You Deserve Wealth, So Go Get It! image

You Deserve Wealth, So Go Get It!

Freed and Powered Up
13 Plays2 months ago

Artemis is the huntress and goddess of wealth. You deserve wealth and there's nothing wrong with you embodying this goddess and going after your birthright of wealth, abundance and money. Why do we even have to make this a thing? Why is this even a conversation to begin with? 

Karla Ukman, Founder of Artemis Wealth and expert wealth planner takes us into the common beliefs, understandings, misconceptions, and projections that have held women back for way too long. Are you still operating under some of these beliefs? Are they hiding in your subconscious? 

To connect with Karla and get your money right:




X @karla_ukman


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Access to wealth empowers communities

And we do deserve to have wealth. We do deserve to talk about money. We do deserve to have the resources that other communities have when it comes to building wealth. Because in turn, then we are able to do things that other communities are doing and we become unstoppable and the system is afraid of that.

Introduction and empowerment focus

Welcome to Freed and Powered Up. Here is where conscious female leaders who are taking their exit from the overly dominant male patriarchal energy, however you experienced it, can really start to break free from the energy that keeps us back from being who we came here to be and leaving the legacy we came here to leave.
the fear, the triggers, the self-sabotage, and limiting behaviors and beliefs without all of it. Every episode, I'm going to connect you to your inner power and awaken the divine feminine within you.

Meet Carla Uchman: Wealth-building advocate

I'm your host and your sister, Latoya Zavala. Let's go.
Hello, hello, everyone. Hi, Phoenix's. Welcome to Freed and Powered Up, another exciting and powerful episode. I have with me a guest that I'm super excited to bring to you. When I spoke with her, I was really just in awe of
her energy and the magic that she's bringing to the world. And without further ado, just to let you know, today we're talking about money. Why? Because we get to talk about money and it is an energy that we get to dive into, enjoy, and just bathe ourselves in just as much as anybody else. So that all being said, I'm going to ask our guest to introduce herself to us right now.
Come on in. Thank you so much. I'm so excited to be here. And yes, when I first chatted with you, your energy is amazing. And I love that. So thank you for having

What does building wealth mean?

me. I'm Carla Uchman, and I am founder and wealth planner of Artemis Wealth Management.
And I work with women and historically exclude communities where I create a space for them to build wealth their way. And it's through education and support. And I really want to make sure that people have the education behind all things money and they can feel empowered and and incredible when they're talking about money.
I love it. You know already that I do. I love it so much. And I was definitely going to start in a totally different direction. But I really want to ask the question because when you said it, it just hit my spirit in a different way right now.

Women defining wealth on their own terms

What do you mean? And I guess the question is, what are you hoping that it means for women when you say build wealth? Like, what is that?
Yeah, great question. So building wealth means a lot of different things to a lot of people. And when I'm working with women, I am not gatekeeping on what that means. So wealth can mean a lot of different things. For example, having health and good health.
But we have to have money in order to keep up with our good health and our mental health. Because if we don't have our money and our wealth organized, it just gnaws at us. Or let's say we need to take breaks. Like I just took a break, right? And so if we don't have our wealth planned for us to be able to take breaks in life, that affects our health. And so

The multifaceted nature of money

That's one way that I help women build wealth is really being able to take time for themselves, do what they really want to do in life and experience the purpose that they have. So that's one way. The other way is they may want to have multiple income streams like businesses
or go out and have the real estate that other communities have. And they really just want to build the wealth their way. And so when I meet with them, it is talked about in a very deep way. I talk about money in a very deep way because money is deep.
And it's intertwined in everything that we do. And so I don't want it to just be, hey, throw this money into this investment account because that's how we're going to build wealth. It's deeper than that. There's more purpose to that. And so when I say build wealth, it encompasses everything in our lives.
I really love that you were breaking it down that way because I could, when you first said it, build wealth, I could hear an echoing of stuff money under the mattress and this is building wealth, right?
keep throwing, you know, whatever you set, you set the, you know, the movement, $100, let's say to your savings account, and then you're just moving money, moving money, moving money into this place. And then that, for some people is the idea of building wealth. But I love
you know, what I'm feeling and seeing right now is the equivalent of building a house, right? Well, we're building the house, we're stacking the bricks, but it's not for the house to just sit there. It's for people to congregate, people to eat, people to sleep, people to flow through, right?

