let's know this So it was like 2020 and I for some reason just had in my head like I was like I really want to go get a new tattoo Like I just need a tattoo and I just kept saying like I guess I just think blue butterflies are pretty I just kind of want to get blue butterflies. Yeah, just seem really pretty um, and then I was watching a tarot reading on YouTube I didn't have a tarot deck yet. So I did everything on YouTube
and so I was doing a tarot reading like via YouTube and the card that I pulled it was one of the picker cards and they were like okay so one of your spirit animals is a blue monarch butterfly and I was like what the fuck I was just thinking about yeah and I didn't tell anybody I was gonna get that tattoo I was just like stir crazy it was
Quarantine right and I was like I just want tattoos whatever so that felt like a really crazy thing and yeah I mean I was already like holy crap like so then I was like lol Why is the universe giving me a sign that I need to get a tattoo like I got like it was connected Yeah, but I was still like hilarious like the so on brand for me like the universe is like yeah get that hat So then I like I facetime my cousin Montana
Randomly like I don't know just like super random and we were just we're both fried out of our minds Hey, I'm fried right now, um, but there's nothing else to do in quarantine whatever I face timer We both just happen to be fried. So we're just like talking about random shit, right? And I'm like, okay, so fun fact, um Our grandmother liked her more than she liked me. That's common knowledge. So no hate to grandma because I
listen to this bitches I'm telling Montana like you know she had just brought up our grandma she had just gotten a tattoo in the same place that I have a tattoo on my collarbone but her said love grandma and at first that was kind of like a hit to me because I was like damn grandma wasn't very nice to me like for no reason
And so I was kind of annoyed when she showed me because I was like, dang, Tana, you know that grandma wasn't really nice to me. I get it, she loved you, but she didn't like me. And so I was already a little offended in the beginning of our conversation because she was just, I'm just so happy, it's in her handwriting. And I love you, bitch, love you, Tana. But I was just a little bit like, wow, I wish grandma wrote me a note literally ever.
And so I was just a little salty about it, and then as the conversation goes on, I was like, hey, I had this dream. And I was like, or I had the... Guys, I'm just high. I didn't have a dream. I was like, hey, I had this sign from the universe. I'm going to get blue butterfly tattoos. And she goes, her face like changed. And she was like, I don't want to upset you, but like, why do you want to get that?
And I was like, holy fuck, if this bitch tells me some bullshit about butterflies, I'm gonna be pissed. Then I was like, I wanna get it because it got brought up recently in a tarot reading. And right before the tarot reading, I was just thinking, if I got a new tattoo, randomly I just would want blue butterflies and I couldn't get it out of my head. And I had this inner knowing that I always loved blue butterflies. I just had an inner knowing about it. Okay, this is precious. Kelsey's dog, Finn, is giving her hella kisses right now. I'm jealous.
But so, yeah. So I'm telling Montana this, and I'm like, yes. And then I watched the tarot card reading, and they told me that was my spirit animal. And Tana starts crying. And I'm like, did I offend this bitch? Right, right. And she was like, OK, I don't want to make you upset. But grandma always said that a blue monarch butterfly was her favorite butterfly, and she always wanted to come back as that. And so she was like, I just think it's kind of cool. I know you guys weren't close, but that's on your mind so much. Maybe that's her coming back to say, hey, I love you.
I'm sorry that like you know you how it ended how it ended whatever and um so that's I actually I haven't had that tattooed yet um Isaiah said that my birthday present was me getting a tattoo I just haven't scheduled one yet um but yeah so that was kind of cool like yeah like me and my grandma it's so weird to explain this but like I just feel like all the tension between us is forgiven now like she has passed um
And yeah, no, I think there are, because right, I think there's a lot of people who lose people before things are resolved and there's unsettled things, and I think that's very common somehow for them to come back and have a sign like that. I never had anything like that, I don't think with anyone who's passed, but I did have a dream where my grandparents came back to me
but it was weird because we were like at their funeral it was it was a very like I don't remember the dream well but I just remember like I had a moment where I was able to sit with them both and then like they both like left like it was a very like it was like but it felt very real like but like I think it's very I do think people say their goodbyes and I think it's so yeah that was your grandma's way of

Synchronicity and Tattoos

Exactly and like it's yeah, cuz I know that I just like know that that's once once you said that I got you some and I was like, okay Honestly, I was wondering why the universe would just randomly be like yes get it tattooed because that was the only thing I had to connect it with and then when Tana said that I was like and that she got a tattoo like it all it's all like wow I didn't realize that tattoo synchronicity. Yeah, that's why I love you guys So guys, yeah

Universe Reflecting Actions

I hope so okay isn't it just a beautiful thing isn't it just so cool like the universe is incredible like there's so much hope when you really like you know allow there to be oh yeah there's so much like goodness in the world when you really like I think the universe is also uh I don't know for me and the universe is a reflection of yourself you know like you're very
like it you know so it responds to you the way that you are you know and stuff like that so I think like sometimes like when you get harsh messages maybe you're like being kind of like I think that you kind of reacts to you so like a lot of times with me um I can't lie the universe is hilarious um I love the universe we laugh a lot together I often will like say out loud to myself like you silly bitch like
because like i'll literally be driving and i'll see i don't know a sign or something that'll have like four four four but it'll be separated weird or there'll be like a space and so like in my head i'll be like oh it's not really a sign it's not real because it's not like whatever i'll like invalidate it and then like in the next second i'll see like a giant like one one one like it or something like random will just pop up like it's so funny how yeah aggressive it can be with me um but i also think something that like with signs that took me a while to

Are You Missing the Signs?

learn and I think this was a reason why I like hesitated to really embrace signs if that makes sense um as I used to think like if I saw a sign and I didn't like recognize it then it would be like a moment like a missed opportunity it would pass but it's funny that the universe really won't stop like it won't give up on you like if you see a sign like even if you
opened up that sitcom and her heard left him and then still didn't do it like the universe would still have it would give you a billion more right like it'll always be there it'll always be like pushing you in the right direction so like don't be afraid of like missing something or like right if you have a sign that first you're like so scared that you're like okay ignore it like and then you're worried you're so that you made you like you're never missing it like it'll always be back it'll always like
And the whole universal law is that what's meant for you won't miss you. So regardless, you never have to worry. Right, so reading signs shouldn't stress you out, it shouldn't make you feel scared.
you shouldn't feel like oh my god everything's a sign or I have to like read into every- I mean everything is a sign but it's- not all of them are important kind of you know like- and this is really silly but like do you ever think about that Katy Perry song the one that got away and and you're like I just don't feel like I have that situation like and it's like yeah because I don't think that what's meant like I really just don't think what's meant for you will miss you yeah um completely at all like and a loss can feel like a loss but

Embracing Destiny and Losses

I don't know why I'm on this kick but this is a download from source so I'm just gonna share in case anyone needs to hear it um if you can wow guys this is unrelated but you need to hear this cuz source said so um if you can love the wrong person so so fucking much just imagine how much you can love the right person oh yeah um and like
Yeah, I don't think there is like any type of one that got away because what's meant for you won't miss you and you have to let go of what no longer serves you to make room for what does. Exactly. I don't know if that's

Conclusion and Farewell

a sign. I love that. Wow, I hope that's a sign for somebody listening or else you're like playing psychic. No, I think that was beautiful. I think it was the perfect way to end too. Yeah. So I hope that you guys learned a little something and as always, stay high. Bye.