Challenging financial narratives

People to sell and buy and live and experience and have joy in this house. So building a house is more than, you know, the brick and mortar, it's actually building
experience, I guess, is what I'm feeling, right? And so what you're describing is...
accumulating money to be able to keep up with your health, enjoy your health, pour into your health, support your health, right? And your health in many ways, you want to eat healthier, you want to have, you know, mental health resources you want to, and so being able to build that wealth is also being able to pour into
these other assets, if you will, of health and wealth. It's funny because, and I know we're gonna move forward, but it's funny because what I also heard echoing was, oh, money isn't everything. You can be grateful and just be happy if you have health, if you have love, if you have family. When I feel that that phrase was given to us so that we could downplay building wealth and having money,
Yes, absolutely. And not intertwine the two. So I'm all about shaking up the system. And the system has been telling women that we should be just grateful for what we have. And pull your bootstraps up and just work as hard as you possibly can. And that's whatever you have is what you have.
In the financial world, it has been really geared towards, you know, the white man and it has forgotten
about women and other communities and it has done that for a purpose because it's trying to keep us from creating wealth and so we've been fed this since we were children and our parents were children and you know our grandmothers were children and we're told that we're not worthy

Changing historical mindsets about women and money

of wealth, and that money is a bad word. And it is not a bad word. Wealth is not bad. And we do deserve to have wealth. We do deserve to talk about money. We do deserve to have the resources that other communities have when it comes to building wealth. Because in turn, then we are able to do things that other communities are doing and we become unstoppable and the system is afraid of that.
And I have been tolling that bell for a while now that the system is afraid of that. The system is afraid of us being in our power. And the system is afraid of us actually having the kind of power, the kind of influence, the kind of impact that you can have
when you are wealthy and when you feel wealthy because that is also a different aspect, right? Having the wealth and then feeling the wealth and feeling worthy of the wealth and using the wealth, right? Yeah, and using the wealth to change the status quo

Education as a bridge for social change

And I truly believe that, and I say this a lot, with us having the education behind money and wealth, we can change generations.
And I don't mean our children. I'm talking about generations throughout the world, because you just said that. If we have money and we have wealth, then we can pour it into other areas and we are making change. And it is going to have a ripple effect on generations. And that's what the system doesn't want us to do. But I'm here to say, hey,
We can have money. I'm going to help you build whatever that looks like for you. And we're going to do this so that we can change the system, shake it up and change generations. Absolutely. I feel and this is a good segue into why you named your company Artemis. I'd love for you to talk about that. Why Artemis? What does that mean?
Yeah. So, oh, I could not come up with a name. Okay. So it was, it was like, okay, what, what encompasses my brand, my vision, my mission, like everything, because I didn't want to just name my company, you know, Karla Uchman Financial, like that, that didn't feel good to me. So I really sat with, um,
a couple other names and my husband and I were actually talking about Artemis. And I was like, you know,
I really love Artemis because for you all that might not know who Artemis is, she is the Greek goddess and she is protector of women and children and also animals and she's a huntress and she is
a protector to a whole nother level where she will call people out. She can become quite aggressive and she was never married. And it was just one of those goddesses that just is super powerful and is speaking for those that do not have a voice.
And so when I was thinking about her, I was like, that is that is who I've always been. I've always tried to push into rooms where people weren't allowed to be. You had to be a certain way. And I wanted to make sure that, you know, people aren't getting screwed over. And so when I thought about Artemis, I was like, that that is who
I am in a way and that is my brand and that is my vision and my mission. And so that is why I picked her as the name and I came up with Artemis Wealth Management.

Embracing the 'huntress' role

I absolutely love it. So you already know I'm all about the whole goddess, right? Yes. The goddess collective, you already know that I'm collecting and really diving into and pulling out the goddess within. So you already know, I absolutely love this.
What I love the most about everything that you just said is the phrase, she is a huntress. And very rarely
Okay, those who are listening, I would love for you to chime in. I'd love for you to tell me, give me a response. When have you ever heard that those words put together? She is a huntress, right? Very, very rarely, right? Yes, very rarely. She is a huntress. And we're not seen that way, right? Historically, it's always been the vision of the
you know, the caveman going out with the club and going to hunt and bringing it back to the woman so that she can cook and she can clean and do the things, right? But there are many cultures out there where she is the huntress. And even in the animal kingdom, right, the lioness,
typically is the huntress. And so I really love, I just, hmm, I just want to be in that energy just for a moment because we get to tap into that side of ourselves. If in fact you feel aligned to that, you get to go hunt

Asserting financial power for systemic change

and go provide for yourself and provide for the family. You get to go hunt and go get what you need. You get to go hunt and be
aggressive, right? Not necessarily in this negative light that we've been painted in, but you get to go be aggressive about what you want, what you need, what you deserve, what you desire, what's important for you, what your body needs, what your family needs. Like you get to step into that energy and go get it. And I really just want to drive that point home. And so if you feel
right now that you have a piece of Artemis in you. There's something in you that just wants to embody the goddess Artemis and say, I'm going to go get it. That is the energy that I need in my life. I invite you even right now to connect with that energy and see where it wants to filter out in your life.
And specifically, as it pertains to money, since this is what we're talking about right now, go get your money. Yeah, exactly. Go get it. And I am here to help you get it. And I love that. And when I meet with the women in my life, whether you become a client or not,
I'm here to educate however I can. That's why I love doing podcasts and I love doing other seminars because if we have the education, then we can go out and go get our wealth and go get our money that we deserve. And you have women like us where we are supporting you.
in all different ways of your life and the money though is always intertwined with every single thing that we do and so I want us to shift our mindset into money is not a bad word. Money is not bad. Wealth is not bad. It's what you do with it. It's a tool and
I work with people that want to be millionaires.
There is a negative context when it comes to when you reach it like a million or you're a multi-millionaire. Society has told us that that's bad and we bash other women for having that money. We need to shift and say, hey, these women are going out there getting this wealth.
and you can have that too and it's what they're doing with this wealth that's making impact because women are changing the world.
We are changing the world. We are inheriting more money than we ever have. There's a great wealth transfer going on right now, meaning, you know, the older generation is passing on their wealth to more women than ever before. And the women are contributing to philanthropy more than we ever have before.
we are opening up businesses at a higher rate than we ever have before. And so those are just two examples of how we're changing the world, but having money and having wealth, we need to be able to do that to change the world. So yeah, absolutely. It gives us, I think,
also it gives us investment power, buying power, but also in ways that we don't even think of as far as like having the influence in politics and policy and regulation and all of those things where we definitely, our energy needs to be there so that we can affect the change that affects us, right? Yeah.

Challenging stereotypes about women and money

Beautiful. That leads me into because the way that you describe it is like we need to really shift our mindset from money is bad to money is a tool. Money is neutral and we get to use it for good. Now, I'd like to dive into what are some of the other things. There's money, and there's women, and there's space between. What is in that in between? What is the block?
So the block between women and money, one is we're fed myths since we're little. We're not good with math. That's one thing that I always hear and I get really annoyed with some of the social media posts that talk about
girl math or you know things because it's feeding into the myth of Women are not good at math. We only like to shop and We're not good with money and so men should be in control of the money well actually statistically women and men spend exactly the same amount of
And women do not spend more money than men. They spend it on different things than men. So when we're looking at shopping, for example, I'm using that because that is very common. We're fed that, that, you know, we're shoppers and
We overspend on shopping. So I'm going to use that as an example. And that's a huge myth. Men spend their money on other things like alcohol and food and and, you know, like cars, tools, things like that.
When we're talking about alcohol, they spend a lot of money on those type of things. You're not bringing that home in bags. When we shop, we're seeing the Amazon boxes, we're seeing the bags and we're bringing those home. And we automatically have this shame.
put on to us that we have to hide our spending and we have to, you know, not spend. Now, this is different than like budgeting and, you know, there are some psychological things when it comes to spending and over shopping. So I'm just talking about in general terms, we are fed as women that we're bad with money because we like to shop.
So that's one myth that keeps us from looking at money as a tool and looking at it as, I am good at math. There is absolutely no study out there that has ever said that men are better at math than women. It's actually all about
how you've grown up, what resources you had. And obviously there's genes involved when it comes to mental capacities, those types of things. But in general, basic math skills, when it comes to money, men and women are exactly the same. What makes it harder is our education system
and our government, they don't require money classes in schools. So it's feeding into that still. So that's a huge myth. And so that's another block that is keeping women from looking at money the way that they should. And then we're also told, hey, we have to
Um, you know, stay at home a lot of times. Okay. So we're staying at home. We're taking care of the children. We're taking care of the household. We're doing all the shopping. Yet the man is supposed to take care of the money, which actually 82% of women in the world are actually running the household. And so we're already managing the household with money, but we're being fed these myths that we aren't worthy of managing money.
So those are a couple of different blacks. And those are big ones. And those are big ones, because what we know is in the education system very, very early on, we have stereotypes already in the work, right? Yes. And what I talk about extensively is the Pygmalion effect. Dr. Rosenthal said,
we tend to rise and fall based on the expectations set for us. So if we're in an education system for years and from our early formative years that says you're the lesser when it comes to math, you don't need to really know about money right now. What you need to know about is this ancient history that's not even completely accurate.
Not bashing the education system. I'm appreciative of education. But you know what I mean? We have been saying, and so many educational professionals and money professionals have been saying for so, so long,
why is it that we don't learn about money early on in the education system? Well, of course we know why, right? Because that way we get to keep the 1% which is wealthy and everybody else gets to be where we are. So yeah, definitely I could, you know, these are some really, really major blocks that sit in between women and money. And then we are working on all these subconscious
stereotypes and behaviors and stories, thinking that we're not good with money or that we're spenders or that we, whatever the belief or the thought is. And so I am loving that more women like you are wealth planners and you are
Your mission is wealth building and your mission is wealth building for women and marginalized people that we can change the paradigm, that we can change and shift those numbers.
and that we can come into this part of our power, we can bring out the Artemis within us. So I'm so very appreciative for who you are, and what you do. And I'd love for you now as we kind of bring it to a close, for the woman who is like, I have been trying
I am in debt. I hear what you're saying, but I really do feel like I'm not good with numbers. I hear what you're saying, but I really just can't get out of this hole. Or I hear what you're saying, but wealth is somehow eluding me. What is your message of hope and inspiration to these women?
Hey, infinitely expanding soul. How could I let you leave this podcast episode without knowing about an amazing opportunity to know yourself deeper and fall so madly in love with yourself that you ooze it out in everything that you do. To know your life path for certain and erase the doubt. To know your soul's purpose and what it came here to work out and the cycle it came to complete.

Encouragement and seeking financial guidance

To know where your major energies are aligning in your talents and your gifts.
and where your major energies are aligning with your wealth consciousness. Yes, more money. And maybe most importantly, how to integrate it all into your life so that we stop spinning in circles trying to figure all this shit out in a world that hopes that we don't.
in a super tight container with some energy clearing, laser coaching, and a vortex of women who are about not only their transformation, but they're about yours too so that there's no room for leaving this space without getting what you came for.
Welcome to the new and enhanced Goddess Collective, a 90-day journey into yourself and your infinite potential, your purpose, your prosperity, and your power embodied now. Click the link in the show notes to reserve your seat for the next cohort and do not delay. For the woman who is like,
Oh, I have been trying. I am in debt. I know what you're, I hear what you're saying, but I really do feel like I'm not good with numbers. I hear what you're saying, but I really just can't get out of this hole. Or I hear what you're saying, but wealth is somehow eluding me. Yeah. Like what is your message, you know, of hope and inspiration to these women?
Yeah, I most women that I talk to feel that way. So one, give yourself grace if you feel that way, because I have felt that way. I was not. I didn't get into this industry because I went to school to be a finance major and all that. I I made tons of money mistakes. So.
Part of it is giving yourself some grace and understanding that the education system that we just talked about and the system at a whole is not giving you the resources that you deserve. So it's not your fault. And then two is when you do find someone to work with,
It's not hopeless. We've all made good decisions with our money. So when I talk to women, I made sure that I find something that they've done great with their money. And you all have done something great. That could be, I pay my bills on time. That could be, I have some money in savings. That could be, I have a car.
You know, so we've all done really good things with our money. So again, it goes back to giving ourselves grace and
When you do decide to work with a professional, find someone that is listening to you, that understands your dreams, your goals, your mission with your wealth, and can help you unwind some of those myths that you've been fed and can help you organize. And you don't have to
decide to be good with math or whatever, however that goes it through your mind of, hey, well, now I got to all of a sudden do all this math and all that. That's what I'm here for to help you with. It's more of the education. I don't want you to not know what's going on with your money because when you do hire somebody as a professional to help you with your money, you're actually more in control.
than when you didn't have somebody helping you with your money. So you're not giving up control, you're gaining control when it comes to building your wealth. Yes, that is such a powerful statement. You brought me right back to, and I shared this, I think, in a post the other day when I was swimming in debt after coming out of domestic violence and
and feeling so hopeless. And when you stay there in a place of, I don't want to see it, I don't want to deal with it, I don't want to add it, I don't want to subtract it, right? You are in fact continuing to give up your power, but when you take that first step, especially with a professional, and you look at it, just looking at it is gaining back a bit of that control.
And then starting to work with it is gaining back a little bit more of that control. And then starting to leverage it and use it is gaining back just a little bit more, a little bit more, a little bit more of that control. So I'm so grateful that you said it. It's so powerful.
And so now, if you're listening to our listeners who are like, I want some of this Artemis in my life, right? I'm ready to go be the huntress of my money. And I would love a professional by my side to help me through the process. How can they get in touch with you? Yeah. So you can visit my website at artemiswealth.net. You can also follow me on social media. I have LinkedIn at Carla Yukman.
I have Facebook at Artemis Wealth Management. I also have Twitter, X, whatever you want to call it. And you can send me a DM. You can also click on the scheduling link on my website. There's a contact form.

Conclusion: A call to action

However you feel comfortable reaching out to me, I will get it and
Usually, I like to have a call so that we can kind of work through what is best for us to work together. I do have my services post on my website, but I'm very open to customizing things because again, I don't want you to feel like you're being shoehorned into something because that's what my industry does.
And so I have to have, though, my services on my website, right? And I'm not going to, though, recommend for you to be in a program or do something that's not going to be the right fit. So usually I like to have, you know, a 20-, 20-, 30-minute call with you just so that we can kind of talk through where you are in your money journey and how I can best support you.
Beautiful. Guys, everyone, go check out Carla's Facebook and go check out her post because they're very informative. They're very encouraging and very enlightening. And so, Carla, thank you so much for being here. I so appreciate your time, your energy. I so appreciate what you're doing for the community of women who are ready to go be huntresses of what they deserve and what they desire.
So thank you so much for being here. I will drop her links in the show notes, everybody. And so thank you again. Thank you for having me.
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if you are not yet living in your power, if you are not yet loving yourself completely and deeply, trusting yourself and using your intuitive tools, knowing undoubtedly who you are and why you are here, being yourself unapologetically, head on over to LatoyaZavala.com. That's LatoyaZavala.com.
You don't have to wait until you're ready to unlock your next level. You are ready now.